#throughout the day. because i mean. growing up we werent really a family that cooked. so i dont know recipes. and i dont know single person
lovphobic · 1 year
first meal of the day at a humble 10pm. #adulting
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littleindigochildx · 6 years
I can give him all my money.
“Hi my babies. How was school?” Victoria said as Timothy and Savanna got into the car. “Moooom.” Timmy groaned. He had finally reached the age where her referring to him as a baby embarrassed him. “I’m seven. When are ‘ya gonna’ stop callin’ me a baby?” He asked. Victoria couldn’t help but chuckle. He was right. Her babies weren’t babies anymore. They were growing up. The brunette wanted so badly to be able to freeze time and keep them little and innocent forever. “School was fun.” Timmy finally replied. He had done remarkably well on his math and spelling tests, and he had a new student in his class who was just as much into cars as he was. “Savvy, what about you? How was your day?” Vic asked when she noticed her youngest was unusually quiet. The little girl looked exhausted so Vic chalked it up to her being tired. “Good.” Savanna said. “Are we gonna’ go home now, mommy?”Victoria shook her head. They had a couple of errands to run before they could go home. Declan had Vic running his errands all day, since it was her day off, and she hadn’t made it to the grocery store before it was time to pick up the kids.
“We need to make this quick.” Victoria told her children when they arrived at the Pick ‘n Save. Timmy grabbed a cart but had a hard time steering it with Savanna standing on the front so Vic took over. “What do you two want to do for dinner?” She asked. She’d do the weekly grocery shopping on Saturday, but she knew DC would likely kill her if she didn’t pick up the beer he asked for. He’d get it himself, but drinking was a violation of his probation. If he was going to get locked up again, it sure as hell wasn’t going to be for picking up a 6-pack. “Can we have pizza for dinner? Or chicken nuggets?” Timothy asked. He was a boy with simple taste, but chicken nuggets and pizza were usually reserved for the nights Victoria worked late. When she was home, she tried to make healthy dinners for her family plus whatever DC requested because she didn’t want to hear him bitch about her feeding him chick food. “We can do baked chicken.” Victoria suggested. Savanna wasn’t helping much as she didn’t offer any input. She’d be perfectly happy with a bowl of cereal for dinner every night. “I don’t like chicken. Animals are friends, not food.” The six year old chimed in. She had recently seen a documentary on veganism and decided that she would be a vegan too. “Can I just have some Cheerios?” The little girl asked. Timmy was fine with baked chicken and whatever veggies Victoria chose as a side. He wasn’t really a picky eater. That was something he inherited from his dad. David was never one to turn down a meal, especially when it was homemade. “Ok, ok.” Vic replied. She didn’t have time to waste so she just agreed. Hopefully Savvy would at least eat some vegetables. She was falling behind on the growth chart and her diet of only cereal certainly wasn’t helping.
“Each of you can pick a box of cereal and a snack.” The brunette spoke as she checked her watch. “But you need to hurry. We’re running out of time.” DC would be home around 6 which meant dinner needed to be ready and waiting for him. He made it perfectly clear that he didn’t like to wait and that was something he drilled into Victoria’s head over and over throughout their many years of marriage. “Out’a time for what?” Savvy asked with a puzzled expression. Victoria seemed nervous. Her reaction was almost identical to how Savanna or Timothy reacted when they were in trouble. Ever since DC came to live with them the brunette seemed so on edge. She was a different person, as were her children. Like shells of their former selves.
“Timmy… Homework, shower, and pajamas please.” Victoria instructed when they got home. She usually made him get ready for bed first because he didn’t require any help and he was faster at his nightly routine than Savvy was with hers. Savanna still needed assistance when it came to washing her hair so her bath was postponed until after dinner. “Butterfly, go get started on your homework too and I will help you in a little.” It was times like this when the little girl really missed her dad. He wasn’t perfect by any means, and his cooking was ok at best, but after a long day at work he would still offer to cook so Victoria didn’t have to, or so she could have some one-on-one time with their kids. DC would never do such a thing. The longer he stayed with them, the more Savvy realized he wasn’t anything like her daddy. He expected to be waited on. He expected Vic to jump when he said jump. Being told no wasn’t an option.
“Mama…” Savvy called from the living room. It was quarter to 6 and DC would be home any minute. “How come ‘ya friend is still livin’ with us?” She asked sadly. Just the thought of Declan Deschaine gave the six year old anxiety. It was a feeling she never experienced until he came into her life. “I thought he was only gonna’ be with us for a little while…” She and Timmy made it clear from the start that they didn’t trust their guest. Not only because he made Savanna cry on a couple of occasions, but because they didn’t like the way he spoke to their mom. “Does he need money for his own house?” The little brunette put her pencil down to look up at Victoria. Her homework was finished but she wanted to draw. She had a whole sketchbook filled with doodles, much like her mother had. “I can give him all my money. I have’a whole piggy bank full ‘cause grandpa gives me’a dollar every time he says a bad word.” Victoria didn’t know about the swearing until now. “DC can have it all so he can get’a house of his own an’ we can have our house back.”
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