#i have it now. and i am no longer hungery :)
lovphobic · 1 year
first meal of the day at a humble 10pm. #adulting
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monster--boyfriend · 1 year
I need to move OUT
I keep looking at places but I just don't have the money. I have no savings because I've been trying to pay off my credit card and I haven't been able to pay that because I've been so backlogged paying my mom for shit with what little I get from worksafe
Like she insists I get something, say dental work, and books me an appointment and pays for it on her credit card. But then I am expecting to pay her back slowly. And pay "we don't call it rent" but it is rent. And I've already cut every subscription I had left which was just spotify and cancelled a monthly donation I made. But I'm just not getting enough to get ahead of that. I have to get back to work full time if I'm going to.
But realistically I should still wait until my credit card is payed off before moving but I'm not sure if I'm gonna be able to stand being here that much longer. It's already been 2 years since I had to move back here. I live in a constant state of aggravation because I never feel like I can make any choices just for me.
Right now I'm feeling hungery and logically I could make myself dinner. But I don't want to because if I make a real meal for myself but not for the whole household, then it will become a huge thing. Which means 9/10 times I end up making food for the whole house because otherwise no one will bother getting around to cooking until 9pm or later
And it will likely only be my mom who will then get irritated about something and make it everyone elses problem
There is no independence here. No schedule. No fair distribution of labor. No space. I lived out of this place just long enough to realize what I need and like and no matter how many times I ask or try to compromise, my needs are not seen as priority or even worth making a compromise for.
I need to leave
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ferventlyinlove · 10 months
Slightly inebriated. At a karaoke bar. There is only one question on my mind. What is love? Is it a feeling? Is it a choice?
The slight gaps in your teeth, the slight hum in your voice, the way that you stop stare at me for a second almost as if your trying to cross reference something I said with a sheet of paper when you correct me. It disarmed me a little at first that stare and now I miss it. Hungery for just a second longer of conversation for me to make a brash false statement for you to correct me. I love how many more books you’ve read, how smart you are. I just wish sometimes when I’m scared and I look back at you for reassurance you’d give me a little sign that everything is alright. That when me make plans it feels more like a discussion than one person making plans and the other nodding. That our conversations felt less like interrogations, that you didn’t take my curiosity in the worst way. And yet and yet and yet I love you. How your breath sometimes smells of garlic, of the way you bite my lip, of how you hold yourself with an assuredness I’m not sure is facade or pure defiant strength, I respect it either way. I want you to trace your nails across my skin. For you to place your fingers inside and unravel me.
What is love? To me at least. It’s magnetism that becomes a choice. A stubbornness to not leave even when the nails pierce through the skin, to not know how or what to do but to try anyway. I stare at your hand. At your eyes welled with resilience and pain. I don’t know what to do. I don’t know what to say. I wish I just knew. That you could just tell me but you can’t. I don’t know how. Maybe, some people are just destined to be lonely unable to communicate, to give to those they love what they need to receive in turn what they crave. Maybe, I’m one of those people. When we first met you were so familiar. I couldn’t place where I had seen you. I think now it was a dream. In the dream I lay naked in the bedroom of an Alcázar. We kiss and then I touch just under my chest. My hand is slick with blood. You leave. You do not turn around. I wait for death. I kiss your bloody dagger and the warm blood leaks out of me.
Maybe, it’s like the hit song umbrella by Rhianna. Just letting someone stand under my umbrella. Who am I to you? Does it matter? I would have held out my arm until I was drenched either way.
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jolly-at-nite · 11 months
A Little Good. A Little bad, worst Anxiety.
O how gauntly, how relaxed. How poised, you even chuckled.
Yes, I am sleepy. Yes my eyes hurt, and they burn. And Yes, yesterday was a better day.
Yes, I did break down and cry in the car after my appointment. Yes, I did a good job at holding it in.
Yes, I was overwhelmed and anxiety ridden.
Yes, I've refrained from taking medication out of concern of the quality of my breastmilk.
Yes, I managed to pull myself out from the back seat to help you, after I asked you to help me by changing his diaper.
Yes, I fed him while he screamed and I struggled to normalize my breathing. Air would not stay in my lungs. Panic did.
Yes, last night I let you sleep again. You have to go to work, I need to make sure, you're the healthiest of the two.
I struggle to pump consistently. I still get milk. Less than when I first started but no matter its something I can have to myself. I can achieve with out help. It's mine.
2 am. I can't go any longer without sleep. I fed him an hour ago. He's still screaming and rooting. I pump. 30 ml. I'm happy.
Yes, I awoke you. I needed to. I could not go any longer. I tried.
I asked you to feed him. He is hungery. He is screaming. I show you the bottle. Purple lid. Smaller different from the pump bottle.
You feed him. I sleep. You wake me up, at 530 am. He is screaming. You ask if the breast milk is in the bottle, I hesitate.
Surely he doesn't mean the pump bottle from a day ago. The one he has obviously seen sitting there. It's the only bottle that's been sitting there with the pump attachments still on. Surely he knows that milk is expired and bad. Surely. Undoubtedly. I did doubt but I was sleepy and not mentally checked in completely.
I answer. It's the one in the bottle, the 30 ml one. The one I showed you like hours ago. The one that's completely different from the pump bottle in size. Not connected to pump accessories.
I go back to sleep wearily. Surely, undoubtedly.
You wake me up at 630. You leave for work. Our baby stirs. He coos. He whimpers. He is hungery. I mix a bottle. Formula. I notice the pump bottle empty, the accessories dismantled.
No. No. No. No. No. No.
My anxiety returns. I am riddled with it. I am consumed completely. Again.
I can't breathe. Is this real?
Yes I call you. I'm scared, hesitant and nervous. My stomach hurts. My muscles hurt. My heart hurts. I don't want to know. I need to know. Did you?
Yes, you did. You fed our 2 month old the expired breast milk that sat out. In plain view for you the entire length of the day.
The one that sat there while you used the bathroom. While you brushed your teeth. When you went in to throw away a dirty diaper. Thay was always there, in its obviously loud contraption of pumping.
Yes, you admit you fed him that one. You say you asked me. You asked me. Your love, who has gotten consistently 4 or less hours of sleep. The one who showed you the bottle measured out with the 30 ml of breast milk.
Yes, you say shrug it off. You even chuckle as you're driving down the road to your job. And now you have blessed me with the anxiety I wish I never had since birth and the one I never miss. The one that cripples my days and nights, my being.
The one I have cried to you about. You gave me that today. I will not sleep, how can I? I have to make sure our son is ok. Every twitch, every painful whimper or coo made in discomfort will terrorize my peace of mind. Every scream and every cry will freeze and conjure my panic into every fiber of my being.
And I have to go through this alone. Singular again in my panicked induced delirium, without sleep. Without rest, with all the heaviness of the long days and excruciating longer nights.
My right turned into a wrong.
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6corpsekin6 · 3 years
[February 2022]
I cried for the first time in a long time. Truly wailed, felt my body rattle with grief much like the vibration heard in the throat of death. Grief haunts my bones like a hungry ghost. It's insatiable, like rot it eats what little is left. I should be long gone- mere bones at best yet I swear he visits me time and time again. I feel his breath on my sternum, fingers laced in my ribs. It happens every time I get a flash of him.
I was merely trying my best to make something of my borrowed time and then I saw the seats we'd sit at. The single small table all the way in the back, far away from everyone in the busy mall cause he couldn't stand being seen. Too many people, He'd say to me holding my hand far to hard as if he let go I'd drown within thoses others. I didn't mind, it took a lot for him to be there. So we'd sit in those two small chairs, eating whatever was found in the small cafeteria. He'd never eat much himself much more content to watch me. We'd talk- or I'd talk and he'd listen. I'd talk about anything doing my best to ignore how I didn't know where to rest my arms do to the bruises turning black under my cloths. How no way I sat it hurt something he did to me. The cost it paid to have him here with me. For him to look at me with those soft eyes to comment how I ate like a little rabbit, small careful bites, how he simply could watch me all day. In my memory I try my best to forget, to forget what happened next. That part where all the others got too over welling for him, how he snapped at me, dragged me back home. How dare I asked this of him? A date out there?! How shallow was I? How he could flip so quickly to a cruelty hard to describe and then when the wrath had settled my death rattling cries filled the silent air. I'm trying to be quiet but he hears me, he comes to hold me in his arms on the cold hard floor. His voice is soft again tells me I'm beautiful. He tells me his sorry, he didn't mean to, it just got out of hand. He didn't know what to do. Yet, yet, through his apologies when he dries my tears he tells me in batted breath. I never look more beautiful till my cheeks were wet with tears and he wonders again how much more beautiful it might be if I was dead.
In death he'll keep me. In death there is no more tears. No more wails. No more times would he hurt me on accident. No more others to get in the way. It would be perfect then.
I stand now breathing despite him. I realize I stopped replying to her when she shifts to smile at me. We are at the mall, a date. I'm trying to move on. She is holding my hand as we walk through the cafeteria and I realize- once the two small chairs are out of view. It's his birthday today.
He's gone. Its been half a decade. I'm no longer the person he knew. That person died with him, just as he wished them to. He isn't coming back. Merely the face I put to the hungery decay called grief. I write stories to try and move on. To prosses what happened. Make it mystical, fill it with something fun and excitting to make it easier to swallow. To write an story where I get closure. I know no matter how many times I change my name I am still the dead thing he made. And like the necrophiliac he was, his ghost visit my bones time and time again and I can't help but let him. I love him and all the things in this life that reminds me of him. I can't help that. It simply is.
I want to live again, to grow into flowers, something green. His ghost doesn't let me. A sadist at heart, he isn't that kind. No, he'll visit to pick the fragments out from the dirt. He can't bare to let me rot. I'm behind glass, watching my life go on without me. I'm stuck in a glass coffin with him in the dark. Yet he isn't here at all. No- I just feel him but I'm left here. It's only me. Lost in the dark. Lost in my grief.
Hardly remembering who's death I'm grieving at all. His or mine?
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bad-draft-stuff · 3 years
c. AU 6
Arsé-kun: -Friday, October 29th- Sheepy: *Another morning has come! Grif is looming ominously in the kitchen, making crunching noises. Could the source be the frozen burrito he’s eating, still in the shell?* Arsé-kun: Yog: ... Griflet, for the last time, stop eating plastic wrappers. Sheepy: Grif: They contain nutrients. Arsé-kun: Yog: .... When you get internal bleeding, I don't want to hear about it. Sheepy: Grif: Internal bleeding is no problem. Sheepy: Grif: That’s where the blood is supposed to be. Arsé-kun: Yog: .... Don't make me come out there and slap you. I won't, of course, but it sounded good. Sheepy: Grif: You can come out here? Arsé-kun: Yog: No, but I am going to try while no one is looking. Sheepy: Grif: I see. A stealth mission. Arsé-kun: Yog: And I do not want to disturb your roommates. Arsé-kun: Yog: Grandfather is preoccupied, Father is currently dealing with that I believe, and no one mortal is looking. This is my only chance to make progress. Sheepy: Grif: Go ahead, then. Arsé-kun: *A banana-yellow tentacle starts to worm its way into the room through the microwave. Some pink cotton candy-like cloud comes with it, from which a single starry orb arises* Arsé-kun: Yog: One percent invasion rate successful. I could probably keep going. Sheepy: Grif: Go on. Sheepy: *Grif finishes his burrito + plastic.* Arsé-kun: Yog: I intend to. Here I come. Arsé-kun: *Yog's human avatar comes out of the clouds, reaches out, and pats Grif's head. Pat, pat* Sheepy: Grif: ? Is there something on me? Arsé-kun: Yog: *he sighs and smiles slightly* No. I wanted contact. Sheepy: Grif: I see. We don’t get that very often. Arsé-kun: Yog: We certainly don't. Sheepy: Grif: I finished the round sandwich so I don’t have any for you. Sorry. Arsé-kun: Yog: Don't worry, I'll find something. *he sends the tentacle to the freezer to find food. it comes back with an ice-cream bar.* Sheepy: Grif: That’s called ice cream. It has a crunchy shell and creamy innards. Part of it tastes like wood. Arsé-kun: Yog: You don't eat the stick or the wrapper, Griflet. *he opens it, wraps the plastic around the stick, and has his prize. mmm. human food.* Sheepy: Grif; Stick? Wrapper? Arsé-kun: *Yog's out of the cloud to his waist, approximately, with several more tentacles of varying shades underneath. He's leaning on one with his elbow, and hand against his head. Comfy. His hair is notably not cotton candy cloud, but it's close.* Arsé-kun: Yog: The wrapper is the plastic. The wood is the stick. Neither is meant for human consumption. Sheepy: Grif: But I’m not human. It’s meant for Griflet consumption. Arsé-kun: Yog: If not for your father's eating habits, you'd also be restricted. Sheepy: Grif: ? He usually eats metal. Arsé-kun: Yog: Which humans do not. Sheepy: Grif: Yes... true. Arsé-kun: *Fou enters the kitchen to eat his food. hungery cat* Sheepy: Grif: Hi, Fou. Arsé-kun: Fou: mrrp. Sheepy: Grif: This is my dad. Arsé-kun: Fou: mrrrrAH Sheepy: Grif:? Arsé-kun: Fou: MYAAH?! *hiss, hiss, puff up* Nyaorr! Sheepy: Grif: He's nice. Arsé-kun: Yog: ... Like Grandfather and Wilbur, animals don't take lightly to my being here. Arsé-kun: Yog: But he looks so soft. I'm jealous. Sheepy: Grif: He's very soft. Sheepy: Grif: Lobo is soft, too. He likes to chew on me. I think he likes me. Arsé-kun: *fou keeps just puffing up until he looks like a furry cotton ball. how scary* Sheepy: Grif: What is he doing? Arsé-kun: Yog: Cats usually puff out their fur to appear larger than they are when they feel threatened. Arsé-kun: Yog: I am likely the threat. Sheepy: Grif: Uncle does that, too. Arsé-kun: *Fou scurries away with his tail between his legs. Nope, nope!* Arsé-kun: *... Fou yelling can still be heard from here* Sheepy: Grif: Why is he yelling? Arsé-kun: Yog: I'm not looking, so I do not know. Sheepy: *Bedi enters the kitchen soon afterwards, still in his sleepwear. He looks half asleep and his hair is down for once.* Arsé-kun: *Yog looks alarmed for a brief moment* Sheepy: Bedi: ...Grif didn't eat it... There's still food in the bowl. Arsé-kun: Yog: *lowering his voice* I should probably go. Arsé-kun: Fou: Nyao! Nyao! Mraah! Hsss! Sheepy: *...Bedi, surprisingly, doesn't seem to notice Yog at all.* Arsé-kun: Arthur: ... Sir, please, it's so completely obvious. Sheepy: *Bedi looks over to the microwave while getting out the cat food.* Arsé-kun: Yog: ... Just speaking to Griflet about potential missions. Do proceed. Sheepy: Bedi:...Oh, it's just Grif's dad. Arsé-kun: Arthur: That..?! Sheepy: Bedi: Not the dragon one. The other one. *he fills Fou's bowl to the proper amount.* Arsé-kun: Arthur: This is... Normal..? I had heard about monsters but this is beyond what I had expected.. Sheepy: Bedi: Normal isn't the word. Sheepy: Bedi: It's just how living with Griflet is. Arsé-kun: Arthur: I see... *not understanding at all* Arsé-kun: *Fou is STILL hiding from Yog behind Bedi and making noises* Sheepy: Bedi: It's okay, Fou. Arsé-kun: Fou: Nyao! Sheepy: Bedi: *he yawns and rubs his eyes* It's common for his dad to... *he finally notices Yog and trails off* Arsé-kun: Yog: .... ..... So like I said, I should probably not freak out your roommates. Sheepy: Grif: Unfortunate. Visit again soon. Okay? Arsé-kun: Yog: I'll certainly try if Father and Grandfather are both absent and the stars align. Sheepy: Grif: I see... Such strict requirements... Arsé-kun: *Yog gives Bedi a very guilty grin and a small wave, and then pats Grif again. He then withdraws in a way only described by "Looney Tunes smear-frame". One tentacle zips back into frame to steal a carton of ice cream from the freezer and bump it closed before vanishing into the cloudy microwave. And then the door slams shut.* Sheepy: Bedi: *he blinks, confused* ..... Arsé-kun: Yog: ... I am sorry you had to see that. Sheepy: Bedi:....Merlin left a science experiment in the microwave again...? Arsé-kun: Yog: ... Let us not discuss that. I have pride as a sothoth to uphold. Sheepy: Bedi:....Um, okay. Arsé-kun: *Fou gets down and sniffs before slowly moving to his food dish. Disturbance gone* Sheepy: Bedi: Oh, you'll eat it now? ... I thought you were yelling because there wasn't enough. Arsé-kun: Fou: Mrrbrgrbr *hes munching* Arsé-kun: Arthur: I believe it was both situations, sir. The low food rations and... That. Sheepy: Bedi: Eels.... Arsé-kun: Arthur: Were those eels? Sheepy: Bedi: I don't know. Sheepy: Grif: It was Dad. Arsé-kun: Arthur: This answers nothing for me. Sheepy: Grif: He's... Sheepy: Grif:....... Sheepy: Grif: He's Dad. Arsé-kun: *Arthur blankly stares at him* Sheepy: Grif: He's not like anything you've seen because he isn't from this world. Arsé-kun: Arthur: ... I now understand Cai's desire to drink several pints of wine upon seeing Jaufre. Sheepy: Grif: Kay wants to drink when he sees me sometimes. Arsé-kun: Arthur: I believe I understand this as well now. ... Too bad. Sheepy: Grif: He drinks beer instead. I think. Arsé-kun: Arthur: We had beer. It was more pure than the riverwater, but not had as often. Sheepy: Grif: Pure? Riverwater? Arsé-kun: Arthur: We didn't have... This. *gestures to the sink* Sheepy: *Elyan is chilling out in the sink.* Arsé-kun: *Yog has fully withdrawn from the scene. He is a little embarrassed from being caught. He should have been paying attention but wasn't.* Sheepy: Bedi: That's a sink. Arsé-kun: Arthur: We didn't have this. The water looked filthy by comparison. Sheepy: Bedi: Hmm... that's concerning.. Sheepy: Bedi: Then how did you not get sick? Arsé-kun: Arthur: We did. Sheepy: Bedi:...Eh? Sheepy: Bedi: You can heat it to clean it, right? Arsé-kun: Arthur: I guess. Don't worry about it, it was in the past. Sheepy: Bedi: And you had Grif's Dad. He's like a walking lighter. Sheepy: Bedi: But I suppose these ideas are too late... Arsé-kun: Arthur: ..... Yes. Sheepy: Bedi: But now, not only can you get pure water from a tap, you can also keep perishables like meat good for a while! Sheepy: Bedi: That's the power of modern technology! Arsé-kun: Arthur: I don't understand at all, but I see. Sheepy: Bedi: Well... how to explain...? Sheepy: Bedi: I don't think I can... Sheepy: Bedi: Can you feel temperature? Arsé-kun: Arthur: um. Arsé-kun: Arthur: Kind of. Sheepy: *Bedi approaches the freezer and opens it* Sheepy: Bedi: Feel this. Arsé-kun: *Arthur hovers in front of it. He looks perplexed.* Sheepy: Bedi: It keeps food fresh. Arsé-kun: Arthur: Cold box.. Sheepy: Bedi: You can freeze milk to get a dessert, and you can freeze meat to keep it fresh for when you want dinner. You then can heat it up when you want to eat it. Arsé-kun: Arthur: That's amazing. Sheepy: Bedi: The bottom part that I haven't opened is less cold so it won't freeze things, but it'll still keep them fresh. Sheepy: Bedi: Of course, things do still go bad if you leave them there long enough, but it takes longer than food being exposed to room temperature. Sheepy: *Aru is petting Fou in the background* Arsé-kun: *Fou is chewing on her sleeve* Sheepy: Aru: My sleeve isn't for chewing, Fou... Arsé-kun: Arthur: ... I have decided I do not like the cold box. It is too cold for my liking. Sheepy: *Bedi closes it* Sheepy: Bedi: I suppose that's understandable.... Sheepy: Aru: Oh, Arthur! There you are! Arsé-kun: Arthur: Here I am. You missed what I initially called you for. Sheepy: Aru: Sorry. I wasn't fully awake yet. Sheepy: Aru: What was it? Arsé-kun: Arthur: .... What was the word you used, Sir? Eels? Sheepy: Bedi: Eels. Sheepy: Aru:...Eels? What about them? Sheepy: Aru: Beddy showed me one once. It was scary with all its teeth... Arsé-kun: Arthur: Clouds and eels. Crystal balls? But do eels have heads? Sheepy: Aru: Uhuh. Sharp teeth, nostrils, eyes... but some are cute. Sheepy: Aru: I can show you on my phone. Arsé-kun: Arthur: ... Then those were not eels. Sheepy: Aru: Maybe they were tentacles. Sheepy: Aru: Like on an octopus! Sheepy: Aru: Have you seen an octopus before, Arthur? Arsé-kun: Arthur: ... What the, pardon my language, heck is an octopus? Sheepy: Aru: It's squishy and lives in the water! Arsé-kun: Arthur: Hate that. Go on. Sheepy: Aru: They're incredibly intelligent and use their ability to get through basically any sized gap to their advantage. Sheepy: Aru: They have eight long arms and scuttle around. Some even carry a home with them! Sheepy: Aru: The only hard part of their body is their beak. So long as their beak fits, the rest of their body will, too. Arsé-kun: Arthur: Beak???? Eight arms??????? Arsé-kun: *poor arthur is getting overwhelmed* Sheepy: Aru: *she pulls up a picture of an octopus and shows it to Arthur* Arsé-kun: Arthur: Yes! Like that! But without the bulbous part! Sheepy: Aru: Those are its tentacles. Arsé-kun: Arthur: That's horrible and I dislike them. But that is more accurate than eel. Sheepy: Aru: They aren't so bad. Sheepy: Aru: Hmmm.... I know a good way to get you up to speed on animals! We should go to the zoo sometime!! Arsé-kun: Arthur: the what Sheepy: Aru: The zoo! It's a place where they take care of animals and let you look at them. Arsé-kun: Arthur: So a farm...? Sheepy: Aru: Ummm... well, the animals don't produce anything. Sheepy: Aru: They're more like... government owned pets? But you can visit them and learn aboutthem! There's usually a barrier between thr animal and you, though, because a lot of them eat or hurt people. Arsé-kun: Arthur: So a farm. Sheepy: Aru:...? Arsé-kun: Arthur: A cow can easily hurt someone. Sheepy: Aru: No, um... let's say you had, ummm... Arsé-kun: Arthur: Not a big deal but go on. Sheepy: Aru: And you make a big, nice environment for it. Arsé-kun: Arthur: ... A farm? Sheepy: Aru: But you surround this environment with walls! Arsé-kun: Arthur: A stable??? Sheepy: Aru: They're low walls, so people can see inside, but you can't go inside. Arsé-kun: Arthur: Forbidden stable.. Sheepy: Aru: Okay, so you have this cow in an enclosed area, but everyone can look inside to see the cow. Sheepy: Aru: And then there'll be, umm... Okay, so you hire an employee. Sheepy: Aru: And this employee tells the guests facts about cows. Arsé-kun: Arthur: ... So Bedwyr every time we'd pass a cow. Sheepy: Aru: Well... Yes. Okay, so you have Bedwyr. Sheepy: Aru: But then you make more, um... forbidden stables. Sheepy: Aru: But these have horses, goats, and chickens. Arsé-kun: Merlin: *entering scene* we talkin' farms..? Sheepy: Aru: And you have a big forbidden stable full of water. You put an octopus inside along wih some eels-- no!! Arsé-kun: Merlin: ....? ???? Arsé-kun: Arthur: H. How. Sheepy: Aru: Anyway, people come to look at all of the animals, and Beddy tells everyone about them! That's a zoo! Arsé-kun: Merlin: why didn't you just say the walls are made of window Sheepy: Aru: Okay, okay, so the walls are made of window! Arsé-kun: Arthur: So that's how you see in... Sheepy: Aru: But instead of having cows, goats, horses, and chickens, they'd have, um... lions! Sheepy: Aru: And elephants! Arsé-kun: Arthur: ...! Sheepy: Aru: And, uhhh... panthers! Wolves... Turtles... Arsé-kun: Arthur: Dragons? Sheepy: Aru: Um... Komodo dragons, maybe. Sheepy: Aru: Humans have to take care of all of the animals, and dragons would prove too difficult to take care of, I think. Sheepy: Aru: But there's a bird that stands on one foot! Sheepy: Aru: And a horse with stripes! And...and... Merlin, you've been to the zoo before, right? Arsé-kun: Merlin: I have! I liked the lizards the most. Sheepy: Aru: Really? Because of dragons? Arsé-kun: Merlin: yes Sheepy: Aru: I don't actually remember much from the zoo. Arsé-kun: Merlin: It sure did have animals in it. Sheepy: Aru: ....Were you really little when you went, too, Merlin? Arsé-kun: Merlin: I was like. I dunno. Eight? Sheepy: Aru: Neither of us would be good at explaining zoos to Arthur, would we... Arsé-kun: Merlin: Nope. Now let me be a garbage person. Arsé-kun: *Merlin goes to and opens the freezer. Investigates. Stops.* Arsé-kun: Merlin: ... where's my breakfast burrito? Sheepy: Bedi: Shouldn't you eat a real breakfast..eh? Sheepy: Grif: Boo-ri-toe? Arsé-kun: Merlin: Grif, did you eat a cylinder from the freezer? Sheepy: Grif: It was cold and crunchy. Arsé-kun: Merlin: So many things wrong here. Sheepy: Grif: I didn't like the shell very much Arsé-kun: Merlin: ... Did you eat my ice cream too?? Sheepy: Grif: Ice cream? Arsé-kun: Merlin: I just opened a whole carton of ice cream but it's gone..! Where is my food going?? Sheepy: Grif:....Have you checked the microwave? Arsé-kun: Merlin: wot Sheepy: Grif: The microwave? Arsé-kun: Merlin: Why would it be there?? Sheepy: Grif: You haven't checked? Arsé-kun: Arthur: Tentacle eels were in there before. Arsé-kun: Merlin: >:V ??????? Sheepy: Bedi: It looked like a science experiment gone wrong, but it was Grif's dad... Sheepy: Grif: Well, Dad doesn't get ice cream very often. Arsé-kun: *Merlin grimaces and opens the microwave. A twenty dollar bill falls out. There's an ice cream stain on it.* Arsé-kun: Merlin: Wow! Grif's dad pays back better than Tristan ever has! Sheepy: Grif: Look. He paid you for the ice cream. Make sure to thank him. He doesn't do that for just anyone. He bleeds Herb dry, I've heard. Arsé-kun: Kay: the fuck is going on in here?? I heard zoos, tentacles, orb dad, Tristan's unending debts, and forbidden stables all in the last bathroom break. Sheepy: Grif: Dad was in the microwave and he ate Merlin's ice cream. Sheepy: Aru: Kay, let's go to the zoo! Arsé-kun: Kay: under-fucking-standable, I got mo- what Sheepy: Aru: Arthur doesn't know animals, so we need to show them to him. Arsé-kun: Kay: In this fuckin' economy? How are we gonna get there? Sheepy: Aru: Um... Arsé-kun: Kay: Exactly. Sheepy: Aru: Dove! Arsé-kun: Kay: Hell no. Sheepy: Aru:?! Arsé-kun: Kay: Not doin' that again. Sheepy: Aru: Okay, Merlin, let's go to the zoo! Sheepy: Grif: Dad should be around still if you want to see a dragon, but you've probably seen him enough for it not to be a unique experience. Sheepy: Grif: If you want a zoo here, Elyan might be willing to become different animals, but he might turn into your phone instead of the animal on it. Arsé-kun: Merlin: Sure, I can teleport, but not THAT far! Sheepy: Aru: Darn... Sheepy: Aru: Maybe one day we can go to the zoo. Arsé-kun: Merlin: But not today. Sheepy: Aru: Yes... Arsé-kun: *Merlin needs his garbage person fix, and has started pouring two different cereals into one bowl. This is a disaster* Sheepy: Aru: Does that taste like anything detectable? Arsé-kun: Merlin: It tastes like sugar. Sheepy: Bedi: It's not a real breakfast... Sheepy: Bedi: It'll make it hard for you to focus later in the day. Arsé-kun: Merlin: My planned one got eaten, so I ain't got much of a choice. Sheepy: Bedi: Um... is this really the only choice? Arsé-kun: Merlin: Ain't got class, so we can make a good lunch later. Sheepy: Bedi: Well, that works. Sheepy: Bedi: Are you going to be taking lessons from Misyr later? Arsé-kun: Merlin: I do hope so. Hey Aru, you wanna come with? Sheepy: Aru: I've never met him before. I'm not really allowed in the meetings they have, but even if I was, Misyr doesn't show up anyway, I've heard. Arsé-kun: Merlin: I'm just gonna end up repeating what I learn to you anyway. Sheepy: Aru: Well, I'll definitely go! Sheepy: Aru: I've just gotten the impression in the past that, well... No, it doesn't really matter! Sheepy: Aru: Anyway, I'm looking forward to it! Sheepy: Aru: Oh, I could show you a cafe, Arthur! ... Is it okay to take him outside, actually? Arsé-kun: Merlin: ... That's a good question. I've always wanted to see ghosts, but that's as far as I got. Arsé-kun: Merlin: ... He probably wouldn't be the weirdest thing on campus, but maybe the sword's the safest bet. I dunno. Sheepy: Aru: Wouldn't a sword look suspicious? Arsé-kun: Merlin: It's Halloween week. Who cares? Sheepy: Aru: Oh...! You're right! Okay, so I'll just bring him in the sword! Sheepy: Aru: You don't mind, right, Arthur? Sheepy: Aru: By the way, just so you know, this is actually a school! Instead of only certain figures knowing how to read and write, basically everyone does now. Arsé-kun: Arthur: Everyone can? That's a major improvement. Sheepy: Aru: I don't want to say everyone, because, um... Sheepy: Grif:....I'm learning. Arsé-kun: *Kay makes a disgruntled face at Aru in the background. I forgot he was there* Sheepy: Aru: I-I didn't say anything! Arsé-kun: Merlin: .. Hey, wait, I just got a stupid idea! Sheepy: Aru: What is it? Arsé-kun: *Merlin gets up from the table and runs out. He comes back with a broom. Kay stares at him* Sheepy: Bedi: Oh, you're cleaning up after yourself for once! How wonderful! Arsé-kun: Merlin: I'm not gonna broom up a cereal bowl!!! Sheepy: Bedi: How disappointing... Sheepy: Aru: What's it for? Sheepy: Aru:........ Arsé-kun: Merlin: I may have miscalculated but the idea is solid! Sheepy: Aru: Oh...! Oh I should be clapping, right? Arsé-kun: Merlin: Save that for when I manage more than assflooring myself. Sheepy: Aru: I have a feeling based on what I've heard about Misyr he probably doesn't know how to do it either, so he might be useless for that. Arsé-kun: Merlin: What'd you hear? You wanna share? Sheepy: Aru: Ummm.. how to put it. Arsé-kun: Merlin: What I know is he can't heal and I'm pretty sure his phone is fucked. Sheepy: Aru: Myrrdin warned me about a few of the Merlins when he met me and Misyr was one of them. Something about being a "cheating liar to his very core" and "having a complete makeover to hide something dark residing within him". Sheepy: Aru:...Although, he's so critical about everyone! What a stiff guy! Arsé-kun: Merlin: So he went to hot topic? Sheepy: Aru: Maybe! Sheepy: Aru: Myrrdin didn't really add any details to that, but it might be a "you darn kids, stop dyeing your hair with your newfangled dyes!" deal. Arsé-kun: Merlin: It's only purple. Malleus' is blue. Arsé-kun: *fou has gotten onto the broom and is now licking his paws. fou 1 merlin 0* Sheepy: Aru: Blue? Is that a natural hair color? Arsé-kun: Merlin: As far as I'm aware! Sheepy: Aru: Maybe Merlins prematurely go white and hide it with hair dye. Arsé-kun: Merlin: uh. *has white hair* Sheepy: Aru: Do you plan to hide it? Arsé-kun: Merlin: No? I like my hair the way it is! Sheepy: Aru: Oh. Okay. Sheepy: Aru: By the way, Merlin. I know it's a silly question, but what do you intend to do with your powers when you become a fully fledged wizard? Help others? Disappear into a world of your own in pursuit of knowledge? Hide your identity to fit in with society? I want to know. Arsé-kun: Merlin: Woah, woah, hold up! I haven't even finished college yet and you're asking me about that?! Sheepy: Aru: Well, it's something to think about. Arsé-kun: Merlin: We get there when we get there! But not now! Sheepy: Aru: Really? I think about it a lot... but okay! Arsé-kun: Kay: You're like five, stop having existential crisises. It makes me look bad. Sheepy: Aru: You can have an existential crisis too! By the way, when are we going? Arsé-kun: Kay: Don't ask me. I'm not in the magic club. Sheepy: Aru: Well, Merlin could answer. Arsé-kun: Merlin: As soon as I figure this out. *he puts a leg over the broom and gives it a second try. He stays on this time!* Arsé-kun: Merlin: Okay, we can go! Sheepy: Aru: *clap, clap* Good job! Arsé-kun: Merlin: Thank you, thank you! Balance is still important! Sheepy: Aru: Yes! Sheepy: *They head to the cafe!* Arsé-kun: *Merlin falls off the broom several times on the way, but that's okay! It's a learning experience. Do not roll the broom when turning.* Sheepy: Misyr: --Ahaha, I have no clue what you're talking about! Arsé-kun: Watson: Yes you do. Cut the crap. Sheepy: Misyr: Isn't being able to blow up the sun enough credentials for being a demon king? Arsé-kun: Watson: That isn't exactly a demonic trait. Sheepy: Misyr: What do you think I am, then? Arsé-kun: Watson: I don't know, but not that. Sheepy: Misyr: And if you're wrong? Arsé-kun: Watson: Then I'm wrong. Sheepy: Misyr: Then wrong you are! Arsé-kun: Watson: Okay, then what ring of Hell do you hail from? Sheepy: Misyr:........ Sheepy: Misyr: Demons don't all come from Hell! Arsé-kun: Watson: Okay, so Judeo-Christianity is off the list. Sheepy: Misyr: Ahahaha.... Arsé-kun: Watson: .. Oh, your grandkid is here. We'll continue this later. Sheepy: Misyr: Nah, he's messing around in some casino. Arsé-kun: Merlin: One of us works in a casino?? Sheepy: Misyr: Maximillion, my grandson. Lucky number seven. Arsé-kun: Merlin: Is he a nerd? That sounds like a nerd name. I respect it. Sheepy: Misyr: Ehhh... Not really. The big nerd is 10. Mint. Arsé-kun: Merlin: So I'm closer to the nerd.. Sheepy: Misyr: Yup! Sheepy: Misyr: He's incredibly gullible. Arsé-kun: Merlin: Nice... Oh, right! Look! Sheepy: Misyr: What's up? Arsé-kun: *Merlin gestures to the broom he hasn't gotten off of* Sheepy: Misyr: Good job! Arsé-kun: *Fou is still proudly sitting on the front of it. Fou's day out* Sheepy: Misyr: What's that? Arsé-kun: Merlin: This is Fou! He's Bedi's cat. Bastard. Sheepy: Misyr: A cat? Really? Arsé-kun: Merlin: I'm not gonna challenge it! Arsé-kun: Fou: Mrrp? Sheepy: Misyr: Nine loves cats. Sheepy: Misyr:... I haven't really met them, though! I just use social media sometimes! Sheepy: Misyr: We should show Mewlin. Arsé-kun: Merlin: Mewlin... Sheepy: Aru: Mewlin...? And Cat Mint? Sheepy: Misyr: The cat references end there, because unfortunately Mint indirectly put the worst Merlin into existence by being his grandpa. Arsé-kun: Merlin: Worse than blowing things up? Sheepy: Misyr: I keep deleting his tweets because I love humanity and don't want to see it suffer. Arsé-kun: Merlin: ... So really bad? Sheepy: Misyr: Yeah. Huge flirt. I wouldn't be surprised if 10... Mint ended up with a succubus or his kid ended up with an incubus and it resulted in 11. Sheepy: Misyr: Like I said, I haven't really met most of the family, so don't quote me on that! He just seems like a huge creep based on his tweets. Sheepy: Misyr: Oh, right, did you need something? Arsé-kun: Merlin: lesson Sheepy: Misyr: ...Oh, I forgot about that! Arsé-kun: Merlin: But can I bring my student too? Sheepy: Misyr: No problem. Arsé-kun: Merlin: Great! Aru, where'd you go? Sheepy: Aru: I'm still here. Arsé-kun: Merlin: Aight, cool! Sheepy: Aru: I was just watching over Arthur. He doesn't know any of what's in here, I think... Sheepy: Misyr:....? Arthur? Sheepy: Aru: He's my ghost friend. Arsé-kun: *Merlin gets into his seat and starts scrolling mobile twitter while he waits.* Sheepy: Aru: Arthur, when you hit this button, coffee comes out! ...Oh, do you know what coffee is? Arsé-kun: Arthur: I do not. Sheepy: Aru: It's, umm... Sheepy: Aru: It's a drink made of beans. Sheepy: Aru: And the beans are poisonous to bugs, but the poison makes humans really alert and energetic. Caffeine! Caffeine's in tea and chocolate, too! Sheepy: Aru: People use it to stay up all night or wake up in the morning, but it's really bitter, so I wouldn't drink it! Sheepy: Aru:....But how did knights wake up early and work late without coffee, I wonder...? Arsé-kun: Arthur: The same way you do. By simply doing so. Sheepy: Aru: So Teacher made you get up, too... Arsé-kun: Arthur: Of course. Best to start early in the morning. Sheepy: Aru: College students don't think so. Arsé-kun: Arthur: They seem to be busy even at night, so I would understand the frustration. Sheepy: Misyr: Ghost... Arsé-kun: Merlin: Wild, ain't it? I kinda wanna bust out some of my cheap equipment and see if it actually works. Arsé-kun: Merlin: ... Right, the lesson! Teach me, gramps! Sheepy: Misyr: Oh, yes! Let's start! Sheepy: *Misyr starts the lesson!* Arsé-kun: *Arthur stops investigating to watch this. He's mostly watching Misyr* Sheepy: *Misyr seems to be slowly getting more and more uncomfortable...* Arsé-kun: Arthur: ... Is my presence bothering you, sir? My apologies. Sheepy: Misyr: Ahaha... no, but is there something on my face? Arsé-kun: Arthur: No. I wanted to see how you taught in comparison to Merlin the first. I reckon you are far easier to follow along with. Sheepy: Misyr: Well, that's more because you're a good student! Arsé-kun: Arthur: .... I will not answer that for my own dignity. Arsé-kun: Arthur: Has anyone told you that you have a strange aura before? Sheepy: Misyr:...? Arsé-kun: Arthur: Or perhaps that is due to your demonic nature.. I would not know. Sheepy: Misyr: Uh...Yeah, that must be it! Sheepy: Misyr: Demon lords feel really different! Arsé-kun: Arthur: I see. Do go on. Sheepy: Misyr: Like... did you know that we can cause a flood from our pure sadness alone? Arsé-kun: Arthur: That is distressing. Sheepy: Misyr: Aahahaha! Just wait until I blow up a local volcano from joy! Sheepy: Misyr: Just don't count on me to heal anyone. We're forces of destruction! Someone like me couldn't help anyone. Arsé-kun: Merlin: Yeah, like how you blew up that Colour back in Aggy's kitchen! You sure exploded it! Sheepy: Misyr: Yes, yes, that's what I'm good at! Ahahaha! ... Eh, but I'd really recommend being good at more than just destroying things! Really, there's no happiness to be gained from such a limited skill set! Arsé-kun: *Meanwhile! Kay has decided, since even Fou has left, that he can clean the goddamn house for once. Finally.* Sheepy: *Grif is watching him very closely.* Sheepy: Grif: ... I can break things so you don't run out of things to clean. Arsé-kun: Kay: *he stops* I'd kick your ass if you did. Sheepy: Grif: Try me. I'm strong. ... Wait, no, that's not how I'm supposed to respond, is it... Arsé-kun: Kay: You'd snap me in half like a goddamn twig. I'd probably thank you for it. Sheepy: Grif: Why? Do you like being snapped in half? Arsé-kun: Kay: No. I don't like dying the way you do. Sheepy: Grif: I don't like dying. Sheepy: Grif: It just is part of my job. As I get better at my job, I will be stronger, but simultaneously so will my enemies. Thus, there'll always be something out there that can and will kill me. Arsé-kun: Kay: ... I'm gonna keep making fun of you for it, but I'll apologize eventually. Sheepy: Grif: Why? Sheepy: Grif: Is it funny? Arsé-kun: Kay: Because it's so fucked. Sheepy: Grif: It doesn't bother me. Arsé-kun: Kay: Well, yeah. *he goes back to dusting* It's normal for you. Sheepy: Grif: Yes. It has to be, so it isn't normal for anyone else. Arsé-kun: Kay: .... That's true. Fine, sorry. Sheepy: Grif: There's no need to apologize. It doesn't bother me. Arsé-kun: Kay: Yeah, but I'm bitching at you about it, so that's on me. Just. Not in front of me, ya hear? Sheepy: Grif: I will only die when I know you won't see it. Arsé-kun: Kay: Okay, cool. Sheepy: Grif: I will increase my stealth skill... I am sure stealth dying is on the list of skills somehow. Tomorrow should give a good bonus to Stealth. Sheepy: Grif: I will be in costume, thereby hiding my identity. Stealthy. Sheepy: Grif: I am looking forward to it. Arsé-kun: Kay: It's in two days, dipshit. Sheepy: Grif: Eh? Two? Sheepy: Grif: Unfortunate. I'll train another skill today. Sheepy: Grif: Kay, teach me to do what you're doing. Arsé-kun: Kay: Cleaning?? Are you sure? You can't break anything. Arsé-kun: Kay: Absolutely not. Fuck you. Sheepy: Grif: Try it, try it. You'll get 1 Brawling XP by smashing things. It is miniscule and barely worth it, but it exists. Arsé-kun: Kay: ... Arsé-kun: *Kay picks up a wrapping paper tube he intended to throw out, and bonks Grif with it. 1xp gained* Sheepy: Grif: Yes. That's the way. Sheepy: Grif: It's important to have a little bit of Brawling skill. Arsé-kun: Kay: Checks out. Sheepy: Grif: Anyway, if you show me, I won't break anything. Intentionally. Sheepy: Grif: I can't promise I won't unintentionally. Arsé-kun: Kay: Fine, but I'm gonna bully you into lifting things for me. Sheepy: Grif: I am strong. Arsé-kun: Kay: Fuck, you sure are. Sheepy: Grif: I can lift things. Arsé-kun: *With the combined power of Kay's ability to clean and Grif's ability to lift heavy objects, the dorm gets cleaned! Hooray!* Sheepy: *Grif is pleased with himself!* Arsé-kun: *Kay is also pleased!* Sheepy: Grif: Dad is not good at things like this. Nor am I. Arsé-kun: Kay: I see this. Sheepy: Grif: That's why I'll learn from you. Sheepy: Grif: Anyway, it looks nice now. Thank you. Sheepy: Grif: By the way, did you know? The barrier is weakest around now. Make sure to stay safe. Arsé-kun: Kay: That's so goddamn ominous, but like hell if I didn't know, thanks! Sheepy: Grif: Worry not. I will protect you as best as I can. Sheepy: *Elyan is watching the two.* Sheepy: Elyan: *Merlin voice* Hewwwoo!!! It's clean!! Arsé-kun: *Kay stares at Elyan* Sheepy: Elyan:..... Sheepy: Grif:....Uh... Yes. Arsé-kun: Kay: Yeah, it's clean, so don't you make a mess! Sheepy: Elyan: Woooww!!! Messy!! Sheepy: *Elyan spreads his tail out! Shake, shake, shake, shake- he left a feather on the floor! You found 1x Peacock(?) feather!* Sheepy: Grif: He just said not to do that... Arsé-kun: *Kay picks it up and puts it in the trash* Sheepy: *The feather looked like an imitation made by someone who didn't know what a peacock was past a few sightings anyway.* Sheepy: Elyan: Gift... trash! You did it! Arsé-kun: Kay: Sure did. I said no messes and you made one! Arsé-kun: *Kay starts taking the trash bag out of the can and tying it shut. The final step* Sheepy: Elyan: *he spreads his wings out. menacing* Bazinga! Arsé-kun: Kay: *deadpan* Penner, delete system 32. Bazongos. Sheepy: Elyan:? ... Arsé-kun: Kay: Ask Merlin, you shit bird. Sheepy: Elyan: *Slightly squeaky Kay imiration* Bazongos! Arsé-kun: Kay: Okay, now say fuck Sheepy: Elyan: *he's back to his Merlin imitation* Vavoom! Arsé-kun: Kay: 2/10, bird doesn't curse. Sheepy: Elyan: Gift! Take it, bird! *he drops another feather* Arsé-kun: Kay: Okay, fine! God, I see where you got this from, you stupid puddle. *Kay picks up the feather and leaves briefly to put it in his room* Sheepy: Grif: Puddle... I heard that he was originally found in a fountain. Sheepy: Grif: Maybe fountains are like dorm rooms for water. There's schools of fish, so maybe he attended? Sheepy: Grif: But I was told he has very little intelligence and just imitates others. So maybe not. Arsé-kun: Kay: Why would fish live in fuckin' fountains? Sheepy: Grif: Why do humans go on vacation? Sheepy: Grif: To see sights they usually don't see. Arsé-kun: *Kay looks confused by this* Sheepy: Grif: Fish don't see fountains usually, so they'd vacation there. Maybe. Arsé-kun: Kay: how Sheepy: Grif: How? Sheepy: Grif: They'd just walk there... Arsé-kun: Kay: Fish can't walk, asshole! Sheepy: Grif: How did fish get into almost all bodies of water, then? Arsé-kun: Kay: They always lived there?? Sheepy: Grif: There was a time before fish. Some of those bodies of water may have been manmade, too. Therefore, the fish must have been put there somehow. Sheepy: Grif: Meaning... fish could very easily live in a fountain. Arsé-kun: Yog: .... Fish were the earliest animals on the planet. Humans did not exist yet. Dragons did not exist yet. I did, but that is not relevant. Sheepy: Grif: Wrong. There was something before. Arsé-kun: Yog: Lesser-celled organisms. Sheepy: Grif: Yes... Arsé-kun: Yog: And many of them evolved into fish. Sheepy: Grif: But if fish came before manmade bodiesof water, there is no way they should be able to be in them. But...they are. Sheepy: Grif: So clearly they got there somehow. Sheepy: Grif: They either walked or someone put them there. Arsé-kun: Yog: Humans can relocate fish. Sheepy: Grif: Yes. So then it'd be perfectly logical for fish to be in a fountain. Arsé-kun: Yog: Fountains are for design more than survivability of whatever is living inside. Sheepy: Grif:..... Arsé-kun: Kay: Here, hold this. *he hands Grif a tied-shut trashbag, and slings the other over his own shoulder* Sheepy: Grif: *he takes it* Thank you for this gift. I will treasure it. Arsé-kun: Kay: No, stupid, it's trash. We're gonna get rid of it. Sheepy: Grif: I see. Arsé-kun: Kay: ... And didn't you say those colours eat anything? Sheepy: Grif: Yes. Sheepy: Grif: We can feed them. Arsé-kun: Kay: If they eat trash, then it leaves no trash behind and it feeds them. Sheepy: Grif: Yes. Great idea. Let's do it. Sheepy: Grif: I have heard feeding ducks is a good bonding experience. Just imagine they're ducks. Okay? Arsé-kun: Kay: I'm glad you liked the idea. *kay is pleased* Sheepy: Grif: It's a bonding experience. Let's go, let's go. Arsé-kun: Kay: Lets. You take the lead. Sheepy: *Grif heads out to where the colors are!* Arsé-kun: *Kay follows him* Sheepy: Grif: We're here. I hope they like it. Arsé-kun: Kay: You toss them in. I don't think I could. Sheepy: Grif: Right. *He tosses the bags of trash over the wall! Yeet!* Arsé-kun: Kay: And that's that. If it gets the Colours to leave, then we get to explore it. If it doesn't, whatever. Sheepy: Shuu: What are you two even talking about... No, it doesn't matter. It likes trash, huh? So it should like this. Sheepy: Grif: It's a veggie bowl. They give good stat bonuses. Arsé-kun: Kay: Shut up for a moment, Grif. Arsé-kun: Kay: And yeah, you don't wanna know. But if you wanna throw your trash over it, go nuts. Sheepy: Shuu: If I slip it to you two without anyone seeing, I can still claim I ate it. Sheepy: Grif: If you eat a veggie bowl regularly, you can toss it up without my help. Sheepy: Grif:...Ha. Ha. Ha. No. It gives DEF and HP. Not STR. Arsé-kun: Kay: .... Hmm. Nope. Sheepy: Shuu: How merciless of you. Sheepy: Shuu: Leaving me with this wretched thing... Arsé-kun: Kay: Sucks. Sheepy: Grif: Veggie bowls can be eaten with Sauce for extra stat points. Sheepy: Shuu: If you think it's so great, you can eat it. Sheepy: Grif: No. It's not my food. Sheepy: Shuu: Ugh. This was useless. Maybe I can conveniently accidentally drop it near some squirrels. Arsé-kun: Kay: Can't help with that, emo man. Good fuckin' luck. Sheepy: Shuu: I'll make my luck. Sheepy: *Shuu heads off to find someone to dump the salad on.* Arsé-kun: Kay: ... Well, that's that. Sheepy: *The two head back!* Sheepy: Crow: *he's inhaling a salad!* Arsé-kun: *Kay doesn't pay it mind. None of his damn business* Sheepy: Crow: *in between bites* You're not gonna believe this! Just when I was thinking about how hungry I was, that obnoxious sparkling creep gave me a salad! Hah! He must've realized how great I was!! Arsé-kun: ?: He must not have wanted it. Sheepy: Crow: Is that why it's so warm...? Sheesh, what am I?! A walking trash bin?! Arsé-kun: ?: Yes. Arsé-kun: *Kay glances back, wondering if Crow meant Shuu* Sheepy: Crow: That creep's gonna pay! ...Ouch! You aren't supposed to agree! Arsé-kun: ?: Hm, hm. That is tragic. Arsé-kun: ?: But did you... You know. Sheepy: Crow: Well, no, but now I'm gonna! Arsé-kun: ?: Then go do it. I will take my targets, you take yours. Sheepy: Crow: I've got a feeling I know where he is! ...Just don't tell Rom! Arsé-kun: ?: As if I speak to anyone here. Sheepy: Crow: You speak to not just anyone... you speak to the great Crow!! Arsé-kun: ?: ... You're also a fool along with being a trash bin. Sheepy: Crow: Ouch!!! Arsé-kun: *Kay has stopped and leaned on a tree to absolutely not eavesdrop on this interesting conversation* Sheepy: *Crow tosses his empty salad container in the correct trash bin* Arsé-kun: ?: Good work. One day you'll remember to sort souls that well too. Sheepy: Crow: They're all cattle, so it doesn't really matter! Arsé-kun: ?: It does matter... Sheepy: Crow: They're all going to the same place, right? So it's okay to eat your peas with your carrots! Same goes for souls. Arsé-kun: ?: .... They're absolutely not. Please leave before I reap you too. Sheepy: Crow: Scary!! Okay, I'm going, I'm going!!! Sheepy: Crow: *he rushes off to the Delinquent Club* Arsé-kun: *Kay raises an eyebrow before deciding to leave. He misses the other man turning his head almost completely 180° to stare at him. Thankfully.* Arsé-kun: *Kay gets home fine, and immediately makes a point to bother Grif once he puts last-minute groceries away* Arsé-kun: *ELSEWHERE* Sheepy: *Crow kicks the door open and poses* A miracle born in a wavering moment clad in crimson scarlet... CROW! Has arrived! Arsé-kun: Pink: That's a weird bird! Arsé-kun: *Lance has a cardiac arrest in the bg* Sheepy: Shuu: It's just Corn. Ignore him and he'll go away. Sheepy: Crow: Bare your cattle soul to me, punk! You treated the great Crow like a trash can, so that's where you're gonna go!! Arsé-kun: Mngwa: Do trashcans usually have bangin' capes? Sheepy: Crow: No! At least SOMEONE agrees my outfit is cool!! Sheepy: *Crow summons Red Tomahawk to his hand!* Sheepy: *Crow suddenly lunges at Shuu and hits him with Red Tomahawk before he can react! No visible damage was lift, but... poof! Shuu's a blond!* Arsé-kun: Mngwa: Okay, what the FUCK was that?! Sheepy: Clover: ...What did you just... do? Arsé-kun: Ignis: I don't think it's free dye jobs! *he gets up and blocks Il* Sheepy: Crow:...? Sheepy: Crow: No! I did my job! Sheepy: Crow: But usually that doesn't happen... Sheepy: Il: Oh. I suppose that even after almost all angels have fallen, the angel of death would still be around. What a hard worker Sheepy: Crow: I'm a fallen angel!! Get it right! Sheepy: Il:....? Arsé-kun: Ignis: He SAID fallen already! Did you kill Shuu?! Sheepy: Crow: Huh? Arsé-kun: Ignis: You hard of hearing?? Did you? Kill our foxy man? Sheepy: Crow: Oh, I hope so! He's been dodging us for a while! Man... I'm gonna look SO cool to all the reapers!! Fallen Angel: 1, Reaper: 0!! Sheepy: Il: But you are not fallen. Arsé-kun: *Crow is shot by a paintball gun courtesy of Mngwa. He might not be Dr. Jack, but...* Arsé-kun: Mngwa: You come into our goddamn house and do this?? Sheepy: Crow: Owowow!! Sheepy: Crow: Man, you guys are jerks! This stinks! I'm going home! Arsé-kun: Mngwa: Clover, permission to open on full auto?? Sheepy: Clover: Go ahead. Arsé-kun: *Mngwa picks up and mounts an even bigger paintball gun on the railing. Rattatattatattta* Sheepy: Crow: Hyeeeek!! That HURTS!!! Sheepy: *Crow turns tail and starts to flee!* Sheepy: Shuu: He's running away ⭐️ Too bad ⭐️ Arsé-kun: Pink: You're aliiiiive! Sheepy: Shuu: Ahahaha, it's really cold ⭐️ Arsé-kun: Ignis: .... I'll fetch the bastard. You guys get ready to pummel. Sheepy: Il: Pummel? Why? He is doing his job. Arsé-kun: Ignis: We're delinquents. We're gonna ruin his day. Sheepy: Il: Oh, I see! I will get to witness true delinquents before my very eyes...! Wonderful! Sheepy: Il: Good luck on your chase. Arsé-kun: *Ignis gives Il a thumbs up, and runs out* Sheepy: *Crow is running as fast as he can!* Arsé-kun: *Ignis is hot on his tail, literally.* Sheepy: Crow: B-Boooosss!!! Where are you?! I need help!! Arsé-kun: Kay: --- There, that's the guy! You know him, Grif? Sheepy: Grif: No. Arsé-kun: Kay: Huh, do we step in? Sheepy: Grif: Yes. Arsé-kun: Kay: Go gettem, Grif! Arsé-kun: *Ignis takes advantage of this and throws himself at Crow as well!* Sheepy: *Crow barely stumbles out of the way!* Arsé-kun: *Ignis eats dirt facefirst. Graceful* Sheepy: Crow: Boooosss!! BOOOOSSS!! Arsé-kun: *No one is coming to save you* Sheepy: Crow: Uhhh...uhhh...! You can't hit me! You'd be defying death! Which, which... it's against the law! No punching me when I'm on the job! Sheepy: Grif: I don't care about the law. Arsé-kun: Kay: Grif can't die anyway! *he's cheering Grif on from over there* He always comes back! Sheepy: Crow: Wh-what!? No fair... Sheepy: Crow: I don't get it! I don't beat you up for doing what you do! So why beat me up?! Sheepy: Crow: And if I hit you guys, it'll be dealing with you prematurely! This stinks! Arsé-kun: Ignis: Because he ain't goin' yet! He's still alive! Sheepy: Crow: But he's on my list and has been for a while! Sheepy: Crow: If you leave me alone, I'll give you my autograph later, okay?! Arsé-kun: Kay: ... Okay, how about this. Keep anyone else you got, but put this one back. At least wait until he's physically dying to do it?? Sheepy: Crow: Eh? Sheepy: Crow: B...but... Arsé-kun: Kay: People don't just drop dead for no goddamn reason. Sheepy: Crow:..... Arsé-kun: Kay: You can't be bitched at if you snipe a man when it's appropriate! Arsé-kun: *Ignis gives Kay a death glare. Kay flips him off* Sheepy: Crow: Boss is gonna be so disappointed...! Arsé-kun: Kay: Tragic. Get a sense of timing. Sheepy: Crow: Where? Arsé-kun: Kay: ... Grif, this is what you sound like sometimes. Sheepy: Grif: Wrong. He's worse. Arsé-kun: Kay: Harsh! Sheepy: Crow: Ouch...! Arsé-kun: *Ignis squints and sniffs the air before looking around. Who is coming?* Sheepy: *Shuu has arrived! He's slowly approaching, stumbling and shaking all over. His eyes look lifeless...* Arsé-kun: Ignis: ..! Sheepy: Shuu: Okay ⭐️ Fun's over, give it back ⭐️ Sheepy: Crow: E...EH?? You're supposed to be all dead and stuff! You guys have been bullying me for no reason! Arsé-kun: Kay: ... I have no idea what's happening now. Sheepy: Grif: I see. We involved ourselves in a confusing situation. Arsé-kun: Yog: *from Paimon* This is indirectly my fault, but I am not apologizing. Sheepy: Grif: Did you revive him? Arsé-kun: Yog: Quite the opposite. I tried to have him killed for breaching an important rule. I still have not found that hound. Sheepy: Crow: B-b-bOOOOSSS!! There's a DEAD GUY!! He's walking TOWARDS ME!! Sheepy: Grif: I see. He cheated death and now he's being punished. Arsé-kun: Yog: This was one of the rare instances of my hounds losing. I genuinely do not know what happened. Sheepy: Shuu: Give it back ⭐️ Arsé-kun: *Very distant car horn* Sheepy: Crow: BOSS!! Sheepy: *Crow starts fleeing towards the car horn!* Arsé-kun: Ignis: Oh no you don't!! *he hauls ass after Crow... on all fours. This is somehow FASTER* Sheepy: Crow: NONONONO!!! Sheepy: *Shuu doesn't pursue them very far. His stumbling finally results in him collapsing to his knees.* Sheepy: *Crow suddenly whips around and aims to hit Ignis (non-lethally) with Red Tomahawk! It's back!* Arsé-kun: *Ignis goes flying! He ends up slamming into a building before dropping to the ground. Critical hit.* Sheepy: *Crow uses this window of opportunity to try to get to the car!* Arsé-kun: *He can see the headlights! He can see the car!* Arsé-kun: *...He can see Rom's fist inches from his face!* Sheepy: Crow: E-EEHH?! Arsé-kun: Rom: ABSOLUTELY NOT! Sheepy: *Fist, meet Crow's face! He's launched, doing a few somersault before finally stopping. He's in the traditional butt-in-the-air death pose. Oof.* Arsé-kun: *The loud CRACK on impact was probably not good, but Rom ignores it in favor of stomping over and stealing the lunchbox.* Sheepy: Crow: W-why my face?! *he lifts his head. his nose is bleeding...* That hurt!! Arsé-kun: Rom: Because I know you hate it. Sheepy: Crow: Yeah, 'cuz it HURTS!! Arsé-kun: Rom: I've told you not to mess with Shuu! Several times! Sheepy: Crow: But my list! Arsé-kun: Rom: Over my dead body! Sheepy: Crow: Yours...? Arsé-kun: Rom: Yeah, sure! I've got time! Sheepy: Crow: But I don't wanna see you die... I'd cry! Arsé-kun: Rom: It'll happen. Now if you don't mind. *he opens the lunchbox to let the soul out* Sheepy: *It quickly makes its way to Shuu!* Arsé-kun: *Kay stayed put with Shuu, so he sees this* Sheepy: Shuu: My hero ⭐️ ... I was really cold without that, you know! Arsé-kun: Kay: .... So you're good now? Sheepy: Shuu: "Good" is an overstatement. Arsé-kun: Kay: ... Don't sass me, blondie. You're gonna live? Sheepy: Shuu: I always do. Sheepy: Crow: Tough words from a guy who used me like a trash can! Sheepy: Crow: Eat your own food next time! Arsé-kun: Rom: Go home, Crow. I'll see you at lunch tomorrow. Sheepy: Crow: Eh? You're still gonna be my friend? Arsé-kun: Rom: I punched you for your crime. We're even. Sheepy: Crow: *he whimpers before suddenly hugging Rom* *sob* You're the best friend anyone could ask for!! Arsé-kun: Rom: ... *he sighs* I'm glad to hear it. Now please go home. Sheepy: Crow: I need my lunchbox back first! Arsé-kun: Rom: ..... Right. *rom gives it back* Sheepy: Crow: I'll see you tomorrow, Rom, Shuu! Don't miss me too much! Bye! *he heads back to the car* Sheepy: *Crow enters the car.* Arsé-kun: *The other reaper gets back in and drives off. The license plate reads "θænətɒs". How'd he get those weird letters on there??* Sheepy: Shuu: ... That’s a new one. He got me ⭐️ I need to up my game. Arsé-kun: Kay: ... Y'know what? This isn't the weirdest shit I've ever seen. So that's normal for you, that's unusual but I get it. Sheepy: Shuu: When you make bad decisions, you get to deal with the consequences. Sheepy: Shuu: I can’t go back⭐ Arsé-kun: Kay: .. On campus, you sass-squatch. Sheepy: Shuu: I’d like that, but Rom seems in more desperate straits. Sheepy: Grif: ... By the way. Have we seen him somewhere before? Arsé-kun: *Rom is pacing, tightly grasping his Crow-punching hand and grimacing* Arsé-kun: Kay: ... Yeah, we saw him when we threw out the trash. Sheepy: Shuu: Rom, Rom ⭐️ Let’s go to the hospital together ⭐️ Arsé-kun: Rom: ...! Sheepy: Grif: No, that was a different guy. Arsé-kun: Rom: I'd like that... Arsé-kun: Kay: Grif, you moron, his hair was a different color. Sheepy: Grif: Amazing. Humans can change it so quickly... Arsé-kun: *Kay stares at Grif* Sheepy: Shuu: Okay, let’s get going then ⭐️ *he unsteadily stands before stumbling over to Rom* Arsé-kun: *Rom tries to support him with his good hand* Sheepy: Grif: What? Arsé-kun: Kay: ... Humans don't have tails usually..! But okay, forget it. Sheepy: Grif: Then what’s the tailbone for? Arsé-kun: Kay: I have no idea. Ask Doc West next class. Sheepy: Grif: I’ll ask him many things. For example, the purpose of four ears. Arsé-kun: *In the far bg, Ignis has gone back to the club. He's okay!* Sheepy: *Il is especially happy!* Arsé-kun: Kay: .... I'm not sure if this was weirder than Glaaki or not. One's a giant space slug, this was literally death.. Arsé-kun: Yog: .... And with strange eons, even death may die. *Unhelpful!!!* Sheepy: Grif: For death, he seemed inexperienced. Maybe he’s new. Sheepy: Grif: If he was an experienced death, and maybe a more irritable death, none of us would have survived that. Sheepy: Grif: I heard on one of my quests that death [occupation] has had issues due to the off the path issues. It’s possible the others fell, quit, or died off, and we’re stuck with just him and the driver. Arsé-kun: Kay: So I'm absolutely gonna have a moral crisis when we get home, but let's not talk about that. Sheepy: Grif: Oh. Okay. Arsé-kun: Kay: Did you see how I stood up to him anyway?? Sheepy: Grif: Yes. Very brave of you. Arsé-kun: *Kay is Pleased!* Sheepy: Grif: You did it. Arsé-kun: Kay: Put THAT on my adventurer's resume! Sheepy: Grif: There's a resume? Arsé-kun: Kay: If there was? Sheepy: Grif: I'll consider it. Arsé-kun: Kay: Okay, lets go back home and stay there this fucking time. Sheepy: Grif: Right. Arsé-kun: *THEY GO HOME* Sheepy: Bedi: Oh, you're home! Arsé-kun: Kay: I'm back! I sassed an angel. There was some other stuff but that's not important! Sheepy: Bedi: An angel? Arsé-kun: Kay: Some puny little man that made Aru look tall. Sheepy: Bedi: Oh... I see. You bullied the wrong short person. Arsé-kun: Kay: Actually, no! I got there with Grif by the end. Arsé-kun: Kay: May or may not have a new perspective on the concept of death as a whole, but that's still not outweirding the gigantic mind control slug. Sheepy: Grif: I watched a man smash his fist into the angel's face. Arsé-kun: Kay: Oh yeah, and the man probably broke his hand. Sheepy: Grif: He was... very manly. Very cool... Arsé-kun: Kay: That got me a new insight, but I ain't sharing it with you around. Sheepy: Grif: I hope I can be that cool one day. Arsé-kun: Kay: You're not? Arsé-kun: *in the far bg, Merlin is stalking Fou and taking pictures to post to twidder. he's not listening to all this.* Sheepy: Grif: Hmmm... it's not very cool to do things just because it's your job. Sheepy: Grif: Anyway, to have the confidence to wear no shirt, even into a fight... Very cool. Arsé-kun: Kay: Starting to notice a trend here.. First Lot and Lance, now the catboy. Sheepy: Grif: They're all incredibly cool... Sheepy: Bedi:...catboy??? Sheepy: Grif: Oh, the angel he punched was a little lion, wasn't he? Arsé-kun: Kay: I dunno, he had leopard print on. Arsé-kun: Kay: ... So I gotta get ripped. ... ... Not happening. Sheepy: Grif: Leopard print... How many leopards did he fight to get that? Sheepy: Grif: They just shed their fur like a sheep, don't they? So maybe he just fought the same one many times. Sheepy: Bedi: Nothing about this feels right... Arsé-kun: Kay: .... Grif, go ask Merlin where leopard print clothes come from. I'm sure he'll be glad to stop what he's doing. Sheepy: Grif: Merlin, Merlin. Arsé-kun: Merlin: ...? What? I'm busy. Sheepy: Grif: Where do leopard print clothes come from? Sheepy: Bedi: He, um... was being sarcastic, I think! Arsé-kun: Kay: It's fine, gives us a moment. Arsé-kun: *Merlin sighs and explains- to the best of his ability- where fake leopard print comes from* Sheepy: Grif:?! Sheepy: Grif: A factory... Arsé-kun: Kay: .... Should we take this elsewhere? Sheepy: Bedi: Yes, I think so. Arsé-kun: Kay: Aight. Sheepy: Grif: Merlin, let's rescue the leopards from the factory! Arsé-kun: *Kay opts to not help Merlin here.* Sheepy: Bedi: I'll follow you. Arsé-kun: *Kay goes into Bedi's room for some goddamn privacy in this house* Sheepy: *Bedi follows him* Arsé-kun: Kay: .... You got into a relationship, how flirt man Sheepy: Bedi: What? Arsé-kun: Kay: How do I approach a man with romantic intent? If I don't, I'm gonna just keep getting jealous. Sheepy: Bedi: I apologize for disappointing you, but... Sheepy: Bedi: Merlin did all of the work. I was oblivious to all of it. I am still oblivious to most of his flirting. Arsé-kun: Kay: ... Right, you've never done a day of work on that in your life. Sheepy: Bedi: Ahaha... Well, I have no skill in that department. Arsé-kun: Kay: Don't know till you try. Sheepy: Bedi: Yes... I guess the only ideas I have are being clear with what you're asking and not doing anything too flashy. Arsé-kun: Kay: And this is Grif, so I gotta take that more seriously. Sheepy: Bedi: If it helps any... I think you have time. Sheepy: Bedi: I think you're probably unique in terms of being attracted to him. Arsé-kun: Kay: I hate the way that sounds, but you're right. Arsé-kun: Kay: It's clear that being stupid and doing stupid things for his attention is only kind of working. And I can't get flowers because he'll eat them! Sheepy: Bedi: Good luck! You'll need it. Sheepy: Bedi: Gifts he'd like... Sheepy: Bedi: He likes rocks, right? Arsé-kun: Kay: Yeah, but that wouldn't get any messages across. Sheepy: Bedi: True... Arsé-kun: Kay: I mean, I could just ask him. Sheepy: Bedi: You could! Sheepy: Bedi: There's nothing to lose, right? If he says no, he says no. Arsé-kun: Kay: ... Uh. Yeah. Of course. Sheepy: Bedi:...? Sheepy: Bedi: Well, I'm rooting for you! Arsé-kun: Kay: Thanks, bud. *he nods* I'll do my best. Sheepy: Bedi: Of course! Arsé-kun: Kay: Now lets make sure Grif didn't drag Merlin out. Sheepy: *Bedi exits into the main room* Arsé-kun: *Kay follows him out* Sheepy: *Grif is dragging Merlin outthe door.* Arsé-kun: Merlin: No, please! Not now!! Sheepy: Grif: We need to! Arsé-kun: Merlin: There's no leopards, so what's the point?! Sheepy: Grif: They have to be getting the leopard fur somewhere! Arsé-kun: Merlin: It's not real! It's patterned fabric, I told you this..!! Arsé-kun: Kay: ... Should we help him? Sheepy: Bedi: It's too late now. Arsé-kun: Merlin: Bedi?! Sheepy: Bedi: I'll miss you. Arsé-kun: Merlin: Bedi?!? Sheepy: Bedi: But I can't stop him. Sheepy: Grif: There must be a reference leopard! Arsé-kun: Merlin: I'm not doing this at night..! No way! Sheepy: Grif: I see. Arsé-kun: *Kay just salutes and presses X to pay respects* Sheepy: Grif: When does it stop being night... Sheepy: Grif:... 5 am. Arsé-kun: Merlin: You're not waking me at 5 am on a Saturday either!!!! Sheepy: Grif: We have to! Sheepy: Grif: For the leopards! Sheepy: Bedi: Grif, do you know what a factory is? Sheepy: Grif: No, but it doesn't matter! Arsé-kun: Kay: There probably isn't any leopards, but go ham. Have fun! Don't let the shitwizard get hurt cuz Bedi WILL annihilate you! Sheepy: Bedi:...Okay, good luck finding one, then! Sheepy: Grif: I will protect Merlin. Okay, we're going now. Arsé-kun: *Merlin recognizes his thrown-under-the-bus status, and reluctantly accepts his new role as party mage. He does not look happy about it.* Sheepy: Bedi: I'll make it up to you later, okay? Arsé-kun: Merlin: You owe me one, babe! *fingergun* Arsé-kun: *Yog gives Grif a quest notif. He understands the current situation.* Sheepy: Grif: *he drags Merlin out the door.* Arsé-kun: Kay: ... Is that how it looks when I get dragged out? Sheepy: Bedi: Slightly less bad, but yes. Arsé-kun: Kay: I need to work on that. But okay, we both look like we're on the same page, huh? Sheepy: Bedi: Yes, what did you want to make? Arsé-kun: Kay: Apple pie feels too easy, but I know it's a solid hit. Sheepy: Bedi: He loves apples. It can work with ice cream, too, and he loves ice cream... Arsé-kun: Kay: But there's no way we got enough apples for something big. Sheepy: Bedi: Too bad. Arsé-kun: Kay: Hmmm. Well, we got time to think of something. Sheepy: Bedi: Right... And we can ask the group chat, too. Arsé-kun: Kay: Lost my phone. YOU can ask. Sheepy: Bedi: Right, I'll ask then. Sheepy: Bedi: *he pulls out his phone* Sheepy: Bedi: [chat] What should Kay and I bake? As a gift? Sheepy: Bedi: [chat] Recipient likes apples and ice cream. Sheepy: Lucan: [chat] gee, wonder who it is lol Sheepy: Lucan: [chat] you can make something for me too. as a treat Arsé-kun: Merlin: [chat] Me too! I want payment for my services under the bus! Sheepy: Bedi: [chat] Okay, Merlin. What do yoi want? Sheepy: Lucan: [chat] oh my name is lucan but I'd like your finest concoction thank you for asking Arsé-kun: Merlin: [chat] First I never wanna see grif eat a durian again, and also idk make lucan something and give me the bowl of whatevers left lmao Sheepy: Bedi: [chat] You don't have to eat leftovers. Arsé-kun: Lot: [chat] Given what we know of them, I doubt griflet would care all that much. You could just put apple slices on ice cream and he'd probably be happy. Sheepy: Bedi: [chat] Is that meaningful? Sheepy: Bedi: [chat] Maybe if we make them into cute shapes? Sheepy: Lucan: [chat] as Arsé-kun: Lot: [chat] Lucan is the culinary student here, and his input is clearly more valuable. Sheepy: Lucan: [chat] as much as I want to believe he'd see a meaning in this it's more likely he'd just eat it without thinking about its shape Sheepy: Lucan: [chat] you coild feed him food from the trash and he'd eat it lol he's like the family dog who bites hou for no reason Sheepy: Lucan: [chat] btw I didn't see grif eat the durian skin but I heard his voice ao I really just barely dodged that bullet Arsé-kun: Merlin: [chat] should i just ask him directly since hes out here and yall arent Sheepy: Lucan: [chat] unless you've left I'm here lol Sheepy: Bedi: [chat] Wouldn't that ruin the surprisr? Arsé-kun: Kay: You think he'd think about it that hard? Sheepy: Bedi:...No, Grif and thinking don't really go together. Arsé-kun: Kay: Except when he does. Sheepy: Bedi: Yes... true. Arsé-kun: Kay: But okay, get back on topic. Sheepy: Bedi: It's difficult to really come up with anything... heepy: Lucan: [chat] why not an apple cake or something? btw if you need durians just ask that obnoxious sparkly idol and if he decides you're wotyhy og his durians you might het onr Arsé-kun: Kay: Those exist?? Sheepy: Bedi: Apparently... Arsé-kun: Kay: I mean, it seems simple enough. Sheepy: Lucan: [chat] he claims yhey're souvenirs from his vacation. imagine buying durians as a souvenir Arsé-kun: Lance: [chat] imagine going on vacation Sheepy: Lucan: [chat] if we pull enough money together one or two of us could go on vacation Arsé-kun: Merlin: [chat] where though?! Sheepy: Lucan: [chat] ... I wonder where he goes on vacation Sheepy: Lucan: [chat] maybe he buys them at the store and calls them souvenirs just to mrss eitb peoplr Arsé-kun: Merlin: [chat] that's the level of shitpost I aspire to ngl Sheepy: Lucan: [chat]... he does always have them on hand... Sheepy: Lucan: [chat] maube his vacation is in the fruit aisle of the nearest supermarket LOL Sheepy: Lucan: [chat] shuzo's isle vacation. sorry, did I say isle? I meant aisle lololol Arsé-kun: *printer noises* Sheepy: Bedi: Oh, you're printing it out! Arsé-kun: Kay: Hell yeah I am! Arsé-kun: Merlin: [chat] anyway How long to you guys need? This affects what I do next Sheepy: Bedi: [chat] An hour or so...? Maybe two at most? Arsé-kun: Merlin: [chat] Aight! I got an idea then. I'm gonna needta jump in the washing machine as soon as I'm done though looooool Sheepy: Lucan: [chat] spin me right round baby right round ~merlin in the washing machine Arsé-kun: Merlin: [chat] I WAS GONNA SAY THAT Sheepy: Bedi: [chat] That scares me. Sheepy: Lucan: [chat] I'm a mind reader...... Arsé-kun: *Kay is gathering supplies, preheating the oven, banning Fou from the oven* Sheepy: *Bedi joins Kay to help!* Arsé-kun: Kay: We got most of this, but do we have a greek yogie sitting around? Do any of us buy those? Sheepy: Bedi: I don't. Arsé-kun: Kay: I absolutely don't. Arsé-kun: Kay: ... And Merlin doesn't. Sheepy: Bedi: I don't think Grif buys things. Arsé-kun: Kay: So why do we have this? *he holds up a greek yogurt carton. it sure is there* Arsé-kun: *Fou investigates it* Arsé-kun: Kay: Yeah she does, but I don't know if it's hers. Arsé-kun: Fou: Raow! *spit, spit* Fao! Sheepy: Bedi: ...? This is how he reacted to Yog. Sheepy: Bedi: So maybe Yog is making up for the ice cream he ate by giving us this yogurt. Sheepy: Bedi:...Is it safe for human consumption? I guess it doesn't matter with Grif. He'll eat it anyway... Arsé-kun: Kay: It's his dad, so it's probably fine... Sheepy: Bedi: I guess so. Sheepy: Bedi: Let's use it! Arsé-kun: Kay: We're gonna be out of caster sugar after this, but I think we're clear for everything else. Arsé-kun: Kay: Let's get this shit over with. Sheepy: Bedi: Right! Arsé-kun: *We skip to about an hour later. The cake is done, the last dishes are being washed,* Sheepy: *Grif enters!* Arsé-kun: Kay: Welcome back, moron, you bitch. Did you figure out fake leopard fur ain't made of leopard? Sheepy: Grif: The leopard I met told me as much, so I should believe him. Yes. Sheepy: Grif: We looked for a slug. We didn't find one. Sheepy: Grif: The leopard, however... so cool... ... Perhaps, to be cool, the answer is to combine kindness with muscles. Arsé-kun: Kay: What is it with you and muscles? Sheepy: Grif: It's something one must choose to strive for in order to have. Sheepy: Grif: Basically... it's a symbol of devotion to a goal. Arsé-kun: Kay: Huh. That's surprisingly insightful. Arsé-kun: Kay: Well, uh. Um. *he faulters* Sheepy: Grif: I ate an artichoke fruit today. It was painful. Arsé-kun: Kay: Did you eat the skin again? Sheepy: Grif: Yes. I didn't want to waste it. Arsé-kun: Kay: You're not supposed to eat that! You moron! Sheepy: Grif: Hm? But salad man gave it to me. He already offered me his salad only to be rejected. I couldn't reject his kindness a second time. Arsé-kun: Kay: The skin! You don't eat the skin of it! Sheepy: Grif: ....Hm...hmmm... Arsé-kun: Kay: I know something you CAN eat all of, but you'll have to wait! Sheepy: Grif: Really? Arsé-kun: Kay: Yes, really. Sheepy: Grif: Amazing... a skinless food... Arsé-kun: Kay: Well, no, but. Sheepy: Grif: Edible skin... Sheepy: Grif: Recently I discovered something horrible. Sheepy: Grif: I accidentally bent the top of a banana recently. It turns out, the yellow part is a covering that is meant to be removed. Sheepy: Grif: However, are bananas better with or without the shell...? Arsé-kun: Kay: Without. A hundred percent. Sheepy: Grif: I see. Sheepy: Grif: I'll try it like that next time. Sheepy: Grif: I am looking forward to eating this food. Arsé-kun: Kay: I recommend it. You can eat bananas with ice cream and no one can stop you. Sheepy: Grif: Bananas... with ice cream... Arsé-kun: Kay: Ice cream sundae. I'm iffy on it, honestly, but it's up your alley. Man that'd been so much easier. Sheepy: Grif: What? Arsé-kun: Kay: Nevermind! Sheepy: Grif: Oh. Alright. Arsé-kun: *Kay finishes up with the dishes* Sheepy: Grif: You did it. Arsé-kun: Kay: I cleaned them. Sheepy: Grif: Now it's everyone's collective duty to dirty them again. Arsé-kun: Kay: Not yet. Arsé-kun: Kay: In a few minutes. Sheepy: Grif: So soon? Arsé-kun: Kay: ... Actually, it doesn't matter. It's up to you to use dishes. Arsé-kun: Kay: But okay! Anyway! Enough stalling for time! Sheepy: Grif: Uh, okay. Arsé-kun: *Kay opens the microwave and retrieves the cake that was hidden there. This gets placed in front of Griflet on the kitchen island. There's a blank card on it! He looks nervous.* Sheepy: Grif:...? Arsé-kun: Kay: ... I know you're gonna eat that card. At least look in it first. Sheepy: Grif: *He takes the card and opens it* Arsé-kun: *It's not English! It's runes!!* Arsé-kun: *Translated runes: DATE ME, MORON. ~Kay.* Sheepy: Grif: ....?! Arsé-kun: Kay: .... Is my handwriting bad? Sheepy: Grif: Uh... uh... *That's an unusual red tint to his face! He appears flustered...* Arsé-kun: *and Kay starts going red in turn. Now he's embarrassed too!* Sheepy: *... In a panic, he eats the card!* Arsé-kun: Kay: ... ...... Arsé-kun: Kay: .... There it is. Sheepy: Grif: It's good!!! Thank you!!!! Arsé-kun: Kay: You stupid idiot! You stupid, idiotic, hot dumbass! At least eat the goddamn cake before I shove your face into it! Sheepy: Grif:?! Arsé-kun: Kay: What, did you think we let you drag out Merlin without reason? No! We baked while you were gone! Bedi helped! Sheepy: Grif: I see... So the leopards were a lie all along... Arsé-kun: Kay: .... Today please! Sheepy: Grif: Well...! Sheepy: Grif: Are you sure? Arsé-kun: Kay: ..... Bitch, I literally only tolerated you at first because you were goddamn hot. Yes, I'm sure. Sheepy: Grif: Uh, uh... Arsé-kun: Kay: And after all the dumb stupid shit I did, purely for you? Yes, I am absolutely goddamn sure. Sheepy: Grif: Usually I'm supposed to have some sort of cool, memorable response... right? Arsé-kun: Kay: ... Honestly, I kinda expected you to ignore me in favor of the cake. Sheepy: Grif: It smells good... Arsé-kun: Kay: It's apple cake, so you damn well know it's for you! Sheepy: Grif: I see. You put so much work into it... Sheepy: Grif: I need to work hard in return. Arsé-kun: Kay: Like you don't already? Sheepy: Grif: Eh... Sheepy: Grif: If I say yes, you won't regret it, will you? Arsé-kun: Kay: My only regrets so far are losing my phone and... Y'know, the time you came home gross. Sheepy: Grif:...Okay, then yes. Arsé-kun: Kay: !!! Arsé-kun: Kay: Hell yeah! Finally, I am free to say things! I can call you a dumb hot idiot now! Sheepy: Grif: ? Sheepy: Grif: I feel normal temperature. Arsé-kun: Kay: Attractive, I mean hot as in attractive. Sheepy: Grif: It's the power of high Charm. Arsé-kun: Kay: It's the power of having good looks despite being a bag of dumb rocks. Sheepy: Grif:....... Sheepy: Grif:...........*his attention has slowly turned back to the cake...* Arsé-kun: *Kay proceeds to place a duplicate card on it. He was ready* Sheepy: Grif:...It looks tasty. Arsé-kun: Kay: It better be..! We worked hard on this! Sheepy: Grif:...! For me...? Arsé-kun: Kay: For you. Sheepy: Grif:...! Arsé-kun: Kay: I considered adding some ice cream on top, but orb dad ate it all. Jerk. Arsé-kun: Kay: We noticed. Sheepy: Grif: I'd like to try some. Arsé-kun: Kay: Go ahead. That's what I'm still standing here for..! Sheepy: *Grif tries some!* Arsé-kun: *Kay stares expectantly* Sheepy: Grif:...It's good. Arsé-kun: Kay: .... *PHEW!* Sheepy: Grif: Thank you. Arsé-kun: Kay: You're welcome. Now can *he whips around to face the doorway* You fuckers stop eavesdropping?? Moral support's great but I ain't trusting a single one of yous! Sheepy: Bedi: My apologies. I was just thinking about the cake... Arsé-kun: *Merlin is furiously texting* Sheepy: *Il waves from the windowsill.* Arsé-kun: Arthur: ... I did not want to interrupt, good sirs. However, I see that relationship proposals are approximately the same as I knew them. Sheepy: Grif: I see. Even the ghost was watching. Arsé-kun: Kay: And who the hell let you in?! *at Il* Sheepy: Il: To see love with my own two eyes...! Incredible! Arsé-kun: Kay: You wanna see more? Bedi and Merlin are already a couple, so you should ask them stuff! Sheepy: Il:?! Sheepy: *Il looks expectantly at Merlin* Sheepy: Il: So many questions I want to ask... Sheepy: Grif:...Why is he here? Arsé-kun: Merlin: *he looks up from texting* I've got no idea! Sheepy: Bedi: He was looming outside the window and I was concerned he was going to fall. Sheepy: Bedi: The fact that he was peering in through a non-ground window did not occur to me until I let him in. How frightening... Arsé-kun: *Fou sniffs Il* Sheepy: Il: Good evening, mascot character. Sheepy: Grif: Surprisingly, the only one not eavesdropping is the one you'd expect the most. Arsé-kun: Kay: That is extremely ominous and not at all questionable. Arsé-kun: *Fou sits down next to Il. Il has been judged acceptable* Sheepy: Grif: I meant Aru. Sheepy: *Il pets Fou.* Arsé-kun: Kay: Oh. I thought you meant your parents. Sheepy: Grif: No, I'm sure Dad is eavesdropping. Arsé-kun: Kay: ....... Where the fuck is my sister? Sheepy: Il: I saw her complaining at the Angel of Death outside. Something about standing her up, and it being too late to hang out now. Arsé-kun: Kay: ... So you're telling me. The same midget angel I sassed earlier- That knew the fox and leopard prior- is also friends with my sister? Sheepy: Il: They are around the same age, I think, so it is no surprise. Arsé-kun: Kay: ... So anything else anyone wants to tell me before I sit down? Sheepy: Bedi: I can't come up with anything. Sheepy: Il: Is being a tsundere usually successful? Sheepy: Grif: What, do you want information related to death? Sheepy: Grif: Lobo is a hellhound. He's probably owned by one of the two reapers we saw today. Presumably, there's so much death on campus that it's easiest just to station Lobo here. Arsé-kun: Kay: ....... So I hate all of that. Arsé-kun: Merlin: I thought it was because of the ghosts! Sheepy: Grif: Maybe. I wouldn't know. Sheepy: Grif: If anyone would, it'd be the two reapers we saw tonight. Arsé-kun: Kay: So if my sister is with the little shitty angel, can someone ask through her about it? I still got no phone. Sheepy: Grif: I don't have her number. Sheepy: Il: She is outside with the him right now. You can join them. Arsé-kun: Kay: I ain't going out a third time. Sheepy: Il: Well, that is fine. Arsé-kun: *Arthur is markedly not volunteering his services* Sheepy: Grif: If you're desperate to find out, the buff man said he'd treat him to something at lunch tomorrow. Meaning, if you can find the buff man, you can find him. Arsé-kun: Kay: Then I gotta go hunting on a Saturday... Ah, fine. Sheepy: Grif: It could be a good learning experience about death. Arsé-kun: Kay: I think it's too early in my lifespan to even consider that. Sheepy: Grif: Well, alright. Arsé-kun: Merlin: People die when they are killed. Sheepy: Grif: Yes. Sheepy: Il: I can confirm a few things, at least. Arsé-kun: Kay: But will you. Sheepy: Il: Lobo is not owned by the angel outside. It is not common practice for angels of death to use hellhounds in their work. He is one of the few remaining angels who have not fell, so I cannot see him having an affinity with them... Sheepy: Il: Lobo is banned from the hospital, but he seems attracted to it anyway. Arsé-kun: Merlin: Probably because people die in hospitals. Sheepy: Il: Yes, but I have never seen him reap a soul from the hospital... Arsé-kun: Kay: But who's the fuck with the white car that drove him around? The death angel, I mean. Sheepy: Il: White car? Sheepy: Il: Without another angel to teach him, a reaper may have felt bad for him and taken him under their wing. Sheepy: Il: In the equivalent of human ages, he looked to be 16 or 17. He would need this, because it was nowhere near time for him to take up the role. Arsé-kun: Kay: So watch out for the scary-feeling guy, gotcha. Sheepy: Il: Yes. Sheepy: Il: The other guy... the reaper probably has experience. Sheepy: Il: The angel is dangerous mostly due to lack of experience. However, in the event he were to do something unfavorable like he did tonight, as long as he is following his duties, well... I cannot do anything about him. Sheepy: Il: Meanwhile, the reaper... I could strike out, but is it right? Arsé-kun: Kay: Hmmm. Depends on what he's doing. Sheepy: Il: If he is reaping the soul of someone you care for, even if it is his job, you will never consider it right. The list will not matter anymore in this situation. Arsé-kun: Kay: .... Yeah, that's true. Sheepy: Il: That is what caused the events tonight. Arsé-kun: Kay: But he was also still alive. I didn't even know the guy. Sheepy: Il: It was uncomfortable to watch. Especially when he offered us an early out. Sheepy: Il: Anyway, I feel as though people survive injuries they are not supposed to in the hospital. I have, on occasion, heard rumors that those unfortunate enough to wander off the path and get attacked will be visited during the night by a "short edgy man". Manipulating him can trick him into leaving, thus allowing you to survive another day. Sheepy: Il: I suppose we know who that is now... Arsé-kun: Kay: People survive dumb shit all the time. Exhibit A: me. Sheepy: Il: People survive incredible injuries all the time in otome games! Sheepy: Il: It is difficult to explain... Sheepy: Il: I am not able to fully grasp the resistance of a human. I am regularly being lectured because I apparently have caused great damage and nearly ended lives. Sheepy: Il: It is difficult to imagine them surviving monsters off of the path when they cannot survive me easily. Arsé-kun: Kay: I wanna say they vary, so it checks out. Sheepy: Il: Vary... Sheepy: *The next day...* Arsé-kun: -Saturday, October 30th- Arsé-kun: *Wilbur was TRYING to read, but there are so many noisy people here. It's bad enough Grif and his roommate are here, but the wizards are here too. Not to mention two of the musicians. Being Wilbur is suffering* Sheepy: Shuu: What, you want to know about Crow? What's there to tell? It's not like he hides anything. Everything there is to know about him, he flaunts. Arsé-kun: Kay: I see. That makes things a bit easier. Sheepy: Shuu: Meanwhile... it's much more profitable to be secretive ⭐️ Sheepy: Shuu: 16, hedgehog, singer and guitarist for SpinachCrumbleZ, an up and coming band that strives to be at the top. Claims to be a fallen angel. Likes milk. There's basic info about him ⭐️ Arsé-kun: Rom: Doesn't have a drivers license. But can you at least get our band name right? Sheepy: Shuu: Of course I can. Arsé-kun: *Rom just sighs* Arsé-kun: Rom: ... Crow is like every other edgy teenager when he's not on the payroll. You shouldn't have to worry about him. Sheepy: Shuu: And like most teenagers, he needs reassurance to make him feel better about himself, and he hides that behind constant self compliments. Complimenting him makes him easier to manipulate ⭐️ Arsé-kun: Rom: Please don't do that. Sheepy: Shuu: Hehehe. Sheepy: Shuu: It's better than insulting him. Arsé-kun: Rom: That's true, but not by much... *his ears flick up* Oh, he's here. Sheepy: Crow: A cri-- Sheepy: Shuu: If you do that all the time, people will grow bored of it ⭐️ You need to put more "woosh" and "kaboom" into it, spice it up ⭐️ Arsé-kun: Wilbur: Do neither of those! Shut up and sit down! Sheepy: Crow: Ugh, you're a total wet blanket! You're like a cow who's not fully awake yet! Arsé-kun: Wilbur: Ouch. Sheepy: Crow: Yeah, yeah! Eat that! Arsé-kun: Wilbur: You're like a rooster that screams at every time except dawn. Sheepy: Crow: Oof...! Sheepy: Crow: Well, my voice is great, so everyone might as well hear it! Sheepy: Shuu: But if people grow bored of it, you'll have nothing. Sheepy: Crow:?!?!?!?! Arsé-kun: Rom: You stop that. Sheepy: Crow: Rom, is that a thing?! Sheepy: Crow: Am I gonna... ... ... have to work on imitations?! Sheepy: Crow: I can't let my voice get old and boring! Arsé-kun: Rom: He's teasing you. Don't take it seriously. Sheepy: Crow: Maybe that's why Aru chewed me out last night? Something about standing her up? Maybe she wants stand-up comedy? rsé-kun: Rom: That's when you don't show up to a planned outting. Which you apparently did. Sheepy: Crow: Well, I didn't realize killing Shuu would take so long. Sheepy: Shuu: You know me, I like being difficult ⭐️ Arsé-kun: Rom: You can try all you want, but I don't think it's happening, Crow. Sheepy: Crow: What a pain...! Sheepy: Crow: Go peacefully so I don't have to deal with you! Sheepy: Shuu:...That's what I mean about him being open and easy to figure out. Arsé-kun: Kay: ... Yeah, that's easy enough. I'm pretty sure Aru can deal with it fine. Sheepy: Crow: Eh? Were you talking about me when I was gone? ... Some of my cattle, right?! Ehehehe, I just got a new pen for autographs too! Sheepy: Grif: The last I checked, I am not a bovine... Arsé-kun: Kay: Neither is any of my family. Sheepy: Crow: Eh? Sheepy: Crow: You're all cattle in my eyes! Ehehehe! Except Rom!! Sheepy: Shuu: Translator note: Cattle means fans ⭐️ I just call them my princesses, or my precious dream travelers... ⭐️ Arsé-kun: Kay: You can't just call them fans like normal people? Sheepy: Crow: Normal people? My cattle love the name! Sheepy: Shuu: Using cheesy nicknames like "princess" comes with the job. Sheepy: Shuu:...Oops, forget you heard that, hehe ⭐️ Sheepy: Shuu: Oh, you helped me last night, didn't you? Sheepy: Shuu: Okay... just this once, I'll give you a Sparkling ⭐️ Tropical ⭐️ Dream Souvenir, as a symbol of my thanks. Sheepy: *Shuu pulls out a durian and gives it to Kay.* Arsé-kun: Kay: ... This came from the shitmart, didn't it. Sheepy: Shuu: *His features darken some and a smug grin spreads across his face. There goes his cute dreamy prince act* You're absolutely no fun, are you? You can't play along even a little? Sheepy: Grif: I ate one of those last night. A blond gave it to me. Do you know him? Sheepy: Shuu: *His grin fades, leaving only a baffled stare at Grif* Arsé-kun: Kay: He's kind of stupid. Sheepy: Shuu: Kind of? Arsé-kun: *Kay looks offended on Grif's behalf* Sheepy: Shuu: What's with buff guys, anyway? Do they have dumbbells for brains? Constantly thinkng about not missing leg day? Arsé-kun: Rom: Better than being undernourished at all times. Arsé-kun: Kay: But the short angel doesn't fit in the dumbbells for brains category. Sheepy: Crow: I'm NOT short! Arsé-kun: *Kay stands up and looks down at Crow* Arsé-kun: Kay: Almost everyone is short to me. Shut your yap. Sheepy: Shuu: Undernourished... do you really consider the abominations you construct sustenance?? Arsé-kun: Rom: Just because my cooking is limited doesn't mean you shouldn't eat at all Sheepy: Shuu: I eat a limited diet for my job. Arsé-kun: Rom: Of absolutely nothing. Sheepy: Shuu: Well, everything on the diet tastes terrible. Arsé-kun: Rom: Get a new one. Or a new manager. Sheepy: Shuu: When I'm at the top, I won't have to worry about it anymore. Sheepy: Crow: I drink milk every single day 'cuz I was told by my parents that it'd make me grow up tall! Arsé-kun: Kay: How'd... How'd that go for you? Sheepy: Crow: Bad!! Sheepy: Crow: But if my skeleton ever engaged in fisticuffs with another skeleton, it'd totally win with a single crimson fist! Sheepy: *Shuu stops bickering with Rom to stare at Crow. What?* Sheepy: Grif: I understand now... I must train even my skeleton to kill my enemies, in the event it gets separated from me. Arsé-kun: Kay: Grif, you didn't understand shit, you just agreed with something stupid. Sheepy: Grif: It sounds reasonable to me. Sheepy: Crow: It's the power of milk! Drink milk every day for stronger bones! Sheepy: Crow: By the way, some of the milk you buy at stores is supplied by my cows! Sheepy: Shuu:...So you've got a sales pitch for milk so you can sell more milk. Sheepy: Crow: Some of the vegetables you buy at the store are provided by me, too! So eat your vegetables! Sheepy: Crow: I've even been considering putting out a cookbook, but it's really difficult coming up with a cool name. Arsé-kun: Rom: Can't believe you feed into capitalism, Shuu. You and your durians. Sheepy: Shuu: Nobody expects the durian. Nobody expects someone to take a bite out of the skin of the durian, either. Sheepy: Crow: If it sells well, I'll be able to contribute more to ShinganCrimsonZ.... Reaping souls doesn't really pay... Sheepy: Crow: Maybe I should get a part time job? But reaping souls, farming, writing songs, and playing with a band takes up so much time as it is. Sheepy: Shuu: I do wonder one thing. What does a durian taste like? Arsé-kun: Kay: *still holding that durian* I mean, we could find out right now. Sheepy: Shuu: Sure, we could. But will we? Only you can decide. Sheepy: Grif: Why would you buy a bunch of them and never eat them? Sheepy: Shuu: It's funny giving them to people unprompted. Sheepy: Shuu:... However. I regret to inform you of one thing. Sheepy: Shuu: ...You seriously think I'm giving out fruits that can sell for upwards $200 and smell like trash? Arsé-kun: Kay: Honestly, I don't really care enough either way. Arsé-kun: *yes he does* Sheepy: Shuu: I just picked them up at the local store because I thought they were funny. Who knows what they are. Sheepy: Shuu: Rom, Rom, let's go to the store sometime ⭐️ Arsé-kun: Rom: only if you eat beforehand. Sheepy: Shuu: Okay, just for you ⭐️ Sheepy: Shuu: ...Really, because for whatever reason it's such a big deal to you. What a pain. Sheepy: Shuu: If it was up to me, I wouldn't waste my time on it. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day? Mayhe if you actually sleep at night, but if you spend all night working, it's entirely forgettable. Sheepy: Shuu: And you won't make it to the top without working overtime. Sheepy: Crow: Sometimes, Yaiba works at the store! Maybe if you go then, he'll get some perks! That's how it works, isn't it? I go then to keep him company but never buy anything. Sheepy: Shuu: All of the three stooges are frustrating to deal with, and you wanna make me deal with two of you at the same time, Moe? Sheepy: Crow: My name is CROW! C-R-O-...W!!! Burn it into your memory, because that's gonna be the name at the top along with my buddies! Sheepy: Crow: By the way, Rom, what's a stooge? It's gotta be a cool guy if I'm one, huh? And Yaiba is the second one... Yup, so you must be the third stooge! Arsé-kun: Rom: All of that was wrong. Sheepy: Crow: Eh? Sheepy: Crow: If it's something cool, it can't be Wimpion. He's the lamest guy I know. Arsé-kun: Rom: Found the third stooge, then. Sheepy: Crow: Yeah? Who is it? Sheepy: Crow: You really wanna throw away your stooge title so Wimpion can have something? Don't worry! You'll still be the coolest guy I know! Sheepy: Crow: Other than me, of course! Arsé-kun: Rom: .... ... Why do you think Shuu is complimenting you? Sheepy: Shuu: Oh, I just really want to be nice today. Make sure to tell everyone you're a stooge, okay? I'm sure they'll agree with you. Just don't tell anyone I told you that, or they might get jealous and want me to call them that, too. Sheepy: Crow: See! He just said he is. Maybe he's finally waking up to how cool I am! Arsé-kun: *Rom sighs* Sheepy: Shuu: What? Your fist is broken so I'm going to have as much fun as I can before it heals. Sheepy: Shuu: Not that you could land a shot on me if you tried ⭐️ Arsé-kun: *Rom socks Shuu with his other fist* Sheepy: Shuu: Oof! Arsé-kun: Rom: I didn't even try. You're getting lazy. Sheepy: Shuu: Lazy... Sheepy: Shuu: I can't be getting soft... Arsé-kun: Rom: How else would Crow be able to catch you? Sheepy: Shuu: That really is concerning... Sheepy: Shuu: And with this obnoxious talking style bleeding into everyday conversation, I have to wonder how much this role is affecting me. Sheepy: Shuu: I really need to up my game ⭐️ ... ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ I did it again. Arsé-kun: Rom: Finally. Freedom from your sailor mouth. Sheepy: Shuu: Can't curse if you're supposed to be a dreamy prince! Arsé-kun: Rom: Lady sailors probably like it. Sheepy: Shuu: Don't disappoint me. Arsé-kun: Rom: Nope. So I hope you're ready to start getting up early again. Sheepy: Shuu: What a pain. I work late nights, and now I have to get up early, too? Sheepy: Shuu: But if waking up early will make me sharper, it's worth it. Arsé-kun: Rom: Who said you were working late? Not on this schedule. Sheepy: Shuu: Oh? You're going to tell my boss that I have a different schedule now? How brave of you. Arsé-kun: Rom: Sure, why not? What's he gonna do? Cry on me? Sheepy: Shuu: He'd cry on you. And then what would you do? Arsé-kun: Rom: Suffer with the consequences of my actions but know he can't stop me. Sheepy: Shuu: I suppose at the end of the day, he's just a guy who can't keep straight which of his eyes is eyepatched. Sheepy: Shuu: But alright, I'll work with you on it. Taking a break to work on myself rather than pleasing people would be a good breather. I'll just tell the twins that it's a Dream ⭐️ Galaxy Secret Sparkling Collab ⭐️ or something. Sheepy: Shuu: That way, they shouldn't worry. Sheepy: Crow: What? The sparkly creep is staying with us for a while? Maaaan... this is the worst... Sheepy: Crow:Well, don't hold us back, Loser! Loser.... Shuu-ser... Nah... Bo ⭐️ zo... Nah, that doesn't work either... Arsé-kun: Rom: Why can you also do that? Sheepy: Crow: Eh? Sheepy: Crow: Shoot, shoot! It's catching, isn't it?! Sheepy: Crow: Rom, Rom...! You gotta do it - you gotta save me from it! Arsé-kun: Rom: I never figured it out. Good luck, Crow. Sheepy: Shuu: Maybe I'll start with agility. If I follow your workouts too closely, I'll get all beefy. Arsé-kun: Rom: That implies you can get beefy. Sheepy: Shuu: You don't think I can? Arsé-kun: Rom: Not like this! *he pats his arm. muscle* Sheepy: Shuu: I think I could! I just don't want to. Sheepy: Shuu: I don't want to steal your look. Sheepy: Shuu: But just know that I can. Sheepy: *...Shuu looks very pleased with himself. His smug aura is radiating.* Arsé-kun: Rom: ... I can't tell if you're being serious. Sheepy: Shuu: I am. Sheepy: Shuu: It's not too difficult, is it? It just takes years of devotion. Sheepy: Shuu: I'm not going to do it Sheepy: Shuu: But it doesn't stop me from following you some. Sheepy: Shuu: But at the same time, if I get muscly, it'll ruin my image as a cute, sparkling prince. Sheepy: Crow: That's what you're supposed to be? Arsé-kun: Rom: It won't hurt to have a bit of meat on there! Sheepy: Shuu: A prince who's secretly buff... Sheepy: Crow: I thought you were supposed to be one of those bugs. Sheepy: Crow: Y'know! The kind with the human faces! Arsé-kun: Kay: *from a table away* the WHAT Sheepy: Crow: Eh, y'know...! Sheepy: Crow: They're real, uh...! Sheepy: Crow: You've totally heard of this one before! Drinkerhell! She's little and sparkly. Sheepy: Crow: She's friends with this guy who kidnaps children and feeds them to trees. Sheepy: Crow: And, eh... there's this guy who's missing a hand and because he won't fit in a tree, this guy feeds him to an alligator instead. Arsé-kun: Kay: .... Tinkerbell, you mean? The lil green bitch? Sheepy: Grif: I have heard of this. Crinkletell. Sheepy: Crow: Yeah, yeah! Tinkerbell! Sheepy: Crow: But now that I think of it, the tights are more like the kidnapper's outfit than the bug lady's outfit. Sheepy: Crow: His name was... what was it... Robin Hood! Sheepy: Shuu: I was feeling motivated, but listening to you made me lose that. Arsé-kun: Kay: *deadpan* It's peter pan. Sheepy: Crow: Peter Pan? Arsé-kun: Kay: robin hood's a thief that steals from the rich, gives to the poor. Sheepy: Crow: Eh? Sheepy: Crow:.... Sheepy: Crow:...Hey, but once he steals from the rich and gives to the poor, the poor become rich and the rich become poor. Arsé-kun: Kay: You think the bastard gave it all to one person? Sheepy: Crow: So once he's all done stealing, he's gotta redistribute the wealth all over again. Arsé-kun: Kay: Oh, but you understand that just fine! Sheepy: Shuu:...Robin hood.... Peter Pan... Tinkerbell... Sheepy: Shuu:...I need a new look. Sheepy: Shuu: If I build some muscle, maybe I might look less like those three... Rom, Rom, let's work out together when your hand is healed. I don't want to look like Peter Pan. Arsé-kun: Rom: I don't like the idea of you looking like Peter Pan. It'd make you more of a creep. Sheepy: Shuu: Oh? I'm a creep? Arsé-kun: Rom: If you looked like him you would. Sheepy: Shuu: So I don't look like him! Arsé-kun: Rom: You're not green Sheepy: Shuu: Eh... that's all... Sheepy: Shuu: Well, I really hope your hand is healed soon, then, so we can get started. Arsé-kun: *Raph is peering in through the big front window, staring at Crow primarily* Arsé-kun: Rom: So eventually. You better not forget. Sheepy: Crow:...Hey, hey! One of my cattle spotted us! Sheepy: Shuu: Don't worry. I won't forget. Sheepy: Crow: Of course I'm the focus! The singer usually is! Eheheh! Sheepy: *...Despite his words, Crow's tail is wagging excitedly. He's very happy!* Sheepy: Shuu: That's one of the doctors at the hospital. Maybe he found that people were getting headaches and wanted to locate the source. Arsé-kun: Rom: That, or he's here to give you a stern talking to. Sheepy: Shuu: Why me? Sheepy: Shuu: He looks focused on Crow. Sheepy: Crow: I bet he wants an autograph! Arsé-kun: *Raph looks around briefly, gives Crow a shush gesture, lowers one side of his coat... And pops out an angel wing! Wink, fingergun, wing put away* Sheepy: Crow: E...eh...? Arsé-kun: Rom: ...? Sheepy: Crow:...............?! Eeehhhh?! *He unthinkingly spreads out his wings in response! ... And smacks Rom with them, as if his tail repeatedly smacking Rom wasn't enough* Arsé-kun: Rom: oh ok Sheepy: Crow: I...I...! *whimper, sob. his speech has become somewhat incoherent from sobs* I... I thought...! Sheepy: Shuu: You were told to be quiet, and you're doing everything you can to get people to pay attention... Arsé-kun: Rom: Oh, be nice. Sheepy: Shuu: Be nice? How'll we explain it? Arsé-kun: Rom: They can mind their own business. Issue solved. Sheepy: Shuu: Eh... Sheepy: Crow: Everyone was all gone...! Why'd they just leave me...? Why would they just show up out of the blue and act like nothing is wrong...? Arsé-kun: Raph: You make it sound like we did this on purpose..! *he's leaning on the booth from the next one over like kids do in fancy restaurants when they're waiting for their grilled cheese and fries* Sheepy: Crow: Y-you guys all just disappeared! It's not fair...! Arsé-kun: Raph: It wasn't! A few lucky ones got left, the rest of us? We got real messed up, bud. No way anyone would willingly do that en masse. Sheepy: Crow:....... Sheepy: Crow: I don't get it...! Sheepy: Crow: Messed up? Lucky ones? Arsé-kun: Raph: I'll keep this short since this is a public domain. Falling machine broke, kicked out nearly everybody. ... Not everyone made it down. Sheepy: Crow: I woke up and Dad... Uncle... everyone, they were all gone...! How is th-that lucky?! Maybe for everyone else, 'cuz they finally got rid of me! Arsé-kun: Raph: ... Have you ever caught fire before? Sheepy: Crow: No! What does that have to do with anything...?! Arsé-kun: Raph: ............ Arsé-kun: Raph: .................. You really have no idea. Fascinating. Sheepy: Crow: I woke up to everyone gone! Why would I know...?! Arsé-kun: *Merlin is very not-subtly eavesdropping* Sheepy: Crow: And, and...! Dad...! Uncle! Some didn't survive?! I'd already accepted they're gone...! I'd already...! Sheepy: Crow:....Now...now you're telling me they're probably... Arsé-kun: Raph: ....... We're really gonna need a nonpublic place for this. I don't need you jumping through the ceiling from elation. Sheepy: Crow:..... Sheepy: Crow: Elation? You think I feel elated...?! Arsé-kun: Raph: Now why would I suggest that after saying only SOME of us perished? Sheepy: Crow:...... Sheepy: Crow: Even if they aren't dead... There's no way they could forgive what I did. Why they left... Why everyone left... I tried not being myself, I really did...! Arsé-kun: Raph: .... ... The universe doesn't revolve around you. Things happen without your permission. Sheepy: Crow: I know that! Arsé-kun: Raph: Then why are you saying people left because of you? People died from this. Sheepy: Crow: That's not right...! Sheepy: Crow: Everyone's just gone 'cuz they left! I-if they didn't...Why am I here...?! Arsé-kun: Raph: Well, that depends on a lot of things. Where you were at the time, the chemical makeup of the environment, the population present at the location, age, a lot of other things that probably don't matter? But that's the scientific answer. Sheepy: Crow: Someone like me wouldn't be spared... Fallen angels are scary angels that people don't like. They're outcasts. That's why... Arsé-kun: Raph: .... Every single one of us that wasn't spared is fallen now. You're not. Sheepy: Crow:..... Sheepy: Crow: That's not right...that can't be.... Arsé-kun: Raph: I can provide proof immediately on site. Sheepy: Crow: What...? Arsé-kun: *Raph reaches back and winces briefly before dropping several very singed feathers onto the table* Arsé-kun: Raph: Yours look like this? Sheepy: Crow: ...? Sheepy: Crow: Why’re they so...? Sheepy: Crow: ... Sheepy: Crow: I’m... I’m so confused. Sheepy: Crow: They’re so... burnt. Why would they be like that? Mine aren’t...! Sheepy: Crow: I was 12... I don’t get it... is that enough for me to be spared...? But everyone disliked me, ‘cuz I annoyed them. I shouldn’t’ve been... Arsé-kun: Raph: Let me be simple. You aren't Fallen- You didn't fall and burn the whole way down. Sheepy: Crow:... Arsé-kun: Raph: If you want to call yourself fallen, that's fine. It's a good aesthetic, I get that. Sheepy: Crow:...? Sheepy: Crow: If they're dead, I can't see them again... If they're alive... after what I said, I can't just... ... Tch, that's it. That's gotta be it. Sheepy: Crow: Eheh! You got the great Crow pretty good! Arsé-kun: Raph: I'm not joking around for once. *he lightly pulls on Crow's ear* Do you really think they care that you said something years ago? Sheepy: Crow: Ouch...! Sheepy: Crow: What d'you know anyway? You don't know what happened between us. You don't even know who I am. Sheepy: Crow: You and that angelic creep I met yesterday both act like absolute know it alls. Arsé-kun: Raph: I didn't need to hear it from you when I had the other side of it on the horn. Sheepy: Crow: Eh? Sheepy: Crow: Horn? I'm a hedgehog, not a cow! Sheepy: Crow: How would you know who my Dad and Uncle are, huh? It's not like they'd have pics of me. Arsé-kun: Raph: You'd be surprised about that. Sheepy: Crow: You don't have proof! Arsé-kun: Raph: ...... I'm pretty sure it's still your uncle's work hours right now, so calling is out of the question Arsé-kun: *Rom has decided at some point that this Isn't His Problem and moved tables. Let's play Blackjack with Kay to ignore this entirely.* Sheepy: *Shuu followed Rom.* Sheepy: Crow: Working hours...? Arsé-kun: Raph: He's working as a prosecutor these days. Sheepy: Crow: Eh? Sheepy: Crow: Eh....ehhh? Arsé-kun: Raph: ... Law stuff. Sheepy: Crow: Prosecutor... prosecutor... Law... Sheepy: Crow: I know those! They behead people! Arsé-kun: Raph: That's an executioner. Sheepy: Crow:..... Sheepy: Crow: You're just a bundle of confusions! Arsé-kun: Wilbur: No, you're an idiot. Can you stop sounding dumber than my step-brother? Thanks. *he places a bottle of milk on the table for Crow, and then a cup of coffee for Raph.* He eats plastic, by the way. Sheepy: Crow: It's not stupidity to not know things you've never heard of! *he grabs the bottle of milk with a huff, opens it, and starts drinking it* Sheepy: Crow: And just know that I don't actually trust you very much! Sheepy: Crow: All you've done to back up your claims is show me some feathers. Arsé-kun: Raph: That's fine. If you trusted me right off the bat, I'd worry more. Sheepy: Crow: I doubt that! Arsé-kun: Raph: But okay. How can I earn at least some trust? Sheepy: Crow: Back up your claims. Duh! You know so much about me from Dad? Tell me what you know. I'll accept a little bit of incorrect info, because I've been on my own for a while. Or tell me about Dad! Or Uncle! Sheepy: Crow: Or... I don't know! Some evidence! Arsé-kun: Raph: Sure thing. I'll not say your real name, but I'll give what I know. You've been described to me before as a loudmouth that spent a lot of time in the barn with the cows. Got a bit rebellious in the teenage years, but that's completely normal. I still have no idea what kind of job Klimt has, but he still has that massive dog. Sheepy: Crow: Eh? Balmung? Has he been lonely? Arsé-kun: Raph: Maybe a little? Sheepy: Crow: ....Well, so far everything sounds right. Arsé-kun: Raph: Barok's still drinking wine constantly. Sheepy: Crow: It's a bad habit to have... Arsé-kun: Raph: It is. Sheepy: Crow: But I guess he's always been like that. Sheepy: Crow: I miss them... but they wouldn't wanna see me again. Arsé-kun: Raph: According to Barok, Klimt still buys two cartons of milk every time they buy groceries. So I don't think that's correct. Sheepy: Crow: Maybe he just likes milk. Arsé-kun: Raph: He labels it as yours. Sheepy: Crow:.... Arsé-kun: Raph: Things you say in heated moments do not always remain as important as they're believed to. Sheepy: Crow: But... I... I never got to apologize and say I didn't mean it. It's not fair... Arsé-kun: Raph: I think they understood that, but you'll probably get your chance. Sheepy: Crow: Probably? Arsé-kun: Raph: I don't want to guarantee it. It could raise your expectations too high. Sheepy: Crow: So there's no way you can get into contact with 'em...? Arsé-kun: Raph: Barok is either working or drinking, so he's currently unavailable. Klimt is a nightmare to get a hold of. Sheepy: Crow:..... Arsé-kun: Raph: ... But I will try. Sheepy: Crow: Seriously, who getd drunk in the middle of the day...? Arsé-kun: Raph: Barok. Sheepy: Crow: Well, if you succeed, I'll give you my autograph! Heh! No need to thank me! Arsé-kun: Raph: Uh, sure. Sheepy: Crow: One day it'll be worth a lot, you know! My buddies and me... we'll make our crimson passion known to everyone! Arsé-kun: Raph: I wouldn't sell that, so why would I care for the value..? Sheepy: Crow:.....Uh... Sheepy: Crow:....Bragging rights! Arsé-kun: Raph: True! Sheepy: Crow: I don't really have much. I'll cook something up for you! Yeah! The great Crow's cooking is great! Everyone says so! Sheepy: Crow: So, will you do it? Arsé-kun: Raph: Sure. Let me get functional and I'll give it a shot. Sheepy: Crow: Cool, cool! Arsé-kun: *Raph picks up his coffee* Sheepy: *Crow drinks more of his milk.* Sheepy: Crow: I wonder if he drinks coffee with his wine in the morning... Arsé-kun: Raph: Oh, probably. Sheepy: Crow: Yuck. I gotta convince him to drink more milk! Arsé-kun: Raph: And less wine. Sheepy: Crow: Yeah, yeah! Sheepy: Crow: Milk makes you strong! Sheepy: Crow: But I drink it every day to grow tall... and it NEVER helped!!! Sheepy: Crow: Dad and Uncle are real tall...! When will I be like that?! Sheepy: Crow: Being tall is cool! I've got cattle who praise me, saying I'm "cute" and "smol"! I'm not those things, but they don't listen... Arsé-kun: Wilbur: Sucks to be you. If it worked that way, Duncan wouldn't be half your height. Sheepy: Crow:...Eh... even then, he's only sometimes half my height... Arsé-kun: Wilbur: Disregarding the rest of the time. Sheepy: Crow: Sometimes he's real tall, and sometimes I'm reduced height. Not short! Arsé-kun: *Raph's texting, meanwhile. bitch writing an essay* Sheepy: Crow:...? Arsé-kun: Raph: Klimt is doing the thing where he ignores his phone, so I'm going to just keep texting until he gives up. Sheepy: Crow: Why would he ignore his phone? I just send one word responses when people message me, rather than ignoring them! Sheepy: Crow: I don't even read 'em usually. Sheepy: Crow:....Okay, I don't always send a response. But "Read" is a response! Arsé-kun: Raph: So you and he do the exact same stuff. I see! Sheepy: Crow: Eh? Sheepy: Crow: I don't ignore it!! Arsé-kun: Raph: People usually like replies, generally speaking, and neither of you do that. And Barok does less than that. Sheepy: Crow: Well... well! When Rom asks about lunch, I answer what I want. Or if Yaiba asks if I wanna hang out, I answer yes or no... Arsé-kun: Raph: Well, better than your uncle. Sheepy: Crow: This stinks though...! Why do they both gotta be impossible to reach?! Arsé-kun: Raph: Because Klimt is a disaster in human form and Barok's a jerk. Sheepy: Crow: I can join you in text spamming...! Arsé-kun: Raph: Actually, let me ask you something real quick first Sheepy: Crow: Eh? Arsé-kun: Raph: Did Barok ever just complain about his boss doing dumb shit? Sheepy: Crow: Eh? I think he wanted your head. Arsé-kun: Raph: I'm not surprised. But okay! We're gonna gremlin tag team your uncle! I'll give you his number. Sheepy: Crow: Yeah! I'll help! Sheepy: *Crow takes a selfy!* Sheepy: Crow: *He then sends the selfy to Barok!* Sheepy: Crow: [Text: to Barok] hi uncle Sheepy: Crow: OK, I sent my text! Maybe he'll read it! Arsé-kun: Raph: Good luck. Sheepy: Crow: Is it really so difficult...? Arsé-kun: Raph: Yeah, he never answers. Arsé-kun: *... Crow's phone dings right after Raph says this* Sheepy: Crow: *he checks it* Arsé-kun: Barok: [text: to Crow] WHERE ARE YOU Sheepy: Crow: [Text: to Barok] w/ some weirdo creep in a coffee shop on a school campus Arsé-kun: Barok: [text: to Crow] UNHELPFUL Sheepy: Crow: Hey, where is this? Arsé-kun: Wilbur: Miskatonic University. The new one. If this was the old one, we'd all be dead. Sheepy: Crow: [text: to Barok] miskatonic university coffee shop Sheepy: Crow: Great, thanks! Sheepy: Crow:...Eh, d'ya mean I gotta work my butt off even more to clean up the old place?! Arsé-kun: *Wilbur shrugs with questionable intent* Sheepy: Crow: I'm not doing that unless I gotta! Sheepy: Crow: He asked where I am... Y'think he's coming over? Arsé-kun: Raph: If he intends to, he might run into security. But that depends on his mood. Sheepy: Crow: Security? Sheepy: Crow: Oh, is that what I met yesterday...? Arsé-kun: Kay: --Grif, you can't eat the cards to avoid going over 21. Sheepy: Crow: There was this guy who was a total jerk towards me! Sheepy: Grif: There is no rule against it. Sheepy: Crow: And this other guy who was a total creep! Arsé-kun: Raph: ... Our security is attempting to eat playing cards, apparently. Sheepy: Crow: One of the security guys last night claimed the other one couldn't die... Sheepy: Crow: That's totally out of my jurisdiction... Arsé-kun: Raph: ...? We only have one security guard, but that still sounds correct. Sheepy: Crow: And then there was this guy who was chasing me on all fours. heepy: Crow: Is Uncle gonna have to deal with all that...? Arsé-kun: Raph: Only one of these is a guard, so I sure hope not. Sheepy: Crow: Uncle is strong! He can beat any of them! Sheepy: Crow: One day, I'll be stronger than Uncle. And then I won't lose my target again! Arsé-kun: Barok: [text: to Crow] I'm still at work, so I cannot show up now. Is tomorrow acceptable? Sheepy: Crow: [text: to Barok] yes Sheepy: Crow: [text: to Barok] same place? Arsé-kun: Barok: [text: to Crow] Certainly. I will attempt to drag your father out the door as well. Sheepy: Crow: [text: to Barok] what time? Sheepy: Crow: [text: to Barok] lunch? Arsé-kun: Barok: [text: to Crow] I can work with this. Sheepy: Crow: [text: to Barok] k see you there Sheepy: Crow: I scheduled a meeting time! Arsé-kun: Raph: Good job! Tell me so I can avoid being present! Sheepy: Crow: One day... this'll be how I schedule my interviews! Ehehehe! Sheepy: Crow: Eh? Do you dislike him that much? Right here, noon, tomorrow. Arsé-kun: Raph: Nah, he dislikes me. I'm not gonna ruin it for him. Sheepy: Crow: You're surprisingly nice for a creep! Arsé-kun: Raph: ... Do you just call people whatever insults cross your mind? Sheepy: Crow: I don't really think about what I say. Yep, I'm a natural! Sheepy: Crow: After all, you're the boss he complained so much about, right? I haven't a clue who you are outside of that. Sheepy: Crow: And how am I supposed to refer to you when I don't know your name, huh? Arsé-kun: Raph: It's Raphael. My bad, thought I did that earlier ^^; Sheepy: Crow:.... Nope! Never heard of you. Sheepy: Crow: Work real hard to put your name out there and one day you'll be known! Arsé-kun: Raph: ... ... Y'know what, that's fair enough. Sheepy: Crow: He was an absolute weirdo. Arsé-kun: Raph: Blond or green hair? Sheepy: Crow: Blond. Arsé-kun: Raph: Oh, Il. Be nice to him, he's still adjusting. Sheepy: Crow: Il? He implied he would've attacked me if I wasn't an angel... Sheepy: Crow: His friend thought I was gonna kill him. The heck kinda vibes do they think I put off? Just because I reaped a soul right in front of 'em? Arsé-kun: Raph: Reaping souls kills them if they aren't already dead. Arsé-kun: Raph: So yeah, I can see that panning out. Sheepy: Crow: Just 'cuz I offered to do it for them too! I wasn't really gonna do it. And anyway...! I was just following my list! Arsé-kun: Raph: Hard situation, then. On one hand, that's your job. On the other, Judgement. Sheepy: Crow: Judgement? Arsé-kun: Raph: Scary strong. Judgement's the guy the really bad angels were sent to for punishment. Sheepy: Crow: Tch! I'm not a kid anymore. Arsé-kun: Raph: No, worse. Sheepy: Crow: I don't believe silly junk like that. Arsé-kun: Raph: I mean the ones that commit actual crimes. Sheepy: Crow: Ehhh... Sheepy: Crow: Never heard of the guy. Arsé-kun: Raph: Aren't you lucky? And sheltered... Might need a word with Klimt. Sheepy: Crow: Sheltered? Sheepy: Crow: Just 'cuz this judgement guy didn't show up on the front doorstep doesn't mean I'm sheltered... Arsé-kun: Raph: ... Y'know what? He can explain. Sheepy: Crow: I know the real important angels! Sheepy: Crow: Dad! And Uncle!! Arsé-kun: Raph: So you weren't taught about the hierarchy or leaders at all.. Arsé-kun: Raph: What a mess. It doesn't matter now, of course, but still. Sheepy: Crow: Eh? There was what? Arsé-kun: Raph: The government. Sheepy: Crow: I know about that, but why would that be important? Arsé-kun: Raph: Because it means you weren't taught like.. At least fifty percent of the stuff even child angels were taught. Sheepy: Crow: I was taught the important stuff! Arsé-kun: Raph: Doubting this, but we've derailed. Sheepy: Crow: I was taught farming! Arsé-kun: Raph: And that's probably all you needed. Sheepy: Crow: I can do taxes and stuff too. Arsé-kun: *Kay Will Remember This* Sheepy: Crow: Really, anything important, I knew! Judgement? Hierarchy? That sorta stuff wasn't relevant to my life. It never would have impacted me. Sheepy: Crow: What, are you one of those leaders? Arsé-kun: Raph: Even if I was, I don't think it'd impact the conversation much! Sheepy: Crow: And anyway, it wouldn't impact me, 'cuz my boss is my boss! And only my boss! But I guess I kinda gotta listen to ShinganCrimsonZ's manager, too... And Rom... Sheepy: Crow: You've totally heard of my boss! He's the coolest! Arsé-kun: Raph: Maybe, maybe not. Sheepy: Crow: Thanatos! He's real cool! Arsé-kun: Raph: ..! Arsé-kun: Raph: I didn't know Peaceful Death was taking on apprentices... Sheepy: Crow: Huh? Arsé-kun: Raph: Never heard of him having anyone work under him before. Sounds like he's a good boss, though. Arsé-kun: *raph more or less wants to just yell "WHAT THE FUCK". so bad.* Sheepy: Crow: Well, I guess you could say he took me in and trained me when I had nowhere to go. I didn't really wanna follow the whole angel of death deal, but I gotta. 'Cuz I'm the only one left. Sheepy: Crow: That's how he ended up with the job of training me, I guess. Arsé-kun: Raph: I see, I see. Good to know. Sheepy: Crow: But! He's a good boss! A real friend! Sheepy: Crow: So if you say bad things about him, I'll throw fists with you. And just know that my crimson fist is the strongest! Arsé-kun: Raph: I would never dare try. I'd be best off not crossing either of you. Sheepy: Crow: Yeah, yeah! We're real cool! Sheepy: Crow: What job do you do here? Sheepy: Crow: You aren't actually someone who can boss me around, are you? Arsé-kun: Raph: I'm a doctor. So this is a bit awkward. Sheepy: Crow: ...A doctor... ...Hey, hey! Can you tell your patients that I won't spare them, no matter what they say to me? Sheepy: Crow: People keep acting all desperate and praising me when I come for 'em because of this stupid rumor Shuu spread to make me look bad! Sheepy: Crow: That's a doctor's job, isn't it? To prepare patients for death? Arsé-kun: Raph: I mean, when it's necessary, yes. Sheepy: Crow: Okay, then get rid of this dumb rumor! Sheepy: Crow: It makes me look bad! I'm not that hungry for praise! Sheepy: Crow: I just want everyone to see how cool our band is, and by extension, me. 'Cuz I'm the mascot! I don't want people manipulating me and begging for their lives. It makes me feel bad. Arsé-kun: Raph: It'll be noted. Sheepy: Crow: Cool! Now I won't have to worry about that anymore. Sheepy: Crow: You've more useful than I was expecting! Arsé-kun: Raph: I'd hope so. I intended to be of assistance. Sheepy: Crow: Next time, introduce me to the green guy you mentioned! Arsé-kun: Raph: I probably will. It'd be a good idea for us to gather at least once.. Arsé-kun: Wilbur: can't wait to watch uncle bitch and moan while cleaning feathers out of someone's classroom. Sheepy: Crow: Yeah, but my feathers are cool! Arsé-kun: Wilbur: He'll find a way to complain. Sheepy: Crow: Well, eh... He can deal with it!
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