#recipes. bc every recipe i look up will be WAY too big for me. and i dont want to just cook for myself if i dont have to
lovphobic · 1 year
first meal of the day at a humble 10pm. #adulting
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seokjinsonlyone · 25 days
even more niche boyfriend things i think bts would do
part 1 | part 2 | part 3
not a newborn baby but is a big proponent of the kangaroo care concept; like loves to cuddle you while he’s shirtless; him on his back you laid on top of him, skin touching skin at every possible contact point; it does it for him every time
sends you pictures of animals he finds wandering around when he’s out and about 
takes soooo many pictures of you; don't get me wrong there's a fair share of couples photos like you're definitely taking selfies together whenever y'all go out but he takes twice as many off guard pictures of you as posed ones; definitely has a pic of you during golden hour forlornly looking out a window as his lockscreen
asks you to make him a playlist and listens to it whenever he misses you even if it's really disjointed and doesn't fit his mood simply bc you made it and he's always in the mood for you <333
learns to be more gentle around you so he becomes 5-7% less clumsy when you’re around
if you went to a party together i think there’d only be like one hour max where you’re separated from each other any more than that and y’all both start getting fidgety from missing each other bc if you’re in the same space you absolutely have to be together; when you do meet back up he tucks you up underneath his arm and kisses your temple and y’all are sickly cute for the rest of the night; like enough lovey dovey pda to make someone nauseous
always amazed at the amount of stuff you manage to bring out the house; like you'll come out after him and he sees you walking towards the car, arms stuffed to the brim with water bottles and lotions and umbrellas and whatever else you deemed necessary for the day's outings, so he has to rush to help you before you drop everything; eventually gets hip to the fact that you're a a girl and you're always gonna have bunch of things and starts pre-loading your belongings so you won't have to struggle
Oblivious Boyfriend™; as smart and emotionally intelligent and mindful as he is, he's not a mindreader; like he be so focused on his feelings for you, his passions, and his work that he lowkey don't know wtf going on outside of that; so if there's something going on around you or something wrong with you or you have a problem with him you're gonna have to spell it out lest he be none the wiser
doesn't like when you watch him work out because you're more of a distraction than anything but he does like going to you straight after working out; he gets a real kick out of the way you ogle him and feel up on his biceps while he's all pumped up 
he really likes when you call him cute nicknames; joon, joonie, joonie boonie, namu like it lowkey make his heart soar; his personal favorite is joon bug you call him that and he would literally steal the moon if you asked 
tests out all his new recipes on you; feeds you bites to taste along the way so you're not too hungry because he's a perfectionist and it takes him extra time for him to plate it; "the presentation is just as important as the taste!"
likes when you’re in the same room as him while he plays his games; not necessarily watching him but just your company is enough; switches between focusing on the game and engaging you in conversation so you won’t get bored; would actually love it if you did take an interest in whatever game he was playing; would take his time explaining the back story of each character and their strengths and weaknesses; would start a separate game so that you could play and have you sit between his legs while he helped you with the controls
has to kiss you at least 3 times before leaving the house; once when you wake up, once while you’re going through your morning routine, and once before you leave; more kisses may be shared but any less than three and he swears his whole day is thrown off
he’s going to pick at you; there’s just no way around it it’s in his nature; he won’t do it enough to make you actually annoyed but enough that you wanna smack him around a little; which… he likes things like that
has no problem singing and dancing whenever y'all are casually listening to music but if you actually wanted him to sing for you he'd get all shy, red in the ears and neck and would have to take a couple days to practice before following through
begs you to join him for tennis practice bc he wants you two to become the next venus and serena
y’all will do that one couples trend on tiktok where they paint each other and then reveal the pictures at the end and it’s not like yours is fantastic or anything but you can tell that you at least tried; meanwhile when you see seokjin’s painting you can’t tell if you’re looking at a distorted walrus or a possessed squirrel either way it is NOT you no matter how much he insists it looks like you
stays sending you thirst traps; like whenever he looks good whether it's bc he's all dolled up for some event or he's fresh out the shower with his hair slicked back or he just sees himself in a mirror and remembers he's worldwide handsome, his phone is out, he's putting a sultry look on his face, snapping a pic, and sending it straight to you
you binge watch animes together; no one will see or hear from either of y’all for like 5 days straight, complete radio silence; and when someone finally knocks on the door they see that y’all been camped out in the living room no phone in sight on season 6 of whatever anime y’all started last friday night  
must feed you every time you meet up; like if he has not seen you eat something in the time you spend together he has not completed his boyfriend duties; even if he comes to your place he has to make sure you have at least eaten a snack; doesn't matter how much you weigh he absolutely can not have you wasting away on his watch
gently tucks your hair behind your ear
always offers you his arm to link when it’s cold out so y’all can share each other’s warmth; he absolutely will still be wearing slides with no socks tho and you fuss at him about it every time
lets you play in his hair; just sits there nonchalantly while you give him the most ridiculous hair styles; pig tails, corn rows, mohawks; as long as you don’t cut nothing he doesn’t care fr; takes a picture when you’re done with that big gummy smile on full display bc of how silly he looks
says he's not a big social media person but one of his favorite past times is sitting down with you scrolling down your fyp for hours; makes you send the funniest videos to him so he can watch later
you’re one of the few people that he gains energy from being around so he likes your presence even when you’re not particularly doing anything; like you just be sitting next to each other or like be hand in hand on a walk around the neighborhood not even saying anything but in his head he’s thinking about what a great time he’s having 
if you're up late at night and start feeling peckish he'll make you some snacks even if he doesn't plan on eating; still scolds you about how eating late at night is bad as he's enabling you; ends up eating with you too
he doesn't like watching dramas with you; he'll claim it's bc of the plot but really he just doesn't like how you be kicking your feet and giggling at the male leads
not the best with verbal affirmations so whenever he does go out of his way to compliment you he ends up just as flustered as you are; “you look pretty today” and his cheeks are flushed more than yours 
always preps you to bargain and gathers together all coupons before y’all go grocery shopping; “just bc i’m rich doesn’t mean i like to be ripped off” 
he's always listening to you even when it seems like he's not; you could be rambling on about something and you think he's not paying attention so you stop midsentence and be like "are you even listening to what i'm saying?" and he looks up from whatever he was doing and then repeats back to you everything you said; has a great memory in general so he remembers everything you say and do even the small things that you forget about
sends ‘thinking of you’ texts just to let you know when you’re on his mind
if you start dancing to a song he gets all hyped up and he’s joining you immediately; hands on your hips moving you as he pleases; it’s a club wherever you and the music are
makes you one of his little beaded bracelets that says “ur my hope”
if you fell asleep in a position that looks uncomfortable he’d gently rearrange you until he got you in a more normal position; 100% the type to carry you bridal style to bed if you fell asleep for the night on the couch 
the type to pop up at your crib with an insane amount of the most exquisite, top tier take out and you gotta try to figure out who he think eating all this; doesn't even try to fight the boujee allegations when you tease him for bringing out caviar and truffles 
always takes pics of you when he thinks you look good; like you could be running late and you’re rushing trying to get out the door but hoseok is just gonna spend a good 30 seconds checking you out while you’re fussing at him and then be like wait a minute and starts posing you; has several organized folders of you because of this labeled by genre of your look; it’s easier that way so when he’s showing people pictures of you they won’t accidentally get a peek of something meant for his eyes only
loves the idea of you becoming his family so he really likes bringing you home; warms his heart to see you getting along with his parents and his sister; sets up a group chat with you him and his sister to help y'all talk more but lowkey gets pouty when y'all do get closer and be chatting and hanging out without him 💀
if you're not already together he'll facetime you in the morning; he won't have much to say at first other than a groggy good morning; but after he comes to terms with the fact that he has to be awake and takes a couple sips of his iced americano he's his usual ball of energy sunshiny self; will have you up doing morning stretches and light calisthenics at 6:30am
every couple weeks y'all go to the nail salon together and get mani-pedis; he leaves the acrylics and jewels and glitter to you but the overall color scheme and design aesthetic for your nails match; takes like 17 pictures of your hands together to show off
loves cuddling up to you on the couch so you can play in his hair; like each time his head is resting on your chest and your hand is running through his hair lightly scratching at his scalp he swears he’s reached nirvana 
will drag you out the house in the middle of winter to drive down to the beach and watch the sunset together; you’d be huddled up together you sat in between his legs leaning against him his arms draped around your neck pulling you into him; you’d stay there sitting in the sand even after the night settled in just talking until you were shivering and sniffling then he’d take you to a cafe to get some hot cocoa to warm up 
randomly calls you in the middle of the night bc he misses your voice; smiles the entire he’s getting scolded for scaring you bc you thought something was wrong bc he called you at 2am
kisses your forehead, nose, and lips in that order every time you part ways 
hates knowing there's other people staring at you so like if you're out together and wearing like a hoodie or something and he notices you're garnering attention he zips it all the way up and pulls your hood over your head and tightens the strings so no one can see you; in turn knows you hate the thought that other people even think of him so he pretends they don't even exist; like you can literally point somebody out and be like "omg aren't they so pretty" and he's gonna avert his eyes in the opposite direction won't even look and just be like "you're so pretty. there's only you"
number one advocate for a lazy morning; snuggles into you, his head on your chest trapping you in; looks up at you with a goofy smile and preens when you press a kiss to his forehead
squishes your cheeks in both his hands when you're being too cute for him to handle
like the true feminist he is, he supports your rights and wrongs!!; like you get into it with somebody and then tell him the story afterwards he's hyping you up the entire time telling you that you were right and what you should've done and what he would've done if he were you; he's just always gonna be on your side
riles you up just bc he likes the reactions you make when you’re irritated 
it’s tea city when it comes to you two; like whatever you know he knows and whatever he knows you know; gossiping is actually one of your favorite bonding activities; he likes to play it up and drag it out whenever he finds something out; like he’s gonna text you and be like UR NOT GONNA BELIEVE THIS!!!!! and you’ll be like WHAT and he’ll be like I HAVE TO TELL YOU IN PERSON OMG!!!! 😱 when it’s like noon knowing darn well he not getting off work until 10pm at the earliest 😭
likes to go with you when you have to “run errands” bc it’s usually just you doing girl things like getting coffee and then going to the store to buy snacks and skincare and he thinks it’s really adorable how you light up when you see small things in cute packages
has a series of like 12 hour logs in his phone recents list bc he stay falling asleep on facetime
makes it a point to hang out with your male friends just to assert dominance; doesn't matter if they have partners of their own or are completely uninterested in you he still wants to look them in their eye, shake their hand, and then put his arm around you to tie up any loose ends that may be dangling around
helps you pick the eyelashes out of your eye whenever one gets stuck
asks you to come over with the sole purpose of convincing you to take a nap with him; will straight up lie on the phone and tell you he wanna hang out and do this and that and then when you get over there he like let’s nap first; your cuddles just gon do it for him every time
uses kisses as bargaining chips; like if you need him to do something like idk take out the trash he's only gonna do it if you give him 3 kisses so you give him one as a down payment and the other 2 after he completes the task; (he was always gonna do what you asked but kisses make everything better)
likes to keep his hands free when he's out and about so he's always adding extra stuff to your purse; because he's always in your bag, he knows its exact content; you'll be frantically searching for your lip gloss and he'll ask what you're looking for and when you tell him he'll pull it out of some random side pocket he moved it to so he could make room for his stuff
will randomly wake up out of his sleep and call you just bc you crossed his mind; takes like 30 seconds to respond to anything you say bc he only half awake; the call lasts for like three minutes before he hangs up to go back to sleep 
as a big fan of roleplay at least once in your relationship he's gonna make y'all get all dressed up and go to a bar separately and act like strangers and he's gonna pretend to pick you up
if you sent him out to pick up period products last minute he’s the type that ask if you wanted lemon or lime flavor bc one package is yellow and the other is green 😭; alternatively would ask what’s your coochie size when he noticed the numbers on it
he’s not gonna let you win at any game you play; doesn’t matter how much you whine and pout he likes winning too much; god forbid you’re actually good at something he’s gonna try his very hardest and will even practice so that he eventually beats you; will give you all the prizes tho
if he gets bored while you’re asleep he’s gonna start messing with you; his favorite go to games are flicking your bottom lip until you tuck it in or start to gain consciousness and stacking cheerios on your forehead; his personal best is 9 of em 
hooks his chin over your shoulder to be nosy when you’re watching something on your phone that catches his attention
he understands that you’re not as nocturnal as he is but sometimes when you stay over at his place and he feels restless he can’t help but crave your attention; will wake you up at 4am gently with kisses so you can try some of the food he made; you’ll be half asleep with him kneeling in front of you feeding you some spicy noodles; he’ll patiently wait for you to finish chewing before he asks you if it’s good; makes you take at least one more bite before kissing your forehead and letting you go back to sleep; tucks himself up next to you about an hour later after he finishes cleaning up after himself 
you make funny tiktoks together; they never leave the drafts of course except for when he finds it particularly hilarious and sends it in the group chat 
threatens to beat up anyone who upsets you; like you tell him a story about someone who was upsetting you at work and his first response is "bring them to me. i'll take care of it"; and lord don't let someone get carried away at a club or something like if a guy starts hitting on you and won't take no for an answer before you can even tell them off he's already at the scene one shove away from being breaking news on every media outlet in the world
gets pouty when you have a night out without him but he understands the need for balance so doesn’t put up too much of a fight; his only stipulation is that if you can’t make it home on your own or your friends can’t drop you off that you always always call him; the thought of you getting into some randos car late at night when you’re not even mentally there all the way sends chills up his spine; he can’t sleep unless he knows you’re at home safe and sound anyway 
doesn't consciously have a preference for how you dress like he thinks you look good in whatever but you in a dress or a skirt itches a particular part of his id that would have carl jung doing backflips; like whenever you pop out in a dress or a skirt he's coming up to you and giving you a kiss on the lips while his arms wrap around your waist and 10-30 seconds later they're dropping down and his hands are toying with the ends of your garment and grazing your thighs underneath it; it just does it for him every time
you're his safe place <333; he goes through periods where you're the only person he wants to see; he will scare you half to death like you'll get off work and go home and you hear all this noise and whole time it's him in your kitchen making sandwiches for lunch; will make up for scaring you by tucking your face into his neck while his arms are wrapped tightly around you so he can breathe you in and then cupping your face and giving you kisses; you're his baby
you have matching hyperfixations; like one of you will get into something and won’t shut up about it and then being the supportive partner you are whenever you’re on social media you send the posts you stumble across to them; but then the algorithm picks up on it and the content keeps popping so often that you actually start being entertained by it too; then y’all won’t shut up about it and have inside jokes and no one ever knows what y’all are talking about bc it’s so deep down into the referential millennial dadaism
gets offended if you’re walking side by side and not touching in some way; like if you start walking ahead of him or something he’s gonna clear his throat very pointedly and when you look at him like ???? he’s gonna look at you like you’re stupid and pull you into him where you belong 
a/n: as promised she is back 🫡 thank you to everyone who encouraged me to repost 💕 pls continue to be kind my mental state is probably worse than it was before LOL
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tinycoffeeroom · 3 months
yes chef! | daniel ricciardo
face claim: laura harrier ♡
request: here !
pairing: daniel ricciardo x black!chef!reader
requested: hello ml !! 🫶 I stumbled upon one of your F1 smau’s and the way I swallowed your blog whole right after, I loved it all !!😭 I’d love to request a smau with Daniel Ricciardo x fem!chefreader, like maybe her studying to become a chef, or right up to her exams and graduation? It’s all good if you don’t wan’t to, have a wonderful week either way🫶 - 🍊🫒
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📍 Marriott Hotels
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👤 cheflingy/n liked by cheflingy/n, maxverstappen1 and 1,827,050 others
danielricciardo one last night away before exam season for my little chefling x
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cheflingy/n thank you for taking me away my love ❤️ gonna miss seeing your stupid face 24/7 😭 ↳ danielricciardo gonna miss your stupid face too... after exams you're coming to every race with me no exceptions! ↳ cheflingy/n sure thing handsome x
fan it's not a danny ric post if he doesn't rub it in our faces that he's dating y/n and we're not ↳ fan ikr like can you share with the group please ↳ danielricciardo i don't share my food ↳ fan we were talking about y/n ↳ danielricciardo so was i ↳ cheflingy/n down boy!
fan y/n what do you rate the hotel pasta out of 10? ↳ cheflingy/n hmmm a 6? the sauce was nice but was lacking a little in the taste department... if we were at home i'd have added some chili flakes which would have bumped it to a 7! ↳ fan the hotel should be honoured to receive a 6 from chef y/n ↳ cheflingy/n chefling! not passed my exams yet!!
fan y/ns so pretty im gonna scream ♥️ danielricciardo
fan will we be getting a y/n recreates?? ↳ cheflingy/n yeppers! will work on it when i get home 🩷 ↳ fan thank u queen x
francisca.c.gomes barking at the top of my lungs ↳ cheflingy/n come give me a kiss xxx ↳ francisca.c.gomes running as fast as i can!!! ↳ danielricciardo pierregasly we should kiss too ↳ pierregasly come here big boy
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👤 danielricciardo liked by bffstagram, danielricciardo and 609,817 others
cheflingy/n y/n recreates part 15! we visited the Marriott in New York and had their spaghetti alla vodka! you might have seen in danny's comments that i rated it a 6/10 due to the little flavour in the sauce but with a few chili flakes and a little balsamic vinegar, we have a strong 9/10 on our hands! link in my bio ❤️
also swipe for my favourite 10/10 meal x
danielricciardo omg stop objectifying me 🙄 ↳ cheflingy/n you literally called me food in your last post ↳ danielricciardo ... you got me there
fan y/n being the queen of the thattoo agenda ↳ cheflingy/n i rule that shit with an iron fist ↳ fan knowing y/n gets to see the thattoos in all their glory 😔 vs knowing she'll share with the group 😀
fan y/n recreates is back!!!! looks yummy, wish apple would create a way to smell through a screen ↳ cheflingy/n it was very good!! the recipe is in the description of my youtube, you should make it with me!! ↳ fan i will do it purely bc you suggested it 💞
lilymhe can i have some too 🥺 ↳ cheflingy/n ofc lils!! i'll make you some special pasta for the next gp x ↳ lilymhe i'm in love with you
maxverstappen1 funnily enough the 3rd slide is also my favourite meal ↳ cheflingy/n you take the outside i'll take the inside ↳ maxverstappen1 divide and conquer, i like your thinking 🫡 ↳ danielricciardo it's like i'm just a piece of meat to them
fan i live for the fact y/n joins in with maxiel ↳ fan essentially a throuple at this point ↳ cheflingy/n i would rather eat my own toes than enter a throuple with max and daniel ↳ maxverstappen1 rude? ↳ cheflingy/n mf you BURNT a salad, idek how you managed that... at least danny can cook a mean steak ↳ maxverstappen1 it was too close to the stove :(((( ↳ fan im sorry he burnt a salad???? new max lore unlocked
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maxverstappen1 i am outside your door ↳ danielricciardo ominous? ↳ maxverstappen1 open up i want a y/n apple turnover ↳ danielricciardo sorry cant hear you over the sound of me chowing down ↳ maxverstappen1 i know how to pick locks. ↳ danielricciardo ... who taught you that? ↳ maxverstappen1 y/n :) ↳ danielricciardo she never showed me how to pick locks :( ↳ maxverstappen1 pretty privilege, sorry you wouldn't understand ↳ danielricciardo im gonna spit on your turnover ↳ maxverstappen1 kinky x
fan share with the group please ↳ danielricciardo nope!
cheflingy/n i'm glad you liked them handsome x ↳ danielricciardo when does your class end so i can give you a fat kiss? ↳ cheflingy/n i'll be home in an hour x ↳ danielricciardo yippee!! x
fan honey b 😭 she even made a cute nickname out of that whack ass nickname ↳ danielricciardo WHACK ASS??? now that's crazy, give me a reason why i shouldn't block you ↳ fan i bought enchanté merch ↳ danielricciardo you're safe for now.
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liked by danielricciardo, landonorris and 798,014 others
cheflingy/n pastry week got me feeling like... can't wait for final exams next week so y'all can start calling me chef y/n for real
danielricciardo sneak one home pls xx ↳ cheflingy/n already put one in a container x ↳ danielricciardo no one snitch on me to my trainer
landonorris does that mean we have to say yes chef to anything you say? ↳ cheflingy/n yes x ↳ landonorris ok slay ↳ cheflingy/n that gave me the ick a lil bit ↳ fan same ↳ fan same ↳ danielricciardo same ↳ oscarpiastri same ↳ landonorris ?? disrespect???
fan y/n what dessert is that it looks yummers! ↳ cheflingy/n is just a really fancy carrot cake!! will post the recipe when im home 🩷 ↳ fan i love you.
kellypiquet p would like some carrot cake too! (and her mum) ↳ cheflingy/n tell p we can have a baking session soon! miss her little face x ↳ kellypiquet and me? ↳ cheflingy/n i miss your little face too x
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👤 danielricciardo liked by danielricciardo, maxverstappen1 and 907,286 others
cheflingy/n doints in the bank so my man gets a steak xx
danielricciardo im her man 🥰🥰 ↳ cheflingy/n damn right you are!
maxverstappen1 i won the race, where's my steak? ↳ cheflingy/n kellypiquet ↳ maxverstappen1 stole my man, won't even cook me steak... what's the point of being world champ if i don't get SHIT ↳ kellypiquet big baby, she texted to say she'd bring some over when they're back from the cabin ↳ maxverstappen1 yippee!!!
fan steak, chicken AND lamb??? oh she's in LOVE love ↳ cheflingy/n he deserves it x
oscarpiastri can i get some steak too? 🥺 ↳ cheflingy/n ofc ofc!! i'll bring some to the next race 🧡 ↳ landonorris me too! ↳ cheflingy/n you can have whatever oscar leaves. ↳ landonorris what the fuck
fan ratings? ↳ danielricciardo 11/10 she never misses ↳ fan wish that was me...
fan did you get chance to watch the race??!! ↳ cheflingy/n i may have skipped a practice session to go on sunday... ↳ fan you're the reason we have doints we love you ↳ cheflingy/n it was all down to danny's driving i promise!! i just sit there and look pretty!! ↳ danielricciardo the prettiest x
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👤 bffstagram liked by bffstagram, danielricciardo and 992,716 others
cheflingy/n who up ratting their touille rn??!!
bffstagram MEMEMEMEME!!!!! ↳ cheflingy/n how's that fourth red bull treating you? ↳ bffstagram i can see sounds.
fan she's just like me fr: losing her mind during final exams ↳ cheflingy/n now who said i'm losing my mind... ↳ cheflingy/n you would be right tho my eyeballs ache from being open for so long
mercedesmgf1 we can send you some lewis hamilton monster to help you stay awake 🩵 ↳ danielricciardo this is a red bull house ONLY ↳ redbullracing iktr! y/nnie we have a special care package coming your way soon 💙 ↳ cheflingy/n i love you red bull
lilynzeimer what happens if we're not ratting our touille? ↳ cheflingy/n you gotta step your game up!
landonorris the girl in the second pic is cute, she got an @ ? ↳ cheflingy/n you stay away from her she's a good girl. ↳ landonorris c'mon, you know i'm a nice guy ↳ bffstagram unfortunately for you, i'm allergic to papaya :) ↳ bffstagram i am however, a big fan of chilis x ↳ carlossainz55 good to know 🤨 ↳ cheflingy/n get your flirting OUT of my comments
fan you got this y/n!! can't wait to call you chef y/n properly!!! 💘💖💗💞💕💗💞💝💖💓💕 ↳ cheflingy/n thank u i love u 🥺🩷
fan when's the last exam miss chefling?? ↳ cheflingy/n tomorrow!! luckily we get our results in a week so i wont be climbing the walls for too long!! ↳ fan good luck!!! you're gonna smash it!! 💘💘 ♥️ cheflingy/n
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👤 chefy/n liked by vcarb, chefly/n and 1,728,915 others
danielricciardo after 4 long years, my girls finally a graduate ❤️ chef y/n i love you and i'm so bloody proud of you x
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chefy/n danny 🥹 thank you for the flowers and the cake and for just being there with me, i love you so so much ❤️ ↳ danielricciardo i love you more my sexy gordon ramsey
vcarb congratulations y/n!!! we may have an opening in red bull hospitality for you 😉 ↳ chefly/n love y'all but i am very happy just following dan around the paddock on race days 🤣
maxverstappen1 simp ↳ maxverstappen1 also congrats y/n! now about that meal you mentioned last week... ↳ chefy/n man can i enjoy my post grad vacay first damn 😭
alexandrasaintmleux chef y/n we love you 💜 ↳ chefy/n i love you alex 💛 ↳ charles_leclerc don't suppose you fancy sharing some of that cake? ↳ chefy/n come over, doors unlocked! (bring alex too) ↳ charles_leclerc you just want to see my girlfriend... ↳ chefy/n correct captain obvious
fan she changed her @ !! chef y/n welcome we love you!!! ↳ chefy/n i love you too!!!
bffstagram that's my favourite chef right there!! ↳ chefy/n thank you chef x ↳ bffstagram you're welcome chef x
landonorris let's go chef y/n!! you should celebrate by bringing me and osc those banging pastries in your last vid ↳ chefy/n if you run over here in time, there may be some left 🤫 ↳ oscarpiastri you should have seen his little legs it was giving scooby doo ↳ chefy/n giving? we need to get you away from that man ↳ oscarpiastri please...
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📍 Spain
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liked by danielricciardo, maxverstappen1 and 893,017 others
chefy/n week away with my love ❤️ spain was so so gorgeous i couldn't resist picking up a camera and documenting danny trying to make paella, coming to youtube tomorrow x
danielricciardo i think i did a banging job ↳ chefy/n sure you did babe x
maxverstappen1 where was my invite? ↳ fan breaking up the throuple fr 😔 ↳ chefy/n you have your own plane you could have flown over ↳ maxverstappen1 WAIT that was an option? ↳ chefy/n no x ↳ maxverstappen1 that's just cruel...
fan are we getting a y/n recreates of dannys paella?? ↳ chefy/n is that something you would want?? ↳ fan YES ↳ fan YESYEYSYESYEYS PLEASE ↳ fan it's a need not a want y/n please!!!! ↳ chefy/n i hear y'all, i'll get started soon x
kellypiquet gorgeous girl x ↳ chefy/n love you kels x
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chef y/n uploaded a new video
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👤 enchante, chefy/n liked by chefy/n, enchante and 1,938,724 others
danielricciardo welcome to the Enchanté cafe. All meals provided by our resident chef 😉
See 934,018 others
fan STOP y/n making the food for the promo videos 🥺 i love them
fan and WHY were there no videos of y/n cooking? ↳ danielricciardo she didn't wanna steal my limelight ↳ chefy/n i'll be uploading a bts vid to my youtube tomorrow, you'll see me there 😉
chefy/n that food looks super yummy! ↳ danielricciardo yeah i heard the chef graduated top of her class ↳ chefy/n damn she must be good then ↳ danielricciardo the absolute best x
enchante the resident chef is never allowed to leave ↳ chefy/n i would never want to ❤️
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a/n: my first emoji anon! hi! and welcome danny ric to tinycoffeeroom! i hope you enjoy and that i did your request justice! <3 also psa i looooveeee the honey badger nickname pls dont kill me 😭
taglist: @golden-hoax
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crestapex · 9 months
Yesss we love a foodie simon!
Mans will tear up some fried rice and then fuck up some rotisserie chickens 2 min later. Yall stupid if u think u can leave 2 big plates unattended with him. 3 slurps and its gone.
If hes dating and u cant finish ur food he gladly finish it for u. Gets lowkey offended when i pull the plate back and tell him u just ate off that plate/fork. Like wtf u mean i cant eat off ur plate/fork it doesnt matter bc I kiss u anyways SO LET ME FUCKIN EAT😫
Hes the type to eat from the pot/pan. Like as soon as u tell him the food is ready hes already digging in the pressure cooker with a spoon.💀
Yeah-no, ‘cause he’s definitely the type to look at you all confused when you don’t just give him your plate and instead try to shove your uneaten food on to his. He’s quirking his brow, looking at you like, ‘Hello? My tongue has literally been inside you.’ 🤨 And he just gently takes your plate and fork out of your hands while staring at you, nodding in disapproval.
Update: sort of part two.
And “3 slurps and it’s gone” PLEASE, I’M DONE. Also, I just couldn’t stop myself from writing a (semi) little blurb. 🤭 Now introducing big boy helping you cook!
You stand at the stove, wooden spoon in one hand, and switching from spice to spice with the other. Your eyes stay focused on the silver pot below, nearly filled to the brim with hot, simmering soup. It’s one of your own recipes, fresh and homemade from start to finish. The savory smell fills the kitchen, and having certainly flooded into the other rooms of your shared flat. As it appears you’re not the only one who favors this recipe, someone else clearly does as well.
You try your best not to acknowledge the beast of a man looming over you too much, instead letting him quietly watch as you work your magic. Simon’s hand rests on the counter beside the stove, his other hand opting to rest knuckle-first on his hip. Sure, he mostly chooses to remain silent, but he has no problem reaching for and handing you a utensil or spice—often times before you can, and even before you can ask him to do so.
Every now and again you’ll find yourself having to step away for a minute, and a minute is all he needs. All the time he needs to inch over to your spot and take a hold of the wooden spoon, gently stirring the soup. All the time he needs to lift the spoon and bring it to his lips, slurping up the smallest amount it could possibly take to drench his taste buds, no matter how steaming hot it is. And all the time he needs to lower the spoon back into the pot and swiftly move back into position, just as you begin to turn around and make your way back over to the stove.
And you pretend you don’t notice, you like to pretend you didn’t just catch Simon from out the corner of your eye sneak a bit into his system. Though you can’t help but silently laugh to yourself as he lightly pushes a spice in your direction with his thumb, his own, kind way of telling you it needs just a little bit more!
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thebearer · 1 year
I can see Carmy loving when you cook for him, even if you’re not the greatest cook. You could make grilled cheese and tomato soup and he’d devour it
oh god non, i'm having big thoughts about this one.
it's close to mikey's death date, and carmy always gets a certain way. either he buries himself in work to the point he can barely breathe bc he doesn't want to think about it, or he just refuses to speak to anyone. just recluses himself to be in his own misery and depression.
this year was the latter.
carmy had called out of work- well, not called out. he just didn't show up, which was unusual. you'd texted richie that morning and he understood entirely. the bear was successful, he was making mikey's dream a reality, and still, it hit him hard this year. he stayed in bed, just rolled on the side to look out the window, watching the rain pour down over the city.
carmy wasn't great with words, truly. he struggled to tell you how he felt, find the right things to say, so he would always bring you food as an apology or a way to show you he loved you. you recognized the gesture as an act of love, one that was constant. making your favorite meals, cooking for you in a celebratory way, "i made that recipe you sent me", or when you were sick. it was his love language, what he loved to do and what he was certain in.
you, while you were far from skilled the way carmen was, wanted to show how much he meant to you back. you knew he wouldn't want to talk, he would talk to you if he wanted, but you didn't want him to feel so alone. so you made the one thing you knew to make- a grilled cheese and tomato soup.
it was juvenile, a little silly. you used the sour dough bread and the three layers of cheese- a far cry from the white and american you always made before carmy- and heated up a campbell's soup on the stove, adding your own spices to try and spruce it like carmy would. it wasn't great, you knew that, not close to what he could make, but you put it on a tray anyways, making your way to your shared bedroom.
"carmy," you called softly, peeking into the still dark room, illuminated only by the grey skies spilling in from the window.
he rolled over, dull, blue eyes meeting yours in a half lidded, sullen expression. your heart fell. "i, uh, i made you some lunch, baby." you hummed, moving closer, the spoon rattling against the bowl.
carmen sat up slowly, looking at the contents on the tray carefully. you rolled your lip under your teeth. "it's, uh, it's not like fancy or anything." you said quickly. "it's just... when i used to feel bad, i-i would always make this and, um, i just thought you might like it too. or-or it might help but-"
"-thank you." carmen's eyes shined, looking up at you sweetly. "this is... it looks great." he swallowed around the lump in his throat, thick with emotion.
you beamed, looking down at your feet. "thanks. it's nothing, really. i just thought you'd want something." you muttered, running a hand over his greasy curls. "i'll, uh, i'm gonna finish the laundry but i'll-"
"stay with me." carmen looked up at you, eyes rounding so sweetly how could you possibly say no? "please?"
so you did. sitting next to him in the bed, stealing nibbles of the grilled cheese, muttering sweetly next to him. was it the best? to you, no. it needed more flavor and was not even comparable to anything carmen made. but to him? it was perfect. the best meal on earth. he'd eat it every single fucking day if he could because it came from you.
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dolladooley · 1 year
the dooley davenports x black!reader | general hcs
contains: adam, bree, chase, leo
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a/n: this will get zero notes but idc i am pioneering ts for lab rats. gif credit goes to him (me. bc i am him.) 💯
i have always been very loud about my belief that adam marries a black woman or man in the future
and i mean LOUD
he 100% does
the first time he meets u he's like woah
he likes watching how your hair bounces as you descend the stairs or even just walking on flat ground
he likes how u speak to him
you call everyone lil nicknames so whenever u say "baby" he's like 😃
u help him with school stuff
bc you smart 💯
okayyyy scholar 😍😍😍
he loves seeing u
you anchor him
keep him from doing ridiculous shit that can get him hurt yk
turn into ur mom fr
he fidgets with his fingers a lot so he be playing in your hair
gently pulling strands so they spring back and wrapping em around his finger (ESPECIALLY when they're freshly moisturized and wet)
y'all are just saur cute to see
he's a big hugger so he rests his cheek against ur head and ur lil curls tickle him
and bonus points if you're significantly shorter than him
it's an adorable image when u hold hands
bc ur this lil person that is clearly able to easily escape restraint and u got ur tall white boy that's a lil dumb but happy to be here with u nonetheless
i love adam lawd
bisexual queen
u guys become friends very quick
she complimented ur jewelry (a lil gold necklace) and u were like "aw thanks gang"
and from that u sparked a conversation and became very good friends very fast
she introduced u to her brothers, allat
u guys meet in the library every morning or u go to the nearby coffee shop before school starts
get some polite lil drinks and just.. talk :)
if you guys were to pack ur own lunches every day, y'all would do snack trades a lot
you defend her a lot against her brothers 💀
the first time you said "boy shut up" to chase she got hearts in her eyes fr /hj
when she realizes she might have a lil crush, she doesn't act too strange but she is a little bit different
she hugs for a little longer than normal, just to enjoy the scent of ur moisturizer and ur hair products
when y'all have sleepovers she always cuddles close
she loves to cook with u
u show her recipes you got from ya mama and she enjoys them every time
she stares at ur lips when u eat
and talk
do anything at all
they are very kissable what can she say
he's infatuated
he only knew leo so he had no idea black ppl could be so fine /j
the first time he sees you, a little notification in his eyebawl goes off like "heartrate rising. entering cooldown." and it's SO LOUD to him
turns out you and leo are already friends
which is NOT helpful
because now whenever you're at the house he's frantic as hell
either trying to interact with you (extremely awkwardly) or hiding in the lab so he doesn't embarrass himself further
bree would come down like "just go talk to them loser" and he's like "I CAN'T 😭😭😭😭😭😭"
when she finally forces him to quit being a punk and at least say hi, he comes upstairs to see u looking out at the view
the sun shining through their big ass windows glows gold on your skin and to him you look like a god
he flees /hj
he eventually pulls himself together and soon feels like a fool
because talking to you is SO EASY ?
you exude a charm he has never seen heard or experienced from anyone else before
the way u speak to him makes him melt
that being said never call him a pet name
a simple "sugar" or even just "baby" will make him overheat and shut down
i'm already laffing
y'all are funny as SHIT
you were classmates before the davenports came in but you weren't really friends until after they did
you helped leo show them around the school and the two of you cracked plenty of jokes along the tour
many that the bionic trio did not understand LMFAOO
you two are so fun together and everyone can see it, even the trio who be fighting for they lives whenever y'all are speaking to each other /j
leo probably tells u ab the whole bionic secret after you witness one too many close calls and the way you handle it makes his baby crush grow exponentially
you guys share hair information and you bring home hotel shampoo's for y'all to share LMFAO
he let you give him waves once
it was comedic
tasha loves you
she didn't know you for a while because leo never brought you up when y'all were just classmates but after y'all became actual friends, you'd get mentioned here and there
the first time he has you come over is to work on a school project
she meets you and is like omg hai i'm leo's mom
and he's kinda like 😐 pushing her away like he did in the avalanche episode with janelle LMFAO
you like "why you so mean to yo mama" and it makes him sweat /j
you like tasha too and you guys often have tea together when leo is late for y'all's lil hangouts
she gasses you up to leo all the time like he didn't know you first
"your friend, [name]? they're cute!!!" "i know mom" "go ahead and ask that out" "MOM"
he eventually does (it was actually you but he tells tasha it was him)
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emo-emu64 · 1 year
What about a Peeta Mellark x reader with the fluff prompt cooking/baking together?? (For myself and for Pete bc he’s an even bigger Peeta simp than I am)
Wifey, I am LIVING for your requests.
Also, I love my gay son Pete.
Peeta Mellark X GN!Reader
Savory Sweet
"Sweetheart, that's not the sugar."
You stop, half a cup of 'not sugar' in the bowl with the rest of the ingredients. It looked like sugar?
Peeta gently grabbed the container from your hand, turning it so you could read the label.
A slight panic settles in your bones. You know that as a victor, he's much better off than most in the district, but ingredients are expensive. Even just the few eggs and bit of salt would be considered a disgraceful waste by the average district twelve family.
By your district twelve family.
"I... I'm so sorry. I didn't-"
You are cut off by laughter. Warm, full, gentle laughter.
"It's not a big deal, you don't have to be sorry."
He smiles sweetly, placing a gentle peck on your forehead. He moves to throw away the salt and egg concoction, before bringing back the bowl and cracking two fresh eggs.
He turns to check on the icing he was working with before he noticed your mistake, and you realize that you have no clue where the actual sugar is.
"Peeta, where do you keep your sugar?"
He swiftly turns, casting a quick smile your way, as he opens the cabinet just above you. He moves a few things, finding his way to the back and grabbing a large paper bag. When he sits it in front of you, you make sure to read the label this time.
'Cane Sugar'
You and Peeta settle into rhythm again. Peeta hums a tune behind you, one of your favorites, as you continue to read the directions off of the recipe book he had gifted you.
He had made it himself, filled with family secrets and home-cooked recipes he had known for years. Each recipe was accompanied with a small water color painting of the final product. All of which Peeta had done himself, of course.
Peeta begins working next to you with the flour mixture, as you continue to beat the eggs, sugar, and butter. When you both finish, you begin gently spacing clumps of the finished cookie dough evenly on the baking sheet, before leaving it in the oven to bake.
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Once the cookies have cooled, you begin to ice them together. Peeta took great care with every one of his designs, but you noticed he had been working on one for quite a while now.
"Watcha workin' on?"
He refused to break his concentration as he slaved over a single sugar cookie, but finally he moves back a bit to study it, gently setting it on your tray once he's deemed it acceptable.
It's a beautifully done scene of flowers and an open field, and on top sits the both of your initials in a small heart.
Your grin widens, even more so when you look up and see just how proud he is, "It's beautiful, Peeta."
He grins back at you as you grab one off of your own tray to hand to him, "I made one for you too."
He gently takes it from you, reading the words you'd delicately placed along the top.
'Nice ass'
He rolls his eyes with a sigh as you laugh, "You're so gross."
"You love me, though."
"Yeah, yeah, whatever."
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its-koili · 7 months
hey guys. sorry for being gone for so long. heres an update
(tw for: mention of violence / gore, general distress, mental health issues)
(tw below)
basically i had a huge mental health crisis. i was having 24/7 constant rolling panic attacks from may of 2023 to january of this year. my last big meltdown was in early february. been processing a lot of CSA trauma and some recent trauma that ive gone through. i think i talked about my panic attacks before leaving social media but idk i dont remember. isolated myself from absolutely everybody.
the main thing that made me leave was that while i was keeping up to date on the g3n0c1d3 (censoring bc idk how tumblr is about it), and when i was looking in the replies / related of the awareness videos, i came across 4 accounts dedicated to using gore for clicks / shock. not videos of the g3n0c1d3 (thank god bc of how they were using the vids) but of unfortunate every day situations and cam footage. like, the kind of stuff you could see on liveleak back in 2010. just out in the open on twitter. they all had usernames like "(insert number here) ways to die)". they were all content farms for click/ad revenue. it was too much it was a huge trigger and i had a full on meltdown. the bluecheck ppl on twitter were using the replies of the videos people uploaded for raising awareness to upload mindless g0re for money. the fact that peoople have 0 compassion for human life sent me into a spiral that i couldnt get out of. (i reported 3 out of the 4 accounts i was able to and 3 got taken down but 1 is still up and it odesnt seem to be uploading the hardcore g0r3 anymore. so thats good. but that was one of the reasons i left social media. ive been keeping up to date w the news but thats it. i left my socials entirely and ive only been on my phone to look up recipes or to use my computer for media research groceries and gaming and shows
that was the main thing that pushed me to leave. i just couldnt take it anymore. during the start of my crisis last year, i was planning on taking a small break, but all of that pushed me over the edge and i dropped everything. after that, my issues got worse and i dont remember most of it. thankfully. but i couldnt bring myself to talk to anybody. i isolated myself and just. laid in bed. but im doing better so i guess thats good
on another topic ive beeen nervous to post this on main but during all of this (ive talked abt tihs a little bit on my priv before i left) i found out that im a system a long while back. my dad (one of my abusers) had/has DID and it terrified me to think that i could be anything like him. i also knew cereal abuser who pretended to be a system to get away with stuff/abusing their friends (and then years later admitted that they werent a system and siad that systems are fake.) LOTS of tears. lots of crying over this. was in denial for a few weeks. cried some more. then eventually came to terms with it.
i dont want to post abt my system online too much bc i dont want to act like this is some fun trendy thing bc its not. it makes day to day living very hard (some lighter/funnier issues that make it hard are: arguing with an alter bc YOU dont know where THEY put YOUR MEDS, not being able to cook because one alter can and the other cant, your art style not being consistent because their styles are different). i dont want to really make it a massive part of my identity online bc its not a big deal! theres just Multiple Little Guys in my brain. so. im a system! im the same but....this explains why i dont remember talking to certain people SUIDHUFHX. i always felt bad. makes conversing with online friends hard especially if icons/usernames are changed. ill make a separate post about this someday thatll go into detail a bit more.
i went years thinking it was just "kinning" but it wasnt lol. it turns out that your personality completely shifting, tastes in food / music / art / media changing, the way you walk / talk dress changing, and having complete memory blackouts when you """"kin shift"""" isn't normal. /lh (dw ive had a lot of time to come to terms with this)
but basically right now ive been spending time getting to,,know myself?? iive been using simplyplural for myself for several months and im uncovering a lot of my memories / trauma ect bc alters can write down what they need to in the chat. so i can go back later and read it. its been v helpful!
i will not be coming back just yet. i have no interest in using social media rn or drawing or writing unfortunately. ive been working on my original stuff here and there but i havent been drawaing fandom stuff bc im not hyperfixating on a fandom.
also. some things have come up. im not going to say anything until the party in question is stable/safe/comfortable before i even suggest anything for context (i dont plan on talking abt anything at all unless they start talking publicly). right now i am helping someone through abuse. their wellbeing is my #1 concern. i'll think about other things after im sure theyre okay.
i dont really have any resolutions as to how things are going but i do feel better and im not having as many panic attacks. i dont really know where im going with this now sorry. just trying to brush over the basic topics before i go. idk if anybody remembers me bc ive been gone for so long so idk if im just talking into the wind but if i am thats fine honestly this is helping me reorganize my thoughts (i type these vents out a lot on docs so i probably wont remember posting this hiudhvu)
other than that. i dont draw or write anymore. i think in the past 6 months ive drawn like....5 things. its. weird. im completely disconnected from fandoms now. coming up to a full year of not having a hyperfixation at all.
my bday was on the 6th. im 27 now im very old (everybody forgot it asides from my husband (and the people he reminded) n my abuser). ive been trying to cook and bake more and ive been playing video games again. planning on getting back into drawing soon and working on my original stuff. when i come back im planning on redesigning my profiles and updating my social media bios and stuff bc theyre so old. also ill make a section on my carrd for my system. there you go theres some positivity to the update nxfjdfjh. sorry if i dont seem very enthused im very tired so typing has been a chore hfuidshuifv.
sorry that this was a lot or if it seems disjointed i was trying to put down as much into this as possible without making it too long
bye!!! see u all soon!
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aturnoftheearth · 2 months
Top 10 plants
im gonna list my garden plants bc i think it would be funnier :3
mad hatter peppers - so gentle to pick, HUGE producer, come back year after year (we didn’t plant any this year they just managed to stay alive and come back producing this year!!), and they’re basically like a little bell pepper substitute
watermelon - beautiful in theory, finicky in practice. they require SO much water that you’ll think you’re drowning them or “oh they’ll be fine for a day” and then boom. dead little watermelons. so many pretty vines though and the excitement of finding a little melon? beautiful.
sweet potato - look beautiful when growing (lots of vines) and then they flower when ready 🩷 also fun to dig up and see the sheer size of those bad boys and realize you now have 45 pounds of sweet potatoes and only one sweet potato fry recipe.
potato - although more versatile, they lose out to the sweet potato due to how many little babies can be hiding in the dirt at any time. you’ll think you’ve gotten every tuber and then boom. three more. gets kinda annoying.
onion - loooove to have, easy enough to grow, but they spend so long in the dirt and you see the green part and feel the urge to pull it up but u gotta refrain if u want a whole onion. and then u gotta dry them out before using- it’s a whole ordeal.
jalapeño/bell pepper - these are fine but it’s really frustrating waiting for bell peppers to ripen on the plant and those jalapeños can hiiiide. also bugs love the bells.
cucumber - i LOVE cucumbers but you wouldn’t think they love me the way their vines HURT!! but they’re so beautiful…… especially when they climb up our little cattle post we made into a makeshift trellis and complete The Cucumber Tunnel :D
tomato - these can also be really finicky and require a lot of water- but not too much! and a lot of sun- but not too much! and some varieties get diseases so easily. no worse feeling than seeing a beautiful red tomato (after they finally ripen) only to realize they have blossom end rot :(
squash - just like the cucumbers, these little shits HURT. but worse than the cucs? they don’t delicate drape from vines, easy enough to pick. no no no- they’re sneakily tucked amongst leaves larger than my head with little pricklies alllll along the stems. but they’re so delicious that we make do with the pain of picking 🧡
okra - love them but they are the bane of my existence 💚 so hard to pick (you NEED a cutting tool), great producers but get too tough if they get too big, hard to tell if they’re gonna be too stalk-y if they’re in the middle ground of ‘not quite small enough but not really too big” and ants LOVE to climb those damn stalks. OH! and the stalks get soooo tall they either break from the wind or im dying trying to reach them.
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seancosy · 1 year
I’m a drunk man rn
My next boyfriend will be so communicative. We will constantly be telling each other about our days and our thought and our feelings. Like I want to call or text him multiple times throughout the day even just for tiny little updates. It’ll be like 20% codependent but in a good way. Like, we can’t wait to tell each other about every little thing that went on. We won’t hide anything from each other (Except a surprise present. Which is cute but not necessary) He’ll be good at cuddling. He’ll be smart and he’ll like books just like I do. I’m realising that’s important. I just had a drink with a (taken) man who likes books and it was the best non-date ever.
He’ll love exercise- not to be a muscle gay but because of the endorphins and for his health. He’ll be a good cook and like food and exploring new recipes together with me. His love languages will be physical touch, words of affirmation and quality time. We’ll spend a lot of time in nature, exploring forests and beaches and looking up at the beautiful stars :’)
We’ll have an open relationship but only when we’re apart or not immediately available - we’ll have such a good connection we won’t need to actively seek out sex with others.
He’ll ideally have a lovely big family that I can join, but this is optional. We’ll make a family either way will all our queer friends.
And I just want him to talk to me and share himself and find me interesting.
I honestly don’t care that much what he looks like. Handsome face please. Any body type within the realm of normal (not anorexic and not morbidly obese. Anything in between is gr8). Any race etc bc none of that matters.
I’m ready for THE BIG LOVE. The man who will sweep me off my feet, and inspire me to give everything of myself to him.
I’ve only been in one relationship before. And he literally sat me down and told me we should communicate less (?????) after 8 YEARS!!! Of a relationship. It broke my heart and I knew it was over there and then. When I was 27 years old. He said this in the context of me telling him about my feelings re: my Dead Mother, (which I feel like boyfriends should be obligated to listen to. He massively failed.)
So I’m happy to be single for now. It’s only been a year. But I’m open to finding The One. I’m ready. Does “the one “ exist?? Not literally. I’m sure there are thousands of ‘the ones’ out there. But I will not settle. I deserve so much. I’m literally a really nice person. I’m a doctor and I’ve saved lives. I had a horrible childhood. I’m the most forgiving and gentle and kind person I know. I need The One to be ready to support all of me. And I’ll be ready to support him too 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰
If you’re out there, I love you already and I can’t wait to meet you
This is such a drunk bitch message but it’s soooo heartfelt so I’m not even embarrassed to post it
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djservo · 2 years
HI CAS HELLO 💅🙋‍♀️ HAPPY NEW YEAR AGAIN, hope everything went fine for u too 🙇‍♀️✨🥳 I have no idea how long this will get but I guess I'll have to cut it in two (maybe 3) different asks so you can answer them under the cut!! Hope you don't mind but I guess it'll be easier for you and your blog 🏄‍♀️🤠
Opened up my notes app to answer you properly (and out of order) but YES, red nail polish is a pain in the 🍑 to remove, just as black nail polish ― the first makes u feel in a gore movie; the second makes u a gardener that worked with wet soil and no gloves. I end up with a cute pink-multi-color-kinda-pearly-holographic glitter bc I find out I DON'T HAVE ACETONE 🥴 I said cake but it's actually a brazilian dessert called Brigadeirão (like the big brother of Brigadeiro), but I called it a cake bc well, I thought it would be easier to picture. It's more like pudding 🍮 but chocolate and less smooth (kinda of)!! It's easy and I bet you can find some recipes online to check out!! I can help too if you need, just scream 🫂🗣️👩‍🍳 [...]
Ok I Did consider answering everything all in one lump but then I confused myself so Yes we are about to embark on this 3-part epic together 🤝🪂🧗‍♀️🏇
Wet soil is a perfect way to describe it yes I can't even think of the last time I painted my nails black bc it simply hasn't been worth it to me, 2010s mary kate & ashley style envy be damned!! But YAY FOR HOLOGRAPHIC GLITTER that sounds so sick!! The last time I reallyyy let my nails grow long (like 4 years ago 🚬) I painted them this blue-ish chrome & I felt like a hot android, I think about it all the time 🤖 I have this stupid hippy dippy #organic nail polish remover I got from some random co-op that hardly even works like I truly have to drench my nails and scrub at them for 5 minutes each so by that point I feel almost as if straight-up acetone would be less harsh? Certainly less annoying BUT WHATEVER 😑
I looked up brigadeirão And brigadeiro and they both sound heavenly omfg. I never think im a major chocolate fan but then ill see something so decadent and rich looking like that and go rabid 🧟‍♂️ ok wait also I've been having ghiradelli white chocolate squares with caramel filling like every single morning with my coffee since christmas so 🧍‍♀️ what is the truth @ myself 🦧🪞 I definitely wanna be more adventurous in the kitchen this year so this will absolutely have to be pinned (for a birthday or holiday tho bc I don't trust myself to refrain from eating it all on my own) 📍👩‍🍳
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luwritesomething · 2 years
love of my life!!!! he deserves so much love so here i am, ready to provide.  these are my headcanons and i will admit NO hate towards them. also if you have any headcanon of your own for jason then comment because i might like it and add it to mines. 
requests are open! hit that anon button and tell me your idea!
warnings: probably swearing, and slight mentions of his death. also this hasn’t been proof-read so yeah, read at your own risk.
i’ve always headcanoned jason todd as italian american, although i can see him as latino too (i just don’t like the negative connotations that follow because he’s usuallt headcanoned as latino because anger)
definitely not because of harmful stereotypes but because i can see jason’s grandparents being part of that italian population that migrated to usa to follow the american dream and ended up living the american nightmare.
not the godfather-like with the mafia, but with italians barely surviving in the misery of america (which feats jason’s backstory).
also i headcanon his grandmother as a great cook and comfort-person to him.
jason learned to cook thanks to his grandmother and alfred, but his best dish is a lasagna recipe he learned from his grandmother.
this is my subtle way of telling you jason is a great cook. that’s canon, though. 
he doesn’t think too much about his sexual orientation a lot. jason doesn’t want to tie himself to an etiquette, that would bother him.
jason has had a polyamorus relationship with kori and roy. it was pretty healthy, tbh, but it’s over now.
he doesn’t really ‘do dating’. occasionally, one night stands are alright, but jason isn’t really into those either. he’s sure that whenever he meets someone that is meant to be and falls in love, he’ll handle it well.
he won’t because he self-sabotages and doesn’t leet people in, but if it’s really really meant to be he will eventually overcome it.
curses a lot. probably also in front of kids, and gets nervous when the kids repeat those words.
however, jason actually is very good with kids. he’s the babysitter of his shitty neighborhood, and kids love him.
jason doesn’t drink alcohol like ever. he has seen (bc of his parents) what addiction looks like and feels like and he prefers to leave himself out of it.
Child Protector™.
raging feminist and all for equality and fairness.
he smokes a big amount. just becayse, he has no real reason to do so. (he doesn’t consider smoking an addiction. anyways)
jason is the Best Neighbor™.
he loves his siblings equally, he just has a different relationship with each one. dick is his bro, tim is his smartass, damian is his little monster brother, duke is his buddy, steph is his fun sister and cass is his chill sister.
i’m kidding, his favorite is cass.
bookworm. (CANON)
loves classic. his favorite is... lolz he doesn’t even know himself, how would i know?
secretely enjoys ballet and keeps all the tickets of the ballets he has gone to.
damian found out about this (^^) and jason bribed him with a stray cat that kept coming around his apartment for his silence.
now damian has a play date every thursday at five at jason’s with the stray cat, because damian and jason know better than just snatch a stray cat.
sleeps either butt-naked or with sweatpants, no boxers. 
claims he hates rom-coms.
actually loves them, they give him comfort and fuzzy feelings.
jason congratulates alfred every year on father’s day (and it always brings alfred to tears when he’s alone).
listen to me !! jason has READING GLASSES !!!!!!!!!!
doesn’t wear same color socks.
lack of self-care. dick or stephanie will randomely swing by his place from month to month to do face masks and drink water. 
sometimes jason forgets to shave and doesn’t notice unless someone tells him.
probably wanted to own a water bed as a kid.
he looks even hotter with his reading glasses.
i’m obssesed okay !!!
his favorite justice league member is wonder woman and has merchandising to prove it.
jason has gone to two lady gaga’s concerts. one dragged by dick, other by himself. 
he loves blankets. being under a blanket, no matter the reason, will always be comforting for him.
hates finger guns.
jason doesn’t handle the heat well. which means he handles it horribly and gets stupidly annoying.
cheesy and cocky, but actually an introvert. what can i say, he’s complicated.
clowns creep him out. speaks for itself.
does great impressions of the batfam.
he doesn’t do alfred or cass, though.
likes animals. not as much as damian, but still.
doesn’t use crowbars. no, like, i refuse. nope.
swears he doesn’t smoke.
three seconds rule apologist. i mean, he lived in the streets, guys.
steph did his nails once. he enjoyed it, 7/10, would do it again.
his favorite sibling to tease is damian, closely followed by tim.
has called the fucking bat-cow ‘meat’.
damian punched him for it.
works out too much for his own good, but calls it self-care.
tea >>> coffee. fight him on this, he’ll chew on your bones.
has read the silmarillion, acts like he understood it. 
actually likes galas. 
in those he only has two types of conversations: hypothetical ‘what if’ moral questions to see if someone has the same concept as justice as him and/or recommending books (mostly classics)
bruce has to drag him away from people when he gets annoying with those two types of conversations (CANON, see batman: wayne family adventures.)
big wuthering heights apologist & enjoyer.
damian actually listens to jason’s book recs and gives him feedback about them. it’s their bonding activity. 
jason has a bonding activity with everyone from the batfam.
only writes with red pen.
would make a great team with deadpool, fight me on this.
makes a lot of ‘your mom’ jokes because it infuriates tim.
types text with no caps, emojis and no abbreviations. he uses emojis a lot, he’s a menace.
has been kicked out of the wayne family chat numerous times for innaporpiate behavior aka spamming, cursing, spamming with emojis and other little shenanigans.
he barely listens to music, but if he did, it would be rock, alternative... you know, all the jazzy stuff.
he needs love, he told me himself.
also his love language is cooking and physical contact because he’s touch starved (he also told me himself)
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catch-the-wind · 3 years
when reader is sick hc's
finally posting writing here so true
n e ways okay so i’m brainrotting about the genshin charas taking care of their s/o’s when they’re sick 🥺 and now i'm feeling sick, sigh
ohm and sulien ambros belong to @teyvattherapist! they're such good chara's, i know i'm writing them here but i deffo recommend reading up on them
okay here u go, have some hc's that are kinda sorta long and by that i mean 2.5k- i haven't proofread this bc it's 4am and im going to BED but if i write for any other chara's i'll post a second part <3 mwah
tags: gn!reader, diluc x reader, kaeya x reader, jean x reader, lisa x reader, albedo x reader, dainsleif x reader, tartaglia x reader, ohm ambros x reader, sulien ambros x reader, soft bean hours
is not working or traveling when his partner is sick
absolutely makes them soup and hot tea and drinks
he’s trying to make them food but he’s not the best cook so he’s asking adelinde for help
absolutely asks jean, barbara, and ohm for help while his partner is sleeping but he’s so awkward LMAO
was absolutely frantic the first day he found out his partner was sick tho, he made them come over to the winery so they could sleep there and he can take care of them <3
absolutely lied about what room was his so they slept in his bed
“hmm this guest room is so furnished diluc are all your rooms like this” and no, no they are not, this room is his, bestie
diluc slept on a sofa in his bedroom and did work on the table that was supposed to be for flowers. kinda stressed over abyss order locations but was more worried ab his partner being okay so he was distracted
he just put the flowers on his nightstand for his partner to see when they woke up <3
gives his partner forehead kisses because they won’t let him kiss them on the lips and he gives them the gentlest cheek kisses while they sleep
also gives his partner his clothes to wear <3
cuddles them and reads to them when they’re awake and TEMPLE KISSES OH MY GOD
kaeya comes over because he’s worried his brother and his brother’s s/o haven’t been seen in a little while
n e way, diluc gets sick after his partner gets better and they nursed each other back to health
like diluc, he took off work so he could take care of his s/o i,mediately after he found out they were sick
wouldn’t force them to stay at his place tho, he’d probably let them recover in their own place
but he might make them go to the kof hq or the cathedral just so they can be taken care of by a proper healer
he absolutely soothes their fevers and stuff w cryo and also the man can heal himself w his elem skill ofc he can fix someone if he tries hard enough <3
he gives kisses no matter how much his partner says not to but he’ll also give them butterfly kisses so it’s soft moments too~ sigh, ur too cute alberich
asks ohm and barbara and albedo and lisa for potions and such to help his partner feel better but he’s really lowkey so he doesn’t seem SUPER worried
he just hates seeing his partner not feeling so well </3
refreshes his partner’s vase of flowers at their bedside every day
brings home work so he can watch over his partner. he can’t cook super well either so he asks for help and brings stuff home from good hunter too
jean was okay to let kaeya off of work and diluc would never admit it (man practically swore everyone to secrecy smh) but he helped take up some of kaeya’s duties in his stead
and kae, the alcoholic, didn’t even drink while his partner was sick bc he was lowkey worried they would need his help w smth and he didn’t want to be drunk just in case <3
many cuddles despite protests of getting him sick <3
absolutely uses her healer skills to make her partner feel better
panicked when they were still sick and thought it was her fault </3 she asked barbara and ohm for help and they just told jean to relax a bit bc her partner was sick and it wasn’t going to be a quick fix
wanted to take off work but didn’t, so she just brought her work with her
kaeya and ohm very kindly took up her other duties where she had to leave so she could be w her partner
her partner is staying in the kof hq where they get access to ohm and barbara comes to visit <3 but also so that jean can sleep comfortably enough close by bc you cannot tell me this woman does not sometimes sleep in her office or the library and barely makes it to the kof dormitories sometimes
she’s so worried the entire time, she’s probably got a few gray hairs and a new frown line smh
she has clothes that aren’t her work clothes???? it’s so foreign seeing her in stuff like pajamas. you didn’t even know jean owned pajamas
jean sets them up in her bed at home (yeah she has a place outside of the kof hq??? it’s surprising) but it’s a big bed so they can rest and she’ll have the lamp on her side on while she sits up and does work
absolutely dotes on them. she’s good at making foods that make them feel better, she’s just a good healer that way <3
albedo, klee, venti, kaeya, lisa, and ohm all come over to check on jean and co and make sure everyone is doing okay <3 lots of food brought
if jean was asked to sing to her partner normally, she probably wouldn’t bc she’d probably get embarrassed but i think she probably sounds v good and venti would give her his lyre to try out a musical instrument too. but also she’d read to her partner and they’d probably fall asleep together uwu
works part time hours at the library so she can go visit her s/o
probably asks them to stay at the kof hq for easier access to medical assistance and plus she’s almost always there
“cutie” but worried and very 🥺 (pleading emoji)
makes soup and potions and reads to her partner until they fall asleep
also super playful omg she’s still got a smile on and is full of affection while she walks her fingers up her partner’s arm to their face so she can cup their cheek
she’ll make her partner laugh and smile and blush even when they’re sick, but she makes them laugh until they cough sometimes and immediately feels so bad
jean, barbara, kaeya, albedo and ohm all come to visit with different foods and soups and medicines and such
klee comes knocking and gives lisa some good fisherman’s toast and asks lisa’s s/o if they want to hug dodoco b/c that always makes klee feel better
purple roses galore, lisa has them in her partner’s room and they’ve got a potion to make the. uh. sniffer? to make the sniffer feel better. don’t ask me how, idk but she would find a way to make them physically feel better with flowers
reads to her partner ofc, and she tells them stories ab her own life and time at sumeru sans the crazies
worried looks when her s/o is sleeping but also the softest smiles when they wake up pls-
cutest lil frown on his face when he finds out his partner is sick
immediately they are taken home and he’s testing to confirm what’s wrong w them and what he can do to speed up their recovery
he’s more distracted than usual at work but he’s coming over to your place all the time w what paperwork he can do
also sketches his partner while they don’t know. he’s got lots of beautiful candids of his partner sleeping, looking out the window, falling asleep, reading, even drinking water. he’s made the most mundane things look captivating
kaeya and ohm come to check on albedo when he doesn’t show up for work after a few days and it’s bc he’s taking care of his s/o with food and soup and alchemical potions and shit. and when kae and ohm come in, they find his partner opening the door wrapped in a blanket while albedo is asleep cuddling the pillow they left bc he stayed up the night before making soup and reading to them
klee has camped out on his partner’s couch, she helps w the cooking too~ she absolutely lets them hug dodoco and gives them a treasure to feel better too LOL
many kisses from klee and albedo, and they also go out to get treats for albedo’s partner too
domestic albedo cooking in his partner’s kitchen and for once it isn’t some alchemical potion that he might blow up the stove with
takes off work entirely but BOY OH BOY is he stir crazy smh
brings his partner to his apartment to rest <3
he’s so worried ab his s/o that he makes all the sick ppl food the first day, orders from wanmin restaurant when his partner wants smth different, and also gets toys and such to entertain them otherwise
also reads to his partner but, again, he gets stir crazy after a while
absolutely does workouts and katas in the living room and phew shirtless tartaglia working out? gets the heart rate up for sure ahem
rushes to his partner tho omg- need soup? water? a trip to the bathroom? another blanket? he goes to them the MOMENT he hears them moving around. absolutely dotes on them <3
his family knows ab his partner and he’s probably written letters ab them being sick~ his family sent snezhnayan herbs and flowers and medicines and such
zhongli comes around because he wants sugar daddy!tartaglia with tea and medicine from bubu pharmacy. hu tao is in tow with well wishes and a “hope i don’t find you at work!” which is. a little worrying because aren’t you just a little sick-
many kisses from tartaglia because he is Needy and he’ll absolutely get sick from cuddling his partner while they sleep
also he’ll probably just like. envelop his partner while they sleep. they’re all cuddled into him and he’s actually so warm it’s nice bc they’re cold w a fever and he’s living for comforting them
he’s so worried tho, he’s got the frowny face and he’s so adorable but he just doesn’t want his partner to feel sick
the man camps in ruins, he’s going to his partner’s house smh
he doesn’t go into the church either LOL so expect him in his partner’s home making dinner and doing their grocery shopping thanks
he would get ohm and barbara to come over tho <3 “fix them please” but also “how can i fix them”
is so dead set on making sure his partner takes their medicine at the right times, he’s so soft for them and them alone
cooks soup and old recipes he barely remembers from khaenri’ah. he doesn’t really get sick, so he doesn’t remember these ones too clearly. deffo brings back old memories he’d long forgotten
reads to his partner and tells them old stories of how the world used to be, his travels, gives them the gossip on a certain khaenri’ahn but doesn’t give away the name
ohm comes over with medicine and lollipops bc dain is so unlikely to go to the cathedral to get barbara smh
but also dain, so self-sufficient, is unlikely to want to ask for help, so ohm just goes to help anyway
dain with the old khaenri’ahn lullabies and tucking his partner into his arms and singing quietly while he holds them and rocks them to sleep
dain is immortal, he’s giving his partner kisses bc “i’m immortal, ofc i won’t get sick”
he got sick
but his s/o nursed him back to health and then there were smooches the end
ohm ambros
the doctor with his ill lover oh my god
he’s frowny, he’s taking care of his partner at his home in springvale and his home clinic is open to everyone else. but everyone knows his partner is the first priority LOL
kaeya and albedo come over to see if ohm is okay or if his house needs to be checked up on. they’re wondering if he went on a last-minute expedition to sumeru and didnt tell them
diluc comes over too, he’s just checking up on his best friend but he’s also stealing a cherry lollipop smh. he heard from kae that ohm’s partner is sick tho, so he brings some soup and good food over from adelinde. he also brings some of his own specialty food tho, the once upon a time in mondstadt <3
sulien sending letters to his big brother to see if his brother’s s/o is okay
ohm is also just super protective of his partner, there are not many people who come into his life who he loves and lets in in the first place. he’s absolutely trying to heal them with his own vitality, so their recovery is much shorter than initially expected
barbara also comes over w jean to check up on ohm and co, complete w a goody basket of soup, a teddy bear, flowers, and books
ohm reading to his partner <3 he’s got such a soothing voice even if his accent is wack LMAO. he’s reading stories and even his paperwork because just his presence is comforting
he puts his hands on his partner’s forehead to soothe the fever goodbye
ohm will not sing for his s/o simply bc he doesn’t think he sounds v good. and he probably doesn’t but it would be so cute to hear him try and please ohm? 🥺
n e way i want smooches idc if i’m sick KISS ME OHM AMBROS
sulien ambros
when he finds out his partner is sick, the man blinks like twice and then suggests so calmly that they go to his apartment in liyue
man does not sleep normally, he’s just going to nurse his partner back to health and read during their recovery. fruit tart can cover his duties for him <3
sulien cooks for his partner tho, he’s making soup and stuff and getting medicine from bubu’s pharmacy. he’s also picking up books on the way home but some of them are to be read to his partner so it’s okay-
like tartaglia, sulien works out while his partner rests and goes to them if he hears them moving around. he’s reading to his partner and not so frowny, but the slightest furrow of this man’s brow is already such a big expression of his concern <3
sends letters to ohm asking for advice ab how to help his partner feel better. ohm just sends a letter back with “i’m coming” and shows up within the day LMAO
reads to his partner, and the monotony of his voice is soothing and lulls them to sleep. he just looks at them affectionately (well affectionate for him) and presses a kiss to their forehead before finishing the story on his own and in his head
tartagalicious comes over and brings food, flowers and a teddy bear with some of sandrone’s paperwork but he sends a smile to sulien’s partner with some well wishes
scara comes over too just to visit and check to see where sandrone is, but scara is a grumpy bean so he just says “feel better” all brooding and like it’s a command to one of the fatui subordinates LOL
sulien like ohm uses his cold hands to soothe his partner’s fever and also gives them forehead kisses <3
Edit: a link to part 2
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idv-sunsxin3 · 2 years
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Random TWST Characters playing Genshin Impact Brainrot
Note// I only included some characters that I had brainrots about,,, sorry hhh;;;
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Riddle finds Yanfei impressive that she's known as the character who acknowledges every legal rule by memory so far in the game-(but low-key feels uncomfortable by how the design makes her show some skin in term of critique-).
I think Riddle would internally cringe the entire Mondstadt chapter by how there are a lot of drunk people, and even an irresponsible drunkard bard of an Anemo Archon-/not slander intended but you know the gist-
Riddle going super confused when it comes to rushy, timed event games- such as the event where you work as a bartender at Angel’s share temporarily,,,, He also low-key wishing that those tea recipes do exist irl,,,, 😔
Cater probably wanting to be part of the Barbara fan club as he low-key finds her photogenic and adorable,,,-
Cater most likely speed running to get the entire teyvat map for background photo shoot of the landscapes djsjsjsjs-
Cater urging his dorm mates to do the gacha ritual thingy(where you put the cell phones next to one another and make a 10 pull in a row at the same time as a way to get higher chances to get a 5 star-)
Ace would definitely be a pyro main and troll other party members by making them burn through the grass while they're afk-
Deuce would be pretty much a hydro main(mostly to extinguish any fire Ace maliciously made-).
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Ruggie's favorite character would probably be Xiangling, like, she freaking cooks delicious stuff,,,(Jamil would like her too-)
Ruggie is definitely in love with certain dishes that are in the game, wishing he could eat them in real life-
Yuu probably offering to look up for the recipes in YouTube and making them with Ruggie would make him so happy-
Jack frowning when reading through Razor's lore,,, 😔
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Azul pretty much liking Liyue by how there are a lot of business and ship coming and leaving from sea ports continuously- Also liking the beautiful atmosphere it brings along with the music,,,
Azul low-key wishing he can interact the mora that is inside the chests he finds when opening them-
Azul and Jade probably trying to think of theories and search for more lore about Fontaine- (if they were part of the game, I feel like Octavinelle would be from Fontaine judging by how Fontaine NPCs dress and the archon there is the founder of the element Hydro-)
Jade dies in happiness while doing the mushroom spirit quest in Liyue's Chasm map- So many bright mushrooms,,,
I can see Jade using Xingqiu regularly-
Is this me or Jade would be interested in learning more about Fischl and Oz...-
Floyd probably have the urge to squeeze Yae Miko because of how 'annoying she was' when he first met her in the game dnednsnsnnne-
Floyd at Childe vc// Hey~ he looks fun to fight with,,, I really wish to squeeze him!!! :DD
Why do I think Floyd maining Klee would be the cutest but also creepiest idea I ever thought-
Floyd either likes to main claymore users bc of the way they spin- or he likes fast dips characters like Childe, Xiao, etc-
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Rook probably committing bird abuse first before even doing quests- he probably nailed the achievement of shooting a flying bird in one try...
I think Epel would favor Xinyan by her spicy character- like, look at her go and still being what she wants to be, she didn't care about what others thought of how people view her as a girl. That fact would make Epel see her as a role model,,,,
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Idia probably simping for girlbosses like Beidou-
Idia is pretty much f2p because of the many other gacha games he’s playing or he whales like crazy because come on- those waifus and husbandos,,,, qwq
I can see Idia maining Chongyun-
Ortho sometimes watching his big bro play and going nuts over a failed 50/50 gacha- Might also play with him when helping him get ascension materials or fight bosses-
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Malleus and Lilia remind me of Zhongli and Venti- probably some hints of Zhongli and HuTao dynamic-
Malleus wonderlessly going to different areas of the map, probably getting lost while hanging out with mutuals-(Usually would play with Yuu,,,)
Malleus pretty much sad or interested that he has to fight dragons like MORE THAN TWICE-
Like Ace, Lilia would burn grass just to troll mutuals-
Sebek going loud through vc, even louder whenever he dies from fall damage or some stupid cause of death,,,, 😔
Silver probably accidentally killing his character once for sleeping while a monster was taking damage on his avatar-
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baepsaesbae · 4 years
Spring Will Come Again
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Pairing— Jeon Jungkook x reader    
Genre— Photographer!Jungkook x Baker!reader, SMUT +18, fluff, angst, Virgin!Jungkook, Sub!Jungkook, Switch!Jungkook
Warnings— Finger sucking, unprotected sex, multiple orgasms, squirting (?), slight choking, there are a lot of emotions, Jungkook is literally so sweet gosh I just wanna hold him tight, this fic is kind of a rollercoaster of emotions bc I myself do b going thru it
Word Count—  ~10.9k  
Summary— Springtime generally brings new beginnings, but being stuck in a small town all your life means nothing ever changes. Finally, something, or rather, someone, stumbles into your life. Can this shy boy manage to change your life forever?
A/N— This beautiful banner was made by @dee-ehn​! Please let me know what you think of this fic! Hope you guys enjoy~
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It all started on a beautiful spring day. Something had convinced you to go on an unprecedented early morning walk for some reason. 
The morning air was cold but crisp. You were bundled up in your favorite sweater, and the scarf that your grandmother knitted for you was wrapped snugly around your neck. Normally you would be immersed in your headphones, but since today was already unusual you decided to forgo the music. 
You walked along the banks of the stream that flowed next to your neighborhood. This particular stream held nothing but fond memories. You grew up here with all the other kids. During the summer breaks, you’d play out here from morning to nightfall. This was the place where you saw your first fireflies, and where you won your first fist fight. 
You stopped to sit on the grassy hill that ran alongside the banks, relishing in nostalgia as you took in a breath of fresh air. Everything is so different now. Everyone moved away to pursue their careers or to go to a big university. You were the only one left. Your parents urged you to go to college, but you refused. Who else would help run the bakery? 
As much as you hated to see it, your parents were growing old. Managing the family bakery was getting harder on them. You were such a huge help to them since you basically managed all of the front-of-house work. They worked diligently in the kitchen every day to create the best baked goods in town. 
You had always dreamt of leaving this small town. You’ve fantasized about attending a big university in the middle of a bustling city since you were a little kid. Unfortunately, that can’t happen now. You can’t leave your parents or the bakery behind. You held no resentment though, you loved it. Being an only child was a bit lonely at times, but your parents made you feel loved no matter what.
You laid on the grassy hill, watching the clouds roll by. Maybe life was better this way. It was simple, and you always knew what to expect. Day in and day out, the routine was always the same. 
Everything changed on that day. That was the fateful day that you ran into him. Or rather, he ran into you. 
“Good morning, ____! Where were you this morning? Why weren’t you answering your phone?” your concerned mother asked when you returned home.
“Morning mom. I went on a walk and forgot my phone I guess. Sorry about that. I ended up laying on the hill by the stream,” you replied as you sat at the breakfast table.
Living with bakers was probably one of the biggest blessings in your life. Every meal smelled delectable and you had access to all the fresh goodies you could desire. 
“Wow, you were awake before we were? What a surprise. Here, tell me what you think of this loaf,” your dad set it in front of you.
You tossed a piece of bread into your mouth. The taste was savory to say the least. It was your father’s signature banana bread loaf, only this time with a small twist. 
“Why’d you take out the walnuts? It’s still delicious though,” you said, devouring another piece.
“Well so many customers complain about having nut allergies now. I thought we could sell more if we take them out! You think we can sell this?” he asked eagerly.
“I think this will be our newest best seller!” you happily replied, “I’m gonna go open up the shop. See you guys soon,” you kissed them each on the cheek before taking your leave.
The bakery was down the street from your house, so the commute was only about 5 minutes even if you walked slowly. You brought your phone with you this time, so you were jamming out to your music, oblivious to the outside world. You were so out of it, that you didn’t have time to react to the person quickly rounding the corner.
One moment you were walking to work, the next you were knocked onto the cold hard ground. Your assailant fell on top of you, and you soon locked eyes with him. It was as if time stood still for a moment. He was the most beautiful boy you’ve ever seen. His eyes were wide with concern, and for a moment, you swore you saw stars twinkling within them. 
It took a second to register that this stranger was on top of you, in a compromising position no less. You’ve never been this close to a boy since...well it has been a while. Your legs were intertwined and his nose was only inches from yours. 
“Oh my god, I’m so sorry! I didn’t see you until the last second,” the boy apologized as he scrambled to get off of you. 
As he helped you up, you reassured him that you were fine. You laughed off the incident and took the boy by surprise. You had the most angelic laugh he’d ever heard. He stood awkwardly gazing at you, before you asked him if he was okay. 
“I-I’m fine! I’m glad you’re okay. I apologize again for being so careless,” he bowed.
“I’m also at fault! I wasn’t paying attention either. So shame on both of us,” you smiled to show him you were joking, “Enjoy the rest of your day, don’t run into anyone else!”
And with that, you parted ways. You forgot about the stranger as the morning rush piled into the bakery. 
Despite being located in a small town, your parent’s were nationally renowned bakers. The bakery was always busy. That was part of why you loved it so much, you were never bored. The regular customers were your favorite. Most of the townsfolk had been coming to the bakery since you were little. 
“Is this banana bread new?” Mrs. Park, the local florist, asked.
“Technically, yes. It’s the exact same recipe but without the walnuts,” you replied.
“Perfect! I’m not too fond of walnuts but I adore your parents’ banana bread,” Mrs. Park beamed, handing you a loaf along with other goods she picked up.
“How’s Jimin?” you asked as you rang her up.
“Oh he’s doing well! He loves it out there in the big city. At first, I was terrified of letting him go. He’s just always been so passionate about dancing, I finally had to cave in. He recently auditioned to be part of some fancy dance crew, and he got in! Can you believe it?” Mrs. Park began to dote on her son.
“That’s amazing! I’m happy for him,” you smiled.
“You know, ____, Jimin is still single. You two would be perfect together--”
“Long distance relationships are hard, Mrs. Park,” your mother interrupted her, swooping in to save the day. Thank god. You wouldn’t have known how to react. 
“She could always move out to the city to be with him!” Mrs. Park retorted, not picking up on the awkward situation she created. 
“I could never leave the bakery,” you responded quickly.
“Ah, yes that’s right. You have such a good daughter, Mrs. _____. Jimin never took any interest in taking over the family business. I’m jealous of you!” Mrs. Park said to your mom.
After what seemed like an eternity, Mrs. Park finally left. You were fond of her, but she never knew when to stop talking. Jimin was a good friend of yours growing up. You never wanted to admit that you had a huge crush on him. You figured it wouldn’t have mattered anyway, since he was so fixated on moving out. 
The morning rush had died down. You took this opportunity to restock and tidy things up before the afternoon rush. The store bell rang, indicating the arrival of another customer.
“Welcome in! I’ll be with you shortly,” you called out from behind the counter. 
“No worries, thanks!” the customer yelled back.
Once finished, you popped up with a bright smile on your face. Your parents taught you to always greet the customers with a smile as soon as they walk in. 
However, the customer wasn’t facing your direction. He was looking at the baked goods that aligned the opposite wall. You patiently waited for him to make his selection. He kept walking back and forth, eyeing all of the baked items. You left your station behind the counter and approached him.
“Can I help you with anything, sir?” you piped up behind him.
The man jumped back, startled.
“I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to scare you,” you apologized.
“It’s okay! I didn’t hear you at all. You must be some sort of ninja-- Oh it’s you!” the boy turned around to face you.
It was the gorgeous boy who ran into you earlier. 
“Hello again! I guess it was my turn to frighten you,” you joked.
“That’s fair,” he nodded, “What’s the best thing here?”
“Mmm that’s hard for me to say, considering that I love them all. What kind of tastes and textures do you like?” your customer service persona kicked in. 
“I like sweet things I guess? I like bananas too…” he trailed off.
“We don’t have any bananas in fruit form, but we do have killer banana bread,” you beamed.
“That sounds good, but I don’t really like nuts so--”
“There are no nuts in our new recipe! You must be lucky, this is the first day that we’ve started selling them. Want me to ring you up a loaf?” you interrupted him.
“Oh no nuts? Okay, I’ll try it,” he agreed quietly.
“Would you still like to get something sweet as well?” 
“Yeah, if that’s okay,” he nodded timidly.
“Of course it’s okay! My personal favorite is our milk pudding bun. The pudding in the middle is pretty creamy plus the bread is unbelievably soft! If that’s not for you, then we have a classic chocolate bun filled with, surprise surprise, chocolate. We also have…” you led the boy around the entire bakery.
You were too focused on recommending various breads to notice him stealing glances at you that lingered longer than normal. He patiently let you talk his ear off about the goodies.
“I’ll go with the milk pudding bun,” he smiled shyly.
“That was the first one! You should’ve stopped me from rambling,” you huffed.
“I wanted to know my options. Plus you seemed pretty happy,” he added softly.
“Alright, let’s go check you out then,” you headed to the counter, “I haven’t seen you before. What brings you to our little town?” you attempted to make conversation.
“Mmm, to get away, I guess,” the boy said after a pause.
“Are you in some sort of trouble?” you leaned over the counter to whisper.
“Kind of,” he whispered back.
“Stay right here, I can call the police,” you frantically murmured as you whipped out your phone.
“No no! Not like that,” he couldn’t contain his laughter, “I’m a fine arts student. My main focus is photography, but lately I haven’t been able to capture anything worth printing,” he explained.
“Ohhh,” you said, feeling dumb, “Then why come to a town in the middle of nowhere? You won’t find much here.”
“To an untrained eye, maybe so. But to a professional, beauty can be found anywhere,” he said proudly.
“Then why can’t you find anything back home? And aren’t you still a student?” you questioned.
“You know, I was really hoping that you’d let me have that,” the boy deflated.
“Aw, I’m sorry! If you ever want to take photos of the beauty that is bread, you’re always welcome here,” you smiled.
“I might take you up on that offer,” he said as he grabbed the purchased goods, “What’s your name by the way?”
“____. Yours?”
“Jeon Jungkook.”
“I’ll see you around, Mr. Jeon Jungkook. Oh! And if you’d like a tour of the town, I’d be more than happy to show you around,” you suggested.
“That would be nice,” Jungkook pondered, “Where can I find you?”
“I’m here every day. I get off at 3pm,” you answered.
“Cool. I’ll drop by tomorrow, if that’s okay?”
“Sure! See you then!” you waved goodbye.
“Who was that?” your mother asked when the boy left.
“Some photography student that said he wanted to get away for some inspiration. I offered to give him a tour tomorrow after work,” you explained. 
“Do you want me to come with you?” your dad offered.
“I’ll be fine on my own, thanks,” you quickly turned him down.
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You spent the next morning frantically flip flopping between outfits. Should you go with a pretty top paired with a skirt? Or perhaps keep it casual with a t-shirt and jeans? Or should you go with a simple dress? You know you’re supposed to be a tour guide, but you still wanted to look somewhat presentable. You settled for the dress. It gave off a “cute but not trying too hard” type of vibe. 
Time seemed to slowly drag on as you waited for Jungkook to return. You had already mapped out your route, making sure it was efficient (not like there’s much to see anyway). You wanted to surprise him with a picnic at the end of the tour. Hopefully it could help show off the natural beauty of the forests and meadows that surrounded the town. As the clock approached 3pm, you began to wonder if springing a surprise picnic on a stranger was odd. Oh god, what if it was? You hadn’t had much interaction with people your age once all your friends went off to live their own lives. Panic was starting to set in when the front bell chimed.
“Hey! I’m a little early, but I can wait around until you’re finished,” Jungkook greeted you. You noticed a fancy looking camera dangling around his chest.
“It’s all good! Business has been slow today, I’ve been bored,” you admitted.
“Oh I see--” Jungkook was cut off.
“Hi! I’m ____’s mom. Did you like the bread you bought yesterday?” your mom materialized out of nowhere with a pan of fresh bread in her hands.
“It was delicious! Better than anything I could get in the city,” Jungkook complimented.
“Why did you batch a new batch? No one has come in after 1pm,” you aggressively whispered to your mom. 
“I got bored,” she pouted, “Here, have one! On the house, think of it as a welcoming present to our town,” she motioned for Jungkook to take a fresh loaf off the tray.
Jungkook’s face lit up at the offer as he thanked her for the snack. His smile lingered as he took a bite, savoring the taste.
“You must have some sort of good luck charm; you’re getting even more free food later,” you chuckled as you plopped a wicker basket onto the checkout counter.
“Sweet,” he beamed. 
You let out a small sigh of relief. It didn’t seem like Jungkook was creeped out by the thought of eating with a stranger. With the basket in hand, you led Jungkook across the town. There truly wasn’t much to see. Your family’s bakery was in line with the rest of the town’s shops. You passed by the florist, the cafe, the grocery store, and the post office within the first 3 minutes just by walking down the street. You added in little personal stories with each business that you pointed out. 
Jungkook paused by the flower shop, in awe of all the beautiful arrangements. His eyes scanned the outside displays, as if he was looking for something. 
“Need something specific, dear?” Mrs. Park asked her potential customer. 
“Do you have Tiger flowers?” he inquired.
“Tiger… No, but I can probably order some for you,” she offered.
“Ah, that’s alright. I’m sorry to bother you,” Jungkook apologized before rejoining you.
“Did you wanna take a picture of that specific flower?” you asked him as you strolled along the sidewalk.
“Yeah, it’s my birth flower,” he shyly nodded.
“Oh nice! I don’t know what my birth flower is, but yours sounds pretty. Ah, here is the town square. Over there is the courthouse/government building/boring stuff happens in there probably,” you said as you pointed out the building.
“This is cool,” Jungkook examined a decrepit well that stood in front of the courthouse.
“I guess. I always thought it would be better if they replaced it with a big pretty fountain or something,” you mentioned as you looked down into the dark abyss of the well.
Jungkook said nothing as he began taking pictures of the well from various angles. You watched him frown at each picture he took before he tried to take another. 
“Maybe you could take a picture looking into the well? I mean, you’d probably have to stand on it to get a full shot and your feet will be in it but…” you suggested before realizing that you knew nothing about photography.
Jungkook immediately hopped onto the well, disregarding the loose pebbles that crumbled away under his weight. Pointing the camera directly down into the well, he snapped a couple of pictures. He didn’t bother hopping off of the well before scrolling through the pictures he just took. You caught yourself staring at him, admiring his features. His eyebrows were furrowed in concentration, his lips were pursed, and the wind was blowing his bangs over his forehead ever so slightly. He really was a handsome boy, though he seemed to be completely unaware of it. 
“How’d it turn out?” you asked as he climbed down.
“Not bad actually. Better than the angles I took at first,” Jungkook smiled with approval, “I’ll show you after I touch them up.”
“I’m excited to see! Also, this basically concludes the tour because everything else is residential stuff. Unless you wanna take pictures of random people’s homes,” you joked.
“I’m good. Is this where we’re eating? I kinda skipped lunch,” Jungkook looked at the wicker basket in your hand.
“Nope! I’m gonna take you somewhere special. Are you okay with a bit of light hiking?”
“Sounds fun,” Jungkook grinned. 
“Perfect! Now it’s your turn to lug this thing around,” you said as you handed him the deceptively heavy basket. 
You took him to the outskirts of town, where nature was left untouched.
“Is this where all the cool kids have their picnics?” Jungkook asked as you led him down an old trail.
“All the cool kids left this town a while ago, so I can’t speak on their behalf. However, this is where I like to have my picnics so take that in whatever way you please,” you responded.
It was a sunny day on the verge of being too hot, but the densely wooded forest provided enough shade to make it comfortable. Your parents used to take you on walks in these woods when you (and they) were younger. Of course, now the hilly paths and loose soil would only wreak havoc on your parents’ old knees. You’ve grown accustomed to exploring on your own. Bringing Jungkook along was a pleasant change. 
“You okay with eating here?” you suddenly stopped, pointing over to a field just off the trail.
“I’ll eat anywhere, I’m starving,” Jungkook quickly nodded. 
“I’m fully aware of that; I could barely hear the birds chirping over the sounds of your stomach growling,” you teased.
An old tree that was large enough to cover up the entire picnic blanket with shade proved to be the ideal spot. Jungkook set down the wicker basket that you assigned to him earlier, eagerly waiting for you to finally open it.
“On the menu today we have fruits as an appetizer, ham and cheese sandwiches in homemade croissants as the main course, and last but not least, chocolate buns for dessert,” you proudly showcased each item.
“I never knew bread could taste so heavenly until I went to your bakery. I’m happy I walked in,” Jungkook praised as he wolfed down his sandwich.
“It’s not my bakery, it’s my parents’ bakery,” you corrected him as you ate the fruit.
“Don’t you work in it nearly every day? I don’t see how it’s not your bakery too,” Jungkook insisted.
“I’m not the one running the business,” you argued.
“You seem to put in the same amount as work as them. Instead of baking, you’re handling all of the customers. That’s gotta count for something, right?” Jungkook persisted. 
“Fine, I guess you could say it’s a family bakery. Happy?” you huffed, clearly annoyed.
  “Hey, I wasn’t trying to make you angry. I’m sorry if I overstepped,” Jungkook apologized, putting his sandwich down, “I wanted to let you know how much I love your family’s bread, that’s all.”
“No, it’s fine. I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have snapped at you. It’s just…” your trailed off as you gazed at the blue sky.
“I don’t want to pry, but I’m happy to sit here and listen,” Jungkook offered. 
“I don’t want to scare you away by dumping my personal issues on you,” you tried to lighten the mood.
“I don’t think you could do that, ____,” Jungkook assured you. 
Your eyes widened ever so slightly since he caught you off guard with his sincerity, but soon you gave him a soft smile.
“Fine, since we’re just sitting here anyway,” you caved as you picked up your sandwich, “I wish I wasn’t here anymore. Don’t get me wrong, I love my parents and I love the bakery. I just wish I got to go to a big city somewhere and attend a real university. I don’t know what I’d study, I just know that I thought my life would be different by now,” you turn away from him to hide your watery eyes.
“It’s not all that great,” Jungkook responded after a short pause, “I came from a small town too. The only difference was that it was along a beach, not by a forest. Wait, the location doesn’t matter,” he quietly scolded himself, “What I’m trying to say is that I did get away from my hometown. I was so excited to finally be a city kid. I didn’t realize how overwhelming it would be. Now look at me. I’m a senior in college with no direction in life. That’s what I get for choosing a career with no job security,” he chuckled as he looked down at the camera around his neck. 
“But are you doing what you love?” you quietly asked.
“I think so. Are you?” he asked back.
“I think so,” you sighed, finally turning to look at him. 
“I could always take you back to the city with me,” Jungkook flashed you a big bunny smile.
“Don’t joke with me like that. I hate getting my hopes up,” you playfully punch him in the arm. 
“I’m not joking!” he yelped in surprise.
The conversation turned into a more cheerful one. You both spoke about your dreams, both childhood and present day. It was fun talking with Jungkook as you both watched the clouds roll by without a care in the world. 
“Maybe you could get some pretty shots of some wildlife while we’re out here,” you recommended when the conversation came to a pause.
“Do you want to model for me?” Jungkook asked.
“Huh?” his sudden proposal surprised you.
“It’s completely okay if you don’t want to! Actually, just forget I said anything,” Jungkook looked down at the camera in his hands in a futile attempt to hide his flushed cheeks. 
“Just tell me how to pose,” you smiled, already getting up.
“Uh, just act natural,” he said awkwardly as you leaned against the thick tree trunk.
At first, you made some silly poses that made Jungkook laugh. To be honest, you only did that because you really didn’t know how to pose next to the tree while making it look natural. Forcing a smile, you attempted to lean on the tree like as if it were another person. 
“You don’t have to fake a smile,” Jungkook called from behind the camera.
“I don’t know what to do!” you called back.
“Act natural!”
“How do I do that?”
His response rewarded him a sarcastic eye roll, followed by a burst of laughter. Jungkook furiously clicked his camera as you laughed even harder. He praised you for ‘being in your natural state’ as he took shots from ridiculous angles. He gave you a thumbs up after he was satisfied with the impromptu photoshoot.
“Is laughing until I can’t breathe just me being in my natural state?” you asked playfully as you sat back down on the picnic blanket.
“It was authentic, so I would say so. I wish I could capture sound too, your laugh is so cute,” Jungkook said nonchalantly as he scrolled through the photos.
His eyes widened as soon as he realized what he said. He opened his mouth to try and take it back, or at least cover it up. He looked over at you shyly, only to see that you were digging out dessert from the basket. He let out a sigh of relief. Thankfully, you didn’t hear him. 
“How were the pictures?” you asked, scooting to sit beside him after handing him the dessert.
“See for yourself,” he proudly showed you.
You were amazed by his talent. Even without editing, the photos looked like they were ready to be submitted into a contest. Everything looked so perfect. Your smile was genuine, the lighting was optimal, and your hair looked surprisingly good. You applauded him for his talent, to which he bashfully denied by saying he was still such an amatuer. You both finally dug into the desserts. 
“These chocolate buns were amazing,” Jungkook licked his lips after he finished it.
“They’re my personal favorite! They’re also the best things that I can make on my own,” you winked at him as you finished yours.
“You made these?” Jungkook’s doe eyes filled with awe.
“Yep! Don’t act so surprised,” you pouted.
“Sorry, it’s just that you told me your parents bake everything. These were really good! Probably the best things I’ve had since--oh wait. You have a little something,” Jungkook leaned forward to wipe the corner of your mouth with his thumb. 
You both froze for a second, in shock of this intimate gesture. Jungkook’s mouth opened to apologize, but you stopped him before he had the chance. Without thinking about it, you put your mouth around his thumb. You sucked on it for a second before you snapped back to reality. You started apologizing profusely the instant his thumb left your mouth. 
“It’s okay! I shouldn’t have touched you in the first place,” Jungkook shied away from you, refusing to look you in the eyes. 
“I don’t know what came over me,” you apologized as you grabbed his hand.
Jungkook looked at you with an embarrassed expression the moment you held his hand in yours. At first you didn’t realize why he was so embarrassed, you were the one sucking his thumb. But then, you noticed Jungkook sheepishly resting his other hand in his lap.
“Jungkook,” you said sweetly.
“Yes?” he answered, his eyes averting yours once more. 
“Do you want me to do it again?”
“Huh?” he looked back at you with disbelief. 
You made a bold move as you moved to straddle his lap, each leg settling beside his waist. You brought his hand up to your mouth and batted your eyes innocently.
“Like this,” you say before licking his pointer finger. 
Jungkook gulped while slowly nodding his head, giving you permission to continue. His eyes stayed glued on you as you wrapped your lips around his finger. You dragged your flattened out tongue from the base to the tip. You then reversed this motion, but instead only using the tip of your tongue. You began to work on his middle finger as well. It was hard to fit his long fingers in your mouth, but you’re no quitter. Your tongue weaved between his fingers, adequately coating them with your saliva.
Jungkook’s breaths quickened the longer you went on. You felt a bulge grow between your thighs as you straddled him. Perhaps wearing a dress was a great idea after all. Your hips began to move on their own as you slowly grinded on Jungkook. 
“____…” Jungkook moaned quietly when you daringly took three fingers into your mouth.
Rubbing your clothed pussy against his hard crotch spurred you on even more. Drool was dribbling down Jungkook’s arm and your chin, but neither of you cared. It just made you look more erotic to him. His other hand was on your hip to help you maintain a rhythm. You opened your eyes to make contact with his as you suckled his fingers. That’s all it took to make him come undone.
He quickly pushed you off of him as he cried out. You were both too shocked to say anything for a few seconds. Jungkook seemed too embarrassed to look you in the eyes again, his cheeks bright red.
“Jungkook, I--” you started to apologize.
“You probably think I’m pretty lame huh? Cumming in my pants like some sort of middle schooler,” he looked down in defeat. 
“What? No, of course not!” you disagreed.
“Don’t lie,” Jungkook refused to believe you.
“Jungkook, that was honestly the hottest thing I’ve ever done. What we just did was hotter than when I was actually having sex,” you tried to cheer him up. 
“You’re not lying?” Jungkook finally looked up at you with sad puppy dog eyes.
“I swear I’m not. I could help you clean it up, if you’d like,” you offered. 
“I think that would make me feel worse. Just hand me some napkins and I’ll go take care of it myself,” he declined.
You packed everything up while you waited for Jungkook to return. He discreetly threw away the ball of used napkins into the designated trash bag, praying to god that you weren’t looking. 
The walk back was quiet and awkward. Neither of you knew what to say. You were horrified with how you acted; you’ve never been so bold before. Jungkook was ashamed of cumming before he had the chance to do anything to you. He felt so pathetic. 
“I’m sorry for making you so uncomfortable, Jungkook,” you finally apologized.
“Are you kidding? You think I would cum that fast if I was uncomfortable?” Jungkook looked at you with incredulity, “I’m the one who should be sorry. I’m disgusting and came in my pants while you did all the hard work.”
“You’re not disgusting at all, Jungkook. I enjoyed it too. I can’t remember the last time I was that horny,” you laughed.
All the tension in the air had disappeared. Jungkook bounced back to being his cheery self. The conversation went back to normal as you brought him back to the bakery. You hugged him goodbye and were about to leave when he caught your hand.
“Thank you so much for the tour. I know we’ve only known each other for a day but... would you like to go on a date with me?” Jungkook asked with a hopeful look in his eyes.
“No,” you said firmly, watching his shoulders fall, “I’d love to go on a date with you,” you smirked.
“You jerk!” Jungkook gasped. 
You couldn’t help it, he was too easy to tease. After working out the details, it was decided that he would come pick you up on Friday night. 
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Jungkook took you to basically the only restaurant in town (that wasn’t the cafe). It was a family run Italian eatery, and it took Jungkook by surprise.
“Is everyone in this place a master chef or something? This is delicious!” he praised as he ate his pasta.
“I guess it’s the authenticity of family recipes? You probably eat at more chain restaurants while you’re in the city,” you shrugged as you twirled noodles around your fork.
The date went on pleasantly. Jungkook wanted to know as much about you as you did him. The conversations you had were lively and fun; there was never a dull moment with him. Something about him just automatically clicked with you.
“What’s your favorite thing to photograph?” you asked.
“I like taking pictures of landscapes and buildings. That’s why I was super excited about going to a university in the city. It’s a lot easier than taking pictures of people! Unfortunately, that’s where the money is right now,” he explained.
“You don’t like taking pictures of people?”
“Not really, no,” he answered bluntly.
“Then why did you ask me to model for you?” you were genuinely curious.
Jungkook froze in his seat. He took a long sip of his drink before answering you. 
“For practice, I suppose,” he said softly. 
“I’m happy I was able to help then,” you smiled, thinking nothing of it. 
Jungkook seemed grateful that you didn’t press for more details, and was soon coaxed out of his shy shell once the topic of anime came around. You were happy that he took you out on a proper date, you hadn’t been on one in so long.
He walked you back under the pale moonlight. You were admiring the twinkling stars when you realized that Jungkook hadn’t said anything in a while. His hand awkwardly brushed against yours when you first left the restaurant, but you didn’t think much of it. Jungkook seemed to be thinking hard about something as he walked alongside you. You were going to say something when the back of his hand brushed against yours again. He instantly pulled away and uttered a small “sorry”.
“What’s wrong, Jungkook?” you were worried now, you thought the date went well. 
“Nothing…,” his voice trailed off as he looked away.
You interlocked his pinky with yours without a word. Jungkook looked over at you with surprise, but said nothing. He admonished himself for not committing to hold your hand, but he was happy with this too. In fact, he thought it was cuter than actual hand holding.
You arrived in front of your house. Bidding Jungkook goodnight, you went in for a hug. Jungkook also went in for a hug, but he leaned the same way you did. In a quick bumble, your lips grazed the corner of Jungkook’s, causing you to jump back. You stood in Jungkook’s arms, looking away in embarrassment. He brought up one of his hands to cup your cheek, forcing you to look back at him. His eyes sparkled under the moonlight as he gazed into yours. 
Slowly, you found yourself leaning forward. Jungkook met you in the middle, his lips finding yours. It was a tender kiss, sweet and soft. You broke it off after a couple seconds to giggle, but Jungkook pulled you back into it. He kissed you gently, yet with so much passion. You reciprocated his affection as your fingers intertwined with his hair, deepening the kiss.
He finally pulled away, smiling back at you. To be honest, you wish it lasted longer. However, you knew you would have had a hard time controlling yourself if it did.
“Thank you for dinner,” you thanked him with a soft voice.
“Of course, thank you for accompanying me,” he bowed like a gentleman and kissed your hand. You couldn’t help but laugh at his gesture.
“Too much?” he tilted his head.
“Don’t change a thing,” you continued to laugh. 
All sorts of thoughts about Jungkook swam in your mind as you fell asleep that night. 
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Jungkook soon began to hangout with you every day. When he wasn’t out trying to take pictures, he would be in the bakery keeping you company. Your parents teased him, saying that he better buy something or else they’d kick him out, but they never did. In fact, your mom would always sneak him some freshly baked goods. 
After work, you and Jungkook would spend even more time together. It didn’t matter if you guys were exploring nature, cooling off in the stream, or just watching movies; you enjoyed it all. It was nice having someone to talk to for a change. Jungkook never asked to make plans with you, he just assumed you guys would hangout the next day when he said “see ya tomorrow!”
You knew you had a crush on Jungkook, but you didn’t know how he felt. Yes, he took you on a date. Yes, you’ve kissed. Yes, you made in cum in his pants (not necessarily in that order). You were waiting on him to ask you to be his girlfriend. You didn’t want to pressure him, especially when you knew that he’d be going back to school in the fall. 
One day, much to your chagrin, Jungkook was helping you with inventory. You argued that he shouldn’t work since he wasn’t getting paid, but he smiled and replied that spending time with you was all the payment he needed. You were too flustered to argue after that.
“Great, everything has been accounted for! Can you help me put this box back up there?” you asked him, nodding your head at a particularly high shelf that was out of your reach. You grabbed a step stool for him to make it easier.
Jungkook lifted up the heavy box of supplies with ease, and placed it back on the shelf. He looked down at you and smiled.
“What?” you cocked your head.
He said nothing as he leaned down and kissed your forehead, “You just look cute from up here.”
You looked away as you blushed, not knowing what to say. Jungkook laughed as he got down from the step stool. He teased you about it for the rest of the day.
Days flew by as it was getting closer and closer to Jungkook’s departure. You let Jungkook decide on what to do during his last day there. He picked you up at the bakery after your shift. He wanted to take one last stroll with you around town before he had to leave. You were about to hug him goodbye when he invited you over, saying that he had a box of popcorn he needed help finishing.
After watching a couple movies, Jungkook had his arms around you as you rested your head on his shoulder. Cuddling had become a norm between you two. Jungkook suddenly nudged your side, causing you to shriek.
“Sorry, just making sure you were still awake,” he giggled.
“I was, but now I definitely am,” you said as you returned the favor and tickled his sides.
It soon became a war of tickling as laughter erupted from both of you. Jungkook was just as ticklish as you were, making it a deadly battle. Before you knew it, you were straddling Jungkook, gripping both of his wrists in your hands. You both stared at each other as the laughter subsided, now replaced with heavy breathing. 
“You could easily knock me over, you know,” you said as you lowered your nose to his.
“What if I don’t want to?” he whispered back.
He moved his head upwards to kiss you, catching you by surprise. You kissed him back, pushing him back down. You lowered your hips to rest on his hardened crotch. You let go of his wrists to help him take off his shirt before removing your own. 
Once your lips connected again, Jungkook’s hands moved freely over your body, gently caressing your breasts. He treated you so tenderly, it made you even hornier. Your hands reached down to unzip his pants.
“Is this okay?” you paused to ask.
“Only if you take off your pants too,” he answered with a smirk.
Soon enough you were both down to just your underwear. You palmed Jungkook’s erection, curious to see it. It already felt huge in comparison to your hands.
“I want to fuck you, _____,” Jungkook groaned as you kissed his neck.
“I’m glad we want the same thing. Where do you want me?” you cooed. 
“Like this is fine,” he quickly answered. 
He helped you take off his underwear, revealing his massive dick. Your pussy clenched at the sight of it. You wriggled out of your panties and positioned yourself on top of him. 
“Ready?” you asked.
Jungkook just nodded, his eyes wide with anticipation. He gulped as he watched you slowly lower yourself onto him, taking in each inch slowly. You moaned as he went deeper and deeper in you. You hadn’t had sex in a long time (and admittedly it wasn’t very good). Now, you were sopping wet and Jungkook was filling you up perfectly. Once you reached the base of his dick, you took your time going back up.
From the look on Jungkook’s face, he was in pure bliss. You continued to tease him as you fucked him slowly. You transitioned from taking his entire length to just swiveling around his tip, making him moan from the overstimulation. Jungkook dug his nails into your lower back, begging you to take all of him in again.
You leaned back over and peppered kisses along his chest and up his neck. Jungkook whimpered at the sensation, his breathing grew uneven. You giggled at him as you suckled on his neck, leaving wet kisses in your wake. Once you had enough of teasing him, you slammed back down onto him, and both your moans filled the room. Your hips began to move faster as you bounced on top of him. Jungkook’s grip on you tightened. 
“I--I’m gonna cum,” he panicked.
You immediately hopped off, hoping to edge him. He whimpered at the loss of your warm pussy, but your plan seemed to work. His eyes begged you to get back on top. 
“Now it’s your turn to fuck me,” you demanded as you laid down on your back.
Jungkook complied and positioned himself between your legs. He bent over to kiss you while he pushed his cock back inside of you. He took his time at first, but then tried to pick up the pace. His movements were awkward and stiff, and his pelvis hit your hips in a way that you knew they were going to bruise later.
“Jungkook, just relax,” you commanded.
Jungkook steadied his breathing and took your advice. He was finally able to find a rhythm and stuck to it. Luckily, it was the perfect rhythm for you as he continuously grazed your g-spot. Jungkook moaned with every stroke as your warm insides squeezed around him. You wrapped your legs around him, bringing him even closer. You looked up at him to see that the usual sweet star filled doe eyes of his had switched to a version of pure ecstasy as he gazed down at you with blown out pupils. The change was a little jarring, but also incredibly sexy when you realized the potential duality Jungkook could have. You pulled him into a deep kiss, tongues exploring foreign regions as he pounded into you. 
“I’m gonna--,” his breath hitched.
“Cum on me baby,” you panted as you furiously rubbed your clit, desperate to cum with him.
With perfect timing, Jungkook got to feel you cum around him for a few seconds before he had to pull out and finish all over your chest. He gave you a quick peck on the cheek before scurrying off to find something to clean you with. 
He rested his head on your chest as you held him close. You were falling asleep when he said something.
“Sorry, what did you say?” you asked him since you barely heard him.
“I am, well I guess was, a virgin,” Jungkook admitted.
“Oh,” you tried to mask your surprise.
“I didn’t wanna say anything. I mean, how lame is it that I’m a college senior and have never gotten laid. You’re probably surprised huh? I’m not lying, I swear.”
“I am surprised, but only because you seem like ladies would be all over you. You’re so handsome, funny, charming--”
“Yes yes keep going,” Jungkook joked.
“--and a genuinely good guy. Plus I feel like being a photographer would help you meet a lot of pretty girls,” you reasoned.
“While all of that is true, the real reason is pretty embarrassing. I’m...I’ve always been kinda scared of girls,” Jungkook sighed as you tried to suppress your laughter, “I’m not kidding! I always get so nervous around girls, I could never actually talk to them.”
“So am I not a girl in your eyes?” you teased.
“You’re a woman,” he answered cockily.
“Shut up! I hope your first time was enjoyable. Thanks for entrusting me with your v card,” you laughed.
You both continued joking and laughing the night away until you fell asleep in each other’s arms. While that night was enjoyable, it made Jungkook’s absence hurt more. 
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Life had sunk back into the same mundane routines once Jungkook left. Of course, he still kept in touch. He would text and video call you as often as he could. He’d send you pictures of his newest shooting locations, and you’d always be the first person he’d show his finished products. 
You loved witnessing Jungkook’s passion grow, he had a new spark in him that wasn’t there before. With your encouragement as an extra shove, he applied to his dream job. He explained to you that it was with an agency that would send him to a random country where he’d work with a participating magazine company. You secretly envied him for even having the possibility of exploring the world. 
Days and weeks started to blend together. Your parents insisted on having you help out more in the kitchen, presumably to get your mind off of Jungkook. 
It was a weird fling you had with him. However, it also didn’t seem like a fling. Most flings didn’t still keep in touch in a long distance “friendship”, or whatever it was you had. You were never officially dating, but it sure as hell felt that way. You cursed yourself for waiting for him to ask, you should’ve just done it yourself. Of course, part of you felt like you’d just hold him back if you guys actually ended up dating. 
These thoughts constantly swarmed your mind. Ironically, the only time you weren’t thinking about your dilemma was when you were chatting with Jungkook. The end of the semester was quickly approaching, and you could tell that he was getting antsy. He hadn’t gotten offers from anywhere that he applied. You could do nothing but give him hope but assuring him that someone somewhere will hire him. 
You watched snow fall outside when you got a call. 
“I GOT IN!!!” Jungkook exclaimed.
“What?! Where?!” you jumped up in excitement.
“My top choice! The one where they send me to another country! Guess where I’m going,” he sing songed.
“Umm… Italy?”
“Close! I’m going to España,” he said with a spanish accent.
“That’s amazing, Jungkook. I’m so proud of you! I knew you could do it. When do you leave?” you asked.
“In a week. God, I’m so excited! Oh, my parents are calling. I’ll talk to you later?”
“Of course. Congrats again,” you cheered before he hung up.
Before you knew it, you were crying. You were honestly happy for Jungkook, but reality hit you. You were never going to be able to tell him that you loved him. You were never going to be with him, not while you’re stuck in this town. It sucked, but you had no choice but to accept that. 
Two days had passed since that phone call. Jungkook was probably busy packing and working out minor details, so you stayed out of his way. You figured things would probably be like this from now on. Why would he bother talking to a small town girl while he’s out exploring the world? 
You were restocking the milk puddings rolls when the front bell chimed. 
“I’ll be with you in a second,” you called out.
“No worries, I’ll wait all day if I have to,” a familiar voice responded.
You dropped the rolls as you turned around with lightning fast speed. Jungkook stood at the doorway, beaming a big bunny smile at you. You ran to him, embracing him in a tight hug. He wrapped his arms around you and kissed your forehead. 
“Surprise,” he smiled.
“What are you doing here?” you asked as you wiped tears from your eyes.
“I needed to see you. I was planning on coming back and surprising you even before I left. You didn’t think I’d leave without saying goodbye, did you?” he ruffled your hair, “Oh, and those tiger flowers are beautiful,” he nodded over to the flower bouquet on the checkout counter.
“I got them because they reminded me of you,” you blushed, your ears turning red.
“Did I hear Jungkook?” you mom poked her head out of the kitchen, “Oh my goodness! Honey look! Jungkook is back!” she called your dad. 
Your parents came out to greet him. He explained everything to them, and they congratulated him. 
“How long will you be here? Aren’t you leaving soon?” your dad inquired.
“I leave tomorrow night. I wish I could stay longer,” Jungkook answered solemnly. 
“____ suddenly doesn’t have to work until after you’ve left,” your mom smiled fondly at you.
Your eyes lit up as you kissed your parents on the cheek to thank them. After grabbing your jacket, you took Jungkook’s hand and dragged him out. You both aimlessly walked around the town as you chatted. He went more in depth with the details of his job. He was most excited about capturing photos of the city. After looking up some pictures of the architecture, he immediately fell in love with Madrid.
Jungkook invited you over to watch some of the short films he worked on over the past semester. While they were just videos of his friends with no plot, you could feel their friendship seeping through the screen. The way Jungkook played with music and colors really enhanced the already well shot video. You felt at peace sitting beside Jungkook on his bed as he showed you all his past projects. Part of you wished that this moment would never end. 
“You’ve made me a better person, you know,” Jungkook said out of nowhere, “I’m more talkative around my friends, and I’ve gotten more comfortable with being myself.”
“I didn’t do anything, that’s all you,” you smiled as you poked his chest. 
“You definitely helped,” he ran his fingers through your hair, “I love you, ____.”
Your heart skipped a beat.
“I love you too. I thought I’d never get to say that,” you said with a sigh of relief. 
He looked into your eyes before leaning forward slowly. You’ve been waiting for this moment for so long, you practically pounced on him. You kissed him passionately, as if to show him how much you missed him. Clothes were thrown in every direction leading to bare skin being exposed.
Jungkook’s soft hands roamed across your body as if he were trying to memorize your every curve. His touch was a bit rougher than the last time, his lips crashed against yours as he pinched your nipples. You couldn’t tell if it was desperation, carnal lust, or just a new side of Jungkook, but you didn’t mind in the slightest. His erection pressed against your thigh as your hands tangled themselves in his dark hair. You reached down to grab his cock, gripping from the base and slowly dragging your hand to the tip and then back down. He shuddered at the sensation, moaning into your mouth. 
“Should I get on top?” you batted your eyes.
“Nope, I have a better idea,” Jungkook growled as he flipped you over onto your knees, “Can I fuck you like this?”
“Fuck me however you want,” you answered gleefully. 
Jungkook rammed into you without hesitation. He firmly gripped your hips to keep you in place as he thrusted into you. His dick sent waves of ecstasy as he crashed into you. He surprised you when he reached his hand around you to play with your clit, causing you to squirm under him.
“Be a good girl and stay still,” he ordered. 
His newfound dominance turned you on. He was no longer the baby boy that followed your every move, although you were sure that side of him was still there somewhere. You got lost in pleasure and didn’t realize how far gone you were till you felt liquid dripping down your inner thighs.
“You’re so fucking wet baby. All this for me?” Jungkook panted as he continued snapping his hips into you.
“Mhm, of course. Only for you,” you managed to moan out between thrusts.
“That’s my good girl. Get up,” he demanded as he hopped off the bed. 
You obeyed, curious as to what he was going to do. As soon as you got off the bed, he spun you around and pushed your chest back over the covers. He slipped back into you with ease, groaning as your slick juices coated his cock. This new position enabled Jungkook to directly hit your g-spot with each thrust. Again, his hand wrapped around your waist to find your clit. His other hand found purchase on your neck, slightly choking you. The overstimulation had you crying out in bliss that you had never experienced before.  
You were practically gushing now as your wetness ran down your legs and sprayed onto Jungkook’s thighs with each strong impact.  Jungkook lifted up one of your legs onto the bed, spreading your pussy.
“Now touch yourself for me,” Jungkook directed.
He didn’t have to tell you twice. Your legs started to shake as you played with your clit at the perfect pace while Jungkook drilled into you. You were sure that you had already came numerous times by this point, but you could feel the grand finale soon approaching.   
“Jungkook I--” you didn’t get a chance to finish your sentence as you climaxed onto his dick. He was infatuated with the way you looked from behind, and he couldn’t get enough of it. He pushed you back onto the bed with your legs still hanging from the edge. He reinserted himself while you laid there, completely delusional from the pounding you had been receiving. 
“You’re such a sexy woman,” he moaned as he anchored the weight of his arms onto your shoulders. 
He continued his torment downwards. Your bountiful cheeks bounced back and forth while he repeatedly rammed into your g-spot causing you to release more of the juices his massive cock craved. 
 He slowed his pace but still kept going to help you ride out your high for as long as possible. The sensation of you cumming on him was enough to bring him right to the brink of no return.
“Can I cum on you?” he pleaded in a tone all too familiar to you.
“Please do,” you nodded.
“God, you’re so sexy,” he said as he gave you a couple more hard thrusts before pulling out and coating your ass with white strings. 
Jungkook held you in his arms after wiping you down with a towel, both of your chests heaving in sync. You both managed to work up a sweat, but Jungkook still smelled amazing. He played with your hair as your eyelids started to get heavy. 
“_____,” he whispered softly.
“Yes, Jungkook?” you replied with your eyes still closed. 
“Come with me.”
“What?” your eyes shot open. 
“Come with me to Spain. I know it sounds crazy, but I don’t care. You’ll finally get the adventure you’ve always wanted, and we’ll do it together,” he kissed your forehead. 
His unexpected proposition had you overwhelmed. You were speechless. You would go with him in a heartbeat. It wouldn’t matter where you’d go, as long as you were with him. 
“Jungkook...you know I can’t do that,” you fought back tears, nuzzling yourself further into his chest. 
“I wanted to ask your parents as soon as I arrived but you rushed me out too quickly and--”
“I can’t leave them, you know that,” silent tears rolled down your cheeks. 
“I think they’d understand. Plus, you’ve said that they’ve tried to convince you to go to college,” Jungkook was getting desperate, he thought you’d agree on the spot.
“They need my help now more than ever. My parents are getting old. As much as I want to leave this place, I can’t. I’m going to be stuck here forever. I’m so sorry, Jungkook,” you wept.
“It’s okay, ___. We can ask them tomorrow, how does that sound?” he rubbed your back. 
“No, I can’t do that to them. You know they’ll say yes. I have to stay,” you sniffled.
“You’re a great daughter. I can’t force you to come with me. I’ll miss you. I don’t know how long I’ll be gone,” Jungkook’s voice started to falter.
“Don’t worry about me. Go live out your life. Eat great food. Take beautiful pictures. Meet pretty girls,” you tried to lighten the mood.
“You think I want to meet pretty girls? Why would I do that when I have you,” he hugged you tightly.
“We aren’t even dating, Jungkook. I don’t want to hinder you more than I already have,” you blurted. 
“I...I know we aren’t dating. Not officially. But that’s just a stupid label. I want to be with you,” Jungkook’s voice softened to hide his pain. 
“Maybe this was a bad idea,” you said as you got up.
Jungkook immediately pulled you back into him. Your nose brushed against his wet cheek, causing you to freeze up when you realized that he had also been crying.
“Please stay with me. At least just for tonight,” he pleaded.
“Alright. I can do that,” you softly kiss him. 
You woke up the next morning with your head on Jungkook’s chest. Jungkook looked adorable while he was asleep, with his mouth agape and his hair falling messily over his forehead. You tried to inch away, but he just pulled you closer, making it impossible to escape. 
He woke up with a yawn a couple minutes later. He smiled down at you before ruffling your hair.
“Jungkook, I’m sorry about last night. I--”
“Let’s not talk about it. This is my last day with you for god knows how long. Let’s just enjoy ourselves, okay?” he interrupted you.
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It had been three years since that spring when you met Jungkook. You sometimes reminisce about the times you had with Jeon Jungkook. It honestly felt like a dream. Communication with him slowly faded away, and now the only conversations you had with him were one message long during birthdays and holidays. You kept up with him more through Instagram. He regularly uploaded his beautiful pictures, and you could tell that his talent only grew. He had a knack for making dull buildings and streets come to life. 
Your parents planned to retire soon, leaving you to tend to the bakery by yourself. They mainly managed the front-of-house work during the busy hours now. Their goal was to finally sell the bakery, but you protested against it. As much as you wanted to be rid of the chains that tied you down, you were scared. You didn’t know what you would do if the bakery was suddenly gone. It was all you’ve ever known. 
Ever since your parents announced their retirement plans, you started to dabble in pastry making. They were impressed with your skills, and your creations got added to the menu. Word spread that the already famous bakery was now carrying delicious pastries, and business soared. 
You were busy decorating your latest desserts when your mother came into the kitchen.
“Your father and I have to go run a quick errand, we’ll be back soon!” she said before giving you time to protest. You grumbled to yourself as you placed strawberries on your cakes, praying that no one would come in.
“Hello? Anyone here? The sign says open,” someone called from the front.
‘God dammit’, you thought before putting on a fake customer service smile. 
“Welcome to--” you stopped in your tracks.
Jungkook was standing in the middle of your bakery, looking even more handsome than you had remembered him. His face lit up as soon as he saw you. You couldn’t help yourself as you ran towards him, colliding into him with a forceful hug.
“I hear you sell desserts now,” he grinned.
“Jungkook! What are you doing here? Your hair, it’s so long! And...do you have tattoos now?!” you were in shock. 
“Do I look more artsy now?” he laughed, “I came to see you. I wanted to try your desserts too, of course. No one would believe me when I said nothing can compare to your family’s bakery. Oh, I have a present for you.”
You became giddy with excitement as Jungkook brought out a brown paper bag and handed it to you. You pulled out prints of a beautiful girl standing in a forest. Wait...it looked familiar…
“Is this me?” you asked as your mouth hung open.
“Yeah, these are the pictures from when you took me on that picnic. Would you believe me if I said I barely had to touch anything up? They were already nearly perfect,” Jungkook said proudly.
“It’s because you’re a talented photographer,” you smiled.  
“That, and because I had the perfect model. How could I not ask the most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen to model for me?” he said as he tucked your hair behind your ear.
“So I wasn’t just practice?” you recalled asking him about it all those years ago.
“I was so nervous back then, I couldn’t bring myself to tell you the truth,” he laughed, “I’m much more open now.”
You promptly switched the ‘OPEN’ sign to ‘CLOSED’ and sat Jungkook down. You brought out one of your fresh strawberry cakes, eager to hear his opinion. His face contorted with pleasure as he took the first bite. He complimented the flavors and textures, saying that everything tasted like perfect harmony. You laughed together as he shared stories of his time abroad. He intently listened while you opened up about the struggles of the bakery. 
“Anyway, that’s enough complaining for now. I’m happy you’re back! How long are you staying for this time?” you tilted your head. 
“Depends,” Jungkook answered as he gazed out the window. He looked back at you with a serious expression. He quickly grabbed your hand and pulled you close, bringing your face just inches away from his.
“Do you still want to explore the world?” he asked.
“Of course, that’ll never change. But...you know I can’t,” you answered somberly. 
“After everything you just told me, you still think you have to stay here?” Jungkook raised an eyebrow, “My next gig is going to be in France. Come with me this time, _____.”
You stared at him with a stunned expression. You thought he had forgotten about you. Now here he is, asking you to run away with him again.
“Why did you lose touch? I thought you had moved on. I made peace with that. God, it hurt like hell, but I came to terms with it. And now we’re doing this again,” your voice cracked as tears welled in your eyes.
“Honestly, it hurt me too much. I couldn’t bear talking to you every day or video chatting you, without knowing when I’d see you next. I never stopped thinking about you. I tried. I tried to forget...but no one could ever come close to you,” Jungkook cupped your cheek in his palm, “There’s a really good patissiere academy close to where I’ll be working. You could go there and sharpen your skills! Then maybe one day open up a bakery of your own...if you wanted.”
“But what about my parents--”
“Stop using us as an excuse to hold yourself back,” your mom scolded you as she entered the bakery.
“Did you like your surprise?” your dad winked.
“You knew?” you were bewildered.
“Jungkook contacted us a while back, asking if we thought his plan could ever be a possibility. I figured you were still head over heels for him since you never dated anyone else,” your mom shrugged.
“If you want to go, go. Don’t worry about us. We can sell the bakery, and finally retire,” your dad said. 
“You have your parents’ blessing, ____. This decision is entirely up to you. What’s it gonna be? Will you come with me to France?” Jungkook asked again.
“I..,” you looked at your parents before your eyes wandered back to Jungkook, “Yes. I’d love to,” tears of joy rolled down your cheeks.
Jungkook got up and embraced you in a tight hug before he whispered, “I’ve missed you so much,” in your ear. 
“Well, we better start packing,” Jungkook turned to your parents.
“Packing? Already?” your eyes widened. 
“We leave by the end of the week!” Jungkook gleefully took your hand and dashed out of the store. 
Jungkook dragged you through the town up to your house. You couldn’t help but smile as you watched his long hair bounce around while you ran. You could’ve sworn that sometimes they looked like bunny ears.
He was definitely Jungkook, but he seemed like the upgraded version of the shy boy you once knew. He had a new confident aura around him, and he seemed more manly than boyish now. Everything was happening so quickly, but you were nothing but excited for the adventures to come. 
As long as Jungkook was by your side, you were ready to take on the world. 
Published March 26, 2021. No editing, copying, translating, or reposting allowed. All Rights Reserved © 2021 Baepsaesbae.
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cognitosclowns · 3 years
hey this might be a weird request but do you have any headcanons about everyone's handwritings? thanks!!!
all sfw!! Program used is (here)
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OKAY on debated giving her,, Super Pristine Writing because she seems to have everything together
It's implied that she used to be a reporter? SO <333 I WANTED TO GIVE HER SMTH A BIT MORE,, SNAPPY <3.
Quick but legible! She's used to having to write down a lot of info vvvv quickly, so she kinda had to adapt on the go and WHABAM <3
LIKE,,, if she NEEDS to, ofc she can have Really Smooth, Pretty Writing,, but,,,, nah she likes to stick to Old Reliable sndmsnd.
OH and she absolutely knows shorthand. Anything of her's that,, doesn't need to be read by others is gonna be in shorthand <3
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OH COME ON <333 THE TRIANGLE A'S I COULDN'T PASS IT UP. Not only efficient but,, On Theme smdsnd
Took reference from ep's 2 and 4 where we got to see her write!! She <33 seems to like Big Clunky Letters
NOT DIRECTLY RELATED BUT,, she types so INTENSELY DEAR GOD. VV fast, VV loud - everyone assumes she’s mad but,, nah she’s just efficient smdns
She much prefers typing bc,,, her handwriting can never keep up with how fast her thoughts are going?
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He gives me the vibes of smb who,, writes SUPER HARD but also vv fast?? It makes an audible sktch-sktch-sktch and leaves an indent on the page underneath. 
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<3333 UNCANNILY clean, to the point that it looks typed out
HE ALSO,, writes like 3d printer?? like he doesn't go letter by letter - to an outside observer, he makes this Very Quick Diagonal Scribble Motion, and somehow it creates Pristine Writing. (absolutely unecessary, but he delights in unnerving ppl)
OH AND DON'T THINK FOR A SECOND that this man wouldn't do,, the most Dramatic, Swoopy handwriting when signing things. Just to be a showoff. Little bastard smdns.
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*vague gestures* business
OH but just <33 very loose-wrist handwriting. He signs so many things,, all the time,, oughe he absolutely has a Ganglion cyst or like,, carpel tunnel. By the end of most nights its just an,, Up-Down-Up-Down zig-zag.
he used to have a Super Swirly signature but,, eventually it just became a loose scribble
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OH he probably had,, passable handwriting but his coordination is dreadful post-surgery
It isn't that he can't write, it's just difficult to get the letters as precise as he used to and that has a habit of frustrating him? So then he writes even worse and it becomes a kerfuffle
if he's patient tho and gives himself a singular break its pretty clear!!
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A hint of Fancy Yancy, but it's loosened up a bit as he's gotten older and distanced from his Private School Years!!
OH he absolutely journals <33 nothing too fancy - a few photos he's printed out, mostly of The Gang, little things around Cognito that he appreciates, etc!!!
Ofc he could do all that online but,,, the act of writing everything out forces him to take his time with it? and really thing through and appreciate the memories he's writing down? eaoughe <3
This font was chosen for the kindness of it's smile and I'm not ashamed to admit it
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Truly deeply madly please never ask him to write down anything for you it will only end in pain. 
He both does not listen and does not care about most things that ppl are saying and OOFE THATS A RECIPE FOR DISASTER SMDNSD.
LIKE SURE ITS VAGUELY comprehensible but overall??? no smdnsmd. If he's gotta record smth he's 1000% gonna prefer oral dictation - he can speak a mile a minute when he wants to!
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He's on Every Drug All At Once All The Time sdmsnd there's no way he has clean hand writing
I feel like it also,, wobbles a lot?? Full on ~~~~ across the page, and instead of correcting on the NEXT line, he just follows that same curve??
OH and he has a horrible habit of overestimating how much he can cram in the margins. There's never enough space, he's gonna end up overlapping into stuff he's already written and hate himself in the morning when he's gotta re-read it-
DESPITE ALL THIS? He does like writing stuff by hand most of the time - it kinda helps ground him? He has a bad habit of getting,, TOO caught up in his projects. When his hand starts cramping, its usually a good reminder to stop.
The only time he sticks to typing is when his tics are being A Pain In The Ass bc,, he doesn’t want to bother with having to scratch stuff out over and over again lmao
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