#throw it all in big containers and call it a day. i also need to find out if there's any note in the rental agreement about giving
foreingersgod · 1 month
Can you write kate Martin x reader that she’s completely whipped by but they get into an argument and Kate says something she didn’t mean?
Wedding Planning . KM
pairing: kate martin x reader
synopsis: kate says something she doesn’t mean and it puts your relationship at risk.
A/N: guys i think this is my favorite kate fic so far
my masterlist
it had felt like you’ve known kate for a lifetime, having been together for 5 years. so naturally, when she proposed to you on your anniversary, you could hardly contain your excitement. there were tears, kissing and laughing (and the best engagement sex ever). it was the absolute best night of your life.
since you were a little girl you had dreamed of your wedding. you were obsessed with wedding dresses and falling in love, constantly imaging what your life was going to look like. when you’d play outside you’d make wedding bouquets out of wild flowers, or when you would draw portraits they’d always depict you walking down the isle. now that you were grown and engaged to the love of your life, you couldn’t wait to get started on planning the wedding.
kate, although she was equally ecstatic to get married, wasn’t as keen on wedding planning. she was more laid back with decisions and didn’t have any particular opinions on how she wanted it to look. ‘just as long as you’re happy, babe’ she would say. you didn’t mind all that much, in fact it made your life easier. you had full reign to make your wedding exactly how you had pictured it.
on the downside, it felt like you were doing this all alone when you really wished it was something you two could do together. you just wanted to sit down, after kate came home from practice and you from work, and look through different flowers and centerpieces. you wanted to do cake testings and pick out color schemes. but kate’s answer was always the same when you asked: ‘whatever you like, i like’.
you knew that possibly couldn’t be true. kate was an open book and you knew literally everything about her. there had to be at least one cake flavor she despised or one flower she didn’t like, there’s no way she was fine with anything. sometimes you felt irritated that there weren’t any disagreements about the wedding, she accepted any ideas you threw her way and it really bothered you. planning a wedding, throwing a party in honor of your love for one another, should be about what both of you want.
it had already been months since your engagement and the wedding was rolling around quicker than expected. within days, you became stressed and overwhelmed. there were still so many decisions to make, so many people to call, so many things that still needed to be made perfect. these past few weeks have been incredibly hectic, and to no surprise, you felt isolated and alone. perhaps it was just typical bridal anxiety, or maybe it was the fact that your fiancé wanted nothing to do with helping prepare for your big day.
one late night, around 12 am, you sat on the floor of your shared living room. you had came home late from a night shift at work, waiting up for kate to come home from a night out with the team. with the wedding being so close you decided to spend the extra time tying loose ends and checking things off your to do list. you always waited for kate when she was out late, it was near impossible to sleep without her, so you didn’t mind.
there were folders and binders spread on the coffee table in front of you. little scraps of color samples and inspiration pictures took up every square inch, various phone numbers and addresses also scattered every which way. to any outsider, it’d seem like chaos, but you enjoyed the sweet moments of wedding planning.
not long after you organized the floral section of your wedding binder, you heard the lock of the front door click open. it was followed by the creak of the hinges and heavy footsteps. you looked over from your spot on the ground, seeing kate drop her bag at the door and kick her shoes off. she was tired, you could tell, but still buzzing from hanging out with her teammates.
“hey, baby! you’re home!” you smiled as she approached you. she leant down to press a chaste kiss to your lips before setting down on the couch that you sat against.
“hey,” she was slightly out of breath. she was leaning over your shoulder now, eyeing the mess on the table “wedding stuff? this late?”
“yeah, i wanted to keep myself busy while i waited for you”
“gotcha” with a monotone response, she was already dismissing you and pulling out her phone. she didn’t ask about what you were arranging or what folder you were working on, but instead she was checking instagram?
it made your blood boil slightly, the way that she was completely clueless to anything wedding related.
“want to help me?” you asked, looking back at her “if you’re gonna be up for a little longer, i’d like the help”
“you know me, babe. i’m really not good with that, you’ve got the eye for all of it” she didn’t even bother to make eye contact with you.
“really?” you choked back a scoff, torn between wanting to be mad and confront her or letting the matter roll over.
“what do you mean ‘really’?” now she was paying attention, typical.
“don’t worry about it, let’s just go to to bed” you pushed yourself off the floor, putting on your slippers and heading for the stairs. before you could move, however, kate had grabbed your wrist gently to keep you in place.
“well i am worried,” her face contorted to any angry frown “why are you mad all of the sudden?”
“because kate, you’re pissing me off”
“what the hell did i do?”
you wanted to scream, the emotion starting to build up inside of you. for months you had been annoyed with how she left all the wedding stuff for you to do. how she didn’t even want to be involved in this made you feel like you weren’t doing this wedding to proclaim your love, that you were really just doing it for yourself.
it wasn’t your intention to pick this fight tonight, but oh god did you just want to get it all off your chest.
“i’m pissed because you don’t even want to help with this wedding, kate! you can’t even sit down with me for 5 minutes and help me organize a fucking folder”
“that’s not true i-”
“no it is!” you didn’t even want to hear the bullshit that was bout to spew from her mouth. she remained on the couch, jaw clenched in anger as you cut her off “every time i ask you to do something, you blow me off and leave me to do it by myself! you have no interest in doing any of it with me”
“babe, i’m just not good at that stuff. i thought you wanted to plan this?” she was chewing at the inside of her cheeks now, you could tell she was trying to avoid this conversation.
“with you! i want to plan this with you! but for some reason you want no part in it! i have asked time and time again for a little help in hopes that you’d become interested in it. because in all honesty, kate, i don’t even care about the wedding being perfect. i just want to do it with you! i want you to care and to go to run wedding errands with me, i want you to want to do it with me, but you don’t even give a shit!”
her face started to turn red with annoyance, eyes pressed shut. her large hands covered her face as the ran down her cheeks. she was practically huffing as she sat there listening to you completely hound her for her disinterest.
“you haven’t even asked me about what flowers i decided to go with or shown any fucking interest in my god damn dress. my dress, kate, the part that i’m most excited for. you don’t even care about that and it hurts. and you dont ev-”
“jesus, i don’t care about the fucking wedding, YN!”
she could have just punched you right in the face, it probably would have hurt less than hearing her say that. your heart dropped, noticing how she was seething in rage. jaw still clenched, hands tugging at the roots of her hair, trying to calm herself down.
your eyes welled with tears, body frozen as you tried to process what just happened. she she really not care at all? it didn’t take long for the tears to start spilling, running down your cheeks in heavy cascades. a sob struck your body, you tired to bite your lip to hold it back but it was no use.
“great,” you muttered. she finally looked up at, body softening when she realized what she said “glad i know how you feel”
“baby…” she stood up abruptly, trying to come over to you.
“save it, it’s clear that you don’t care about the wedding” more sobs took over you, it killed kate to see you like this. she was kicking herself internally for even thinking that. why did she say that?
“if it’s really that big of a deal” you stepped back when kate tried to reach for you hand to apologize “then let’s just call the whole thing off”
“YN, no” she begged, tears of her own building up “baby come on, i didn’t mean it, don’t say that”
“why not? i mean you don’t have any interest in it. like at all, not even enough to spend time with me to do it. so let’s just call it”
“i don’t want to call it off” her lips contorted to a frown “i wouldn’t have proposed if i didn’t want to marry you and spend the rest of my life with you. honey please, i don’t want to call it off”
“you’re not acting like it” is all you could say, you were truly speechless at this point. “why scream at me that you ‘don’t care about the wedding’ when i’m trying to express my feelings to you if you don’t want to call it off”
“because i’m a fucking idiot” her voice wobbled as she began to cry. the pattern of her tears mimicking yours “i don’t know why i said that, it’s not true even in the slightest. i’ve just been so stressed with everything recently and stuff with the wedding has just been so overwhelming, but at the end of the day i just want to marry you, baby. that’s no excuse, i’ll admit that i haven’t been a very good fiancé”
“no you haven’t” you crossed your arms, wiping away some of your tears “i know things are stressful…and i get that, but you don’t even seem interested. like you don’t want to do this with me”
“i do,” another wave of sadness washes over her “i think i’m just scared. things are happening so quick and change makes me nervous…our life is so perfect and i’m worried that i’m gonna fuck it up somehow. whether it’s planning the wedding or being a shitty wife, i feel like im going to fail”
“kate…” you swallowed deeply. it sent another pang to your heart knowing that this is how she felt all along “is that really how you feel? like you’re going to fail?”
she nodded, sniffling as she looked down at her feet in embarrassment. you ran over to her in an instant to pull her into your arms. she collapsed into your body, arms wrapping around your waist, chin sitting atop your shoulder as she cried to you. your hands rubbed her back smoothly, letting her get all of it out.
“i’m sorry, i’m so sorry that i’ve been so shitty” you could feel your shirt dampen with teardrops “you don’t deserve any of this. i can’t believe i said i don’t care, i never meant it, i swear”
“hey hey hey,” your hand now finding the back of her head, running your fingers through her hair “it’s going to be ok, i get it, we can work past that. but the last thing i want is for you to feel like you’re going to be a shitty wife. baby, i don’t think you could be a bad wife even if you tried”
“you’re just saying that”
“i’m not! i mean it! you’re the love of my life and i think you’re perfect inside and out. i wouldn’t have said yes if i didn’t accept every part of you. we’ll have ups and downs like everyone does, but that doesn’t mean i don’t still love you and it certainly doesn’t make you a shitty wife”
she released you from the hug when you took ahold of her shoulders. you ran your palms up and down her biceps before moving to her face, fingers grazing her cheekbones.
“it’s going to be ok, alright?” you cracked a smile, pressing a kiss to her forehead as you got up on your tip toes.
“i’m sorry, i love you so much” she pulled you in for a real kiss, this time, lips coming into contact with yours.
“i love you too”
after that night, kate made it her mission to change. she started helping out more, like you had asked, but she was also doing things on her own. kate picked out her suit, called the wedding photographer, and a handful of other things on your list. it was clear to you now that she just needed reassurance. it was going to take sometime to recover from what she had said to you, but you knew none of it was true and it was something you could work past.
you just wanted to marry your girl.
and marry her, you did.
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mountttmase · 1 month
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Don’t Get Caught
Note - lil bit of cheeky dad Mase to round off our Monday. I hope you’re all good and I hope you enjoy this 🩷 smut has not been smutting for me in a while so let’s see 😂 feedback would be appreciated 😘
Pairing - Mason Mount × Reader
Word count - 3k
Warnings - smut
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‘So it’s just a shed?’
‘No Mason, it’s not just a shed’ Declan huffed. Annoyed by Mason downplaying his new purchase that he was proudly showing the pair of you around. Not that you could see much as it was dark outside and for the most part his new summer house was just an empty shell bar some cupboards. ‘I’ve got someone coming tomorrow to wire the electrics so the lights work, then I’m getting a tv installed, a mini fridge, like you name and I’ll probably have it, it’s gonna be immense’
‘What does Lauren think of all this?’ You asked, shining your torch round so you could see more of the space but it really was a work in progress right now.
‘She’ll have her section too, don’t worry. And I’m getting her one of those outdoor sofa set things she’s always wanted to go by the hot tub outside, plus a new swing for Jude. They’ll love it’
You were about to ask another question when his phone began to ring, Lauren’s photo flashing up on the screen but the more she spoke the more displeased his face became until he was hanging up with a huff.
‘Ah for fucks sake, Madders has thrown up in the guest room, I need to go and kick his arse’ he sighed, his hand running over his face like he didn’t want to deal with it and you couldn’t say you didn’t blame him as you tried to hold in a laugh.
‘Sounds grim’ Mason chuckled, making his way over to you in the dark and holding you at your waist. ‘We’ll be back in soon, yeah? I just wanna have a look round a bit more’
‘Yeah yeah take your time, I’ll see you inside later’ Dec mumbled before leaving the pair of you alone. Watching him trudge back to the house with his shoulders slumped before you turned to Mason who you could just about make out in the dark.
‘Look round what, Mason? It’s a shed with a counter and a few cupboards’ you asked, turning in his grip and resting your hands on his chest as he pulled you closer and even in the dark you could see his pretty smile.
‘I don’t think Dec would be too happy if he heard you say that’ He laughed and you rolled your eyes playfully. ‘What do you think anyway? Would you like a summer house?’
‘Maybe’ you shrugged. Trying to imagine something similar in your own garden. ‘Would be fun to have movie nights with Ollie in something like this, like we could get blankets and those big bean bags things. Maybe some nice fairy lights so we can get all cozy’
‘You could also use it as somewhere when you need some time away from the boys’ he winked, pulling away from you as he took a better look around and it clicked in your brain that what he meant by it.
‘Oh I see, you just want it for you’ you laughed and he knew he’d been caught out as you heard him try to contain his giggles. ‘Come on, what would you have in here then?’
‘Well I’d get a tv definitely, and I like the idea of a mini fridge…’ Mason started but you didn’t listen to the rest of it. The thought of the three of you all snuggled under a blanket in something similar in your own home made your heart thump and the need to check Ollie was okay washed over you.
Ollie was at home with Lewis, the latter staying for a few days as he had a few appointments with Mason he needed to plan and it was always easier to do it when they were together rather than over the phone. Thankfully he was more than happy to look after Ollie for the evening so you and Mason could go to the joint birthday party that Dec was throwing at his house for the pair of them.
Lewis hadn’t texted and he was under strict instructions not to unless there was an emergency so the pair of you could have some time out, but you missed your little boy and you needed to check on him. Your finger hovering over the call button but before you could press it you felt Masons hands at your waist again.
‘Are you even listening to me?’ He laughed, shaking you slightly until you looked at him and you could tell from the look in his eye he knew what you were doing.
‘Sorry Mase’ you sighed, holding your phone to your chest as he pulled you closer. ‘I just wanted to check in and make sure Ollie is alright’
‘He’s probably asleep baby, Lewis knows what he’s doing’
‘I know, I just wanted to be sure’
‘Hand it over’ he smirked, laying his palm out flat for you to put your phone into but you just shook your head and held it closer to your chest.
‘No Mase it’s fine, I’ll keep it away’
‘Why don’t you turn it off?’
‘Yeah Mase, real sensible’ you laughed, rolling your eyes as you put it back in your bag as Mason placed a kiss on your forehead.
‘Come on, Ollie is fine. I know it’s weird being without him but why don’t we take our minds off it a bit?’ He shrugged, not picking up on the cheeky tone to his voice at the end but you were curious about what he was going to suggest.
‘You wanna play a game?’ He asked, backing you up against the cupboards just behind you and you let him do it until you couldn't move anymore. Your bum hitting the top of the counter and you looked up at him curiously.
‘Depends, what did you have in mind?’
‘A little one I like to call, don’t get caught’ he whispered whilst hiking you up to sit on the counter by your thighs. ‘Never played it before but I thought it might be fun’ he smiled as he squeezed your thighs. ‘I’ve been thinking about it all day’
‘Mason’ you warned but he just smiled and kissed you heavily. Knowing he pretty much always got his way in situations like this and your resolve would crumble soon enough.
‘Come on baby, I know you want to’ he teased before kissing you again and when Mason kissed you like this you knew exactly what it meant. ‘I haven't had you in days and I won’t be able to again for a while’
He was right. He’d been away for a few days for a game and tomorrow he’d be off again for a training camp so tonight was really the only time you had to be physical. You just thought it would come later on when the pair of you were in bed not outside in the middle of Decs new purchase.
‘You know I’ll make it worth your while, baby’ he whispered. Lips ghosting your jaw before he playfully bit your earlobe and when his kisses started to travel down your neck you felt your body turn to jelly.
‘Won’t everyone be able to see?’ You asked, looking towards the floor to ceiling sliding glass doors that were just to the right of you and you gulped nervously.
‘We can barely see each other, gorgeous. Don't worry I won’t let anyone see you, you’re for my eyes only yeah?’
‘Okay’ you whispered. Letting him kiss you again as you gave into his desires as in this moment you wanted him just as much.
‘I’m gonna make you feel so good you’ll forget your own name, pretty girl’ he whispered against your lips and even though his sentiment made you smile you knew he meant it. When Mason had had a bit to drink his mouth tended to run away with him and when you were being intimate it was no different. This version of Mason liked to talk you through it. To pull the strings and tease you into oblivion until you were a mess beneath him and you knew if he got his way tonight you’d be in for a wild ride
Before you knew it, you felt his fingers trail over your thighs and under your dress. Gripping your bum so he could pull you forward and rest you just on the edge of the counter but thankfully it wasn’t very wide and you were able to lean back and rest against the wall as his fingers danced over the front of your underwear.
‘You can’t tell me you don’t tell me you don’t want this, you’re dripping for me’ he growled, fingers circling just where you needed them over your underwear and it only took a beat for you to start grinding your hips to meet his movements. ‘See, there we go. You know exactly what to do don’t you?’
You let him tease you a little while longer as he kissed you roughly but soon enough he was finally pushing your dress up higher and gripping the top of your underwear so he could pull them from your legs. The cold air hitting you and making you hiss before you could just about make out him stuffing the black lace into his back pocket.
‘Hands on my shoulders baby, need you to hold on tight yeah?’ He told you, hearing him pull down the zip on his trousers and shuffle his boxers about just enough to free himself and you clenched around nothing in anticipation of what you were about to do.
As soon as you felt his tip pushing against your entrance his lips were on yours. Swallowing your moans as he eased himself into you slowly but you were surprised about how easy it was since there was no foreplay involved and you were just getting straight down to business.
He still took his time though. Moving slowly in and out of you so you could both adjust and the small whimpers and moans falling from both of your lips just egged the other on until your brain was foggy with pleasure.
‘Remember when we first met, you told me you were a good girl’ he spoke against your lips before kissing along your jaw softly. ‘I’m not so sure i believe you anymore’
‘I’m a good girl for you’
‘And only me, right?’ he sighed, resting his forehead on yours as he kept his pace steady. ‘You’re mine, and you’re always gonna be mine’
‘What is it baby? What does my good girl want?’
‘Harder please’ you whimpered, wanting him to lose control a little bit as you knew he was holding back until you were comfortable but you were ready to have all of him now.
‘Yeah? You think you can take it’ he asked, hands grabbing your wrists so he could tug them away from his shoulders and before you knew it he had your wrists crossed above your head. Holding them together with one hand so they were against the wall whilst his other hand gripped your waist to hold you still. His hips picking up pace just like you wanted him to and you let a loud moan slip past your lips.
‘So fucking innocent but just look at you. Begging for me like this’ he growled, his words making your tummy flip but you couldn’t answer as he moved his hand to rest on your lower stomach before applying a little pressure. You knew he could feel himself inside of you from the profanities that were falling from his lips but the new sensation had rendered you speechless as your eyes rolled back in your head.
‘You love that I’m fucking you in here don’t you, I bet you want the whole world to see’ he grunted. His thumb now moving back to circle over you as he still applied pressure to your tummy and you almost screamed from how good you felt. ‘Want everyone to know how good I give it to you and how good you can take it’
‘Mase, please’ you cried, so overwhelmed with everything he was giving you that they were the only two words you could remember right now but he just carried on snapping his hips back and forth deliciously.
‘Thats it, say my name. Tell everyone who’s making you feel this good’
You felt Masons hand move away from you, giving you a bit of needed relief as you felt like you were about to explode but you saw him reaching into the back pocket of his jeans until he pulled out his phone.
‘Mase? W-what are you doing?’
‘Shhhh it’s okay. I just need it, need to remember what you feel like when I’m away next week’ he stuttered. ‘My eyes only, remember? You trust me?’
‘With everything’ you whispered back. Recording each other was something you’d never done before but you couldn’t deny the idea made your tummy flutter and you did trust him. He was your husband and the father of your child after all but even though this new idea scared you slightly it also thrilled you.
‘Good girl’ he chuckled, smiling as he placed a reassuring kiss to your lips, promising again it was just for him before he pointed the camera down to where the pair of you met started to record himself slipping in and out of you. The whole act turning you on more than you thought it would and the moans that left your lips were sinful.
‘Look at you, can’t get enough can you?’ he whispered, looking up to see his face slightly illuminated from the light on his phone and the first thing you noticed was how wild his eyes were. ‘You feel so unreal’
‘Masey, I’m so close’
‘I know gorgeous’ he whispered. Shutting his phone off so you were both in darkness again and his free hand returned to your waist to hold you still. ‘I need you to hold it for me though yeah? Just for a minute, okay?’
‘I know I know, I’ll make it worth your while though, I promise’ he told you. Finally lowering your arms back onto his shoulders so he could get a better grip on you and your fingers got lost in his hair as he rested his forehead on yours again. ‘Just wait for me, yeah?’
‘Okay’ you whimpered. Trying your best to hold off but it was difficult and the way Mason was moaning into your mouth didn’t make it any easier.
‘That’s my girl’ he grunted, eventually hiding his face in your neck so he could focus on reaching his high but as the seconds went on you felt like you were about to explode as his lips connected with your sweet spot.
‘Go on baby, let go for me’ he told you, keeping his pace steady until your high rippled through you. Letting him continue to talk in your ear until he was softly biting your shoulder as he came undone himself.
It was quiet for a few moments, just the sound of your breathing mixed together as you caught your breath with your heads hidden away from each other but soon enough he was looking back up at you with a shy smile on his face.
‘That video, I can delete it if you want me too. I just got caught up in the moment I’m not sure what came over me’ he chuckled. Tucking some stray hairs behind your ear before kissing your forehead softly.
‘No it’s okay, you can keep it. As long as it gets hidden somewhere’
‘Really? You don’t mind?’
‘Well I prefer the thought of you watching me rather than random people on a weird website’ you laughed, cupping his jaw so you could place a gentle kiss on his lips before he quickly grabbed his phone again.
‘It’s gone straight into my hidden, yeah?’ He showed you, using the Face ID to show you its new home and you blushed as you caught sight of the multiple pictures of you in your underwear he also kept in that folder. ‘Under lock and key along with all my other naughty photos of you’
‘You’re terrible’ you laughed, your breath catching as he finally slipped out of you but he was quick to kiss you again before he readjusted himself and did his trousers back up.
‘And you are the love of my life. Thank you for playing along’
‘Let’s just hope Dec doesn’t find out what we’ve done’ you laughed, letting him help you down onto the floor as he adjusted your dress but your legs were still shaky for your high and you had to grip Mason’s arm for support. ‘Can I have my underwear back now?’
‘I’ll think about it’ he winked and with one final kiss you made your exit and rejoined the rest of the party.
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xob1tchs · 11 months
older miguel x younger fem!reader pt.2 (smut 17+) pt.1 here
age gap! dark concept!
𖦹꙳࡛࣪⋕ ˚.✦ ⵢ₊˚.
It all spirals from that day. The day he’d finally got you, and you’d finally gotten him.
It’s endless moments together. Miguel volunteering to do anything that involves being alone with you. Getting you in his back seat, in his pool, in the batroom, in the locker room after volleyball practice. He’s part of you, permanently forged into your skin. He lingers all day, everyday – even if you only speak to hin through knowing glances or naughty texts.
One night in particular, things get kind of out of control.
You’d called him, whining and crying about how you wanted to see him, how you’d do anything to have him. To feel him.
And it’s mostly miguels fault for being a lesser man. Slipping through your bedroom window like a teenager, blushing as you giggle and whisper between kisses. He feels almost ridiculous, but he also feels like he’s in heaven. Where he’s always supposed to have been.
You’re face is pressed into the cat shaped rug on your floor, the fluffy material soft against into your cheek, muffling you groans and whines. He’s pounding yoh frlm behind, cock completely sheathed, hole sucking him in everytime his hips jerk or roll.
He’s close, so close – and despite your pleads for him to finish inside, he begins to warm himself internally that as soon as you finish again — he needs to pullout.
Until your pushing your self up, forcing him to fall flat on your hardwood floor, twisting on his cock, tiny hands pressing to his pecks.
You’re soaking, dripping around the base of his cock, coating his balls and your ass. It’s obscene, the noises, and they’re loud.
“It’s too loud” he hisses behind clenched teeth, trimmed nails digging into the meat of your hips, strength doing nothing to stop you from bouncing on him like a mad woman.
You whimper from above him, fingers toying with your own nipple, eyes rolling up to the ceiling, oblivious to miguel struggling below you.
You don’t care, you never have, it’s been miguel that’s worried — conjuring plans that make sure nobody catches you.
He doesn’t even breathe when it happens, his mind goes completely blank, eyes screwing shut tightly, he thinks he even dies for a moment. The feeling is so overwhelming it’s numbing, like his cock isn’t even attached to his body anymore.
You’re milking him for all he’s worth, gummy walls molding to his every vein and ridge, sucking him in, squeeging every last bit of his seed out.
It’s gushing out around the base of his cock, your tiny pussy unable to contain a load so big, dripping down his bals, staining your rug.
It’s miguel who almost gets you caught, practically throwing you off with a worried scowl, prompting you to yelp out in surprise, stumbling over your words as you watch him get dressed with fevor.
The next moments are a blur.
You’re dad pounding your door, the hinges shuttering, knob shaking jerking as he tries to get in.
“Honey is something wrong!?” He shouts, voice dripping witch concern.
It makes miguel frown, nails digging into his palm, anxious as you get dressed, winking at him over your shoulder.
“Everythings fine dad i just tripped on something” you lie, peering at your father through a crack in your door, smiling weakly. Your legs shake with anxiety, miguels cum pouring from your cunt, lacey panties doing nothing to help stop a stain from forming through your shorts at your crotch.
Your father hums, and miguel can’t really hear the rest, untill he bids you goodnight and you close the door, waiting a few seconds before you twist the lock back into place.
“I’ll buy you the plan b pill tomorrow morning when we go for break-“
Your lips press to his sweetly, lashes fluttering, pretty feautures glowing as if you were an angel.
“Im on the pill mi amor, and besides don’t you think it’ll be hard for anything to happen – you are on old man remember?” You joke.
Miguel shrugs quietly, and you go about your night as you usually do, him staying just a bit to bid you goodbye after you shower – letting you know he’ll be by after your father leaves for work.
What miguel doesn’t know, is the way you craddle the soft skin of your tummy in your palms, gazing at yourself in the mirror, pondering.
What would it take to make miguel yours forever?
𖦹꙳࡛࣪⋕ ˚.✦ ⵢ₊˚. severely unedited!
tl; @whatthesprucedude @livingwithinyou @04oyaoyaoya01 @cheifqueef075 @gardentoolforcevans @valslays755 @namjooningera @scxrluxxie @xstormshadowx @xentualzzz @rubbersould1 @cavvedinn
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glennrheesworld · 5 months
hello ml!! i was wondering if you could do a carl grimes x reader (she’s maggie and glenn’s adopted daughter) where they reunite at terminus after being separated at the prison (reader got out with maggie) tysm 💗
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𝐈 𝐌𝐢𝐬𝐬𝐞𝐝 𝐘𝐨𝐮~
genre: fluff pairing: Carl Grimes x f!reader summary: Carl and reader reunite after separating at the prison warning: none
a/n: hi anon! i hope this is to your liking 😊 also tysm for 100 followers!
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You were no longer living at the prison with the rest of the group. After what the Governor had done to your home, you were alone and lost. It felt as if living in a nightmare, losing everyone you knew and loved. This wasn’t the first time you’ve lost those you cared for.
Thankfully, Maggie was there for you, like she had always been since the start, after losing your parents.
Out in the endless roads you both walked, day and night, with Sasha and Bob. You were missing Glenn and the others a lot, only hoping they were all okay and alive.
But you missed one person the most of them all.
Carl Grimes.
Both Carl and you had grown pretty close while at the prison. Always hanging out, telling each other secrets, stealing glances, and holding hands…
Maybe you two got a bit too close.
It wasn’t long before you found Glenn with Tara in that tunnel. Seeing Glenn after countless days of wandering around made you burst into tears. You had thought you would never see him alive again.
You were grateful to have them both by your side, to have them alive and safe.
However, you couldn’t help but think about Carl. Was he okay? You really hoped so.
— — —
You groan, sitting on the floor of the train car you and the rest of the group were locked in. Having arrived at Terminus, you thought it was a safe place to call home. Seeing the crops they had been growing and the kind people of Terminus made you feel ecstatic.
That was until they took all your belongings, threaten you, and then locked you all up in here. It was just perfect, wasn’t it?
It was eerily quiet outside before the sudden sound of shots firing all over the place erupts it. Clearly wanting to know what was going on, you get up and look at Maggie, sharing a look in the dark container.
“What is it?” You whisper to her, watching her try to peek out of the little opening of the car’s door.
“Can’t see.”
She says back, shaking her head while squinting through the crack.
But as quickly as the sounds came, it left. The silence consumed the outside for some time before the big door of the train car slides open. Instinctively you all take a step back, frighten but still ready to fight if needed.
That’s before a figure walks in, followed by another, and another. And then another. You can hear your heart racing inside your chest and your palms become sweaty.
“Rick?” Glenn’s voice breaks the silence as he steps forward. You stand behind Glenn, eyes darting from a dark figure to another dark figure. “You’re here.”
Glenn’s voice is filled with relief and surprise, and when you see Rick’s face through the dimly light coming from outside, you smile. Carl has to be here.
And you were right because not a few seconds later your eyes would catch his face.
When Carl’s eyes meet yours in the darkness of the car, you couldn’t hold back anymore before lunging at him and throwing your arms around his torso. He’s taken aback, letting out a small yelp as he stumbles back.
The warmth from you body and the familiar feeling of your presence quickly makes Carl realize it's you, immediately hugging you back.
You bury you face into his neck, inhaling the familiar scent of the boy you love. You forget about everyone and your surroundings, letting the way he held onto you engrave into your mind.
“Oh my god, Carl.”
You say into his skin, tightening your hug more as you sniff, trying your best to hold back tears. “It’s really you.”
He laughs, pressing his check on top of your head with his arms around you. “I can’t believe you’re here. I thought I lost you.” He sniffs too. You smile with eyes glossy, lifting your head to see him, even if it was too dark.
A sense of relief washes over you two. You both still managed to find each other after having lost everything.
With quivering lips, you whisper to him, “I missed you so much.” Your words hit him; his eyes glossy up too. You couldn’t see it, but you were sure he was tearing up by the way he squeezes your waist.
“I missed you too.” He says back to you, pulling you back into a hug before pressing a kiss on top of your hair. The feeling of his love and care makes your whole body warm up with content.
You felt safe in his arms after so long. You thought you had lost your home forever, but Carl was home.
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ftm steve, established steddie. contains detailed descriptions of periods.
Steve spends the first day of his period absolutely miserable. His emotions are all over the place. One minute he's this close to lashing out at the first minor inconvenience and the next he's ready to bawl his eyes out.
He knows Robin can tell that something's up. She keeps asking if he's alright and Steve tries to brush it off, tell her he's fine, it's just a little headache, he couldn't sleep last night. But then that sends her into another spiral that makes Steve want to scream and throw something just to get her to be quiet.
Those are mean thoughts, Steve knows, but his body's all out of whack, and his knees and lower back are killing him and he swears he can feel his fucking hips shifting. Add in the cramps that are steadily rolling through his uterus and he's so fucking close to committing homicide.
He's in the stacks, dead-eyed as he stocks the new animated releases, and shifting from foot to foot because now those also hurt and he can feel the beginnings of a migraine that'll have him calling off the next day, and he just wants to go home and lay on the couch with his heating pad and his boyfriend while some shitty TV show plays in the background.
"Steve?" Speak of the devil.
Steve makes a noise of acknowledgement and continues to shelve the tapes. He ignores the pang in his chest that makes him want to reach out and pull Eddie closer and burrow into him.
As if he can read his mind (or tell by the look on his face), Eddie steps closer. "You got Robbie real worried, sweetheart," he says gently, hands in his pockets. Steve can tell he wants to reach out for him the same way he does.
"I'm fine, Eds," Steve says. More like he tries not to snap at the only person who knows about his "condition." He can feel his agitation rising, though, with another wave of cramps that are accompanied by nausea and a sick feeling of something gushing from down there.
"Is that why you look like you wanna blow chunks all over the place right now?"
Steve maybe puts a tape on the shelf a little too hard. "It's been a shit day, Eddie, I really don't need sarcasm right now."
Eddie puts his hands up. "Sorry, sorry." He comes a little closer and lowers his voice. "Talk to me, baby. What's the matter?"
Steve sighs and pinches the bridge of his nose. "It's the first day," he mutters behind his hand.
"Hm? I couldn't hear you, Stevie."
"I said–" Steve sighs again, harsher this time, and his hand falls to his side, his gaze firmly locked on the tapes in front of him. "It's the first day, and the first day is always shit. It feels like a rock's sitting in my stomach or something and I can't take more than two steps without feeling like I'm gonna puke."
He doesn't mean to unload it all onto his boyfriend, but he asked for it. His perfect, wonderful boyfriend who takes it all in stride without a single hint of judgement or disgust.
"I'm hormonal as fuck, man, and it’s like customers chose today specifically to be even more annoying than they usually are, like they made it their personal mission or some shit."
Steve looks to the front of the store where Robin is still at the counter and then back at Eddie. "Robin keeps asking me if I'm alright, and I love her, Eds, I really do, but if she keeps it up, I'm gonna end up snapping at her and then she'll cry and that'll make me feel even worse."
Steve takes a deep breath, holds in it for ten seconds, and exhales. "I just need a break," he says, sounding defeated, and so so tired. "I just need to be alone for five minutes, and–"
Eddie, who has been quiet this whole time, like a saint, letting Steve rant until he runs out of steam, tilts his head and looks at him with those big Bambi eyes Steve loves so much.
"And what, Stevie?" he asks gently.
Something in Steve's chest snaps and his bottom lip wobbles before he can stop it. The back of his throat burns like it always does when he's about to cry, and– yep, here come the tears.
He takes a shaky breath and his voice breaks when he says, "I need you."
Eddie's expression falls into something Steve absolutely hates. "Baby–"
Steve clears his throat and the tears are gone as quick as they came, though his eyes are a little red rimmed and shiny.
He shakes his head and waves Eddie off, putting more tapes on the shelves like he didn't just have a mini breakdown in the middle of his shift. "It's fine, Eddie, really. I'll just, I don't know, take a painkiller and tough the next couple hours out."
The tape he's holding is gently taken from him and set on the shelf for him. Eddie levels him with a raised eyebrow.
"Is that really what you want to do?"
Steve bites his lip. He doesn't. Work is the last place he wants to be at today, or this whole week for that matter.
He shakes his head with a soft, "No."
"Okay, then."
Eddie tells him to go grab his things from the break room. Steve is too exhausted to argue. He comes back to the front counter but before Robin can launch into a lengthy apology, Eddie interrupts her with a minute shake of his head.
Steve holds his arms out and pulls her in for a hug anyway.
"I'm sorry for being an ass all day," he says and plants a kiss on the top of her head.
Robin hugs him back and kisses his cheek. "I'm sorry for being pushy." She pulls back and takes Steve's hands in hers, lacing their fingers together. "Hope you feel better soon, dingus."
Steve can't leave his car at work overnight so he follows Eddie's van to the trailer. He grabs one of Eddie's pullover hoodies out of his closet once they're inside and a pair of baggy sweatpants before making a beeline for the bathroom to pee and change his pad.
Soon enough, Steve comfortable and cozy on the couch, covered with at least two blankets and even more pillows, his hood pulled over his head and mussing his hair up even more. Eddie's got My Friend Is a Vampire playing on the TV, but Steve's saving grace is the heating pad that's covering his waist under the blankets.
Steve groans softly as he's hit with more cramps and shifts his hips against them.
"Here, sweetheart." Eddie comes back from the kitchen and hands him a cup of hot chocolate. He reclaims his spot next to Steve, boxing him between his body and the back of the couch. "How you feeling?"
"Like shit," Steve grumps, taking a sip and reaching back to set the mug on the side table. "I'd rather take being gnawed on by demobats than have to deal with these cramps. At least I can see the bats and try to stop them." He winds his arms around Eddie's waist and rests his head on his shoulder.
Eddie crinkles his nose in distaste. "Frankly, babe, I'd rather you not go through either." He rubs his thumb over the skin of Steve's hip. "What's stopping you from using all that government money to pay for your surgery?"
Steve hums and turns his nose into Eddie's neck, smiling against the skin. "I wanna get at least one kid out of you before I do that."
They've talked about this. In length. Eddie was there for the Winnebago conversation. Steve wasn't lying back then, but he's since realized he was wanting all those things with the wrong person.
"Yeah?" Eddie's voice is amused. "You want a couple Harrington spawn running around the trailer park?"
"Nah, was thinking more along the lines of a Munson brat."
Eddie stills against him.
Steve comes out from his hiding spot and grins at the look on his boyfriend's face. He leans up and kisses his cheek. "Did I break your brain on that one, honey?"
Eddie shakes himself out of his stupor and cups Steve's face, pressing him into the couch so he can kiss him silly.
"I'm gonna give you so many Munson brats, baby," he promises between leaving kisses all over Steve's face and Steve's giggles. "You won't even know what hit ya by the time I'm through with you."
Steve guffaws and lets Eddie cover him with kisses and love.
"I'll hold you to that, baby, don't worry."
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schrodinger-swriter · 4 months
For the Sir Pentious fluff alphabet, can you do C, H, S, X, and Y? If not that's a-okay! I love how you write for him :)
C, H, S, X, and Y for Sir Pentious
Normalize having one of your writing friends swoop in and bounce ideas with you (hi friend C:)
I believe this might be the last post for tonight, then I may call it a day. Thank you all for the love you've all been showing towards my writings! I hope to keep providing you all with my brain juices C:
You can find the other two alphabet posts for Pentious in the masterlist!
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As touched in a previous alphabet post in the ZZZ segment, he enjoys wrapping his entire body around you! He does this as a mix of seeking comfort and to get warmth from you. He does not prefer who's the little spoon or who's the big spoon.. usually it's a fairly even split on who's which. Loves cuddling, and will often initiate it anytime he gets the chance. Love nuzzling his head into the crook of your neck. He makes happy rattlesnake sounds.
Sometimes his...energy can spark some disagreements between the two of you. Be it because he throws himself into something he's not equipped for, or something less... dangerous. Usually these disagreements don't breach into argument territory, and even rarer into fighting territory. This is mostly thanks to Pentious taking your concerns to heart and wanting to work to try to find a solution where you're satisfied. Typically he attempts to patch things up first in the event of things getting ugly.
It's a coin toss on how well Sir Pentious keeps secrets. He's not as sneaky as he likes to think of himself of, if the second episode says anything. You'd likely find out what he's hiding before he has the chance to come clean! Even worse when it's a surprise for you, sometimes he just can't contain his excitement. He just can't wait to see the look on your face when you receive whatever piece of machinery he's made for you this time. Other times he might confide in you if what he's hiding is something taking a toll on his mental health. Once more, he seeks comfort in you, and it's no different here.
I think he can read you fairly well, and he gets even better over time! He's not oblivious to other's feelings, even if he's a little awkward when trying to breach the gap... and sometimes backs out with what he intended... the episode where they're at the club and trying to get a drink for Cherri, for example... though he's not as helpless in the face of you being upset. He also tends to match your energy fairly well, flaring his hood as he shares your joy in whatever has you in a good mood!
He yearns, a lot. He will seek you out even when he doesn't really miss you and has nothing to do. He particularly struggles with separation, if you need to leave to go do something for an extended amount of time. Times like these can leave him more irritable than usual, snapping at egg boiz more than usual and perhaps even to others. He will beeline for you the second he hears that you've returned.. oh please spend the remainder of the day with him, he's missed you so much..! He doesn't seem like the type to have had many genuine friends.. at least not until he found himself in the hotel, and I believe that would feed into his yearning. He's had a taste and doesn't want it to stop, you know?
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soxcietyy · 3 months
Chapter 4 -> Chapter 5
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Your dad is tired of you bringing home these unworthy men. None of them being fit to take care of you or to be given the family business since you are the only daughter. He decides to find you someone fit to be your husband and receive help from the father of the church. That’s when you meet Yuta, though just because he goes to church doesn’t mean he’s much of a saint
Mafia, murder, violence, mentions of religion, (will contain other things in the next chapters)
" Yu!! You won’t believe what I got at the store today!" You shout as you look for him around the house.
He could believe what you got because he was right there with you! He would have sent a guard to watch you but he couldn’t have you thinking something was wrong right off the bat. He had to pretend to live a normal like for the meantime. At least when you guys are married you wouldn’t be able to run so easily.
The second he got in the house he sped walk into his office. It seemed to be his only safe spot from you because you knew you weren’t allowed in there. He couldn’t handle another "what I got for my wedding haul". You did this every day and he felt like he was about to start throwing things. He didn’t know having a woman in his home would be this hard.
The other girl before you was more quiet, scared, and did everything he asked of her but you were the opposite. Every time you entered a room it’s as if the dark and lonely atmosphere vanished and transformed into happiness. He wasn’t used to this type of thing. He just slept with woman and threw them onto the streets right after. He never thought about marriage until now because his cousin talked him into this.
"Yuta, this business is all about family. About caring for one another and helping each other out. You’re too harsh on our people. You don’t even consider them family, it always more like "your men"" Gojo holds a cigar in his finger as he admired the fat object. He sat in his abnormally big office with a huge grin on his face. He never failed to wear it no matter the situation.
"I’m just not a family type of guy." Yuta leans back into the chair he sat in.
Gojo has been nagging him about the same thing over and over. All of this because Yuta always decides to resolve situations with violence instead of terms. His cousin swears up and down that getting a woman would soften him up more and if he got kids it would be even better.
So he sent him down south to a middle class area. He gave him the address to a church so he could find himself a good girl with morals and values.
"Yuta dinner is almost ready! Hurry up so we can say grace before the food gets cold!" You yell to grab his attention.
Unfortunately it seems like he got a girl with too strong of morals and values. Letting a heavy sigh out he stands up to leave. How do normal people do this? How does his cousin get with so many girls if they all act somewhat like this?
Maybe asking for advice wouldn’t hurt but his ego would be scratched. Would he rather get help from his lovely friend Hakari who will most likely make fun of him? Or should he just learn how to deal with you. He contemplated last week to call him after the bathroom situation but he thought it was too soon. Now though he felt like it was needed so he could keep his sanity.
Grabbing the phone he drags the rotary dial to the numbers. He waited a few minutes as it rang, immediately being connected his his friend.
"Hello?" Hakari speaks.
"Come over for dinner, also bring Kirara."
"What? Is there an emergency?!" He ask concerned.
"No, but I need to drink and I can’t even leave the house unless it’s an emergency. I just can’t be alone right now with her." Yuta says before hanging up.
He’s been around women a good amount of times but seeing you walk around in your tiny tight clothes made him feel a type of way.
"Sweetheart we’re having guest over for dinner." Yuta says as he turns the corner to see you in a small slim dress. Your behind and breast protruding beautifully under those cloths.
Yes you were annoying time by time but he couldn’t resist looking at you when you dressed that way. He found himself turning around to avoid looking at you so he could control himself. He just wanted to rip that dress off and have his way with you. He wanted you under him so he could see if that smile you always wore would fall off. Fuck, why was he acting like a horny teenage boy? He’s slept around with a dozen girls so why were you so different? What made him want you this bad when he basically already had you? Was is because you were playing hard to get? Because he was restricted to only look at you?
"Visitors at this hour?" You say
Turning around to look at you he sees you taking something out the oven. Though when you did you bent over and he could see everything you had under there. Quickly turning back around he grips onto the chair in front of him. He must wait a two more weeks.
"Yes darling, why don’t you go upstairs and get dressed into something more modest." Yuta says as he takes the chicken out of your hands.
Running up stairs you scurry to get ready leaving him to his thoughts once again.
He needed to talk to Hakari about the recent negotiations with the police. They’ve been acting a bit weird lately. It might be time to give them a new bribe. The only reason they been able to get away with lots of things was because they were in good terms with the police. They couldn’t just let their relationship collapse like that. Maybe it was time to work the the Zenin too. They had a huge influence with the police and own half of the station somehow. The Gojo family was in tight cahoots with them because of past situations. They might have to put differences aside if Satoru wanted this mission to get done.
Hakari got here in no time. He arrived in a casual suite and his lovely significant other in a casual dress. Letting them inside he grabbed Hakari by the arm pulling him back. He needed to talk to him before dinner so he wouldn’t throw it up later.
"We need to have a serious discussion about Heart." Yuta whispered in his ear.
Hakari rolled his eyes and waved Kirara off.
"Can it be after dinner? I can already smell the food from here and I’m starving." Hakari said with a long face.
Yuta glares at him for saying such a thing. He nodded him to the direction of his office. With a loud sigh Hakari began walking towards the double door. He wasn’t much of a thinker but he knew how to get the job done. If you ever need to get on someone, always bet on him.
"Boys arnt you guys going to eat?! The food is going to get cold!" You say stopping them from taking a further step.
Hakari turn around with a smile on his face. "Of course Ms-"
"Darling we’re kind of in the middle of something. How about later?" Yuta tried to shoo you away.
You stood by the entrance of the dinning room with your arms crossed. "Absolutely not Yu, Hakari is it? You must be hungry. Come on and eat I made such a delicious roasted chicken."
"Sorry Okkotsu but I won’t deny the your soon to be bride." Hakari laughed as he walked into the other room.
Yutas left eye twitched in what he didn’t know was anger or annoyance. He dragged his hand down his face before walking into the dinning room. As he entered he could see that the guest had made them selfs comfortable. Their eyes glued to all the dishes you were setting down. The chicken, bread, corn, mashed potatoes, and more. Ever since you got here you liked to spend most of your time cooking. You liked to try new recipes and make them all at once.
Yuta sat down at his usual seat and watched you serve his food for him. He couldn’t lie your cooking was so good. Sometimes when you irritate him really badly you’ll serve him dessert and his mood would change entirely.
Putting his plate infront of him you serve everyone else and finally take your seat. Yuta watched as Hakari grabbed his fork and was about to dig in. Yuta gave him a harsh kick in the shin making his friend drop his fork back down. He did this for revenge and because he knew what you were about to do.
"Alright guys let’s give grace!" You say as you hold your hands out.
Kirara gladly accepts your hands and gets ahold of Hakari. Yuta hesitate but grabbed Hakaris because why I’m the world would he want to hold his hand.
"Alright Yu it’s your turn." You say smiling at him.
"Lord god, heavily father, bless us and these thy gifts-" when Yuta finished he quickly lets go of Hakari’s hand. Though he planted a kiss on yours and thanked you for making such a wonderful meal for everyone.
As everyone ate Yutas temper seemed to have vanished. Maybe he was just hungry and needed to eat a bit. Everytime he took a bite of his food he was reminded why he hasn’t made his men kill you. He could always make it seem like a accident and look for a new bride. But you were special some how.
When everyone was done Yuta excuses his self and dragged Hakari into his office. He made sure the door was shut before grabbing two glass cups and a bottle of whiskey. Setting them down In front of Hakari, he took his seat and rested his elbows on the desk.
"You know about the Heart situation, it’s getting more dangerous." Yuta says. "Ever since he’s been all friendly with the mayor things have gotten harder for us to transport. Iv gotten reports about him being in my territory. Not only that but he’s been in yours multiple times." Yuta continues. "Why do you think he’s snooping around?"
"It’s kind of obvious he’s going to rob some of our production. Wait why don’t I know anything about him being in my area?" Hakari raises his brow.
If Yuta had to differentiate the two groups he would simply put it on the perspective of professionalism. Hakari was more in the underground side of the mafia. He hired hooligans and people with bad reputation. He didn’t care much about getting caught because nobody knows how he looks. Not even his own men knew unless they were his right side but that would have to be Kirara. Yuta on the other hand was the face of the organization. Also he had a role in the Gojo franchise. He had to keep his image clean but be good at his job at the same time. His people were made up of big politicians, lawyers, and anyone who owed the company even a penny. All they had to do was sign a contract saying that they’ll be given what they want but in return they will need to present their loyalty to them.
"Maybe you need to keep your men in check. Do you know how many things slip under your radar? You need to keep an eye out or we’ll be fucked. What’s going to happen when you’re dead? Who’s going to run your group? You don’t even have a heir for down the line." Yuta says trying to help his friend open his eyes.
"You don’t have one either? Trust me I have this all under control. Hey let’s just invite the don’ Zenin to your wedding. Let’s shape a good friendship with him." Hakari takes the top off the glass bottle.
"I’m getting married to have a heir and because Saturo told me to get one. Also don’t let that name slip out if your mouth again. He doesn’t go by Zenin, it’s don Fushiguro." Yuta watches as Hakari pours an even amount of liquid into both glasses.
"Your stressing too much man, I know your nervous about your wedding. You’ll do great trust me. Speaking of it seems you have found someone who won’t back down easily." Hakari snickers.
"Nothing a little teaching and discipline can’t do. I’ll have her acting like she should be in no time. The only reason I’m letting it slide for now is so she’ll have no problem getting married."
The phone starting ringing making them both turn towards that direction. Picking up the phone Yuta waits for them to speak first.
"Hello? Is the Yuta Okkotsu?" A woman spoke.
"Yes, who is this?" Yuta shrugs at Hakari who was trying to listen in.
"I need a favor from you and was wondering if I could make an appointment with you?" She said.
"Why of course you can, how about tomorrow morning."
"No I need to do it now please, I don’t know if I’ll be able to make it tomorrow." Her voice cracked at the end.
"Yea come on over, my address is-"
Hakari sat in the chair with his arms folded. "Wasn’t this supposed to be a guys night? We’re talking about business here. You need to keep ya clients in check, they walking over you."
Yuta put the phone down and took a sip of his drink. He could feel it running down his throat. "Don’t tell me how to run my business. Get your gun ready."
Usually the ones that run in late come looking for trouble. Last time someone tried to ambush him but luckily his men were on stand by. Tonight he was on his own with Hakari. The house would usually be buzzing. People running in and out and guards would be posted up. They had to go away for the time being. The second the wedding was over they would be back in business. He saw how you acted when he had his men in the back of the car, couldn’t have that again.
Walking out the office Hakari pulled Kirara to the side and whispered into their ear. She gave him a firm nod and ran to grab you from the living room. From the looks of it you seemed to be showing her the wedding plans.
"Girls why don’t you go upstairs in the room. I’ll bring you some tea and …" he turns to look at Hakari who looks at him confused. "Some pastries?"
"Oh Yu that would be wonderful!" You look at him with thoes big doe eyes.
Yuta smiled as you and Kirara walked upstairs. He waited till he saw you guys shut the door to drop the act. Walking to a table that held a big vase he reached his hand under it and pulled a gun out. Hakari pulled his out from his fat coat and loaded it up. The both of them sat in the living room watching the time go by until there was a nock at the door.
Hakari informed Yuta that he made sure Kirara would keep you in no matter what. That lifted some sort of pressure he had on his chest.
The both of them walked to the door and opened it. Outside stood a petite woman with blonde hair in a bob. Her green eyes glistened with tears and her pink lips quivered. Yuta couldn’t believe his eyes, the person who stood in front of them was no other than Ms.Heart.
This had to be done sick joke. Pulling his gun up he aimed it at her head. He wasn’t a fool to fall for something like this. Hakari jumped seeing Yutas action. Usually men would hesitate to kill a woman but Yuta was different.
The woman back up slowly trying to avoid the gun. "Please Don Yuta listen to me, I have an urgent request." She said with a pleading look.
Yuta looked at her dead in the eye, trying to make sure this woman wasn’t deceiving him. When he had finished evaluating her he put him gun down and let her into her office. Hakari followed along pretending to be one of Yutas workers.
"How may I help you today." Yuta said dryly.
"I need you to kill my husband." She said immediately.
If Yuta were drinking he would have spat everything out. That was such a wild request especially coming from his wife. He was confused on why she would want that if she lived such a perfect life because of him. He had so many quest but kept his cool.
"Why is that?"
"He’s a stone cold murderer. Don I just connected the dots to everything. I know who he really is, I know who you are. You guys arnt just ordinary business men, you guys are people who kill for what they want."
Hakari looked nervous. He could see his forehead beginning to damp. If this is how she reacted about the truth then how were you going to react?
"Okay but I don’t understand why you want to set a hit on Hearts."
"Last night I overheard him talking in a meeting. He killed my family because my father didn’t want me to be with him. I thought they got into a freak accident! I also overheard his plans and he’s up to no good Don." She said as she started to breath heavily. "Yuta he’s going to come for you. On your wedding day he’s going t-"
With a blink of the eye she went from talking to having a bullet in the middle of her head. Her jaw went slack as her body became limp. Yuta snapped his head towards Hakari who had his hands up.
"It wasn’t me man, look." Hakari pointed at the window that now had a hole in it.
Yuta ran his hand through his hair. This was starting to get too exhausting. Just when he was about to find out everything but at least he knew were to start. "Get the girls." Grabbing the phone he dialed a number. It rung once, twice, three times until someone picked up the phone.
"Father, I hate asking for favors but you need to move the date to this week."
It didn’t take him much convincing to get everything in line. He then called a group of men by to clean up this mess. He needed to dispose of this body quickly without you seeing but he also needed you near by. Someone had just easily shot a bullet into his house. He had to keep you by his side no matter what. Walking out he finds you sitting in the living room with a concerned look.
"Oh Yu, did you hear that loud gun shot?" You said standing up.
He quickly approached you and sat you right back down. He rubbed you back trying to ease you. "It’s okay, it was just near by." He whispers.
It was absolutely not fine. It was embarrassing knowing that a fool could get so close to his property to do that. That means that people always had the opportunity to kill him in one shot. He would have to build a concrete wall rather than the bar one he had. Maybe some more plants so they could cover the house a bit. More guards on stand by to keep watch.
"I don’t think I’ll be able to sleep on my own tonight. Do you think you can sleep with me?" You say squeezing his right arm.
Maybe this situation was not so bad after all…
Yuta had sent you to help prepare the guest bedroom. Yuta had offered his friend to stay over if they like and well they were scared of getting shot at on their way home. While you occupied yourself with that he let the cleaners in. He also told them to stand guard tonight and they would receive a bonus. Since he had offered his men a month off work and managed to interrupt it.
Leaving the work to them Yuta went upstairs to find you laying in bed already. A genuine smile spread across his face when he say you laying there with an empty spot next to him. If people would of witnessed this they would of thought it was because of you he would say it was because he finally get to sleep in his bed.
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foreverisntenough · 3 months
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Summary: While you daydreamed about his face an ocean apart, he had no idea what yours was about to do to him. With a twist of fate and the heat of summer, a new relationship would completely ransack his heart - Everyday heavy with the thought of one another, neither of you were going to let the unexpected love of your life go. You were going to be his, you were his, and you were going to stay his.
Warnings: This series will contain fluff, suggestive, smut love bombing, little sad, and kind of angst- not sure what else really… if i miss anything please lmk!
Note: I hope you like it! There will definitely be more parts (don’t know how many just yet though.)
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7 | Chapter 8 | Chapter 9
Chapter 10 - ‘You’re Mine’
You sat on your apartment floor in a pile of your clothes. What the hell do you bring to visit a boy… in another country… for an unspecified amount of time. Lingerie was the first thing in your suitcase but like… what else?
Trent had been kind enough to organize everything for you so you really only had to lock up your apartment, he had gotten everything sorted down to a car picking you up and bringing you to the airport. You had an inkling it was more likely Tyler orchestrating the logistics but Trent was the one relaying the information to you. No matter, it was incredibly thoughtful.
He had booked you a hotel suite down near the Liverpool waterfront because you had mentioned that you had liked staying near there before during previous visits to the city. It was unsaid but assumed you’d more than likely be in Trent’s bed anyways but you didn’t want to pressure him or bother him after a match day and he hadn’t wanted you to presume this was a trip solely to get his dick wet. It also occurred to both of you that Trent lived with his family. It was comforting to him, something he loved, something you actually found endearing, and as much as you got along with his brothers, throwing you into the family home seemed like a big ask.
There were a lot of uncertainties about the trip… the most glaringly obvious, the length. You and Trent both just wanted to be back together so you hadn’t really set a return date. You were off and on your way to England tomorrow. You couldn’t exactly uproot your life for a man you hadn’t known for that long, let alone explain to your family that you suddenly had struck up a whirlwind romance with the Trent Alexander-Arnold but your return to New York was still TBD.
To be honest, your dad might be thrilled at the idea of the potential access to Anfield and return to his home country but you were a daddy’s girl so moving countries might throw him for a loop. Your mom, well.. she’d miss you but you having a boyfriend, no matter the location, would just make her life complete. That was another thing… you were so excited to visit ‘your Trent’ but he wasn’t your boyfriend really so what was this to him? You had told most people who needed to know your whereabouts that you were going to England to visit a friend, you’d be going to Liverpool for a game which you had done before… purposely avoiding the details though that seeing a player was the sole reason you were being flown out. You wanted to keep it hush until it was official with him or god forbid… if it were to all fizzle out. Your head was spinning when your best friend FaceTimed you breaking the trepidation.
“Are you even going to pack clothes?” She joked before even saying hello to you.
“Rude…. I am, but honestly haven’t got a clue what yet… I want to look good but not try too hard. I wanna be hot for him but I’ll also be with his family so the lines are a little blurry.” You began to rant, panicking. You initially had asked Trent what to pack but his response was zero help.
“You look amazing in anything… but I also want you in nothing.. so” he joked, providing no assistance during a recent phone call.
Despite everything being done for you, the trip was still a little overwhelming. The plan was to fly into Manchester, Trent insisting that Tyler pick you up because he wasn’t able to get you himself because his match was that day. Tyler would drive you to your hotel, check you in, let you settle in and then he and Marcel would grab you a bit later on to head to the stadium for the game so you could see Trent. After that…not a clue what was in store but you could only imagine it would involve little to no clothing… heavily depending on if you were able to manage to stay awake after the long day.
It all sounded so seamless but after a 7 hour flight, the idea of going to a packed season opener at Anfield and attempting to look presentable after not seeing your man for over a month was stressing you out. Trent didn’t really think that this was, rather the reunion would be exciting, fun, and romantic.
“Okay, okay… I’m thinking you have to go with basics right? Like heels, boots, a sneaker, jeans, white tee, and then obviously have to bring all the gifts and shit he’s sent you..” your best friend was trying to be practical and she was right. Just simple, like your first date, hot but comfortable.
“Yeah, okay, smart. Weather is kind of weird there… like if I need a jacket… I need to think a little more. Maybe I’ll shop when I’m there when he’s busy like at training…”
“You shop? Let him shop! He’s clearly not opposed to buying you things! Also… you’re going to the north of England not a deserted island. I hope you shop when you’re there.”
“I’m not letting him do that… he’s gotta chill with the..” you stopped your own sentence “oh my god! There’s a Selfridges in Manchester… wow I totally forgot. Ugh I can’t wait for that.” You were drooling at the idea of bringing those yellow shopping bags home, forgetting the current task at hand.
“Wow, yeah… I miss that place.” Your friend also getting lost for a second.
“Fuck! Focus Y/N.” You said aloud to yourself. “I need to pack now. I’m hanging up. You’re not as helpful as I needed you to be!” You poked fun sarcastically at your friend who had actually been helpful.
“Love you! Let me know when you you take off, land, fuck him, you know the important things” she cooed cheekily.
You managed to finish packing. An incredibly heavy full suitcase that barely zipped closed and a burgundy Goyard Saint Louis tote bag stuffed full of flight essentials; passport, charger, headphones, just the usual.
You hadn’t realized until you were in line for security rereading your ticket but you were pleased when you realized you were in first class and you had access to a lounge. You texted Trent an update as if he hadn’t planned your entire itinerary for the next 24 hours.
“Text me before you take off, baby 😘” he responded.
“I will 😘 going to see you so sooon… absolutely insane”
“Getting impatient” he texted, always managing to make you smile, make you feel wanted. So you boarded the plane, tucked into your seat with a smile and a warm feeling in your chest. You picked a movie, popped in your headphones and prayed for a safe flight and the ability to get some rest during it.
While you were in transit, Trent was busy with pre-match preparations and also ultimately getting ready for your arrival. He was so excited he couldn’t sit still, pacing around his house. He hadn’t really shut up about you over the past few weeks, more often than not talking to his mum, knowing she could keep a secret. He didn’t want to over share with his friends, teammates and brothers because he was well aware how whipped he was for you and they would no doubt give him shit. That said, he didn’t exactly hide his obsession all that well.
“I’m sorry I can’t make it to the match tonight, sweetheart” Dianne sincerely apologized to Trent standing in the kitchen that morning. She had a prior commitment she couldn’t get out of unfortunately. It didn’t really bother Trent, she had seen more minutes of him on the pitch than anyone but it also meant that it would postponing your meeting.
“Mum, really it’s fine… besides I’m getting a little nervous about who's all in the box tonight.” He said anxiously.
“You shouldn’t be nervous… you invited her and she wanted to come.” Dianne knew he was referring to you being in the box.
“I know I never say this….” Trent sighed leaning his forehead against the refrigerator door. “What if I play bad and she gets like the ick.”
“The ick?” Dianne perplexed by the term.
“Yeah, like the ick…” Trent poorly and inadvertently didn’t explain so Dianne moved on.
“Trenty, it’s just another normal night.” She tried to reassure him like he was still her little boy.
“She is flying to another country… for me.” Trent said initially with some fear but his own words actually had instilled some confidence in him. You were flying to see him. You didn’t have to do this, you wanted to.
Trent had to leave to meet with the team, start the whole process of match day so he gathered all his things, said goodbye to his mum, and made his way to the driveway. He stopped in his tracks half way to his car trying to remember if he had made his bed, hoping that tonight he could convince you to come sleep with him instead of your hotel. The thought of you back in his arms had him eager for the final whistle before kick off even happened.
You woke up with about a half an hour left in your flight. By the time you gathered yourself you had landed in Manchester. You were going to text Trent but you didn’t want to bother him as it was getting closer to game time so you opted to text Tyler letting him know you had arrived. Customs wasn’t too long but you needed a few extra minutes in the bathroom to reapply some tinted moisturizer, fix your hair, spray some perfume, it was fine for now but you couldn’t wait to shower at the hotel.
“In arrival pickup, I'm refusing to hold a sign like Trent wanted so just look for my car…black Mercedes.” Tyler texted. It made you laugh, he clearly was just being a nice brother doing Trent a favor. He downplayed his car exponentially, it was a massive Mercedes G-Wagon, not exactly subtle, it was matte black with completely tinted windows. You easily spotted it and rolled your suitcase down the pavement. Tyler got out of the car, calling your name lowly. You greeted him warmly with a sweet ‘hi’ and a big hug.
“You okay? Flight was fine?” He questioned genuinely, taking your suitcase and putting it in the boot of his car.
“Yeah, yeah all good. Airports are just so stressful so thank you for handling everything. Obviously wasn’t T.” You teased and Tyler shrugged knowing that was incredibly accurate.
You opened the car door to find a little box wrapped neatly with a bow on the front seat. You picked it up to try to hand it to Tyler like it was his.
“Obviously, it’s for you. He wasn’t going to let you arrive without getting you something… be real for a minute.”
You giggled knowing it was true. Gifts were one of Trent’s love languages for sure. You shuffled around in the seat a little awkwardly at first fumbling with the box before putting it in your bag.
“Everything good?” Tyler asked, noticing as he started to pull out of the lane.
“Sorry, just haven’t driven over here in a minute, was confused for a second.” You giggled more readjusting to the roads.
“I don’t have anything comforting to say, just the way it is, the way it should be.” He teased you.
“Sure.. whatever you say.” You poked back rolling your eyes. Being American made for easy jokes.
“I told him I got you, he won’t be on his phone today really so if you don’t hear from Trent before don’t take it personally.” Tyler spoke unprompted.
“Oh… yeah? Thanks. I didn’t want to bother him. Don’t really know anything about match day protocol I guess…. I usually am a few pints in by this point.” He laughed at your honesty.
“We'll get you a drink eventually. But after… usually best bet is to let him come to us depending on the result. I know he’s embarrassingly excited to see you though so I’ll get you to him.” He said openly not taking his eyes off the road.
You arrived at the hotel and Tyler offered to help you check in but you assured him you could manage, he already had done a lot and had to come back for you in a little so you felt a little guilty taking up more of his time. He left once you gestured to him through the window you had successfully got your room key.
You got to your room and immediately collapsed on the bed not long before springing back up and practically ripping off your clothes thinking about getting airplane germs on the fresh bed. You swiftly made it to the shower immediately.
You wrapped yourself in a fluffy towel sat on the edge of the bed, trying to remember what you had planned to wear to the match tonight. You looked at your open suitcase, beauty products now covering the counter tops, the sweatshirt you wore on the plane spilling out of your Goyard when you spotted the little box Trent had left for you peaking out.
“Oh shit” you exclaimed out loud in the empty room recalling you hadn’t opened it yet. You pulled at the ribbon, unraveling the knot opening the lid to reveal a small velvet jewelry box. You popped it open to see a gold band, it was a classic ring but it had a raised block font with the letters ‘TAA’ pressed onto it. You liked how personal it was, you liked that he wanted you to wear his initials. There was a little card with his scribbled handwriting, nothing too grandiose, just simple.
‘Your TAA xx’
You slid the ring on and you felt like your heart could burst. Getting a ring from Trent caused your mind to fantasize at what other sort of ring he could eventually buy you. Calling himself yours made you smile uncontrollably too. You threw on a tank top and shorts to lay in bed for a moment telling people back home you arrived safely in England when your screen flashed with an incoming FaceTime.
“Guess where I ammmmm” you answered while sitting up a little in the bed. Your arm wrapped tightly around your chest in excitement seeing the gorgeous boys face grace the screen. Overjoyed considering Tyler’s warning you may not hear from him.
“Baby, I cannot believe you are so close right now.” Trent said beaming.
“Weird right?!” You giggled.
“You promise you’re actually coming tonight, you and Ty aren’t just messing with me?” He sounded more serious than he needed to be. You flipped your camera to face away from you showing him your dainty hand now fitted with the ring with his initials, the Liverpool waterfront visible from the window behind your fingers. Confirmation you were definitely here before turning the camera back to you.
“Promise, pretty boy!” You cooed “Cannot wait to see you tonight.”
“You cannot wait to kiss me.” He corrected you, his eyes dropping a little lower to your chest now.
“Mmm” You hummed to get his attention knowing that your tits were on display. “Don’t you have to focus, dial in?”
“I’m focused… trust me.” Trent said lustfully before snapping out of his gaze.
“I do actually have to run but just needed to make sure you got here safely.” He rambled.
“All safe” you smiled.
“If there’s a lot of stoppage time tonight, I’m going to be pissed. Need to see my baby.” He groaned
“See you tonighttt, my T” you practically sang your smile getting bigger at the thought before hanging up. You pulled yourself out of bed knowing that Tyler and Marcel would be coming to pick you up sooner than later and you had to get ready.
You went for light makeup, your hair in a middle part and down, natural. You slipped on some promiscuous lingerie inspecting how you looked in the mirror. Once you confirmed this looked like the right set for your first night back together you put on Trent’s jersey. The warm feeling returned in your chest. You were a fan before you’d ever met him but knowing this was his, from him, it just felt different and you couldn’t suppress the butterflies filling your stomach. You pulled it tucking it up into the band of your bra, a hack you did to crop the shirt showcasing your stomach.
You chose a pair of fitted leather pants, you knew your ass looked good in them. After a long internal debate you landed on a Barbour jacket, it seemed the most weather appropriate. Frankly, your shoe choice was impractical, committing your look so you went with a pair of tan suede pointed toed heeled boots. And of course, it would only be right to bring the Chanel bag Trent had got for you. You weren’t monogamous to silver or gold so you wore both metals dripping in a ton of jewelry. Grabbing your phone from the charger you double checked you had everything and stood in the mirror analyzing every aspect of your outfit but was interrupted by the unknown UK number calling your phone. You usually wouldn’t but you answered assuming, not surprised to hear a familiar scouse accent giving you shit for running behind.
“I’m sorry!! I’m coming right now” you sincerely apologized to Marcel on the other end of the phone rushing. You walked through the lobby adjusting your outfit when the lady who checked you in earlier friendly questioned you.
“Headed out to the game tonight hun?” She asked spotting you adjust the team jersey.
“Yep!” You said sweetly with a smile but trying to hurry along as to not hold up the boys any longer.
“They are a handsome lot, maybe you’ll find yourself a player to bring back.” She said quite cheekily but it was meant with good lighthearted intentions.
“Maybe…” you said smugly, slyly, little did she know your reality.
You jumped into the familiar big Mercedes back seat you were in mere hours ago.
“You’re aware it’s a footie match?” Marcel made fun of your over the top outfit. It really wasn’t, frankly, they just were in far more casual clothes.
“Yes, I do and your opinion is not important to me. I like my outfit. Thank you very much!” You quipped teasing back.
You were thankful you’d been to Anfield before because it was actually quite overwhelming arriving. You had entered in sectioned off areas but even so the two brothers weren’t exactly walking around going unnoticed at the stadium. You could feel people staring. It was loud, bustling, and being thrust into the close circle of families and friends of players had you feeling out of place. You had made your way into a box nestled high in the stadium. It actually vibrated from the fan curated atmosphere. Opposite of you, the boys were so relaxed, they looked to be completely at home, before offering you a pint as promised. Haphazardly they showed you around the suite, the seats, where things were gradually. The noise outside only grew when the team made their way onto the pitch to warm up.
Even though he was younger than you Marcel felt like he needed to keep an eye on you. He could sense your nerves so he put his hand on your shoulder gently and guided you out of the box into the open air seats overlooking the field.
“He’s number 66.” He said facetiously pointing obviously down at Trent. Your heart nearly stopped seeing him. He was actually focused on football now opposed to your tits on FaceTime earlier, striking the ball with ease, laughing a little.
He looked so beautiful. Under the floodlights, his skin was just glowing. He had aura… god, he just radiated a coolness. He was so subtly confident, so sexy. Your finger stroked over the raised letters of your new ring settling your rapid breath. You couldn’t peel your eyes away, it had been so long since you’ve seen him in the flesh and there he was but he was still so so far away.
In a moment, the crazed environment completely faded away when Trent lifted his head, inspecting the stands, combing through faces in the box till he landed on yours. That smile. Oh my god, that smile on his face had you completely falling apart inside. He sent a quick wink your way, still attempting to keep his concentration on the game. Although small, his acknowledgement calmed you feeling more comfortable, finally taking off your jacket, admittedly slightly shyly considering you were sitting with boys who shared the last name on your back.
“Uhhohh we got a fan” Tyler jeered.
“Ugh T, you’re so sexy. Please let me be a WAG” Marcel moaned in a terrible, but equally funny, American accent impersonating you.
“I hate you both” you said with no real conviction, your eyes refusing to break from watching Trent stretch, it was hot.. you couldn’t deny it.
You had relaxed, meeting a few people, drinking and laughing with his brothers, you were having fun. The starting eleven took their positions before kick off. Trent had made his way to the back right of the pitch that was closer to where you all were sat. There was a pause, a hum of anticipation for the match to begin but in the lull Trent turned to look for you once more. He found you much faster this time, pressing his hand to his lips, blowing you a kiss pointing up to you directly. You couldn’t wipe the smile off your face if you tried. It was bold, it was public, it was just for you. You were lost in the moment, looking longingly into the big brown eyes that felt miles away. You pushed your lips, pressing a kiss into the crisp air towards him. He smiled before putting his head back down to regain focus.
His brothers looked completely shocked at the interaction. Marcel’s hand gripped Tyler’s leg. They knew you two were into each other, it seemed to be serious, but never… never had they seen Trent break professionalism and do something so affectionate, not only in public, but on a massive stage. This game was at a fully packed stadium, broadcasted, spectated internationally and he without a single second of doubt was blowing a kiss to you.
The ref blew the whistle signaling the start of the match but also the start of something much more.
Thank you for continuing reading! DW smut will return! Let me know what you think!!!!!
Next part - Chapter 11
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copias-girl · 1 year
To Catch a Cardinal: Chapter II
Song recommendation for this series!
Chapter I, Chapter III
You hadn’t seen much of Copia in a few days, mostly because the Papas kept you busy and the Cardinal was also being kept occupied with work in his office. Sometimes at night, when you were laying awake in bed, you’d hear footsteps down the corridor outside your room. You wondered if it was him, finally trudging back to his quarters after working a long day on translations and black mass preparations and everything else that was in that big stack of paper he was carrying the other day.
The more you thought of it, the more you wanted to throw open the door and pull him inside your room so you could hold him all night long. That subtle need deep inside you burned brighter with each passing day, especially when you kept hearing so many people throughout the day make jokes about Copia, about how weird and awkward he was.
You had passed him in the halls a few times, and you couldn’t help the way your smouldering gaze would sweep over his form. There was just something about Copia that had you biting your lip every time you saw him, always looking good enough to eat in his cassock and biretta. He, on the other hand, had a hard time holding your gaze, his cheeks flushing and his mismatched eyes darting away from yours several times, shyly shooting down to the scandalously high slit in your habit. You always gave him a little smile; a warm one, a respectful one, one that showed the Cardinal that you weren’t laughing at him like everyone else was.
You were just waiting for an excuse to visit him in his office; fuck, it actually kind of made you feel restless as you stood in the hallway, using a feather duster to clean the ornate candelabras that lined the walls.
Sisters of sin could often be seen doing daily tasks and chores around the abbey, and you were no exception. You all shared the workload, either being assigned certain chores each week or choosing which ones you wanted to partake in. Dusting was one of your personal favourites, so that you could daydream and hum to yourself while doing the mindless work. When there was no one around, sometimes you would pretend like you were in a 1950s musical, dancing and singing and twirling all around with your little feather duster.
It wasn’t long before Sister Imperator called your name, startling you out of your daze.
“Sister Imperator!” You greeted her with a smile.
“Oh, good, you’ve done a marvellous job with the dusting, Sister!” She grinned, gesturing to your work. “Why don’t you take a break for now? It’s shopping day and I was thinking you and some other sisters could head into town and get some things. We’re in desperate need of more black candles, and things like that. Here, I’ve made a list.” She explained, handing you a piece of paper.
“Sure thing!” You nodded, taking the paper and looking it over. It contained things that were needed for mass, like candles and incense, and also ingredients for certain rituals.
“Excellent!” Imperator clasped her hands together happily. “I’ve already told the others so I’ll have a ghoul bring the car around shortly. You can also all get some snacks and things that you’d like to eat, by the way.” She told you. “Oh, and why don’t you go get C from his office and take him with you? It would do him good to get out a little bit!” She added before turning and walking away.
A delighted smirk found its way onto your face as you quickly abandoned your dusting for now, heels clicking as you made your way there.
You stopped by your room to get a Mix Max cake before slinking down the corridor to his office.
You knocked on the ornate, dark wooden door, trying not to look too excited as you waited for the man to answer. You heard some rustling before the door was pulled open, Copia’s sweet face lighting up when he saw you. However, you weren’t exactly sure what it lit up with. Fear? Excitement? Nervousness? Perhaps a mix of everything?
“Hi Cardinal.” You greeted him, a lilt of flirtatiousness in your voice as you held up the little wrapped cake.
“O-oh, ciao, Sorella! Grazie.” He stuttered nervously, taking the cake from you with a shy smile creeping onto his face. You were the only one who was kind to him, you made him feel… special. And it did something to him inside, you did something to him inside. The mere sight of you made his head spin, gave him anxiety and butterflies in his stomach and rendered him a tongue-tied and stuttering fool. Well, Copia supposed that he was perhaps just naturally a tongue-tied and stuttering fool. But still, your essence nearly pained him, and the fact that you were the most beautiful girl he had ever seen yet you were the kindest to him… Well, it seemed almost paradoxical. The poor man didn’t suspect a thing about you finding him romantically interesting, however. He simply thought you were being nice out of pity.
“How are you settling in, Cardinal?” You asked softly, placing a hand on his shoulder. You swore his breath hitched in his throat at that, at the way you were standing just a bit too close than what would be considered appropriate.
“Ehh, I- Si, good, I… Well, si, thank you.” He finally settled on saying, but you felt like he was leaving something out. You could only guess that it was about the way he was being ruthlessly made fun of by the other siblings of sin.
“Are you sure you’re alright, Cardinal? You’re looking a little flushed.” You gently fawned over the man, placing the back of your hand on his forehead to feel for a fever.
“I…” Copia quietly started, but trailed off, not knowing what to say.
After a moment, you shook your head, murmuring something about your hands always being cold, and you cupped his face in your hands and pressed your lips to his forehead instead. You know, just to get a more accurate idea of his temperature.
Now you were sure you heard the Cardinal’s breath hitch at that, not only from your action but because from this angle, the only thing in his line of sight was your cleavage showing from the low cut neckline of your habit. But as quickly as it happened, it was over. You pulled away, trying to hide your delight at his deeply reddened cheeks and widened eyes.
You took the cake out of his gloved hands, unwrapping it and holding it up to his lips.
“Here, eat. I know you’ve been working a lot, right? Have you eaten?” You asked, watching as he took a bite, letting you feed him.
Copia shook his head no, sheepishly flicking his eyes down. He was nearly overwhelmed by the sight of your bare leg sticking out of the slit in your habit and how it was lightly brushing up against his cassock from how close to him you were standing.
Feeding him another bite, you placed your other hand on his shoulder once more, gently getting his attention.
“So, we’re going into town today because we need to get some supplies, and Sister Imperator said you should come. Do you want to?” You proposed.
“Mm,” Copia nodded, finishing the last of the cake. “Okie dokie, I will come..” He agreed, and sweet Satan, your heart melted right then and there. This adorable old man really just said okie dokie in complete seriousness and for some reason that drove you wild. It made you wet, it made lust pool deep within you, it made you want to devour him.
“Good.” You smiled simply, catching his mismatched gaze as you licked the residual chocolate off your fingers. He watched you intently, swallowing nervously as he awaited your next move.
“Well, I’ll meet you out front in a few minutes! Sister Imperator said she was having a ghoul bring the car around.” You chirped happily, the hand on his shoulder ghosting down his arm before you spun on your heel and left.
Copia was left flustered and slightly confused, wondering if all this really happened or if you were just a daydream.
You met Sisters Mable, Ava, Lilith, and Emily on the grand front steps of the abbey, the ghoul already waiting in the sleek black 1949 Rolls-Royce.
“Wow, you look hot!” Sister Mable commented, looking you up and down as the other sisters agreed. Well, all of them except Emily. Recently, you had started wearing your dressier habit, the one with the low cut neckline and scandalously high slit. None of the other sisters ever wore theirs, usually just sticking to the standard one.
“What, this old thing? Why, I only wear it when I don’t care how I look~” You giggled, twirling a lock of your hair and making the other girls laugh.
The sisters got into the car, and that’s when Copia came shuffling out of the large doors, his gloved hands clasped meekly in front of himself as he made his way to the car.
“Oh you’ve gotta be kidding me…” Mable grumbled.
“Who invited the weirdo?” Emily asked loudly, obviously striving to make Copia feel as unwelcome as possible.
“Sister Imperator suggested he come.” You retorted. “And, well, I think he should too.” You added, giving the poor man an encouraging little smile when his eyes met yours, clearly surprised by you sticking up for him to your friends.
“Well, looks like there’s no more room in the car anyway so he’ll have to stay home!” Lilith chimed in, a smug smile on her face as she gestured to the last spot in the backseat.
“No, because I’ll just-“ You gestured for Copia to get in the car, and when he did, you took a seat right on his lap and closed the door. “There.” You said, the finality in your voice shutting up the other girls, who only stared at you in surprise.
“Is this okay?” You asked the Cardinal, who quickly nodded and stammered out a shy affirmation, his arms naturally coming to wrap around your waist like a seatbelt.
And with that, you were all on your way; gazing out the window as the ghoul drove you into town.
But suddenly the car turned onto this one road and- Satan below, were they doing construction here or something? The road was so ridiculously bumpy, causing everyone in the car to bounce up and down rapidly.
You squirmed on Copia’s lap as you bounced, trying to keep your place and not slide off. Your one hand was tightly gripping the ceiling handle of the car while your other hand found purchase on the Cardinal’s thigh, which was surprisingly muscular.
However, that mental observation was immediately interrupted by something far more… intrusive.
Oh…. Oh. Your eyes widened in realization at what it was. The more you bounced and squirmed, the harder Copia’s cock got, so you could feel every inch of it fully pressing against you as it strained against the pants he wore under his cassock. And holy fuck, he was… big. You also became aware of the Cardinal’s strained breaths as he desperately fought to keep quiet, his grip on your waist tightening ever so slightly as his cheeks burned with shame.
He really did feel so fucking ashamed, like the biggest pervert on the face of the planet. But he just couldn’t help it, not when your perfect ass was pressed against him like this, practically grinding against him.
You shifted again from a particularly obnoxious bump in the road and suddenly his cock was pressed right into your pussy, causing you to yelp out loud from the shock of pleasure.
“Are you alright??” Ava asked you.
“Y-yeah just-! This road is so bumpy, I hit my head on the ceiling of the car.” You lied, even rubbing the top of your head to make it seem convincing.
“Yeah, this road is crazy!” Lilith laughed in disbelief.
You and Copia both stifled moans, releasing sighs of relief when the car finally pulled onto a normal fucking street.
After a few moments, you turned slightly sideways on the Cardinal’s lap, causing him to tense up and exhale shakily with each of your movements.
You were so close, the tips of your noses nearly brushing as you leaned in, cupping your hands around his ear.
“I think there’s something in your pocket that’s poking me.” You whispered, playing dumb, but your voice had a slight edge of knowingness to it. You pulled away just enough to gauge his reaction, and Copia only nodded, biting his lip.
“M-mi dispiace…” He murmured.
“Don’t be.” You replied quietly, biting your own lip to prevent a smirk from forming as you turned to face forward again.
𖤐 to be continued 𖤐
Taglist: @sucharide @the-hole-in-terzos-shoe @rightintheghoulies @copiaswifey @youhaveahomeinmyheart @mister-girl @faeeeeh @rubyserpentine @ramblingoak @tuttifuckinfruttifriday @angelconservation @yourlocalghouleh @gh0sty6 @nikolaiology @thenick100 @mothsdraw
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draco-after-dark · 4 months
Rock zombie Feral
(I already made some art that will be posted soon but i needed to talk about this idea)
Okay so hear me out
Rock zombie Feral JD but it went wrong. all kinds of wrong.
So it seemed a big thing from the rock zombies is that when you've been zombie-fied the effects vary depending on the troll. I'm going to focusing more on Branch's case then the other troll leaders since he is JD's brother and is the closest rock example I'm ever going to get.
So what if JD was at one point or another turned into a Rock Zombie. Like an early test for the guitar but it went horribly wrong because
Feral JD was been without troll contact for 20+ years
The guitar was incomplete, missing a string or two
Barb got impatient and wanted to test it out (it did not go well)
What if i made the chunk out of Barbs ear JD's fault because he bite her in his rage (sorry Barb fans)
I'm thinking the events played out as along the Rock trolls tour across the continent they stumbled across John Dory when they had been passing through a forest. They new he wasn't a Rock troll. They weren't entirely sure what kind of troll he was, since he's grey and all and wasn't exactly singing or anything.
He just growl and hissed at them as he tried to escape but they cornered through him into one of those cages they have. It was not an easy feet a lot of the Trolls who had to wrangle him into it got bitten, scratched or both.
Once he's been contained it pretty self explanatory. Barb shows up with the guitar and blasts JD with the perfect rock harmony (forgot what is actually called).
Hell breaks lose in the cage and JD is slamming against the walls, the whole cage rattling and shaking at the impacts. the metal groaning in protest.
Barb remarks "He's a feisty one"
The main thing that sets him off is when they start playing loud rock music. JD having been in the quiet of the forest so long is shellshocked at the loudness and with his ears being quite sensitive so he feels nothing but agony.
JD was already pretty unstable at this point when around unknown things, so add unfamiliar trolls who chained you up and through you in a small cage. He is pissed to say the least. and in pain.
If you know Dragon ball he basically goes full Broly mode.
i imagine he starts to glow a bright red and with a loud screaming roar grabs the cage door and rips the whole things off the hinges and throws it at the nearest group of trolls.
Warning for the following writing below i do talk about death a bit and other things so be careful if that makes you uncomfortable
Upon his jailbreak he goes on a one man war mission and wreaks havoc on anything in his path. ANYTHING. Trolls included. The Rocks trolls do mange to escape with minimal casualties since JD is in a frenzy and is taking his rage out on anything.
He goes full Broly at this point.
When the Rock Trolls get away he sets his sights on anything that moves around him. Wandering aimlessly through the woods demolishing anything that breaths. big or small. a trail of destruction and death following him.
I imagine this goes on for a few days since they still have to collect the final few strings and then need to have the whole Rock concert.
After the guitar is destroyed JD is freed with the seemingly endless anger and rage that had been coursing through his body for days. Unable to calm down or think rationally.
He essentially wake ups after that. Finally being able to breath after everything. You can imagine he felt so out of control for so long he just sort of sits their. by himself curled up into a ball of fluff reflecting on everything that happened.
This is where the whole "I'm a monster" steams from. JD has a lot of guilt regarding the trolls he attacked in his blind rage. This event also contributes to him realizing how far he's fallen.
He knows that same ferocity has always been their, living inside him but he was always able to keep in under control. Keep his anger under control. No matter what.
It felt good to finally just let it out. Although unintentionally, part of him feel releive that he was finally able to get out all that pent up frustration.
It also terrified him. Remembering how much damage he caused, the lives he changed. what if it happened again and he hurt more trolls.
So this gives him even more reason to avoid other trolls until his capture by Veneer and then at his eventual reunion with his brothers.
Now all he thinks about is how terrified his brothers must be of him.
Also JD is famous among the rock trolls now by the name Crimson Death because of the whole glowing red thing and the whole mass destruction thing after those events.
The rock trolls are equal parts in aw of his ferocity and also terrified of it. Rock trolls always gave me unhinged vibes.
Still working on this idea so bare with me but if anyone got ideas about it send them my way.
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casarecci · 2 months
Skull appreciation post (jumbled thoughts bc I just binged listening to the audiobook version of Jonathan Stroud's Lockwood & Co. series)
I love how powerful Skull is. But first, some parallels (and differences) between the Luce&Skull and the Marissa&Ezekiel duos.
Marissa found Ezekiel when she was young. She adores him. But she also fears him. Tbh it kinda seems like he took advantage of her. They bonded. Maybe Marissa was always curious about what was beyond life, but Ezekiel's been hanging around her since she was a young child, and all the research she did? All the actions that led to the Problem? She did all that under Ezekiel's advice and guidance.
And yes, Ezekiel's a Type 3, and sure he's got a golden aura, and oh he's so special, but at the end of the day, it's all just appearance.
Yes, he's powerful, fine, he's smart too, but when compared to the Skull n Lucy combo, he's an insecure Type 3 ghost who was honestly kinda creepy and predatory and took advantage/really tapped into/maybe even developed Marissa's curiosity about the other side. He throws his weight around about being dead and knowing what to do to escape death, clearly calls the shots in his relationship with Marissa, and has developed a god complex of sorts in thinking that because he knows how to blur the boundary between the living and the dead, he's the strongest thing around.
Well, thank goodness there's Skull to prove him wrong.
I LOVE the Skull-Lucy relationship. My favorite part (which is very important) is that Lucy didn't free Skull because she needed him, she freed him because she wanted to. She made her decision after Lockwood had come and helped get things in hand. Even though she was confident things were in hand and didn't know just how instrumental Skull would be in staying alive, she freed him without any condition imposed on him.
She didn't free him so long as he helped her.
She didn't free him so long as he didn't kill her or any of her friends.
She didn't free him out of a tenuous trust that he'd be on her side.
Lucy freed Skull (I think) because something that had been dawning on her this whole time really clicked into place: considering the origins of agents, dealing with ghosts, capturing their sources, and just in general interfering with the existence of the dead (thank you, Big M, for all that), combined with the fact that she got a taste of Skull's existence what with being trapped in the other world (as Skull pointed out), Lucy's sense of empathy took over and she did what she thought was right. She let Skull go because he's got an existence of his own, too.
He's not an abstract idea or apparition, no, he's Skull, a thin, sardonic looking youth with spiky hair. He's someone who in life was awful, but spent so much time in death that he forgot who he was, despite being so stubborn about clinging to life, coming back as a ghost, and NOT crossing over fully to the other *dead* dead place.
He's got personality and endless ideas about murder. He kept Lucy company for the four months she was apart from Lockwood. He became her friend. He helped her in scrapes. He guided her back to life the first time she crossed over.
Maybe the difference in the Marissa&Ezekiel and Lucy&Skull is circumstance: Marissa met Ezekiel out in the wild. It ways in TEG at one point that there's an aspect of fear in their dynamic. His source list contained, unlike Skull. Ezekiel can cause so much more harm to Marissa than Skull could when contained in the jar to Lucy throughout the time they spent together needed to develop a relationship.
But that's not the main thing. Marissa depends on Ezekiel. Lucy is fond of Skull, but depends? No.
Marissa is basically in love with Ezekiel. Lucy? She's got Lockwood. She doesn't need Skull on that front.
Marissa is literally obsessed with golden ghost boy. Lucy sees the wider picture. She likes Skull, but he's not the end all be all.
But going back to appearances, well that's kinda what it's all about, isn't it? Marissa cares deeply about her image. And so too does Ezekiel. Why doesn't she keep Skull? He's rude. Ezekiel thinks him a criminal. Neither can see past his exterior, thus completely missing out on just how powerful he is.
And then there's Skull.
For all that Skull jokes about killing George and (honestly kinda understandably) dislikes him, he sees him for what he is - an effective researcher who doesn't judge anyone for how they look or behave.
Skull sees people for who they are. He sees right through Marissa's disguise as Penelope (side note, it is SO messed up that Marissa offed both her daughter and her granddaughter to keep on living, like his awful is that). He's perceptive. He knows about Locklyle even before they do.
But back to Skull's strength, which was the impetus of this long ramble. He gets out of his jar basically in disbelief. Because this is Lucy, the wretched girl who doesn't keep her promises to him to speak about his freedom, this awful living person who's left him behind time and time again.
But for every mistake she's made, she's also tried her best to right it. Every time she left Skull somewhere, she went back for him. He even got a heartfelt apology from her when she left him behind and Rupert got his hands on Skull.
This is the girl who looked past his rudeness. Who wasn't someone under the honeyed thumb of a different ghost. Who gave him a chance and let him out not because she needed him or hoped he'd be on her side. This is the girl who ket him out knowing full well Skull would do as he pleased and made her peace with it.
Because unlike Marissa and Ezekiel who are inextricably tied together and dependent on each other, Lucy is Lucy and Skull is Skull.
And when he does come to Lucy's aid, well, he's barely even exerting himself. I love him so much.
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cartoonslovers · 8 months
Wrecker family headcannons
(ultra Magnus,bulkhead,wheeljack, Smokescreen,and Miko)
-Ultra Magnus and Wheeljack got into a fight because he allowed Miko to sneak into the ship they argued the trip back to the base while bulkhead, Smokescreen, and Miko watched😭
-Everytime Wheeljack and Ultra Magnus got done arguing one of them always have to say "I just think you can be a little bit more responsible" then a whole nother argument started
-Do you ever just get that look from your parents after doing something stupid or misbehaving In public Ultra Magnus definitely gave that look to Miko and Smokescreen. Bulkhead most of the times follows orders and Wheeljack just gets a groan of annoyance and another bickering match with ultra Magnus
-Smokescreen is the family instigator in the wrecker family and to everybody in general he loves drama but he just doesn't do it when it's a really big argument just bickering, when there's a sparring match with his team or when the cons are fighting eachother
-Smokescreen pranks everybody nobody(except ratchet and Optimus) is safe😭
-Smokescreen and Miko would make trinkets to prank the cons with they made a ton and Smokey would hide them so he would get the "back in my day" or "this is unsafe and stupid" speech from ultra Magnus and Ratchet
-One of the trinkets Smokey and Miko made was a metal container with a bunch of wholes of all sizes on the sides and and a small energon crystal with colored smoke on the inside with a handle so when you throw it you have like five or ten seconds to run and smoke gets everywhere
-Bulkhead accidentally tripped on one of them and there was pink,purple,and blue smoke everywhere and it got on his armor and anything else close to it Smokescreen ended up getting those speeches in the end but just to be petty he made some that would actually cause damage to the cons in battle with the Explosion Lords(Wheeljack) help of course
-Remember when you said Smokescreen sleeps like a cat he fell asleep on a tree at the end of a mission and Ultra Magnus had to carry Smokescreen through the groundbridge back to base
-Idk who or why but somebody gave Smokescreen one of those ADHD trap things and Smokescreen was staring at it for a while
-Miko was the first one to think Ultra Magnus and Wheeljack are dating then she asked wheeljack about it and his reaction told her everything she needed to know
-Miko drew a ton of pictures of the wrecker family and the rest of the team and she put them in Ultra Magnus ship he definitely was touched by her drawings but he didn't really show it much
-Smokescreen called Ultra Magnus "Dad" once and nobody let them live that down.When that happened the whole interaction was "you just called captain holt dad" scene
-Smokescreen definitely tried to climb up on ultra Magnus shoulders when he couldn't see something
-Bulkhead and Wheeljack where sparring one time and Miko and Smokescreen were recording because something was bound to go wrong and Ultra Magnus was watching as well then Wheeljack flipped Bulkhead over his shoulder he succeeded but when bulkhead landed on his back Wheeljack didn't let go of him in time and also ended up flying across the room Smokey and Miko with crying laughing and the rest of the team had to make sure wheeljack s alright
-Bulkhead was mad at Smokescreen because he threw the lobeball at his face when playing a game so he told Ultra Magnus Smokescreen had been sneaking out of the base Smokey got grounded afterwords smokey and bulkhead were at war for a couple days and they were at each other's throats but they were forced to make it up
-Smokescreen would tell Bulkhead really concerning facts about bots before them and the things they did before they were killed very brutally and Smokescreen would tell him in detail about it he couldn't sleep for a long while
-the Wrecker family definitely tried to convince Ultra Magnus to speed up when driving the ship but he told them that the fuel was to valuable to waste on something like that
-they all(except Miko)had went into a cave Smokescreen located on another planet and Wheeljack was recording to show Miko and when they found the cave Smokescreen ran right inside and they had to chase after him there was writing that said "turn back now" and Smokescreen thought the the things inside the cave would be a cool way to die😭
Oh my goodness. When you say Ultra Magnus and Wheeljack were arguing I was literally like: "mom and dad are fighting". Smokescreen climbing up Ultra Magnus's shoulders is something I didn't know I need until now but yeah Smokey deserve it.
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avastrasposts · 11 months
The Pilot and his Girl - ch. 19 **
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I had a lot of fun writing this chapter because we've got some nice smut but also a long action sequence unlike anything I've written before and that was fun so I hope you enjoy it!
Please comment and reblog, I love hearing your thoughts on the story and my writing! And BIG thank you to all of you who continue to support this crazy little one shot that's now 19 chapters long.... (and growing).
Chapter 20
Series Master List
Word count: 6.6k
Warnings have their own post, but contain spoilers
Frankie meets you in front of the high school kitchen that same afternoon, you’re going to head over to the gym for another round of combat training with him. Even from a far you can see his big smile when he walks towards you.. 
“I talked to Benny!” he grins when he gets close, pulling you in as he wraps his arms around your waist. 
“Oh that’s amazing! How are they doing? Is Will with him?” 
“He sounded good, apart from when I asked about Will. He doesn’t know where he is, he went missing the evening of the outbreak.” Frankie sighs and pushes a strand of hair behind your ear as your smile slips.  “I guess that was expected since Ingrid didn’t hear about Will, but I was still trying to hope.” 
“Me too, and Ben didn’t sound hopeful about it being the guy Pope mentioned in New York. He said Will’s office building was on fire and there were lots of infected when he got there, he didn’t give me any details but ... .yeah, didn’t sound good.” He takes your hand and you walk over towards the double doors into the gym, “But I did get the paperwork for a transfer, just need to drop Pope’s form over to his place this afternoon, you wanna come with me after our session?” 
“Yeah, I’ll come, I haven’t been to that part of Franklin yet,” you say as he holds open the door for you, stepping into the empty gym hall. Large windows provide enough light for your needs, the electricity isn’t on for this part of the building most days. 
““You ready for this?” Frankie asks, dropping his bag on the floor. 
“No, I’m so tired from last night but you’re not gonna let me skip it are you?” you give him a mock scowl and he grins. 
“Not a chance, when we get to Arlington I’m gonna ask Benny to train you, Master Class style, and then you’ll need every trick I can teach you.” 
“Oh fuck it…just throw me to the infected now and be done with it…” you sigh and start jogging around the gym to warm up. 
Frankie puts you through your paces, making you drip with sweat as you punch and dodge around him. When he’s ready to let you practice breaking loose from his grip, your muscles are aching. 
“Frankie, I’m wasted, please, can we just call it a day?” You’re bent double, hands on your knees, breathing hard, after a final sparring match where Frankie barely pulled his punches.
“Five times, just break my grip five times and then we’ll call it,” he says, handing you a towel to wipe yourself down with. You pull your drenched t-shirt over your head, stripping down to your sports bra underneath, and Frankie’s eyes darken as he watches you pat your skin with the towel. 
You catch his eye and smirk, “If you wanna do something else, that’s totally fine with me too.” You let the towel slip over your cleavage and up along your neck, tilting your head back and from under your lashes you see Frankie open his mouth, the pink tip of his tongue coming out and swiping across his lower lip. 
“Tempting,” he says, reaching out and grabbing the towel from you and throwing it back towards his bag. “But not just yet, five times, c’mon.” 
Turns out being in only a sports bra makes things easier for you. Your sweat slick skin easily slips under Frankie’s fingers the first two times until he catches on and uses a different grip, pinning you to the floor as you scramble to hook your legs around him in the way he showed you earlier. You manage the grip but your muscles are too tired and Frankie too heavy, with a pathetic whimper you go limp under him. 
“I give, I can’t do any more today:” 
Frankie chuckles and loosens his grip, dropping down with his elbows on either side of your head. “What about this one, can you get out of this one?” he smiles, you’ve got your legs around his waist, his hips dropped into the cradle of yours and you can feel his rapidly growing hard on. 
“I don’t think so, unfortunately” you give him a mock sigh, shifting your hips under him and the friction between the two of you makes you both groan. Frankie drops down closer and brushes his nose across your cheek, down over your neck slick with salty perspiration, finding the spot under your ear where he always likes to leave a mark. 
“What about now?” he whispers, rolling his hips into you as his tongue comes out to taste the salt on your skin and you moan into the air as your hands find purchase in his damp curls.
“Frankie, we’re on the floor in the middle of the gym.” You can hear people walking past the double doors leading into the big hall and you’re suddenly very aware of how public you are if someone walks in. Frankie pushes up off the ground, grabbing hold of your hand as he rocks back on his heels and stands up. 
“Come,” he says, pulling you with him towards the locker rooms at the back, stopping to grab your bags off the floor.. You’ve never showered in here but you know there’s running water for those who use the gym. Now Frankie pulls you into the women’s section and locks the door behind you. 
“Take your clothes off, I wanna shower with you,” he smiles, dumping the bags on a bench and pulling his t-shirt over his head. You quickly strip, kicking your sneakers off and watch as Frankie unlaces his boots and stands to pull his pants off, his boxers tenting over his cock. You step closer, running your fingers under the elastic, slipping under and wrapping your hand around the heavy length as Frankie inhales sharply. You let your fingers stroke him up and down while your other hand pushes down his boxers, letting them pool around his feet. 
A hushed “Fuck,” escapes him as his head tips back, “Your hands are always so soft and warm.” 
“Not as soft and warm as other parts of me,” you smile, giving him a firmer stroke, making his eyebrows knit together as he groans. A bead of precum glistens on the tip and you swipe your thumb across it, gently rubbing it into the smooth skin. Frankie looks down at your hand wrapped around his thick cock, your thumb brushing over the head on every upstroke and you watch his eyes, they’re almost black, so dark there’s hardly anything left of the warm brown color. His lips are parted, the tip of his tongue resting on his bottom lip and on impulse you lean forward and kiss him, slipping your tongue against his, tasting his mouth, the sweat from his scruffy mustache on his lips. His hand comes up and grabs yours around his cock and wIth a firm grip he backs you into the showers, your lips still pressed together. There are no stalls, just a big, white tiled room with shower heads, and Frankie turns the knobs on the first one, letting the water run until it’s hot, pushing you up against the cold tiles. The warm water runs down your face and between your bodies, your hand still stroking him, the hard length twitching under your fingers. 
“Slow down, hermosa,” Frankie breathes against your lips, “or I won’t last much longer.” You loosen your hold, slowing down as Frankie lets his hands slide over your shoulders, up into your hair, kissing you gently while his tongue tastes yours. His hands slip down, caressing your neck, his calloused thumbs running down your sternum, finding your pebbled nipples hard under his touch. He lets his cock slip from your grip as he sinks down onto his knees and you move your hands to his wet hair with a sigh. With firm grip on your thigh he lifts one of your legs onto his shoulder, holding you steady with his hand on your hip. 
He looks up at you, blinking away the water droplets, “Is this what you want, cariño?” he asks with a smirk on his lips and you smile back with a nod, he knows full well this is exactly what you want from him and his cheeky grin as he dips his head makes you giggle. The tip of his nose runs along the inside of your thigh, his tongue following, swiping through the water cascading over you both. His teeth sink into the plush flesh, making you gasp and buck your hips against his grip. The hot swipe of his tongue soothes your skin after, even with the warm water running down you. You can feel the heat building in your core as the anticipation makes your legs quake under his firm grip. 
“Please, Frankie,” you whimper, his clever tongue always brings you close to your climax almost too soon, but this time you don’t want to fight it, just let him push you over the edge as fast as he wants too. Your grip on his hair tightens and you feel him chuckling against the soft skin where the thigh meets your heated core. 
“You can’t get out of this grip, my sweet girl, so sweet tasting,” he smiles up at you, teasing at the top of your pussy with his nose. 
When he finally slides through your wet folds you moan loudly enough for it to echo around the tiled shower room. His tongue unfurls and drags through your heat, the pointed tip flicking across your clit without warning, making you gasp, water raining into your open mouth. He loves pulling strings of incoherent sounds from your mouth while he works his way through every trick he knows will have you clenching around his tongue as he buries it as deep as he can get. His nose nudges your clit with every stroke of his tongue and when your grip on his hair tightens, he shifts his hold on your hips, opening his jaw and pushing in deeper. 
You feel your legs starting to shake and Frankie looks up at you, your eyes are closed, your head tilted back, shallow breaths lifting your chest as the tension starts to build in your core. You’re moaning his name, rocking your hips against his face and he keeps his eyes on you as he takes your clit in his mouth, applying more pressure and with a few skilled flicks of his tongue, he feels your tension break with a cry of his name. 
He eases you through it, letting his mouth bring you down slowly until he moves away, placing a warm kiss on the crease of your thigh, and getting to his feet with a groan. 
“Tiles are not ideal for this, remind me next time,” he groans and you hold out your hands, pulling him up with a breathless chuckle as you try to bring your breathing back to normal. His hands find your face, cupping your cheeks as he sinks his lips onto yours, even with the shower you can taste yourself on his lips and tongue and it makes heat run through your core again. Letting your own hand slip between your bodies you easily find his hard length, twitching under your fingers as you wrap your hand around it. He groans into your mouth as you slowly pump it, his hips thrusting into your hand. 
“How do you want it, Frankie?” you mumble against his lips. 
“Turn around, against the wall,” he replies, pulling away and helping you turn, smoothing down his warm hand along your spin as you bend at the hips, leaning your forearms against the cool, white tiles. You can feel his hands roaming across the soft skin of your ass, grabbing the flesh and dimpling it under his large hands. One hand leaves your hip and the blunt head of his cock runs through your folds, making you push your hips back towards him, Frankie giving a low, appreciative groan. You turn your head and look back at him, his jaw is clenched and his eyes trained on where he’s slowly sinking into you, pacing himself to not push in to fast. The stretch makes you keen and gasp, he’s already big, but from behind he stretches you even more, hitting new nerve endings deep inside. You can feel your walls clenching around him, your body responding to the feeling of his cock pushing so deep. With a growl, Frankie sinks all the way in. His hands leave your hips and smooths along your sides, down over your breasts, cupping them under his wet hands. 
“Come closer, hermosa,” he whispers, gently pulling you up against his chest, his hips flush with your ass, the change in angle making you both gasp. Frankie wraps an arm around chest, one hand on your hips,and starts pumping, driving up into you, making you cry out with every thrust. You reach up and grab onto the back of his head, tangling your fingers into his wet curls, turning so that you can reach his lips, a messy kiss with shower water running over your faces, into your mouths and down your bodies. Frankie is breathing hard into you, his hands roaming over your skin, grabbing all that he can find before sliding down between your legs. With practiced motions he circles your swollen clit with, making your arch your back into him. 
“GIve me another one, cariño, I want to feel you come on my cock, take me with you.” His hips slam into you, his cock hitting nerves deep inside, and you feel the heat rush through you, his fingers slipping over your clit, tightening the coil inside. Frankie’s lips leave yours, trailing along your jaw as you squeeze your eyes shut, meeting every one of his thrusts best you can. Your rhythm falters as his fingers change their pattern, slipping down to feel where he’s pushing into you before sliding up to run firm circles around your pulsing bundle of nerves. With a groan against your ear, Frankie speeds up, breathing heavily through the pelting water from the shower head. As his teeth find your neck, that one spot only he seems to find, you snap, your body folding onto itself if it wasn’t for Frankie’s arm coming up to hold you tight to his chest. You whimper his name and his hand digs into your flesh, the heat of his spend flooding inside you, making you convulse around him again. Frankie groans, pumping his hips against you, trying to steady his legs on the tiled floor as he buries himself as deep as he can go in you. You hang your head, leaning it against the cool wall and Frankie’s hot cheek rests on your shoulder. 
With a low hiss Frankie pulls out and turns you around, wrapping his arms around your neck as he leans his forehead against yours. He’s dripping out of you, mixing with the water, and you close your eyes as a deep calm settles over you. Frankie is caressing your hair, running his fingers through your wet strands, humming contentedly under his breath. You reach up and find his lips with your eyes still closed, the soft, plush feel of his mouth familiar under your lips. 
You remain under the shower until it starts to run cold, making you quickly clean up, you shriek as the last minute is under ice cold water, rinsing shampoo out of your hair. Frankie wraps you in his big towel as you come out, rubbing his hands up and down your arms as he chuckles. 
“You’ll get warm as we walk over to Pope’s place,” he says, starting to dry off himself and you follow suit. 
It turns out Pope’s place is pretty close to the wall and tucked away in a part of the QZ that still hasn’t been cleared out very much. Frankie and you make your way past bombed out buildings and burnt cars before finally finding the right address. Pope’s on the first floor, his living room window looking out at the actual wall, dissecting a wide city street. He shows you around, the small one bedroom place that he clearly shares with a woman, but she’s not in this evening. Frankie lets his gaze wander around the apartment, taking in various items stacked in the corners of the rooms. 
“Lots of stuff here, Pope,” he comments and the younger man shrugs. 
“Just holding on to some stuff for some contacts, it’ll be gone by tomorrow.” 
“You know FEDRA doesn't take smuggling lightly, right?” Frankie says, his tone a warning, “If they suspect you’re into it they’re not going to approve your application for a transfer." 
“I’m applying under my real name, I’ll just say I was here on outbreak day and that there must’ve been a slip up in the system. If Benny vouches for Santiago Garcia, it won’t be an issue.” 
“Ok, but I won’t be able to help you if your transfer doesn’t go through, I’m applying with her as my fiancee and I’m not risking anything with that.” Frankie motions to you, you’re in the kitchen, helping Pope chop up a bunch of slightly wrinkled carrots for a stew he’s got going. 
“Sin problemas, hermano, it’ll go through.” He brings out three glasses, “You guys staying for dinner right?” he asks, raising them questioningly to you and you look at Frankie who nods. 
“Yeah, sure, I’ve got a late shift tomorrow.” 
With the stew done Pope ladles it into bowls for the three of you, digging out some stale bread from a cupboard. “It’s a bit dry but guaranteed free from those fucking spores,” he says, handing it out. 
While you eat, Pope tells the two of you more about life inside the QZ. 
“In short, FEDRA are quickly making everybody who’s not FEDRA pretty pissed off. If they’d only let people trade more openly, what they find inside the QZ, they wouldn’t have an issue with smuggling.” Pope leans back and sips the whiskey he’s poured you all. “And a major part of the problem is that all their ‘soldiers’ are inexperienced rookies, hardly a real soldier among them, you must’ve picked up on that Frankie?” he raises his eyebrows at his friend and Frankie nods. 
“Yeah, I spend a lot of time training people who join FEDRA but really have no business in the army.” 
“Did you hear about the woman who got raped in FEDRA lock up?” Pope asks and you widen your eyes in horror. 
“What the fuck, Pope, what happened?” 
“She got caught smuggling two pairs of boots, nothing major, not like it was medicine or food.” Pope scowls, shaking his head. “And the jackass who picked her up, threw her in lock up instead of giving her a fine and letting her go home. Then the night shift came in to keep an eye on the prisoners, there were only two, this woman and a guy they caught stealing. And these two FEDRA guys, both new to the QZ, signed up to get inside, they took turns with her.” Pope’s hand clenches as his jaw tightens. “They threatened the thief, told him they’d bash his head in if he told anyone. The poor woman was a wreck when the day shift turned up, all beat up and bruised but wouldn’t say a word.” 
“Shit,” Frankie growls under his breath, his hand gripping your thigh as he glances over at you. You’ve got tears in your eyes, you can’t even, you don’t even want to, imagine the horror the woman must’ve gone through. The memory of the threats the looters had made while you were restrained at their house makes your skin crawl. Thank god for Frankie. 
“Once word got out, because her friends sure as hell guessed what had happened when she came back, there was nearly a riot. But FEDRA said the woman was lying, protected the men and did fuck all apart from squash all protests, cut rations, imposed a curfew, that one’s still in place by the way.” Pope nods at the window. “Speaking of which, you two should start heading back or you won’t make it back on time.” 
“Yeah, true,” Frankie says, pushing back his chair. 
“Thanks for dinner, Santi,” you say, getting up to hug him, “I know I said it yesterday, but it’s so good to see you safe and have you around again.” 
“Same to you, hermana,” he smiles, giving you a tight squeeze before turning to Frankie, giving him a bear hug. 
“Cuídate, el pececito,” he grins, ducking to avoid Frankie’s swipe at his head with a chuckle. 
“Cuídate, pendejo,” Frankie scowls, taking hold of your hand and flipping Pope the finger with a grin before you get ready to leave and make your way through the bombed out city.
The transfer process is faster than any of you expected, Frankie hands in the two applications, with Benjamin Miller as a reference in Arlington the next day, and it’s not even a week before the all clear comes through. Frankie’s commanding officer in Franklin is less than happy, scowling at him as he begrudgingly gives him his approval to leave. 
“If it wasn’t for the fact that you used to live in Arlington…” he sighs, “I would’ve denied this. I hate losing such an experienced officer, Morales. You’ve been a great asset in training the men and showing them the ropes.” 
“Thank you, sir,” Frankie replies, standing to attention in front of the man’s desk. “I’m anxious to get back to Arlington, as is my fiancee, and we still have friends there.”
“Well, best of luck to you, the transport will be taking you and supplies on Wednesday, if it all goes to plan. You’d better get packing.” 
“Thank you, sir.” Frankie snaps a sharp salute before he turns around and leaves. Three days to pack up should be plenty, neither of you have many things, mainly just a few clothes and shoes that’ll fit in the backpacks you got from the donation center. But there’s a knot of worry in the pit of his stomach. The actual journey to Arlington was going to be risky, even with an escort. Stepping out of the FEDRA headquarters he turned his face to the sky, closing his eyes for a minute. 
Am I doing the right thing but risking this trip with her? On my own, it wouldn’t matter, but with her…what if something happens to her? Fuck, don’t even let yourself go that way, Francisco, she wants to go and she won’t let me leave her behind,. Besides, as if I could leave her, I tried that already, for all the good it did. No, I won’t let anything happen, I’ll have her back and Pope will too. 
He drops his head back down and starts walking towards the high school kitchen to give you the news.
Wednesday morning three of you make your way to the main QZ gate where the convoy is waiting. There’s two army  trucks in your transport, hardly an actual convoy, but it feels safe enough and Frankie seems to be content with the security arrangements. The security isn’t for you three though, the trucks are loaded with supplies, mainly food, for Arlington. From what Frankie’s heard, Franklin has plenty of food, but hardly any medical supplies, Arlington still has a functional hospital, but a problem with their food supply so there’s regular trade between the two QZ’s. Hence the heavily guarded transports. 
The three of you are directed to the second truck along with a driver and a soldier up front. Frankie and Pope have been given automatic rifles to help guard the truck should anything happen. You’ve been given a small handgun, just in case, and Frankie gives you a quick refresher on how to use it.
“Grab it with both hands like this, remember?” he shows you, “Safety is here, and then just gently squeeze the trigger, ok?” 
“Ok, Frankie,” you say, nodding as you check the safety again and put it in the leg holster it came with. 
“You look like a bad ass with that gun,” Pope grins at you as he climbs into the truck bed behind you. You roll your eyes at him and settle into your seat. 
“I just hope I don’t have to use it because chances are I’ll hit you instead of what I’m actually aiming at.” 
“Just yell ‘Fore!’ before you fire, give me a chance to duck,” he chuckles, giving your shoulder a quick squeeze. “Don’t worry, just relax if you have to fire and you’ll do fine.” 
You laugh gratefully at Pope’s attempt at lighting the mood but Frankie remains quiet, his eyebrows knitted together in a worried look. You know the risks of this transport has been weighing on his mind, and it shows in the tense way he holds his shoulders as he triple checks his rifle and glances back at you. 
“If anything happens, get down on the floor and stay down, ok?” he says and you nod, even though it’s the fifth time he’s told you this in the past two hours. 
“I promise, Frankie, head down, make myself as small as possible.” 
“Ok, ok,” he says, his eyes drifting up towards the soldiers on the walls tasked with making sure it’s clear for the transport to leave the QZ. 
The gate creaks open after the all clear and the first truck rumbles out into the city. The first truck has a driver and five soldiers, from your seat behind the driver of your truck you can see four of them sitting under the covered truck bed, scanning the bombed out landscape as the trucks move away from the safety of Franklin QZ. Behind you, Frankie and Pope are on high alert too, you can hear their low conversation about potential threats during the three hour drive. 
The first couple of hours are quiet, only a few pockets of infected rush out towards the sound of the trucks and are quickly disposed of by the soldiers in the first truck. You can hear them cheer and celebrate after a particularly accurate shot but they all need at least three shots to take down any infected. 
“Wasting fucking bullets,” you hear Pope mumble under his breath at Frankie, who grimaces and takes aim at few stragglers running towards the trucks. They all go down with three consecutive head shots, efficiently shutting up the cheers from the truck in front. 
“Haven’t lost your touch, Catfish,” Pope grins, still scanning the surroundings for more infected. 
Frankie lowers his rifle and gives you an uncomfortable look, “They used to be regular civilians, Pope,” he says, dropping his gaze. Pope looks back at him and shrugs. 
“Yeah, of course, but they’re already gone, either we kill them or they kill us, you know?” 
“Yeah, I know, but they still look like civilians.” 
You reach over and put your hand on Frankie’s shoulder when Pope isn’t looking, giving it a light squeeze. He turns and opens his mouth to say something but his words are drowned out by an ear splitting explosion, the shock wave reverberating through your lungs. Frankie’s hands are on you in a split second, shoving you down in between the seats, you can see that he’s yelling something but your ears are ringing. The truck slams to a stop and between the seats you see the first truck flipped on its roof, engulfed in flames. Pope leans forwards and slaps the shoulder of the driver, you can see him yelling Drive! Drive! The truck lurches forward again, picking up speed, you fall sideways onto the truck floor as it swerves to the right to get around the burning wreck. A pick up truck suddenly shoots out of a side street in front of your one remaining truck, keeping its distance, it drives at high speed just in front of the army truck, something mounted on the flatbed. You can’t see what it is but there’s men on it and as you watch, dazed from the explosion, you hear the first loud cracks of  gunfire.
“Frankie! They’ve got a fucking mini gun! Shoot the gunner! Shoot!” Pope is roaring above you and you see both men crouch down and take aim, firing shots at the man handling the mounted gun on the pick-up. 
“Behind! Behind!” the driver of your truck suddenly yells and Frankie turns, a second pick-up is coming up from behind, two men in the truck bed with guns raised, 
“I got it!” Frankie yells, you see him crouch down to steady his aim, but the truck is lurching all over the road as the driver tries to avoid the gunfire from the pick-up in front. Frankie’s shots go wide and you hear him curse, your hearing slowly returning. A gasp from the front seat makes you turn and you see the soldier in the passenger seat slumped over, blood pouring out from a gaping hole in his chest. 
“Fuck!” The driver shouts, glancing over at his dead companion, “Kill the fucking gunner! We’re sitting fucking ducks here!” 
“Keep the truck steady, I’m trying,” Pope yells from above you, taking aim again. You're crouched down between the seats, trying to make yourself as small as possible, and Pope’s gunfire is loud in your ears above you.
“Fish, how’s it going back there?” Pope yells, his gun still trained on the pick-up truck in front.
“Two men down, I can’t hit the tires, we’re moving too much!” Frankie yells back. “Cariño, you ok?” He glances back at you and you meet his eyes, giving him a quick nod, he can see your terrified face between the seats. You can hear gunshots pinging off the metal of the truck and you’re trying to make yourself as small as possible, hoping the engine block in front will cover you. 
Frankie turns back and takes aim, firing at the pick-up but the truck suddenly lurches, veering to the left, and something wet and dark splatters onto the floor in front of you. You stare at it, trying to figure out what you're looking at when Pope yells from above.
“Grab the wheel, grab the wheel, we lost the driver!”  
You look over the seat and flinch backwards, the driver's right temple is missing and you squeeze your eyes shut, pushing down the bile that’s rising in your throat. 
“Why are we slowing down?!” Frankie yells from behind, turning to see Pope struggling to pull the dead driver away from the wheel and get control of the truck. It’s slowing down, bumping over the verge of the road. 
“Cariño, grab the wheel, you’ve got to drive!” he yells, snapping you out of your frozen state and looking up again. Pope’s hauled the man to the side and as Frankie frantically fires on the rapidly approaching pick-up from behind you scramble over the driver’s seat and grab hold of the wheel and haul it back on to the road, accelerating again. In front you see that one of Pope’s bullets found its mark and the dead gunner is being hauled over the side of the pick-up but another man is taking his place, grabbing the gun and aiming straight at you. 
“Pope!” you yell as the mini gun rattle into life, little bursts of asphalt flying from in front of the truck as the bullets hit. 
“I got it!” 
“Pope, you better fucking take out that gun!” Frankie yells from the back. 
“I got it!” Pope’s aiming at the tires of the pick-up, it swerves to avoid them and it makes the bullets from the mini gun go wide. You hear them ping off the metal, the windscreen is shattered and something thuds into the seat next to you with a heavy impact. 
“Frankie, I’ve got it!” You hear Pope yell and you glance back. Frankie’s turned around and is aiming at the pick-up in front. 
“You’re fucking missing everything!” he yells back, firing a first round at the tires. One of his bullets takes out a back tire and the pick-up starts wobbling. The gunner has to hang on to the gun to not be thrown off, and a burst of bullets spray across the engine block, shattering the headlights in a shower of glass. 
A second volley of bullets from Frankie hits another tire and the driver loses control, careening off the road and flipping over in a cloud of dust. 
“Just drive, cariño!” Frankie yells at you, “Just keep it steady and follow the QZ signs!” He turns around and from the miraculously still whole rear view mirror, you see him and Pope crouch down and take aim at the pursuing pick-up. Up ahead you see the looming wall of Arlington QZ, maybe just a mile down the road. 
“Almost at the QZ!” you yell back over the din of the gunfire. You glance back in the rear view mirror again, the pick-up is wobbling and both men are concentrating their fire at the front tires. It takes only a few seconds longer for both tires to blow out and the pick-up crashes into the wall of a crumbling building, careening through the entrance. You look ahead at the road again and groan. A group of infected are running onto the street further down the city block and there’s no way to avoid them. 
“Hold on!” you yell back at Frankie and Pope, “Infected up ahead!”
Frankie glances back and sees you grip the steering wheel hard, your knuckles white, shoulders by your ears, as the truck barrels towards the infected. He grabs hold of the cross bar as Pope turns around to fire at the infected. He downs one before you hit the first one, and you wince at the sickening thud of the body on the truck, the infected is thrown away from the road as you continue. You suddenly hear Pope yelp from behind you and Frankie shouts, grabbing your shoulder. 
“Stop the truck, stop!” 
You hammer the brakes, knocking over another infected but now the rest of them are running towards the truck. 
“Back up, Pope fell off!” Frankie yells and you look in the rear view mirror as you slam the truck into reverse, thank god it’s automatic, and you see him flat on his back three hundred feet behind the truck. He’s moving, still holding on to his gun, but there are infected running for him and Frankie takes aim. 
“Get to him and I’ll pull him up, then you drive for the gate!” he shouts back at you, trying to pick off as many of the infected as possible. You’re struggling to keep the truck on track, reversing an army truck is a lot different from reversing your own tiny car. Frankie curses as his shots miss, hitting the shoulder of an infected who keeps running for Pope. He’s taken out two but two more are still coming. In front of the truck you see the rest of the horde barreling down towards you too. 
Pope’s managed to sit up, shaking his dazed head as you hit the brakes a few feet away. 
“Get up!” Frankie roars at him, taking aim and firing, the infected closest to Pope drops in its tracks. “Get the fuck up, Pope!” 
“Frankie, we’ve got more infected in front!” you shout to Frankie, turning to look at the scene in the back. 
“Fuck!” he hisses and jumps out of the truck, on to the road. With two long strides he’s on Pope, grabbing him under his armpits and pulling him to his feet. “I need you to fucking move, Pope!” he groans, taking the weight of his friend. You see the last infected running straight for Frankie’s back and you shout a warning but there’s nothing Frankie can do as he shoves Pope up towards the truck, trying to make him climb up. You grab your handgun, flicking the safety off and holding it with both hands. You have to aim just to the side of Frankie and you lean on the seat, steadying your hands. Frankie sees what you're doing and crouches down, grabbing hold of Pope’s legs to hoist him up into the truck. 
“Remember the kick!” he yells and at the last second you square your shoulders, locking your arms as you aim down the sight. The seconds seem to move slow like syrup as you exhale and gently squeeze the trigger, just like he told you.The kick back jolts your hands but you hold steady and like magic, the infected screeches and drops to the ground and stays there, mere feet from Frankie’s back.. 
Pope’s regained enough sense to crawl onto the truck bed and Frankie scrambles in behind him. “Drive, cariño, drive!” he yells and you turn back to the wheel, the rest of the horde is only twenty feet away as you slam the truck into drive. The truck rips through the infected closest and they fly to the sides, a sickening crunch as one ends up under the truck but you’re too filled with adrenaline to notice. With a death grip on the wheel you aim for the big gate of the QZ that’s slowly opening, you can see lines of soldiers on the wall, guns trained on the infected now behind you. 
As the truck gets in range they open fire, the infected screeching as the bullets find them, and you barrel through the open gate, hitting the brakes as you’re faced with a large concrete enclosure and no way through on the other side, the truck shuddering to an abrupt stop. You turn in your seat in time to see the last of the infected fall as the gate slams shut behind you. 
You made it. 
You slump down over the steering wheel, breathing hard, your hands shaking. From outside you hear yelled orders for you all to exit the vehicle and you pull your eyes up. Frankie and Pope climb down from the back and Frankie comes round and puts his hand on the driver’s side window. 
“You ok, cariño?” he asks and you nod. 
“Yeah, just need a few seconds to stop my legs from shaking,” you smile weakly and he grins back. 
“You did amazing, never knew you could shoot like that, babe.” 
“Lower your guns, soldiers!” you suddenly hear from outside the truck and you look up, the voice instantly familiar. “I know these guys!”
“Benny!” Pope roars and grins at the younger Miller brother who’s walking through a smaller gate with an equally wide grin. 
“So fucking good to see you guys!” He laughs as he grabs Pope and lifts him off his feet, making Pope groan as his ribs crack under the onslaught of Benny’s muscular arms. Frankie’s next and you hear the three men laugh and rile each other as you open the driver’s side door and step out carefully, your legs still feel like jelly. 
Benny looks at you with a smile as you climb down, “Should’ve know it was your girl driving like a fucking champ, Fish!” he laughs, slapping Frankie’s shoulder again before turning back to you. Benny’s eyes go wide and he steps towards you but before he reaches you, you feel the ground disappear under your feet and you fall. 
“We need a medic!” Benny yells as Frankie turns to see you slumped on the ground, blood staining the gravel under you red.
Chapter 20
Taglist: @pimosworld @i-own-loki @casa-boiardi @littlenosoul @stormseyer @mxtokko  @javicstories @nunya7394 @welcometothepedroverse @harriedandharassed @meveispunk
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pleasantlycrazyworld · 8 months
I'm just Ken
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Eddie dressed up like Ken for Halloween because you made him. Now that may seem like you're a couple...when you think of Ken you think of him dating Barbie but alas you two aren't together. Where he sees love, it's clear you just see a friend.
Either way, he was just excited to hang out with you. When he first heard that Steve was throwing a Halloween party he was planning on bailing. He had a date with the couch and cheesy horror movies but then he got a call from you squealing on and on about how you found the cutest Barbie costume but you just needed a Ken to accessorize with. Hearing the excitement in your voice made his heart race. Thinking of you wanting him to be your Ken! That made his heart race even more so he agreed but as soon as he hung up he felt a sense of dread fall on him. There was no more of your joyful voice telling him that you'll plan the whole thing, there was just the feeling that he now has now that he realized that the whole night he'll have to do the sad nod and explain no you aren't dating...sadly.
This feeling really carries with him for the next few days but as soon as he saw you the feeling vanishes. All he can feel are these weird excitement butterflies, if he's being truthful he only gets this feeling when he sees you. As he is daydreaming you finally approach him and it isn't until your voice graces the air that he snaps out of it. "Are we still on for Saturday?" You asked hopeful, as if he would ever flake on you. "Of course we are sweetheart" He says as nonchalantly as he possibly can, trying his hardest to not show that his heart is pounding out of his chest. A faint blush dusted your cheeks and if he wasn't staring in awe at you he would've completely missed the pink. You end up saying goodbye before he can question what he saw and to his dismay he doesn't get to see you again until you are knocking on his front door with a bag of makeup and the costumes in your arms.
He opens the door as soon as he hears the knocking and you immediately rush in. "Oh, Eddie! I have never been so excited for a party before! Look at what I got us!" You walk further into the small trailer and lay the costumes out on the couch. Eddie's eyes wince at all the hot pink but he makes sure that you just see a smile. "That looks great" he mutters as he watches you gather your stuff once more and leave to the bathroom. "Get dressed! I'll be ready in a few!" You call out from behind the bathroom door and all he can do is chuckle and grab what is left in front of him. Damn. This is going to be a long night. He thinks to himself as he starts to change.
Thankfully his outfit contained no pink at all. It also doesn't contain a shirt...He ties his bandana around his head and fixes the fur coat to sit more on his shoulders. As he walks out of his room, you walk out of the bathroom and walk right into his bare chest. You squeal and take a step back to get a good look at him. "Eddie! Oh, you look amazing!" You smile up at him with a big, bright pink smile and his cheeks nearly match the shade of lipstick you chose. You grip his arm and pull him to the door, "Come on Ed we have to go or we will be late!"
At the party, the first people you run into are Steve and Robin, who are also Barbie and Ken ironically. Steve chuckles seeing the version of Ken you chose to go along with your Barbie and Eddie looks him up and down. "Hi, Barbie!" You and Robin say at the same time with sharp little waves. Steve waves to Eddie, "Hi...Ken?" This makes Eddie roll his eyes, "I'm the much better Ken."
Robin chuckles and then asks, "So, are you like rock star Ken or something?" Eddie shakes his head and shrugs, "I'm just Ken"
It isn't long until Eddie loses his Barbie, he sighs and walks to the punch bowl hoping that someone has already spiked it. Not shortly after his arrival Steve walks over and Eddie looks towards him with a look on his face "Is this our destiny? I'm going to be honest with you Harrington, these feelings I'm having for her...god they're driving me insane" Steve looks over at him feeling bad for his friend "well what are the feelings? How do you feel about her?" Eddie just shakes his head as he watches you dance out on the dance floor with Robin and sighs. "I can't even explain them."
Tagging: @emmyshortcake @screammunson @sweet-villain @bloodthirstybreedingbunny @zestychili @eddiemunsons-missingnipple @steddieandstonathansprincess @munsonology @lofaewrites @eiightysixbaby @ghosttownwherenoonegoes @seatnights @thefreak0fhawkinshigh @tiannasfanfic @chrissymjstan
Author note: This came to me as I was listening to the song again one day when I was driving. When I hit 400 followers I think I'll do a song blurb prompt list thing but I'm not sure yet. Also HAPPY OCTOBER! Literally one of my favorite months and I'm hoping to write more Halloween-themed things! Love you all <3
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keiskake · 1 year
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katsuki bakugo x gn!reader
fluff/one shot
a/n ~ ignore the feet in the banner, it was not meant to be there but it's okay because i found a use for it. i love bakugo but i almost forgot his birthday, i only remembered because of a tumblr post. :p
bakugo was a man who was simple to please. he didn't ask for much, hell if he could he wouldn't ask for a single thing from you. it was normal for him to spoil you and shower you in affection, but this was one of the very few days in the year that you could take the wheel. you wanted to go all out, sparkles, magic, confetti. it had to be a big shebang.
but realistically all that wasn't gonna happen, bakugo would rather die on the spot then go through with your scheme that was more than just grand. still, one of the greatest heroes in japan was your beloved boyfriend and he deserved more than a couple of words and a slice of cake. you just wanted to put a dumb smile on his dumb face. the same way he does for you.
heroes don't get days off for their birthday so bakugo still had to patrol around the city until noon. you were sure that put him at ease, he doesn't like sitting around doing nothing and you needed him out of the house so that you could put your elaborate plan into action. you messaged him to meet you at the top of the hill located in a field nearby after he was finished with his patrol. it was the hotspot to view cherry blossoms.
you grabbed a picnic basket, filling it with plates, cutlery, napkins and drinks. behind you was a pot of boiling water cooking up a portion of your handmade ramen noodles. bakugo always told you off for eating junk in stupid amounts, only because he cared about your health. but he was no downer, he knew how to enjoy a good spicy cup ramen after a long shitty day.
it was his favourite food, you found that out a few months into your relationship. you were no chef like bakugo but your homemade spicy ramen was your signature masterpiece, though you only perfected it to impress bakugo. it was a house favourite amongst the two of you and also the dish your friends would look forward to when a potluck was being held.
the sauce was made with a beef broth and real chillies that your boyfriend grew on the balcony, he saw them as his 'precious' babies. second to you of course. you made sure to add some leafy greens, meat and an egg. the perfect ramen combo. you poured a handful of sesame seeds into a little container and wrapped the dinner up before gently placing it into the basket.
but it wasn't just going to be a birthday picnic. it had to have a bang to it, that was what was gonna make it memorable. a night that bakugo could recall and smile about, remembering how big your love is for him. an assistant. you need an assistant. and you knew exactly who to call upon.
as the afternoon sun started to lower in the blue horizon, you made your way to the hill. the april breeze flew through your hair, freshening you up. you were a little nervous, unsure that your plan would go off without a hitch. it wasn't just the plan but his presence in general. even after being with bakugo for so long you still got shy around him during dates, as if you were a teenager again.
you set the blanket on the grass under a cherry blossom tree with an open view to the sunset. trees surrounded the hill and it felt like a magical fairy forest. rustles and footsteps startled you, throwing your head back to see what the noise was about. his silhouette emerged from behind the bushes. a messy blond still in his hero suit.
"hey baby, i missed you! how was your patrol?" you ran towards him and his arms opened up ready to hold you tightly into his chest.
" 'm was good, tired as hell though. what's all this?" he wrapped his arms around your waist and pressed a kiss on your forehead.
"your birthday dinner, so c'mon lets sit and eat. it's your favourite."
"spicy ramen? your homemade one?" he was drooling, like when dogs get even a whiff of a bone.
"yes, yes, homemade with meat, eggs and veggies." you took his hand and guided him to the meal, settling him down with a drink. a serving of spicy ramen for the birthday boy was placed infront of him as well as a pair of chopsticks. the two of you slurped down the noodles as the sun disappeared to make room for the moon. the sounds of full tummies and content souls filled the evening with serenading melodies.
his hand crawled into yours as both of you faced the midnight blue sky. the april wind blew cherry blossoms around your picnic blanket, a few falling into your hair. so peaceful and quiet. but it wasn't lonely, no, you never felt lonely. how could you feel that way when you had the most amazing lover sat right next to you, hand in hand.
your hand trailed to your phone, sending a 'go' to your assistant. you pulled your hand away, bakugo groaning as you do so. the basket is reopened again and you take out a cupcake with a candle on it. it wasn't just any candle, it was a '1' candle.
"i didn't make the cake this year, but it's still a good cake i promise!" you present it to him and he lights up, stars glistening behind his rouge eyes.
"what's the '1' for?" he points at the orange candle.
"you don't know?" you smile at him gently, placing a hand on his thigh.
"no, so spill. it's a birthday command."
"it's a wish not a command you dummy. i chose this candle because it represents something i believe in."
"stop beatin' around the bush."
"it's a '1' because you're my number one hero bakugo. so, happy birthday love."
they set off as you said those very words. bright and bold fireworks, blooming and popping in the space between where the sun was earlier. you could see it from miles away. beautiful flower like lights that shimmered throughout the heavens. that night really ended with a bang.
"you can thank izuku later for helping me out, kacchan~"
"over my fucking dead body. but yeah thanks for all this, didn't need to but i appreciate it." he leans over to kiss you cheek, his face very clearly flustered with a pink taint.
"light the candle and make a wish!"
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mamawasatesttube · 4 months
Do you have thoughts on how kon would be as a big brother to Chris and Jon? I've read Chris and Jon's comics and I'm writing a thing with them but I want to have their big brother be part of their character/internal problem solving even if he doesn't (as of yet) appear. But I've only read yj and superboy is unfinished/on my tbr so I'm going to the Expert
(If you have any thoughts opinions on Kara's familial relationships you can include those as well)
every time i think about kon as a big brother i immediately think of sb94 annual #2, which opens on kon taking a kid flying for his birthday and joking about him being superboy jr., kind of like his little brother. then we move to cadmus, where it turns out the prototypical experiment #1 (whereas kon was #13) has awoken and escaped his containment pod. he fights kon briefly, believing himself to be/wanting to be the "real" superboy, but is injured and collapses in kon's arms afterwards. it turns out he's not stable outside the pod and is dying; despite kon's best efforts to get the cadmus doctors to save him, he only lasts another few minutes. i'm personally never ever getting over kon's face when it happens (right after they both find out their dna donor was paul westfield):
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SO!! with that being established backstory: i think kon would be soooo excited to be a big brother. he'd talk a big game and want the kids to think he's cool, and of course, he's a mega dork (he'd try to get them both into wendy, and if they didn't like it, he'd be offended). but imo, he's also gonna be so protective of them right off the bat, in large part because of poor clone #1. he's got a lot of feelings about people he's gotta protect, and little siblings are sooo high on that list.
one thing is that i don't think kon really thinks of clark as his dad. of course, it depends on the point in the timeline where you're really introducing chris and jon (because like kon was dead by the point of last son introducing chris, and fitting jon into new earth is always a fun puzzle), but (to be clear this is to an extent my hc also) by the time he's living with the kents, kon no longer wants superman to be his dad. i do think he does at first ("i wish i had parents" in sb94 #85 paired with how reactive he is about shooting down superman being his dad in sb94 #94), but when he moves in with the kents that dies down pretty fast. but he'd way rather the kids call him their big brother than, like, their uncle. that's so uncool (haha see, 'cuz uncle sounds kind of like uncool--aw, whatever)!!! it makes him sound so OLD!!!! he's not an uncle!!!
so overall i think it's like. he's a fun-loving and protective figure. they probably think he's So cool for a while, then get a little older and go oh wait. that's a dorklord. i do think jon throws one hell of a tantrum the day he finds out he's never gonna get ttk even if he grows into all the other kryptonian powers, though.
(i also hc that chris can get some weird funky powers other than ttk, not ttk itself, bc its like... kon is THE ttk guy, and thats a metagene designed to emulate kryptonian powers, so it feels a little weird to take something that specific and give it to another character who doesn't have any of the narrative reasons to need it. someone who knows more abt editorial please do correct me if i'm wrong, but i'm pretty sure they only gave chris ttk because prior to infinite crisis, the nightwing in new krypton shown to be using ttk was supposed to be kon, and was changed last-minute into chris.)
so like, he'd be a figure they can count on, someone they regard as always in their corner if they yell for him. he'll take the heat if they get in trouble (he spoils them. lois however has a very uncanny ability to tell if kon's taking the blame for something they did). i think as they grow older they might be like ...why's kon our brother but he doesn't live with us? and doesn't call our parents mom and dad? because kon stays with the kents but just hangs out with them all the time, and he calls clark and lois "clark and lois", and understanding that their family isn't nuclear might be a learning curve for them.
as for kara, i'll try and keep it brief bc this is already long i'm so sorry sdkhj but i generally operate in the realm of postcrisis kara, aka linda lang. she's roughly the same age as kon and she's got a Lot of feelings re: new krypton and her own guilt and her duty to her family, as well as whether she as supergirl can really measure up to superman. i love her. i think she would Adore having baby cousins because they mean her family is growing, after all the people she's lost. that said i think it's very possible she's a little awkward with kids because she just doesn't have that much experience with them. but i think she'd teach them to draw, and she'd really earnestly try with both of them. she'd LOVE to teach them about krypton, too.
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