#thsc Terrence suave
wololo-01 · 2 days
3/3 of the doodles I did on thsc whiteboard
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I love draw Terrence in this kinda of expressions is so cool to me >:] ( I didn't want them do the hair)
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I draw pollo and a person ocs who visited the whiteboard!!! :D
Also idk if the person will see or not this post but if do....
Also I draw Terrence from @capturecharlesau (aka one the biggest f*cking bastard) there :b
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Hope all the Three of villain who got Drawn there got hit by the freaking chair of king oc and die, amen 🕊️💖 🙏 (Terrence deserve to die twice!!)
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kingkenzieofmold · 9 days
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More whiteboard art! Got into the swing of it and created some more! Feel free to use my sona with a steal chair as a template! I hope you enjoy!<3
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ko1-f1sh · 6 months
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Hello once again tumblr, i am still in distress about finding out that terrence is blue, and here's a randy doodle i made as well to cope with that information
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00lari00 · 2 months
Crown of roses fanart @crown-of-roses-thsc
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I had watched this comic on YouTube and I really liked it, the idea of ​​Ellie being the main character is really funny and cool!!!!
And now in the next chapters Randy will appear XD AKAKKSKAKA I'M LOVING THIS I loved drawing them 🌹💕 A really cool au!
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bluetorchsky · 2 months
Some of my doodles from @00lari00's whiteboard! I don't have a lot of time to keep going cause of work tomorrow, so I'm hoping I can add more in the next few days
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Just my stick persona, Violet, and Aidan/Aiden saying "Hello!" in Irish Gaelic (I really need to choose a variation for this lad, but it's always the one with the 'a' in it)
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And my version of Terrence Suave from my DAD!AU (Deities and Dragons AU). It's the moment he finds out his partner of almost ten years, Randy, disappeared during a mission with Reginald delivering the bad news. The earring was an anniversary gift from Randy, while they would have gotten a diamond necklace from Terrence. This is where Terrence's anxiety skyrockets and his sanity descends lower and lower...
And yeah, apparently when I had finished the Terrence doodle, Whiteboard just didn't save it. I had refreshed the page after doing a pre-sketch of the ArcCoil family as plushies and whoops. His hair is gone. *rubs eyes* It's fine, it's there at least...
Can't wait to draw my other versions of the other characters that are on the whiteboard, lol. Just wish I had gotten Accordion and Violin down somewhere at least...
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lovelygirlnicole15 · 23 days
Randy Randman and Terrence Suave's relationship
Before (Being Toppats)
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"Oh god not you again."
"You look handsome today, Terry."
"Don't. Call. Me. Terry!"
"Hehehe! You look adorable when you're angry."
"SHUT THE FUCK UP!?! (💭God he's so damn annoying, but... He's also kinda cute)"
After (Henry was born)
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"(💭I don't know what I did to deserve this... But I'm happy I have a family with Randy and our son Henry...)"
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crown-of-roses-thsc · 2 months
I got an overwhelming amount of positivity towards sharing the familial lineage of our AU’s cast….so allow me to share these two!
Meet Valentine Galeforce and Gold Copperbottom
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Gold Copperbottom was born and raised a Toppat. Though not interested in crime, he greatly valued the feeling of having a loyal community of fellow Toppats that would have his back. He was rather high ranking due to his hard work and problem solving skills, and though the leader at the time- Sir Wilford IV- knew he was too hesitant and fearful to ever lead the Toppat Clan, he had a soft spot for him. Randy Radman was the Right Hand Man at the time, though Wilford also made it painfully clear that he would never be leader either- as he was too airheaded and reckless. The only reason he had his position was because Wilford acknowledged that his strict, uptight attitude needed a young spunky soul to balance it out.
Terrence Suave was friends with both Randy and Gold, and began to suggest to Randy that they kill Wilford and have Randy take his place. Randy wasn’t sure at first, but was quickly sold on the idea and was greatly encouraged by it- as Wilford’s comments did sometimes ruin Randy’s self esteem. Gold, who respected Wilford greatly, discouraged this plan- but always hesitant and endlessly afraid, he kept his mouth shut. Wilford loved to drink, and so Suave and Randy devised a plan to sneak poison into Wilford’s drink. They succeeded, and Randy took over with Suave as his right hand.
Gold, in the meanwhile, met a government agent named Valentine Galeforce, daughter of General Hubert Galeforce, when she imprisoned him for interrogation. He was eventually freed, but continued to meet up with her in private. When Suave discovered his best friend’s actions, he accused him of being a traitor and reported him to Randy- but Randy was always an airhead and was, of course, also Gold’s best friend- so he did nothing.
Randy Radman would eventually die by what was alleged to be suicide….but whatever happened scared Gold so greatly that he finally fled the Toppat Clan. He went on to marry Valentine, and the two eventually had a child- Reginald. A couple of years later, Valentine’s sister would pass away- leaving behind her young son Charles, who Gold and Valentine quickly took into their home. The two kids grew older together, with Reginald- neat, serious, quiet- growing to resent the boisterous talkative Charles, who could do no wrong. Their parents did not favor either child, nor give one more attention that the other- but due to Charles’s circumstances, they could often be a little too soft on him.
Gold and Valentine loved Reginald deeply, but perhaps he needed it expressed in a different way- or he felt as though no one took him seriously due to his parents’ sweet and happy attitudes, something Charles ironically seemed to inherit more than their biological child. Gold had seen many, many things- and he wanted to make sure his kids never had to. …and Reginald couldn’t stand being around a family that never seemed to be sad when he himself did not have that endless positivity.
Reginald was not evil, nor necessarily resentful- just frustrated.
Suave eventually met a 16-17 year-old Reginald….seeming to know a lot about him and his father. He was promised respect, a community, people who understood him….and he eventually accepted. Gold and Valentine didn’t know where their son went, and were absolutely devastated.
A few months passed, and Suave decided that Reginald needed one final test before he could officially become a Toppat…..there was a masquerade ball taking place in a large venue in the city, and he wanted Reginald to blow it up. Reginald was hesitant- scared- ….so much like his father. But he eventually agreed to it.
Valentine and Gold, among many others, passed away that day.
Suave knew they were there- Reginald didn’t. Charles would spend the rest of his life under Galeforce’s care, the two of them growing more and more resentful towards the Toppat Clan….
…..and the Toppat who killed Gold and Valentine.
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drilethetoppat · 2 months
Put a context in this.
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unicwolf · 10 months
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Is it really Anger Issues if you don't see any Issue with it?
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ask-celeste-silvers · 9 months
Another question have you made other toppat members besides the witch, sven, and earrings?
Yup, I've made, Carol cross, burt curtis, kabbitz, Mr.macbeth, Geoffrey plumb, Thomas chestershire, and topbot. I also have some toppat ocs that are mentioned in the pinned post.
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This is Bart ender, he works as a bartender in the toppat clan. I headcanon that the toppat clan owns different properties and businesses like a bar and such. Also props to @end4men for choosing the name lol.
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Then we have Martin dearly who works as the toppat clans Tailor, he's created some of the toppats most finest uniforms, even reg and rhm's wedding attire.
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Then we have bri gearbolt who works as a mechanic, she's the one that built topbot. She quite skilled with robotics and cybernetics.
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Then we have Rosetta amore, she works in the toppat clans vault to make sure everything stays in its rightful place, she's also quite the competitive one
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Then we have the medic esther gracefield. They work down in the medical department in medbay, their usually tending wounds of injured toppats after a rough heist. they can help any injury...but there are some things that can't be saved.
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And lastly we have miss Lillian moonstone. She stays and works in the archives most of the time and barely talks to anyone, which is why nobody really sees her or know who she is...but some people who do see her...They claim to see her stalking the right hand man...and he has no idea...
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And there are two that im not gonna reveal just yet...but one of them is kinda important...they'll be revealed later on in the story
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Ik this has gone a bit off topic, srry lol-
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wololo-01 · 23 days
TOPPAT WEEK 2024 DAY 21: favorite Toppat leader
( but I actually have THREE FAVORITES ((sorry)) )
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Wilford cannot believe this two were once a Toppat clan leader, especially that he choice one of them to be his successor xDD
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kingkenzieofmold · 1 year
This might be a weird one but can I request Sir Wilford IV x Terrence x Randy (SirRave) fluff please?.
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Some fluff? How about some fluff kisses! I hope you enjoy<3
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the-shark-well · 2 years
How about Terrence for blorbo bingo? Your version of him if you want.
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this is the evil one btw Im super normal abt him (lying)
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00lari00 · 1 month
It's true, if you think about it, It's all Terrence fault that he died , he did it all out of stupidity
AU BELONGS TO @capturecharlesau
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echotrinityme · 2 years
Distrust Chapter 30: A Time To Remember
It's been a couple weeks since everyone escaped the nightmare Briar trapped them in, however, no one is the same after the past few weeks. The Toppats and The Government decided to form a temporary truce to give time for everyone to recover. The toppats gather the corpses of their friends while John and Gordon carried Rupert's and Henry's corpses, the Government went back to base to get look at by Dr. V.
Everyone was hungry when they back to the base, but no one wanted to eat cause the images of the bodies in their minds. The General talked to the former members of the Cult while everyone else was recovering, Dr. V managed to bring them back to their normal selves before they were brainwashed by Briar Bloodsworth. Galeforce was talking to them about their crimes, they did horrible crimes and no pardon was gonna change it. The former members understood the situation they're in.
The General told them everyone including the FBI would be searching for them, which means they would never go back to society. Galeforce then gave them an idea, the Government owns several islands cause of training. He offered one to them for a home, they all talked it over and nodded. Galeforce and the other soldiers waved goodbye to the former members as they watched them on a boat.
Once they were gone, Galeforce needed to prepare two funerals.
The other soldiers whom were left behind were in shock, denial, disbelief, and confusion when the General told them what happened to Rupert and Henry. They were even more mixed feelings when they were told Rupert and Henry were moles for Briar. Fortunately, no one spoke ill of them after one of the soldiers decided to badmouth them. Charles and Victoria had to beat the shit out of him. They were given probation and a warning from the General.
A couple days before the funerals, Galeforce had to call Henry's parents. Terrence Suave and Randy Radman were former Toppats leaders, they "retired" and started a family together. They had heard of the Cult of Desperationis and what they did, however, they hadn't been told their only son was brainwashed by the leader to do his bidding. Galeforce asked the dads to come to the base for a talk, the dads were confused and asked the General where is their son.
Galeforce's face was grim when he told them what happened to Henry, their reactions were...well...not pretty to say the least. Terrence had a breakdown, destroying everything in the tent. Randy was the one to calm him down even though he himself was trying to stay calm as well, Terrence sobbed hysterically while Randy hugged him. The General gave them their condolences before leaving them alone in his tent.
It was a gloomy day on the day of the funeral which fit everyone's mood, everyone was getting ready for the funerals.
Charles was looking at himself in the mirror in his tent, he was wearing a black suit with black tie. He brushed his hair and put on his headphones, he then stared down at the choker that used to belong to Henry. He started wearing Henry's choker as a tribute to him, Victoria got Rupert's pendent as a tribute to him. He tried to smile while still looking at the mirror but he couldn't bring himself to do it.
In fact, the last time he smiled was before Briar locked them inside the building. Ever since the nightmare started, he didn't have a reason to smile. Now... Charles felt numb, apathy, and a little bit of rage inside him. The tent flap open and Charles turn around to see Victoria coming towards him. She was wearing a plain black dress, with black heels, and her hair was actually not tied into a ponytail. She looked very beautiful except for her smile, her smile looked...broken.
"Hey." she said softly as she went up to Charles. She put a comforting hand on Charles' shoulder.
"Hey..." Charles replied sadly as he turn back to the mirror.
"How are you?"
"You don't sound fine." Victoria said.
"To tell you the truth? I'm not." Charles replied.
"Hey, look at me." Victoria said firmly as she grabbed Charles' chin gently. He stared at her as she continued, "We stop the Cult of Desperationis and Briar, he will never hurt anyone again."
Charles let go of her chin as he bowed his head down in shame, "Yeah but he brainwashed Rupert and Henry." he said irritably. "He turned them into psychopaths and we didn't even realize it before it's too late!"
Charles turn away from Victoria as he started sobbing silently, he was trying to hide his sobbing from Victoria but she heard him. She then wrapped her arms around Charles' waist as she put her against his back, "Hey. Don't cry." she whispered gently. "They fooled everybody including the General. Don't feel bad, calm down.
Charles ceased his sobbing as he sighed heavily, he then turn around to face Victoria. She still had her arms around his waist, she stared up at him in worry, he wiped his eyes as she gave him a peck on the cheek. He blushed as she asked, "Feeling better?"
Charles weakly nodded as he felt a headache brewing, he let go of Victoria and went to his med kit to get aspirin to cure his headache, he drowned the pill with water, and he glanced at Victoria. She smiled slightly, she then looked at her watch. "Hey... It's time to go to the funeral." she said softly.
Charles nodded as he followed her out of the tent.
At the funeral, Galeforce was standing on a makeshift stage in front of a podium. There were two caskets in front of the stage. Charles, Victoria, Terrence, Randy, Johnny, and Dave were sitting behind him. The General started announcing the obituary for Henry and Rupert. However, not everyone was listening to the General.
Johnny, Dave, Charles, and Victoria were thinking about happy memories about them before their brainwashing. Johnny and Dave were thinking how Rupert helped them back in the police force.
Rupert and Johnny were drinking some coffee, enjoying a conversation when someone walked past them. Rupert saw them and they were heading towards an empty table. Rupert took notice of his posture was small like he was trying hide away from people, Rupert also saw he was trembling. Dave Panpa was his name; he was the new rookie cop. No seem to notice Dave was trembling as Rupert saw some tears started to stream down his face.
"Hey Johnny." Rupert said as he poked Johnny in the shoulder, Johnny saw what Rupert was looking at.
"What's up? Why are you staring at the new recruit?" Johnny replied.
"He looks... Sorta upset." Rupert said softly.
Johnny took a closer look at Dave whom bowed his head down to hide his face, before he did Johnny saw Dave was sobbing quietly. "Yeah...he does." Johnny replied slowly.
"C'mon. Let's go cheer him up."
They both went over to Dave whom still had his head down, he didn't notice them until he heard Rupert clear his throat. Dave glanced up at them and their hearts broke when they saw his eyes were red and puffy. "Oi." Rupert said gently. "My name is Rupert Price."
"Hello, Rupert." Dave replied, voice cracking.
Rupert pointed to Johnny whom gave a comforting smile, "And this Johnny Panzer."
Dave waved awkwardly at Johnny, "Now you know our names, what's yours?" Johnny asked.
"Dave Panpa." replied Dave as he sniffled.
"Why are you crying?"
"I...I...don't know how to do my tie."
Rupert and Johnny stared at Dave's tie that was undone. They both glanced at each other then to Dave, they both smiled at him. "Hey... Don't be upset." Johnny reassured him. "I didn't know how to tie a tie until this hedgehog here taught me."
Johnny pointed at Rupert whom blushed furiously, "Yeah I did." he muttered. "And don't call me a hedgehog."
Rupert went to help Dave how to tie his tie, he taught him the steps and Dave finished tying his tie.
"Thank you, Rupert." Dave said happily.
"Yer welcome." Rupert replied happily.
From that day forward, Rupert, Johnny, and Dave became inseparable. They were best buddies for life. Nothing can tear them apart, no matter what.
End Of Flashback
Dave softly cried at the memory as Johnny remember another time where he were playing a game about guessing who they are. Johnny put his face in his hands as he silently sobbed, Dave pull him into a hug. Charles and Ellie were also thinking happy memories. Charles was thinking about how Henry was to him after he joined the Government.
Second Flashback
Henry joined the Government after he gave them evidence for the Toppat clan, he was assigned as Charles' partner. At first things were awkward between them, Charles tried being friendly to him but Henry apparently didn't want to be friends with him. But one day, everything changed. Charles and Henry were sitting under a tree, they were talking...well Charles was talking, Henry was listening.
"Then after I found out the Bukowski twins replaced the syrup with hot sauce, I used one of my greatessst plans on them." Charles said excitedly. "But I got in trouble by the General."
Henry nodded as he listen to Charles' story about the twins' pranks, they haven't prank him yet. "Did you at least got them back?" Henry asked, using ASL to communicate with Charles. Charles never seen or heard Henry talk. He wondered if Henry was mute.
"Yes." Charles replied as he nodded his head. "Rupert and I dyed their hairs blue."
Charles got out his phone to show them a photo of the twins' hair being blue, he show the photo to Henry. Henry stared at the photo for a mere moment then he started giggling, Charles' eyes widen when he heard Henry giggled, he then heard Henry's laugh as he started laughing hard. Charles smirked when Henry stopped, "Well, well, well." he said as Henry glanced at him. "You can talk."
Henry's face went scarlet as Charles laughed.
End of Second Flashback.
Charles had tears streaming down on his face as he saw Terrence going to the podium, Terrence started saying good things about Henry. Ellie thought about how she first met Henry back when they're trapped at the Wall; a notorious prison that holds criminals. They escaped and became best friends. Along with Charles, they became the Triple Threat. Ellie wanted to cry again but felt numb, she then glanced at Victoria whose eyes were listless. Victoria was thinking how she first met Rupert.
Third Flashback
Victoria was loading her bullets into her gun to shoot at a target when the General came over to her, "Captain Grit." he said as he stood next to her. Victoria was about to reply when she spotted a young man standing next to him, she saw the young man didn't look very happy to be here.
"Sir? Who is this?" Victoria asked as she pointed to the young man.
"Miss Grit this is our new recruit, Rupert Price." replied Galeforce as he gestured between her and Rupert.
Victoria stared at Rupert whom was looking like he wanted to kill someone, she held out her hand. "Hello Rupert."
Rupert stared at her hand for a second then shook her hand, "Charmed." he replied lowly.
His voice sounded deep and a little bit husky which turned Victoria on but she didn't show it. "Now I will leave you two get acquainted while I check over some paperwork." Galeforce said.
The General left leaving them alone in silence, Rupert and Victoria stared at each other for a moment. Victoria then started to explain how everything works in the government to Rupert, Rupert got the information like it was the most easiest thing in the world.
Over time, Rupert became Captain and he fought with the Government to stop the notorious Toppat clan. Also over the time, Victoria fell in love with Rupert but he didn't see her the same way.
End of Third Flashback
There was a sound of thunder and soon there was rain. Everyone was crying when it was time to bury the caskets, the rain made the moods worsen. After the funerals, everyone went their separate ways.
Charles and Victoria were standing in front Rupert's and Henry's graves. They were holding hands as they stared at the tombstones apathetically, then after a few minutes later, they left to go back to the base.
Once back on the base, they got cleaned up and went back to respective tents.
It might take time for everything to be back to normal, especially for Charles, Victoria, Dave, Johnny, and Ellie.
But they have each other for support and love.
A/N: There's one more chapter and this story is done. Sorry, for the lack of updates. With online school, losing motivation, my mental health, and other stuff that has been going on with me. Life's just been kicking my ass but anyways, here's a sad chapter in case anyone wants to feel sad.
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lovelygirlnicole15 · 7 months
Dad...? (THSC mini comic)
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"He... He never told me about any of this..."
Context: while Henry was running away with the evidence that could arrest the Toppat Clan he noticed a portrait of his father Terrence in the Toppat Leader's Hallway, something that surprise him very much because he didn't know his dad was once part of the Toppat Clan (because Terrence after being dethroned he kept Henry away from the Toppat Clan all 27 years of his life), so Reginald took advantage of that and told Henry about EVERYTHING Terrence has done during his Toppat leadership.
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