#thsc toppat clan with chaos the show
lovelygirlnicole15 · 5 months
THSC Toppat Clan with Chaos The Show Au
Jewel Down 2/????
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Danny Felizima belongs to @capturecharlesau
Milfra Hope, Irma Hendrix, DJ Via and Hiccup belongs to me
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digital-roots · 3 years
could u explain the henry stickmin collection in detail, please?
I always answer these after hours of doing other stuff huh
Well anyways: (long post, cant seem to put a read more rn will edit later)
The Henry Stickmin Collection is a series of games that were all made with Flash and have been remastered (with the exception of Completing the Mission, which is exclusive to THSC). They all follow the journey of Henry Stickmin, an amateur thief who attempts to rob a bank, but ends up getting caught and sent to prison. From there, you are able to make choices for him, providing him with items that range from technical gadgets to video game references. With the exception of Breaking the Bank which acts more as a prologue to the entire story, every game has multiple endings based on your choices.
There are usually 3 ways to categorize each of the endings. There is The Sneaky way, in which Henry does the mission with few to none people actually noticing his deeds, The Agressive way, where he does the exact opposite and does it mostly with brute force and even killing others, and The Chaotic way, which is like the Agressive option, but Henry usually creates chaos and casualities through 3rd party intervenings instead of directly causing them.
Escaping the Prison and Stealing the Diamond are both simple enough. Whether you do it the sneaky, agressive, or chaotic way (although there really isn't a "chaotic" way in EtP), Henry always escapes to steal the diamond.
Infiltrating the Airship is where things get a bit more bigger. Here is where the Toppat Clan are introduced. The Toppat Clan is a big and secretive crimimal organization where each member wears a top hat. The Government (also a main faction in the series) kidnaps Henry at the start of the game where they offer to pardon all of his crimes if he manages to take down the Toppats in their main base, The Airship. From here things split more and the endings aren't as similar to each other than before. Depending on what the player's pick, Henry can either take down the Toppats (whether alone or with Charles, a goverment pilot and one of the main characters in the games), join them and become their leader, or ignore both factions and instead go after the Toppat's ruby in their vault.
Fleeing the Complex is similar to how ItA works as well. After the events of ItA, Henry will end up at The Wall, a massive prison in Canada, run by the cold and ruthless Dmitri Petrov. He also ends up waiting in a cell with someone else, a woman named Ellie. Again, he has mutiple options at the start. One is to rush out of the prison by himself, while Dmitri personally hunts him down. Another is to get help from Ellie to escape, and either help her too or abandon her. The last two depend on your choices from ItA. After getting inside a room with a cellphone, you can either get help from the Goverment or the Toppat Clan. No matter what however, you always end up escaping the complex (in one way or another).
The last game in the series is Complete the Mission. At the very start, you get to pick what ending you get at the start by combining the endings from ItA and FtC together. Ok I'm going to be real honest rn I don't know why this ask became so informational and serious and at this point i have no more energy to keep that up so I'll just say a few more things
Each game lets you right click on minor characters to get their bio cards. Its really fun to try to get all of them since theres like over 400 bios, 75% of them being extremely minor characters. Realy goes to show how Puffballs (the person who made the game) put in lots of effort for the little details
It's stupidly funny (/pos) most of the time. I just really cant get over how amazing the comedic timing is
One of the core aspects of THSC are the fails. There's so many ways to fail in the games and they're usually so fucking funny
I didnt get to talk abt this because I was only goimg over the main points but like. GOD I fucking love the toppat leader, Reginald, so fucking much he is such a rat bastard and I care so much abt him. Do you know who else I care about? His Right Hand Man, who doesnt have a name but is so goddamn badass and great. You know who else I care about? So many other characters I didnt talk about because theyre not that important into giving a summary for.
Like I said before, the games are so fucking funny, they have impeccable comedic timing
Um Im very tired so basically thank you for reading my half synopsis half recommendation of henry stickmin teehee
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the-irken-pony · 3 years
You said to remind you about that Henry and the CCC thing...I can’t find it...
A lot has happened so I haven't been able to get to it for a while but THANK YOU FOR REMINDING ME
So first of all, I want to emphasize the CCC's relative importance in the Henry Stickmin series.
Part 1: The CCC vs the other factions
All of the other major factions in THSC appeared in Infiltrating the Airship or later, not counting Winston Davis and Gene Fredrickson, two members of the Toppat Clan who were introduced before the Toppat Clan was formally introduced. The Government and the Toppat Clan were formally introduced in Infiltrating the Airship, and The Wall was formally introduced in Fleeing the Complex.
The Center for Chaos Containment, meanwhile, made an appearance as early as Stealing the Diamond, back when Henry was a simple thief with some bizarre abilities (which I will touch on in a bit). Since their initial introduction, the CCC has made brief yet consistent appearances in every following game, introducing at least one member who has not been seen prior (often more).
So, if they're so important, why are they so much less prominent than other factions? Simple: their job is to contain chaos from behind the scenes to try to normalize the world around them. Unless something major is going down that requires intervention, there's no reason to publicly show their face.
And honestly? It might actually be better for everyone that they don't. After all, the CCC has demonstrated power beyond what the Government or the Toppats could even dream of. Sure, the Toppats might also have giant space lasers, but they were only able to get them after major funding and numerous months--probably years--of preparation. Likewise, the Government may have access to nuclear (emphasis on "may" because this is unconfirmed), but the CCC is able to whip these out without a second thought.
Yet the CCC's power goes further. Also at the CCC's disposal are gargantuan robots (one of which is G.A.B.E.G.G., which forces the Govt to abort the Toppat raid), a calculator that can instantly vaporize the world by dividing by 0, the ability to stop time itself, and a "Dark Energy Blaster" (capable of instantly wiping out all life within a certain radius).
Sure, the Government may have Charles' helicopter which is capable of some wacky things, and the Toppat Clan and the Wall may have superpowered members, but none of it even comes close to just how far the CCC's power extends. And yet! No one! Talks about it!!
Okay, so I've talked on and on about just how strong the CCC is. How is this at all related to Henry?
Part 2: Henry Stickmin, a thief in need of cash
Before I can get into how Henry and the CCC are connected, I need to touch on who Henry Stickmin actually is, or at least how he started.
Early on in the series, before he was captured by the Govt, Henry's sole motive was getting money in order to pay for rent (and presumably other bills).
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Over the course of the first two games, Breaking the Bank and Escaping the Prison, Henry learns two new things about himself:
1. Not only does he die in numerous alternate timelines, but he remembers these timelines in which he dies (or is otherwise inconvenienced) as though they were his own.
2. Some mysterious force which he had never before known (the player) has begun to provide him with various tools to help him achieve various degrees of success (or lack thereof).
The evidence for both of these are provided by one particular recurring object in the series: the Teleporter. Not only does Henry make direct eye contact to glare at the player in ItA, but the series has him show increasing reluctance to use the teleporter whenever it's provided (eventually becoming outright refusal in Completing the Mission). Additionally, the teleporter's use in Fleeing the Complex is mutually exclusive to its use in both ItA and CtM due to the teleporter appearing in an incompatible route, suggesting he's even aware of the routes that he does not take.
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However, there's one more thing which points to this being the case, which is also were we can start to see a connection between Henry and the CCC.
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Off to the right, we can see that Henry was brainstorming potential jobs around the start of Stealing the Diamond.
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Prison Guard
Test subject
All but one of these options have been crossed out: “test subject”, suggesting that this is the job that he’s decided to settle on. What’s especially interesting here is that the same game we see this is the same game that introduces the Center for Chaos Containment. The connections don’t end there, though.
Part 3: Henry and the CCC
As you’ve probably gathered by now, I’m making the claim that, by the beginning of Stealing the Diamond, Henry has started working for the CCC as a test subject. I mean, someone who regularly causes accidental chaos working for a faction whose job it is to contain chaos makes sense on its own, but add to that the fact that any major repercussions caused by the CCC’s reckless decisions are immediately undone with no lasting consequences? You could say it’s too good of a fit.
Plus, it would explain how they consistently appear in the same general area as Henry (even if Kyle Baxter doesn’t actually act in FtC). There are more connections between Henry and the CCC, though.
1) The CCC’s various tools directly interact with Henry at multiple points in the series, and Henry seems much less surprised by the CCC’s actions.
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Meanwhile, others seem much less aware of the CCC’s influence.
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2) Even with all of the major chaos incidents that Henry directly causes, Henry himself never catches the CCC’s attention.
The CCC repeatedly mentions “chaos readings” whenever chaos incidents happen in a particular area, yet either Henry himself doesn’t give off chaos readings or the CCC actively ignores him. The first option seems unlikely due to Henry’s, well... everything. Yet, if Henry gave off chaos readings and was unaffiliated with the CCC, then why wouldn’t they put more focus on containing Henry directly? Sure, they wouldn’t succeed due to Henry being able to undo their more harmful actions, but the fact that they aren’t even antagonists is... intriguing.
3) Adding on to 2, when the CCC doesn’t accidentally hurt Henry, they directly help him somehow.
While this is rarely their immediate goal, the CCC’s attempts to contain chaos often help Henry in some way or another. In Stealing the Diamond, the Tunisian diamond happens to get thrown right next to him after he escapes from the museum; in Infiltrating the Airship, Henry takes one member’s flying suit in order to make his escape with the Romanian Ruby; and in Completing the Mission, the CCC’s intervention leads the Govt to aborting the Toppat raid.
All of these are minor coincidences, but what really ties this together is the secret ending of CtM, the Multiverse Correction.
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In this secret ending, the multiverse is “defragmented” and an anomaly is corrected. The way this anomaly is corrected is actually by spawning in the package seen in Escaping the Prison.
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Up to now, I’ve mentioned multiple minor details that tangentially connect Henry to the CCC, but I’ve only mentioned in passing what is probably the most important part of this whole post: you, the player.
Part 4: The Player (You) and the CCC
As the various teleporter uses demonstrate, you (the player) are a separate being from Henry, and you provide Henry with different tools or make various decisions from him. However, there are very few times (if any) in which you exert full control over Henry. A major demonstration of this is with the hammer.
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All identical looking options, yet depending on which of the three you select, Henry does something different with the hammer. Aside from subtle sound cues, you don’t get any clue what each option will do. All the decision making is done by Henry.
However, there are characters which you DO exert direct control over: Clyde Jenkins, Wilson Stone, and Ellias Bahtchin. All of them are members of the Center for Chaos Containment.
Every time you take control of these characters, you have a first person view of their options and, in the case of Clyde, your mouse becomes his hand.
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At no other point do you control a character like this, not even with Henry. This is a trait exclusive to these three characters. And, quite frankly, it’s incredibly fascinating from a gameplay standpoint.
Is it possible that based on this, you (the player) also work for the CCC? Maybe, but it’s entirely likely that the CCC (excluding Henry) are unaware of your presence.
The fact that Henry considered applying as a test subject in Stealing the Diamond as a direct result of his chaos and just so happened to keep bumping into the Center for Chaos Containment in every game since then feels like more than just coincidence.
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lovelygirlnicole15 · 10 months
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Baby Nicole is crying because she's hungry and needs to sleep but she doesn't wanna sleep.
Note: If anyone is wondering why Nicole is a baby, the answer lies here
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lovelygirlnicole15 · 2 months
THSC Toppat Clan with Chaos The Show Au
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Lilly Larson belongs to @stickvinenthusiast / @mimimel
Pollo Miller belongs to @00lari00
The kid is named Goob by the way.
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lovelygirlnicole15 · 2 months
U thought I was going to post about the Suave Siblings, right? Well hear me out! This time I drew the fathers! (Ft. Tumblr stickman)
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The version of Terrence of the left belongs to @lumyious-studios (Who is Harper's actual father, I don't know how exactly he looks like so I did what I could)
CC!Terrence belongs to @capturecharlesau
CoR!Terrence belongs to @crown-of-roses-thsc
And lastly TCWCTS!Terrence belongs to me.
Disclaimer: That's not Tumblr's official stickman design, I'll change it soon.
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lovelygirlnicole15 · 5 months
The Trio of the children of Terrence Suave (ft. CC!Burt @capturecharlesau and CoR!Ellie @crown-of-roses-thsc )
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"Biological parents were murdered and was adopted by his so-called dad"
"Her father never cared about her and she doesn't give a fuck about him"
"Both of his parents are ex-criminals/ex-toppats and they kept him away from the Toppat Clan"
I made this for fun :)
Also I'm sorry if I wrote something wrong, I only did what I knew about your Aus.
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lovelygirlnicole15 · 5 months
THSC Toppat Clan with Chaos The Show Au
Jewel Down 3/????
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Scottie Anderson belongs to @jaytoons7
Danny Felizima belongs to @capturecharlesau
Morgana Price belongs to @smoresthehalloweenqueen
Amelia Copperbottom belongs to @androidcharles
Milfra Hope, Nicole Leclerc and Mercudi Panza belongs to me.
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lovelygirlnicole15 · 5 months
THSC Toppat Clan with Chaos The Show Au
Jewel Down 4/????
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Scottie Anderson belongs to @jaytoons7
Danny Felizima belongs to @capturecharlesau
Morgana Price belongs to @smoresthehalloweenqueen
Amelia Copperbottom (blue crying emoji form) belongs to @androidcharles
Nicole Leclerc, Mercudi Panza, Irma Hendrix, Hiccup Hendrix and DJ Via belongs to me.
Calypso bells (mention) belongs to @bluetorchsky
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lovelygirlnicole15 · 4 months
THSC Toppat Clan with Chaos The Show Au
Jewel Down 5/????
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Alan Fletcher, Middie Sugar and Hatāśā belongs to me
Calypso bells belongs to @bluetorchsky (this is actually my first time drawing Calypso bells, Violet, I really hope it's alright and I I'm sorry if I made any mistakes)
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lovelygirlnicole15 · 2 months
THSC Toppat Clan with Chaos The Show Au
A Princess and a Beast 9/????
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lovelygirlnicole15 · 5 months
THSC Toppat Clan with Chaos The Show Au
Jewel Down 1/???
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Aurelia and Florence belong to @bluetorchsky
Scottie Anderson belongs to @jaytoons7
Danny Felizima belongs to @capturecharlesau
Morgana Price belongs to @smoresthehalloweenqueen
Bonnie Spencer, Nicole Leclerc and Milfra Hope belongs to me.
Disclaimer: I'm too lazy to draw anything so I re-used some of my prev arts, DEAL WITH IT
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lovelygirlnicole15 · 2 months
Okay but can you like draw that scene that I just mentioned because it would seem funnier in my head but it would be more funnier if you Drew it if you want but honestly I can't stop like thinking of the scene every time I start thinking of what episode five predictions there could be lol my first prediction is that there might be a brucam moment :)
THSC Toppat Clan with Chaos The Show Au
Love Advice go Wrong
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*A writting love letter montage later*
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Here you go! I hope you like it!
Amelia Copperbottom belongs to @androidcharles
Melanie belongs to @stickvinenthusiast / @mimimel
Mercudi Panza belongs to me
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lovelygirlnicole15 · 5 months
THSC Toppat Clan with Chaos The Show Au
Who is Pregnant? 9/9
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Toppat!Cameron belongs to @rarestdoge
Holly Copperbottom belongs to @bor0wik
Amelia Copperbottom belongs to @androidcharles
Accordion belongs to @bluetorchsky
Lay Copperbottom belongs to @annashadowstar
Ronaldo Copperbottom (ghost), Lilac Ping, Lloyd Guy and Mercudi Panza belongs to me.
Note: Lilac Ping is one of the most talented toppats of the clan, whenever someone needs help she tends to help, Lloyd Guy is a mythic boy who always wears a cape, he's descendant of a strong wizard.
In case someone didn't understand the end (I'm too lazy to continue this part), Reginald revealed he's the one preggo and that surprised the Copperbottom siblings.
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lovelygirlnicole15 · 2 months
THSC Toppat Clan with Chaos The Show Au
Fever Down Technique
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I'll be posting some comics of Jewel Down so that you guys don't see it as a down episode.
The three girls that are with Nicole are Jainnir Midd (the purple-brown girl), Rossitt Redella (the brown-red girl) and Poddie (the dark green girl), if anyone wonders (I'll tell you all a bit about them soon)
Fun-Fact: When I was sick my grandma washed me with cold water to put my fever down, and it worked, deal with it.
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lovelygirlnicole15 · 6 months
Honestly this post from @capturecharlesau had remember me about the random and weird logics of my THSC Au, one of them is this:
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And yes my THSC TCWCTS Au characters can break the 4th wall whenever they want, they even know about the existence of Ashley Nicole (the creator and narrator of the story, short words: me)
If anyone wanna ask me something about my Au, just ask me through messages (private).
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