#toppat clan with chaos the show
lovelygirlnicole15 · 10 months
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Baby Nicole is crying because she's hungry and needs to sleep but she doesn't wanna sleep.
Note: If anyone is wondering why Nicole is a baby, the answer lies here
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annashadowstar · 6 months
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I made a doodle of Lay’s healing when the first time they joined the Toppat Clan. I will say this happens before ItA. It took them at least 4 or 5 months to get comfortable with everyone. What do you expect from an abused child? Now I want to make a small story about it. Soooo… have fun reading…
When they joined...
After Lay killed their parents, they have been living in the streets for a few days. When they notice there’s a robbery, Lay may or may not jumped into the truck as the truck drives towards the Toppat Airship. Lay did try to steal some money but was caught by one of the Toppat members. Lay may or may not panic and use their magic to tie everyone up and leave them in the air. Reginald and RHM came out and helped Lay to calm down. After Reginald notices how much chaos Lay can do so he decides to adopt them.
Day 1 - 7
Lay was in their room alone for a WHOLE EMTIRED WEEK! They do eat and drink but mostly, it's Danny (Belong to @capturecharlesau) who sent them food because Reginald told him to. He will leave the food at the door and Lay will take it. They only will eat a little bit. Reginald tried to let Lay come out but... it wasn't working that much. Reginald did get a doctor to check on them. After the doctor tells Reginald all the traumas and abuse Lay has gone through, he realizes this will be harder than he thought.
Week 1 - 3
Lay allow someone they trust (Amelia @androidcharles) in their room but will still keep their distance. The person they trust so far is Nicole (@lovelygirlnicole15) and Amelia. They will still stay in their room for a while but will come out of their room sometime, which is RARELY!!!
Week 4 - 5
It's the same as weeks 1 - 3, let people they trust the most in. Lay allows some people to answer some questions by nodding to the question or shaking their heads. They will only answer yes and no questions since they don't want to talk. They did go out of their room more than before but that doesn't mean they're comfortable with everyone. So far, the people they trust are Danny, Crusher (Because he reminds them of their brother, Chris. @jaytoons7), Nicole, Reginald, RHM, and Brutus(@smoresthehalloweenqueen). They... do not trust Top! Cameron(@rarestdoge) that well because... of some personal reason...(Heard that Cam has anger issues, which remind them of one of their parents.)
Week 6 - 8
Lay came out of their room and walked around the airships mostly with Reginald. They will stay with Reginald most of the time. When Reginald has a meeting, then they have to stay with Violin and Accordion(@bluetorchsky). And let's just say Lay always will stay as far away from them as possible. Why? Since Lay grew up in a rich yet abused family, their 'Parents' will send them some bodyguards, giving them no personal space at all. The bodyguard will report to their 'parents' what Lay says and do every day. Violin and Accordion are the same size as their bodyguard. Lay still won't talk, though.
Week 9 - 11
Lay made some progress!!! YAY!!! They did a little talk and started to get comfortable with some Toppat members. They will only reply with some short sentences, which is a huge improvement for the Copperbottom family. Lay will go anyway by themselves but as for going in the cafeteria, they will always have someone with them by their side since Scottie reminds them of their mother. Not because of their looks, it's because of their attitude but they will warm up with them soon.
Week 12 - 15
Lay is now more open than before!!! HOORAY!!! They did laugh and weren't really afraid anymore like they used to be. Lay starts to trust everyone in the Toppat Clan but still will be on guard just in case.
Week 16 - now
Lay is now fully healed and starts to be themselves more than before. Reginald gives Lay a job, which is to show the new Toppat around the airship since Lay has a good memory. Lay will not go on a dangerous mission like stealing a diamond, fighting people, or holding a gun since they are too young. But one mission that they can go to is to rob a bank. Lay is really cheerful and is everyone's little therapy. They will always be there whenever someone needs help with mental support. They still use magic and retry if things get out of hand.
This is all Lay's healing progress. I hope you enjoy reading. I will also write about Chris and Kai's life if you guys want to get to know them more. See you all soon.
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the-shark-well · 10 months
Do you perchance have any Triple Threat headcanons you’d be willing to share….
you bet I do !!! and sorry this took me a second to answer I don't often think about these three enough . which is a shame because they make me normal
These are all scrambled thoughts so I'm . very sorry if it comes off as utter nonsense . there's a lot going on in my timeline it's hard to boil it down , really . also I applied headcanons for the "canon ending" of my timeline , which is Toppat King , so you're getting romantic triple threat , hope that's okay !
for reference: Henry uses they/it , Ellie she/her , and Charles he/him
- due to Henry's future sight and being caught in a timeloop with the help of Liaf , they feel very disconnected from others for a long time
- Ellie is able to see into their head through telepathy , so the two kinda accidentally develop an extremely powerful and eldritch bond even through the barrier of a timeloop . Ellie will always know Henry better than Henry perhaps knows itself , and Henry's choices will always lead it back to Ellie .
- Henry chooses to settle down in the TK timeline due to it being the best outcome long-term , from their perspective . They get married to Ellie and later on , Charles
- Charles is the Just Some Guy in the relationship ❤️
- post-TK Henry Charles and Ellie will fake capture Charles just so he can get away from his work for a while to hang out / go on dates . Charles is the one who proposed the idea (there are a million other much simpler solutions to get Charles from his duties but , to him , this is the most fun approach)
- this is less triple threat and more Charles but , Charles and RHM develop a very silly friendship . needless to say even despite his rank as a helicopter pilot for the government , Right likes him enough to accept him as one of their own
- the ideal date night for all three of them is going out into some crowded area and doing whatever is available to them . they like making every date an adventure together . fairs and festivals and theme parks are their favorites
- Although Ellie makes a big show of being more grounded than the others , in actuality she is just as chaotic if its funny . her responsibilties are second to her commitment to the bit .
- Charles is very touchy with his friends and loved ones , not just hugs but patting them on the back or shoulder , shaking them around , bumping their shoulder , etc. the others weren't used to it at first but they pretty quickly adjusted
- Ellie and Henry are rarely if ever seen apart . due to their weird divine relationship to one another they are very in sync as a married couple and Toppat leaders . Charles , due to his chaos powers of extreme empathy , learns to catch up with the connection the two share . although not nearly on the same level of Eldritch as the other two , he can read both of their emotions pretty plainly .
- Charles might eventually make the leap and join the Clan instead of living a double life , but he struggles with how to confront Galeforce about it without him freaking out
- Henry is very quiet and to themself and doesn't usually speak unless they absolutely must or are comfortable . Charles and Ellie are the only two who have consistently heard it talk .
- Ellie's best trait and worst flaw is her trust in others and the desire to give people second chances . Despite her history as a Toppat , she never wants to believe that anyone can be evil and self-serving everytime . this did get her in trouble back in the day (hence being at the Wall) , but it also allowed her to get close to Henry and get it to see that it can do and be better . Henry is very grateful for her .
- Charles is similarly very trusting , although less likely to give people second chances , he moreso operates on first impressions or orders given to him . His personal feelings may sometimes come secondary to his instructions . for some reason Henry and Ellie throw a wrench into his typical attitude . he just cannot bring himself to wish harm upon them , which really muddies things more when he starts to seek them out and talk to them . despite literally all of his orders telling him not to .
- Henry doesn't trust anybody because they don't even trust themself 👍 Their disconnect from people due to controlling the timeloop with Liaf is why they felt so Nothing about everything they've been doing . Until they met Ellie , and Ellie was the only person who saw what was up and that shook Henry to their core so bad they immediately started to reform . Henry nowadays is much , much better at trusting people , especially its partners .
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brewingcoffi · 1 year
I know that you didn’t want a part two but—
Part 1 :
Part 2:
Brick Builderman Info part 2:
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Bricks Reappearance!
In "Completing the Mission," Brick Builderman makes another appearance as another background character, this time in the "Toppat King" pathway. He can be seen operating a large excavator in the background during the mission.
As Henry Stickmin and the tophat clan gets attacked by Government, the chaos spills out onto the deck and surrounding areas. In the midst of the fighting, Brick can be seen moving his excavator around, seemingly trying to avoid the crossfire and stay out of harm's way. Until during the background, the excavator loses control once again like the crane. As it shows Brick struggling once again to regain control.
Although he does not have a major role in the storyline I want to implement a reoccurring funny gag character who’s just there not for anything, but just there building/repairing stuff.
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jaytoons7 · 1 year
Inspired by a post made by androidcharles, I've created:
Jay's fates in all of the CTM endings!
Disclaimers: None of these are canon to Shifted Timeline due to its, Uniqueness. Also, Note that not all of these are happy...
Toppat King: Alive and well. He's beginning to adjust to Henry's leadership and thinks Ellie is really cool!
Cleaned 'em Out: Alive and well? I mean, They're certainly not happy about the stolen valuables, Especially since he planned some of the heists behind them. But he's certain that they'll either get new treasures or find a way to get the old ones back.
Stickmin Space Resort: Alive and well. He's pretty bummed that many of the Toppats on earth got arrested, But it's not like working at the hotel has been bad.
Little Nest Egg: Alive and well. In all honesty, Having one money cart stolen isn't really the worst thing that could happen. They continue life as normal. They do feel really bad about what happened to Macbeth though...
Special BROvert Ops: Arrested most likely. Although considering who his parents are, It's unlikely to be permanent. Their time at the clan would definitely be over though.
Master Bounty Hunter: Escaped during the chaos. Stays with Hazel and tries to put the clan life behind him.
Jewel Baron: Killed. Yeah, I don't see them surviving the blast that cut a rocket in half.
Valiant Hero: Survives. But he becomes too mentally distraught due to the deaths at the rocket to continue working for the clan.
Free Man: Stuck on the rocket. Jay can only hope RHM can find a way to fix the central core, Or else it'll be a while before he can see anybody on earth.
Revenged: Killed. Poor guy got caught up in a revenge plot that they had nothing to do with.
Toppat Civil Warfare: Alive and... I wouldn't say well. He sticks on Ellie's side, But misses when things weren't so messy...
Pardoned Pals: Escaped? The rocket got destroyed and he isn't exactly sure what to do now. Probably moves back in with their parents or something.
Toppat Recruits: Alive and well. Jay would be absolutely thrilled to show Henry and Ellie the ropes!
Capital Gains: Alive. He would not be happy to hear about RHM's death, So Henry and Ellie better watch out!
Toppat 4 Life: Alive and well. Pretty much the same as Toppat King, Minus Ellie.
Triple Threat: Escaped. The ending that's closest to stuff that happens in Shifted Timeline. So I won't say too much yet ;)
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plantcrazy · 2 years
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So, 3 days ago I rebloged a emotion/pallete art thing and no-ones taking me up on that, so either you're all determined to stop me from procrastinating on writing or, *shrugs* I dunno.
I did one anyway. Cheers + 1E + 1D
The first time I tried one of these, like 2-3 years ago, it was god-AWFUL, so this is a pleasant surprise. I think I'll do a few more myself if no-one wants to send in their requests (please do tho, I don't bite ^^).
Story wise for this piece, I'm not too sure.
Macbeth's character has never struck me as one who's openly emotional. I think he'd be quite guarded about showing his emotions; Very stern, quiet. The person in the room who hangs back and watches the chaos unfold. Keeps to himself, head down. Hangs out with Wilhelm group of the more senior clam Toppat's.
For the situation I drew to unfold, the only reason I could think of was he's drunk. 100% from his younger days in the clan, before Terrence helped ruin his reputation. (I have my head cannon, the reason people think he's soft is because of a rumour Terrence spread to get back at Macbeth when Terrence became leader. They NEVER got along well, personality and morals clashing (see checkmate, Lost Children) just, hated the other with a passion).
I think this is why Ahnoldt sort of just clings to him. You know that character trope, the happy guy who clings to the grumpy quiet one much to their protest. That's Ahnoldt's thing (which he also inflicts on Carol). However, for Macbeth, I think he clings to him because this one time he was drunk, he got a glimpse of what he's really like. Behind his walls he put up, I think he saw this young lad who just wanted to have fun and enjoy life like those around him. He wants to have personal relationships with others and friendships, but for one reason or another he just... can't.
I like to think as a kid Macbeth knew the saying, "If you want a friend, be a friend." Which is where his looking out for others nature comes from. He gave up trying to make connections at some point, but a deep part of his never did, which is why he still takes those first steps in helping others. I suppose this makes his problem nowadays when someone tries to be a friend back he's got his walls so high and thick to not feel the pain of being rejected time and time again anymore, he doesn't see they're trying to be a friend back.
I think that's Ahnoldt's game plan here: To be Macbeth's friend. He's pushing it a bit to the extreme side with being clingy and annoying in some hope it'll be enough to get through those thick walls. So one day Macbeth will look out from behind them and see he's got a friend he can trust to help him down.
I dunno, maybe I'm waffling. It's a fun little idea I'm working with -\^^/-
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digital-roots · 3 years
could u explain the henry stickmin collection in detail, please?
I always answer these after hours of doing other stuff huh
Well anyways: (long post, cant seem to put a read more rn will edit later)
The Henry Stickmin Collection is a series of games that were all made with Flash and have been remastered (with the exception of Completing the Mission, which is exclusive to THSC). They all follow the journey of Henry Stickmin, an amateur thief who attempts to rob a bank, but ends up getting caught and sent to prison. From there, you are able to make choices for him, providing him with items that range from technical gadgets to video game references. With the exception of Breaking the Bank which acts more as a prologue to the entire story, every game has multiple endings based on your choices.
There are usually 3 ways to categorize each of the endings. There is The Sneaky way, in which Henry does the mission with few to none people actually noticing his deeds, The Agressive way, where he does the exact opposite and does it mostly with brute force and even killing others, and The Chaotic way, which is like the Agressive option, but Henry usually creates chaos and casualities through 3rd party intervenings instead of directly causing them.
Escaping the Prison and Stealing the Diamond are both simple enough. Whether you do it the sneaky, agressive, or chaotic way (although there really isn't a "chaotic" way in EtP), Henry always escapes to steal the diamond.
Infiltrating the Airship is where things get a bit more bigger. Here is where the Toppat Clan are introduced. The Toppat Clan is a big and secretive crimimal organization where each member wears a top hat. The Government (also a main faction in the series) kidnaps Henry at the start of the game where they offer to pardon all of his crimes if he manages to take down the Toppats in their main base, The Airship. From here things split more and the endings aren't as similar to each other than before. Depending on what the player's pick, Henry can either take down the Toppats (whether alone or with Charles, a goverment pilot and one of the main characters in the games), join them and become their leader, or ignore both factions and instead go after the Toppat's ruby in their vault.
Fleeing the Complex is similar to how ItA works as well. After the events of ItA, Henry will end up at The Wall, a massive prison in Canada, run by the cold and ruthless Dmitri Petrov. He also ends up waiting in a cell with someone else, a woman named Ellie. Again, he has mutiple options at the start. One is to rush out of the prison by himself, while Dmitri personally hunts him down. Another is to get help from Ellie to escape, and either help her too or abandon her. The last two depend on your choices from ItA. After getting inside a room with a cellphone, you can either get help from the Goverment or the Toppat Clan. No matter what however, you always end up escaping the complex (in one way or another).
The last game in the series is Complete the Mission. At the very start, you get to pick what ending you get at the start by combining the endings from ItA and FtC together. Ok I'm going to be real honest rn I don't know why this ask became so informational and serious and at this point i have no more energy to keep that up so I'll just say a few more things
Each game lets you right click on minor characters to get their bio cards. Its really fun to try to get all of them since theres like over 400 bios, 75% of them being extremely minor characters. Realy goes to show how Puffballs (the person who made the game) put in lots of effort for the little details
It's stupidly funny (/pos) most of the time. I just really cant get over how amazing the comedic timing is
One of the core aspects of THSC are the fails. There's so many ways to fail in the games and they're usually so fucking funny
I didnt get to talk abt this because I was only goimg over the main points but like. GOD I fucking love the toppat leader, Reginald, so fucking much he is such a rat bastard and I care so much abt him. Do you know who else I care about? His Right Hand Man, who doesnt have a name but is so goddamn badass and great. You know who else I care about? So many other characters I didnt talk about because theyre not that important into giving a summary for.
Like I said before, the games are so fucking funny, they have impeccable comedic timing
Um Im very tired so basically thank you for reading my half synopsis half recommendation of henry stickmin teehee
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the-irken-pony · 3 years
You said to remind you about that Henry and the CCC thing...I can’t find it...
A lot has happened so I haven't been able to get to it for a while but THANK YOU FOR REMINDING ME
So first of all, I want to emphasize the CCC's relative importance in the Henry Stickmin series.
Part 1: The CCC vs the other factions
All of the other major factions in THSC appeared in Infiltrating the Airship or later, not counting Winston Davis and Gene Fredrickson, two members of the Toppat Clan who were introduced before the Toppat Clan was formally introduced. The Government and the Toppat Clan were formally introduced in Infiltrating the Airship, and The Wall was formally introduced in Fleeing the Complex.
The Center for Chaos Containment, meanwhile, made an appearance as early as Stealing the Diamond, back when Henry was a simple thief with some bizarre abilities (which I will touch on in a bit). Since their initial introduction, the CCC has made brief yet consistent appearances in every following game, introducing at least one member who has not been seen prior (often more).
So, if they're so important, why are they so much less prominent than other factions? Simple: their job is to contain chaos from behind the scenes to try to normalize the world around them. Unless something major is going down that requires intervention, there's no reason to publicly show their face.
And honestly? It might actually be better for everyone that they don't. After all, the CCC has demonstrated power beyond what the Government or the Toppats could even dream of. Sure, the Toppats might also have giant space lasers, but they were only able to get them after major funding and numerous months--probably years--of preparation. Likewise, the Government may have access to nuclear (emphasis on "may" because this is unconfirmed), but the CCC is able to whip these out without a second thought.
Yet the CCC's power goes further. Also at the CCC's disposal are gargantuan robots (one of which is G.A.B.E.G.G., which forces the Govt to abort the Toppat raid), a calculator that can instantly vaporize the world by dividing by 0, the ability to stop time itself, and a "Dark Energy Blaster" (capable of instantly wiping out all life within a certain radius).
Sure, the Government may have Charles' helicopter which is capable of some wacky things, and the Toppat Clan and the Wall may have superpowered members, but none of it even comes close to just how far the CCC's power extends. And yet! No one! Talks about it!!
Okay, so I've talked on and on about just how strong the CCC is. How is this at all related to Henry?
Part 2: Henry Stickmin, a thief in need of cash
Before I can get into how Henry and the CCC are connected, I need to touch on who Henry Stickmin actually is, or at least how he started.
Early on in the series, before he was captured by the Govt, Henry's sole motive was getting money in order to pay for rent (and presumably other bills).
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Over the course of the first two games, Breaking the Bank and Escaping the Prison, Henry learns two new things about himself:
1. Not only does he die in numerous alternate timelines, but he remembers these timelines in which he dies (or is otherwise inconvenienced) as though they were his own.
2. Some mysterious force which he had never before known (the player) has begun to provide him with various tools to help him achieve various degrees of success (or lack thereof).
The evidence for both of these are provided by one particular recurring object in the series: the Teleporter. Not only does Henry make direct eye contact to glare at the player in ItA, but the series has him show increasing reluctance to use the teleporter whenever it's provided (eventually becoming outright refusal in Completing the Mission). Additionally, the teleporter's use in Fleeing the Complex is mutually exclusive to its use in both ItA and CtM due to the teleporter appearing in an incompatible route, suggesting he's even aware of the routes that he does not take.
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However, there's one more thing which points to this being the case, which is also were we can start to see a connection between Henry and the CCC.
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Off to the right, we can see that Henry was brainstorming potential jobs around the start of Stealing the Diamond.
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Prison Guard
Test subject
All but one of these options have been crossed out: “test subject”, suggesting that this is the job that he’s decided to settle on. What’s especially interesting here is that the same game we see this is the same game that introduces the Center for Chaos Containment. The connections don’t end there, though.
Part 3: Henry and the CCC
As you’ve probably gathered by now, I’m making the claim that, by the beginning of Stealing the Diamond, Henry has started working for the CCC as a test subject. I mean, someone who regularly causes accidental chaos working for a faction whose job it is to contain chaos makes sense on its own, but add to that the fact that any major repercussions caused by the CCC’s reckless decisions are immediately undone with no lasting consequences? You could say it’s too good of a fit.
Plus, it would explain how they consistently appear in the same general area as Henry (even if Kyle Baxter doesn’t actually act in FtC). There are more connections between Henry and the CCC, though.
1) The CCC’s various tools directly interact with Henry at multiple points in the series, and Henry seems much less surprised by the CCC’s actions.
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Meanwhile, others seem much less aware of the CCC’s influence.
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2) Even with all of the major chaos incidents that Henry directly causes, Henry himself never catches the CCC’s attention.
The CCC repeatedly mentions “chaos readings” whenever chaos incidents happen in a particular area, yet either Henry himself doesn’t give off chaos readings or the CCC actively ignores him. The first option seems unlikely due to Henry’s, well... everything. Yet, if Henry gave off chaos readings and was unaffiliated with the CCC, then why wouldn’t they put more focus on containing Henry directly? Sure, they wouldn’t succeed due to Henry being able to undo their more harmful actions, but the fact that they aren’t even antagonists is... intriguing.
3) Adding on to 2, when the CCC doesn’t accidentally hurt Henry, they directly help him somehow.
While this is rarely their immediate goal, the CCC’s attempts to contain chaos often help Henry in some way or another. In Stealing the Diamond, the Tunisian diamond happens to get thrown right next to him after he escapes from the museum; in Infiltrating the Airship, Henry takes one member’s flying suit in order to make his escape with the Romanian Ruby; and in Completing the Mission, the CCC’s intervention leads the Govt to aborting the Toppat raid.
All of these are minor coincidences, but what really ties this together is the secret ending of CtM, the Multiverse Correction.
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In this secret ending, the multiverse is “defragmented” and an anomaly is corrected. The way this anomaly is corrected is actually by spawning in the package seen in Escaping the Prison.
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Up to now, I’ve mentioned multiple minor details that tangentially connect Henry to the CCC, but I’ve only mentioned in passing what is probably the most important part of this whole post: you, the player.
Part 4: The Player (You) and the CCC
As the various teleporter uses demonstrate, you (the player) are a separate being from Henry, and you provide Henry with different tools or make various decisions from him. However, there are very few times (if any) in which you exert full control over Henry. A major demonstration of this is with the hammer.
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All identical looking options, yet depending on which of the three you select, Henry does something different with the hammer. Aside from subtle sound cues, you don’t get any clue what each option will do. All the decision making is done by Henry.
However, there are characters which you DO exert direct control over: Clyde Jenkins, Wilson Stone, and Ellias Bahtchin. All of them are members of the Center for Chaos Containment.
Every time you take control of these characters, you have a first person view of their options and, in the case of Clyde, your mouse becomes his hand.
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At no other point do you control a character like this, not even with Henry. This is a trait exclusive to these three characters. And, quite frankly, it’s incredibly fascinating from a gameplay standpoint.
Is it possible that based on this, you (the player) also work for the CCC? Maybe, but it’s entirely likely that the CCC (excluding Henry) are unaware of your presence.
The fact that Henry considered applying as a test subject in Stealing the Diamond as a direct result of his chaos and just so happened to keep bumping into the Center for Chaos Containment in every game since then feels like more than just coincidence.
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flamingredanon · 3 years
Ted dies (how he dies is completely up to you) and his ghost is stuck in the museum, never allowed to go outside unless the building is critically damaged. Eventually chaos ensues for the staff and visitors.
Ted doesn't try to mean any harm, he is just a ghost that just wants to know why his friend shot him one night. Too bad most of the museum's patrons didn't see it at that.
Soon the Government was called in to deal with the odd problem, since Galeforce was a rather unorthodox fellow with a team of special ops soldiers that could hopefully get to the bottom of this whole ghost deal.
Henry, Charles and Rupert staked out the museum for a couple of days and nights, waiting for this ghost to show up. And eventually, Ted revealed himself to Rupert, recognizing him from back when they all worked at the museum.
Rupert is equally surprised that it was Ted causing trouble for everyone, though knowing Ted, he probably wasn't actively trying to.
Ted asked Rupert why did his friend betray him, with Rupert quite confused on who. Henry then figured out it who Ted was talking about, asking him if he meant Winston Davis.
Ted nodded his head, with Henry being the one to break it to Ted that Winston had joined the Toppat clan and was one of their most lethal members.
Ted then remembered that night clearly, several men in hats stormed the museum and Winston was with them. Ted tried to talk to his old friend, but was shot several times as a result.
Ted felt himself moving on after remembering the truth, thanking the three men for their help. Soon Ted disappeared in a ball of light, having moved on to the afterlife.
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jacky-rubou · 3 years
Slight mix of your current gravity falls fixation thing and rightmin.
Henry is a chaos demon who just wants to have a little fun stealing stuff. But he got sealed away and is bummed. But then along comes right who didn't really know what he was reading on the wall until after it was said. Cue henry appearing to right and immediately going ah yes he will be perfect to cause chaos with.
How do you think right reacts?
Right was scared. He didn't realize that he was reading aloud an incantation until it was too late. Now there was a 'chaos demon' named Henry Stickmin floating around right in front of him. Henry promised him everything he could ever want if he just shook his hand. The idea was so tempting.
Right quickly asked if there was a catch, like something he needed to do for Henry. Henry smiled at Right's cleverness, and told him that all Right needed to do was let him come into his mind and whatever Right wanted would be his.
Right kinda found Henry cute in a weird cosmic way and figured he could just call the deal off if he didn't like what Henry does in his mind, so he shook the chaos demon's now flaming hand, engulfing his arm in blue fire. Then Henry seemingly leapt into Right's head, making him flinch, but there was no impact.
Right could feel Henry's presence in his mind, which was very strange. Right was now suddenly unsure of his decision to shake Henry's hand. Who knows what Henry would do inside his mind? Right began to fear again.
Don't be afraid, Right. I'm not planning to do anything you don't want me to. Henry's voice echoed in his mind. Here, I'll show you your mindscape.
Right woke up in a distorted version of the Airship, with multitudinous doors scattered everywhere. Right opened one out of curiosity and saw himself watching Reginald push Terrence off the Airship. Ah, so these are my memories. He opened another and found the moment when he was accepted into the clan. He spent quite some time just opening doors and basking in the memories, both good and bad, when Henry appeared in front of him.
There's more to this place than just looking at memories, Right.. Henry conjured a top hat out of nowhere and placed it on his head. You can create and do whatever you want! It's your imagination! Henry paused, admiring his creation. Y'know, I think a top hat suits me. You Toppats have style, gotta give you that.
At this, Right experimentally thought of his childhood cat and it appeared right in front of him, meowing at him happily. Right asked why he was showing him this while petting the cat, and Henry just replied that Right fascinated him. And Henry just really wanted to cause a little chaos, steal stuff, and maybe get to know Right a little more. Right blushed.
Well, if you're done looking, you can leave through that door. Henry explained, sensing that Right wanted to leave.You can come back anytime by thinking inside yourself. Henry smiled and waved as Right left. Right woke up in front of the strange wall and gasped. Did that really happen? Yes, Right could still feel Henry's presence.
The next few weeks were amazing, Right was doing better in the chaos causing clan that was the Toppats. Maybe even more chaotic than he ever thought possible. Raids went way more smoothly, the things he wanted to steal were stolen with no issue at all. The Toppats began to fear his newfound powers. Some even swore Right's eyes changed into weird yellow ones with cat eye pupils when he's like that. Right absolutely reveled in this.
But Right never forgot to visit Henry in his mind, getting to know him a lot better. Maybe even falling for the little demon. With a little kiss here and there. This was the life. Right was so glad he stumbled on that incantation. Nothing could go wrong.
Until it did.
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themadauthorshatter · 3 years
... Sorry, Ellie, but you're not getting your own series. You're getting a larger role in this series.
To make up for it, we'll be delving more into your past.
Oh, yeah. We're going in.
LET'S GO!!!!
We start off with Triple Threat while on a mission, more specifically Ellie and Henry chasing a criminal on foot as he carries, and drops, his loot.
He wheels around a corner and finds an open window, where a helicopter is waiting, with someone lying unconscious in the back for astute viewers(Hmmmm?).
"Will, I got the stuff! Let's get out of here!"
The pilot doesn't move, even as our crook shakes his shoulder.
"Will! They're right behind me! What's taking you!?"
SURPRISE, BITCH! IT'S CHARLES, who throws a handcuff on the guy's hand and looks over his shoulder with a smile.
Henry and Ellie jump in as well and pull the robber away from Charles, just in time because he pulls a gun on him.
Ellie throws him down and actually cuffs him while Henry grabs the goods he stole, gesturing, 'wait for me,' as he leaves the helicopter to return the goods.
"Put it ALL back," Charles shouts as Ellie gets up from cuffing the crook and taking a seat next to him.
"That wasn't too bad."
"Yeah. We're getting good at this."
"Go team!" Charles cheers as he throws a fist into the air.
With Henry, he puts everything back, every last bit(and it hurts his kleptomania so much), and that's when he notices a note in all of the loot that was nearly stolen.
'Tell your girlfriend and pet pilot I said, "hi." See you soon. Dad.'
Henry crumples up the note and walks back toward the helicopter and hops in.
Ellie notices he's on edge and asks what's up.
Henry eyes the crook they caught and takes out the note he found, handing it to her.
Quick note here, Charles did not close the doors yet, not fully, so when the crook notices Henry passing the note to Ellie, he kicks her foot out from under her and stands up, ramming himself into Henry and making them both fall just as the door closes all the way.
The two fall, but the crook grabs and starts choking Henry, not caring about the fact that the two of them are about to hit the ground.
That is, at least until a hand grabs Henry's ankle.
The crook hits the ground and Henry curls up to see his father, who's smirking at him.
Terrence pulls Henry up and greets him, glad to see his boy again, all happy and sane.
Henry asks what he's doing here this time, because he has the life he wants, he is indeed happy, and he hasn't been more sane.
Terrence is glad about that, too.
Before he can ask what that means, Charles calls Henry on the earpiece, asking if he can hear them.
Henry taps the earpiece and they swing by to pick him up, Henry leaving after giving Terrence a glare.
They all take a sigh of relief and head back to the base to report on the now dead criminal.
Galeforce is unhappy with the crook dying, but is still glad that they were able to return the stolen goods, dismissing them for a job well done. 
As they punch out and head to the car, Ellie and Charles asks if Henry is sure he’s okay, seeing as how he almost fell to his death. 
He says that he is, albeit a little shaken, and calls dibs on taking a hot shower first. 
Ellie swats him for it, but concedes, as long as she gets shot gun; Charles is the best driver out of the three and they can’t risk having ex-convicts behind the wheel, especially when Ellie’s been known to speed and all Henry can drive is a scooter.
They load up and drive home, though Charles begins to feel a buzz in his head, not a headache, just a haze he’s still coherent through. 
He chalks it up to needing some water when they get home, but Ellie and Henry feel a disturbance in the force, though they save it for later.
Charles asks again if Henry is okay, because he looks shaken and stirred.
Henry shrugs and signs, ‘Saw Dad.’
Charles reassures him that they’re going home now and he can tell them what that means when they get there. 
It’s a quiet drive, one that leaves everyone drowsy as dusk rolls in, and they go inside and chill for a couple hours, watching some shows and bouncing dinner ideas off each other. 
Charles asks what Henry meant by seeing his dad and Henry shrugs it off, saying his life just flashed before his eyes, no worries.
Charles semi-buys it and Henry excuses himself to take a shower, because he’s gross and sweaty. 
Ellie follows him, joking to Charles that she’s going to spoil a show he’s behind on, if he doesn’t tell her what’s wrong. Charles laughs and switches to said show, saying they can keep watching ahead as he showers. (DISGRACEFUL!!!)
Ellie nods and meets up with Henry in his room as he gets some fresh clothes. She asks him what happened when he fell. 
Henry signs to her that the note he found was from his father, Terrence Suave. 
Ellie asks if he’s out of the CCC and Henry nods, not knowing why, but still worried, even because of that disturbance they felt earlier. 
Ellie speculates it was Terrence, but Henry disagrees, because he knows for certain that neither of them would be able to detect Terrence. 
Cut to the CCC, where a chaos reader gets an alarm and see the levels rise to an 3.8 specifically.
Cut back to Charles’s as he channel surfs and passes a show he was looking for. He groans and, in the blink of an eye, is brought back to five channels before the one he was looking for, everything going in reverse until it stops. 
Ellie walks in and asks if he’s okay, to which he badly lies and says yes before their attention is turned to his phone as it rings.
Henry takes a shower and gets out, rereading that note Terrence left him as he dries off and puts on clean clothes. 
‘Hope you like fireworks. Bring marshmallows. Dad.’ 
Just as Henry wonders what that means, Charles shouts that they need to hurry back to the base because it is not only on fire, but also getting blown to the high heavens.
Henry drops the note, loads up in the car with Charles and Ellie, and they race there, Terrence watching outside with a smirk on his face.
The buzz returns in Charles’s head, but he ignores it and breaks the law by speeding; he will be damned if he doesn’t get there to know what’s going on.
They arrive in minutes to see soldiers running out of the hellscape that is now the base, which is occasionally blowing up because there are also bombs and grenades tucked away in different buildings.
They exit the car and run into Rupert, who shouts that there are still people in parts of the base, including the General, who everyone notices is missing. Charles demands to know where and Rupert shouts that last he saw, Galeforce was in one of the commons because some new recruits were trapped.
Charles sprints toward the fire and Henry, who has Valiant Hero flashbacks, goes after him, Ellie tailing after them.
Charles finds the common and he races inside, fire be damned.
Charles shouts for Galeforce, coughing at the smoke before the roof falls and nearly blinds him with flying embers.
He spots Galeforce trying to get up and leave, but is grabbed and yanked back by Ellie and Henry.
The General still follows them, though, don't worry.
Actually, worry. Worry big time.
Because as soom as Henry and Ellie pull a shouting Charles away from the fire, the building explodes and collapses.
Galeforce does not come out.
Everyone is speechless, even Charles, who pulls away from Henry and Ellie as he drops to his knees.
Henry lowers himself and Ellie asks if he's okay, because he's deathly quiet.
Cut to the CCC as the reader sees the chaos levels at the base increase to 8.47, not 10.6, but still impressive.
Cut back to Charles as the world slows and stops around him, Henry, and Ellie.
With a hands on his chest, because his heart hurts too much for words, Charles screams his lungs out.
It causes everything to rewind and go back very quickly, until it's the morning or near afternoon.
The three are confused, but Charles, after checking his phone and seeing the date, mutters that there are grenades and bombs being planted around the base while Ellie and Henry ask him what he just did.
They're approached by Rupert, who asks why they're still here after their mission, but Charles barrels away, rynning to the closest commons area and shouting there are bombs on the base and they'll die if they don't get them off the base.
Everyone inside, including Galeforce, ask if he's okay, because there's no bombs in here; they're locked in the armory and need a password to open it.
Charles isn't done because he notices the janitor pull something out of his satchel and place it near a gas vein. He races forward and tackles the bstard before he can get away.
Surprise, it's Winston Davis, who's been sent by the Toppat Clan.
Everyone sees the scene and gasps at the familiar face before Henry, who caught up, spots and picks up the grenade, nodding at Charles, who demands to know how many more there are.
Winston spits at them that it's classified information.
Alright, but who sent him? That's not classified.
One of the older soldiers points to a top hat tattoo on Winston's neck and shudders that it was the trade mark of Terrence Suave, who was dangerous and reckless.
Everyone exchanges glances, until Galeforce orders them to check the entire base for any bombs or grenades and put Winston in a cell.
They leave, but Triple Threat stays as Galefirce commends a shaking Charles.
Charles hugs him, which surprises Galeforce, who gives them the rest of the day off, especially Charles, who isn't the best with explosives.
Henry and Ellie nod and Galeforce and Charles pull away, the General leaving the three alone.
The Triple Threat members stare at each other, all confused and unaware of what to do now that they known what Charles did.
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lovelygirlnicole15 · 9 months
Milfra and DJ Via's frenemies relationship:
DJ Via: you know baby? I've always wanted to talk with Doctor Milfra, and now that I'm wearing this Italian outfit the time feels right.
Irma: well Doctor Milfra is a pretty good chef like Scottie so let's ask her about a pizza for lunch.
Doctor Milfra: Ciao ragazze! (Hello girls!)
Irma: hey doctor Milfra, can we get your "pizza perfetta" with-
DJ Via: Irma, love, let me handle this. *Looks at Milfra* uhh scusi, badda bo pi?
Doctor Milfra: Che cosa? (What?)
Irma: Vi, what are you doing?
DJ Via: speaking Italian. *Looks at Milfra again* Badda di boopy? Beepy di boopy di babay di babay di!
Irma: Vi, baby, you can't speak Italian just because you're wearing a Italian outfit.
Doctor Milfra: Sei pazzo! Di cosa stai parlando!? (You are crazy! What are you even talking about!?)
DJ Via and Doctor Milfra: *insert weird Italian discussion*
Irma: *gets close to Scottie* I am so sorry about this Scott, Vi just doesn't know much Italian... Can you please not ban her?
DJ Via, Doctor Milfra and Irma Hendrix belongs to me.
Here's pictures of them:
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I'm not tagging anyone for two reasons:
1. I think everyone knows who Scottie belongs to.
2. I don't want to disturb the original owner of Scottie with this crap.
And to make this shit I got inspired by this meme.
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annashadowstar · 1 year
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Name: Lay Copperbottom
Age: 9
Sexual: Non-binary
Height: 115cm
Pronoun: They/them.
From: Mix of China and American.
Birthday: May 21
Family: Chris Galeforce(Big brother), Reginald Copperbottom(Dad) RHM(Father)
Lay goes by a different name, Lily Dreamer, which they despise. Therefore, they prefer to be addressed as Lay Dreamer. Lay's parents had been treating them very badly since they only want a boy so he can run the company. Lay has a big brother, Daniel Dreamer, aka Chris. Chris also didn't like his name and is called Chris. Chris's parents also hate him since he acts nothing like his parents and keeps being nice to Lay, even though they tell him to abuse Chris. On Lay's 4th Birthday, Chris gives Lay a scarf as a present. before kicking Chris out of the house. Chris exited the house, while Lay begs their brother not to leave them. Lay had been living with their 'parents' for 4 years, suffering. When Lay had enough, they use their magic for the first time, killing their parents from rage, and burn the house down. Lay then run into the streets and live there for a few days until they steal from the Toppat Clan. The Toppat leader, Reginald Copperbottom, notices the chaos Lay had done and decides to adopt Lay as his own child. Lay's last name was now changed to Copperbottom. Their job was to show the new Toppat member around the ship so they have a lot of free time.
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Lay possesses three distinct types of magic: string manipulation, time travel (like Henry), and the ability to communicate with ghosts, curses, and spirits. Whenever Lay utilizes their magic, the right side of their eyes will turn blue, except when communicating with ghosts.
Lay's strings could be as hard as a diamond or as soft as cotton. Usually, when someone was tied up by Lay's strings, they will need to cut it, untangle it, or wait for Lay to get them down. Untangling the strings will be very confusing since it's all around the victim's body. If you want to cut the string, you might need to start from the top of the string, it will help to untangle much more easily.
Lay has a similar magical quality to that of Henry Stickmin. When faced with a decision, Lay must choose a path and move forward. If their choice leads to failure, they will return to a void and have the opportunity to learn from their mistakes and retry. Lay will remember both their own ending and Henry's, as this magic requires no further explanation.
Communicating with ghosts(I don't think I need to explain this, right?)
Lay possessed the unique ability to communicate with ghosts, spirits, and even curses. They had the gift of sight, sound, and touch, but only if the spirits permitted. Due to the fact that most people are unable to see ghosts, Lay's actions of embracing thin air may have been misunderstood by some.
Bonus magic
In times of crisis, Lay can rely on their brother's magical powers. However, this ability comes with a cost - Lay's energy will be drained completely after borrowing their brother's magic. To activate this power, Lay's left eye turns yellow while their right eye turns blue. This also serves as a means to determine if their brother is still alive. If he has passed away, the power will not be accessible. Following the use of Chris's magic, Lay will inevitably lose consciousness and sleep to recharge their energy, causing concern among those close to them. Another way to gain energy is by eating some food. Lay could also borrow Kai’s power. But since they have no idea they have a big sister, they didn’t borrow her magic. Yeah f they did borrow Kai’s magic, both of their eyes will turn teal green.
Lay is usually very kind, helpful, and curious. If you got their bad side, they will hurt you. They are still a Toppat member after all. Lay is good at everything that has to do with crimes. Like snicking, shooting, parkour, and a lot more. They have a lot of scars due to the abuse from their 'parents.' Another reason why they are wearing a scarf is to hide the scarf on their neck. The pink rose circle on their cheeks is also a scar.
Lay has a penchant for pranks, but they limit themselves to once a week. During April Fool's Day, one must exercise caution around them. Lay shows remarkable intelligence for their age, understanding how most things operate without formal education.
Like: Helping other people and pranks.
Dislike: People hurting their families.
Hair color: Brown
Go Back to the introduction
I use Grammarly so don't judge me!
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alterrune · 3 years
Rumors have been showing that the Exoskeletons, have been MAKING BEASTS!!! Formally known GEOGRAM for helping the world be at peace and trying to solve world hunger. The Exoskeletons that they made was a HUGE SUCCESS!!! BUT, rumors have been appearing to say that the Exoskeletons, aren't what they seem. The Exoskeletons have a flaw, that makes the user become angry and TERRIFYING! People close to the GEOGRAM Control centers have been leaving. Here is one of the escapers:
I can't believe what they are going to do with these "Beasts." I'm running from my farm with Dave. The garden has been wrecked with a "Beast" named "$¢¥€" lore aside. HOW DOES THAT LOOKS LIKE "SAVE"? I JUST PUT RANDOM SYMBOLS!? That's how they say it at least. I've got some info that the latest victim are people from the Toppat Clan. The one that experienced this is named: KYLE.
Well. Is Kyle gonna be able to concentrate and not let his emotions take over? Or is he gonna be even a MORE of a Beast? Time will tell.
CCc's Location found destroyed!
The CCc is broken and became rubbish when an airship out of the sky CRASHED INTO THE CCc! Shocking! The government supported CCc is now FURIOUS and gave the Attacker a 1.2 Level of Chaos! It's low now, but it might rise up and be a Choas Creating Master! The attacker and two... Robots. Are the ATTACKERS! See tomorrow for more information from the Police and CCc.
To the Sticknews writers: Alter's been subdued, and he's keeping himself calm so he doesn't turn into a beast.
Yeah. He won't cause any harm.
You need not worry about him.
~Violet Wolfsbane~ 💜
-Ellie Rose- 💕
[Henry Stickmin] 🔵
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Chapter 1: The Crash
She was floating in space. Only it didn't seem like normal space, which she knew all about. It seemed to shine with different colors. She couldn't move much, it was almost as if she was forced into her current position. Voices of old filled her head. Voices she wanted to remember. Voices she never wants to forget. But at the same time, the voices brought back memories of a different time. A different time...
"Us kids should stick together, not stalk one another. I mean, Mafia Town can be a really dangerous place" "If you want it, we'll have to settle it in true Mafia style!" "You Moon Penguins are just gonna write some loud, noisy drivel!" "This last time piece is all for me, darling." "Your contract has expired, sleep now in the fire!" "And do it quickly pup."
Her face formed a smile, before tears started to fall. Wait... why was she...
"Don't leave us!" "Hey kiddo, let's make another contract!" "Don't you dare leave, lass!" "Let's watch our movie, darling!"
That's why... she couldn't have just stayed. She at least needed to try and get home. And her kind weren't keen on creatures from other planets... who knows what would have happened to them? But with the end result, did it even matter-
A large ringing brought her out of the space-like place, finding herself sitting on the soft surface of her bed. Glancing around as she stopped the ringing of the clock, everything was in place. Her relics on their podiums, toys she made based on her time on that planet on the shelves in her room. Most of her badges she bought from the strange badge guy on a pin board beside her bed. Her umbrella was next to her dresser with the mirror.
A glance out the nearby window showed the mostly green and blue planet. It reminded her a lot of the planet that she could now only visit in her dreams. Unlike that planet, there was little if any magic. Talking animal creatures were only heard of in movies. Ghosts were just tall tales. So similar, yet different at the same time...
She got up, yawning as she stretched and walked over to her closet. Opening it, she grabbed a purple blazer and yellow scarf. She paused, looking at them both slightly. The blazer was taller than she used to be, when she first found herself crashed on the planet...
She remembered checking the vault as she passed by, only one time piece was left. She knew that wouldn't be enough to make it home, and she didn't know if she would pass another planet she could survive on in between them. So she grabbed it, and braced for impact. The ship crashed on 'Earth' in the middle of the night, and looking back on it now, she was lucky no big place caught sight of her. She remembered bleeding, maybe having a broken or fractured bone with the sharp pain coming from the left side of her body. She found herself being too hurt to move on her own right away... it was possible that she would have died...
But then two people entered her vision as she picked herself up. Both wore hats like she did, one of them actually had two. Apparently the two hat man, Reginald, had seen the ship pass in front of his airship while it fell from the sky. The two were naturally confused on why she was there, and concerned if she was alright. She remembered them offering to take her to the airship's medbay, but she was more worried about her relics, which were not the only things she had of her time with her old friends. The one with his orange hair in a ponytail that hung over his shoulder, who called himself 'Right Hand Man', offered to do it for her. However, she took liberty and carried them all herself to the airship. Needless to say, the two were surprised by the child's strength.
She now called these two 'Dad' and 'Papa', and they called her their daughter.
She allowed herself to exit her thoughts as she pulled her brown shoes over her purple socks and pants, standing up and walking over to the door of her room. It was a new day.
"I was wondering when you were going to wake up." An energetic voice spoke as soon as she opened the door. She was met with a more-humanoid Topbot, with a face that smiled at her, and silver hair that helped make them seem more like a teenager. He wore a blue and orange jacket, with the faintest hint of a green shirt being seen, and dark dull indigo pants that ended in his metal shoes that were literally his feet.
A few years ago, Hat Girl had found herself more lonely. Her dads, while they made time for her, were often busy at work. Most of the younger kids aboard the airship didn't let her play too often, and the teenagers were often on training missions or just plain avoided her. In an attempt to give her someone to hang out with, Reginald took aside a random Topbot, redesign and reprogrammed it to act as a brother to Hat Girl. He spent so long and hard on it that it felt like part of his soul belong to the machine in the end. Which could possibly explained how Platinum wasn't just following an interactive script, but was fully self aware and alive. He did have a small panic attack at first due to the sudden self awareness, but soon after he was able to cause trouble with Hat Kid.
"You ready for today, brother of mine?" Hat Girl asked, a smile forming on her face.
"Uhh, yeah." He said, a smirk forming on his face as well.
"Good, we can get started on our prank plans after breakfast." She stated, passing him and walking down the hall, humming a slight tune as she glanced out at the seemingly-night sky.
"Aww, come on!" Platinum said, racing next to her quickly, rolling his bright orange eyes. "You always have to eat before we can have fun. I don't see what the big deal is."
"Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, Brother." She said, sticking her tongue out playfully. She never fully grew out of her childish phase. "I pity you sometimes, food is great and you're unable to experience it."
"Please. I got my Tanks and Family, that's all I need." Platinum replied, rolling his eyes as the two walked into the cafeteria area, which was currently a bit busy as you would expect from it early in the morning. "I honestly don't see why your body decides you need food. Just seems inconvenient in my option."
Hat Girl shook her head slightly with a chuckle as she walked over to the sideboard, where Burt and Fredrick were talking.
"I'm starting to get concerned over your coffee obsession, Burt." The Cheese wearing Toppat said, arms crossed as he glared at the man in front of him. The man always sounded like his throat was sore, at least to Hat Girl it did. She remembered questioning if he was alright when they first met.
"Coffee is nice, Fredrick." Burt said, the dyed orange part of his black hair covering one of his eyes, as per the usual. He always seemed to act like he had no emotions, and spent most of his days in his office or grabbing himself the drink that was currently the topic of their talk. "The fact that you never tried coffee worries me."
"I'm more of a Hot chocolate person, and besides, the smell alone is enough to turn me off." Fredrick stated, grabbing the lake of floating marshmallows in a cup along with the plate of 'Bacon, Egg, & Cheese Breakfast Bombs' he liked. "But I know all that coffee isn't healthy for you, I swear you drink more coffee then you eat actual food."
Burt rolled his eyes at the statement, before glancing around the area as he grabbed his coffee and toast. "Fine. I'll eat a little more today." With that, temporarily balancing his plate on his other arm, he grabbed one of the muffin-like items off Fredrick's plate and walked away.
Fredrick was frozen in shock for a few seconds, before huffing and glancing to the side. It was only then he realized the children of the leaders. "Oh, sorry you two, I didn't see you there. Off going to cause some trouble later I assume?"
"Possibly, possibly not." Platinum shrugged as Hat Girl chuckled, before giving her breakfast request to the cook-toppat that came by.
"I'll be taking that as a yes." Fredrick said, shaking his head. "Just uhh, do me a favor and don't go on a spree of spray-painting the inside of the vents, again. Took me and Sammy nearly the whole day to clean it last time."
"Alright, no spray paint in vents..." Platinum said, raising his arms in front of him slightly in defeat. He watched as Frederick left, before turning to his sister. "Want to finally see how many people we can surprise with airhorns tape to their chairs and doors?"
"Oh heck yeah!" Hat Girl said, giving her brother a thumbs up. And the Toppats that heard her shout began to feel a faint feeling of fear among them. They knew then that chaos caused by those two would come later that day.
What they didn't know was on earth, a conversation was happening. About the true chaos.
"You sure this is... safe?" One government person asked another as they glanced at the cannon. Although cannon felt like an understatement. The place where the 'cannonball' would come out of look like it itself was 27 miles long. "For Earth I mean."
"Should be." The other replied, hoping away from the gears they were adjusting. "The material should begin to burn up after it makes contact with the toppat orbital station. The worst we should have to deal with are burning pieces of metal and stuff falling down to earth in the size of normal meteoroids."
"Am I the only one who feels this is a bit... extreme?" The first asked as they hop into the tunnel to the underground control system of the cannon. "I understand they've been a pain to deal with since they got up, but can't we just set up traps for them on earth."
"It's not just about the Toppats alone." The second stated as they followed the first, wanting to be as far away from the cannon before it blew its canon ball. "If other criminal organizations see what the clan has done, they'll likely follow in suit. Soon all crime might be unstoppable because those who caused it are up in space. Is that the world you want to live in?"
"Then we need to make a statement. And this is the only way. Now let's get to the control room, and get this party started..."
Hat Girl had found herself staring out the cafeteria window as she finished her plate of breakfast, slightly blocking out what Platinum was talking about as he sat in front of her. This was a bit normal for the two, half the time they were inseparable during the day. Especially since the incident where Dad was captured, and Papa had to be turned into a cyborg to live. It was a bit of a struggle for the clan then, and even with Dad back it was a lot of work to make up all the money that had been stolen the night before they were meant to launch their station-
Her train of thought stopped as she faintly spotted something outside the window. She got off her seat and walked over to the window, placing her hand on it faintly as she glanced down at the planet they raided. There was some sort of... gray and slightly green ball thing. At first it was just a speck of dust, but it was getting bigger.. and bigger... it was coming to them, faster and faster.
"Hattie?" Platinum questioned, walking up next to his sister in confusion. "What's going on, you don't just leave a plate of food alone suddenly like that." She was a bit wordless at first, but managed to point to the strange thing. Platinum had to squint his eyes to see it. "That's... just a space rock."
"Coming FROM Earth?" Hat Girl asked, looking at her brother. "As a former space traveler, I have NEVER seen that happen, and I know that's not a normal occurrence for this planet. And not to mention it's perfectly... in the path of.. hitting... Get Dad and Papa and warn them, NOW!"
"Time to act serious for once then." The topbot said, quickly racing away from his sister and the group of toppats.
She glanced at the ball again, seeing it was getting closer and larger with each passing second. She found herself frozen like the poor souls in Vanessa's Manor, or the times she used her ice hat years ago. What was she going to do?
"Dad, Pops!" Platinum called as he reached the Cockpit of the rocket, taking an unneeded breath as he reached the door.
"Platinum?" Reginald asked, turning away from his cyborg husband as he glanced at his Robotic son. "What's going-"
"We need to move, or use Supreme Dominance." Platinum cut him off, with worry in fear shining in his orange eyes. "Now-"
At the very seconds, the 'cannonball' of metal and small bits of trash collided with the orbital station, hitting the middle of the rocket.
Hat Girl fell to her feet as the station twisted and chaos fell around her. Everything outside the window became a blur, as Toppats screamed in panic. She suddenly found her grip from the wall she'd grabbed onto slip, and she was slammed against another wall. Everything went black to her after that.
It took a bit for her mind to process things as she awake, her body aching in places like she had a faint sunburn. She slowly opened her eyes with a groan, scanning the mix of dark and light. She appeared to be where the window of the cafeteria once was. Keyword there being once was because now it was a pile of glass on the grass below her. Some of the glass were close to her arms, and likely was responsible for the small cuts she saw on them. She glanced around as much as she could without getting up.
Chaos was the best word that could describe the current state of the station. Well, other then 'destroyed'. Parts of the orbital station the Toppats called home where broken and scattered across what she could only assume was a forest clearing. The earth was dragged up from a few parts finding themselves lodge into it. She was able to see a few Toppat members getting up or helping others up, while trying to take in what had just happened. Not like she could blame them, she knew exactly what happened, but was still trying to process it herself.
Their home was attacked, and was sent far from earth. Yet, judging by the fact none of them were suffocating, it meant this planet had oxygen or some other air humans could breathe in. Which made sense, they did land in a forest. But that meant they were out of the solar system...
Her train of thought was cut off by a sliver of a blur that entered her field of vision. At first she was a bit spooked out, until her vision adjusted, and she saw the familiar metal hand, only with a few faints scratches. She took the cold hand, although by now she was used to the chill, as Platinum helped her to her feet. "You ok, sis?"
"Y-Yeah." She said, letting go of his hand as she rubbed her arms slightly. She picked up her nearby fallen top hat, and made sure to check the side. She sighed in relief as her hand made badge, one that had the hats of her fathers on it, was still there, and placed that hat back on her head. "Some shards of glass cut me a bit when the window broke."
"Well... considering what just happened, it could have been a lot worse." Platinum looked around. "This is all so unreal..."
"Yeah..." She slowly walked past her brother as she glanced up at the sky, then around at all the greenery around them. Why... was she feeling like she had been here before? Her mind told her it was simply because it looked like earth, but her heart was insisting it was something more.
"Oi. Are ya ok, Reg?" Right Hand Man asked, as he helped the Chief onto his feet, worry in his human and robotic eyes.
"I'm fine. But... the others..." Reginald coughed slightly, before looking around the crash site, as much as he could without moving from his spot anyway.
As the leader of the Toppats, one skill he gained over the years was being somewhat-able to get a rough estimation of how many clan members were in his sight. And after seeing at least 100 Toppats in his vision, he knew others were likely on the other side of the rocket. Assuming at least 88 toppats were on that other side, it meant that a few were still stuck inside, likely injured or, worryingly, dead. Not to mention the children...
"Right Hand Man! Check the rumble for any trapped members!" He ordered, his voice and tone clear that there was no time to waste. He was still not fully used to his lover's cybernetics, watching his legs turn into a booster as he flew into one of the openings near the top. But he loved him all the same. He glanced at a nearby group of Toppats. "See if you can find anything from Medbay, and get it setup for any injured members!" The toppats seemed to be slightly surprised by his tone, but they quickly got to work, scanning the nearby areas.
"Sir." A voice appeared behind him. He turned around to see a man in a black jacket with his white shirt visible. "I know you likely don't want anyone else going into the wreckage, but-"
"Yes Quincy, go find the kids. Just be careful." Reginald answered, the fellow father wasting no time to do so in response, likely worried for his own daughter. The kids were in a pod similar to the leader's pod, it was one of the first things Reginald planned out when he made the blueprints. They would spend most of their days in there, it was the safest for them, especially if the place was to below up, they would already be in a pod and on their way to earth.
Hat Girl found herself walking near the nearby Woodline. That's when she noticed the traces of purple deeper down, and found herself frozen in realization.
Reginald noticed his daughter near the Woodline, and walked up to her. "Are you alright, Hattie?"
"I recognized this place." She said, looking at him. "I been here before."
Reginald's brown and blue eyes showed sudden confusion, tilting his head to the side ever so slightly. "You... what?"
"This was the planet I was on before I crashed onto earth." She responded. She then pointed out where the green of life and calmness turned into the creepy purple and black of dread and the unknown to all but her. "That ghost who's song Papa sings lives there."
"Really, the one with that Mafia, one of which went into space to try and get a toll from you?" Reginald question. He never thought his daughter was lying about the planet, but he figured he never find himself on said planet so he mostly just consider it stories.
"Yeah!" She exclaimed, childlike joy in her voice. She never really outgrew her childish side.
"Well... I suppose that means there's a town nearby, at least We should be able to get resources there." Reginald sighed, turning over his shoulder as Right Hand Man landed behind him. A look over the cyborg's shoulder showed some toppats in a little medbay-like area, some medically skilled Toppats using their skills to help the more injured Toppats, the 3rd in command Sven among them. He looked back at his partner in crime. "Was that everyone... alive in the rumble."
"Got everyone t'at was in t'e rubble." Right Hand Man stated. "Surprisingly, everyone lived."
Reginald was a bit surprised at this, but a smile formed on his face. "That's very relieving."
"So... what's the plan Dad?" Platinum asked, glancing at the Toppat leader slightly. "We can't just stay here with no place to rest, or prepare food." He paused for a second. "Well, you guys can't, at least."
Reginald brought his hand to his chin in thought, before dropping it and walking up a nearby rock. He cleared his throat, before calling out. "Can I have everyone's attention!?"
The clan members stopped whatever they were doing, except the few tending to the hurt Toppats, but he knew they were listening as well.
He took a breath before speaking. "As your Leader, I would be lying to you all if I were to claim I knew how to fix this, or the exact steps we should take next. We are the first of our kind to find ourselves stranded on a planet that can maintain life. But we cannot let this disturb us. It may be a long while, but I promise you, we will find our way home. But for now, survival is our goal, to watch after one-another, as clan and family." He paused briefly as he glanced at them all, lost souls unsure of what to do, before resuming. "Those of you who are well enough, see if you can move the walls detached from the station in order to make a temporary form of shelter. We do not know when a storm will come by, if this planet has storms at all. Look for supplies that fallen outside of the ship, only go in to retrieve items that are necessary for our survival. Go along the Woodline and look for wood for a fire. And trust in one another." With that, he backed up from his position on the rock.
Platinum watched as the clan members took a few seconds to process the orders, and the fact they were on another planet, before most started to look around. He spotted Burt and Fredrick walking up to a broken piece of wall, and seemed to start debating where the best place would go to serve as shelter. He saw Calla Fox, the one who stole the Ruby alongside Sven, slowly walk away from the Swedish man to help others look for supplies. He found himself glancing to where the purple part of the woods were hidden, his curiosity growing.
Reginald began to walk over to the wreckage that a few hours ago was the base of operations for the Toppat clan. "Hopefully we stolen enough we can sell in order to pay for what we need to fix the station..." He placed his head in his hands. "It's going to be so expensive..." He let out a muffle shout, not wishing to distract his clan members.
"Still t'ink ya s'ould 'ave let me 'unt after t'at pink-'aired government-kissin' t'ief." Right Hand Man grumbled, glancing at him. "Especially since we lost two members t'anks ta 'im."
Hat Girl watched her dads walked closer to the broken station, and went to follow them to help, before feeling a chilly hand grabbed her hand. "You said one of your friends lived in the creepy woods, right?"
She turned to look behind her, taking a second to glance at where the woods were before returning to her brother. "Yeah."
"And the creepy woods is in the direction of that purple stuff, riiiight?" Platinum voice showed intent, and seems to show he already knew the answer.
"Yea, The forest is kinda pretty in it's own way though, if memory serves me right-" She suddenly looked at him, processing the grin that appeared on his face. In response, she gave her own smart smirk. "Are you thinking what I'm thinking?"
"We sneak away from the clan while they take care of the crash rocket mess and chill with your old pals?"
"YES!" She said, high fiving her brother as she bounced in the air slightly. "I been wanting to see them all again, but never thought I actually could until now! I just... hope they aren't still mad at me for sweeping them off of my spaceship."
"Come on, with your cute face as a child, and you still a bit childish face now?" Platinum asked, warping an arm around her shoulder. "They'll forgive you in a heartbeat."
She nodded, a smile on her face as removed her brother's arm around her shoulder. "Catch me if you can then, brother." She said, sticking out her tongue with a 'bleeh" and raced into the woods. She heard a shout from her brother, something about 'cheating' by 'not telling him' and heard his metal feet click ageist the ground to catch up to her. She let out a giggle before shouting once they were a safe distance away from the clan. "Snatcher, here we come!"
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knightmareaceblue · 4 years
Imma Just Shoplift It
The Wall was in total chaos. Alarms were blaring, prisoners were running in every direction as guards desperately tried to corral them back into their cells. The normal ominous silence of the prison had been replaced with a low hum of fighting as criminals desperate for freedom battled with the guards who for so long had kept it from them. The Warden, armed with only a scowl and a shotgun, raced through the hallways, inwardly cursing the criminal who he knew caused all this drama. The only thoughts in his head were once of revenge, of punishment, of suffering for the criminal who dared bring this chaos to his wall.
Being so single-mindedly focused caused him to run right past the nearby coat room without even a glance. Which was a shame, because if he had paused to peak inside, he would’ve seen the very convict he was trying so hard to apprehend. Henry was just standing there, digging around in a chest filled to the brim with clothing. Behind him stood his ally, the red headed convict Ellie, who stood off to the side, out of sight, with her arms crossed, foot tapping in rhythm with her pulse.
“C’mon, Henry,” She whispered harshly, “This is like the fifth room we’ve checked. Whatever you’re looking for is probably long gone. We should get out of here while we still can,” She stood between Henry and the door, ready to get between her new friend and anyone who’d dare try to show him a bad time.
From the inside of the chest came only sounds of cloth being shuffled around as Henry dug around. This was the last coat room in the Complex: if it wasn’t here, then some particularly brave or particularly dumb guard had taken it home, and Henry would have to go hunting. And that wouldn’t be fun for anybody.
Fortunately, buried deep in the bottom of the pile, Henry’s fingers came across a familiar texture, “Aha!” He proclaimed aloud, pulling at the item until it was untangled from the other articles of clothing in the box. It had been packed down deliberately. Somebody was aiming to take this home without it being noticed, and Henry had been fortunate enough to find it before they could head home. Lucky. For the guard.
Henry spun once, quicker than Ellie’s eyes could catch, and the familiar blue of Henry’s zip up sweater was covered by leather. Lightly coloured fur now lined his neck and his wrists. His back was now covered with an image of a shooting star, helpfully labeled with sharp white words.
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A jacket? They’d paused their escape and risked getting caught for a jacket?
“Hey!” Henry rebuttled, “This is a damn good jacket. Real leather. A friend picked it up for me a few days back.”
Ellie was about to object that she could’ve gotten him a new jacket – it would be easy, shoplifting would be a cakewalk compared to the actual fun stuff that had landed her at the Wall. But the word ‘friend’ made her pause.
Stopping to grab a jacket was an unnecessary diversion, but getting some juicy Lore about her new friend? Oh, hell yes. Well worth getting caught again.
“A friend,” Ellie smiled coyly and sidled right up beside Henry, “Or a friend?”
If she was looking to fluster her co-escapist, Ellie would’ve been disappointed by the resulting eye roll and crossed arms, “It’s not like that. He’s just… a way too nice guy. I didn’t even want him to buy the jacket,” Henry smiled at the memory, “It’s actually kind of a funny story. Do you want to-?”
When Henry looked back at Ellie, she was already sitting on the cold concrete floor, legs criss-crossed, all ready for story time.
“Well okay then.”
Several hours after Henry had collected evidence that would put the Toppat Clan away for life-
“Wait, you did what?!”
“Oops,” Henry shrugged, sheepish. His shoulders suddenly felt tense, “Forgot to mention that.”
“I heard about that operation. You pretty much decimated the Toppats, dude. That’s hardcore,” The tension in Henry’s shoulders left, “How did you pull something like that off solo?”
“I didn’t. Not really. But that’s a story for another time. So as I was saying…”
Several hours after Henry had collected evidence that would put the Toppat Clan away for life, Henry was escorted into what could only be described as luxurious bliss.
“This is amazing!” Henry gasped, rushing across the room to pull the curtains apart. Just outside, he could see the large shimmering pool, and beyond that a lovely view of the connected gulf course, “This place is beautiful!” He abandoned that and rushed over to the cabinet above the dresser, pulling it open to reveal a giant flat screen, “This TV’s bigger than my bathroom!” And he flew from that over to the mini-fridge, fully stocked with alcohol and fancy water, “There’s so much stuff here!” And from there he bounced onto the bed, fluffy and soft as a cloud, and tried desperately not to think of the brick of a mattress he’d have to go back to when he got home, “Haaah. This is the life.”
“I’m happy the accommodations are to your liking,” Captain Galeforce stood at the door, arms folded neatly behind his back. He was ever the picture of military professionalism, but had definitely relaxed some since the success of the Airship mission, “We apologize again for being unable to get you home until tomorrow. In the meanwhile, please feel free to take advantage of the hotel’s facilities. All expenses will be paid for you, of course.”
Not much could’ve unglued Henry Stickmin from that delicious marshmallow of a mattress right then, but those words had him jumping right back up to his feet, “All expenses paid, you said? So...” Henry smiled, the giddy kind of smile you’d see from a child at an amusement park, “I could order room service?”
“Of course.”
The smile widened, “I could go check out the sauna?”
“I could ride down the dumbwaiter?!” Henry was practically shaking in his excitement.
“PLEASE do not ride down the dumbwaiter,” The Captain gave him a long, tired look, like the parent of a child at an amusement park.
“Aw,” That moment of disappointment was immediately overtaken by another, less strong rush of excitement as he spotted what appeared to be a TV program, filled with all the various movie options the hotel provided, “All right, I’ll behave,” He promised, absently thumbing through the movie options, looking for something to enjoy with his dinner, “But man, if the government treats all it’s outsourced operations like this, I might just have to take more government missions.”
“And we might just take you up on that offer,” The Captain replied, “Enjoy your night, Stickmin. We’ll pick you up around 0900 hours tomorrow morning,” And with that, Galeforce exited the room, expression neutral, trailed after by his ever vigilant guard, who was not nearly as neutral with the glance he threw back in Henry’s direction. Not that Henry cared.
Since his evening was on the Government’s dime, Henry was not shy about ordering a smorgseborg of fancy foods, all fresh and hot and delivered right to his lap. The meat was tender and dripping with juices, the potatoes were thick and rich, and even the god damn salad was-
“Henry, please, stop, I’m already starving-”
“Right, sorry.”
Well, short and to the point, the food was delicious.
The movie selection was vast, and consisted mostly of fancy foreign films Henry wasn’t familiar with, but he eventually found the latest installment of “Hearts and Heroines”, an ongoing, action-packed thriller series about a girl who saved the world and made really, really bad choices when it came to love and no, Ellie, it’s not lame. It’s dumb in the funnest way possible.
So there Henry was, nestled under three different blankets and stuffed full, picking away at what remained of his dinner while enraptured with the story.
“Veronica, please,” Begged the voice of the hot and despicable male lead, “I know I cheated on you, but only to remind myself how little I love other girls compared to you! Please take me back!”
“Don’t you do it, Veronica,” Henry growled at the screen, annoyed, “He’s done this to you twice already, don’t you dare-”
Someone knocked on the door. Three quick raps, strong enough to be heard over the probably too loud television.
“Coming!” Henry answered, not even bothering to pause his movie. He removed two of his three blankets and stalked towards the door, “Hey, sorry, but I already got my food, I think you have the wrong-”
It wasn’t a food runner.
It was Charles Calvin, the helicopter pilot who’d helped him out during the Airship raid. He was wearing a fresh uniform, identical to the one he’d worn during the mission, and still had that same stupid grin on his face.
“Heya, Henry!” He greeted, that same cheerful tone he’d used to talk Henry through the airship. Henry had assumed that his energetic, friendly demeanor had been at least in part an act, to keep Henry calm and make sure he didn’t flake out halfway through the mission. But no. Apparently Charles was... just like that, “How, ah, how are you doing? Everything going okay?”
“’M fine,” Henry responded. He could feel residual stickiness on the corners of his mouth, and started wiping at his face with his sleeve. He felt like a mess, and was well aware he looked it too. On the mission he hadn’t cared – there was an objective to complete, a job to get done. Here, though? Here Henry was well aware that it was only him and Charles. No objective, no mission, no bad guy to beat. Just... two guys, talking. It shouldn’t be this stressful.
(It was immensely stressful.)
“So what are you up to?” Charles asked. If he’d picked up on Henry’s anxiety, he wasn’t making it known, “Got any big plans for the evening?”
“Oh yeah, I, uh, was just gonna watch some movies,” Henry responded, trying to play it cool even as his muscles tensed, “Just some macho, manly action movies-”
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“Well, if you don’t mind taking a break from your... manly action movies,” This statement was punctuated by the awkward sounds of fake movie kissing in the background, “I was just about to check out the shops across the street. Treat myself a little, since we won today. But then I thought, ‘well, we mostly won ‘cause of Henry’, so I decided to see if you wanted to come pick out a souvenir with me. You know, something to celebrate our victory. My treat.”
Henry was torn two ways. On one hand, he’d have to go outside. His clothes were wrinkled and dirty, and he hadn’t showered all day. Plus, he’d be out with a stranger. Charles was friendly, sure, but he was still an unknown variable. He could be dangerous. This could be a trap by the government, get him to do their dirty work and then trick him into violating his pardon so they could lock him up anyways. Or maybe Charles was like the captain’s guard, whoever he was, holding a grudge against him for no apparent reason other than his criminal past. Going along with him could be dangerous.
On the other hand, free stuff. It was really a no-brainer.
“I know, shut up.”
“You’re kind of a mooch, aren’t you?’
“You know, there’s really only one way to interpret ‘shut up’, so I’d appreciate it if you did that, okay?”
So off they went, two guys walking to the shops together. Henry had half-expected to be interrogated on the way there, but Charles seemed content to just prattle on about work, his boss, previous missions, how this was apparently an after mission tradition for him; nonsense that Henry let distract him from the people they passed on the walk over. Nobody stopped them, but Henry couldn’t quite shake the feeling of eyes on the back of his head. Maybe the military was watching them? Or maybe someone was staring at his gross day old clothes? It was hard to shake, but Charles dumb story about catching a guy mid-fall (in a helicopter? Impressive) at least gave him something to focus on.
The store they ended up entering first was one of those hole-in-the-wall old shops, the kind that had been going for long enough that you could smell the built up dust. They sold clothing, accessories, various household knick knacks. Not Henry’s first choice, exactly, but Charles had grinned ear-to-ear as he lead the other man inside and, well, beggars can’t exactly be choosers. There had to be at least one thing in here he’d like.
And so there was. Fifteen minutes into browsing, while Charles was thumbing through some raincoats, Henry spotted it.
The Jacket.
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It called to him like a siren song, pulling him away from Charles and towards the mannequin. His eyes followed the soft fur collar down to the tanned leather, red and shiny and just his color. It was quality stuff, would hold up to the type of wear and tear that Henry’s mischief would no doubt put it through. The seams were sewn well, and the inside looked to be lined with a comfortable cotton cloth. Sleeves were nice and long, a little bland, but nothing some custom patches wouldn’t fix. The wrists were lined with the same material as the collar, and would be quite comfortable if he had to press his arms against something hard, like when he slid down that ventilation shaft into the deeper parts of the airship. Then Henry found the price tag.
Wow. That was... a lot of zeroes. More than he felt comfortable letting a stranger spend on him.
“See, I’m not a total mooch. I have tact.”
“I do!”
“Sure, Jan.”
Well, okay, maybe Henry wasn’t comfortable letting a stranger buy him that, but that didn’t mean he couldn’t take it for himself anyways. He looked to both sides – no people. He looked up – no cameras. Grinning, Henry reached out a hand and lightly gripped the sleeve of the jacket-
“Oh, hey, did you want that?”
And Charles. Right. Forgot about him for a second.
“Ah, no, not really,” Henry lied smoothly. Now that he had an objective – Stealing the Jacket – he found himself with a bit more confidence to spare, “Just looking. You find anything you like?”
“Nope,” Charles took the sleeve with the price tag in hand. Henry panicked for a moment – was Charles going to buy it for himself? – before Charles turned back to him, “You sure? I don’t mind getting it for you.”
Henry shook his head, “It’s not really my colour,” He lied again, “Besides, I think there’s some cool stuff over there we haven’t seen!” Now that he was thinking a little more clearly, it was probably a good thing Charles had interrupted him. Trying to steal a jacket while the very government agent who’d helped pardon him was right there? Not his best idea. He’d wander around, case the joint to see what kind of security they had, then return without Charles later. Simple enough.
They wandered around the store after that. The direction Henry pointed out was the hat section, and while they didn’t find any souvenirs worth their time, Charles managed to find the dumbest top hat in the entire universe and paraded around in it, pretending to be one of the criminals they’d spent the day stopping and making Henry laugh with his awful, awful ‘dumb criminal’ jokes. Henry, in turn, took a novelty military hat and did a spot on impression of Charles’ captain which, looking back, could have gone REALLY badly for him, though luckily Charles found it hilarious.
No cameras in this section. Security tags on some of the pricier hats, he’d have to come up with something to get around the one that was likely on the coat. They moved on.
This section did have a security camera, quite prominently faced towards the pricey jewelry on display. Most of it was tacky, the fake stuff that stained your skin and gave you rashes. A few more valuable pieces caught Henry’s eye, but they weren’t quite valuable enough to risk getting caught by the camera. And also Charles. Yeah, getting caught by Charles would be bad.
Henry strolled through the various cheap necklace displays, looking for a dollar sign necklace so he could continue making fun of the Toppats with Charles, when the pilot called him over to one of the display tables.
“Check it out Henry!” He seemed excited, “I think I found our souvenirs! What do you think?”
Henry took a look at the table.
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The pins were cheap but stylish. The fact that they resembled pilot’s pins felt particularly appropriate. Henry could already picture the gold one on his chest, pinned right under the fur collar of his new jacket. You know, when he got around to stealing it. Yeah, that was a good enough souvenir.
Charles had already picked up the silver one, holding it right under the collar of his shirt to show it off, “Yeah, this works. I like it,” Charles had that bright smile on his face, and it looked like their mission was accomplished. Well, Charles’ was, at any rate.
Then he brought up the jacket again.
“You sure you don’t want it?” Charles asked as they passed it. The store was dead, except for the two of them. When Henry shook his head, the pilot suddenly got an odd smile on face. A different one than the general friendly enthusiasm he’d shown all day, “Hey, I have an idea. Let’s race to the check out. Winner gets to, uh, pick out some candy to take back. That okay?”
Free candy? Oh, hell yes.
Henry let Charles count down, and took off just before he could say go, because, good guy or not, Henry Stickmin was an asshole. Technically speaking it wasn’t a long race, as the store wasn’t particularly big, but that didn’t matter when delicious candy was on his mind. Sweet chocolate wafers, melting in your mouth, creamy vanilla filling-
“Right, sorry.”
Naturally, Henry won.
He reached the check-out lane in seconds, tagging the edge of the counter with one hand and turning around to rub his victory in Charles’ face. Only, Charles wasn’t there. He should have been right on Henry’s heels, but he wasn’t. Did he trip? Was this some sort of trick? Was the cashier staring at Henry like he was crazy?
Well, yes, the cashier was staring at Henry like he was crazy. Or maybe the poor boy was just too exhausted to look like he gave a shit. Either way, Henry could only stare at him awkwardly, wondering what terrible thing he’d done to deserve being stared down by a strange teenager with the emotional range of a toad.
Besides taunt Ellie with descriptions of delicious food, obviously. That didn’t count.
“Hope you picked out some good candy!” Charles’ voice finally swam over Henry and the bored cashier, drawing Henry’s anxious attention away from the stone cold stare of the boy. Any relief Henry might have felt was instantly washed away as he noticed that, in addition to the two pins they’d picked out, Charles was carrying the leather jacket Henry had been eyeing earlier.
All he could think as he saw it was no, no, no, no, “Charles, I told you I didn’t want that,” Henry objected, jumping away from the counter to pull the coat away, put it back, maybe stash it somewhere for easy pickings later, “It’s not my style, I don’t want it.”
“Nah, you don’t gotta lie to me, man,” None of Henry’s stuttering attempts to talk Charles down were fruitful, “I saw the way you were eyeing it up. You want it, I know you dooo~.”
“But- but-” Henry was sputtering at this point, absolutely befuddled. The pressure of his plans falling apart, the confident ‘gottem’ smirk on Charles’ face, the itching on the back of his neck where the cashier was still staring at them, it was all too much. He couldn’t even think clearly enough to lie, “But it’s way too much!”
The honest truth, or maybe Henry’s genuine panic, finally got Charles to look the other man dead in the eye, “Is that it?” He asked, “Hey, don’t even worry about it. I’ve got this.”
Henry wanted to object again, wanted to just take the damn coat and run, but all he could was watch as Charles plopped down his purchases and the cashier rang them out, “You’re sure it’s not too much?”
“It’s not like I have anything else to spend this money on, heh,” Charles smiled, but for the first time Henry spotted a crack in the facade, a glimpse of what was underneath, “I live on base, so no rent, and don’t really spend a lot on food. After a while, you just kinda end up with a big pile of the stuff without realizing it,” The cashier totaled their items, and Charles reached into a pocket and pulled out a card, “Most of the time I’m just buying stuff for my friends, except I don’t... exactly... have a lot of those either. It happens when you move around a lot, you just... don’t stay in touch.”
So Charles was lonely. That certainly explained a lot.
The three just stood in awkward silence for a while; Henry, Charles, and the cashier who very obviously wished to be somewhere else.
Eventually, it was Henry who broke the silence, “You know what? Forget the candy,” He tossed the bag he’d picked up to the side, and the cashier made a face like curdling milk as he took the item off the order, “Why don’t we pick up some ice cream and you join me for movie night?”
“Oh...” Charles seemed genuinely surprised by the offer, “You sure? I don’t want to impose...”
You know, despite already imposing on Henry’s movie night for an impromptu shopping session.
“No, no, it’s fine,” Henry insisted, “It’d be nice to have someone to help me yell at the characters for being so awful,” Because Henry didn’t have a lot of friends either. There was this... tight feeling in his chest all the time when he was around people, and while the ever present risk of them finding him out and turning him over for his crimes was definitely the primary cause, a part of Henry had always felt uncomfortable around people. But with Charles, in this past hour, he hadn’t really felt uncomfortable. He’d latched onto Charles’ stories, joked around with him, could see himself matching Charles’ daring stories of dumb helicopter stunts with tales from his past heists, filled with equally dumb stunts that would have (should have?) gotten him killed.
A real friendship with Charles. Yeah, that could work. Maybe.
“Well...” Charles smiled differently; guarded, optimistic, “I can yell pretty loud, just so you know.”
“Fine by me,” Henry said. And hey, maybe if tonight worked out, he’d keep in touch with Charles. Maybe this friendship could actually work.
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By the end of the night, there was no more maybe.
“And that’s how I got this awesome jacket,” Henry finished, popping the fur collar as a final point of emphasis.
Ellie, who’d been sitting on the ground, leaning back as she listened to the tale, hummed, “You... are an interesting character, Henry Stickmin,” She decided, “But if you got pardoned by the government, what the hell are you doing here?”
“Heck if I know,” Henry shrugged, “I think the warden’s just crazy.”
And Ellie nodded sagely, for it was the truth.
From there, the escape continued. Oh, man, what an escape it was! I could paint a whole picture of the shenanigans these two got into on their way out of that horrible complex. But you already know what went down, so let’s just skip to the good part.
Ellie pulled their stolen motorcycle up to the spot Henry had pointed out. It looked like a concrete building block that had been comically misplaced in the middle of nowhere, but Henry had insisted this was the right spot, so in they went. The interior of the painfully simple structure was actually quite a bit warmer than expected, so while Henry jumped on the phone, Ellie got to taking inventory of what was apparently a secret military bunker.
“Hey, it’s me. Have you got a- What? No, I haven’t gotten any packages yet, I’m not even home-”
If there was one thing to be said about the military, they were certainly well organized. Food was stacked neatly on shelves, least to most recent. Ellie thumbed through them quickly, tossing expired items into a separate container. It wasn’t gourmet by a long shot, but between the two of them it could last up to two months. Hopefully she could find information about wild flora and fauna in the area somewhere as well, just in case they’d need to stay longer.
“Look, okay- don’t, don’t freak out, but I kinda sorta got kidnapped? And had to break out of the Wall?”
“You WHAT?!”
Oof. That was loud enough for Ellie to hear all the way across the room.
Ellie bent down and pulled out one of the boxes from underneath the food cabinet. Piles of blankets were neatly folded in the box. Some were a little moth bitten, but that was okay. Looking around, Ellie noticed there weren’t any pillows in the entire facility. Fortunately for them, it was warm enough that they could just take one of these folded blankets and use them as pillows. If they needed to spend the night, that is. Hopefully they wouldn’t.
“Yeah, listen- No, I’m- No I don’t need- Charles, I’m not gonna check my pulse, I’m not dead!”
In a second box were an assortment of winter clothes, which were more immediately useful if Henry’s ride came through. Ellie dug through the box, taking scarves and boots that looked to be the appropriate sizes for both of them. At the bottom of the box, to her surprise, were what appeared to be spare Wall uniforms, but a little off. Her best guess was they were maybe a few years out of date. The fabric was still in good condition.
Ellie looked over at Henry, at the bare arms of his sleeves. He’d mentioned wanting to get some patches for his jacket, right?
Yeah, she could do that.
“Charles, slow down. Charles- Charles, focus, please-”
Conveniently, the box also possessed a small sewing kit. It was sparsely packed, mostly intended for utilitarian repairs, but Ellie felt herself creative enough to work with that. It also included a pair of scissors, which she used to cut a square out of the old uniform, then used a pen to sketch out a pattern and began cutting.
It wasn’t until she finished cutting out the second part of her patch that she realized she probably shouldn’t be cutting up government property without permission.
...eh, screw it.
“Look, I need you to pick me and my new friend up from Outpost Maple, can you do that?”
It was a little tricky; these scissors were definitely not made for fabric, but Ellie found herself smiling at the finished product: a single silver snowflake. But it wasn’t quite finished. It still needed something...
Looking back, Ellie noticed one of the scarves was particularly glittery, and grabbed it.
“Yeah, that’s fine, we can wait... Heh, you don’t have to do that. If it comes to that, we’ll come up with something else... well, if you’re sure...”
Ellie’s snowflake was beautiful. But still, something was off. In Henry’s story, they’d gotten two pins, right?  One for each of them? With that in mind, Ellie immediately began cutting out a second square.
“Alright, ring us back when you’re on your way. See ya soon, bud.”
Henry hung up and walked across the room, leaning back against the wall before sliding down until he was sat next to Ellie, and then continued sliding. Eventually he was practically laid down on the floor, watching Ellie’s impromptu arts and crafts session without a sound.
The silence was comfortable.
Eventually, just as she was finishing up cutting the second snowflake, Ellie asked, “So how long ‘til our ride gets here?”
A small smile crossed Henry’s lips, “He said, and I quote, ‘Until either I get the boss’ permission, or until everyone’s asleep so I can steal a chopper. Whichever comes first’.”
The two shared a laugh.
“So whatchya working on?” Henry scooted back up so he could get a better look at Ellie’s sewing project.
Snowflake number one was promptly placed in Henry’s open palm, “I noticed you didn’t have any patches for your jacket yet, so... I made you one,” With a smile, she held out the second one, complete except for the needed addition of glitter, “Made myself one too. I think it’ll look nice on my old bag, once I get back to my apartment.”
Henry took a look at the little snowflake in his hand, then again at Ellie. He smiled.
Making a new friend hadn’t exactly been his top priority, but... Ellie was good. Between her and Charles, life certainly would be more interesting.
Henry was okay with that.
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