#thx thx 💖
mystery-salad · 1 year
Which ocs would have the best and most horrendous ideas of fashion??? @gift-of-astralaria
So I have eighty four characters right now, and I'm not listing them all so I'm assigning a group since one wasn't assigned in the ask! You're getting my humans.
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lizardfootman · 1 year
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That drive is what sets you apart, kid. You've got a very special energy. That being said... You weren't under the impression that the challenge ended here, were you?
(Mr. Qi won the poll.. And thank you all for 1k 💖)
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ordordordordord · 2 months
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she wants that cookie (woman doomed by the narrative) so effing bad
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albaricomics · 4 months
also very very cool art💕💕💕💕
God I cannot imagine what they look like
Imagine the DDD takes off their suit and beneath there's a horrible monster looking creature.
Idk why but I imagine them as the giant creature from Stranger Things 3.
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lesmisletters · 9 months
The final email of the year has officially gone out!
Tomorrow begins next year's round of emails
Anyone subscribed will stay subscribed
Anyone who isn't subscribed but wants to be can do that here
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fatuismooches · 1 year
How well do you think the reader would be able to hide their injuries from the harbingers? Or rather, how long do you think they’d be able to hide it? The harbingers are bound to find out eventually — either on their own or some lowly Fatui agent tells them about reader’s condition — it’s just a matter of when.
I imagine it’d be even harder for fragile!reader to hide new injuries. The Harbingers are all so attentive towards them it’d be hard to hide anything at all, much less anything that involves reader’s condition :,))
I had this idea where reader is trying to hide a small gash on their palm from Dottore, and everything seems to be going really well because he hasn’t caught up yet, but then it’s time for a routine check, and when he discovers the new bandages on readers palm he’s like, “hmm, I don’t patching up their hand recently, so they must have done this themselves. But why didn’t they tell me about it? I could have helped!” and then he tenderly applies soothing salves and re-wraps their hand, but not before making reader promise not to hide any injuries from him in the future
Not well or long at all I'm afraid. Being attentive and observant runs in their blood, they need to with their line of work. It's just a matter of their personality though... For example, when Scara notices something's off with you, he'll just pester you until you tell him, like 'hmph, just tell me already, i can already see this is going to affect our day' or 'stop being stubborn and let me help you idiot.' Overall once he figures out you're acting funny (which is pretty quick since once he's in love he notices things about you easily) he'll find out about your injury quickly and then get mad at you for hiding it 🫠 but not in a truly mad way, just going off about how you were dumb to do that, the injury could have gotten worse, etc. He's just a worried bb. Arlecchino is kind of similar, but not in the loud pestering way... she's quiet herself but that makes her be observant of you and your mannerisms ten times more. And as soon as her hawk eyes notice sometimes off (once again quickly because literally nothing gets past her in general) she'll just sit you down and request for you to explain to her what's wrong, probably won't let you leave until you come clean 😭 As for Columbina she finds out on accident. She always loves to drape and cling to your body so one day she just places weight on your injury and you groan a bit at the pressure... and well you've just blown it since now she definitely knows.
Pantalone is also the kind of guy to notice right away and ask you if everything is alright. If you lie he'll just smile and nod but then catch you in the act of changing bandages or in pain... making you want to disappear into nothing because wow that's kinda embarrassing. He'd gently chide you for trying to hide these kinds of things for him (there's nothing to be embarrassed of he says, you only deserve the absolute best) and make sure you get proper care asap. I feel like Capitano is the kind of guy to always be scrutinizing your body for even the tiniest of wounds, just because you're super tiny compared to him and he thinks you're hella fragile 😭 He's always worried something is going to happen to you (he's losing his mind over a papercut, i can't imagine an actual injury) so again... he's noticing very fast lol. La Signora is similar in always looking and taking care of your body, mostly because of all the skincare and beauty routines she helps you with almost every night so erm... good luck on trying to hide that from her! At least you're getting the most high-quality treatment and massage from her later, also a lecture on how you should be more careful with yourself.
I think maybe Pierro would take the longest to notice, only because he's swamped with work and doesn't get to see you too often. But sometimes you'd come to visit him in his office until you stop doing that so he gets a bit worried for you. When he sends an agent to check on you he honestly feels pretty terrible that you got hurt and he didn't even know about it... or could protect you. Sandrone too, sometimes she gets so involved and into her machinery and lab work she doesn't notice the stuff you do. Until one of her little machines pulls at her dress and won't stop nudging her in your direction, and that's when she takes a closer look at you and realizes you're not in the best of shape.
For Childe I think he'll notice something is off but won't press it until you're ready, he understands that you have some things you want to keep private. But if you exhibit a few signs of pain in front of him he'll quickly connect the dots because he himself tends to hide injuries from you so you don't worry. Though he's used to dealing with toughies (his siblings would get hurt and then try to hide it from him and end up crying in the end too) he would firmly yet gently lecture you about how serious injuries can become and you need to get help, whether by him or someone else. Seeing you hurt also hurts him especially, he should be the one getting injured not you. Well for Papanella of course you are like his child so he always has people watching you jump all over the place so he will be the first person to approach you and (lovingly) scold you for your injury.
And well Dottore... perhaps the quickest because not only is he a doctor but he also has a dozen other versions of him running around checking on your condition 24/7... ALSO SCREAMING THAT IDEA W DOTTORE IS SO FREAKING CUTE. The only way you'd get away with it is not seeing him for a few days... but even then when he sees you again he immediately notices the wrapped hand and is like ??? When and how and why did this happen and why was he not notified? He's a bit taken aback since he's always updated on your condition, with your health he needs to be. At the same time, he's like, kinda impressed that you managed to get that bandaged all by yourself without him or his clones noticing... did you really not want him to know that badly? Obviously, he's gonna interrogate you on the injury 😭 he's not exactly mad at you... just upset that you hid it from him... your body is fragile and not in the best of state, you need medical treatment even for the littlest of things.
After he does all of his doctor stuff, he lectures you on why you can't hide injuries from him and how it's simply not good for you, to which you confess you hate bothering him for tiny things like this. That most people would just slap a bandaid on it and call it a day, it wouldn't affect them, but it hurts you much more than that, which just... makes you feel terrible. To that he remains quiet for a bit, then puts you in his lap to reassure you with sternness and a touch of gentleness, firmly saying he will always want to attend to you, he wants to know about every single thing that happens to you. Having you in pain makes him feel the foreign feeling too. (When that's over you ask him to kiss it better, he rolls his eyes but when you're asleep he does it anyway)
It also depends on how well you hide your pain from your injury... even if you don't show any reactions outwardly in pain the Harbingers will notice if you have a bruise or cut on your body since they have every detail of your body memorized... they're obsessed with you like that. So... final verdict, it'll be quick for all of them lol
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kazuaru · 6 months
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Testing poses by @nsves + (inspo)
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oh-shtars · 4 months
Cough cough hey there
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loneliness-suffering · 7 months
i am actually so obsessed with the alice in wonderland doodles they're so GOOD i keep coming back and staring at them for hours 🙏
all ur art is AMAZING but that one just hit different 💖💖
AHHHHHHH LOVE YOU💞💞💞💖💖!!that one i actually love the most from all the things that I've done cuz,Cheshire cat rigby and-and-and Benson with puffy Alice dress!!Mr.rabbit mordecai!the original Disney cartoon animation lore is messy which is,the thing i love about it cuz world of crazy people!!IT'S JUST!!!I LIKE IT TOO AND I'M SO HAPPY TO HEAR PEOPLE LIKE IT ALSO!!!
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here's some crappy art i did in school
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areyoucooolorjustrain · 6 months
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anddd now their besties@rogdona ^^
LAST PART BTW😭😭 (for now...)
Maybe I'll do some more comics about them hanging out but for now this is how they meet... ITS CANONNN (right?)
ok anyways thxxxx so much @rogdona for letting me do a comic about dana ✨😁💖🥺💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💖💖💖💖💖🥰🥰🥰🥰🌸💮💮💮💮🌺💖💗💖💗💖💖💖💖💖🌌
I love Dog lady (dana ) and now she gas a bestie?
lol hare is half poodle half rabbit .... whyyyyy😭😭😭 did i come up with that???
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mystery-salad · 1 year
👀🔥🦴 for illiadde?
Heads up, this is not gonna be the most satisfying answers! Illiadde is very sexy hot tall and strong 😳 BUT she is also a massively traumatized lab experiment and extremely averse to anyone getting near her. Apologies in advance!
👀 : Does your OC believe they are attractive? Do they use that to their advantage?
She doesn't think so, but she also doesn't really think about her appearance at all. She keeps her hair short to stay out of her eyes and that's about all she does for herself in appearance. And even that's just for practicality. The only thing she uses to her advantage is her fuck-off monstrous height and intimidating affect to keep people away.
🔥 : What’s a surefire way to make your OC get flustered?
N/A! She doesn't really get flustered. But she DOES get uncomfortable and then you get very very dead.
🦴 : Does your OC have much sexual experience? What are they like?
She has fucked exactly one person who she has an awful, fucked up, weird codependent energy-expending "thing" with, so she is very practiced in sex that is harmful enough to kill the average person.
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thegengarprincess · 4 months
*Mii! Jere beam* ^_^
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✨BIG JERE BEAM✨ XDDDD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ik it’s been 3 days I am *SO* SRRY 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭🤲🤲🤲🤲🤲🤲🤲
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om0000 · 2 months
Are you seeing what Im seeing bro
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bro am i. am i
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zipora666 · 2 months
*came to you*
Did you know that you look amazingly today. ^w^
*try not to get embarrassed as Mitsuri and deny it lol*
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hotcat37 · 9 months
ough omg ok can you do 5, 10, 16, and 19 for the ship ask game pls it is taking all of my self-restraint not to ask all of them XD
(I saw your follow-up ask dw!!) This is specifically Bojere in the deaf AU for anyone reading this!!
5: who does what chores?
Jere cooks 90% of the time and also does the laundry. Bojan does the dishes and usually does grocery shopping as well :P Cleaning is something they do together :3
10: who drives and who picks out the music?
Bojan usually drives while Jere puts on the cheesiest Finnish ballads that Bojč only understands half of lol When it's Bojan's turn to be passenger princess he usually picks genuinely good Slovenian music or the most plain English pop song he can find ☠☠
16: what's their favorite domestic bliss moment?
Bathing/showering together <3 It's a very comforting (and sometimes steamy lol) activity for them. It's intimate and also a moment where they can wordlessly communicate to each other (because Jere's hearing aid is out then) Also coming home to one another after a tiring day of work/university 💖💖
19: how do they subtly express their love for each other?
Jere knows Bojan loves hearing his voice so outside of love confessions and saying Bojan's name he makes a lot of random noises or babbles incoherently just because Bojč will love it regardless of whether he understands what Jere is saying or not <3 Bojan on the other hand always keeps a close eye on Jere in public and easily picks up on when he's getting flustered or struggles to communicate with another person. Usually Jere can deal pretty well with it but sometimes he just needs Bojan to be the one to order them something from a restaurant or make small talk with a stranger 💖
In short: they always look out for each other
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tragedykery · 1 year
things that would, if not fix me, at least improve my current situation somewhat: being knocked out by a comically large rubber mallet
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