#thy favourite gay ocs
thyfavouritegay · 2 years
Hatsune Miku as an OC!
So I was perusing along social media of art, when I see: 
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and when I see a challenge Like That (one that allows me to design a new uniform varient for an OC universe) I take it Personally 😤😤
Thus, I introduce to you.... RUNESPOOR STUDENT HATSUNE MIKU!!!!!
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Originally I made her a water elementor (because, well, blue uniform), but then I realised that she’s 100% an air elementor (because air and singing and sound waves et cetera...) so I gave her two variants
anyways yeah horray for fun, quick cartoony drawings
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iihavenomouth · 1 year
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@bunnymajo did a super cute character questionnaire for the upcoming OC tournament, and I thought it looked like a lot of fun, so here's my own, for Haunt!
Feel free to check out his Toyhou.se also! Linked here. It's a bit barebones ATM while I work on a lot of different things, but there'll be more eventually, and he's got some refs on there.
Name: Haunt
Species: Bigfin Squid
Type: Power
Alignment: Neutral Evil
Home: The Sunken City
✨How did you come up with the OC’s name?
Haunt, like most of my ocs, bounced around between a few different names before I settled on one. I wanted something that would reflect his powers and ghostly appearance, though, and settled on Haunt!
🌼  - How old are they? (Or approximate age range)
He's 23!
🌺- Do they have any love interest(s)?
Every villain he's ever met. He's deeply infatuated with power and confidence and the people who wield it.
🍕  - What is their favorite food?
He's eaten nothing but raw fish for his entire life.
💼  - What do they do for a living?
Haunt is the sole resident of a magically-protected sunken city. He's the heir of an extinct royal bloodline that ruled a kingdom that no longer exists. He's an aspiring henchman, though. He wants to do villainy and uphold the family legacy, but doesn't have the backbone to take charge.
Literally. No bones.
🎹  - Do they have any hobbies?
He does magic and sinks ships for fun.
🎯  -What do they do best?
He's an excellent mage, but an even better powerhouse. He has incredible strength, and underwater he's fast and deadly ... though he doesn't really utilize his capabilities well.
🥊  -What do they love to do? What do they hate to do?
He loves people-watching. It's his favourite thing in the world. He'll find a person to fixate on and watch every video, memorize every photo, learn every mannerism. He idolizes people like Doctor Eggman, and practices his own grand villain monologues in the mirror sometimes. Aside from that, he enjoys reading - hard to do underwater, though.
He hates cleaning, and feels awkward and nervous with any sort of social interaction. Talking to people is difficult, and impressing them even more so. He wilts under attention.
❤️  - What is one of your OC’s best memories?
The first time he conjured a little ball of light underwater. It was his first spell, and kickstarted his passion for magic.
✂️   - What is one of your OC’s worst memories?
Every day he endures the terrors. It isn't so much one solid memory so much as the realization that he was alone, always had been alone, and unless he made a name for himself, he always would be alone.
Though his first trip to the surface is a close second. The sun is a deadly laser.
🧊  - Is their current design the first one?
Yes! He's gone through very minor palette tweaks but that's it.
🍀  - What originally inspired the OC?
I wanted to make a Mobian who was a funky animal you don't see a lot! Mammals are obviously a bit cuter and more appealing, but I think the aquatics are vastly underrated. And you ever seen that oil rig camera footage of a bigfin squid? They're terrifying.
🌂  - What genre do they belong in?
Haunt is the sometimes-useless antagonist in a horror/comedy. He's a nightmare of the deep ... and he cries like a baby if he has to endure direct sunlight.
💚  -What is your OC’s gender identity and sexuality?
Haunt's a cis man (he/him) and he's gay!
🙌  - How many siblings does your OC have?
None! Only child.
🍎  - What is the OC’s relationship w/their parents like?
He never met his father, and his mother is a ghost who haunts a building in the city, so that's ... awkward. She raves about his destiny and bringing death to the surface-dwellers and he's just like "what in the sea's name art thou talking about, spectre. nay. i seek the tome behind ye, be all. silence thy beak."
classic mother son bonding
🧠  - What do you like most about the OC?
He's just kind of ... pathetic. Like, he's wildly capable of so much and too pathetic to be a real threat unless utilized by someone bolder. It gives him a lot of interesting dynamic potential with whatever villain I team him up with.
✏️  - How often do you draw/write about the OC?
Haunt's a roleplay character sooo semi-often. But not too often! I need to draw him more, he's a funny little guy.
💎  - Do you ever see yourself killing off the OC?
No I don't like killing OCs in general and Haunt's my little guy!
💀  - Does your OC have any phobias?
The sun. Dry air. Fire. He thinks skeletons are gross and scary. Afraid of ghosts, VERY haunted.
🍩  -Who is your OC’s arch-nemesis or rival?
Just about every 'good guy' he meets, but entirely one-sidedly. He wants to be someone's nemesis sooo badly but no one takes him seriously.
🎓  - How long have you had the OC?
Not long at all! He's only had a finalized design for, like, two months.
He speaks in some bizarre approximation of Olde English. He rarely walks on his feet, preferring to walk on his tentacles. Same with picking things up. His hands are near-exclusively used for spellwork. He doesn't have a set amount of tentacles, either. He only blinks when it's funny. When casting spells, he writes runes in ink. Squid ink. It's his own tears. He's just in general a wet, boneless freak. He's TINY, under three feet tall, but his tentacles can extend to nearly any length and he tends to match the height of or tower over anyone he meets. If your character's a villain, assume he would do anything to impress them.
I really want to try drawing a picture or two for every matchup Haunt makes it to, but if that doesn't happen and you still have thoughts as to how that'd work out, lemme know ... I think abt him a normal amount and everyone's OCs I've seen are SO cute so far
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ardienothesieno · 8 months
hey you want some asks?
who is your favourite oc?
making me CHOOSE?? how dareth thy...
um. rain world oc? Ashes. My lil angy enby... love em so much they fulfil my innate desire for chaos and arson and anarchy
non-rain world oc? haven't formally introduced her yet-- but her name's Keianna and she's the most awkward autism blorbo (...and I put her through all of the horrors)
I wasn't planning on talking too much about her until I have time to finish her official reference, but if anyone wants to hear about her I'll gladly rant!! otherwise I'll continue with the regularly scheduled gay robot content
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thyfavouritegay · 1 year
plans for next therapist: talk about my existential dread instead of the “little people in my head” so that they don’t look at me as if i’m absolutely batshit insane like the last one who i saw for one (1) session and did NOT trust my “trust me bro” mentality about dealing with my depression. like. i can’t go outside during a lunch break without 2 weeks notice you think i’m going to die and figure out how to do that within that time in a way that would work so that when i delete my ao3 i won’t live to regret it????
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thyfavouritegay · 1 year
ough the blorbos in my brain are giving me headaches
if that’s the case then which motherfuckers found their way into my knees ?
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thyfavouritegay · 2 years
bitches call me apollo ‘cause of my rockin’ curse of prophecy. similar bitches in the know call me rotten vegetables in a garden ‘cause i’m going to break down in 1-5 days.
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thyfavouritegay · 2 years
swag(TM) is trying to make a visual novel on google slides, but instead of just a normal vn, trying to make a fanganronpa killing game with like... 7 chapters.
anyways i am in over my head with this and all i've been doing is putting in commands for a main menu. which i am not even done yet.
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thyfavouritegay · 2 years
Thy Favourite Gay: Organizational Tags
Hello! ‘Tis I, Thomas, AKA thyfavouritegay here on Tumblr. We been knew that my blog is a mess, but I do try to keep it organized, so here will be a small guide to my personal* organizational tags!
(* Anything that is my own stuff, not just general organizational tags. I really hope there isn’t anyone else out there using these tags, or it would be awkward.)
“thy favourite gay posts”
The tag “thy favourite gay posts” is very very simple! It marks my own original posts---no reblogs or anything! Often combined with other tags, “thy favourite gay posts” is a quick and easy way to find all of my own posts, including this one!
“thy favourite gay draws”
This tag is also easy! It’s for any drawing I do, no matter the format. Looking for my art? Just look through this tag! Easy as that. Reblogged things (such as art prompts) can also be found here!
“thy favourite gay writes”
Yet another simple one, this is for any writing I might do. Fanfic linking, simple short pieces from stories, you get the idea. Reblogs can be found here, in the form of writing prompts!
“thy favourite gay ocs”
Here is where it starts to get a little bit complicated. Anything under this tag is something to do with my original characters (of which I have wayyyyy too many). This can be combined with any of the ones above, or left on its own. But that is the simple bit. What’s the complicated part, you ask?
This tag has variations.
I have several worlds and sorts of OCs that I create, and they can’t all be put together. So to avoid issues, I use variations of this tag. The variations are quite simple: “thy favourite ___ ocs”, and the empty space is a word, or a few words, to group them together. 
For example, for my sort of rich kid evil stuff characters, I would tag them “thy favourite brookside ocs”, named after the private school they have at one point all attended, Brookside Academy. For my sort of magical school characters, I would tag them “thy favourite runespoor ocs”, named after the main location for any of the main characters’ interactions, the school Runespoor Academy of Elementation and Education. And for any of the characters of mine that are part of the world where there’s a battle between two powerful gangs and there’s only one even stronger group holding them from destroying the city, I’d just tag it “thy favourite gay organized crime ocs”.
Most other ones, that don’t have a specific universe or genre, are just “thy favourite gay slice of life ocs”. Because I’m boring (and am an anime nerd) like that sometimes. Most of the time, I’ll try to tag their names as well, but that would be difficult always, so unless they get a repeat, their names will probaby be left out (especially since I don’t have names for a lot of them, literally none of the organized crime OCs have names).
In Conclusion:
Use common sense to guess tags. Enjoy the blog. Even if I make no sense. Also I’m going to tag all of the tags in this post so yeah. :P
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thyfavouritegay · 3 years
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I sketched this out a couple days ago. It’s a random drawing of two of my original characters, Nasijou Meivii (left) and Edio Tinn (right). I’ve already started lineart for it, but I always seem to stall out at that bit. I’ll do my best to finish it, but we’ll see.
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thyfavouritegay · 3 years
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A lesbian, if you may
anyways yeah first post
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thyfavouritegay · 2 years
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thyfavouritegay · 3 years
Thy Favourite Gay: Intro to Me
Hello! ‘Tis I, Thomas, AKA thyfavouritegay here on Tumblr. My blog is... sort of (completely) a mess of things, so I write this to be a me masterpost. In this post, I will be going over numerous things, including: fandoms I am in/will interact with, some triggers and DNIs, as well as some fun facts. This, I predict, will be terrible to write as well as read, so I suppose I should get started.
Fun facts:
I am a mild grammar/spelling nerd, and although I am trying to not to bug people with corrections these days, I will talk in what my friends (both real-life and online) call a “Shakespearian”, “old English-ish”, and “fancy as fuck” tone quite often. I like calling it my “heretically incorrect mocking of old English”, but I’ll take what I can get.
I am genderfluid, omniromantic, and asexual. To me, this is to say that my gender changes and shifts---which is why I say “default to they/them” instead of just “they/them” because I don’t want to be seen as bearing unchanging pronouns, I can feel romantic attraction to all genders in different ways and attraction ratios (like, male:female:enby umbrella, how often to I catch feelings for each) but do not feel comfortable using the labels bi or pan because of the assumptions and biases behind them, and I feel no attraction to anyone sexually. If you have questions, feel free to ask me (not because I am queer and have any manner of obligation to explain myself, but because I enjoy rambling)!
I have way too many OCs, help. Also too many fictional worlds.
I am bilingual! I am fluent in English and French (my native language is English though), and am also learning Norwegian and Japanese.
Organizational Tags
I use ‘em. Here is a link that will take you to a post explaining all of them!
Fandoms I will/have interact(ed) with:
Welcome to Nightvale
Brimstone Valley Mall
The Bright Sessions (Including TCT and TAMA)
The Scarab Archives
The Mistholme Museum of Mystery, Morbidity, and Mortality
Look Up
Comics (Includes manga, webcomics, and other things of the like):
Astro Boy
Whisper Me a Love Song
Animated TV shows and movies (Cartoons, anime, and other of the like):
Steven Universe (Including SUF and the movie)
Death Note
Yuri!!! on Ice
Dead End: Paranormal Park
Spiderverse series
Astro Boy
Gravity Falls
Barbie Mermaidia
The Owl House
Puella Magi Madoka Magica
Avatar the Last Airbender
The Disastrous Life of Saiki K
Unanimated TV shows and movies:
Star Trek (Specifically TNG and DS9, with some LWD, SNW, VOY, and TOS)
Good Omens
Umbrella Academy
The Barbie Movie
Everything Everywhere All at Once
Racket Boys
Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Artemis Fowl (And sometimes Alex Rider in relation)
Percy Jackson and the Olympians (Including the rest of the universe)
Iron Widow
The School for Good and Evil
A Series of Unfortunate Events
Plays or musicals:
Romeo and Juliet
Dungeons and Dragons
Plants versus Zombies (One and Two)
Triggers and DNIs:
Warning: This may be a triggering section for people, therefore reader discretion is advised! Stay safe! If you choose not to read this bit, that’s cool too! Enjoy my blog!
Supporters (not just fans, people can consume toxic media without supporting the toxicity of it) of the oh-so-popular Dream
Ableists, racists, islamaphobes, anti-semites, misogynists, aphobes, biphobes, homophobes, and transphobes (This shouldn’t need to be said, but I will write it anyways because sometimes people are just stupid on the internet.)
People make fun of others for innocent interests and/or unchangeable things about themselves.
Rape/sexual assault
Trafficking (not traffic itself)
Eating disorders
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