heartfelttickles · 11 months
any umbrella academy tickle hcs? 🥺
Hey anon! Hope you’re having/ have had the best day! So sorry this is a few days late, my brain went blank and I have no clue why aha. Hope these are good headcanons!
Feel free to share any other H/Cs in the comments :)
- not massively ticklish but has certain spots that get a big reaction out of him.
-Not a Lee often as he’s usually called in to pin someone in order to help other Lers and can easily escape holds himself.
-worst spots - neck, back and feet
- again not massively involved in tickled bc he’s mostly the one holding but on the rare occasion he’s not on pinning duty he’s actually a sweet Lee.
- Has a perfect balance of being very teasy but also caring and asks if the Lee is okay (though he rarely gets a coherent answer).
- Main target is Diego, Allison and five when they’re being annoying around him and Klaus bc well… he just outright asks 😂
- will never admit it but is deathly ticklish
- Anywhere will turn him into giggling mess but pinch is stomach or hips and he’s done for
- Will squirm, thrash, buck and everything in between to try and get away from the tickles (even the air tickles)
- Mostly gets tickled by Lila but occasionally gets tickled by Luther or Allison
- Gets flustered ridiculously easy and absolutely, under any circumstance, cannot take teases.
- Cannot say the T-word
- Worst spots: stomach, hips, ribs, underarms
- Absolute menace
- That’s all that needs to be said tbf😂
- Absolutely relentless, knows everyone’s worst spots
- targets his Lee’s top two spots at the same time if he suspects they have so much as breathed on one of his knives
- Tries to tease but stutters as he flusters himself despite being the Ler
- Still can’t say the T-word
- Targets Luther, Klaus and Five
- Like Luther she isn’t massively ticklish but has certain spots that really get her.
- Giggles when the Ler gets close to a bad spot and then cackles when they finally hit the it.
- Can take teases and is bratty back to the Ler.
- Can say the T-Word but depending on the spot, it can make her more ticklish - borderline hysterical
- Worst spots are - neck, ribs
- ruthless…..
- Watches all tickle fights from a distance and has a mini notebook full of tips and tricks to make each of her siblings beyond hysterical
- Will wait for her turn patiently, as though she’s saying to the other Ler’s “is that all you’ve got? Watch this”
- Loves to target Luther, Diego, klaus and Viktor (also loves to tickle Five but he blinks out of the room before she can get close enough)
- let’s face it, he is 100% a Lee and isn’t ashamed to admit it
- Loves the feeling of being tickled and seeing the joy on his siblings’ faces when he’s being absolutely wrecked
- Will purposefully annoy each sibling for a day in the hopes they’ll tickle him in retaliation
- begs to stop when his Ler gets a death spot but will sulk for hours when they actually stop
- High pitch cackles from the get go wherever he’s tickled but absolutely screeches when someone closes in on his armpits.
- Doesn’t get flustered by teases, he sassily retorts and then pays the price for it.
- Can absolutely say the T-word
- I like to think that when no one will tickle him, he accidentally brings Ben to life and Ben tickles him- occasionally using the tentacles to either pin his flailing arms or tickle his stomach.
- Worst spots : armpits, neck, feet, stomach (Everywhere?)
- A cute Ler honestly
- Loves to wreck his siblings but can tell when they reach their limit and understands that it everyone enjoys it as much as he does
- Asks if he took it too far, every time his siblings turn massively hysterical
- Loves to target Five when he’s being a grumpy old (young?) man
- Will purposefully make Ben “real” again just to absolutely wreck him when he’s being annoying
- Forgot he was ticklish until he time traveled back to his siblings
- “Absolutely hates being tickled” he will convince himself and try to convince his siblings but deep down they all know he likes the affection and touch after so many years….. he will take it to the grave before he admits it though
- I like to think that his ability to Blink is either completely gone when tickled or he blinks all around the house as he can’t focus (but taking his Ler with him unknowingly).
- Is deathly ticklish which comes as a nostalgic surprise to his siblings as they forgot how ticklish he was before he left
- Has a very wheezy laugh but will absolutely scream and cackle when someone tries to tickle his knees.
- Cannot take teases at all
- Will growl through the laughter when he’s teased
- Will turn bright red in seconds
- Very very very easily flustered
- Will 100% turn into a man possessed and will try everything to get his Ler off him.
- Worst spots - Knees, thighs, feet, neck ribs (but honestly everywhere)
- will often roll his eyes and read a newspaper when his siblings have a tickle fight
- However he will always get revenge on the person who tickled him
- When he does he’s ruthless
- Depending on who it is, his empathy changes - viktor he’ll take it easier on but Diego will absolutely get wrecked
- Will tease his Ler but will cringe at himself for doing it
- Will torment his Lee by blinking from one end of the room to the other - gradually getting closer and closer to the Lee before finally tackling them to the ground
- When he’s tickling he’ll reminisce of his younger Days before he left.
- Favourite people to target are Diego, Viktor and Ben (when he possesses Klaus or when Klaus brings Ben back to life for a few minutes)
- this lil cutie omg
- Adorably ticklish everywhere but his stomach will get him squealing and falling in and out of silent laughter
- Was often the victim of tickle attacks as a kid (and let’s face it, now Klaus can bring him to life, it’s like nothing has changed 😂)
- The BEST laugh - literally so bright and bubbly, contagious and will legit make everyone smile (even Five)
- Will kick and squirm at every chance he gets
- Cannot say the T word or handle teases
- He gets flustered waaaay too easily
- On the opposite end of the spectrum, Ben is an absolute menace of a Ler
- Will take any opportunity to wreck all of his siblings
- As a kid he wouldn’t get much chance to be a Ler but when he did, his lee didn’t stand much of a chance
- Wrecked Five in one of their old training sessions and Fuve has held a grudge since
- Will tease his relentlessly and can say the T-word whilst being a Ler
- He loves to tickle Klaus and Five
- not the most ticklish but still surprisingly more ticklish than most would think
- Has a very hiccupy laugh which turns into a full, bubbly belly laugh when his worst spot is targeted
- If someone tries to tickle him he will internally panic, so much so that he just doesn’t have the instinct to move out of the way of the Ler
- Will try to push the Ler off but not hard enough to make much of a difference in their tickling style
- Will start off as a steady stream of giggles that rise in pitch and then full blown belly laughs when his sides are squeezed.
- Legs will drum into the floor and he will try and squirm but kind of just accepts his fate
- Has the biggest smile on his face throughout the whole thing
- Can take teases (kind of?) and can say the T-word
- Worst spots are Sides, ribs and neck
- another sweet Ler
- Very gentle and kind of hesitant to do rougher tickles for a while
- Can tease so well and get his Lee flustered easily
- Will always say stuff like ‘I’m barely even touching you, how can you be this ticklish?’
- Loves to target Five and Allison
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fanficsandfluff · 2 years
Tickletober 2022 - Day 1: Anticipation
A/N: Happy first day of Tickletober 2022! Thank you to @august-anon for writing up the calendar list I've followed. I know this may come as a surprise to some of you who saw my post about me not completing any tickletober prompts.... well, here I am. A hypocrite... Who doesn't like to disappoint people. So while this first one is short, I have a few more of varying length.
Another thank you to @ticklishpeter for sending the prompt in. I do not really like Lila as a character so it was interesting to write for her for the first time! Hope you enjoy regardless!
Fandom: The Umbrella Academy
Characters: Diego Hargreeves, Lila Pitts
Lila knew how to play mind games, that was clear from the start. She was raised by the literal Handler, after all.
And Diego wasn't a mind games kinda guy. He was a brute force, take action kinda guy. And somehow they still meshed. That was love for ya.
But Diego had recently fucked up. He'd said something about Lila to his siblings that would've embarrassed her but he didn't realize it at the time. Until Lila stopped talking to him for a day... then she went right back to being her bubbly personality the next... and then she went through another day of near-silence while seemingly not keeping her eyes off him.
And Diego was just confused. He was feeling tense all the time, the anticipation of what could happen to him under Lila's watch tearing him apart from the inside. It got to the point where she'd merely walk into the same room as him and his whole body would jump.
Lila was sitting next to him on the couch and flipping through videos on her phone, and Diego had the TV on, trying to watch something but not focusing all the way. Lila pressed her foot into Diego's thigh for some physical touch comfort. And then she slid down the couch more and rested both her feet on Diego's lap.
Being a good boyfriend, Diego took that as a hint to start administering foot rubs. Was his awaiting anticipation for Lila to do something to him finally over? Could he relax?
Lila hummed happily at the foot rubs and Diego seemed like he was doing a good job. Hell yeah!
And then Lila made an odd, "Ohhh..." noise like she'd just remembered something.
Diego was granted a kick to his chest with both of Lila's strong legs that sent him flying backwards onto the couch on his back, and like a damn spider or cat or something that's gangly and quick, Lila pounced on Diego and pinned him to the couch.
"Darling, you were honestly so cute," she pinched Diego's cheek on his still-in-shock face, "But I think we all know where this is leading now, don't we?" she smiled gently and her hands slipped under the shirt he was wearing and sharp nails skittered tantalizingly across the skin on his belly.
Diego saw stars. Then his eyes squeezed shut and a guttural scream manifested from within his chest and was chased by manic laughter. This was his worst spot. Lila knew that, of course she knew that. But to go for it first? This was completely unlike her! Well... revenge, yeah... hey, at least the anticipation was over.
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amazingmsme · 2 years
An Old Familiar Sound
AN: Better late than never! Here’s everyone’s favorite grumpy old man & himbo brother, aka Five & Luther. They have such a fun dynamic, & I always enjoy writing them. As always, enjoy! 
Luther had forgotten how much he enjoyed Five's company because it'd been so long since he'd spent time with him. And after his disappearance, Reginald discouraged any mention of their brother unless it was to be used as a cautionary example of what would happen if they went against him. But Luther didn't want to unpack all of that at the moment.
He had never considered himself a funny guy, mostly because his siblings wouldn't laugh at his attempts at a joke. Which is why he felt an unusual sense of pride when he told a lame joke and Five nearly doubled over snickering to himself.
"I almost forgot you had dimples," Luther said fondly, giving Five's shoulder a pat. He immediately stopped laughing and schooled his features into their resting bitch face position.
"I don't."
Luther arched a brow and gave him a look.
"Uh, yes you do."
"Only when I smile," he argued. That made Luther chuckle, shaking his head.
"That's kind of the point of dimples. It's not a bad thing, they make you look cute. Restore some of that lost innocence," he teased.
"I don't need to restore shit," Five grumbled, grabbing the pot of coffee. He poured himself a large mug full, only adding a single packet of sweetener.
"You could restore some of those manners Dad taught us," he said, grinning smugly when Five turned to glare at him.
"Maybe you should respect your elders," Five challenged. Luther barked out a laugh.
"That's rich coming from you," he smirked walking up beside him to pour himself some coffee. "You've never respected your elders," he said, ruffling his hair. Five ducked away and swatted his hand.
"They've never earned my respect," he deadpanned, but failed to hide his smirk. Luther threw an arm over his shoulders, shaking his body.
"Luther, whahat the hehell?" he scolded through laughter, not really minding the playful affection.
"Well that's a sound I haven't heard in years. Do it again."
"What are you talking ahahabout! Hehehey quit ihihit!" Five shrieked as his brother dug his fingers into his sides.
"Aww I almost forgot how cute your laugh is!" he cooed, one hand clawing over his tummy, the other climbing up his ribs.
"Just shuhut uhuhup!" he cried out. Luther rolled his eyes and scribbled behind his fingers behind his ears. His knees buckled and he squealed, falling into an endless stream of giggles.
As if summoned, Diego appeared in the doorway.
"Thought I heard Five laughing and had to see for myself." Diego leaned against the doorframe, an amused grin plastered on his face.
"Ohoho piss ohohoff!" Five snapped, though his words held no real malice.
"Well that's rude. Think I need to help Luther here show you some manners," he mused, taking a step closer.
"I wouldn't be opposed. Get over here," he invited, waving their brother over.
Five was convinced his family would be the death of him, especially if they kept teasing him like this.
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chaoticklesblog · 9 days
Not Quite Immune
Published: 2024-09-16 to Chaotickles on AO3
Words: 1,385
The Umbrella Academy
With a smidgen of Lee!Diego and Ler!Lila
Five should know better that his lack of powers would no doubt lead to mischief of epic proportions between his older (or younger?) siblings. He quickly discovers he isn't exactly immune to an older affliction, and his Luther and Diego have no qualms about ensuring he gets what is coming to him. Spending his youth avoiding tickle fights was bound to catch up with him, especially in a timeline where he can't just teleport away. Set in the end of Season 3, where the Hargreeves realize they are without powers and adjusting to relative normalcy.
The Hargreeves siblings cleared time once a month for a dinner, just to catch up and appreciate the normalcy of it all in the new timeline. Appreciating their new found freedom and lack of responsibility to repair a broken timeline. The siblings would meet in a dive restaurant, still appreciating a quieter atmosphere, or would agree to meet at one of their houses for a homemade dinner.
This particular evening, dinner was hosted at Diego and Lila's home. Lila had already warned them that they would be ordering Pad Thai because she despised cooking.
All the siblings ate surrounded by the coffee table, laughed and joked with one another each claiming an area on the overstuffed furniture or floor. When it inevitably got to a break in the conversation where Luther, hesitant to have the evening end too soon, he would begin to reminisce about their past- the good memories.
"I'm just saying! Dad was pissed when he found out that Klaus had broken the ant farm and they all escaped," Luther chuckled.
"That's because they found their way into dad's candy stash!" Ben laughed. "Can you all believe the man had a sweet tooth?"
"Hey, the ant farm never would have fallen off the dresser if the prick wasn't so adamant about us running midnight drills!" Klaus argued, but he couldn't help but grin at his siblings.
The rest of them laughed fondly at the memory, despite Reginald banning the rest of them from keeping pets ever again after the great Ant Farm Escape of 1999.
"What about the time Diego and Luther got into a wrestling match and knocked over the bookshelf with dad's first editions?" Allison smiled at her brothers, grateful they no longer fought as much as they used to.
"I remember that distinctly! And it was not a wrestling match. I was cornered and chased! Diego was defensive immediately. "And Luther is a cheater!"
Luther laughed.
"I remember that too! And tickling is absolutely not cheating!"
Diego crossed his arms.
"Yeah, but you were definitely stronger than the rest of us thanks to your power. Your tickling was brutal!" Diego shuddered at the memory. Luther definitely cheated. At least in Diego's mind.
"You're ticklish, babe?" Lila grinned next to Diego and she noticed him tense and lock his arms to his sides as her hands darted to scrabble at his ribs and sides.
Diego barked out a short laugh quickly grabbing his girlfriend's evil hands.
"NohoHOhoHO LilahahaHA!" Diego giggled.
Luther looked smug.
"He's ridiculously ticklish! I'm surprised you didn't know!" Luther watched as Lila tried grabbing at Diego's hips but he narrowly escaped.
"Whatever! Cheater." Diego glowered at Luther. "And your power definitely used to offer an unfair advantage in tickle fights."
The rest of them spent time talking about how their powers had a sort of advantage in combat (tickle fights).
Luther was obviously the strongest and had more stamina to outlast the others in a tickle fight. Diego didn't have much of an advantage, but the threat of his knife throwing skills could quickly dissuade a tickle attack. Allison could rumor her siblings to turn on another victim or rumor someone to be more ticklish than they actually were. Klaus never really put up much of a fight against his siblings. He never minded being tickled to pieces. Five would blip to a safe part of the house to remain in hiding while his siblings would tickle each other half to death. Ben would occasionally use his tentacles to tickle his siblings. Viktor was generally excluded but had a few memories of being dragged into the fray.
They laughed and chattered at the memories of their tickle fights. All of them except... Five.
Five had grown... uncomfortable to say the least. Having usually vanished the moment dog piles typically turned into tickle brawls, he had almost no experience being the victim of tickle fights with his siblings.
And unfortunately, Diego and Luther noticed his uncomfortable demeanor.
Diego and Luther had returned to the original argument of using Luther's strength to cheat in a tickle fight.
"How is that worse than Five teleporting away to avoid ever getting tickled at all?" Luther argued chuckling and shooting a glance at Five.
Uh oh.
Five definitely didn't like where this was going.
"Well, nobody can cheat at tickle fights because none of us have powers anymore," Viktor tried to take the locked stares of Diego and Luther off an already uncomfortable Five.
But his observation didn't help Five's case.
"Riiiight," Diego smirked. "Because now Five can't just cheat and blip away from a tickle fight anymore."
All the siblings turned to look at Five who had jumped up from the recliner he had perched in.
"I assure you that this childish nonsense won't work on me, besides, I should get going." Five made a few paces toward the door but Luther and Diego stood in his way. Even without powers, the two were much bigger and stronger than Five. And Five quickly realized he wasn't getting out of this unscathed.
Even without powers, the threat of being overpowered by two "older brothers" intending to tickle the everloving snot out of you was a relatively terrifying ordeal.
Five tried to school his features as his brothers lunged for him but the lanky kid just wasn't as coordinated as he was when he could just vanish away from trouble. It was a moment like this where he wished they still had their powers. He soon found himself pinned, Luther, still all muscles, pinning his arms above his head and Diego positioning himself on Five's legs. Five started struggling.
"Guys, please. Don't." Five begged, something that felt like panic, but sillier, rising in his chest.
"This is only fair, Five. Think of all the fun you missed out on because you were too afraid of a little tickling." Diego teased.
"You're not quite immune to being ticklish, are you Five?" Luther smirked down at his squirming little brother who was actually much older than the rest of them. Five's mind may have aged but his body surely didn't. And his physiological reactions to being tickled never changed either.
Diego and Luther began exploring his various tickle spots and Five was trying not to die of embarrassment. It didn't help that Lila, Ben, Allison, Viktor and Klaus offered an unwelcome audience to this very one sided tickle massacre.
"Go for his knees!" Klaus crowed.
"FUhuHUck yohouhohoHoHO KLAUSAHAHAH!" Was all Five could say in response as Diego methodically began squeezing his much smaller brother's most ticklish spot.
Combined with Luther's incessant digging into his underarms, Five was in tickle hell.
So this is what it was like? This is why Five could distinctly remember his siblings being tickled to tears and hearing their loud booming laughter from across the mansion all those years ago? The hysterical begging and screaming of his siblings despite the laughter was remembered as a warning as Five hid to avoid the inevitable until Reginald had put a stop to their nonsense.
This is what he was missing out on?
Five felt like he was going crazy. The funny feeling of the tickling along with Luther and Diego laughing at his happy and snort filled laughter and his other siblings who watched him writhe around, amused at the sight brought forth feelings Five didn't realize he had up until this timeline.
Feelings that maybe, just maybe, Five could be vulnerable and have somewhat a normal existence with his adopted siblings. Despite feeling embarrassed by this whole ordeal, he actually no longer had a reason to believe that being tickled was as scary as it seemed. Because it was much, much worse.
Diego and Luther were a ruthless pair. Exploiting all Five's sweet spots until he was gasping and choking for air not unlike his siblings had done in past tickle fights.
Finally, when they stopped, Five had come to the realization he didn't quite hate being tickled although he would never admit that to his siblings or to anyone.
And his brothers seemed grateful for the opportunity to horse around with him even if it meant they nearly tortured him to death. Without his power, Five couldn't easily escape such situations, and maybe he was starting to realize he didn't want to.
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blueberrygiggles · 1 year
just for the hell of it
fandom: The Umbrella Academy
lee!Lila, ler!Diego
day five (tickletober): i'm not ticklish
ao3 mirror: XX
Lila normally ended her long days in bed with Diego, today was no different, whether they were at the Hargreeves mansion or a shitty motel.
She could hear his breathing, slow and quiet; like he was sleeping, he wasn’t, but he was relaxed. He was relaxed with her. Sometimes it was hard to believe that he felt that at ease around her… Sometimes she couldn’t believe how relaxed she felt around him.
It wasn’t something she was used to, the domesticity, not with her mother and certainly not with the others at the commission. Even the lovers she had taken on before Diego, she was never comfortable. It was something she could get used to.
The bed leaned as she crawled in, Diego turned towards her and smiled, he looked like shit, unfortunately he made it look hot. He handed her the TV remote, she put on a mindless home buying show to fall sleep to. She felt her eyes start to drift closed when Diego shook her shoulder.
He tapped her shoulder twice. Roll over. She rolled to her side and felt his arm reach over her, she sighed in contentment.
That was another thing she wasn’t used to, physical affection, at least, not like this. This affection didn’t come at a price, it wasn’t laced with an underlying threat. It was just what it was. Affection for the hell of it. She couldn’t say she minded it.
He caressed his nails over her sides, she sighed under the scratchy tickles, they were light enough to make her smile, but not nearly enough to be annoying.
Lila squirmed slightly as Diego’s hand got heavier on her stomach, he snorted at her, “Ticklish?”
She batted as his hands with a scoff, “I’m not ticklish.” She most definitely was ticklish, not that he needed to know that.
Diego made an affirming sound, over-exaggerated if you asked Lila, “Sure.”
He kept lightly tickling her stomach while she did her best to not give in to whatever game he was playing. She instinctively squirmed out of his hold when his hands drifted towards her hips.
“Yes, Lila?”
She could hear the amusement in his voice. Lila grabbed Diego’s hand to pry it away from her, he scoffed, “Not gonna be that easy.”
He climbed on her to staddle her, his hands laid over her sides and she felt a nervous smile float across her face. An excited warmth filled her belly. She gripped his wrists, “Diego, don’t you dare.”
Diego smiled as he leaned over her, “I thought you weren’t ticklish?”
“That is not what I meheheahant!”
Diego dug his hands into her sides while Lila slapped his hands with no real strength. Lila heard herself squeal as Diego’s hands climbed up towards her underarms, a blush climbed up her face.
She hated how much that sounded like a whine; she knew Diego had heard it when he snorted. Her legs kicked out, Diego’s knees collapsed under him, and his face landed against her neck.
“Did you just kick me?!” Laughter interrupted his sentence.
High-pitched giggles escaped her, the vibrations on her neck far too much for her to handle. This only made Diego laugh harder. 
“I- I cahahan’t! Ohohoff, you asshohole!”
Diego slowly lifted himself off her, still slightly breathless. Lila was still giggling.
“I’m not even touching you anymore.”
Lila tried to glare at him, but it was softened by the laughing fit.
“Shuhut uhup!”
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gladdyator18 · 1 year
You Could've Just Asked - TickleTober2023 Day 5 ("I'm Not Ticklish")
First fic for my Fire Emblem OCs, woohoo! Hope y’all enjoy!
Summary: Diego’s in a mood and wants to get tickled. Knowing Corrina’s tolerance of childish behavior, he gets exactly what he wants without directly asking for it.
Word Count: 1523
"I'm not ticklish." This sentence can spark many things if one says this. Those who say this is either telling the God-honest truth or lying right through their teeth; most of the time, it's the ladder. Some grow out of being ticklish, and others somehow grow more ticklish over time. Sometimes, those who say they're not ticklish and are lying want to get tickled. Diego Isenloc Glaudrich is one of those people.
"You know, you are acting like a real brat right now," Corrina said suddenly.
"What are you talking about?" Diego asked.
"For the past hour, you have acted like a child on a sugar rush, making witty comments and giving me sass. What is up with you today?"
Diego shrugged his shoulders with a slight grin. It was a warm summer afternoon, and Diego came over to visit Corrina when his mother wanted to discuss something with Corrina's parents. The young axe-wielder sighed before taking a sip of her tea.
"Well, I would stop while I am ahead if I were you," Corrina warned, "Consequences will surely surface if you continue this childish behavior."
Diego chuckled as he rolled his eyes fondly.
"Whatever you say, Rina." Diego said.
The archer was practically shaking with excitement. He knew what he was doing, and Diego would soon get what he wanted. He knew Corrina was a patient young woman with a good tolerance for childish behavior; she has a younger brother, after all. With just a few more nudges in the right direction, Diego would succeed.
Diego sighed dramatically before tapping his finger against the metal table, ensuring it was loud enough for Corrina to hear. He glanced at Corrina to see a small vein bumping from her head. Then, everything stopped when Corrina set down her teacup, the porcelain clicking together loudly. Corrina stood up from her seat before walking over to Diego. Feigning ignorance, Diego set down his teacup and glanced at his friend with a confused look.
"What's the matter, Rina?" Diego asked.
Then, Corrina shoved him out of the chair and straddled his waist when he hit the ground.
"C-Corrina, what has gotten into you?" Diego asked, trying to suppress his smile.
"I told you there would be consequences if you did not cease your childish behavior," Corrina said, "Since you want to act like a child, I am going to treat you like one."
When Corrina poked Diego's side, the archer flinched hard.
"What is the matter, Diego?" Corrina asked, "Ticklish?"
"Pssh, you wish," Diego said with sass, "I'm not ticklish in the slightest."
What Diego said made Corrina giggle.
"We both know that is a lie," Corrina commented.
"It is not!" Diego protested.
"Really? Then you won't mind me doing this, right?"
When Corrina started skitting her fingers along Diego's sides, the emerald-eyed archer snickered as he bit his bottom lip.
"S-Sehehee? Not t-ticklihihihish," Diego said, giggles slipping past.
"Really?" Corrina questioned, "Then why are you laughing?"
"I-I'm nohohohot!"
Corrina chuckled as she shook her head fondly.
"You are a terrible liar, Diego Isenloc Glaudrich." Corrina said.
When Corrina moved her hands up to Diego's ribs, his dam broke, and deep bubbly giggles came rushing out.
"Corrinahahahahaha! Nohohohoho!" Diego giggled.
"You know, for someone who is not ticklish, you sure are laughing quite a lot," Corrina said.
"This isn't fahahahair!"
"You have been nothing but sassy and annoying for the past hour. You were acting like Issac whenever he wanted attention from me."
Diego pushed at Corrina's hands, not making any real effort to stop her.
"Ahahahahehehe! Corrinahahahaha!" Diego giggled, "Nohohoho mohohore!"
"I do not think so," Corrina said, "This is what you get for testing my patience."
When Corrina's fingers found Diego's armpits, the archer squealed as his giggles increased in volume. Diego pressed his arms to his sides, but Corrina's fingers were already in their target.
"Stohohop ihihihit!" Diego giggled, "Get yohohohour hands ohohohout!"
"It seems you trapped them, my dear friend," Corrina cooed, "I guess I have no choice but to tickle you here."
Diego giggled before covering his blushing face.
"No tehehehasiiiiihihihihing!" Diego half-whined.
"Why? Does it tickle more if I do?" Corrina questioned, "Does teasing make it tickle more?"
"Yehehehes! It does, it dohohohohoes!"
"Funny, I thought you said you were not ticklish, and here you are saying it tickles."
Diego started to squirm when Corrina said this but made no real effort to wriggle away.
"Corrinahahaha, plehehehease!" Diego cried, "Go sohohohomewhere ehehehelse!"
"Fine, fine, if you insist." Corrina said.
When Corrina removed her hands from his armpits, she started clawing at Diego's stomach, causing him to buck and let out a small laugh.
"Wait, wahahahahait! Nohohoho!" Diego giggled, pushing at his friend's hands.
"What am I waiting on exactly?" Corrina asked with a sly smirk.
Diego writhed underneath his friend as small laughs flooded from his mouth.
"Have you finally learned your lesson about testing my patience?" Corrina asked.
"What do yohohohou thihihihink?" Diego asked, keeping up the bratty act.
The amethyst-eyed axe-wielder chuckled before stopping briefly as the pieces clicked together. Diego panted with a happy grin on his face.
"You know, if I did not know any better, I would say that you wanted this," Corrina said, "Me, tickling you silly. Is that why you acted like a sassy little brat?"
What Corrina said made Diego's blush deepen.
"Uhm, w-wehehell," Diego stuttered, "M-Maybe…?"
Corrina couldn't stop the "aww" that came from her mouth, making Diego cover his face as his embarrassed blush deepened.
"You know, you could have just asked me to tickle you, right?" Corrina questioned, "I would not have judged you for it,"
"I know, but where's the fun in just asking for it?" Diego asked, peeking from his hands over his face, "I bet Issac does this all the time with you."
"Unlike you, he asks me instead of being an annoying little brat like someone I know."
When the axe-wielder smiled at her friend, the archer couldn't help but laugh.
"Well, if this is truly what you wanted, I will be happy to tickle you to your heart's content." Corrina said genuinely.
Hearing that made Diego smile.
"Thanks, Rina." Diego said.
"Of course," Corrina said, "And besides, I still need to punish you for testing my patience. You never do that, and you should know this by now."
Diego knew what Corrina was doing and played along.
"Really? I should've known?" Diego said, "How was I supposed to know? A good friend would've spoken up about something like this."
Corrina feigned annoyance and shock at her friend's comment and chuckled lowly.
"You are just digging yourself a deeper grave." Corrina said.
Before Diego could protest, he let out a yelp when he felt Corrina's fingers press against his sides.
"Not there?" Corrina questioned, "Why? Does it tickle that much?"
Diego slammed his legs against the viridian-colored ground while deep bubbly laughter spilled from his lips.
"Well, it is supposed to tickle, silly," Corrina said, "And I am not stopping until you apologize for testing my patience,"
"We'll see about that…"
When Corrina started using two fingers, Diego gave a wild buck, causing his hair to move away from his scarred eye.
"Apologize, and I will." Corrina said.
The archer growled through his laughter as he tried to push away his friend. Diego was having the time of his life. This is everything he could've ever hoped for and more. While he didn't want the tickling to end, he knew he would eventually pass out.
"Are you going to test my patience again?" Corrina asked.
When Diego didn't answer, Corrina couldn't help but laugh.
"You are adorable, Diego Isenloc Glaudrich." Corrina chuckled.
"SHUHUHUHUT UHUHUHUP!" Diego laughed, his cheeks burning.
With a final tweak to the archer's side, the axe-wielder stopped the tickling. Diego panted as he tried to gain control over his breathing.
"So, how was that?" Corrina asked, "You got what you wanted; are you satisfied?"
The emerald-eyed archer smiled at his friend and nodded.
"Very." Diego said.
Corrina smiled as she lightly traced the visible scars across her friend's eye. Diego sighed and leaned into her touch.
"Thanks, Corrina," Diego said, "I needed a good laugh,"
"Everyone does," Corrina said, "And again, you could have just asked me to tickle you."
"But it's no fun just outright asking. Plus, messing with you is just a bonus. You're so easy to make upset."
What the archer said made Corrina quirk a brow with a knowing look.
"Come again?" Corrina questioned.
Diego's eyes danced with excitement as a smile formed on his face. Before Diego could protest, happy laughter filled Auradeau Manor Garden once again. Remember how the sentence "I'm not ticklish" can spark many things? This was one of them, and Diego couldn't be happier. I guess what I mentioned before was true: those who say they're not ticklish and are lying just want to get tickled.
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boytickler35 · 11 months
13 Reasons to Tickle Part 6
Monty pauses in the locker room, he’s just finished a post practice shower but he can’t help stopping to look at his toes as he wiggles them. It’s stupid, and gay, but the past week, he’s thought more about his feet than ever, and more about tickling.
Fucking Justin.
This is his fault.
The few seconds Justin had tickled his feet were- nice?
He can hear his father saying it in the back of his head. Well, it’s nicer than what his dad is saying and yet, it was? He doesn’t remember being tickled as a kid. If anyone did it, it would have been Abuelo who died when he was four. Sure, he knew it was something that happened. He even knew a lot about it. Justin was incurably ticklish, he knew that before tickling him senseless. He also knows Bryce is ticklish and that the topic is strictly off limits, and he only knows it from a few drunk girlfriends who tickled Bryce and then talked about it. Jeff is ticklish and has engaged in tickle fights in front of them with Leila.
There’s also some weird rumor going around about Clay Jensen and tickling and he doesn’t know and doesn’t want to know what that is all about.
So yea, Monty knows about tickling. Probably knows more about how ticklish the guys are than most people know about their friends just cause he listens but he’s never thought of himself engaging in it or being ticklish. Justin was… gentle. It tickled and was annoying and if Justin ever said something, Monty would deny it and make good on his threat, but…
“If you think any harder, you’ll burn a hole in the floor.”
He looks up and Diego takes a seat next to him, freshly showered and dressed, probably waiting on him for a ride.
“Yea,” he replies, slipping his feet in a pair of slides and hauling his bag up. He can’t help noticing Diego’s feet dressed similarly and sneaking peeks at them.
Apparently he isn’t very subtle though cause when they get in the car and drive out of the lot Diego says, “So feet?”
His brain short circuits and he babbles for a moment before Diego says, “I kind of saw you checking mine out. It’s cool. Just surprised me.”
Collecting himself, he scoffs and says, “I’m not. And that’s gay.”
They stop at a red light and Diego, son a bitch that he is, actually puts his feet up on the dashboard and Monty tries not to look, but he can’t help it.
The idiot moves them when the light changes and prompts, “Nothing wrong with gay. So, when did you find out?”
Monty grunts but Diego is persistent if nothing else and at the next red light they are back up on the dash.
“Week ago. Bryce’s party.”
“Cool. So when we get back to my place, what do you want to do? Is this a worship thing? Or do you just want to look at them? You tell me.”
Diego offers a smile, the same one that has girls swoon for him and says, “You didn’t think I’d make you figure this all out on your own did you?”
He did. Not necessarily because of Diego but cause he usually assumes he’ll have to figure anything out on his own. Still, Diego’s offer is… nice? Monty wouldn’t trust anyone else but Diego? Diego he can trust.
He’s mortified to actually say it. Hearing it spoken out loud instead of in his head is somehow utterly humiliating and immediately his jaw snaps shut, almost biting his tongue literally.
Diego’s feet rub together awkwardly and Monty can’t help but think how cute they are doing that, dark brown tops sliding past a lighter mocha colored bottoms - fuck-
“Shit. Well I guess I did volunteer. Just don’t be mad if I kick you.”
“I-” his voice cracks and he flushes again and then mutters.
“I didn’t catch that.” Diego says.
Monty almost snaps at him for making him repeat it but he didn’t say it very loud… for a good reason… he tries again.
“I want you to tickle me.”
“Oh…” There’s a moment of awkwardness before Diego recovers the situation and says with a cheeky smirk, “Well, I will be mad at you if you kick me.”
Monty chuckles, it’s nervous, but his heart is pounding. They arrive at Diego’s and go in. Shoes off at the door has always been a rule in the Torres house. It always did… something to Monty, but he never really understood the rush of butterflies. Now he guesses he has his answer. Fucking Justin.
They have the house to themselves for at least an hour before Diego’s mom gets back and Diego wastes no time bringing Monty to his bedroom in the back of the little house.
It’s familiar enough territory except that when they get in, Diego pushes him back on a bed and Monty can’t help quipping, “I hope you don’t treat the ladies like this when you bring them around.”
Diego, now at his feet, gives him another smirk and says, “Usually they get to tickle me, it’s nice to be on the giving end.”
Monty’s brain can’t exactly figure out what to do with that information, he can see Diego’s feet, beautiful-
An iron grip tightens around an ankle as Diego says, “Eyes over here, Romeo.”
Monty’s eyes slide up to his best friend’s face. Diego looks confident as he says, “I’m going to tickle the crap out of you, and I’m not going to stop unless you give me a safe word, better figure out what that is now.”
“I don’t need a safe word.” He fires back. It’s fucking tickling. It’s-
Dull nails scrap across his sole and he howls with immediate laughter. The feeling is indescribable. When Justin did it, it was light, easy, fun.
This is ruthless and Monty’s body moves on its own trying to escape the tickling. Diego keeps it up for a minute, but to Monty it feels like an eternity before he stops and says, “So want to reevaluate that comment?”
Monty grumbles and says, “Football.”
Diego gives a crooked grin and says, “Alright. So I’m going to start up again and I won’t stop till you say ‘football’.”
Monty nods, his toes curling in anticipation but Diego doesn’t give him much time cause the other teen puts his ankles in a head lock and lays into them.
Starting at the heels, the Dominican scrapes his dull nails at the skin, and fuck is it effective! Monty’s feet squirm all over in vain attempts to get out but there’s no escape to be had. Diego’s grip is too solid and the other boy says, “Is this what the tough guy wanted? Someone to take control of his big feet and tickle him like a little boy?”
And fuck, that is somehow the hottest thing Monty has ever heard.
After several more minutes, Diego pauses for a moment and says, “Is this okay?”
He nods, toes curled but says, “Can you uh, do the dirty talk again?”
Diego pauses for a moment, obviously surprised and then says, “Is there anything you want me to say?”
Monty feels his face heating up even more and replies, “I just- I dunno I-.” It’s hot but he isn’t exactly sure what it is hot.
Diego gives him a bemused look and Monty looks away and says, “Forget it. It was gay as fuck anyway.”
“Hey.” Diego scolds. His voice is firm, commanding which prompts Monty to look back at him, “That’s your dad talking. Ignore him. Do what you want. And if it’s a little gay, I don’t mind.”
Monty is stunned and Diego continues.
“So if you want your dirty talk, you’ll get it.”
The stunned silence continues but this time, it’s a warm feeling along with it. Monty- no one has ever given him the choice to do what he wants.
Diego doesn’t let him dwell on it too long though because before long, his ankles are back in the headlock and the tickling resumes. This time, Diego walks his fingers around Monty’s soles in random patterns. The ticking is little more than pokes here and there and Monty is mostly giggling. He’s confused until Diego says in a low, sultry voice, “You wanted to go pro? On these feet? These feet only serve the purpose of getting tickled while you laugh your pretty head off.”
Fuck. It’s goofy and over the top and said in the sexiest fucking thing he’s ever heard.
Diego is on a roll now with the dirty talk and says, “I think these big feet have always known they deserved this.”
Monty’s head is tossed back and tears have started to prick the corners of his eyes but Diego doesn’t stop. In fact, the other teen is ruthless, his dull nails destroy Monty and Monty… loves every second of it.
He lets Diego keep going as the other boy changes to different tactics, each one new and exciting but Monty is running out of breath and has to call out “football” between laughs.
Diego stops and lets him rest, after several moments, the other teen says, “So, is there anything else you want to do?”
Monty frowns trying to think when he again catches sight of Diego’s own handsome pair. “Think I can have a try at yours?”
Diego’s eyes widen and Monty pushes, “You are supposed to be helping me experiment.”
With a wry smile Diego replies, “You sure know how to get what you want. Switch with me.”
Monty ends up crouched on the floor with Diego’s feet within easy reach. Tentatively, he reaches forward and lays a hand on each ankle. His fingers trace along the tops, surprised by how warm and smooth they are. A glance up at Diego shows the other teen has a grin on his face, nervous for the first time, instead of cocky. Monty thinks he likes it and decides to really fuck with his friend.
“You told me Dominicans don’t play football. Maybe because their feet are too ticklish?”
There’s the obvious truth that Monty’s feet are super ticklish as well and it has nothing to do but the nervous laugh Diego gives makes him even cuter and Monty can’t resist digging into the meaty soles.
As much as he liked being tickled, he finds he enjoys doing it at least as much. Diego’s feet squirming under his fingers and there’s a power trip to it. He felt it with Justin, but it’s even stronger here and he can’t resist teasing, “Yep, ticklish Dominican feet definitely keep them from playing football.”
The response has him laughing as he goes in deeper before pausing and asking, “Do you mind if I uhh amp it up?”
Diego pants, “Amp up the tickling? It can get worse?”
Diego waves a hand motioning for Monty to go and bringing the brown foot up to his face, he laps at the arch. Diego squeals and Monty is satisfied with continuing. The warm skin under his fingers felt amazing, it’s even better under his tongue. After giving both feet a good tongue bath, he nibbles at the sides, provoking Diego to break free and Monty narrowly avoids a kick to the jaw.
Smirking, he says, “Your feet are stupid ticklish.”
Diego, seizing the freedom of his feet, pulls them back and says, “You might be stupid for tickling them.” There’s a levity to his voice so Monty takes no offense and smirks harder when Diego gripes, “I need another shower,” Reaching into his bag, he pulls out a towel and starts wiping his feet off and Monty can’t help but think the sight is hot as well. Diego’s feet glistening with his saliva, being toweled dry, Diego’s soft giggles indicating a level of phantom tickles remaining. Actually… he can’t help thinking Diego is pretty good looking.
He tries to drown that thought out by concentrating on the warm, carmel soles but that really doesn’t help.
“So, how was it?”
“The experiment. How was it? Mission accomplished?”
It’s on the tip of his tongue to say yes, but just as he opens his mouth to say so, he clamps it shut. If he says yes, does he lose Diego’s feet? He’s not sure he’s ready to give them up. He’s only tickled them once- and if he says yes, will Diego ever tickle him again? He would hate for this to be a one and done thing.
“I dunno. I’ll probably want to- experiment with a few other things.”
Diego raises an eyebrow and gets down on the floor, closer to Monty than friends usually sit.
“You know this doesn’t have to be a one and done thing right? Even if you did accomplish everything, we could do this again sometime.”
Monty’s mouth is dry as he asks, “Promise?”
Diego nods and says cheekily, “I need payback after all, that was some bullshit.”
For a second, Monty thinks he feels something but the door opens and Mrs. Torres announces, “I’m home!”
They pull apart and Diego clears his throat, Monty looks away, accidentally at Diego’s feet, toes curled cutely.
“In here. Can Monty stay for dinner?”
“Monty’s here? Of course he can!”
Diego stands up and offers Monty a hand, hauling him to his feet a moment later and there’s a silent agreement that a lot more needs to be said… but it can wait.
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craftygalaxyspyfrog · 2 years
it's the little things (your laughter is almost as sweet as my revenge)
Have you ever heard the saying: "Never look a gift horse in the mouth?"
Well, that is exactly what Beatrice had gotten herself into. She had Icarus-ed herself; she'd flown too close to the sun. An innocent action that had led her down the path of unrighteousness.
She lay underneath Ava, snickering and snorting as the girl's dexterous fingers ripped her apart one flutter and prod at a time.
Both girls had been sitting in their latest dingy motel room; a layer of dust the only thing to welcome them upon their arrival. The bathtub was stained a very unsatisfactory brown colour, the sink and toilet the same. Why the room had a bathtub, neither girl knew. According to the woman at the desk, there was no running water. There had been no running water for a worryingly long time. They would have to wait to shower, it seemed.
After they had made themselves comfortable on the bed, legs interlaced as fingers curled together, the pair had gotten to talking about their lives post-nun. Ava spoke of her time stuck to a bed, the jokes that she had shared with Diego. Beatrice chose to delve into her boot camp days; a more fun time of learning the ways of the warrior nun.
"You fell," Ava found that she couldn't finish her sentence through laughter.
"It isn't funny!" Beatrice scolded.
Ava was still chuckling beside her. "Ha, you fell on your ass in front of Lilith!" She exclaimed, wiping a tear from her eye.
Beatrice scoffed. She wasn't too sure what possessed her to do it, but she pinched the girl's side purely to just be a cause of annoyance. What she didn't expect was for Ava to squeal and flinch away from her hand.
She had read about this. Ancient humans used to use a form of torture that would never leave a mark; a way that the person being punished for a crime could do nothing but laugh their life away.
Beatrice saw this act of humiliation as a crime. What better way to punish an annoying brat than have her laugh herself silly in a motel room that smelt like burnt tacos.
"Are you ticklish, Ava?!" She sounded a bit too excited about this discovery.
"No!" It was said too fast, too much mock enthusiasm, that it just didn't sound believable in the slightest.
Ava may hold the halo, but Beatrice was not about to let this go. This was too good.
A struggle ensued, lasting no longer than a minute, but the nun found herself with the upper hand, sat on top of Ava's hips. Her hands were perched at her victim's sides, a silent threat, and judging by Ava's face; this was going to be good.
Before she was able to lose her dominance of the situation, Beatrice started to squeeze up and down the girl's sides. The reaction was instant.
"Nohohohohoho! Stohohohop!"
The older woman had always loved Ava's laugh. For some reason, it just seemed sweeter coupled with this current act of revenge.
"Are you sorry for laughing at me?"
Ava shook her head as the giggles poured out of her, snorting when Beatrice moved her fingers up to her ribs. Her laughter turned a little more desperate.
"Good spot?" Beatrice knew that she was being a brat herself right now, but this was such a gift. She had finally found a solution to silencing her girlfriend. Bonus points that she would get to see Ava's face turn a deep shade of pink as she laughed heartily underneath her.
But what was that saying about never looking a gift horse in the mouth? Before she knew what was happening, Ava had flipped them over. The nun now lay underneath the girl and, by the look in Ava's eyes, this was not going to be good for her.
Ava smiled darkly. "You are going to regret that."
And she went straight in for the kill. Before Beatrice knew what was happening, fingers were digging into the depths of her underarms, and she screamed before falling into unintelligible madness.
How was Ava so good at this?
Fingers stayed, tormenting her underarms, before one shot down and found its way to her stomach, pinching at every muscle that was at its mercy.
Beatrice had absolutely no clue what to do in this situation. Her mind was slipping out from under her one marble at a time as Ava, some kind of tickle god, found every sensitive spot that her upper body had to offer.
Ava laughed back at her, an almost delicious sound, "What's up, buttercup?"
If not for her exploring fingers and Beatrice slipping in and out of silent laughter underneath her, it would seem as though she was holding polite conversation.
Beatrice tapped harshly on Ava's hands after regaining control of her flying limbs, and the girl took that as her queue to retreat across the bed.
The older nun lay there, gulping in as much air as possible, before rolling her head to the side to lay eyes on her attacker.
"That..you...mean." Her words were complete incoherence, but Ava knew what it was that she was trying to say.
"Hmm," she started, making her way over to the non working bathroom. Beatrice watched her retreat with weary eyes. "Maybe that'll teach you to not start shit you can't finish."
She flashed a smile to the woman that was still currently trying to regain her normal breathing as she walked into the adjacent room.
Noted. Don't ever tickle Ava again.
(she tickled ava again)
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happyandticklish · 2 years
ok i need ALL ur umbrella academy hcs
This has only been sitting in my askbox for a million years now, but better late than never~
I'm only gonna be doing the main cast (with the exception that I'll do both Bens), because that's all I really have headcannons for.
Before you ask, yes they are in order of their numbers because I think I'm funny.
A lot of people, including him, feel like he's more ticklish than he is in actuality because he tends to react explosively to being tickled.
Definitely the type to start giggling and nervously backing away when threatened, but he's actually pretty chill about it if you catch him by surprise. The anticipation more than anything else is what gets to him.
Worst spots would be under his arms, his ribs, and his feet, though most people don't know about that last one as they're not often on display.
I saw a headcannon from @ssnicker-doodless that said that due to his monkey form he'd be less ticklish, and once it's removed at the end of season 3 he's far more sensitive, and I 100% agree with that.
Doesn't directly hate or enjoy being tickled, he's just kind of neutral about the whole thing. Probably prefers being on the giving side a little more.
Very fucking ticklish but he's grown good at resisting it in the beginning to deter people from trying. He'll scrunch up his face into this almost pained grimace while tensing every muscle in his body and holding his breath. Bro looks like he's dying lol. If you get at it for more than a minute or so however, the giggles will start to slip through, and from then on the whole dam breaks and he's a flailing mess.
Does and doesn't like being tickled. Most of the people he was "close" with throughout his life were his siblings, and he's not on the greatest terms with them. When he met Eudora he became more okay with it, and then immediatelly lost all of that growth when he met Lila.
The two are super competitive at first, and their entire love language is being dicks to each other, so he's a bit hesitant about letting himself be that vulnerable with her. But once she finds out that he is, all she does is tease him a bit, but doesn't try to initiate anything. I think ultimately that bit of respect is what lead him to eventually ask her to try tickling him.
Worst spots would be his neck, sides, and ribs, with ribs definitely coming highest on that list. Has a very growly laugh, deep, but desperate, and he'll squirm a lot when being tickled.
Doesn't genuinely tickle people a lot, but he'll do that annoying poke in the side thing with his siblings all the time, and he'll sometimes do it to Klaus if he knows the other has been craving it lately.
He tickles Lila a lot though and usually receives revenge for it, but once he admitted he liked it to her, he's found that this provocation method of seeking tickles is far easier than forcing himself to ask for it up front.
Does not take kindly to being tickled, and she will let you know it. There are a few notable exceptions, such as Raymond and probably Luther in canon but I'm trying to block out that part of the show.
She's definitely more okay with being on the giving end however. Little pokes and squeezes from behind show up a lot in her day to day with her siblings, with Viktor or Klaus ending up on the receiving end of it more often than the others.
She'll sometimes tickle Five, if she wants to risk it, but it usually results in him not talking to her for days and the consequences outweigh the rewards.
Most ticklish on her thighs, stomach, and ribs (ALL the Hargreeves got the ticklish ribs genes, and they all hate it because it makes them easy to get too).
Has a very airy laugh that tends to go silent after a while, and snorts if you get a good spot.
Knows everyone's spots in her family; no one is sure how, she just knows.
Used to use her rumor power to restrain people when she was younger a lot, but as she grew older she stopped as she felt it gave her too much of an unfair advantage.
Not the most ticklish, but the most likely to react to it in a genuine way, so most people assume he is.
Loves being tickled and isn't ashamed to admit it. He doesn't bug people about it too often, unless it's in a teasing way to a Diego or an Allison, joking about how if they're so annoyed with him they should just tickle him. It works about 50% of the time, so usually he'll resort to being annoying, or splaying himself out to and waiting for the inevitable.
He tends to admit it more when he's high/inebriated, and will fall, giggling and swaying slightly on his feet, into people's laps, with slurred requests to get wrecked. This is how he met more than a few of his lovers in high-school and his early twenties.
Curls up into a ball when tickled, and doesn't actually squirm that much, but he'll squeal like he's being murdered, and protest just as much too, only to stare at them in confusion when they stop because "those were fun screams, what are you talking about??"
Loves being on the receiving end by a long shot, but certainly isn't opposed to dishing it out as well.
He's one of the few people who will risk tickling Five and, strangely enough, one of the few people who survive the process, which Klaus always boasts about, insisting he's his favorite.
Very verbal when teasing, pointing out which spots appear to be worse and about how funny it is that they can be taken down by something so innocent. Doesn't directly use baby talk, but his own thing that's kind of adjacent to that. Big fan of the "I'm not touching you" shtick.
Is actually pretty open about the fact that he's ticklish and won't deny it if asked. Usually scoffs out some version of, "Everyone is, what kind of stupid question is that?"
However, if anyone attempts to test that information he immediatelly goes on the defensive and teleports out of reach until he's sure they're not going to do anything.
Hates the image of being tickled more than he hates the act itself. He knows that people underestimate his skill and knowledge already because he's in a younger, smaller body, and he doesn't want to add such a vulnerable weakness into the mix as well.
He actually kind of likes the helplessness of tickling, how he gets to let go of the control he's constantly holding onto and have an excuse to laugh just to laugh. He doesn't mind the feeling either; a couple times in the apocalypse he tried to replicate the sensation, brushing fingers shyly over his knees or scratching at the normally sensitive spot on his palm, but it was never the same.
That being said, he hates how childish it makes him look and he has a hard time giving up that control and trust to someone else. Klaus is one of the few people he'll allow it with, mostly because he never brings it up. He'll tease him during, sure, but afterwards he'll move on like nothing happened. Five enjoys that their dynamic doesn't have to change after it, and he can still keep up his annoyed not-technically-older-brother act around him. So he'll let him do it more than the others, and has gotten stupidly close to being obvious about it a couple times, but luckily Klaus seems to get that he doesn't want to admit it, so he doesn't pry.
Won't ask to get tickled, as I said, but if he's drunk he'll be more touchy-feely with people, tickling them and brushing up against shoulders, falling into laps, giggling over nothing, all of which usually result in him getting his shit wrecked. Five has a love/hate relationship with his knowledge, because on one hand it gets him what he wants, but on the other hand he feels like he's getting too close to showing his hand, so to speak.
Doesn't tickle others a lot, unless he wants to be annoying. When he was younger he did it more, and absolutely used his teleportation powers to manifest on top of people and dig his fingers under their arms, or appear behind people and taser their ribs.
He uses teasing sparingly, but when it is employed, it usually consists of short, devastating comments that make everything a thousand times worse than they already are, especially when accompanied by that annoyingly smug smirk that he's always sporting.
Worst spots would be his neck, stomach, sides, and knees, which, as everyone has collectively agreed lol, is a death spot and will take him out instantly. His hands are also ticklish, though not nearly as bad as the rest of him. Just enough to get him squirming and fidgeting and letting out giggly huffs.
Actually really likes having his stomach tickled, though he'll never admit it, as it makes his insides swoop in a way that's almost pleasant, and feels vulnerable in a way that's not panic-inducing? If that makes sense? Also likes having his knees tickled, but can only take that for so long before has to tap out.
Doesn't laugh right away when tickled. Instead, he'll let out grunts and huffs of breath, with a lot of stuttered sentences and protests. When he finally does crack, his laugh is very giggly occasionally turning into a shriek if a spot gets bad. For the most part it stays at a giggle though, no matter how ticklish the spot is (though he'll snort on occasion if you grip his knees, a fact he vehemently denies).
Ben (normal):
The actual most ticklish out of all of the siblings, a fact he is unfortunately very aware of.
Worst spots would be ribs (which you can assume for basically all of them, with varying levels of sensitivity), calves, that spot where you back connects to your sides, and his stomach, which is his worst spot because it's connected to his powers.
ALSO his tentacles are absolutely ticklish and y'all can fight me on this. I don't think even he was aware of that at first, but once Klaus experimented with it in a sparring match and he nearly hurt them both with how fast he tried to pull them back.
Tickling obviously faded out of his life once his life faded out of his life, but once Klaus began to grow more adept at manifesting him, it started showing up in new and interesting ways.
At first it just began with Klaus realizing that he could tickle Ben now, much to Ben's chagrin, and spent forever teasing him with that, especially as Ben was unable to un-manifest himself to get away. After a while however, Ben realized that if Klaus could touch him, he could do the same, and the tables quickly got flipped.
Once they figured out how to let Ben possess him, they discovered something incredibly interesting. If Ben lets the connection flicker just slightly, Klaus can feel what he does, as they're stuck in this weird limbo area, and he takes advantage of that to tickle Klaus while possessing him. It's a dangerous game, however, as spending too long with a cracked connection can allow Klaus to slip back through and do the same to him.
Kind of likes being tickled, but he's also hella fucking ticklish and cannot stand it for very long. Definitely prefers being on the giving end more than the receiving one.
Sometimes Klaus will manifest Ben just enough so that he can touch to play pranks on his siblings by having an invisible Ben wreck the shit out of them.
Ben (Sparrow):
All the stuff about worst spots, tentacles, and the fact that he is by far the most ticklish still remains true about this Ben.
Tickling almost never came up with him as a kid, and if it did, he shut it down almost immediatelly. I don't think even he was aware of whether or not he liked it as a kid; all he knew was that it made him vulnerable, and weakness wasn't something he could afford to show to the others.
When he meets The Umbrella Academy, things change just slightly. Klaus is the most affectionate with him, and the only one willing to give him a chance, and so it's only natural that it would come up with him.
During the night they all got drunk together, Klaus was listing off things that were similar about the two of them, trying to see if there were any key differences with the whole time travel weirdness. Eventually he got to tickling, and Ben, in a moment of stupid drunkenness induced honesty, admitted that he didn't even know if he was ticklish or not. Klaus, of course, had to test that.
The situation was made far worse in that Klaus knew all of his Ben's worst spots and which techniques worked best, and therefore knew immediatelly where to target. Ben of course fell to hysterics and pleading quickly, his body overloaded by all the new, and horribly intense, sensations. There's nothing more disorientating than someone else knowing your body better than even you do. Klaus backed off pretty quickly, only for Ben, still drunk, still being stupid (at least from his perspective), asked if Klaus could do it again, only this time lighter. Klaus, who had never received this permission from his Ben, was happy to oblige~
Enjoys being tickled more than the other Ben, if only because he was deprived of it for so long, but he will violently deny it if anyone brings it up because he is Repressed TM.
Wasn't tickled much as a kid, always the one left out of most of their activities or play. He would sometimes sneak downstairs and watch them from cracks in doors or from a distance when they would have tickle fights. He was never brave enough to engage, though he definitely thought about it often.
As he was closest with Five, at least as a child, he would sometimes approach him and ask about the subject, such as why they always struggled so hard to get away if it was something that was making them laugh. Five would usually respond with a blush and a stutter as he tried to think of a way to respond that didn't give him away. In the end, he usually gave a brief explanation of what it was and simply ended on "It's embarrassing" and left it at that.
Even as he got older, the subject of tickling didn't come up often in Viktor's life, though it happened a couple times with Leonard, all brief, haphazard interactions that usually left him confused and vaguely wanting more.
It came up even more once Sissy came into the picture, and it was then that Viktor discovered just how ticklish he really was, and also why his siblings had always seemed so desperate whenever it was happening.
Does enjoy tickling others, in theory, but gets super shy about it and doesn't engage unless the other person has made it explicitly clear that they like it.
When he was younger, he asked both Five and Klaus on seperate occasions if he could tickle them, and both agreed with varying levels of reluctance.
Worst spots would probably be his thighs, feet, and under arms. His back is also ticklish, mostly on the shoulder blades area, and it's one of the few spots that he can actually relax into the tickling with.
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eunchancorner · 2 years
How would the rest of the gang feel about Kevin?
Also, a few ideas:
Can imagine at least a few of them would tease Kevin about tickling (like they would with Streber) and possibly wreck him with Streber's help
My favoritest idea yet - the candybats boys getting tickled together by the gang
Candybats boys cuddling together but get tangled in Streber's cape, and have to wait until someone finds them and "help" them
I love these sm oml
So I feel like they'd be iffy abt him at first like 'If you fucking hurt our nerd you die' but after a while they think of him as one of them, despite him being the furthest thing from a theater kid.
1. This is very big brain, as they know how easily flustered Kevin is just from Streber giving him affection around them. One day they decide they wanna see their precious friend's bf all flustered and they start with the tickle teases. Streber notices and just casually says 'Hey remember to fulfill the threats, guys, otherwise he gets frustrated!' Kevin is VERY flustered... at least, until he gets the shit tickled out of him
2. I can imagine this going like, the gang is ganging up on one of them, then the other comes to help and... doesn't do a very good job of not getting caught. Leaving the couple to laugh together as the hauntiest house gang wrecks their shit.
3. Now I'm gonna go into a little more detail here. I feel like they're just cuddling on the couch, Streber wanted to vampire up for a few hours, and they end up falling asleep. They toss and turn so much in their sleep that they wake up finding themselves all wrapped up. Streber's not too concerned bc he knows his friends are coming over, but that's exactly WHY Kevin is concerned. He knows it's gonna be soooo embarrassing. When the gang arrives, they question the state of the two, with Streber brushing it off with a 'Can you guys just help us?' I'd imagine Diego initially steps towards them to do so, but is stopped by Liv who's already planning shit. She casually walks up and just suddenly starts tickling Streber's neck, who squeals and grips onto Kevin's sides to ground himself. Problem is, Kevin's even MORE ticklish than Streber, so he's struggling to keep from laughing at that alone. So Ethan just walks over and manages to get Kevin's ribs, and he's just done for. The worst part is, neither of them can get away because of how tightly they're trapped. Eventually, ofc, after a thorough wrecking, the others help untangle them
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cantsaythetword · 1 year
Ice skating / "You look like a newborn Giraffe!" For the Umbrella Academy siblings??
(Maybe they all go ice skating together and TRY to bond as a family)
Christmas in July - Family Time
~A/N  - Tis the final day of christmas in july (EDIT: it was meant to be but i didnt get finished in time hehe...)
Thank you guys for being so patient about these fics!
Just a heads up, I'm only up to about halfway through season 2 of UA so if there's anything that seems off with this it's cause I'm not finished the series lmao.
That being said, I'm still referring to Viktor as Viktor, cause that's just how it's done with deadnames and stuff lol.
- Enoy! ~
Tag List: @mysterious-marvel
Masterpost Link 
The Hargreeves siblings weren't usually ones for family outings.
Especially not the light hearted summer-holiday-vibes kind of outings.
But, here they were out on the ice rink, at varying levels of success.
Of course Allison and Klaus were like swans on a lake. Gracefully gliding past couples and families alike, even adding a few tricks here and there. Luther and 5 were surprisingly decent, especially considering Luther's size and the fact that most of 5's life was spent in an iceless apocalyptic wasteland. Even Viktor was getting the hang of it, able to gently slide along next to the wall.
Then there was Diego.
While usually one of the more agile, stealthy members of the group, the poor man could barely keep his feet underneath him.
As he desperately clung to the wall of the rink with both arms, Allison coasted by him with a laugh.
"Diego, you look like a newborn giraffe!"
He responded with nothing more than a scowl and a stumble.
Klaus was next to glide past. "Oh lighten up honey..." He smiled tauntingly, emphasizing his point with a swift jab to Diego's ribs.
Diego gasped, twisting away from his brother's hand. Unfortunately, he seemed to twist a little too far, as his feet shot out from underneath him.
As Diego fell, Klaus laughed back at him, "aw I forgot you were so ticklish."
"Shut up." Diego grumbled, his face beginning to redden as he climbed back onto his feet.
"Or what grandpa?" Five smirked. "Gonna fall on us?"
"I'll kill you all." Diego glared.
"Like that'll happen." Viktor chuckled, boldly pushing off from the wall and letting his momentum carry him past his brother.
With a newfound determination for murder, Diego dragged his body along the edge of the rink after his siblings. Being the slowest of the group, it was a futile effort. But one Diego was willing to attempt nonetheless.
"At this rate you'll catch us when we're 70." Luther laughed from behind, digging his hands under Diego's armpits and half-carrying the man a few meters.
"LuthER-!" Diego yelped, squirming in his brother's grip but flat out refusing to make any sound resembling laughter.
Once he finally escaped Luther's grasp, he fell onto the side with a grunt - somehow still standing.
"You're an ass." Diego shouted after his attacker, pushing himself forwards with more determination than ever.
You can imagine how well that went.
Lap after lap, Diego would be tormented by his siblings with little hope of retribution. A poke to his side, a squeeze on his hip, even being grabbed and dragged (or carried) along. All the while barely being able to move in fear of being dropped and falling onto the cold floor once more.
Eventually, Viktor got a little too brave.
He had snuck up behind his brother, letting his hands sneak up to Diego's neck. The moment his fingers made contact he almost got a very uncharacteristic squeal out of his brother.
But all it took was an awkward uncontrollable slide of Diego's left leg to completely trip Viktor (and take the knife-wielding assassin down with him) onto the ice. And, with the speed that the other 4 were going at directly behind the pair, they were physically unable to stop themselves from tumbling on top of the Diego Dog-Pile.
The stupidity of the situation mixed with the laughter buildup of the last 10 minutes (not to mention the pressure of his 5 siblings on top of him) finally caused Diego to break.
Helpless giggles poured out of his mouth, and his siblings quickly followed suit. Laughing both at the whole scenario they had found themselves in, but also in surprise at Diego's sudden burst of what could only be described as joy.
Yes, they were far from the most functional family in America.
But they had their moments.
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westboundrabbit · 2 years
okay i need to document my experiences today if not only for myself. drug tw
so i tried acid/LSD today for the first time with my good friend from chem class and it was really interesting. i've heard interesting things about psychedelics and decided i was ready to try it for the sake of understanding it, and i'm glad i did. while my friend insisted on a full dose, i spit out about 1/4 of the tablet while it was dissolving and my high lasted about 6ish hours, which is what i was hoping for. friend took a bit more and his trip was definitely a bit stronger/longer, but for reasons ahead it was a good call.
re: acid- i felt it before i saw it. i felt fizzy, bubbly, super ticklish. i couldn't stop laughing because everything felt so light, like my body was filled with helium. there was a certain weightlessness to it.
visuals came next, they were interesting because i could control it a lot more than i thought. i saw it most avidly in my friend's granite counter, which i could not stop staring at. the visuals were kind of what i expected- it made patterns look like they're waving, moving, and billowing like they're being moved by wind. or patterns in things move kinda like magma, shifting slowly and moving in and out in bulking waves.
in terms of my thoughts, i was kinda following my friend but i was a little less well versed- it follows my already existing thoughts on drugs that it's all really a mindset thing, and the more you control your outlook and mindset the healthier and better a high/trip will be. honestly it was kinda a less intense version of a weed high, my thoughts were less slowed but still a little bit heady and hard to verbalize. i think that was more a mindset thing than an enlightenment thing though.
i know a lot of people talk about exploring their own head or experiencing a life changing revelation while on LSD- admittedly my dose was low but regardless i went into that thinking it was kinda silly and still do think that. i didn't experience anything revolutionary beyond what i already know about myself and the world, but i did see some cool things and have a good time with my friend.
all that aside though. I SAW FUCKING SNOW FOR THE FIRST TIME??? after i was done w my trip and my friend was still coming down from it, i drove us to go get dinner at like 10pm and on our way back i pulled over because the weather was too intense and when we get out. there's fucking SNOW. on the cars, on the ground. covered in actual fucking snow and ice. in san diego fucking california. we spent a solid minute freaking out about it yelling "IT'S FUCKING SNOWING!" to one another and a guy across the parking lot went "i think you're right!!" and another guy went "i've lived in san diego 30 years and i've never seen snow in my life!" and people were coming out of the stores to stare at it, and the vons workers let us eat our food inside while we waited the snow out to drive home and it was just a moment of humanity i'll never forget. today was insane.
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amazingmsme · 2 years
A Strange Thing To Miss
AN: I know this is late, but damnit I’m gonna finish this! Midterms & homework set things back, but I hope to get the next 2 fics out real soon. Here’s everyone’s favorite ghost bro being cheeky & facing the consequences. Enjoy! 
When Klaus turned around to grab the butter from the fridge, he wasn't expecting to see Diego standing right there. He jumped, clutching his chest with one hand, spatula gripped tight in the other.
"Goodness, Diego! I swear, we need to tie bells on your shoes, you can't just sneak up on people like that!" he mildly scolded, retrieving the butter from the fridge for his grilled cheese.
"Sorry. I need to ask you something," he explained, crossing his arms. Klaus looked at him expectantly, excitement in his eyes.
"You need to ask me something? This ought to be good," he scoffed in amusement. Diego rolled his eyes.
"Shut up man, I'm serious."
Klaus schooled his features and gave him his attention. "Okay, I'm listening."
Diego looked at the ground, rubbing the back of his neck nervously. "Is uh, is Ben messing with me? Be honest."
The question completely caught him off guard, causing him to flip the grilled cheese out of the pan. "Oh shit, one sec," he mumbled, picking it up by a corner and dropping it back in the pan. He looked at Diego, who was studying him intently now. "Funny you should ask."
"It's a yes or no question Klaus."
"Yes, okay? He said he's bored. He misses messing with you guys."
Diego didn't know what to think. The idea of a ghost, any ghost even if it was his brother, unsettled him. For the longest time he didn't want to believe Klaus. He didn't want Ben to be stuck here, wandering lost in the afterlife. He didn't want that for his brother. But he was here, and Klaus was taking care of him in a way. And he was still their Ben. A smirk found it's way onto his face.
"Heh, figures."
"Why, what'd he do?" Klaus asked, amusement clear in his voice.
"He uh, he messed with my knives."
"Uh oh," Klaus ooed childishly, earning a smack to the back of his head.
"I'm serious man, it wasn't funny. I went to the bathroom and came back literally a minute later. All my knives were balancing on each other with the tips pointed at me. Freaked me the hell out, and I just wanted to make sure it wasn't something to worry about."
Klaus was impressed by his brother's apparent ability to manipulate the material world, especially since he made a fuss any time Klaus asked him to do something. He chuckled, a wide grin firmly in place. "Wow, he's getting creative."
"Well tell him to knock it off? I'd rather just see him or feel a hand on my shoulder to know he's there. Not- that."
"Why not tell him yourself?" he asked, sliding the sandwich from skillet to plate. The question caught Diego off guard and he shifted uncomfortably.
"W-well I don't really know where he is, or if he's listening, and besides, you said he's bored. I uh, shouldn't ruin his fun, y'know?"
"I'm a little shocked. You're going soft," Klaus mused, taking a large bite of the grilled cheese. His eyes rolled back and he hummed in delight.
"Excuse me?"
"The Diego I know would never let Benny boy get away with messing with your knives, even if he is dead." He spoke in a deadpan, resting a hand on Diego's shoulder. He brushed him off.
"The hell are you talking about?" he snapped, not sure what Klaus was getting at.
"Do you really not remember the brutal punishments you'd dish out to anyone who dared touch your precious knives?" he asked. Diego rolled his eyes.
"Brutal is a bit, dramatic, don't you think?"
"But you agree I have a point." Diego had to give him that one.
"Yeah yeah, whatever."
"Would you like to get him back?"
Now that got his attention.
When Klaus and Diego walked into the library, Ben didn't spare a second glance. He couldn't fathom why either of them would be there, but he currently couldn't care less, nose stuck in a book.
Only when Diego waltzed right up to the table in the corner he was sat at, did he think something was amiss. Even though he couldn't see him, Ben shifted in his seat and eyed him carefully. Diego shot Klaus a look, earning a nod of confirmation.
"Hey Ben. I know you're here, or at least Klaus says you are."
Ben immediately looked at him, hanging on his every word. It'd been far too long since his other siblings addressed him directly. He realized it was a strange thing to miss.
"Your knife trick was pretty good. You got me man," Diego said, a proud smirk tugging at his lips. He held his hand up for a fist bump. Ben let out a surprised chuckle, reaching out to bump their fists together. He didn't expect his hand to actually make contact, and he looked over at Klaus, his own hands glowing blue.
"Thanks man."
"Don't thank me yet," Klaus said cheekily. Ben was about to ask what he meant, but Diego snatched him by the wrist and pulled him into his lap. Ben blinked in surprise; it all happened so fast he barely knew what had happened.
Diego grinned evilly at his brother. "You seem to have forgotten the consequences for messing with my shit," he growled, wasting no time and dug his wiggling fingers into Ben's tummy.
He was rewarded with a surprised squeal, followed by loud, carefree laughter.
"Diegohoho nohoho! W-why?" he choked out between growing hysterics. He'd always been fairly sensitive, but the lack of this particular sensation over the years meant a major shock to his system when he finally felt it. It was just as maddening and torturous as he remembered. And just as fun.
"Because I don't want you thinking you can fuck with my knives whenever you want. And, honestly, because this is fun as hell," he teased, vibrating a clawed hand on his stomach. Ben thrashed in his lap, shrill giggles and snorts filling the air. He reached up, hiding his face in his hands.
"Oh no you don't," Diego mused, drilling his thumbs in his armpits to make his arms come crashing down.
As Ben was sent into further hysterics, he realized just how much he missed this. How much they all had missed this. And what a strange thing to miss.
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chaoticklesblog · 1 month
Sorry, I've gone dark with content over here. I just finished TUA Sunday and really want to write wholesome content of one of the most dysfunctional adopted sibling groups featured in a Top 10 Netflix Original, but honestly? I haaaated season 4, and it still depresses me to think about it. Maybe I'll write a fic or two to cheer me up (eventually lmfao). But what kind of fic would get great reception for those who enjoyed the show up until Netflix butchered Season 4? Vote below!
(Also, I have some vague Wolverine Deadpool ideas percolating in my brain, and maybe after I crank out a couple of TUA fics, I can focus my energy there!!!) So what kind of TUA fic would you guys like?
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blueberrygiggles · 1 year
oh what boredom does
fandom: the umbrella academt
lee!five, ler!lila
day six (tickletober): chase
ao3 mirror: XX
a/n: OKAY. i wrote this just this morning in between breaks. it might be a bit unedited so sorry about that lol. normally i might just say "oh well guess im not posting today" but i REALLY wanted to write some lila and five bonding. SO. ENJOY!!
Lila got bored easily, she always wanted to be moving, killing, cleaning, doing something. She assumed it was a habit she learned from her mother, which at times left her with a strange taste in her mouth, but she tried to ignore that part of her brain.
Traveling with Diego and his family kept her busy, they were always doing something either incredibly fucking stupid or very fun. Most times it was both. Lila liked the arrangement they had, being with the Hargreeves family in the manor, but sometimes things got quiet. Allison took her daughter out for the day, Luther would go out with Sloane, Klaus went off to… wherever he goes… He was still a bit of a mystery to Lila.
So, today was quiet, and that was fine! No time traveling murderers coming after her was most definitely a good thing!
She was just so bored.
Therefore, the only option to entertain herself was… Well.
“I am going to fucking kill you!”
Five blinked in front of her with his hands reaching out to take the book back from her. She made a quick right around a corner and jumped over the table in the main room. She threw herself behind the couch and landed hard with a small yelp; she clutched the book to her chest and froze.
Five was behind the couch across from her, he watched both sides of her to see where she planned to run so he could lunge at her. She faked a lunge to the right and watched as Five flinched forward in the same direction.
“What are you, twelve?” She looked him up and down and realized her choice of words, she huffed a laugh, “Well, I guess you kind of are.”
Five’s face contorted into one of pure annoyance, it was hysterical, “I’m older than you, you little brat!”
With his last words, Five lunged at her left, Lila sprinted out the door to her left and ran into the kitchen. She, admittedly a bit stupidly, looked behind to see where he was, when she looked in front of her, Five blinked inches from her. She tried to run backwards and out of the kitchen when Five grabbed her arm, if she hadn’t whipped around when she did, she would’ve missed the smile on his face. It left his face as soon as he saw her looking at him.
“Book. Now.”
Lila looked up and tapped her chin as if in thought, “What’s the magic word?”
Five glared at her with squinted eyes and in a flash, he was on the ground, and he kicked out his legs from under her. She landed on her ass, he stood so she was eye level with Five’s knees, he reached down and grabbed the top of the book. Lila reacted in a split second and squeezed at Five’s knees.
He immediately hit the ground and screeched in a more than undignified way. She snorted and threw his book towards the wall.
“Little ticklish, old man?”
Five tried to scramble away from her, a smile still on his face, “Fuck off.”
She, most certainly, was not going to fuck off.
Lila went after him and grabbed at his knees again, he hit her at her hands with a surprising amount of strength, but it wasn’t enough to drive her away.
Lila scoffed, “Well, that’s not very nice, especially coming from someone in your position.”
She moved her hands up just a bit above his knee and she laughed victoriously as Five snorted and tried to pull away from her hands. She could feel his hitting get weaker the longer she went on, she opened her mouth to tease him about it when his hand finally successfully grabbed her wrist. Before she could react, his hands were on his hips, and he managed to throw her off him. He sat against the couch and breathed heavy.
Five held up three fingers and looked at her with a glare, “You get three seconds.”
Lila cursed and backed out of the room to sprint up the stairs.
Well, at least this isn’t boring.
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gladdyator18 · 1 year
Secret Weak Spot - TickleTober2023 Day 4 (Weak Spot)
Summary: Diego is known to smile every now and again, but not once has his friends heard him laugh. That all changes when Tristan discovers a little secret of his.
Word Count: 1764
⚠️Warning⚠️: mild swearing
Okay, let's get one thing straight: Diego Cortez is a very stoic young man. He's very introverted and likes to keep to himself a lot. Diego only speaks when he's spoken to, and growing up, he never really had that many friends. After he came to this alternate universe, met Ishani, and reunited with Jason, his life changed for the better. Now, Diego has two families to call his own, and with Ishani and Jason's help, he has an amazing friend group. When he's around them, he smiles more than ever. But there is one thing that he has yet to do around them.
"Has anyone ever seen Diego laugh?" Kain asked suddenly.
The teens were at their usual meet-up spot at their local park, and there was a beat of silence before Kain asked the million-dollar question.
"Seen, no," Ava said, "Heard... uhm, no..."
"Does he even know how to laugh?" Olivia asked, slowly pushing herself on the swing.
The other teens glanced at one another before all eyes were on Jason. The burgundy-haired teen looked between his friends and quirked a brow.
"What?" Jason questioned.
"You're his cousin," Tristan said, "Do you know what makes him laugh?"
Jason hummed in thought as he paced around the swing-set area.
"Unfortunately, no," Jason admitted, "We never really grew up together that much. I'm just grateful to get that chance now, so I wouldn't know."
The other teens sighed in defeat. Tristan glanced over at the black-haired teen in question sitting under a nearby tree. The blonde hummed in thought before a sly grin appeared on his face.
"Tristan, what's with that look?" Ava asked.
"I think I figured out how to get our dear Diego to laugh," Tristan said, "Just watch and learn."
The other teens glanced at one another as they watched Tristan walk over to Diego. The black-haired teen had headphones over his ears, slowly bopping his head to the music playing. When someone tapped his shoulder, Diego looked up and met Tristan's indigo eyes.
"Need something?" Diego asked, sliding off the headphones.
"Nope," Tristan said, sitting next to the teen, "Just thought you'd want some company."
A small smile appeared on the teen's face. About a year ago, Diego wouldn't let anyone sit so close to him without feeling uncomfortable. Still, after getting to know the blonde better, he appreciated his company, though he can be annoying at times.
"So, whatcha listening to?" Tristan asked, scooting closer to Diego's side.
"R&B," Diego said plainly, "Helps me relax."
"Well, why don't you play your music for us?" Tristan suggested, "I brought my speaker so you can hook your phone up to it."
Diego looked at his other friends before shaking his head.
"I wouldn't want to bore you with my music." Diego admitted.
"You wouldn't, honest." Tristan said, poking the teen's side.
Tristan didn't even flinch. Tristan had intentionally poked the teen's side, hoping to get him to jump, but got nothing. Tristan furrowed his brows before poking Diego's side again, right under his rib. Nothing.
"Do you want something, Tristan?" Diego asked, glancing down at the blonde.
"Yeah, I want you to laugh!" Tristan said, rapidly poking the other's sides, "How are you not flinching? Are you not ticklish?"
"Oh, so that's what this is about? I thought you wanted my attention."
Tristan groaned before moving up to Diego's ribs, tickling him for real. Diego inhaled as his muscles tensed, causing Tristan to smile.
"Ah, so you are ticklish," Tristan said, "You're just holding it in."
"A-Am not," Diego said without giggling, "Y-You just suck at tickling."
What Diego said made Tristan pull away and gasp.
"You did not just say that to the world's best tickler!" Tristan proclaimed.
"If you're the world's best, how come I've never heard of you?" Diego said with a smug grin.
Tristan felt his eye twitch.
"You smug little shit..." Tristan growled.
Then, he pounced on Tristan, straddling him on the ground. The other teens watched this and shook their heads fondly.
"Oh, dear," Ava said, "Here we go."
"If anyone can get mi primo to laugh, it's Tristan." Jason chuckled.
Diego looked up at the blonde with a shit-eating grin.
"I know you're ticklish, Diego," Tristan said, "And by you tensing your muscles, I know exactly how to get you giggling."
Tristan grinned before raking his fingers against Diego's sides. The black-haired teen flinched before covering his mouth with one hand and pushing Tristan away with the other.
"What's wrong?" Tristan asked with a chuckle, "Does it tickle?"
"N-No, it d-dohohoesn't." Diego said, letting a giggle slip.
"I'm sorry. Was that a giggle I just heard?"
When Diego shook his head, Tristan started digging between each bone with his middle and pointer finger. This made Diego flinch hard, and deep giggles flooded from his mouth.
"T-Tristahahahan, enohohough!" Diego giggled, still covering his mouth.
"Aha! I knew it!" Tristan proclaimed, "You can't hide anything from Tristan Katsunan!"
Diego giggled in his hand as he squirmed under his friend.
"Aw, c'mon, Diego," Tristan said, grabbing his wrist, "Lemme see that smile!"
When Tristan pried Diego's hand from his mouth, the blonde couldn't help but chuckle at the black-haired teen's smiling and giggling face.
"Well, aren't you an adorable sight for sore eyes?" Tristan mused.
"Enohohohough!" Diego giggled, "Get off mehehehe!"
Tristan hummed before pinning Diego's caught wrist to the ground.
"I don't think so," Tristan said, "While I love hearing your giggles, I want to find a spot that makes you laugh. You do have a spot like that, right~?"
When Tristan asked, he skittered his fingers under Diego's arm, causing his giggles to escalate in volume.
"Nohohoho, I dohohohon't!" Diego giggled, trying to bring his arm down, "Just stop alreheheheady!"
Tristan couldn't help but laugh along to Diego's giggling.
"Yeah, that's a bald-faced lie," Tristan said, "If you just tell me where it is, this could all be over and done with,"
"I told yohohohohou! I don't hahahahave a spot like thahahahat!" Diego giggled.
"What kind of fool do you take me for?"
"Dohohohon't make me answer thahahahahat!"
What Diego said made Tristan's eye twitch.
"So not only are you a smug bastard but also a sassy lil' shit, huh?" Tristan said, "Fine then, what about here?"
Tristan released Diego's wrist before clawing at the black-haired teen's stomach, causing Diego to buck slightly.
"Nahahaha! Stohohohohop!" Deigo cried, his giggles turning into small laughs, "This isn't fuhuhuhuhunny!"
"Oh, yeah? Then why are you laughing so much, huh?" Tristan asked.
Diego tried to push Tristan off him, but the blonde was too strong, and all that giggling was sapping him of his strength.
"Hmm, you seem to be really ticklish on your stomach," Tristan said, "And normally, if someone is ticklish there, then that means..."
When the blonde's fingers started gliding down the sides of the other's stomach, Diego flinched hard before pushing at Tristan's chest.
"Tristan, I swehehear," Diego said, "G-Get off mehehehe!"
"Is someone getting nervous that I found their weak spot?"
Before Diego could protest, deep, adorable laughter spilled from Diego's lips as Tristan tickled his lower back.
"No wonder you never let Ava give you a massage!" Tristan said over Diego's laughter, "This is your secret weak spot, isn't it~?"
Diego bucked and thrashed underneath the blonde, laughing his handsome laugh.
"Who would've thought you had such a cute laugh, Diego?" Tristan mused.
"Hmm, I don't think I can. You see, I came here to make you laugh since none of us have heard it before."
Diego laughed loudly as he slammed his legs against the ground.
"Oh, I'm an asshole? Is that right, dear Diego?" Tristan asked, "You know, you are in no position to be hurling insults at me 'cause I could make this a lot worse,"
"You really wanna know?"
Before Diego could protest any further, Tristan flipped the black-haired teen on his stomach before massaging his thumbs into his lower back, causing Diego to squeal and cackle, pounding his fist into the ground.
"Is that begging I hear?" Tristan questioned.
Diego laughed into the soft, emerald grass, feeling his strength and will to fight back against the blonde's tickles.
"I'll stop on one condition," Tristan began.
"If you promise to laugh more around me and the others, I'll stop tickling you. How does that sound?"
Diego growled through his laughter, wanting to object, but when Tristan hit a sensitive spot, Deigo caved.
Tristan laughed before pulling away his hands, leaving Diego to roll over on his back to pant like a dog. The blonde got off the black-haired teen, stood up, and extended a hand to the tickled-out teen. Diego sighed before taking his friend's hand and pulling himself up.
"Nice to know you have a cute laugh, Diego." Tristan said, handing over his friend's fallen headphones.
Diego glared at his friend playfully as he accepted the headphones and put them around his neck. When Diego and Tristan returned to the others, they all smiled warmly.
"Well, this video ain't goin' anywhere." Kain said, waving his phone in the air.
"Your laugh is adorable, Diego!" Ava exclaimed.
"I agree!" Ishani said.
"Now I know how to get you to laugh, primo." Jason chuckled.
Diego glanced at his younger cousin with a dangerous look and a smug grin.
"You say that while you're far more ticklish than me, cabrón." Diego said.
Jason chuckled nervously before taking a step back. The others couldn't help but laugh, and Diego happily joined.
"Hey, Diego, what music were you listening to?" Olivia asked, pointing to the headphones.
"Oh, just some old R&B." Diego said calmly.
"I love R&B!" Ishani said.
"Same here," Kain said, "Mind if we listen to it?"
When the others stared at Diego with pleading eyes, Diego chuckled and nodded. After connecting his phone to Tristan's speaker, the swing-set area was brought back with some late 30s music. Anytime one of the others cracked a joke, Diego would find himself chuckling. Diego glanced around at his friends and smiled. He was so grateful for them. And thanks to Tristan, he learned to laugh more freely around them, and if he ever felt distant, his friends knew how to "poke" him in the right direction.
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