chaoticklesblog · 6 days
Not Quite Immune
Published: 2024-09-16 to Chaotickles on AO3
Words: 1,385
The Umbrella Academy
With a smidgen of Lee!Diego and Ler!Lila
Five should know better that his lack of powers would no doubt lead to mischief of epic proportions between his older (or younger?) siblings. He quickly discovers he isn't exactly immune to an older affliction, and his Luther and Diego have no qualms about ensuring he gets what is coming to him. Spending his youth avoiding tickle fights was bound to catch up with him, especially in a timeline where he can't just teleport away. Set in the end of Season 3, where the Hargreeves realize they are without powers and adjusting to relative normalcy.
The Hargreeves siblings cleared time once a month for a dinner, just to catch up and appreciate the normalcy of it all in the new timeline. Appreciating their new found freedom and lack of responsibility to repair a broken timeline. The siblings would meet in a dive restaurant, still appreciating a quieter atmosphere, or would agree to meet at one of their houses for a homemade dinner.
This particular evening, dinner was hosted at Diego and Lila's home. Lila had already warned them that they would be ordering Pad Thai because she despised cooking.
All the siblings ate surrounded by the coffee table, laughed and joked with one another each claiming an area on the overstuffed furniture or floor. When it inevitably got to a break in the conversation where Luther, hesitant to have the evening end too soon, he would begin to reminisce about their past- the good memories.
"I'm just saying! Dad was pissed when he found out that Klaus had broken the ant farm and they all escaped," Luther chuckled.
"That's because they found their way into dad's candy stash!" Ben laughed. "Can you all believe the man had a sweet tooth?"
"Hey, the ant farm never would have fallen off the dresser if the prick wasn't so adamant about us running midnight drills!" Klaus argued, but he couldn't help but grin at his siblings.
The rest of them laughed fondly at the memory, despite Reginald banning the rest of them from keeping pets ever again after the great Ant Farm Escape of 1999.
"What about the time Diego and Luther got into a wrestling match and knocked over the bookshelf with dad's first editions?" Allison smiled at her brothers, grateful they no longer fought as much as they used to.
"I remember that distinctly! And it was not a wrestling match. I was cornered and chased! Diego was defensive immediately. "And Luther is a cheater!"
Luther laughed.
"I remember that too! And tickling is absolutely not cheating!"
Diego crossed his arms.
"Yeah, but you were definitely stronger than the rest of us thanks to your power. Your tickling was brutal!" Diego shuddered at the memory. Luther definitely cheated. At least in Diego's mind.
"You're ticklish, babe?" Lila grinned next to Diego and she noticed him tense and lock his arms to his sides as her hands darted to scrabble at his ribs and sides.
Diego barked out a short laugh quickly grabbing his girlfriend's evil hands.
"NohoHOhoHO LilahahaHA!" Diego giggled.
Luther looked smug.
"He's ridiculously ticklish! I'm surprised you didn't know!" Luther watched as Lila tried grabbing at Diego's hips but he narrowly escaped.
"Whatever! Cheater." Diego glowered at Luther. "And your power definitely used to offer an unfair advantage in tickle fights."
The rest of them spent time talking about how their powers had a sort of advantage in combat (tickle fights).
Luther was obviously the strongest and had more stamina to outlast the others in a tickle fight. Diego didn't have much of an advantage, but the threat of his knife throwing skills could quickly dissuade a tickle attack. Allison could rumor her siblings to turn on another victim or rumor someone to be more ticklish than they actually were. Klaus never really put up much of a fight against his siblings. He never minded being tickled to pieces. Five would blip to a safe part of the house to remain in hiding while his siblings would tickle each other half to death. Ben would occasionally use his tentacles to tickle his siblings. Viktor was generally excluded but had a few memories of being dragged into the fray.
They laughed and chattered at the memories of their tickle fights. All of them except... Five.
Five had grown... uncomfortable to say the least. Having usually vanished the moment dog piles typically turned into tickle brawls, he had almost no experience being the victim of tickle fights with his siblings.
And unfortunately, Diego and Luther noticed his uncomfortable demeanor.
Diego and Luther had returned to the original argument of using Luther's strength to cheat in a tickle fight.
"How is that worse than Five teleporting away to avoid ever getting tickled at all?" Luther argued chuckling and shooting a glance at Five.
Uh oh.
Five definitely didn't like where this was going.
"Well, nobody can cheat at tickle fights because none of us have powers anymore," Viktor tried to take the locked stares of Diego and Luther off an already uncomfortable Five.
But his observation didn't help Five's case.
"Riiiight," Diego smirked. "Because now Five can't just cheat and blip away from a tickle fight anymore."
All the siblings turned to look at Five who had jumped up from the recliner he had perched in.
"I assure you that this childish nonsense won't work on me, besides, I should get going." Five made a few paces toward the door but Luther and Diego stood in his way. Even without powers, the two were much bigger and stronger than Five. And Five quickly realized he wasn't getting out of this unscathed.
Even without powers, the threat of being overpowered by two "older brothers" intending to tickle the everloving snot out of you was a relatively terrifying ordeal.
Five tried to school his features as his brothers lunged for him but the lanky kid just wasn't as coordinated as he was when he could just vanish away from trouble. It was a moment like this where he wished they still had their powers. He soon found himself pinned, Luther, still all muscles, pinning his arms above his head and Diego positioning himself on Five's legs. Five started struggling.
"Guys, please. Don't." Five begged, something that felt like panic, but sillier, rising in his chest.
"This is only fair, Five. Think of all the fun you missed out on because you were too afraid of a little tickling." Diego teased.
"You're not quite immune to being ticklish, are you Five?" Luther smirked down at his squirming little brother who was actually much older than the rest of them. Five's mind may have aged but his body surely didn't. And his physiological reactions to being tickled never changed either.
Diego and Luther began exploring his various tickle spots and Five was trying not to die of embarrassment. It didn't help that Lila, Ben, Allison, Viktor and Klaus offered an unwelcome audience to this very one sided tickle massacre.
"Go for his knees!" Klaus crowed.
"FUhuHUck yohouhohoHoHO KLAUSAHAHAH!" Was all Five could say in response as Diego methodically began squeezing his much smaller brother's most ticklish spot.
Combined with Luther's incessant digging into his underarms, Five was in tickle hell.
So this is what it was like? This is why Five could distinctly remember his siblings being tickled to tears and hearing their loud booming laughter from across the mansion all those years ago? The hysterical begging and screaming of his siblings despite the laughter was remembered as a warning as Five hid to avoid the inevitable until Reginald had put a stop to their nonsense.
This is what he was missing out on?
Five felt like he was going crazy. The funny feeling of the tickling along with Luther and Diego laughing at his happy and snort filled laughter and his other siblings who watched him writhe around, amused at the sight brought forth feelings Five didn't realize he had up until this timeline.
Feelings that maybe, just maybe, Five could be vulnerable and have somewhat a normal existence with his adopted siblings. Despite feeling embarrassed by this whole ordeal, he actually no longer had a reason to believe that being tickled was as scary as it seemed. Because it was much, much worse.
Diego and Luther were a ruthless pair. Exploiting all Five's sweet spots until he was gasping and choking for air not unlike his siblings had done in past tickle fights.
Finally, when they stopped, Five had come to the realization he didn't quite hate being tickled although he would never admit that to his siblings or to anyone.
And his brothers seemed grateful for the opportunity to horse around with him even if it meant they nearly tortured him to death. Without his power, Five couldn't easily escape such situations, and maybe he was starting to realize he didn't want to.
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fanficsandfluff · 2 years
Tickletober 2022 - Day 1: Anticipation
A/N: Happy first day of Tickletober 2022! Thank you to @august-anon for writing up the calendar list I've followed. I know this may come as a surprise to some of you who saw my post about me not completing any tickletober prompts.... well, here I am. A hypocrite... Who doesn't like to disappoint people. So while this first one is short, I have a few more of varying length.
Another thank you to @ticklishpeter for sending the prompt in. I do not really like Lila as a character so it was interesting to write for her for the first time! Hope you enjoy regardless!
Fandom: The Umbrella Academy
Characters: Diego Hargreeves, Lila Pitts
Lila knew how to play mind games, that was clear from the start. She was raised by the literal Handler, after all.
And Diego wasn't a mind games kinda guy. He was a brute force, take action kinda guy. And somehow they still meshed. That was love for ya.
But Diego had recently fucked up. He'd said something about Lila to his siblings that would've embarrassed her but he didn't realize it at the time. Until Lila stopped talking to him for a day... then she went right back to being her bubbly personality the next... and then she went through another day of near-silence while seemingly not keeping her eyes off him.
And Diego was just confused. He was feeling tense all the time, the anticipation of what could happen to him under Lila's watch tearing him apart from the inside. It got to the point where she'd merely walk into the same room as him and his whole body would jump.
Lila was sitting next to him on the couch and flipping through videos on her phone, and Diego had the TV on, trying to watch something but not focusing all the way. Lila pressed her foot into Diego's thigh for some physical touch comfort. And then she slid down the couch more and rested both her feet on Diego's lap.
Being a good boyfriend, Diego took that as a hint to start administering foot rubs. Was his awaiting anticipation for Lila to do something to him finally over? Could he relax?
Lila hummed happily at the foot rubs and Diego seemed like he was doing a good job. Hell yeah!
And then Lila made an odd, "Ohhh..." noise like she'd just remembered something.
Diego was granted a kick to his chest with both of Lila's strong legs that sent him flying backwards onto the couch on his back, and like a damn spider or cat or something that's gangly and quick, Lila pounced on Diego and pinned him to the couch.
"Darling, you were honestly so cute," she pinched Diego's cheek on his still-in-shock face, "But I think we all know where this is leading now, don't we?" she smiled gently and her hands slipped under the shirt he was wearing and sharp nails skittered tantalizingly across the skin on his belly.
Diego saw stars. Then his eyes squeezed shut and a guttural scream manifested from within his chest and was chased by manic laughter. This was his worst spot. Lila knew that, of course she knew that. But to go for it first? This was completely unlike her! Well... revenge, yeah... hey, at least the anticipation was over.
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hiddlesbummmm · 2 years
Well hey guys! Here’s my most recent fic! This is a curveball for sure, but I recently started obsessing over The Umbrella Academy and decided to write a fic! This idea came to my head randomly, so I figured I should write about it.
I’m undecided if I will take requests for TUA in the near future, but if y’all like this one, I will consider it for sure 💕😊 Please enjoy!
✨Please note I am only in season 2, so please don’t try to spoil anything past that ✨
⚠️Minor spoilers for season 1/early season 2 ahead!⚠️
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Warnings: Minor spoilers for season 1/2, mentions of drug and alcohol abuse, brief violence, lots of tickles. Ignore the timeline of the show because I know I’m wayyyy off 😂
Words: 3284 Lee Diego X Ler Klaus (Ben and Five make appearances)
Sobriety Brothers
Ever since he was ripped away from Dave, Klaus struggled with alcohol and drug abuse. 
Okay. That was kinda a lie.
Klaus had almost always struggled with his addictions, but it definitely got worse since his lover was killed. But who could blame him?
Klaus’s head was always filled with the moans and groans of the dead, and the numbing of drugs and alcohol seemed to be one of the few things that gave him some peace and quiet. 
Klaus knew Ben disagreed with him, and so did most of his family. Ben told Klaus he needed to learn how to block the voices on his own without poisoning his body. Although Ben was probably his closest friend, Klaus secretly enjoyed being able to block him out while passed out drunk in the bathtub. 
It wasn’t until Klaus had been robbed for the 3rd time that week that he decided he needed help. 
Klaus had woken up in nothing but his underwear with a black eye and nearly broken nose in the back of some sketchy alleyway. Klaus had no clue how he ended up here, but thankfully Ben was able to fill in the gaps. 
Klaus typically was not embarrassed to be without clothing (hence the crop tops and holey pants) but for some reason, he was absolutely terrified of facing his family this time. 
Sneaking in through the back door, Klaus made his way through the house to find Grace. She confirmed that nothing was broken and gave him an ice pack for his injuries. 
A few days later, once Klaus was able to conceal most of the bruising with concealer, he decided to confide in one of his siblings for help. And frankly, the only one he trusted with these types of situations. 
As much as he loved and cared for his other siblings, none of them could help as much as Diego could. 
Vanya was always timid and strayed away from the bunch. Klaus now realized this was mostly Dad’s fault, but as a child, he had no clue. Vanya was very thoughtful and cared for him recently, but Klaus never wanted to dump his problems into her lap. She was far too kind to need that much emotional baggage. 
Luther was number one and very much acted as such. He was a goody two shoes, always wanting to prove he was a leader. Klaus never felt like he could bring problems to him either because instead of getting a hug, he would probably get a lecture. 
Allison was by far a close second. She was also kind and thoughtful, but also very distracted with her current life. Especially now with the apocalypse threatening the world and her daughter.  
One time, later in their adult life, Klaus had asked Allison to Rumor away his addictions (and get him more money, but that was beside the point). Allison refused and told Klaus he needed to deal with it on his own. Rumoring only made things worse. She also threatened to kick his ass if he asked her again. 
And then there was Five. That little bastard. Even as kids, Five was a grumpy, sarcastic, know it all. Five was hard for Klaus to talk to sometimes because most of the things he said made no sense. (looking back, that was probably intentional). Five also probably had an alcohol problem, but Five would never admit it. 
Diego seemed to be the best help. In the past, Klaus has asked Diego to tie him up and let him fight the withdrawal symptoms that way. Klaus shivered at the thought of doing that again. 
The way Diego reacted to his strange requests was the reason why Klaus trusted in him. There was no shame, no mocking or sassy remarks. Diego just simply grabbed his rope and told Klaus to lead the way. 
Before Klaus left his room to search for his brother, he was halted by a grunting sound. 
“Something you would like to say Benny Boy?” Klaus drawled out with a smirk. 
Ben rolled his eyes at the nickname. 
“Are you really that dense Klaus? I told you those drugs do nothing but poison your mind”.
Klaus put a hand over his heart and fluttered his eyes. 
“Brother, you wound me deeply. I am not dense. What gives with the ‘tude?”
“Seriously. You haven’t noticed?”
“Noticed what!?”
“Diego is in just as much need of help as you are. Instead of going to him for help, I think you should help each other.”
Klaus crossed his arms while he pondered this information. 
Ben muttered some insult under his breath and walked over to Klaus. 
“Oh shit. I am an asshole, Ben”
Ben nodded and gestured for him to continue.
“He has been a lot more testy and impatient ever since he lost Eudora. Cha-cha and Hazel haven’t helped much either.”
Ben let out a sign. 
“You’ve been too drunk or high to notice the full picture, but yeah that’s it. You aren’t the only one with an alcohol problem.”
Klaus raised an eyebrow. 
“Diego has been drinking himself silly these past few days. While you have been mourning the loss of Dave, he’s been mourning the loss of Eudora. I know how much you trust Diego, and I’m pretty sure he trusts you too. Being tied up helps you detox, but that won’t work for him”.
Klaus nodded in agreement. Losing Dave was absolutely horrible. And he knew exactly how Diego felt. Especially when her killers were out and about also hunting for Five. 
“Okay, Benny. Have any ideas on how to help us both?”
Ben smirked.
“A competition”
Anyone who knew Diego knew just how competitive that man was. He was bad as a child and only got worse as an adult. 
As kids, he always made sure he was the first one awake, the first one to meals, and definitely the first to train. If he successfully pinned you, you never heard the end of it. 
Klaus on the other hand was way too free-spirited to be overly competitive. He was mostly a peacekeeper and didn’t try to get involved in heated arguments. But Klaus was also knowingly and purposely annoying. He enjoyed pestering his siblings and making them feel crazy. Whenever Diego was standing on his soap box, Klaus made sure to knock him off of it, even if it caused Diego to fall on top of him. 
Taking a swig of the closest alcohol to him, (he wasn’t ready to start sobriety just yet)
Klaus went in search of Diego. 
Diego was miserable. He had a throbbing headache, a sliced finger, and a broken heart. Although he and Patch didn’t end on great terms, he still felt responsible for not protecting her well enough. He had loved her, and now she was gone without him being able to make things right between them. 
Diego knew he probably needed to watch his alcohol intake, but he just didn’t care at the moment. The alcohol helped fuel his anger as he plotted his revenge on cha-cha and Hazel. 
Just as Diego was about to get up and use the bathroom, he heard shuffling outside his door. 
Diego grabbed a knife, poised and ready to fling it at any time. 
“Diego, I know you have a knife. It’s just me, your buddy Klaus!”
Diego instantly relaxed and opened the door. 
Klaus was in his usual attire; a crop top ripped jeans, and barefoot. Diego noticed the bruising around his eye and nose but decided to not question him about it yet. 
“Oh, brother! I missed you! Care to chat?”
Diego rolled his eyes. 
“Klaus, I saw you just the other day when you snuck in through the back door. One night stand go wrong?” He teased. 
Uncharacteristically though, Klaus didn’t chuckle. Stoic as can be he answered. 
“Oh um, no. Robbed actually. For the third time. Assholes took my favorite shirt. Not that it matters because I stole it from a st-“
Diego cut Klaus off. 
“You were robbed three times this week and this is the first you bring it up? What the hell Klaus! I can help protect you ya know.”
Klaus shrugged. 
“I figured with the apocalypse it doesn’t really matter because we’re probably all gonna die anyway.” Klaus moved to sit on Diego’s bed, crossing one leg over the other. 
Diego still processing all that had been said sat at his desk. 
“So anyway. Enough about me. I want to talk about you bro.”
Diego looked up and made eye contact with Klaus. 
“Me? What about me?”
“Oh don’t be so dense!” Klaus looked over across the room. 
“Did I use that term correctly Ben?”
Diego glared at Klaus. 
“Klaus, watch it, or else I won’t hesitate to give you another black eye. I can’t hit Ben remember.”
Klaus gulped and then flipped off the space in front of the closet. Diego really wished he could hear Ben sometimes. 
“Anyway, as I was saying brother. You and I are more similar than you think. I drink alcohol because I miss Dave and you drink alcohol because you miss Eudora”.
Diego flinched at the mention of her name but didn’t say anything as Klaus continued. 
“What I’m trying to say, is I think we need to help sober each other up. What do ya think? Bros before hoes right?”
Diego put down the knife he was fidgeting with. Klaus had a good point. He knew Klaus struggled with addiction issues, but never once considered the fact that his coping methods weren’t exactly kosher either. 
More importantly, he knew deep down he wouldn’t be able to fight cha cha and hazel drunk. 
“Okay, Klaus. Yes, I may be drinking too much. And no, I will not allow you to tie me up to potentially fulfill any of your kinky fantasies.”
“Silly Diego! You are not in any of my fantasies. Ben suggested we have a competition of sorts. The first one to cave and drink has to do whatever the winner wants as punishment. Buy dinner, tidy up the house, prank Five, yadda yadda yadda.”
Diego contemplated this for a sec. Klaus was way more unhinged than he was. How hard could it be? Besides, knowing Klaus he probably wouldn’t last an hour. 
“Okay, man. I’m in. But after I win, just know that I am definitely tying you up because you will need a serious detox.”
Klaus chuckled and rose from the bed. 
“It is on pretty boy”
Diego flicked Klaus on the nose and the two of them prepared for a couple of rough days. 
Diego was actually shocked that Klaus had lasted through the night. The two brothers had emptied their rooms of all alcohol to ensure neither one was drinking during the night. Pogo offered to be a neutral viewer and watch over the bar. 
The other siblings had an inkling that something was going on between the pair, mostly because their emotions and attitudes were much shorter and meaner than usual. But no one knew the details. (Besides Ben of course). 
The night was harder than Diego imagined. He had only been drinking for a few days, but being cut off sucked. His headache didn’t go away, and he was very irritable. Worst of all, he really wanted a drink. But his pride wouldn’t allow him to lose. Not yet anyway. 
Klaus on the other hand had done something he never thought he would do willingly. Knowing he was unable to control himself, he had bribed Five with a couple of bags of marshmallows to lock him in the mausoleum for the night. 
If Five was worried, he didn’t act like it. He just took the marshmallows, locked the doors, and didn’t look back. 
Klaus soon regretted this decision, but having Ben with him this time, made it much more bearable. Ben keep reminding him that the soberer he became, the more likely he was to see Dave again. 
Klaus held onto that feeling of hope, although he did feel slightly guilty that Diego didn’t have that option. 
The two competitors met each other in the kitchen for breakfast. Both were worse for the wear. Not much was exchanged between the two, but just enough to know neither had cracked yet. 
Klaus left the kitchen first, deciding he needed a bath. Diego followed soon after and decided to clean his room. 
Diego was always one who typically kept his room clean, but after not living at the house for a while, he realized he had some childhood stuff to go through. 
It took him a good portion of the day to sort through boxes and throw some stuff away. As Diego was rummaging through one of his drawers, he stumbled across something unexpected. 
A flask. 
Diego looked around to make sure no one was watching and sniffed it. Of course, it was full. He forgot that he had hidden it here after Dad's funeral. Deciding it was best to dump it, Diego emptied the contents down the sink and put the flask in his pocket. 
When evening came again, it was just Klaus and Diego. Both sitting on the couch watching a rom-com. Both were still a little on edge, but at least the headaches and sweating had gone away. 
Neither knew where the others were, but neither really cared either. Diego had made a bowl of popcorn and Klaus made each of them virgin strawberry daiquiris. 
When the move was close to the end, Klaus reached for the remote and accidentally knocked over his glass. Thankfully it was empty, but it made a loud clang noise as it hit the table. 
Klaus quickly apologized and glanced over at Diego who had jumped in his seat. 
That’s when Klaus noticed something shiny sticking part way out of Diego’s pocket. It didn’t take a genius to know what it was. 
“Diego! I can’t believe you! And during our movie night nonetheless!” Klaus patronized.
Klaus immediately dove across the couch and tried reaching for Diego’s pocket. Diego, who was a little slow to react, leaned back just as Klaus lunged. Instead of Klaus’s fingers hitting the flask, his aim was higher and poked Diego right in the ribcage. Diego let out a loud squeak and quickly cowered. 
Both remained motionless for a few seconds while trying to figure out what the hell happened. 
Klaus’s mouth formed into a smile. Not just a normal smile, but a mischievous one. 
“I agree Ben. I also forgot about Diego’s sensitivities. Only fair to take advantage, especially with a cheater in our grasp.”
Diego panicked in his bout of confusion and tried to scramble away. Tickling always rendered Diego useless and once Klaus was going, it was hard to stop him. 
“I-I don’t know wha-what your talking about Klaus! I-I didn’t cheat!”
Klaus tsked at his brother. 
“First you cheated, and now you lie straight to my face? As the winner of our competition, I sentence you to a bout a tickles to pay for your crime. That will help you detox!”
Diego, now more confused than ever, attempted to roll off the couch and run away from Klaus to no avail. Klaus had the advantage as he quickly pinned Diego by landing on his back in his attempt to roll over. Klaus wasted no time digging his nimble fingers back into Diego’s ribcage to render him useless. 
Diego started giggling maniacally and attempted to curl into a ball. Diego’s laughter was music to Klaus’s ears as he continued with his attack. Testing the waters, Klaus slid his fingers between the couch and Diego’s belly. He quickly started pinching the newfound flesh and giggled out-loud at the new string of insults and squeals he elicited from his brother.
Diego looked so adorable with his eyes wrinkled and a light coloring on his cheeks. His smile was genuine even though the laughter was forced. Klaus knew they were both enjoying this wonderful distraction, even if neither would admit it. 
Diego snorted when Klaus “accidentally” dipped his finger into his belly button. 
Klaus glanced behind the couch at seemingly nothing while he continued to tear Diego apart. 
“Oh, that’s right! His belly button is another sensitive spot. Thanks for the reminder Ben!”
With this, Klaus wasted no time in working his fingers into Diego’s soft belly again, while also using his other hand to continue on his ribs. Diego never failed to snort each time that evil finger wormed into his navel. With Klaus squishing his back, Diego wasn’t able to arch his back away from the ticklish torture.
“Kl-Klaus! No! Hahaha, stop it! Whahahat the hell man!”
Diego was embarrassed at how quickly he caved. As children, it was no secret that Diego was by far the most sensitive. Tickle fights were not a super common occurrence, but were very entertaining when they did happen. And Diego was one of his family's favorite victim. Whether it be the loud laughter they always extracted from him or just how easy it was to get him giggling, his siblings loved to mess with him. Ben was the typical instigator, which is probably why he was feeding Klaus all his sensitive spots.
“Do you regret it now Diego?? Don’t you know alcohol is bad for you!” Klaus teased as he was now alternating between strumming his ribs and pinching his sides. 
Not only was Diego giggling like a madman, but he was also confused as hell. 
“KLAUS WHAHAT DO YOU MEAHEHEN!” Diego screeched out. 
Klaus decided to give Diego a breather and switched to lightly tracing his nails against his ears and neck, just to keep him giggling but not enough to kill him. 
“Diego, you really are dense! I saw that flask you are hiding in your pocket. So did Ben. He’s nodding in agreement I swear on my life.”
Then it clicked. The flask. Of course, Klaus had spotted it! And of course, he had no clue he had dumped the contents. 
“Klaus! I dumped it! Swear to God!! Please just stop!“
Klaus immediately ceased after hearing the serious tone in his brother's voice. After his giggling and laughter had died down, Diego explained everything. 
“Oh wow. I’m sorry Diego. I saw the flask and just assumed. I’m proud of you for dumping it, I know I wouldn’t have. Looks like the competition is still on then!”
Diego sat up from his seat. 
“You know Klaus? I think I’d like to challenge you to a new competition.”
Klaus tilted his head, waiting for his brother to continue. 
“How much you wanna bet that I also remember all of your sensitive spots?”
Klaus didn’t even have time to scramble away before Diego pounced. The room was soon filled with more shrieking and giggling as Diego took his time getting sweet sweet revenge.
The two knew they would have to face reality eventually, but why not do it with clear heads and smiles plastered to their faces?
Eternal sobriety was never going to happen, but knowing that they could overcome the temptation of over drinking was a huge accomplishment in itself. Especially knowing that neither had to fight that battle alone. 
Hours later when Five finally arrived back at the mansion, he stumbled across the two brothers sleeping on the couch: Klaus’s head in Diego’s lap and Diego’s upper body draped over Klaus’s midsection. 
Five just chuckled to himself and draped a blanket over the two of them. If ever questioned, he would swear on his life that he didn’t do it. 
Unbeknownst to him, Ben was watching the whole thing, and would definitely be telling Klaus. 
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wannaeatramyeon · 8 months
Lookism: "No thank you! I have a partner!"
Silly. G/N. Y'all probably seen the meme. Your partner comes home drunk and doesn't recognise you. Masterlists
Gun Park, Ryuhei Kuroda, Goo Kim, DG, Vin Jin, Jake Kim, Samuel Seo
Loud scratching and thumps at your front door wakes you. You wonder whether to arm yourself with a frying pan and then you hear your boyfriend muttering slurred profanities.
A loud bang reverberates through your home as he stumbles, drunk, through the door.
With a sigh, you crawl out of bed to check the state they're in.
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Gun gazes at you, bleary-eyed and half focused. Slightly swaying on his feet, a very unusual sight of someone usually in full control of their body.
Then something clicks in his brain, eyes hardening just before he looks away. He tells you, tone disinterested, that he's a taken man.
"I don't know how I ended up here, but don't get the wrong idea."
He turns around, exits his own living room, exits his own home, and sleeps outside the apartment in the hallway instead.
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"Yeah you're pretty cute," Ryuhei mumbles, words slurring together, "But my partner is cuter."
He pulls his phone out, drops it twice, unlocks it on the third attempt and shows you a picture - one that you have seen, actually one that you took of him smooching you on the cheek.
"Aren't they cute?" He beams, utterly besotted. "Let me just crash here," he says as he collapses on the sofa. "If you touch me I'll scream."
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"Get your hands off me!" Goo screeches, slapping you away as you try to undress him and get him ready for bed. "My my, you're forward aren't you?"
Goo leans forward and gives you a smile halfway between utterly charming and complete sleazeball.
Then, all bravado evaporates and he sighs.
"Oh sweetheart you would be just my type, but," he pushes you off the bed, "I'm taken and very happy about it."
He lies down, burritoing himself and turning his back to you. "You can make your own way out."
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Vin fiddles with his sunglasses, peering approvingly at you.
Even in his drunken haze he can tell that damn, you're fine. Except. He is also lucid enough to realise he is not looking respectfully anymore and he thinks of you, his ride or die, and his face completely changes.
He frowns and asks you what the hell you are looking at. That you have no chance. He has a partner at home that is much hotter, much better, thank you very much and yeah he's an asshole but he's not going to cheat so back the fuck off.
You roll your eyes, hackles would have been much higher if he wasn't actually being sweet in his own way.
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DG takes a moment to process the situation. And when he does, he gets it completely wrong.
He plasters on his k-pop smile. The one reserved for winning over fans, interviewers and for his insincere apology videos.
"Did you want an autograph?" He pulls out a photocard from his inner pocket and a pen (and wow, you did not realise he carried a stack of his photos. You are not going to let him live this down) and scribbles his signature that comes with some love hearts and sparkles and passes it over to you.
"Here you go," he holds it out to you in both hands, not before mumbling under his breath, "You're cute but shit if you turn into another stalker..."
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Jake is already asleep on the sofa by the time you pad out, which must be some super power in itself.
"Wake up," You give his shoulder a shake. He frowns, then cracks one eye open. "Come to bed."
He grunts something indecipherable and attempts to roll his oversized frame on your undersized sofa.
"Jake, cmon."
You start to drag him to your bedroom, your touch finally waking something inside and he bolts upright, removing your hands firmly off him.
"I have a partner." He tells you with no room for any misinterpretation. "But," he scratches absentmindedly at his stomach, "Do you have any food?"
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Samuel does as he's told. Obediently removing his trousers, and unbuttoning his shirt, taking it off-
(Truly, you had no ulterior motive, you just wanted to remove the stink of alcohol.)
When, maybe for the first time in his life, he is afflicted with modesty and a startling clarity.
He yanks his shirt back on and pulls his trousers on with surprisingly sober efficiency.
"Absolutely not," he glowers at you, "This is not happening. I'm taken."
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pastart · 7 months
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Diego Villarreal (2023)
914 notes · View notes
person25 · 5 months
Me: I need them in my BONES😍
Also me, an asexual: would never participate in sexual intimacy
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sasucaty · 3 months
"I alone am the honoured one" aah mfs
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sscarletvenus · 6 months
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when the brainrot actually is rotting your brain...
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shishibaswife · 7 months
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"Are you the strongest because you're gojo satoru? Or are you gojo satoru because you're the strongest?"
ahh line 😭😭🙏
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anticapitalistclown · 9 months
Hi! I’m not sure if you’re taking requests, but forever ago you made a post as to how sone lookism characters would react to reader having nipple piercings, and I wanted to know if you could do a pt. 2 with Gun, DG, and Goo?
Sure! It was one of my firsts posts, and I remember having so much fun writing! My writing changed a bit since then, but I'll try to make it similar <3
pd. thank you for all your kind words
pt.1 with Jake, Sinu and Samuel
Gun, DG and Goo finding out their s/o has nipple piercings, headcanons
Gun never minded seeing you changing clothes in front of him, actually, he appreciated you were comfortable enough to show yourself in front of him in such a vulnerable state, what he isn't aware of is that you recently decided to add some decorations to your body.
you were explaining to him how your day went "the cafeteria just closed, and I couldn't buy my macchiato, so I had to walk to a KFC" you took off your clothes.
"and why a KFC of all the pla-" he stood silent for a while watching your chest, lowering his sunglasses to the tip of his nose to verify what he just saw "-ces".
"duh 'cause I was hungry" you tried to keep a poker face.
"and do they pierce your nipples at KFC?"
a laugh escaped from you, "what do you think?"
he loves the way the jewelry decorates that part of your body, it is just so eye catching for him.
or the thought of being the only one who knows you have them under your clothes, it makes him go feral.
Gun will buy you spare parts of jewelry for you to change it.
you were showering, your hands carefully taking care of your sore nipples that just got pierced.
suddenly, a hand brushing your hip exalted you.
"always so stealthy, like a cat" you protested, making him chuckle.
his hands reached over yours, uncovering your nipples, he left a surprised expression that he couldn't hide.
"you didn't expect that, huh?" you played, making him laugh.
"you got me, dear"
James always thought nipple piercings were something trashy and out of class, but seeing them on first hand, how the jewelry decorates your breasts, it changed completely his mind over them.
since you got them, showers and baths with him turned to be something more usual.
his eyes focusing from then and there more on your chest area, even if you were wearing clothes over.
you both shared eccentric tastes, so you were confident about getting your nipples pierced and that he would also like them.
after getting them, you made him sit on your bed, telling him you have something to show him.
"what you have, babe, don't make me wait" he was so impatient. You giggled, also impatient to see how would he react.
you flashed him, showing your new piercings to him.
Goo was stone-cold, it was hard to know what he is always thinking, so you got a bit worried "you don't like it?" you asked him while covering your chest.
he blinked and immediately blushed, covering his mouth with his hand, "babe, are you joking? I love them" oh, you don't know what you just made on him.
he will also spoil you, buying all the jewelry you want for your piercings.
now Goo has a favorite touch, his fingers always desperate to touch your piercings, a stimulation for both of you.
264 notes · View notes
kaiseinx · 13 days
imagine. (fem reader :((, sorry blud)
James lee as a boyfriend and Diego kang as a husband.
you may ask what's the difference? it's very different.
Being James lee girlfriend especially if you're shorter than him, your nickname is "shorty" (Indonesia kamu dipanggilnya "bocil" :P)
James lee is different than Diego kang, Diego kang surely have experience with woman, but James lee is not really. Sure he might have some fangirls but he's not interested in any romantic relationship.
he might like to be praised about his skill or looks, even if it's just a little detail about him that change and you notice, he'll be happy.
meanwhile Diego kang is used to praised. praised won't really affect him too much.
Diego kang is used to keep a good expression, while James lee not.
you can see if James is mad or annoyed by looking at his face, but if you look at Diego's face, it's neutral and hard to guess unless he lets his emotion control him and let his guard down then it's possible to read him by his face.
James likes sweet, he probably have a sweet tooth, meanwhile Diego have it too, just don't eat it too much to not have a scandal about his carrier as an idol by eating too much sweets.
James lee will tell everyone that you're his girlfriend (if he wants to, he can also keep your relationship a secret if he finds that it'll be a nuisance if anyone knows) Diego doesn't. he's keeping your relationship and him a secret. from the media, or anyone “close” to him. Only the people he really trust with his life knows about you.
the problem is, he never trust anyone with his life.
but both is not interested in children. James is because he wants to have a “perfect” body, while Diego is because children could get in his way on getting revenge on Charles Choi and might be a weakness to him.
James is fine with a partner who can't really fight. He doesn't have a problem with it. But Diego is not. he makes sure u can protect yourself and train you himself cause he didn't really trust anyone.
James lee is "wear anything you like, I can fight" but Diego kang is "I can fight but cover yourself up"
(u can walk in tank top and shorts with James lee but you gotta disguise yourself up with Diego cause of fangirls, fanboys, stalker, and such things).
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themarvelproject · 3 months
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X-Men #1 cover art by Alex Ross (2024) in a stunning homage to Jack Kirby's iconic original cover to X-Men #1 (1963)
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amphitriteswife · 1 month
Lookism spoilers chapt 515 raws
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- Ui Gun won against UI daniel
- Gun is out UI
-Gun lost an arm and had even more injuries
-James might kill his ass😭
-Charles might get caught/ arrested
Tagging: @zendersenders @jamesleecult @anticapitalistclown @whyreyousoobsessedwithme @wannaeatramyeon @etoilesbonbon @taliaxwinters
Sorry if i tagged someone who didn’t want to be tagged/ forgot to tag
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wannaeatramyeon · 2 months
DG x Reader: Manager and their Idol
8.5k. G/N. Soft, colleagues to lover (guess I love this trope). Masterlists
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You had imagined life as a K-Pop idol manager to be much more glamorous.
You pity your young naive self. The one that envisaged schmoozing with stars and rubbing elbows with the movers and shakers, and instead set you on this horrid, lacklustre path.
What you didn't expect was the amount of time playing driver. Carting that stupid pink haired brat around. Waiting on him hand and foot during shoots and interviews, and being at his beck and call.
You have saved his ass more times than you can recall, ran through scripts with him, practised his stupid dances and moves alongside, protected him from unhinged fans and reporters and scavengers.
And yet you can count on one hand the amount of times he has thanked you.
Actually no, it didn't require any hands because he has thanked you exactly zero times for all your early mornings and late nights and for going above and beyond your duty.
Out of desperation, you had asked your boss if you could manage someone else and the request was declined.
"DG has taken a liking to you," she said, tone impressed as if that was something you should be proud of.
"Great," your smile comes out as more of a grimace.
And goddamn, this agency was so stupidly prestigious and the benefits and perks here really are second to none. Just why did Diego fucking Kang have to be their top idol.
The first time you crossed the threshold into his building, greeting the reception security guard and entering his penthouse keycode like you had been let in on the world's greatest secret, you had tiptoed around like a child in a museum. After all, this was DG's residence. The DG!
You had ooh-ed and aah-ed at every little thing. 
Taking delight in seeing his interior design of choice, the type of candy that he snacks on, the shampoo and conditioner he uses, the way he organises his desk. This is the chair DG sits on to eat. This is the sofa DG lounges on to watch TV. This is the bed he sleeps in, the bath he uses, the toilet he-
Any wide eyed innocence and awe evaporated after your first week working together.
Today, you stab in the entry code and let the door shut with a bang. 
You set his now cold coffee order on the kitchen counter and rifle with practised fingers through his unopened mail to see if there is anything you should draw his immediate attention to. You pick up his discarded clothes from the floor (and for fuck's sake, this suit jacket was on loan) and make your way to his bedroom where tufts of pink hair peeks out from under the cover.
"Good morning," you announce, locating the remote to open the blinds and letting in some sunlight.
Bedsheets rustle behind you.
"Good morning Diego," you repeat and give one warning, "I hope you're decent." With that, you throw the covers back to find the scantily dressed idol glaring up at you.
You remember the days when this sight would have made you weak at the knees. Seeing him half naked, in the flesh, freshly woken up with bedhead and half lidded eyes. It's what most of Korea dreams of, including yourself once upon a time.
Now all you feel is extreme irritation.
"Good morning," you say for the third time, plastering on a saccharine smile that you know DG sees clearly through because it is insincere as hell to anyone with half a brain cell. You let the fakeness shine through anyway.
For a split second, DG frowns as his eyes drop to your lips and then he pretends everything is good. Smiling back prettily, sharp canines on show and stretching. Lifting his arms overhead, showing a good stretch of pecs and abs and the line of muscle in a V pointing like an arrow straight down to his-
You roll your eyes.
"You're late." You throw the covers back over him and stride back towards the door. "We should have left half an hour ago." You leave out the part where you had been waiting downstairs in the car and after an hour of no show and no anything, you stomped your way up to his home.
DG, sensing your mood, adds oil to the fire with a smirk, "Why didn't you wake me then?"
If that idiot bothered to look at his phone, he would see a number of missed calls and unread messages from you.
"Hurry up."
DG has come across many people like yourself over the years. All cute and bright eyed, way too soft.
He never gave you any special treatment, for better or worse, and assumed that you would eventually burn out or give up and move on to something more worthwhile.
Unfortunately, in a rare turn of events, he had miscalculated.
Of course most people would be starstruck, it's only natural. But he mistook your sincerity and kind smile for ignorance and missed your sharp, observing gaze, and astute mind.
He's impressed, and he really can't remember the last time he was impressed.
In a matter of days of working together, you had managed to cut through the bullshit and within the month got him more compliant and docile than anyone else ever has.
Which should be a huge fucking problem, and raising red flags all over DG's mind.
What's really troubling him right now, as he sulks in the passenger seat and you in the driver's, is that you have developed some sort of resistance to his charms.
Maybe a part of him does actually miss the you who he formed the first impression of. Who looked at him in wonder, with the same admiration that everyone else did.
Now that he knows you, he hates that he had thought that initial admiration was insignificant and worthless.
DG has a stash of candy in the car.
Or more accurately, you keep a stash of candy next to him to a) Shut him up and b) Keep him tolerable.
If DG wasn't so aloof, the fact that he has an incurable sweet tooth (and probably cavities to prove it) would have made headlines as a cute K-Pop fact and likely garnered sponsorship and advertising deals with all sorts of confectionary brands.
You had only found out during your adventures as his manager, rifling through his kitchen drawers trying to find his goddamn phone that he misplaced and you stumbled upon his stash of candy.
It really was a disgusting amount, something you'd expect a gaggle of grade schoolers at Halloween to hoard, not Diego goddamn Kang.
And then you also found out if he's not quiet and haughty in the car, making the atmosphere awkward, he likes to comment on your driving.
Who even sits in the passenger seat next to their 'chauffeur' anyway? He complains about you braking too suddenly and not accelerating fast enough. How you drive like an 80 year old with cataracts, and you're too slow when the light changes to green.
The turn in your relationship happened when you snapped at him to shut the fuck up after losing the final shred of your sanity on a three hour drive.
DG, to your dismay, didn’t miraculously lose his hearing and turns to you as you silently berate yourself for voicing the quiet thoughts out loud.
Although, you're in the deep end now. You're gonna get fired anyway, so if he says anything else you might as well give him a flick on the forehead or a pinch or maybe a punch to the face-
Instead, he laughs.
It's nothing like the laugh you have heard on TV and in interviews. The rehearsed and manicured 'haha' or cool chuckle that suits his shiny persona. It's kinda goofy and a lot endearing.
What's even more endearing is the way he does actually shut the fuck up for the rest of the journey. You like him a lot more after that.
So. You digress.
The candy is a way to keep the sweet toothed maniac quiet. Even if it doesn't work, at least it's harder to make out what insults he's slinging with a lollipop rattling around his mouth.
However, he has never ever shared any with you. Any of the candy that you stock, and pay for.
(That you technically claim back on company expenses, but you're trying to be self righteous here.)
In all the months of working with him, he gobbles away happily even if your stomach is growling and you refuse to take any yourself out of principle.
Taking advantage of your response and open mouth, DG leans into your personal space and feeds you some chewy strawberry something or another (which coincidentally are his least favourite), fingers lingering on your lips for a fraction of a second.
Three things happen in quick succession.
The burst of sugar hits your tongue.
You nearly choke.
You narrowly avoid swerving.
"Careful now," DG grins when you get the car and yourself under control, and glance at him with a scowl.
Good. That proves you're not completely immune to his charms.
That bastard has now taken it upon himself to feed you candy at every opportunity.
You wonder if he's doing some sort of Pavlov experiment. The sweetness trying to erase any sourness you feel towards him.
It sort of works, and you consider biting his fingers off one of these days.
You hear the crinkling of wrappers, one for him that he pops into his mouth, and one for you that he gives without asking.
You angle your head towards him, and his fingers graze your lips every time.
Neither of you comment on the change but the intimacy drives you a little crazy.
And DG too.
Because intimacy works both ways and damnit his little gesture to keep the pretty blush on your face has backfired.
The only form of intimacy he knows comes from discreet hookups and low key links. Not someone who is around day in, day out. Or anyone that goes deeper than one night stands and booty calls.
You're there, you're always there. Of course you are, you're his manager.
But today, he feels under the microscope with you standing a couple metres away and keen eyes watching the camera monitor.
It's a no nothing day. Standard schedule where he shoots a fragrance commercial and he exits a pool all wet and sultry, white t-shirt clinging to his muscled body.
Then another scene where he writhes around slightly on a sunbed and eye-fucks the camera.
How it sells a fragrance, he never knows. The mystery of showbiz.
"Cut! More powder!" The director shouts out, the crew springing into action and DG knows exactly why.
He feels strangely embarrassed and flustered, which has manifested into his cheeks being flushed, and god he can't even remember the last time he has been like this.
It’s out of character and he needs to get his head together.
As the make up artist hurriedly dabs on some foundation, you make your way over to him.
"Are you sick?" you ask, concerned and reaching out to feel his forehead with the back of your hand.
"I'm fine," He says, turning away from your attentiveness and staring at a point in the distance.
With most people, if DG wants them out of sight, they stay out of sight.
But as his manager, and a very competent one at that, it’s harder to get you to leave.
Not that DG wants you to either, don’t get him wrong. 
The only constants he has around him are people who want something from him. And yes, he knows you’re only in his company because you work with him. However, he really can’t doubt the concern he always sees in your eyes. The compassion and empathy even when he makes you want to scream and tear your hair out.
His standoffish demeanour is not new to anyone. It’s part of his appeal to be quite honest. 
Yet he feels bad over the next couple weeks as he turns it up to eleven and tries to create some distance. He registers the hurt on your face as he is extra short with his answers and behaviour.
Pandering to overinflated celebrity egos and the insane Korean work ethic often leads to after hour shoots and dinner delayed until past midnight.
Honestly, this wreaks havoc on your sleep schedule and your skin.
"Here." You retrieve DG's takeout from the paper bag.
A double portion of delicious fried chicken with a side of kimchi and pickles. It's a change of pace from what most idols order, yet he doesn't give two shits about calories or sodium intake and to add insult to injury, somehow manages to keep his trim figure.
You lament your soggy salad sitting at the bottom. As if it’s not sad enough right now - once you arrive home, the lettuce will be wilting and room temperature and you will eat it in your dimly lit apartment with nothing to keep you company except the sound of the TV.
DG notices you turning to leave his penthouse, and his mouth moves before his brain can.
"Aren't you staying?"
"What?" You double take at the question.
DG's company is usually worse than your lonely meal for one. 
He’s annoying and you frequently want to slap him, but how he has been with you lately has been troubling and you actually feel a sense of relief at his offer.
(You had wondered if you might have been getting sacked up until this moment.)
Nevertheless, in all your time working alongside, you have never had a proper meal one on one together. Nothing more than you driving with one hand and the other hastily shoving a burger into your mouth as he looks on in disgust.
You would have dwelled on this more, wondering what's changed, what’s happened, but then-
"I'll share." DG nudges the box towards you, and the delicious scent of deep fried, battered goodness wafts along with it it
All your misgivings and your salad is forgotten.
No, you were wrong.
Eating with DG, without any distractions such as traffic to navigate or other boisterous colleagues around, is unnerving. Disarming.
His haughtiness remains, but how haughty can someone be when munching on a drumstick.
All frostiness from the past weeks melts away as you both eat your way through his chicken.
He’s talking more tonight than you have heard in a while.
You find him funny, and really quite bitchy. Which you did know all along except it's much funnier now his slanderous comments aren't directed at you.
And has he always looked at you with such a piercing gaze? So intensely focused on what you have to say. Even if you're just complaining about your boss, blurring your lines of professionalism, he gives you his full attention.
You really can't remember the last time you have been in each other's company like this. 
You loathe to admit that even with what an asshole he is, DG's shine hasn’t dulled enough for you that you don't understand the appeal.
Leaning forward, DG whispers into your ear.
To anyone else, it looks like an over-affectionate idol with their manager. If they could hear his words, "I'm going to kill you," they would think otherwise.
Ok, so this one is your fault.
The good times have to come to an end and maybe you should have been more careful with his pride and joy - some ridiculously overpriced and over-specced vehicle.
Taking advantage of the clear blue Seoul skies, the pink haired menace was the one who drove you today in his fancy imported sports car, but the speed limits and the rest of the traffic was not on his side.
Already running late, even for him, he parked somewhere convenient and illegal then passed you the keys, leaving you stranded on the sidewalk, mouth opening and closing like a goldfish, as he strode off to meet his music producer and choreographer and left you to park his baby elsewhere.
Why he entrusted you with it, you're not sure.
You would have done it anyway though, because when else are you going to have an opportunity to drive a supercar, if your boss didn't call at that moment. Questioning your expenses and DG's schedule and confusing you about the fitting at a fashion house and hair styling appointment that you knew like the back of your hand but when someone is so confidently incorrect, you start to doubt yourself.
By the time you got off the phone after pacing up and down the street and checking and double checking DG's timetable, you finally make your way back to the car-
And see it in the middle of being compounded.
You had begged and pleaded with the two men who were having none of it and you left, tail between your legs, to beg and plead with the other man who you knew would also have none of it.
Damn, you hate it when you prove yourself right in these instances.
You know DG won't really kill you, but he will likely make your life hell for the next couple weeks.
A normal person being pissed off at you would probably result in the silent treatment until tempers cool down.
DG does the opposite. Sort of.
He takes pleasure in making things as awkward for you as possible, until you're squirming in your seat trying to stay professional, thinking about your job and your rent and your bills; or torn between wanting the ground to swallow you up.
Around other people, your boss, your colleagues, his colleagues, he sidles up to you all smiles and soft looks. Slips purposely into banmal, and then oopsy, pretends that he didn't mean to be so informal with you around others.
Gossip soon stirs about your and DG's close relationship, if there's something else going on. Only you can see the mischief in his eyes and the malice in his smile and you think about yanking him by the ear and demanding to know what he is playing at.
Alone, he denies any sort of miscreant behaviour. Barely listening to you complaining and snapping at him. Ending with him outright ignoring you and you fume even harder.
This time, you're not sure the punishment even fits the crime. 
Any guilt soon dissipates when his car is returned in perfect condition within a couple days but his performance lasts for weeks.
Teasing you has always been fun for DG - when your cheeks dust angrily with pink and your eyes burn with fire.
The equivalent of a boy pulling a girl’s pigtails in the school yard.
Meetings with HNH Group usually do not involve you. If it does, at most you are waiting in the car.
Luckily, there are also an assortment of cafes and restaurants within a stone's throw and it gives you some time to debrief and catch a breather from following DG's hectic schedule.
The downside is you're never sure if a two hour meeting will be condensed to fifteen minutes or if a quick catch up with Charles Choi and other Executives turns into an all nighter.
There's been days where you have ordered a meal, then had to abandon it with a sigh and a longing look as you spot DG striding out of the building looking pissed off that you're not already there, or stayed in the vehicle with the engine running and your stomach rumbling as short appointments overshoot.
Maybe this is another consequence from DG being petty and irate with you for getting his car towed - you're left snoozing at the steering wheel of your runaround, the idol standard-issue luxury minivan, waiting for his return.
It's far too late in the evening for anywhere to be open, only the fluorescent lights of convenience stores and glare of the HNH logo illuminates the streets.
DG opens the sliding door, climbs into the back and slams it hard enough to jerk you awake and rattle the entire van.
He’s sitting by himself in the back, which is odd enough in itself.
As you blink away the dregs of sleep, in the rearview mirror, you notice the stiffness in his shoulders and the tightness in his jaw. His eyes stare vacantly out the window. DG is clearly upset about something, enough to crack through his aloof veneer.
"Are you ok?" You don't get a response, not even a passing glance.
Obviously something has gone wrong with the HNH Group meeting and the stress has manifested.
You wrack your brains thinking of something that might cheer up this asshole and you think of the only thing that improves your mood when you're on the verge of a breakdown.
(Usually due to the aforementioned asshole in your current presence). 
"Tteokbokki and beer?" You offer. It’s past your bedtime but a sulky DG for the rest of the week will also ruin your week too.
DG briefly looks at you before going back to staring at the window. It’s not a no.
You don’t get home until past 4am that night. 
At your favourite late night hole-in-the-wall, you eat far more tteokbokki than DG. On second thoughts, you don’t remember him eating any at all. You’re talking and downing beers to fill the silence, trying to perk up this silly celebrity. Loose lipped and spilling far more details than you would if you were sober, with him seated opposite and sipping on a soda. 
As the night ticks along, he thaws and a small smile settles on his face watching you gesticulate and ramble about your life.
You don’t get home until past 4am that night-
With DG driving, piggybacking you up to your apartment, and tucking you into bed.
DG can’t stop thinking of the weight of you on his back, arms slung over his shoulders, legs at his waist and his hands gripping your thighs.
You slurring drunkenly into his ear as he climbs the stairs in your building. It’s mostly nonsense. He can’t make out your words but remembers your breath tickling his skin.
And when he wraps your duvet around you, the brief moment of lucidity in your eyes as you look at him, softer than you ever have, you tell him, “Thanks Diego.”
Nothing changes between the two of you after this. Not really.
You still find him an enormous thorn in your side. Incredibly stuck up and haughty and you continue to want to throttle him on a weekly basis but you are immensely grateful for him not leaving you a passed out heap on the sidewalk.
You’re in the middle of chastising him once again, dragging him out of bed as he is running late and being an absolute dick about it. Taking it easy as if he has all the time in the world. 
Well of course he does. He’s not the one that will be getting an earful from your boss or on the receiving end of the production crew’s complaints, as if trying to manhandle and cart this manchild around is easy.
“Diego Kang, I swear to fucking god-”
"James." He says, interrupting you as he picks out and pulls an eye-wateringly expensive jumper over his head.
"Call me James when it's just us.” He checks out his outfit in the mirror, seemingly satisfied with it, before moving onto his hair. “James Lee. That's my real name."
DG, or James Lee, keeps his eyes on his reflection. Inspecting his non-existent roots, styling his fringe to make it fall just so and applying a liberal amount of hair product.
Nonchalant and casual even as he offers something desperately personal about himself.
"James," you say, trying out the sound for yourself. A name that seems at odds with his loud K-Pop shell but you imagine a time before the fame and the celebrity and the pink hair and it somehow fits.
"James," you repeat, and receive a small smile in return. Then it drops as you add, “If you don’t get your ass in the car in the next five minutes I will kill you.”
“James,” you think to yourself before you drift off to sleep that night. 
How peculiar.
“James, James, James.”
Celebrities these days are multi-hyphenates.
DG is an Idol-CEO-Actor, or at least trying to add the last one onto his resume. On looks alone, he would have already gotten his foot through the door. Add on his reputation and popularity, he is drowning in offers.
What you personally dislike more with K-dramas scenes though, is how long things take. How much it revolves around other actors and their managers whereas DG being in the studio or filming a music video is pretty much all him.
This K-drama is supposed to be the next big thing. 
With the biggest names attached, including DG who is making a cameo. The cameo that was also scheduled to be filmed five hours ago but you have both just been lurking in his dressing room since.
Along with some measly snacks and refreshments, which the crew has been kind enough to provide. 
However, the snacks are all but gone (thanks to you) and the refreshments are dwindling and there is no end in sight.
DG, or James, as you have started to call him in your head, is on his phone. He’s always on his phone. Scrolling through news articles, responding to important emails and messages.
There’s only so much news or celebrity gossip you can take. You have exhausted your own social media feeds and you have spent far too much money on your gacha games and the guilt has set in.
You twiddle your thumbs on the sofa next to him as he takes no notice of your presence and you decide to rest your eyes. 
Why not anyway? DG doesn’t need anything right now, work won’t be interrupting you, and there’s nothing for you to do. Just for a minute or five. Until someone from the production team knocks on the door and announces that it’s time for his scene.
DG side-eyes you when he notices your breath start to slow and deepen. Falling asleep on the job, really?
Then you let out a snore before smacking your lips together a couple times and he holds back a snort. He reasons that he should let you have some time to rest. After all, you’re the one that drives him around, his life is in your hands everyday and tiredness kills.
He’s on his phone for a few more minutes, reading through more emails on PTJ Entertainment and out of the corner of his eye he notices you drooping.
Body slowly slumping to slouch over him, until your head makes contact with his shoulder and you’re snoozing happily on your newfound pillow.
It’s equal parts inappropriate and cute.
Ugh, DG is 99% sure you’re drooling on him and the wardrobe department isn’t going to be happy when he returns the outfit.
Either way, that’s not going to be his problem. He adjusts minutely, makes it just a touch more comfortable for you and continues to scroll.
You wake up to a wetness by your mouth, and to your horror, DG smirking down at you.
Despite none of this being your fault, you apologise to everyone about having to reschedule DG’s music video shoot due to the previous day’s K-drama delays.
To your relief, the music video goes swimmingly and without a hitch, and the production is wrapped up on time. 
You’ll happily bet that his new song will go straight to No.1. If not, then at least the sensual music video will guarantee DG remains top of mind for weeks. 
You’re updating your boss and even she seems to be pleased.
"This is just work." DG interrupts as you're mid call.
You look up at him, brows furrowed.
Holding your hand to your phone to mute the speaker, you whisper, "I know."
"Good," and he walks away leaving you as confused as ever.
It's not the first time you have seen him shoot an MV, which thank the heavens is so much more efficient than bloody k-dramas, and also not the first time that there's been scenes that emulate an intimate moment. Lips nearly brushing together. Hands roaming bodies under fake rain.
Even if DG notices that you're watching the scene, eyes glazed over and bored, he still felt the urge to explain to you that there's nothing between you and the leading lady in the video.
Once out of sight of everyone, he facepalms himself for his ridiculousness.
You’re right, and you absolutely love it when you’re right.
The song goes straight to No.1 and holds that position for weeks, fending off competition from boy bands and girl groups and other solo artists. Apparently it’s going to be the song of the summer.
The music video also breaks records for being the most watched within 24 hours.
DG only reviews it once for post-production checks and finds it just fine.
There’s something he can’t quite put his finger on that seems off with it.
He wonders what it would look like if it was you starring opposite him.
“Where on earth is he?” You grit your teeth and grip harder onto the umbrella that is threatening to be swept away by the wind.
And another thing with being DG’s manager: it’s fine if he’s late but not if it’s you.
(Although to be fair, this instance of him being late is likely due to this particular music producer he’s meeting with enjoying the sound of his own voice.)
You were running late exactly one time in the past, during the first couple days of managing him, when the skies opened and drenched the earth. 
Heavens forbid DG’s perfect, beautiful, flawless hair is ruined by the rain. 
It’s not like he looked like a drowned rat. The paparazzi caught him in a wet t-shirt, fabric clinging to his abs and his pink hair slicked back stylishly. Even the goddamn raindrops were running fashionably down his high cheekbones and dripping off his pout.
For the next week, the tabloids and internet forums went wild with how hot he looked. 
(Who knows, maybe that was the inspiration for his fragrance commercial.)
Nevertheless, DG was displeased and it made its way back to your boss how displeased he was.
Ever since, you have been the unfortunate soul waiting in all manners of weather for him. Rain storms, blistering sun, freezing snow.
Today, it’s your favourite. Rain. You shiver against the elements trying to take shelter under the building entrance canopy, the wind whipping the downpour every which way and you’re getting soaked regardless of how you angle your umbrella.
“Hurry up, DG.”
You check the time over and over. He would be early to his next appointment if he exited the building now. 
…On time.
…On time if the traffic was in your favour.
…Late, but not terribly so.
…Fashionably late.
… Late enough to piss everyone off in the room.
Shit. Just as you begin to fret, wondering if something has happened to him-
Clicks and flashes from cameras alert you to his royal highness finally making an appearance, ready to exit the studio and making his way over to the car.
He materialises by your side, and you mutter a familiar phrase to him. 
“You’re late.” 
It’s a mantra you’re tired of repeating, but he relishes if the amused grin is any indication.
Without a word, he takes off his trench coat and drapes it around your shoulders. His right hand covers yours over the umbrella handle, left wrapping around your waist as he guides you through the throng of reporters and fans.
“What are you doing?” You hiss under your breath. 
You can imagine the optics now from the papers and your boss. It looks… Well. Not terrible but not the best.
“You’re soaked,” is all DG provides, accompanied with a raised eyebrow and a smirk. 
He opens the driver’s door for you before he climbs into the passenger’s side.
Thank goodness for your gift of the gab.
He’s being a gentleman, you tell everyone that would listen. Isn’t this what Korea wants? An idol with manners and who looks after everyone? Is empathetic and caring?
Think how well it would resonate with the female demographic, who wants a boyfriend like this! The older boomer demographic, who thinks none of the young ‘uns have any manners anymore!
Your boss isn’t convinced until the advertising offers for umbrella companies roll in.
Truth be told, DG doesn’t know what possessed him to do that. Especially in front of cameras.
Though, it’s not like he could just let you get even more drenched could he? You’re standing there, looking pitiful and he was just going to let you hold the umbrella over him when he should be the one taking care of you-
Hold on.
DG frowns at himself.
James Lee has never looked after anyone besides himself. You need to look after yourself if you are to survive this dog eat dog world. To make it atop the Pre-Generation, the First Generation and now the Second.
He had unfathomably high expectations of himself (that he managed to achieve) and low expectations for relationships (that hadn’t been proven wrong yet).
People have flitted in and out of the chapters of his life, no-one staying around for long. Definitely no-one staying around long enough to know him, for him to grow comfortable with. 
Perhaps it has been the forced closeness that has caused him to let his guard down. Cabin fever, in a sense.
But James Lee, Diego Kang, has himself also been around long enough to know there’s more to you and he wants more of you.
Finding reasons to spend time together isn’t difficult. Actually, finding reasons to spend time apart would be much harder.
You both get on with your jobs and your duties, even as the closeness grows day by day.
And every time when you’re alone and you call him James, his heart grows fonder.
Out of all the seats available in his apartment, James lounges next to you, long legs draping over yours.
It's another night in together.
These seem to be happening with increasing frequency. DG at least used to keep up appearances, networking with his fellow celebrities.
Parties where you used to look at him with distaste as starlets surrounded him, award shows that he couldn't care less about as you hung around in the background.
Now he prefers to stay in with you, using work as a thin excuse. Studying lyrics that he has already memorised, going over dances that are long ingrained in him.
"You're not going to her party?" You ask, you were sure this fan-favourite and DG were an item or had history. At the very least, the who's who of the industry always attended her gatherings.
"No," his eyes continue roving over the lines.
Then when you thought the conversation was done, he looks over the top of his paper, eyes sparkling with playfulness, "I prefer being here with you."
Oh. Your breath catches in your throat.
You think you might never breathe normally again.
No, that’s a lie. Any opportunities for rose-tinted glasses has long passed by. You both know each other too well for that.
You breathe perfectly fine. Actually, this morning you are taking deep breaths to try and centre yourself. 
It’s not working. 
“You’re always fucking late,” you snap, giving in to your anger.
Sometimes you think it is your fault for not watching over DG 24/7. That instead of going back home, you should just live with him so you can shake him awake when he is supposed to get up instead of when he wants to.
And does it hurt him to look the least bit contrite at making your life a misery? 
Why does he have to look so smug with a lollipop stick hanging out his mouth? Seriously, between all the rushing around this morning, when did he find time to look for goddamn candy?
“For fuck’s sake, James.” You’re speed walking towards his front door, looking at the Maps app on your phone and miss his smile at you snarling his name. 
You’re already running behind and every route to the recording studio is red due to roadworks or an accident or just plain ol’ congestion. “Shit!”
Your finger jabs at the elevator button multiple times.
“It’s not going to get there any quicker if you do that,” DG speaks lowly into your ear and you get the urge to pinch him.
Instead of prodding some more at the button, you turn around and prod him in the chest.
“You’re going to get me fired one of these days,” You growl. “It’s fine for you, Diego goddamn Kang, the star who is pretty much untouchable. I’m not. I’m replaceable. There’s a million people who would take my job-”
DG snatches your hand, holds it still. “You’re not replaceable.” Then adds with an infuriating grin, “So what if we’re late.”
The minivan is skipped, and his answer to your problem is his other pride and joy. A motorbike that looks far too aggressive and a complete death trap.
“I’m not getting on that,” you say as DG hands you leathers that materialised from god-knows-where and a spare helmet.
“Fine,” he says, shrugging and throwing a leg over. “I don’t think your boss will be happy.”
If this was any other situation, you would be acutely aware of yourself pressed up against DG’s back. Your arms wrapped tightly around his waist.
Except all you can focus on is that you’re going to fucking die. You think you might be screaming.
“Stop screaming!” His disembodied voice calls out. Oh. Turns out you are.
For some reason, DG had thought the helmets with built in speakers and mic would be better for communication. Fun, even. Frankly, you’re just giving him a headache.
(Not to mention the fact that he bought a spare helmet at all. And leathers that he thought would be exactly your size.
He had never rode with anyone before and you certainly had never expressed any interest. Yet he passed by a motorcycle store when he had rare time to spare, and visited on a whim.
If he dwelled on this anymore, DG is sure his headache would turn into a full blown migraine.)
Later that night, when the ringing in his ears finally subside, he will still think about the way you held him.
When public opinion is on your side, then that’s fantastic. Amazing. You tend to get away with all sorts of things.
When it’s not, the truth can become muddied and there’s mental gymnastics from all sides painting you as the villain.
Fortunately, public opinion generally works in DG’s favour, especially in the case of his stalker who got sentenced for more jail time than if she was harassing a normal person, but not long enough to account for all the distress she has caused.
Such is the criminal justice system.
Her date of release looms large and near. DG, despite his talent and fighting prowess, realises certain traumas can’t be erased.
He grows on edge. Skittish. Snaps at any and everything. It’s noted by journalists. Other managers gives you questioning looks
You don’t miss his change in demeanour. To you, the reason behind it is obvious. 
You’ve heard about this case, everyone has. It dominated headlines for almost a month: the crazy sasaeng fan who believed herself to be DG’s girlfriend before moving onto another poor soul and was finally arrested.
As he spirals, nothing you do or say to him manages to get more than a nod or a frown. You try to offer that she had fixated on someone else before she was arrested, hoping that was a small consolation to him. And though he managed a weak smile, the black cloud still hangs over him.
In the end, you pack your bags and arrive at DG’s one evening. Instead of letting yourself in like you usually would, you ring the buzzer, smile into the door camera and tell him “It’s me!”
The door swings open to reveal DG looking perplexed (and worse for wear). Head tilting, curious and inquisitive when he sees your suitcase and carrier bags full of snacks.
“I’m staying for a while.”
“According to who?”
You barge past him anyway with a grin.
The date of his stalker’s release arrives and passes without drama.
You miss your home comforts but it makes you happy to see DG’s mood genuinely improve as the days go on.
The luxurious oversized mattress, fancy spa shower, and jacuzzi bathtub also helps to make your stay a bit more bearable.
Not to mention each morning DG actually cooks breakfast for you. Turns out he’s not bad at all at playing a househusband, and it’s also maddening how he manages to get up each day before you when he hasn’t got any place to be.
“Thanks James,” you say, when he presents you with a home cooked meal and his smile grows a bit more each day.
Peace doesn’t last.
Blurry photos of you both leaving and entering DG’s apartment at all hours of the day and night make the front page of certain news sites.
Headlines scream with leading questions. 
“Relationship beyond Manager and Idol?”
“How a Manager seduced their Idol.” 
“Who is this mystery person that has tamed DG?”
Why anyone deemed it newsworthy is beyond you. You’ve been to his apartment a million times. 
Yes, you suppose the closeness of DG and yourself in the photos can look a little suspect. 
In this particular one, it looks like you have your hand caressing his chest when in actual fact you were shoving him away for a dismissive comment he made.
And the other photo, of his hand on your wrist, was actually him dragging you away when he spotted a herd of fans in the distance.
More pictures unveil themselves.
A snapshot of you driving and DG feeding you candy.
You and DG, whispering intimately in your ear as his supercar is being towed away in the background.
You red faced and drunk as DG piggybacks you outside your building.
His jacket wrapped around you, hand on your waist and angling the umbrella over you.
Him smiling down at you (ok, you admit that you didn’t realise how soft that looks to other people.)
Finally an exceptionally pixelated image of you both on his bike, that could be anyone really.
Unfortunately, your opinion is in the minority as the articles are inundated with comments and furious, tearful fans shrieking that their idol is betraying them. 
Simply unhinged.
The speculation grows. You’re damned if you do deny anything, damned if you don’t. Your talent agency puts out an official statement.
To your ire, the statement is ‘no comment’ rather than anything more definitive. You glare at James when you find out, suspecting he has something to do with this.
He gives you a shrug, and a familiar look of mischief.
To his credit, he doesn’t leave you completely to fend for yourself. You stay off social media for your sanity, and when the paparazzi hounds you, he's the one with his arm around you, cutting a path through the crowd and shielding you.
It adds fuel to the fire. Does nothing to help your case. 
Still, you can’t help feeling safe and secure with his hand guiding you - holding onto your waist, round your shoulder, or simply - 
Your hand in his.
Outside of the conference room, where DG is wrapping up a press release for his newest album and nothing else, a reporter slinks out and approaches you.
You’re used to being on the other side of the conversation. Part of the staff, herding DG through camera flashes and questions being thrown at him though there was always some sort of camaraderie. Both parties just trying to do their job with deadlines and targets to hit.
This time you just feel a weariness as you see this person making a beeline towards you.
“Nice to meet you, Y/N.” They say, holding out their hand for a shake which you take with reluctance.
A voice recorder is thrusted into your face, and you automatically take a step back. “Hope you don’t mind, but I just have a couple questions for you.”
“There’s been lots of sightings of you and DG together-”
You open your mouth to argue-
“Can you confirm your relationship with him?”
A vacant smile settles onto your face. It’s a practised expression where you follow all the cues to be polite and professional even as internally you wish to be anywhere but here. “I’m his manager.”
“Are you two together? Romantically?”
“I’m his manager.” You repeat through gritted teeth, and you’re surprised to hear your voice calm and collected.
“Is that a no? Or-”
“What even is this question?” You scoff, ignoring the way your cheeks heat, and refusing to partake in this circus a moment longer. “This is over.”
You manage to at least catch them looking apologetic, before you stride off into a corner to take a deep breath.
DG, much more adept and experienced at fending off questions, had finished the conference early and caught the entire exchange, watching you both with a bemused look.
Walking towards you with quiet, measured footsteps, his hand settles onto your lower back as he murmurs your name.
He bites back a laugh at your small, startled jolt.
DG tilts his head to signal ‘this way’. You give him a look but follow him regardless. Trailing behind, moving far away from other prying eyes. 
Up a flight of stairs, through multiple fire doors, turning left then right then another right then maybe a left. It doesn’t matter. You’re hopefully lost and decide to just put your faith in this wretched idol.
He finally seems to find what he’s looking for as he reaches an empty corridor; stopping mid-step and you collide into his back.
“Ack!” You exclaim, hitting the solid wall of muscle.
He lets out a huff of laughter and whirls around to face you, noting how cute your look of surprise is.
How strange though, that this is his current position. But is it really unexpected that the person that has been by his side for months has finally worked their way into his heart and has somehow learned to read him when no-one else could?
If he really thinks about it, yes actually, it is unexpected. No-one else has managed to grow close to him before. As James Lee, as Diego Kang. Birds of a feather or opposites attract or everything in between, no-one has got him like you do. 
There’s still so much more to tell and show you but… First things first.
Fidgeting, you shift your weight from one foot to another, growing self-conscious waiting for DG to talk, only to find him staring intently at your face. Impatient, you give in and speak first.
“What is it?”
“James.” He cuts in abruptly, “It’s just us right now. Please.”
You blink in shock at the please and correct yourself at his insistence, lowering your voice so it doesn’t echo down the empty hallway. “James, are you ok?”
“Better than ever,” he says, a smirk now pulling at his lips.
You register his change in mood and narrow your eyes, wondering where this is going. “Why are we here?”
“When the reporter asked if we were together, you said you’re my manager.”
“I am your manager.”
“But you are interested in me.”
It’s not a question. DG, no James, says it like a fact and there’s no doubt in your mind or his. You open your mouth to argue, then close it again. Open it once more-
You feel some cogs in your brain misfiring and all you can manage is a feeble, “Huh?”
“You told them you’re my manager, but didn’t say no to being with me.”
“So. What do you think?”
“Of what?”
“You like me. Tell me that I’m wrong.”
You take a step back. “...”
Another step. “...”
“Tell me you don’t want this.”
And your back hits the wall with an oomph.
DG slaps his hand on the wall beside your head, bends at the waist and leans his weight forward until he’s eye level with you. “Tell me and I promise I’ll stop.”
You’re cornered and he searches your face for a response.“Y/N?”
Fuck. Fuck!
How on earth are you supposed to respond when he looks at you like this. When his face is millimetres from yours and his breath is on your skin and his dark eyes pierces into your soul, pupils blown deliciously wide.
With his stupid pink hair and his fringe flopping, framing his face and his high cheekbones.
The stupid canines of his poking out that gives him so much character and is so hot it hurts when he flashes it accompanied with an arched brow and an arrogant smile.
His stupid pout and his stupid lips, that you know is constantly moisturised with a fancy overpriced lip balm to make it look kissable for the cameras.
And Jesus Christ, you hate to admit it but they do. They 100% do because somewhere in the back of your brain you always knew they look kissable but it has been often clouded by just simply how annoying and bratty you found him.
Except right now you don’t find him annoying or bratty at all.
Even as he’s confessing his feelings with complete confidence, no unease, no anxiety or doubts, because he always had a way of worming under your skin and he knows exactly how to push your buttons.
Damn it all.
“Kiss me,” you tell James, and he isn’t surprised at all by your reaction, face lighting up at your confirmation.
He shifts. 
Hand coming up to cup your cheek. He rubs his thumb twice over your skin, savouring you any way he can before tilting your face towards his. His lips at first brushes against your forehead. Leaves a trail down your nose, peppers both cheeks and then your chin. 
He draws back once, takes in your sweet face and gives you a smile so soft it makes your heart hurt.
Then finally, after wanting this for so long, presses his lips against yours.
Diego Kang, James Lee, tastes like candy and sugar.
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person25 · 9 months
So…does DG act like a regular kpop idol? Like, does he make those tiktok videos dancing to his song with other kpop idols to promote?
Imagine seeing the guy who beat the shit out of you doing aeygo. My pride would be in hell, never to be seen again.
imagine being his s/o and watching act all sweet on tv and he comes home with his real personality💀
ALSO i need to know what kind of music he makes bc i NEED to see him singing and dancing Rover (by KAI)
I need an in depth abt his idol life right now.
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squishyneet · 3 months
Can I ask Dg X reader relationship will be like?
⋆.ೃ deej relationship headcanons ࿔*:・
when you're in private, his personality goes back and forth. he goes between really sweet and being a menace to society he likes to tease you and he is very flirtatious, especially physically. but sometimes, he gets rather emotional and he doesn't quite know how to show it, but he is madly in love haha he likes when you wear white so the two of you match he likes kneeling down/sitting next to you when you two talk. it feels more intimate to him a very physical guy, likes being close to or least oriented towards you his love languages are physical touch and quality time. he pay attention to the things you like and dedicates himself to you. watching your favorite shows together, listening to music, cooking, etc. very insistent on taking care of your health and wellbeing. helping you when you're sick, telling you to rest, doing things that are hard for you he is a very considerate and respectful boyfie
"It seemed he had unconsciously and unexpectedly found refuge in their affectionate tone, upon their warm skin, and through their gentle gaze."
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