heartfelttickles · 11 months
any umbrella academy tickle hcs? 🥺
Hey anon! Hope you’re having/ have had the best day! So sorry this is a few days late, my brain went blank and I have no clue why aha. Hope these are good headcanons!
Feel free to share any other H/Cs in the comments :)
- not massively ticklish but has certain spots that get a big reaction out of him.
-Not a Lee often as he’s usually called in to pin someone in order to help other Lers and can easily escape holds himself.
-worst spots - neck, back and feet
- again not massively involved in tickled bc he’s mostly the one holding but on the rare occasion he’s not on pinning duty he’s actually a sweet Lee.
- Has a perfect balance of being very teasy but also caring and asks if the Lee is okay (though he rarely gets a coherent answer).
- Main target is Diego, Allison and five when they’re being annoying around him and Klaus bc well… he just outright asks 😂
- will never admit it but is deathly ticklish
- Anywhere will turn him into giggling mess but pinch is stomach or hips and he’s done for
- Will squirm, thrash, buck and everything in between to try and get away from the tickles (even the air tickles)
- Mostly gets tickled by Lila but occasionally gets tickled by Luther or Allison
- Gets flustered ridiculously easy and absolutely, under any circumstance, cannot take teases.
- Cannot say the T-word
- Worst spots: stomach, hips, ribs, underarms
- Absolute menace
- That’s all that needs to be said tbf😂
- Absolutely relentless, knows everyone’s worst spots
- targets his Lee’s top two spots at the same time if he suspects they have so much as breathed on one of his knives
- Tries to tease but stutters as he flusters himself despite being the Ler
- Still can’t say the T-word
- Targets Luther, Klaus and Five
- Like Luther she isn’t massively ticklish but has certain spots that really get her.
- Giggles when the Ler gets close to a bad spot and then cackles when they finally hit the it.
- Can take teases and is bratty back to the Ler.
- Can say the T-Word but depending on the spot, it can make her more ticklish - borderline hysterical
- Worst spots are - neck, ribs
- ruthless…..
- Watches all tickle fights from a distance and has a mini notebook full of tips and tricks to make each of her siblings beyond hysterical
- Will wait for her turn patiently, as though she’s saying to the other Ler’s “is that all you’ve got? Watch this”
- Loves to target Luther, Diego, klaus and Viktor (also loves to tickle Five but he blinks out of the room before she can get close enough)
- let’s face it, he is 100% a Lee and isn’t ashamed to admit it
- Loves the feeling of being tickled and seeing the joy on his siblings’ faces when he’s being absolutely wrecked
- Will purposefully annoy each sibling for a day in the hopes they’ll tickle him in retaliation
- begs to stop when his Ler gets a death spot but will sulk for hours when they actually stop
- High pitch cackles from the get go wherever he’s tickled but absolutely screeches when someone closes in on his armpits.
- Doesn’t get flustered by teases, he sassily retorts and then pays the price for it.
- Can absolutely say the T-word
- I like to think that when no one will tickle him, he accidentally brings Ben to life and Ben tickles him- occasionally using the tentacles to either pin his flailing arms or tickle his stomach.
- Worst spots : armpits, neck, feet, stomach (Everywhere?)
- A cute Ler honestly
- Loves to wreck his siblings but can tell when they reach their limit and understands that it everyone enjoys it as much as he does
- Asks if he took it too far, every time his siblings turn massively hysterical
- Loves to target Five when he’s being a grumpy old (young?) man
- Will purposefully make Ben “real” again just to absolutely wreck him when he’s being annoying
- Forgot he was ticklish until he time traveled back to his siblings
- “Absolutely hates being tickled” he will convince himself and try to convince his siblings but deep down they all know he likes the affection and touch after so many years….. he will take it to the grave before he admits it though
- I like to think that his ability to Blink is either completely gone when tickled or he blinks all around the house as he can’t focus (but taking his Ler with him unknowingly).
- Is deathly ticklish which comes as a nostalgic surprise to his siblings as they forgot how ticklish he was before he left
- Has a very wheezy laugh but will absolutely scream and cackle when someone tries to tickle his knees.
- Cannot take teases at all
- Will growl through the laughter when he’s teased
- Will turn bright red in seconds
- Very very very easily flustered
- Will 100% turn into a man possessed and will try everything to get his Ler off him.
- Worst spots - Knees, thighs, feet, neck ribs (but honestly everywhere)
- will often roll his eyes and read a newspaper when his siblings have a tickle fight
- However he will always get revenge on the person who tickled him
- When he does he’s ruthless
- Depending on who it is, his empathy changes - viktor he’ll take it easier on but Diego will absolutely get wrecked
- Will tease his Ler but will cringe at himself for doing it
- Will torment his Lee by blinking from one end of the room to the other - gradually getting closer and closer to the Lee before finally tackling them to the ground
- When he’s tickling he’ll reminisce of his younger Days before he left.
- Favourite people to target are Diego, Viktor and Ben (when he possesses Klaus or when Klaus brings Ben back to life for a few minutes)
- this lil cutie omg
- Adorably ticklish everywhere but his stomach will get him squealing and falling in and out of silent laughter
- Was often the victim of tickle attacks as a kid (and let’s face it, now Klaus can bring him to life, it’s like nothing has changed 😂)
- The BEST laugh - literally so bright and bubbly, contagious and will legit make everyone smile (even Five)
- Will kick and squirm at every chance he gets
- Cannot say the T word or handle teases
- He gets flustered waaaay too easily
- On the opposite end of the spectrum, Ben is an absolute menace of a Ler
- Will take any opportunity to wreck all of his siblings
- As a kid he wouldn’t get much chance to be a Ler but when he did, his lee didn’t stand much of a chance
- Wrecked Five in one of their old training sessions and Fuve has held a grudge since
- Will tease his relentlessly and can say the T-word whilst being a Ler
- He loves to tickle Klaus and Five
- not the most ticklish but still surprisingly more ticklish than most would think
- Has a very hiccupy laugh which turns into a full, bubbly belly laugh when his worst spot is targeted
- If someone tries to tickle him he will internally panic, so much so that he just doesn’t have the instinct to move out of the way of the Ler
- Will try to push the Ler off but not hard enough to make much of a difference in their tickling style
- Will start off as a steady stream of giggles that rise in pitch and then full blown belly laughs when his sides are squeezed.
- Legs will drum into the floor and he will try and squirm but kind of just accepts his fate
- Has the biggest smile on his face throughout the whole thing
- Can take teases (kind of?) and can say the T-word
- Worst spots are Sides, ribs and neck
- another sweet Ler
- Very gentle and kind of hesitant to do rougher tickles for a while
- Can tease so well and get his Lee flustered easily
- Will always say stuff like ‘I’m barely even touching you, how can you be this ticklish?’
- Loves to target Five and Allison
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amazingmsme · 2 years
An Old Familiar Sound
AN: Better late than never! Here’s everyone’s favorite grumpy old man & himbo brother, aka Five & Luther. They have such a fun dynamic, & I always enjoy writing them. As always, enjoy! 
Luther had forgotten how much he enjoyed Five's company because it'd been so long since he'd spent time with him. And after his disappearance, Reginald discouraged any mention of their brother unless it was to be used as a cautionary example of what would happen if they went against him. But Luther didn't want to unpack all of that at the moment.
He had never considered himself a funny guy, mostly because his siblings wouldn't laugh at his attempts at a joke. Which is why he felt an unusual sense of pride when he told a lame joke and Five nearly doubled over snickering to himself.
"I almost forgot you had dimples," Luther said fondly, giving Five's shoulder a pat. He immediately stopped laughing and schooled his features into their resting bitch face position.
"I don't."
Luther arched a brow and gave him a look.
"Uh, yes you do."
"Only when I smile," he argued. That made Luther chuckle, shaking his head.
"That's kind of the point of dimples. It's not a bad thing, they make you look cute. Restore some of that lost innocence," he teased.
"I don't need to restore shit," Five grumbled, grabbing the pot of coffee. He poured himself a large mug full, only adding a single packet of sweetener.
"You could restore some of those manners Dad taught us," he said, grinning smugly when Five turned to glare at him.
"Maybe you should respect your elders," Five challenged. Luther barked out a laugh.
"That's rich coming from you," he smirked walking up beside him to pour himself some coffee. "You've never respected your elders," he said, ruffling his hair. Five ducked away and swatted his hand.
"They've never earned my respect," he deadpanned, but failed to hide his smirk. Luther threw an arm over his shoulders, shaking his body.
"Luther, whahat the hehell?" he scolded through laughter, not really minding the playful affection.
"Well that's a sound I haven't heard in years. Do it again."
"What are you talking ahahabout! Hehehey quit ihihit!" Five shrieked as his brother dug his fingers into his sides.
"Aww I almost forgot how cute your laugh is!" he cooed, one hand clawing over his tummy, the other climbing up his ribs.
"Just shuhut uhuhup!" he cried out. Luther rolled his eyes and scribbled behind his fingers behind his ears. His knees buckled and he squealed, falling into an endless stream of giggles.
As if summoned, Diego appeared in the doorway.
"Thought I heard Five laughing and had to see for myself." Diego leaned against the doorframe, an amused grin plastered on his face.
"Ohoho piss ohohoff!" Five snapped, though his words held no real malice.
"Well that's rude. Think I need to help Luther here show you some manners," he mused, taking a step closer.
"I wouldn't be opposed. Get over here," he invited, waving their brother over.
Five was convinced his family would be the death of him, especially if they kept teasing him like this.
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anasticklefics · 2 years
The God Of Feathers
Fandom: The Umbrella Academy
Characters: Klaus, Five
@veryblushyswitch said: Maybe something for Reddie or Klaus and Five?
@ticklee-pleas said: meeting the god(dess) of feathers/tickling
A/N: Is the first of November too late to post a sort of Halloween fic lol
Words: 530
“And what are you supposed to be?”
Klaus didn’t pay Five’s tone any mind and instead twirled the bright pink boa around his fingers. “I’m a god,” he said mock-indignantly. “The god of feathers.”
Five scowled. “You literally just look like you always do.”
“Well, that’s what happens when you give me like twelve hours to find a costume.” He gestured to the hotel lobby. “This Halloween party sucks, by the way. Where’s the decor? Where’s the butlers dressed up as sexy Draculas?”
“Diego wanted to do this for Stan. I don’t think he realizes it’s not even Halloween.”
“Oh, well. Any excuse to party, right?” Klaus nudged Five in the ribs, grinning when he recoiled with a huff. “Oh, lighten up! What are you dressed as again?”
“A schoolboy,” Five deadpanned, clad in his usual uniform.
Klaus clicked his tongue. “And you call me uncreative.”
“Hey, I didn’t say a thing. You’re the one who made it seem as if your entrance was a grand reveal.” Five pulled at the boa. “I was simply asking for clarification.”
“If I’d had a chance to actually go out to a store I’d glue feathers all over my body.”
“And become a chicken?”
“Funny. But hey, the god of feathers is a real laugh. You wanna know why?”
“Because he’s ridiculous?”
“Because he tickles, duh.” Klaus reached out swiftly, knowing how quick Five was to teleport away, and grabbed for his exposed knees.
Five, panicked, tried to kick him off, a laugh slipping out in the sudden commotion as Klaus nearly swept him off his feet. “Get off!”
“Laugh, Five,” Klaus sang. “The god feeds on laughter.”
“The god is annoying as- no!”
Five hadn’t expected Klaus to move up and was therefore unprepared when he went for his upper ribs, clawing at the skin in a way that made Five cry out and most likely grabbing the attention of the whole goddamn hotel, but Klaus longed to attack Diego in front of his son anyway so he didn’t mind the sound of approaching footsteps. Five would gather the little composure he had left upon their arrival and teleport away, not allowing anyone else to see this, but until then Klaus kept worming his hands under arms and chins, his boa not used once despite being so handy.
Five started laughing before Viktor’s amused question reached them, something high pitched and hysterical and rare to hear, although Klaus had spent much of their childhood coaxing it out. He’d not had the chance recently, but Five acted very much the same. Squirming just enough to nor let Klaus properly trap him. Weakened enough by it all to not fully escape. When it would become too much he would pop away and Klaus would be left with the suspicion that he always could teleport off and just chose not to.
He never brought it up, naturally. He’d not hate seeing Five blush, but he quite preferred actually being on speaking terms with him, believe it or not.
“Oh, hi,” he said when Five had disappeared and Viktor had taken his place. “What are you dressed as? You wanna know what’s wonderful about my costume?”
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pixlokita · 18 days
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They are still cute
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lowkeylokilee · 9 months
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Sassy bots get tickled to bits~
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bloo-the-dragon · 1 year
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ticklytums · 8 months
Down Time- Sneak Peek
Charlie and Alastor enjoy some down time at the hotel after work. Quickly, it becomes a battle of wills!
What just happened?! Before the deer could even make sense of the dizzying attack, he felt her playful little fingers spider along his belly. So unprepared for the sensations, there was a brief whine of radio feedback as Charlie’s nimble fingers zipped along his skin.
Charlie giggled, watching as one of his feet kicked up in reflex. She could feel the deer quivering beneath her fingers and watched his smile twitch wider. The feedback was getting louder too. “I can’t believe The Radio Demon is ticklish! This is the cutest discovery ever!”
“I-I’m not…” He quickly covered his mouth, the desire to laugh was getting too strong to handle. Charlie’s devilish fingers had started to squeeze along his sides and that’s when the laughter began.
His cohort’s face absolutely lit up with sheer delight when she heard the first of the cackles. They were loud and interspersed with the hilarious crackle of static, like a bad radio signal. “Oh you’re not ticklish, huh? Could have fooled me!”
Alastor laughed harder at her teasing, His cackles were bright and almost boyish as he squirmed and jerked his body every which way to lessen the maddening sensations. “Wait!” he tried to protest, but they fell on deaf ears. The deer had to suppress an honest to Lucifer squeal when he felt her nails drift further up his side.
An arm flailed, trying to command his tendrils to come at the Princess, but he was laughing far too hard to concentrate. As Charlie’s inquisitive hands traveled higher, Alastor desperately tried to grab the armrest for some sort of leverage. Seeing the new opening, Charlie gleefully plunged her wiggling fingers under his arms, She did not expect the resulting reaction.
Radio feedback screeched before the deer’s voice nearly did as Alastor’s back arched like a bow. His boisterous cackles came in harder and faster as he struggled with more desperation now to get away from her. “CHAHARLIE, DOHOHON’T!” He threw his elbows to his sides, trying to block the most sensitive of his spots, but it only served to trap her fingers.
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myreygn · 9 months
I gotta ask,,,, if you're up for it, could you write something with ler!Douma and lee!Akaza cuz I just know Douma is a master tickle monster and poor Akaza is so ticklish sosjjsjdhdbd thank u in advance *smooches on the cheek*
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summary: It's not often that there's room for fooling around and goofing off amongst Lord Muzan's elite troup, but every now and then, Douma likes to have a little fun. Every now and then, Akaza likes to indulge him.
an: this took me way too long and i'm really really sorry about that - i hope you like it anyway and you had wonderful holidays!
wordcount: 1705
taglist: @giggly-squiggily, @rachi-roo
Douma was not easily entertained. Most of the things the average person would deem exciting were prone to boring him to death and more often than not he found himself zoning out during the most random times, because he was surrounded by such a lack of stimulation that it was truly astounding all by itself.
However, there were a few things that were amusing to him. Humans could be very entertaining from time to time; desperate humans and scared humans were his favorite kind. Waterfalls, waterfalls were really pretty. Bumblebees. The sheer concept of bumblebees was hysterical. His very favorite thing in the entire world though was cracking. Cracking horrible jokes. Cracking heads. Cracking his fellow Upper Moons.
Well, not all of them. There was a huge difference between making someone crack and making someone crumble, that difference mainly being who he was working with.
For example, making Kokushibo crack wasnʼt as fun as making him crumble. Kokushibo was stoic, emotionless and reserved. Seeing him explode into anger, laughter, tears, or anything of the like all of a sudden was interesting, sure, but it wasn’t fun because the buildup was too subtle to notice (even for Douma). But if you made him crumble, the slow process of Kokushibo’s walls being brought down became visible - bit by bit, brick by brick.
And then, there was the other end of the spectrum.
Douma almost felt giddy with excitement as he shuffled around in his place, watching the door with impatience. Any minute now, any minute… aha!
“Urgh, what are you doing here?” Akaza rolled his eyes the second they met Douma’s gaze, but Upper Moon Two didn’t waste any time feeling attacked by that. Within the blink of an eye he was at the shorter demon’s side, throwing an arm around his shoulders and putting his entire weight onto him. He knew Akaza could handle it, he just wanted to invade his personal space a little. Invading the personal space of others was another thing that made immortality worthwhile.
“Why, I’m here for the meeting of course. We’re both early birds today, aren’t we?”
“Do not call me that.”
Oh oh oh, Akaza was playing grumpy again. Emphasis on playing; if he were truly not in the mood for shenanigans, he would’ve pushed him away by now, or taken his head off at the very least. Douma smirked. He had a playful Akaza on his hands, what a lucky lucky day it was.
“What do you want me to call you then?”
If looks could kill… well, he’d be no more dead than before, but Akaza was certainly trying his best. Adorable.
“If you could just stop talking to me, that would be great, thanks.”
What a perfect setup. It was almost like Akaza wanted this to happen.
“Alright, let’s stop talking.”
A thing that only very very few people knew: Akaza was not immune to tomfoolery. Douma had caught him goofing around with Rui, Kaigaku and even Daki and Gyutaro several times and on rare occasions, he had even indulged in Douma’s own jabs and jokes instead of blowing up immediately.
Because blowing up, yes, that was what Akaza was known for the most amongst them, wasn’t it. And watching him blow up was charming, sure, but what Douma loved most was the thing right before the big explosion. That moment of realization when Akaza became aware of the incoming explosion and tried to stop it. The way he gave everything to not let it happen and the way it was never enough. Delicious.
Akaza flinched and his hands shot down to grab Douma’s wrists. “Don’t.”
“I’m not doing anything, Akaza-dono.” It wasn’t even a lie. Alright, maybe he had curled his fingers into the lower ranked demon’s waist just a moment ago, but right now he wasn’t doing anything. Just resting his fingers on Akaza’s sides. And despite the vice grip on his wrists, they weren’t being pulled off. Hm-hm.
A full body spasm nearly had Upper Three slip away from him when he curled his fingers again, but Douma was very skilled in using a lot of strength and making it look like nothing. In other words, holding Akaza secure with just his fingers had the added fun bonus of infuriating him. “Douma, if you don’t stop that-”
“Stop what? You’ll need to be more specific- oh, this?” He smirked when a soft yelp slipped out of Akaza’s mouth.  “Surely that’s nothing to you, Akaza-dono. I’m just stretching my hands.”
Douma carefully increased the pressure of his fingers digging into the pale flesh of his subordinate. Even though Akaza was facing away from him, his back pressed against Douma’s chest with no way to hide his trembles and flinches, Douma had a good idea what his expression looked like. He could see Akaza’s flushed neck and ears, the way he bit his cheek. And now, he just had to-
Ah, yes, there it was. The crack. Akaza had such a temper, cracking him with a few cleverly, and even not so cleverly, placed comments was easy. But it also got boring very quickly and besides, this was by far the best way to make him crack. 
Douma smirked to himself as he clawed on one of his very favorite spots on Akaza’s body. Stomach never disappoints… “What is it, Akaza-dono? Too ticklish?”
Hell yeah he knew that. Upper Two allowed himself to giggle in glee - not that Akaza could hear him with his booming laughter filling the Infinity Castle. He wrapped an arm around the smaller demon’s torso when his struggling got too intense to hold back with just his fingers and used his free hand to continue the tickling of his stomach. Delightful.
“Alright, alright.” Douma carefully guided the hysterical demon to the ground when his knees got weak and took a seat on his thighs to secure him, then he immediately latched his wiggling fingers onto Akaza’s ribs so he wouldn’t get a chance to recover and slip away. The reaction was instant.
“Yohohou piece ohof- nahahahah!”
“Oh but you can handle it, can’t you?” Douma grinned down at his victim’s flushed face, making sure to give the spaces in between his ribs extra attention. Once the cracking was complete, once the dam had broken, it was nearly impossible for Akaza to compose himself or hold himself back in any way.
That applied to movement as well. Douma let out a grunt when he got kneed in the back; he actually had to put in effort to hold Akaza down, that wasn’t often the case. Maybe his tickling was just especially good today. Judging by the way Akaza was howling when he moved his hands upwards to scratch at the space between his ribs and armpits, that was the case.
“Nahahahahat thehehehere! Yohou ahahahahass!”
“I don’t think you want to insult me right now.” Douma smirked and grabbed one of Akaza’s wrists, surprising him enough to pull it up and dig into his armpit. “I know thinking can be a hard thing to do for you, but that’s really not smart.”
Akaza shrieked and nearly threw Douma off with how hard he was bucking. “GEAHAHAHAH- GEHEHEHEHET OHOUT OF THEHEHEHERE! NAHAHAHAT THERE, DOHOUMAHAHAHAH!”
“Man, you’re really difficult today.” Douma mock-sighed and stayed at the spot a little longer before scribbling Akaza’s stomach and quickly moved on to squeeze his hips instead when the trapped demon let out a sound close to a sob. “Not here, not there… how about here?”
The hips still had Akaza giggling like crazy, but he was not nearly as hysterical as he had been before. Douma couldn’t help but smile a bit. “You look nice like this, Akaza-dono. With your face so flushed.”
The blush only intensified and Akaza even tried to hide his face - unsuccessful. “Sh-shuhuhut uhu- EEK!”
“Was that a squeak?” Douma let out an evil chuckle. “Then I guess that’s my sign.”
“Yohour sign to wha- Douma, no, nononono, do nAHAHAHAHAH- DOUMAHAHAHAHAH, FUHUHUHUCKIHING HEHEHELL!” Hysterical couldn’t even begin to describe it. Akaza threw his head back, cackling and howling and squealing all at once, even a snort breaking throw here and there; his back arched and he twisted around to try and avoid the horribly ticklish fingers scribbling over his stripes with the lightness of a feather. 
Upper Two smirked - he was barely touching Akaza, yet had him in stitches anyway. He had been avoiding the tattoos, these absolute platinum tickle spots on his subordinate’s already sensitive body, as much as possible to save the best for last. And the best it truly was. He watched in awe how tears of laughter spilled down Akaza’s flushed cheeks. That meant he would soon-
Yup, there it was. Playful or not, if he started begging it meant that Akaza had truly reached his limits. Douma gave the stripe he was tormenting one last scratch, then he took his hands off and stood up, giving him some space to recover.
Being a demon and all, that recovery only took Akaza about two seconds and Douma couldn’t even react when the smaller demon jumped up and pounced on him, glaring down at him from where he was crouched on Douma’s chest. “You!”
“Me?” Upper Two didn’t let the sudden attack wash off his smile. It was a genuine smile for once - this little encounter had significantly heightened his mood and despite the scowl on Akaza’s face, he could tell he felt the same.
The sound of Nakime’s biwa in the distance and the following bickering of two voices from next door notified them of the arrival of Daki and Gyutaro and Akaza seemed to consider his next move for a moment, then he snarled and got up. “I’ll get you back, jerk.”
Douma only grinned at the threat and sat up when the siblings entered the room so as to not tip them off that something unusual had happened. If he was feeling a little excited at the prospect of more goofing around with Akaza, that was their business alone, and if he caught Akaza cracking a smile as he turned away, no one needed to know.
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spooky-switch · 11 months
There will be some more FNAF movie spoilers below the cut but I just had an idea that I NEEDED to share!
The moment I saw the springlocks dig into William's torso, my stupid tickle brain immediately thought about how the suit could potentially be repurposed into a tickle trap. Like, just imagine a few adjustments being made to the springlocks, like switching out the sharp pieces on the inside for something duller and adjusting the pressure with which they will dig in if triggered. One minute, William is gloating about how he's won, the next he's trying desperately to claw out of the suit as his ribs and sides are getting dug into in the most terribly ticklish way.
Just a thought, you know?
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So I had a conversation with @acourtofsnakes this morning about clones. We love clones and we somehow got into the subject of tickling them and it spawned this hot mess.
How the Clones react if you tickled them:
Hunter: He’d tolerate you jabbing at him first, trying to subtly escape the wiggle of your fingers in his side as he tries to ignore you. But when you catch that spot in his side, just below a rib and under his pectoral he reacts. Grabbed your wrist he’d spin you round, pulling you flush against his chest with a hand around your throat so you couldn’t move. He’d whisper in your ear, making you smile as he ghosts quiet threats over your skin. He doesn’t realise that you do it just to be in this position every time.
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Tech: He would protest, asking you to stop or even slap your hand away with a sigh and tut. This clone does not like to be touched but when you catch him unawares one time, he lets out a shout of shock, dropping his tools. Tech is more imposing than he looks, especially when he’s bearing down on you and walking you against a wall. What he doesn’t expect is the soft peck you plant on his lips and melts against you, realising that you’re the only person he can tolerate touching him at all.
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Wrecker: Is all about fun. His laughter can be heard from inside the ship while you chase each other outside. He’s the most ticklish and he can’t hide it. Obviously his size and strength goes against you but he’s so gentle when he finally catches up with you, even in the throes of his laughter he still wouldn’t hurt you. Sometimes if he sees you coming with that look in your eye he’ll just plant his hand on your head, stopping you from reaching him not matter how hard you try.
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Echo: You would look at Echo, wiggling your fingers and he’d just laugh. Spreading his arms he’d tell you he didn’t think there’d be much of him left to tickle. That he could feel anyway. But still you’d find that spot on his neck, gently tickling until he grins at you and you’d gift him a firm kiss on the cheek.
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Crosshair: When this clone sees you coming he fixes you with a pointed glare, a small shake of his head and you know you’re in trouble for even considering it. Most of the time he’d let you go, but every once in a while he’d get up and chase you. He would easily overpower you, making you shriek and give you a heavy dose of your own medicine.
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Rex: This clone is too stoic, or so you think. It would take ages of you searching and poking for him to even cock an eyebrow at your antics. You’d almost get bored but then he’d flinch subconsciously and you knew you’d have him. Rex would pin your hand behind your back, pulling you against him so he could hide his smile in your neck. Of course then you always knew his weakness and he’d avoid you and those wiggling fingers at all cost.
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Fives: This clone loves you touching him. He’d ask for it, whether it be a tickle that makes him belly laugh or a tickle across his scalp that would make him sigh and lean into your touch. He could never get enough, always seeking you out no matter what he mood is in.
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I’ve had a request for Wolffe: This clone puts up with your bullshit. He gives you the classic eye roll, barely cracking a smile as you giggle to yourself. Every now and again though he’d let you know when he’s had enough, holding your wrist down and pining you to whatever surface he can find. A wall, a table, a bed 👀 he’d press you against it, enjoying the way your breath hitches as he sweeps a thumb over your throat. “Want to try that properly again, sweetheart?” Yes, you’d whisper. Yes you would.
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Not my gifs, credit to all the creators
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anxious-lee · 1 year
Someone: Up high!
Me: *high fives*
Someone: Down low!
Me: *low fives*
Someone: Slice a pickle-
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amazingmsme · 2 years
Twisted Twister
AN: Better late than never, but I’m trying to keep up with school & ticketober, so things might be a little slower. This one was really fun to write! Five is adorable & Klaus is rotten!
When Five walked into the library, this was the last thing he expected to see.
"What the hell are you doing?"
Klaus jumped at the unexpected voice, craning his neck to look up at him. He flashed a grin and tried to wave, but his hand quickly went back down to stable himself as he began to wobble.
"Playing twister, duh," he said as if it were the most obvious thing in the world. He was folded up like a pretzel on a wrinkled twister mat. The board with the spinner was pulled close enough to the mat so Klaus could do it himself.
"You know that's not exactly a solo game, right?" he asked, an amused smirk playing at his lips. Klaus rolled his eyes with a huff.
"You don't think I know that? Absolutely no one wanted to play with me!" he complained dramatically.
The cogs were turning in Five's head. Absolutely no one. Interesting.
"Funny. I don't recall you asking me if I wanted to play," Five quipped, taking a step closer. Klaus tossed his head back with a loud cackle.
"Are you serious? There's no way you would've said yes!"
He had a point, but Five couldn't let him know that. "That's besides the point. You didn't even ask to make sure," he said, bending down to untie his laces. He slipped his shoes off, walking over to the mat. He grabbed the spinner and thumped it, landing on "left foot red." Klaus watched in awe as he casually joined the game.
"Well color me impressed! Glad to see you finally loosen up," he said, a genuine smile on his lips. Five returned it with a fleeting smile of his own, flicking the spinner once more.
"Right hand green." Klaus obeyed the command, untwisting himself slightly. They went back and forth for a few rounds until they were both efficiently tangled in each other's limbs. Five was unexpectedly good at the game, his lithe frame stretching across the mat and weaving beneath Klaus's body. He also wasn't as tired as Klaus, having joined later. He wasn't about to let him win though. He wouldn't be able to handle the inflated ego.
"Right foot red!" he called out, chuckling as Five nearly did the splits. His foot was raised off the mat slightly, giving Klaus a devilish idea. He reached over, scratching along the bare sole.
He jerked his leg away, glaring over his shoulder. "Don't," he warned.
"Don't what?" he asked innocently, tickling along his arch. Five yelped, biting his lip to contain his giggles.
"Don't cheat," he growled through clenched teeth.
"One thing you should know about me: I don't play fair. At least not at Twister," Klaus said, relishing in the flash of panic that crossed his brother's features. Before he could launch a counter attack, he reached up to skitter his nails behind Five's knee.
His frame quivered from the effort to try and remain in his pose, but he ultimately lost the battle. He crumbled to the ground in a giggly heap, hugging his knees to his chest. That didn't stop Klaus, however. He balanced himself as he reached out to squeeze his hip. He flinched away once more, a giggle slipping out. With one look at Klaus, he knew he was doomed.
He gave up trying to win and opted instead to launch a full scale tickle attack on the "younger" boy.
"Klahahaus dohohon't! T-thihihis ihisn't fahahair!" he cried out through hysterical giggles.
"If I didn't cheat now, you'd just do this to me a minute from now!" he exclaimed, squeezing his knees. He wobbled for a few precarious seconds before crashing to the ground. Klaus switched targets, clawing over his tummy.
So what if that was true? It still didn't give him the right to turn on him like that! He could only thrash around on the ground, laughing his head off. And if he were entirely honest? He didn't mind all that much. Besides, he had revenge to look forward to.
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isaiahwomack13 · 1 year
Roxanne Wolf cheer up tickle
Before we start so quickly information this story does not tie in with the rest of the FNAF Security Breach tickle stories this is just something I am making for reasons.
Twelve O'clock am at Freddy's Pizza Plex Roxanne was storming to her room in a fit of rage due to the children being annoying. Chica was talking to Freddy because she was concerned about her friend.
Chica: Freddy I am very worried about Roxy, I just want her to feel better I tried to cheer her up, but she slammed the door in my face and told me to go away.
Freddy was thinking about what to do as he also wants her friend to feel better and not be mad.
Freddy: I have an idea of what to do to help cheer up Roxy but if this is going to work you need to follow my instructions.
Freddy whispers the instructions to Chica and asks her if she got that and without a word, she nods her head and gave a thumbs up.
Chica went to Roxanne’s door and knocked asking her if she can come in. Roxanne then opens the door and lets Chica in. Chica asked her if she knows how to cheer her up.
Chica: Hey don’t worry Roxy I know just how to cheer you up we could just go get pizza and talk.
Roxanne: Fine I guess it would be good to go out to cool down.
Chica: Yay I will meet you there.
Chica sees Freddy hiding and gives him a thumbs up signaling him that Roxanne is here. Roxanne went to Chica to talk to her.
Roxanne: It does feel nice to finally get out of the room thanks Chica for inviting me.
Chica then replied, “It’s no problem we both thought it will help you cheer up.”
Roxanne looks at Chica with confusion.
Roxanne: “We” What do you-
Before Roxanne was able to finish Freddy grabbed both of her arms and raised them both up over her head.
Roxanne: Chica, Freddy What is the meaning of this?!
Chica: This is the best way to help you feel better!
Chica said as she wiggled both of her fingers as she gets closer to Roxanne.
Roxanne: C-Chica wait don’t you da-
Before she could finish her sentence, Chica has started tickling Roxanne’s sides Roxanne tried to hold in her laugh but Chica poked Roxanne’s belly causing her to burst into laughter.
Roxanne: Chicahahahahahahahahahaha plehehehehehehe stahahahhahahaha I can’t tahahahahke it I cahahahahah.
Chica: You can well I guess you get more tickles.
Chica tickled Roxanne from her side to all the way to her armpit going up and down causing Roxanne to laugh some more every time Chica does that.
Chica: Tell me Roxy where is your weak spot?
Roxanne: I ahahahahaaha nahahahahat telling yohohohohohoohohoh.
While Chica was tickling Roxanne’s belly she thought if the was ticklish on her back and to her surprise Roxanne was very ticklish on her back.
Chica: oooooh did I find your weak spot Roxy?
Roxanne: Nohohohohoohohohoh Plehehehehheheheheheh Mercehehehheheheehehe.
Chica stops tickling Roxanne and ask Freddy to lay her on her back and hold her down.
Freddy: I know where this is going go for it.
Chica saw Roxanne’s feet wiggling to get free but Chica’ was going to be their demise as Chica started to tickle Roxanne’s feet. Roxanne tried to get her feet free from chica but it was no use.
Roxanne:Okahahahahha Okahahahahhaha I Fehehehehhehehel Better Just Pleehehehe Stahahahahahap.
Freddy let go of Roxanne and Chica stopped tickling her. Roxanne lay down trying to get her breath.
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im-outofideas · 10 months
"fort" night at mike's.
fandom: five nights at freddy's (movie)
w/c: 843
summary: mike and vanessa are sleep deprived. they want to help each other.
a/n: i thought the movie was really cute! it wasn't something to take completely seriously. also, i am conforming with the masses because josh hutcherson is 😻.
This was their best work yet, not including the one they made with the help of creepy possessed robots. The fort in the living room was the largest it’s ever been, stretching spaciously from the couch to the television. The TV was tucked inside the fort by blankets to ensure they had entertainment alongside maximum coziness.
Mike, Vanessa, and Abby laid in the fort, heads pointing toward each other in a triangular shape. It was reaching the witching hour. Abby had fallen asleep twenty minutes after the construction of the fort. She had done most of the work, after all. It tuckered her out. Mike and Vanessa, on the other hand, found sleep a difficult thing to achieve recently. Not that it had never been easy to do anyway.
Mike stared enviously at the blanket-ceiling, listening to the peaceful sounds his sister made in her sleep. They should've gotten pillows before they laid down to prevent snoring. It would’ve made falling asleep easier, too.
“Vanessa,” he whispered.
“Yeah, Mike?”
“Not asleep?”
“Not yet.”
He knew there was no way she could sleep decently for a long time. The first night out of the hospital, he had offered to let her stay in their home. That night he found her sat cross-legged on the couch, wide eyed and tired. She confessed to him the last thing she saw before falling into her coma was the murderous rage in her father’s eyes. The same eyes at least five other children saw in their own last moments. The same eyes she saw in her nightmares every second she spent in the coma.
“Give me your arm.” He said. She stuck her arm out toward Mike, who reached up and began to stroke gently with his nails. It was somewhat awkward, but he tried his best not to halter.
“Used to do this for Abby when, um…”
“When your mom died?” She asked, bluntly.
“Yeah. It took her hours to fall asleep the first few days. She wouldn’t let me stop the entire night. Eventually it took less and less time to get her down. Quickest was two minutes.”
She smiled. He was offering to stay up all night to help her sleep. She allowed herself to enjoy the feeling, letting it soothe and distract her mind.
“I should be doing this for you. You're the bigger insomniac.” she said.
“Doesn't have the same effect on me. It’s the opposite of relaxing, actually.”
“Don’t like to be touched in your sleep?” she asked, carefully trying to learn his boundaries. Trying to learn everything about him.
“No, nothing like that. It just tickles.” He confessed. Vanessa giggled.
“When's the last time you've tried?”
“Aw, geez. I dunno, seven? I remember it was my mom. I got jealous seeing her do it to the baby to get him to fall asleep.”
“And you don’t think you've grown out of the ticklishness by now?” She stopped his stroking by grasping his wrist firmly. He tugged without much real effort.
“Ahh, don't think it's a good idea to find out. For you to find out.”
They played a friendly tug-of-war with each other’s wrists, stopping only when Abby shifted around in her sleep, disturbed by the motion.
“Just let me try. You never know. It might help you sleep now that you're older.” Vanessa insisted. Mike sighed, relaxing his body. He gave her his arm.
She rolled over onto her stomach, laying on her elbows to get a better look at both his arm and face. He closed his eyes, face schooled neutrally.
With one finger, she stroked up and down his wrist and forearm.
His eyes creased tighter, lips wobbling to fight against a small smile. He pursed them out like a duck to keep it from twitching.
“Really? Just this?” She teased. She pulled away for a second, before waggling her three middle fingers over the inside of his bicep.
He tittered, immediately pulling his arm in and shrugging up.
Mike opened his eyes to see Vanessa staring at him in such a way it made him blush. He looked at the blanket-ceiling with a frown.
“You didn’t grow out of it.” She deduced.
“Right, thank you.”
“It’s alright, you can stick to your whale sounds.”
“Will do.”
“No more pills, though.”
Without any warning Abby huffed up, startling Mike and Vanessa. She sat straight, her eyebrows angry. She crawled out of the fort.
“Where are you going?” Mike called out to her.
“My room! Flirt without me next time.” She sassed with a hint of disgust laced in her voice. She stomped to her room and shut the door with displeasure.
Mike, floored once again, stared speechlessly up at a stitch in the fabric.
Vanessa shrugged it off. She laid back down on her back, shifting around comfortably before sticking her arm back toward Mike. He shyly obliged, continuing the earlier ministrations.
“It felt nice, actually." he said. "It tickled, but I probably would have fallen asleep eventually.”
“Oh, good. Let’s try it tomorrow. Tonight’s my turn.” she said languidly. Mike smiled, happy she was receptive to his help without protesting.
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lopsicle · 2 years
First day of tktober is anticipation and I’ve been wanting to add some new fandoms to this blog, so here’s a lee Five, ler Klaus fic. Also, I swear I’ll answer my requests soon
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Day 1: Anticipation
Characters: Lee! Five Hargreeves, Ler! Klaus Hargreeves
Warnings: Tickle fic, implied past drug usage
‘You have five seconds to run.’ Klaus stated calmly, crossing his arms over his chest. The ghost whisperer had a stern, yet subconsciously playful look on his face as he stared Five down. The boy could only offer Klaus a huff in response. ‘Do you think I’m scared of you?’ He asked, his voice laced with provocative arrogance, while he fiddled with his sleeve.
‘Four,’ Klaus warned, taking a small step closer, which Five mirrored by taking a step back, more cautiously. ‘I’m not a kid,’ Five’s arms hugged at his chest, copying Klaus’ pose with a threatening look plastered over his face.
‘Three,’ Klaus continued, ignoring his brother’s statement, watching him slowly crumble to his words. Five let a shaky breath exit his quivering lip, not daring to take his eyes off Klaus. Five’s hands balled into fists as his nails anxiously dug into his palms.
‘Two,’ Klaus let a small smile break his expression, gaining a bit more leverage over Five as he took another step closer, letting the mischievous reality of his situation sink in. Five looked around the room for only a second more, before squeezing his eyes shut and digging at the air in front of him, power laying in his hands. Klaus watched the boy disappear in front of him with a small smirk. ‘You can run, but you can’t hide!’ He called out aimlessly to the empty house.
Five appeared upstairs, pacing back and forth in an empty bed room, unaware to all the noise he was making. His eyes gazed around the room rapidly, searching for any place to hide from his brother in, until his eyes settled on the closet in front of him. Five didn’t allow himself to second guess his decision, his hands gripped the closet handle and flung open the doors, hopping inside. His small stature began sliding down the interior of his hiding spot until he was curled up, hugging his knees to his chest and burying his mouth in his sleeve to muffle his panicking breathing.
Klaus had already heard the boy shuffling above him and merrily skipped up the stairs, shoving open the bedroom door with his hips. ‘Oh, Five, where are you, come out to play~!’ He closed the door behind him, looking around the dark room slowly and carefully, not wanting to accidentally miss him. Five felt his face heat up at Klaus’ generic teasing, but it was far too effective on him. The time traveler’s boys face broke out in a fiery red blush, his eyes painstakingly watching Klaus look around the room. All his instincts were telling him to bolt it, run for the door and not look back, but a smaller part of him felt safer here. Safer with Klaus.
‘Not here, not here..’ Klaus murmured to himself, pulling the covers off the messy bed, before his eyes settled on the warm closet. The door to it was slightly ajar and Klaus grinned mischievously at the sight, taking slow steps closer and closer. His hands began softly knocking at the sides of the closet, letting his nails rake against the wood, creating a low, almost beckoning, teasing sound that filled Five’s ears. ‘If you come out now, it’ll be easier on you~!’ He offered.
Five was tempted to just give himself up at that point, he really, really wanted to, but his pride got in the way. He couldn’t just let go like that, it would be humiliating to be broken by just some teases. The boy stayed put, hitching his breathing as he inched further back in the closet. Klaus waited for a second, ceasing his touch against the closet as an eerie silence filled the room. The addict stayed silent for a little longer, letting the anticipation build up in his brother before swinging the closet doors open, and bending his face down towards Five’s. ‘Got you!’
Five let out a small squeak and scurried backwards, before darting against the carpet, scrambling to get to his feet. That’s when he felt it. Small pinched and squeezes at his sides, which caused the time traveler to absolutely crumble against the floor, twitching and squirming around as his only defence. Five bit down on his sleeve, not wanting to let any laughter out just yet. ‘Come on, it’s no fun if only one of us doing the work!’ Klaus mocked his attempts to hide his laughter,placing his hands against Five’s stomach, leaving them there for just a few seconds. Five’s breathing hitched at the feeling of Klaus’ hands, though he made not attempt to get away. He just eyes class, slowly regaining his breath, looking confused at his hands. His body moved barely an inch away, before Klaus’s long nails began clawing and scratching at his belly. Five’s body thrashed and squirmed, letting his legs kick back and forth in the air. ‘K-klaahahahaahus!’ The older brother squealed out, pounding his arms against the harsh, carpeted floor. ‘Yeah, what is it?’ The younger sibling responded casually, digging his nails further and further into Five’s belly, before wriggling them around further. ‘N-naahAHAHAHAahahahahahah!’ Five’s back arched downwards, his belly sucking in as much as possible. His mind was in a panic mode, between just letting this happen and running away, squirming about and writhing against his brother’s skilful, dexterous fingers. Klaus meanwhile, was having the time off his life. I mean, who wouldn’t be? Being able to break the strong, snarky Five Hargreeves with just a little bit of tickling was an impressive feat. Klaus’ nails began painstakingly slowly raking down Five’s belly, sending the boy into absolute stitches, hiding his face in his elbows. Klaus’ fingers arrived at his hips, his thumbs began slowly circling into the sides of the older Hargreeves’ hips, not even trying to tickle him, but Five was still squirming back and forth and giggling. ‘W-waihahahat, Klauhahahahahas!’ Five pleaded, reaching out to his brother, his fingers spread out as he was practically pleading for him not to go for that spot. ‘That’s my name, don’t wear it out too much!’ Klaus teased with a smile, unleashing all of his fingers to drill into the smaller Hargreeves’ hips, sinking into them as the intense ticklish sensations ran further through Five’s body. ‘NAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAH, SWIAHAHAHAHAHAHATCH SPHAAHAHAHAHAAHAHTS!’ Five ordered loudly, his hood buckling up and down wildly, his torso twisting from side to side. ‘If you insist!’ Klaus offered with a grin, pulling his nails from Five’s hips, and letting them trail down to his exposed knees, causing Five to awkwardly shift against the floor, locking on with a slight panicked look. ‘K-klaus!’ He whined out, preparing to pull his legs away before he felt Klaus’s fingers squeezing at the sides of his knees. ‘WIAHAHAHAT, WAIAHAHAHAHAT, WIAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHT!’ Five squeaked out quickly, his entire body thrashing around, taking in deep breathes in-between his laughter. ‘I mean, you did ask me to change spots, you never specified where!’ Klaus reminded him, his nails finding their way behind Five’s knees and scratching, a bit more softly, at them. Five squealed out loudly in response, kicking his legs up way from his brothers’ fingers, before curling them closer to his body. ‘Okay, enough,’ the boy panted slightly, holding out his hand, wanting peace. The time traveler took in long, deep breathes, stabilising himself as Klaus patted him on the shoulder comfortingly, but moving closer to his sibling with a tender smile. ‘You know, you could’ve jumped away right from the start of that, but you let me tickle you to pieces!’ Oh, Klaus. You evil piece of shit. Five felt his face heat up, sputtering for a response as he knew he was right, but he just couldn’t find one. Five laid there, defeated, with Klaus smirking to himself from his new victory, leaving the room.
My first fic since a while and I switched it up a bit. This is my first tktober and I’m so happy to participate, this is gonna be a fun month’
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lowkeylokilee · 9 months
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When you wreck him so hard that his voice box starts glitching....
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