shnashq · 5 months
@rainbow-switcheroo @fluffstrated-center @a-fluffer-nutter @snugglyfluffle @thechemist02 @wholesomefandomstuff
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In your best description, how ticklish do you think Arin is? Thx!!
Oh jeez, this poor ticklish guy. He’s pretty friggin ticklish, if you ask me. Hell deny it though, and you’ll have to make him admit it.
Ross loves teasing the shit out of this poor dude. He can be a pretty dick ler. And, to add one more thing: Danny can be the sweetest ler to him, and Arin secretly loves it when Dan screws with him.
He totally does not love to be tickled, of course not.
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cherryaire · 8 years
Q: Do you like being tickled?
Dan: Depends entirely on who's doing the tickling.
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An accurate, everyday occurrence of @ticklishgrumps and I coming up with RP ideas.
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Science Mumbo Jumbo
Another fic that I submitted to @ticklishgrumps that I can finally post here now that I have my own Tumblr. Enjoy~
“Dude, oh my gosh, this episode is sooo interesting right now.”
Barry had done many an episode with Brian at this point, but he was still trying to get used to all the science ramble that Brian tended to do. He normally gave vocal cues that Brian should stop and change the subject, and it usually worked. Usually.
For whatever reason, Brian wouldn’t stop talking about his… what was it? Molecular… molecule… whatever! Barry was getting sick of it and his vocal cues weren’t working. He had to take matters into his own hands.
“Hey Brian, you know what’s super interesting right now?” Barry asked sarcastically.
“What?” Brian responded.
“Not anything you’re talking about,” Barry retorted. Being super direct should have done the trick.
“Oh, should we talk about recombinant DNA instead? Okay, well…” Brian began rambling on about some other science mumbo jumbo. Barry was just about ready to smash his head through the wall. He decided to just start using force. Anything he could think of, really. Pushing him, covering his mouth, shaking him, poking him-
“And- HEY!” Brian was caught off guard by the sudden poke to his rib. “Barry, what the fuck?”
“That’s what happens when you keep ranting about science mumbo jumbo,” Barry exclaimed proudly.
“What, you mean mumbo jumbo like using enzymes to cut apart the gene- AH!” Brian was caught off guard again by a swift jab to both his sides. “Barry, I swear to God, do that one more time and I’ll destroy you.”
“Listen man, this is for the good of the show. I’m just trying to play video games here, we don’t need your physics bullshit.” Barry was just trying to make fun of Brian to keep the comedy going. He didn’t want yet another episode to be ruined, lowering Brian’s grump cred. Brian, however, wasn’t getting that the comedy show needed to be funny, and continued his science bullshit, staring directly into Barry’s eyes.
Barry slowly raised his arms up to indicate that Brian needed to stop talking or face the consequences. Brian raised his arms to combat Barry. Finally, Barry struck, but his hands were caught by Brian. Barry got out of his grasp and kept trying to get to Brian to tickle him, but Brian was proficient in slapping his hands away. The slap sounds and science talk were all you could hear on the audio capture as the screen waited patiently for them to grow up.
Barry gave up trying to reach over to Brian and just realized he could bring Brian over to him. He leaned down and grabbed Brian’s leg, yanking it out from under him as fast as he could. Brian fell over to the side, screaming bloody murder at Barry, who was squeezing Brian’s thigh as hard as he could. Brian wasn’t the laughing type, he was a screamer who occasionally broke down into loud giggles. He wanted nothing to do with being tickled, especially not on the show.
Brian attempted to lunge towards Barry, but failed to grab at him. He instead landed at Barry’s knee, and decided to grab his leg and move it towards him, putting Barry and himself in the exact same position.
“Oh, so it’s like that, huh?” Barry shouted.
“Let’s go, motherfucker, I’ll kick your ass.” Brian shouted back.
The two were at a stalemate, faking movements to intimidate the other. Brian had his left hand gripped on Barry’s ankle and his right hand gripped on his sock, ready to yank it off and go ham on his poor sole. Barry sat on Brian’s leg, bending it just enough that he had good access to Brian’s knee and thigh. He had both hands set on Brian’s thigh and was ready to destroy Brian’s whole leg if he had to.
“Barry, let go of my leg and I’ll let go of yours.”
“I don’t trust you.”
“No, dude, I promise that I’ll actually do it. And if you don’t, I’ll tickle the shit out of you.”
Barry knew that Brian wasn’t planning on letting go of Barry’s leg anytime soon, and he didn’t have any intentions to let go either. Yet, they counted to three. One… Two… Three!
Both parties released the other’s leg. There was a strong silence, and then…
“So as I was saying about recombinant DNA-“
“Okay, no, that’s it.”
Barry hit the ground and ripped Brian’s legs out from under him again, leaving Brian defenseless on his back. “Wait, Barry, you fucker, we made an agreement!”
“Next time on Grumpcade! Byyyyeeee!” Barry screamed out, tearing off Brian’s shoes and socks. Brian was pleading for mercy the whole time when he suddenly felt fingers spread out on his heels. Barry turned his head slowly and whispered, “This is what you get for science mumbo jumbo.” Barry dug in and raked his fingers all up Brian’s feet, making the father flail around on the couch, silent screams pouring out of his mouth. Barry twisted toes, scratched heels, and dug into arches, all just to get petty revenge on Brian. And he loved every second of it.
He released Brian’s legs after what felt like an eternity, but Barry climbed on Brian’s hips before he had time to recover. “You’re not done?!” Brian anxiously pouted. Barry leaned in close to Brian and spoke very softly, “One more thing. As a reward for making it this long.” Brian was confused, and slightly aroused. If he was about to get a blowjob from Barry, he wasn’t sure that he was… ready. He felt slightly uncomfortable as Barry removed Brian’s belt and lowered his pants just below his hips. Barry pulled up Brian’s shirt to move it out of the way and slowly dipped his head down towards Brian’s exposed skin.
Barry, however, had different plans than beej. He planted spidery kisses all over Brian’s lower abdomen, making him giggle a bit. As Barry moved up Brian’s stomach, Brian realized what was actually happening. Pure torture. Barry finally let out one gigantic raspberry in Brian’s navel, sending him into hysterics. Barry had some past experience in playing with tummies after his last endeavor with Dan, who he got back for tickling the shit out of him a few nights before when he told his bean bag story. He was using all the same techniques on the physicist, and it was definitely working. Barry kissed, licked, and blew raspberries everywhere on Brian’s tummy, occasionally drawing light circles around Brian’s sides and ribs for an extra kick. Brian couldn’t take it anymore, but there was no escaping it, so he just continued writhing around.
“Do you give up yet?” Barry said aggressively. Brian was gasping for breath, as the tickle torture was way too much for him to bear. “Yes, please! Stop! No more!” Brian pleaded. Barry nodded. “Okay, just one more thing.” Before Brian could even react, Barry blew one last gigantic raspberry on Brian’s bellybutton, making him scream as loud as he could. “Okay, no more science talk on the show, right?” Brian nodded and curled up into a ball as Barry left the room to take a break. That bastard…
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shnashq · 3 years
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shnashq · 3 years
Aha I am one horny asswipe 🤣🤣
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Idek if the ticklegrumps community is still alive
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ohnomywalnut · 9 years
Happy birthday!
Thank you so much!!!
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jackson-north-blog1 · 10 years
ticklishgrumps answered your ask:{I made a tumblr! I may or may not have just spent...
Yeah that's fine.
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abdlgrumps · 10 years
uh oh.......
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icys-stuff · 10 years
Thanks for following us, tickle us anytime~! -Barry
Your welcome and your blog is super rad i should be thanking you for following me. 
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gameofgrump · 10 years
"Why are you three not in dresses?" Holly asked. Orf slumped over Ross' body like a lazy blanket while Danny and Arin looked up at Holly in a confused manner.
"Uhm... is that a new cosplay?" Danny asked, wondering why they were in the middle of a forest.
Holly raised an eyebrow.
"What's wrong with you guys? you know this is my favorite war armour."
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