#tiff's first sleepover
hungharrington · 1 year
im embarrassed that i never saw your sleepover post sooner... BUT i come with a very pressing question... fuck, marry, kill... but its versions of steve ive written edition... so that leaves you with hot neighbour dilf steve, roommate steve, and last but certainly not least best friend steve
have fun with this!!
but you're not late! we have only just begun my dear <3 now... fuck, marry, kill..... why did i even include a kill in this, i'm changing that to kiss right now why would i ever wanna kill my pookie. im trying think who u would have the hottest sex with LMAO but..... i think.... come along with me for this as i try convince you....
fuck hot neighbour dilf steve. listen! this has the highest stakes for the hottest sex! this is like, the dude that's spent enough time in bed so he knows what he's doing and he can play your body like a goddamn instrument. it's ravenous but not like 'fuck-in-the--backseat-of-the-car-we-dont-have-time-to-go-elsewhere' its like 'my-big-house-is-free-lets-fuck-on-every-surface' yanno? :) like you guys fuck in the kitchen, you ride him on the couch, he takes you on the back balcony, and then many many times in the bed - he treats you right and you get at least more than one orgasm than you're expecting. and then you guys totally eye-fuck each other every time you see each other at the grocery store :)
kiss sweet roommate!steve. this is just sweetness actually :') how does one accidentally kiss their roomie? this is the kinda kiss that spirals off into both of you realising that you actually want to do that and a lot more. all of the time. this is the kiss that changes it all! maybe its a drunken party and there's a game of spin the bottle (because there always is) or one of them is in a tiff about a bad date they went on but either way, the kiss with roommate!steve, the hot guy you live with who you definitely think about too much in the shower, is the definition of a kiss with fireworks. it would be bomb and after a big song and dance, a little miscommunication angst, u guys absolutely end up dating and happier than ever <3
now.... cmon now auttie, you know i have to marry best friend!steve.... he's my best friend!! that means you goddamn stuck with him through all of the events of the seasons-- you're there post breakup with nancy to hold him together, there when billy beats the shit of him, pressing the tiniest bandaids on his face because you want to help, you're there when he starts scoops! and you provide ample teasing for the shorts even if they drive you crazy -- so of course, you're there when you all go down in the russian elevator and experience the worst night of your lives. so naturally, best friend steve and you? bonded to hell and back. your love would be easy, it would feel as warm as daylight on your skin and as sweet as the first fruit of summer -- and steve would love you so well. he dedicates himself to you, entirely, loves how you push him back out into the world and stand as his number one supporter and how you make each other better. there is no better foundation for marrying someone than being best friends and it just means that, some nights end in tender-loving ooey-gooey in love sex and some nights end in a pillow fight :D it keeps u on your toes
come join the sleepover!
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fanficwriter284 · 2 years
A Night To Remember (Rewrite)
Authors Note: Helllloooo peoplessss!!! So this is a rewrite I did a while back and I finally got the motivation to actually do a rewrite. When I'm telling you that my computer crashed looking for the OG fic....I'm not lying.
Chucky and Tiffany were in the 10th grade at the time, becoming young adults and changing. Chucky became more self-assured, growing out his hair, getting taller, pulling on muscle from sports his mom enrolled him in, and his voice deepening. Tiffany had grown more beautiful since elementary and middle school; she had dyed her hair and had begun to lean into the more gothic attire. Unbeknownst to her Chucky had a thing for it and never dissuaded her from wearing that type of style despite it being disapproved by her parents. These two had been planning on staying over at the others house. However not planning their sleepover out had told their parents that the other was staying at the other's house. Giving these two the ability to say out from dusk till dawn in the streets of Jersey. The two had discussed their plan but were heard by their friend Eddie Caputo.
"Hey can I come?"
Chucky squinted his eyes at the curly-haired brunette, ever since he began to develop stronger feelings for Tiffany, Eddie had found some way to weasel his way between them. Becoming the third wheel and ruining the mood. He was one of Chucky's closest friends but God he could be a pain in the ass sometimes. The two teens glanced at each other, however, Tiffany being the nicer one of the two, agreed for him to come along.
"Ok, so we're meeting by the oak tree by 9:30 Pm got it? Bring your bikes"
"Got it"
"Ok, sounds good, and don't be late....looking at you Ed, if you're fucking late I'm leaving your ass"
"Ok, god I got it! I'll be on time"
"Pack a backpack too, who knows how long well be out for"
"Yeah got it"
Later further discussing their plan the trio dispersed heading back to their houses.
After leaving out of his house Chucky rode his bike to the meeting place, being the first one there. He continuously checked his watch that his late grandfather had gifted him before passing. Tiffany was second to arrive pulling in on her navy-blue bike accompanied by her ocean blue pack. Finally, Eddie had arrived pulling in on his ride, and carrying his backpace.
"Come on let's go"
The three of them all got on their bikes and pedaled down the road in the middle of the night. Nobody knew where they were, out there all alone. All the roads were empty.
Tiffany and Chucky rode side by side and Eddie third wheeling. Even though the two weren't dating yet they were inseparable and had a tight bond together. And wanted some time with just the two of them. They passed a couple of gas stations on the ride. They took a break to rest.
"You guys got some snacks?"
"No." Chucky lied straight through his teeth. He just didn't want to share
Tiffany rolled her eyes and handed him a pack of crackers.
They walked into the grass and went exploring. Chucky noticed that Tiffany had almost tripped but caught herself and a log.
"Tiff you ok?"
"Yeah I'm fine"
However, Eddie was on the ground tripping on a rock.
"HEY! What about me?"
Chucky rolled his eyes "Suck it up you're fine Ed."
"Wow Chuck"
Chucky pulled out a flashlight and they kept pressing onward through the weedy terrain. They saw another ride and began biking again.
"Chuck, Do you even know where we are?"
"NOPE! But that's all part of the fun!"
They went off-road again and decided to take a longer break. They had been going for hours. They were a good 15 maybe 20 miles away from home. They rested near some heavily wooded area with their bikes on their side. Chucky drank some water and ate some crackers he had stored away.
"Hey! I thought you said you didn't have any snacks!"
"Yeah!!! I don't have any for YOU!"
Chucky squinted his eyes at Eddie but quickly distracted himself.
"Hey, Tiff!!! Can you climb that tree and see if there's anything out there!"
"Yeah! Sure!"
The brunette climbed up a tree and grabbed onto a branch for some support, but she slipped and would've fallen to the ground if it wasn't for Chucky. She fell and landed with a soft thump in his arms. She blushed a bit and so did he. Both turn a bright red. He was always very protective of her no matter the cost.
"Thanks for catching me."
"Um... Yeah n-no p-problem"
Chucky felt his cheeks and ears begin to become hot. He was a lot stronger than he looked and could easily take someone down. remembering that he still has Tiffany in his grasp he gently set her down, both of them still blushing. Tiffany went to another safer tree to get a better look. While she was gone Eddie got a not-so-bright idea. He let out a goofy grin at the idea of it.
"I think someone likes Tiffany!"
Chucky blushed even more.
"The mean and ruthless Charles Lee Ray has fallen for someone! Aww, how adorable!!! I'd say he's FALLEN IN LOVE!!! HOW ABO-----"
Chucky's hand made its way to Eddie's throat and gave it a firm squeeze not enough to choke him but just enough to send a message for him to shut up. Eddie registered his friend's threat and backed off. Chucky's annoyed expression changed immediately when Tiffany came back into his view. He let out a smile and approached her.
"So, erm did you see anything Tiff?"
"Yeah, there's a road up ahead that way!"
She pointed to Chucky's right and motioned for the two to follow her. They grabbed their bikes and found their way back to the road and pedaled down following Tiffany. Chucky checked his watch it was 2:23 in the morning. They noticed a light up ahead and cycled towards it. It was a gas station and according to the sign was open for 24 hours. They set down their bikes and went inside. They grabbed some snacks and drinks and took them to the counter. The man working there looked tired and sleep-deprived and didn't even care that three teenagers were out in the middle of nowhere at 2 in the morning buying chips.
"That'll be $8.99"
Chucky handed him the money and grabbed their snacks.
"Excuse me, sir. Um, do you mind telling us where we are? Our parents are in the bathroom out back and they sent us to grab some snacks and ask for some directions."
Chucky lied just wanting the necessary information.
"You're in Mahwan kid."
The three teens left the shop and took out the map from Chucky's pack.
"Relax. Ok if Hackensack is here and Mahwan is ummmmmmmmmmmm HERE! Then we should be about. *Chucky did the math in his head.* about 15 or 16 miles away from home."
Chucky and Tiffany looked dead at him.
"As a heart attack."
"Um. Our parents think were having a sleepover. What the hell did you tell your parents?"
Chucky mentally face-palmed. "Idiot"
"Well, that sounds like a you problem."
"Yeah! Why did you wanna come anyway? You don't seem to be having fun."
"Cuz I wanted to! It seemed fun!"
"Whatever! Let's get moving!"
"Hey, Chucky! I got an idea!"
"Yeah? What is it?"
"Ok. Hear me out! But what if we tried Hitch Hiking?"
They went to the road and stuck their thumbs out and waited for a truck to pass by. It took about an hour and a half and finally, they saw headlights! They waved the car down till it stopped.
"Where ya 3 heading?"
"Hackensack New Jersey Sir."
"You three are lucky as hell. I'm heading to Hackensack. Load the bikes in the back and jump in."
The trio tossed their bikes in the back and jumped in the truck. The driver seemed odd and to be honest a bit creepy but they shrugged it off since he was doing them a solid. The three sat in the back together and tried to enjoy the car ride. Tiffany ended up falling asleep on Chucky. Causing Chucky to blush even more, and he couldn't do anything about it since he didn't wanna wake her since she looked so peaceful. And when Eddie noticed this he kept making beating hearts with his hands. Moments later she unknowingly wrapped her arms around him causing Chucky to turn red and heat up. He didn't want to wake her, so he allowed this affection from Tiffany and if he was being honest he was loving it. He felt joy and happiness in her grasp. About 30 minutes later he too fell asleep hugging her. They had fallen asleep together peacefully. Eddie was just sitting there awkwardly fiddling with his thumbs.
"Alright get off!"
Chucky and Tiffany both woke up in each other's arms and madly blushing. They both had feelings for each other but hadn't confessed.
"Oh umm. Ehh"
"Oh. ummmm. Sorry."
They both retracted their arms from each other and blushed about what just happened.
"Thanks for the ride." Chucky tried changing the conversation before things got awkward.
"Yeah, thanks!"
They got off the car and grabbed their bikes.
"Oh and here's something for your troubles!" Eddie handed him a pack of gummies and a coke.
"Uh. Thanks, kid."
"Yeah, sure! No problem! Thanks for the lift!!!"
The trio biked off into the distance and headed back to the oak tree. They now knew exactly where they were going and finally made it back to the tree.
"I had a lot of fun!"
"Yeah! Me Too! Best Night Out I've had!"
"Yeah it was cool I'm heading out!"
"K Bye Ed!"
"See ya!"
Eddie biked home and Chucky and Tiffany hung back. Their parents weren't expecting back home till 8 or 9 in the morning and it was only 4:30 am. They decided to go and bike around their neighborhood together till the sun came up again.
"I had a wonderful Chucky."
"Yeah me too! Glad you did too Tiff. It's a night I won't ever forget" He replied turning a rose color.
"Yeah Me too. I won't ever forget this. How about next time it can be just you and me"
"Yeah. Just you and me."
They began heading home together and parted ways at the end of the street biking off in separate directions to their homes.
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cynthiastan · 1 year
closed starter @girlsngossip​ location: pride 
Angelica was not shy about the fact that she liked girls. She had nearly given her mother a heart attack once during a sleepover she had in high school with her first girlfriend, but even then she told her mother to love it or shove it. She wondered what her parents actually felt about it sometimes since they tended to change the subject whenever it became a point of interest, but that just made Angelica more obnoxious about it. Posting hot girls all over Instagram with her pressing up next to them. She knew her parents had to have seen everything, but she didn’t care. Angelia was always one-hundred percent and if anyone had something to say, she made sure to respond quickly with her fists. 
Pride was something she actually let herself have fun at. There were so many gorgeous people walking around and there was fun little drinks and Angelica was able to wear something extremely colorful without looking tacky. A phenomenal time for her. In fact, she was taking full advantage of the colorful cocktails when one of the most gorgeous girls she knew approached her. “You look amazing,” Angelica said to Tiff, sipping at her drink. “I’m sure you’ve gotten a pocketbook full of numbers at this point. Want me to get you anything?”
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tiffdawg · 4 years
For the sleepover thingie!! I know it says “tell me about your crushes” but truly I am always curious abt what people’s first fictional crush was??? Example: mine was Link from Legend of Zelda. Had a horse, killed spiders, musician, time traveled? I was a little swooning 5yo watching my brother play on his N64 😂 do you remember your first fictional (or first ‘formative’ fictional) crush? If yes, who- and do you recall why???
probably a good thing you didn’t ask about my irl crushes because they are nonexistent. it’s fictional crushes for me only this year 😬
i know bby tiff had lots of lil crushes but the first one that i can actually remember was will turner from pirates of the caribbean. but i was an innocent 9 year old so in my day dreams i was always his long lost sister or his and elizabeth’s pirate daughter. 😂
😴 sleepover thingy 😴
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nerd-at-sea5 · 2 years
hc/mini fic
when the cancer gets to the point that mac needs to be permanently hospitalized, the other paper girls are there more than mac’s own family, tiff and erin are there from the end of school until dark, kj ends up sleeping at the hospital more than 3x a week.
one day mac gives kj a ring, it’s a large silver one, a chain pattern around it, and they say that they got it with kj at the arcade the first time the two had a sleepover, that they wanted kj to have one ‘not shit thing from me. only ‘cause your memory sucks ass.’ (but they both know it’s way more emotional)
kj’s hands are to small to keep the ring on, so they buy a chain and string it on, and never take it off. a few weeks later, kj’s in mac’s room, doing homework with tiff while mac and erin listen to music from dylan’s walkman, and mac watches kj’s hand shaking back and forth rapidly before realizing that they’re spinning the ring/chain around their hand. ‘kaje the fuck are you doing?’ ‘i...don’t know. it feels nice? like when i rub my knuckles together, or do the thing were i use my whole face to blink?’ mac laughs at them, but finds it endearing.
exactly a week before mac’s 16th birthday, kj’s mom shakes them awake in the middle of the night ‘get a jacket honey we have to go to the hospital.’ there’s a horrible sinking feeling in kj’s chest but they still ask why, ask what’s going on, ‘dylan coyle called. he didn’t seem to happy about talking to us but...they don’t think your...friend is going to make it through the night, they said they wanted you there.’
the brandman’s make it to the room and for the first time in kj’s life,  they truly sees mac as weak. not in a sense of degradation, in a sense of there’s sleeplessness behind their eyes, they look tiny compared to the bed, mac is much to young to be dying. 
mac’s dad wasn't even there, neither alice. and dylan was sitting next to the room, not daring to look inside.
‘damn dylan actually called you? he seemed royally pissed about it.’ ‘mac...’ ‘yeah?’ 
the two stand there for a moment, before kj starts laughing. soon enough mac is as well, while kj’s parents are staring in suprise, turn around and sit with dylan.
‘i can’t believe your fucking dying.’ ‘i know right?!’ ‘it doesn't make any sense.’
but soon mac’s laugher turns into wheezing, and they groan again, leaning back onto the pillows. ‘fuck. ok, c’mere asshat.’
kj obliges, laying down next to mac, hugging the smaller paper girl tightly, ‘i love you, i love you, i love you-’
‘’s ok, kaje. i love you too dummy. it’ll be ok.’
but it’s not ok, because when mac pulls her into a kiss, kj feels their hand fall limp from their back, and they finally start sobbing.
erin and tiffany come in after school to find an empty room, aside from kj in the corner, holding the necklace and shaking with tears, whispering the words to the mourners kadddish over and over again; ‘yitgadal v’yitkadash sh’mei raba b’alma di-v’rachirutei, v’yamlich malchutei b’chayeichonuvyomeichon uvchayei d’chol beit yisrael, ba’agalauvizman kariv, v’im’ru: “amen.”’ 
note; this is not the full mourners kaddish, you can find the full one here
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deanismysavior · 2 years
Will and Lucas
or Will and Dustin i want to the og party interact and i love will sm he needs to reconnect with his besties
Will and Lucas are so sweet together, and them interacting as friends just warms my heart, because they are undoubtedly the two biggest hearts in the whole party, but they express it differently.
I feel like Will and Dustin is a missed opportunity too, because we had their little tiff over the Xmen comic in the first episode, and we get Dustin's comment about needing Will for his art skills in season 4. I would love them to get more depth.
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Prompt: What's an underrated character dynamic?
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whenemmafallsinlove · 2 years
Doing everything in my power to get TIFF tickets for Taylor's talk even though 1. I know it's gonna be impossible to get them. + 2. I know I'll be EXHAUSTED Friday night after the first week back teaching since June.
I REALLY REALLY HOPE YOU GET TO GO!!!!!! i've seen sooo many toronto swifties trying to go and i'm just like willing them to have enough tickets for everyone. it's been so long and you so deserve it. it'll be so worth it even if you're tired!!!!
UNHINGED SLEEPOVER FRIDAY!!! send me all your random thoughts!
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strawberrylemonz · 4 years
Castle Scare
Part 4
Part 5 [CURRENT]
Part 6
DT: @lynn-draws-blog @artistconk @snapdragonfirefly @bargledblocks [HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!]
Techno was frantic. Tommy’s lessons had ended hours ago, but the boy had not made his presence known to anyone since then. He had called for his staff to call the child to dinner after hearing that he was late, only to receive news that no one knew where the young prince was. The castle went on lockdown as everyone searched the halls for the boy, but no one could locate him. 
“Check the surrounding cities and towns! If he was taken, they couldn’t have left the borders this soon! Someone is bound to have seen them! Quick!”
Techno felt completely helpless as he watched the groups rush out of the castle gates. Once he was sure that everyone was out to search for the kid, he hurried down the hall. Entering the room used for Tommy’s lessons, Techno inspected the area with care. An unfamiliar feeling washed over him as he ran his fingers over the kid’s abandoned journal. The kid.
His kid.
He finally managed to pinpoint the unfamiliar feeling now. Fear. Techno was scared. Was Tommy okay? Sure, he was partially trained, but he was still only a child. He wasn’t even fully trained! He was eight now, meaning that his sword lessons just began. Sucking up a breath, Tommy turned to peer out the giant window. It was getting dark out.
Was Tommy okay? Had he been taken? If so, who managed to take him? How did they get in? How did he get out? How could he prevent this from happening again? How did the boy manage to escape the eyes of the castle guards? Techno didn’t know the answers to any of these questions, but that didn’t matter at the moment. Tommy was all that mattered, but he wasn’t there. For the first time in a long time, Techno felt tears threatening to spill out of his eyes. The young adult hadn’t cried in years, but this very moment could be the one to break him. He needed Tommy to be okay. Tommy had to be okay. Before his mind could spiral into madness once more, his frantic and worried voices not helping him, a knock at the door caught his attention. Turning to face the entrance of the room, he saw Red huff as he fought to catch his breath. Finally composing himself, the man stood up and nodded to Techno.
“He’s been found. Some children from one of the towns bordering the capital city found him and helped him back. Courtyard-”
Techno was running down the hall as soon as he was given the news, his voices screaming with relief and concern as he did so. Using all his might, he quickly made his way to the courtyard. As he approached, he saw staff members and guards of all ranks share relieved looks with each other, joy filling their voices. Hope filled his mind as he rushed past his staff, who all happily moved out of his way. When he made it to the front, he saw Tiff fret over a small child. Once she realized the king was behind her, she gave him a peaceful nod before moving away. Without saying a word, Techno kneeled down to Tommy’s height.
Tommy was covered in scratches. His blonde hair was disheveled and untamed. Bandages were wrapped around certain areas, and a few bruises covered his forearms. The most noticeable feature was a small square of gauze medically taped against his cheek. Much to his surprised, he seemed to have been bathed. He was also wearing clothes foreign to anything he owned in his wardrobe. Techno pressed his mouth into a thin line as he peered into Tommy’s eyes. He watched as the boy’s big, blue eyes shine with concern and nervousness back at him, a bit of joy and excitement hiding behind the main emotions. Tommy finally broke their staring contest, looking down at his tiny hands as he played with his fingers. Finally sighing, the small boy peered back up at the pinkette with a small frown.
“Uhhh, I’m not in trouble, right?”
Techno let out an exasperated groan as he pulled the small boy into a hug, finally releasing the breath he was holding back. Small hands held him back, happily squeezing the bigger man with joy. Tommy always did enjoy affection, even if he didn’t want to admit it. The hug was interrupted not long after it started, much to Techno’s confusion. He watched with concern as the small prince pulled away. His concern, however, melted away once the blond boy gave him a toothy smile.
“Can my new friends have a sleepover? Pleeeeaaaaasssse? We won’t be up late!”
“Heh? Friends?”
The look in Tommy’s eyes was enough to let Techno know that the castle would be filled with the laughter of children that night.
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roy-kents · 3 years
for sleepover saturday i’m going to make you choose between maddie and chim. BUT! whichever you don’t pick ends up in the florida everglades for the rest of their life 😇
tiff you’re not seeing heaven for this one. you’re on an elevator my friend and the only direction it’s going is down. i hate this question so fucking much i can’t believe this. i’ve sat and stared at my wall looking for answers. the ONLY reason i am making this decision is based on the character i got attached to first, and the first one out of the pair i got super attached to was maddie. she is a big comfort for me and i just can’t send her to the everglades (which btw i had to look up and it’s beautiful but all the wildlife would freak me out so bad) rip chim i believe in you you got this my guy!!
sleepover saturday
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fanficwriter284 · 2 years
Thanks to @awesomesandwichonfire-deactivat for this suggestion!!!!
"DAD!!! PLEASE!!! JUST LEAVE ME ALONE!!!!" The young Ray screamed running up the stairs and trying to shut his door before his father can get to him. Chasing him with a broken beer bottle. He shot out of his bed in a panic wiping off the sweat on his face. Tiffany woke up to his reaction and was worried about her husband.
"Chucky are you ok?"
"Yeah---I'm fine."
"Are you sure?"
Tiffany knew something was bugging him. Then he got out of bed and stomped his way downstairs. She quickly followed after him. She was glad the twins were at a sleepover with one of their friends. She didn't want them to see their father in this enraged state. She saw him munching on an apple viciously while staring off into space. She calmly approached him and sat next to him leaning on his shoulder. He shrugged her off and moved to the other couch. She understood he needed his space so she backed off for a while letting him do his own thing. She heard a shatter noise coming from the kitchen.
She saw shattered glass and a slice in Chucky's hand. She walked toward him and picked up the bigger pieces and threw them in the trash. And she grabbed a broom to sweep up the small bit and threw them in the trash as well. Then she tended to her husband. She sat him down and got out the first aid kit. First, she disinfected his cut and wiped off the blood. She wrapped it up and fully covered up the cut. He gave out a grunt as a thank you and went off running up the stairs.
"What's up with him?"
She ran after him and saw him sitting on the bed trembling in anger and frustration. Instead of asking questions, she placed a caring hand on his thigh giving it a firm squeeze. He grinned a bit for a moment before leaning on her for comfort and relaxing his tense muscles. Tiffany smiled that her husband was calm and relaxed. She decided to just drop his outburst from earlier since she knew it would piss him off again.
"Love ya Tiff."
"Love you too Sweetface"
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thatsamericano · 3 years
A Much More Dramatic Romerica Reveal
With the addition of the Marcello blackmailing Romerica into getting him a Vespa plot (and FrUK’s subsequent belief that Savino is exploiting their naive, infatuated son for sex and expensive things he wants), the Romerica reveal scene becomes a lot more dramatic. Here’s how I see it going down and what eventually happens.
On New Year’s Eve, Romerica hang out with their brothers in the living room while FrUKSpa are out at some fancy NYE party with a rich friend on a yacht or something they’d planned to attend months ago. It’s very exclusive and the kids weren’t invited, so they had to leave them alone at home even though FrUK think Romerica are in a sexual relationship and Antonio is a little less skeptical about that being a possibility if Savino ever returned Alfred’s feelings. Marcello is happy with his blackmail present and going out on rides with Savino and maybe a little guilty they actually went out and got it for him because he wasn’t expecting that to work as well as it did. (Savino was protesting more, but Alfred was pretty much on board right away and just trying to explain how he had to wait for bank transactions to go through to make it happen.) They don’t kiss at midnight to appease Marcello, who obviously has a problem with them, but they may be able to act a little more cuddly than they do in front of their parents. After they watch the ball drop and celebrate a little afterwards, everyone goes upstairs to bed. Matthew had pre-arranged with Alfred to have a “sleepover” with Savino’s brothers so Alfred and Savino could get an empty bedroom for a night. They have penetrative sex for the first time and somehow find a way to control Alfred’s volume so their brothers won’t hear them going at it, and it’s all very sweet and romantic. They fall asleep in each other’s arms, and it’s sappy and adorable.
The next morning, FrUKSpa get back from their big party night, and the kids are starting to wake up. Romerica sleep in because they’re tired from the night before, and they might have to shower this morning because they were too focused on having sex to do that last night, so they’re taking much longer to get up than everyone else (even if they aren’t getting distracted in the shower). But FrUKSpa are all in a relatively good mood from last night’s party, so nobody’s busting down the doors to come get them, even if FrUK are suspicious about them “sleeping in” so late. Marcello doesn’t mention a sleepover to them since Savino and Alfred have kept their blackmail promises even if it does annoy him to know they had sex last night and that’s why Matthew was in their room.
Romerica come downstairs just in time for New Year’s brunch, and it’s obvious something happened between them last night because they’re staying very close to each other, both have somewhat wet hair (so clearly showered together), and are giggly and shy like they were after the first time they did something sexual together. FrUK are internally seething about this, and Antonio is thinking it’s something like Savino telling Alfred he loved him too or maybe a midnight kiss because he’s not so focused on the idea of them having sex as FrUK have been for weeks, may not notice the wet hair, and believed Alfred’s story about having one-sided feelings for his son. He’s surprised but thinks it’s cute, is glad Alfred isn’t miserable anymore, and thinks maybe FrUKSpa should talk about this with Romerica after brunch (not to confront them, but just to understand what’s going on and talk about the situation).
Romerica are in such a stupid, happy mood that they get careless. Savino says something like, “Could you pass the sugar, amore?” and Alfred giggles and says something cheesy in response like, “Sure thing. Here’s some sugar for my sugar!” and everyone stops eating instantly and silverware hits the plates because now the cat’s out of the bag and everyone knows (or at least thinks they know) exactly what’s going on.
Arthur loses his goddamn mind and goes “I fucking knew it!” and starts accusing Savino of wild shit. He’s so angry it’s hard for Romerica to process what he’s saying, and maybe he focuses in on the fact he thinks they’ve been fucking for a really long time (maybe back when Alfred bought the textbooks) instead of the thing he actually has a problem with, which is the belief that Savino is exploiting his naive, infatuated son. Francis joins in, and he’s almost as bad as Arthur, because this time it’s not just about them having sex (which is something he might not be happy about, but would discuss with them in a more private setting with just FrUKSpa). To him, this is about his kid getting manipulated, so both he and Arthur are going full papa wolf on Savino. Savino is sobbing because FrUK are screaming their heads off at him, and Alfred is sobbing too because of his boyfriend and because he is processing FrUK’s reaction as disgust that they have done NSFT things with each other.
As soon as he sees Savino crying, Antonio starts fighting with FrUK. He loves them both very much, but the way they’re treating Savino so cruelly is making him think he needs to break up with them. To Antonio, the nephews he thinks of as his sons have always come first ever since his sister died. He was extremely clear with FrUK about this when they started to get serious, and he thought they would understand since they have kids too (and they said as much at the time). Now, Arthur has made Savino break down twice in one week’s time on major holidays. Antonio mostly forgave him for the first incident since Arthur didn’t know he went to see his nonna’s and parents’ graves on Christmas Eve and was very apologetic afterwards, but now this morning is bringing his anger about that back to the surface. And Francis, who had been trying to make Arthur calm down back then, is joining in on making Savino cry like this. Not to mention Alfred! He’s also confused and angry about why they’re freaking out about Romerica doing sexual things, because to him this is clearly not just a sex thing even if they are doing that with each other. Savino has dated people before and brought them home around Antonio, but this is the first time he’s ever heard his son calling anyone amore. He’s probably not thinking of this consciously, but he might know that Alfred was there outside the graveyard when Savino was speaking to his dead relatives and that Alfred comforted him afterwards and brought him home, because maybe Savino told him he didn’t have to do that this year because Alfred would. Up until now that’s only a thing he’s let a close relative, usually Antonio, do. (Back then, he was seeing it as a friendship thing, but now he isn’t if he’s thinking about this. And he would clearly see it as a love thing if he knew Savino brought Alfred in to introduce them and let Alfred talk to them too, because before Savino always talked to them alone.) If he hears an accusation of Savino manipulating Alfred to get him presents and using him for sex, he’s pissed because he knows his son would never do that and his partners should know that too since they’ve known Savino for a while now and might have bonded with him over things (cooking for Francis and gardening for Arthur).
Marcello gets ticked off and blames the FrUKSpa fight on Romerica (because he did get worried about a minor tiff I’ve already written, so clearly he hates the idea of FrUKSpa fighting). For his whole life, Marcello has had a single dad (who he thinks of more as his dad than his brothers would since he can’t remember his parents) who had a hard time getting into a relationship. In his opinion, Romerica have wrecked the happiness his Papà found after so long with their stupid relationship. He spitefully accuses Savino of ruining Antonio’s life, not knowing this is a sore spot with his brother, and Alfred is *this close* to decking a nine-year-old.  He’s also *this close* to decking his own parents because they’re making his boyfriend feel like absolute shit. He’s sobbing badly, but he might be yelling too while all this is going on in an attempt to defend his boyfriend. FrUKSpa are too busy yelling at each other to listen to him.
Savino runs away from the table and goes upstairs because he cannot deal with this shit anymore. He starts packing a duffle bag full of clothes, his wallet, and whatever he can think of because he legitimately thinks he has to run away at this point. Alfred thinks they both do, so he also starts packing. They come up with a more “reasonable” plan than when Alfred tried to run away last time and call up one of their friends who knows about them and is okay with them being together (not Tolys, because his stepbrother was dumb about them before, and that’s the last thing they need to deal with). The friend promises to at least let them stay while the storm passes.
During this entire confrontation, Feli and Matthew have been trying to get their parents to calm the fuck down and listen to reason (mostly FrUK, because they agree with everything Antonio is saying but his yelling isn’t helping right now). When Matthew notices Alfred and Savino are no longer in the room, he roars at his parents that they’re making Alfred run away again, and this time Savino is going with him. Matthew knows that everyone, especially his parents, were worried when Alfred ran away a month ago. Is that what they fucking want?! Francis or Arthur (I’m thinking Arthur, because he’s generally been the biggest asshole about Romerica in this) says he “doesn’t give a shit” about what happens to Savino, and Feliciano bitch slaps the fuck out of him. He starts screaming at FrUK about exactly how long he’s known his brother was in love with Alfred (at least since they moved into the house in August, and knowing how guarded Savino can be, Feli knows the feelings went back a lot longer than he’s been able to notice them). Feliciano says that Savino told him about introducing Alfred to his dead parents and nonna and explains just how remarkable this is. He has never let anyone join him while he does his yearly ritual of talking to his dead parents, not even his own brother who lost them at five years old and would best understand how Savino feels about their tragic deaths. FrUKSpa are flabbergasted, because they all know how sensitive Savino is about his parents’ deaths (Antonio the entire time he’s looked after Savino, and FrUK when he became their stepson, especially after the Christmas Eve incident). They’re shocked into silence, and this allows them to finally notice Marcello weeping quietly into the table about the Vespa and how he was the one who made Savino and Alfred get it. He is pissed off at his big brother and honestly hates Alfred because he’d hurt his feelings with the Christmas card incident so bad, but he loves Savino deep down under his brattiness and is scared at the idea of him running away with Alfred and never coming home again.
Antonio puts his parent hat on, and he leads Marcello upstairs. He’s gentle with him because he’s a scared nine-year-old, but he makes it clear he’s very disappointed about what he did to Alfred and Savino and that he will face a consequence commensurate with what he did. He makes Feli watch him while he and a very chastened FrUK try to go find Romerica (who have probably left the house at this point and are God knows where) so they can bring the couple home and actually talk about the relationship in a calm and honest way.
Eventually they do agree to come home with FrUKSpa and talk because they can see that FrUKSpa are being honest about their intentions (there is some doubt, but Romerica is willing to try when they say they won’t accuse them of bullshit or try to make them breakup). In the talk, they start to go over the misunderstandings that led them to this point. Honestly, at this point everyone in the house needs group therapy, and FrUKSpa promise to look around for a family therapist who won’t try to make Romerica break up, because based on what they’ve heard today, that is clearly never happening. Once Marcello is calm enough, he sheepishly apologizes to Romerica about the blackmail, and they’re annoyed he did that but say they forgive him because they can tell he’s actually sincere.
I don’t think everything that happened in this fight can be resolved in one day, so I would show some individual snippets of therapy, like Alfred and Marcello talking about why Marcello had such an issue with Alfred being with his brother that he decided to blackmail them. I’d show how everyone is adjusting to Romerica openly being together, including how some people (like Arthur, who does have some misgivings about the stepbrother aspect, or Marcello, who had such resentment about them before this huge reveal/fight) take longer but eventually come around to the idea.
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barnesafterglow · 3 years
another prompt request for the sleepover 😌💛
"Whatever you do, do not turn around."
hehe if you can't tell i love roommate!bucky. also i was feeling a little h word so this is a just very short smut xoxo
nsfw under the cut. minors dni!
"Whatever you do, do not turn around."
The voice in your ear caused you to nearly jump out of your skin, you were so concentrated on what was in front of you. You snapped your laptop closed and turned to find your roommate in nothing but a pair of your underwear.
“What the fuck, Bucky?” Why was your disgustingly attractive, very single roommate two feet away from you in a very small piece of lace.
“It was a dare, the boys are here, and they dared me to steal your underwear. Sam, being the asshole he is, dared me to wear it too. I was just about to put my clothes back on and…”
“And you decided to bring attention to it?” You were standing now, nearly nose to nose, and he was surprised you didn’t seem mad. “Why not steal them and change in the bathroom? I obviously didn’t even know you were in here.”
He flushed a lovely shade of pink, looking you up and down. You were wearing a shirt of his that barely covered your ass, and he couldn’t even tell if you had anything on under it. The thought had him starting to get hard, and it was noticeable enough that your eyes flitted down, before snapping up to meet his.
Even though you felt your cheeks heat up, you still arched an inquisitive brow at him, a smirk tugging at your cheek.
“Oh, Jamie, you don’t want the boys to see that, do you?” He shook his head, seemingly in shock, and you continued, “why don’t you let me help you out?”
Before he could ask what you meant, you were on your knees in front of him, placing a single kiss to his lace covered bulge before pulling them down to his knees. He stood frozen as you gave his now fully hard cock a few pumps, but when he felt you take his tip in your mouth, his hips jolted forward and his hands found purchase in your hair.
Within minutes, he was a moaning, quivering mess, and he couldn’t care less that his friends were one hundred percent aware of what was going on behind your cracked door.
With one final pull of your hair and breathless whispers of I’m coming, he was spilling into your mouth. You continued sucking until he was overstimulated and whimpering, before placing one final kiss on his tip and pulling the underwear back up.
Still in a daze, he barely heard you saying in his ear, “come back when the boys are gone,” before turning him around and pushing him out the door.
He stumbled into the living room as your laughed to yourself at the screams of dude what the fuck? and where the fuck are your clothes?
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lemontrash · 3 years
GW Pride!
Playing catch up :) Days 1-3
Find two 2x5 fics and one DxR under the cut, all largely SFW. 
Within 6 seconds, Duo’s face lighting up at the long-awaited arrival of both man and package, riding on the back of a good day; a day that has been nothing special but one minor boon after another. The blabbergab of the lunchroom like a cocoon. Four seconds out and Duo says, ‘Oh yeah! Thanks babe.” Words from their own table and from behind closed doors and within the last second Wufei leans in to catch what he is saying, and Duo’s smiling without intention before habit takes over.
1 First Kiss – 2x5, SFW. 
It is their first kiss; a blind moment of relaxation, a blink in the passing of a wanted item from one hand to another. The rationale is as insubstantial as that. “Your mail arrived,” Wufei says, less than ten seconds beforehand, taking a seat at the table (Formica, full of cafeteria trays, finger marked and jostling with their colleagues). Less than 8 seconds beforehand, their fingers brush on the padded envelope, Wufei making the bench tilt as he sits, hip to hip against Duo because there’s no room otherwise. 
First kiss, and no one looks twice.
Not the argument, or the heat of it. Not the truths that lanced them both. Not the world that doesn’t exist, where he’d said it differently, or not said it at all, or said it but Wufei had known it wasn’t cruelty just immaturity. Where he’d said it, but it was a world absolved from having to stew over his actions later. Where you can yell at the person you love, yet remain blameless?
2 You’re on my Mind – 2x5, SFW, Having a tiff. 
‘No,’ Duo thinks, rolling over into the lump of the pillow. He screws his mouth shut, his eyes shut, his body into a ball. He is going to think of his to-do list for the early end of tomorrow (wash hair; empty bins; replace filter; buy sugar soap and batteries), he is going to hum the music in his head, he is going to whisk away in imagination to a land out in the stars and build a city there one schematic at a time, but he is not going to think about Wufei. 
‘No,’ Duo thinks, and then, ‘Dammit!’ 
He doesn’t want a world where you can yell at the person you love without remorse. Deep down he knows Wufei doesn’t either. 
He instructs himself not to get out of bed, not to go and listen at the door, not to peek, not to see if Wufei is sleeping or just hurting. He warns himself he’s not to go and stand there, frowning (or worse, pouting) and try and ascertain if Wufei is also thinking ‘no’ into the couch cushions. He orders himself – Well, it doesn’t matter what he tells himself. He’s terrible at doing what’s he’s told. 
When he finally has the nerve to jerk the door open, he finds apology on the other side.
They touch each other’s hands, applying polish, making shapes, trading secrets between howling. They touch each other’s eyes and cheeks and chins. Look up, look at me, purse your lips, smile. Intimate with or without supposing innocence. They touch each other’s shoulders, comparing in the mirror – your arms are longer than mine are, your face is heart-shaped and mine’s a fox. They dress one another, with this or that for secretive photographs, adjusting collars, belts. The touch at the neck and the waist and the feet and the legs. 
3 Sleepover – DxR, SFW-ISH - Closeted Relationship. 
It’s supposed to be no-holds barred. Proprietary has no place at a sleepover. It’s supposed to be part indulgence, part confessional, part laboratory, part cinema, part fantasy. It’s supposed to be running through the house in nightclothes and sleeping at angles on the floor, on makeshift beds… on one another? Sure. Girls touch, and that need not be new or meaningful. They touch each other’s long blonde hair, Dorothy inventing twists with her witch’s fingers, braiding enchantments over Relena’s scalp. Must be enchantment, because no other hands leave the skin tingling like that - like a slap but moreish. 
She is a friend. That’s true. That’s first and foremost, even. It’s nobody’s business what else.
There is, of course, a ‘what else’.  
They don’t touch under the covers. Not right away. For a while they only swap whispers in the dark of an unorthodox bed. Coverlets on the carpet with a blanket canopy, Caravaggio-painted by flashlights alone. Put the light out, and the whispers deepen. Girls touch, and that’s nothing new, arms around waists, heads upon breasts, lips against throat. 
That’s just what girl friends do, right?
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nerd-at-sea5 · 2 years
the thing
kj’s my favorite character, so now i have to write angst :) 
being forced to think about your sexuality, being thrown out of time, being heavily traumatized-are all perfectly good reasons to lash out. however, kj was never really taught how to control their temper. when they make it back to ‘88, it all comes flooding out.
based on the tv show, i have never read the comics!! aged up, their 15 and in the beginning of their sophomore year of high school, mac is not going to die anytime soon. sorry if ppl are ooc, i know that kj doesn't get mad a lot in the show, but it happens and i’m running with it :)
they/them kj and mac, she/her tiffany, she/they erin
cw-blood, violence, anti-semitism, self harm? 
it’s during english class when things start to go wrong, kj was up past three last night practicing for their bat mitvah, and as a result didn’t get nearly enough sleep so they’ve been on edge all day, even sleeping through three alarms, forcing tiff and the others to take over their paper route.
(not that the other three blamed them, they didn’t mind. sometimes kj wished they would mind, would get pissed and yell at them, shove them-anything, really.)
they saved up enough money to buy a ‘heather’s’ shirt, and, when sitting down in english-the only class kj shared with erin, excitedly showed the other paper girl said shirt. 
“jews and their fucking money.”
instantly, both erin and kj spun around in their seats, a warmth forming and spreading in kj’s chest. another girl in the class-rachel, sat with a disgusted look at kj. “rachel, what’s your problem?”
kj slammed their hands, fists, into their pockets, clenching their jaw as the warmth rustled in their chest.
she scoffed, “my problem is you-” she scoffed, throwing the slur so casually at kj that they couldn’t help but stand, the warmth, the thing-now beginning to grow hotter, uncomfortably so.
erin yelled as kj shot to their feet, fists balled, glaring down at rachel, “kj, sit down!”
the teacher gave them a pointed look, and kj knew it was worthless to protest, sinking back into their chair and forcing themself to zone out, ignoring erin’s concerned looks and whispers. the lack of care from any authority figure only made them grow warmer, forcing their hands into the pockets of mac’s jacket to stop them from shaking.
the bell rang, and kj was the first student outside at the bike racks, yanking it out so fast that they rattled the entire rack. “fuck!”
“woah, jd-lightful, you good over there?”
mac’s half teasing-half kind voice cut over the end-of-school chatter forming all around them, “fine.” kj spat out, finally freeing their bike and throwing a leg over.
“we’re heading over to the park, wanna come?”
they finally looked up, to mac standing in front of their bike, hands on their own handle bars, kj’s ‘goo goo dolls’ shirt that had been ‘stolen’ at the last sleepover hanging down to mac’s knees, and the specific look that only kj ever saw pasted on mac’s face, ‘you already know your coming with.’ they had no choice but to agree.
the bike ride to the park took only five or so minutes, and almost instantly mac was throwing themself onto the climbing structure, pulling out a pack of cigarettes and laying on their back. kj lay down on the grass next to the structure and a tree, propping up their head with their backpack.
tiff’s bag was thrown next to kj’s head, and for a split second they felt the...thing in their chest rear up again, about to shove the bag out of the way, ask tiff why the hell she threw it so close beca-
they spun around, erin and tiff staring at them with confusion, “sorry, sorry-what?”
tiff shrugged, plopping down next to them while erin pulled herself up to mac. 
kj shot erin a confused look-why ask something if she was just going to ignore it? signing, they pressed the palms of their hands into their eyes, watching the colors fizz out against the black, and then against the blue sky when they removed them.
they stayed like that for a while, chatting and throwing stupid dare’s back and forth, mac attempting a flip off the top of the structure only to have both tiff and kj scream with fear while erin froze in terror as mac popped back up, grinning madly, before lightly punching them in the arm, “don’t do that!” 
mac laughed, looking over at kj who rolled their eyes, sitting back down, “she has a point, you’ll get hurt.”
the other grumbled, flipped all three of them off, but went back to sitting with erin, who called back down, “why do you only listen to kj?”
kj froze for a split second, tiff’s laugh bubbling up next to them while mac locked eyes with them-the two had made a deal, a deal five months ago when an attempted all-nighter had turned into a sleep deprived confession, and hesitant kissing at four in the morning-a deal to not tell anyone, not even tiff and erin-because they had no idea what would happen, and frankly-kj was terrified of what might happen.
they couldn’t find out-not now, not ever. mac’s dad would make them leave, and kj couldn’t face their parents. they can’t find out-no matter how much they love the other two. the fear began to race up again, getting stuck in their chest with the slowly warming heat.
mac shrugged, hanging upside-down, “’cause i want to.” sticking their tongue out at tiff for no reason, “like, why do you like those damn video games so much-and don’t say because your a nerd, nerd.”
“bull,” tiffany called back up, “there’s got to be some other reason.” 
kj stood, the thing raising with them, and took off the jacket-the warming thing was now becoming extremally uncomfortable. “there’s no reason, tiff.”
“yeah, there is.” she pushed on, hands outstretched, “come on! what is it?”
kj groaned, “there isn’t one! leave it alone, god.”
erin cocked her head to the side and looked at kj with a mixed expression, “you don’t need to be rude to her.”
“i wasn't being rude!”
mac jumped down and scoffed, “yeah, you fuckin’ were.” their eyes flashed for a moment, a silent moment of concern before it was pushed away and buried down again.
kj stood, ignoring the way their head instantly erupted in hot pain, “fine-i don’t care.”
erin was next, “what’s going on with you today? you lost it with rachel today, and now with mac and tiff?”
“i lost it with rachel today because she keeps calling me fucking slurs!”
they screamed this, without meaning, and gave another shout of frustration, tears brimming at the edge of their eyes before mac grabbed their wrists, turning kj to face them.
“hey. calm the fuck down, 'kay?”
kj knew that realistically mac was trying to help, help in whatever way they knew how-because they didn’t know what was going on, and neither did anyone else, including kj. knew that they were lashing out for no reason. but all of that flew out the window when they shoved mac’s hands off, sending the shorter stumbling back “fuck off, mac.”
hands formed at their chest and pushed, “your acting like a real shithead right now!”
“mac stop-your not helping!” erin’s voice rang out over the blur that was mac’s hands and face.
kj couldn’t make out anything, not from blurry tears, but from red seeping into their vision, everything was painfully hot and uncomfortable, and the thing was growling, trying to break out, “yeah, neither are you erin!”
“guys stop-please just calm down!” tiffany yelled out, one last futile attempt to diffuse the situation.
“fuck off tiff!” both mac and kj’s voices mixed together, and one last sentence rang out from mac’s mouth, “we’re the only fuckin’ friends you’ve got-so pull that stick outta your ass and talk to us, damnit.”
and then kj punched them. again.
the thing inside their chest burst out, burst out again-swinging a hocky stick into a man’s brain, slamming a fist into mac’s nose. it roared, throwing itself forward and out, looking to wear havok, exhaust itself from everything it had, keep going until it lost all of it. it had been building for way to long-kj didn’t know something was happening until it started trying to escape.
looking back on it, they don’t remember swinging, but they do remember a loud buzzing, static-like, mac’s hands on their upper arms, fists swinging, erin and tiff yelling at the two, and then black.
then they remember stumbling back, looking around wildly, the knuckles on their left hand split open, blood from their split lip filling their mouth, blood spilling from their eyebrow-mac laying on the grass with the beginnings of a black eye, a matching split lip, and a angry red mark on their right ear.
tiffany looked shocked, staring at kj like they had grown an extra head, shock.
erin looked worried, watching blood drip from kj’s eyebrow onto their shirt.
mac looked....mac looked sad. kj didn’t expect to see it, didn’t expect to see sadness in their face, but when they did-something inside cracked, the thing that had escaped now lie cold and broken, licking it’s wounds inside kj’s chest.
it dawned on them, that while they hadn’t realized exactly what they had done in ‘99, the same thing now stood out to kj, clear as day-they attacked the person they loved.
they didn’t know what to do, so they ran, they ran back to their bike and then took off to their house as fast as possible, throwing the bike down in the yard and racing up to their room.
trying desperately not to look at the blood, kj flung off their bloody shirt and threw it into the bathtub, spinning around before stopping, eyes falling onto the photos of the four paper girls plastered onto kj’s walls-the hours of exact spacing and positioning.
they screamed, loud and angry-void of excitement and surprise, full to bursting with regret and shame. images of watching an older self lean in, mac’s hands flying to their head, the man falling limp to the ground, older erin going up in flames-searing pain shot through kj’s left hand and wrist as their vision cleared from red again, pulling their first from the wall onto to hit it with open palms, again and again then sinking to the floor as the pain quickly became to much, sobbing.
kj didn’t hear the rattle of their window lock being picked open, or the thud that was mac’s small body falling into their room, didn’t know that mac was even inside until calloused hands gripped their own, causing kj to shout out as a new wave of pain shot through their left arm.
“kaje what the fu-jesus shit kj.”
silently, so quiet kj though for a moment mac may be possessed by tiff or a nurse, the shorter wrapped kj’s wrist in ACE bandages, cleaned their lip and eyebrow, bandaged all three places and pointed at their own bandages, “tiffany.” before kj could protest, mac held kj’s bandaged hand to their face and gave it a quick kiss. “shut the fuck up.”
“why are you here?”
mac raised an eyebrow, giving kj a sarcastic look, “because i’m robbing you. no, dipshit-contrary to popular belief, i give a shit about you, and wanna know why you decided to try and beat the shit outta me, ‘cause i totally could’ve won if i wasn't-” “mac.” “oh-kay!”
for a moment they didn’t believe them, mac-of all people, should be extremally mad at kj right now, should be screaming at them. cursing them-anything, really.
but they weren’t, and kj didn’t like lying. “i don’t know...i don’t even remember what i did-i was just angry and it kinda just...”
they nod, and mac continued, “you blacked out? like at the fourth? going all michael fuckin’ myers with the guy you kil-”
mac nodded, sitting next to kj on the bathroom floor, before groaning and standing back up, shaking their head slightly. “fucking christ you can punch.” 
kj ducked their head again, moving to sit on their bed. “i think i got so mad that my emotions just blinded me. like a really fucked up panic attack.”
“panic attack?”
“what you’ve never had a-”
“no fuckhead, i’ve had them. i just,” mac’s voice got low, and they shrugged, “didn’t realize you did.”
kj sighed, leaning back onto their pillows, staring at the ceiling, “i’ve been getting panic attacks since the first grade.”
“damn. and here i thought you were the put together one.”
they rolled their eyes, turning to face mac, who had also lie down, “i’m so sorry.”
“it’s fine.”
it wasn't, and they both knew it-but they also both knew that kj didn’t want to hurt mac. kj was the only person mac would forgive for punching them, kj was also the only person mac would slightly drop the titanium wall that they had up.
“move your ass, i’m laying down on you.”
“mac, i-”
“you split my fuckin’ lip kaje.”
“you split mine!”
but in the end, when they woke up the next morning, it was mac’s head against kj’s chest, and kj’s arms wrapped around mac. (mac would deny it until the end of the earth, but they really did like being held by kj)
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sconnie-doesnt-know · 3 years
Hello, Tiff 💛
Happy Positivity Sleepover!
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Going with my first instinct so I don't write a novel about all the various characters in my life. I gotta say my kids. They've taught me to me more patient, understanding, sympathetic, careful, and grateful. I could go on, but having them and all the challenges since have given me quite a perspective.
- a quote that helps me stay positive? Hmmmm. I am drawing a huge blank. I have little snippets of things I'll tell myself when I need a boost or to entertain myself, but nothing significant other than "it's okay to not know" because I can't control everything or have all the answers.
-favorite thing about my base of followers?
The diversity and interactions! Seeing reactions to things I share and reading tags and comments. It's so interesting to see what people react to, get glimpses of their experiences and thoughts.
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laketaj24 · 5 years
●●Author’s Note: This was requested! I love me some fluffy Tommy. Taglist and Requests are open! I hope you enjoy
●●Pairings: Reader x Tommy
●●Requested: If you’re still taking requests, can you please write a Tommy one, about your relationship being an unrequited one, he’s always chased after you but you were more into him for the sex, and when he finds out you’re pregnant he feels as though he’s finally “locked you in”   - ANON
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“Well, there you have it, you’re pregnant.” The doctor looked up at you. The judgment painted on through his furrowed brow and the sucking of his teeth. But he daren’t say anything, everyone in this small place knew. You were the woman Tommy Shelby fancied.
“Well.” You cleared your throat. “That’s news.” But in a way it wasn’t, Tommy never took the time to pull out of you and it was there blatantly spelled out, eh wanted you barefoot and pregnant. He had said it many times, you just didn’t want that from him. The reason was first he was Tommy Shelby. Women swooned after him, but at all times there was for certain a warrant for his death somewhere. What if it happened? What if he died and you were left with the baby? You’d seen the turmoil women affiliated with the Shelby’s endured. You didn’t want it.
“Here is a pamphlet.” He handed you the beige paper. “I suggest at least two hours of fresh air and remember that you are eating for two. Full course meals and plenty of rest, no more alcohol if you can handle it.”
“How many months?”
“You are about three months. Nothing to worry about, I am sure Mr. Shelby will treat you well.” He said. He read your worry as you slipped into your jacket and took your purse. “I would like to see you next month, make an appointment with the secretary and no more corsets.” He pointed to your dress. “Good day.”
You made the next appointment and as you walked the streets of Birmingham a chill rested through your body. You watched as the children played on the cobbled roads. Their laughter made you grow sick, you were to be a mother. You barely took care of yourself.
You headed into the apartment. He was there. You knew before you even entered the sitting area. He left his coat hanging from the hook, along with his hat and glasses. He entered the place oftentimes to be away from it all. You didn’t mind most days but this day, peace would have been nice.
“I called for you,” Thomas said. He stood from the couch. “Your job stated that you had an appointment and was gone for the day. You’re not well?” he questioned.
“I was feeling sick. I am better. Jesus Tommy,” You rolled your eyes. “You could give me a break sometimes.” You smiled. You placed your coat on the back of the chair and walked over to the brandy. You wanted one glass, just a one swig to warm you from the bleak winter’s chill of outside. But you restrained. “Would you like a drink Tommy?”
“I would not.” He cleared his throat. “I came by to make sure you were well. It is not like you to get sick.”
“I don’t need you checking up on me. I do just fine on me own.” You sat down on the couch and slid out of your shoes.
“I did not ask you all that.” He kissed your cheek lightly and sat across from you. He wanted to talk to you about more. You didn’t know that for sure but everything in him screamed excitement. His eyes were lit, the beautiful sky gray they turned on some days danced with happiness. “I also wanted to let you know that, I plan to open an office in London. I like how you conduct your business. Would you work for me?”
“Absolutely not, I will not be one of the women you bend over desk and fuck.” You hissed. “I already have a reputation being tied to you. The Shelby name gets your far, but also gets fear from people.”
“Fear is power.”
“Nice to see your thinking.” You rolled your eyes and then shook your head. “I am not working for you.”
“Fine.” He sat back. “I have no idea why I cannot seem to let you go. You’re not nice. You barely let me sleepover and you just piss me off every time I am around you. But here I am, begging for you to be with me… again.”
Your heart strummed. “Perhaps we are not meant to be. Perhaps I have told you this what seems like one hundred times. One hundred different times Tommy Shelby and you still fucking bloody knock me up.” You yelled. “and now it seems you have your wish because no matter where I go… I am Shelby scarred.”
“What?” He leaned forward; his hands were clutched together placed on his lips. “Say that again.”
“I am pregnant.” You tried to ignore the brilliant smile on his face. Your nerves weren’t ready to swoon for him during this time. You wanted to scream at him and make him make promises you were not sure he could keep. But he still smiled and somehow the happiness bled over to you.
“This is good news.”
“This is shit.”
“How can you say that?”
“We are not married.”
“Do you want to be?” He asked. There was a tiny gleam of hope. “I would gladly marry you. I have told you ample of times that I love you. Will you?”
“Let’s just stick to being parents.” You laughed. The tears stung your eyes. “This is going to be hard.”
“It’s already easy to love you, it’ll be just as easy to love our child.” He gripped your hand. “you’ll have no worries.”
“I hope not.” You admitted as you listened to the words our child bounce around your head.
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