#tightnari drabble
animekpopsimp · 1 year
Sick (Tighnair x reader)
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You groaned as you lay in bed, wrapping the blankets as tightly around you as you could. You had woken up this morning and since then you had only begun to feel worse. And of course, your loving boyfriend Tihgnari was more than happy to take care of you, despite the fact that you didn't want to burden him. Despite you trying to argue that you could handle this on your own Tignari refused to take no for an answer. He was out at the moment and you were getting hungry. Determined to be independent you slowly stood up, surely you would be able to make yourself some soup. However, you were suddenly stopped when Tighnari appeared in the doorway, arms crossed as she stared at you.
"What are you doing out of bed?" He asked in a stern tone. You winced, knowing you had been caught and you got back into bed.
"I just wanted some soup," you told your boyfriend. He shook his head, sighing as he made his way over to the side of your bed, placing the medicine down on the bedside table.
"You could have just asked me," he told you, placing the back of his hand against your forehead.
"Besides, your fever still hasn't gone down yet" he lightly chastised you.
"I just didn't want to burden you," you told him in a soft voice. Looking down at you, Tighnari smiled as he ran a hand through your hair in a soothing manner.
"You are not a burden, now rest, I'll make you something to eat after you take your medicine." A smile appeared on your face as you nodded, you felt lucky to have Tighnari around.
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azuresky-agere · 8 months
headcanons for regressor xiao or tightnari? (also do you mean send minifics,hc requests like request either or give you fics to read and request headcanons sorry if is obvious english isnt my first language)
Hi! When I mean "Mini-Fics", I mean give a charecter and scenario and I'll write a small fic about them. A mini-fic is just for Tumblr, and it helps get my writing skill up! Anyways, I can do both headcanons!
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CW: mentions of not regressing, diapers [medical reasons], injury mentions [from the archon war]
-Age range is about 2/3 years old, but has regressed to babyspace a few times due to horrible nightmares/getting injured in battle.
-He has 100% regressed in the middle of battle, and he's usually pretty good at holding off the headspace until after battle, but there have been some instances of not letting himself regress at ALL.
-Due to his involvement in the archon war, Xiao sustained quite permanent scarring and needs to be medically padded 24/7. [The first time he was told he needed to be padded constantly he felt humiliated to say the least.]
-Main CG is Zhongli! He found him regressed one day in the middle of the Liyueian wilderness and had to scoop him up, and then all of a sudden, he's got a cranky, injured and hungry two year old in his arms.
-He has a few bird stuffies, and themed-regression items focused around regression, such as blankets/pacifiers, bottles, ect.
-Has to be told multiple times during his regression that it's "good for him" and that he's not a burden. [By Zhongli.]
-Secondary babysitter/CG is childe. Xiao often tries to push himself out of his headspace if he knows that Childe will be his CG, but due to Childe's good skills with young people, this "rocky regression" doesn't last long.
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-Usually around the age of 8-10, sometimes a bit younger if he's with Cyno.
-Collei isn't a babysitter or CG per-se, and she's drabbled in regression before, but she's the person to go and get a nearby CG if she notices Tighnari overworking himself while regressed, or regressed in general.
-Chaos toddler! He'll run around, play pranks, ect.
-Wears pull-ups when regressed, and despite his embarrassment, he's understanding on why he has to wear them.
-Stuffie collection. He probably has a dozen stuffies, all of the same animal, because he LOVES fennec foxes.
-Collei will sometimes make him custom stuffed animals of himself of cyno as practice for her skills, and no matter how goofy they turn out to look, it doesn't matter to tighnari!
-His ears are extremely sensitive to sound, so he is always regressed during a thunderstorm, or if too many repetitive noises happen.
-Nap baby! He loves taking naps, and half the time he doesn't even make it to the bed, as the carpet in his room gives off "the right texture" to sleep on. Cyno has found him sleeping on the floor on more than a few occasions.
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