#tiktok profile optimization
chonggosmedia · 2 years
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thewulf · 9 months
Did You Just...? || Aaron Hotchner
Summary: Request - What about a young!Hotch x reader and they’re best friends crushing on each other?? Idk if you remember that TikTok trend where you call your crush or film a video and kiss your best friend and they don’t know what’s going on?... Read Rest Here
A/N: PURE FLUFFFFF. Loved this. Hope you guys enjoy :) This is a Young Hotch set in present day :)
Pairing: Aaron Hotchner x Y/N
Word Count: 3.0k
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“Okay but you’ve been on the app right?” You asked Aaron after sitting down at his desk filled to the brim with paperwork that needed to be completed but never had the time to do. He peaked his eyes over to you once you sat down with a huff.
Amusement danced in his gaze as a small smiled played on his lips at your overt casualness with him. It was remarkable to witness you go from the scared and timid profiler hired right out of school to chatting his ear off at lunch every day in a matter of mere months. See, he was in his third year at the BAU and thought he had figured it out. That was until you came along and rocked his world.
He used to come to work, get some paperwork done, put his head down and go home after a long day. It worked for him. He was ‘friends’ with his coworkers as best as he could be, but he was the young pup of the group. Then you were onboarded. Gideon hired you the second you graduated after blowing him away in one of the classes he taught at Georgetown. You came in like a hurricane that he wasn’t quite ready for but knew the team needed.
You were so different than Aaron’s other coworkers. You actually talked to him and got to know him. You weren’t afraid of his intimidating gaze but instead found it a fun challenge to try and get him to break his facade. It annoyed him at first. He went to work to work, not socialize. But leave it to you to sway his opinion on the matter. Aaron didn’t want to admit just how much he had grown to love and adore your smiling face greeting him every morning. He really didn’t want to admit how much he looked forward to your early morning coffee chats or daily debriefs when Gideon was being a hard ass. You were the sunshine of the group. The one that brought the optimism while the rest of the team turned terribly pessimistic.
He'll never forget the first time you caught a killer. He almost had a heart attack when you quite literally jumped on top of the man, surprising him and taking him to the floor without a second thought. You smiled right up to him after he was in cuffs and whispered a, “One down. A hundred more to go.” To him. He knew right then and there that you’d be in his life for a long time.
“What app?” He set the pen he was writing with down as he turned his attention to you.
Sighing you opened your phone showing him, “Don’t play dumb with me Hotchner.” Your eyes glowered at the man with a subtle smirk resting right on his face, “Tik-Tok.”
He leaned back watching the videos you’d saved. He assumed they were ones you thought would convince him to download it. He was right of course. You’d saved the funniest ones in hopes he’d download the damn app. You’ve been trying for weeks to get him to do it. But then again, it almost took you three entire months to convince the man he needed to upgrade from his prehistoric iPhone 5.
“You know that’s likely spyware and the government…”
You cut him off with another long-drawn-out sigh, “Okay dad. But it’d not banned. So, download it.”
Aaron could mess with you, and he knew it. And enjoyed it. He didn’t dare want to admit just how happy he got when he got you to blush under his gaze. You’d quite literally waltzed in and rocked his absolute world. He knew he couldn’t catch feelings for you and yet here he was. On the brink of falling in love with the funnier than ever coworker who knew him better than he knew himself. How cliché.
He leaned back in his office chair crossing his arms over his chest, “You know. I don’t think I will.” He watched your face closely. You were far too easy to read. Something he was working on with you. You gave away everything on your face. His smirk only grew when you raised your eyebrows in slight surprise. It wasn’t often he didn’t bend over backwards to make you happy. He would of course download the stupid little app to make you happy. Just like he got the latest iPhone once you saw the horrifying state of his almost 10-year-old phone.
You leaned back in the same manner he had, “No need to be so obstinate Hotch.” Giving him a playful push, you couldn’t help but to giggle at his amused grin. It was easy to forget the two of you were at work of all places. It was just so easy to forget with him. He made you want more with him, so much more. A much easier case to crack than you originally thought. He was an utter softy under the rigid exterior put on for the team.
He knew he should get back to work but he just couldn’t shoo you away. He looked forward to moments like these. Little moments where he got to steal some of your time and attention, “Look at you. Using your big words.” His smirk deepened as he watched you register his words in real time. He was playing around with you. He’d gotten so comfortable with you he was beginning to mess with you right back. You’d grown used to teasing him and only getting an eyeroll or snicker in return. You weren’t used to this. And you had to admit you loved it. A subtle change you’d grown to adore.
“Didn’t go to school for nothing.” You winked at him knowing the double negative would set him off.
He shook his head, “You’re something else, you know that?”
Wiggling your eyebrows at him you nodded your head, “You wouldn’t have it any other way.”
Relenting, he fished his phone out of his pocket. He opened it up knowing damn well he didn’t download the app but he’d sure as hell let you do it. He’d truly do anything for you, “You’re right.”
Ignoring the flush that rose to your cheeks you grabbed the opened phone from his hands. You knew you shouldn’t be having these thoughts for your dangerously attractive slightly older and much more put together coworker. But damn. You had all the thoughts and feelings.
You sighed, “Just as I suspected.” Shaking your head in disapproval you handed the phone back to him, “Now, I need you to make an account to night. Let me know when you do! I have so many to share with you.” You grinned knowing he was going to give in one way or another.
He took it back, “That’s a lot of work.” He spoke with a grin that meant he was just teasing you. Two could play that game.
“Yeah, because you’re so anti-technology. But I promise you can do this. Who else am I supposed to send TikTok’s too?” You widened your eyes as if it was the most obvious thing ever.
“You’re other friends?”
You shrugged, “I do send them. But these are for you.”
Aaron couldn’t help but to smile at your ever so quick comebacks. One of the many reasons he had fallen for you so quickly, “I’ll do it. But…” He paused letting it linger in the air for a moment.
“But what Hotchner?” You raised your eyebrows, ever so curious as to what his stipulation could be.
His smile widened seeing your impatience for him grow, “Only if you come over and show me how.” He’d never really been so bold before. Sure, you’d been over to his place a few times in passing, once for a team dinner. Gideon’s genius idea to have somebody from the team host once a month. You’d rather come to enjoy the gatherings. Especially when they were at Rossi’s place. The wine and food pairings never ceased to amaze you. You on the other hand always insisted on taking the team out when your month rolled around. It was a little too embarrassing to have the entire team over at your rather small one-bedroom apartment.
“Propositioning me now Hotch?” You challenged back to the man you were head over heels with knowing it’d throw him off his game. The smile that immediately dropped let you know you did exactly that.
This time it was his mouth that dropped as his cheeks turned an adorable violet. Oh, you got him this time. You wished you could take a picture. He was just too cute when he thought too hard. If you were at home you would’ve risked a picture, but you didn’t want to cross the line at work. You’d never dream of putting him in an awkward position here. The both of you worked way too hard to blow it up now.
“You know I would never ever…” He started rambling. It would’ve been adorable had he not been actually freaking out a little bit. Of course, you knew that. You really were just messing with him.
Shaking your head, you stopped him, “I’m teasing you Aaron. I’d love to come over and show you how to make a TikTok account.”
He let out a strangled sigh of relief, “You’re killing me.” He loved it when you called him by his first name. It sounded too good coming out of your mouth.
Biting back a smile you stood from the chair, “I’ll be over at 6?”
You watched as he leaned forward grabbing his pen once more. Turning to you with that smile you’d grown to adore he nodded, “Don’t be late.”
“I wouldn’t dare Hotchner.” Shooting him one last wink you walked away briskly letting your heart get far, far away from the man who was causing it to beat right out of your chest.
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“You’re making this so much harder than it needs to be Hotchner.” You giggled itching to take the phone away from Aaron.
He shrugged giving you a wicked grin, “We’re not all technologically savvy Y/L/N.” He chided back knowing he might’ve been taking his time so that you didn’t have an excuse to leave. He took his time making dinner, not starting until you made it over. Taking his time cleaning up and getting dessert out. Pretending not to know how his phone worked. He wanted to steal your time away. Not that you minded, not in the slightest.
Rolling your eyes, you finished setting it up for him, “You could say that again.”
A small chuckle rolled off his lips. He put his phone back down before turning his head back to you. You were watching him with all the love in your eyes. You’d tried so hard to hide it, but it was becoming an impossible task. He was so easy to fall in love with. How were you to blame?
Feeling bold you decided to move forward with your plan. Picking up your phone you clicked the video player to record and angled it towards you and Aaron.
With scrunched brows he observed you, “What are you doing?”
“Since you’ve never opened the app you’ll never get it. But we’re doing a video. I’ll post it. It’d trending right now.” You said as nonchalantly as possible trying not to let your voice waver. You had to be confident
Curiously we watched as you scooted closer to him, “Trending?” He asked with a hint of amusement lacing his voice.
You nodded not daring to meet his curious gaze, you’d surely lose the confidence to actually do it, “Mhmm,” You hummed, “If you’ll let me that is.”
He grinned, “Be my guest.”
It felt like your heart was about to leap out of its chest. Now or never, really, “Don’t say I didn’t warn you.”
He smirked seeing you finally look him in the eyes, “Do your worst then.”
It was really now or never. You grabbed either side of his face and decided to go for it.
His eyes widened in pleasant shock as you pressed your lips to his. He could’ve sworn his heart stopped then and there. That was bold, even for you. But then again you always had him on his toes. Another one of the many reasons he knew that made him fall for you. It took him a second to long to respond to this kiss. But once he did he wasn’t going to let you go.
Once you needed air though you did have to pull away. Adrenaline was now coursing through you as you realized you really just kissed not only your friend but your coworker as well. There was truly no going back now.
“Did you just…?” His mouth bobbed open and closed like he couldn’t believe what you just did.
You watched as his face went from shock to realization to… satisfaction? A fast and hot blush erupted on your cheeks as you realized he was watching you too, waiting on an answer to his very own question.
“I did.” Biting your lip, a wave of anxiety washed over you as you waited his answer.
You didn’t get one as he leaned in this time. You felt as his hand wrapped around the back of your neck and up through your hair. Carefully he pulled your head towards him as he kissed you with a little more dominance this time. He was in charge. He wanted to kiss you. You didn’t fight the way your body melted right into his. Feeling him smile as you folded into his touches like putty, you didn’t dare break away. You’d dreamed of this moment for far too long. Almost six months too long now.
He pulled away gently, leaning his forehead on yours, “Thank God you did.”
Your heart was hammering so hard in your chest you only could hope he couldn’t hear it being so close, “Yeah?” You asked, a hint of insecurity in your voice.
He moved away from you only so he could look you in the eyes. His hands landed on your shoulders giving them a gentle squeeze, “I’ve wanted to do that for a while now.” His usually unreadable face broke into a light blush, one you probably wouldn’t be able to see if you weren’t so close to him.
“Why didn’t you?” The smile on your face let him know it was all in good fun. You just loved teasing him. And he loved teasing you right on back.
He shook his head with the saddest smile, “Would it be too cowardly to say that I didn’t want to mess it all up? I didn’t want to make a mess of it if you didn’t feel the same.” For the first time you’d seen a side of him you’d really never have seen before. He wasn’t sure. He didn’t have an answer. He looked to you for the next step.
A quick shake of your head brought you back to the present, “I’d never think of you as a coward Aaron.” You reached for his hands that landed back down at his side, “And I’m certainly glad I didn’t make a mess of it.” You giggled feeling relieved that he clearly felt the same way. You didn’t think he’d kiss you like that if he didn’t.
“Go out with me tomorrow? On an actual date? Where I can actually woo you. You weren’t supposed to do that by the way.” He pinched your side lightly loving the way you squirmed under his touch, “But then again. You always seem to take me by surprise.” He clarified leaning back in wanting so desperately to kiss you once more but needing to hear your answer first.
“Do I now?” If your heart could speed up it certainly did as he leaned closer and closer once more.
“All the time.” He placed a gentle hand on your cheek, his thumb gingerly brushing on the apple of your cheek. A shiver you tried to stop erupted from your body at the lightest of contact with him. You were a goner, and you knew it.
“Good to know.” You grinned before leaning in and giving his nose a quick kiss, catching him off guard yet again, “And yes, I’d love to go out with you.” You continued after sending his brain into a tizzy. You truly would be the death of him.
He didn’t waste a second more before bringing you in for a much slower kiss this time. He too was in utter disbelief this was going on. Sure, he’d daydreamed about it on far too many occasions, but it was actually happening. He was kissing you.
When he pulled back for air he gave you a once over again, “I haven’t told you how pretty you look tonight.” He knew that’d draw that pretty blush he loved so much.
You pushed at his chest lightly giving him a soft laugh. You turned your head spotting the phone you’d set up to record about five minutes ago.
“Oh crap.” You pulled yourself off of him to grab at the phone quickly ending the video. A soft smile graced your face as you thought about watching that later.
He grinned, “Are you going to post that?”
Shaking your head quickly you saved the video before closing out of the app, “No, I don’t think I will.” Looking back up with all the love in your eyes you scooted closer to him, nearly on top of him now, “Think I’ll keep it just for you and I.”
He pulled you onto his lap, getting the hint, “You’re a sap.” Brushing your now messy hair, thanks to Aaron, out of your face he leaned down to give you a gentle kiss on your forehead, “A cute sap at that.”
You grinned while cuddling into him rather thankful your uncalculated risk paid off in an incredible way, “Only for you Aaron.”
He wrapped his arms all the way around pulling you in close, “Wouldn’t have it any other way.”
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Aaron Hotchner/Criminal Minds: Permanent Taglist (Message me or comment below if you want to be added!): @loving-and-dreaming @kmc1989 @memeorydotcom @matisse556 @buckylov3r @taygrls @ah-blossom @daily-evanstan @hardballoonlove @14buddy22 @rosiahills22 @djs8891 @mrs-ssa-hotch @panandinpain0 @viscade
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hoursofreading · 29 days
The ethos of contemporary therapy is highly questionable to begin with, and this has to be addressed before unpacking the implications of disseminating its principles in a highly gamified, fundamentally consumerist online sphere. As it stands, access to therapy hinges on class privilege, adherence to existing social norms, and a whole host of other factors that favor those who already have a safety net. Additionally, mainstream therapy tends to bolster the collective interest in individualistic self-optimization, worsening many of the issues it seeks to resolve in the process. We attend therapy to become our “best” selves, lead our “best” lives, and to signal to others we have done so. We savor the delicious superiority that coincides with telling someone who hurt us to go to therapy and advertise our own attendance on our Hinge profiles to signal our own immanent perfection. Therapy has become a litmus test for social belonging and inherent goodness, a sign that one is aware of and has adapted to the newest standards of how to behave.1 Even without this social signaling, the lessons we learn inside of therapy favor a sort of hyperindividualistic self-sufficiency that encourages clients to prioritize personal growth over communal welfare or institutional change. When you imagine yourself to exist separate from the world around you, and therefore seek to change yourself independent of it, the project of self-improvement becomes about adapting to oppression, rather than working toward a less maddening world. Therapy that prioritizes individual self-improvement with little other context functions to create hypernormal, docile subjects that live in service to power. We become our best selves, not in ways that allow us to find personal peace and better serve the world around us, but in ways that make us better workers and citizens. Even if the system is contributing to our pain, we are actively encouraged to find ways we can fit better into that system. The subtext is always that we have no other option. As therapy shapes us into obedient subjects, we internalize the idea that a “healthy” person is in control of their emotions, which they demonstrate through following increasingly narrow social scripts. There are countless infographics circulating about the “right” way to deliver an apology, for example. Falling in love with someone too quickly is “toxic,” or “unhealthy” but falling in love too slowly or struggling to connect with others is a problem too, and potentially a sign of narcissism. We make fun of the casually cruel, HR-ified social scripts that circulate the internet every few months, but I think those scripts are just extreme manifestations of a more subtle and insidious belief system that we’ve already bought into: we are supposed to be going to therapy to learn how to control ourselves. No more yelling, public crying, or any version of making a scene. No more being in a bad mood at your stupid fucking job. No more falling madly, deeply in love. The world has rendered you so fragile you might break at any moment under the weight of its cruelty. And you’re too weak to change the world (shh, you are) so you have to live in fear. You must be careful, and quiet, and good. This is how you survive.
Less TikTok, More Screaming - Persinette
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puckpocketed · 3 months
hi!! I was wondering where or how you do you research for players and teams, and just hockey in general? do you have any favorite blogs or other resources? thank you~
okay picking thru web rot for the sharks primer has prepared me for this one lmao here's the quick answer because i really need to eat some pie and go to bed. Hockey is my all-consuming interest at the moment and I haven't watched actual television or films; or read anything non-academic that isn't about hockey in.... 9 months? If it seems like I am taking in a LOT of information in a short amount of time it's because I am. I listen to hockey things at 2-5x speed depending on if its a video on youtube (locked to 2x), a podcast (3.5x is my ideal speed), or my screenreader (5x) and often take notes, save articles as pdfs to go back to, and transcribe things for fun (only recently am putting my transcriptions as addendums to gifs... very rewarding <3). When not studying for my actual degree, I am reading about hockey or listening to something hockey related or watching hockey or writing about hockey or learning how to play hockey. i am so serious. please don't assume that this is normal, optimal, or even something I would wish upon other people. I am in Love with her in thee most wretched and irrevocable way. She's my hobby in the sense that shes my sun and im building my wax wings and looking directly at her light and thanking her for blinding me. amen.
more seriously, if I'm going down a player rabbit hole I will try many of these things - though not necessarily all of them, and not in this order (and i'm sure i've forgotten one or two things I usually try... lordy):
I go to spotify/apple podcasts and throw in player names just to see what comes up and listen to basically everything.
if they are on an NHL team, there are likely MULTIPLE podcasts dedicated to that team. trawl through their podcast archives, especially post-game podcasts where discussion is happening about their performance. sometimes there are even interviews <3
i do the same with youtube if I can...!
throw their name into reddit, tumblr, twitter and scroll. endlessly. just trawl through everything that I can possibly get my hands on. The more obscure the player the easier this is, because there really aren't that many things to find out about them and not many people are talking about them at all. <- this is how I make contact with people who are the only person that knows about this one (1) guy and then we hold fins forever. <3
find out who the teams beat reporters are. if youre looking into prospects, even juniors teams have people covering them. the writing might not be the highest quality but you WILL eventually find fun details if you go digging.
check: elite prospects articles, the hockey writers articles, find out the player's home town and see if their local paper has anything on them (basically, check any and all databases that use a tagging system or have a functional search engine)
helpful things to tack onto the end of google/youtube/database searches: "media availability" "post-game" "interview" "feature" "profile" "scouting report" "draft" "debut" "review" "highlight" "tournament"
if they're a player from a non-english speaking country it's worth throwing their non-romanized name into google to see what you can get. google translate the website // chatgpt translation are two options - not ideal and not to be trusted 100% over actual translation done by a fluent human speaker.
Instagram stories are the bane of my existence because they're so ephemeral
tiktok is a parallel universe to me. I do not have the app. any browsing I do on it is solely via googling "[team name] tiktok official" and clicking around on my desktop PC. I've only ever done this for M.Chrona's gf (who is much more famous than him) but if you're really doing down the rabbit hole of player research, some of their WAGs will post about them. <- as always, be respectful/not weird.
facebook for older stuff... genuinely makes my skin crawl so I avoid it and its a last resort LMAO but yeah teams used to post on facebook and everything!!! <- again. dont be weird and stalk peoples families or friends asjklakjl
"[player/team name] gettyimages [day/month/year]" <- substitute getty images for: flickr, hockeyshots, dreamstime, alamy
Substack is good for general hockey stuff if you can stomach the dreaded idea of subscribing via email or getting the app <3 I like: Jack Han (hockey tactics newsletter), Sean Shapiro (shap shots), Adam Gretz (adam's sports stuff), Thibaud Chatel <- for the analytics nerds, Alex MacLean <- his Scouting The Scouts series is what got me into substack in the first place, Greg Revak (hockey IQ newsletter) <- this is the one that's got me on development stuff atm SUPER rec because there's gifs and charts and many many hyperlinks included for citations <3
i should do a book rec at some point but uhhhh its getting late and im hungry <3 thank you for asking + reading if you got this far, I hope it was a helpful peek into my process?
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penroseparticle · 5 months
Penrose Song of the Day Day 24: We Might Even Be Falling In Love (Interlude) by Victoria Monet
Boy did I unexpectedly have a shitton to say about this one.
Have you ever heard a song and then just. Wished for more. I feel that way so often these days- in the age of the tiktok sample and the optimized 2 minute song for streams, there's something to be said for a song you can sink into and lose yourself to for 5, 6, 7 minutes at a time. Where is the Bohemian Rhapsody length song these days.
That's not to say that I hate 2 minute songs- I listen to enough Connor Price to admit it's ultimately fine for a song to be thrown off the pottery wheel after 2 minutes, fully formed. And tiktok samples are great honestly- usually the most interesting or expressive part of the song is the part that gets me to listen to the whole track. And I'll take my strikes of inspiriation anywhere thanks, even if occasionally it throws me a Fancy Like (And to be clear I, regrettably, fucking love Fancy Like. The mans has no taste, sorry guys).
But there's a special exquisite pain when you fall in love with a song that is not, strictly speaking, a song.
Victoria Monet is one of my favorite current artists and I've made absolutely NO secret of that. Jaguar II is a NO SKIPS album for me, she just kills it. Even lines I should NOT find charming (Titties bouncing and everything, anyone?) are just so excellent to me. She just has a way with a track that makes me buy in, right away.
We Might Even Be Falling In Love is my favorite track from Jaguar, and it's not even particularly close- there's about half an album of green hearts on this album too (She's consistent too. Dare I say GOAT status), but this 50 second NONSONG IS MY FAVORITE SONG FROM THE ALBUM.
The sultry, smooth fucking beat, that funk from the bassline that's so simple and then cuts out at the end. The melody is so catch, the brass warm and bright and like. I feel like I just hit a blunt in the best way possible and I am not a weed person (I did other drugs).
I knew that V. Monet was a top 5 artist of mine very early on, but I didn't admit it to myself until I took a long hard look at her other music and artist credits and realized she just had her hand on a vast swathe of my liked songs.
There's just something so smooth. So sexy. Very 70's in that way that I can see myself grinding with someone in an afro and bellbottoms. This song is going to be in my Spotify top 100 this year and it is NOT A REAL SONG.
Interludes and Intros are an almost lost art at this point on the album- I think that rap and r&b are the last bastions of both (Metal too but you're not ready for that convo) and the conventional album structure in general- which is fine! Not every album is a meticulously curated hour long tour, sometimes an album is "This is my setlist for coachella" or "look at my new singles". That's ok I think, there's no good way to release music and the entrenched hegemony of the album was due for a shakeup for a while (We saw that change heralded a billion times before the streaming era more or less killed the conventional album release for anyone not named Beyonce).
The point of an intro is to. Introduce the album. Novel I know. And unless your intro is DaBaby good, it's not a track that you're expecting to pop off as the best track on the album. Its job is to introduce. You learn some of the sound profile. A little of the flavor of the album. Themes, motifs, favorite samples. The artist's persona, that kinda thing.
Interludes? Palette cleansers. The change from one thing to another. Rather than some harsh cut from concept to concept you can ease through it with a sultry BOP THAT SHOULD HAVE BEEN IT'S OWN SONG OK PLEASE VICTORIA I'M BEGGING.
Sometimes Interludes don't even get that title- I'd argue Smoke (Reprise) is also an interlude in Jaguar II despite missing the designation. But it serves much the same function. Smoke is a much more mid tempo, fat, low synth, vibe of a song and Smoke Reprise acts as good connective tissue to Buju Banton getting full Reggae on Party Girls.
And part of what makes We Might Even Be Falling In Love such a good interlude is that it works as good connective tissue too. I will be honest I HATE Dive. I love Victoria Monet, and I think the song has something to it, but I am not into the whole fuckin Squeaky Toy production this song has going on. I get it's bed squeaking or whatever. I know that it's supposed to be suggestive. It sounds awful. The thing is. The parts with the squeak absent are actually good. I like the melody. And like the idea we go from "Fuckin, the song" to "Maybe we're falling in love" as an interlude? And then into "I'm a Jaguar... in BED" is chefs kiss. That momentary "Wait am I catching feelings?" moment in musical form.
Anyways, We Might Even Be Falling In Love is SO good it makes me wish the song was 5 minutes long. Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk. And honestly I'm glad I feel so passionate about Victoria's music. You should find something to listen to that you're passionate about too. You could be dead right now, go listen to something you love.
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samiabadilah · 4 months
Local Competition for GreenBlade
Competitor Analysis for GreenBlade Lawn Care
1. Mr. Trim Lawn & Garden Services
Website Experience:
Strengths: Clean and easy-to-navigate website with clear service descriptions and pricing.
Weaknesses: Limited interactive features and outdated design.
Market Positioning:
Focuses on residential lawn care with an emphasis on reliability and affordability.
Strengths: Generally positive reviews praising their punctuality and friendly staff.
Weaknesses: Some complaints about inconsistent quality of service.
Competitive pricing with discounts for regular maintenance plans.
Social Media:
Strengths: Active on Facebook and Instagram with regular updates and customer interactions.
Weaknesses: Limited engagement on posts and no presence on newer platforms like TikTok.
Website Experience:
Strengths: Professional and visually appealing website with detailed service descriptions and an online booking system.
Weaknesses: Some pages load slowly and the site can be difficult to navigate on mobile devices.
Market Positioning:
Targets both residential and commercial clients, emphasizing comprehensive landscaping services beyond just lawn care.
Strengths: High ratings for comprehensive service offerings and professionalism.
Weaknesses: Some reviews mention high prices and occasional scheduling issues.
Premium pricing reflecting their wide range of services and expertise.
Social Media:
Strengths: Well-maintained social media profiles with high-quality photos and customer testimonials.
Weaknesses: Less frequent updates compared to competitors and limited engagement with followers.
3. Belscape Properties
Website Experience:
Strengths: User-friendly website with a modern design, easy navigation, and detailed service descriptions.
Weaknesses: Limited customer testimonials and no online booking option.
Market Positioning:
Focuses on high-end residential and commercial landscaping services, emphasizing quality and customization.
Strengths: Excellent reviews highlighting their attention to detail and customer service.
Weaknesses: Some complaints about higher pricing and long wait times for services.
Higher-end pricing due to their focus on premium services and custom solutions.
Social Media:
Strengths: Strong presence on Instagram with visually appealing posts and project showcases.
Weaknesses: Less active on other social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter.
Key Takeaways for GreenBlade Lawn Care
Website Experience:
Ensure a user-friendly, modern website with clear service descriptions, an online booking system, and optimized mobile experience.
Market Positioning:
Position GreenBlade as an eco-friendly, reliable, and affordable lawn care service with a strong commitment to customer satisfaction.
Focus on maintaining consistent quality of service and actively encourage satisfied customers to leave positive reviews.
Offer competitive pricing with clear value propositions, such as eco-friendly practices and exceptional customer service.
Social Media:
Maintain active and engaging social media profiles on multiple platforms, regularly post updates, and interact with followers to build a strong online presence.
By addressing the weaknesses of competitors and capitalizing on their strengths, GreenBlade Lawn Care can effectively differentiate itself in the market and attract a loyal customer base.
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clickboxagency · 9 months
Staying Ahead in Social Media Marketing Strategies
To stay ahead of the curve in social media marketing, you must take a proactive strategy that welcomes new trends and adapts to the ever-changing digital world. As platforms grow and user behaviours vary, here are some critical techniques to keep your social media marketing ahead of the competition:
Accept Video Content: Video content continues to dominate social media. In order to keep the audience's interest, use short-form films, live streaming, and intriguing images. Platforms such as TikTok and Instagram Reels provide novel methods to express your brand's individuality and interact with a younger audience.
Prioritise Authenticity: Authenticity is essential. Genuine, transparent material attracts audiences. Showcase your brand's human side with behind-the-scenes peeks, staff highlights, and user-generated material. Authenticity develops trust and closer friendships.
Investigate New Platforms: Keep a look out for new platforms. While established networks such as Facebook and Instagram remain important, emergent platforms may provide distinct possibilities. Experiment with sites like Clubhouse, Pinterest, or new social networks that are relevant to your target demographic.
Use Influencer Collaborations: Use the power of influencers to broaden your reach. Collaborate with influencers whose audiences are similar to your target market. Authentic partnerships may help to spread your message and establish your brand's reputation.
Adopt Ephemeral Content: Stories, for example, offer a feeling of urgency and exclusivity. To stimulate quick involvement, create time-sensitive promotions, flash discounts, or limited-time deals. The transient nature of these articles often piques people's interest and encourages participation.
Use User-Generated Material (UGC) to Your Advantage: Encourage your audience to contribute material connected to your brand. Not only can user-generated material give genuine recommendations, but it also develops a feeling of community. Display UGC on your profile to demonstrate the influence of your brand.
Data-Driven Decision-Making: Analyse social media data on a regular basis to learn what works and what doesn't. Use data to improve your strategy, optimize publishing timings, and personalize content to your audience's preferences. Data-driven choices are critical for being adaptable in a volatile digital world.
Participate in Discussions: Social media is a two-way street. Respond to comments, and emails, and participate in relevant discussions to actively engage your audience. Social listening allows you to learn audience sentiment and adjust your strategy as needed.
To stay ahead in social media marketing, you must be willing to be innovative, adaptable, and understand your audience's changing tastes. Your social media strategy may stay ahead of the curve by embracing new trends, emphasizing authenticity, and harnessing data-driven insights.
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rawnak2324 · 10 months
Best Freelancing Skills For Beginners
Now a days freelancing has become an attractive option for educated unemployment. It’s become a popular way to earn dollar currency that helps a development country like us directly. Its need a computer, Internet connections and proper skill that helps freelancer to do the work. For beginners entering the freelancing world, certain skills not only offer ample opportunities but also have a lower barrier to entry. Here are some of the best freelancing skills for beginners:
Content writing: Content writing is a versatile and highly sought-after skill in the freelancing world. Content writing involves creating engaging and informative articles, blog posts, and web content. Build a portfolio showcasing your writing style and explore platforms like Upwork and Fiverr to find writing gigs.
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Graphic Design: If you have a creative eye and enjoy working with design software, freelancing as a graphic designer can open doors to a variety of projects, including logo design, social media graphics, and website elements. Familiarize yourself with design tools like Canva or Adobe, and build a portfolio to showcase your work on platforms like 99designs.
Social Media Management: In the age of digital marketing, businesses recognize the importance of a strong social media presence. If you're adept at navigating platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter, offering social media management services can be a lucrative freelancing option .Showcase your own social media profiles and explore platforms like Upwork to find social media management opportunities.
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Virtual Assistance: Many entrepreneurs and small businesses require assistance with various tasks, providing an excellent opportunity for freelancers to offer virtual assistance services. If you are organized, detail-oriented, and proficient in administrative tasks, virtual assistance can be a rewarding freelancing career. Highlight organizational skills and offer services on platforms like Upwork or Time Etc.
Video Editing: With the rise of video content on platforms like YouTube and TikTok, there is a growing demand for skilled video editors. If you have a creative eye and enjoy working with video editing software, freelancing as a video editor can be both fulfilling and lucrative .Learn popular video editing software and offer services on freelancing platforms such as Upwork or fiverr.
Translation Services: If you're fluent in multiple languages, offering translation services can be a valuable freelancing skill. Many businesses, websites, and individuals require content to be translated to reach broader audience. Highlight language proficiency and offer services on platforms like Upwork or ProZ.
E-Commerce Management: With the rise of online businesses, freelancers can assist with e-commerce tasks, including product listings and customer support. Familiarize yourself with e-commerce platforms like Shopify and offer services on freelancing platforms or directly to businesses.
Search Engine Optimization (SEO): Businesses are increasingly aware of the importance of a strong online presence, making SEO expertise highly valuable. If you understand how search engines work and can optimize content for better rankings, freelancing in SEO can be a rewarding and in-demand career.
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Embarking on a freelancing journey as a beginner requires careful consideration of your skills, interests, and the current market demands. While the skills mentioned above are in high demand, it's essential to choose a path that aligns with your strengths and interests. Building a successful freelancing career takes time, dedication, and continuous learning. As you gain experience and positive feedback, you'll find more opportunities and field to grow up with freelancing sector.
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nimona-antifa · 1 year
14# for the Salty Ask List! What's your unpopular opinion about your fandom(s)?
OKAY SO. (This will be long, TL/DR at the bottom)
First of all, I love league of legends (as you may have guessed from my profile picture) and my unpopular opinion is that it (both the game and the fandom) gets shit on WAY too much. As someone who loves math, figuring out optimal builds is so much fun for me! I love solving puzzles and making rune pages and builds for different characters and then getting to try them out is so much fun for me! Is there a big Shonen anime brand misogyny problem in parts of the fandom? Yes, absolutely. Is it probably a good idea to mute liberally because of rampant toxicity? Also yes. But I've met some great people there too!!! Maybe I'm just incredibly fucking resilient because I've been dunked in some of the deepest strongest acid vats of toxicity and negativity out there (conservative christian upbringing, league of legends, playing riven specifically, Twitter, tiktok, Steven Universe fandom) and am still a ray of sunshine in person, but I actually quite enjoy it. Do I wish it wasn't hilariously broken with a character roster that's very much male dominated? Yes. Is there a misogyny problem even within the character balancing (male OP characters get ignored or buffed while female OP characters get nerfed into the ground)? Yes. But there's so much fun to be had if you know how.
Okay. Second big fandom is Team Fortress 2 and I think that uh. Well to put it kindly I think a lot of them miss the entire point of the game. They basically have sticks up their asses about weapons being "fair and balanced" and while I agree that they should be to a certain extent, I also think focusing on that too much risks losing the spirit of the game. If I wanted an optimized, polished first person shooter, I'd play overwatch. If blizzard could get it's shit together for five fucking seconds and realize it's making some of the worst possible business decisions with the game that is. But anyway back to TF2. If we were to optimize every single weapon to be 100% fair and balanced, we miss the entire point of the game. Like, a vast majority of the game would be gone if that were the case. It's not very fair and balanced to run through a doorway only to get instantly blown up because there were 5 stickybombs there you couldn't see, but removing that would make it not TF2. I think probably the best example of this is the Sandman and Flying Guillotine combo, may she be restored soon. Was it entirely balanced? No. But in my opinion that wasn't a good reason to remove it entirely. Same with the degreaser/reserve shooter combo. Just because they're annoying doesn't mean you get rid of them entirely. Another thing they get too upset about is when someone dare suggest that a niche weapon should be buffed to checks notes fill it's niche better. Take the amputator. It's niche is to provide AoE healing. But the situations where that's handy become uh. Much less frequent thanks to the specific quirks of how it works. You enter a short taunt during which you can't move. I personally feel like it could be better served by some sort of recharging bar and a big movement speed debuff. The other big hindrance is that the damage is a direct downgrade to the stock. The other Melees all provide some sort of combat advantage to stock. The Übersaw has a slower swing speed but greatly increased critical hit chance, which if you ask literally anyone who has played with or against the Übersaw, is a significant understatement. The vita-saw provides a psychological advantage with slightly less health but the knowledge that if you do die, you won't lose all of your Über. And the Amputator is basically the Overwatch experience, trading swing speed for knowledge of the enemy's health. The amputator provides none of this, which makes it pretty shitty as a self-defense tool. It does less damage than stock with no increased swing speed or bleed effect to balance things out. I won't go into a whole bunch of detail about my fixes but I just find it ridiculous the types of things that they say will lead to power creep. The Ambassador used to be able to headshot people from as far away as you could headshot people without a zoom, and it was just accepted as part of the game for the longest time. And I'm supposed to believe that weapons filling their intended purpose is gonna be too powerful? Okay whatever. I doubt hordes of people will be swapping off of Soldier just to hit me to death with a slightly improved bonesaw on the class that has the least combat capacity but apparently it's definitely going to happen if the amputator isn't a direct downgrade to the stock in terms of self-defense!!! Sorry this got long but basically:
League of Legends isn't as bad as everyone makes it out to be and there's a lot of fun to be had if you know how to curate your experience
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Some TF2 players are way too tryhard
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qtfnews · 2 years
Social Media Marketing
Social Media Marketing for Organizations!
Social media marketing is a strong way for organizations, all things considered, to arrive at possibilities and clients. Individuals find, find out about, follow, and shop from brands on social media, so in the event that you're not on stages like Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn, you're passing up a great opportunity! Extraordinary marketing on social media can carry noteworthy accomplishment to your business, making dedicated brand supporters and, surprisingly, driving leads and deals.
What is social media marketing?
Social media marketing is a type of computerized marketing that use the force of famous social media organizations to accomplish your marketing and marking objectives. Be that as it may, it's not just about making business records and posting when you feel like it. Social media marketing requires an advancing technique with quantifiable objectives and incorporates:
Keeping up with and advancing your profiles.
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Posting pictures, recordings, stories, and live recordings that address your image and draw in a pertinent crowd.
Answering remarks, offers, and likes and checking your standing. Following and drawing in with devotees, clients, and powerhouses to construct a local area around your image.
Social media marketing additionally incorporates paid social media promoting, where you can pay to have your business show up before huge volumes of exceptionally designated clients.
Advantages of social media marketing!
With such boundless utilization and adaptability, social media is one of the best free channels for marketing your business today. Here are a portion of the particular advantages of social media marketing.
Acculturate your business: Social media empowers you to transform your business into a functioning member in your market. Your profile, posts, and cooperations with clients structure a receptive persona that your crowd can acclimate and associate with, and come to trust.
Drive traffic: Between the connection in your profile, blog entry joins in your posts, and your promotions, social media is a top channel for expanding traffic to your site where you can change over guests into clients. In addition, social signs are a roundabout Website optimization factor.
Create leads and clients: You can likewise produce leads and transformations straightforwardly on these stages, through highlights like Instagram/Facebook shops, direct informing, source of inspiration buttons on profiles, and arrangement booking abilities.
Increment brand mindfulness: The visual idea of social media stages permits you to fabricate your visual personality across immense crowds and further develop brand mindfulness. Also, better brand mindfulness implies improved results with all your different missions.
Fabricate connections: These stages open up both immediate and backhanded lines of correspondence with your supporters through which you can organize, assemble criticism, have conversations, and interface straightforwardly with people.
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Social media marketing measurements
As to the advantages above, don't simply carelessly believe us. We should investigate a few social media marketing insights that demonstrate its power.
The typical US grown-up goes through 2.25 hours on social media consistently.
More than 70% of individuals who have a positive involvement in a business on social media will prescribe that business to their organizations.
Facebook clients click on 12 Facebook advertisements on normal consistently.
81% of individuals use Instagram to investigate items and administrations.
Almost 80% of Twitter clients have a more inspirational perspective on a business when they get a reaction to their tweet. 4 out of 5 individuals on LinkedIn drive business choices.
46% of TikTok clients take part in the application with practically no different interruptions.
Social media marketing administrations
As free and simple as every stage might be, a strong social media marketing procedure requires different stages and frequently a blend of natural and paid techniques. This can be asset weighty, and keeping in mind that it's a decent issue to have, the more you develop your crowd utilizing social media, the harder it will be to keep up. Social media marketing administrations come in a wide range of shapes and sizes to assist organizations with capitalizing on social media.
For instance: Social media the board stages like HootSuite and Fledgling Social utilize restrictive innovation to assist more experienced social media advertisers with smoothing out their cycles and get progressed examination.
Social media marketing offices: A few organizations have practical experience in social media marketing just, as Akvertise or even paid social promoting as it were.
Advanced marketing organizations: Similarly as one stage doesn't do it for social media marketing, one channel doesn't do it for generally marketing. Computerized marketing organizations can assist you with integrating social media marketing into your more extensive technique that incorporates email, site, Search engine optimization, from there, the sky is the limit.
Crossover benefits: Some proposition a blend of the abovementioned. For instance, LOCALiQ's social publicizing contributions utilize exclusive innovation to deal with your methodology and permit you to zero in on social alone or as a feature of a more extensive arrangement.
Begin focusing on your social media marketing system
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Involving social media in marketing accomplishes more than further develop site traffic and increment your compass. It transforms your business into a character that your crowd can impart and interface with on a more profound level.
Despite which stages you use or how you use them, the main thing to recollect is that social media isn't a stage to pitch your business. It's a local area for you to communicate your character, exhibit your qualities, share valuable data, and develop everyone around you. With individuals normally following you and advancing your substance, there will be no requirement for pitching. Also, with this methodology, you'll accomplish your business objectives as well as every one of different intangibles that mean delight and satisfaction.
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oyecommerz · 2 days
The Future of E-commerce: Trends to Watch in Shopify Marketing
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The e-commerce landscape is evolving rapidly, and staying ahead of trends is essential for Shopify store owners. As consumer behavior shifts and technology advances, businesses must adapt their marketing strategies to remain competitive. In this blog post, we’ll explore key trends shaping the future of e-commerce and how they impact Shopify marketing.
1. Rise of Artificial Intelligence
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is transforming the way businesses interact with customers. From chatbots that provide instant support to personalized product recommendations, AI enhances the customer experience. Shopify stores can utilize AI tools to analyze consumer behavior, streamline operations, and automate marketing tasks. As AI technology continues to advance, integrating it into your marketing strategy will become increasingly essential.
2. Video Marketing Dominance
Video content is more engaging than static images and text, making it a powerful marketing tool. Platforms like TikTok and Instagram Reels have popularized short-form video content, capturing the attention of younger audiences. Shopify store owners should invest in video marketing by creating product demos, behind-the-scenes footage, and customer testimonials. Utilizing live streaming for product launches can also create excitement and urgency among customers.
3. Sustainability and Ethical Practices
Consumers are becoming more conscious of their purchasing decisions, prioritizing brands that demonstrate sustainability and ethical practices. Shopify stores can leverage this trend by promoting eco-friendly products and transparent sourcing practices. Highlighting your brand’s commitment to sustainability through marketing campaigns can resonate with consumers and enhance brand loyalty.
4. Augmented Reality Shopping Experiences
Augmented Reality (AR) is revolutionizing the online shopping experience by allowing customers to visualize products in their environment. Shopify stores can implement AR features to enable virtual try-ons, interactive product demos, or immersive shopping experiences. This technology can reduce returns and enhance customer satisfaction by helping consumers make informed purchasing decisions.
5. Subscription-Based Models
Subscription services have gained popularity across various industries, offering consumers convenience and savings. Shopify store owners can explore subscription-based models for products that encourage repeat purchases, such as beauty products, food items, or digital services. Offering subscription plans not only increases customer retention but also provides predictable revenue streams.
6. Voice Search Optimization
With the rise of smart speakers and voice-activated devices, optimizing for voice search is becoming increasingly important. Consumers often use natural language when speaking, so Shopify store owners should consider how keywords differ in voice search versus traditional search. Creating FAQ pages, optimizing for local search, and using conversational language in product descriptions can help improve visibility in voice search results.
7. Multi-Channel Selling
Consumers engage with brands across multiple platforms, making multi-channel selling essential for e-commerce success. Shopify’s integration with platforms like Amazon, eBay, and social media allows store owners to reach a broader audience. Developing a cohesive brand presence across these channels ensures a seamless shopping experience for customers, whether they’re browsing on social media or your Shopify store.
8. Social Commerce Growth
Social media platforms are increasingly becoming shopping destinations. Features like Instagram Shopping and Facebook Shops allow consumers to purchase products directly within the app. Shopify store owners should leverage social commerce by optimizing their social media profiles, creating shoppable posts, and engaging with their audience. The more integrated your brand is within social media platforms, the easier it will be for customers to discover and purchase your products.
9. Enhanced Customer Experience
As competition in the e-commerce space intensifies, providing an exceptional customer experience is crucial. Shopify stores should focus on improving website usability, offering fast shipping, and providing excellent customer service. Personalizing the shopping experience through tailored product recommendations and targeted marketing campaigns can also enhance customer satisfaction and loyalty.
10. Data Privacy and Security
With increasing concerns over data privacy, consumers are becoming more cautious about sharing their information. Shopify store owners must prioritize data security and transparency in their marketing practices. Communicate your privacy policies clearly and ensure that customer data is protected. Building trust through transparent practices will enhance your brand’s reputation and encourage customers to engage with your store.
The future of e-commerce is filled with exciting opportunities for Shopify store owners. By staying informed about emerging trends and adapting your marketing strategies accordingly, you can position your business for success. Embrace technologies like AI and AR, prioritize sustainability, and enhance the customer experience to stay ahead of the competition. As the e-commerce landscape continues to evolve, your ability to innovate and adapt will determine your success.
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prajwalchauhan07 · 3 days
Social Media Marketing: Building Relationships and Driving Engagement
Social media platforms have become integral to modern marketing strategies. Social media marketing (SMM) involves utilizing these platforms to build brand awareness, engage with customers, and drive sales.
Key Benefits of Social Media Marketing
Increased Brand Visibility: Social media offers a vast reach, allowing businesses to connect with potential customers worldwide.
Improved Customer Engagement: SMM provides a direct channel for businesses to interact with customers,address concerns, and gather feedback.
Enhanced Brand Reputation: Consistent and positive social media interactions can help build a strong brand reputation.
Increased Website Traffic: Social media can drive traffic to a business's website, leading to more leads and conversions.
Cost-Effective Marketing: Compared to traditional advertising methods, social media marketing can be relatively cost-effective.
Popular Social Media Platforms
Facebook: A versatile platform for businesses of all sizes.
Instagram: Ideal for visually appealing content and a younger audience.
Twitter: Great for real-time updates and short-form content.
LinkedIn: A professional networking platform for B2B businesses.
TikTok: A rapidly growing platform popular among younger generations.
Effective Social Media Marketing Strategies
Define Your Goals: Clearly outline your objectives, whether it's increasing brand awareness, generating leads, or driving sales.
Identify Your Target Audience: Understand your ideal customer's demographics, interests, and behaviors to tailor your content accordingly.
Choose the Right Platforms: Select the social media platforms that best align with your target audience and business goals.
Create Engaging Content: Develop high-quality content that resonates with your audience and encourages interaction.
Optimize Your Profiles: Complete your profiles with relevant information, eye-catching visuals, and a clear call to action.
Utilize Social Media Advertising: Leverage paid advertising options to reach a wider audience and target specific demographics.
Engage with Your Audience: Respond to comments, messages, and mentions promptly to build relationships.
Monitor and Analyze Performance: Track your social media metrics to measure engagement, reach, and return on investment.
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my-music-1460 · 3 days
How to Get Playlisted on JioSaavn: A Step-by-Step Guide for Independent Musicians
In today’s digital age, streaming platforms like JioSaavn have become essential for musicians to reach a broader audience. With millions of users actively listening to music, getting playlisted on JioSaavn can be a game-changer for independent artists. It provides a unique opportunity to get discovered by new listeners, build a fanbase, and increase streams. But how exactly do you get your music onto a JioSaavn playlist? In this article, we will explore a step-by-step approach to help you get playlisted on JioSaavn, giving your music the attention it deserves.
1. Why Playlists Matter in the Streaming Era
Before diving into the "how," it's important to understand why playlists have become so crucial in the music streaming ecosystem. JioSaavn, like many other streaming platforms, offers a variety of playlists—editorial playlists curated by professionals, algorithmic playlists tailored to listeners' habits, and user-generated playlists. Playlists serve as discovery tools for millions of listeners who are often looking for new music in their favorite genres or moods. Getting playlisted on JioSaavn can boost your streams exponentially and introduce your music to listeners who may have never found it otherwise.
2. Create High-Quality, Professional Music
The first step to getting playlisted on JioSaavn is to ensure that your music is of high quality. This doesn’t just mean having a catchy song; it means ensuring your track is well-produced, mixed, and mastered. Playlist curators are inundated with music submissions, and only the best-quality tracks make the cut. If your music doesn't meet industry standards, it will likely be overlooked, no matter how good the song is.
Invest in a professional studio if possible, or work with experienced producers and engineers. Listeners can easily identify a poorly produced track, and so can curators. The first step to making your mark on JioSaavn is to ensure your music is polished and ready for a professional audience.
3. Optimize Your Artist Profile
A complete, optimized artist profile is a must when you’re aiming to get playlisted on JioSaavn. Make sure your profile contains high-quality images, an engaging artist bio, and links to your social media and official website. Curators will check your artist profile to see if you have a growing presence and if your music aligns with their playlists.
Your bio should reflect your personality, musical journey, and what makes you unique. Include any accolades or noteworthy collaborations to enhance credibility. Keep your profile up-to-date with new releases and ensure your branding is consistent across all platforms.
4. Submit Your Music to JioSaavn’s Editorial Team
One of the most direct ways to get playlisted on JioSaavn is to submit your music to their editorial team for consideration. JioSaavn has a dedicated process for this, but timing and preparation are key. It’s recommended that you submit your music at least 4-6 weeks before your release date. This gives the curators enough time to listen to your track and decide if it fits with any of their upcoming playlists.
When submitting, include all relevant information such as the genre, mood, and any potential promotion plans you have in place. Curators look for tracks that are well-marketed, so a clear release strategy is essential. Include a press release, artwork, and a well-written pitch that explains why your music should be considered for playlists.
5. Leverage Social Media and Build Buzz
Playlist curators are more likely to consider your music if you already have some buzz around your release. Before you submit your track, start building anticipation on social media platforms like Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and even TikTok. Create teasers, share behind-the-scenes content, and engage with your followers.
If you can show JioSaavn that there’s already a demand for your music, curators will be more inclined to add your track to a playlist. The more your song is streamed, shared, and talked about, the more likely it is to catch the algorithm’s attention as well. This increases your chances of landing on not just editorial playlists, but also algorithmic and user-generated ones.
6. Collaborate with Other Artists and Influencers
Collaboration is a great way to broaden your audience and increase your chances of getting playlisted on JioSaavn. Work with other artists in your genre, or even influencers who have a strong following. Featuring another artist in your track can help you tap into their fanbase, and if they promote the song, it can create additional momentum.
Influencers on platforms like Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube can also help amplify your reach. They might be willing to share your music with their followers or even feature it in their content. This creates more streams, which increases the likelihood of being noticed by JioSaavn curators.
7. Consistency is Key
Don’t expect to get playlisted on JioSaavn overnight. Like anything in the music industry, it requires persistence and consistency. Keep releasing new music regularly, promote it on all platforms, and engage with your listeners. Even if your first submission doesn’t get accepted, don’t be discouraged.
Stay consistent with your efforts, and over time, you’ll build the traction you need to get recognized. Algorithmic playlists are also based on the performance of your past tracks, so the more you release, the better your chances of getting featured.
8. Data-Driven Promotion: Use Analytics to Your Advantage
Platforms like JioSaavn for Artists and other music analytics tools provide valuable insights into how your music is performing. You can see where your audience is coming from, which songs are gaining traction, and how people are interacting with your content. Use this data to refine your promotional strategy.
If you notice that a particular region or age group is listening to your music more, tailor your social media promotion to cater to those demographics. Data-driven decisions can help you grow your audience strategically, making you a more attractive candidate for JioSaavn's playlists.
Conclusion Getting playlisted on JioSaavn can open doors to new listeners, increased streams, and ultimately, career growth. The process requires high-quality music, an optimized profile, effective promotion, and persistence. By following these steps, independent musicians can significantly improve their chances of getting playlisted on JioSaavn and reaching a broader audience. Remember, patience and consistency are key in building a successful streaming career.
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The Rise of Link in Bio Websites: A Game Changer for Digital Marketing
In the fast-paced world of social media, where character limits and visual appeal reign supreme, creators, influencers, and businesses are constantly searching for ways to optimize their online presence. Enter "link in bio" websites, a clever solution that allows users to consolidate multiple links into one easily accessible destination. One such platform leading the charge is Link in Bio
What Are Link in Bio Websites?
Link in bio websites serve as a landing page that aggregates multiple links into a single URL, which can be placed in the bio section of social media profiles—primarily on platforms like Instagram, TikTok, and Twitter. This is particularly crucial for users who want to share more than one link, as these platforms typically restrict users to a single link in their bio.
Why Link in Bio Websites Are Essential
1. Enhanced User Experience
By providing a curated landing page, link in bio websites improve the user experience. Instead of forcing followers to choose just one link, these platforms allow users to explore various content—from blog posts and product pages to social media accounts—without the hassle of searching through multiple links.
2. Increased Engagement and Traffic
Link in bio websites can significantly boost engagement. Users can track how many clicks each link receives, giving them insights into what content resonates most with their audience. This data can inform future marketing strategies, enabling users to focus on what works best.
3. Customizable and Brand-Friendly
Platforms like Link in Bio Website offer customizable templates, allowing users to match the design of their landing page with their brand aesthetic. This not only reinforces brand identity but also creates a professional look that can enhance credibility.
4. Versatile Applications
Whether you’re an influencer promoting your latest collaboration, a business showcasing products, or a content creator sharing new projects, link in bio websites provide versatility. They can be tailored for various purposes, including promotions, event registrations, or simply driving traffic to a website.
Features of Link in Bio Website
- User-Friendly Interface
Link in Bio Website prides itself on an intuitive design that makes it easy for users to set up and manage their links without requiring technical skills.
- Analytics Dashboard
Users can access analytics that reveal which links are performing well, allowing for data-driven decisions and targeted marketing efforts.
- Mobile Optimization
Given that most social media usage occurs on mobile devices, Link in Bio Website ensures that all landing pages are fully optimized for mobile viewing, enhancing user experience across devices.
- Social Media Integration
Easily connect your social media accounts to maximize reach and streamline your digital marketing efforts.
As social media continues to evolve, so does the need for innovative solutions that cater to user demands. Link in bio websites like Link in Bio not only simplify the way we share content but also enhance user engagement and brand visibility. For creators and businesses aiming to maximize their digital footprint, adopting a link in bio strategy is no longer optional; it’s essential for success in the competitive online landscape.
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chapterthirty5 · 6 days
### **12-Week Year Goal:**
**SMART Goal:** "Generate $1,000 in monthly profit from my e-commerce store by the end of 12 weeks by driving traffic, optimizing conversions, and streamlining operations."
### **Weekly Breakdown and Action Plan:**
#### **Weeks 1-2: Business Foundation & Setup**
**Goal:** Finalize the foundational elements of your store.
- **Specific:** Choose and set up your e-commerce platform (e.g., Shopify, Etsy, or WooCommerce).
- **Measurable:** Have your online store fully functional with product listings and payment gateways.
- **Achievable:** Follow tutorials or guides, if necessary, to get the store running.
- **Relevant:** This step ensures your store is ready to start selling.
- **Time-bound:** Complete the setup by Week 2.
**Action Items:**
- Choose a niche and validate product demand.
- Secure supplier or inventory.
- Create the branding and design for the store.
- Set up payment and shipping options.
- List at least 10-20 products with optimized descriptions and pricing.
#### **Weeks 3-4: Marketing & Traffic Strategy**
**Goal:** Build and implement a traffic generation strategy.
- **Specific:** Develop a marketing plan to drive at least 500 visitors to the store weekly.
- **Measurable:** Use Google Analytics and/or the platform’s analytics tools to track traffic.
- **Achievable:** Focus on free and low-cost traffic methods.
- **Relevant:** Consistent traffic is essential to achieving sales.
- **Time-bound:** Have traffic methods implemented by Week 4.
**Action Items:**
- Set up social media profiles on Instagram, TikTok, and Facebook.
- Post content 3 times per week showcasing products.
- Start with influencer marketing or collaborations with micro-influencers.
- Run a small Facebook/Instagram ad campaign with a budget of $50.
- Set up SEO basics for your store (product titles, meta descriptions, etc.).
#### **Weeks 5-6: Conversion Optimization**
**Goal:** Increase the store’s conversion rate.
- **Specific:** Aim for a 2-3% conversion rate on traffic.
- **Measurable:** Track conversion rate through store analytics.
- **Achievable:** Optimize product pages and user experience to increase sales.
- **Relevant:** Higher conversion rates lead to higher sales and profits.
- **Time-bound:** Have optimization changes in place by Week 6.
**Action Items:**
- Implement customer reviews and testimonials on product pages.
- Use high-quality images and compelling product descriptions.
- Create discount codes for first-time buyers.
- Install a cart abandonment plugin to recover lost sales.
- Test and refine the checkout process for fewer abandoned carts.
#### **Weeks 7-8: Scale Traffic & Marketing Efforts**
**Goal:** Ramp up traffic and reach at least 1,000 visitors per week.
- **Specific:** Double down on what’s working in your marketing strategy.
- **Measurable:** Use traffic analytics to track growth.
- **Achievable:** Use paid ads, partnerships, and organic growth to scale.
- **Relevant:** More traffic equals more potential sales.
- **Time-bound:** Implement these steps by Week 8.
**Action Items:**
- Increase ad budget based on the success of the initial campaigns.
- Engage in content marketing (blog posts, YouTube, etc.) related to your niche.
- Continue social media growth by interacting with your audience daily.
- Partner with more influencers or run promotions to increase awareness.
#### **Weeks 9-10: Product and Offer Expansion**
**Goal:** Increase product variety and upsell opportunities.
- **Specific:** Add 5-10 new products or create product bundles to increase average order value (AOV).
- **Measurable:** Measure changes in AOV through store analytics.
- **Achievable:** Add complementary or trending products in your niche.
- **Relevant:** More products and offers increase sales potential.
- **Time-bound:** Add new products by Week 10.
**Action Items:**
- Research additional products or suppliers to expand the store’s catalog.
- Bundle products to offer value deals.
- Create limited-time offers and upsell products.
- Test new product categories to attract different customer segments.
#### **Weeks 11-12: Review & Refine**
**Goal:** Evaluate the store’s performance and make adjustments to hit the $1,000/month goal.
- **Specific:** Assess which strategies worked best and optimize weak points.
- **Measurable:** Use data from your marketing, sales, and traffic to guide decisions.
- **Achievable:** Focus on the highest-impact activities.
- **Relevant:** This is critical to ensure the goal is met consistently.
- **Time-bound:** Review and finalize by Week 12.
**Action Items:**
- Review conversion rates, traffic, and sales.
- Refine marketing strategies based on what’s most effective (e.g., focus more on ads or influencer collaborations).
- Improve product pages or store design based on customer feedback.
- Automate any processes that can free up time (e.g., email marketing campaigns).
- **M (Measurable):** Track traffic (1,000 visitors per week), conversion rates (2-3%), and average order value (AOV).
### **Summary of SMART Objectives:**
- **S (Specific):** Build an e-commerce store generating $1,000 monthly profit.
- **A (Achievable):** Actionable weekly steps focused on traffic, conversion, and marketing.
- **R (Relevant):** All steps lead toward building a profitable, sustainable e-commerce business.
- **T (Time-bound):** Achieve this within 12 weeks, with each phase building on the last.
This plan structures your goal into manageable weekly tasks, ensuring consistent progress toward reaching $1,000 per month by the end of the 12 weeks.
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