kayleerowena · 4 years
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blaseball’s worst couple dressed as each other for halloween
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919 · 3 years
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miketownsends · 4 years
ANON I GOT YOUR MESSAGE i will try to get to it tonight but if i don’t i will soon <3
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miketownsends · 4 years
please tell me about tillmike flirting
there is nothing i would like to do more thank u anon
look Tillman is like. he's one of those guys who likes to think he's very confident and cool and smooth until he comes up against someone who is ACTUALLY confident and then he doesn't know what to do
so like, when he's at a Garages' concert and Mike is on stage performing "Mike Townsend (Is Back)" and flirting with him from the stage he just absolutely shuts down, head empty no thoughts, Mike winking at him is now where brain should be
("when i bend over and i pick up that ball" is an inherently flirty line like come ON)
it's especially wild because pre-shadows Mike? kind of a goober. kind of hapless. not a bad dude just kinda weird and easy to pick on a little bit (see: Mike Townsend [Is a Disappointment]). so when he comes back out of the shadows with a jam about how cool he is and how everyone's in love with him now? look, Tillman Henderson is a formerly mortal man and he can only handle so much
(also, Mike? not actually THAT smooth. not like, GREAT at flirting. still a little bit of a goober honestly despite all the newfound confidence. but it doesn't really matter bc Tillman is not actually used to being seriously flirted with so ANY flirting in any capacity just absolutely sends him spiraling. Mike could use the dumbest corniest pick-up line ever on him and it would work 100% of the time. [he absolutely uses terrible pick-up lines on Tillman every chance he gets because being able to fluster Tillman? very fun. also cute.])
mostly Tillman just thinks emotions in general are cringe so when Mike makes him feel emotions? totally can't handle it. no idea at all how to deal. Tillman Henderson does not do CRUSHES those are for losers with feelings. (he absolutely has a crush he just refuses to say it.) it takes him literal ages to admit that he might actually think Mike is kind of cute in a loser-ish way but that's IT and by that point they've already been technically dating for like months.
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miketownsends · 4 years
please give me all it tillmike headcanons or weird plot ideas I'm cursed with being obsessed with these terrible pitchers
HEY SAME i have not been able to stop thinking about them for like two weeks now. this is a curse and a blessing.
(god i really was over here at one point like "i love Mike but i don't really ship him with anyone and i don't think i will" and then i saw 1 (one) piece of fanart and now i live in this garbage pit. luv these boys.)
anyway here's some dumb shit i've been talking/thinking abt:
-absolutely under no circumstances will they admit to dating. Tillman is particularly guilty of this. "hey Tillman tell your boyfriend-" "WE'RE NOT DATING" meanwhile they have like an apartment and a cat and constantly make out backstage at Garages shows. tbf he also doesn't admit to dating Declan either so that's just like. how it Is.
-they both think the other is way cooler than them, except Tillman would LITERALLY RATHER DIE than say that, like he LITERALLY DID DIE and would still never say it, because he will never admit that anyone is cooler than him, because he's the coolest. Mike might admit it if he's like. kinda buzzed or something maybe. and also if Tillman definitely is not in the room or even in the same city. just in case.
-i feel like Mike kinda like. gets Tillman's whole deal, y'know? in the sense of like, Mike realizes he could have maybe been that person, were that the type of person that he was. does that make sense? like, when everyone was giving Mike a hard time about what a disappointment he was, he could have leaned into it and done the whole heel persona. he didn't because he wouldn't because that's not who he is, but he COULD'VE, and so he recognizes that and it kind of puts him an unique position to like. get where Tillman is coming from.
-i think i mentioned this last time i Talked About Them but i still just really like the idea of newly confident!Mike just totally throwing Tillman off his game. because it's Funny to me. and Mike is still just The Biggest Dork in the world he's just CONFIDENT about it now so everyone else watching them is just "why???? is this even working?????" but it's totally, totally working -on that note, bc i literally just saw this (A is Mike B is Tillman):
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-i just really want them to kiss onstage at some point. I Would Like To See It. (the Garages would NOT like to see it but what do they know really) (i am saying “i would like to see it” like i couldn’t/won’t just WRITE it but y’know) -Mike tries to get Tillman and Jaylen to be friends all the time, bc a) he loves both of them very much and b) they both like came back from the dead and all and he feels like they should probably talk about that? it’s a very futile effort bc they hate the shit out of each other and he knows it but he keeps trying. (also they do, occasionally, attempt to sort of TOLERATE being in each other’s general presence for like 5 minutes at a time because they do both love Mike and want him to be happy. but also GOD they just really don’t want to be around each other lmaooooooooo) -*drags hands down face* IDK I JUST LOVE THEM?????
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919 · 4 years
tillmike as the opposite of dreamyjaylen took me the fuck out i'm
😌 you’re so welcome!!!! i’m correct <3
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