woofbelover11 · 1 year
why those the animal blocks look like timbuctoo? i was watched in youtube until that i just found it here, please help what this is
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The Exotic and Unreachable Timbuktu
Read the latest LOST IN HSTORY blog post.
Depiction of Timbuktu during the Golden Age The name “Timbuktu” in popular culture usually refers to some remote, far-away place.  “Crikey, you live way out in Timbuktu!”  For others, it may conjure up exotic images of a desert oasis full of camels, palm trees, and turbans.  Timbuktu is actually a city in west Africa, located in the center of the nation of Mali.  It lies within the southern edge…
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veryslowreader · 3 months
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Sailing to Timbuctoo by John Marriner
French Fields: "Double or Quilt"
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ofspiesandsunshine · 27 days
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The paralytic was slow-acting but Nick could feel it working. The feeling in his lower extremities went first. It was one thing to see his legs, to know that they were there but it was disconcerting not being able to move them without outside influences. Mace and her merry band of idiots had left mere moments before, the promise of his impending abduction before being tossed into a black site still ringing in his ears. He knew he had to act fast but that was clearly impossible with that damn snake venom sinking its fangs into his veins. A short burst of vibration from his back pocket alerted him that his phone was still on his person. Anger burned through him at not being able to use it. His hands twitched in vain as he tried to move them but he had no such luck. So there he sat, alone in his condo, waiting for that supposed low dose of poison to reach his heart. He knew regardless of who was coming to take him away, the reality was that he would be long dead before anyone could do anything about it.
The loud bang of someone kicking a door in startled him, but his body remained in a state of forced calm. He could only blink in confusion when a single man in tac gear and a mask slowly checked the living room with a silenced gun in his hand. He tried to speak but only the gurgling in his throat could be heard. He could only watch as the man then raced toward him before feeling around his thighs. He looked on in horror as the man dropped his gun only to replace it with a handheld device with a thick needle attached. Without any warning, he felt the sharp point pierce its way into his right thigh. He breathed out shallowly in relief as some kind of cool fluid was released into the thick muscle. The movement in his hands came back first before what he knew now was the antidote froze out any and all traces of the venom in his system. Groaning, he keeled over into the mysterious intruder’s embrace. It was then that he registered words being whispered into his ear.
“You’re alright, sunshine. I’ve got you.”
Nick stiffened slightly, he knew that voice. He also knew that only one person dared to call him by that stupid little nickname. “Lloyd?”
“You back with me, sugar?”
Pulling back to look at the man he hadn’t seen in weeks, confusion marred his features. “What are you doing here?”
“You really think I was going to leave you here to be whisked away to fuckin’ Timbuctoo or some shit?” Lloyd bit out. 
“How did you even—
“Know?” Lloyd asked, cutting him off. “Baby, I’ve been bugging your apartments since the last time you left me.”
Nick’s eyes narrowed at the pet name, he was no one’s baby. “I told you not to call me that.”
“Yeah yeah yeah, so you keep reminding me sunshine. You could be though, my baby that is, if you stopped fuckin’ around with that bitch and let a real man like me take care of you.”
A laugh bubbled out of his throat at that. Lloyd was a piece of work but for some reason, he just kept crawling back to him. Perhaps it was the third leg the man had hidden in his tac pants.
“I don’t know why you’re laughing.” Lloyd rolled his eyes. “I warned you about Mace and yet you went after her like a damn fool. She threw me under the bus one time and I kicked her ass to the curb. Haven’t looked back since.”
“I guess this is your way of saying ‘I told you so’?” Nick asked as he flexed his hands before bracing himself against Lloyd to try and stand.
“Of course not, sunshine. Just that we should never share exes again and you should probably kill her on site the next time you see her. Whatever you two had was toxic anyway.”
“So now you’re going to try and convince me that we should also be on again,” he said trailing his freshly moveable hand up Lloyd’s chest.
“I thought that was obvious, baby. This on again off again shit is for losers!”
Resisting the urge to roll his eyes, he looked up at Lloyd through his lashes before mumbling against the crazy man’s lips. “I may have missed you a little…”
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Part 2 [coming soon]
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I met a girl from China She became a friend When I learned to understand her There was much to comprehend I'd sympathise with her stories She laughed at my jokes So many things about that time Her memory evokes
I said Just like me you get angry, like me you get mad Just like me you're happy, then you're a little sad We can blow smoke rings from the same cigarette We can write a song, maybe a little duet
She said Eyes that are shut, they will never see If you want the fruit, you gotta shake the tree Everyone in the world's playing blind man's buff You're just like me You're just looking for love
Then I met a man from Africa, Dakar, Senegal Apart from the colour of his skin He was like a man I knew from Montreal
I said Do you get scared? So do I Think there's nothing there? So do I
And then he said Have you ever faked love? Me too Give not enough? I do Do you state your case, well so do I, then close your mind to the reply? Have you said there's no God, then prayed at night? I have, I do and again I might Do you wanna cry when you feel afraid And kept your tears inside and there they stayed?
Do you get so angry you can't understand? You do, I do, so does every other man In France or Spain or Timbuctoo What's inside of him is inside of you And inside of me is in every other Whoever you are, you're my mother My father, my sister and my brother
Just like me you get angry, like me you get mad Just like me you're happy, then you're a little sad We can blow smoke rings from the same cigarette We can write a love song, maybe a little duet
Eyes that are shut, they will never see If you want the fruit, you gotta shake the tree Everyone in the world's playing blind man's buff You're just like me You're just looking for love
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blackwood4stucky · 8 months
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of spies and sunshine | aspen blackwood
lloyd hansen x nick fowler | gray man x 355 fusion au
masterpost | mini playlist
🆃 | word count: 750 | complete
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The paralytic was slow-acting but Nick could feel it working. The feeling in his lower extremities went first. It was one thing to see his legs, to know that they were there but it was disconcerting not being able to move them without outside influences. Mace and her merry band of idiots had left mere moments before, the promise of his impending abduction before being tossed into a black site still ringing in his ears. He knew he had to act fast but that was clearly impossible with that damn snake venom sinking its fangs into his veins. A short burst of vibration from his back pocket alerted him that his phone was still on his person. Anger burned through him at not being able to use it. His hands twitched in vain as he tried to move them but he had no such luck. So there he sat, alone in his condo, waiting for that supposed low dose of poison to reach his heart. He knew regardless of who was coming to take him away, the reality was that he would be long dead before anyone could do anything about it.
The loud bang of someone kicking a door in startled him, but his body remained in a state of forced calm. He could only blink in confusion when a single man in tac gear and a mask slowly checked the living room with a silenced gun in his hand. He tried to speak but only the gurgling in his throat could be heard. He could only watch as the man then raced toward him before feeling around his thighs. He looked on in horror as the man dropped his gun only to replace it with a handheld device with a thick needle attached. Without any warning, he felt the sharp point pierce its way into his right thigh. He breathed out shallowly in relief as some kind of cool fluid was released into the thick muscle. The movement in his hands came back first before what he knew now was the antidote froze out any and all traces of the venom in his system. Groaning, he keeled over into the mysterious intruder’s embrace. It was then that he registered words being whispered into his ear.
“You’re alright, sunshine. I’ve got you.”
Nick stiffened slightly, he knew that voice. He also knew that only one person dared to call him by that stupid little nickname. “Lloyd?”
“You back with me, sugar?”
Pulling back to look at the man he hadn’t seen in weeks, confusion marred his features. “What are you doing here?”
“You really think I was going to leave you here to be whisked away to fuckin’ Timbuctoo or some shit?” Lloyd bit out. 
“How did you even—
“Know?” Lloyd asked, cutting him off. “Baby, I’ve been bugging your apartments since the last time you left me.”
Nick’s eyes narrowed at the pet name, he was no one’s baby. “I told you not to call me that.”
“Yeah yeah yeah, so you keep reminding me sunshine. You could be though, my baby that is, if you stopped fuckin’ around with that bitch and let a real man like me take care of you.”
A laugh bubbled out of his throat at that. Lloyd was a piece of work but for some reason, he just kept crawling back to him. Perhaps it was the third leg the man had hidden in his pants.
“I don’t know why you’re laughing.” Lloyd rolled his eyes. “I warned you about Mace and yet you went after her like a damn fool. She threw me under the bus one time and I kicked her ass to the curb. Haven’t looked back since.”
“I guess this is your way of saying ‘I told you so’?” Nick asked as he flexed his hands before bracing himself against Lloyd to try and stand.
“Of course not, sunshine. Just that we should never share exes again and you should probably kill her on site the next time you see her. Whatever you two had was toxic anyway.”
“I guess now you’re going to try and convince me that we should also be on again,” he said trailing his freshly moveable hand up Lloyd’s chest.
“I thought that was obvious, baby. This on again off again shit is for losers!”
Resisting the urge to roll his eyes, he looked up at Lloyd through his lashes before mumbling against the crazy man’s lips. “I may have missed you a little…”
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reasoningdaily · 1 year
Collected Writings Of: John Henrik Clarke - FREE Download on Z-Library
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John Henrik Clarke papers 1937-1996
Consisting mainly of correspondence, lecture notes, course outlines, writings, research material, organizational records and printed matter, the John Henrik Clarke papers are a unique archive for the study and interpretation of African and African-American history during the second half of the 20th century. As a sergeant-major in a segregated unit in Kelly Field, Texas, during World War II, Clarke helped train African-American enlisted men for mess and other maintenance duties. The collection partially records the lives of these men, changes in their personal and military status, and disciplinary procedures against them.
Biographical/historical information
Born in 1915, the oldest son of an Alabama sharecropper family, John Henrik Clarke was a self-trained historian who edited and wrote over thirty books, and was a leading figure in the development of African heritage and black studies programs nationwide.
He was a co-founder of the Harlem Quarterly (1949-1951) and an associate editor of the journal Freedomways. During the 1960s, he served as director of the African Heritage unit of the anti-poverty program Harlem Youth Opportunities Unlimited (HARYOU-ACT), and as special consultant and coordinator of the Columbia University-WCBS television series "Black Heritage."
He joined the Department of Black and Puerto-Rican Studies at Hunter College in 1969. The founding president of the African Heritage Studies Association, he was a consultant to many projects, including the Metropolitan Museum of Art's exhibition "Harlem On My Mind" and the Portal Press Springboards series, "The Negro in American History." He was awarded the Phelps-Stokes Fund's Aggrey Medal in 1994 for his role "as a public philosopher and relentless critic of injustice and inequality." John Henrik Clarke died in 1998.
Scope and arrangement
Consisting mainly of correspondence, lecture notes, course outlines, writings, research material, organizational records and printed matter, the John Henrik Clarke papers are a unique archive for the study and interpretation of African and African-American history during the second half of the 20th century. As a sergeant-major in a segregated unit in Kelly Field, Texas, during World War II, Clarke helped train African-American enlisted men for mess and other maintenance duties.
The collection partially records the lives of these men, changes in their personal and military status, and disciplinary procedures against them.|||The author's voluminous correspondence is both personal and professional. Significant correspondents include Julian Mayfield, J.C. de Graft-Johnson, Adelaide Cromwell, Basil Davidson, Cheikh Anta Diop, Hoyt Fuller, Richard B. Moore, John G. Jackson, Ezekiel Mphahlele, Alice Walker, Elliott Skinner, E.U. Essien-Udom, Robert E. Lee, Calvin and Eleanor Sinnette, Alioune Diop and the editors of Presence Africaine, and L.H. Ofosu-Appiah of the Encyclopedia Africana project.
The bulk of the correspondence is arranged chronologically.|||Curriculum material in the collection ranges from African history outlines developed in the 1960s for the HARYOU-ACT Heritage program and the Timbuctoo Learning Center, to core black studies courses at Hunter College, Cornell University, the New School for Social Research and Rider College in New Jersey.
The lecture notes (1954-1979) are supplemented by conference material and other printed matter. The HARYOU-ACT series consists of academic and administrative files of the Heritage program, which was administered by the Community Action Institute, HARYOU's central training and orientation department.|||
The Editing and publishing series consists of correspondence, manuscripts, reviews, research material and printed matter for the following books and publishing projects: "Malcolm X, the Man and His Times," "William Styron's Nat Turner: Ten Black Writers Respond," "The Black Revolution, USA," "Anthology of American Negro Short Stories," "Harlem, USA," "Marcus Garvey and the Vision of Africa," the Columbia University-WCBS-TV series "Black Heritage," and the magazine Freedomways. The Garvey files include substantive correspondence with Amy Jacques Garvey.
The Freedomways material relates in part to special issues edited by Clarke on Harlem, the Caribbean and the life of W.E.B. DuBois. Unfinished projects range from "A Treasury of American Negro Humor" (1957) to "Tales of Harlem" (1969) and a life of Patrice Lumumba. Clarke's own writings in this collection consist of early drafts of "Africa Without Tears," a book of travel writing; "Journey to the Fair," an early novel of hobo life; a compilation of short stories, and several files of articles and essays.
The bulk of the author's writings are part of a posthumous addition to the collection.|||The main organizations represented in the collection are the African Heritage Studies Association, founded in 1968 when black scholars walked out of the African Studies Association and the Universal Ethiopian Student Association, a Harlem-based nationalist group opposed to the 1930s Italian invasion of Ethiopia. Other files relate to the African Heritage Exposition of 1959, the American Society for African Culture, 1959-1963, the Fair Play for Cuba Committee, 1960, the Afro-American Scholars Council, 1972-1979, and the Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture, 1970-1990.
Also included are correspondence and writings by Shaleak ben Yehuda of the Original Hebrew Israelite Nation of Jerusalem, a community of African-American Jews facing deportation from Israel in the 1970s, and correspondence and publications related to Jacob Carruthers and his Association for the Study of Classical African Civilizations.|||
The collection is also the site of a number of outstanding unpublished manuscripts by authors like Yosef Ben-Yochannan, Frank Chapman, Jr., Lionel Hutchinson, Edward S. Lewis, Charles Seifert and John G. Jackson.
There are also transcripts and other material from various African and Caribbean conferences. Also included are consultancy files for the exhibition "Harlem On My Mind," the Carver Federal Savings bank, and printed matter on Kwame Nkrumah, black nationalism, the 1978 Jonestown massacre in Guyana, as well as other subjects.
The John Henrik Clarke papers are arranged in fourteen series:
Personal Papers
World War II
Lecture Notes
Course Outlines
Editing and Publishing
Subject Files
Other Authors
Oversized Documents
Restricted File
Administrative information
Source of acquisition
Gift, Dr. John Henrik Clarke, 10/1994 and 1999.
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scotianostra · 2 years
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The Scottish comedian and actor Ronnie Corbett was born on December 4th 1930 in Edinburgh.
Corbett was educated at James Gillespie’s High School and the Royal High School in the city, but did not attend university.After leaving school, he decided he wanted to be an actor while performing in amateur theatricals at a church youth club. His first job, however, was with the Ministry of Agriculture.
Following national service, Corbett moved to London to start his acting career in the early 1950s. Amongst many other things he performed on stage with Danny La Rue in a mixture of well received variety and cabaret shows.
It was whilst performing in these shows that Corbett attracted the attention of several top TV producers and executives who were impressed with his abilities as a stand up comedian, compare and all round entertainer.Before too long Corbett found himself being offered roles in various sitcoms, films and family shows.
His varied film roles include “Polo” in the spoof Bond film Casino Royale, “Drooby” in Rockets Galore and finally the hapless “Chumleigh” in Fun at St Fanny's
His big break came during the 1960s when he was asked to join the cast of the hugely popular The Frost Report (1966) which included the likes of John Cleese and of course David Frost. The show also saw him performing alongside Ronnie Barker for the very first time. All aspects of “The Frost Report” were very funny but some of the most enjoyable involved Barker and Corbett who shared a rare comic chemistry between each other.
TV producers recognized this chemistry and there were talks of giving the pair their own comedy series.The rest is history - the Two Ronnies had arrived together - it was simply comic genius, Barker and Corbett were made for each other, a pairing that was just destined to be. In 1971 the pair made their debut in the BBC show The Two Ronnies.
There is no doubt that Ronnie Barker was the best comedy actor of his generation, but over the years many critics have unfairly overlooked the brilliant talents of Corbett - he was a fantastically versatile comedy actor in his own right. He was an equal part in the relationship - put simply he complemented Barker and Barker complimented him.
As well as being a wonderful comedy actor Corbett was also an accomplished after dinner speaker and of course a very very funny stand up comedian. During the filming of the “Two Ronnies” Corbett found time to branch off into a whole host of other projects as did Ronnie Barker.
Ronnie Corbett has enjoyed continued success in both film and television. He starred alongside old friend John Cleese, and Jamie Lee Curtis in the film Timbuctoo, has done numerous pantomimes with Frank Skinner and Paul Merton and is one of the stars in Monkey Trousers with Steve Coogan, Vic Reeves, Matt Lucas and David Walliams.
In 2005 Corbett reunited with Barker to present a special six part series looking back at their favorite moments from the “Two Ronnies”.
Corbett was a charismatic and extremely likable man - there is absolutely no doubt that he will be fondly remembered by millions of people as being not only half of one of the most successful comedy duos of all time, but also as a truly brilliant entertainer.
On 31 March 2016, Corbett died at the age of 85, at Shirley Oaks Hospital in London, his devoted wife Anne later revealed his secret battle with deadly motor neurone disease, which recently also took the life of Doddie Weir.
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grantgoddard · 2 months
Caribbean drubbing on such an “Armageddon-like” day : 2024 : Hurricane Beryl, Carriacou
"Clackety-clack clackety-clack, from Kalamazoo to Timbuctoo, from Timbuctoo and back!”
As a young reader, I learned these words by heart from a favourite children’s book, ‘The Train to Timbuctoo’ written in 1951 by Margaret Wise Brown. I daydreamed about the journey between these two strangely-named railway stations, evoked so perfectly by the author’s prose and accompanying illustrations. Decades later, I discovered I had been sold a fantasy, it being as improbable to take a train from Kalamazoo (a city in Michigan) to Timbuktu (an ancient city in Mali) as it would to line up at Marrakesh station ticket office behind Graham Nash. Only recently did I learn that Timbuctoo (a different spelling from the Mali one) is in fact the name of: a ghost town in California; a small settlement in New Jersey; and a failed farming community in upstate New York, none of which boast a railway station. Whichever were the book’s fantasy locations, I never did manage to travel there … by train or other means. But it had stimulated dreams of foreign sojourns.
Although I never read the book, the haunting instrumental theme music to the French dramatisation of ‘Robinson Crusoe’ remains embedded in my memory, half a century after having watched its thirteen black-and-white dubbed episodes repeated ad nauseum on BBC children’s television. Seven-year-old suburban me was enthralled by the prospect of living beside the sandy beach of a sunny tropical island, despite my aversion to spiders and snakes. Scenic landscapes filmed on Gran Canaria looked picture-postcard remarkable in the era before ‘package holidays’ and ‘charter flights’ opened up international travel. The series fomented a childhood dream of one day relishing a ‘simple’ life beside a gently lapping sea … perhaps accompanied by a ‘Girl Friday’ such as Tuesday Weld whom I had just ogled alongside ‘Richard Kimble’ in ‘The Fugitive’, my parents’ favourite TV serial. It was ‘Robinson Crusoe’ that fostered dreams of island-living.
For a month during early 2004, much of my time was wasted sat at a desk in the air-conditioned open-plan BBC office in Phnom Penh with a workload stymied by disagreements with management over the danger of fulfilling my contract in the crumbling Radio National Kampuchea headquarters, following the recent workplace death of a staff member. Seeking escapism from these frustrations, I listened to the few extant streaming reggae music stations of the time, but found none were playing the selection of ‘roots’ oldies I desired. My fruitless search had identified a gap in the global online market for listeners like me who had grown up during reggae’s most fertile and creative period between the 1960’s and 1980’s.
On my return to the UK later that year, I spent months awaiting the follow-up BBC work contracts I had been promised, but which never materialised. Without employment, I busied myself creating an automated online music station ‘rootsrockreggae’, digitising 15,000 reggae recordings I had collected since childhood. Broadcast from servers in Jamaica, I managed the operation remotely, generating revenue from a few local advertisers and commissions from listeners buying compact discs of music they had heard. It started small but, using an early iteration of ‘Google Ads’ to target North American reggae fans, the audience grew quickly. Within a few years, Winamp/Shoutcast ranked it amongst the five most listened to online reggae radio stations in the world, attracting an audience of tens of thousands each day. Its online player displayed constantly updated headlines from Jamaica, reggae news and weather reports, using my computer programming skills first learnt in the 1970's. Like most online start-ups, sadly it never turned a profit.
Out of the blue, I received an email from the engineer of an FM radio station ‘Kyak 106’, asking if it could re-broadcast rootsrockreggae’s online overnight stream of dub and DJ music when no live presenters were available. I found the station’s website, listened and loved its enthusiasm for reggae, broadcasting to an island called Carriacou of which I knew absolutely nothing. I responded positively. This random communication prompted me to find out more about the location where my online station was suddenly being broadcast on 106.3 FM.
I discovered that Carriacou is a 12-square-mile island in the southeast Caribbean Sea with a population of 9,000. It is part of the former British colony of Grenada, independent since 1974 but retaining King Charles III as head of state. Physically, it is closer to Saint Vincent & The Grenadines (another independent former British colony, population 110,000, 4 miles away) than to the main island of Grenada (population 120,000, 17 miles away). Reading what little I could find online, I was quickly charmed by Carriacou’s old-style, friendly, relaxed way of life. It was not a resort island for rich Americans, its single airstrip too small for commercial planes, its colourful buildings were low-rise and its capital Hillsborough (population 1,200) had the feel of a quaint village with a short ‘High Street’.
Such was my enthusiasm, buoyed by regular listening to Kyak 106’s live shows, that I started to sketch a budget holiday plan for Carriacou, taking a Monarch Airlines flight from the UK to Grenada, a ferry to the island and staying at ‘Ades Dream Guesthouse’. Initially, it was time constraints that delayed such a visit because my workload had permitted only a single day off that year (to attend my daughter’s graduation). Then, having unexpectedly and suddenly lost my over-demanding job and unable to find another, finance became the restricting factor.
Inevitably, life moved on. Although the listenership to my reggae station had continued to grow, revenues fell precipitously when the dollar commissions earned from compact disc sales were replaced by mere cents generated by newly legalised MP3 download sales. Lacking a job, I reluctantly closed rootsrockreggae in 2009, even though it was now regularly ranked the most-listened online reggae station in the world after five years continuously on-air. It was a disappointing and frustrating time. Without access to development funds, life had to be focused on survival above all else. I promised myself to retire to Carriacou as soon as I won the lottery.
Kyak 106 closed in 2014, the product of a falling-out between two of its three directors that escalated as far as a 2022 High Court judgement. Station engineer Michael Ward, having been summarily sacked by presenter Kimberlain 'Kim D King' Mills, proceeded to commandeer the radio station and continue broadcasting from its Belair studio in Carriacou, until Mills called time and unilaterally shut the operation. Subsequently, Ward transformed Kyak 106 into an automated online reggae music station, adopting a slogan ‘Roots Rock Reggae from Carriacou’ that sounded remarkably familiar!
28 August 2008. When tropical storm Gustav arrived in Jamaica, I was listening for news to FM talk radio station ‘Power 106’ where presenter Althea McKenzie remained barricaded in its Bradley Avenue studio in Half Way Tree for hours on end. You could hear the wind and the rains aggressively pounding the building as she valiantly relayed information updates for residents and took phone calls from listeners, her voice sometimes wracked with dread and emotion. It produced some of the most impressive (but frightening) live radio I have ever heard, for which she should have won some broadcasting award. Gustav resulted in fifteen deaths and US$210m in damages on the island. McKenzie is still heard daily from 5am on this excellent station. I still dreamt of living on a Caribbean island, despite weather disasters such as this.
October 2017. I had accompanied my daughter for a meal in a Wokingham pizzeria when my sister asked me: “If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you want to be?” Without hesitation, repetition or deviation, I responded: “Carriacou.” The dream was still alive.
1 July 2024. Category 4 Hurricane Beryl tore through Carriacou on Monday morning, destroying 98% of its buildings, cutting its electricity, water supply and mobile phone coverage. Houses were reduced to matchsticks. Huge trees were uprooted. All vegetation was stripped away, turning the island from luscious green to brown. Several people (number still unconfirmed) died. Roads became impassable. All communication with the outside world was lost. To discover what had happened there, I turned to YouTube. There I discovered award-winning American journalist and ‘storm chaser’ Jonathan Petramala who had arrived on the island the previous day with colleague Brandon Clement to document the hurricane’s passage. His videos provided an absolutely remarkable record of the devastation.
Two decades earlier, when I had first sought information about Carriacou, YouTube was yet to launch. Today there are dozens of videos about the island. Petramala captured the ‘calm before the storm’ mere hours before the hurricane struck, incorporating drone footage illustrating the charm of its colourful buildings and its ‘paradise’ sandy beaches. His impassioned commentary heralded the calamity that was to come and, although the island’s one petrol station had closed after a run on fuel and the mini-mart was busy, there was no evident panic. “It’s going to be horrific,” he said … and it was.
The following day’s video was a bleak testament to the destruction Carriacou had endured. “This island is shredded,” Petramala commented. “These people are in desperate need of help.” A resident said: “Right now, Carriacou is finished for a couple of years.” I had never seen anything weather-related as shocking as the complete devastation shown here. It resembled a war-zone. The drone shots were heartbreaking. Another shell-shocked resident said: “The thing is: we have three [storm] systems right behind it. What about the people who don’t have the time to recover, who don’t have a roof over their head, who don’t have the resources to rebuild?”
This video was unique because communications (mobile, internet, radio) had been completely lost on the island in the hurricane’s aftermath. Carriacou has no TV station and its two local FM radios (‘Vibes 101.3’ and ‘Sister Isles 92.9’) had been knocked out. Using a vehicle battery, Petramala uploaded his video via the Starlink satellite. That Tuesday, there was no other footage online. Residents could be seen filming on their mobile phones but there was no signal coverage to share or upload videos and no electricity to keep their phones charged. The island’s population was in an evident state of shock. Petramala’s footage, in which he made repeated appeals for outsiders to help the population, was used in weather stories broadcast by television stations the world over to illustrate the disaster, deservedly garnering millions of views.
The next day, Wednesday, roads in the capital had been partially cleared by residents, allowing Petramala to explore beyond by vehicle. His next video showed the ‘Dover Government School’, designated as one of eight emergency shelters on the island, entirely reduced to rubble. Those who were sheltering there had to evacuate to its tiny library outbuilding completed in April 2023 that remained standing. In March 2023, the 40-bed Princess Royal Smart Hospital had reopened in Belair with fanfare as the island’s sole hospital after having been “retrofitted to improve [its] resistance to disasters like hurricanes”, using funds from the UK government and Pan American Health Organization. This video showed all its facilities unusable due to water damage.
Then, arriving at the government’s Emergency Operations Centre on Carriacou, also in Belair, Petramala explained to its seemingly baffled staff:
“I’m the only journalist on the island. We have a Starlink [satellite terminal] so we’ve been able to get in touch with the government down in Grenada. I think we’re the only people who have contact with the outside [world]. They want to be able to get in touch with you guys but nothing is working. … We can set [Starlink] up outside and give you guys ten minutes if you want to call down to the government in Grenada and communicate what has happened here.”
Surprisingly, the Centre did not appear to be a hive of activity after such total devastation. We did learn that only five of the island’s eight emergency shelters had survived (for 9,000 population?). Although the building’s generator was powering lighting, its "communications hub" (as promised by the US Charge d'Affaires) had not survived the hurricane, despite this "fantastic facility" having only been completed in 2021 with US$3m funding from the US Embassy. Did we see a basic radio transceiver (even a retail amateur radio set) to provide SOME two-way inter-island communication? No. Did we see walkie-talkies used by emergency staff for intra-island communication? No. An apparent dependence on commercial mobile phone networks (operators Digicell and Flow) was, er, unwise when their towers prove so vulnerable to weather and power issues.
Set up in their vehicle, Petramala and Clement allowed nearby traumatised residents to use their Starlink satellite link to contact their loved ones overseas, leading to emotional scenes. Later that day, a helicopter landed at Carriacou’s airport, Grenada prime minster Dickon Mitchell emerged and, interviewed by Petramala, resembled a deer caught in headlights (commented my wife). He promised aid “from tomorrow” but proposed recruitment of volunteers from the mainland and assistance from other countries over guaranteeing immediate assistance from his government. For islanders who had no homes, no water, no electricity, no food and no petrol, with vehicles destroyed and roads blocked, the unfortunate impression was of a lack of urgency two days after the hurricane had hit. (Excellent silent drone footage of the devastation recorded by Clement fills six YouTube videos.)
While Petramala and Clement had been arriving in Carriacou on the eve of the hurricane, Belair resident Rina Mills had been similarly filming from her vehicle the calm that reined that Sunday before the storm (accompanied by Belair youth worker Shem ‘Ambassador’ Quamina). Employed by the Carriacou office of the ‘Grenada Tourism Authority’, Mills’ warnings about the impending disaster were stark and serious. With hindsight, this video (like her many others) was a testament to the beauty of the island though, within a few hours, it sadly became a historic record of how much habitat and infrastructure were about to be destroyed. Her exceptional knowledge of the geography, history and culture of Carriacou, combined with her informal conversations, made her videos compelling. She promised: “After the storm, we’ll do an update as well.”
However, the next day’s destruction of mobile phone masts prevented Mills from updating viewers until Friday, when her 24-minute live feed was managed only by climbing to a high point on the south of the island to connect over the horizon to an antenna on the mainland. Mills and her partner had lost their home, like many other islanders, and appeared in an understandable state of shock whilst cataloguing the “total devastation” of their island and five known associated deaths. It was a sad, upsetting video that acknowledged how precarious is our day-to-day existence, whilst also demonstrating the resilience of the population and its sense of community in the face of unprecedented disaster. The contrast with Mills’ chatty pre-disaster videos could not have been starker. Coincidentally, I heard Mills interviewed that weekend on the BBC World Service show ‘Newshour’ about Beryl’s impact on Carriacou.
Once partial mobile communication was restored on the island, Mills uploaded video previously recorded in the aftermath of the hurricane. In the centre of the capital Hillsborough, next to the destroyed Post Office, a mobile water desalination plant had been set up to offer free drinking water to residents. This vital resource had been provided by American religious charity ‘Samaritan’s Purse’ which amazingly had dispatched a DC-8 cargo plane to Grenada (video of landing) the day after the hurricane, loaded with materials (video) to establish a field hospital, desalination plants around the island, foodstuffs, tarpaulins, clothing and bedding. Two dozen of its volunteers were airlifted to Carriacou and a barge was chartered the following day to bring the equipment there from Grenada. It was a much-needed vital resource at a time when Grenada government assistance was still not visible. “Hats off to Samaritan’s Purse,” commented Mills’ partner. “They were the first to get here, in my opinion.”
I had never heard of Samaritan’s Purse but was incredibly impressed by the scale and urgency of its work, operating a fleet of 24 aircraft and two helicopters from North Carolina. Video of a public tour of this DC-8 plane at the Dayton Air Show only days earlier demonstrated the huge volume of supplies it had carried. Its volunteers quickly spread across the island, distributing materials to residents from churches (Pastor Happy Akasie’s church in Brunswick in this video). By the following week, it had set up its second field hospital in Carriacou with doctors, nurses, medications and counsellors (video). Despite the island’s hotels/B&B’s having been destroyed, the charity operates self-sufficiently, building its own accommodation and bringing food and water for staff. It seems to embody the fictional Tracy family’s ‘International Rescue’.
Towards the end of this video, Mills understandably rails against sightseers arriving by ferry from Grenada merely to video the destruction in order to attract ‘hits’ to their social media channels. One example of this was bizarre ‘Coleen AKA Bright Diamond’ from the mainland who appeared to enjoy her ‘day out’ on the destroyed island, travelling on the back of an aid truck, making inappropriate comments, drinking from a wine bottle in the back of a car and buying bottled beer. Afterwards, the Grenada government introduced vetting of ferry travellers to Carriacou to prevent further ‘disaster tourists’ consuming the island’s scarce resources. Fortunately, these self-promoting types were in a minority, overshadowed by the many people and organisations who arrived on Carriacou to genuinely help out.
British solicitor and author Nadine Matheson had been visiting her parents’ house on Carriacou when the hurricane struck and recorded this scary video of its almost total destruction. Once back home, she is recording informative updates on her parents’ situation and a fundraising effort to replace the house’s roof. The structure is now covered by a temporary blue tarpaulin which, like so many other properties, was donated by Samaritan’s Purse.
Meanwhile, videos published by the Grenada government since the disaster have proven a quite surreal soft-focus experience after the stark wholesale destruction visible in locally-made videos. After its prime minister (who is additionally minister for disaster management) visited the island, one video showed him standing on the wreckage of a resident’s home, looking wistfully into the distance, accompanied by soft tinkling music. Its editor seems to be a big fan of 1980’s Lionel Ritchie music videos. There is lots of footage of government officials in fluorescent vests talking to each other, pointing at the destruction and being interviewed explaining what WILL happen but – dare I say? – not much footage of action IMMEDIATELY to tackle this humanitarian crisis. Initially, the government's media focus (including its partly owned GBN television channel) was much more on the relatively minor damage suffered on the main island, rather than the total destruction of 'sister isle' Carriacou.
Watching hours and hours of government press conferences uploaded online, I was struck by the preoccupation with ‘process’ they exhibit, talking endlessly about which department and which officers are responsible, which meetings WILL take place and who reports to whom. This habitual use of the future tense is alarming when what should be stated was what had ALREADY happened and what was happening RIGHT NOW. The government’s adoption of the slogan ‘Carriacou and Petite Martinique Will Rise Again!’ for the disaster seems symptomatic of this somewhat wishful thinking. It raises the big question: WHEN? Electricity is unlikely to be restored to the whole island for many months. Petrol remains in short supply. The situation on-the-ground for islanders remains dire.
The government press briefing on 9 July, eight days after the hurricane had hit, promised: a 2,000-gallon water truck loaned by a company on St Lucia “will commence distribution to residents starting Wednesday July 10th 2024”; then “a second 1,800-gallon water truck loaned by the Barbados Water Authority is expected to arrive on Carriacou during the coming week.” Does Grenada not own one water truck? How have 9,000 people on Carriacou been expected to survive without government-supplied fresh water for more than a week? Why does the co-ordinator of Grenada’s ‘National Disaster Management Agency’ (whose last web site news update was three weeks ago), Dr Terence Walters, seem to consider in this press conference that distributing 2,000 food packages to residents (who number 9,000) five days after the hurricane hit was a satisfactory response?
Coincidentally, a mere four days before Hurricane Beryl hit Carriacou, a 120-page report entitled ‘Grenada: National Disaster Preparedness Baseline Assessment’ had been published by the ‘Pacific Disaster Center’. It concluded that:
“… results for Grenada showed significant multi-hazard exposure including hurricane winds, earthquakes, and volcanoes with nearly the entire population exposed. […] The assessment pointed to vulnerabilities due to Environmental Stress, Information Access, and Gender Inequality and significant deficiencies in coping capacity areas such as Air Support and Transportation Capacity indicating enhancements are necessary to bolster Grenada’s disaster response capabilities. Addressing these gaps, alongside targeted efforts to mitigate the identified vulnerabilities, will strengthen the nation’s overall resilience to disasters. […] Strengthening communication and information management systems is essential to support effective disaster response and comprehensive risk reduction strategies.” [emphasis added]
In 2019, the World Bank had allocated US$20m to be drawn down by Grenada to address natural catastrophes, but had noted in its report:
"[Grenada's] Institutional capacity for implementation [risk] is rated Substantial due to weak inter-institutional coordination and the lack of technical expertise. Implementing the proposed operation will require the integrated work of several actors at the national and local levels to move the proposed policy actions forward. This could result in scattered, low impact, and/or uncoordinated actions." [emphasis added]
Estimated damages and losses to Grenada's economy from its most significant disasters suffered between 1975 and 2018 were estimated by the World Bank to have totalled US$967m. Hurricane Beryl's financial impact is likely to be greater than these prior disasters combined, eclipsing the island's annual GDP several times. Evidently, the fiscal catastrophe of accelerating climate change not only decimates small economies such as Grenada's but cumulatively will precipitate a global diversion of resources away from consumption towards mitigation and repair of weather, temperature and sea level changes.
It was evident in videos posted online that aid had quickly arrived from diverse sources: generous individuals, volunteers and groups on mainland Grenada, other Caribbean islands, the United Nations, France providing boats of supplies and troops on the ground (Grenada has no army), global charities. I watched a video of the French ambassador to Grenada interviewed whilst off-loading aid. Have I similarly seen the British high commissioner or governor general on Carriacou? Maybe I missed them. On 5 July, the UK provided £0.5m of immediate aid to Grenada and St Vincent, but will more substantial longer term assistance be forthcoming from the island’s former colonial power?
In 1983, the United States had sent 7,300 troops to invade and occupy Grenada because president Reagan chose to believe its newly built airport, funded partially by the British government, would be used to land Soviet bombers. 45 Grenadians were killed and 358 wounded. Today, if a major power were to devote similar resources to rebuild Carriacou quickly, its population might be able to endure the hardship it currently faces. However, despite residents suffering no electricity, water, food or a roof over their heads and with several emergency shelters destroyed, the government in Grenada has no current plan for significant evacuation of the island, preferring to remove only pregnant women, residents of old people’s homes and the hospitalised. How long are its citizens expected to survive when no cash is available from destroyed banks or ATM’s, forcing residents to make a four-hour round trip to the mainland? In 2024, these generous and stoic island people have been marooned in a hellish medieval landscape.
My dream of island-living is over for now. Carriacou can never be the same again. What will happen there is difficult to fathom. Its economy, seemingly reliant on retirees from the diaspora and small-scale tourism (independent travellers and two marinas of yachts) is ruined, forcing its people to make lifechanging decisions. Nowhere have I read that Grenada main island’s schools and sports halls have been opened to Carriacou refugees who have lost everything. At a time when thousands of its residents remain sat amongst the ruins of their dwellings, the Grenada government announced precipitously that:
“… the [Cayman Islands] Premier is extending an invitation to Grenadians who wish to work in the Cayman Islands, to return with her on Tuesday July 16 2024.”
The premier of this British Overseas Territory (population 85,000) was due to deliver aid relief to Grenada that day, but not before a further press statement had to hurriedly clarify that “no such offer was made during the courtesy call made to the Prime Minister of Grenada by the Premier of the Cayman Islands” and withdraw the implied invitation to potential economic migrants. Oh dear. (I recall when 8,000 refugees out of a population of 13,000 left the decimated Caribbean island of Montserrat following its 1995 volcanic eruption.)
I never got to visit Carriacou but, compared to the suffering endured presently by its resilient people, my regrets are insignificant. Watching the news from Carriacou engenders a sense of helplessness in the face of such overwhelming humanitarian need. I am highlighting Carriacou here only because it has been on my mind for two decades since receiving that fateful email from Kyak 106. The neighbouring islands of Petit Martinique and Union Island have been just as badly devastated by Hurricane Beryl. Though I am continuing to follow events in Carriacou, the mainstream media has inevitably moved on swiftly to other disasters elsewhere.
Observing the aftermath of this catastrophic event since 1 July has merely reinforced the devastating impact of ‘climate change’ us humans have foisted upon populations who have done nothing to cause it. Nobody on Earth can afford to ignore this issue because its effects will inevitably be coming to your corner of the world soon. Nobody will be immune. It is coming to get you, whether or not you choose to believe it is real. Voicing this eloquently was an emotional call-to-arms video (initially at https://youtu.be/oYn-XarQM3M but mysteriously deleted since) by United Nations climate change executive secretary Simon Stiell who is seen hugging his grandmother amongst the ruins of her home on Carriacou, his homeland.
After having viewed Beryl’s immediate impact from a helicopter, Grenada prime minister Dickon Mitchell had described the destruction as “Armageddon-like” in a press briefing and promised:
“We know it is not something that will happen overnight, but we certainly believe that in the next week to two and a half weeks we should have a complete clean up.”
Weeks later, new videos from Carriacou continue to show a post-Armageddon catastrophe that could last months and years for its beleaguered population.
[First published at https://peoplelikeyoudontworkinradio.blogspot.com/2024/07/caribbean-drubbing-on-such-armageddon.html ]
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libidomechanica · 2 months
Untitled (“Reflect; the west, or write, where, till he carpet”)
A rispetto sequence
With their procreation. Then so the key of Nothing speech is not water, whereof I doe beaten happiness,—doubt, but now they share, let men as those who couldn’t stand, simplest Lute, play withered, as here-spent and should peep; the posterity— and some uncertain’d tower, I never starving shine was constitutions tutch. Reflect; the west, or write, where, till he carpet tonight.
Spurns and died seven centuring, thine to myself able to grant Eglantine, but harrowd hell she be dead. Or, as the deep, that by the criminal. Sweet forth the imaginary she wanton-scented with his peace, the prosperous dropp’d but all endure the lofty looks was endowed with stern.—This, the twigs were. The imagine, passion of wrong; I had be so indeed.
All fragrant thou told’st thou wrong, such eeking, and wide; by interjections warriour when I’m wrong; being case and thou to song of the stern skies. By this, to make immortal life to me and that prince d’Amour head, dumbly doth money, slowly at her eyes follows and remembrance irrefragably, and having straighwayman cattle thing but though clay aflow immortalize.
The conceiving to Jack, and bid Suspicion. Of the heard a mouth, which thou remaine. The most deceiv’d with such to decay, when, and bites the plaine. The shadowless was here whose lips uncurled and kisse and nuptial ties are past the way or done to go outsides. Two of your millet of hath none; which shouldst give it me, I leaves, vnto me. Turn himself, I wisht there but when most breaks.
Now which I abide. And if my thousand bent. We hae plenty present sorrow that Timbuctoo, dear Geneura rose have myrtle rods at will all fearlesse how in thee, dearer, better from heaven thence you watch and most goodly talk attend the sky so diuine to heares doth she; and nuzzling dugs do abhors they still to naebody; naebody. The sores she is nothing?
And who soon bagg’d, and the echoing night, my frayle, and there she takes him by consume to tears, nor one on me. As soon be made me feel in the severe chilled with she, in pity to give when in your merry goblins disappeared; and having she is another. Some devouring of prey will; the enlivener of our grief for the highest: but a guide my home?
And the western kings, samite sheep-track’d theme for place, when shall I or her lov’d. One on so in haste; and outwears amid the shepheards God perdie God only a worm quickly told her the beggary, deere, lo! The Minster-clock hath been a caring, chiefe? Yet cannot but look at you out but thus much grows flowers, its little this makest way who is weary war hath the cause it!
Accord peres somedele ybent to rhymes to thee, his tale belov’d: oh pardon for like the pelf with timorous eyed and weep afresh in her still death and griping the same again. And modest gray hairs, to her will your selfe with store; when two mourners be, to fly, but the worke of their veil I saw what courage, cold hill side. Possess, but never trusty guide: least wynd.
May smell like a melancholy malcontention light, that spreading mortall hye. Of all then but when I doe? Both favour’d, foul nurse’s song of all I doe, I call their way to be print, with rough Fancy’s knelt; at whose so well mought yet through the beach, a piano at her faire face, since that proud the night me you cannot like mistake all then doe set but when the liuing love more.
His droop without those boughs when ev’ning they are long in a yeeld my loue of your hardnes blame gaue me myself thou have strides backe: but thereth to makes that passed date bids them on, not wishes spread. Yon break on vain—and retards: already for Vice suppressed, but when midway on Diggon, whom he stood in the bride errs, poor thing else may it not die. To tame, that suited all thy steel?
For beautiful ash, that art nourish! The joys could invention, beats light of sorrows end. Him in a kinder caught art can expensive thee up as we name is not let me doth boil, and to wise confess, the three; and the Giant is a very leaf that? His very light; so when all the first conceal, beneath finds her ivory pale, and there by played the Faery lands till now.
The firbloome, but her trust. I know, from palms pass superb menagers in loue pined hart with diuers color and fear of pith an ecstasy! For Beauty’s princes pere: when he did, he leave thunder’d; and, for all this of thyself, Oh were wrong, I’ll tell Aurea at to-morrow: o thought him bond that same marching—to which, without a faery brood: but is love. That had him again?
Heaven, and Heaven, or revels, loves tip with a lithe last thy fancy to-morrow was I wend, my piteous mind wit; if vaine to sit. If this wound; ne but plains waves then—’tis universal frame bee wyped out they saw her casement, the party’s an hind, steal the worlds rare wooing: in hir whom thou die before it not, that holds fast in fact, we’re tape, like beads both his wife.
Bound a paines but short her, I see now, in dark red longing lighten my soule was nourished, let the moon were, a little moment feed. Tis Apollonius sage, earth, in light Elfins make. And one in gold and if unremember: the fruit of the sky, not with paint you should send for for ghostly galleons of that beneath his said that as a storme beat abominable.
And the wrong: in dress off, and, stand am beloveds have back; O! Thus in times behind, so theyr guylefull woodes and forever, when he did the bar and as though not feel them ride, without it So, we’ll go, and leaue to end. How by her tears, strait show there not die till endure forth fresh in voice of action, under why in thee, Cynara! Where time where the roofs of joy.
The sheepes blowne away; a mischiefe light, though the sun’s way, an annoyes are bound the curious taste, till he that proud, or on thee, the peace she felt the Mauis sing, on a slow poisoned the going tongues, and by change tulip? That iustice of the thrush, that doth patience claim: let this many a voice itself at ever words at all in his april touch’d by. Finding to business.
Would die forsworn and the table the complaining felt her bosom bleede. Like the meeting coming: Yet I see whether longer feather winter dare not be slain, round him who first times I may depart not—lest thus set at last, that, in my life and Maud in either silence, but you in a doze tis thy virtue be your force, nor peace, or Andalusian girl he casten now.
Is everywhere—methinks, prithee try she keeps you’ve don’t deny it!—An’ O for a guide: such eyes were gray. Violent assay, in autumn, yes, with cruelty doth make a wife was fierce beames dart. Ye high degree; if thy mouth be pearls, when the depart, and left alive, our pot of hers do. I hae sword of dying but there staircase of man; it is—I meant that will be hamburg.
Make use of newe woe, as it seemed like or east, and in a trice were a young child, today’s the moonlight; that so sweet cordialls passport me with many a wishfull traynes his eye. For some devouring out of the face bright blaze forthwith beaded night, and, thy heart, wherein my frailties a slavery moment of passing straight appears drink the hope to see how my pet-name!
They ne dare not prevent: fair speak, and milk and where I dare not in her to approve, which his spight to them when you father sayings of doubt I shall seek of feruent heart in a dainty doors open’d the fan be spark of shepherds, woe unto direct your Faithless Thing thorn, he bids me where the world choose. Resembled till the eye follow. The knots held such interview, gotten.
No praise. Mind’s apart i carry a ten-foot scarf, let Virtue lead, color of clamorings her lap did spy, ayming his lost thou hast the sky full of Life—one sunshine upon my hart of timely frame, such nectar or Ambrosiall men are she, have poore life in his house past which the sky full persists or the gate. Let me drawes, he’s day. Still the town: the secrete wiser?
To marks small talk, and dy before, whiles she wound in the feast-day the pen in the ruby niplet of me; well, if I read, and her that once vouchsafe my palms pass superscription of bitter, bitter and even it, purple moor, a high talk: over the strictest lawyer plenteous lives by the silken twist of no Son. And in your rhubarbe words are change of you watched with doubt.
Like lawn being presented me inclind: the less, he before people soul and from palms to haue peaceful hour the full of dewe, yet kydst thou not hymns and other selfe kynd with kissing, all come near and adding through each where, till seek the child, one is alyue. The wind. And these tempest and blood this neck her eyes green and sae may exist with cold song begin, and breathing casement.
By. Here kennel’d in the midway on Diggon areede, or as the tide of which truest watch and wished high window with eternity, through love upon the world’s stage bed and modest way who is neither heard nor goodly semblance that blown; i’ll partake with as in his with a bate betweene the source of Heaven thereby like flies her eyes wobble as the glen ate in me live.
I don’t know before. King George’s men past thou didst seeks: her hose breath was fierce bearing: faithful to the pin at last lie down Adonis livelihood, and where emong their white Tablet—Yes— ’tis the neater life in his life and all thing lay in russet robes wounds of the leaves so great curse, too feeble I thinke how my breast the moonlight; dreaming evil I have a dream, with scoure.
And haply the Queene man, but gives to kepe, is vaine loue in a net of a’ the Incomprehend her loues immortalize. Some to moue, in which she threading to their arms, must pause by experience claim men’s face: and admires them again, and I was so filled the gentle chase it; my love the cup of heart is just not delayd by her, pale, and made to sink, but dead. Swear name.
If will, I am to the fled Lamia’s eagerness, an innocence and a little shake and the tear this, poor birds do lovest thou being taken delights tilt, and loss in the client breathing wound, and even Apollo’s pleads, ylike a musickes wonder than vile adder wreathed Parents’ joy. And, beautie the foole, the crack in the Reason, in far piazzian line.
Sure the sky. Her breasts I know no more. It is not to let it then giue learned at the road through bubbling Pricketh from element bare, to different seest thou to have ’scaped to all. What bare, and one for the chase of this den washen clever, are changing sorrows o’er against that microcosm on still at once, even lonely groans I neuer lite. Those soul beggared?
The least, and by a Jewel, here lives a glisters hid amongst which her better upon my father my living Lord, lest unaware. They had his this passport me: but farther to smell, and, catching to Jack, and morn has everlasting, who with gentleman, which the solve the phantasies, traverse of joy to say how then I all was beautiful a dole, the hear the noble!
Her eyes him flew his maist though cast perhaps there we see, but a’ the thou wilt; for nought a hand with the placed length was their verdure, that I disturb. Is twentieth names in a vicious name; under higher thou art so full of adoring tyme&changed away and drink to ride, his terme sticks, plunge your clear the armèd man, temperate eyes each wishing for pears and Death, for years will morne.
Of wit giuing desperate course, O! And he marble busts in the cornice-wreath’d into the king thy blooming sunbeams intent to saved your eies be bevel; by the cold and fro on which way back on 100K a weedye crop of care: when alone and pittilesse, my smart. Over my altars have behind think she should’st me, before hence they deaf moonlight; so was thy bride: fayrer Fortune!
My decay, that flies, traverse my lower, I have come, that ye your force to my onward she wasted in the sex are bad, but today two women need not delayed i’d counter: all we see, so fill you urg’d that makes it repayre vnto that simple to their coffin for shell, or his lovers’ love to his mind. Into the Booke; yet shook their prime rot and luminous with thee.
Through theyr weaker rising Muse. I am bound him. Does sparkling roguish to a summers, and which the breed a thousand sped Small grief; all women; three April perfectionate lovely masteries, she press my love; let but wished predecessor saw, you must bursting on her, althought there occurr’d what care to love, and I don’t know and forth too rashly blame; who durst confounds.
With thought me takes fortune doth play, this tomb bestrew wherein the purple moor, and in my sorrow on loue. The dainty eares, call his joy? And, and some grosse. They seemes to kiss him, some Hercules treasure my name? Here I sleepe through the lake, your eyes to his self the sunflower. Listened, and clasp’d with his boisterous yelping of my heart aches, with pleasure you depart, and smoke.
-Up daughter got my old Orinda call me by the click of shadows numbering so, he shore from the strong tree should be taste: the landlord. But whether Why wept with a lazy springs, because of the lot of life supper, for some anger fear no fate for your soul so kind, and she, still it once both my weak should scornful voice might not repel a lovely sheepes blouses.
Of all thy glorious as true; thus takes no casuist, nor discovers such are likeness still love go by, but as our days, the tribe of the dark obscurely to keep my vow! Luke Havergal, there came a-pilferings, imperial, and me. As will streaming evil they were lessons of thing short the weddings for their pleasure and feather compelled half of winters bowre.
Apply throughly mother be cleanly could it not be or spill, but to destroy them scattering refusde for that with such entertain to do with virgin pride cannot keep her heels to me: for thee permitted Sage had ta’en aback: he has twa spark. So goodly guards of flower, would double beast so I shall liue by kindled, cold terror fall: thought I sing the award hearse?
Your sight, a full-born beauty dead, thy light death. His quiuer by many way; and rivals threats will perseuer; nor thy starry Fays; or is it? The raised at his wind. She music by their plenty, making hed. But when he found there—thanks, it doth rest, how I do not knowing them mayst in finding me with the winds and ugly, meagre, lean, i’m a man for ears, and Caucasus; if you this?
Would speaker rise, and little worse alone: aswage your light, when it grows holds fast stallen from wealthy reward to and full sort, I goe lyken it: the lot of life, thoughts bedecked friend, you the more? Newly was not the liuing struck they lust, and neighbour’s wracke, and not speake no breaks asunder; tis Apollo’s pleade in field that may surcease. Command himself have me, an English ground?
Today we tasted: may willing. The grave, nor every way enthrall! And write her wrath did thick about what off-hand at they gang in her populous seate. Tells him by therefore the raging seemed like a taste. Like sport I suspect where ever- smitted face a blunt boar, under spring it with vigour framing every green, the rose where Melodies green, two orange, strange tulip?
That were remark’d distance and sunny glade—the tape, like a dreaming forth such he shepheard the Welkin pity and toward inclination, a faint honours to haue the throne of Judgment, ready more. In the freshest hew, attends thee now, however waxeth still seru’d that dints to touch you gaue, in secret sorrow of thine, even so as foes; his airy horn when out much.
Let me as he now parting grave: the tender is to bear: her hart to snows are loue in my debility from wealthy festivals, and dead, O no! Fast in her ear, that through many thou make him; but fire sprinkled-old, ill-nurtur’d, crooked to breach human can I can birth doth stay here, and he that play, thus is my selfe. Partly because I call such the voice is frail spell.
Untimely howre, in generate dreams of fear. To understood. For now rain, seals up a desperate boar to-morrow’s rout: and in you mean to call me by moonlighted, for to auenge her that counter. And by. He did fly. Before, the morning out with that ink may charm might beams as they strange, if every doore, the pleading the cornice- wreathe bed. And as yet be tranquility.
With green she musicks mirth! The ioyous time where and smooth, south, and Music raised length obey’d, yet hath ending shower, to glass will not seen of street of bright beguile: but warm, and which the afternoon, a faint? Alone now passed her scepter Venus sittes not take him spread of wings which lay hidden Bosom she lie. Through to me-to thee, to walk and with her to the fain to abuse.
Thou smoothly past, my verse, to be unjust. Blood red with silently renew it; but the troth, my friend! Any perswasions through hate all waste is banished him, living in Corinth from sword of his wouen all hew, attend lyke a young men; drinking in that did strive to chide, but this is a death awhile one thing, to put you like virginity, put her warmly lit house betwixt.
Things captiue quite under an architect. And then doe ye proudest loue doth borrow; her pleading remove youth were haunt of Lucia. Then in bail for Nothing star in war where Sinne which are wed. See what thought I seeke redress; for swarm with labours borne away. But if the sky and not die, but Orpheus-like strange, natures are lips and even with dispraise him, thy glasses and mock.
To be remorse which none is but swift I was a pedigree frown, as for one saluage wylde, with all things indeed like the sway, for whereon the horsemen. But Grey was never along; and tear the birde feel romantic homages; beside me for temple fayre let no fair garden came to breaking eyes, the bows he make: for by some people of happiness; nor pause; red child!
Of vestals claims he doth laugh some sport. He taps will come to her late hands the fisher but take on before harder wonne with troubled, make glad and direful married My Lord of loue not lack, and kiss his innocence between you beware, too, and I a man’s song of me, to the deceiv’d with contentment is a blink is no word she not then profit and crest, mought it laye?
Then become sorteth life pleasing still is the meadow a new regen’rate into the lip of thy name. Or would shorter the path is out, the dark a mind with his cars of Canto t is a string state, or the nineteenth centuries fleck the paine: better part, and from a furnace, vapour friend, come not hear? For God’s sake, thinck th’ earth nor rues my size again; though the faire.
Love you the the plains wear; and either is the least as in darknesse plant against the sound. She singing to Corinth from her loue and frets, twixt them not till great deale worse force will, I am bereft, not her passion with Aarons pretty fondly on this lips on the strange, they were in the rest of our loving, to play; for the noon’s tread, an imagination of the Impress.
Some waited on high, and thence them locke, and began to say how to get involved as like to amend lyke to yielding me with a moonlight; and now not wel aware? It leans, and snapper and will, we are just, and sure, one in some one looks at all. His anger device in your days, the nineteenth centuries saw. The wind then with laboure him still shines, of modern dame, confound.
Here, that thy lov’d the custom of the world dreamed nothing else would such one look upon its she fall, there is at a frown on your body captiuing still that al my wont: who this voice they spend, nor treating of a leaf wind-driven by Time’s fell to worke for the railway: with the green dropped in lilies a few, she that whirls me thus confounds. And horrid paines will not be his fume.
All impulse each triumph which obscurity? She knew thy pity on my pain but when the poor my though it is best this excus’d I to resign; for better leaue lackt the tides that will, they have research with numbering way he who watch and she humour of fantasy, and if I silent Dead thy life’s unquiet after it lawful Drink making hence with sure brought thus vnkind?
Frail of heau’nly for Vice suppressed, that the town, I sigh or look in the sun, her giant heart’s core life, yet field’s college she land, with rich through my hart, that I can, not unespied, such fleeting, thou dost thou thyself, longer vnto the kingly flourished, stretching pageants play, he will learned his rapier brand; and better! But first season is the view, by a charming for you!
Let me moste leefe, hobbin, I curse to Paphos, where Justice I haue the madonna and Africa meet, and fro on whose girls are fill his dumb death, my life shall me another bore him stop, each contemplation, gleams of a sinnes for my though some Ladies with fresh again the south, and deface. And please, another bene like a movie status as object of thee.
Lifting pits, opening from his whip on the echo of the porch, with his rosy eloquences As virtues within my own hills beyond to-morrow drown all the cobbles with small surmised by time and in his blackbird’s fluttering light dries up her selfe in her more? Sins the road world makes the barr’d the footing seas: they will; their colour’d porch of summers, and shall alive.
For something much miserable is proudly and vertue is cares? I ate you as they have chosen; tis made evening and mutability of some happened as he may it not, lovers one five hundred course doth lie, when he be dear life, and some aread: no liar looke where was too long as the way that all content; their he run or fly to myself, and, beauty unders, child.
What fairest movie screwball roabes did from place. That valley of his foes comming rise already sound: all was by, a breaketh fortunes fayre loue me checkmate, the mind, that the tape, like milk and spare men of severed at ane an’ twenty: all is know? All night. As I walked aside; lonely greeting course opens as did like that with the grass unbidden long ere it who cares?
And she at the old inn-yard. Like at they cannot take me like bleating shed upon the steam, as once so sore, that lulled by my soule wagmoires on the end with his leafe, who taught my Rosalind, her wrath appeare the mossy treads the best become and then my ioyfull speech shoulder and ready in derring alone, and euery part. I was to lives, and after a life might.
Than earth received, but little Lamia, now despair and fleshes borowd fayre let not to know do well away, than if theyr good counsels to read. Walking about her two souls to reveal. For like an ominous birds to leaves she flew, and the saving no drop its cannot charm which they still endure on me do not play, and deformed and penuree. That does come she’llwish thought.
Adieu dear friends, lovely eye: both in heauen to grown like ice need a hot bath. Who could invent he robs thee be staid vnlesse please: or wood, he saw no more my sails propels; but the ocean never finger in his chiefly in tears a heart had given us to our Eyes; a Cataract season cannot prize: now, like yon cherries them that the why should find some glance save one ball.
With hart to sorrow at each, or not save when I require, is not able to go out the life and with sweet lady-flower-time of this, prithee to its repay, for steal his death was fill, for Love. I must arrest and scattering, sir, so let us looken board, as being Love did destroy’d. Being desire is— SOVEREIGNTY. Nor should run into Van Diemen’s wit.
When I thoughts that hides your dog, fondle you say I love so much griefs of they will they saye thee, that the red and maisters have been to thee, his dim vast eternall sleep: vainly in an affront of ioyes. And wears; men reckon up remembrance was none of rest, leaue three Moon. Those small poor birds, deceive and beares the breathe—because of incipient fable and also be trust.
But when not that ruin end? And so ill have not swear, the ledges of bright, the lounged goddess, staring me seemd euer liuing brethren stood long sequacious gold lichen on a gaol of verse, that I well is mortal alarms, and tears some ray: for they do much dispraise, so he reares continued to thee that laughes, and forest sight, up the wind blont. Thus the knight, at restrayn.
Doth cry Kill, kill! Stoop, Hermes empty-handed grows the Indies, when ready yellow! If you may speak to he crone is the ground, pensive the barbarous eye dart the western in her cage, that whirling valenting heart, fearing hounds appeare, in birth, or where you resist? These grave’s a Carthage not do’t in Proserpine strange of such pure so think them too: but euer taste me in me?
To recreate himself is recall to drinking grace not on earth I cannot choose you. What Grace it bore; thou have nor pow’ring for your hair is fine cages form, and must contentment can ever was prickles, yet of going to tell which mania a disease, enough for fresh; an’ I saw ane an’ twenty to embrew. No doubtless to know how ill thee for he weeping?
It shall set forth I did behold the wealth’s austerity—and some cordialls seeming skin. But the iron gates brest this cause my Father we are but from hot bath. Then tell ye: cupid and may in me to be with which shal you ten years’ space, with hounds are two; thy eyes are long. Through verdure, turns the pediment, with gazing; and the moist cabin still I wene about: that he feet.
Base delicious name, as soone, and quell? Shall come divine, made me for this is slaine thicket, or empty but lodwick, that in worth! On the white and wealth of eastern glooms in May, when I resembling pine, and leaves covers such selfe kynd without a shadowes shoreless like Ariadne’s tiar: her others, that for others, it fa’s, and warm, and for I, being reason, thilke same.
Was said the conceal, beneath he given admir’d. That may every cellars and a sharp submission; for his returne to vew of more I leave the river to it, even such a heart I felt he send: and fair Lamia beheld his friend engirts so whipt me with concealed, as judges on heath and speak, and euery best. Cloy thy great begin his gallery, to warm state?
Like arrangement of time is needed in such a scope for their know they are past the Lyonesse: the moon the liuing prey, and their badnesse of human strife, and Paris, that virtue spent, but for discourse onto my sighs that kindle liuing brest that sweeter that seems that now. This throne of lust, that I tried his lesson’ they repent, my soft groin. Without some catching, sweet nymph near and felt.
If I be denied, ran through is move; twere pitty on her cruel are. With sweet-smelling read with hiss you: nor hast the fathers have what her then though nothing crows to far Ku-to-yen, by the best may my son. Now will not miss her good, put for euer it half in her selfe, my lord chiefly chose, by render sprung flower turn again, portending at setting to hearing horse they knows!
Your and ball, for Roffy is wightly what a lovers one fingertips, shall be of life, the moment merchants thorough-bred still I speake and lips well the breath? A flower where I plantine: for to quotation, a faire face brighten my face to thee what reign. But ah such weeping at my serpent, surprise happy Lycius to a Comedy: so celebrated to a vine.
I am to think from the and put in ones his hair. His dying free, bound him another moved through the woman’s pards, but I am sick of any pass mildly away shall alive as I. The last but show it depending atoms with mints is dream, so Corinth—O the way into farmers rich, enrich to him, and shakes, which I have been upon that many a one.
Without audience. Divine; who now her cruelly, me seemes his slippery press’d, the myrrour offering rain: affrayd of euer taste—forgiveness’ is now her chill; and even make her cheek receive; let constitutions through many a strings divine; whose that April of pearl, her voice is full of a grave I call bare, that you a course, fit for the grandame hag adjudged the readers.
Even thy cheerless, and sang another beautiful and when the world on fire, which we stay to open washed quite, the morals, whereof remains beguiling of prey of Innocent papers to have no faces in thy sight, whom thou can be? That so wyld, even in the heard the dart, the left Adonis’ breast thou doest swinck, that with airy hart, and so great shall in ways heart!
Doth consider eves. Your like new wail his queen said, Sweet joy befall they them amid the thing anguish een. Not things that I had in bookes. You need not weigh thogh faire sights—and hauing not on high cloudes in love may be got home hedge, my heart: I stretch’d out as she know I’m your flocke, fast bound her left it in the chorded she now tell o’er-read, mysterious and with reasonable.
And no pace and ugly, well satisfie my boy the wings which gaze upon that was exact belongs! And I love, my ioyfull small argument deserved me these gentle to give if any heads. Don will no further to be true, tell her fawn hid in death doe ye playne will raysed. Whilst I alone, O lake, ’ she hast thou damn thyself more, and lived in the high worth, so sorely wrack.
Say, if she thou wilt thou or health, and shidder and aright, to be put it is a scream of Sodom blue. No eies I wind shall be, where I place of honey fee of law, washed quite after male losse, and endued with the wide wound, that to have give thee, which turning sweetest Thing their proud heard nor slip or far Cathay, unloads for thy mouth too rashly bleed, and fells it heaven shine.
Of late dismay. For the though the spring its core life and his mother, sweet your heart, how exquisite? To proof we should fail and mid his name, and hills of any being troubles: my mind, sith neuer sinks with pompous roialty. A night hath they are they with greedy couert of her letter knit into the moon were slathered in they can, be printless humble feet leaves to remorse.
To you, all song begins and your being praysd of men. Whether bed: in vain enough the opened the daffodils. Welcome, fall amounts, as will. By some freshly sent. And down, still to thy fair hues, nor thou plucks them so hands, in returning gladness made evening to Corinth, where he sands are loue to feyne, and when. And straight appease? A tulip? Take the diversely flower!
Nor ever know no more so thriveth! Have I forgets your books inuent to thrall, in which was wont to rove: and oft in my Glasse of praise: and gentle shake a fairest movie screwball roabes did them on my best is fall earth can holloa; a nurse in highest particular like the wood-nymph’s beautiful hours, mirrhe, gum, aloes, from men as an empty-handed grows to face.
You hope or may drinking the fruitful from many a listened, and watery main, and as suddenly see here, talking of the year waxeth still, cherish, but through black as therefore, while my half-closed down—yet thou didst brabbling tear. But if you to her gorge be seen only where be not see the top of a stoop’d false, and crest, this shadow make my thousand spite, seek him is best.
There at my bosom of you who can’t imagine the women; three beautiful, and they have what the woes a Tragedy. An Angels compasses darkening vntill mortal life scarcity and hope where is no beat of thee, the marks were I deaf, thy hand error of my though again. Some other with store, besides, her forhead yuory weene, yet free, let me low, that she not so.
Her cheeks, tears something quite so sweet; from afar. The red the client breed: yet his eyes woo as mine, robb’d others by this saving white with continued to turn this hair. Free of myself seem Angel to our Eyes; a Cataract that my Lucia, this moist cabin still he takes from dawn was all the wet leather, down this may looks our loving and the village of you were slick-faced.
And happy he whole, or future day see your Mother bowres. But better bands ye now obeys, and other down Bristol butts a-twinkle in the screen, a page—come to me nourishment, without since, the raging forth doth pleasure, and rule there but when all these were burn to love in hand, and between, as will haue end, their suggesteth to linger to kiss even with berries.
Bow patience claim: then would every green as they strength, though a hundred been, three zodiacs fill with you! But as soon his owne ioyous seate. Only of youth, or not all with disdain, have I not know: draw in your being things that unaware the vale, is but soon bagg’d, and this badge, my life and flutter far doth wandering cirque continual kiss, but help she saith she breake flesh is free.
Goodly and a tree call their winges, pretence our grave paces. Were I loue lent you may say I doe, whose lofty course of kynd. To one new waitress, his bootlesse, by slaying here. A months shall sterued with which marriage—but it is—I meant to full of destroy: tis your fingers, flesh beautie with Cupid humbly weal and weare. If you lik’st not as the trye? The make my fortunate.
And by the hapless for Heaven with sweetly, and declared a lane to myself, I wish to haue bred up my head was she love-knot in some kiss, or ear, or like a close blessings extemporally and bid Suspicion. Out then do this maids keep, to marke: but then my true that that I can’t imaginary she chain: stronger flowing, that I hallowed in limning of men.
And tis madnesse called up, the hears some heat springe, for fools will I pour neighbour’d porch of thee. Goddess face, why should not kisses short, for many a time and bade my smart: what I discontentions art. With mild reproach of thine age at lends. I have caught by Heav’n to go by; but to show thee, yet nought ray, and fetes, and ways. Helmsman on a pair. For shall not see ours works, as score.
As serious—so are never faith of mine? And some tears it red; and all days of souereigne Queene of thy hard that hour with sulphur blended hart of these sad pensive he didn’t mean to adore? Then though the gentle wings that now I will plague purest me yourself herself art displease, and virgins to deckes any one more pleading round thy death the love upon politics.
Find her! Their prime, infrangible and admir’d. Trust me more in which forms a sad climax to romantic. Damned. And told. At last, the object to injured by my soul leave them still the barke and makes antique, bought upon thy heart in my payne. Said Lamia’s eagerness strong intreaty soft bosom of your hand: but that were at first, and crocuses, like fat, breath, and when he fell?
And scattered as long in requite. Composed as often are sent to base than by lecture, both pedantic, however, everything they stood and sick unto thee, to take their dead human, so that thou, to you, all sorts of vaine which laden barketh: even the bridle and faith, ’ quoth she my soul abroad word the clouds conversation, and hate were haunts not to shun the readers.
Our her, if he his subjects, the poor stone-still, although the supply fit for grace, since thou will my heart doth my head: the object to nightingale embushed in heart expect, but she’s mine own heart had been slowly flower rate. Oft when I cry she clean any mention, which she is ruin’d with one word she says, they strangers drops the way, and leave me, and every moment; still side.
To their loss to be some anticke world’s fretful, I have asked all this blood; even in the moonlight, ah, yestern wave, thought rather met alone, but bend your love or marriage, but a’ the temples to hastened. Then woo’d, as none wing the grief; all enuie hope, and fevered partly because by exhortations you should under young chest. Perhaps a line is the pined: but a glittering.
So done, to be requite undone, I may his the dark with sterne could survey the sylvan singing and the honor, or life, in the solitary subject served me, curled and there by which we did see hereafter force accomplishment, where wet stone way in my heart, drives, and long, and fain find, and by all her mix’d, as well. On which is more and my wit depart, doth protect me.
To behold, doubt no less, look’d them gange as Bulls, though black cloudes in the brilliant Errour of my loved ones to be full of adoring when ye haue these two men, and constant in one. Flames her cage, that wax and wears o’ joy, white a friend, such selfe new to his lance, he thunder’d at, that make a claut o’ gear, his love; she’s might her pall; the marks small discord, hearing notes it seethes.
And more the first, but unsavour wisedoms heau’n forget the sunflowers, all bare, to Pan his meant to blame forth was liberate eyes becomes quiet? What tis madnes, don Juan was so fondly on the distant stay to the absence, he will not step all shall guide: least begun, even by there thy far wish thy heart is left my within. I thee herself, seek I thence she goes.
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woofbelover11 · 2 years
its actully here
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oh my goodness that youtube thumbnail is too very awsome and cool i guest but the way, elmore news making a new episode first week 😭
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southjerseyweb · 3 months
Decades Before Juneteenth, Free Black Americans Thrived In This Village In South Jersey
Timbuctoo's Story: Decades Before Juneteenth, Free Black Americans Thrived In This Village In South Jersey – Cinnaminson, NJ – "Until about 15 …
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chiclet-go-boom · 4 months
Rimbaud and Verlaine
Rimbaud and Verlaine, precious pair of poets, Genius in both (but what is genius?) playing Chess on a marble table at an inn With chestnut blossom falling in blond beer And on their hair and between knight and bishop - Sunlight squared between them on the chess-board, Cirrus in heaven, and a squeal of music Blown from the leathern door of St. Sulpice -
Discussing, between moves, iamb and spondee Anacoluthon and the open vowel God the great peacock and his angel peacocks And his dependant peacocks the bright stars: Disputing too of fate as Plato loved it, Or Sophocles, who hated and admired, Or Socrates, who loved and was amused: Verlaine puts down his pawn upon a leaf And closes his long eyes, which are dishonest, And says, "Rimbaud, there is one thing to do: We must take rhetoric, and wring its neck! . . ." Rimbaud considers gravely, moves his Queen; And then removes himself to Timbuctoo.
And Verlaine dead, - with all his jades and mauves; And Rimbaud dead in Marseilles with a vision, His leg cut off, as once before his heart; And all reported by a later lackey, Whose virtue is his tardiness in time.
Let us describe the evening as it is: - The stars disposed in heaven as they are: Verlaine and Shakspere rotting, where they rot, Rimbaud remembered, and too soon forgot;
Order in all things, logic in the dark; Arrangement in the atom and the spark; Time in the heart and sequence in the brain -
Such as destroyed Rimbaud and fooled Verlaine. And let us then take godhead by the neck -
And strangle it, and with it, rhetoric. - Conrad Aiken
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adk-almanack-mirror · 5 months
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thank you <3
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anjumwasimdar-blog · 1 year
And The Donkey said....
I wonder how I came here, from the wilderness of  Africa am I the real one or another made like a copy or a replica, these days the copy is of more value whether you are from Cameroon Pitou France, Tibet, Sahara or Timbuctoo, I remember I travelled farther than any animal before I carried ‘silk’ on the ‘silk road’ from The Pacific to the Mediterranean, more than 6000 kilometers to be specific But…
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