#timeless choi beomgyu
Timeless | C. Beomgyu 00. Teaser
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Synopsis: There's antique shop down the block, and somehow yn felt the need to visit it. While looking at the artefacts and old treasures the shop had, a cardboard box with a ´photos 25c each´ sign caught her attention. As she took a look at it, she saw that it contained some old pictures, but what happens when she sees herself and her boyfriend Beomgyu in them?
Genre: fluff, time travel, slight angst, non idol au.
Pairing: non idol! Beomgyu x fem! Reader
Category: Story
Warnings: mentions of death and illnesses, might contain grammar mistakes, slight cursing.
Lua’s note: Hello! Here's the teaser of my new story Timeless! I hope you enjoy it and give this story a chance!
Start Date: June 15th
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The fresh autumn air hits your skin as you make your way back to your apartment. The sound of the leaves and the trees moving was relaxing, as you can hear the faint sound of the music through your headphones.
As you walked you noticed there was a new shop near your apartment, you stood outside taking a glance inside it. Suddenly you had the feeling you that you needed to go inside, and you did.
You pushed the door open and a small bell on the door rang. You entered and looked around you. There were still some boxes on the ground with artefacts and some other stuff. You walked deeper into the shop finding a lot of interesting things.
You glanced at the counter finding it empty, 'Is there no staff?', you got closer to the counter and there was a medium sized box on top of it that held a sign 'photos 25 c each'. You opened the box and saw all the pictures, you decided to take a look at them.
You picked out the first picture, the material was already turning into a faint shade of yellow. In the picture there was a young couple, probably in their thirties, they were coming out of a church and they were looking at each other so lovingly, it was their wedding day.
In the next picture you saw the same couple, they were sitting in the porch of what seemed it was their house, again they were looking at each other with a bright smile.
You took out another picture and again, the same couple, but this time they were hugging, he was wearing a military uniform. This made your heart hurt a little, You turned the picture around and there was a date scribbled on the bottom corner '9/1944', it was also September on your time, must be a coincidence.
You were about to put the pictures back but something else caught your eye. Inside the box there was a heart shaped locket, you took it and opened it with curiosity. When you saw the picture inside it your heart stopped for a second. 'Beomgyu?'.
How could that be possible? Why was there a picture of Beomgyu inside the locket? His hair was shorter and he was wearing a military uniform...
Just like the guy in the picture...
How didn't you notice? He was the one in the pictures. You took th other two pictures and examinated them carefully.
It can't be...
Why were you in the pictures?
M. List
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maximura · 10 months
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Timeless | C. Beomgyu 01. 1944
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Synopsis: There's antique shop down the block, and somehow yn felt the need to visit it. While looking at the artefacts and old treasures the shop had, a cardboard box with a ´photos 25c each´ sign caught her attention. As she took a look at it, she saw that it contained some old pictures, but what happens when she sees herself and her boyfriend Beomgyu in them?
Warnings: mentions of smoking, mentions of feeling dizzy and fainting, mentions of food, might contain grammar mistakes, english is not my first language.
Word count: 3k
Lua’s note: Hello! Welcome to the first chapter of Timeless! This took a long time to write but it came out well, it is a long chapter but I hope you like it :)
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“Oh hi! May I help you?” Someone said behind you. You turned around, you still had the pictures in your hand. “Oh, are you interested in those pictures?” He said as he walked behind the counter, he had a soft smile and his hair was brown and messy, he had a name tag that said “Soobin”.
“Where did you get these pictures?” You asked still shocked by the fact that you and Beomgyu were in those pictures.
He shrugged. “Not sure, I think someone brought them yesterday. But I don’t really remember.” He scratched the back of his head trying to remember. “Why? Is something wrong?” He could see your concerned face.
“No, no, umm how much are they?” You asked opening your wallet. You needed to take them home and show them to Beomgyu.
“Uh, I’m not sure how much they should cost. I’ll just take 3 dollars, they don’t seem that expensive.” You nodded and gave him the money. He said ‘thank you’ but you didn’t hear him since you stormed out of the shop after taking the pictures.
You ran towards your apartment, you thanked god you lived in the third floor and not on a seventh. You quickly took out your keys and open the door of your apartment. Beomgyu was in the kitchen when you entered, he greeted you with a smile but his expression changed when he saw you with a worried expression.
"Hey, is everything okay?" he walked closer to you an cupped your face. "What's wrong?". You looked down to the pictures in your hand and handed them to him. He gave you a puzzled look and started examining them.
"What- yn where did you find this?" He asked furrowing his brows, he was really confused and so were you.
"I entered to the new shop down the block, it had a lot of old stuff and I saw those in a box on the counter and-" you were talking very fast and Beomgyu stopped you grabbing you by the shoulders.
He took a deep breath. "Let's sit down." He grabbed your hand and led you to the livingroom where you both sat down. Beomgyu placed his hand on your shoulder and looked at you. "Now, tell me how you find these." His voice was more calmed but he still looked confused.
You nodded. "I was walking down the block and I saw this new shop, so I entered just to look around. And I saw a box on the counter and I don't know why but it just caught my attention so I opened it. And those pictures were inside...oh and this." You pulled out the locket that you placed in your pocket. Beomgu grabbed it and opened it realizing there was a picture of "him" inside.
"I don't understand... how is this even possible?" He said burying his face in his hands. Suddenly he sat up straight and looked at you, his face looked pale.
"Gyu, what's wrong?" You took his hand and for some reason your vision started getting blurry, and your surrounding were spinning. It continued like that until everything went black.
The street was filled with people, some where walking with their families, friends, couple, and some other were alone, just like you. You were heading to your dad's work place, he worked for the news paper of the town "Mirage", you made your way in and hoped he wasn't busy or in the middle of a meeting. He usually worked all day since very early in the morning, so he usually didn't have any breakfast, which made you worried. As you entered the building the smell of smoke filled your nostrils, there were a lot of men around the office holding pipes or cigarrates. You greeted your dad's secretary and asked him where he was.
"He's in his office, I don't think he's busy right now." You nodded and made your way to his office.
You knocked his door and you heard a 'come in'. You opened the door and saw your dad with scribbling some things on his notebook.
"Hey dad, I brought you lunch." You smiled and closed the door behind you. He smiled back at you and gave you all his attention.
"Oh, yn you didn´t have to. Did your mom tell you to?" He said looking at you. You shook your head.
"She also said it wasn't necessary but I insisted." You handed him the lunchbox you prepared for him. "You need to eat soemthing, dad. You could get ill if you skip your meals."
"Yeah alright." He grabbed the lunchbox and opened it. "Thank you, yn." He smiled and started eating.
"I'll see you later dad." You said your goodbyes and walked out of the office. You weren't looking your step when you accidentally bumped into someone.
"I'm very sorry, Miss. Are you alright?" You looked up and saw him. A tall boy with brown hair, perfectly styled to the side. He wore a white button-up shirt and his tie was messily done. His sleeves were rolled up and he had a notebook on his hand.
"Yeah, yeah I'm okay. Are you?" You asked trying not to be awkward.
He nodded and smiled. "I'm alright. Uh, I better get going." You nodded and moved aside. He gave you one last smile and you noticed he entered to your dad's office.
On your way back home you couldn't help but smile, you normally didn't see a young handsome guy working on the building. There were only old men working there. So it was strange.
Once you got home you opened the door and went inside. You were greeted by your mom who was sitted on the sofa, she had a crochet hook in her hand and a book in her other hand.
"Oh! Yn, come here please." She said one she saw you. "Can you help me with this? I can't see this part properly and I really need to finish this." She handed you the book she had, it was a crochet guide, of course.
"Mom, why aren't you wearing your glasses?" Your mom hated wearing her glasses, she always said that she felt old when she wore them, but she really needed them. "You do need them, you know?".
"I don't need those glasses. They ruin my appearance!" You sighed. After a few minutes of helping your mom, you went to your room.
You spent the next few hours trying to find something entertaining to do. You had already read all the book you had, and there was no point in reading the news paper since your dad always told you the news everyday. You decided to take a nap, you felt a little tired anyways.
A knock on your door woke you up. You rubbed your eyes and opened them, you realized it was already dark outside. You stood up and opened the door.
"Yn get dressed, and come help me in the kitchen. Your dad invited some of his colleagues from work." She left after saying that making you sigh.
After gettig dressed properly for the guests you went downstairs to greet them.
"Oh, there she is! That's my daughter." You heard your dad's voice and you turned to him and smiled. You noticed there were two people with him. You already knew the both of them, they had been working with your dad since yo were little.
You greeted both of them and head to the kitchen, you were about to open the door but you heard your mom talking to someone, you heard a man talking. You pushed the door open and saw him. You were surprised to see him in your house. When they both noticed your presence your mom smiled at you.
"Yn, this is Choi Beomgyu, he works with your father at the writing department." She said while handing you an apron. "He know how to cook too! Isn't that surprising?"
You nodded still looking at him. Now you knew his name. You heard your dad mention him a couple of time saying that his writing and redacting was amazing. And it was, you have read his articles on the news paper.
"Choi Beomgyu, nice to meet you." He walked closer to you and held his hand out. You shook his hand and smiled.
After helping around in the kitchen preparing dinner and stealing glances at Beomgyu, you were all sitted at the dining table. Everyone was eating and talking about work and other things.
"So Beomgyu, where did you say you came from?" Your dad said and everyone turned to look at him.
"I'm from Daegu, sir. I moved here a year ago." Beomgyu explained. You could've guessed he was from Daegu, his accent some of his dialect were different. And it was strangely attractive to you.
After an hour and a half everyone finished their dinner and were already leaving. Beomgyu offered staying behind and help you clean up and you gladly accepted his help.
Now you were in the kitchen again, Beomgyu was washing the dishes and you were drying them and putting them away. There was kind of an awkward silence so you decided to speak.
"So... you're from Daegu." You said and he turned to face you with a small smile.
"Yeah, I had to move here, they offered me a great job at the writing department and I agreed, of course." He explained and kept washing the dishes.
You nodded. "I've read your articles, they're really good. I like the way you explain things, you always make everything clear." You said making him chuckle.
"Thanks, I really like writing, it's one of my favorite things. Sometimes I wish I could write a book, but I just don't know what to write about."
You noticed he was really passionate about his work from the way he was talking. You felt like you could listen to him talk for hours, and he just had a lot to talk about. You talked for a long while until he realized he had to go so you walked him to the door.
"It was nice talking to you Yn, thanks for the dinner, and for the talk." He said once you opened the door.
"Well I have to say thank you to you too, you also helped with dinner." You felt like talking to him was easy. Just like if you already knew him. "And I also enoyed talking to you, you are very interesting." He let out a small laugh at your words.
"Thank you, I would like to talk to you again, if you want to of course." His words came out a bit more shyly this time.
"Oh, I would love to." You felt your cheeks slightly burning and your heart was racing.
"Great, I'll see you later, yn." He said lastly ant turned around to walk away.
Time went by, you went out with Beomgyu every week for the following 3 months. You couln't help but develop feelings for him. You always had fun when he was around and he never failed to make you smile. And your parents knew about this, and they approvingly let you date him the day Beomgyu went to your house and asked your parents for their permission to date you.
As you spent more and more time together, you found that you had a lot in common. You shared the same values, interests and sense of humor. Little by little, the time you spent together felt as natural as breathing. Without realizing it, you had fallen in love.
Everything felt right when you were with him. You didn’t know how you fell for him in only 3 months. He always told you that you were made for him and he was made for you. You two loved each other and supported your dreams, always making time for the other when you were busy.
You didn’t need to go out to expensive places, your dates with him consisted in just walking on a field and resting underneath the shadow of a tree, he wrote some notes or short stories and read them to you while your head rested on his lap.
Of course you had small disagreements, but they never tore you apart because you both knew that a discussion couldn’t separate you that easily, because you truly loved each other.
In your eleventh month of dating, you were waiting for him in the same field you always went to, sitting under a tree with your back resting on the trunk, watching the sky slowly turn into a shade of orange with pink clouds moving gently with the spring breeze.
“Hey, sorry I kept you waiting.” You heard Beomgyu say as he sits down next to you, he pecked your cheek and gave you one of his beautiful smiles he always gave you.
“It’s okay, I just got here a few minutes ago.” You smiled back and took his hand in yours. “You’re in time for the sunset.” He rested his head on your shoulder.
“Oh you’re right, I thought I was going to miss it, I came running from work.” You placed your head on top of his.
“I thought you weren’t working today.” You said, your hand fidgeted with his.
“I didn’t, I just went to pick up something I left.” He took out his notebook from his messenger bag and opened it. “I wrote something, and I want you to give me your opinion.” You nodded and he straightened up.
He started reading a story he wrote about a couple. It was a sweet short story he had been working on for a couple of days. He began reading the part were the love interest proposes to the main character, but he wasn’t reading anymore, instead he was looking at you.
“…and the he said: The sun is hiding below the horizon, casting a warm glow over the water. And you are the most beautiful person I have ever met. I can't help but feel overwhelmed by the beauty of this moment. But it's nothing compared to the beauty I see in you. Your eyes sparkle like diamonds, your smile sets my heart on fire, and your laugh is music to my ears. I love everything about you, and I can't imagine a life without you. Will you do me the honor of accepting me, and being my partner in life?”
When he finished talking you felt your heart race, he looked at you with a big smile and placed his notebook down. Beomgyu grabbed your hand and reached to his pocket pulling out a paper ring.
“So…what do you say?” He placed the paper ring on your finger and looked up at you.
You jumped into his arms wrapping your arms around his neck making him laugh.
“I’ll take that as a yes.” He hugged you back and placed a kiss on the side of your head.
You got married that same spring. Your parents were delighted that you two were finally getting married. You also got the chance to meet Beomgyu’s parents which were more than happy to meet you.
The wedding party took place in the same field were you two spent your afternoons. It was a small party where only your closest friends and family attended.
You two bought a small house near your parents place. It was perfect for you two.
Everything was perfect…
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Timeless | C. Beomgyu 02. Love letters
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Synopsis: There's antique shop down the block, and somehow yn felt the need to visit it. While looking at the artefacts and old treasures the shop had, a cardboard box with a ´photos 25c each´ sign caught her attention. As she took a look at it, she saw that it contained some old pictures, but what happens when she sees herself and her boyfriend Beomgyu in them?
Warnings: mentions of war and death, slight angst, separation, missing someone. mentions of food, might contain grammar mistakes, english is not my first language.
Lua’s note: Hello :):) welcome to chapter two! I’m sorry if the updates take a while 😰 I usually write when I feel inspired and lately it’s been hard to receive inspiration, but I’m trying my best!! I hope you are enjoying the story so far :)
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The November sun peered through the window of the newly married couple’s house. It was a quiet morning where you could hear the soft air breeze moving the branches of the trees.
Yn and Beomgyu were having breakfast under a comfortable silence. Beomgyu was scribbling on his notebook and yn was reading the newspaper that arrived earlier that morning.
“Things are getting worse in Japan.” You sighed putting the newspaper down.
“Yeah, I’ve heard there’s a war starting.” Beomgyu placed down his pen next to his notebook and sipped his cup of tea.
“I’m just worried that all this disaster involves our country.” You were worried that things wouldn’t go exactly as you wanted it. You wanted to start a family, have kids and raise them in a free country. You didn’t want to have your kids in the middle of a war. You knew Beomgyu and you were both young and still had time to start a family, but this was absolutely out of anyone’s hands.
Beomgyu reached your hand over the table, giving it a light squeeze. “Don’t worry, darling. Everything will be fine, okay?” You nodded and he gave you a reassuring smile. “That’s my girl. Alright, I have to go now, I have a meeting today.” He said while getting up and gathering his things. He walked to your side and pecked your cheek. “I’ll see you later, okay?”
“Okay, I’ll be waiting for you.” You waved goodbye and he left.
The day went on normally, as the weather started to get colder everyday since the winter season started, you set up the chimney to warm up the house a little.
That’s how days went on normally. Beomgyu would come back home at night and tell you all about his job, and how the book he was writing was going.
Until one day, he wasn’t going to come back for a very long time.
He had to enlist to the Japanese Army to fight in the war.
The day of his departure, you swore it would be the most painful day of your life. Saying goodbye to your soulmate, your partner, the love of your life. Give him away to uncertainty.
That’s what it was. Everything was uncertain. You didn’t know if he would comeback, you didn’t know what could happen there, because nothing assured you he would be okay.
Communication was difficult at long distance, and more if it meant talking to someone in the army.
“I will be back, okay?” He gave you a sad smile.
“Please be careful, I don’t want to lose you, Gyu.” You hugged him tightly, as if it was your last hug, and you thought that it could be.
“I… promise I’ll come back to you, okay? I’ll be back and we’ll be together again, and I’ll never leave your side again, I promise.” He wrapped his arms around you. You could feel that he started sobbing by the way his chest started moving. “I’ll come back…”
You two cried for very long, holding each other and whispering reassuring things to the other.
Then he left.
Your heart ached like it has never before. You felt helpless.
Your mother moved in with you, since your father also enlisted. This made you only feel worse.
Days went by emptily. You kept doing your normal things every day, but you didn’t have a purpose. You felt empty.
One Monday morning you went outside to pick up the mail that arrived earlier that day. You sat down in the kitchen table and started checking it. One of the letters caught your eye. It was from Japan.
You quickly opened the envelope and you felt your heart stop when you saw your husband’s handwriting in the price of paper.
To my dearest, Yn
Being away from home is difficult, and I'm constantly thinking about how much I miss you. I can't wait to go back home with you, and see you everyday again. My heart aches when I wake up and I don’t see you.
I know that I cannot express in words the depth and complexity of my love for you. But I hope you know that I love you more than anything else in this world. The memory of your hugs keeps me going, it keeps me sane. I’ve seen a lot of terrible things the last few days, I’m surprised I haven’t lost my mind. But it’s you that helps me. I have to be okay for the day that I go back to you.
My love, my yn, please be safe. Take care of your mom. Please continue with your life and all the things you wanted. I don’t want you to be worried about me. Please do that for me. Remember I love you.
P.S. I have a great idea for a book! Can’t wait to tell you about it when I go back…
Always yours,
Choi Beomgyu.
Tears rolled down your cheeks. You folded the letter and picked up the envelope, but when you did, a small heart shaped locket fell from it. You picked it up and examined it, you opened it and saw a picture of Beomgyu wearing his uniform.
You closed it and you stayed there for a while, processing the letter, the locket, and everything.
Every other week you would receive a letter from Beomgyu, they weren’t always long but they were perfect. You felt your heart warm everyone you read them. You could hear his voice through his words.
You waited patiently.
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The second chapter of Timeless | C. Beomgyu DISAPPEARED FROM MY DRAFTS
I’m sorry if the updates take longer, I don’t t know what the hell happened 😔
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One Dream!
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Huening Kai:
Rainy Mornings
Teach me
Heart shaped webs .
Birthday kiss
Aquarium date
Accidents happen
Flores (valentine’s version)
Brooklyn baby
Choi Beomgyu:
By your side
Try again
I want your midnights
Soft kisses
Not a lot, just forever
Choi Soobin:
Sad Beautiful Tragic
Winter Bear
Choi Yeonjun:
Illicit affairs
Our Hearts
Secret Secret
Kang Taehyun
Warm up pt2 pt3
Less talk, more kiss
What would TXT do if you turn into a bug (written)
TxT as Taylor Swift love songs and as boyfriends! (Written)
TXT as specific times of the year
What they would do to comfort you
Spanish nicknames
Can I tie a bow to your bicep?
Fri(end)s hyung line
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