#timenote- library
sultrybaby · 2 years
Fallin' (EN- REACTION)
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Enhypen reaction to you tripping down the stairs and crashing onto them.
Requested by: ANON
'Enhypen reaction to you tripping down the stairs and crashing onto them
Why? Cuz my head is running laps around the east coast prison near the asylum. '
💞Warnings: a lot of falling, im pretty sure there's cursing, really cliché at times, this honestly feels like a fever dream💞 Word count:200 something 💞Pairing: Enha x gn!Reader💞 Genre: Fluff, crack (can be interpreted as established romantic relationship OR platonic relationship)
Poor boy was coming upstairs to check on you
When he saw you coming downstairs. He turned away for like...1 second and suddenly u yelped.
He ran to you in order to catch you but in vain.
You just smashed into him.
Both of you fell on the floor, Heeseung suffering slightly more than you did considering u used him as a mattress when u fell, while he hit the ground straight up (RIP 💀)
You both start checking if the other was ok
"Dude you good?"
"I mean u almost curried me but yeah wtv"
"Hey I didnt MEAN to-"
U both make eye contact and just...start laughing.
"BRO that was epic"
"r u srsly bro-zoning me rn"
"i talk like this when im embarrassed shut up-"
I can imagine him just, catching u out of reflex
Like you would trip and fall and he would just extend his arm and casually catch u (Damn that's hot 😳)
"Uhh..thanks man"
"Oh baby, what would u do without me, mm?"
Tripping and falling onto jake would be so cute
Like i think you'd both be going down the stair when u trip, and he would wrap his arms around you and envelope you
"noo bby r u okay??? 🥺🥺"
You'd be a blushing mess because of how embarrassed you are, and he will just make it worse by pecking ur crown and being all "i caught you falling for me 😉"
He might even go as far as bridal carrying u down the stairs (provided he does not give up and jsut leave u on the stairs by then)
This guy would react similarly to jay
As in he'd probably catch u perfectly with his reflexes
But his attitude
He is NOT as carefree as jay
This cocky mf is not gonna let u forget about it god
You'd trip, fall, and land straight into his arms. And he would push you in until ur noses are almost touching.
"If ur so desperate to be held, u can just ask baby"
And you'd eyeroll but ur also secretly, like, so flustered
And honestly HE'S EMBARRASSED TOO he does not know where all this confidence is coming from
Like he'll manage one more 'I see ur falling for me" before breaking and bursting into laughter, his face a red mess.
And u would laugh along with him, hitting his chest.
"You dork😡"
"You clutz 😡"
Okay yall
Dont kill me for this BUT
I think sunoo would actually just let you fall LMFAOO 😭💀
Like he would be near the stairs when he would hear you trip
And he'd see you falling down, and he's jsut make that disgusted face he makes and move the fuck out of ur way like ur some dead insect
LIKE IM SAWRY but that is the only way i see this going down
And you would rub ur butt and stand up, and then he'd be like
"u okay?? 🥺🥺"
And yall would just bicker endlessly until he notices like a red spot on ur elbow and gets seriously worried
Prepare for cuddle night
The most normal out of all of them
U trip, crash on to him. He almost falls but then he catches his balance
He's lowkey amused but he keeps his cool and he's checking if you're okay
"Im good Im good dont worry"
He kinda dusts you all over
And then
Yall just go your merry way
Every once in a while he does bring it up when ur going downstairs tho
"Hey be careful...remember when u almost died"
"That's way too dramatic baby 😭"
The craziest out of all of them.
I feel like this would go down really badly.
He would probably be at the end of the stairs with some col drink in his hands, when you trip and fall
But he'd be listening to something with headphones in so he wouldnt know
Would get an inkling like a millisecond too late
You crash into him, he drops his phone and drink (which spills all over the two of you)
He would fall, and you would fall on him
Everything would happen way too fast and he would be so confused while you were embarrassed (and drenched)
You barely recover from the shock when you hear him yelp
Bruh wot 🤡💀
"Come on yn let's do it again"
So yeah you would somehow convince him to not do it again by getting him a new drink 
Permanent all works
@gloomysunny @thomas-the-tank-engene @goldenhypen
Permanent kpop
@soobin-chois @one16core @hoonsmarsbar
@yogurteume @annoyingbitch83
@kflixnet @enhypennetworks @the-k-neverland
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timenote-library · 2 years
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Hey, you there, wandering viewer! Hi! How are you doing?
Timenote Library is home to some of the most potential-filled kpop creators on tumblr, and you could join the team. We gather aspiring writers and artists under our wings, helping them spread their works around the chaotic empire that is tumblr. Our library bases stories, moving paintings, murals, short-films, and about any other fan-created content you can think of! (Spreading artists’ and idols’ personal information does not count.) Our library takes works for NCT, BTS, ATEEZ, and any other Korean-based artists you might create content for! 
*** stories: fics | moving paintings: gifs | murals: moodboards, image edits, fanart | short-films: video edits, fmvs |
But we can’t do that without you! We are in desperate need of more ventures and content! Our ancient library is looking for more Timewatchers! Timenote Library is running low on staff, and activity on our network has slowed almost to a stop! Would you be interested in joining us?
~ member ~
Before we mentioned that we Do you create any of these things? Great! Please consider joining us as a Timewatcher!
~ admin ~
Are you a born leader? Or do you just like to help with the important work as a ghost, silent and unseen? Awesome! We are in desperate need of new staff here at Timenote Library. Below you can find the places we have open.
queue moderator 1-2 
gfx moderator 1-2
event planner 1-2
affiliations moderator 1
editor 2-3
Whichever position you choose~ admin, member~ you will be appreciated, and your works and effort will be noticed. By joining Timenote Library, whether as staff or creator, you’ll find another world full of uncharted lands, and we’ll help you spread your art around.
The portal below will take you to a room where you will be asked a few simple questions before you can become one of us, but don’t worry! All we ask is that you answer all questions, and be truthful when doing so. If we find out that you lied, your application will be denied.
~ application portal ~
Clicking this link should lead you to the room mentioned above, but if not, please contact an admin immediately to sort out your problem!
Enter the room here~
~ deadlines ~
~ affiliates ~
@prism-nw​ @the-k-neverland​ 
~ admins ~
@taeyongslilkitty​ @hwarora​ @umbralhelwolf​ 
Thanks for tuning in, and we hope to see you join us soon!
~ Chai, Lead Timewatcher
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© timenote library, 2022-2023
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spicyseonghwas · 9 months
chocolate stash - jung wooyoung
pairing :: jung wooyoung x male reader genres :: fluff, angst, fluffy suggestive au's :: bf!wooyoung, established relationship viewer rating :: 15+ content warnings :: light cursing, nightmares, all nighter, food mentions, kissing, spiders, arachnophobia, crying, an all-nighter, pet names (baby, darling, woo boo, my prince) word count :: 894 credits :: divider - @cafekitsune networks :: @preciousillusions-net @timenote-library @cacaokpop-fics
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your sleeping form tossed and turned in bed as you whimpered and sobbed in your sleep; the only soul who knew exactly the horrors you were experiencing was wooyoung's poor thing who was experiencing it. 
wooyoung opened the door, being as quiet as he possibly could as he stepped into the hallway. the toe of his shoe hit the bottom corner of the apartment door as he stepped around it, and he involuntarily inhaled, his spine shaking in a pained cringe. 
wooyoung's hand drifted up to cover his mouth as he let loose a wide yawn. he put his hand on the door knob, but before he could turn it and enter the room, he heard your sleeping cries for wooyoung's. he heard you begging desperately for... someone or something not to hurt you, and the sound of that made his heart fall and shatter. wooyoung hurried into the room, dropping his things on the floor next to the bed as he crawled up over you and lay down at your side.
“hey,” he whispered, scooting closer to you and began to gently run his fingers through your hair, leaving little butterfly kisses on your neck, face and the tip of your nose as he pulled you as close to his chest as he could get you.
“baby, wake up, it’s just a nightmare,” he whispered into your hair, hugging you tight and biting his bottom lip as he tried to hold back from crying himself. 
wooyoung's resolve didn’t last long however, crumbling to pieces when you sobbed into his chest and began to scream. he squeezed his eyes shut and bit down harder on his lip as he felt the first tears roll down the side of his face and across the bridge of his nose. 
“m-m/n, wake up, please...” he whimpered, unconsciously pulling you closer to him as he hid his face in your hair. “m/n, it’s j-just a nightmare, baby, wake up, please...”
You continued to sob and plead into wooyoung's chest, and for the longest time he just cried with you. But when he heard one particular word slip from your lips, he finally understood the horrors you were experiencing.
you were afraid of spiders. that was what was plaguing your minimal hours of rest --- you had texted him about four hours ago that you were going to bed after a two-day all-nighter working on an essay for one of the core classes you were taking for your psychology major. 
wooyoung let out a shaky breath he hadn’t known he was holding, squeezing you even tighter if possible as hot, salty tears continued to spill down the side of his face and into your hair. his hand strayed up to the back of your head, and he gently pressed you impossibly closer. 
soon enough, your sleeping sobs and pleads faded away, melting into the silence. wooyoung's tears soon stopped coming as well and, not knowing what to do or say, he simply continued to cuddle you, hugging you as tight as he could, fearing that you would just melt away.
the two of you just laid there that way for a while, not exchanging words for what could have been hours before he felt an arm slowly worm under his side as you exhaustedly wrapped your arms around him. a smile forced its way through wooyoung's cracked and crumbling defenses, and he took a soft hold of your chin between his thumb and pointer finger as he leaned in and let his lips touch yours. 
“are you alright, my darling?” he asked, unable to get out anything more than a whisper as he tried desperately to control his heart and beat back the tears.
“n-no, not r-really...” you whimpered, nuzzling into the center of his chest as you tried your best not to start crying again.
wooyoung really didn’t wanna say it, but it was clear at this point that it needed to be said. he knew you needed to hear it, so with difficulty and a deep breath, he forced himself to say,
“You gotta stop doing this, m/n.”
“doing what...?” you asked, unhiding yourself and looking up at him through your still-wet lashes.
“skipping the second half of your blasted written communications class and staying up all night doing work that you should have had done in class.”
“but --- don’t wannaaa...” you whined.
“i don't give a flying fuck m/n, it’s bad for you!” pouted wooyoung, giving you his signature angy puppy eyes. you being in the soft, emotionally fragile state you were in, easily caved. 
“fine.” you sighed dramatically, giving him a cute, weak pout. “i promise i’ll stay the whole class.”
“HUUUUUUUGHH, FIIIIINE,” you groaned, letting go of wooyoung and flopping onto your back under the thick blankets that adorned the bed. “and i promise i won't pull allnighters anymore, and i'll do all my work in class."
wooyoung let himself smile, finally at ease. 
“good...” he murmured, pressing another kiss onto your lips before pulling you back into his arms.
“i love you, woo boo.” 
“i love you too, my prince.”
“can I have some chocolate?” you asked, giving wooyoung your own puppy eyes. 
“no, absolutely not!” he giggled, “you cannot get into my chocolate stash right after a nightmare!” 
you huffed and pouted, your eyebrows wrinkling in mock anger. 
“hmph.” you puffed, putting your face back into his chest.
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© bouncyyunho 2023-2024.
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honeyhuii · 1 year
Coming Out
Hello everyone! I just wanted to update and inform everyone of my new gender identity. I am trans and now use he/him and they/them pronouns! That's about it, wanted to let my moots and networks know they can change pronouns on the member pages. If you could kindly reblog because I might not be able to reach all of my moots and i definitely forgot who im moots with💀
Tagging moots:@mhyori1117 @enhasfever @sungbeam @jaehunnyy @flowerboykun @heeracha @markleebee @key201303 @kkooongie
Network tags:@ankathi-a @nctcreations @stayhavens @k-vanity @kflixnet @kdiarynet @whipped-kpop-creators @k-radio @cacaokpop-fics @the-k-neverland @timenote-library @hotel-netfics @enhypennetwork @enhypenwriters
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trashlord-007 · 2 years
would u be interested in applying for timenote library or the k neverland?
Hihi Chai~
Are you an admin for both? My fluff pieces are few and far between but I wouldn't mind applying since you're apart of those networks.
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hi guys! for anyone who hasnt seen the asks my friend sent them, i'm hada, formerly known as chai. i'm the owner of @cacaokpop-fics .
i lost access to the account that owns @cacaokpop-fics, so my boyfriend and i are restarting the network -- and its probably gonna take on a different name! i really wanna rebrand it and kinda make it a little better, and one of the changes that's gonna happen is that the network is gonna become a bit more... multifandom? yea thats what i'll call it. that just means there might be, for example, more than just kpop fics reblogged-? just an example!
i am also the owner of @timenote-library, and that network will also be restarted here- but with less of a rebrand because im still obsessed with the theme i put together for it.
pls reblog this if you see it!
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cacaokpop-fics · 2 years
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▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄ 𝗮𝗳𝗳𝗶𝗹𝗶𝗮𝘁𝗲𝘀 ▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄
* the head admin autoaffiliated the two other networks he runs ! <3
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© cacao kpop
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umbralhelwolf · 2 years
im gonna post a staff call on timenote library :/
we're extremely short on staff what with yav going offline and its about time we got some more staff anyways we truly do need it :|
That's completely understandable! We really do!
0 notes
sultrybaby · 2 years
Don't Go Yet
Inspired by 'Don't Go Yet', Camilla Cabello.
💞Pairing: Jayx Fem?Reader 💞 Word Count: 300+ 💞 Warnings: It sucks to be quite honest. I haven't been feeling it lately but a lovely moot helped me thru my emo phase and now I've decided to write something. But I have to warn you, not my best work. Also, there's some kissing involved. It was intially in first person but then it seemed bad so i moved it to second person and i think that's quite obvious🤡 💞Genre: fluff?? hot?? i dunno (strangers to kissers)
You had replayed this moment thousands of times in your head, and yet nothing compared to the thrill you felt as the two of you ran to the dance floor, hand in hand, charging towards the greatest moment of your lives.
Your fuchsia silk gown crinkled in his palms, the sheer fabric reflected the golden tables and platinum walls. Your eyes’ locked, and with neither a word, nor a signal, the two of you embodied the same rhythm, shared the same soul; the earth gently kissed your feet as you stamped and jumped, swirled and hugged. There was no telling where he began and you ended.
One of his hands tightened around your waist, while the other crushed the angel on your shoulder. Tugging at his collar, you wanted nothing more than to cut off the inches of tension that separated you from him. You wanted to kiss him so badly, to caress his neck and ruffle his hair; Wanting nothing more than to hear him sing your name down your throat, while you dance as if your life ends there; pretending as if there is nothing after this. Wishing to hold him like you are no longer tethered to the monotonous life you knew before, you wanted this to be your last dance, standing alone at the center of the world with no one but him.
His eyes shone as they bore deeply into yours, the space between the two of you strongly decreasing by the second. your spirits rose, your face burned, your body froze. It felt as if everything you had ever done in your life had led to this. Your eyelids shut unconsciously, as you finally felt his lips touch yours.
The two of you rammed into a corner as he kissed you deeply. It was electrifying, yet calming. your jaw started aching as you held him close, not wanting it to end.
Suddenly, he pulled away. your body silently screamed in agony as the cold placed itself on your bare arms. It felt as if you were mildly deaf; you couldn't hear much as  he mumbled aimlessly about a flight he had to catch, and how he had to leave soon.
But you wouldn't allow it. Not now, when everything you had ever wanted was exactly in place.
Pushing him into your chest, you leaned in and whispered,
“No, Jay..,
Don’t go yet.”
Permanent all works
@gloomysunny @thomas-the-tank-engene @goldenhypen
Permanent kpop
@soobin-chois @one16core @hoonsmarsbar
@yogurteume @annoyingbitch83
@kflixnet @enhypennetworks @ficscafe @the-k-neverland
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timenote-library · 2 years
staff & member notice
Timenote Library is now open for member, affiliate and staff applications!
This is Head Timewatcher (admin) Chai speaking to you right now! 
Timenote Library recently lost a staff member, and we’re not sure when she’ll be back. We’re short on staff anyways, and our network activity is sliding into the pits! We need you to join our ranks! 
If you’d like to join as a member, submit a post right here and an admin will edit your post into a member log and post it, sending you an ask or DM when it’s posted! Please answer ALL questions BEFORE you submit the post!
If you’d like to join as a staff member, affiliate, or a mix of member, affiliate, and/or staff, just send Timewatcher Chai an ask at @taeyongslilkitty stating which position you’d like to apply for. We don’t have application forms for staff and affiliates yet, but Timewatcher Chai is working on it! 
affiliate tags @prism-nw @the-k-neverland
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spicyseonghwas · 11 months
blackbird - choi san
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pairings :: choi san x jung wooyoung guest appearances :: son seongjun (castle j; mcnd) genres/au's :: angst, fantasy, pining best friend!san, best friend!wooyoung, lowkey sorta yandere!san in one section viewer rating :: 13+ content warnings :: cursing, blood, knives, name calling, mentions of hurting a close friend word count :: network tags :: @preciousillusions-net @k-labels @cacaokpop-fics @timenote-library song :: blackbird; black veil brides a/n :: i was too lazy to edit the title & idol out of the header this is one of my first fics i ever wrote SHUT UP OKEH!! and also the second section was originally san x bf!hongjoong, but ive been obsessing over woosan lately and its more canon and makes more sense so i went ahead and changed it to pining!san x bestfriend!wooyoung
(reposted from old acc)
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living near and endless night / you'll always be the ghost in these halls i run from...
the voice behind him, the voice of the boy chasing him, cackled with insanity and immeasurable lust for blood... san couldn't get away.
he just fucking couldn't.
so san stopped. he skidded to a stop in the middle of the hallway and turned around, bristling himself. he closed his eyes tight and bowed his head, breathing heavily, ready for the feeling of the knife in seongjun's hand to pierce through his chest.
but when the pain never came, san looked up from the puddle of blood he was standing in. seongjun was standing there a few feet away, an uncertain grin on his face.
he was just...
standing there.
"just kill me already." san spat. "you've killed all my friends, the only people i care about. you've taken everything i love away from me, what more could you want? i have nothing else to give you! you know you want to, you disgusting, blood-starved little psycho."
"i can't, man..."
it took a moment for san to get over the initial shock of what the other boy had just said. but once the shock faded, san sighed heavily. a song came into his head- one that the crazy little monster in front of him had sang to himself so many times...
"you'll always be the ghost in these halls i run from..."
hold on to hope / take back your soul
wooyoung let loose a broken, tired sigh that unintentionally came out as a sort of half-whimper, half-groan.
"why, san..."
"i didn't mean for any of this to happen, joong, i mean it... seriously, i love you..." san whimpered, "you're my best friend, i love you..."
"if i was your best friend, then none of this would have happened."
san had unknowinglly hurt his best friend.
wooyoung had come home to san crying in a ball on the couch, and being the soft-ass caring little shit he'd always been, wooyoung immediately went to comfort him. they'd sat in silence for a while, san with his head nuzzled into joong's chest, before joong got up the courage to ask what was wrong.
when san confessed to what he'd done, he hadn't planned out how he was going to deal with the backlash...
and now he had to dea with the extra consequences.
san wanted to move over to sit next to his friend, hold him close to his chest...
maybe forget any of this ever happened...?
but he could see that joong didn't want that right now.
so san had nothing else to do but work it out. he had to hold on to that little bit of hope, keep his eyes on what he had left...he had to fight for the man he loved. san had never known someone who was as loving, understanding, and caring as wooyoung, and he wasn't about to let go of him just because of a silly, stupid, idiotic mistake.
"woo... please..."
"san, what else do you want from me?? you've done this two times before, i... i just can't..."
"i can't do this anymore, san..."
so just look into the sky and you’ll become the blackbird...
san's heart skipped a beat as the lyric entered his head.
he could simply...
run away.
it wasn't as if his mother was abusing him or anything, but she wasn't exactly being very much of a mother, either. she hadn't been for just about the last three years now.
they'd never find him. san was a master of hide and seek, he'd gotten it from his childhood. his father had hated him with a passion, and frequently come after him in a blind rage over his own miserable life, up until his mother came home and caught him red-handed one day.
no one had dared fuck with choi san ever since.
san held onto hope, clung onto that one shining thought: he would be eighteen soon. in less than an hour.
the second he turned eighteen, he could join the ravens and soar away in the currents of the wind.
when that split moment came, san all but ran from the house, a maniacal grin smearing his handsome, chiseled features during every second. he'd packed away everything he'd need days before, his possessions were already with mingi and jongho. san's mother had just walked in the door when san woke up; she seemed to know exactly why he was so excited...
she didn't even say goodbye.
but it wasn't like san cared.
san stood in the gravel driveway of his house, the brightest smile on his face that had ever been. he thought gleefully of maybe taking a last look at the place he'd been forced before to call his home, but his face wouldn't move toward the wreck of a house that was no longer his home.
it still wasn't like san cared.
san looked happily into the bright, blue sky and willed his invisible wings to come out of hiding. he let them fly open and grinned once more, the smile on his face and the freedom still shining in his dark, warm, chocolate-brown eyes as he spread his wings, shifting into a blackbird and soaring away into the golden morning twilight.
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© seonghwas-lighter 2023-2024.
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honeyhuii · 2 years
Welcome to the timenote library ❤️❤️❤️
thank you!
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trashlord-007 · 2 years
i wont reject ur application but i also wont rb smut since me and hira are minors <3 please be sure to double check yandere content before u tag timenote library as well~ the k neverland reblogs smut but not for minor idols or written by minors obvi <3
No worries! Thanks for letting me know~ I'll keep this in mind.
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fanfictrashlord-007 · 3 years
Moots Masterlists 《3
Sinpie (@writeformesinpie)
Ai (@effulgentfireflies)
Britt (@biaswreckingfics)
Cherry Senpai (@cherryblossomsenpai)
Ezra (@seunghyubtual)
Jen (@dontflailmenow)
JuLy (@julyarchives)
Luna [BTS ; EXO ; NCT ; SKZ] (@thotpickle-has-seen-nct)
Nana (@trippy-dejun)
Nina (@yutahoes)
Pip [Gen ; SKZ] (@creativechaoticloner​)
Sar (@kpop-stories-21)
Sarah (@taem-min) 
Sheri (@treasuretaeil)
Yena (@junjungsunwoo) 
+ my other lovely writer moots 《3 
@an-annyeoing-writer @aurorasillusion @chazz-anova @cherryeoo @erotikkook @gustingirl @jeonqquk @jeonronwoo @kazooms @kjms @kpop—scenarios @lookingforluna @mingigoo @myeoning-call @mythicwonderland @kpop-in-new-albion @obeymycok @sanjoongie @smileysuh @twancingyunhao @villainbait
+ networks/rec blogs I support 《3
@superm-net @ficscafe @straykisz @timenote-library @the-k-neverland
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