#tintin mail
ilovewigglyworms · 1 year
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mwagneto · 9 months
What's the reverse Sherlock post
this lmao the reason i say everyone misunderstands it is coz everyone either says tintin or without a clue (the movie) but neither of those fit i need these men to be middle aged and Extremely mismatched competence-wise but also ridiculously obsessed with each other. in the late 1800s
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snowangeldotmp3 · 2 years
the what a week huh meme with robin and will in the upside down
Robin: what a week huh
Will: rob its day 3
PLS this is so 😭
"god it feels like it's been forever. how long have we been down here? a week? a month? a YEAR?"
"robin, it's wednesday."
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mis3rabl3m3lody · 2 years
absolutely love that these two people are plotting each other's murder like guys we just want to eat and we speak up and just try and tell them politely to shut up or otherwise they sleep in a different room XD
Me: "Yes I know he is your enemy and he tried to kill you over some treasure but if yoU DO NOT CALM YOUR ASS FOR ONE MOMENT YOU ARE SLEEPING IN THE BATHTUB TONIGHT"
Tintin: "Please love not again-"
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jiangwanyinsimp · 1 month
An Incomplete (and Very Long) list of thing Edwin Payne missed while he was stuck in Hell
This list emerged because I was talking about how he would have missed the end of World War One and then the list kept going. It is not complete or in order, and is provided simply for posterity
spanish flu
the hindenburg disaster
the rise of public radio
Irish independence
fast food as a concept
the hinterkaifeck murders
the extinction of the california grizzly
the discovery of Tutankhamun's tomb
jet aircraft
supersonic aircraft
the moon landing
the jazz age
the first woman to swim the english channel
the BBC
Amelia Earhart
the discovery of Pluto
the crash of airship R101
the founding of porsche
the geneva convention
UK abandonment of the gold standard
the discovery of 22 elements on the periodic table
Australia starting and losing the Emu war
the creation of the Royal Christmas message
the Great Depression
FM radio
the first canned beer
pre-sliced bread
the recognition of stress as a biological condition
the extinction of the thylacine
the destruction of the Crystal Palace
the first full feature length animated film (Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs)
the nylon bristle toothbrush
the last use of the guillotine for an official state execution
Gone With the Wind (the book AND the film)
the founding of Greggs
Looney Tunes
the discovery of the Lascaux cave paintings
Agatha Christie's works
the discovery of nuclear fission and all subsequent nuclear discoveries
the airplane ejection seat
The Little Prince
the lifting of the prohibition of married British women working as teachers
the disappearance of flight 19
the first formula one grand prix
the invention of the magic 8 ball
the Doomsday Clock
the AK-47
the first commercial microwave
the Kinsey reports
the first time Idaho Fish and Game parachuted beavers into the wild
humanity's entry to space
the beginning of the broadcast of the Archers (the longest running present day drama by number of episodes)
the Korean War
the polio vaccine
the first nuclear powered submarine
The Lord of the Rings
transistor radio
the TV dinner/ready meal
the entire life of Elvis Presley
Kermit the Frog
My Fair Lady (the film and musical adaptations)
Grace Kelly's wedding
the Entire Life Of Marilyn Monroe
the Beat Generation
Helvetica typeface
the peace symbol
the Cod Wars
computer games
Dyatlov Pass incident
Missile Mail
the Declaration of the Rights of the Child
particle accelerators
the Beatles
the recovery of the Vasa
the first Six Flags
Breakfast at Tiffany's
the Vietnam War
Silent Spring
The Rolling Stones
the night of the long knives
Vatican II
James Bond
the Cuban Missile Crisis
Thích Quảng Đức's self-immolation
the "I Have A Dream" speech
JFK Assassination
the smiley face
Mary Poppins (1964)
the last British execution
high speed rail
the first time "fuck" was said on british tv
the Moors Murders
the Grateful Dead
the British parliament decriminalizing homosexuality
most of the literary career of Pablo Neruda
Fleetwood Mac
the Parker Morris Standards
the end of steam passenger travel in the UK
Led Zeppelin
Earth Day
the first temporary artificial heart
the first person to row an ocean solo
the Zodiac Killer
the nationalization of Rolls-Royce
decimalisation of UK currency
the first e-book
the first microprocessor
DB Cooper
the first email
the Biological Weapons Convention
the start of the Troubles
The Joy of Sex
all attempts to climb Mount Everest and the eventual first ascent
the invention of the Rubik's Cube
the Moorgate tube crash
the first Cricket World Cup
the global eradication of Smallpox
Star Wars
the Tenerife airport disaster
the discovery of the rings of Uranus
Red Rum winning three Grand Nationals
the Concorde
the start of the broadcast of The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
Synthetic insulin
the Thorpe affair
the release of God Save the Queen by the Sex Pistols
Monty Python
the election of Margaret Thatcher
Star Trek
Iron Maiden
the incident where the dingo ate a baby in Australia
the end of iron and steel production in the UK's Black Country
the first London Marathon
Charles and Diana's wedding
the church of England votes to elect women to holy orders
the 1981 UK tornado outbreak
the first child born by IVF
the Falklands War
the raising of the Mary Rose
the invention of ciabatta bread
the discovery of the Titanic
the King's Cross Fire
Top Gun
Lockerbie bombing
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tasam1075 · 3 months
I've got a little runaway muse (inspiring with the wrong chapters 🤔)
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here's a little snippet
Scott woke to another day of the same monotony, for the last seven years his days had very little variety.
His 'existence' was now limited to a 6ft by 9ft 'cage' that he only left for an hour each day, although it wasn't unusual for him to be left in his cell from Friday evening right through to Monday morning with no respite.
The bland (usually cold) substance that masqueraded as food was passed through the slot three times a day, he couldn't even remember what good food tasted (or looked) like any more.
Privacy was another non existent concept for him now, his occasional phone calls were always listened to and his mail (both sent and received) read by the guards.
Even when he was taken to the showers everything had to be done in front of the guards, not even a frosted screen to give him the illusion of privacy.
As awful and degrading as it had been at the start, it had now become normal for him.
He never knew whether he should look forward to the, now infrequent, visits from his family or dread the aftermath of said visit.
After every visit he was left with the brutal reality of his existence as he was taken back to his cell whilst his visitor was always free to leave, the knowledge that life had continued for his brothers just cemented the depressive nature of death row for him.
Three marriages and the only sister he'd ever actually met was Tintin, he knew that he'd never be introduced to John and Gordon's wives (at least not socially).
Ironically he'd been, indirectly, responsible for John meeting his wife even though he'd never actually met Abigail.
Three funerals that he hadn't been able to attend, no-one had even told him that Becky and their son were both dead until months after their funerals had taken place.
He didn't even know how many more grandchildren his father was now able to dote on.
He couldn't allow himself to dwell on that, not without thinking about his own son, the son whose name he still wasn't allowed to know, the son whose funeral he hadn't been allowed to attend - how could he grieve properly for his son when he wasn't allowed to know his son's name.
Although the death row cells were not 'officially' classed as solitary confinement, that had been classed as a cruel and unusual punishment, the only non-solid wall was the bars at the front of the cells.
He knew that the cells on either side were occupied but he could only ever see the occupants of the cells opposite, none of whom were given to any form of communication beyond yelled insults and obscene gestures, he usually tried to ignore them as he retreated even further into his own personal hell of the never ending nightmares and perpetual solitude of this isolating existence.
Sometimes the prison chaplain came round on one of his semi-regular pastoral visits to the 'condemned' men, he never described the death row inmates as condemned but they all knew better, a brief despite from the soul destroying reality of his existence.
The chaplain was also the only person in the prison who ever spoke to him as if he was a normal person.
Scott cherished those infrequent conversations, a rare chance to feel 'almost' human, to feel as if someone actually cared about him, at least enough to talk to him even if the conversations were always meaningless in the grand scheme of things.
Something felt different about today though, a feeling of increased tension that he couldn't quite reconcile as he walked around the exercise area.
He almost smiled to himself as he considered the 'exercise area' that was all he was allowed to use.
Twice as long as his cell but less than half the width and all he could do was walk, no other form of exercise was permitted, twenty steps forward and twenty steps back for the entire allotted hour.
The last time he tried to do anything other than walk he'd lost the 'privilege' of his daily hour of exercise for a month.
Not even any rain to break the monotony today, even sunlight had become a foreign concept for him. He'd almost forgotten what sunshine looked like, did the sky have any other colour than shades of grey? He, almost vaguely, remembered the beautiful clear blue skies of home, the home that he hadn't seen for a decade and now would never see again.
His hour of exercise now completed the restraints were back on his wrists and he was ready for the return to his cell.
Instead of going back to his cell, however, he was taken to a different part of the prison where the leg restraints were fitted before being connected to the chain now at his waist.
He was confused the last time he'd been in such restraints was the day that he had been supposed to see his grandmother, the day that she died, the day that his own brother had hit him so hard that he'd spent the next two weeks in hospital recovering from his injuries. Injuries that would have prevented him from attending his grandmother's funeral even if permission had been granted for him to be there.
"What's happening?"
He asked, not really expecting any answer, after all his occasional questions were rarely answered by anyone these days.
"You're being transferred"
Scott just stood in shocked silence as the hood was placed over his head, how could he be transferred with no notice, where was he being taken to?
His last, and only, transfer (to date) he had a few days notice. He'd been able to send his most prized possession (a photograph of Becky from happier times) to Tintin for her to keep it safe, otherwise it would have been destroyed.
Unable to see and with the restraints limiting his movement it was a helpless Scott who was taken from the prison to the awaiting transportation.
After an uncertain amount of time, and three different vehicles, the hood was removed and he could finally see his surroundings, not that there was much for him to see.
He was seated, with the restraints still in place and secured, in a steel-grey 'room' that was only a little larger than a lavatory cubicle. The only light came from somewhere above his head
What little he could see didn't fill him with any kind of hope, his restraints had been secured so completely that he couldn't bring his hands to his face. Even standing was now impossible for him, he was completely trapped until someone returned to release him and that wouldn't happen until he reached his destination, wherever that was.
Without any indication of the passage of time Scott had no idea how long he'd been 'chained' in place, in could have been hours or just a few minutes, at least in his usual cell he had an impression of the passage of time from the regular activities of the guards, there was nothing here, no indication of anything to distract his, usually all too vivid, imagination.
He didn't even know what type of vehicle he was now in.
The sudden jolt and subsequent feeling of motion surprised him. Every sense he had, if he could still trust his senses after all these years, told him that he wasn't in an aircraft and the motion and sounds did not feel like any form of road transportation that he was familiar with, as a result he came to the conclusion he was on a train.
The rhythmic sounds and movements of the train had a soporific effort on him and Scott soon found himself lulled into a somnolent state.
Scott slept as the train moved on through the night, its long journey unremarkable until it reached the river crossing.
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dimdiamond · 5 months
Due to technical reasons and to ensure that both contributors and recipients will be satisfied with the zine, the final submission and distribution dates have changed.
The final submission date moves from 21 January to 4 February 2024.
The distribution date moves from 31 January to 14 February.
To all of you who have shown interest in receiving a copy of the zine forgive us for the delay and hope you will find the wait worthy of the zine!
If you want to receive a copy too you only need to fill your mail in this form:
Under the cut follows the basic info about the zine:
Some information about the zine:
It is completely free and will be available electronically (PDF)
The publication date is February 14, 2024
The theme of the zine is ageswap, meaning it will feature an older Tintin and a younger Haddock (other characters may or may not be ageswapped)
The zine's content will focus on Tintin and Haddock's relationship
There may be NSFW content, but you can opt out of receiving it in the form
If you have any questions, do not hesitate to ask @tintinology or myself! You can message us on Tumblr or email us at [email protected]
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ladyniniane · 4 months
J'ai demandé des renseignements sur quelques formations pour savoir quelles étaient les dates des sessions etc. et depuis je n'arrête pas d'avoir des appels et des mails de commerciaux qui veulent échanger pour me présenter la formation. Mais genre...je veux juste 1 info spécifique, pas perdre 30 min au téléphone avec tintin qui va essayer de me vendre le truc.
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petitemarianna · 1 year
Quite some time since I’ve posted anything here really (quite some time is an understatement). (I mostly use my second account wanderingthroughturtlewoods which contains posts of things that I like or inspire me). I was tagged though by @freenarnian​  🌷📖 and one does not pass on the opportunity to babble about books that easily :P A book I want to reread: I’m easily bewitched by the siren call of new books so rereading is not something I usually do (although I would like to). There are actually though quite a few books that I’d like to reread, most old favorites such as: -Crime and Punishment and Demons by Dostoyevsky -The Forgotten Soldier by Guy Sajer and The Book Thief by Markus Zusak. Both books –nonfiction and a fictional alike- awakened my interest in ww2 history many years ago and I would like to revisit them at some point. -Annihilation is short of a recent favorite; first read was a very strange and fascinating experience and I want to see how I would react to the story and themes now. Any books you reread every two to five years: The Tintin series and some other childhood faves such as Harry Potter, Matilda by Roald Dahl, The Fellowship of the Ring and Le Petit Nichola by Rene Goscinny are books that I have read frequently throughout the years. There are some comics/graphic novels that I flip through regularly as well. Any books you reread once a year: There are films or tv series that I tend to rewatch annually (The Secret Garden, You’ve got mail, Ever After, Chocolat and Emma 2009 are some of them) but I don’t really do that with books. So many new stories out there and so little time! 😩 The book you reread within the shortest turnaround time: I’ve done so with some of Anton Chekhov’s short stories, maybe with Crime and Punishment (?); I remember rereading it a year after I first read it which is quite a short period for me.   I usually do this with picture books/comics/graphic novels where I want to observe the artwork more closely: -The Golden Age by Cyril Pedrosa is one recent instance, the artwork is simply phenomenal! -Blacksad by Guarnido and Juan Diaz Canales, -Petit by Hubert and Gatignol and This Was Our Pact by Ryan Andrews I have also reread shortly after I finished them. The book you've reread the most times: Quite possibly the Harry Potter series -I reread them regularly as a kid and I’ve read them a few times as an adult as well. Lord of the flies possibly falls into this category -it’s one of my favorite classics and I’d done a project on it years back, so I revisited the story multiple times at the time. The Life and Times of Scrooge McDuck by Don Rosa, Tintin and the Asterix series I’ve also read countless times in my life! Thank you so much @freenarnian for tagging me! 😊 I tag @annaholak but anyone really is welcome to it! Have fun everyone! 
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gachagon · 1 year
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NEW HAIRCUTS FOR EVERYONE (except for Yang) LETS GOOOOOO idk how to feel about Jaune's haircut right now but im sure I'll get used to it I almost didn't recognize him if it weren't for the armor lmao its kind of giving tintin a bit and i'm getting mirio vibes)
i'd have liked to see them do something with Yangs hair though like maybe put it back into that ponytail or give her a little cute accessory so she's not completely left out and they wouldn't have to cut her hair lol)
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and they're squished in the back but THEY ALSO GAVE REN AND NORA NEW OUTFITS TOO THE BRAID LOOKS AWESOME AND NORA'S DRESS LOOKS CUTE (i cant see much of it behind Crescent rose but I assume its a cute pair of pink shorts or overalls now?)
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Oscar thought ahead he was ahead of the times the rest of you are poor copy cats give him his flowers (its also WAY better then what he was wearing before i won't question where he magically got a new coat from i headcanon his aunt tracked him down somehow and mailed it to him in Jaune's sisters house. The woman has her ways.)
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I like it, it's basic but you know what it works. It's still a bit shabby like what he was wearing before, so I headcanon this is just the same outfit he was wearing before but in black and it's the only thing he packed when he decided to go on this long journey. Everyone else gets out their new outfits, and he pulls out this shit and everyone looks at him like he's crazy.
I know many men who wear the same thing like cartoon characters irl so i can see him just packing the same fucking clothes but in different varying colors.
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Penny got a massive upgrade though but that's just because her last design was literally SO basic and not all that spectacular. Now it's not so obvious she's a robot aside from her adorable legwarmers. I love the steampunk vibes happening with her main outfit though, keeps the same color scheme from her OG fit but upgrades it. I like the long hair as well, the curled ends give her an air of cartoonish-ness that the others kind of lack for some reason and really shows how she's different from everyone, almost like she defy's their worldly logic despite literally being a robot that functions in their reality.
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dragonsarecool · 2 years
Whumptober Day 6 - Ransom Video
Six: Ransom Video
A/N: I've tweaked this prompt to include ransom calls, given that videos wouldn't have existed in Tintin's day. This is also my longest one shot for this series!
Set after 'Land of Black Gold'.
He had been gone for a while. It was well after seven in the evening, and the golden beams of sunlight had almost faded completely through the gaps in the dining room curtains.
But when Tintin had said he was popping into the office to finish up his articles about Müller, he'd promised the Captain he wouldn't be long.
How he wished the boy would stop saying those words. It never led to anything good.
Haddock glanced at his watch, leaning over the table in despair. He grasped the glass of whiskey on the table in front and took a long swig, pushing away the remains of his dinner. It had grown cold since it was first served over an hour prior, but Haddock had continued to nibble as he waited. Eventually, he'd given up on Tintin returning at an acceptable hour, and had relieved Nestor of his duties for the evening, deciding instead to polish off some whiskey in his anxious wait for the young man.
He drummed his fingers impatiently on the table, his fingertips dancing over the imperfections in the blackwood surface. I should've insisted he mail those articles over…
The sharp sound of the telephone nearly sent him through the roof. He threw himself out of his chair and made a beeline for the phone, his hand violently snatching the receiver. "Tintin, where on Earth are you?! It's nearly eight o'clock, lad!"
"Oh, I'm terribly sorry," A lightweight female voice rang out through the receiver; Haddock instantly realised it belonged to an older lady. "I thought I had the correct number for the butcher-"
Haddock cut off the mystery caller with an audible sigh. "No, ma'am, this is not the butcher. His number is four, two, one. This number is four, three, one."
The sound of a scratching pencil appeared. "Oh yes, I see my mistake. Must get my spectacles adjusted again. Thank you for your help, young man!"
"My pleasure, ma'am." Haddock spoke bluntly as he slammed the receiver down. "Honestly, why can't people consult their phone books more carefully…"
Almost as soon as he'd returned to his seat, the phone rang again. "THUNDERING TYPHOONS!" Haddock stormed over and yanked the receiver so hard he almost pulled it off of the table. "Ma'am, I swear, if you're calling about the number for Cutts the butcher again, I'll-"
"Captain Haddock!" The grating, coarse tones of a male voice interrupted the Captain. "What an…unusual greeting you provide."
"Who are you?! How'd you get this number?" Haddock snapped. "If this is another prank call-"
"I assure you, Captain, I would not ring for a simple joke," The voice gave a small chuckle. "Though I am ringing to ask for something from you."
Haddock scratched his beard in frustration. "Thundering typhoons, I am NOT the butcher, and I am NOT giving you his number! Honestly, I should hang up-"
"I would advise against it, Captain," A scuffle of some sort was occurring in the background. with a loud grunt suddenly filling the line. "Bozhe moy, get him under control!"
Haddock furrowed his brow as cold dread quickly began to set over him. Don't tell me that 'him' is referring to Tintin…
"…My apologies for the interruption, Captain," The man sounded winded. "Though it does provide a good opportunity-"
"Blistering barnacles, cut the crap and get to it before I hang up!" Haddock growled. "What are you talking about?"
If the man was put off by Haddock's remark, he did not acknowledge it. "I'm looking to acquire a collection of particular items currently in your possession, as they are part of a remarkable history…After all, you are one of those men who discovered Red Rackham's treasure, aren't you?"
The Captain felt the hair on the back of his neck stand up. "And how do you know anything about that, exactly?"
"You forget, Captain, it was all over the newspapers! I had happened to be in Brussels at the time; how very fortunate for me, for it meant I could eye the newest addition to my collection," The man spoke smugly. "But, I know you would never give it up willingly, so I decided you would require some…motivation."
If the situation hadn't been so serious, Haddock would have rolled his eyes. "I know exactly who you're talking about, you pathetic little ectoplasm, and you better not have hurt him!"
Mumbled shouts came through the receiver, as did some Russian-sounding curses that Haddock couldn't understand. What he did understand, however, was the bone-chilling sound of blunt force trauma, for the mumbles quickly turned into mumbled shouts.
"We picked him up on his way into Brussells this afternoon. Would've been, what, one o'clock?" The man sneered. "Him and his dog are very easy to spot amongst a crowd, and yet no one saw us."
If his blood had been frozen solid moments ago, Haddock could've sworn it was now physically boiling. The fact that Tintin had never made it into his office made it all the worse. "BIllions of blue blistering barnacles, you better not have hurt a single micrometer on either of their heads!"
"Relax, my dear Captain," The man spoke calmly. "They are both being well cared for-"
"Well it sure doesn't sound like it!" Haddock gripped the receiver even tighter. "If he's got even a singular SCRATCH on his skin-"
"…Perhaps confirmation of his wellbeing will satisfy you?"
Haddock stumbled; this was an unusual move for kidnappers. "Yes, but-"
"Very well, Captain," The man appeared to be stumbling around, his voice fading slightly as he called to his assistants. "Bring him over."
Haddock felt himself grow cold at the sound of a handgun being clicked, though it was quickly replaced by low, mumbled groans. "…Tintin?"
"…Gmmhmnn! Hmmph!"
The Captain felt his heart sink as he listened to Tintin's muffled cries. Those earthworms won't even let him speak. "Tintin, lad, are you alright?"
Haddock decided to interpret this as a positive sign, though he knew from experience that Tintin could have an arm hanging off and still admit nothing.
"Alright, that's enough," A British voice appeared. The sounds of a scuffle emerged as Tintin's mumbles disappeared into the background.
"No, no, no! Let him to talk to me!" Haddock cried. "I need to know he's alright!"
"But you have heard he is alive, yes?" The first man answered. "And that is more than enough proof I would usually give."
"Thundering typhoons, how the hell is he supposed to tell me he's alright when he's gagged?!" Haddock roared, his face burning with anger. "You iconoclasts! Bashibazooks!"
"Really, Captain, there's no need for such language," The Russian man spoke slyly. "Here are my terms. You bring the entirety of Red Rackham's treasure, in a leather suitcase, to pier number fourteen at the docks tomorrow night at ten. You do not bring any police or assistance with you, or else Tintin is sent to join Red Rackham himself. Have I made myself clear?"
"Blistering barnacles, you expect me to-"
"I'm glad we understand each other. I shall see you tomorrow."
With a click, the line went dead, and Haddock flew into a rage. He blindly struck the wall in his anger, letting out a long collection of curses as he nursed the throbbing pain in his hand.
"Sir?" Nestor's voice floated from the kitchen. "Are you alright in there, sir?"
Haddock growled as he massaged his knuckles. "Tintin's been kidnapped, Nestor! So no, I'm not alright! I don't…" His voice faltered as Nestor entered the dining room, still clutching his faithful feather duster. "I…I don't know what to do."
Nestor made his way over to his master, a soft expression on his face. "Is Master Tintin alright, sir?"
The Captain shook his head. "They wouldn't let him talk to me…I think they were beating him, Nestor," He rubbed his eyes, partially in frustration, and partially to prevent them from leaking any tears. "They've said no police-"
"Well you can't listen to that, sir," Nestor interrupted. "N-Not that I meant any offence by that, but-"
"No, no, I understand you, Nestor," Haddock answered quietly. "…Normally, I would ring the Thompsons in a heartbeat, but-"
"I feel we will require the 'big guns' for this one, sir," Nestor emphasised with air quotes. "I'll dial for them right away, sir."
"…Thank you, Nestor." Returning to grab the remainders of his whiskey, the Captain began to make his way to the living room, knowing that the police would be wanting to speak with him as soon as possible.
He couldn't shake the feeling that something was terribly wrong. Usually when Tintin was kidnapped, he got roughed up a little, sometimes with a bruise or two, but he'd always found a way to escape. Often Tintin didn't share the fact that he'd been abducted that day until they sat down for dinner; it always made him wonder how the young man wasn't frightened to step outside his bedroom.
The fact that he was still a prisoner was concerning to the Captain. Either he was stalling for time, or these kidnappers were serious professionals.
"Blistering barnacles, how did he get himself kidnapped in four hours?" Haddock buried his head in his hands, furiously massaging his brow. "I'd almost say it was a talent…"
The frigid air of the docks stung the exposed skin on his face, sending a shiver down Haddock's spine. The hair in his beard bristled as he stood impatiently, rubbing his hands together to keep warm. Why they said to come here at such an unholy hour, I'll never know…
He gazed down at the briefcase resting in between his legs, filled with a collection of costume jewellery provided by the inspectors. It weighed roughly the same amount as the real treasure, and had even been wrapped in velvet similar to the kind that currently enveloped the true treasure. He just prayed the kidnappers would take too long to authenticate them before help arrived.
Haddock fought the urge to look at his surroundings, where he knew there were at least ten undercover officers hiding in various barrels and boxes all around the docks, ready to strike when Haddock was completing the exchange. In a way, the heavy mist that currently blanketed the air served as a bonus; the inspectors had told him that the kidnappers would be far less likely to spot their ambush until it was too late.
Haddock wished he could believe them.
A disturbance in the mist caught the Captain's eye. He watched as a tall, black-coated figure emerged, pulling his hat further over his face. The figure lifted a black-gloved finger and motioned to Haddock to come forward, which the latter reluctantly did. He clutched the handle of the briefcase with such strength as to turn his knuckles white.
Haddock's eyes narrowed as he approached the man. Although the hat did hide most of his features, he was still able to see the figure's mouth in-between puffs of his cigar. He stopped a few metres away from the kidnapper, refusing to let go of the suitcase.
The man blew a puff of his cigar. "You have the merchandise?"
Haddock recognised the Russian accent from their conversation the night before. He motioned to the suitcase. "I've got what you want, you barbaric pirates! Now let me see him!"
The kidnapper laughed. "I am in charge here. You give me the case, I give you Tintin."
"Blistering barnacles, at least show me he's alive!" The Captain shouted, remembering that the inspectors had instructed him to seek proof of Tintin's wellbeing prior to any exchange. A sudden burst of courage flooded his chest as he held the briefcase up. "Otherwise, the deal is off!"
It was a nail-bitingly long moment before the kidnapper sighed. He removed the glove from one hand and popped his fingers into his mouth, letting out a low whistle. Within seconds three men appeared from the mist, dragging a bound figure with ropes around their chest and a pillowcase over their head. They appeared to be wearing Tintin's signature blue sweater and brown slacks, but Haddock wanted definitive proof before the police moved in.
"You see? He is alive," The first kidnapper snapped, taking another whiff of his cigar. "Now give me the briefcase, and we can get on our with business."
"That could be anyone under there, you iconoclasts!" The Captain hoped the anger he was expressing was enough to hide the fact he was shaking.
With an audible sigh, the first kidnapper stomped over to the bound figure and yanked the pillowcase away. "There! Satisfied?"
Haddock almost cried with relief. "Tintin!"
The eyes of the younger man lit up with recognition, even if one of them was now heavily bruised. Apart from a black eye and some small cuts on the bridge of his nose, Tintin looked relatively unharmed. Haddock was relieved to see the young man was still fighting, squirming violently against the grip of his captors; the fact that it was taking three men to hold him back was incredible. Even through the thick medical tape wrapped around his mouth, he could still make out Tintin's mumbled pleas. The young man kept shaking his head frantically, though the message was lost in translation to Haddock. Something must be up-
"I grow tired of waiting!" The first kidnapper withdrew a pocket knife from the interior of his overcoat, the blade twinkling in the limited light. "Now hand it over!"
Haddock had opened his mouth to tell the scum-sucking earthworms what they could go and do with themselves when chaos seemed to unfold. Every policeman appeared from their hiding places - some jumped out of crates, others from rubbish bins - and directed their firearms towards the kidnappers, demanding they surrender.
The first kidnapper had moved the blade to Tintin's throat when an agonising scream tore from his throat, dropping his weapon to clutch at the new bullet hole in his thigh. He was quickly picked off the ground by two policemen, who roughly shoved up against a nearby crate to secure his handcuffs.
Having seen the game was up, the three remaining kidnappers shoved Tintin to the ground and allowed themselves to be led away handcuff-free, albeit with many handguns pointed at their backs. Haddock pushed aside a few lingering policemen and dropped to Tintin's side, heaving the young man into a seated position. "Lad, you with me?"
Tintin blinked for a few moments before nodding. Whether it was a trick of the light or his eyes were actually glistening with tears, Haddock couldn't tell, but he found himself crying as he enveloped the young man into a crushing hug. "Blistering barnacles, Tintin, thank heavens you're okay-"
"Gmmnmm!" Tintin struggled desperately in the Captain's grip.
Startled by the young man's outburst, Haddock released Tintin and began blushing red with embarrassment, his hand floating around the tape. "Oh…yes. Sorry. Forgot about…that." He felt along the tape for an edge and swiftly peeled it away, eliciting a hoarse scream from Tintin once his mouth was free.
"Sorry, lad. There was no nice way of goin' about it," Haddock threw the tape away and resumed embracing Tintin. A sudden damp sensation on his shoulder told him Tintin was crying, and he gently shushed the boy. "It's okay, lad, everything's fine now-"
"…Captain.." Tintin's voice was barely audible. He began to shake as his chest hitched with his sobs "…Merci, merci beaucoup, Captaine…"
"It's alright, lad," Haddock held the young man tight. "You're alright."
A policeman had managed to sneak around Haddock and was quickly cutting away the remainders of Tintin's restraints, allowing the younger man to fling his arms around his friend as soon as they were free.
Haddock was surprised at Tintin's reaction. Must have been a serious kidnapping for him to be this emotional. "You're alright, Tintin. It's alright."
As they sat there on that cold pier, surrounded by police, he could only hope it would be.
A/N: Translations:
(Russian) Bozhe moy = Oh my God
Merci beaucoup = thank you very much
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Benefits of studying in Belgium | Paid Education
Unilife abroad career soltions
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Benefits of Studying in Belgium
Why Belgium
Belgium is world-renowned for its chocolate, waffles and chips, being the birthplace of Hercule Poirot and Tintin, its 1100 types of beer and successful national football team, with players like Kevin de Bruyne and Eden Hazard amassing  fans all across the world. Belgian musicians such as Django Reinhardt and Stromae of ”Alors, on danse” fame  are hugely popular, but Jacques Brel continues to be the most iconic figure in the Belgian musical pantheon. Belgium is also well-known for its many festivals, liberal spirit and international focus. It has a strong economy and modern infrastructure, and an excellent healthcare and education system.
Study in Belgium
Belgium’s public university fees are extremely reasonable, with the majority of undergraduate courses costing less than 1000 euros a year for EU students. The cost of living in Belgium is lower than in neighbouring countries, and recent alumni state that their overall expenses amounted to approximately 10,000 euros a year. As is always the case, private universities and business schools charge higher fees, and what you spend depends on the type of lifestyle you choose.
Belgian universities have a strong international outlook  and offer a broad range of programmes taught in English – particularly at Master’s level. Bachelor’s degrees take three years to complete, and Master’s degrees run from 1-2 years.
Studying in Belgium - choosing a university
Belgium also offers international students the option of attending a University of Applied Sciences, which differs in its aims and methods from the more traditional research universities, listed above. If you would like to study in Belgium, contact Unilife abroad career solutions so you can discuss whether you wish to study at a research university, and get an academic bachelor’s degree. You may discover that your interests and desire for practical, vocational studies could be better met by going to a University of Applied Sciences and following a professional bachelor’s programme. A professional bachelor’s degree combines general knowledge with practical competences, including compulsory internships, and is highly sought-after by employers. 
Cost of living
As we just mentioned, the cost of living is another reason to study in Belgium. For starters, public universities in the country are relatively affordable, with yearly fees of around €900 for European students.
In terms of housing costs, students are in a good position too. Belgium has plentiful student housing options and at affordable prices. If you prefer to rent your own place, that’s also an option. Monthly rents in Belgian cities like Brussels, Bruges and Antwerp are relatively affordable. Reaching out to your host university for tips on finding housing is a great place to start.
Otherwise, expenses like food, entertainment and cultural attractions are reasonably priced. Oftentimes, student discounts can come in handy too.
Unilife Abroad Career Solutions
Contact us : 8428440444 , 8428999090 , 8608777070
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mnovenia · 5 months
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Setelah hari minggu yg nyebelin dan aku found out ada judas iskariot di sekitarku, kumencoba memproses dan menguasai diri. Minggu malem abis drop Ibu bella kita ketawa2 lagi, di jln ky org gila lagi mana lagunya neo naayege, mail chosarang. Becandain bluetooth aku, dia mau bliin baru ktnya wkwk. Sampe tintin pun dia gamau turun, ngobrol dl panjang lebar, rencana ubud dsbnya sampe disamperin pak satpam. Trus ya dia tungguin aku puter balik krn perdana pisah n beda rumah.
Hari senin kumencoba balik dg kehidupanku, ktemu pute, groceries, ga nyariin dia, n cm repost2 IG bali yewon n aku post 237 chingudeul n dia liat. Aku BSF dan disitu Tuhan banyak bicara sm aku. Yesus tau Judas akan menghianati dia, itu terjadi sesuai kehendak kedaulatan Allah, tapi dia tidak stop melayani bahkan mencuci kaki judas, dia tidak mengecualikan n tetap mengasihi. So hr itu aku WA evie lg, tny apa kabarnya, tny reno, cek kak yeni n Tuhan ajarin aku sungguh2 untuk melayani n menjalani hari untuk Dia saja, bukan keinginanku or sesuai timeline ku.
Hari selasa aku showing quadra, ktemu cun, kliling2 byk kerjaan lalu tnya dia dmn. Ternyata di dapur deli abis meeting sm bella. Dia lgsg doa kristus hr itu juga, kiyowo. Pas aku sampe kita dua2nya gak mood. Dia lg telp n pusing urusan police sim, mau bikin sim A & C ktnya buat 10 tahun, who knows what God plan is for him in Indonesia (amen). Tapi pelan2 kita lumer lagi, aku cm doa kristus, dia pun liat2an lagi, ketawa2, nyobain makananku, mood order makan n sneng ktnya tadi makan croissant first time n enak. Mo pesen kugi lg tp aku blg ati2, seoyi pernah keracunan dsni. Trus akhirnya psen yg gaenak wkwk..
Krn kantor polisi tutup kita memutuskan pergi ke mall galeria. Tempat RTS dulu, dia inget n first kita masuk NIKE. Dia mau bli, nyoba sepatu lari, dia suru aku coba jg, ktnya enak bgt tech baru. Mayan lama kita dsitu, k HM pilih2 celana renang, becanda2 terlalu sexy dll. Lalu ke bath n body work, dia cuci tanganlah, trus k vinoti, bli minum, ppang dia AA as always, then timezone. Bau, trus hrs spend min 200rb tp dia nekad. Batu bgt lagi main judi terus bner2 gabs dikasi tau, rugi tau, trus main tembak2an ngeledekin gw motae, basket jg.. taulah panas gw jd ga mood. Abis gt ke gramedia, lama banget kita pilih2 buku korea-indonesia. Bner2 ky couple yg belajar masing2 bahasa, duduk berdua di pojokan, latihan n bercanda2 ky di video clip, ga pernah terbayang di benak ku kl dalam hidup aku bisa ngalamin hal2 seperti itu.. bner2 ky mimpi ya Tuhan.. trus kita belilah 2 buku, then ke hypermart. Dia seneng bgt nemu tmpat utk suggest temen2nya souvenir2 indo yg murah. Dia blg aku tuh sneng belanja noona, soalnya waktu kecil aku gabisa huhu too poor, pengen aku pukpuk peluk nae sarang. Kita ke tmpat snack, dia inget smua snack yg aku kirimin bahkan harganya ktnya lebih murah d mart sbelah, trus semua kopi yg aku suggest n pernah kasih dia apal jg, ga sangka. Kita beli sumpit, lalu semangka aku yg pilihin (hampir batu ga percaya aku) n yoghurt. Bli sumpit n alat2 buat LG, tp jg bingung bentar lg pindahan. Trus dia cerita kmaren k transmart, gasuka makanan, fruit n sayurnya gak fresh dll. Lalu makanlah kita semangka berdua d depan hyper, dia bukain, ambilin aku sumpit, yawlah tai rasa coklat bner2.. Trus aku blg d mall itu makanan gaada yg enak, ke warung okinawa yuk..
Sampe sana dia suka banget, psen karage sushi spam, ramen, aku ikan, smua gaada yg fail. Ramennya of course dia ambilin taro d piringku, sambil aku makan dia tuangin kuahnya huhu terhura. Bneran kl dipikir seumur hidup belum pernah ada yg memperlakukan aku sperti itu ya Tuhan.. trus dia cerita uda book tiket k osaka bulan juni.. abis gt kita buru2 pulang krn dia mau nemuin efry dkk di tempat futsal, duh hatiku terharu banget rasanya.. walaupun aku tau dia udah capek setengah mati.. di jalan aku blg, ini ada nappeun spa, km jgn pergi ya gwanghui, jaebal.. dia lgsg blg di korea aku satu kalipun ga pernah ke tempat gitu noona (duh sayangku, Tuhan Yesus memang tau dan lindungi kamu ya, biar kita ktemu sama2 cleansheet, amin). Terharu bgt km jg bisa ceritain hal2 sedetail itu ke aku, thank you. Mlmnya dia kirim video efri anak, ngakak2 aja gw.
Rabu was a rough day, aku dr pagi sm martin, ke kedungu muter2, masak telat makan, ktemu Mery tp telat n salah, malah diajak ngobrol bapak investor Aman group n pak Mangku. GH marah2 jg krn kynya police sim nya gak berhasil. Dia def not in a goodmood, trus aku sempet tnya buat doa gmn, tp aku bs sense dia jg lg males walaupun dia bs ajak maksain ketemu.. dia lg d berawa, kirim foto dll.. trus aku blg aku bisa kok, and it worked. Pas doa mlm dia log in duluan, aku ky kesamber petir liat dia lg gaya2 lelucuan sm evie n yooni. Tp trus Roh Kudus menguasai aku dan bs netral bahkan enjoy berdoa bersama, even aku doain si evie panjang lebar. Dia mention: shella eonnie bappeuda, deurosseumnida, bantuin foto jg dll, tp trus yawdah gaada pembicaraan lagi dan aku slowly neutral n gak bucin lagi.. ada lose interest n shiro nya, tp jg gain my confidence kl aku jg need to be pursued, i also fine being on my own because God is with me, and God is teaching me to not put our relationship as priority on top of my relationship with God. Pagi2 dia kirim doa kristus ky ngantuk2 suaranya kiyowo..
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Tintin : Woke en stock !
Quand le Wokisme dérape totalement et s’en prend à Tintin ! Par Marc Hellebroeck Le livre interdit La censure a frappé et notre livre est devenu impubliable parce qu’il démontrait la réalité de l’Islam de nos jours.Nous vous proposons de recevoir par mail, au format PDF, au prix de 8,90 €,seulement, ce livre exceptionnel qui explique tout, sans rien occulter. Pour acheter Le livre interdit…
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mis3rabl3m3lody · 2 years
loving that our f/os are enemies idk i just find it funny
FR THO DHDBDHDBE😭🤣💀 I love when I find people who f/o characters from the same media but said characters hate each other djgsgshsb
Ok but imagine us going on a double date but those two are just glaring at each other the whole time hsgdxbsjs--💀💀
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brookston · 10 months
Holidays 8.9
Battle of Gangut Day (Russia)
Betty Boop Day
Book Lovers Day [also 1st Saturday in Nov.]
Caper Day (French Republic)
Clean Out the Kitchen Cupboards Day
Cranham Feast (Gloucestershire, UK)
Dag der Inheemsen (Indigenous People’s Day; Suriname)
Defense Forces Day (Zimbabwe)
809 Day
Frank Zappa Day (Baltimore)
Indigenous People’s Day (Suriname)
International Art Appreciation Day
International Coworking Day
International Day of the World's Indigenous People (UN)
International Pigtail Day
International Sundance (Lakota; Manitoba, Canada)
Jesse Owens Day
Laugh At Religion Day
Meyboom (Brussels and Leuven, Belgium)
Moment of Silence Day (Japan)
Moon’s Day
Nagasaki Day
National Billiards & Pool Day
National Hand Holding Day
National Peacekeepers Day 9Canada)
National Polka Day
National Psychiatric Technician Appreciation Day
National Rebecca Day
National Women's Day (South Africa)
Nippy Day
Official Air Guitar Day (Kansas City, Missouri)
Patient Application Day
Quit India Day (India)
Rain of Mussels Day (Germany)
Sean Astin Appreciation Day
Send An E-mail Day
Smokey the Bear Day
Unicorn Day
Veep Day
World Adivasi Day (India)
World Baijiu Day
World Book Lover’s Day
World Tribal Day (Parts of India)
Food & Drink Celebrations
National Passion Fruit Day
Rice Pudding Day
Swiss Roll Day (Sweden)
2nd Wednesday in August
Crayfish Premiere (Sweden) [2nd Wednesday]
National Psychiatric Technician Appreciation Day [Wednesday of 2nd Full Week]
World Calligraphy Day [Wednesday of 2nd Full Week]
Independence Days
Bradonia (Declared; 2020) [unrecognized]
Singapore (from Malaysia, 1965)
Feast Days
Candida Maria of Jesus (Christian; Saint)
Edith Stein (a.k.a. Teresa Benedicta of the Cross; Christian; Saint)
Fedlimid (a.k.a. Felimy) of Kilmore (Christian; Saint)
Fénélon (Positivist; Saint)
Festival for Sol (Ancient Rome)
Festival of Sol Indigis (Roman Sun God; Ancient Rome)
Firmus and Rusticus (Christian; Saint)
Herman of Alaska (Russian Orthodox Church and related congregations; Episcopal Church (USA))
Invisible Pixy Spotting/Swatting Day (Pastafarian)
John Vianney (1950s – currently 8.4; Christian; Saint)
Mary Sumner (Church of England)
Media Aestas I (Pagan)
Nath Í of Achonry (Christian; Saint)
Pierre-Étienne Monnot (Artology)
Remembrance for Radbod, King of the Frisians (Asatru/Norse Pagan/The Troth)
Romanus Ostiarius (Christian; Saint)
Rosencranz & Gilderstern Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Secundian, Marcellian and Verian (Christian; Saints)
Talk to the Invisible Pixies Day (Pastafarian)
Trevor (Muppetism)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Butsumetsu (仏滅 Japan) [Unlucky all day.]
Lucky Day (Philippines) [44 of 71]
The Abyss (Film; 1989)
The Art of Racing in the Rain (Film; 2019)
The Blue Lotus, by Hergé (Graphic Novel; 1934) [Tintin #5]
Come September (Film; 1961)
Dizzy Dishes, featuring Betty Boop (Fleischer Cartoon; 1930)
Donald’s Vacation (Disney Cartoon; 1940)
Dora and the Lost City of Gold (Film; 2019)
Elysium (Film; 2013)
Endangered Species, by Lynyrd Skynyrd (Album; 1994)
Escape from L.A. (Film; 1996)
The Glass Bead Game, by Hermann Hesse (Novel; 1943)
Hopp-Go-Lucky (WB LT Cartoon; 1952)
Hot Fun in the Summertime, by Sly and the Family Stone (Song; 1969)
In a World… (Film; 2013)
Jack (Film; 1996)
Just to See You Smile, by Tim McGraw (Song; 1997)
Lovelace (Film; 2013)
Mary Poppins, by P.L. Travers (Novel; 1934)
The Moomins and the Great Flood, by Tove Jansson (Children’s Book; 1945)
My Science Project (Film; 1985)
Outlander (TV Series; 2014)
The Peanut Butter Falcon (Film; 2019)
Pee-Wee’s Big Adventure (Film; 1985)
Pil’s Adventures (Animated Film; 2022)
Planes (Animated Film; 2013)
Ready! Steady! Go! (BBC TV Series; 1963)
Real Genius (Film; 1985)
Reservation Dogs (TV Series; 2021)
Ruben Brandt, Collector (Animated Film; 2018)
Saturday Night Fish Fry, recorded by Louis Jordan (Song; 1949)
September (Film; 1961)
Shooting Rubberbands at the Stars, by Edie Brickell & the New Bohemians (Album; 1988)
Walden, by Henry David Thoreau (Short Story; 1854)
Wet Paint (Disney Cartoon; 1946)
xXx (Film; 2002)
Today’s Name Days
Edith (Austria)
Firmin, Roman, Terezija, Tvrtko (Croatia)
Roman (Czech Republic)
Rosmanus (Denmark)
Deboora, Imma, Melita, Mesike (Estonia)
Eira, Erja, Nadja (Finland)
Amour (France)
Altmann, Edith, Roman (Germany)
Triantafilia, Triantafilos Triantafyllos (Greece)
Emőd (Hungary)
Fermo, Maria, Romano, Rustico (Italy)
Ģedimins, Genoveva, Madara, Tautgodis (Latvia)
Mintartas, Rolandas, Romanas, Tarvilė (Lithuania)
Ronald, Ronny (Norway)
Jan, Klarysa, Miłorad, Roland, Roman, Romuald (Poland)
Ľubomíra (Slovakia)
Román, Teresa (Spain)
Roland (Sweden)
Mark, Markian (Ukraine)
Felim, Ledell, Phelan, Phelim, Phelps (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 221 of 2024; 144 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 3 of week 32 of 2023
Celtic Tree Calendar: Coll (Hazel) [Day 2 of 28]
Chinese: Month 6 (Ji-Wei), Day 23 (Ji-Hai)
Chinese Year of the: Rabbit 4721 (until February 10, 2024)
Hebrew: 22 Av 5783
Islamic: 22 Muharram 1445
J Cal: 11 Hasa; Foursday [11 of 30]
Julian: 27 July 2023
Moon: 38%: Waning Crescent
Positivist: 25 Dante (8th Month) [Fénélon]
Runic Half Month: Thorn (Defense) [Day 12 of 15]
Season: Summer (Day 50 of 94)
Zodiac: Leo (Day 19 of 31)
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