#tiny bebs
joonas-curls · 11 months
Anyway here are some pics of my favorite babes
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rbf451 · 2 years
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nagitolovemotel · 1 year
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Have you ever wanted to bite on the someone lovingly
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arvensimp · 2 years
i hope this isnt too depressing, but i lost my dog today and i was hoping i could request arven comforting the reader after their dachsbun passes. my dog was half dachshund, so i fell in love with dachsbun the moment i saw them. thank you <3
Oh no, beb! I'm really sorry to hear that!!! I'm wishing the very best for you and your loved ones during this difficult time. Grieving the loss of a pet can be just as difficult as grieving the loss of any family member, so please take care of yourself! I hope this helps some. ♥️
Arven x reader, comfort
Arven is with you that day, all day. Dachsbun had been sick for a long time, and the nurses had advised that this would be the quickest, most painless route for them.
So, you choose to help Dachsbun go out on a happy note. That day, you're able to give them all the treats they usually wouldn't be able to have and take them on one last ride down the beach. They splash and play in the surf until their little legs give out, happy and tired. Mabosstiff gives them a ride back up to you and Arven further up the shore. From there, the four of you walk along the sand together, enjoying the breeze and sunshine.
Arven has little treats he made just for Dachsbun, tiny snacks to nibble on as they continue riding atop Mabosstiff. Eventually you're all tuckered out, and the pokemon return to their balls. You hold Dachsbun's ball in a tight fist while clinging to Arven as you make your way to the pokemon hospital.
It was time.
The end has to come for us all eventually, and the best we can hope for is comfort when it arrives.
It's difficult to let go and say goodbye, but you know it's the right choice to set Dachsbun free. Dachsbun knows too, and they understand. As they lay in your arms, falling asleep to the hushed sounds of your voice while you hold back tears, they think about all of your happy memories together. The first time you met, the wonderful foods you ate together, the games you played, and the belly rubs, oooh, the belly rubs!!!
Dachsbun drifts away contented, no longer in any pain, in the safest place they could ever be, and you finally allow yourself to properly break down.
Arven holds you together as you fall apart, petting your hair and rocking you gently. When you finally feel up to it, you leave together, hand in hand.
Dachsbun's remains are kept and buried in a box with their PokeBall. Included also is a pair of wise glasses, so Dachsbun can always see you wherever you are; a substitute plush, so they're never alone; and a letter written by you to them, telling you just how much you love and miss them and what a wonderful job they did as a member of your family.
The grieving process is never easy, and it always takes time. Arven knows this better than anyone, so he's here for you every step of the way.
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muddyorbsblr · 1 year
thots & theories :: loki season 2 episode 1
This post will contain spoilers for the first episode of Loki Season 2 under the cut so please if you haven't watched yet, then press Keep Reading at your own risk.
What you will find under the cut: Whoring out and the return of a side of me that I never actually thought would ever come out again…"Theorist Ally" 🥴🫡
Please tell me I wasn't the only one at risk of heading to the ER from choking after seeing that first shot of TVA agents chasing Loki down the hallway like besties & fellow whores I did not have "Marvel mercifully decides to leave the mango untouched" in my 2023 bingo card. But we actually got that shot in HD now and it's blowing my tiny whoring mind 🥵😮‍💨
And all the hair flips we got once he lands from a time slip with the tense jaw and neck muscles like Sir we're trying to feel for you and feel the urge to wrap you in a blanket and give you cuddles, but you're making it really hard not to think about [redacted]
Lemme just give y'all some shots that had me feeling all kinds of ways throughout this episode:
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Something I really appreciated in this was that while Loki was concerned about how the time slipping looked to people witnessing it, Mobius was more concerned about how Loki felt experiencing it. Precious beb deserves to have someone that actually cares to that level and that bit just warmed my cold dead heart 🥹
In the same vein as above, Mobius' refusal to give up on Loki coming back until the last possible second and even begging OB to hold off a little longer really struck a chord with me because again, he now has someone that isn't just concerned about his well-being but also will believe in him even if everyone's going to tell them to give up 💖
The scene where OB was remembering new memories from his past in realtime during his conversation with Mobius in the present was something that I found insanely clever like let me tell you I was geeking out about it on my couch at 9am on a Friday morning
The sequences where Loki begins to realize in seconds where he's been yoinked off to in the timeline was a really good showcase of how smart our stabby boi is because he was using elements in his surroundings to form a timeline in his head to estimate where he was and he's doing all this under the pressure of not knowing when he's going to disappear again and under visibly excruciating pain 🥺💖
I'm living for the fact that B-15's part of the main group of characters and she really served that look of "are you fucking kidding me and right in front of my salad" when General Dox and X-5 were having their little moment.
Speaking of Dox and X-5…something's going on with those two and if y'all are thinking "mother/son" then lemme just nudge you in the direction of Oedipus Complex because…something about those two don't sit right with me 😖😖
The whole profound emotional moment with Sylvie finally feeling like she can breathe and not have to worry about running anymore and actually eat something that isn't something she hunted would have had the teeniest bit more impact if it didn't take place in a McDonald's but I gotta admit I too have once considered trying the entire menu 😂
Let's start off with my theories surrounding the scene where they fix the Temporal Loom because I have a feeling that we're going to be returning to that sequence and that setting quite a few times towards the end of the season. And with that sequence alone I have so many questions.
Like how did Sylvie get stuck in the elevator? Who pruned Loki that allowed him to return to his present timeline and also save Mobius in the process? Who's on the other end of the line on that ringing phone in the future? Why is General Dox sending troops upon troops of Minutemen to Sylvie's location and how is she even certain that where they're all headed off to is the location they're after?
So here's a few of my theories/predictions for what we're about to see as Season 2 plays out:
Loki prunes himself – I think we're going to revisit that scene where Loki gets pruned only from a more future Loki's point of view where we see that he's the one that prunes Episode 1 Loki so that he could be extracted and returned to his present timeline. He's the one holding the time stick.
General Dox is a tertiary antagonist – in the grand scheme of the season I think she and X-5 will probably at most be a nuisance with some firepower, but they're not the biggest threat after Kang, which leads me to…
OB is a secondary antagonist – I know I know we love him right now because he's fun and quite matter of fact, but hear me out. I think that his priority will be fixing the Temporal Loom which goes against what at least B-15 stands for because each branched timeline has countless lives living in them. He knows how the loom works and he knows how to repair it, so he puts that above all else to the extent where he could try and reconcile them all once again into a Sacred Timeline. Point is, he won't want the Loom to break.
Rennslayer and Kang are the primary antagonists…and maybe also Minutes? – that casual hard launch in the beginning scenes where Loki's in the past TVA hasn't left my mind and I think this is where we're headed
And now here's where I go tin foil hat and give my most out there theory that I hope won't happen but something tells me that it will.
So…y'all know how in Doctor Who, Clara Oswald sacrifices herself into the Doctor's timeline and splits herself into thousands (maybe even millions) of iterations of herself with the singular goal of saving the Doctor? She becomes a being that is destined to make that decision again and again because the Clara that jumped into the timeline was a life that's probably already been created as a result of that very sacrifice?
That type of circular infinite path of life is like the snake that's forever doomed to eat its own tail in a circle until the end of time. That concept and that symbol is called an Ouroboros.
And now that I've given that long winded intro here's the part where some of you are about to click off and call me delulu and you know what valid but if you're still here and you wanna see the clown show here we go:
Loki will become an Ouroboros
I don't think this episode was just titled "Ouroboros" because we're being introduced to OB. I think there was a more profound meaning to the episode title, that meaning being that this is the path that Loki's headed down. I think he sacrifices himself in the scene where he faces the Temporal Loom without a protective suit on and this will cause him to split into infinite versions of himself throughout the timelines. And one of these infinite versions will find himself in the Future TVA where he sees the Loki from Episode 1 running in search of a time stick.
Now I can already hear some of you going "But Ally why would he do that?" And I'm going to pull from Loki's words directly to explain what his motive could be to do such a thing:
"I want to save my friends"
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Now with all that being said, I'm totally open to other theories and I genuinely hope that my big theory is not correct because I really don't like that that's the route my brain went when trying to connect the pieces.
Gonna go and tag some usual suspect besties in this (and not gonna put this into the series tag because self preservation): @gigglingtiggerv2 @holdmytesseract @smolvenger @coldnique @peachyjinx @gruftiela @lokisgoodgirl @loopsisloops @give-me-a-moose @lokischambermaid @tallseaweed @mischief2sarawr @maple-seed @joyful-enchantress @november-rayne @ladyofthestayingpower @fictive-sl0th @mochie85 @liminalpebble @simplyholl +++
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alastor-the-demon · 7 months
at least I think I’d be tiny to you -Beb
Me being 7 feet tall? Probably.
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fourmula1 · 2 years
I love seeing max get a little softer during the winter break and I mean if they timed it right a winter break baby would be feasible! He’s gonna pop a Capricorn baby in January… a chonk with blonde locks, a circular beb. And it’s perfect bc Daniel is only gonna travel to like half of the races next year… it’s gonna be tough for max though to be away. But of course I will win for him Daniel and you as well
549 words. cw: newborn baby gunk.
Daniel’s seen a lot of beautiful things in his life.
National parks and mountains and waterfalls. The cliffs and harbour and sunshine of Monaco. The view from podiums where he’s champagne-soaked and taking in the crowd below.
Nothing quite like this, though.
Nothing quite like the sight of a sweaty, crying Max, and a screaming, writhing, gunky baby laid on Max’s chest.
Now Daniel’s seen God and he knows his life will be forever different.
“Oh my god, babe,” Daniel says as he strokes through Max’s sweaty hair, presses a kiss to his temple as he looks down at Max cuddling their tiny, perfect son to his chest. The baby is crying – loud and shrill – and nuzzling into Max’s chest and Daniel is stunned with the sight of it all.
Two minutes ago he was just Daniel, and in the blink of an eye he’s now Dad.
“You did so good,” Daniel tells Max as he reaches out to touch their tiny baby’s back. He hasn’t been cleaned up yet but Daniel doesn’t care. He’s perfect and tiny and theirs. “Look at him, he’s perfect,” Daniel says, feels the emotions catching up to him.
“Fuck, Daniel,” Max says, both shocked and delighted. Pregnancy was always the knowledge that eventually there’d be a baby but it was hard to imagine the reality of it until this moment. “He’s here,” Max tells him.
Around them nurses are buzzing around getting the receiving area ready to weigh and measure their son and take his vitals, another nurse cleaning Max up, so much action around them but Daniel can’t find it in him to look away from the way their little tiny baby’s eyes blink open slowly as he settles into his Papa’s warmth. Time stops, he’s sure.
“Do you want to cut the cord, Dad?” A nurse asks and Daniel jerks his head up. No one’s ever called him that before.
“Yes,” He says, breath knocked out of him as the nurse gives him the cord-cutter and shows him how to do it. Their baby is alive and real and perfect and Daniel just cut the cord and he’s crying and Max is crying and life is different forever, now.
“We’re just going to weigh baby and check him over,” the nurse tells him as she comes over with a soft receiving blanket to scoop their little son up from Max’s chest. Something clenches in Daniel’s heart at seeing their baby taken away, an instinctual, guttural growl almost leaving him before he remembers that they’re doing what they should be.
Instead, his attention goes back to Max, stroking down his beautiful face and pressing a kiss to his lips.
“You did it, Maxy,” he says, smiling big and bright. Max looks exhausted and Daniel can’t blame him. Max leans his head back and closes his eyes, a smile of his own on his face as he breathes.
Daniel watches as the nurses across the room do their thing, watches his tiny little baby be moved from scale back to receiving bed and be wrapped up warm and tight in a swaddle.
Daniel’s a full-time dad now. Max is going back to racing in just a few short months. Their lives are never going to be the same, in all the best ways.
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spidermilkshake · 6 days
I have all the prep to sell my assassin snail bebs to good homes, my gorgeous pair of lyretail mollies just had their first babies... My shrimps number in the hundreds (on a continuous level, since ancient beeg ones and tiny shrimplets are all present from my breeding project). My 12 pygmy corydoras babies are all now subadults and a few are reunited with their parents in the main tank. Assassin snails are up the wazoo as mentioned. Plants. Plants are planting. Soon, a 5.5 gallon will house a rescue betta and a mystery snail extra. The single baby flame tetra I managed to save while the parents spawned in the main tank is now almost as big as the young ones added to bring the school size up to 8. And is probably another beaut lil female from her colors. I am experiencing good aquarium things. :D
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lizzybeth1986 · 2 years
Coffee-Brown Eyes
Book: Perfect Match
Pairing: Sloane Washington x Hawthorne Park (black m!MC), Sloane Washington x Alana Kusuma (briefly).
Rating: PG
Summary: A small drabble about Sloane's struggle to look people in the eye.
Word Count: 886 words
Note: My HC for Sloane has always been that she is autistic, and one of the things some autistic people struggle a lot with is eye contact. So this is an exploration of Sloane in that context. The quote in my moodboard for this comes from writer and artist Judy Endow (Here's an article she wrote on Autism and Eye contact, along with her artwork on the same! I highly recommend reading it!)
Tagging @choicesficwriterscreations for Fics of the Week
Hawthorne Park - Daniel Kaluuya
Sloane Washington - Nelly Muse)
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Their fingers brush as the cup passes from his hands to hers; Sloane allows her touch to linger a second longer on Hawthorne's knuckles. From underneath her lashes, she steals a moment's glance into the laughing warmth of his eyes.
She doesn't notice how fleeting that one look is - she never will - but he does. They've been together long enough for her to feel as comfortable with his touch as she would her own, yet the one thing that remains a constant is the persistent wandering of her eyes.
Sloane sips the brew in front of her with her eyes closed. Black, no sugar. Nothing to mask its sharp, invigorating bitterness. Sloane likes her coffee the way she likes her chocolate, the way she likes Hawthorne's eyes. Dark, sharp, shining. Deeply overwhelming.
She peers in Hawthorne's direction again. He isn't looking, thank God, but she can still see his face from this vantage point. She can still see his eyes. A tiny thrill shimmies its way through her spine.
It's so much easier like this. Eyes are fascinating things to look at, really. All those colours, all the myriad changes in hue when the lighting or mood was slightly different. When she was a child she would stare, enthralled, at pools of limpid blue and sea green, searching for shades she knows she would never find in a mirror. But now she's older, now it's darker colours that hold her attention.
She loves looking into people's eyes.
But only when they aren't looking back.
Not that Sloane had been aware of this trait of hers, not until the last few years. She'd spent almost all her teen years and half her adult life not even thinking about whether she looked at people differently from everyone else.
It's one of the first things I noticed about you, Damien would tell her one night in Indonesia, staring listlessly at a campfire. And it made me wary. Most of the time you'd never look anyone in the eye. Made me wonder what you were hiding.
A corner of Sloane's mouth quirks up a little. She did have plenty to hide when she first met them all, that was true. As for the rest...clearly Damien knows by now that she could be spitting truths while having the same restless, roaming gaze.
Of late she's begun to notice the same restlessness in Zinnia's too. Limpid and sky-blue, they widen and constantly seem in search of something. Sloane has often wondered if, subconsciously, she'd had something to do with that. Could she have passed on a trait she hadn't even noticed in herself, to the Match she helped create?
"Probably," Alana whispered against her curls last night, her curves moulded against Sloane's own, her fingers tracing lazy patterns of fire across her stomach. "When you do try to look someone in the eye, you're painfully obvious about it. And I do mean painful, beb. Because you look like you're in literal pain when you have to do it for that long. Zinnia has that look too."
Sloane was surprised enough to stare at her girlfriend, long enough that she could feel the aching strain at the corners of her eyes, images like whitened nerve-endings dancing around her field of vision.
Alana smiled, her deep brown eyes glistening. In this light, they seemed to possess the texture of velvet. "Twenty seconds."
"What?" The tip of Sloane's tongue nervously touched her bottom lip, forcing Alana's gaze from her eyes to her mouth.
"The longest you've looked into my eyes," she let out a throaty laugh, covering Sloane's lips with her own....
"Earth to Sloane," Hawthorne's deep, rumbling voice takes her out of her reverie. "Drink up, honey, or your coffee will go cold."
Sloane's smile is heart-stoppingly sweet, Hawthorne thinks - especially with how she holds the mug so close to her and casually shrugs her shoulders. "Imagine that, our very own homemade cold brew."
Hawthorne silently raises his own mug, his hand gripping the windowsill. The sunlight streams in from the window, bathing his face - his eyes! - in light.
In the shadows, his eyes are dark, almost black. They're already the colour of the deepest, sharpest coffee. You could almost fool yourself into believing such eyes were incapable of changing colour, of possessing an entire bouquet of hues and shades. Lord knows she'd believed that enough in front of the mirror as a child.
In sunlight they're twin pools of honey, she can almost imagine that colour flowing in thick, cascading waves. In sunlight they're the colour of tiger eye gems - glowing golden. Under her eyelashes, Sloane stares shamelessly, breathlessly, hoping against hope Hawthorne will take at least a little longer to look back. This sight is too beautiful for her to turn her eyes away from now.
Unbeknownst to her, Hawthorne stifles a smile. He has long since trained his eyes to shift their gaze away a little longer. Long since learned to resist the temptation of letting her know he's watching her watching him. Long since allowed his eyes to be the ecstatic twin objects of her admiring gaze, rather than enthusiastic participant.
It's a tiny, worthy sacrifice, for that look of pure pleasure it brings in her own eyes.
Sloane grins as she looks away. Hawthorne's own coffee must be cold now but she suspects he won't care.
Hawthorne grins as he turns towards her. One minute twenty seven seconds.
* Beb - Indonesian for "babe".
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skrimbloskromby · 1 year
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Celebrating Caturday with my 7 cats! My kittens Birch, Fern, Daisy, and Oak are 4-5 months old now, they're teen kitties now! Overall Tiny, Pepper, and Valentino are getting along and playing with each other and the bebs now too :))
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nagitolovemotel · 1 year
Looks like a little guy a little feller even
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elaichoi · 1 year
PLSDJJIDS I WAS THE OPPOSITE like i didnt wanna pay money but also like i had to have it to reach my fullest potential 👹👹👺
yes exactly i burnt out big time OTL cheers to being *less* mentally ill in the near future ^3^
that's totally understandable,, from the way i see it a majority of the asian population that goes by undiagnosed is v large,, and i'm not basing this off of any actual studies though i know there are some out there- but rather just the role culture (at least in most east asian cultures is as far as i'm qualified to speak for lol) plays in mental health makes diagnosis and treatment,, idk and just going by undiagnosed makes me sad that there are ppl who think this is the norm and that it's something you are expected to get over bc it's something "everyone goes thru" :( i very much relate on the front of gaslighting urself/being gaslit into thinking u just can't handle struggles that "everyone else manages to manage well" n that rlly sucks im sorry beb </3
DAMN LOL we r on the same boat on the same river 🥲 my little tiny snowball also started out w family problems and oh my god my mental health has come out of its hiding >o< i remember my counselor describing it as an unvented pressure cooker lmao
don't answer if you don't wanna, but do you still feel that way in the sense of repressing ur emotions? like refusing to acknowledge it ? i think i was like that for a small period of time but now im like the complete opposite which is like half miserable half not lmfaoo i will forever be the biggest advocate for anyone getting therapy even if u think u don't need it,,, but!! i also know its a big step and may not be accessible for some :<
no yeah cus i feel so gross and overwhelmed and like not in control of things and so ill start spiraling if i dont get up and take a shower ^_^
not throwing pity confetti in your face, just as someone who can relate at least in some ways, big kudos to u for having so much patience to put up w everything bc it must b very hard not to lose ur marbles all the time,,,, standing w u solider 🫡
OH TRUE I FORGOT AB THAT UGH BARF i remember ig always fucked up my video quality saur bad even after rendering n shit T_T
aaa goodluck bae<3 hehe yeah i always rlly want to after seeing so many pretty edits jdksdkf i might i might we shall see :>
mental health is such a fuck up like it's like a ticking bomb the way it can go off at any point of life and the urge to ghost everyone, im so ashamed fr
yeah like most of asian countries i feel like. in our culture mental health is seen as something that is seen interjected with "adulting" like when you grow up you're supposed to feel like this and it's your duty to like make peace with it and if you try to seek help for it your family members kinda take it like a failure like you couldnt even deal with this? there's just a whole lot of stigma surrounding it and on top of that, therapy not being that widely available in south asia is a huge problem.
bro pressure cooker, im glad to know you're actually very up front with your feelings now. it's always better than bottling them up, at least you don't feel like a stranger to yourself either, my issues make me feel like an imposter within myself like it's hard to distinguish between things that I feel like I'm making up and the other things that's fucking me up.
lmao ngl I was like those scenario and concept editors right I would have continued to edit bc my edits were like THSIE most beautiful scenes in kpop mvs but I stopped bc the resolution was ASSS THAT TOO WHITE ASSS!!!!!
OMG i wonder how i rizzed u up 😩😩😩😩
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moonbiscuitsims · 1 year
Lizzi and Beb part 2
Part 1 and my backstory for them is here As I mentioned in my previous post, sorry for bad quality, these pics are before I knew about SRWE and weren't taken with Tumblr in mind.
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Going on vacation really helped them improve their relationship and have fun together like when they first started dating, reminding them of why they wanted to work on their relationship rather than just let it fizzle out into nothing.
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Using a lot of Tiny Twavellers stuff by @felixandresims and @harrie-cc because it is perfectísimo like literally everything else they make.
Unfortunately I cannot remember what I named their kids, as I said these are old pics but they're super cute.
I think I use tons of their CC in this build but can't remember which sets they are, also probably other creators. The photo on the wall I believe is @ravasheencc
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Weirdly I had surprisingly few issues with the infants themselves (though the infants patch basically broke my game for a whole month), once I could actually play it was completely fine.
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ibis-gt · 3 years
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lil high school au comique....... flustered babbies
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junibugs · 3 years
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his little baby hands and feet>.<
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pawsanddraws · 3 years
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