#tiny creature alhaitham
lumyl · 5 months
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kaveh and alhaitham maybe
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liyue-harbour · 8 months
dance with fireflies
alhaitham x reader convincing the acting grand sage to accompany you on a little midnight journey and it was then he realised that you mean much more to him
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convincing the acting grand sage alhaitham to accompany you on a little midnight escapade to the mawtiyima forest went a lot smoother than you had anticipated. sure he hesitated at first, his reserved nature resisting the pull of your enthusiasm. but there was something in your eyes, a spark of excitement and wonder that intrigued him. reluctantly, he followed, steps cautious yet undeniably drawn by your infectious spirit.
as you ventured deeper into the forest, the darkness was illuminated by the flickering lights of the fireflies. their dance was a mesmerizing symphony of light, weaving through the night like a thousand shooting stars. you couldn't help but marvel at the beauty of the moment, your eyes reflecting the enchantment of the fireflies' glow.
alhaitham watched you, his gaze lingering on your face as you gazed in awe at the tiny creatures. there was a softness in your expression, a genuine joy that seemed to dissolve the icy walls around his heart. in that moment, he realised that he was not just observing the fireflies; he was witnessing the reflection of your soul, illuminated by the gentle light of the night.
“fireflies have always intrigued me," you ventured, breaking the silence with a whisper, your voice as soft as the fluttering wings of the luminescent insects. "their dance is so fleeting, yet within that brief moment, there is a beauty that lingers in the heart."
alhaitham regarded you with a measured glance, his expression unreadable. "their light is but an illusion," he replied, his voice as cool as the night air. "a fleeting spark that fades into darkness."
you smiled gently, undeterred by his aloofness. "perhaps," you said, your tone thoughtful, "but isn't it the ephemeral nature of their glow that makes it all the more precious? like a hidden gem that reveals itself only to those who take the time to appreciate its brilliance."
your eyes met his, and for the first time, alhaitham saw his reflection in the depths of your gaze—a reflection that revealed the vulnerability he had long tried to conceal. for a moment, there was a flicker of something in his eyes, a subtle shift as if your words had struck a chord within him. he turned his gaze back to the fireflies, watching their dance with a newfound intensity.
alhaitham felt a strange warmth spreading through his chest, a feeling he couldn't quite comprehend. it was as if the fireflies had ignited a spark within him, illuminating the depths of his emotions.
in the quiet of the night, with the fireflies as witnesses, he realized the truth that had been veiled from his understanding—he was in love with you. the revelation settled in his heart like a gentle whisper, filling the void that had long existed within him. he found himself entranced not only by the fireflies but by the way you looked at them, your eyes alight with wonder and fascination. and as the night deepened, the both of you continued to watch the fireflies, your presence a comforting presence beside him.
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litenmyra · 4 months
Genshin G/t ideas (this does include 4.2 AQ spoilers!)
(Because it's been a while since I indulged in a bit of fandom G/t. Some of these are stories I am planning on working on, and some are just ideas I just wanna throw out there) Nothing of this is too elaborative, just general ideas! Long text under the cut! This also gets so much more descriptive by each idea I have, I am treating this sort of like a drafts for how I should word it should I continue to writing some stories. So they will also abruptly end without a conclusion here, and with a lot of rambling, I apologize beforehand for that <3 Warnings: Fearfulness from the tinies, spoilers (but not really beyond the latest AQ), long post, feel free to tell me if I missed something!
A shrunken Furina and the caring Hydro Sovereign that finds her(after the AQ) - Neuvillette finds her in her house one day shrunken. She had hidden underneath her bed, and he coaxes her out patiently. Yes, Furina absolutely trusts her friend, but this is still a very exhausting and scary situation she has found herself in. He assesses the situation and sits with her, calming her down for a long time after she’s come forth - Maybe even a development of his protectiveness ;-D - He has a specific pocket just for Furina until they can fully address and fix her situation, he does not keep her there against her will, and even when protective of the human he trusts her to not do anything hasty. He is however afraid of someone else finding her, as only a few people know of her situation, and since she is a character of status it terrifies him to think about what might occur if she’d be taken by the wrong people - She follows him to his court duties (if she wishes to, otherwise she's often at his desk napping, or with one of the working melusines) and whenever she's with him at a trial he is extremely mindful of her presence, being more careful with how he slams the cane down, as well when now not-shouting "order" - Wind is catching about how the former Archon has disappeared, and the highest and important figures (Wrio, Navia, Clorinde, Neuvillette, even Charlotte who has sworn not to say or write down anything about the situation Furina has found herself in) are not revealing anything and say that they are working hard to gather information about Furinas whereabouts
Borrower Kaveh living in Alhaithams house- Kaveh thinks the acting grand sage is none the wiser to his "tenants" existence. He's been here for the better of half a year and has - despite accidentally sneaking around when the human was present lounging around - not been seen. Most likely due to those heavy books the human often has his nose almost stuffed into - What he doesn't know is that Alhaitham is one step ahead. Kaveh often thinks he is the luckiest borrower around, always finding perfect scraps, non-stale food, and material that the human just has accidentally dropped, but Alhaitham is deliberate. He studies the borrower as he roams around the house, and will one day eventually want to interrogate the small man. But so far he has noticed he's harmless, and not some wicked experiment sent as a spy. Alhaitham even thinks the borrower is quite the gullible creature, as he somehow has not noticed his lingering gaze as he is quite the expressive character whenever he finds something new to "borrow". Alhaitham just wonders what he's doing with all those shards of glass, fabric and threads he finds... - Kaveh has absolutely decorated the place in the wall he has found himself residing in. It looks absolutely extravagant even with the scarce and broken things he has gathered - Eventually one day Alhaitham corners the small man when he’s out on his table - Kaveh is frozen in place as he hadn’t noticed the man sneaking up on him, and oh how he fears this man. From him overhearing through the walls and his observations of this man, he’s gotten the idea the man is cold. - To Kaveh that can only mean bad news, not all humans took kindly to their presence and Kaveh has nowhere to go - This Alhaitham had of course accounted for, he didn’t want this to be filled with complications, and needed the borrower to listen to him without having to take him away - He starts throwing questions right away, he’s noticing how the small man tries to hide his nerves behind a snarky facade - Alhaitham has made sure the Akasha terminal does not record the encounter with the tiny person (I haven’t finished the Sumeru AQ so my knowledge about the Akasha terminal is limited) - Kaveh is distressed at the fact he is stuck here until the human goes away, he doesn’t want to risk the man knowing where he usually hides away, although he is positively surprised by how seemingly respectful the encounter is, the questions sure are invasive but he’s not prodded, and there is a good distance between himself and the giant - Alhaitham does not reveal how obvious Kaveh is when out and about, and he wishes to berate him regarding going out at all when the silver haired man is home, he wants to see how long this obliviousness will continue - Kaveh is left dizzy from the encounter, he never expected himself be seen, much less by the man spending hours looking at his books - Their encounters become more frequent after that day, and Kaveh is starting to catch on finally how much the human has done for him when he thought he was oblivious to his existence
Giant Archons- Self explanatory, I adore the idea of the Archons having giant forms that they keep under radar - I mean considering different realms the Archons seemingly can enter (we have Euthymia, teapots, Venti's own disappearance as he healed himself, which sure some seem just like an inner state, but consider that they have created realms where they all can meet) they most definitely have some where they can let their true forms show - But maybe I have an idea about someone finding them, and being all afraid seeing the deities so enormously different - I once read an Eye of the Storm!Venti fic, and even that is fascinating. I can imagine their elemental powers being so overwhelming too when they are giant, not to the point it is suffocating for the mere mortal, but just the fact you can feel their powers surround you just by being in their presence - I had an idea where the reader stumbles upon a giant Barbatos and Morax, this was an idea I had before I had gone to Inazuma and before Sumeru was even out. It was also before I had listened to any of their voice lines about each other or read any like elaborate lore about the Archon war, etc. - Just a divine being being giant is a nice idea to me <3
Baizhu searches for the Geo Archon for his blessing, not realizing the giant he is about to meet(this one is so self-indulgent, but I have such a huge love for both Zhongli and Baizhu, and whether or not one ships them, their contrasting characteristics make me so intrigued - an immortal, and despite maybe not wishing entirely for mortality, still finds mortality and humanity interesting, and the ever benevolent mortal who seeks immortality, and will go drastic lengths to ensure his goal is met) - Rex Lapis in this AU is not deemed dead - Baizhu is of course as ever seeking immortality. One day he decides he will visit the plains forbidden within the Guyun stone forest, and seek out Rex Lapis as he is rumored to reside there - Guyun stone forest is a dangerous place, and he asks Changsheng and Qiqi to stay at the pharmacy with Gui as he traverses Liyue to seek the god - What he does not expect is a place in where he phases into another realm, this one adorned with enormous furniture, and ahead of him a throne fit only for the deity ruling over Liyue - He hides by one of the throne-chairs legs, out of sight for whoever will sit at it, and lo and behold, Rex Lapis himself soon seats himself - It is not he who finds Baizhu hiding, instead Xiao (also giant within this realm, as other Adepti and Yaksha are too) senses something off within the room as he attends to his duties - Because he senses something off he is best to be cautious about it possibly being a danger to the god he serves, or a spy sent to this realm - He quickly sends a weak - yet still overwhelming to any mortal - wave of Anemo as he spots a small figure by the throne, and sends them toppling over - Because of Baizhu’s long trek I imagine him with a cane, and as he is toppled the cane he was using to hold himself upright through all his nerves is thrown away from him, and he finds himself unable to stand up again - Xiao is quick on his feet and crouches menacingly over the mortal he now can see, demanding him to stand up and to explain himself - Baizhu can’t stand up and is left quivering on the ground, all he manages is to hold himself upright on his forearms and kneecaps, looking down on the ground as he swallows his nerves, of course fear coursed through him, he never expected this turn of events as he sought out Liyue’s Archon - Xiao notices this, and internally feels a sense of dread, it seems the mortal here has accidentally wandered into the realm he now is in, and he realizes he has rendered an ill mortal too to the ground - Rex Lapis of course wondered what just occurred for Xiao to be so wary and to step by his throne in all his haste, and as he glances down by where he is seated he notices the mortal now trembling on the ground, Xiao looking mortified - Morax realizes what is going on as he carefully summons small stone pillars that help the man up onto his feet again, and as he steps up from his throne Xiao teleports away - He ever so gently takes the cane that was lying by a large pot and places it on his fingertips, holding his palm flat just by the green haired man, so he can take it without too much of a fright (albeit he guesses this ordeal has already terrified him) - I have some ideas for how this will process further, I just think Baizhu tells Morax of his wishes and why he traveled all the way over to meet him - Later on, Rex Lapis is now holding the human who is seated on his palm, they meet Xiao again and the Yaksha bows deeply and apologizes for the things that happened - Baizhu can not blame him for being protective of the deity, and accepts the apology, he has an immense respect for the Adepti and feels almost flustered with this whole ordeal - Rex Lapis has Baizhu by for dinner!
(I will wanna elaborate on this as I’ve had this idea for ages! Since before Baizhu’s banner came out :’)))
Neuvillette and tiny/borrower Aether (I’m thinking Aether and Lumine have somehow lost each other in this AU too, hence Aether being the only one living here) - Aether hides away in the walls surrounding the court of Fontaine, particularly the walls surrounding Neuvillettes office - He finds the day in which it rains a blessing, as his steps are easily drowned out by the powerful drizzle that hits the window panes, even distracting the residing rodents and other animals that shared the walls with him - He also noticed that whenever it rained the office was usually empty for a long period of time and as the sun came out the office was usually occupied again by the man he feared meeting - He fetches water into a leather pouch from the teacup standing upon the desk and is quickly on his way off - Neuvillette has started to get used to the slightly leathery taste of his waters, and thinks nothing of it, it has never harmed him and the strong aftertaste of freshness still overpowered that tidbit - He looks upon his documents and notices a peculiar smudge in the ink, bringing it closer to his sights. The smudge is not just a bit of excessive ink, but instead dons the shape of a… shoe print almost, this he finds extremely peculiar - Some days later Aether is out again as the rain carried on outside, there were cookies placed upon the desk, usually it was some moist sweet or cupcake, but Aether didn’t think much of it, if he just stole a crumb no one would be none the wiser to his appearance here - He doesn’t notice the slitted violet eyes watching him from afar as he went by his borrowing routine - Until he hears a small shuffle, and Aethers heart is sent up and gets lodged in his throat - He turns around in haste, and there stands the tall man, eyes directly making contact with his own - Aether wants to run, but hugs the piece of the cookie closer as the man begins walking closer to his position. He soon stands so close he is towering over the desk and consequently the small borrower upon it, but Neuvillette is really none the wiser about the storm of emotions raging inside the small human (?) (TBC! I have a draft written out hehe :) )
Giant Sovereign Neuvillette meeting Zhongli who in comparison is tiny(Got this idea after Neuvillette’s voice lines about the Archons were revealed) - Morax/Zhongli finds himself in a sort of a dreamscape. He has barely any time to think of where he could be as the place all of a sudden shakes in a rhythmic fashion, he is to look around but is stopped - All of a sudden a giant object hurdles down beside him, knocking him off his feet - He catches himself from the fall, and before he can look up whatever just fell beside him he notices the giant shining shoes just behind the object, as his gaze travels up amongst the blues and golds and of the almost regal outfit that adorned the man standing beside him. Not just beside him, positively towering over him. The object that had thundered down, he now noticed, was a cane, held by the giant sovereign as he with a stern gaze surveyed the small usurper now lying by its tip - I know Neuvillette is technically not older than Zhongli in his reincarnated form, but I want to imagine he has regained his memories of his past lives, and sees Zhongli as eons younger than him, he therefore refers to him as “Young Morax” as they speak - He crouches over the deity, and Morax almost feels as if he is mocking him (This is sadly all I have for now regarding this, as I haven't thought about how to continue it, might also continue this in the future!)
That is all I have rn! <3
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Sapling: Nahida x baby reader.
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Age: 3 months old: reader Chan is a baby that the Aranara found, Nahida comes to visit the Aranara and is given a task to take care of reader.
Nahida also known as Lesser Lord Kusanali had just entered Vanarana to visit the Aranara.
As she walks in she sees the Aranara surrounding something that is making a sound “What’s going on?” Asked the young but wise archon as she walked over to the little spirits “Lesser Lord Kusanali, we found a tiny human Nara but we don’t know what to do.” An Aranara said as the others moved to show the archon of wisdom a baby girl with H/C hair and forest green eyes, she had a little cowlick in her hair that looked like the propellers the Aranara had on their heads and she was wrapped in a green blanket.
You couldn’t help but gurgle and coo at the creatures standing around you as they spoke about what to do with you until a gentle voice was heard “Where did she come from?” Nahida asked picking you up “She was at the gates this morning Nara.” One of the creatures said as you cooed up at the girl “Well we can’t leave you by yourself little sapling.” She said adjusting your blanket “Why don’t you take her Nara.” An Aranara suggested “Perhaps I’ll make her my sister, what do you think little sapling?” She asked as you cooed but soon made a happy squeal “I’ll take that as a yes. But if you’re going to be my new sister, you’ll need a name.” The young archon began thinking up names until a voice spoke “How about Y/N Nara?” An Aranara asked “Ohh I like that, Y/N it is!” Nahida said happily as flowers started to bloom around her “Let’s celebrate.” An Aranara said happily flying around making you squeal again.
A small party happened in Vanarana to celebrate you becoming Nahida’s new little sister making you and the young archon happy as games were played, food was eaten but you were given mashed berries and music was played as well.
Hours later:
The Aranara cleaned with Nahida’s help while you slept on a flower.
After Cleaning up Nahida grabbed you, said goodnight to the Aranara and began her journey back to the city while trying to avoid monsters and the Fatui along the way.
When Nahida got back to her sanctuary she drew a bath for you and used her powers to creat a cute outfit that looked like an Aranara she even had your blanket washed.
In the morning:
Nahida happily carried you down to Sumeru where the citizens greeted her and complemented on how cute you were “NAHIDA!” Said a familiar high voice making Nahida look up to see the Traveler and Paimon walking and floating towards her “Traveler! Paimon! Long time no see, how’s Fontain?” She asked excitedly “It’s amazing there and the underwater scenery is beautifu.” Paimon said while the traveler looked at you with their golden eyes “Who’s this little cutie?” They asked making Nahida smile “This is my new little sister Y/N! The Aranara found her at Vanarana gate yesterday and they nominated me to be her guardian.” The young archon said happily as you stared up at the fairy creature with curiosity “Hello! Paimon is Paimon and they are the traveler.” The fairy said as you cooed and gurgled at her “Lesser Lord Kusanali! traveler! Paimon!” Said a male voice.
Turning around they see Alhaitham, Tighnari, Cyno, Kaveh, Collie, Nilou Wanderer and Layla all walking towards them “Oh hey guys.” Paimon said enthusiastically “Good morning everyone.” Nahida said smiling while you looked at Tighnari’s ears in curiosity “Who’s the kid?” Cyno asked pointing to you “This is Y/N, my new little sister.” The dendro archon said happily “Hi Y/N I’m collie.” The young greenette said happily “She’s so cute.” Nilou gushed out “Would one of you like to hold her?” Your new sister asked “How about you hat guy?” She asked making you look up at the young man wearing a hat that reminds you of Ararycan’s cap “Tsk I suppose.” He said walking over and gently taking you in his arms while Nahida gave him instructions on how to hold you.
Once you were in hat guys arms you snuggled into his shirt making him smile a bit “Looks like she likes you already.” Alhaitham said placing a hand on your little head.
It was now noon and everyone had to go to their respective duties leaving you and Nahida, once everyone left Nahida decided to take you for a walk outside the city so you could see more of the nation “That’s Liyue! The nation of Mora and contracts. Ironic given that Morax never has mora on him.” Nahida said as you gazed at the nation on the other side of Sumeru borders “Good one Kusanali.” Said a high pitch voice making the young archon turn around to see her four senior archons Barbatos of Mondstadt! Morax of Liyue! Ei of Inazuma! And Focalors of Fontain “Who is this young dew drop?” Focalors or as she’s known to the citizens of Fontain as Lady Furina asked making the other Archons curious “This is Y/N my new little sister.” Kusanali said happily as you looked up at the four older Archons making them smile “Hello little blossom.” Ei or Raiden Shogun said gently taking you into her arms “Well little one looks like Kusanali made a contract to watch over you.” Morax or Zhongli said “Hey little dandelion uncle Venti can teach you how to play music and write poetry.” Barbatos or Venti said “And auntie Furina can teach you about opera and the rules of Justice little dew drop.” The hydro archon said making you squeal from all the attention you were receiving.
After the walk you, Nahida and the other archon’s went to the city and went into the sanctuary for a supper that Zhongli made while Nahida went to get the rose custard she made this morning after breakfast while you laid in your new bouncer “And that’s how we got the traveler into the Fortress of Meropide.” Furina said finishing her tail on what’s been happening in Fontain and the prophecy until Zhongli and Nahida came back and set plates around “So what did you guys came to Sumeru for?” The young archon asked taking a sip of bamboo shoot soup “We all got convinced to take a vacation away from our nations.” Venti said happily taking a sip of Dandelion wine that he brought from Mondstadt with some Wolfhook juice for Nahida (since she looks to be 8 or 10) “And because we heard about the ex sages of Sumeru finally getting exposed .” Shogun said taking a sip of Wine “Its about time those so called sages finally got what they deserve.” Venti said “Although it feels like their punishment isn’t enough.” Zhongli said taking a sip of the wine making the others nod in agreement until they heard that you were getting fussy “What’s wrong sapling?” Nahida asked until she heard your stomach rumbling “Let’s get some food in you.” She said giving you to Zhongli whom is starting to go into doting grandpa mode “Hello little one.” He said as you played with his tie earning a chuckle from the ancient archon and a gentle tickle from him until Nahida came back with mushed peas in a bowl that you happily ate “You must have been hungry.” Nahida said feeding you as the oldest archon held you on his lap.
After dinner:
After everyone ate, Ei and Zhongli washed the dishes, Furina cleaned the table and Venti put the left overs away, then all the older Archons went to the inn they were staying in after bidding you and Nahida goodnight.
Once you and Nahida were alone she took you to the bathroom and drew a bath for you both.
After both of you are bathed she’s dressed in a pastel green night gown with puffy sleeves, forest green accents and her hair is down while you’re in a white night shirt with F/C flowers on it, after your both dressed for bed she lays you down in your new crib that the traveler made for you with a mobile that had different elemental fungi on it, you had many Aranara plushies in the crib and your covered by your freshly washed blanket.
After putting you in the crib Nahida read you a story book called Flowers for princess Fischl “Then the Prinzessin Der Verurteilung and her kingdom lived happily ever after! The end.” Nahida said closing the book and smiled upon seeing you asleep “Goodnight Sapling.” She said kissing your head, walked to her cot, turned off the lamp and fell asleep looking forward to what tomorrow brought.
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baby--b4t · 2 months
hey pookster i’m just leaving this here because I know you’d do justice if you ever made it into a minific :3
kaveh absolutely LOVES horror/creepy things, especially when regressed, but alhaitham can’t do it. like CANNOT.
sincerely, 🐠fishie anon :3
OH MY GODS ANON YOURE SAVING MY WRITERS BLOCK RN (º̩̩́⌣º̩̩̀ʃƪ) im gonna try and write a quick minific in hopes that itll make me wanna post more and work on my bots. ALSO TY FOR THINKING SO HIGHLY OF ME- i feel like my writing is mid but ill try my best for this silly idea (its super late as of replying to this so sorry if its a bit jumbled or doesnt make sense-)
(fic under cut)
Kaveh was supposed to be in bed hours ago. 5 hours and 38 minutes, to be persice. Alhaitham had been counting. He did everything he though would work to get Kaveh to finally lay down, close his eyes, and rest, but nothing was working. Warm bottle, bedtime stories (he had read 7 different stories at this point), and even trying different stuffed animals and pajamas. Nothing. Alhaitham was exhausted.
“Hayi? Do da tree birdies sleep? Wha’ about… Oh! Wha’ about da creepy crawlies in da kitchen?” Kaveh had been asking nonsense questions like these all night, part of the reason he was still awake at nearly 4 in the morning.
“I dont know, Kaveh. What I do know-… Wait, whats in the kitchen?” Alhaitham began to answer before he registered what kaveh had said. He sat up in the bed a little bit and looked down at Kaveh. “What did you just say is in the kitchen?”
“Da creepy crawlies!” Kaveh excitedly exclaimed, a wide smile forming behind his pacifier. “Dey have 6 leg, 3 eye- BIG eyes, and are really teeny tiny. Dey walk around in da dark and eat da bread! Dats why it has all da holes.” Kaveh started giggling, his tiredness clearly showing in his speech.
Alhaitham felt puzzeled. More than when he was trying to figure out why Kaveh wasnt sleeping yet. But what was getting to him the most was the though of some spider-like creatures crawling around in his food while he didnt look. He shuddered, the thought of bugs in general making him feel gross. He rubbed up and down his arms for a moment, trying to get rid of his goosebumps, before pressing further into this. Surely it was Kaveh just being silly… Right?
“How do you know this? Who told you about these… ‘Creepy crawlers’?” Alhaitham asked as he tried to fight the tiredness in his mind. This whole talk took a turn that was not helping his already fatigued state of mind.
“Dey told me! I got mad ‘cause my sandwich had holes, and I asked and dey told me.” Kaveh explained trough slurred giggles and mumbles. “Dey very small, so is easy to make holes. I scolded dem like you always do for da holes…” The more Kaveh explained, the more Alhaitham imagined a ton of ant-sized abominations crawling around their pantry. He shook his head and tried not to gag.
“Kaveh, I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but the ‘creepy crawlers’ arent real. You probably dreamt about them at some point.” Alhaitham tried to explain to Kaveh, but Kaveh didnt seem to want to believe it.
“What?!” He sat up in the bed with Alhaitham, jaw dropping and his pacifier almost falling out. “But.. But dat were so cute-“ He felt himself tearing up over the fact that the little creatures he thought were so adorable werent actually real. Alhaitham sighed, realizing that now he had to deal with a meltdown.
“How about you go to sleep so you can dream about them? Does that sound like a good idea?” He suggested as he tried to coax Kaveh into laying down again. The poor baby was so tired at this point he didnt realize that Alhaitham was moving him. It did seem to stop his oncoming waterworks, however.
Kaveh gave a small nod and snuggled back up with Alhaitham. It seemed like as soon as his head hit the pillow, he was in a deep sleep. That baffled Alhaitham. How in the world would Kaveh be so willing to dream about thousands- No, millions of little spiders in his food? If Alhaitham saw them, he would already have a match in hand to burn the house down.
However, Kavehs great big imagination never failed to impress Alhaitham. He just seemed to show it so much more whenever he regressed. A soft sigh came from Alhaitham, just accepting it. His little Kaveh would just have that sort of creepy imagination and he couldnt stop it… But he would still be checking the entire house for bugs when they woke up. No ‘creepy crawlers’ get to live rent free.
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fufuheheii · 1 year
Playing with Cyno’s Hair HC
Warning: Suggestive, read at own discretion!
Cyno doesn’t understand why you’re always playing with Kaveh’s hair.
Everytime he sees the man he’s either in pigtails or some sort of braid.
Even AlHaitham mistook him for a girl several times from the back.
You never played with his hair, and you two have been friends for years now. 
Sure, it doesn’t make sense you would want to touch his hair, but surely with his hair also being equally long you would want to try his out too?
“I allow you to touch my hair.”
You stop whatever you’re doing to gape at the irritated boy.
Tighnari and Collei who happen to be in the same room also gape at him.
“B-buh-really?” You stammer, the excitement bubbling in your voice. Cyno almost cringes at the sudden change in tone.
Truth to be told, you’ve always wanted to play with Cyno’s hair since the day you first met him. How could anyone not? His hair literally looks like snow…or an old man’s. But that’s not the point! His hair looks sooo soft, and to be kept so tangled under that smelly headpiece of his is absolutely illegal!
While you are murmuring to yourself in excitement, Cyno is already regretting letting you touch his hair. He doesn’t want to walk around in braids or a side ponytail; he’ll risk getting butt-groped by the feeble scribe. He’ll need to make sure you do some sort of normal hairstyle that can be worn around the whole day.
And so, you two find yourselves in your room. 
Cyno crosses his arms with a small tint of pink on his cheeks as he peeks at all your stuff.
Being a Mahamatra gives him access to almost every location, but to someone else’s  bedroom? It’s not something Cyno exploits on.
But wow does your room smell nice- “c-can I get started?”
Cyno snaps out of his thoughts and gives you a short nod with a huff. “Just no pigtails. No hairstyles you gave Kaveh.”
You frown. “You’re limiting me with a few options.”
But you are still excited regardless. Sumeru can now see their beloved tiny creature in his most beautiful form!
Cyno hears you shuffle behind him and stiffen when he sees your soft legs appear on either side, caging him between your legs. “Uh-“
You are now sitting behind him, your body flush against his back making him scream in all octaves internally.
“This position is the most comfortable,” you say very close to his ear, making him inhale sharply as his nostrils flared.
What the heck? What the heck? What the he-
You gently remove his headpiece and squeal at finally seeing the crown of his head. “Oh my gosh I can’t believe I’m doing this. You won’t regret this Cyno!”
Oh he’s definitely not regretting it ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
You pick up your comb and start your first step of picking away at his tangles.
Cyno closes his eyes and leans back against you, enjoying the feeling of your brush against his scalp. This isn’t bad at all. Maybe he should have you brush his hair every morning. He has the time to come to Ghandarvha Ville for some time. Of course, that’s only if you’re willing to. He wouldn’t mind sitting in this position everyday too-
Unaware to him you are slowly leaning to his ear, whispering, “does that feel good Cyno?”
“Yeah,” Cyno twitches a bit at the weird sensation to his ear. Has he always been this sensitive?
“That’s good, I was worried for a bit you might find it uncomfortable,” you continue to say. You move back and continue your combing. Cyno sighs in relief and continues to enjoy whatever you’re doing until the brush disappears and is replaced by your hands.
“Since you’re so adamant for something normal, would you like a ponytail?” You say, lifting his hair up and blushing when you see the beautiful neck. 
Wow, you knew Cyno was always pretty, but this neckline will make even Kaveh gulp.
“Ponytail is fine, I don’t have to wear my headpiece anyways,” Cyno says as he continues to pervertedly look at your legs. 
You both are getting very simpy towards each other.
And so you start to brush his hair into a ponytail. You get very concentrated and your legs start to squeeze Cyno closer against you.
The boy swallows hard when he feels your breath against his now exposed neck. Your fingers keep brushing against his ears, your thighs so close to his face…he needs to resist his dirty mind.
Meanwhile you can’t stop yourself from watching the sweat roll down his neck. Your eyes trail over his back muscles. 
You’ve never noticed how toned he was, you usually take notice of his huge fake ears and just stare at it whenever you’re with him. But now you notice the hot tattoo on his left arm too. His scent is sweet mixed with the scent of the desert, and his sweat gives no hint of any odor. 
Wait, did you just smell him?
“It sure takes a long time to do a ponytail,” Cyno says in a rather playful tone. “You doing good back there?”
You scoff and gently smack his back, screaming internally at how hard it is. “I like to take my time with pretty hair.”
Cyno smiles to himself before clearing his throat. “So whose hair is prettier?”
You raise an eyebrow. “Between?” “Kaveh and me, whose hair is prettier?”
You stifle a laugh. “Well, Kaveh’s hair is definitely shinier that’s for sure.”
Before Cyno can argue (boy why do you even want to argue), you add, “but yours remind me of the snow I see in the books. It’s beautiful.”
And his ears immediately turn red. You flush as well and you two sit there in silence. 
“If you don’t mind,” Cyno breaks the silence. “I’d like to come here every morning to get a brush up.”
“Ooh?” You smirk and joke, “well you’re going to have to pay a fee, my dear Mahamatra.”
“What? My hair isn’t enough for a fee?” Cyno jokes back before chuckling. “Well then, next time you can get between my legs.”
“I’ll make you feel good with my services in return,” Cyno is very unaware of what the hell he is saying. You blush ten folds at what you’re hearing. “You’ll definitely go, ‘oh yeah Cyno, I love it!’”
The door slams open and in charges Tighnari with his bow, making you squeak in shock and Cyno gasps audibly. 
“Hold it right there, you pervert Mahamatra.”
And so the session ends as Tighnari goes into a scolding spree with Cyno on his knees, confused at the sudden situation.
When Tighnari finishes Cyno touches his hair and smiles to himself as he leaves Gandharva Ville. 
He looks forward to coming over tomorrow, and everyday after that.
You sit in your room smiling to yourself.
Yeah, you’ll have to cancel all of Kaveh’s hair appointment with you now.
This was a request, I’m still trying to figure out how to do all the request tagging things, hopefully anon sees this!
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bloody-bee-tea · 1 year
Tiny Bee~k 2023 Day 2 - On the dot
Alhaitham is late.
Usually three minutes are not something Cyno would be concerned with but this is different. It’s three minutes after Alhaitham clocks out and if he’s late then that can only spell trouble.
Cyno knows that Alhaitham is very punctual when it concerns clocking out of work; he seems to have an innate feeling for when it’s enough and he’s always right. On the dot, he gets up and declares the work day done, no matter who is talking or what documents are still on his table.
It’s now five minutes after the appointed time and there is still no sight of Alhaitham, even when Cyno rounds a corner to look for him.
That must mean something is wrong.
Alhaitham is not one to come late to their meeting—especially not given how busy they normally are—and if he knew beforehand that he would be late then he would have found a way to inform Cyno, either by message or by messenger.
Cyno’s mind starts to whir. If Alhaitham is late because of something that happened at the office, then it has the potential to upturn their hard-won peace and Cyno should definitely be present for it. If Alhaitham is late because someone had the glorious idea to kidnap him, then they were incredibly stupid and Cyno will definitely be there to bring justice to them. If Alhaitham is late because he somehow overworked himself or otherwise fell sick and didn’t take a day off, then there will be words to be had and Cyno will yell most of them at him.
But for any of these options to be proven true, he needs to find Alhaitham first. Thankfully it’s Cyno’s job to find people and even though he’s more worried than anything at the moment, his matra training pays off.
His mind whirrs, sifting through all the possibilities, and he’s keenly aware of the fact that every lost minute could make the difference should they be faced with an abduction.
So Cyno makes his way to Alhaitham’s office; he makes sure to keep his steps just as hurried as they normally are because it wouldn’t do to tip anyone off that something might be wrong.
He doesn’t need a scene and he doesn’t need reinforcements until he knows exactly what he’s dealing with.
Luckily for Cyno, Alhaitham is a creature of habit and while it’s usually a source of some gentle teasing for Cyno, right now he’s incredibly glad for it, because it means that he can be certain that if Alhaitham was on the way to meet him, he would run into him.
But there is no sight of Alhaitham anywhere and by the time his office comes into view Cyno has to hold back from running.
Still, he stops in front of the door, noticing that it’s slightly ajar, and he holds his breath as he listens. He can make out the sound of shuffling paper but apart from that Cyno isn’t able to get any hints.
There could of course be an intruder in Alhaitham’s office, trying to find—or hide—some documents but to be certain would mean to step into the office.
And so that is exactly what Cyno does. He doesn’t brandish his spear immediately, but he can feel the crackling of electro at the tips of his fingers.
It only fizzles out when he comes face to face with the person in the office.
“Alhaitham?” he asks, his voice incredulous, because Alhaitham is still seated behind the desk, pen and paper in hand and it doesn’t look at all as if he’s aware that his working hours are over.
He must be sick, then.
“Cyno,” Alhaitham greets him before his eyes dart away to the clock. “I didn’t realise it was that late already, I apologise.”
“Alhaitham, are you sick?” Cyno asks, rounding the desk to put a hand to Alhaitham’s forehead to check his temperature.
Alhaitham blinks at him, clearly confused by Cyno’s question and that makes Cyno even more convinced that he must be ill with something.
“What are you talking about, I’m perfectly alright,” Alhaitham finally says, raising his own hand to pull Cyno’s away from his forehead before he pressed a kiss to his knuckles. “What has gotten into you?”
“You’re late,” is all Cyno says, because it’s explanation enough and the grimace on Alhaitham’s face tells him that he knows it as well.
“I apologise,” he repeats, but he offers no explanation at all and that is suspicious in a very different way.
Cyno has convinced himself that Alhaitham is not burning up and his other actions don’t seem to be impacted by a sickness either, so it’s time for another path.
“What are you working on?” Cyno asks, craning his head a little bit to see the paper Alhaitham still has in his hand, but before he can catch whatever is written on it, Alhaitham has put it down on the desk, face-down.
Suspicious, indeed.
“It’s nothing,” Alhaitham says and then immediately amends his own statement, clearly knowing that it’s not enough to satisfy Cyno. “It’s nothing that should have kept me away from you for so long.”
Cyno knows that he should always anticipate it—Alhaitham is from Haravatat after all—but it always leaves him a little bit flustered when he states it so clearly.
“Don’t be ridiculous. If it’s something that needs to be done, then let me help, maybe you’ll get it off your desk quicker that way.”
Cyno starts to reach out for the paper, but Alhaitham intercepts him, threading their fingers together.
“There really is no need for it. I’ll review it tomorrow. I simply lost a bit of time, focusing on it, that’s all. We can leave now. Our dinner reservation will still hold, right?”
“I doubt that Lambad gave our table away just because we’re ten minutes late. It’s Thursday after all.”
They always have dinner together on Thursday.
“Then let’s leave,” Alhaitham decides, getting up and walking around the table, trusting Cyno to follow him.
He clearly didn’t count on Cyno twisting around to grab the sheet of paper from the table.
It’s a report for the matra and Cyno turns betrayed eyes towards Alhaitham.
“Is my work not good enough? Do you have to sort through these beforehand so we don’t mess up?”
Cyno isn’t sure how that makes him feel—though the hurt is there, under everything else—and he wants to give Alhaitham a chance to explain.
“It’s not that,” Alhaitham says with a sigh and tugs Cyno close.
Cyno goes, but not quite as willingly as he normally does.
“Then what is it?” he demands to know and shakes the report into Alhaitham’s face. “Because this report hasn’t been to the matra office yet. Are you hiding something?”
Even as he says it, Cyno scans the paper, paying a bit more attention to what it actually says than before. Nothing that is written down would indicate an entanglement with Alhaitham and it only leaves Cyno more confused.
“This is standard matra stuff. Why does it have to cross the desk of the Acting Grand Sage before it makes its way to us?” Cyno asks. “Has—our work not been up to par, lately?” he then asks, wondering if he has been slacking off.
Sure, he spends his free time with Alhaitham, mostly, these days, but he’s reasonably sure that it has no impact on his work. He pursues offenders just as ruthlessly as before and his matra have not mentioned anything to him either.
“Cyno, stop. I can see you overthinking this,” Alhaitham sighs out, pinching the bridge of his nose with his free hand, clearly unwilling to unhand Cyno.
“Then explain it to me,” Cyno says, shaking the paper in his face. “What is this doing here?”
“I have been screening all the reports for the matra, lately,” Alhaitham explains as he takes the paper out of Cyno’s hand to put it back on the desk.
Cyno doesn’t like how that hurt feeling is making its way up, making his skin itch with betrayal. If Alhaitham thought he wasn’t doing a good job then he should have said so!
“You’re too stressed,” Alhaitham finally says, leaning against the table and pulling Cyno between his legs. “You’re too stressed, because you’re taking too many tasks on yourself and you’re away too much.” Alhaitham’s gaze darts to the side for a moment. “I don’t like it.”
That brings Cyno up short.
“You don’t—like it,” he repeats, and now his rational thinking comes back online. “I haven’t been on that many day-long assignments lately.”
It’s not a question, but Alhaitham still nods.
“You take them on, even if they don’t require the expertise of the General Mahamatra. Your matra’s never get any experience like that.”
“And you don’t like me being away from you,” Cyno whispers, trying the words out and he’s delighted to see a faint blush on Alhaitham’s cheeks.
“It’s too frequent and not necessary. I have been scanning the reports for their urgency and difficulty and I sort them accordingly before I hand them off to Aarav.”
At that, Cyno sighs.
“He is in on it.”
“I have to make sure my judgement is correct. And he is very capable.”
Cyno can’t even deny that, because otherwise Aarav wouldn’t be his second in command but it still stings that he was going behind his back.
“Wait,” Cyno says, another thought forming in his head. “You hate working over-time. Even just a few minutes.”
“I like having you around more,” Alhaitham easily says and now it’s Cyno’s time to be embarrassed. “I can stand five more minutes of work if it means you’re going to come home with me for an entire evening.”
“You are so—unfeeling, my ass,” Cyno mutters under his breath but he can’t hold back the small smile playing around his mouth and when Alhaitham pulls him in for a kiss he certainly doesn’t resist.
“Just tell me something like this,” Cyno mumbles when they part. “I was worried. I thought someone abducted you from right under my nose.”
“Even if that were the case, I have full faith in my General Mahamatra,” Alhaitham easily gives back, and just like always when he uses that title in that specific way it leaves Cyno a little bit breathless.
“I shall overlook this then,” he decides, leaning in for another kiss. “This once.”
“How generous of you.”
(They do make it to Lambad’s tavern, but it is much later than their usual time.)
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cutieterrarium · 1 year
🏛️🌱 #kavetham
haitham and kaveh knew each other as babies. kaveh reminisces about baby!haitham.
"You used to be so cute," Kaveh said. "A wriggling... squirmy little worm."
"You think wriggling, squirmy worms are cute?" Haitham said, dry.
"With... these BIG... green eyes!" Kaveh said, drunkenly. He threw his arms wide, as if that might illustrate how lovely and glimmering and big Haitham's eyes used to be. Not that they weren't still lovely and glimmering. And green. But.
"You're spilling your wine," Haitham said, rescuing Kaveh's glass. Plucked it straight from Kaveh's hand... and then drank it. He was, he rationalized, stopping Kaveh from getting even more stupidly drunk. "Let's go home," he said.
"Go to your home, you mean," Kaveh slurred. Like a boneless creature, he slumped against Haitham's side.
"Our home," Haitham said, but Kaveh's eyes were closed. If he was listening, he was pretending not to.
Kaveh re-invigorated himself on the way back, which was annoying. Haitham preferred just carrying Kaveh. ("You carry me like a sack of potatoes!" Kaveh had once accused. "Well, yes," Haitham had replied.) It was easier than coaxing a drunk, but conscious Kaveh home. Despite his slight build, he was very strong, and when intoxicated he often forgot to control his strength. He might go here, go there, go everywhere, and how was Haitham supposed to stop him? He'd have more luck corralling a sumpter beast.
Luckily, at least this time, Kaveh was stuck on the topic of baby Alhaitham. "You were THIS big!" he cried, demonstrating with his hands. "When we met! Tiny! A worm!"
"Would you stop calling me a worm? No, this way, our house is this way—"
"A worm," Kaveh repeated. He looked down at his hands and suddenly stopped walking. Haitham had a hand on his arm, and so he, still walking forward, rubber-banded back.
"And you used to follow me around." Kaveh stared down mournfully at his hands. "You'd follow me... EVERYWHERE. Holding the back of my shirt. So cute. You used to be... cute."
"I did not follow you everywhere," Haitham protested.
"Yes you did," Kaveh said. "You were my little tail." He looked behind him. "Where's my tail?"
Haitham tugged on one of Kaveh's many scarves and shirt tassels. "Right here. Can we keep walking?"
"Yes, but you have to follow me," Kaveh said. He set off again. "You're my tail."
"..." Haitham put a hand to his forehead. "That's the way to the market, Kaveh."
"Big brother Kaveh." Kaveh whirled around. He pointed angrily to the nearest tree. "Why don't you call me big brother! You don't even call me senior!" Then he sniffled. "Wh... why did you get even taller?"
Haitham looked at the tree. "I don't skip my meals or sleep late drawing blueprints for clients," he said.
"Oh," Kaveh said to the tree. "That's... that makes sense." He turned and, thankfully, started walking in the right direction. "You were this tall," he said. "With big... BIG green eyes."
Haitham followed. After a moment, he reached out and grasped Kaveh's scarf. Kaveh wasn't the only one of them drunk, after all.
"You used to smile at me all the time," Kaveh said. "Why don't you smile at me anymore? And you don't... You don't think I'm funny anymore! You never laugh!"
Haitham rolled his eyes. "What is there to laugh at?"
"Me!" Kaveh said. "I'm a joke!" He stopped walking. So did Haitham, who curled his fingers tighter on the fabric in his hand. He stared down at the deep red colour.
"I don't think you're a joke," Haitham said. "Big brother Kaveh."
Haitham was still staring at Kaveh's scarf, and so it took him a moment to realise Kaveh had turned around. This time, when he looked at Haitham, he had at least not mistaken him for a tree. "You're so big," Kaveh said. "And tall. And rich. And... and... a big shot! ... An ex-big shot," he corrected himself, before Haitham could point out he was no longer Acting Grand Sage. "I... I..." He stared up at Haitham with mournful red eyes. "I can't take care of you anymore. I'm no good."
Haitham tugged the scarf, as if it were a leash, drawing Kaveh closer. "And didn't you ever think, big brother Kaveh," he said quietly, "that it might be my turn to take care of you?"
Kaveh's lips parted. He stank of wine. "Oh," he said. And then: "I... I'll take care of you too. I'll grow even taller. I'll earn even more money! Y... you won't even have to read anymore!" A pause. "I taught you to read!"
Haitham's lips quirked. "I remember," he said, and then: "I'll hold you to that."
"Good!" Kaveh cried. He reached up to grab Haitham by his headphones and said, very seriously: "You... you're not a worm anymore, but you're still cute."
"... Thank you," Haitham said, dryly, and allowed Kaveh to pull him down for a kiss.
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bloody-bee-tea · 1 year
Tiny Bee~k 2023 Day 3 - Roots
Alhaitham watches as Cyno leaves his office. He’s leaving the city too, his next mission taking him out into the desert, probably for several days.
Alhaitham bites back a sigh.
He wants to call out for Cyno, wants to tell him to not go or at the very least return safely, but he knows it for the irrational urge it is. Cyno doesn’t have the luxury to stay; his job is calling him away and he’s following that call, forever duty-bound. Asking him to return safely would just be like asking him to lie to Alhaitham, because despite how good and careful Cyno is, there is no way he can promise that.
And so Alhaitham stays quiet and simply watches Cyno leave.
It’s not the first time and it won’t be the last time and Alhaitham would do well to get used to this.
He needs to, even after he lays down the title of Acting Grand Sage because Cyno will continue to be the General Mahamatra and he will continue to leave. And hopefully return but neither is something Alhaitham can influence in any meaningful way.
Alhaitham doubts that even if Cyno should lay down his title he would stay in one place for long; Cyno is not build that way, unlike Alhaitham.
Alhaitham has his roots in the city; he has his house, his job, his friends. He is a creature of habit, so this suits him quite well. Cyno on the other hand is like the sand in the desert; always moving, always shifting. It’s almost impossible to find the same grain of sand twice in the desert and sometimes it feels the same with Cyno.
He’s not fundamentally different every time he comes back from the desert, but it always feels as if something shifted in him, no matter how small.
Cyno certainly seems happier the day after a return from the desert and Alhaitham knows how much the term desert-dweller is hated, but Cyno can’t deny it.
He comes from the desert and Alhaitham would guess that if he could never return to it then he would simply waste away. It’s too much a part of him.
Cyno is long gone by now and Alhaitham finally allows himself the sigh that’s so stubbornly stuck in his throat.
Cyno is always leaving and he always will be. That’s not something Alhaitham can change nor would he even want to. It wouldn’t be Cyno anymore without that innate urge to return to the desert, after all, but there are days—like today—where it’s unreasonable hard to see him go.
Alhaitham blames the lovey-dovey couple who blocked his way in the hallway earlier.
They had no problem to express their affection for the other; something that Alhaitham will never be able to do, not if he wants Cyno to remain as he is.
He suspects that Cyno feels the same as he does; has seen the looks and noticed the sometimes lingering if fleeting touches. But still, Alhaitham can’t say it, can’t confess to Cyno because that would be akin to chaining him down and Alhaitham would have him free and happy and unbound by anything rather than tied to his side and unhappy.
“Acting Grand Sage?”
Alhaitham is not proud to admit it but he might have forgotten that there are currently other people in his office.
“Yes?” he replies and hope that their fear of him makes them refrain from asking inane questions.
“Candace from Aaru Village is requesting your presence,” the assistant says and puts a letter down in front of him.
Alhaitham scans it quickly; it doesn’t seem to be urgent, just a simple wish to show off the progress made so far and Alhaitham nods.
“Schedule a trip for when the General Mahamatra is back. I want him to accompany me,” he decides, because Cyno deserves to see their hard work pay off as well.
And if that means stealing some time together with him in an environment that allows Cyno to be happy, then no one has to know that.
It takes Cyno eight days to return from his mission and even though he looks tired and worn, he’s smiling in that tiny way of his that gentles the usually so stoic edges of his face.
Alhaitham aches to see it and his fingers tingle with the urge to reach out for him.
He puts his hands on his desk, instead.
“Welcome back. I trust everything went well?”
He scans Cyno for signs of injury and nods, satisfied, when he can’t find any.
“Everything went well,” Cyno agrees, sliding his headgear of his head, clearly done with being the General Mahamatra for at least that moment.
“I’m glad to hear it.” Alhaitham is sure that he will have a fully written report on his desk early tomorrow morning, so he doesn’t bother to ask after any details for now. Instead he slides Candace’s letter over his desk. “There is no rush with this, but I would like for you to accompany me. Preferably in the next few days, but take however many days you need to rest.”
Cyno’s eyes narrow at his request and his expression only clears up after he read the letter.
“We can leave tomorrow,” he decides and he seems honestly excited about it.
Truly a grain of sand who belongs in the desert, Alhaitham thinks, quite wistfully if he would admit that to himself.
“You can take some time to rest,” he gives back, unwilling to push Cyno.
“I’m not tired,” Cyno protests even as Alhaitham raises an eyebrow at him. “Truly. The track was easy. The inane babbling of the researcher, that was exhausting, but I know you will be a much better conversation partner. We can leave as soon as you cleared your schedule. I’ll need to check in with Aarav but I trust that you would have found a way to contact me if there were any pressing matters.”
“Of course I would have,” Alhaitham agrees and Cyno nods, clearly not expecting anything else.
“Then we can leave early tomorrow? Aaru Village is not that far, we should reach it by nightfall, the morning after at the latest.”
“You’re eager to leave the city again,” Alhaitham notes, once again validated in his assessment of Cyno.
Cyno simply shrugs.
“I haven’t seen Candace in a while and I’d like to see how far our projects have come.”
It makes sense; Candace and Cyno are good friends and after years of being suppressed and shunned it’s only natural that Cyno would want to see his people flourish.
“Tomorrow morning it is,” Alhaitham decides.
The appointments he had made for the next several days will simply have to deal, he decides.
Alhaitham isn’t proud of it, but he purposefully slows them down so considerably that they don’t have another choice than to find a place to spend the night.
They have just passed the Yashna Monument when night falls and Caraban Rivat is still too far out to make it in the dark.
“We best settle down for the night,” Cyno says with a critical glance up at the sky, where the first stars are already blinking.
“I would agree,” Alhaitham gives back and busies himself with setting his things down.
They have travelled lightly, Cyno clearly not expecting them to spend one night outside but Alhaitham has no problems with making the forest ground his bed for one night.
He knows that Cyno doesn’t mind it either, but Alhaitham can tell that Cyno has questions. Alhaitham is not an accomplished fighter like Cyno is but he’s also very far off from being the feeble scholar he claims to be and even taking into account that he’s not quite as well versed to traveling as Cyno, they should have easily made it to Caraban Rivat, or even Aaru Village like Cyno predicted.
“What is going on?” Cyno asks once they set up a little fire and Alhaitham shrugs.
It’s no use to feign ignorance, Cyno is much too sharp for that but it also wouldn’t do to tell the truth.
A convincible half-truth, then.
“I don’t get to spend much time traveling. I wanted to take my time, enjoy it.”
“You could have said,” Cyno chides him. “We could have packed accordingly. But I didn’t take the Acting Grand Sage as someone who likes to dilly-dally.”
“Well, the Acting Grand Sage might not, but I do. If the circumstances allow for it and make it enjoyable, then I don’t see the harm in it.”
Alhaitham is acutely aware of the way Cyno’s eyes bore into the side of his head, but he keeps his gaze on the fire.
There’s a beat of silence before Cyno speaks again.
“Alhaitham, are you ever going to say something?” he asks and Alhaitham’s heart throbs in his chest.
“I don’t know what you mean,” he says, even though he knows it’s futile. He just didn’t expect this topic to come up here and now and he needs to buy a little bit of time for his racing thoughts to calm down.
He chooses to ignore his racing heart.
Cyno gives him a look, not even pretending to believe Alhaitham and instead he ruthlessly goes on.
“I know it’s mutual,” Cyno mutters and Alhaitham scoffs.
“Then it’s hardly just me not saying something, is it?”
“Your aversion of this topic is very clear, even to the untrained eye and I’m hardly that. I know you don’t want to say anything. I just don’t understand your reasoning. So tell me why.”
Alhaitham knows that Cyno must have noticed that he has a hard time denying Cyno anything if he asks for it, so he appreciates this way out he leaves him but now that the topic is out in the open, Alhaitham finds himself compelled to answer.
“You’re of the desert,” he says and Cyno’s confusion is immediate.
“So?” he asks, a slight challenge in his voice and Alhaitham only belatedly realises how this must sound to him.
“I’m not—I didn’t mean it like that.” He is certain that the both of them can still hear the whispered—and sometimes not so much whispered—calls of ‘desert-dweller’ that followed Cyno through most of his time as a student at the Akademiya and Alhaitham wants to smack himself in the face.
“Then how did you mean it?”
Alhaitham takes a deep breath to bring his thoughts in order. He hadn’t realised how difficult it would be to put this into words with Cyno staring at him like this.
“You are of the desert. It’s a part of you and you need to return to it. You’re unhappy if you don’t.”
“That is not wrong. I fail to see how this explains your reluctance, though.”
“How can I ask you to stay if living in the city would wear you down?” Alhaitham whispers, still remembering how happy and settled Cyno had looked yesterday when he returned from his trip. How eager he had been to leave again. “You’re happier when you return from the desert.”
“I am happier when I return because it means I get to see you again,” Cyno says, his voice barely audible over the crackling of the fire. “Alhaitham, did it never occur to you that you confessing your feelings to me wouldn’t be asking me to stay, it would mean asking me to come back to you?”
“But you can’t even promise that, can you?” Alhaitham asks, trying his best to keep the bitterness at bay.
The desert’s calling will always be stronger than whatever he could say and the dangers there are always unpredictable.
“I could promise to always do my utmost to return to you. The desert isn’t my home, and neither is the city. Places don’t hold that much weight for me. My home is with the people I love; with Tighnari and Collei in Ghandarva Ville, with Candace in Aaru Village, with Dehya and whatever part of the desert she finds herself in, with Kaveh in a bar and a house he refuses to call home. And with you.”
Alhaitham finally finds the courage to look at Cyno at that last part.
“The city can be my home if it has you in it. Just like the desert can if you decide to take a day-long trip and stretch it to two. Or three. Who knows what you’re capable of.”
There’s a teasing smile around Cyno’s mouth and this time when Alhaitham’s finger itch with the need to reach out, he doesn’t hold back. He cups Cyno’s cheek in his hand, trailing his thumb over the corner of his mouth and he marvels at the way Cyno leans into the contact.
“You could trace that with something else too, you know,” Cyno whispers but he doesn’t give Alhaitham time to figure out the meaning of his words before he leans in and steals a kiss for himself.
“Ask me to come home to you,” he whispers when they part and Alhaitham finds himself unable to tear his eyes away from him.
“I love you,” he says, his voice matched to Cyno’s and when he sees how Cyno’s eyes crinkle at the corners, he can’t help but to smile too.
“See, that wasn’t so hard, now, was it?” Cyno teases him and kisses the corner of his mouth. “I will always try my hardest to come back to you,” Cyno gives back and Alhaitham hears it for the ‘I love you’ that it is.
And he will put his faith into that promise.
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