#tip for social media marketing
femmefatalevibe · 9 months
How do you become an it-girl in an online community?
Be authentic – share about your genuine interests, perspectives, skillsets, inspirations, etc.
Understand your "why" and "what" – the purpose and "brand personality"/personal brand of your content
Thoughtfully communicate and curate your image/profile via images/text/video
Post regularly. Respond to community engagement
Follow and engage with creators you love/others in these communities
Be consistent. Allow the authentic progression of your life to reflect in your content while remaining mindful of/adjusting to cater to your audience's needs (Why do they come to your page/follow + interact with you?)
Hope this helps xx
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puneet07 · 3 months
That moment when you get free basic SEO from TechLogic Softwares and feel like a no one can beat me! 😂
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rosyjuly · 2 months
remember when mclaren had lewis and jenson build an f1 car for sportsvibe tv... i think williams should remake that with alex and logan for uhhh reasons
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art-res · 1 year
How should I self promo? I wasn't interested before, but recently I read a post about it and decided I should try it. I really want to get my art out there but I don't know where to put things or what to say without coming off wrong.
Hi anon!
Great question!
I made a lil article about this topic of art marketing & hopefully you find it helpful!
Here are some additional pointers that I have, and may be time to update the article lol.
Self-promotion can be a powerful tool to get your art out to the world, but as you said, it can also be a delicate balance between showcasing your work and not coming off as overly self-promoting.
Use social media: Social media platforms such as Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook are excellent places to showcase your art. Make sure to use high-quality images and engaging captions that describe your art and provide context. Reddit can be good, but read rules carefully! Discord is also good, but again, read rules or join art specific ones ones. Ads can also help, but I am not the most experienced in paid ads..
Collaborate with other artists: Collaborating with other artists is a great way to gain exposure and tap into their audience. Consider reaching out to other artists in your niche and see if they're interested in a collaboration.
Drawing challenges are great ways to network with other artists. There's draw this in your style challenges as well as just word prompt contests like inktober, febroarary, creatureanuary, etc.
Create a portfolio: Having a portfolio is essential to showcase your work to potential clients or art collectors. You can create a digital portfolio using websites such as Behance, Squarespace, or Wix.
Attend art fairs and exhibitions: Attending art fairs and exhibitions is an excellent way to network with other artists and art collectors. It's also a great opportunity to showcase your work and gain exposure.
Do not forget to engage with your audience and be genuine in your interactions, as this can help a lot too!
Thanks for reading! If this post helped, please consider reblogging it or sharing it with your friends! ❤️
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digitalmarketarsadia · 7 months
Facebook Marketing Guide: 9 Strategies to Succeed
In this article, we're going to touch on various Facebook marketing tactics you should employ within your overarching social media strategy, and how to get started.
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How to create a Facebook marketing strategy
1. Set goals for your Facebook marketing
2. Know your Facebook audience
3. Publish a mix of content to your Facebook feed
4. Post when your followers are most active
5. Schedule your Facebook content
6. Engage proactively with your audience
7. Use Messenger to build relationships with customers
8. Track & analyze your results
8. Determine your Facebook ads strategy
Additional resources for Facebook Marketing
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theereina · 6 months
What are brands and/or companies that you feel like black/brown creators or influencers should NOT work with? Please explain the reason as well.
This can include:
small or big businesses
US based or international
startups or established
any industry
*Please comment them. Do not reblog answers; otherwise, others may not see them.
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internetdollars · 1 year
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Social media continues to be one of the hottest industries to be involved in day after day. There are many people that have found success being involved in this rapidly growing field, who says you can't be one of them? If you are seeing this now, you can be using this time to start one of the easiest and most valuable side gigs out there! Click here to learn more: https://drive.google.com/file/d/18UGbUIv-annPMor2gCtnhfGqQ79JLNSq/view
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ronniecarabay · 7 months
According to Travis Burch Gold Coast ccomparatively the cost of internet marketing offered by digital marketing companies is a lot cheaper and has the potential to reach an unlimited number of consumers.
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kashraj19 · 3 days
Digital Marketing
Digital Marketing: Navigating the Digital Landscape
Digital marketing has revolutionized how businesses reach and engage audiences. Through channels like social media, search engines, and email, brands can target specific demographics with precision. Data analytics provide insights into consumer behavior, allowing for personalized marketing strategies.
The flexibility and scalability of digital platforms enable cost-effective campaigns compared to traditional methods. However, navigating this dynamic landscape requires staying updated with trends and algorithms.
From SEO to content marketing, digital marketers must innovate to stand out amidst competition. As technology evolves, embracing creativity and analytics remains integral to leveraging digital marketing's full potential in driving business growth and customer engagement.
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aleshiahoover · 20 days
Boost your business with our 5-step guide to social media success! 🚀📱 Learn how to set goals, engage your audience, and optimize your strategy for maximum results. With Aleshia Hoover for personalized digital marketing and branding strategies. 💪🔥 #socialmedia #AleshiaHoover
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femmefatalevibe · 10 months
Hello! Any tips for starting your own ig blog?
Hi love! Some tips are below:
Consider whether you're crafting a personal brand, professional image, aesthetic, or e-commerce/product-focused account
Choose your handle name wisely. Always do your first name/last name or name of your business when applicable
Add relevant search terms to your headline/bio to make your page more easily discoverable to your intended audience. Hashtags can also be added to this section for discoverability
Select a bio image that best speaks to your personal/brand personality. Keep it polished but approachable like a well-executed mirror selfie, professional editorial photo, or your brand's logo
Craft a clear, compelling, and comprehensive bio that makes it simple to understand who you are/the purpose of your page while still showcasing your personal/brand personality. Include a CTA link (to your website, TikTok, Pinterest, press mention, etc.) or use a LinkTree link for more comprehensive accessibility
Decide on your blog purpose/themes covered, USP, key messages, content pillars, and brand voice/image guidelines (content/colors) before posting
Use the same/coordinating filters on all your photos, and try your best to have an aesthetically pleasing feed, so it looks very editorial and professional when people are debating whether to follow
Ensure your captions are engaging, and conversational. Follow a uniform brand voice/personality. However, you don't want your content to look overly edited and distant. Try to find the right balance between polished and relatable. Use the carousel feature liberally and relevant hashtags to optimize SEO value and discoverability
Utilize Instagram stories to provide an insider look at day-to-day happenings, share inspiration, engage in friendly/conversational dialogue with your audience, and promote engagement through polls, Q&As, etc.
Curate some highlights that best speak to your brand pillars/USP with uniform icon covers. Design them with a tool like Canva for a personal touch
Hope this helps xx
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sharminpoly24 · 1 month
What is SEO/Search Engine Optimization and How does it Work?
SEO stands for "search engine optimization". In simple, it is a process of improving your webpage to increase its visibility in search engines like Google, Bing, etc. You would get more chances to gain attention when your webpage is more visible in search engine results pages (SERPs). 
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anandparikh · 2 months
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Ready to take your online business to new heights? Drop us a message to learn more about our services! 🚀
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travisburchgoldcoast · 2 months
As per words by Travis Burch Gold Coast, it can be said when any business organization is found at the top of the page, it would help to earn more traffic for the page.
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beardedtacowolf · 2 months
Buy Gmail Accounts
Gmail Accounts arе еmail addresses hostеd on Googlе’s Gmail platform. Thеy еnd with “@gmail.com” and offеr lots of usеful fеaturеs. You can usе sеrvicеs likе Googlе Drivе, Calеndar, and Docs with your account. Gmail gives you plenty of space for еmails and attachmеnts. You can еasily find old еmails with its sеarch tool and sеt up filtеrs to organize your inbox.
It’s also safe, with fеaturеs likе two-factor authеntication to protect your account from unauthorizеd accеss. Gmail Accounts work on wеb browsеrs, mobilе apps, and othеr еmail programs, so you can check your еmails from anywhеrе. Thеy makе it еasy to stay in touch and manage your mеssagеs across different dеvicеs.
Buy Gmail Accounts
Buying Gmail accounts involvеs acquiring еxisting or nеwly madе email addresses from spеcializеd sеllеrs. Thеsе accounts can be bought individually or in large quantitiеs. Thеy comе with various fеaturеs likе agе, activity lеvеl, and othеr traits. Pеoplе or companies opt to buy Gmail accounts for sеvеral reasons:
Firstly, it can be for markеting purposеs, whеrе having multiplе accounts hеlps in rеaching a broadеr audiеncе.
Sеcondly, it aids in managing multiple projects or businеssеs еfficiеntly, as еach account can bе dеdicatеd to a specific task.
Thirdly, somе usе it for social mеdia management, whеrе sеparatе accounts arе nееdеd for different platforms.
Additionally, purchasing accounts can be a strategy for maintaining anonymity or privacy onlinе.
Undеrstanding thе potential bеnеfits for buying is crucial. It еnsurеs that thе invеstmеnt aligns with thе intеndеd goals and rеquirеmеnts. Factors such as account agе, activity lеvеl, and sеllеr crеdibility should be considered to make an informеd decision. Buying Gmail accounts can sеrvе various purposеs, from еxpanding outrеach to strеamlining opеrations. It dеpеnds on individuals or businеss nееds.
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