#titanus amhuluk
giantmonsterpolls · 21 days
Happy Ten Years Of The MonsterVerse!!!
I forgot to post this yesterday, my bad))
Behold, the surprise I was telling ya’ll about!!
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Me posting my art?? On this account??
I’ve been working on this for a while and I’m really proud of it, and I do plan to start posting my own fanart here more often!!!
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monarch-afterdark · 2 months
Titan History: Behemoth
Welcome once again to Monarch: After Dark, the digital gateway between you and the organisation dedicated to understanding and navigating this troubled new world we live in.
For today's communication, as we begin exhausting the list of Titans we can provide extensive information on, we look to a friendly-ish face who grew very popular very quickly; the defender of the Amazon, Behemoth.
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(Pictured above: News footage of a pacified Behemoth leaving Rio following the ORCA's activation, circa. 2019)
Monarch Database File: Behemoth
Monarch Designation: Titanus Behemoth
Height: 354 feet
Weight: 90,000 tons
Nature: Bio-Seismic
Behavioural Classification: Protector
Also known by the name Mapinguari (a South American cryptid believed to resemble a Bigfoot/ground sloth cross), Behemoth was considered by some of those studying him to be the most interesting of all the Titans. A Titan that looks as powerful as his name implies, Behemoth resembles a cross between a ground sloth and a mammoth, armed with an imposing set of tusks, dense fireproof fur coating and spines of metal-fortified granite running down his back.
Behemoth's presence breeds new life wherever he travels, forests grow and flourish in his wake and his waste can be converted into an extremely effective fertilizer that can strengthen the very Earth's immune system. When Monarch makes the claim that the Titans are vital in restoring the natural order and healing our world, Behemoth is often the poster child of the effect the Titans can have.
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(Pictured above: Footage captured of Behemoth using his tusks to ravage Rio de Janeiro, circa 2019)
While much of Behemoth's history is not known to us, it is noted that the Titan seems to share a rivalry with Amhuluk, the two having clashed many times before in the ancient past. Amhuluk and Behemoth's abilities appear to offset each other perfectly, preventing Behemoth from inadvertantly overwhelming the world with rainforests where rainforests shouldn't be.
Behemoth's awakening in 2019 during the Monster Zero crisis is notable, as his breach of containment was done so with the aid of Monarch operatives who sympathized with paleobiologist-turned-ecoterrorist Emma Russell. One member of Outpost 58, Mariko, had personally seen to the sabotage of the kill switch implemented within the outpost, preventing Monarch from being able to stop Behemoth's escape.
He went on a rampage through Rio de Janeiro shortly afterward, before being pacified by the ORCA activating in Boston. Behemoth was one of the few who had arrived to witness Godzilla's claim to Alpha status, and notably was the first Titan to arrive on the scene. Following this, Behemoth was noted as having regrown large swathes of the Amazon Rainforest, and the usefulness of his droppings was discovered not long after.
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(Pictured above: Artisitic pinup of Behemoth in the Amazon, courtesy of Drew E. Johnson)
Toward the end of 2020, Behemoth had seemed to claim territory within the Amazon, but found himself locked in combat with Amhuluk. The opposing Titan managed to break off one of Behemoth's tusks and prepared to drown him in the river, but Godzilla's arrival and intervention stopped that from happening.
Behemoth quickly returned to a makeshift temple in the Amazon, crafted for him by the locals, which he seemed to be using as a resting place, and returned to dormancy not long after.
To date, no new activity from Behemoth since 2020 has been reported.
And there you go! While Scylla and Tiamat appear to be the current subjects of most "Titan gossip" that goes on, Behemoth drew people's attention to him quite rapidly after his emergence and impact on the world was known. His fame grew to such an extent, that jokes among Monarch staff were often made about Behemoth and Kong having something akin to a friendship.
Until next time,
Monarch: After Dark
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artblooger19moon · 7 months
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Titanus Amhuluk
Godzilla Franchise
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leoprime13 · 4 months
These two are going to be at each others' throats through out the movie, aren't they?
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uhhhyaenbyjade · 2 months
Monsterverse Titan Phylogeny & Taxonomy
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So, I was bored, and instead of studying for an upcoming test, I procrastinated and made a phylogenetic tree (a Tree of Life) and some proper scientific names for the Titans we have seen in the Monsterverse! The names in the official canon make no taxonomic sense. Titanus mosura and Titanus behemoth sound cool and all, but that implies that all the Titans are the same Genus, which.... no. Just, no.
I hope you guys enjoy it! I am always happy to answer any questions you have about it in the comments.
Scientific Names:
Shinomura - Parasitas collonium (parasitic colony)
Na Kika - Polypusoccult iridescentia (secret iridescent octopus)
Scylla - Lolligan testa (giant squid with legs)
Mothra - Vespulinea luxideu mosura (wasp light-god Mothra)
MUTO - Magnenator phagos (magnetic eater eater)
Amhuluk - Daemopampinus deceoculi (demon tendril with ten eyes)
Methuselah - Montivitae cornutum (living mountain with horns)
Skull Crawler - Reptant cranium (basic reptile skull)
Ion Dragon - Dracdum pisicut (fish-like ion dragon)
Tiamat - Serpensbellum tempestas (war serpent of storms)
Rodan - Pyranodon ventus (toothless winds of fire)
Doug - Deumigale optimum (best god gecko)
Shimo - Deureptilus glaciei (god reptile of the ice)
Godzilla - Deureptilia solis gojira (god reptile of the sun)
Behemoth - Dentesimia mehemot (tusked ape behemoth)
Frost Vark - Nasasidus fodiens (star nose digger)
Camazotz - Solhostis vespermortem (sun enemy death bat)
Skar King / Suko - Deupithepongo sapiens (wise god orangutan)
Kong - Deupithecus sapiens (wise god ape)
ALSO: Because Ghidorah is not of Earth, he wouldn't be ANYWHERE on a phylogenetic tree of Earth animals. Nowhere close at all. But his scientific name could be Interfectorum inanis (void killer).
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friend-maddie · 19 days
kaiju that i think helluva characters would like
Mammon: Scylla, he thought she was a spider and got upset when he found out she was a crustacean
Stolas: Mothra. he think's she's pretty and elegant. (she is)
Moxxie: Kong and Suko. you know why
Millie: Tiamat and Shimo. game recognizes game.
Sallie mae: Titanus Amhuluk, idk the vibe is just right. she would think he's cool.
Blitzo: Titanus Doug. no I will not elaborate
Loona: the warbats
Octavia: the MUTOs, she doesn't actually watch the movies. she just watched Godzilla 2014 with her dad when she was young so she only knows Godzilla and the MUTOs and she thought they were cool.
Wacky Wally: Tiamat. he thinks she got way too little screen time.
Striker: he likes godzilla purely becasue he fucking HATES Ghidorah and by extension, mechagodzilla.
Fizzy: mechagodzilla, (I am going to hell) no not for the obvious reasons. he likes the lore implications and interesting biology regarding Ghidorahs skulls.
Ozzie: spore mantis. Ozzie is a sweetie. he likes the gentle giants
Crimson: Ghidorah. the king.
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terexialus · 1 year
Titanus Amhuluk doodle. He a weird fella, but I like em.
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arsnovacadenza · 3 years
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Totally shipping these two
Ugly as sin + jerk to other titans + denies wanting love and acceptance (Amhuluk) and the prettiest titan not counting Mothra + loved and protected by almost all (esp the King) + secretly an intelligent sadist
Idk I just seeing foils fall in love with each other
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godzillasrighttoe · 3 years
Made a Tier List of the most beloved characters in the Monsterverse :)
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More details below.
S-Most beloved
Ghidorah, because there's SOOO many of you guys on here who are obsessed with and sexually attracted to him😐like, nearly all of you.
Godzilla, because he's the main character in the Monsterverse besides Kong. And he's basically loved by everyone except for fatshamers and Kong fans.
Mothra, because she's loved due to the M*thz*ll* ship.
A-Appears in media the most
Rodan, because since he's basically seen as everybody's bitch towards everyone he'd be known and famous which he is.
Kong, because he's also the main character in the Monsterverse and VERY iconic here in the United States. Would've gave him the S spot but he's not as popular as the characters above him.
Behemoth, because even though he's not as strong in the Monsterverse unlike other beloved characters, he's still iconic and recognized a lot in media. He's even has figures mad of himself AND he's even appeared in video games.
B-Characters that are talked about a lot
Mechagodzilla, because even though he's loved for being "Kevin's comeback"(ugh. please just focus on the actual mecha and show him some love😑) yet criticized for his weapons he's a character people have mixed feelings for but is still popular.
Tiamat, because she's received a TON of fan art and love for her ever since her appearance in Godzilla:Dominion.
Doug, because UwU very cute and beloved by fans.
C-Most popular side kaiju
The usual Barb/Queen Muto, Scylla and Methuselah. Though I feel like Barb gets maybe a little more love than the other two.
D-First beloved titans
Femuto, because y'all were REALLY thirsty for her when Godzilla 2014 first came out😐
Hokmuto, because why not love her husband as well?Yeah, she has a HUSBAND, you horny fucks.
E-Loved by the Monsterverse itself
Camazotz and Na Kika, because they've been the main subjects Monsterverse books for a while. The media doesn't hate them, they like them, but they just don't talk about them as much.
Muto Prime because she's talked about more in the Monsterverse than media itself. Only a little bit though.
Amhuluk, because I'm pretty sure I'm the only one who likes him. The fans don't like him because he's "not a dragon like how he is in mythology" but they're most likely just some angry Behemoth stans who are mad because of Amhuluk's AMAZING strengths over him.
Shinomura, because nobody likes or talks about him. He's just... forgotten at this point. The definition of Lost Media.
I should've gave Skull Devil a spot on here but I'm too lazy to remake this again.
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little-godzilla · 3 years
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It here!!
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elijahman · 2 years
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Meet titanus grim reaper in his new design
He is a hybrid titan mix of Godzilla Kong Ghidorah mothra sekhumet na kika nessy leviathan amhuluk baphomet Quetzalcoatl monster x and more
His personality is he is quite calm and sometimes aggressive towards other titans back in 2014 when he was way smaller and slimmer than 2026 grim reaper and his abilities is from Godzilla aptenodytes and other titans with atomic breath and gravity beam
His height is 550 feet tall wingspan is 1000 Feet wide
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monarch-afterdark · 2 months
Titan History: Amhuluk
Welcome once again to Monarch: After Dark, the digital gateway between you and the organisation dedicated to understanding and navigating this troubled new world we live in.
Before we begin with today's communication, we here on the After Dark team would like to take a second to thank all those who have chosen to engage with this blog so far. This blog was started to ensure better relations between Monarch and the public by being fully transparent and unbiased in the information released, and we appreciate everyone who chooses to engage, regardless of how brief.
Now, returning to business, we would like to present all we know on one of the oddest Titans currently in our bestiary; the florafauna colossus, Amhuluk.
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(Pictured above: A sketch of Amhuluk, courtesy of Monarch cryptobiologist Drew E. Johnson, circa. 2021)
Monarch Database File: Amhuluk
Monarch Designation: Titanus Amhuluk
Height: 379 feet
Weight: Unknown
Nature: Bio-Pathogenic
Behavioural Classification: Destroyer
Currently the largest known instance of "florafauna" (animals that take on biological traits similar to plants), Amhuluk is an oddity that truly has to be seen to be believed. Its true form is a disembodied head and spine, the rest of its body a collected assembly of natural resources and plant material contorted and morphed to suit the Titan's needs, through the use of bio-telepathic neurotransmitters in its head. This ability grants Amhuluk incredible camouflage, and even the ability to fly (depending on the structure it chooses to form as its body).
Amhuluk's incredible capabilities don't stop there. The Titan possesses the ability to emit toxins capable of destroying entire rivers and oceanic channels, mustering its telepathic abilities as psychic beams fired from its tendrils into the brains of its enemies, and possesses immense strength, able to "throw" parts of its body at opponents by means of telekinesis.
Perhaps fortunately for humanity, Amhuluk is not invincible. Due to the plant-based composition of its body constructs, Amhuluk is susceptible to flame-based attacks. Its regenerative powers rely heavily on Amhuluk being around further plant material that it can use, and if its head is damaged sufficiently, it could destroy the body it has created. Monarch's Rick Stanton also discovered Amhuluk's vulnerability to sonic frequencies, personally recommending the use of Van Halen's "You Really Got Me" when engaging Amhuluk.
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(Pictured above: Artistic depiction of Amhuluk engaging Titanus Behemoth, prior to Godzilla's intervention, circa. 2020)
Little is known about Amhuluk's history prior to his awakening during the Monster Zero crisis, other than that he was known through ancient myth as a bringer of pestilence, disease and death. He was contained within Monarch Outpost 66, at the Manpupuner Rock Formations in Russia. Like most Titans, Amhuluk failed to reach Boston in time to witness Monster Zero's demise and Godzilla's claim to Alpha status.
Roughly around the end of 2020, Amhuluk travelled to the Amazon Rainforest, where he battled against fellow Titan Behemoth, the latest in an apparent history of grudge matches between the two. Amhuluk succeeded in breaking one of Behemoth's tusks, emerging victorious over the Titan and preparing to drown him in the river. Godzilla arrived shortly after, forcing Amhuluk away from Behemoth. The Titan recognised Godzilla's authority and backed off without further conflict.
Shortly afterward, Amhuluk returned to dormancy, seemingly under Godzilla's instruction. There have been no further incidents involving Amhuluk, though in the years since he awakened, merchandise such as statues were created of him, and other Titans such as Godzilla.
And there we have it! We apologise for this communication being shorter than our other "Titan History" installments, though with our intel on Amhuluk being somewhat limited for now, we can only provide what we have. Should Amhuluk appear to stir trouble once again, Monarch will be there, and we will tell you all we can about it.
Until next time,
Monarch: After Dark
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hrodvitnon · 2 years
MonsterVerse Headcanon/Idea: Ahmuluk (I’m never gonna get that spelt right), or another member of his species, are to blame for the myths around the Nuckelavee (fucking terrifying monster from Celtic Myth).
I would not be at all surprised if Amhuluk or some other sleep paralysis demon-looking Titanic critter inspired something as nightmare fueled as The Feckin' Nuckelavee. I mean, look at this fucking thing! Titanus Nuckelavee when, MonsterVerse?!
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lairofmxnsters · 4 years
Titans: Shaping Religion & Mythology
So, as we all know, the King of the Monsters film gave us quite a LOT of new Titans, outside of the four trademark ones, being Godzilla, Mothra, Rodan, and King Ghidorah (Five if you wanna count the alleged skeletal remains of Anguirus). But what you all might not know (or might know) was that many of these Titans were given very specific names. Names that already exists in other types of circumstances. Especially pertaining towards religion and mythology. So how come that Legendary Entertainment chose such specific names for them? Was it perhaps for the sake of cool, inspiring names? Or perhaps with the intent of implying... that all of our modern-world religious beliefs and mythic histories were all based around Titans? Let us delve deeper into some of the Titans that were included in the film;
(However, I will not go into detail about Behemoth, Methuselah, or Scylla, since we already got them shown on screen in the film, just those that were mentioned, but not shown)
Titanus Abaddon
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Yes, your eyes do not deceive you. Right out of the gate, we have confirmation of a Titan named after a prominent figure out of the Christian Bible; Abaddon, the Angel of the Bottomless Pit, who sent an army of locusts against the followers of The Lord. And incase you didn’t know, the ‘locusts’ were pictured like this. And quite ironically, his outpost is placed under Devil’s Tower in Wyoming.
So, how can we imagine that the Titan incarnation of Abaddon looked like? Well, since it was talked about that the Christian Abaddon released an army of locusts, then I am thinking something insectoid. Perhaps something of an insectoid/mammalian hybrid, due to the Bible’s depictions of the locusts.
Titanus Amhuluk
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Next, we have a Titan based on a monster from the folklore of the Kalapuya Indians, Amhuluk, who resided near the Manpupuner Rock Formations in Russia’s Komi Republic. In the folklore, Amhuluk is described as ‘a large monster on four legs, with long horns, a spotted body, and followed by small dogs, also spotted’. So maybe something like a horned dog, maybe? That’d be cool to see.
Titanus Baphomet
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And yet again, a name that I believe is renowned by many Christians and Satanists alike; Baphomet. The deity worshiped by the Knights Templar, and subsequently tarnished and associated with satanic cults, under the name of the ‘horned sabbatic goat’. The reason I say ��tarnished’ is because in fact, Baphomet was originally based on an Old French misspelling of Muhammad, famously invoked by King Philip IV, as a god worshiped by the Knights Templar. It was located in Volubilis, an ancient Berber city near Meknes, Morocco.
So perhaps the appearance of the Titan Baphomet could’ve made people believe it was a symbol of satanism instead? Something with a giant, malformed or ‘hellish-looking’ goat’s head?
Titanus Bunyip
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Titanus Bunyip, located near Uluru, or Ayers Rock, Australia, is a Titan based on a swamp monster from Aboriginal folklore. In most recorded reports of ‘sightings’ of a Bunyip, it is described as a sort of seal-dog hybrid between 4 and 6 feet long, with round heads resembling a Bulldog’s, prominent ears, no tails, and whiskers like that of a seal or otter. A giant version of that? Pretty awesome.
Titanus Kraken
Yeah, no image for this one, because this was a Titan that was only in the novelization of KOTM, but I felt like this one was worthy of putting in ‘cause there’s a lot of details about him. So he was kept within a Monarch outpost in the Indian Ocean that was built around him, and he was described as a giant octopus-like Titan with ‘a dense, curving cone of shell’ protecting his head. He had multiple hearts and brains, could change his color and pattern at will, and could extensively regenerate any part of his body. So basically, in this description, he comes off as a Titan-sized Ammonite, with the physical capabilities of a squid/octopus.
Titanus Leviathan
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Ironically located in Loch Ness, Scotland, despite not being called ‘Nessie’, Leviathan is the oceanic counterpart to Behemoth in the Hebrew Bible, and may as well be the reason for all the myths surrounding the Loch Ness Monster, or ‘Nessie’. So, another giant sea monster, but perhaps more leaning towards a whale than anything else, considering Behemoth was more mammalian, and due to their similar religious inspiration, perhaps Leviathan is more mammalian too.
Titanus Mokele-Mbembe
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The sauropod cryptic known as Mokele-Mbembe was also referenced in the film, and was located in Jebel Barkal, Sudan. As it is known, Mokele-Mbembe is based on a cryptid monster hailing from Congo, said to inhabit its rivers. In the novelization, his role was expanded upon, and he was described as having ‘four thick legs, a massive, snake-like tail, a curved horn on his head pulsing with  a very faint green light, a head that looks something like an earless elephant, except that its tusks are turned down, rather than up, and a mouth that opens like a crocodile’s, revealing thousands of teeth.
Titanus Quetzalcoatl
No location image for this either, but it is said to originate from Macchu Pichu, an ancient Incan citadel in Peru. Its name is derived from the Mesoamerican feathered serpent god, and it is most likely that it shared similar appearance as the god in description.
Titanus Sekhmet
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To no surprise, hailing from Cairo, Egypt, the Titan Sekhmet is obviously named after the Egyptian Goddess of War and Healing. Being a goddess depicted with a lioness head, it could be possible that Sekhmet is a feline-based Titan.
Titanus Tiamat
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Now we are getting into some heavy hitting names here. Titanus Tiamat is located in Stone Mountain, Georgia, and its name is derived after the Mesopotamian/Babylonian ‘mother goddess’, who played a big role in the Mesopotamian/Babylonian creation myth, where Tiamat of the Salt Sea mated with Abzû, the God of Fresh Waters, to produce younger gods.
Titanus Typhon
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Titanus Typhon, named after Typhon, also known as the mate of Echidna, and ‘Father of Monsters’ in Greek mythology, was located in Angkor Wat, Cambodia. Now, seeing as this Titan was named after a Greek mythological figure that was the FATHER of all monsters of that mythology, it would be a fun theory that perhaps Typhon is the father of all Titans, including Godzilla, but it is highly unlikely that is the case, and is just for show.
Titanus Yamata no Orochi
And finally, the third with no location picture available, is Yamata-no-Orochi, the Eight-Headed Serpent of Japanese mythology, located in a Monarch base under Mt. Fuji, Japan. Ironically, Yamata-no-Orochi has appeared in previous Toho films “The Three Treasures”, and “Orochi, the Eight-Headed Dragon”, and GMK (Godzilla, Mothra and King Ghidorah) even presented Ghidorah as a juvenile Orochi, though we know this is probably not the case in KOTM. Either way, Yamata-no-Orochi is a very prominent mythological beast, only able to be slain and defeated by one of the Shinto gods, Susano’o, after he was cast down on Earth, and managed to lure Orochi in with fresh Sake, trapping the eight heads in wicker baskets, and cutting off the heads.
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hrodvitnon · 3 years
My NNN advice for the Male Titans
Godzilla: Fail, nuff said.
Rodan: Just isolate yourself. You may lose your mental well-being but you'll be fine.
Methuselah: Sleep. Just sleep.
Behemoth: Just stay in your forest. Hopefully Amhuluk doesn't catch your eye again. If so, fail then.
Amhuluk: Fail.
Ghidorah: Fail. Get out.
Methuselah: Found something sexier than you.
Tiamat: ...Herr Titanus Methuselah, you take that back. Who in the DEVIL'S ASSHOLE can POSSIBLY be sexier than me?
Methuselah: Sleep.
Tiamat: I stand corrected. Carry on, sir.
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