#tkrv x reader
rygujis · 6 months
⊹˚. ♡ what are we? draken x f!reader . 592 wc . crack, feat. hina & emma, draken's a tease, i might make another part of this
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for months now, you and draken have been "seeing eachother". it's hard to explain. he's been taking you on all these cute dates, you've been flirting with one another, the two of you hold hands in public without even realizing it, and your friends have all assumed you're dating, which has made you start thinking,
"what are we?"
neither you or draken have asked eachother this, nothing has been made official, and frankly, you're afraid to ask. it seems like a dumb question, but could you really be blamed for asking it? you didn't know, and you aren't quite sure he knows either.
with encouragement from emma and hina, bless their hearts, you go ahead and pick up your phone. reluctantly, you dial his number, before hitting the big green button, you look up at your friends, whom both give you a nod and thumbs up. you shake off your worries, and call draken.
the phone rings for what feels like eternity, making your foot tap impatiently. suddenly, you hear a, "hello?" you nearly hang up right there. the whole pep talk you'd just gotten seems to of went right out the window, and you start to shake. "hi."
"what's up?" you realize how late it is, checking the clock on your nightstand. it's 12 am.
"i didn't wake you up, did i?"
"i was just 'bout to go to sleep, but don't worry about it."
"cool, cool."
"so.. why'd you call?" draken sounds confused, usually something like this would irritate him, like, if mikey had called him this late and just stayed quiet he'd be pretty ticked off, but he has a godly amount of patience when it comes to you.
"i wanted to ask you something."
he stays quiet.
"what- uh... what are we?"
more silence.
"ain't it obvious?" you freeze. seemingly. you turn a very deep red, because emma starts to giggle into hinas shoulder.
"what do you mean?" you can't help but laugh nervously, filled with anxiety. what does he mean? is he saying that in a "we're nothing more than friends, obviously!" kind of way or in a "obviously we're together!" way? it's hard to read his tone, that's right in between sounding playful and confused.
"tell me, what do you want us to be?"
oh, he wants you dead. that's basically impossible to say out loud with your two snickering best friends in front of you. you point to your door, mouthing "get out." at the two girls, resulting in hina scurrying out, dragging a whiny, nosy emma out with her.
"i- uh. i guess i was hoping we could be. y'know."
"no, n/n, i don't know."
you sigh, pouting dramatically. "y'know.. official. girlfriend 'nd boyfriend." you nearly throw up in your mouth out of sheer embarrassment, but you were proud of yourself for finally getting that out after questioning your relationship nonstop for the past week.
"hmm.. i suppose that could work."
"you suppose?!" he laughs, making you smile.
"i'm just kiddin', y/n. i'd love to make things official."
like a teen girl in one of those corny movies you watch, you fall on your back and kick your feet out of excitement. it almost felt like a dream come true, you've finally made it to the next base after months of build up.
"see you tomorrow?"
"sounds great."
the phone is still snug against your ear as you squeal in excitement, the que for the girls to run back in and bask in the excitement with you.
i might make a "part two" for this.. in quotes bc it could techically be a standalone but yk
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the-tragic-heroine · 1 year
死鬼祭 | Shiki Matsuri
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fandom: tokyo revengers
characters: kurokawa izana, kakucho, haitani ran, haitani rindou, madarame shion, kokonoi hajime
pairings: tenjiku x female reader
cw: blood, violence, major character death, supernatural elements, mass murder, angst with happy ending, kinda, she/her pronouns used for reader
tags: @akemiixx01​
The villagers say that you cursed them all. You believe that they were the ones who cursed you. (Or, in which the circumstances of your unfortunate birth woke a forgotten, slumbering god.)
Very vague depictions of the supernatural here, and a few cameos of specific yokai if you can spot them! Title is based off of a song by KODOKULOVE! More characters may be added as the story progresses.
Read on AO3 Chapter One | Chapter Two | Chapter Three | Chapter Four | Chapter Five | Chapter Six
“Welcome back,” Izana said as you settled back into your own body again. “Are you with me?”
You nodded, staring straight ahead.
“Good. How do you feel?”
“Awful,” you replied bluntly. Then, “Was that really me?”
Izana hummed. “Who knows… but I like to think that it was. Some way or another, you came back—and I believe that somehow, I was given the chance to make things right.” When he looked at you, you were transported centuries back to those same amethyst eyes: divine and ethereal in its majesty, but shedding tears like a heartbroken human man.
“It hurt,” you told him honestly. “It hurt more than the day I was bashed over the head and burned with a torch. I should hate you for making me go through that. Yet…” You trailed off. “Yet, I can’t. I can’t hate you because now, I understand.”
The you who grew up with nothing would have never been able to comprehend the pain of losing absolutely everything.
“The Sano household still stands, even to this day,” you said. “But my family’s old home has long since been built over. They erased both you and us from history and replaced it with the legend of a cunning fox, who tried to disguise itself as a human woman so it could kill the village lord. Not even my mother knew the truth, as it died along with me that night.” You met his piercing gaze. “But you knew, didn’t you? You knew the second you saw me and the blood that came out from between my legs. And the guilt of it followed you forever.”
Izana said nothing.
“I’m sorry,” you said. “I’m sorry for deceiving you. I’m sorry for leaving you all alone.” You smiled at him, eyes dry and free from tears. “But I’m here now, so let me help you.”
This time, when Izana smiled back, you found that he had never looked more lovely.
The remaining walk to the village did not take very long, and when you both arrived, you could not even be shocked anymore at the sight that awaited you.
It was as if the entire village, from the rooftops to the streets, had been doused with foul, oozing tar. The malevolent spirits clung onto the sides of buildings, adhered themselves to the weary, zombie-like villagers who appeared to have lost all will to live. None even seemed to notice me as I peered out from behind the trees near the village entrance. Farther into the distance, I recognised the looming presence of the painfully familiar Sano household and its demons, sitting at the very top of the sloping hill.
“How unfair,” you said, “that one man’s sin would be enough to doom an entire civilization.”
“Such is the nature of man,” Izana replied, voice carried by the breeze.
Perhaps the long dream had broken something deep inside of you, because when your gaze came to rest on a crumpled heap along the side of an alley, surrounded by bloodied sticks and stones and with a cloud of both flies and demons hovering overhead, you did not even blink. Probably because the body reminded you a bit of yours, all those centuries ago… and you could no longer find within yourself any remaining ounce of sympathy left for the villagers who had shunned you and your bloodline, tortured you throughout your entire life, for a crime you had never even committed.
You did not feel human when you turned to Izana and said with a smile, “Burn them all.”
It was the night of a full moon when you and Izana led an army of a hundred yokai to descend upon the village—but the only person the villagers saw was you. As if in a trance, they watched silently as you walked through the center of all the buildings, eyes set straight ahead, ignoring the chattering monsters that began to crawl close behind. When you reached the foot of the hill leading up to the Sano household, you finally turned around.
Behind you, Izana was already waiting, invisible to the eyes of the mortal men. All he had to do was raise one hand—and then, the massacre began.
Screams blended together with the laughter of Izana’s contracted spirits as one-by-one, the houses burst into flame. Wooden rafters creaked and groaned, snapping and smoldering while people desperately scrambled for safety—only to run headfirst into the jaws of the eagerly awaiting yokai, who devoured their souls and left only empty husks behind. The demonic entities that clung to the village were swept up into the chaos, latching onto and attacking both humans and yokai alike—but they were nothing more than fodder for Izana’s army, who quickly consumed them as well.
You caught glimpses of your shrine’s men in the crowd; Ran and Rindou were all too happy to stomp the demons flat, not caring if any humans were in the way. Shion killed any creature who crossed his path, human or demon, occasionally having to be yanked aside before he could attack an ally by accident. Kokonoi mostly stayed on the sidelines, away from the violence, but did not hesitate to crush any victims who strayed too far from the center of the battle. And you watched as Kakucho, whose eyes once swam with guilt and remorse, guarded the village border—catching whoever made it far enough in their attempt to escape and ripping their hearts from their chests. When he raised his head and briefly caught your gaze, you saw that he wore an expression of nothing but cold dedication to his duty.
As buildings and villagers collapsed and burned alike, you stood at the center of it all. Dying people cried out and begged for their lives like you were a god. How ironic, you thought to yourself as they perished like ants beneath a merciless heel; you had once died here, too, like nothing but a wounded animal, without even the chance to plead to your own beloved god for salvation. You wondered, if you could have chosen how you died, which you would pick: burning together with your people, or bleeding out alone in front of an entire village’s scrutiny.
The sudden touch against the back of your hand dragged you from your thoughts and you found yourself blinking up at Izana, who slipped your hand into his. As he interlaced your fingers together, he leaned in and rested his forehead against yours—mirroring the night of your death. You closed your eyes, letting the sounds of destruction fade into the back of your mind as he spoke.
“This is not the end,” he said, his voice a gentle caress. “This is only the beginning. Let this be the day of our rebirth.”
“Our rebirth,” you echoed, and closed the gap between your lips. In that moment, encircled by death and fire, you had never felt happier.
The Sano manor was the only building still standing after the rest of the village was reduced to piles of smoldering ash. You stood before it, matchstick in hand, facing the same doors you had once been thrown out of.
“You tried to erase our bloodline,” you told the house, lifting the match into the air. “How funny that instead, mine will be the only one that remains.”
The match sailed through the air, flame dancing to a familiar melody. When the manor began to burn, instead of the crackling of flames, you heard the humming of your mother while she brushed your hair, woven together with the whimsical laughter of your little brother and sister.
You sat and watched until the house was no more, until all that was left of the fire was the curling of smoke into the air. Until you could no longer hear your family’s song.
“Goodbye,” you said, and cried.
“Go sit down,” Rindou snapped at you as you tried to help sweep up some of the debris. “You shouldn’t be here anyway! You should be resting back at home.”
“She’s not a doll, Rin Let her do what she wants,” Ran piped up, standing so that he could stretch from where he had been moving rubble off to the side. “Ugh, some of this stuff is getting into my hair…”
You rolled your eyes at the two of them and huffed. “You guys are absolutely useless at cleaning. Especially Ran. That’s why I’m here, because the mess should have been cleared by now so we can actually start rebuilding everything!”
“Oh, come now,” Kokonoi laughed, sticking out his tongue at your bickering. “Why not pay for some more help? Not that I’m offering to spare some of my own money, though.”
“You’re useless too,” you grumbled right back. “I can’t believe you have the audacity to ask us to pay you to help! Why does Izana still keep you around? Also, where the hell did Shion go?”
As if on cue, a bloodcurdling screech erupted from a rubble pile a short distance away, before Shion popped into view with a disgruntled tanuki dangling by the tail from his clenched fist.
“Ever since we destroyed everything, this place has been crawlin’,” Shion said, eyeing the wriggling creature. “Might as well eat some of ‘em, right?”
You dropped your broom. “Shion! Let it go!”
“It’s lively here, but somehow, it seems that even less work is being done,” came Kakucho’s smooth, deep voice from behind you, right as Shion begrudgingly dropped the poor tanuki. It scampered back into the forest.
You sighed. “It’s like wrangling with children. I don’t know how you and Izana manage it.”
Kakucho laughed, and you were once again struck by the raw beauty of his happy face. “Well, when you’ve been together with these guys for hundreds of years, what’s just a few minutes more in comparison?” He patted your shoulder. “Take a break. I know you’re excited to get things finished, but there’s no real rush. There are no people left aside from you now, after all. And, well, except for…”
A loud yell and crash interrupted him mid-sentence, the two of you looking up just in time to see Izana cheerfully kicking Shion into a mountain of splintered wood. Ran and Rindou guffawed while Kokonoi snickered into one of his fluffy tails. Kakucho rolled his eyes and set off to help Shion up, who was now loudly complaining about splinters, leaving you to watch the scene with a little shake of your head—but unable to wipe the affectionate smile from your face. You were still smiling when Izana made his way over to your side.
“You look happy,” he murmured, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear before wrapping his arms around you with a sigh of contentment.
“That’s because I am,” you replied, laughing softly. “I never thought someone like me could ever be happy in this lifetime… but thanks to all of you, I’ve been proven wrong. Even though it took a lot of pain and heartache to get here.” And human sacrifices, your mind added helpfully, though you chose to ignore it.
Izana rested his chin on your shoulder with a pleased hum. “If anyone deserves happiness, it’s you.”
You closed your eyes and smiled. “If you say so. And what about you? Are you happy?”
You felt the curve of his lips against your neck as he responded without hesitation. “Of course I am. And so are the others. We’ve waited centuries to find our happiness again—and now that we found it, we don’t plan on letting you go.”
“I’m… your happiness?” Your words came out in a shaky whisper.
“…Always have been, from the very start.”
The tears of joy rolling down your cheeks became glistening sparkles underneath the warmth of the noontime sun. “Then, don’t. Don’t let me go. Let me stay by your side for the rest of my life—and for the rest of yours.”
“You’ve gotten better with your words since becoming one with me,” Izana said. “Do you feel any different, now that you’ve joined me in becoming a god?”
“Not really,” you said, after some thought. “I feel exactly the same. Who knows, maybe I was actually god all this time! After all, gods are formed from the power of belief, right?”
Izana hummed. “Indeed. This world works in mysterious ways—but that’s the beauty of it, isn’t it?”
“At the very least, I do feel like I’ve been reborn, like you said.” One of your hands found its way atop of Izana’s, where it rested over the slight swell of your stomach. “So I hope that it’s a sign of this village’s eventual rebirth, as well.”
“I’m sure it is,” he replied, closing his eyes. His long eyelashes brushed against your skin in a fluttering kiss. “We’ll rebuild it together, piece by piece.”
a/n: Sorry if the ending was rather abrupt kdasjlsl I ACTUALLY HAVE ANOTHER FIC I PLAN ON DROPPING SOON SO I JUST WANTED TO FINISH THIS UP QUICKLY SO I CAN GET TO IT!! also, what do you guys think of an epilogue?and btw, before anyone asks about the logistics of how they're gonna rebuild an entire village with just y/n and the boyz, there are neighbouring villages and travelers who will eventually move in and settle permanently! as for how repopulating the village with humans as a god is gonna work, idk just go with it LMAO THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH FOR READING THIS WAS A WILD RIDE AND BY FAR THE LONGEST FIC I HAVE EVER WRITTEN I HOPE YOU ENJOYED IT!!! NOW ONTO MY NEXT ONE!!!
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lynihana · 1 month
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𓆩♡𓆪 ˚. ᵎᵎ lyn/keo; hello! I am a multi-fandom blog and I write anything my little mind thinks of! I don't do requests but asks are welcomed (i get overwhelmed easily by them), spoiler-free blog, and a friendly + non-judgemental blog! any pronouns... sfw blog...𝜗𝜚
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➷ up-coming drafts.
╭ ᰔ tkrv - multi ‣ them as first time parents.
╭ ᰔ bllk - nagi ‣ loverboy.
╭ ᰔ hsr - boothill ‣ rodeo.
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➷ recent discs.
≡ tkrv - mitsuya ⊰ daisies.
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guizika · 5 months
i would love mitsuya takashi x shy male reader who offers on behalf of the photography club to photograph mitsuya's creations at the sewing club, but in reality it was only because he secretly loves him!!!! it's very rare to find someone from brazil here and you are very good at writing 😊
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Winter Collection
Mitsuya Takashi x Shy Male Reader
Cw - Male reader, You/Yours pronouns, fluff, Maybe it's a bit ooc.
Synopsis - You've always been shy and at the same time you've always liked Mitsuya Takashi, but you've never had the courage to approach him. But thanks to a new clothing collection, you've got an opportunity.
Word count - +1800
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For many years you've been a classmate of Mitsuya Takashi, but because you are a shy guy you've never worked up the courage to approach him. So you just watched him from afar, always waiting for the right opportunity to talk to him.
Ever since you were a child, you've always shown a quieter demeanor, not wanting to attract too much attention. What's more, you've always found it difficult to express yourself properly when talking to others, being afraid of being judged or even misunderstood. So you had to find another way of expressing yourself and that's where the photography club comes in.
After a long time you finally found a better way to express yourself, through photos. You've always had a talent for things related to photography, and you were always praised for the pictures you took.
However, despite your shyness, you've started to fall in love with a boy, Mitsuya Takashi. You've been thinking about him a lot lately, but you're not sure how to approach him.
However, it seems that the gods or something above are in your favor, because you've got the perfect opportunity. The sewing club, of which Mitsuya is a member, is making some new garments for the winter and the newspaper club wants to advertise it.
You, being the smart guy you are, offer to take the photos and the captain of the newspaper club accepts, she's your friend so it was easy to ask her. "Look at you, smart guy, you've got the perfect opportunity to finally talk to Mitsuya." She says to you, a lopsided smile on her face as she wiggles her eyebrows suggestively.
"Hey, it's not like that..." Your voice comes out in a low tone as you try to find words to express yourself, she laughs and then puts her hand on your shoulder. "Relax, I'm just joking, but anyway, I'll see you later." She says and then walks away, leaving you alone in the room. When the door closes, you let out a sigh and look around the room to make sure you're really alone.
A smile appears on your face and then you let out a sigh of contentment. "I'm a genius, it was obvious that this was going to work." You say to yourself while you're smoothing your uniform with your hands, just to make sure it's not wrinkled. "Now I just need to tell the leader of the sewing club, that'll be easy-" You freeze as you realize what you're about to do, the leader of the sewing club is Mitsuya, which means you'll have to talk to him.
With that realization, the smile disappears from your face and instead a worried expression appears, doubts flooding your mind. You quickly go to the bathroom to wash your face - and perhaps hide in a cabin until next week, if that's possible.
When you get there you realize that it's empty, now everyone is either doing activities for clubs or out of school, lucky for you. You grab a handful of water with your hands and then wet your entire face, drying it with the sleeve of your uniform.
You lean against the sink counter and then stare at the cabin doors, wondering what to do. "Damn, look what I've gotten myself into..." A sigh leaves your lips and you remain silent after a few moments, thinking.
Then the memory of something your mother used to say to you came to mind: "You only live once, so do whatever you think is right, don't be afraid to make mistakes."
Remembering this, you turn around and look at yourself in the mirror. You take a deep breath and then repeat the phrase while looking into your eyes through the mirror. "You only live once, so do whatever you think is right, don't be afraid to make mistakes." You nod to yourself and take a deep breath, ready to talk to Mitsuya.
Leaving the bathroom, you head towards the sewing club, repeating the phrase mentally as a form of motivation. You pass a few students from other clubs, smiling and waving shyly to them as a sign of respect and politeness.
Finally you arrive in front of the sewing room, raising your hand and knocking on the door, waiting patiently for someone to come. Soon, the door opens and you meet a girl whose name you don't know.
She introduces herself and then you say your name and smile, "Oh, Is there anything I can do for you today?" Her kindness makes you relax, a soft smile appears on your face as you put your hands in your pockets. "I need to talk to Mitsuya, is he in?" Your words make the girl let out a sigh and smile gently, she looks around the corridor and then looks back at you, making you look away.
She tells you to go inside the room and then she turns to say something to you. "I'll go after him, just a minute." With that she leaves the room and leaves you alone inside, you go to the window and look out at the landscape, seeing some students and some birds. Animals always make you feel more relaxed, perhaps because they are beautiful beings or because you don't feel pressured by them. In any case, you feel calm around the animals.
Soon, you are snapped out of your daydreams when you hear the door close, you turn to say something, thinking it's the same girl as before, but soon you feel the words die in your throat as you look at Mitsuya. The boy gives you a gentle smile when he sees you and then holds out his hand, introducing himself.
You stare at his hand for a few moments but then introduce yourself too, in a low voice, and shake his hand. However, after letting go of his hand, you realize that your hand is shaking a bit and you put it back in your pocket. You still haven't worked up the courage to look him in the eye, preferring to just stare at the door.
"Oh, I know who you are, we're in the same classroom." His words make you want to run out and scream with happiness, he knows who you are. But you pull yourself together and take a deep breath, thinking of the shame you'd suffer if you did that. "I know who you are too, like you said, we're in the same classroom." You look at Takashi, giving him an embarrassed smile and then looking away.
"Well, what do you need to talk about?" He asks you, and you mentally curse yourself when you realize that you still haven't told him about the photos. "Oh, I'm s-sorry, I'd like to photograph your winter collection, the newspaper club asked me to take the pictures and send them to them, is that okay to you?" You stutter a bit in the first part, but decide to just ignore it. Of course you hid some details, like the fact that you were the one who asked to take the pictures, but Mitsuya seems happy with the proposal and so accepts.
"Sure, I think it's an incredible idea!" Then he looks you up and down and you realize it, causing you to stop and stand still like a statue. "Uh, but where's your camera?" His question comes out in a tone of genuine doubt, making you smile shyly and then cross your arms to try to calm down.
Once again, you take a deep breath and then look down at your feet, paying attention to your tone of voice so as not to speak too quietly. "Well, I was t-thinking of taking these pictures in the p-photography classroom anyway." You stutter and mentally curse yourself, but Takashi doesn't seem to mind. "Oh, right, I'm sorry, I have to take a lot of clothes, can you help me?"
You automatically agree to help him, going with him to pick up the clothes. "Wow, you guys have done a lot this year." You say impressed, picking up some clothes carefully. While he handed you some pieces you carefully scan the garments, noticing how well made they are and also how much effort has been put into them.
"Oh yes, it took us a while, but we finally finished." His comment brings a genuine smile to your face, making you feel relaxed around him. Soon, the two of you take all the clothes to the photography club room.
"I think you could put the women's clothes on this mannequin here." You say, picking up a mannequin and showing it to him, not looking directly into his eyes. "And the men's clothes, some can go on another mannequin and some you can wear."
Your words make him blush slightly and he smiles softly, scratching the back of his head lightly. "Are you sure about this? I don't know if it's going to be very good." He seems to think for a few moments, while you clear your throat to speak. "Well, it's going to be amazing, you're handsome." You say without thinking straight, then you feel your soul leave your body and return, making you quickly move on to the materials needed to assemble the camera.
"Thanks for the compliment." He says it before you start apologizing. "I'll take part in the photos if you'll take part too." His words make you stop breathing for a few moments, you lock up and stop, putting the camera away.
He notices your silence and then clears his throat to speak again. "I mean, just one photo, you're handsome too, the photos would be amazing." Before you can reply, he continues. "Besides, photos look better with real models."
"I don't know, I don't like appearing in this kind of thing..." You say as you clean the camera lens, not looking at him. However, he insists: "You don't have to send these photos to the newspaper, just take them as a souvenir of this day."
You were about to deny it but your mother's words come to mind again, making you sigh and then stare at the camera for a long time. "Okay, I'll take the pictures, I just don't understand why you're being so insistent." You mumble the last part in a low tone, but he listens.
"Well, it's just that it doesn't make sense for the person who inspired the creation of the garment not to wear it." His words make you blush and look at him with wide eyes. "Huh?"
He laughs slightly and then raises both eyebrows. "Sorry if I was too direct, but it's just that you were the inspiration for this winter collection." You stare at him for a few moments, you want to run and hide in the bathroom out of shame, but you know that this is an opportunity you don't want to miss and so you force yourself to stay put.
Maybe you want this photo shoot to last forever…
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Author's note: I confess that it took me a while to write it down, but I managed to do it, I put a lot of effort into it and I hope you liked it! By the way, I’m glad that you like my writing! ♡
Please don't translate or copy my work and don't repost on other social networks, if there are any grammatical errors I ask you to excuse me!
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pfpanimes · 7 months
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like or reblog if you save/use.
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sh1nch1r0 · 12 days
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Shinchiro x Reader
Part (1/2)
U and ur Husband are invited to see the Baby of Emma and Draken for the first time,Shin always wanted kids of his own but he and you never talked about that.But then he voices his desires to you and u confess ur little Secret to him.
TW:Childbirth,Body Shaming,Pregnancy,Angst but Comfort,Draken beeing a good Husband (he really is hes the best)
Draken opened the Door for you and greeted both of u.
“How is Emma doing”was the first question u asked her husband.
“Shes okay,but u better ask that herself shes upstairs”he says and u gave ur Husband a quick kiss and make ur way upstairs.
Emma was in her and Drakens Bedroom she was sitting on the Bed,u knocked at the open Door and as she looked at you u saw that she was Crying.U closed the door and sat beside her,her Arms flew around u and she started crying even more.
“Hey whats wrong ” u ask her and she looks up at you.
“I am so Ugly and Fat i can not look into the mirror anymore without crying” she says and and u put ur arms around her.
“Emma first of all u look beautiful u are the most stunning Mom i have ever seen and second of all u just gave birth ur body needs to rest and needs time to heal” you take her hand in yours.
“I mean look at me i am not that skinny and hmm pretty average looking and i unsterstand how you feel cause i am beeing myself a huge critic everyday i always find someting wrong with myself,i feel ur pain and everyting but let me assure you u are beautiful as always and u dont need to worry.And to be fair i always wanted to look like u u are just perfect you know that ” tears were now falling from your face cause u were insecure about and your looks and ur body your whole life.
“Sorry my Hormones are going crazy ”she then apologizes.
“No need to apologize but the same goes for u i wil tell Draken ” u teaseingly say and she gives u a frown in response.
After ur Deeptalk both of u go down and see the that Mikey and Izana have arrived.
It started to get dark outside when u had a moment with the Couples precious Baby Girl alone,the rest of the people was cleaning up cause Emma insited on cooking for all of u but u forced her to sit down and rest so u cooked dinner.And after that Emma and Draken offerd to do the Dishes and both of them did not take a no as an answere from u.
U stood in theier Wintergarden and looked into the stars with ur niece,she was a bit unsettled when u first hold her but now the Newborn looked up at u and listened to you explaining Star conselations and astrology to her,she did not understand and could not understand what u were talking about but she listened to your voice carefully.
“U like listening to me talking about this hmm.....other people find it boring”u coo to her,and she lets out a cute giggle.
Shinchiro was at the Kitchen Counter watching u and the Baby interact,when Draken brought him out of his staring.
“She wil be a good mom” Draken says and Emma agrees.
“I mean she wants kids and i do too but we never talked about it.”he says and looks over to you again.
“Just get her Pregnant Shin” Mikey says as he walks closer.
“MIKEYYY” Emma and Draken say at the same time.
“What its the truth get her pregnant already u are not the youngest after all Grandpa” the blonde says which earns him a death glance from his older brother.
“I will talk to her when we get home” he says and leaves the three of them alone in the kitchen.
Shin was now standing beside you,he looks down at his niece and sees her sleeping in your arms.
“She fell asleep just moments ago”u say and look up at him,his eyes had a sprakle in them that could not define.
“I love u Honey”he says and wraps his hands around ur belly,his head was resting on your shoulder.
“I love u too Shin” u say and u put your hand over his which was still resting at your belly.
After a few minutes like that u and Shin brought the Baby to bed which Emma and Draken aprecciated very much,and so the evening at theier house was coming to an end now.U all said goodbye to eachother and so Shin and u left.
The car ride was silent till ur Husband decided to speak.
“Seeing u with the Baby.....it got me thinking if we could be that one day” he says and his eyes move from the road over to you.
You just nod and agree to him,if only he knew that in a couple of months he was going to be a father.
Cause u were pregnant a couple of weeks along already and u wanted to wait for the perfect moment to tell him,which was like hell cause u could not keep secrets for long.
U found out that u were pregnant on your day off cause ur period was suppossed to be over this week but u never got it,and u suspected that there was something wrong already cause when u and Shin ate at a Fancy Seafood Restaurant a couple of days ur body did not like what u were eating and as soon as u arrived home u had to go to the bathroom.Shin had no idea that i was cause there was a new life growing inside of you,he tought that u just ate someting bad or raw.
But somewhere ur body and ur mind knew that something was up,and the two lines on the Pregnancy Test confirmed that.
After u took the test u went to your doctor to check if it was a real pregnancy and if everything was alright and he confirmed that u were really pregnant.And as u saw the little dot on the Ultrasound you could not believe it,u and ur Husband are goint to be parents soon.
U were brought out of ur memories when the car stopped in ur Drive way and Shin called ur name,u got out of the car and both of u walked into your home.
“I am going to change i will be there in a couple of seconds” u say as Shin was already in the Living Room waiting for u to come and cuddle.
U got upstairs and got changed in some sweats and a Shirt from your Lover.But as u wanted to put the shirt on you looked in the mirror and u saw a small bump forming at ur belly,u looked at it and put ur hand over it.U were really pregnant u could not believe it, u continuied to get dressed and as u wanted to walk out of the bedroom something held u back,and u stopped in ur tracks u had the Ultrasound picture under a Book on your nighstand and teh test in your Nightstand.Was it really the perfect moment to tell him or should u wait.
U heard ur name beeing called from down the hall where Shin was now standing.
“Honey are u alright” he asks you and comes closer.
“Yes but i need to tell u something”u answere him and pull him into your shared Bedroom.
He just stood there with wide eyes and u motioned him to sit down on the bed.
U pulled the Picture out from beneath the Book and u also opened ur drawer and took out the Pregnancy test.
Shin was in a state where he looked at the floor,cause he was afraid what will u tell him,did u want a divorce,did u find someone new,was he not enough.His overthinking ended when he felt the Matress shift and u sit down beside him,u took his hand in urs and looked at him.After a few seconds he looked up into your eyes.
“U remember when we were at the restaurant and i got sick afterwards”u say in a calm voice and he just nodded not breaking the Eye contact with you.
“It was not because i ate something bad but i was because there is a secret that i am hiding from you” u say and reach behind u where the picture and the test were.
Shin nodded again and then he felt something in his hand,as he looked down he saw a pregnancy test and a Ultrasound Picture.He took the test in his hands and he could see two obvious lines on it.
“You are going to be a Dad”u whisper and look over to him and put a hand on his shoulder.
He looked over to you after looking at both of the items u gave him and u could see tears in his eyes.
“Honey...i am so happy....your pregnant....we are going to have a family soon” he says and hugs you tightly.
U both cry tears of joy cause u were both so happy.
After ur emeotional hug and ur confession u stood up from the bed and your Husband got behind you he rested his hands against ur belly.
“I noticed that ur belly was a bit swollen ” he whispers in your ear and kisses ur cheek.
Which made u chuckle, u closed ur eyes and leaned back agaisnt him.U opened ur eyes when u felt the fabric of the shirt beeing lifted.He had his hands on your bare belly now and was troking the little bump.
“U are the best thing that has ever happened to me u and your baby ” he says and u are grateful to have such a man in your life.And he will for sure be a great Dad.
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sketchninja7 · 2 years
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Izana wants your attention 🤭
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urfavslav · 9 months
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Synopsis; Boondocks!reader (who resembles both huey and riley) makes friends and connections with the various gangs of tokyo. With their vast knowledge about this horrendous world we live in, stupid decision making skills and hilarious remarks we'll see how (name) interacts with different gangs.
Content includes; gender neutral reader! black reader! platonic!various gangs, cursing, slurs, a political comment or two, CRACK. [please send me an ask if I missed anything!]
status: on hold!
rating: PG13! [language, violence]
*(all chapters are to be read as stand alones/oneshots, certain fics will be bolded if a different timeline for reader)
Meeting ToMan
Meeting Valhalla
Meeting Tenjiku
Meeting BlackDragons 10th gen
Meeting BlackDragons 1st gen
Meeting Brahman
Meeting Kanto Manji
Meeting Bonten
please send an ask to be put in the taglist, also please let me know if you change your url/user ! :)
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jpentl · 4 months
🌾 Hey~ What are you making 🌸 Hm? Valentine's chocolate 🌾 For me? 🌸 Yeah. It'll be ready soon, so just wait a bit [Handmade] // 🌾 Can I have a taste? 🌸 Mmm 🌾 What? 🌸 ...。/...Don't eat all of it 🌾 Kay 🌾 Feed me? <3 [What's with that? He's so cute] https://twitter.com/MSCHAN9/status/1757155273675010392
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the-tragic-heroine · 1 year
死鬼祭 | Shiki Matsuri
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fandom: tokyo revengers
characters: kurokawa izana, kakucho, haitani ran, haitani rindou, madarame shion, kokonoi hajime
pairings: tenjiku x female reader
cw: blood, violence, minor character death, supernatural elements, she/her pronouns used for reader
tags: @akemiixx01​
The villagers say that you cursed them all. You believe that they were the ones who cursed you. (Or, in which the circumstances of your unfortunate birth woke a forgotten, slumbering god.)
Very vague depictions of the supernatural here, and a few cameos of specific yokai if you can spot them! Title is based off of a song by KODOKULOVE! More characters may be added as the story progresses.
Read on AO3 Chapter One | Chapter Two | Chapter Three | Chapter Four
Without Izana around, the atmosphere at the shrine felt lighter. Still, you were left with a nagging discomfort at his absence, and you had to wonder if it was a side-effect of your growing anxiety as of late—or if you really did genuinely miss him. Sometimes, you found yourself touching your own lips, questioning if perhaps Izana’s late-night visit had just been a dream conjured up by your own fraying mind. It was difficult to dwell too long on the thought, however, as your companions had grown quite adept at keeping you preoccupied throughout the passing days.
Ran, as lazy as ever, had begun insisting you do his hair every morning, regardless of whether or not he had anything to do that day. While his preferred hairstyle of choice was his signature twin braids, he occasionally asked for something different—and, it was with much shame that you admitted you didn’t quite know how.
“I didn’t really have anyone to teach me, or anyone to practice on aside from myself,” you explained. “Even braids I only learned recently…”
“You know,” Ran said, flashing you a lazy smile that never failed to make your heart beat a little faster, “I’ve been quite jealous of Rindou stealing away all your time with his stupid ‘lessons’. How about I teach you a lil somethin’ of my own? Here, lemme show you.”
His long, lithe fingers, which you had seen wielding a ceremonial staff to cleanse the shrine grounds many times before, were gentle when they guided your hands to your own hair. He was so close now, face mere centimetres away from yours as the two of you sat opposite from one another on the tatami. You hoped he could not hear the loud thumping of your traitorous heart.
“You’re blushing,” he said, and in embarrassed instinct you began to lean away, only for Ran’s hand to shoot forward and wrap around the back of your neck to hold you in place. “Ah-ah, stay still.”
“W-Wait,” you stammered, cheeks going red-hot. “This is a little—”
“Shush.” The sudden intensity of his lavender eyes pinned you down. The hand not on your neck drifted from your hair to cup your face, thumb pressing underneath your chin to keep your head tilted up to look at him. “Let me be a little selfish today, princess.”
When he kissed you, you found that you didn’t mind a selfish Ran. Not at all.
Rindou was pissed.
You already knew that the younger Haitani brother was quick to anger, though his temper usually fizzled out rather quickly. From what you had learned from him during his lessons, it was rarely anything more than surface-level annoyance; despite the sadism he displayed during fights, you found that he never harbored any real hatred. This time, however…
Rindou was pissed and he was avoiding you.
At first, Ran had seemed rather smug about it, so you assumed that the two were squabbling over something stupid again—but when you bumped into Rindou in the hall and he didn’t even look at you, you found it odd. When you approached him later (with much difficulty, as he seemed to make it his mission to make himself as scarce as possible) to ask him something and he looked you dead in the eye before walking off, you had a sneaking suspicion over what he was mad about. When this pattern continued over the next few days, that suspicion was confirmed: Ran had told him he had kissed you. Bragged about it, probably. It definitely didn’t help that ever since then, Ran had been much touchier than before.
So, you did the only thing you could think of doing. The second you caught sight of him, you gave chase. If anything, the shock then sheer panic that flashed across his face was rewarding enough, because when he took off running, you knew there was no way in hell you were going to catch him.
“What the—” Ran stepped aside as his brother flew past him, shortly followed by you. “What the fuck are you guys doing?”
Neither of you paid him any heed. With your focus locked onto Rindou’s receding back, you barely heard the eldest Haitani—and failed to see the slightly crooked floorboard jutting out in front of your feet.
Instead of crashing to the floor, you tumbled right into Rindou’s arms.
“You idiot,” he hissed, grip tightening around your body. “You could’ve hurt yourself—”
“I wouldn’t have if you just stopped avoiding me—”
You had barely finished your sentence when Rindou crashed his lips onto yours.
“Stupid bro,” he grumbled in-between furious kisses, all while you clutched onto his clothing in a dazed stupor. “Show-off. Ugh— Stop wriggling.”
A distance away, Ran watched as Rindou dragged you to the direction of his room. Twirling a braid around one finger, he let out an exasperated sigh—but there was a small smile that tugged at his lips. “Little brothers. Never know how to share.”
“I don’t know what the fuck is going on anymore,” Shion deadpanned. “I walked in on both Ran AND Rindou making out with you. Several times. Right in the fuckin’ hallway! What the actual fuck!”
“I don’t know either!” you cried out, cheeks an angry shade of red. “It’s just been kinda happening and I can’t really stop them—”
“Bull. Shit,” he sneered, his upper lip curling to expose one of his sharp canines. “You know damn well that if you told ‘em to stop, they would. Izana might be the fuckin’ god around here but you might as well be one too, princess.”
Your mouth snapped shut, shame written all over your face. At your stricken expression, Shion burst out into bitter laughter. “Look, it’s fine. Whatever the fuck’s goin’ on, Izana probably doesn’t give a shit—as long as you’re happy. Keeps the belief goin’, or something. Without ya, none of us would be here. Just…” He waved his hands around. “It makes me feel left out, okay?!”
A beat passed. “Huh?”
“They’re always doin’ shit like this,” he complained. “Leavin’ me out of things! Actin’ like I’m an idiot!”
“Give me one, too!”
Somehow, you still found yourself laughing in his arms, all while he grumbled and leaned in for another kiss.
Kakucho raised an eyebrow at you when you meekly approached him one afternoon. He had kept entirely quiet about his… fellow spirits and your affairs, despite having bore witness to it more times than he would have liked. Still, it was none of his business, and while he made sure to reprimand the others whenever they got too overwhelming, he acted like nothing was out of the ordinary around you. Until…
“Kakucho,” you said, staring up at him nervously. “Do you… not like me?”
“You… I mean, well, with the others having been, you know…” He watched incredulously as you waved your hands around in obvious embarrassment. “Um. I thought that maybe you would end up doing something like that, too…”
“I’m not a degenerate,” he stated bluntly. “I’m not going to do anything to you.”
You flushed bright red at his remark. “…Okay. I-I’m sorry I asked and… for making you uncomfortable. Please just pretend I never said anything.” Before you could rush away, however, Kakucho held up a hand to stop you.
You froze.
“I’m not going to do anything to you…” He paused, and now his cheeks were turning slightly pink, too. “…Unless you want me to, that is.”
I stared at him, mouth open. Still, I hesitated. “But… do you want to?”
The corners of his eyes lifted as he smiled softly, carefully lifting a hand to brush his calloused fingers across the apple of your soft cheek. “I’ve never wanted anything more.”
When he pulled you in, you couldn’t help but think that the touch of his lips felt like coming home.
An unfamiliar voice drifted to your ears whilst in the middle of sweeping leaves from the courtyard. “So this is the lady of the hour that I’ve been hearing all about.”
Startled, you looked all around, seeing nobody there.
“Up here, miss.”
You tilted your head to the roof. There sat a man you had never seen before, one leg propping up his arm and the other dangling over the edge. His black hair hung in wavy locks on one side, partially obscuring one of two piercing, slitted black eyes. Though he appeared completely human at first, you were able to glimpse the telltale shimmer of several ghostly fox tails waving behind him, along with a set of matching ears.
“Um,” you said, blinking rapidly, wondering if you should call for help. Thankfully, the sound of the stranger’s voice was enough to summon Kakucho, who did not seem all that surprised to see him.
“Ah, Kokonoi,” he said. “I was wondering when you would finally drop by.”
“You know me,” the kitsune said, sticking out his tongue. “No money? No Koko.”
“[Name].” Kakucho nodded at you. “This is Kokonoi Hajime. He’s not often around, but he too is one of Izana’s servants. He isn’t bound to him the way we are, however—just a stray that stuck around.”
Kokonoi waved a hand at you, waggling his fingers and grinning. You smiled and waved awkwardly back, mumbling out a polite, “Nice to meet you.”
“What brings you here, then?” Kakucho crossed his arms. “And come down from there. It’s a pain to look up at you.”
With the grace of a feather, Kokonoi obliged, landing on the grass in front of the two of you and tucking both hands neatly into the sleeves of his haori in the same motion. He was still smiling cheekily at you. “Izana told me to notify him once the preparations are almost ready. I figured I should visit to see the little miss at the same time. Come to find, Izana isn’t here—so why not stay for a while longer?” He stuck out his tongue again. “Now I know why you’re all so enamoured. She’s sweet.”
“Back off,” Kakucho grunted, gritting his teeth. Kokonoi laughed.
“Ease up, guard dog,” he said. “Don’t want to scare her off, do you?”
You fidgeted in place, not quite liking how they were talking about you as if you weren’t even there, and muttered out, “I don’t think much else can scare me at this point.” That earned you a loud cackle from the black-haired fox spirit.
“Atta girl,” he said, bending slightly at the waist so he could look you in the eye. You found yourself gazing back, fascinated by his slitted pupils and long lashes. Despite your initial misgivings, there was no sign of that underlying darkness you had grown so accustomed to after several months of living with Izana and his men. Kokonoi appeared to notice the change in your expression and his face softened.
“Sweet thing,” he murmured, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear. One long, sharp fingernail grazed the surface of your skin. “What have they been doing to you?”
“Enough,” Kakucho said gruffly, wrenching Kokonoi away from you and shoving him backward. The kitsune did not even stumble. “If you have nothing else to say, then you can leave.”
“What a brute,” he chuckled, but it was dry and humorless. “Fine. Tell Izana I have a message for him, yeah? Usually I would charge a fee, but I’m feeling generous today so I’ll let it slide.”
Kakucho jerked his chin at him in a silent order to continue. Kokonoi shrugged his shoulders.
“As requested, I’ve finished gathering them,” he said. “I had to bribe a good number, but that’s to be expected. Izana isn’t as strong as he used to be, after all.” His eyes flitted over to you. “In fact, I’m rather impressed. Who knew that the faith of one single human girl would be enough to command a god and his entire army.”
That was all the confirmation you needed.
“I knew it,” you whispered. “I didn’t want to believe it, but… you guys are really going to destroy the village, aren’t you?”
Kakucho could not meet your gaze. This time, the sympathetic look on Kokonoi’s face made your skin crawl.
“Why?” you asked, voice shaking as you recalled the village mother’s agony in her last moments. “Why would you go that far?”
“I’ll tell her myself.”
The three of you whirled around to find Izana standing there, white locks and red earrings blowing in the faint breeze. Both Kokonoi and Kakucho bowed at the waist in perfect synchronisation when he approached, uttering out a simultaneous, “Welcome home, master.” Izana did not bother to even look at them as he passed, hypnotic lavender eyes fixated solely on you. He held out a hand for you to take; you knew it was not a request. With a deep breath, you placed your palm in his, and he laced his fingers together with yours.
“Come take a walk with me,” he said, smiling down at you. “There is something I need to show you.”
Your eyes darted from Izana to Kokonoi to Kakucho, then back again, and again. Though they had already straightened up, both men still kept their heads bowed—but they were close enough that you could glimpse the looks in both of their eyes. While the two of them wore the same cold grimace, Kokonoi’s eyes had gone from an amused, sparkling onyx to a dull charcoal. Kakucho’s, however… Your gut twisted itself to pieces at the sight of pure self-loathing in the wide-eyed glare he burned into the ground.
Left with no other choice, you followed Izana into the forest.
You had wandered through the trees yourself many times, before their arrival: foraging for berries, picking herbs and mushrooms, or simply allowing the chirping of birds to calm you. Nowadays, because of the ever-lurking threat of malevolent spirits leaking from the village, you barely found the opportunity to stroll. Back then, you might have thought the forest to be peacefully quiet—but at Izana’s side, you realised with a shiver just how wrong you were. Without the rustling of leaves in the wind, the buzzing of insects, or those lovely birdsongs drifting down from the canopies above, you came to understand just how loud a forest naturally should be.
Was it because of the demons? Or… was it because of him?
“You’re frightened,” Izana remarked.
“I’m not,” you protested, a little too quickly. He laughed in response, the movement making his earrings swing.
“You already know that I will not hurt you,” he said, “but you are not worried about yourself, are you? You are worried about the people.” When you did not reply, he continued talking. “Don’t think I haven’t noticed, little one. You and Kakucho are both very much alike. Try as you might to hide it, you still wear your heart on your sleeve.”
“And you?” you blurted out before you could think to stop yourself. “Where has your heart gone?”
When he stopped walking, your stomach lurched, fearing that you had really done it this time. But there was no hint of anger in his eyes when he turned to face you; only that same melancholy you witnessed on the evening he kissed you in your room, tinged with a bitterness you could not yet comprehend.
“That is what I intended to show you,” he said. “Today, we are making a journey. All the way back to the very beginning.”
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kkaewrites · 2 years
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the evens & odds — haitani rindou x reader !
warnings. angst, mentions of cheating & ooc rindou.
tropes. falling out of love, groveling.
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“hey.” you quietly say, feeling someone’s presence behind you, one so familiar that you didn’t have to look back. you don’t want to, anyway. you don’t dare breaking eye contact with the one constant thing you had in your life. the one thing that listened to your sorrows in the dead of the night – the moon.
you wonder if the moon forgets, too? you wonder if it loves the sun a little less when it sleeps or when the day passes and they don’t meet. you wonder if the little meet-ups before the sun rests in the sea was enough to make the moon hope for them still. you wonder if the moon knows how to fall out of love, too.
maybe then it could tell you what you should do.
“i was looking for you.” the winds of the night came in as melancholic whisper, and so does his voice.
“i know you were, rin.”
a beat of silence. a beat of your heart, and a beat of his – you feel as if it doesn’t quite match. if you’ve heard his heart, you would’ve understood that yours had a bit too long of a pause. and that’s a tragedy, is it not? because that’s what it all took for the both of you. a pause.
a change in attire, a change in perfume, a change in routine and everything you’ve built together halts. and you’re too far back to resume.
“let’s go home.”
“where?” you face him and for a moment you saw what love used to mean to you. you saw traces of love in his lilac shaded eyes, in his bi-colored hair, his lips and the mole that rested just below the side of his face, and it takes you back like a wild roller coaster ride. it’s funny how the little things about someone can make you feel and remember so so much in just one glance but awful as it is to admit, you know you’re scared of it.
that one glance you took, you were scared of that happening. but it’s not because you didn’t want to look at him – it’s because you just don’t want to feel. you don’t want to remember.
because why would you have to? he’s here right in front of you. he looks the same, sounds the same, speaks the same and acts the same way. he’s still haitani rindou. he’s still the man you married – but if that’s the case, why doesn’t it feel the same?
why is it that your heart only thumps for the sake of transporting blood when it used to beat and dance to his calls? why is it that when your mind goes astray, it thinks about the last book you’ve read or the food you want to eat later in the day when he used to be its occupant? why must rindou become much less of a name today when it used to be your definition of love?
why is it, note that he hasn’t changed at all, must you miss him terribly like it has been years since you’ve last seen and talked to him when he has never left you to begin with?
“let’s go back to our house, y/n.” he offers his hand, and when you placed yours on top of his that radiated warmth, it still feels cold. he balances your reaction, your words – as if you were fragile and was ready to break at any moment and you appreciate it. but you knew it was too late for that.
you’ve already shattered. he doesn’t know. at least, not yet.
“that wasn’t my home,” you grip his hand and you still can’t feel. you interlaced your fingers but it doesn’t light your stomach up like fourth of july, even when his hand was summer. “you were.”
a bright, but obviously not toothy, smile broke free from his pretty face like it was christmas. but the feeling wasn’t familiar to you. so you took your hands from him like you were burnt from the cold, like it was a winter night and the only mittens you’ve brought with you was your pocket.
“but see, love, you aren’t anymore.” you quip and once again turned your back against him to watch the moon glimmer and shine – like it was giving you an approval to what you were supposed to do.
“you…” he hesitates and his voice breaks. “you’re not making any sense, love, okay? work with me here.”
“i know that i don’t,” you laugh, so hollow and cold that it felt like a gun barrel. “i don’t understand myself either, rin. i don’t understand why there has to be an extent to everything – much less my feelings. i don’t understand when i started feeling like i wasn’t supposed to be here. with you.”
he runs a hand through his already messy hair, frustration bubbling out of his system. “‘for all the evens and against all odds’, that’s your vow, y/n. that’s what you promised when we swore to belong to each other. why are you – ”
“this isn’t an odd, rin. the fact that you have slept with someone other than me isn’t an odd. the fact you grew cold to your own wife because there was someone else you were spending your summers with, wasn’t an odd.”
the first and notably silent tear fell from your left eye, then came the right but it doesn’t stop falling. it spills everywhere, on your shirt, your pants, on your shoe, on the grass and you just can’t do anything to make it stop. it’s like you’ve been crying all the nights you were unable to. like you’ve been crying all the nights where you just felt empty.
his arms – in a flash – wrapped themselves around you. he hugs you and it feels like it’s just skin to skin. he hugs you and all you feel is his quiet tears that’s slowly soaking your shirt.
and haitani rindou does not cry. he didn’t even cry on your wedding. he didn’t cry when ran got married. didn’t cry when he saw his first nephew. he always had a wall up that even you couldn’t completely climb over.
but not today.
“i’m sorry. i’m so fucking sorry, i – ”
you cut him off with a kiss. and it’s the same. he tastes the same, moves the same – but what you felt wasn’t exactly what you’d thought it’d be. there weren’t any more butterflies that used to bubble in your stomach whenever he’d hold you close like this.
and then you remember the longing, the sadness and the disappointment when he comes home and forgets your anniversary again. you remember the nights he’d come home drunk to you and act like the husband he should be, often expecting that he finally left the woman he’s rumored to be with – only to see him turn back to normal the next day.
so you just end what he started. you ended the guessing game that started with “honey, where have you been? i called your work and they said you were on a leave”. the hide and seek that started with “y/n, you’re not supposed to hear this from me but we think rindou’s seeing someone else”. the running that started with his “i’ve got a big presentation today, don’t wait on me, i’ll get home late” that always often lead to his coat being covered by someone else’s perfume and his lips bruised and coated with someone else’s lipstick.
he says he’s sorry. he whispers that he regrets it and he’ll never do it again. and you know he won’t. because why would he? it’s not like he’d be able to cheat if you’re not together, doesn’t he think so?
you shove your marriage on the palm of his hand like how you did with the wedding ring you used to love, and it all ends – because you knew that the kisses you both shared wasn’t supposed to feel like it’s just lips to lips.
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notes. this is the first time that this oneshot will see the light of day >< i’ve written this roughly 1 yr ago, when i first started getting into tkr. i never thought i’d ever publish this until today LMAO
ִ ࣪𖤐 masterlist !
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kieralive · 2 months
ok y'all help me out im trying to find a tokyo revengers fanfiction which is uhh like Mikey wanting Bonten member's wife + some few characters and things like that. If you know the fanfic, pls send the link, thankyaaaa^^
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melona-majon · 2 years
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i cant get that chapter out of my head
fanart of the club scene in chapter 3 from @bxnten​ ‘s Little Dark Age
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pfpanimes · 1 year
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like or reblog if you save/use.
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uhhidkkenny · 8 months
Am I dumb?? I thought Tokyo revengers came out already but i can’t find it?!?! Please let me know if it’s out or if I am trippin👀😭
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sketchninja7 · 2 years
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After a workout.
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