#tmc campaign
banglakhobor · 1 year
TMC Dharna : শহর থেকে জেলা, কেন্দ্রীয় বঞ্চনার অভিযোগে অবস্থান-বিক্ষোভ কর্মসূচি তৃণমূলের
<p>হাইকোর্টে অভিষেকের ডাকা বিজেপি নেতাদের বাড়ি ঘেরাও কর্মসূচি বাতিলের পর বিক্ষোভ কর্মসূচি করল তৃণমূল। দিন বদল করে ৫ অগাস্টের পরিবর্তে আজ ব্লকে ব্লকে কর্মসূচি শাসকদলের। কেন্দ্রীয় বঞ্চনার অভিযোগে ব্লকে ব্লকে অবস্থান-বিক্ষোভ কর্মসূচি জোড়াফুল শিবিরের। কলকাতা থেকে জেলা, অবস্থান-বিক্ষোভ কর্মসূচি তৃণমূলের।</p> Source link
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mushrune21 · 1 year
I swear to god I’m SO close to just putting Alternates in my dnd campaign. I’m so close to doing it but I have NO idea how I would fit it into the plot. I already basically have alternate Gabriel in there. If there are any dms that could help me homebrew some kind of alternate species I would be so grateful holy shit
If you’re one of my players and you read this, no you didn’t
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On this day, 3 June 2019, the Khartoum massacre took place in the capital of Sudan when paramilitaries targeted people protesting against the military government (content note: sexual violence). A militant movement had begun the previous year demanding action be taken to stop the rapid rise of the cost of living. It evolved to demand the removal of the dictatorship of Omar al-Bashir and the restoration of democracy. In April al-Bashir was deposed in a military coup and replaced with a Transitional Military Council (TMC). But protests continued demanding a civilian-led transitional government. On June 3, security forces along with paramilitaries in the Rapid Support Forces attacked a sit-in protest in Khartoum, which was demanding the restoration of civilian government. They fired live ammunition and teargas, killing dozens and injuring hundreds, while many others were arrested and dozens raped. Estimates of those killed range from 30 up to over 100, and doctors claim that around 70 women and men were raped. Women had reportedly constituted a majority of participants in the protests, and a local activist told France 24 that there had been a campaign of sexual harassment of women activists in an attempt to "break the girls". In response to the violence, workers responded with a general strike, nearly shutting down rail and air travel, retail and banking until the TMC agreed to release all political prisoners three days later, and resume talks on civilian rule. Demonstrations continued and civilian rule began to be restored, although many women continued to protest at being sidelined in the new institutions. More information, sources and map: https://stories.workingclasshistory.com/article/10203/ramadan-massacre Pictured: Sudanese women protest, 2019 https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=637474718425747&set=a.602588028581083&type=3
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kp777 · 2 months
By Jessica Corbett
Common Dreams
July 15, 2024
As talks resume, supporters of a moratorium are also calling for the ouster of the International Seabed Authority's leader, who faces an election on July 29.
As talks to establish global policies on deep-sea mining resumed in Jamaica on Monday, Greenpeace International renewed its demand for a moratorium on the practice, the path also backed other civil society and Indigenous groups, at least hundreds of science and policy experts, and 27 countries.
"The science is clear—there can't be deep-sea mining without environmental cost and the only solution is a moratorium. The more we know about deep-sea mining, the harder it is to justify it," said Greenpeace campaigner Louisa Casson, who is attending the United Nations-affiliated International Seabed Authority's (ISA) 29th session in Kingston.
"Governments at the ISA must not dance to the tune of the industry and approve rushed regulations for the benefit of a few over the interests of Pacific communities and the opinion of scientists," Casson argued, as companies and countries see chances to cash in on the clean energy transition by extracting metals including cobalt, copper, and nickel.
"The deep ocean sustains crucial processes that make the entire planet habitable, from driving ocean currents that regulate our weather to storing carbon and buffering our planet against the impacts of climate change."
The Associated Press reported Monday that although the ISA has not allowed any extraction during debates, it "has granted 31 mining exploration contracts," and "much of the ongoing exploration is centered in the Clarion-Clipperton Fracture Zone, which covers 1.7 million square miles (4.5 million square kilometers) between Hawaii and Mexico."
The Mexican government last year endorsed a moratorium and Democratic Hawaii Gov. Josh Green last week signed a bill banning seabed mining in state waters, citing "environmental risks and constitutional rights to have a clean and healthy environment."
Ahead of the meeting in Jamaica, Deep Sea Conservation Coalition campaign lead Sofia Tsenikli highlighted that "gouging minerals from the seafloor poses an existential threat that goes far beyond the immediate destruction of deep-sea wildlife and habitats."
"The deep ocean sustains crucial processes that make the entire planet habitable, from driving ocean currents that regulate our weather to storing carbon and buffering our planet against the impacts of climate change," Tsenikli said. "States must now protect the ocean and not allow any more damage."
The ISA was established under the 1982 U.N. Convention on the Law of the Sea and a related 1994 agreement, and is responsible for waters not under the control of specific nations. As Common Dreamsreported earlier this month, some diplomats have accused British lawyer Michael Lodge, its current secretary-general, of trying to speed up the start of mining.
"The rush to complete the mining code was triggered by the Pacific island state of Nauru, which is expected to submit a mining license application on behalf of Canada's the Metals Company (TMC) later this year, regardless of whether or not regulations are complete," Reuters noted Monday.
After ISA's 36-member Council negotiates the "Mining Code" over the next two weeks, its full Assembly is scheduled to meet on July 29 to vote on the next secretary-general, with Lodge facing a challenge from Brazil's Leticia Carvalho for the top post.
"It is time for change at the ISA," Casson of Greenpeace declared Monday. "A third term for Michael Lodge would not only put the oceans under threat but also risk further damaging public trust in the regulator. Mining companies are impatient to get started and mounting evidence indicates that Lodge is overstepping his supposedly-neutral role to align with commercial interests."
"The ISA must listen to millions of people and the growing number of governments calling for a halt to deep-sea mining," she added. "It is time to put conservation at the heart of the ISA's work."
In preparation for the talks in Kingston, Environment Oregon Research & Policy Center, U.S. Public Interest Research Group (PIRG) Education Fund, and Frontier Group last month released a report showing that not only would deep-sea mining destroy "a vibrant, biodiverse place, teeming with complex ecosystems and thousands, possibly millions of species," but also it isn't necessary.
"Disposable electronic devices are creating a toxic e-waste mess. Now, some mining companies are trying to convince policymakers that we need to wreak havoc on the ocean to source the materials to make more," said Charlie Fisher of the Oregon State PIRG Foundation. "This report shows that we don't need to ruin the deep sea to make the products we need. There is a more sustainable path: Make long-lasting, fixable electronics and recycle them when they no longer work."
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the-dog-watch · 1 year
The Thirteen-Gun Salute
me: i am fundamentally opposed to the british empire and all forms of colonialism and imperialism. history is a record of their atrocities.
my therapist: that's fair
me: but i love it when god's chosen captain jack aubrey is restored to the navy list and reclaims his sword so ere long he may draw it once more in the honorable defense of his country.
my therapist: who doesn't?
(once again, apologies to the OP)
Patrick O'Brian loves to repeat character-types throughout the Aubrey/Maturin series. For example, the  beautiful, fashionable lady spies who end up embroiled in Stephen’s intelligence work, characters  like Mrs. Wogan in Desolation Island or Mrs. Fielding in Treason's Harbour. Enjoyable in their way (personally I have a lot of fondness for Mrs. Fielding’s failed seduction in The Ionian Mission) but I never find myself that interested in them on their own, or at least not as interested in them as I am in the original; they’re all pale shades of Diana. They might be fancy and beautiful and high class but they lack her ineffable quality of being a messy bitch.
If Diana is the red-blooded progenitor of the Beautiful Lady Spy archetype, then Stephen is the progenitor of another recurring character type: the Bisexual Man with Mental Health problems, another iteration of which is Lord Clonfert from The Mauritius Command, who was the most interesting part of what I personally find to be the weakest, most insubstantial of the books. In Jo Walton’s reading guide, which I’ve been using a little bit, one of the commenters pointed out that the dipsomaniac doctor McAdams and Lord Clonfert are "dark reflections" of Stephen and Jack, an idea I find fascinating. Mirror universe Aubrey and Maturin...spooky!
But anyway, I bring this up because Andrew Wray is yet another iteration of the Bisexual Man with Mental Health Problems, certainly a more destructive and a much more functional antagonist than Clonfert ever was. I really liked the dissection scene; in her review Jo Walton said she found it so gruesome she almost "didn't want to know Stephen anymore;" no disrespect to her but some of us are built different. This is one of my favorite Stephen Maturin crazy ass moments of all time, up there with self-surgery in HMS Surprise and that time he stocked up on too many stimulants in Sweden and accidentally turned all the ship's rats into coke fiends.
But, sadly, overall the messy gay drama with Wray and Ledward (WHO THE FUCK EVEN WAS LEDWARD did we ever even see him speak????) was a little too understated, even for me. Obviously I didn't expect Stephen or Jack to get revenge on them in the traditional way, but something a little more definite than Jack getting pissy at a dinner after the fact could have done the trick, I think.
The dissatisfaction I feel with it is what brings me back to Clonfert; the actual plot of The Mauritius Command feels very remote and inert to me, and Clonfert is the most vivid part. Jack is so basically above him in all ways (or so Stephen describes it) that Clonfert completely destroys himself out of his neuroses and Jack is shielded by Stephen from ever even knowing about or being hurt by it. It was similarly anticlimactic but there was an element of tragedy and pathos to it, and Stephen’s shielding Jack from the disturbing truth has an echo in Stephen’s own inability to fully open up to Jack about Diana, Stephen's inability to open up about pretty much everything.
Thankfully, this book has way more going for it than The Mauritius Command. I like the rhythm and episodic nature of these latter books much more than TMC's rigid retelling of a historical naval campaign. Stephen re-living some of his revolutionary past with the United Irishmen, and re-living some of the divided loyalties poor James Dillon (may he rest in pieces) felt in the first novel was a welcome call back, the Kumai trip was generally wonderful, I was pretty happy about Jack's ultimate ambivalence about being reinstated in the Navy again, and I LOVE the Stephen Maturin Strikes It Rich storyline (more on that next time I think; I do think it's very funny that when it comes to money, neither Stephen nor Jack is 'the smart one.')
I got to really love the Diane, and this is the first time we’ve had a genuine shipwreck; as exciting as that was, it was genuinely heartbreaking to lose her. RIP Diane but I’m already well into the next book and in love with my new girl (Nutmeg of Consolation, you will always be famous. 😭)
Personal Ranking
The Far Side of the World (10) > HMS Surprise (3) > Desolation Island (5) > The Reverse of the Medal (11) > The Ionian Mission (8) > The Fortune of War (6) > Master & Commander (1) > The Surgeon’s Mate (7) > Treason's Harbour (9) > The Letter of Marque (12) > The Thirteen-Gun Salute (13) > Post Captain (2) > The Mauritius Command (4)
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localvoidcat · 2 years
explain all of your aus in 30 words or less GO (you dont have to but if you do i will give you a kiss on the cheek /j /p) -(formerly coward) imaginary anon
OK i’m going to assume. i get 30 words for each one so
mark lives au: 34 year old man has the worst time of his life ft. the saddest duo you’ve ever seen
tmc fantasy au: dave is tumblr user evilwizard. worst dnd campaign ever
the floppa catalogue: big floppa don’t open the door
tmc time loop au: you know who else is stuck in the same 3 days? you know who else is stuck in the same 3 days? you know who else is
vol 2 survivors au: jonah lives to see among us
mad alternate au: mental illness turns people into demon monsters. thatcher has a horrible time
omordela: someone tell the emo cop that living in a homoerotic noir film dream world for 17 years won’t bring back his friend. please
mandela become human au: david cage you’ve done it again. but it’s different because mandela
tmc lucids au: interests crammed into each other. sarah can dream hop
chnttmc: camp here and there but it’s in wisconsin. also jedidiah is replaced by an emo
tmc apocalypse au: what if i was a zombie and your teammate killed me. and we were boy best friends
laptop’s haunted au: mark gets stuck in a laptop and decides to be a little shit about it. thatcher once again has a horrible time
dave is mark au: a self-insert in sunglasses? MARK HEATHCLIFF THE SELF-INSERT IN SUNGLASSES?
alternate son au: dave and mervin being the worst roommates and the worst father figures to a demon
tmc revival au: i can’t remember much about this one. adam and jonah come back but they look super fucked up
possessed jonah au: religious man accidentally possesses a scenecore stoner. chaos ensues
gaslight gatekeep ghost au: sarah summons a demon. the slay button is NOT hit
tmc fnaf au: ourple thatcher davis ☹️
the hawthorne catalogue: oc story mixed with tmc. jonah gets dragged into the woods it’s funny
tmc conduit au: thatcher gets possessed by tens of thousands of ghouls and none of them are paying rent
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tfgadgets · 1 month
Vandalism At Kolkata Hospital Where Doctor Was Raped, Tear Gas Fired - NDTV
Vandalism At Kolkata Hospital Where Doctor Was Raped, Tear Gas Fired  NDTV Kolkata doctor rape and murder LIVE updates: Mob vandalises R.G. Kar Hospital emergency building; BJP blames ‘TMC goons’  The Hindu Top Kolkata Cop Accuses Media Of “Malicious Campaign” After Hospital Vandalism  NDTV Trying to pull a Bangladesh: Mamata Banerjee slams ‘politics’ over Kolkata rape  India Today Kolkata…
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trueenewshub · 2 months
CBI raids Mahua, why?
Mahua Moitra, who was leading the vociferous charge against Industrialist Gautam Adani in Parliament, took the burnt when BJPMP Nishikant Dubey wrote to Lok Sabha Speaker Om Birla alleging thatthe former MPreceived luxury items andholidays from Dubai-based businessman Darshan Hiranandaniin exchange for raising questions in the Lok Sabha.
Mahua Moitra a corruption crusader against Adani has now become themascot of corruption herself,thanks to the revelation of her jilted lover Jai Anant Dehadrai.
CBI Enquiry Report stated that Mahua Moitra had compromised her parliamentary privileges by sharing her login credential of Lok Sabha Member Portal with Hiranandani, who by using her username and password posted questions on the Government. This was done while she was travelling abroad.
The immediate motive
Moitra is a firebrand TMC MP who on returning to parliament could bebigger danger for the ruling dispensation in the new Lok Sabha.
In the event of a surprise win for INDIA coalition she could emerge as the star parliamentarian.
Mahua has more beans to spill, to prevent her from getting into overdrive with expose.
Mahua's version on CBI raid
Mahua Moitra alleged that the CBI had "deliberately" chosen to conduct consecutive raids onwith the "sole intention" of hindering her campaign process and creating a "negative perception" about her in the run up to polls.
She urged the Election Commission to issue appropriate guidelines and create a framework vis-a-vis the conduct of investigation by central agencies during the period of the Model Code of Conduct.
She approves CBI investigations but questioned the timing and methodology which indicate political vendetta.
In the milieu, where is real estate titan Hiranandani?
Still cosying up at his Dubai home, Hiranandani has been named in the CBI chargesheet.
Knowing the proximity of the real estate tycoon with the BJP,it was unexpected that Hiranandani would be named as an accused instead of an approved.
BJP will take a que from the CBI naming Hiranandani as accused and claim its neutrality towards negotiation.
Hiranandani if arrested will give ammunition to BJP spokesperson to defend its corporate-political neutrality.
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warningsine · 3 months
This year’s general election in India arguably brought up more questions about the fairness of the electoral process than any other in the country’s history.
For example, in December, a bill was passed in India’s parliament that allowed election commissioners to be appointed by a panel dominated by the executive branch, which many feared would endanger free and fair elections.
And during the campaign, Prime Minister Narendra Modi gave a string of speeches that were widely seen as Islamophobic, in which he accused the opposition Congress Party of favouring Muslims. The Election Commission failed to adequately enforce the Model Code of Conduct when it came to these comments.
Opposition chief ministers, Arvind Kejriwal of the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) and Hemant Soren of Jharkhand Mukti Morcha (JMM), meanwhile, were arrested on charges of corruption. Both parties claimed the charges were politically motivated.
One of the lessons from the election, however, is that even when there are questions about how free and fair a vote is, opposition parties can dent the dominance of ruling parties.
In India’s election, the opposition presented a united front and stuck to a consistent message reflecting specific issues of voter discontent.
Why caste politics were so important
Modi’s Bharatiya Janata Party did not perform as well as expected in the election, suffering major losses in its heartland northern Indian states. Modi began the six-week election campaign saying his party would win more than 400 seats. Ultimately, it was reduced to 240 seats, while the opposition Indian National Developmental Inclusive Alliance (INDIA) won 232 seats.
INDIA had a shaky start to the election. A founding member, the Janata Dal, joined Modi’s coalition earlier this year. INDIA also failed to reach a seat-sharing agreement with another member, Trinamool Congress (TMC), although that party remained part of the alliance.
Yet, as the campaign wore on, the BJP’s attacks on the opposition led to a more united front, focusing particularly on the issue of caste.
Indian society and politics are stratified by its caste system. It has roots in ancient religious texts, which grant symbolic and material rights and privileges to people based on their membership to a particular caste.
Opposition leader Rahul Gandhi’s speeches highlighted a commitment to protecting the Constitution and addressing the issue of caste-based injustice in India. He pledged to undertake a caste census to reveal the extent of disadvantage and concentration of wealth in society.
He also pointed out the government’s centralisation of power, as well as the upper caste-dominated media’s adulation of Modi and its inattention to issues of unemployment and inflation.
Lalu Prasad Yadav, a leader of the Rashtriya Janata Dal (RJD) party, which is also part of the INDIA coalition, warned the BJP intended to change the Constitution to end caste-based affirmative action. Though this was denied by Modi, the allegation seemed to strike a chord with voters.
Caste presented a dilemma for Modi’s Hindu nationalist politics, which valorises upper-caste Hindu practices and behaviours, while relying on support from the lower caste majority to win elections.
The BJP had sought to ameliorate this tension by promoting welfare schemes and accusing the secular opposition of colluding with Muslims to deprive the Hindu lower-caste poor.
In the lead-up to the election, Modi also claimed to have replaced traditional forms of caste stratification with four new castes of welfare “beneficiaries” – women, farmers, the youth and the poor.
In truth, however, the government’s welfare schemes consisted of paltry cash transfers, small loans, food rations and subsidies for private goods like toilets, which sought to compensate for the stagnation of incomes and lack of jobs. Spending on health and education by Modi’s government, which could have transformative effects on society, has languished.
The BJP’s infrastructure-driven economic program has benefited large companies, leading to accusations of crony capitalism. It has also failed to attract substantial foreign investment or grow the manufacturing sector to create more jobs.
Over the past decade – but particularly following the COVID pandemic – India has also become one of the world’s most unequal countries. Women, Dalits, Adivasis and Muslims have fared the worst.
Dalit politicians also grew in prominence
Perhaps the biggest surprise for the BJP were its heavy losses in its heartland state, Uttar Pradesh.
The Samajwadi Party (SP) had previously dominated Uttar Pradesh politics by promoting the interests of particular lower caste “other backward classes”. This tactic, however, generated resentment among other lower castes, which was exploited by the BJP to win power in 2017.
In this election, the SP appears to have fashioned a new, broader caste coalition.
This election also saw new shifts in Dalit politics, the lowest rung of the caste structure in India. In Uttar Pradesh, new Dalit political parties became increasingly prominent, such as the Azad Party led by Chandra Sekhar Azad.
Further south, the Viduthalai Chiruthaigal Katchi (VCK) consolidated its status as the largest Dalit party in Tamil Nadu, winning all the seats it contested.
The future of Indian democracy
Indian democracy is not out of the woods yet. Activists, students, political leaders and journalists remain imprisoned.
The Hindu nationalist movement also has a history of inciting communal violence when things do not go its way in the electoral arena.
The Modi government started to extend its media censorship during the election, as well.
There is little to suggest that Modi will temper what many see as authoritarian tendencies, but there is now more resistance, scepticism and political alternatives that will hopefully aid India’s democratic recovery.
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banglakhobor · 1 year
Firhad Hakim : 'বাংলার প্রাপ্য প্রায় এক লক্ষ কোটি টাকা আটকে রেখেছে কেন্দ্র', তীব্র আক্রমণে ফিরহাদ
<p>হাইকোর্টে অভিষেকের ডাকা বিজেপি নেতাদের বাড়ি ঘেরাও কর্মসূচি বাতিলের পর আজ বিক্ষোভ কর্মসূচি তৃণমূলের। দিন বদল করে ৫ অগাস্টের পরিবর্তে আজ ব্লকে ব্লকে কর্মসূচি শাসকদলের। কেন্দ্রীয় বঞ্চনার অভিযোগে ব্লকে ব্লকে অবস্থান-বিক্ষোভ কর্মসূচি জোড়াফুল শিবিরের। বেলা ১২টা থেকে বিকেল ৪টে পর্যন্ত অবস্থান-বিক্ষোভ। কলকাতা থেকে জেলা, অবস্থান-বিক্ষোভ কর্মসূচি তৃণমূলের।</p> Source link
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india-times · 4 months
Left-Congress Combine Dents BJP's Prospects in Bengal: Analyzing the Impact
In the latest election cycle, the Left-Congress alliance emerged as a formidable force, significantly affecting the BJP’s performance in West Bengal. Despite the BJP banking on the Citizenship (Amendment) Act (CAA) to win over voters, the combined opposition of the Left and Congress, along with other factors, played a crucial role in the BJP’s setbacks.
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The Left-Congress alliance secured 12% of the vote across West Bengal’s 42 Lok Sabha seats, influencing the outcomes in at least 12 seats. Their presence also impacted the Trinamool Congress (TMC) in three to four seats in North Bengal. The coalition, comprising popular and senior leaders, aimed to maximize their seat count. While they did not increase their tally significantly, their vote share saw a notable rise.
Election Data Insights
According to Election Commission data, the Congress-Left combine’s performance notably affected TMC’s chances in seats like Balurghat, Raigunj, and Maldaha Uttar. For instance, in Maldaha Uttar and Raigunj, Congress candidates secured over 2 and 3 lakh votes respectively, contributing to TMC’s losses in these constituencies by margins of 77,708 and 68,197 votes.
In terms of specific outcomes, the Congress contested 12 seats, winning one — Maldaha Dakshin — and securing second place in Baharampur and Jangipur with a 19% vote share. A senior Congress leader noted an increase in their vote share compared to the 2021 Assembly election, particularly in North Bengal and Murshidabad.
The Left’s Impact in South Bengal
In South Bengal, the CPI(M) managed to regain a minor share of the Hindu vote, previously consolidated in favor of the BJP. This shift was crucial in affecting the BJP’s prospects in around a dozen seats. For example, in Asansol, BJP’s S S Ahluwalia lost by 59,564 votes, while the CPI(M) candidate secured over 1 lakh votes, contributing to TMC’s Shatrughan Sinha’s victory. Similarly, in Arambagh, the CPI(M) secured over 92,000 votes, narrowing the TMC’s winning margin to 6,399 votes.
The CAA’s Limited Impact
The BJP’s reliance on the CAA to win over the Matua community, which has around 1.5 crore Dalit members who migrated from Bangladesh, did not yield the expected results. Despite the BJP notifying the CAA rules ahead of the polls, their performance in the six Matua-dominated seats was underwhelming. The BJP retained Bangaon and Ranaghat with a slight dip in vote share but lost Cooch Behar. TMC retained the other three Matua-dominated seats — Krishnanagar, Barasat, and Bardhaman Purba.
TMC’s Counter Campaign
BJP spokesperson Samik Bhattacharya accused TMC of misleading the Matua community regarding the CAA, creating fear and confusion about potential detention camps. TMC’s campaign effectively countered the BJP’s narrative, maintaining their hold on significant Matua-dominated constituencies.
The Left-Congress combine played a crucial role in shaping the electoral landscape in West Bengal, affecting both BJP and TMC’s performances in various constituencies. The combined opposition’s strategic influence, along with local factors and effective counter-campaigns, underscores the complex dynamics at play in Bengal’s political arena. As the dust settles, these results highlight the importance of coalition politics and voter perception in determining electoral outcomes.
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newswatchindiablog · 5 months
Breaking News: Mamata Banerjee Commits Another Blunder by Conspiring Against West Bengal Governor
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A temporary female staff member of the Raj Bhavan or Governor’s House in Kolkata has filed a complaint against the West Bengal governor CV Ananda Bose alleging that she has been sexually harassed by the governor. This immediately became the top 10 breaking news in India as it is a serious allegation against very high constitutional incumbent, the governor of a state. That is the technical description of the incident wherein a complaint has been filed against the governor. However, no action can be initiated against a serving governor because he enjoys constitutional immunity by law.
The governor, Ananda Bose has taken serious objection to this allegation and has already barred entry of the West Bengal Police along with a number of Trinamool Congress (TMC) leaders including ministers into the Raj Bhavan premises in the state.
As per breaking India news in Hindi and other media, Governor Bose has sought legal advice to move court against the complainant, who according to him is trying to slur his position by making a fake allegation against him.
Surely the governor knows what he is saying but then such an allegation should be taken with all the seriousness it deserves and the matter should be investigated by the appropriate departments at the right time.
Is it low level politics of vendetta by the TMC?
Immediately after the woman filed her case at the Hare Street police station in Kolkata, mainstream media in Kolkata and other parts of the state went into an overdrive on the matter.
Soon it broke into the top 10 breaking news in India and the matter seems to have been orchestrated for a trial of the governor by the media since he cannot be legally tried while he holds the post.
The governor on his part is quite sure of where he stands but if it is a fake case as the BJP and many others believe it to be, then this case is going to boomerang on the TMC after the elections.
Taking advantage of the situation, chief minister Banerjee and many of her cabinet colleagues as well as party functionaries are also trying to counter the BJP’s Sandeshkhali campaign by citing the governor as the BJP’s man.
The sheer brazenness of the TMC’s attack on the governor by comparing the allegations against him with the unprecedented sleaziness of the TMC’s sex offenders in Sandeshkhali might suggest that the charges against the governor are fake. It is another matter that over 90% of the sexual harassment cases in the country are fake.
Short term political advantage could have long term consequences for TMC
The TMC was under severe pressure on the Sandeshkhali issue and it seems to have already cost it the election as the party’s own internal survey has shown the BJP getting 32 out of the 42 seats in Bengal.
In its desperation to get back at the BJP with something similar in nature to the Sandeshkhali scandal if not in scale, the TMC seems to have stepped into a legal minefield.
It knows very well that the governor cannot be touched in any way as long as holds the post and so it was decided to slur his name and reputation with this charge.
Most of the top 10 breaking news in India have also covered the governor’s prompt action in barring entry for the state police in the Raj Bhavan premises along with some members of the state cabinet among others.
He will surely initiate legal action against the temporary female staffer of the Raj Bhavan in Kolkata and the implications could embroil the TMC and its leaders including the chief minister in a legal tangle they will find very difficult to get out of. A senior state BJP leader, Dilip Ghosh has already stated that it is a fake case and is not surprising since the TMC can stoop to any depth of depravity according to him.
AUTHOR: Dev Kumar is an independent geo-political observer, commentator and blogger who tries to look at international issues in relation to India and present a different dimension that has hardly been covered by mainstream experts.
Referral link: https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/mamata-banerjee-commits-another-blunder-conspiring-against-singh-kfawc/
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divinedeathbed · 7 months
4, 8, 10, 37, 41
4. A character you rarely talk about?
Valiel / Nihilus / and Absinthe I guess. I didn't put a whole lot of character building into any 3 of them besides kinda being side characters to more important ocs stories (Val and Absinthe for Michael, Nihilus for Gabriel) and that's on me. Val is a very lovely angel who is a loyal soldier, and one of Michael's closest friends/confidants. Maybe even lover at rare points idk. Nihilus is another priest in Gabriel's world, either one who trained alongside him or Gabriel trained himself? Friend turned someone who's suspicious of Gabriel. Absinthe is a succubus demon who butts heads with Michael frequently. I have a fun little idea of a 3 team save the world type interaction between Absinthe, Michael, and Mariel, where Mariel kinda helps Michael and Absinthe better get along.
8. Do you RP as any of your OCs? If you do, introduce one of your RP OCs here!
I dont sadly. I've tried to make oc rp blogs in the past but I get overwhelmed on trying to make the blog look nice and just being shy overall with them. I would love to rp more in private though so. If you're interested dm me or smth idk
10. Introduce an OC with a complicated design?
I think Augustine's design is the most complicated rn. All the frills and ornate designs gold watchers have... god. And ofc I want Augustine to be more flashy compared to other gold watchers, that's just what Augustine gives. Eventually I want to draw a more full body portrait of Augustine but eehhhhh hard
37. Introduce an OC who is not quite human
Victor :)
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Victor's species is a species that evolved aside humanity, sharing humanoid traits but obviously different. They feed off of humans, and while their species is unnamed, Victor will allow you to call them a vampire since that's the closest analog to them that humans have come up with. They are not a vampire. Victor has lived for about 300 years but is not immortal. Their species hails from Siberia so they are white and have point coloration on their extremities. They are also all intersex, each member of the species able to get pregnant or get others pregnant. But it's usually a dominance thing when it comes to breeding where more submissive members of the tribe are the ones to carry young. Their species can vocalize like humans can, and in fact is how they lure human prey to their deaths, mimicking human voices calling for help. Victor was different though and actually learned how to speak and learned about humanity. They still ofc need to eat human prey so they gave themselves a code to only eat shitty people they meet or people they like tell them about. Lol.
41. Has anyone drawn fanart of your OCs? If yes, maybe show a picture or two here (remember sources & permissions!)
aaaa yes yes 🥺
For Michael someone on my tmc blog drew this of him:
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It makes me sad bc they submitted it anonymously so I don't know who did it but it's so good.
I also commissioned my partner (not tagging his blog for now bc he's been targeted by a huge harassment campaign) to draw Michael:
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For Gabriel there's a couple drawings from when he was an ihnmaims au oc with a couple other ocs from that server / Ted
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I dont remember who did these unfortunatelllyy
And ofc my partner has doodled him a couple times:
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Thank you so much for askingggg ;;;;;
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newslime · 7 months
A Battleground of Women's Votes: TMC and BJP's Intense Campaign in Bengal Amid Sandeshkhali Episode
The focus on women's votes intensifies in Bengal as the TMC and BJP ramp up their efforts, with the recent Sandeshkhali incident heightening political tensions. Women voters are pivotal for both parties, as the BJP eyes national support and the TMC seeks to secure its dominance in West Bengal, particularly after its success in the 2021 Assembly polls.
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The Sandeshkhali controversy has become a strategic opportunity for the BJP to challenge the TMC's stronghold, targeting its female voter base. In the past, women, particularly Muslim and Mahila constituents, played a crucial role in securing Trinamool's victory against BJP's advances. However, the BJP aims to reverse this trend, aiming to prevent a repeat of the 2019 Lok Sabha performance where it secured 18 seats in Bengal.
During his recent visit to West Bengal, Prime Minister Narendra Modi capitalized on the Sandeshkhali issue, criticizing the TMC's handling of the situation and rallying support against its alleged misconduct. The TMC, on the other hand, faces challenges defending its reputation amid mounting criticism.
The BJP's announcement of Bhojpuri actor-singer Pawan Singh as its candidate for Asansol faced immediate backlash, highlighting tensions over cultural sensitivities. Meanwhile, TMC leaders point out discrepancies in BJP's candidate selection and question its commitment to women's empowerment.
Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee maintains an aggressive stance, planning a "padayatra" in Kolkata to bolster party morale and counter BJP's offensive.
As the Election Commission reviews poll preparations and central forces deploy, Bengal braces for a highly contested electoral battle. With women's votes at the forefront, both parties strategize to sway public opinion, making every move count in the run-up to the polls.
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sangbadpratidin · 8 months
Mamata Banerjee and Abhishek Banerjee features on TMC social media profile picture
TMC started campaigning with pictures of Mamata Banerjee and Abhishek Banerjee together on social media to ensure that there is no flaw in the party's campaign, and that no wrong message is sent to the common workers at any level.
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laopdrnewsgazette · 9 months
TMC Subsidiary NORI Completes Key Offshore Research Campaign, Evaluating Seafloor Ecosystem Function a Year Post Nodule Collection Test
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