#tmf essay
cringelordofchaos · 7 months
"Perhaps you've not known before - To need someone, and not be needed anymore"
- liana flores: papercut
Listen, the whole song itself fits him. (I'm talking about TMF Drew of course.) But this single line speaks so many volumes at once about his character, at least that's what it feels like to me.
Long ramble below.
"to need someone" - drew needs people in his life and he can't let go. As many other characters in the show. He will go to greater lengths to keep his loved ones always close to him. He may overburden Zoey with money and gifts and riches, and may even try and lie a little about the music club (in episode 9) so Jake wouldn't leave him for them permanently.
He needs them. He needed Zoey. He needed Jake. Or, at the very least, he couldn't bear the thought of losing them, and he did everything in his power to not let them go.
Or at least he tried.
But, what's a bit interesting to me at least, is that, while the whole season he was afraid of them leaving him, he ended up leaving them first. (At least in some way. I moreso am referring to when he found out they betrayed his trust and lied to him).
And it's even more interesting to see that Drew doesn't seem like he wants to be near them again. (Which, let me remind you - does not mean he doesn't love them anymore. In fact he would never be so hurt and felt so betrayed if he "didn't care about them".)
For the Gacha "Teeth" MEP, you might be aware that RosyClozy contributed herself. (You can find it on her ExtraRosy channel.)
For the MEP, and for the song, she chose Drew and Zoey.
The whole song itself is about manipulation, a disguise, distrust (which might've meant that Drew was sceptical of Zoey before their break-up), but that's not what I'm talking about.
In the MEP we can see them on a phone call, Zoey trying to apologize and get back with him, with a red string attached to both of them, a black butterfly passing by both of them, while Drew looks unsure, or even dead, or done. I don't know how to explain it.
Butterflies usually symbolize Change or Rebirth, and black can symbolize Death. So take what you will from that. (To me, it seems like their relationship Changed in the sense that it will never be the same, and their relationship is Dead. But that's just my own personal interpretation.)
What I'm trying to focus on is Drew's expression. I don't think he's going to get back with Zoey, although it's clear he was upset over her lies, over the break-up, and he didn't want to lose her, and you could even say he was afraid of losing her a bit (I'll get into that in a quick bit), he seems done with her.
Now, about Jake. (We got much more canon content to work with here.)
Drew, the whole show, was very obviously afraid of losing him. Was very obviously jealous of the attention he gave to the music club, instead of him. How close he got to them, and how little time he started spending with him. How he started lying more and more, and how much afterwards Drew realized how Jake was always lying to him (him pretending not to be a "music freak".) How Jake never "trusted him" in the first place (not enough to tell him the truth, at least).
(none of this is meant to bash on Jake lol I love him)
But, even after all that yearning, all those attempts of bringing him close to him again, all those angsty drew fan-edits, all those aus where the music club and the jomies become friends, comes the infamous Drake-up we're all very well aware of by now.
There's a lot to take from it. But I'm going to focus on this one single line that articulates my point directly.
"I'm done with you."
Just that. Plain and simple. He's done with him, and has no plans of making amends, of apologizing to, or forgiving him. He's just done. With him, and with any hopes of things being the same as they were. He realized how little he knew about him, and he himself said "Glad to know we were never friends anyway." (Or something akin to that, at least. I'm writing from memory here.) He felt betrayed, and he didn't want to deal with him anymore.
He needed them, yet they hurt him so much he left them first.
Yet, does that really mean he doesn't need them anymore? That he still doesn't yearn for Zoey and Jake? That he just "simply let go", and is on a healing journey?
Hell nah.
He still, deep inside, has not gotten over them... There's simply no way.
But I'm getting ahead of myself - onto the next lyric of the fricking song.
"and not be needed anymore."
Ohhhh boy. Where do I begin.
Ok, to put it out there quickly - Drew's love language is gifting. Giving money, items with high materialistic value. He does this to show other people he loves them, and by extension...
For them not to leave him. (This is more prevalent in him and Zoey's case.)
You see... Drew may, and this is technically but a theory, but he may believe that he has nothing to give if it weren't for the money he had, for the money his dad gives him.
And with this, with his parents high income, he suddenly, as a person, a friend and a lover, has Value and a Purpose - something others could rely uniquely on him.
He canonically gives this to his loved ones, such as Henriam, Zoey, Jake. This is shown by him handing out Gacha switches to the jomies in freshman year - (which he has likely done similiar things again) - and him constantly buying whatever Zoey asks him to buy, and by extension doing whatever the hell she wants. ("Anything for you, babe." (I cringed writing that ngl-)). Because he may have rather be used than left? Or not? Idk
Now, how he became such an insecure mess to the point where he possibly started thinking his money is what makes people love him in the first place, I do not know. Many people speculate his parents are oftentimes absent in his life, and in order to compensate for their lack of attention given to him, they overburden him with gifts instead - which makes a lot of sense for a lot of aspects in his character. Mayhaps, that's why he feels such an overwhelming urge to not let go of his loved ones - or to do anything in order to not let go off them - because that's where he got the most attention and love and care from. When Jake and Zoey started suspiciously not being in his life as much, and when they started paying less attention to him, he was immediately sceptical of this, and quickly grew jealous of the music club. Like, very quickly. I wouldn't be surprised if he was always this wary of the amount of attention a loved one gave him or not. I suppose, to an extent, it's simply strategic for him to do.
You could also say, in case his parents work a lot for the money to the point of being absent, that he may have internalized a sentiment of The Money They Receive being more important than Him, their Own Son. Because, if he mattered more, would they not pay attention to him as much?
However, those are all theories and speculation, and quite reaching too. But they make sense, if you really think about it, and squint your eyes in the right spots.
But that wasn't the only thing he was needed for.
Jake. Him again.
Drew was Jake's first friend. Ever since Drew reached out to him in freshmen year to become his friend, possibly after noticing his loneliness, Jake was no less than ecstatic. After all his loneliness, and years of torture and harassment, he was finally chosen by someone to be their friend, to be there for him. He was capable of starting all over, and finally find a friend that could accept him.
...except, he was never fully accepted, or at the very least never fully accepted, for he never opened up about his passions. He always felt insecure, especially when Drew and the others would bully the music club right in front of him. He knew he didn't quite belong, and he had to pretend he was someone who he wasn't, in order to be liked, in order to not be lonely anymore.
This is important.
Now, Drew was entirely unaware of this. He didn't know anything about his passion behind closed curtains. All he knew was that "people back in middle school didn't like him very much".
And we can see that Drew cared. He stood up to a "friend" who made Jake visibly insecure in front of him during freshmen year (ep9 - flashback at the start of the episode), and he stood up to him, and turned down his offer to play soccer with him afterwards, because he cared about Jake.
(the Reason it wasn't the same for the music club, is because of multitude of reasons, A, drew feeling lied to, B; drew being jealous, and probably more reasons beyond that.)
Either way, I am going off the rails here, so to speak. What I was trying to say, that Drew was an important part of Jake's life, and by extension, Jake needed him. And couldn't bear the thought of losing him either.
...yet, for reasons we are aware of, it wasn't perfect, and it never could be.
The dromies were never necessarily the "perfect" "option" for him. They were publicly against the Music Club, the very place Jake felt he belonged to. Jake knew (in his mind), that if he were to be honest, he would possibly not be accepted, and would be all alone again, and he couldn't let this happen to him.
And with that, Jake needed him. But Jake needed him, because, at the time, he had no one else.
Drew was the best "option", because he was the only option, by some logic.
In a way, and in a sense, Drew was needed. And I would be surprised if he were to lack acknowledgement of that. For his money, he was wanted and was needed - and while that was, quite frankly, and quite obviously, not what he wanted or needed out of any of his social relationships - it was what made him unique, separate, and wanted. And like I said, it was not just the money.
It was definitely not what he wanted. When he realized Zoey (supposedly) dated him just for his money - he immediately broke up with her, and was clearly shown to be upset.
For all the reasons he was needed, he has the people he loved most around him.
But as time would pass, the very thing that made him more loved than most would start to fade.
In Zoey's case. Oh boy.
Drew's suspicion over her started since episode 5, where he voiced his concerns over her not asking him to buy anything for her.
Which made him worry.
For one, the money he had, it was how he had shown love, and what made him "needed". If Zoey didn't want any of it, it would almost feel as if Zoey didn't want any of Drew. And that she didn't need him anymore, for whatever reason.
Had she not loved him no more? Had she found someone better to fulfill her needs?
He could only hope not.
Yet... Here we are, very well aware that Zoey has a... "Sugar-daddy", who's a college student, and is another reliable source for her money. I don't have much to elaborate on, and even if I did, it's not relevant to the topic at hand. The important thing that ties her into Drew's character, is that, in some form of way or another, she didn't "need" him anymore. Or she didn't want him.
(which you could argue is false. She clearly didn't want the break-up to happen. "Just... Please don't tell Drew about what you saw." That line sounded genuinely sad coming from her. As if she was worried beyond not being able to gold dig off of him. (I got this theory from @sobeksewerrat otherwise my stupid head would still think Zoey would never care about drew, yet here I am. I do think she cared about him, *AT LEAST* at one point.) Or how she canonically called back to him to apologize (see the Teeth MEP for reference), in hopes of getting back together with him. It could go beyond the reasons of "oh she just wanted his money". She already is dating that sugar-daddy. A small part of me thinks she still genuinely cares about him in some way. At least a bit. Idk.))
Because, If she *did* need or want him, she wouldn't date someone else behind his back, right?
And so, when drew realized he knew he wasn't wanted, (which reminds me of his lime in the TMF comic where he tells Hailey to "know where she's not wanted", which I feel like ties into this whole mess and maybe even his home life), what else would he do but cut ties with her.
I don't think there's much to solve here. I don't think there's much hope, and better yet, I do not find there to be a good reason for them getting back together, and the black butterfly especially makes me think their relationship really is over. Though that's just me. I may turn out to be entirely false, and by the end of the show they are happy together in a healthy relationship. Who knows what Chloe is planning?
I am running out of time and may rush the following statements to be said. I sincerely apologize for this.
Jake, oh Jake.
He needed him, and he sorta depended on him, for a long time. In his own words, "you guys were there for me when I had no one else! But...", clearly stating that they were practically all he had, until the music club.
Drew didn't know about Jake's passion for music. Or about the amount of bullying he had to endure for his passions. Or his liking to the music club dating back all the way to freshmen year. Or his insecurities, or how he felt unsafe around the dromies, for he was afraid they would not accept him.
Drew knew absolutely none of that.
(And I am not blaming Jake for not telling him. Jake had his own trauma that caused him to be extremely secretive with his true self, otherwise he would put himself in a very vulnerable position by outing himself as another "freak". I am not saying that it was OK for him to lie to Drew, but it explains him. His behaviour. )
So, just imagine Drew's surprise, after Jake decided to join the music club, the very group they themselves targeted. He was, of course, confused.
Jake would say, he's "doing it all for daisy, and he'll leave eventually".
Well, now we know that's not how it turned out.
And we know Drew didn't take this well.
But drew didn't exactly know how much the club meant to Jake. Jake finally felt safe to be himself, free of worries JDUDJDD, ajjdjeoa, free of fear of judgement. He was finally allowed to be, unabashedly, himself.
..which is sad to think about, how Drew accidentally made Jake feel unsafe all these years.
Jake finally realized; he had a place where he felt truly safe.
And that place was not around the Dromies.
And suddenly, it was almost as if Jake didn't... Need the dromies. He didn't need Drew anymore.
Not that he didn't care about drew, of course - but now, if Drew were to cease to exist, Jake would still have the club. He would not be all alone, like he used to.
Suddenly, Zoey didn't need Drew anymore. And now, not even Jake "needed" him, because he was not their only source of joy.
He was not needed anymore, yet he still needed them.
As he slowly starts realizing Jakes JDUDJD relationship with the club positively growing, he starts getting paid less attention. He grows suspicious.
Because if he's not needed no longer, why would anyone care about him? And if nobody cares about him, who would he have left? Who could he love? Who could give him the attention he might have never truly received at home?
He would be alone.
Drew was, too, afraid of being alone and abandoned. Just like Jake. Just like many other characters in this show.
He knew what it was like, and what is still like, to need someone, yet not be needed anymore. For there were other people to fulfill the spot he used to fill in other people's lives, except they would do "better".
Anyway bisexual ass drew "essay" oveRrR (/j-)
(horrible exit)
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rosypenguins · 25 days
Dom my lovely green boy!💚
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Okay, I’ve grabbed your attention. I now have a proposition to share. We have lot of Milly and Elliot. I’ve even seen a sprinkle of Bradley and Elliot. Could I… perchance interest you in… one-sided Dom and Elliot?
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mikerztmf · 1 year
i love drew pining over jake as much as the next guy (bc what drake shipper would i be if i didn't?)
but once u open ur eyes to drake from jake's pov, it's kind of hard to look away ????? like i shit you not, i could literally talk about it for hours
bc even tho he's the main character, jake's thoughts on drew are never actually CLEAR. until ep11, that is, and bro it's a TRIP
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x-daisy-x · 11 months
Hiii Daisy!! Milly’s telling me i might be attracted to woman.. can you tell me more abt that???
-Lia (ooc: can’t ask on side blogs T-T)
Oh hello Lia! Of course, I wouldn't mind trying to help! You can always come and ask me about anything especially stuff like this!
Well, for me it was easier to figure out I was a lesbian because I had two moms and I knew about queerness from a young age, and that girls could love girls and boys could like boys (stuff like that!). So I'm not really sure how it really is for other people with different familial situations, especially ones with homophobic parents.. it can be a lot to learn and unlearn but with patience and time, you can get there someday!
I think one of the most basic questions of this is: who do you see yourself ending up with in the future? A man? Woman? Person? No one? Does it matter? Does it change anything? Can you see yourself with multiple of these people in a lasting relationship? It's ok to just try to sit down and think about it and how you would feel about doing "couply" stuff - like kissing, cuddling, holding hands - but with the same gender, and then see how you feel about it.
It's also important to notice that sexuality is a spectrum! You may despise the idea of kissing anyone but one specific person, or you may like people romantically like a flickering switch; on an off. You may find people attractive, but may not want to date them. And etc, etc. If you find yourself having complicated feelings on this matter, I recommend research! I think I could link some quizzes or articles to you if you need them!
There's a lotttt more to it, and it isn't as simple; but that was the start for me and when I first questioned it and I thought it mightve served as a good start to you too!
Anyway, hope that helped, Lia!! You can always talk to me if you need it, and I wish you good luck on your journey! Even if you don't end up being queer, you may find out something else about yourself! It's really about self exploration and discovery and I hope you the best!
- Love, daisy 💙
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undeserved-halo · 1 year
tmf sexuality headcanons again because i lost the other post 😢 and i don’t agree with half of it anyway so-
jake: transmasc and bi. like literally he is and any other headcanon is incorrect /jjjjjjjjjjj<3
hailey: i was stuck between straight and bi but fuck it shes bi
zander: he’s gay in canon and i wouldn’t dare disagree with mother rosy
luke: absolute fucking ray of sunshine,, canon pansexual
sean: pansexual demiboy or non binary idk but he uses he/they
milly: unpopular opinion here but i think she’s straight ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
drew: HE 👏 IS 👏 GAY 👏 okay genuinely he is and i just he’s gay he’s a gay homosexual man
liam: he’s bisexual and he’s got a crush on henry
henry: bisexual and completely oblivious to liam’s crush on him
daisy: she’s a lesbian and her platonic soulmate is sean. in this essay i will
sadie: lesbianlesbianlesbian she’s dating daisy opposites attract<33333
lia: bisexual and transfem she’s also a queen and i love her ahhhh
zoey: i couldn’t decide if she was homophobic or a lesbian plot twist she’s both ✨
anyway yeah i feel like i forgot people so uhh tell me if i did
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sobeksewerrat · 10 months
My Tags!!
[More tags to be added soon -☆]
Blog Tags:
#sobek freakposting -> Shitposts ◇
#sobek rants -> Rants, essays, etc. ◇
#sobek graffiti -> My art ◇
#sobek stims -> Neurodivergent stuff ◇
#sobek yes -> Asks ◇
#writing rats -> My writing stuff ◇
#brainingsewer -> Random thoughts that occur to me ◇
#sewer dump -> Headcanons ◇
#sobek's dumpster -> Anything that doesn't fit these categories atm ◇
#sobek lore -> IRL stuff ??? ◇
#elvina's rambles about al kabeer -> My posts about the Egyptian sitcom "Al Kabeer-Awi" ◇
#argo yelling about weirdcore botany -> My posts about TWOMP/MaF because I don't really wanna be involved in the fandom anymore ◇
#kinposting lmao -> Anything about my kins ◇
#arabic posting for once -> Posts in my native language (arabic) or about SWANASA stuff ◇
AU/Work Tags:
#tmf × ace attorney / #freak attorney -> TMF Ace Attorney AU ♤
#misadventures of lettuce chan / #doki doki lettuce -> TMF OC stuff relating to the fictional in-universe anime ♤
#the arab freaks / #arab freaks au -> TMF AU where the Jomies + Milly are Arabs (co-created with @roryheart ) ♤
#burning flame -> iykyk ♤
#hailey austin vs the world/ #hailey austin takes off -> TMF Scott Pilgrim AU ♤
#trans genesis au -> AU where the Eden quartet and a bunch of other Hazbin Hotel chrs are trans (co-created with @an-theduckin) ♤
#drake's apple-> TMF n Hazbin Hotel crossover where Drew n Jake are Adam n Lucifer reincarnated (created by @roryheart but I post about it frequently)
#narrator swap -> AU where the Narrator from TSP and the Narrator from TWOMP swap places (co-created with @an-theduckin) ♤
#hazbin swap au (till we get a better name) -> Swap AU of Hazbin Hotel (well, to be fair it's mostly a swap TGAU) co-createx with @an-theduckin ♤
OC Tags:
#kutuku taloyes
#taifuauu taloyes
#marko/markus daniella
#huches karkovedes
#gerses haunem
#jaida'a amer khalil
#ashlene-aljamila williams-yazarifa
Character Tags:
#the only guy in the bible -> Adam (Hazbin Hotel)
#missing moon milf -> Lilith (Hazbin Hotel)
#◇angsty teen with a spear◇ -> Lute (Hazbin Hotel)
#the crow and the rock -> Cain n Abel (Hazbin Hotel)
#white boy jumpscare from heaven -> SAINT PETER
#raspberry bear 🐻-> Drew (TMF)
#devil in pink -> Milly (TMF)
#mvkay super slay-> Manfred von Karma (Ace Attorney)
#franny von karma-> Franziska von Karma (Ace Attorney)
#best boy cedric -> that-fruitier-emo 's oc Cedroc
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Because my old analysis account was accidentally deleted, I have get to make a new intro!
But first I just wanna say a quick thank you too everyone who found and tagged me in some of my old posts. This account was something I had grown really proud of, and it was quite distressing to have accidentally deleted it. So to have some posts salvaged has really made my day. Thank you so much.
Now, with all that out of the way:
Hi! My names Citrus, and I basically make a ton of content for various fandoms. My main is @jagged-dust-jacket, where I usually just shit post whatever I feel like lol.
I'm 17 and currently attending college to get my degree for Childhood Inclusive Education, with a concentration in English.
I love reading, writing, and breaking down different pieces of media that I enjoy! I also have an Ao3 account under the same user as my main account, go check it out if you're intrested!
I post for many fandoms. Including, but not limited too:
TMF (The Music Freaks, a Gacha web-series by RosyClozy on You tube)
Winx Clun (And italian animated cartoon)
Assassination Classroom (An anime/manga Series)
Bsd (Bungou Stray Dogs, an anime/manga Series)
TOH (The Owl House, an animated cartoon series made by Dana Terrace)
Gravity Falls (An animated cartoon series made by Alex Hirsch)
ATLA (Avatar the Last Airbender, an animated cartoon series)
And so much more!
Hopefully once I start rebuilding up this account, it can be returned to it's former glory!
This will solely be for long-form essay-esque analysis type posts.
Thank you so much for readding all that! I can't wait to revive this account!
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tsukiyo-7 · 6 months
for the character ask game! dean winchester for #4, 8, and 18 (:
4- I think it would be extremely funny to see Dean (but also Sam) in Doctor Who. This is clearly my SuperWhoLock heart speaking but a crossover episode??? MAJESTIC, they think they're hunting a poltergeist but turns out it's a crack in time and space (yes it's a reference) and them meeting The Doctor??? I'D DIE. If we're talking Dean alone specifically he could guest star in Hazbin Hotel 😂 or better yet, Helluva Boss, in his time in Hell he's actually stealing Stolas' grimoire from Blitzø so he can go home back on Earth.
8- I've seen a good amount of people stating that he's abusive and then calling it a day. And okay, I won't deny his questionable at best/actually abusive at worse behaviours but at the same time I can't phantom how people can watch this show and think this is all that there is; Dean is a pretty well layered character in my opinion, I find him quite realistic because despite being portrayed as the "good guy" of the show you also sit there questioning his actions, questioning what would you have done in his place? He manipulates and kills and loves and nurtures and you can't really disentangle the bad from the good sometimes, especially when it comes to his brother.
18- okay, full disclosure, "admiration" isn't the first word that comes to my mind when thinking about his relationship because my man here is fucking dysfunctional 💀 (me and you both, buddy, me and you both) but anyway, the obvious answer would be his relationship with his brother because- this would require another separate essay thb. On a more general level I REALLY appreciate the not-so-little found family he has built for himself (not without help, mind you), especially now that I'm at the end of season 14 and tmf are basically three dads, Dean's awkward attempts at parenting are very endearing. (Then promptly ruined by the season finale 💀)
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ikidre · 7 years
I’ve been reflecting on the illusion of permanence–specifically, the seemingly stable environments in which parents wrap their children.
I grew up in the 90s, so pretending that the world was safe and predictable was an easy task for my parents. The economy was booming. (Houses for everyone!) The biggest military concern was a dust-up near Kuwait. (Where?) Communism was on the way out. (Oh Boris Yeltsin, how you are missed!) These are beats along the replay of a history I never actually learned well, because who cared? The future was bright, and with Silicon Valley leading the way, this new Internet thing held fathomless possibilities.
In hindsight, I realize how small a span of time this was–barely the span of a presidency–and how swiftly things can tilt.
In September of 2001, my childhood sense of stability came crashing down, but no, not with the Towers. I had just started my freshman year of college, and at that point, a young person is naturally ready to shake things up, to challenge their beliefs, and to tackle unpreparedness in general (particularly the academic variety). I studied the underpinnings of human behavior, and I produced essays contextualizing social injustices in America. Computer science skills seemed like a haphazard add-on; hacking away was just a throwback from my youth, where I was free to explore in the safe, confined neighborhoods of the fledgling online space. But the giants were coming: Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, and many others were about to make the virtual world anything but–to say nothing of the mobile revolution that would upend our understanding of connection further still.
In 2011 when I took the helm of TIC, I knew instinctively that something had happened and I had to try to digest it, as though preparing to regurgitate some profound nuggets of wisdom to my young hatchlings. I began the class with a melodramatic rant illustrating the neuropsychological impacts of Internet use. I raved about the passage from an “Age of Possibilities” to an “Age of Consequences.” I find myself now reflecting on the confluence of upheavals–social media, the war on terror, and my own entrance into adulthood and subsequent move to the Bay Area–that I will never be able to tell how much of my reality has been circumscribed by any one of them.
Yet I think I was on the right track.
The point of education is not to intimidate you with the complexities and turmoil that is truly out there, nor is it to provide a safe and steady platform where you can take your time to experiment while an adult holds your hand. It is training for the race against time: you’ll be inheriting a rapidly shifting landscape from the previous generation, and you’ll be swept away with it if you never learn to learn, to question, to process, to deal with the unknown. An educated mind is nimble.
I didn’t know it at the time, but when I threw together a new platform for TIC in 2011 (which would eventually become ATDP’s new website), I wasn’t bucking tradition–I was continuing it. From email to Manila to IoCM (and later, Tumblr), TIC has hopped from platform to platform, the format of the class continually evolving with the greater arc of social and technological progress.
Lloyd tried to tell me so, in fact, but I was probably too scared to understand what he really meant. Previously, the guidance of parents, the signposts of a prescribed academic path, and the script of entering the workforce out of college–these had all provided some semblance of predictability. But when I walked into TMF on the first day, a stranger to my students, and relatively green as a staff member, there was an opaque mist before me, one into which I had no choice but to venture. The unknown was daunting.
Seven years later, TIC faces homelessness. Its parent university is in financial straits. Even the Internet itself faces political crises on several fronts.
So it seems like a good time to shake things up.
I’m not sure what’s going to happen here, on this new platform, but that’s the point. This shift gives me an opportunity to test my own agility, lest I fall complacently into peddling dogma or taking my many blessings for granted. There is not an absence of fear, but there is also excitement and curiosity, as the mists continue to roll in once again–as they have so many times before.
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titleleaf · 8 years
(I already have too many fandoms for Yuletide 2017 and it’s not even March but what if I just requested Maltese Falcon fic this year??? I want fic about Wilmer and Joel Cairo, predictably.
I still laugh about that one essay about Miller’s Crossing that posits Mink/the Dane/Bernie all being gay flings open the floodgates to Tom and Leo being gay/bi because who’s to say they’re not any more???? why can’t they be????? and that is also how I feel about discussions of whether Gutman in TMF is also queer-coded.)
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reseau-actu · 5 years
Dans un article publié par le New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM) le 30 octobre 2019, des médecins américains détaillent les circonstances dans lesquelles une transplantation de microbiote fécal a entraîné une infection sévère par une bactérie multirésistante chez deux patients participant à un essai clinique. L’un d’entre eux en est mort.
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La transplantation de microbiote fécal (TMF) consiste en l’introduction de selles d’un donneur sain dans le tube digestif d’un patient receveur afin de rééquilibrer sa flore intestinale altérée. La transplantation peut se faire par différentes voies d’administration : via une sonde passant par le nez et aboutissant dans la partie initiale de l’intestin grêle, par lavement, ou encore par la prise orale de gélules. Cette procédure est traitement très efficace contre une infection rebelle ou récidivante à Clostridium difficile. Cette bactérie provoque une colite dont la fréquence et la mortalité ont augmenté au cours des vingt dernières années. Chez l’adulte, elle est responsable de 20 % à 25 % des diarrhées associées à une antibiothérapie entraînant la destruction du microbiote intestinal.
Nombreuses cibles potentielles
La liste des pathologies possiblement associées à un déséquilibre du microbiote intestinal ne cesse de s’allonger, faisant de la transplantation fécale une thérapeutique d’intérêt. On compte ainsi plus de 300 études évaluant la transplantation de microbiote fécal (TMF) dans des pathologies intestinales mais également neuropsychiatriques, métaboliques, voire oncologiques.
Les patients décrits dans l’article du NEJM par des spécialistes du Massachusetts General Hospital et de la Harvard Medical School participaient à deux essais cliniques différents. Ces deux patients ont développé une infection sévère dans laquelle une bactérie multirésistante a été détectée dans le sang (bactériémie). Le germe pathogène en question est la bactérie Escherichia coli productrice de bêta-lactamases à spectre étendu (BLSE), enzymes responsables de la résistance à certains antibiotiques. Les deux patients fragiles et/ou immunodéprimés ont reçu le microbiote fécal d’un même donneur. Celui-ci, en bonne santé et immunocompétent, hébergeait cette bactérie résistante sans présenter de symptômes.
Pathologie hépatique
Le « patient 1 » est un homme de 69 ans souffrant d’une cirrhose du foie associée à une hépatite C. Celui-ci est enrôlé dans un essai clinique consistant en l’administration de gélules de microbiote fécal (TMF) afin de traiter une encéphalopathie hépatique réfractaire. Caractérisée par une détérioration de la fonction cérébrale, cette pathologie est due à l’accumulation dans le sang de substances toxiques normalement éliminées par le foie et qui atteignent le cerveau.
Entre mars et avril 2019, ce patient prend à cinq reprises 15 gélules TMF pendant trois semaines. Il est également traité pour son encéphalopathie hépatique à titre préventif par antibiotique (rifaximine) avant, pendant et après la transplantation de microbiote fécal. Tout se passe bien jusqu’à ce que le patient tousse et présente une fièvre à 38,9 °C.
Au vu des résultats de la radiographie pulmonaire, le patient reçoit un antibiotique pour soigner une éventuelle pneumonie. Deux jours après le début du traitement, l’état clinique du patient continue à se dégrader, du coup il consulte à l’hôpital. On retrouve alors des bactéries dans les prélèvements sanguins. Une association de deux antibiotiques est finalement prescrite à ce patient qui est hospitalisé.
La mise en culture des échantillons de sang met finalement en évidence la bactérie E. coli productrice de bêta-lactamases à spectre étendu (BLSE). Une nouvelle antibiothérapie, adaptée à ce germe, est prescrite pour une durée de 14 jours. L’état clinique du patient s’améliore et se stabilise. Les examens de selles effectués lors du suivi ne retrouvent plus de bactéries productrices de bêta-lactamases à spectre étendu (BLSE). Le patient est guéri de son infection.
Eviter l’attaque de l’organisme par le greffon
Le « patient 2 », âgé de 73 ans et souffrant d’un type particulier de leucémie (syndrome myélodysplasique), a eu moins de chance. Sa transplantation de microbiote intestinal a été réalisée dans le but d’éviter la possible survenue d’une complication liée au traitement de sa maladie de sang, en l’occurence une greffe de cellules souches hématopoïétiques prélevées à partir de la moelle osseuse d’un donneur en bonne santé. Il reçoit également un traitement préventif contre ce que les spécialistes appellent une « réaction du greffon contre l’hôte ». Cette complication se produit lorsque les cellules de la moelle osseuse du donneur attaquent les cellules du receveur. C’est là qu’intervient la transplantation de microbiote fécal. Il a en effet été montré que celle-ci peut jouer un rôle bénéfique en réduisant la probabilité de développer une réaction du greffon contre l’hôte.
Ce patient sexagénaire reçoit donc par voie orale des gélules TMF 3 et 4 jours avant la greffe de cellules souches hématopoïétiques puis quelques temps après. Enfin, un traitement préventif par antibiotique (cefpodoxime) est débuté. En effet, la chimiothérapie qui précède la greffe de cellules souches hématopoïétiques affaiblit considérablement les défenses immunitaires du patient, l’exposant à un risque infectieux.
Cinq jours après la greffe de cellules souches hématopoïétiques (soit 8 jours après la dernière prise de gélules de microbiote fécal), le patient présente une fièvre à 39,7 °C avec frissons et altération de la conscience. Il est transféré en soins intensifs. Les cultures des échantillons sanguins révèlent alors la présence de bactéries. Son traitement antibiotique est modifié. Mais cela ne suffit pas. Le lendemain, le patient décède d’une infection sévère. Les résultats confirment la présence de bactéries résistantes (E. coli productrices de bêta-lactamases à spectre étendu).
Enquête résolue
La survenue de ces deux sévères complications infectieuses faisant suite à une transplantation de microbiote fécal incitent les médecins responsables de ces essais cliniques à mener l’enquête. Les gélules de microbiote intestinal administrées aux deux patients avaient été fabriquées en novembre 2018. Comme les relatent les auteurs, il s’avère que « le patient 1 et le patient 2 ont reçu des capsules TMF issu d’un même lot provenant d’un donneur unique ». Chez ces patients, l’infection a donc été causée par un germe transmis par la transplantation de microbiote fécal.
Les chercheurs ont analysé le génome des bactéries E. coli productrices de BSLE isolées dans le sang des deux patients et les selles du donneur. Les résultats montrent qu’il s’agit d’une même souche, ce qui atteste de la transmission de ce germe du donneur aux receveurs via la transplantation de microbiote fécal.
Par ailleurs, cette même souche a été retrouvée dans des prélèvements de selles provenant de plus de 20 autres patients (ne présentant pas de symptômes) qui avaient également reçu des gélules TMF de ce même donneur. Il apparaît donc que les patients 1 et 2 sont seuls à avoir développé une pathologie infectieuse liée à la transplantation du microbiote fécal à partir de ce donneur. De fait, les selles de cette personne n’auraient pas dû être utilisées pour une transplantation fécale si des bactéries E. coli multi-résistantes avaient été recherchées.
Vers une meilleure sélection des donneurs
Il importe de préciser que ces deux patients présentaient du fait de leur pathologie respective des facteurs de risque infectieux, les exposant à un passage de bactéries intestinales dans la circulation sanguine. Par ailleurs, tous deux avaient reçu des antibiotiques par voie orale peu de temps avant la transplantation de microbiote fécal, ce qui a pu entraîner la sélection et la persistance des souches d’E. coli résistantes provenant du donneur.
Ces complications infectieuses ont été rapidement portées à la connaissance des autorités sanitaires américaines. Les essais cliniques en question ont alors été interrompus.
Depuis janvier 2019, la Food and Drug Administration (FDA) a formulé des recommandations exigeant que les selles des donneurs fassent l’objet d’un dépistage de micro-organismes multirésistants, notamment de E. coli productrices de BSLE. En juin 2019, la FDA a émis une alerte sur son site internet, demandant aux investigateurs cliniciens conduisant des études sous son égide de réaliser désormais des examens de dépistage supplémentaires.
« Une évaluation constante des bénéfices/risques de la transplantation de microbiote fécal est nécessaire, de même que des efforts continus en matière de sélection des donneurs, afin de limiter la transmission de micro-organismes pouvant entraîner des complications infectieuses », concluent les auteurs.
L’amélioration du dépistage des agents infectieux chez les donneurs est d’autant plus nécessaire qu’« au moins 10.000 transplantations de microbiote fécal sont actuellement réalisées chaque année aux Etats-Unis, et peut-être même beaucoup plus », souligne Martin Blaser (directeur de l’American Microbiome Institute) dans un éditorial accompagnant l’article publié dans le NEJM.
Après l’annonce par la FDA du décès d’un patient par transmission d’une bactérie productrice de bêta-lactamases à spectre élargi (BLSE), le Groupe Français de Transplantation Fécale (GFTF) a tenu à indiquer qu’« en France, depuis 2014, l’Agence Nationale de Sécurité du Médicament ainsi que la conférence de consensus européenne sur la TMF en pratique clinique recommandent la recherche de portage digestif de bactéries multi-résistantes chez tous les donneurs de microbiote fécal ». Selon ces experts, le décès intervenu aux Etats-Unis « ne remet pas en cause la sécurité du traitement par transplantation de microbiote fécal pratiqué dans tous les centres en France, que ce soit pour la recherche ou les soins courants ».
Marc Gozlan (Suivez-moi sur Twitter, sur Facebook)
Toute reproduction interdite. Toutes les informations reproduites sur cette page sont protégées par des droits de propriété intellectuelle.
Pour en savoir plus :
DeFilipp Z, Bloom PP, Torres Soto M, Mansour MK, Sater MRA, Huntley MH, Turbett S, Chung RT, Chen YB, Hohmann EL. Drug-Resistant E. coli Bacteremia Transmitted by Fecal Microbiota Transplant. N Engl J Med. 2019 Oct 30. doi: 10.1056/NEJMoa1910437
Blaser MJ. Fecal Microbiota Transplantation for Dysbiosis – Predictable Risks. N Engl J Med. 2019 Oct 30. doi: 10.1056/NEJMe1913807
Dougé A, Bay JO, Ravinet A, Scanzi J. Microbiote intestinal et allogreffe de cellules souches hématopoïétiques. Bull Cancer. 2019 Sep 30. pii: S0007-4551(19)30330-3. doi: 10.1016/j.bulcan.2019.08.014
Solari PR, Fairchild PG, Noa LJ, Wallace MR. Tempered enthusiasm for fecal transplant. Clin Infect Dis. 2014 Jul 15;59(2):319. doi: 10.1093/cid/ciu278
Quera R, Espinoza R, Estay C, Rivera DJ. Bacteremia as an adverse event of fecal microbiota transplantation in a patient with Crohn’s disease and recurrent Clostridium difficile infection. Crohns Colitis. 2014 Mar;8(3):252-3. doi: 10.1016/j.crohns.2013.10.002
Sur le web :
Important Safety Alert Regarding Use of Fecal Microbiota for Transplantation and Risk of Serious Adverse Reactions Due to Transmission of Multi-Drug Resistant Organisms (CDC)
Fecal Microbiota Transplantation (FMT) in Recipients After Allogeneic Hematopoietic Cell Transplantation (HCT) (ClinicalTrials)
Mosca A. La transplantation de microbiote fécal. La revue des microbiotes. Mars 2019:13:4-12.
Gilbert B, Schrenzel J. Transplantation de microbiote fécal : état actuel et perspectives. Rev Med Suisse 2019;15:976-83.
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cringelordofchaos · 10 months
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I'm all for analyzing character parallels, especially w these two bc i believe there are things to be taken out (yes, I am delusional, yes, I will make a whole essay if needed) but this feels really oversimplifying
Edit (13/4/2024): I used the word delusional incorrectly. Being delusional is NOT about overanalyzing character parallels, it is so much more serious than that. I'll make sure not to use the word like that in the future
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rosypenguins · 1 month
I am NOT the you are to drew like Henry is to me anon I am a completely different person however. I'd like to share a little something about Henry.
I had a friend on discord once and we talked about Henry quite a lot, and we made what is what I think my FAVOURITE Henry theory of all time.
Okay, think about it: what's the ONE tmf character that has a design trait that literally HIDES or CHANGES their real appearance to the audience? That's right; HENRY. Henry's real EYES are never seen (except for the glow up video which I'm really not counting because that's like... a silly little thing BUT ANYWAY) in the show. And we all know eyes are the window to the soul. What I'm getting at here is that I don't think that Henry is genuine, not in a malicious way, but in some sort of... like, joke... way?? Gosh I can't explain it but here look.
Think about it. Why the hell would Henry spit gum into Zoeys hair? ZOEY, aka Drew's girlfriend, aka THAT ZOEY? For the comedic value. Because its funny.
Why does he like lettuce juice? Really think about it. Really. What. Does lettuce juice. Taste like. Just fucking water. Maybe terrible water but you can't juice a fucking lettuce. This is a gag, yes, but the only closer similar gag is maybe Zander drinking grape juice I guess... but that's not similar. Grapes can be juiced. Where would you even GET a lettuce juice box? That's right, NOWHERE. Henry must've crafted those boxes, or at least stuck a sticker onto a green juice box, for a bit. Wouldn't that be insane ass effort to put into a bit? Hell, the juice is green. If you juice a lettuce it wouldn't be green. It's not a lettuce smoothie, it's a "lettuce juice". Meaning that Henry either getting green juice or dying water himself isn't out of the picture.
Why is he always goofing around? Sure, you can say thats just his silly goofy aura, but just THINK. He is DESIGNED with silly goofy in mind. His literal physical appearance is silly. HE LITERALLY HAS MEME EYES. HE'S THE ONLY ONE WITH MEME. EYES.
I know this is just an archetype. I know he's just a character.
But just. Think.
He isnt just "a comedic relief character", he IS the comedic relief character. In their show. That's the role he put on himself. The role he's putting effort to play no matter the consequence.
But why would that be? I mean, look at Liam! He's silly and goofy too, why am I doing this whole ass essay?
I bring another point into discussion; the fact that he's a WEEB.
Now, I may be projecting just a smidge here, but that just means I have personal experiences of that happening.
We all know Drewy Bear loves to adopt absolute fucking losers and up their status, as shown with Jake. And, come on, think about it, Henry is like THE most bulliable character in the show, no offense. So, what I'm proposing,
Is that Henry must've gotten bullied before too. It would make total sense! He's a weeb, excitable, probably says "nani!?" Unironically, etc. And you know, sometimes when you're picked on... you really start to internalise that shit. Sometimes the attention you get from people laughing at you feels good. Terrible, hurtful, and devastating... but good. Because they find you funny.
And you then put ALL your effort into being funny. That's the only thing you're gonna be, after all, you're hillarious. Oh, you can only eat X food? What are you, a rabbit? Hahaha, turn that into a funny bit! Etc, etc etc.
We don't know how long this went on or how long Henry was a Dromie, but one things for sure (in my theory): all of this slowly made him less and less of a person, and more and more of just a joke.
And no, the lettuce thing isn't a reach. I've had this genuinely happen to me personally; people kept on making fun of me because I had to soften my food because of my chronic fatigue, so i turned it into a bit. I'm not ruling this out for Henry.
But hey that's just a theory A FREAK THEORY thanks for watching aaaaand send ask
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That is a WILD theory but I TOTALLY see what you’re getting at!! That makes so much sense! And it takes his silly role as comic relief and spins it around to be hella depressing. (Turning yourself into the joke just to make people laugh is way too real-😭)
Almost makes me wonder too what if ALL the Jomies were bullied prior to meeting Drew? I mean Liam’s not exactly the definition of cool either. That’d be really interesting to see.
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mikerztmf · 1 year
about jakes reaction to the drakeup
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i've seen people all over the place comment on how jake moved on too fast from it, or how it's weird how he immediately asked HAILEY if she was alright, rather than processing what just happened between him and drew.
HOWEVER, a few times in the series, jake purposely chooses not to face his issues and feelings head on. (eg. him wanting to "focus on the competition" rather than pick if he wants to stay in the club or not in ep 8) and i think the drakeup is another prime example of that.
jake quickly focuses on hailey and the club bc 1. he cares about them, and wants their forgiveness and 2. he doesn't want to think about his feelings on what the FUCK just happened. so by asking if hailey's okay and moving on, he's killing two bird w the one stone.
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and as we can see in the mep part (which im counting as canon?), jake IS upset over the whole thing, but only when "lights go down now" as the song suggests. so it's sort of like he waited the longest he possibly could let himself grieve his losses (LMFAO it sounds like drenriam died but ykwim).
ARGRHHHHH IDK i was just really thinking it over bc jake seemingly forgetting abt the drakeup irked me too, but i think i'm okay with this interpretation of it
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mredwinsmith · 6 years
Coaching Peaks and Valleys Pt 1
Pat King’s article recently came across my news feed. Shortly after NYNY won the first of their five consecutive open titles (1989-1993), we got our hands on the VHS tape of that title game.
By late 1989, I had maybe eighteen months of playing under me, and I watched that tape nonstop for the better part of six months. Pat was Johnny Dawkins, Phil Ford, Skip Brown, John Kuester, Len Bias, and Jordan all in one. His passion and pace were unassailable. In the article, Pat mentions he’s coaching the men’s squad at Santa Clara University. Because this is a fact and because he was such an inspiration to me, I was motivated to look back at the eight seasons I coached and reflect on some of the moments you wish you could have back. I navigated mostly all of the peaks and valleys on the Frisbee terrain and my takeaway is all positive, yet still those times remain when you wonder how things may have transpired had the gamble gone differently. It’s pleasure and pain.
UNCW Seamen. 2011 Atlantic Coast Regionals. Wilmington, North Carolina.
The Seamen were a 3 seed behind Virginia and Virginia Tech and looking at a one bid region. On Saturday we defeated our opposition 39-12 and our first three games averaged an hour a piece. The next morning we opened with Towson at 8:30am. After our O made the score 12-4, we rolled 3 on defense in 4 possessions to close out at 15-4, but somewhere in those last three points the trouble started. Our defense started calling fouls on their receivers and the game grew real chippy. Towson resented this and rightly so. The game was essentially over and the calls were not calls our D had a habit of making and worse, they delayed the end of the game. On game point, Towson turned the disc over in our red zone and after punching it in we moved on to face Virginia Tech Burn in the semi-finals. Virginia Tech had a relatively easy go of Saturday as well, defeating their three opponents 39-17.
We opened the semifinals holding serve on our fourth try. Sizing one another up for the next few points, we quickly pulled away and had 2 times to break for 7-2 but only managed a TMF. After Burn took three tries to cut our four-point lead to three, we rolled two to take half 8-3 and one hour in we were feeling pretty good. But you’re never up by enough. Pulling and down 4-8, Virginia Tech came zone on the second point from half and then person d on the next two points and our lead went from 8-3 to 8-6. Off the third pull, they came zone again and we were able to extend the lead to 9-6, but only after three tries and the energy expended in those three tries is impossible to regain. Adding stress to that loss of energy, Burn’s women and the Towson men’s team began crowding the sideline at this point, along with a handful other schools beyond Richmond. Their seasons over, yet their hardline heckling was just getting started.
Pulling at 9-6 our D earned a Callahan and a second TMF as well. The one sideline now packed end to end with college kids in full postseason revelry feasted on this. At 10-6 we feel like we have some breathing room, but maybe the moment fueled by unruly college kids thrilled by your every mistake was too big. Undaunted, Burn’s offense scores with a few passes and they get their D back on the field. That point took thirty seconds at best for Burn and it was clean, efficient and poised Ultimate when they needed it most.
Burn must have rostered four guys at six feet tall and taller that season playing in a 4 person cup. They came with that set the next 3 points to roll 3 breaks and knot the score at 10 even, game to 12. The women’s semi-finals began at the same time as the men’s. In those games the losing teams scored a total of 8 points to the winners’ 30. In the other men’s semi, Virginia Night Train made quick work of Delaware 15-9. In separate factions they all made their way to our field. Around noon, the locals, mostly rec league all-stars and UOA sympathizers, began arriving dressed for a picnic with their coolers and strollers in tow, though their interest wasn’t directed at the Seamen as much as the forthcoming women’s final between UNCW Seaweed and UNC Pleiades, featuring future Callahan winners.
From 8-3, we were outscored 7 to 2 in essentially thirty minutes’ time. Four out of their five breaks came on one possession and those same four came transitioning from their four person cup, after mostly uncommon and uncharacteristic doinks and mishandles. Maybe it was the chippy calls against Towson catching up to us, but I’d rather tip my hat to Burn’s defense. At 10 all and receiving for the fourth point in a row, the numbers were in our favor as a fourth consecutive break was unlikely, and Burn came down in person d. We scored quickly and when the hard cap sounded during the next point, Burn’s offense buckled and we broke for the win 12-10. We were outscored 7-4 in the second half and while we advanced to play in the finals, rarely was a victory so deflating.
Winning in the hard cap left us barely any time to readjust and get over their 3 and 4 point run. By 12:30pm we had played 42 points to Virginia’s 47, but the last half of our semi-final with the crowd pressing in and the stress of Burn’s four-person cup and one bid looming in front of us was on everyone’s faces. ‘No Weak Faces’ we preached. No palms up body language. Additionally, when you are the team everyone loves to hate, you learn to place your concern on the team in front of you and embrace indifference with the team and/or teams thus eliminated. There is a degree of the NYNY factor here: you beat up on some second or third tier teams on Saturday and Sunday morning, you exchange trash talk and call the game the way you believe the game ought to be called because after all, you are not the inferior team, and then those inferior teams, because they don’t want the postseason to begin just yet and because they for the moment possess an overblown sense of what they bring to the table, sit on half empty coolers with their women’s team and 2nd and 3rd tier friends. I’d rather be starving than sit at that table; however, seven years later here I am writing an essay in hindsight and the long journey to the middle is complete – My apologies to Lester Bangs for the device.
The minor and major factors leading up to the finals vs Night Train created a perfect storm and while they advanced and took the one bid, I don’t feel that they were better that season – they won when they had to. They finished 1-3 in pool play at Nationals and 3-3 overall, and while we may not have fared better, the shadow of that one moment is still there. After receiving and going up 1-0 on our second try, we had one chance to break for a two point cushion but missed out. With six total possessions between both teams and the score even at 1s, the Ultimate didn’t get much better, or prettier. It mirrored the crowd. With their O getting 1 on the board, their D line rolled two for 3-1. We managed an easy O point for our second goal and then easy took a back seat to grind. Again, our D gained possession and we had one shot to tie at 3s but had no such fortune and a potential tie game was quickly a five-point deficit. Down 2-6 and having suffered two quick breaks, our O was put to task on the ensuing point and we fought off four break chances before turning it over in Virginia’s red zone, giving up a third straight break and to go down 2-7.
For an instant, the clouds parted and we managed a quick O point and our D was back on the field. Certainly, if our D could get a third try at a break we’d get one, and one could lead two. Pulling at 3-7, we earned a quick one and cut their lead to 3. As a coach, which way do you want things to go here? A quick point to keep up the pressure, maybe cause some finger pointing, or longer uglier points to keep their O on the field and your O off the field getting much-needed rest? If you are a guaranteed a break, you want it ugly perhaps, but there are no guarantees here, except the one that says you have one another’s back. Down five and the game beyond a picnic, we are now down two at 5-7 and pulling for the third point in a row and Night Train is looking to take half for the fourth consecutive point.
Freeze. Give me these 70 seconds back. Rest on the line and call timeout at ‘ten seconds to pull’; send all but the pulling D line to the shade, and following the timeout, turf the pull, concede the point and get off the field and in the shade with the others, with water and food and wet towels and music and a well-timed joke, recharge and refocus for the next 45 minutes. A three-point deficit and pulling at half is not insurmountable and after all, it was our home field. More often it’s not about the lead nor the margin you trail, it’s energy and keeping that energy. Up to that last point of half, the finals saw 12 points scored on 31 possessions. 19 turnovers in less than an hour. Seldom is it in Ultimate that you’re served an opportunity on a platter to bend it in a particular way to where you don’t suffer an earful from Frisbee cognoscenti adamant the game must be played this way at all times.
We aimed for the third break. Our D line was foaming at the mouth, fired up after two breaks. No bread was ever broken between these two teams and Virginia stewed for a year over us knocking them into the backdoor bracket in 2010, a game where the observers marked the score incorrectly and we had to win twice. A few passes into the point, we get hit with a TMF for backpacking. Virginia scored, spiked the disc and took half 8-5. The bulk of that half was squandered quarreling over what just happened instead of what was going to happen. Minutes later, it was 12-5 Night Train. We managed only 2 more in the second half; 2 points on 8 possessions. Virginia scored 7 on 9 possessions, both turns by their defense, keeping our O on the field. Overall, our O received 14x, scored 5x, and played defense 13x. Season over. Now leaning in with a certain alacrity only identifiable if you lived here long enough, the hometown crowd eventually enjoyed their picnic as the Seaweed dismissed Pleiades 15-3 in a game that was never close.
Unlike the next year when Georgetown rolled four on our three-point lead to knock us out in the quarters of another one bid region – Towson first on the scene and no filter on the schadenfreude, there was no road trip home with a 5th year player where you try and offer something, some perspective to assuage the emptiness. But what can you say? This year they departed as they arrived. All alone or in twos and with no practices to look forward to. Who is to say what might have transpired had we bent half-time and turned the game into something else? Would our fortunes have faded so quickly? I do know that the handful of fifth-year boys we had, boys who are now men and who went on to have decent open careers with Ring and the Flyers, deserved better than that, on that day. And that’s the trick to coaching: You want to win and you want so much for those trusting your authority and decision making, but often it’s not about scoring points.
The post Coaching Peaks and Valleys Pt 1 appeared first on Skyd Magazine.
from Skyd Magazine https://ift.tt/2J6w7Jw
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cringelordofchaos · 4 months
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