#tmmrw counts as a new week anyways lol so-
shooks-stupid-stuff · 7 months
Shook's Weekly OCs: #012
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Ah yes, weekly. AKA the first one in 19 weeks-
Anyways. Celari! Certified classic Shook OC right here, by all means she should have been the first of these. Fitting that she's starting off the comeback though.
But anyways, some facts... Is what i would say. For Celari, it's gonna be a bit more complicated than usual for a few reasons. The main reason is that there are... SO many versions of her, all with slightly differing traits that are built off of one base. So, rather than a specific version of her, this is kinda... Base Celari. Celari Prime. Whatever you wanna call her. It isn't the original version of Celari-she was VERY different-but kind of the base version that I use as a starting point when making alternate versions of her. So these facts are gonna be more so General Celari Facts, and I'll probably do one or two of these in the future with Version Specific Celari Facts. Does that make sense? Cool. Now ACTUALLY onto the facts:
Celari is very physically powerful, skilled with any type of melee weapon, and is basically both and unstoppable force and immovable object in combat. However. That is not to say she has no weaknesses. For you see. Celari gets one-shot by guns. Can you tell that she's kinda a joke character yet-
She really doesn't physically express any emotion aside from anger, but that is not because she doesn't feel them. She is very depressed, actually.
Related, she is a Divorced Single Mother of One (1). She feels like she's a terrible mother, but does her best. She loves her daughter more than anything in the world.
She has PhDs is both law and psychology, and is a licensed therapist. She prefers to work with kids or teens rather than adults.
Her headband used to be her fathers; it's all she has left of him, as he passed away when she was very young.
Related again, her mother was never present in her life. Celari deeply hates her for... Multiple reasons.
She is a massive otaku. Anime, games, idol music... All that stuff is her comfort media.
She's surprisingly good at cooking! Not like fantastic or anything, but above average for sure.
There's definitely more i could say, I mean. Man she's been like my main OC for about 6 years now-
But, I think i've said enough lol. She'll be popping up again for sure further down the line on this project, so I can say more then.
Hopefully this will actually be weekly again from now on! I only promise to try-
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