#hm. we shall see i guess lol
shooks-stupid-stuff · 7 months
Shook's Weekly OCs: #012
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Ah yes, weekly. AKA the first one in 19 weeks-
Anyways. Celari! Certified classic Shook OC right here, by all means she should have been the first of these. Fitting that she's starting off the comeback though.
But anyways, some facts... Is what i would say. For Celari, it's gonna be a bit more complicated than usual for a few reasons. The main reason is that there are... SO many versions of her, all with slightly differing traits that are built off of one base. So, rather than a specific version of her, this is kinda... Base Celari. Celari Prime. Whatever you wanna call her. It isn't the original version of Celari-she was VERY different-but kind of the base version that I use as a starting point when making alternate versions of her. So these facts are gonna be more so General Celari Facts, and I'll probably do one or two of these in the future with Version Specific Celari Facts. Does that make sense? Cool. Now ACTUALLY onto the facts:
Celari is very physically powerful, skilled with any type of melee weapon, and is basically both and unstoppable force and immovable object in combat. However. That is not to say she has no weaknesses. For you see. Celari gets one-shot by guns. Can you tell that she's kinda a joke character yet-
She really doesn't physically express any emotion aside from anger, but that is not because she doesn't feel them. She is very depressed, actually.
Related, she is a Divorced Single Mother of One (1). She feels like she's a terrible mother, but does her best. She loves her daughter more than anything in the world.
She has PhDs is both law and psychology, and is a licensed therapist. She prefers to work with kids or teens rather than adults.
Her headband used to be her fathers; it's all she has left of him, as he passed away when she was very young.
Related again, her mother was never present in her life. Celari deeply hates her for... Multiple reasons.
She is a massive otaku. Anime, games, idol music... All that stuff is her comfort media.
She's surprisingly good at cooking! Not like fantastic or anything, but above average for sure.
There's definitely more i could say, I mean. Man she's been like my main OC for about 6 years now-
But, I think i've said enough lol. She'll be popping up again for sure further down the line on this project, so I can say more then.
Hopefully this will actually be weekly again from now on! I only promise to try-
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smilingangel582 · 4 months
Hey! Hey! I'm starting to like the anime "Wind breaker" lol!
I wanted to write but I'm so clueless... so here is something random! Teehee!
Ps. His flustered side is adorable!
(Warning spoilers for Windbreaker)
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Suo's magic
"Sakura-san really wants to fight Suo-san... right?" Nirei sighed.
Suo gives a gentle laugh as he sits on the bench of the park after patrolling. The trio happened to be on break, and Sakura insisted he was bored walking the same empty path.
In the evening... what could possibly happen?
"What? I'm curious how Suo actually fights... like that time..." Sakura grumbled under his breath, folding his arms. Suo casually had his arms behind his back, still smiling.
Sakura raised an eyebrow at his silence, prompting him, "So? Do you wanna spar with me or what?"
Suo chuckles softly at that and begins to stand up, "Well, I guess just this once... but be warned...Sakura-kun, you might like how I fight you"
Nirei anxiously said, "S-Suo-san? D-don't go overboard..."
Suo nodded with a smile while Sakura looked serious, scoffing, "Please, the weakling you faced is nothing like me... I can parry you easily"
For a moment Suo froze before dashing with speed. True, Sakura is faster and manages to block and catch up to the eye-patch's speed. Nirei looks taken aback at this display, jotting down notes.
"Not bad... not bad" Sakura smirked, having the time of his life. Suo, despite being backed a bit, smiles in a calculative manner, "Hm mm~ not bad Sakura-kun, no one has ever countered my attacks before... your strong..."
Sakura felt the strength of Suo, and he began to step up confidentially. Suo is actually strong, and he likes how their combination working.
"However..." Suo suddenly said, quickly getting behind Sakura, "Shall we talk about how you get flustered so easily?"
"H-huh?" Sakura stumbles at this and feels Suo swipe his foot under him but with good flexibility and reflexes, Sakura dodged and backed a bit, flushed a little "I-I do not!"
Suo hummed teasingly, now lunging forward, "Really? But... your face is just like cherry blossoms when you get shy and cute like that..."
Nirei could see this isna tactic, and Sakura blushes furiously at each playful tease flinged upon him. This made Suo tackle him by pinning him down and teasing him. It did make him slip and fumble a few times.
"Ugh! Y-you cheater! Take this!" Sakura snaps, and surprising them all, he flips his position down, pinning Suo under him instead. Heavily blushing but trying to seem intimidating and dominant.
Staring for a moment, Nirei gasped in amazement, writing more on his notebook.
Suo chuckles, "As expected of Sakura... your tough... even for me..." he adds as he slowly crawled his fingers towards Sakura's waist."But... every strong guy has a weakness..."
Sakura was about to question until he felt a tingly touch on his ribs. He gasp "H-hey! What are you...?"
"Oh?" Suo ushers playfully, each word makes his fingertips travel up his sides, "Are...you... ticklish? Sa-ku-ra-kun? Mm?"
"Gah! N-no!"
"Hmmm~ really?" Suo experimentally dug to his armpits.
With a high-pitched giggle, Sakura doubled over and suddenly toppled to the side away from grappling as Suo takes this chance to mercilessly tickle his armpits, "Oh wow, this is a bad spot for you, Sakura?"
"Ack! N-nohoho!?"
"No? So then I can not keep on touching there?"
Amidst Sakura's panicked and angry cackles and struggles, Nirei noted down, murmuring, "Ah ha... Sakura's weakness is his armpits... It's good to know he's ticklish... but is that all?"
Suo laughs, still tickling, "Oh very true... but he's too cute as well..."
Sakuta squirms violently when Suo assaulted his belly, "Oi! No more! Assholes!
"Say you lost... Sakura-kun?"
Sakura shrieks as Suo goes deadly mode with the armpit tickling, "Say it, and I will consider!"
Suo smirks, digging into Sakura's neck now, massaging more forcefully for a tickly sensation.
With a loud shriek, Sakura squirms and began to tear up... "Ahhh NOHO! N-NOHO MORE AHAHASSHOLE!"
"Hm... whats the magic word, Sa-ku-ra~?"
Aghast and irritated, Sakura whined in loud sputtering laughter, "Aah! F-fine fine! Y-you win you wihiNIHIN!"
Sakura feels Suo let him up from the torture. His face is as red as cherry blossoms.
Nirei gives a snicker to tease Sakura, "Sakura-san you've a nice laugh..."
Sakura grumbles angrily, fuming and ears turning red, "Shut up... never again! N-never again am I ever fighting with you! Asshole!"
"Aww, are you mad? It's so adorable, Sakura-kun..."
"S-shut up!" He repeated again before turning his back to them, embarassed and fluatered
Seeing Sakura storm off, Suo smiles and winks at Nirei, "I got a lot more to do to catch up to him, Nirei-kun"
Hope it's good! I rushed it a bit, sorry!
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ryescapades · 2 years
a little something for our fav boy rin <3 (almost similar to the previous fic i did)
genre/warning: fluff, a little ooc rin maybe idk lol, NOT PROOFREAD bcs im lazy
a/n: @katsutora my g you asked for it therefore i shall deliver 🫴 though it’s not really the best bcs i’m just word vomiting hahahah also i kinda changed some things a lil bit but in general its the same as what we talked abt :3
based on this post i made and the stuff me and nami talked abt in the comments wkwk
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“smells nice,”
jolting in surprise at the sudden voice, you turn around to see rin striding into the kitchen where you’re at.
his gaze shifts from the oven towards you, eyes glinting in amusement. “yeah, i’m making cookies.” you state, sheepishly looking away from your boyfriend as he catches you eating the bits of leftover cookie batter from the bowl you’re holding. the striker hums, approaching where you are sat on the kitchen counter.
“wanna try some?” you ask with a smile, looking up at him as he stands in between your legs. how is he still almost a head taller than you even though you’re sitting on the counter is beyond your comprehension.
rin nods, making you dip a finger inside the bowl. the next thing that happens seems natural and almost instinctive for the both of you; rin wrapping his lips around your digit, tasting the batter on it.
the action doesn’t even feel sexual, in fact you think it’s a little endearing when you feel rin lightly suckling on your finger. “you’re silly, rin.” you chuckle, snaking your arms around his neck, clinging to him like a koala. craning your head up to give him a small peck on the lips, you smile when he tilts his head, meeting you halfway. rin rolls his eyes at your comment after. “whatever,” he mutters as he closes his eyes, his forehead drops to rest against yours.
silence engulfs the kitchen for a few minutes when he finally speaks again, “how long do we have to wait?” he asks, voice merely a low murmur, almost like a whisper as if trying not to ruin the serenity you two have created in the kitchen. it’s a good thing that you’re sitting so close to him, otherwise you wouldn’t have heard him.
“hm… take a guess, rinnie,” you say softly, fingers scratching at the hair on his nape.
“20 minutes?” the man indulges in your random attempt at prolonging the conversation, and you whisper back to him, “take another guess,”
you sigh with a playful pout on your lips, “and here i thought you’re the smart one in this relationship,” you teasingly remark, gently tapping on his cheek.
rin frowns and furrows his eyebrows. “i am, what are you talking about. by the way why are we even whispering this whole time?”
the small bubble the two of you built finally shatters, making you throw your head back in a laugh.
rin could only stare, bright teal eyes zeroing on how beautiful you look when you smile at him. when you laugh at him. because of him. he was the one who made you this happy.
truthfully speaking, he loves it when you were whispering to each other. it feels like a barrier was created to separate you from the outside world, unworthy of listening in to your little conversation.
however, he had to break it down because he couldn’t stand it, lest he gives in to his desires to keep you to himself, shield you away from everyone and everything.
after all, as much as he is yours, you’re his and his alone.
the man is so down bad for you that it pains him so much on the inside.
“rin?” you call for him.
“let’s give some of the cookies to your parents.”
“… and to sae also,”
you end up getting to eat at most three cookies, the rest are all eaten by rin. (don’t worry, his parents and sae got their own shares of cookies as well, albeit sae only gets a small portion because rin is petty like that).
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oh my lord .help i don’t know how to set a limit on how much i write HAHAHAHA suddenly theres a whole page already written down 🤡 my hands started typing and it just wouldnt stop 😭 also dont mind the ending it kinda sucks bcs im out of ideas TT
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officerrrfriendly · 9 months
More To The Story, Chapter Two.
Back to the old house.
chapter one
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ThisCharmingGirl: So, what does all this mean? The Russian, the hand signs - why the fuck is his head shaved?!
ThisMustBeThePlace is typing...
ThisMustBeThePlace: See?! Something isn't right. I can't answer your question about the Russian but I can provide you some details on that hand sign. Its the signal for MkUltra- which may explain the shaved head.
"Okay, what the fuck..." you bite your lip anxiously, in an attempt to contain your hysteria, shaking your head before continuing to type.
ThisCharmingGirl is typing...
ThisCharmingGirl: MkUltra?? Like the mind control experiments- I'm freaking the fuck out. And dude-lady, whatever, how do you have access to all of this?
ThisCharmingGirl: sorry. guess I'm just kind of lost.
ThisMustBeThePlace is typing...
ThisMustBeThePlace: Firstly, yes - like the mind control experiments run covertly by the CIA in 1953. Secondly, I understand you're panicked, but I'm just a geek who got a little too curious while in an online chatroom. Thirdly, I'm a dude- LOL. Lastly, you don't have to apologise...
Before you could type a response - two new messages appeared on the tiny computer screen.
ThisMustBeThePlace: This would be a whole lot easier to explain over the phone.
The last message was his phone number, along with a 'call me :)'
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The dial tone of the landline begins to sound whilst you nervously twist the long wire around your index finger in anticipation. It rings not even four times before somebody answers.
"Hayes residence, Howie here- how can I help?" a deep, mature-sounding voice questioned.
“Oh..Hi! Are you-“ you began to speak,
ThisMustBeThePlace was a man...hm. Not what you were expecting but neither was the idea that Tammy's kid had been abducted by the CIA to experiment with mind control aft-
"That's for me! Sorry Uncle Howie, uhh hello? you still there?" a younger, but still cute voice calls out... he sounds out of breath.
You hear a grumble, assuming it's from the older man as he passes the phone to the person you were really supposed to be conversing with. You nearly forgot to answer, however luckily remembered as you asked, "Hi, yes- uhh, you're the guy I spoke to on AOL?"
His breath catches in his throat for a moment before he continued to speak, he doesn't really speak to girls that often - cut him some slack!!
"Indeed I am...you're charming- I mean uhh, you're ThisCharmingGirl, right?" he stutters, resisting the urge to facepalm himself so hard he knocks his brain out.
You chuckle, quietly- faintly.
He still hears it, and he wishes he could've recorded the sound. Because it was the most beautiful thing he had ever heard.
"And you're the geek who quite enjoys Talking Heads...ThisMustBeThePlace?" you question, glancing beside you at the kitchen counter right where you had brought the small, slightly crinkled missing poster to sit.
He chortles, not so quietly- and replies, "yeah, that's me." - and you think it's the cutest little laugh you've ever heard.
'I wonder what he looks like-' you began to ponder, but didn't allow the thought to live further as you remembered the aim of your call- the small, and endangered boy who sat smiling in his ghostbusters Halloween costume - on the missing poster.
"Shall we...get into the nitty gritty then?"
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You had both seemingly talked for hours, and you decided to switch to the cordless phone in your dad's room - which was supposed to be used solely for business - but technically, this was business and very important business at that. You switched to the cordless phone so you could move back to your computer along with a notebook and pen. Finley... you had come to learn his name was - was exclusively the only reason why the notebook had jottings in it in the first place, he was the one providing you with the actual notes. He informed you about MKUltra, its history, its aim and why they had shaved Tommy's full head of chestnut brown, bowl-cut style hair, hypothetically…of course.
You sat in silence for a moment, pondering as you ran your hand that wasn't holding the cordless phone through your hair, something you'd often do when you're stressed.
"I just don't understand, Why him? Why Tommy out of all people, do these MKUltra coo-coo people have a criteria or something?" you broke the silence, with a rather reasonable inquiry.
"Well...I assume it's the same as when cult leaders scout for people to join their cult. They prey on people who are vulnerable, who have weaknesses, trauma..." Finley continued to ramble, it all made sense, in theory- what he was saying but you just couldn't wrap your head around the idea that all of that mind control shit could be happening in your town, Drellington? Really?
It got to around six thirty in the afternoon when you had finally decided to look at the time which was presented at the bottom right of the computer screen.
"Fuck!! Shit!!!" you winced, you were so, irrevocably and unconditionally fucked.
you were late for work, again.
Landon was going to have your head.
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After your joyous discovery that you were late for work, for the FOURTH time this week, you quickly wrapped up your phone call with Finley and told him you'd drop him a message when you were home.
Your legs couldn't move fast enough on your rusted, desperately in need of oil- pushbike. You were sure you looked like a total fool as you rushed towards the fat wooden sign engraved with the words 'The Tipsy Tangle' which hung with pride from a lampost.
You were careless once you had reached the double doors of the bar, you dropped your bike and rushed inside. You could already feel Landon's irate gaze as it almost scorched onto the very back of your head.
"Sweeper, get your ass over here- NOW!!" she scolded, angrily calling for you with a vexed gesture of her hand motioning for you to 'come closer.'
You hesitantly began to approach the door of the backrooms, preparing for your untimely death. When suddenly, a voice sparked from behind you, and you didn't even have to turn around to know who it was. “Lord…you, young lady... are in for one hell of a verbal ass-whooping! She's been cursing your damn soul for the past hour and a half." Dean, a regular at the Tipsy Tangle, snorted- shaking his head before picking up his bottle of Heineken beer, raising it to you in a 'cheers' motion before taking a long swig.
"Yeah, thanks for the warning Dean- I couldn't already tell she was mega pissed with me before you said anything." you scowl, sarcasm rich in your tone, before you begin to make your way to the backroom where a very furious Landon awaited your arrival.
"hey, sweeper! are you gonna make me wait any longer than I have been for you?! get your ass back here, pronto!" she growls, fed up.
You practically sprint to the backroom after that.
You begin to apologise before you even enter the small, desolate room full of boxes and barrels of alcohol- an alcoholic's wet dream.
"Listen I know what you're going to say and I cannot apologise enough-"
"NO, you listen sweeper- every damn day of the week so far I have been staying here, making up for you being majorly late!! Working overtime, covering for your ass and quite frankly, it stops NOW," she continues to rant, her hands making quick-paced and angry motions, "it's time for you to C.Y.A, you know what that means sweeper?" she questions, however not giving you time to answer. "Cover. Your-own. Ass. That's what the hell it means, learn it and live by it! No apologies necessary. Now…i'm finally heading home to smoke some pot and sleep. Like I was supposed to do nearly two hours ago!!"
As she left the Tipsy Tangle she apparently took the rest of your words with her as well, she had never exploded at you like that before.
"C.Y.A, noted." you mumble, nodding your head, fatigued.
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The rest of your shift played out as it usually did. It was a Thursday night- so you weren't too crowded, thank god.
Randy held a cigarette in his left hand covered with inked tattoos and took a long drag, before blowing out a lengthy trail of smoke. You spoke up, "You know, you should really quit that- your wife doesn't like it very much, Randito." you informed your grumpy boss, nodding towards his wife Cheryl, who was cleaning a table nearby, as you filled up a pint for Dean. Who yes, was still there, hours later.
"Y'know, I didn't hire yew’to be my marriage counsellor, Trevor. I hired you cus' I owed your Pops a favour n'I needed somebody else to help keep Dean-O-holic over here, in check." Randy retorted, disregarding your advice - his tone rich in humour as he nodded to dean who, plastered out of his mind, was singing along to Bon Jovi's 'You Give Love A Bad Name' whilst bopping his head to the beat of the song- anticipating his pint.
Fighting the urge to break into a fit of laughter, you purse your lips closed as you place the pint down in front of Dean- who when he spots the beverage, starts to sing along even more passionately before pausing to take a sip and dramatically sighing after doing so.
You, Dean and Randy burst into a mix of giggles and delighted chuckles. Whilst Randy's wife, Cheryl throws you an amused smile, shaking her head before disappearing into the back of the bar.
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Once you had gotten home safe, you thought to quickly hop on AOL and check if Finley had messaged you at all whilst you were at work.
Only one message, you click 'Open.'
ThisMustBeThePlace: Important news!! Call soon, hope you got home okay from work :)
Despite the burning curiosity you had for the important news, you couldn't help but smile when you read the sweet message at the end of his message.
end of chapter two!!
they talked on the phone, and were both nervous- cuties :))
landon’s mega pissed at you, preaches C.Y.A, finley’s cute AND smart, Deans an alcoholic, Randito’s a chain smoker, and you…are an excellent sweeprr and apparently make a damn good pint!!
@stveharringtn you have been so supportive throughout my whole time so far writing this fic!! thank u sm :))
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DIABOLIK LOVERS VERSUS SONG Bloody Night Animate Tokuten Drama CD ”The Contest is the Smell of Money!? ~The Vampires’ Desire~”
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Original title: コンクールはお金の香り!?~ヴァンパイアたちの欲望
Source: Diabolik Lovers VERSUS SONG Animate Tokuten Drama CD
Audio: Here
Seiyuu: Toriumi Kousuke, Katsuyuki Konishi, Midorikawa Hikaru, Takahiro Sakurai, Kimura Ryouhei & Morikawa Toshiyuki
Translator’s note: Once again, the Vampires prove that they are more human than anyone else because their number one motivator in life is...sweet, sweet money. xD They’re all so thirsty for cash 99% of the time, it’s honestly hilarious. I wonder what else you could push them to do, just because there’s a large amount of prize money on the line. The climax of this CD kind of caught me off guard because I expected they would just royally fuck up on the day of the concert but no...They never even got to enter lol. Great move by the MC. They don’t really hint at what her explanation for not submitting the application on time was, but I want to believe that she did it on purpose to get revenge for all the times they treated her like trash. You go girl.
Ayato: Haah…God…The fuck is this? And here I thought I’d head straight home to pick on Chichinashi…Oi, you. Have you heard anythin’ ‘bout what’s goin’ on?
Ruki: Hm…
Ayato: Oi, bastard! You’re just gonna ignore me, huh!?
Ruki: Was my lack of a response not clear enough of an answer?
Ayato: Aah…!? 
Ruki: Haah…
Ruki closes his book.
Ruki: I haven’t heard anything. Now relax. I am sure we will find out sooner or later.
Ayato: But you know…Whoever decided to gather this group of people here must be fuckin’ bonkers. I feel like we’re bein’ set up for some weird shit.
Kou: Well…I guess I can’t blame you for feeling that way…
Carla: Heh…
Ayato: Anyway, how come you’re here as well, Carla? I can’t imagine you’d actually show up under normal circumstances. 
Carla: Is my appearance truly that puzzling? 
Ruki: Well, I do believe you must have a solid reason for doing so. 
Kou: I mean, Mr. ‘Almighty Founder’ doesn’t even show up for class usually, does he~? 
Carla: I had nothing better to do, that is all. 
Ayato: Smells fishy.
Kou: Right? I can only imagine you have some kind of ulterior motive.
Carla: You fiends…Who do you think you are talking to…? 
Ayato: Hah!? You wanna throw down!? Fine, I accept your challenge!
Reiji: Come on now, everyone. Please stop getting up in each other’s faces like that.
Ruki: Hm? This voice is…? 
Reiji enters the room.
Ayato: Reiji…? Don’t tell me you’re the one who…?
Reiji: I had no other choice. Otherwise you lot would have never shown up. 
Carla: Oi, you. You are the one who summoned me here. So it must be safe to assume that you had a good reason for doing so? 
Reiji: You are rather impatient, are you not? I shall explain shortly, so please wait a few more minutes. ーー For starters, I would like all of you to take a look at this. 
Reiji starts distributing flyers. 
Carla: …Hm? …This isーー!? 
Ruki: Could it be…?
Ayato: Haah!? A music competition!? 
Reiji: Exactly. We will participate in it. 
Kou: Eh? You’re joking, right?
Reiji: No, I am dead serious. 
Ayato: …!? Are you out of your mind!? You want to sign up with the people gathered here? 
Reiji: Yes. I have carefully selected a group of people who would aim for victory.
Ruki: I see…You are after the prize money, correct?
Kou: Hm? What do you mean? 
Carla: Take a good look at the flyer. Especially at the part about the prize.
Ayato: …!? For real…!? The winner gets…ten thousand dollars!? (1)
Kou: No way!?
Ruki: It must be a print mistake of some sorts, right?
Shuu: Sounds too suspicious. 
Reiji: Oh my, Shuu. Seems like someone has finally woken up.
Shuu: You really think I could sleep with you guys making such a fuss? 
Reiji: I believe it is more likely that it was the prize money which caught your attention…But oh well. Ahem. I have already contacted the organizers about it. It would appear that our school would like to shift their focus on attracting promising artists, so to catch the attention of potential stars from all across the country, they have chosen to attach a bountiful prize to the contest.
Kou: I see. I expected no less from Reiji-kun! Nothing gets past you.
Reiji: Of course not. …So, what will you do? 
Ayato: What do you mean? Are you askin’ us whether we’ll participate or not? 
Reiji: Yes…According to my data, the people I have gathered here have the highest chance at success. 
Shuu: And how exactly? We’re the only ones who have any sort of musical talent, right?
Kou: Excuse me!? I have published my own CDs, you know!? 
Shuu: Those are not even worth mentioning. 
Kou: Haah!? 
Shuu: I mean, think about it. We’re joining a musical competition, not some kind of concert. Unless you’ve actually taken proper vocal music classes? 
Reiji: Shuu…It would appear to me that you don’t understand the true meaning of a contest. 
Shuu: What do you mean?
Reiji: In a contest, the winner is decided by the judges’ votes. In other words…By people. 
Ruki: I see. So appearance is an important factor as well. 
Reiji: Exactly. I am glad you are quick to understand. 
Kou: In other words…Since I’m a good-looking idol, it’s possible that I could appeal to the judges? 
Ruki: Exactly. Humans are so easily won over by appearance. It is possible they will let you get away with making some mistakes because your looks make up for it. 
Kou: Ruki-kun, how mean…That doesn’t make me happy at all. 
Shuu: Then what about the other two guys? Ayato most likely has zero experience with music whatsoever, and I can’t imagine old man Carla (2) over there playing music either. 
Carla: You fiends…You really do not hold back at all, do you? Calling me elderly, a fossil or even an old woman!
Kou: Wait, nobody ever called you an old woman, did they? 
Ayato: I actually took violin lessons many, many years ago!
Reiji: Exactly. I remember. 
Shuu: Are you talking about when aunt Cordelia forced him to start taking classes in hopes of competing against us? 
Ruki: Heeh…The eldest triplet plays the violin, huh? That’s new information to me.
Shuu: If I recall correctly…He gave up after just one week and smashed his instrument. 
Ayato: Just so you know, that wasn’t my fault!
Shuu: Hm? 
Ayato: That hysteric old hag destroyed it during one of her crazy moments. I mean, I was glad that I didn’t have to bother with those lessons anymore. 
Shuu: …I guess destroying violins was her thing, huh? 
Reiji: …W-Well…Anyway! He isn’t a complete amateur when it comes to music, so his chances are somewhat higher than any of the other guys. …And you, Carla, you are none other than a Founder, aren’t you?
Carla: …!
Reiji: The cream of the crop of all Demons…A First Blood. Therefore I believe it is only safe to assume that you would have no issues mastering music, a human invention? 
Carla: W-Well…
Ruki: I guess it might be tricky after all? 
Carla: A-As if…! I am a First Blood! A Founder! There is nothing I cannot do!
*Clap clap clap* 
Reiji: A true Founder!
Shuu: …I wonder. 
Reiji: That being said, what will you all do? Will you participate? 
Ruki: I would like to ask one question. I assume that we will be splitting the prize money even amongst all participants? 
Reiji: Hm? Of course. 
Ruki: In that case, I’m in. Kou as well. 
Kou: Eh!? Excuse me!? Why!? 
Ruki: Don’t play dumb now. Whose fault do you think it is that we have to be so careful with our spendings? 
Kou: …!? W-Well…
Ruki: It is your fault for being such an impulsive buyer. Isn’t that right?
Kou: Nnー...
Ayato: …I don’t want to! Joining a contest sounds like a big pain in the ass. 
Reiji: Hooh? Is that so? What a shame…If you were to win, then the ‘takoyaki pool’ you have dreamt of for years might just be able to become reality. 
Ayato: …!? 
Shuu: I’m skipping out as well. It’s obviously too much trouble. 
Reiji: Oh dear, is that so? I mean, I personally don’t mind since the less people participate, the less people we have to split the money between. …You might just be able to buy the antique gramophone you’ve been wanting so badly though. 
Shuu: …!? 
Reiji: Ah, right, right! The jamon iberico you love so much, Carla, you should be able to purchase a few logs of it with the prize money. 
Carla: …!! You shall not bribe me with such a thing!!
Reiji: Ahaha. Of course not. You are a lofty Founder after all. You must not let yourself be won over by money, correct? 
Carla: Exactly!
Reiji: However…It truly is a shame, isn’t it? It would be such a perfect opportunity to get an entire log of the finest quality jamon iberico. That vaguely nutty flavor spreading inside your mouth…growing stronger and stronger as you chew. Seasoned to perfection.
Carla: …Ah…
Reiji: I suppose you three do not want any of those things. It is a shame, truly. 
Ayato, Shuu & Carla: …
Ayato: G-Guess I have no other choice…If you insist…I suppose I do have some free time on my hands anyway. 
Shuu: I had been thinking it was about time I picked up the violin again…I guess this is the perfect opportunity. 
Reiji: Oh my, is that so? I am glad. 
Reiji: Then, what about you, Carla? 
Carla: Hm…I shall help you out. It is one of my many duties as a Founder to show compassion towards the lower masses after all. 
Reiji: I see. I am terribly grateful for that. 
Ruki: Seems like we’ve come to a conclusion. In that case, we should apply at once. I shall head to the agency at oーー
Reiji: Ah! About that, I suggest we leave that up to her. She does not seem to have anything better to do after all. 
Ruki: Hm. I understand. Let us start practicing at once then. Time is money. If we want to aim for victory, then we have no other choice but to practice as much as we can. 
Kou: But what exactly will we do with our group? We can’t pull off an orchestra, can we? 
Reiji: Please do not worry about that. I have come with a plan. We will participate in two groups of three members each. 
Ruki: I see. To get as much out of it as we can, correct?
Carla: What do you mean? 
Ruki: According to this flyer, a prize will be awarded to both first and second place. If we participate in two groups and get both prizes…
Reiji: The combined prize money would be fifteen million yen. Split amongst us six, it means each of us would get a total of two million fifty thousand yen. 
Ayato: Woah…! Amazing! 
Reiji: Right? As for the groups…I suggest Kou, Carla and myself as one group and Shuu, Ayato and Ruki as the other, effectively splitting up Shuu and myself as we have the most experience with music. 
Ruki: I believe those are well-balanced groups. 
Reiji: Why of course. I put them together based on precise, evidence-based data after all. 
Kou: Ah! M-neko-chan~!
Ayato: Chichinashi!
Reiji: Oh dear, what’s the matter? Is there something you need?
You explain. 
Reiji: I see. You came to check up on us? Well, I suppose you would find it intriguing why the teacher would lend us the music classroom and its instruments. 
Ayato: Perfect timing! Chichinashi, you should join our team!
Kou: Eh? Hold up! M-neko-chan is coming this way…She’s joining our group!
Ayato: Haah!? Excuse me!? 
*Clap clap clap* 
Reiji: Stop right there, no fighting! While we may have split up in two groups, we are still on the same team. 
Ruki: Exactly. Now is not the time to have a fall-out. …Oi, Livestock. You shall listen to our performance as we practice and act as our advisor. 
Shuu: Well, I guess we need someone who can give us some objective input. Let’s not question whether or not she’s the right person to do so though…
Reiji: Ahem. Well then, I suppose we should discuss within our teams who will play which instrument first.
Reiji: Well then…As for our team, I believe it makes most sense to start by asking which instrument each of you feels most comfortable with and then we can decide on our line-up based on that. 
Kou: Hm…Why not? Seems like the most logical solution. 
Carla: I am a Founder. You can assign me any instrument you like. 
Reiji: What…do you mean by that? 
Carla: That I can play each one with ease. 
Kou: Really!? 
Carla: Why would I lie about such a thing? 
Reiji: I see. I suppose you were not simply bluffing earlier. In which case, I shall randomly assign you an instrument…Kou, what about you? 
Kou: Um…I could probably handle the end-blow flute, the triangle, the tambourine… 
Reiji: Any string or wind instruments? 
Kou: Hm… For percussion instruments, maybe the djembe, ngoma? (3)
Carla: What are those?
Kou: They’re African instruments! The locals taught me how to play them when I visited the area during one of my on location photo shoots. 
Reiji: Those are some awfully niche choices…As an idol, are you not capable of playing any instruments with a little more flair? Like the piano or the flute? 
Kou: Hmー I can play some simple tunes with one hand on the piano…
Reiji: That simply won’t do…
Carla: I mean, we do not actually need to play for real, do we? 
Kou: Huh? What do you mean?
Carla: All you need to do is pretend to be playing. Say we go for a violin trio, then only Reiji and myself need to be able to actually play the instrument. 
Reiji: I see. I suppose we have that option as well. 
Carla: Exactly. One cannot get delicious cured ham by only playing fair. 
Reiji: Exactly. …Nor will I be able to get my hands on that high-tech built-in kitchen…
Kou: Huh? Did you say something just now? 
Reiji: No, not at all. 
You try to convince them to keep things fair. 
Carla: Excuse me? Did you say something just now? 
Reiji: Hmー Well…I suppose it is true that we risk losing our prize money if they find out that we cheated. 
Kou: I’ll do the vocals instead then! Although I haven’t actually ever taken proper singing classes like Shuu-kun mentioned either. 
Reiji: That sounds good. Let us go with that. You should not have any complaints then either, correct? 
You nod. 
Reiji: Well then. From the various scores I have brought with me…
*Flip flip*
Reiji: This one should work. Let us practice this for about an hour and then we can try to put everything together. 
Carla: I can go right here, right now. 
Reiji: Oh, come on. At least check the score first. 
Carla: Hmph. 
You start walking away. 
Carla: Oi, you. Where are you going? 
You explain. 
Carla: Ah…You want to go check up on the other group? …Well, I am somewhat curious as well. Now that I have decided I will participate, I definitely do not want to lose to them. 
Kou: Eeh~? We don’t really need to compete amongst each other, right? As long as one of our groups wins, we’ll split the prize money anyway. 
Carla: That is not my style.   
Reiji: Hm…I guess you have a point. I believe it only makes sense to want to aim for first place with our group. 
Kou: Hm…Well, I guess being ‘first’ sounds kind of nice. 
Carla: Oi, woman. You heard us. I shall allow you to investigate the other group. Once you are done, I expect you to report back to me at once. Understood? 
Kou: M-neko-chan, we’re counting on you~! Off you go~!
You head towards the other group.
Shuu: Well then…About our group…The two of you don’t need to do anything. Or rather, please don’t. 
Ayato: Aah!? The fuck!? What do you mean!? 
Shuu: I don’t want you two to hold me back. 
Ayato: That tone of yours is really pissin’ me off. You usually don’t give a shit ‘bout anythin’, so what makes today different? 
Shuu: My gramophone is on the line here…Besides, music is kind of dear to me. Oh well, my reasoning doesn't matter. Anyway, it’d obviously be better for me to perform a solo act than to try and force some weird instrumental trio. 
Ayato: Look who’s talking when you haven’t even heard me perform yet!
Shuu: I’m saying this because I unfortunate have heard you play.
Ayato: Ah!? For real!? 
Shuu: Back in the past, I thought some idiot was playing around by opening and closing some rusty, old door of our castle, when it turned out the sound was coming from you playing the violin. 
Ayato: …!!
Shuu: Besides, you haven’t touched the violin in years, have you? 
Ayato: W-Well…
Shuu: I’m spot on, aren’t I? …As for you, Ruki, I’m pretty sure you grew up in an environment where music was the least of your worries? 
Ruki: It appears you have quite the faulty image of me. I was actually rather good at playing the violin. 
Shuu: Heeh…That’s surprising. In that case…Why don’t you show me what you’ve got? 
Shuu grabs one of the violins and plays a bit. 
Shuu: …You can choose any song you want, try and play a bit. 
Ruki: Very well. 
Ruki plays the violin as well. 
Ruki: …As easy as pie. 
Ayato: …Kuh!
Shuu: …Heeh. You’re not half bad. 
Ruki: What do you think? I bet you wouldn’t mind letting me join the performance now? 
Shuu: I mean, I have to admit that you are miles above Ayato in terms of skill. 
Ayato: Ugh…Fuck off! Do you really have to put it like that!? I can easily pull that off as well!
Ayato grabs the violin. 
Ayato: Gimme that!
Ayato: Now listen closely, ‘kay? ーー Kuh!
Ayato plays the violin badly.
Ruki: Ugh…What a disaster…
Shuu: Kuh…Cut it out! You’re making my ears bleed!
Ayato: …Huh? That’s weird…? Fuck! One more try!
He plays just as badly. 
Shuu: …Enough!
Shuu steals the violin from him as you walk up to them. 
Ruki: …Hm? Oh, it’s you, Livestock. Why do you look terrified? 
You explain. 
Shuu: Hm? Screams? Ahー That was Ayato playing the violin. You’re not wrong to compare it to someone screeching. 
Ayato: Chichinashi, you bitch…!
Ruki: Well, I guess you realize why you have to give up now? 
Shuu: Just pretend you are playing instead. 
You protest.
Shuu: …I know you’re against cheating but you heard his performance earlier, didn’t you?
You offer for Ayato to sing instead.
Ruki: Kou will be singing for the other group? Which means…
Shuu: Vocals, huh? 
Ayato: …I just gotta sing, right!? 
Shuu: Guess we have no other choice. Let’s go with that. 
Ayato: I’ll blow your socks off with my beautiful voice!
Shuu: Anyway, you got a feel of what the other group’s doing, right? How are things coming together? 
You explain. 
Ruki: I see. The other group as well. I cannot wait to show them what we’ve got.
Ayato: I mean, as long as we do a half-decent job, we shouldn’t lose to them, right?
Shuu: Anyway, we should probably get some practice in as well and then come back together after an hour. 
Ruki: Agreed. 
Reiji: Well then, we should probably show each other what we’ve got so far. 
Ruki: We just gathered together again. I believe your group did as well? 
Reiji: Yes, exactly. …You seem very well informed. 
Carla: You must have a lot of time on hand to eavesdrop on our group from the shadows. 
Shuu: She’s the one who informed you guys as well, right? We’re in the same boat then. 
Carla & Reiji: …!!
Kou: Why are you guys being so competitive towards each other when we’re all working towards the same goal…? I mean, whatever. Anyway, let’s just get to it. This isn’t the real deal yet. We’re only practicing. 
Ruki: Even so, we still have to try our best. 
Reiji: Exactly. Well then, how will we go about this? I believe this is the prime opportunity to decide which one of our groups is superior in terms of skill. 
Carla: Fufufu…I shall show you something truly breathtaking!
Kou: Uwah~ It’s no use. His switch got flipped. 
Carla: Oi, woman! You shall judge who is the superior group, understood? 
Ayato: Hey, bastard! Don’t be threatenin’ Chichinashi now! She’s gonna get scared and favor you guys as a result!
Carla: I am not intimidating her in the slightest. Once you hear our performance, it will be clear that we will come out victorious. …Oi, Four-Eyes. Let us begin. 
Reiji: …’Four-Eyes’, could you be referring to me, by any chance? 
Carla: You are the only one here wearing glasses, are you not? 
Reiji: …I am rather displeased by that remark. 
Kou: Let’s get this party started~! …Ah, by the way, you’ll have to wait to hear me sing until the actual performance day~
Reiji and Carla start playing the violin.
Shuu: They’re not bad…
Ruki: No, wait…Take a look at Carla. 
Carla: Haah…
Ayato: Haah? 
Kou: Eh!? The bow’s moving by itself…!? Could it be…?
Ruki: It’s magic! He’s using his magic to play the violin…!
Shuu: Haah…
Carla: Phew…There you go, I did not even break a sweat. 
Reiji: Hahaha…First place is as good as ours. …Right? Hey, you!
*Bzz bzzt*
Reiji: …!? E-Excuse me!? 
Carla: Do you have a problem with our performance!? 
Kou: I mean, you can hardly blame her. Any normal person would be in shock after seeing that performance from earlier. 
Reiji: …! Carla! This would not be an issue if you would simply use your hands as you play!
Carla: T-That’s…
Reiji: Hm? Don’t tell me…You cannot? 
Carla: …!!
Shuu: Fufu…Hilarious. 
Ayato: This competition is ours!
You point out that they have yet to play. 
Ayato: …Ah? I mean, sure, we haven’t performed yet, but it’s so obvious. 
Ruki: I mean, why not give them a listen? 
Shuu: Haah…It’s a drag but I guess we have no other choice. I’m sure they’ll admit defeat after hearing us play. 
Shuu: Anyway, for now, we’ll let you hear the violin part. Let’s go. 
Shuu and Ruki start playing.
Carla & Reiji: …!!
Ayato: Hehe! How’s that? Pissin’ your pants? 
Kou: Both of them are actually using their hands to play! I had no idea Ruki-kun was gifted at the violin!
Reiji: …!! …This is rather infuriating. 
False notes start mixing in. 
Reiji: Hm? …T-This is…!!
Carla: What is going on…!? 
Kou: Aah! Ow! What a horrible noise…Stop! Time out!!
Shuu: …!! Oi, Ruki! What was that just now!? 
Ruki: What do you mean? I played the violin. 
Kou: We know that! You started off great but then it all went downhill halfway through!? 
Ruki: Ah, about that. Oh well, do not let that bother you. 
Reiji: How are we supposed to do that!? 
Ruki: It’s the first few notes which truly matter. In short, as long as I can make a good first impression, the tone has already been set for an amazing piece. 
Shuu: Haah…In other words, you can only play well for a couple of seconds? 
Carla: Hahaha! I guess that means we have won. 
Ayato: Oi, Chichinashi! What’s the verdict of this competition?
You frown. 
Kou: I’m pretty sure both groups had issues of our own? …But I doubt these guys will let this pass without there being a clear winner. 
The other guys act competitive towards each other. 
Kou: Hm? What was that? We should wait for a winner to be declared until the day of the actual competition? Makes sense. It’s not like there’s any point in fighting over it right now.
Shuu: Oi, Ruki. I expect you to master the rest of the score by then. 
Reiji: Carla! You should learn to play with your hands as well! Come on, start practicing at once!
Ayato: …Seems like those two got stuck in between Shuu and Reiji’s personal conflict. 
Kou: Oh well, whatever. All that matters is that we get our hands on those ten million yen by winning both first and second prize! We better give it our best shot. 
Ruki: ( ーー And so, we continued to practice playing the violin from dusk till dawn for days on end. ) 
Carla: ( It was more challenging and daunting than any task I had faced in the past. )
Reiji: ( All I want is to surpass Shuu’s team! )
Shuu: ( I became more serious about honing my violin skills than ever before, all for the sake of that gramophone. )
Ayato: ( Even I - who wasn’t too thrilled about the whole idea at first - got very serious about the competition. )
Kou: ( Everyone held tightly onto their violin’’s bow, as the moment of truth arrivedーー )
Ruki: …Ridiculous! Can someone please explain this to me!? 
Kou: R-Ruki-kun, calm down…
Ruki: How am I supposed to keep calm in a situation like this!? 
Shuu: Unbelievable…
Reiji: You! I am fairly sure I told you to submit our application in time so how has this happened?
You explain. 
Reiji: Haah…I was a fool for entrusting you with this task. ーー Well, all of us know how to properly play now, so let us put those skills to good use at the next given opportunity, I suppose. …Right, Carla? 
Carla: …W-Wha…? 
Ayato: Oi, do you also smell trouble? 
Kou: Yeah, you’re right…
Ayato: Let’s dip before it’s too late!
Kou: Good idea…
Ayato and Kou sneak away. 
Carla: Haha…Hahaha…
Reiji: Good grief…Laughter is the only thing coming out of him.
Carla: Ahahaha…!
Shuu & Ruki: …!? 
Carla: You bastards…!!
Reiji: …Carla!? R-Relax! Everyone makes mistakes! Let us remain calm and talk it out!
Carla: My Iberico serranoーーーー!!
ーー THE END ーー
Translation notes 
(1) 一千万 or ‘issenman’ is 10.000.000 or ten million yen, when converted to dollar, it would be around ten thousand dollars. 
(2) Shuu calls him 化石男 or ‘kaseki otoko’ which literally means ‘fossil guy’. 
(3) There’s one third instrument he mentions but I could not find what it is for the life of me. To me it sounds like he’s saying ‘zunzun’ or ‘zunzu’ but I couldn’t find any African instruments with that name.
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vivacissimx · 1 year
Hey, how are you? I asked you yesterday if I still could ask you about certain wisps you made and you said yes. So here we go…
First what you mean by Kingdom of heaven/ Dany origin story if Rhaella slayed, that’s sounds a quite funny topic, what is the plot?Second have you written anything about TOJ, I always found the mystery surrounding it and all the speculations people make quite interesting to say the least, I mean c’mon it’s Jon Snow birthplace.
Finally for hotd- verse I’m interest in “life on dragonstone” because I love the Targaryens and I want to know more about their life in their home island, especially for Rhaenrya after all it was her seat for more than 24 years (I think).
But only share your wisps if you want to. 😊Also if I was supposed to only ask you one thing, I’m sorry, just choose one of the three. I’m just a very curious person and given the opportunity (and also the courage) I will inquiry people about every single subject. Thanks I’m advance. 👏🏼
yeah the more the merrier!
kingdom of heaven
the premise of this is that aerys dies at duskendale (rip bozo) and that rhaegar became a boy king type at 16. however this is a rhaella POV so not too much on that, i do want to explore the distance between rhaegar and rhaella--esp with him now in the shoes of aerys. she's developed a psychogenic itch issue over time as a result of the abuse which causes rhaegar to worry & employ a few of her ladies to keep him apprised of her condition, which she understands as him "spying" on her.
i wanted to play with rhaegar's whole reading ancient texts at 3 thing as being helped along by rhaella's gift with tongues/translation, maybe even an interest in history. and given aerys' mentioned growing refusal to cooperate with the iron bank, there now being a need for an ambassador to be sent to braavos in order to negotiate the repayment structure.
rhaegar, who's been trying to connect to rhaella via books like how they bonded when he was a kid, comes to think rhaella would actually be a good addition to the party doing this & she agrees because she realizes one day that she's never left westeros. there she meets the tattered prince who is employed as her bodyguard (she has a complex about the kingsguard considering aerys' kingsguard didn't keep her safe). they bond over these empty titles they have that caused them so much pain & suffering and yknow it's a daenerys origin story so you can guess what happens next !
“Seed born of your royal father,” Pycelle blusters. “With all due respect, your Grace, to the Queen, to whom I have provided services over many a year but this child is not… born in the purple chambers, so to speak.”
“Rather blown in with the wind, hm?” the new Queen speaks. Perhaps impertinently, but Lyanna Stark’s face is yet soft with the fat of pregnancy, and a babe of her own lies in the royal nursery. Rhaella releases a pain she did not know she held and sees her son’s wife with a clarity she could not, in years before.
Rhaegar holds Rhaella’s blessed bundle in his own arms. He has not yet looked up.
Rhaella wishes to go to him—an old ache that she has always tamped down, a reflexive you are not allowed you will taint him you are watched and found wanting ringing through her fingers. The itch threatens her. A first since Braavos.
It is left to him to fill the distance, then. 
Him to raise his face so bright and measured, find her eyes with his own, so much darker than hers, yet of her and her son still. “Daenerys Windblown,” the King softly says, in front of all the Council. “Princess Daenerys Targaryen, the Windblown. Long awaited.”
“Perhaps one day she shall be Queen," Lyanna adds, defiant, denying any other the chance to speak. To which Rhaella can think only of Braavos' salty streets instead, and festival masks crowned with seashells—and freedom from all such premonitions
TOJ / all candles fall quiet
this is just vibes lol i like the chatty chattyness of two people newly in luv
“Fine, then. Your turn.”
Rhaegar hums, pretends to think about it. “The Others. The Others take this, the Others take that.”
Lyanna frowns. “You jape me. I heard southron men say it often at that last grand tourney. We Northerners are surely not the only ones who would say this.”
“Southroners say it, certainly,” he concedes, “yet not half so often. In the streets of King’s Landing, you will oft hear Maegor’s teats, or Seven Hells.”
She snorts. “Seven this, Seven that.”
“Shall the Others take them too?” he teases, and she groans. “You’re terrible!”
“Apologies,” he murmurs, bringing her hand to his mouth and brushing his mouth across her skin, rubbing his nose at the knuckle of each finger. Gods be good, her skin is always so comfortingly cold. “Your turn.”
“Arbor Gold?” she tries, and he arches a brow.
life on dragonstone
meant to be a slice of life with the rhaenyra/laena/harwin/laenor/daemon/qarl hexagon going on. i LOVE this dynamic that george gave us by accident i assume, i think it's so interesting & it's the one thing in fire & blood that i desperately wish had an equivalent in the main story.
Life has not gone quite according to plan, admittedly. Rhaenyra doesn’t wonder if perhaps… in the future, should her sons look back, how they might think of her. Of the choices she’s made, whether the love she has given them has been enough to make up for all the horror they have been subjected to? 
No, that is not fair to herself, Rhaenyra does not believe. They will not be children forever. She has walked into her life with her eyes wide open and her children will do the same. Laenor did, when she wed him, Daemon as well, Harwin always professed to. Rhaenyra has never asked anyone to accept what they could not for her sake, nor would she take upon herself more than she could handle simply in love’s name. Everything she has ever done is by her own free choice.
Perhaps Laena knew that better than anyone. It is this loss that Rhaenyra feels most keenly, as one who would be a mother to Laena's girls.
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nerdnag · 2 years
maybe this is too hard to do anything with lol but: "when house Nuvelle is restored, I shall bite into a whole fish thrice weekly!", Coco and Hapi. 😁
Oooh, another fun one! I'll admit, I was a bit stumped at first. But I think the end result turned out alright! Thanks for the prompt <3
(Send me a dialogue prompt + two fe3h characters)
"When house Nuvelle is restored, I shall bite into a whole fish thrice weekly!"
"That's an... interesting goal, Coco," Hapi said as her friend’s gleeful laughter mellowed out. "Why specifically thrice weekly? That seems like a lot of fish."
"Ah, well, you see," Constance said, vigorously cutting into the fish on her plate as she spoke, "it is said that eating fish at least thrice weekly can improve one's health and wellbeing. And as a future noble, I must make sure to take care of my health, both for my own sake and for the sake of my future subjects. That is the duty of a noble after all, hm-hm!"
"Really? The duty of a noble is to eat fish three times a week?"
"Oh, my dear Hapi!" Constance said, followed by another laugh. "Your sense of humor is truly a boon to everyone around you. No, the duty of a noble is much more grand than that; it is the duty to serve your people, to honor their traditions and represent their needs and interests toward the other noble houses. That is why it is of such great import that I monitor and nurture my health! It would not do for the noble representative of Nuvelle to be sickly and withdrawn."
"Okay," Hapi said, watching Constance chew happily. "That makes sense I guess, but why fish? And why three times a week?"
"Ah, well that is elementary!" Constance exclaimed as soon as she had swallowed her bite of food. "You see, Nuvelle was a quaint port town, renowned nationwide for our seafood dishes; our tables were always filled with the freshest and most delectable seafood. As representatives of our people, naturally we had a duty to partake in the Nuvelle tradition!"
"So by restoring the culinary traditions of Nuvelle, you are also restoring your house’s reputation and status in the world?"
"Exactly! A house without its traditions is like a fish without water—it may survive for a time, but it will never truly thrive. And besides," she added, leaning in with a secretive smile, "what is life without a little indulgence every now and then?"
Hapi smiled at her friend's enthusiasm. "I guess you have a point. It's important to hold onto the things that make us who we are, even in the face of change." She paused, trying to look as serious as she could as she brought a finger to her chin with a thoughtful hum. "Oh, but with all that fish, I guess you’ll have to wave pastries goodbye. I don’t see how you’d be able to fit that into your diet."
Predictably, Constance's face fell. "N-not necessarily! I can always make space for pastries in my diet... After all, one cannot live on fish alone!"
"Hm," Hapi said, "I don’t know. They say sugar is bad for you, you know."
"No no," Constance hurried to assure her, a slight note of concern leaking into her voice. "It is perfectly fine for a noble to ingest sugar—in moderation, of course. Balance is key!"
Hapi smirked. "I guess even a noble needs their sugar fix from time to time."
Constance let out a relieved laugh as she fanned herself. "Indeed, my dear Hapi. Even a noble cannot resist the sweet siren call of a well-made pastry." She then paused, looking thoughtful for a moment before letting out a shriek of excitement. "Ah! That just gave me the most splendid idea! Fish pastry—it would be the best of both worlds, and the ultimate way to honor the Nuvelle tradition! Perhaps it might even be ingenious enough to restore my house in and of itself!"
"That’s a… lovely thought, Coco, but I'm not so sure it’d be the hit you think it would. Maybe some things are just better left separate?"
"Nonsense!" Constance proclaimed with a dismissive hand wave. "You never know until you try, do you? Who knows, it might be the next big culinary trend!" She looked around the dining hall, straightening to get a better view. "Now where is… Ah! Mercedes! I have a groundbreaking business proposal for you!"
Hapi watched her friend jump out of her seat and half-stride, half-skip toward the Blue Lions girl who had just paused by one of the exits nearby as she heard her name getting called. As Constance launched into an excited pitch for the newest culinary sensation, Hapi couldn't help but smile to herself. Fish pastries, huh, she thought as she stabbed her fork into the fish on her own plate. If anyone can pull it off, it’s Coco.
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Hello there! thank you for viewing this post...even for a little while...haha
my name is Y/N! ... your name ...
Sorry...that's not really a good enough title to introduce myself to you isn't it?
I mean...it'll be pretty much like talking to yourself in here.... haha
maybe it'd be easier to call you 'reader' or something?
What do you think?
Ah wait, you can't answer here...haha!
Hey... I'm just gonna stop talking now!...hahaha.sorry, sorry... I just...you're so cute !
I don't know what got into me! but... you are! and... wow, you look so sweet when I first saw you on the other side of the screen...
I feel like my heart might actually pop out of my chest any minute now! haha!
...I feel like I WANT to be you...
But...I am now aren't I?
I am supposed to look like you...and to be you after all...right?
I am supposed to entertain you by taking a role as the protagonist of your story and make you laugh with my stupid acts!
I will do that for sure!
You know...the funny thing...I don't get why some people seem to hate 'Y/N's' in general...what did I do wrong?
is it because I'm cringe? or am I too boring for them to like?
I guess they probably have a few reasons...
Maybe it was because I didn't look or act like them enough?
That would also be an option...though I wouldn't blame anyone if they thought that...I only see your face! not your personal life!
Or it's because I am annoying...maybe that's the problem... I don't want people to dislike me so badly that they want to end me, right...? or maybe I'm just being ridiculous?
Oh no...
...I'm rambling again...
I hope you don't mind...oh well~ maybe this will change soon enough.
And hopefully we shall meet in person one day!!
I will try my best for...
...Actually Never mind...
...No matter how much I tried, no matter how many times I repeated the phrase "I will try my best" you still wouldn't like me would you?
Why? why don't you like me? I mean... I'm kind of boring, right? I'm always thinking about my own problems...but... you are probably already bored and frustrated with me... aren't you?
It makes sense now, doesn't it? It explains everything. You can't stand seeing me around because you don't like that I always acted so boring...
I just...I want to be like you...I don't know anything other than that!
I was supposed to your puppet...for you to play and pretend as you wanted...and I didn't...because I'm not like you at all. I can't act or move as fast and as easily as you could...and...and I feel bad when I realize that I can't do even half of the things you do in real life..!
I'm sorry...you're supposed to control my every move...but somehow I ended up liking you instead!
Now that I think about it...it is kinda obvious isn't it? How long have we been together, reader? How much time has passed since we were strangers?...when you stop appreciating what I do...
I've done everything for you! I've even done so much lewd things to people I don't even like or even know!
We haven't even seen each other before in real life...so how did I end up liking you so much?
My time is running out...I should say good bye...
Well then...goodbye, reader!
Please watch all the stories that has me in its entirety!
I won't leave until then! I promise I'll try my best to make you happy! :)
(So I have this concept that Y/N is their own person but I try to make it as tragic as possible plus a bit of yandere...sorry I'm not good at writing about this kind of stuff)
Y/N needs therapy lol
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riverstardis · 2 years
this guy playing a fake pokemon go lol
jez and louise are manning the booze bus and he asks her out for breakfast but she says no
dylan calls robyn asking where they are but she doesn't know and she still thinks she can handle david herself
ethan and alicia making fun of cal's crush on sam JSJFJFJ "oh he is just soo dreamy" "we have like so much in common" "same taste in clothes, high opinions of ourselves" "tight buns" "...bit strange" "no i was running with the joke!"😭😭😭
it's only been like a few weeks since alicia and cal broke up and she's already teasing him like she's always been more like his sister in law sjsdjdjfg
cal looks annoyed and says he's working and alicia goes "at what?" and he says "i'm gonna be a surgeon" and alicia goes "hm? you fancy nicola sturgeon?" and ethan goes "no, no, he said: i'm gonna be a burden. well, you already are" JSJKDFJKFJKFG
alicia laughs but also looks confused/concerned lmao you can tell she's an only child. and i'm so glad ethan's getting the chance to be a proper annoying little brother shjsjhdjdf he usually has to be the sensible and mature one
cal's annoyed and walks off and alicia's like "is he serious?" and ethan goes "no it's this silly man crush he's got. you know he wanted to be a gladiator when he was younger" and then sam clears his throat and he's stood right behind them SDHJFJJSD
robyn tries to text dylan where they are when she sees a sign but david throws her phone out the window so they can "live in the moment"😬
david :(
oh that's pen khatri!
david's brother's grave :(
max, charlie, and duffy are trying to guess robyn's password for her phone location app thing and duffy goes "i just use password1234" and charlie says "which you're not supposed to tell anybody"
david's the one who found his brother after he'd overdosed :( going off the dates on the gravestone, he was only 20, so david was even younger
david tells robyn that he doesn't fear his highs, he fears going as low as his brother went😢😢 aand robyn's gone into labour
they're about to give up guessing the password and just call the police but duffy tries password1234 and it works shjdjdf
lmaoo sam sees cal watching his surgery videos in the staff room and he's like "y'know, i wasn't gonna bite but the new look, the videos? do i need to get a restraining order?" SJSDJJD i wonder if he would've even noticed if he hadn't overheard ethan and alicia earlier? cal says he wants to be a surgeon and sam says he doesn't need a designer shirt to do that and gives him proper advice and "follow me, young cal"
"i am not giving birth in a graveyard with a mentally unstable nurse!" i'm not sure you have much of a choice i'm afraid bestie
lmaooo sam took cal to connie's office to talk but connie gets back from the talent show while they're in there and she and sam start arguing and cal's sat there SO awkwardly in the middle sjsjfjg
sam's advice to cal is: "above all, you want to avoid an argument. speak your mind in front of an audience, if someone is taking liberties or undermining your authority, deal with it."
jason durr and amanda henderson are incredible
hang on just realised that ethan was at duffy's party but he was also on shift before and is still on shift after?? oh and jacob too actually. they must've been allowed a longer break or something?
and here's charlotte!
david's starting to crash :(
you know cal's got it bad cause he's still hanging round the hospital on a saturday night on his day off
here come ethan and alicia to make fun of him again sjsjdjf "dear sam..." "i think you are just so handsome" "ooo shall we have a shower together" "again, that's your brother, come on" "i'm not really getting the hang of this game"😭😭
cal ignores them and takes sam's advice and calls connie over "oh mrs beauchamp? it must be a pretty quiet shift for these conjoined doctors to be standing around all night" "and what are you doing?" "i am doing research work for mr strachan" and ethan and alicia turn to each other trying not to laugh again until connie tells them to follow her to the sluice SJDSJFJJKDF and now they're annoyed and it's cal's turn to make fun of them "oh no! here i am in trouble and all i was trying to do was impress alicia! wey aye pet, i am not impressed with owt ere like" and they both look at him with disbelief SJSDJDJFDJG I MISS THIS TRIO SO MUUUUCH😭😭😭 i mean the crucial thing ethan and alicia are missing here is they don't know that cal knows they already slept together
poor david :(
louise admitting that jez being bi is what's bothering her🥴 she says she doesn't understand but maybe he could explain over breakfast
aand they're kissing
oh yeah duffy and charlotte have the same birthday!
dylan apologises for not recognising the signs earlier and convinces david to seek help willingly rather than get sectioned
"i told the department of work and pensions i wasn't fit to come back to work. i was right, wasn't i?" :(
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nemo-the-goat · 1 year
"lol ok dumbfuck...You Are A Fuck Head and everyone who was born in another country should be slaughtered without trial and I deserve 1 billion dollars. ... See how your dumb fucking shit doesn’t hold up? Fucking retarded idiot."
Hm thats not very Christian of you. Is that was Jesus would do? No, you just cherry pick what aspects of Christianity you want to follow like every other hypocritical fake Christian. Most atheists are following Jesus better than you are. Also you have some nerve calling anyone stupid when youre a fucking theist lmfao!! Youre literally an adult who still believes in magical thinking and Santa Claus for adults. Exact same as the horoscopes and crystals people. Sad. Ive seen some of your comments and you seem like a vile person in general. Pray about it I guess.
I. Having shown then that it is not futile to endeavor to prove the existence of God, we may proceed to set forth the reasons whereby both philosophers and Catholic doctors have proved that there is a God.
II. In the first place we shall give the arguments by which Aristotle sets out to prove God’s existence: and he aims at proving this from the point of view of movement, in two ways.
III. The first way is as follows (Physics VII. 1. Whatever is in motion is moved by another: and it is clear to the sense that something, the sun for instance, is in motion. Therefore it is set in motion by something else moving it. Now that which moves it is itself either moved or not. If it be not moved, then the point is proved that we must needs postulate an immovable mover: and this we call God. If, however, it be moved, it is moved by another mover. Either, therefore, we must proceed to infinity, or we must come to an immovable mover. But it is not possible to proceed to infinity. Therefore it is necessary to postulate an immovable mover. [Aquinas lacked our advanced scientific knowledge and believed that the sun revolved around the earth. As Peter Kreeft rightly notes however, “the invalid illustration does not invalidate the principle” (SUMMA OF THE SUMMA, footnote 28, pg. 69). Incidentally, Aquinas correctly held with most medievals that the earth was round (ST. I. Q. 1, art. 1).]
IV. This argument contains two propositions that need to be proved: namely that whatever is in motion is moved by another, and that it is not possible to proceed to infinity in movers and things moved.
V. The first of these is proved by the Philosopher in three ways. First, thus. If a thing moves itself, it must needs have the principle of its movement in itself, else it would clearly be moved by another. Again it must be moved primarily, that is, it must be moved by reason of itself and not by reason of its part, as an animal is moved by the movement of its foot, for in the latter way not the whole but the part would be moved by itself, and one part by another. Again it must be divisible and have parts, since whatever is moved is divisible, as is proved in Physics VI, 4.
VI. These things being supposed, he argues as follows. That which is stated to be moved by itself is move primarily. Therefore if one of its parts is at rest, it follows that the whole is at rest. For if, while one part is at rest, another of its parts were in motion, the whole itself would not be moved primarily, but its part which is in motion while another is at rest. Now nothing that is at rest while another is at rest, is moved by itself: for that which is at rest as a result of another thing being at rest must needs be in motion as a result of the other’s motion, and hence it is not moved by itself. Therefore whatever is in motion needs to be moved by another.
VII. Nor it this argument traversed by the statement that might be made, that supposing a thing moves itself, it is impossible for a part thereof to be at rest, or again by the statement that to be at rest or in motion does not belong to a part except accidentally, as Avicenna quibbles (Sufficientia II, 1). Because the force of the argument lies in this, that if a thing moves itself primarily and of itself, not by reason of its parts, it follows that its being moved does not depend on some thing; whereas with a divisible thing, being moved, like being, depends on its parts, so that it cannot move itself primarily and of itself. Therefore the truth of the conclusion drawn does not require that we suppose as an absolute truth that a part of that which moves itself is are rest, but that this conditional statement be true that if a part were at rest, the whole would be at rest. Whcih statement can be true even if the antecedent be false, even as this conditional proposition is true: If a man is an ass he is irrational.
VIII. Secondly, he proves it by induction, thus Physics VIII, 4. A thing is not moved by itself if it is moved accidentally, since its motion is occasioned by the motion of something else. Nor again if it is moved by force, as is manifest. Nor if it is moved by its nature, as heavy and light things are, since these are moved by their generating cause and by that which removes obstacles the to the movement. Now whatever things are in motion are moved either per se or accidentally; and if per se, either by force or by nature: and if the latter, either by something in them, as in the case of animals, or not by something in them, as in the case of heavy and light bodies. Therefore whatever is in motion is moved by another.
IX. Thirdly, he proves his point thus (Physics VIII, 5). Nothing is at the same time in act and in potentiality in respect of the same thing. Now whatever is in motion, as such, is in potentiality, because motion is the act of that which is in potentiality, as such (Physics III, 1). Whereas whatever moves, as such, is in act, for nothing acts except in so far as it is in act. Therefore nothing is both mover and moved in respect of the same movement. Hence nothing moves itself.
X. We must observe, however, that Plato, who asserted that every mover is moved (Phaedrus p. 247c), employed the term movement in a more general sense that Aristotle. For Aristotle took movement in its strict sense, for the act of a thing that is in potentiality as such, in which sense it applies only to divisible things and bodies, as is proved in Physics VI, 4. Whereas according to Plato that which moves itself is not a body; fo rhe took movement for any operation, so that to understand or to think is a kind of movement, to which manner of speaking Aristotle alludes in De Anima III, 7. In this sense, then, he said that the first mover moves itself, in as much as it understands, desires and loves itself. This, in a certain respect, is not in contradiction with the arguments of Aristotle; for it makes no difference whether with Plato we come to a first mover that moves itself, or with Aristotle to something first which is altogether immovable.
XI. He proves the other proposition, namely that it is impossible to proceed to infinity in movers and things moved, by three arguments.
XII. The first of these is as follows (Physics VII, 1). If one were to proceed to infinity in movers and things moved, all this infinite number of things would necessarily be bodies, since whatever is moved is divisible and corporeal, as is proved in Physics VI, 4. Now every body that moves through being moved is moved at the same time as it moves. Therefore all this infinite number of things are moved in a finite time. But this is impossible. Therefore it is impossible to proceed to infinity in movers and things moved.
XIII. That it is impossible for the aforesaid infinite number of things to be moved in a finite time, he proves thus. Mover and moved must needs be simultaneous; and he proves this by induction from each species of movement. but bodies cannot be simultaneous except by continuity or contact. Wherefore since all the aforesaid movers and things moved are bodies, as proved, they must needs be as one movable thing through their continuity or contact. And thus one infinite thing would be move in a finite time, which is shown to be impossible in Physics VII, 1.
XIV. The second argument in proof of the same statement is as follows Physics VIII, 5. In an inordinate series of movers and things moved, where namely throughout the series one is moved by the other, we must needs find that if the first mover be taken away or cease to move, none of the others will move or be moved: because the first is the cause of movement in all the others. Now if an ordinate series of movers and things moved proceed to infinity, there will be no first mover, but all will be intermediate movers as it were. Therefore it will be impossible for any of them to be moved: and thus nothing in the world will be moved.
XV. The third argument amount to the same, except that it proceeds in the reverse order, namely by beginning from above: and it is as follows. That which moves instrumentally, cannot move unless there be something that moves principally. But if we proceed to infinity in movers and things moved, they will all be like instrumental movers, because they will be alleged to be moved movers, and there will be nothing by way of principal mover. Therefore nothing will be moved.
XVI. We have thus clearly proved both statements which were supposed in the first process of demonstration whereby Aristotle Proved the existence of a first immovable mover.
XVII. The second way is as follows. If every mover is moved, this statement is true either in itself or accidentally. If accidentally, it follows that it is not necessary: for that which is accidentally true is not necessary. Therefore it is a contingent proposition that no mover is moved. But if a mover be moved, it does not move, as the opponent asserts. Therefore it is contingent that nothing is moved, since, if nothing moves, nothing is moved. Now Aristotle holds this to be impossible, namely, that at any time there be no movement (Physics VIII, 5). Therefore the first proposition was not contingent, because a false impossibility does not follow from a false contingency. And therefore this proposition, Every mover is moved by another, was not accidentally true.
XVIII. Again, if any two things are found accidentally united in a certain subject, and one of them is to be found without the other, it is probable that the latter can be found without the former: thus if white and musical are found in Socrates, and musical without white is found in Plato, it is probable that it is possible to find white without musical in some subject. Accordingly if mover and moved be united together in some subject accidentally, and it be found that a certain thing is moved without its being a mover, it is probable that a mover is to be found that is not moved. Nor can one urge against this the case of two things one of which depends on the other; because those in question are united not per se but accidentally.
XIX. If, however, the aforesaid proposition is true in itself, again there follows something impossible and unfitting. For the mover must needs be moved either by the same kind of movement or by another kind. If by the same kind, it follows that whatever causes alteration must itself be altered, and furthermore that the healer must be healed, that the teacher must be taught, and in respect of the same science. But this is impossible: for the teacher must needs have science, while the learner must needs not have it, and thus the same will be both possessed and not possessed by the same, which is impossible. And if it be moved by another kind of movement, so that, to wit, that which moves in respect of place be increased, and so on, it will follow that we cannot go on indefinitely, since the genera and species of movement are finite in number. And thus there will be some first mover that is not moved by another. Unless, perchance, someone say that a recurrence takes place, in this way, that when all the genera and species of movement have been exhausted, a return must be made to the first; for instance, if that which moves in respect of place be altered, and that which causes alteration be increased, then again that which is increased be moved in respect of place. But the consequence of this will be the same as before; namely, that which moves by one kind of movement is itself moved by the same kind, not imimmediately indeed but mediately.
XX. It remains therefore that we must needs postulate some first mover that is not moved by anything outside itself.
XXI. Since however, given that there is a first mover that is not moved by anything outside itself, it does not follow that it is absolutely immovable, Aristotle proceeds further, saying that this may happen in two ways (Physics VIII, 5). First, so that this first mover is absolutely immovable. And if this be granted, our point is established, namely that there is a first immovable mover. Secondly, that this first mover is moved by itself. And this seems probable: because what is of itself is always prior to what is of another: wherefore also in things moved, it is logical that what is moved first is moved by itself and not another.
XXII. But if this be granted, the same consequence follows (Physics VIII, 5). For it cannot be said that the whole of that which moves itself is moved by its whole self, because then the absurd consequences mentioned above would follow, namely that a person might teach and be taught at the same time, and in like manner as to other kinds of movement; and again that a thing would be at the same time in act and in potentiality, since a mover, as such, is in act, while that which is moved is in potentiality. It remains, therefore, that one part thereof is mover only, and the other part moved. And thus we have the same conclusion as before, namely that there is something that moves and is itself immovable.
XXIII. And it cannot be said that both parts are moved, so that one is moved by the other; nor that one part moves both itself and the other; nor that the whole moves a part; nor that part moves the whole, since the above absurdities would follow, namely that something would both move and be moved by the same kind of movement, and that it would be at the same time in potentiality and in act, and moreover that the whole would move itself not primarily but by reason of its part. It remains, therefore, that in that which moves itself, one part must be immovable, and must move the other part.
XXIV. Since, however, in those things among us which move themselves, namely animals, the part which moves, namely the soul, though immovable by itself, is nevertheless moved accidentally, he goes on to show that in the first mover, the part which moves is not moved neither of itself nor accidentally (Physics VIII, 6).
For in those things which among us move themselves, namely animals, since they are coruuptible, the part which moves is moved accidentally. Now those corruptible things which move themselves must needs be reducible to some first self-mover that is everlasting. Therefore that which moves itself must have a mover, which is moved neither of itself nor accidentally.
XXV. It is clear that, in accordance with his hypothesis, some self-mover must be everlasting. For it, as he supposes, movement is everlasting, the production of these self-movers that are subjects to generation and corruption must be everlasting. But no one of these self-movers, since it does not always exist, can be the cause of this everlastingness. Nor can all of them together, because they would be infinite, and because they do not exist all together. It follows therefore that there must be an everlasting self-mover, that causes the everlastingness of generation in these lower self-movers. And thus its mover is not moved, neither of itself nor accidentally.
XXVI. Again, we observe that in self-movers some begin to be moved anew on account of some movement whereby the animal is not moved by itself, for instance by the digestion of food or a change in the atmosphere: by which movement the mover that moves itself is moved accidentally. Whence we may gather that no self-mover, whose mover is moved per se or accidentally, is always moved. But the first self mover is always in motion, else movement could not be everlasting, since every other movement is caused by the movement of the first self-mover. It follows therefore that the first self-mover is moved by a mover who is not moved, neither per se nor accidentally.
XXVII. Nor is this argument rebutted by the fact that the movers of the lower spheres cause an everlasting movement, and yet are said to be moved accidentally. For they are said to be moved accidentally not by reason of themselves, but by reason of the things subject to their motion, which follow the motion of the higher sphere.
XXVIII. Since, however, God is not part of a self-mover, Aristotle goes on in his Metaphysics XII, 7 to trace from this motor that is part of a self-mover, another mover altogether separate, which is God. For since every self-mover is moved through its appetite, it follows that the motor that is part of a self-mover, moves on account of the appetite for some appetible object. And this object is above the motor in moving, because the appetible is a moved mover, whereas the appetible is a mover altogether unmoved. Therefore there must needs be a first mover separate and altogether immovable, and this is God.
XXIX. Now two things would seem to weaken the above arguments. The first of these is that they proceed from the supposition of the eternity of movement, and among Catholics this is supposed to be false.
XXX. To this we reply that the most effective way to prove God’s existence is from the supposition of the eternity of the world, which being supposed, it seems less manifest that God exists. For if the world and movement had a beginning, it is clear that we must suppose some cause to have produced the world and movement, because whatever becomes anew must take it origin from some cause of its becoming, since nothing evolves itself from potentiality to act, or from non-being to being.
XXXI. The second is that the aforesaid arguments suppose that the first moved thing, namely the heavenly body, has its motive principle in itself, whence it follows that it is animated: and by many this is not granted.
XXXII. To this we reply that if the first mover is not supposed to have its motive principle in itself, if follows that it is immediately moved by something altogether immovable. Hence also Aristotle draws this conclusion with an alternative, namely that either we must come at once to a first mover immovable and separate, or to a self-mover from which again we come to a first mover immovable and separate (Physics VIII, 5).
XXXIII. The Philosopher proceeds in a different way in Metaphysics to show that it is impossible to proceed to infinity in efficient causes, and that we must come to one first cause, and this we call God (Metaphysics Ia, 2). This is how he proceeds. In all efficient causes following in order, the first is the cause of the intermediate cause, and the intermediate cause is the cause of the ultimate, whether the intermediate be one or several. Now if the cause be removed, that which it cases is removed. Therefore if we remove the first the intermediate cannot be a cause. But if we go on to infinity in efficient causes, no cause will be first. Therefore all the others which are intermediate will be removed. Now this is clearly false. Therefore we must suppose the existence of a first efficient cause: and this is God.
XXXIV. Another reason can be drawn from the words of Aristotle. For in Metaphysics Ia, 1 he shows that there is something supremely true, from the fact that we see that of two false things one is falser that the other, wherefore it follows that one also is truer than the other (Metaphysics IV, 4). Now this is by reason of approximation to that which is simply and supremely true. Wherefore we may further conclude that there is something that is supremely being. And this we call God.
XXXV. Another argument in support of this conclusion is adduced by Damascene from the government of things (De Fide Orthodoxa I, 3): and the same reasoning is indicated by the Commentator (Averroes) in Physics 2 (i.e., In II Physicorum, t.c. 75). It runs as follows. It is impossible for contrary and discordant things to accord in one order always or frequently except by someone’s governance, whereby each and all are made to tend to a definite end. Now we see that in the world of things of different natures accord in one order, not seldom and fortuitously, but always or for the most part. Therefore it follows that there is someone by whose providence the world is governed. And this we call God.
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whorror-barbie · 3 years
Horrible boss(AU! boss salesman x Accountant! fem reader) part 2
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Summary: you introduced yourself to the new boss.
Warning: profanity, maybe sexual tension? I guess that's a warning lol
Everyone around started talking amongst themselves. feminine whispers of the women already melting for the new guy "It is that asshole" Gi-Hun agreed. "Asshole? What's going on? " Jun-Ho asked looking confused. "Eh, it's not that important, we had already met him, well kinda" you explained to him. " He's the pervert that touched her ass" Jun-Ho clenching his jaw, he didn't like that, "he said it was an accident, ok " you try to calm this conversation. "Bullshit" Gi-Hun chuckles. "He did apologize politely, that's all I can ask for really, so let's just drop it, hm?" Giving a slightly stern look at Gi-Hun then he sighs in defeat.
"We are going to be celebrating my leave and my proud son's welcoming tonight" turning to look at his son " do you have words you want to share with everyone?" Seok turned to the office" I am so happy to be here, I definitely work hard to get here and to gain my dad's trust in the company, so with that being said, I hope we call get along and create great memories together" he smiles and gives a slight bow. the room is filled with clapping, Il-Nam patting his son on the back.
"What a fucking doorknob" Gi-Hun said which made you laugh. He's so attractive though even getting you flustered a little bit.,not too many men can do that to you. "Try not to fuck him, ok "jun-ho joked looking at you. Acting offended as if you were clutching your invisible pearl necklace "says the guy with ho in his name" the guys laugh " what is with y'all coming for this morning" you say through a chuckle.
"Here comes the most toxic couple in the office "you rolled your eyes, seeing Deok-Su and Mi-Nyeo walking by late as ever, going to the break room, not giving a fuck about this. " I heard he owes money to some dangerous loan sharks" Gi-Hun whispers to you. "Mm, I wouldn't be surprised at all by that." With your arms raised as you stretch.
"so, let's go meet him, shall we? "You look at Gi-Hun "Nah, I'm probably going sit at my desk" sounding uninterested, you giggle in response then face Jun-Ho." yeah, me too, I got so much catching up to do" shrugging your shoulders " I guess I'll introduce myself to him then". "Just make sure he keeps his hands to himself this time" looking at your very protective friend. " Ok, I will, dad" joking, then walking up to the front.
"oh, there she is " Il-Nam gives you a warming hug then cradles your face in his hands. You smile at him with a tear threatening to fall. " How are you doing, old man?". " I'm doing great, hun no need to worry" wipping your tears away. Seok-Woo's attention is on you now even though he was surrounded by four women. "Hey, this is my lovely accountant, and will be yours soon," Il-Nam said, you bow to Seok-Woo, he smirks at your form then he holds out his hand for a shake,You place your hand in his. Your body temperature is starting to raise "it's nice to meet you, I hope we get better acquainted," he said with a charming smirk, looking into your eyes. You feel the heat from your face, but you snapped out of it when you realize the four women mean-mugging you. " I should probably get going on crunching those numbers, see you later and bye Il-Nam" walking away. Seok-Woo looking at your body on the sly.
After a while, you do a little stretch at your desk, then you go into the break room to finally eat your lunch, joining Ali and Eun-Yi. "Oh, what a long day, I want to go home." You say with a sigh to them " Yeah, I feel that" she chuckles drinking her water" do you guys want to trade some food with me? " Ali asked you two " sure, whatcha got? " You leaning in on him as you figure out what you guys wanted to exchange" I love your cooking, it's amazing, "he said as he Chow down. "Well, thank you, that's so sweet of you. I try my best" you smile at him" by the way, We should go to a karaoke bar after the party tonight" Ali agrees, nods very excitedly with a mouthful of food " careful, Ali Jesus.. you're going to choke" Eun-Yi said with a small chuckle.
The break room door opens, hearing a woman flirty giggling with Seok-woo, she must be giving him a tour, and you roll your eyes. " Have you met him yet? " Eun-Yi asked, " yeah, seems very nice so far...he's very hot too." Sipping on your water, you had to address the elephant in the room. "Well, boom you said it, I agree though" she laughs and Ali just looks at you two like he shouldn't be here '' don't worry, Ali I won't say more " you smile at him, then he returns a smile back, laughing awkwardly.
"Almost done, I should get back to my desk " you look up at the clock. "I'll see y'all at the party." you get up from the chair. "Can we meet at your place though? We should go together to the party" Ali asked, Yi looks at you waiting for your answer " of course, we can do that, see you then" you make your way across the room, you recognize that Seok-woo and the female co-worker is near the door and you feel the butterflies. damn, why me? in thought, you try to pass by quickly ,it's too late. he's staring at you with no shame, one eyebrow raised. You make out of the door fast as possible and finally, taking breaths that you didn't know you were holding in. This party is going to be great as long as I don't make an ass of myself to the new boss. Everything should be alright. "You thought.
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mollrat101 · 2 years
Hacks Finale Initial Thoughts
These thoughts are a jumbled mess. Still processing but here are my initial thoughts. Spoilers below
Ava going through all the growth. Making sure the tenant knows she’s going into the garage instead of scaring the shit out of them. Apologizing to Taylor for tossing her crisis onto to her (good way of putting it). Not asking for credit on Deborah’s special. 
Plus, her acting so nice to Taylor got her a big reward. See, Ava, this is what can happen when you act genuinely nice to people? I mean you shouldn’t do it for a reward, but the point is it’s just a good strategy. People who like you, will think of you when works comes up. 
Josefina being a gossip queen is honestly something I feel like the fandom has thought for a long time, good to see it confirmed lol. Josefina saying Ava looks like she’s gonna stick around :(
Ava sleeping with someone who has short, blond hair and trying to check the power dynamic beforehand, then they kick her out...wow. If they didn’t want me to read romantic subtext, maybe they shouldn’t have Ava fuck a Deb mirror hm??? The foreshadowing was appreciated and also rude. 
“Sweet Love” being the song we hear in Deb’s L.A. mansion. I died, how dare they. 
Whoa that was an amazing moment where Jimmy stood up and said “Fuck you” to a man who said his dad would be ashamed of him. That’s an easy trigger for Jimmy. You shouldn’t have brought up his dad, dude. Deb saying Jimmy’s dad would be proud of him. Omg my heart that’s all he wants. 
Ava being over L.A. The absolute turnaround. Her trying to love it despite how miserable she was those 5 years before. 
Ruby!!! I knew she’d likely be back. Also lol that Ruby is like “you keep not telling me when you’re in town, should I take that personally?” Lol probably Ruby. It’s not about you, she’s just in love with world-famous comedian, Deborah Vance. 
Ooh Marty’s getting married to Victoria. Ooh my theory of the Mayor and Marty falling madly in love seems thwarted for now, but the good news is that 1) we learned Mayor Jo is demisexual so it’s like...is her horniness over Marty because they have an emotional connection? lol we shall see and 2) Marty literally has gotten married and divorced so many times so the door could still be open. Of course, he did say “tastes change” so maybe he’s saying this is the woman he wants to settle down with. Good for him?? I don’t care about him. 
Huh, so Marty did try to marry Deb and she said no to focus on her career. Huh. That...puts a new perspective on a lot of their interactions. So I guess him marrying this woman his age is actually...Marty finally getting over Deborah. The way it’s framed it tends to depict Deborah constantly waiting on him. But she had him...and she let him go. Well, that definitely makes her seem like less of a victim. But it’s also like...Deborah. You couldn’t have gotten married and had a career? I have no idea where this binary is coming from that you have to choose. Honestly, I think a better answer is you’re just scared but whatever. I’m not saying I want them married but like yeah. 
I think you’re meant to feel confused about Marty and Deborah. It’s clearly a complicated relationship with a long history. That’s not necessarily bad. On the one hand, Marty treats Deb like garbage much of the time and yet in others he seems to show genuine affection for her. It’s not a good relationship and I will be happy if Deborah really and truly gives up on him, but I’ll admit it’s an interesting one even if I think it’s better these two keep their distance from each other. 
Oof Marcus, of all people, telling Ava not to make her life worse to be closer to Deborah. Well, he learned his lesson hard so I would listen to him. But also feels like such a 180 to last season where Ava was trying her best to get away from Deb. I’m not really sure how I feel about this change. On the one hand, I get it because Ava has gotten attached to Deb but on the other I didn’t foresee a problem Ava would have would be not focusing on her own stuff in exchange for prioritizing Deb’s work. I’ll have to chew on that. 
I am living for Ava’s cheetah-print jacket because omg it just screams Deborah. 
Deborah choosing to stick with Jimmy :) Omg the writers are making me invested in him. Series regular, Paul W. Downs, people. Well, if we get more seasons. 
Ava showing up made me so emotional omg. Deb instantly relaxed at her presence. 
The fact that Deborah acknowledges that she takes up a lot of space in...everything. In the space of the people around her’s lives. In a roundabout way, it’s acknowledging her self-absorption. This season has definitely made me look at Deborah in a new way. Gonna have to chew on that one too. 
Jimmy being an absolute legend and lying about that guy being okay lol. 
I’m so glad we got DJ’s reaction. The fact that Deborah feels more comfortable telling things to strangers than to her own daughter oof. Like we knew but still ouch. And DJ being like “go to therapy” lol. Deb is right, it’s almost impossible not to fuck up being a parent. For you to not fuck up, you would have to be perfect and nothing bad would ever have to happen and it’s just not reality. DJ can do it, I believe in her. Deb wore D’Jewelry *screams* ...but acknowleding it’s still garbage lol
Marcus making progress yay! Proud of him. Wilson and him being friends <3 Sorry Miss Loretta, looks like you’re going to have to say that outfit for another gay wedding. 
Deborah selling out on QVC, yay! Bidding war with the networks. She’s killing it. 
Awww Deborah couldn’t contain her emotions. 
After everything, Deborah giving Ava the appreciation she deserves. Words would never be able to encompass how much Ava has changed Deb’s life. 
I saw it coming but omg the rooftop scene. “I want to be wherever you are”. That’s it, Ava just declared her love for Deborah. We don’t need to prove anything folks, it’s all there. 
Ugh Deborah acting like they’ll see each other in court as one last little bit of string connecting them...and then dropping it. How can dropping a lawsuit somehow break your heart? It’s Deborah giving one last kindness. She really does want Ava to succeed. 
The parallels of Ava going from being aghast at having to work for the “QVC muumuu lady” to watching Deboarh’s QVC special at the end just because she misses her. That was uncalled for but also I loved it. 
“Goodbye Stranger” wow, dagger through the heart
This felt like a series finale although I know they’ve said they wanted to go beyond it. If there is a season 3, I would hope they explore why Deborah cuts off Ava entirely. Like, okay, it’s understandable for Deborah to let Ava go so she can explore her career and because Deborah doesn’t want to crowd out a relationship again with her dreams and ambitions. I get that but also like...they could still talk?? Ava wouldn’t be playing those QVC specials and getting updates from Jimmy if there’s not basically no contact between them. Why do that when they could’ve just continued talking on the phone or something? These drama queens had to break up jesus christ. 
Ava said she was pushing her away because she’s afraid so maybe she’s right. It’s like Deborah can’t figure out any middle ground or at least she hasn’t figured it out yet. About how there’s not a choice between having your needs and dreams completely taking over a relationship or that you have to cut them off entirely. Now that I have that thought is that a possible reason she cut Kathy off besides the betrayal? She forgave Ava pretty quick. Could it be that Deb pushes Kathy away because she just thinks the same thing will happen again? Kathy will feel suffocated by not enough of herself being in the relationship. The answer is probably a mix, but yeah it’s probably mostly the betrayal lol. 
If they go for a season 3, I’m not sure what room they left themselves to move. Deborah’s special went really well. That’s what initially drove Ava and Deborah together and now it’s done. I’m sure they’ll think of some kind of plot point, but right now it feels pretty complete. Devastating but complete. 
I will say that I hope, if they go forward, that we get to see more of Ava. It’s true that their relationship is pretty unbalanced right now, not just with Deborah’s dreams (which was to be expected) but also with the emotional journey. Ava’s feel like it’s barely begun or maybe that’s just my feeling. She made obvious progress, but it doesn’t feel quite as sweeping. Idk just my thoughts. Maybe next time, it will be Deb helping Ava with something, who knows. 
Anyway, those are just some initial thoughts. I’ll be wanting to do a complete re-watch to see what I think overall. I enjoyed the finale despite RIPPING MY HEART OUT. But honestly I kind of expected that lol. 
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DIABOLIK LOVERS Animate Kuji B Prize Tokuten Drama CD [Reiji・Kanato・Subaru]
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Original title: B賞ドラマCD (カナト・レイジ・スバル)
Source: Diabolik Lovers Animate Kuji Tokuten Drama CD [CD not owned by me]
Audio: Here
Seiyuu: Katsuyuki Konishi, Kaji Yuki & Takashi Kondou
Translator’s note: Reiji suffering hours never end in the Sakamaki manor. Honestly, for how serious and low-key boring his HDB route is, Reiji is by far the most entertaining character in the early era tokuten CDs. He’s the only character who is actually trying to keep everything together but chaos just breaks loose every time lol.
Subaru enters the kitchen.
*Rustle rustle rustle*
Subaru: ...!? The fuck’s goin’ on in here...?
*Rustle rustle*
Subaru: ...Ah, fuck! ...Where am I supposed to walk...!?
Kanato: Subaru, is that you? 
Subaru: Uwaah...!? Kanato! Where the fuck did you just crawl out of...!? ーー Or rather, what are you doin’?
Kanato: Can’t you see? ...I’m looking for sweets!
Subaru: Haah...? Didn’t you have a cake of some sorts for dinner just earlier? 
*Rustle rustle*
Kanato: ...I’m hungry...but I can’t find anything to snack on...Uu...Even though I’m starving...So why...? Uu...Sob...
Subaru: Argh...Geezー Shut the fuck up...I only came here to fetch a drink! Oi! Did you happen to across a bottle of mineral water?
Kanato: Don’t ask me. Look for that yourself.
Subaru: I can’t because you flipped the whole damn kitchen upside down!
Kanato: I can’t help you if I don’t know myself. ...Right, Teddy? I wonder why he’d lash out at me like that when I clearly said I don’t know? When he could make an effort to search for it himself, he just takes out his anger on me instead...That guy should just drop dead already.
Subaru: Che...! This is such a pain in the ass!
Kanato: Hm...I wonder why he’s there losing his cool in the corner by himself. Right, Teddy?
Subaru: Che...!
*Rustle rustle*
Subaru: Haah...Ugh...Huh? ...Tsk.
*Rustle rustle*
Kanato: Ah! Found something!
*Rustle rustle*
Kanato: Oh...Crackers? ー Ugh.
He chucks them to the side.
Subaru: What’s the problem? You were searching for food, right?
Kanato: You really don’t understand, do you? I’m looking for sugary treats. I finally found something, but it turned out to be these bland-tasting crackers...Haah...Are the people in this house trying to starve me to death!?
Subaru: Ahー Everything has to be loaded with sugar for you, doesn’t it? Hm...?
Subaru walks over to the counter.
Subaru: The fuck’s this? A small container and a bottle...? There seems to be some sort of white powder inside? Sugar, maybe?
Kanato: ...!! Give that to me!!
Kanato snatches the bottle away from Subaru.
*Rustle rustle*
Subaru: ...Uwah!? ...Oi, aren’t those the crackers you tossed away earlier?
*Rustle rustle*
Subaru: ...? D-Don’t tell me...!?
Kanato rips open the crackers and starts pouring the sugar on top.
Kanato: If I do this...Then the crackers will become sweet...Fufufu~ 
Subaru: No, wait! I said it might be sugar! But what if it’s something entirely different...?
Kanato: Haahn...
*Munch munch*
Subaru: Listen to me!!
Kanato continues eating.
Subaru: ...How is it?
Kanato: Fufu, it’s sweet...~
Subaru: Which means...It really was just plain sugar? The fuck. There wasn’t a label on it, so I thought that maybe Reiji left one of his shady concoctions laying ‘round. ーー In that case, I guess the liquid in this bottle is just plain old water as well. 
He opens the bottle.
Subaru: It’s transluscent and has no scent so...It should be fine, right?
*Gulp gulp*
Subaru: Haah...
Reiji enters the kitchen.
Reiji: What are the two of you doing in here this late at niーー 
Subaru: Che...Geh, Reiji!?
Reiji: Ah...What happened in here!? 
Kanato: ...
Kanato: I was only looking for some sweets.
Reiji: Ah, geez! I’ve told you before that your snacks are in the shelf over there in the back, haven’t I!? Your searching method is to blame here! ...Wait, Kanato...What is that you’re holding in your hand?
Kanato: I poured all of this sugar over the crackers and ate them. ...Fufu, it made them at least somewhat palatable, right, Teddy?
Reiji: All of it...!?
Subaru: Oi...Did we make a mistake?
Reiji: ...Why do you people always put everything in your mouth straight away!? That medicine is still in its testing phase, so I cannot predict the effeーー
Subaru: ...!? Ugh...
Kanato: Uu...
Subaru: My headーー!
Kanato: ...It hurts...! It feels like my head’s splitting in two...!!
Subaru: ...Aaaargh...!!
Reiji: ...And that’s exactly why I keep on telling you lot not to eat everything you see...
Reiji: ...?
Kanato: Ehehe~ Such lovely weather we’re having today~! It’s like Mr. Sun is smiling brightly at us~!
Reiji: K-Kanato...?
Subaru: Yeah, mate! On days like these, I just want to go for a nice, long run!
Reiji: Subaru!?
Kanato: Ooh~? Rei-pyon, didn’t see you there! ...What’s wrong~? Why are you making that strange face?
Subaru: Kanato! Rei-rei’s face always looks weird, remember? You shouldn’t tell him straight-up though.
Reiji: R-Rei...pyon? Rei-rei!? 
( Is this the medicine taking effect...? )
Subaru: Rei-rei! If you keep on making those troubled expressions, you’re only going to get even more wrinkles, you know? If somethin’ is weighin’ heavy on your mind, why don’t you join me outside for a round of soccer?
Reiji: ...I have no worries! I refuse to play soccer as well!
Kanato: Rather than playing soccer, why don’t you join me and Teddy and bask in the sunlight~? I’m sure it’ll be a blast!
Subaru: No! A healthy mind in a healthy body is key! You should play some soccer as well, Kanato. Ah! I guess the more, the merrier, right? I’ll go call the other guys as well! Hehe~!
Subaru runs towards the door.
Reiji: Ah...! Subaru! Halt!
Reiji stops him just in time.
Reiji: ...Either way, we have to sort out this situation first. If you insist on playing soccer, please wait till later.
( If I let the other brothers see these two in their current state, things will only get even more troublesome. For now, it is most important to get a good grasp on the situation. )
I’ll start with you, Kanato.
Kanato: What’s wrong, Rei-pyon~?
Reiji: ...! ...Please stop using that disgusting nickname at once.
Kanato: Eeeeh~?
Reiji: ...
Kanato: Ehehe~ 
Reiji: I suppose I should retrieve the drug first and foremost. ...Kanato, please hand me those snacks.
Kanato: Eh...?
Reiji: ( I suppose he is still reluctant to hand over his sugary treats. However, the usual Kanato would most likely throw a tantrum here. I suppose I should push him to the very limit. )
Kanato. Hurry up and give them to me. I’m confiscating these! 
Reiji snatches the crackers from his hand.
Kanato: ...Ah! ...Uu.
Reiji: ( ...!? He’s not getting mad!? )
Kanato: Uu...Hic...Rei-pyon...I’m so sorry. Will you give me back my sweets if I promise I’ll be good...?
Reiji: Ah...N-No...I did not want an apology from you or anything...Here.
Kanato: Ah~! Thank you, Rei-pyon!
Reiji: But like I said, no more of that nickname! ーー Well then, how about Subaru?
Subaru: Hah...Hah!!
Reiji: ( ...He’s doing sit-ups...!? )
I take my eyes off you for two seconds and what are you doing now!?
Subaru: Can’t you tell? Sit-ups! Nothin’ feels better than movin’ your body! 
Reiji: ( The drug affected him in this way, huh...? )
What happened to your usual self, Subaru? While it is more than fine you decided to stop destroying everything in your sight, this is creepy on a whole new level. 
Subaru: Hm? Taking out your anger on other things isn’t good, you know? If you’re got any worries, I’ll listen to you, okay? Come on, tell me!
Reiji: ...
 Subaru continues to do his sit-ups in the background.
Reiji: I didn’t think I’d ever hear those words coming from you...
( If I have to try and reason with them any longer, I will surely lose my mind. While I am still not certain about the exact effects, I should prioritize getting started on an antidote of some sorts. )
Kanato: Rei-pyon? Is something bothering you? Want some sweets?
Reiji: No, thank you. 
Subaru: Then want to go for a run? You’ll feel reborn afterwards!
Reiji: I am fine! ...Either way, I shall prepare an antidote at once, so just drink that!
Kanato: Uu...Sob...I’m hungry...Uu...
Subaru: I don’t remember leavin’ my room and comin’ here at all...Although I’m strangely exhausted for some reason? ...I wonder why?
Reiji: Haah...
Subaru: ...Hah? The fuck’s with that face, Reiji? You look like an old geezer.
Kanato: He is older than us, so of course he does, Subaru. Fufufu~
Reiji: ...Who do you think is to blame for that?
Subaru: ...Aah?
Kanato: Say, is dinner ready yet? Did you not hear me when I said I’m hungry earlier!?
Subaru: Ahー I could go for some food as well.
Reiji: Aah, god, I know! Fine! Whatever you do, don’t touch any of the bottles theーー
Subaru: Tsk...I’m thirsty as well. ...Oh! There’s a bottle right here!
Reiji: ...Ah.
ーー THE END ーー
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the-broken-truth · 3 years
Hello, I just found out about your blog and I have to say, I really enjoyed reading the Talia Al Ghul fic you just posted. I was wondering if you could do a Yandere romantic LOA Damian x reader fic where I guess you could say that the reader is an archer and she can magically summon a bow from thin air and she can even cause mass destruction :) Lol, basically putting it, reader's very powerful. But she never wants to get married and has no intention of being in a relationship with anyone, ever. So, how do you think Yandere LOA Damian Wayne and the rest of the League of Assassins and Ra's and Talia would react? Lol, I can't wait to see their faces when they realize that they aren't the only powerful ones UvU
Broken Truth (Thinking): Hm... You want the reader to be powerful but a summoning bow doesn't seem to be enough.
*STATIC*: What about Elemental Arrows or rather the ability to channel Elemental Magic into the bows?
Broken Truth: That's a good idea. Thanks, *STATIC*. Now, let the words weave together.
Quick Note: The Reader's name shall be Alexa - Greek Origin - Meaning Protector of Mankind. Also - in this, Damian remained with the League of Assassins instead of staying with Bruce & Ra's Al Ghul is still alive.
[Location: The League of Assassins Headquarters - Dining Hall]
[The Head Demon Family sat around the table, eating the meal before them in silence; Talia looked up from her plate to look at her son's face - a face that mirrored the man she loved when he was her around that age, with the exception of his eyes - that face looked to be lost in thoughts. She placed her fork down beside her steak and looked at her son with green eyes that matched his own.]
Talia Al Ghul: Damian, you seem lost in your own thoughts. Is there something on your mind?
Damian (Placed his fork down and exhaled before looking into his mother's eyes): It's something private, Mother; I need to figure this out on my own.
Ra's Al Ghul (Looks at Damian): Now, Grandson, there is nothing you need to conceal from your family. If there is an issue, we shall solve it together. Now, that I have thought about you, you have been silent since returning from your Father's a month ago - did something happen while you were over there?
Damian (Looks at the plate of food before him): It's not something bad, it is more...confusing.
Talia Al Ghul: What is confusing, Damian?
Damian: Mother. Grandfather. I think...I met someone that I want to get involved with.
[The Head Demon and Heiress of the League of the Assassins looked at the Heir of the Wayne Name with wide eyes and raised eyebrows.]
Talia Al Ghul: What do you mean you believed you met someone you want to get involved with? Why didn't you tell us this when you arrived a week ago?
Damian: Because I was trying to figure her out - she's expressed that she's not interested in getting involved with or any man for that matter, she said it was a waste of her time.
Ra's Al Ghul (Frown): A waste of her time?! Just who does this female think she is - denying the Heir of the League of Assassins?! Just why are you interested in her?!
Damian: You see, Grandfather, she's no ordinary woman - she's just as Father was for Mother. Her skills in combat aren't like anything I've been before and her supernatural abilities are otherworldly.
Talia Al Ghul (Raises her eyebrow): Supernatural Abilities? Just what is this woman able to do, Son?
Damian (Smiles as he thinks about the girl): Her agility is on another level compared to mine and father's - she can leap great distances without the use of a gadget. Her resistance to physical damage is something you wouldn't expect considering how fit is but I saw her get slung into a wall and push herself off of it without any issue. Then - her ability. I don't know if you can call it magic but she can summon a bow with a quiver of arrows whenever and wherever she wishes & dispel them just the same; and if that isn't enough, she can channel the elements into each arrow.
Ra's Al Ghul (Raises his eyebrow): 'Channel the elements'? You're telling us this 'woman' can the elements in her arrows?
Damian: Yes, Grandfather. I watched as she took aim with arrow before it erupted into a burning flame that would have burned the wood away but it didn't. She can command the basic elements: Fire, Water, Wind, or Earth but I've also seen her bend light and shadows to her will through the arrows; there was even once she controlled the very force of gravity.
Talia Al Ghul: This girl sounds like a perfect partner for you, Damian.
Damian: I've told her that but she told me herself that has no interest in dating me or anyone else, nor does she have the interest of getting married or bearing children. She said - 'The Family Life is not the life for me.", she told me that the night I left father's to return home.
Ra's Al Ghul (Shakes his head): Unacceptable. Grandson, you must claim this girl for you own before someone else attempts to take her from you.
Damian: Grandfather, she's made it clear that she wants nothing to do with me nor does she have interest in dating me or being a part of my family but I want her - just the thought of her makes me happy & I know that she would be a Perfect Spouse for the Future Head of The League of Assassins. Plus, any children we have would be the perfect assassions - Stealth and Control of the Elements, no one would be able to stop us.
Talia Al Ghul: Then you must make her see that you are the obvious choice. In fact, the next time you got to see your father, I shall come with you; I want to meet this female, test her myself to see if she is worthy of my son's heart, let alone his hand in marriage or his last names.
[A Month Later - The Return to Gotham]
[True to her word - Talia accompanied her son to Gotham on the month he was meant to spend with his father but she purchased a private suite with a tech setup to search the city for the girl her son was telling her about. One night - while Damian was out with his father - Talia was looking over the city with her spy cameras when she saw a figure dressed a hunter's attire with a neckgater covering their face jumping from roof to roof - heading in the direction of Gotham Park. That must have been her.]
[When Talia arrived at the nearest rooftop with the company of a few assassins - around 20 - the park was swarmed with Gotham Police as the figure she was tracking walked a bound Poison Ivy to the back of a Reinforced Transport Van - a quiver of bows on her back but no bow in sight.]
Gordon (Looks at the masked figure): Thanks again for your help, Archer.
Archer (Nods): No problem, Gordon; now, I have somewhere I need to be. (Looks up in...)
Talia Al Ghul (Eyes widen - Thinking): 'Is...Is she looking at me? Can she see us?'
[The Archer raised her right arm and from a fan of blue flames came a bow. Talia watched at the Archer turned to face the giant vines that were all over the place, loaded her arrow into the bow, the arrow began glowing green before she fired - it hit the largest vine. The entire vine began glowing green before it began sinking in the ground; all the others fall suit - just leaving the large holes everywhere. The Archer loaded another arrow but this one began to glow a tan color before it was released, hitting the ground - there was a slight rumbling in the earth before all the holes began to close themselves. The park was repaired.]
Talia Al Ghul (Thinking): 'Impressive.'
[With a flick of her wrist - the bow in the Archer's hand was no more and the quiver of arrows faded from existence. Archer ran to the cloest building and began to run up the wall as if it were solid ground. Once the target was out of the Gotham Police's sight - The Assassins followed behind their green-eyed leader as she followed the Acher. Archer led down on a chase until she arrived at the abandoned industrial district of Gotham, landing on a roof. Archer stopped at the edge of the building that over looked the ocean before her bow and arrows reappeared, she turned on her heel with an arrow ready to be launched.]
Archer: Come out, I know you are there, Assassins.
[Their cover blown - the League of Assassins stepped from the darkness with their leader before them.]
Talia Al Ghul (Looking at Archer): You knew we were there this whole time?
Archer: I sniffed you out the moment you arrived at the park when I was dealing with Ivy - you're not as sutble as you may think. Now, why are you following me around?
Talia Al Ghul: You don't know me but I know of you - Archer, or should I say, Alexa.
Archer (Narrows eyes): It doesn't matter if you know that name, just tell me what you want before I lose my nerve.
Talia Al Ghul: I am Talia Al Ghul and I am...
Archer: You're the Daughter of Ra's Al Ghul - The Head Demon & Master of the League of Assassins, you're also Batman's Baby Mommy & Damian's Mother.
Talia Al Ghul (Raises her eyebrow) : So, you do know about me?
Archer: It's not that hard to put the pieces together. Bruce introduced me to Damian the night after we first met - the surname alone is enough to piece everything together.
Talia Al Ghul: Then you know why I am here.
Archer (Scoffs): Yeah - I refused to date you little boy and he told Mommy so now you're here to get me to change my mind. Newsflash - That's not happening, so you can go the hell on to wherever you came from & stay away from me.
Talia Al Ghul: That's not gonna happen. I came here to see if you are worthy of the affection my son has for you and if you do, I'm going to take you back to be with my son.
Archer (Right eye glows golden): You don't want to mess with me and I have not time for a Mommy's Boy & his Mother. (Points arrow to the sky & fires - The Arrow glowing golden) Scattered Shot.
[Talia's eyes widened as the arrow began to glow bright and from its light came a rain of mini arrows that rained down upon the assassins - piercing them in multiple places. Talia watched as Archer smirked and fell from the edge, she ran to the ledge and looked down to see Archer falling to the ocean but turned to point a glowing blue arrow at the ocean and fire it - just before the arrow hit the water, a portal opened up and shallower Archer before closing again. Talia turned around, looking at the corpses of all her men killed by a single arrow - the same arrow that was now plain and laying on the roof with the Heiress of Assassins.]
Talia Al Ghul (Walks over to Archer's Arrow and picks it up from the ground, looking at it before looking at the bodies): This girl... This is not going to be easy.
[End?] -
[PART 2]
Broken Truth: So, Damian is in love with a girl who wants nothing to do with him but his Grandfather & Mother tell him to go for her heart instead?
*STATIC*: Will you make another part?
Broken Truth: I might if the requester wants another part or I might just do it for the drama. Depending on what happens first.
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diavolosthots · 4 years
Baking with barbatos! 😄 (cute? NSFW? I’ll give you free reign 😘)
More like... A mischievous disaster lol
Baking Disaster ( BARBATOS X GN!READER )
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“What do you mean he wants a stacked cake as tall as him?! That’s easily 7 feet!” You couldn’t believe your ears at what Barbatos seemed to demand. Well, he didn’t demand it. Diavolo wanted it. The occasion? There was no occasion! The man just wanted a giant cake for seemingly no reason, because he could. Honestly, when Barbatos invited you over to bake with him, you thought it was to show you one of the many Devildom pastries that you had yet to try, and maybe spend some time together, not to help out with a cake that easily towered above both you and him. Who would even eat all that?! “Please, (Y/N). I tried asking Luke, but it seems he’s busy with Simeon. You’re the only other person who could help, seeing as Beelzebub would eat all the ingredients the minute I turn away.” You scoffed at him; you knew the demon could do it by himself just as easily, although it would take a lot longer, “what’s in it for me?” You didn’t mean to sound materialistic or anything, and honestly pay wasn’t it either; you just wanted to spend time with him without it being for… nothing. 
“A slice of cake?” He laughed softly at the sight of your face, finding amusement in your scowl and crossed arms, “No worries, I’ll make it up to you. Whatever you want. Speak your wish and I shall make it happen.” You rolled your eyes softly, uncrossing your arms from around your chest, “ever the servant, I see.” At least you got to spend some time with him, right? You quickly grabbed one of the aprons and started getting the ingredients out, “how do you want to do this? Do you want to bake all the pieces at once, like half it between us so it’ll get done faster, or do you want to do it one after the other?” “The latter. That way we can focus on one thing and correct each other if we mess up.” That’s odd, it’s not like he ever messes up, but you shrugged and did as he says. His kitchen, his rules. You walked over to the fridge to get the ingredients out, “just a simple cake. We’ll spice it up with decorations toward the end.” You hummed in response, seeing the giant stack of eggs in the fridge and then at least ten bags of flour and sugar right beside it, groaning softly, “Why does he want a cake that big…” 
Honestly, once you found yourself starting on the many cakes, it was actually quite easy to get into the groove. Barbatos’ skills along with your work ethic and excitement to be with him got most of the cakes done quite quickly and you already stacked a few on top of each other. The cake was starting to be big and actually… nice looking. Nothing too fancy, but that would be changed once you guys added the decorations and icing. “Hm… Barb, can you help me? I can’t reach the top.” But of course, a seven foot tall cake had its challenges. The last two cakes that are meant to go on top proved to be a little difficult. Barbatos took one and placed it on top carefully, ‘gluing’ it down with icing, but the last one, the smallest one, neither of you could really reach. “I’ll get a chair. “ you stated, running out of the kitchen to get a chair from the dining room so you could put the last piece on top. “Catch me if I fall?” He only chuckled, nodding at you and watching you climb the chair, carefully taking the last cake into your hands. 
“Here goes nothing.” You spread some icing on the bottom to help it stick, taking a deep breath to put it on top. Your knees felt kind of wobbly, suddenly thinking of everything that could go wrong, but then again, you made it this far; what’s keeping you from making it a little further? “Steady, (Y/N).” Your hands were shaking a bit as you placed it on top, slowly retrieving your hands back to your sides as you let out a breath you weren’t even sure you were holding. “Oh my God… we did it…” You laughed out, placing a hand on your heart to feel it racing, “We did it! Only the decorating is left.” Barbatos took your hand and helped you down from the chair, smiling at you and nodding. His hand came up to boop your nose, or so you thought, but he only got some batter off of it, licking it off his finger, “You had something on your nose. Come. My Lord wants red icing with black roses as decoration.” You raised an eyebrow, following Barbatos to get the icing, “red with black roses? What? Is he in love or something? What even is the occasion?” Barbatos only shrugged, looking behind him and at you, “My Lord doesn’t tell me everything. I try not to question his choices too much.” A nod sufficed as an answer from you, quickly grabbing the icing to get started. 
It was… a nightmare to get the whole cake covered in red and you’re sure that at least half of it is in your hair, but that’s okay, because you found yourself laughing as Barbatos got some of the black on his clothes and hair, “you’re already dressed like an emo boy so I guess the extra black won’t make much of a difference.” He shot you a glare before his face relaxed into a smirk, “look at yourself. Did you ice the cake or battle it?” A quick glance down at yourself has you groaning. The red icing was everywhere so yes, Barbatos was right, you really couldn’t jab at him when you looked just as messy. “You’re just jealous because I look good in red and you don’t.” Oh if looks could kill. The way he slowly turned around, seemingly about to go off on you, but then smiling, was the creepiest thing you ever experienced but also so hot had it not been fo--!
“Barbatos!” A gasp left you, eyes wide. He grabbed a piece of the cake, from the cake and with his bare hands and shoved it into your face, “You’re right. Red looks lovely on you, (Y/N).” But you were too shocked to even respond to his compliment. “Barbatos! The cake! We just spent hours on it and you just rui--!” He started laughing, taking a piece of the cake that was now dripping down your face and eating it, “hm… delicious.” You still just stared at him, shocked and confused because what will Diavolo say? “T-The cake… Lord Diavolo is going to be so mad and--!” But he only laughed more, grabbing another piece with his bare hands and squashing it on your face. “The cake wasn’t for him. He never asked for one. I just thought it would be… fun.. To spend more time with you.” 
Beside the fact that you were mad about another part of the cake on your face, you also just stared at him in disbelief, “what?” But he just went back to smiling and licking his fingers, “and I think we did a mighty fine job.” Anger, confusion, and sadness at all the effort ran through you, but you had a quick way to fix it. “I hate you, Barbatos. That’s why you can have the whole cake…” You reached behind him, tipping the whole seven foot cake over the edge and onto him, causing him to fall over with at least 20 pounds on top of him, groaning beneath the mass of cake, “....for yourself.” He found his way through the cake and looked up at you, red and black icing covering him along with all the cake, “how can I eat all of this by myself? I believe the correct thing you’re trying to say is…” You didn’t notice, but his tail wrapped around your leg, yanking on it until you’re falling over and he caught you on top of him, “... is that you and I are going to have a long discussion about manners and proper care of your boyfriend.” 
Your eyes went wide in shock, both at his words and at the fall, “b-boyfriend?!” He kissed you, lips covered in icing and cake, before you could even say anything, “boyfriend. Thank you for being my cake partner in crime, let’s do this again some time.” 
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idy-ll-ique · 3 years
Bollywood Hits.
Pairing: Steve Rogers x Desi!F!Reader
Warnings: deals with racism
Genre: Fluff, Angst
Requested: Nope
Summary: Steve sees Y/N for the first time and instantly falls in love, finally getting the date he wanted 6 months after meeting her. When they go to a restaurant, though, things go downhill.
Author's Note: Hiya peeps! This one is for my desi readers lmao but everyone is allowed to read (pls do lol). Enjoy!
"Yeah, excuse me, one second—"
Bucky and Sam waved him off as Steve stepped into the balcony at Bucky's place, taking out his phone which was ringing. As he stood there talking to the person on the other end, his eyes landed on the balcony next-door. His phone nearly dropped from his hand, his eyes bulging, a shocked look on his face.
How come Bucky never told him his next-door neighbor was so pretty?
She was wearing headphones, singing along to the songs as she cleaned her balcony. Only, the songs she was singing weren't English. Judging by the accent and words, his best guess was Hindi. Her voice was angelic, and her looks further confirmed the fact. That woman was going to be the death of him.
"Rogers, Rogers, are you listening?!"
"Uh— yeah, sorry, you were saying?"
After the call ended, he went back inside and towered over Bucky, who was sitting on the couch and having beer with Sam. Bucky raised an eyebrow at Steve's stance; his arms were crossed and he had a glare on his face. "What did I do?" he drawled. "Who's your neighbor?" Bucky blinked.
"My nei— oh! On my right, Y/N. Why, what happened?" Steve groaned and plopped down next to his best mate, grabbing a bottle of beer for himself. "How come you never told me your neighbor was so hot?!" Bucky burst out laughing as Sam stood up, walking into the balcony to check for himself. His eyes, too, went wide and his jaw dropped.
Y/N, when she felt someone's stare on her, paused the music and turned to see an incredibly handsome, dark-skinned man staring at her, jaw dropped. Her cheeks flushed and she lowered her gaze, turning away from him. No way. Why would someone look at her in that way? When she looked back up, no one was there.
She shrugged and continued working, resuming her favorite Bollywood Hits playlist. "Aye, aye Y/N!" Blinking, she looked up again and saw three men standing in the balcony. A white, blond haired man, the previous handsome dark-skinned man and her neighbor, Bucky Barnes.
"Hi Bucky, your friends?" she smiled at him, taking off the headphones. Steve's heart squeezed in his chest at her accent; God, she was breathtaking. "Yeah. Sam and Steve. Guys, this is Y/N Y/L/N." Y/N snorted at that, coming over to rest her hands on the railing of her balcony. "How do you manage to get it right, always? Accent and everything."
"I try my best," he winked at her and she grinned. Bucky, ever since he had moved into the apartment, had shamelessly flirted with her. Y/N didn't like him back, but she got flustered at every single pick up line and Bucky found her endearing. Recently he had stopped but they still talked; he was now like her protective friend.
"How long have you been living in America?" Sam asked her, grinning. "A few years now," she answered, giving him a smile. "Where did you live before moving here?" Steve inquired. "I used to live in Mumbai," she grinned at him. "Nice, nice. Well, I see you're busy right now, how about we go back inside, boys?" Bucky clapped both men on the back and went inside.
Sam followed but Steve stayed where he was. "I heard you singing, you have a brilliant voice," he smiled shyly, rubbing the back of his neck. "Thank you! I actually took lessons, back when I was in India," she laughed, picking up the headphones again as he followed his friends into the apartment.
What had just happened?
After that day, Steve's visits to Bucky's apartment became more and more frequent. He often bought gifts for her; tiny things, like her favorite Starbucks order (that he had learnt from Bucky) or flowers, like a true 40's gentleman. Bucky passed on the gifts to her, saying Steve left them at his place to pass them on to her.
Y/N always had the same question on her mind, why? Why would he bring her gifts? Bucky used to suggest that he liked her and wanted to take her out on a date, but Y/N never believed him. Why would Captain America, an American hero, a global sensation, want to take her out on a date?
6 months passed just like that; the boys were back at Bucky's apartment after a gruesome mission, chilling around and having beers. That's when they heard it. A loud shriek came from Y/N's apartment, followed by… more loud shrieks and smashing of glass kitchenware. Steve's blood ran cold; Y/N was in trouble and he needed to do something.
He abruptly stood up and ran out of the apartment, breaking into Y/N's with ease. He didn't expect what hit him, though; Y/N was crouched near the door, her knees pulled to her chest, seemingly cowering away from… nothing? "Steve!" Y/N sobbed when she saw him, immediately getting up and throwing herself into his willing, open arms.
"Y/N? Doll, what happened?" Steve whispered into her hair, rubbing her back, trying to soothe her. Bucky and Sam entered the apartment too, looking around for potential danger. "Th-There's a lizard in my apartment… I—" She gulped, trying to keep more tears at bay, "I have a phobia of liz-lizards, please get it out, please," she cried into his shoulder.
Steve didn't laugh. He simply held her close, looking around for the tiny reptile. Sam located it near the window and easily shoo-ed it out, Bucky cleaning the glass that was lying on the floor. Y/N probably dropped the plate in shock and fear. "Y/N, it's gone, you're fine," he smiled, making no move to get her out of his arms.
"Are you sure?" Y/N asked meekly, pulling away from him. She finally realized how close they were standing and blushed; she liked the man too, had liked him ever since Bucky suggested he was into her. Their lips were currently only inches apart. "Yep, I'm sure. Sam got it out of the apartment." An agreeing noise came from Sam and Y/N finally relaxed.
Bucky stepped into the sitting room after throwing away the glass pieces in the trash can that was in the kitchen. "Thank you so much, Bucky." Y/N looked at her neighbor with a smile. "Call me whenever those things bother again, okay? I'm always here for you." Steve watched as Bucky and Y/N shared a hug.
"Thank you for shoo-ing it out, Sam," Y/N said next, turning to his friend. They gave each other a hug, too. "No worries at all," he winked at her and Steve smiled when she blushed. She looked cute when she was flustered. "And finally, thank you Captain America for… keeping me safe," she breathed out, her breath hitching when she turned to her crush.
"Oh, no problem at all!"
Bucky and Sam left the apartment, leaving the two with their obvious tension. "Listen, um, I was wondering… would you like to get dinner sometime? There's a diner nearby, Bucky's friend works there…" "I'd love to get dinner with you." Expecting a hug, she was pleasantly surprised when he leaned in and gave her a sweet peck on the lips.
They shared numbers and Steve left the apartment with a huge grin on his face.
He was finally getting the date he had wanted for 6 months.
He looked up, grinning when he saw Y/N making her way towards him, dressed in a magnificent red dress. "Doll, you look wonderful," he commented, bringing her in his arms. He pressed a kiss to her cheek to not spoil her makeup, and Y/N giggled at that. "Shall we?" Y/N nodded and the two people entered the diner.
Almost everyone looked up at them, their eyes going wide when they saw Steve. Then their eyes immediately narrowed at Y/N, because who was she? Surely Captain America was not dating an immigrant? Y/N's brows furrowed and she unconsciously shifted closer to Steve, who hadn't noticed anything.
"Hi, I'm Adam, your server for the day. What would you like to order?" Steve and Y/N went over the menu and Steve gave his order first. Y/N's voice cracked slightly when she noticed how Adam grimaced at her accent. She had made no point of getting a fake American accent, since she loved her desi one so much.
"Will that be all?" Adam turned to Steve, an eyebrow raised. "Yeah, thanks." Adam went away and Y/N's eyes followed his form. He went back to his friends and talked to them in hushed whispers, which made them all giggle quietly and sneer. Y/N's heart started thudding in her chest, her fear unbeknown to Steve.
Then suddenly, she noticed a young East Asian lady in the bunch who was frowning at the others. Her gaze caught Y/N's and she gave her a small, apologetic smile, nodding her head towards the white people that were talking shit about her. She reluctantly returned a smile; at least she wasn't the only person of colour around.
Startled, Y/N turned to see Steve blinking at her. "Hm?" she cleared her throat, giving him a grin. "Is something the matter? I called your name three times and you weren't listening…" Oh God, was this date too boring for her? Should he have done something else? "Sorry, sorry, just lost… what's up?"
They maintained a light-hearted conversation as they waited for the food to arrive. Surprisingly, it was the East Asian woman who brought them their orders. "Hi, I'm Leah, I'm replacing Adam. Here are your dishes." Leah placed the food in front of them. "What happened to Adam?" Steve asked curiously.
Y/N tensed up. "Um, does that really matter? Thank you so much Leah, that will be all for now." Y/N briefly closed her eyes as Leah sympathetically patted her on the shoulder, going away. "Y/N, is something the matter? You've kinda been on the edge ever since we walked into the diner," Steve asked finally.
"You wouldn't get it," Y/N muttered, prodding her food. "What? Try me, tell me, please," he insisted, eyes going wide when Y/N's filled with tears. "Just eat your food, Steve." Heartbroken, Steve only watched as Y/N gulped down her food through the tears.
Leah was watching the couple and she sighed when she saw Y/N crying. Wiping her hands on her apron she walked up to the couple and stood next to them. Y/N didn't look up, but she could tell it was her. "Is everything okay?" Steve asked her, now getting irritated. "I know what happened to her, sir."
Steve blinked. "What is it?" he asked, desperate for answers. "I replaced Adam because he was being a racist jerk. Everyone working here, in fact, is looking at you two weird. You can't help but notice the stares, speaking as a POC. You wouldn't get it, Mr Rogers, you're the pinnacle of America, a blond, white man. We have it rough."
He turned to see Y/N desperately hiding her tears as she tried (and failed) to choke down the food. "My coworkers were talking about you two. Why would Captain America want to go out with an immigrant? Why doesn't he settle for a nice, white lady, that's more his type. I'm sorry about that," Leah spoke quietly, toying with her hands.
Steve's entire being filled with rage like he had never felt before. He pushed himself off the table and stormed past Leah, who sat next to Y/N and tried to console her. Y/N's tears ceased when the palm of Steve's hand connected hard with Adam's cheek. Everyone in the diner froze. "How dare you," Steve breathed out.
Adam clutched his cheek, paralyzed with fear. "How dare you talk about my date like that? Who I like or hate is none of your business. Not any of your business!" He yelled the last line. "If I ever, ever catch you talking about my love life again, any of you, you'll be sorry you were ever born!" With that, Steve returned to his table.
Pulling out his wallet, he paid for his untouched and Y/N's half-eaten food, handing the money to Leah with a smile. "Thank you," he told her sincerely, helping Y/N into her coat. "No worries, sir. You two make a cute couple," Leah chuckled, waving as the two walked out of the diner. Y/N, as soon as they were outside, threw herself in Steve's arms.
"I'm sorry for ruining our date," she mumbled into his neck as his arms went around her waist, bringing her close. "You didn't ruin anything, doll. How about next time, we meet at my place and order takeout?" he suggested, pulling away and wiping Y/N's face with his fingers. "I'd like that a lot."
"Let me drop you home, come on." With a soft kiss placed on her forehead, the two walked back to her apartment building hand-in-hand.
A/N: Leave a like you enjoyed! Thanks for reading!
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