#bc ideally i still DO want to get caught up but. having a 2 week buffer would be nice...
shooks-stupid-stuff · 7 months
Shook's Weekly OCs: #012
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Ah yes, weekly. AKA the first one in 19 weeks-
Anyways. Celari! Certified classic Shook OC right here, by all means she should have been the first of these. Fitting that she's starting off the comeback though.
But anyways, some facts... Is what i would say. For Celari, it's gonna be a bit more complicated than usual for a few reasons. The main reason is that there are... SO many versions of her, all with slightly differing traits that are built off of one base. So, rather than a specific version of her, this is kinda... Base Celari. Celari Prime. Whatever you wanna call her. It isn't the original version of Celari-she was VERY different-but kind of the base version that I use as a starting point when making alternate versions of her. So these facts are gonna be more so General Celari Facts, and I'll probably do one or two of these in the future with Version Specific Celari Facts. Does that make sense? Cool. Now ACTUALLY onto the facts:
Celari is very physically powerful, skilled with any type of melee weapon, and is basically both and unstoppable force and immovable object in combat. However. That is not to say she has no weaknesses. For you see. Celari gets one-shot by guns. Can you tell that she's kinda a joke character yet-
She really doesn't physically express any emotion aside from anger, but that is not because she doesn't feel them. She is very depressed, actually.
Related, she is a Divorced Single Mother of One (1). She feels like she's a terrible mother, but does her best. She loves her daughter more than anything in the world.
She has PhDs is both law and psychology, and is a licensed therapist. She prefers to work with kids or teens rather than adults.
Her headband used to be her fathers; it's all she has left of him, as he passed away when she was very young.
Related again, her mother was never present in her life. Celari deeply hates her for... Multiple reasons.
She is a massive otaku. Anime, games, idol music... All that stuff is her comfort media.
She's surprisingly good at cooking! Not like fantastic or anything, but above average for sure.
There's definitely more i could say, I mean. Man she's been like my main OC for about 6 years now-
But, I think i've said enough lol. She'll be popping up again for sure further down the line on this project, so I can say more then.
Hopefully this will actually be weekly again from now on! I only promise to try-
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dogfags · 1 month
blah blah journaling here bc my laptop still don't work
this week has been super stressful but my car is finally working again and it didn't cost as much as I thought. Chris and I had a little trial run of us living together bc he had to stay for a week to drive me around everywhere (bless him). praying he gets this job he just interviewed for so he can move in asap. and yes I have hangups about moving in with yet another partner after not dating for a total year but like 😭 dude idk how anybody can afford to live on their own. me and Tara can't make rent with just the 2 of us and it'd be really nice to be able to save some money. and after my car broke down I for sure couldn't afford to split the house bills 50/50. it was Tara's idea to invite Chris otherwise I never would have suggested it. and we both have our weird feelings and fears about it, to a healthy degree I'd say. I mean idk. my attitude rn is kinda like, I think I've already been through the worst it could possibly get with moving in with a partner? like there's no way it could be worse than That, even if we do break up. we have our own separate spaces also which was the only saving grace me and my ex had after we broke up so that's good. but I also just don't rly see things going so poorly. I mean idk. u never rly know somebody. but Chris just SEEMS different and has actually told me he wants to marry me and be with me forever etc. he is a more open and honest communicator than anyone else I've ever dated. won't be like my ex where he went off and binged a bunch of drugs then lied to me about it, bought a gun and brought it into our house, cheated on me, broke up w me then threatened me with suicide when I decided to move on. like actually fucking crazy person type shit. I can't believe I put up with so much in my last relationship. literally a nightmare. and I can't believe ppl were blaming ME for all that shit 😭 idfk dude. I'm so glad to be out of that situation and living my life now. as stressful as it is rn with school and work I'm still so much better off than I was. Chris is actually a huge sweetheart and shows me affection and loves me in the ways I need to be. and spends time with me. and talks to me lol. like I'm Sorry but after talking over all this with my therapist for so long I've kinda come to the conclusion that none of that shit was my fault. it sucks that some ppl got caught in the crossfire but again it wasn't my fault. I'll take ownership of going back on my word by sleeping w somebody at the house. that was shitty but also? maybe don't cheat on me and lie to me the entire relationship and I'd actually gaf 😭 he got his stupid little "revenge" for that anyway lmfao. I just fr cannot believe the shit I've been through with the awful awful people I've dated.
in an ideal world Chris and I could live on our own for a bit before we move in together but the job market is fucked, the housing market is fucked, and neither of us could rly afford to do that. sooo we just gunna have to move in together. and I was rly reluctant at first but everyone I've talked to has been super in support of it bc he's just such a good guy. plus we've been friends for a few years anyway so it's not like I started dating this stranger then he moved in. we used to talk semi regularly in college. would have hung out if I ever had time.
for a second I was worried I'm like, a bad person who does horrible things and I Have made bad choices don't get me wrong but like. I'm not evil or irredeemable. I have all these friends now who actually love me?? and I made them myself? wild. also quite literally everyone I've talked to about the past events have been like ya dude ur a victim 😭 I feel more guilty about the shit that happened w Friday than I do w my recent ex. bc some of that was objectively my fault bc I was in such a horrible manic episode I was acting crazy. they did kinda SA me but like. idk man. I'm insane sometimes.
the whole thing with that friend saying that "my stress is not their problem" kinda just. idk. idk if we will ever rly be close again. they kind of refused to apologize for anything they said to me or for screwing me over in housing. plus all the shitty posts they made about me. like idk. we talked it over irl and like kinda made up? but I still don't think she ever even said she's sorry lol. and for months I blamed myself for my ex being suicidal bc of all that. until my therapist and I went over it again and again and I've kinda just realized none of that was rly my fault. if anything staying with my ex after the first incident was my mistake. but I felt rly trapped bc we lived together. that's what is so hard about living with a partner especially when you haven't been with them super long. like idk. I have a good feeling abt Chris. I genuinely do want to spend my life with him. I never rly felt that way abt my ex. even when they were moving in I was like ya this is fine/fun for now. but I never felt like my ex was my soulmate or anything. not that I rly believe in that shit. but Chris and I just connect and get each other on a different level. it's the first time I've ever rly felt truly understood by someone.
the things I feel guilty for are more like, I feel guilty for staying with the people who hurt me even after I've already accepted in my mind that they aren't the one. and I do that bc I'm scared of being alone and scared of confronting myself and the reality that it's not a perfect love story or whatever. and my ex did try to fucking. reel me back in after we broke up and keep me there but not fully there. but I removed him from my life after I had had enough and I am proud of myself for that. I don't need someone like that in my life, even as a friend. wishing the best for u but I don't want to be there to see it. after Friday SAd me I should have just ended it but again I stayed bc I was scared. and what I feel most shame for is manically scrounging up a plan to break up without actually breaking up and then making a fool of myself by "proposing" like God that's just so embarrassing lol. but idk like my therapist said I can't fully blame myself for the decisions I make when I'm in a manic episode bc that's just straight up Not Me. like part of the diagnostic criteria for a manic episode is making choices you would not otherwise make. I'm not crazy. I was just deeply traumatized and triggered and couldn't find a way out of it. then ofc they tried to screw me over in every way possible. I make bad choices in people I date. and I look back and I'm like, but if I'm the common denominator of all these people I dated, aren't I the shitty one?? like surely I pushed these people to madness right lol like they weren't bad people they just became corrupted bc I forced them into craziness. idkkkk my therapist also says I can't look at it like that. and that people with lifelong CPTSD often end up in abusive relationships bc of trauma and patterns and shit. so. there's that
while I am wary of possibly repeating my shitty patterns I also just have a good feeling about Chris. I'm at a point in my life where I'm done dating "for fun" like I actually want to find someone to spend my life with now. and I think he could be it. like idk people are like "when u know u know" and I just Know with him. he's such a good person, basically everything I've ever wanted out of a partner. he's smart as fuck and creative and interesting and sweet and loves my friends and has a lot of his own friends and we have similar ways of thinking and want the same things out of life. same lifestyles and same plans for our futures. he's highly emotionally intelligent and I feel like he'd never lie to me. I can trust him. he's always there for me. he's very helpful and never complains about helping me. he helps without even being asked. like mans fr just did our dishes. and I KNOW THE BAR IS IN HELL but fr lmao. I was a little apprehensive at first about dating, and I'm a little apprehensive about moving in together, but my gut says this is right and will help us both out a lot financially. and emotionally tbh.
so yea those are my updates. hopefully he gets this job and then can move in in September. and then I just have 6 months of school left. it feels like I have to grind forever for the rest of my life but it won't be forever. I just gotta get through this and it'll all be worth it. blaaaghdjdnns
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This post is literally just word vomit/journal style of my thoughts, go head & scroll. It probably won’t be useful to you, lol.
Hopefully I get some me time tomorrow. Finally got a date night tonight for the first time in weeks. Thankful for that. Found some shelving that will help with the lack of storage in our bathroom.. A cute little hanger for the keys. & a cute little clear tote for my crystals. I’ve been working hard on decluttering still.
Side note though: been having issues with my left leg. Had trouble with it cramping and then just feeling sore but then also today my knee kinda went out on me.. that was not fun.
Ran into my dad & his gf on their date night & as we were about to leave she caught a fish! That was pretty neat. 🎣
Anyways, overall quite a good day. Hit a few garage sales in the morning with the kiddos. Got little storage ottomans for the living room (or maybe Zk’s room? Not sure). Went to target & got cat food, dog food, and the baskets for the new organizers we have coming.
Found a couple good books at goodwill too.
I am aware it’s ironic to be mentioning yard saling & shopping while decluttering. However, I figure I will never be able to build the muscles I need to without excercsiing them. Meaning, when I am out garage saling and I see that oh so cute thing that I feel like I can’t live without but I
- realize I already have one
- don’t actually need it
- have no place to put it.
- have something else that can do the same thing.
- feel like I need to get it bc it’s a cheap price.
Etc. I can walk myself through the process.
Hence; the things that I bought today for the most part were simply things that were useful.
- new storage bins for the kids clothes bc their plastic dressers are not ideal & not working.
-storage ottomans, for the loose blankets and odds and ends in the living room.
- storage basket things I can hang in the bathroom bc there is literally basically Nowhere to put anything. & my toddler will go for the toilet paper the moment she is given the opportunity.
-a new water bottle bc the one I had keeps on going crazy and shooting water out and also won’t lock into place anymore.
- a little rake and garden shovel. Bc we don’t have gardening tools & need to dig up weeds etc.
- admittedly we did let the kids get a few inexpensive toys as well.
- I got a swimsuit bc my other one doesn’t fit great (esp cuz I’m 30 weeks pregnant hahaha)
- hubby got an Xbox at a sale bc his broke. Came with 2 controllers too, so that’s cool.
- conditioner bc I was completely out.
- hubby got a griz helmet replica (this one I can’t super justify other than he just wanted it)
And so like yeah. Normally I am quick to buy whatever. But there were things today I thought Oh! So cute, I want. And then when I backpedaled I was like -you don’t need this, you’ve nowhere to put it.
I guess I technically did buy 1 thing I don’t really “need” and that was this 3 piece Rae Dunn set for $5. I’ve always wanted to buy something like that Rae Dunn but when I see the prices I’m like no; I can’t. So I let myself splurge.
Anyway, I was proud bc I didn’t bring home any unneeded clothes or shoes. Or anything of that nature. I also didn’t even look at the toys in the thrift store bc I know my kids have PLENTY.
I decluttered my sons bottoms today. I also nearly filled another diaper box with stuff to go. :)
So I am trying to practice the whole “one in and one out rule” too. So the water bottle that sucks now is on its way out. Idk, I’m excited I’ve been doing really well.
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hstyleshoney · 3 years
Luck On Tour
A/N: Soo, this is my little thing for @oh-honey-styles​ HSFICSLAM 2 challenge. I’ve been struggling to write something for a while now and this kind of just caught my attention because it seemed like fun. It’s nothing too serious or fancy. Just a little bit of fun. If one person enjoys it then I’m happy, bc I just had a good time writing again. 
Let me know your thoughts, it would mean a lot!!! xx 
WC: 2.7K // a cheesy story about good luck charms and love 
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“You’re jealous aren’t you?”
You blinked and turned around to glance at Charlotte who was looking at you with a smug smile. She raised her eyebrows knowingly and nodded her head in the direction you had just been glaring.
“I told you this was gonna happen.”
“I have no idea what you’re talking about,” you told her, taking a deep breath, before forcing a strangled laugh from your chest. “Why would I be jealous?”
“Oh, I don’t know,” Charlotte hummed and tapped her chin, pretending to be deep in thought before continuing. “Maybe because you two have been sleeping together for a couple of weeks now and you won’t admit it’s more than a ‘friends with benefits’ type of thing.”
You opened your mouth to tell her she was wrong, but Charlotte stopped you by putting her hand up and adding; “And now you’ve been glaring at poor Rosie for the last ten minutes for doing his hair - which, you know, is her job.”  
“I have not.”
“Sure,” she chuckled mockingly and pressed her lips together to stop herself from grinning. “If you say so.”
Instead of replying you turned around to look at Harry again. He sat across the room from you, getting ready for the last and final show of his tour, with Rosie standing in front of him. Your eyes went to her hands as she ran her fingers through his brown hair and twirled his locks around her fingers to give him a little more definition.
And you had no reason to be jealous - but maybe you were? Just a little bit. Just the tiniest little bit jealous.
Because you now knew just how soft his hair was and that morning you had been the one to soothingly run your hands through it as he rested his head on your chest, cuddling up to you and holding you close.
Still, you really shouldn’t be jealous, because Rosie was only doing her job as his hairstylist and there was absolutely no reason for you to be jealous. None. Nada. Zero.
But then there was also that interviewer who, in your opinion, sat way too close to him and touched his arm a little too often. Laughing and flirting with him like no one else was around. It left a sour taste in your mouth, although you would never admit that outloud. Especially not to Charlotte.
It was only supposed to be a bit of fun. It was never supposed to get to this point. You were only supposed to be the tour photographer. Harry had liked the pictures you had taken of him during one of his Jingle Bell Ball performances a while back. And when his regular photographer wasn’t able to join him on the North American part of his tour, due to a conflict in her schedule, his team reached out and asked if you were available.
You were.
So a couple weeks later you were on a plane, traveling across the Atlantic, and ended up befriending one of the world's biggest pop stars.
How you ended up naked in his bed after the show in Chicago was still something you were trying to figure out.
It kind of just... happened.
One of the crew members had turned 40 and Harry had arranged a big birthday party for him after the show. You weren’t supposed to be working but you couldn’t stop yourself from pulling out your camera, the moment was there and you wanted to capture everyone's good spirits. Harry came up to you, a plate of cake in one hand and a drink in the other, forcing you to take it from him and telling you to put the camera away and have some fun.
One drink turned into another, and another turned into a third, and the third turned into a shot of tequila. It was all just downhill from there.
As the night went on you found yourself being drawn closer to Harry and when his fingers danced across the skin on your thigh you knew there was no going back. An hour later you stumbled into his hotel room, and his hands and lips were all over you as you ripped his shirt from his body before the door was even fully closed behind you.
The next morning you woke up with a raging headache and a belly full of regret because it was terribly unprofessional of you to sleep with the artist you were supposed to be working for. You were sure you were going to be told to pack your bags and go back home.
Of course that didn’t happen and Harry was nothing but sweet. He ordered both of you breakfast and let you sleep off your hangover in his bed while he got himself ready for the day.
Then it kind of just became a thing, because life on the road could be a little lonely and your pink vibrator wasn’t always enough.
It didn't bring you the same warmth Harry did.
And he didn’t seem to mind sharing a bed with you either, even if he sometimes complained about your cold toes rubbing against his legs.
So, really, who were you to say no?
But perhaps you should’ve because now the tour was coming to an end and you had no idea where the two of you stood and the uncertainty of it all was making you jealous of his hairstylist touching him - not ideal.
Which was why you decided to remove yourself from the situation and went to get your camera ready instead. You found yourself a quiet spot in a small corner next to the stage and tried to ignore the immature thoughts about Harry and Rosie running through your mind.
You shouldn't be jealous. It was stupid. Besides you and Harry weren’t anything exclusive. Sure, he made your heart beat twice as fast and made you feel things you had only ever read about in novels before, but you hadn’t told him any of that yet.
And you weren’t really sure how to tell him any of that. 
Should you even tell him?
Telling him would make it real and what if he didn’t feel the same... that would certainly be the end of whatever was going on between the two of you. 
But it was possible that the end of the tour also represented the end of the two of you, so, maybe you didn’t even have anything to lose by telling him?
You groaned to yourself and ran a hand over your face in frustration, eyes squeezed shut as you tried to drown out your thoughts with the sound from all the screaming fans in the already full-packed arena. The anticipation was high and usually it made your whole body itch with excitement as well, there was just so much love and adoration going around for one person. It was impossible to not be part of it, but tonight it only made your belly twist with anxiety.
You were going to miss it. The loud crowds. The anticipation. The joy radiating off of everyone in the arenas. The ringing in your ears as you got into bed hours later. The sparkle in Harry’s eyes as he looked through the pictures you’d taken and saw the happy faces of his fans.
You were going to miss him. Harry.
It was one of the reasons you hadn’t asked him how he felt about the two of you. If he turned around and said that your late night rendezvous was only a bit of fun while you were on the road... Well, it was something you weren’t ready to hear just yet.
It was also at that exact moment that Harry decided to show up, only a couple minutes before he was due to go out on stage.
“There you are,” he called out when he spotted you, your green trousers and matching striped blazer making you stand out from your little hideout in the dark corner. You watched as he said something to Jeff before making his way over to you. “Been lookin’ for ya for bloody ages - thought I’d have to go on stage without a goodluck from my little ladybug.”
You tried your best to ignore the way your whole body tingled from his little nickname for you; a nickname that started after he noticed the small little ladybug ring you always wore on your right index finger. You had had it since you were twelve and you just couldn’t get rid of it. Ever since you first saw it in the small thrift shop in your hometown it had been your good luck charm.
And once Harry asked about it and learned that you wore it every single day for good luck, he decided it was also the reason why the North American tour had been going so well and didn’t go on stage before you had wished him a good show.
“Well, here I am.”
Harry frowned and stopped in his tracks. You couldn’t look at him, the high waisted trousers and sparkling suit jacket he was wearing made your already racing heart beat even faster.
“Is everything alright?”
“Yeah, I’m fine. Just getting ready,”  you muttered and nodded down to the camera in your hands. You didn’t mean to sound so bitter but the words fell from your lips before you could stop yourself. “Are you all set for the last show then? Maybe you should go find Rosie again to make sure the hair is good.”
You regretted it as soon as you said it, your cheeks turning hot as the last phrase slipped from your tongue.
That was stupid.
His eyes burned through your skin and you knew there was no way he was going to let your snide little remark go. Stupid stupid stupid.
For a moment you contemplated just making a run for it so you could hide in the lively crowd for the whole show and then simply just disappear into the night, so you wouldn’t ever have to look Harry Styles in the eyes ever again.
But something stopped you.
A low, almost inaudible, chuckle fell from the man in front of you and you glanced up at him just as his lips curled into a small smirk, his dimple appearing on his cheek, and you felt your face grow even hotter. “Don’t look at me like that.” 
Harry held his hands up innocently.
“I’m not looking at you in any way,” he said, still smirking, and let his tongue poke out to lick his pink lips.
“Yes, you are! I don’t like that-” you started and waved your finger at him, “Whatever it is you're doing with your face.”
“Are you jealous?” Harry asked, ignoring your frustrated little stomp, and took a step closer to you.
“What? No, don’t be ridiculous,” you said, taking a shaky breath and a step backwards away from him, making both of you disappear in the shadows of the dark corner where you had previously been hiding as he followed and continued to come closer.
“You are, aren’t you?”
“I’m not.”
“It’s fine if you are.”
“You really need to stop or I’ll only snap pictures of you from your worst angles tonight.”
Not that he really had any bad angles but that was beside the point. It was absolutely infuriating how he could see right through you so easily.
Harry laughed and took one final step forward, trapping you between his body and the wall. His familiar perfume washed over you and you wanted to bathe in it forever. He always smelled so damn good, and for a moment you forgot about your childish behavior from a couple seconds ago and let yourself get lost in the green of his eyes
“You know you have nothing to be jealous of, right?” Harry told you and reached out to push a strand of your hair away from your face. His fingers gently brushed across the apple of your cheek, making your heart flutter and head fuzzy. He was no longer smirking at you but his lips were still turned upwards. Instead of the smug smirk he was now looking down at you with a soft smile - the same smile you had gotten so used to seeing first thing in the morning, and you were sure you wouldn’t mind if you got to see it every morning for the rest of your life.
“Do I?” you breathed out nervously. 
“Well, when we’re back in London I'm gonna make sure to finally take you on a proper date and-”
You didn’t mean to cut him off. It just took you completely off guard and the words fell from your lips before you could think twice about it. “You want to take me out on a date in London?”
That caught him a little off guard.
“Oh,” Harry faltered a little and scratched the back of his neck. For the first time there was a hint of nervousness across his otherwise confident features. “I kind of just assumed we would, eh, we don’t have to- I mean if you, um- if you don’t- I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have assumed you wanted to continue things back home.”
And you probably really should’ve said something then, but you were at a loss for words. It was the first time either of you had ever mentioned something about seeing each other after the tour was done. You finally had an answer to the question that had swirled around in your head for days and had created the uncertainty and jealousy in the first place. Just like that.
You had spent all day trying to decide whether you should tell him your feelings for him had changed and admit you wanted to see him more, and there he was -- already planning for your first official date.
You really needed to say something.
But someone else beat you to it.
“H!” It was Jeff. “You’ve got less than a minute until you have to get on stage, c’mon!”
Harry turned around and gave his friend a thumbs up, to let him know he had heard him, before he looked down at you again.
“Alright, duty calls I guess,” he said and gave you a small smile that didn’t quite reach his eyes. “Again, I’m sorry.”
And you knew you had to say something because you couldn’t let him do his final show thinking you didn’t actually want to continue seeing him. Especially when it was the opposite of what you wanted.
“Wait,” you burst out and reached for his hand to stop him from leaving. “I do. I do want to see you.”
Harry’s dimple made another appearance and there was so much more you wanted to say to him. You wanted to tell him how thankful you were to have met him. How happy he made you. How safe you felt in his company. How you could always be yourself around him. How he actually had no right to complain about your cold feet because his own were even colder.
But Jeff beat you again.
“Harry!” He shouted. “Get your ass over here!”
“We probably shouldn’t talk about this right now,” Harry chuckled and pulled you a little closer, his hand still in yours.
“Probably not,” you mumbled and watched as Harry ran his fingers over your dainty little ladybug ring, before lifting your hand to his mouth and pressing a soft kiss to it. His warm lips lingered for a couple seconds on your skin and you could have melted into a puddle right there and then.
“Wish me luck then,” he smiled, his lips still brushing against the skin on top of your hand.  
“You don’t need it.”
“Shhh, don’t ruin it now,” he shushed and shook his head lightly. “S’the last show. I need my ladybug luck.”
“If you need your ladybug luck,” you began quietly and pulled your hand away from his. Harry pouted and reached for your hand to have the little ladybug on your ring between you again, but you were quicker and put your arm around his waist. “Why haven’t you kissed me yet?”
A grin broke out across his face and he didn’t waste any time before pressing his lips to yours in a soft kiss that filled your belly with butterflies. Warmth consumed your whole body as you leaned into the kiss and Harry smiled against your lips. You really could’ve stayed in that moment forever.
Jeff called his name again.
Harry let out an excessive sigh as he broke your kiss and leaned his forehead against yours. His breath warm on your face and as he pressed his lips to yours again in a short peck you realised you were still smiling as well. 
Then he was off to do his final show. 
And despite the thousands of ear piercing screams that filled the arena as he entered the stage the sweet little “Good luck” you shouted after him was the loudest one. 
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bitchfitch · 3 years
What's that bit about betta fish tank sizes ?
Thank you.
Basically, what size tank a fish needs is based on 2 factors
1. the amount of physical space the fish needs to not feel stressed (this is based on body size, social needs, territory needs, activity level, etc)
2.the amount of water needed to effectively disperse it's waste and keep harmful chemicals and bacteria from building up to damaging levels between water changes
starting with point 1, Beta fish specifically don't seem to need too much space to be happy. so long as the water is good a beta will be just as happy in a standard 5 g as they would a 10, 20, 40, or whatever else. You don't see signs of stress or disease from a beta in a well maintained 5g. This is because while betas are fairly smart for their size, they're still fish. A beta doesn't have a concept of a bigger tank, it doesn't know it could be somewhere bigger, it doesn't care, it's a fish, and it's too busy getting mad at it's reflection in the glass to care about such trivial things like potential. (it wouldn't mind a bigger tank but it's anthropomorphizing to say it would want one)
But. BUT. I Do Not Recommend a 5g tank unless you know Exactly what you are doing and can devote the time and resources to making it work.
5 gallons is the minimum space a beta needs to be happy, but it's Pushing it when it comes to making sure the water can stay good for any length of time. Assuming you have a good filter, a 5g tank needs careful monitoring of its temperature (bc smaller water volumes temperatures tend to fluctuate a lot more than bigger ones) and it's parameters (nitrates/nitrites/ amonia/ ph/ etc etc/) and You Can Not miss a water change and tank clean without risking the health of your fish. you can't. You need to be on top of that 1/3 water volume swap every single week with a mid week parameter check just make sure nothing is going wrong in the meantime, and that new water Has to be perfect (ideally it should already be cycled and taken from a clean, established tank used only for water treatment purposes) because there won't be enough space for it to dilute fully before your fish comes into contact with it.
now if that sounds hard and obnoxious, there's an easy solution! just get a bigger tank. A 10 g is what I recommend for beginners who might not be fully in practice with staying on top of things but who also might not have access to or the budget for anything bigger.(easy mode is a 20 long if you can find one of those, they're normally sold for reptiles, just go over the seams with another layer of caulking to make sure it's water tight and buy a solid lid to help with evaporation and light mounting)
now in a rack system though, a series of five gallons can be made easier by having them on a sump. a sump is a large tank of water that can be used as a way to hide filters and heaters* as well as increasimg the amount of water the waste can be dissolved in. it can also be used to help with flow control (a massive issue for beta fish) the oxygenation of the water, and it can give you the ability to use more aggressive filtration and oxygenation systems bc you won't need to worry about your fish getting caught in them.
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finitepeace · 3 years
this week i read...
Darling, Keep the Lights On (Until I Get Home) by capsicleironman  💙
Summary: When Steve Rogers is awoken from the ice early, he is assigned as the personal assistant to Tony Stark, the man on TV with the strange glowing light in his chest. The plan was simple - protect and gain intel. It was supposed to be just another job, but then again, nothing in Steve's life has ever gone according to plan.
Iron Man 2 Divergence where Steve ends up working for Tony instead of Natasha, and his interest first in the arc reactor and then in Tony himself, leads him through the events of the Avengers, Iron Man 3, and Captain America 2.
17k words 
It's Only Half Past (The Point of Oblivion) by LadyHabren (equalopportunityobsessor)
Summary: "I think it's generally agreed that all of Steve's senses are powered up by the serum? He can hear people whispering on the other side of the room, probably sees a hell of a lot further, etc.
But there are definite downsides. How does Steve control this side effect of the serum?"
Captain America is more than a man - he is a hero, he is an ideal, he is pure muscle held together by patriotism and moral fibre... And not even Captain America can fight it when his own brain turns against him.
4k, sentinel/guide au, not set in mcu, 
Do-Over by gottalovev  💙
Summary: Steve woke up six months ago into a future that leaves him indifferent. There is work, and not much else. His current mission is a basic search and rescue operation to retrieve an American who was kidnapped by a terrorist group ten days ago. He won't let the fact that the hostage is Howard's son be a distraction.
14k words, ironman 1 - 2 but with steve on it!, 
Calls Me Home by steve-capsicle-rogers (adorable_lab_rat)
Summary: Tony can't help but notice the far away look on Steve's face. The visible pain and loss. It wasn't right and giving Steve back everything he'd lost was the right choice. The right thing. And honestly Tony didn't do the right thing near enough.
9k words, post avenger 1, tony time travels to victory day with steve to make him happy 
Memorial by hanyou_elf
Summary: Here rests in honored glory an American Soldier known but to God.
Steve visits Arlington's Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in lieu of visting the tombs of those he's lost.
600+ words, steve visits his grave and tony supports 
Damaged by orphan_account
Summary: Prompt: Can you write a story where Tony is having heart problems again even after the shrapnel and arc reactor is removed, like he needs a pacemaker or something please? :)
Steve is worried about Tony after the doctor tells them Tony needs a pacemaker. Tony being Tony decides to build something better.
2k words, arc reactor + health problem 
Warning by laireshi
Summary: Tony's left arm hurts.
100 words, angst post-civil war au 
Told You Dirty Jokes Until You Smiled by ChibiSquirt  💙
Summary: Steve was waiting at light, casually checking out the man in the car behind him, when his phone pinged.
75k words. WIP T_T . steve is cap but tony isnt ironman (yet?). steve is awaken before ironman 1 and meets tony, proceed to have friends with benefits arrangement... 
blood, Lies, and Love by Ridley160
Summary: When Steve Rogers volunteered for Project Rebirth they told him they would make him a hero. No one bothered to tell him that the serum would change him into a monster that needed to feed on the blood of the living for survival. Now he has woken up 70 years in a future where there are more like him and his affliction is now seen as gift. Only Steve is convinced that he is at his core still just a monster.
Then he meets the brilliant, quirky and charismatic Tony Stark, the only person in this crazy new world that seems to understand Steve's misgivings about what he is, but Tony is haunted by something. A secret he has carefully guarded for many years that forced him to push everyone away.
33k words in 13 chapters, steve is cap + a vampire but tony isnt ironman, 
Blood Loss by wisia
Summary: The serum really did work a miracle. It created Captain America, and Tony would like the serum to work a miracle on him too. If only he didn’t fall in love.
5k words, set in captain america 1st avenger, tony is scientist/adventurer looking for a cure for his heart problem 
scientific Heresy by antigrav_vector
Summary: In the process of running the particle accelerator in his basement and fixing the arc reactor, Tony finds himself flung into the past where he has to take on a fight not his own if he wants to get home to stop Vanko. At least he had a chance to replace the old rector that had been killing him with the new one before everything went sideways... But now he has no choice but to face off with family, friends, and old heroes, and none of that sounds remotely appealing. Well, okay, getting to meet them all during their glory days kinda does.
But as it turns out, they're not exactly what he imagined, and his path home is a lot longer than he'd hoped it would be.
And a lot more complicated.
34k words in 12 chapters, time travel au @ cap 1 and ironman 2, steve/tony/bucky 
we will meet in another life by theappleppielifestyle
Summary: Tony is there instead of Howard during Project Rebirth. He ends up following Steve into the Howling Commandos, into the Atlantic ocean and into the 21st century.
6k words, canon divergence. 
Keep on Beating by itsallAvengers
Summary: There were an awful lot of things Steve loved about Tony. But one thing in particular Steve could never get enough of was his heartbeat.
6k words, self-sacrificing tony strikes again and steve is upset.. so tony comes to a solution... 
Coming Up Roses by NobodysBloodyPrincess  💙
Summary: Those with a death wish referred to the High Commander’s infatuation with the late Tony Stark as an ‘obsession.’ They were wrong. It had to be more than that, after all there was no word for what the High Commander was about do in the name of making things right.
No one gets a redo of life… no one except High Commander Rogers that is. Everything is coming up Roses and Sunshine for him. After all, he has a dream and it’s going to come true.
41k words in 3 chapters, beautiful but a bit dark and sad, just like the author said: “‘i’ll be with you till the end of line’ but stony”, definitely one of the best fic i’ve read because THEY ARE HAPPY T_T 
The One With Bucky's Biggest Fan by justanotherpipedream
Summary: Steve still can’t believe how long it took for him to notice. It wasn’t a secret really, just something that no one had cared to ask...it honestly took Rhodey pulling him aside and pulling out an old photo album, before Steve really understood.
Tony Stark was a Bucky Barnes fan.
(aka The one where Tony is the biggest Bucky Barnes fanboy, Steve is a supportive boyfriend, and Bucky is perplexed by it all.)
2k words, it’s all in the summary 
Sins of the Mother by skullshy  💙
Summary: All she could see when her eyes closed was Steve’s face in the courtroom. Stern, pained— with that fucking all-American self-righteousness.
Toni wondered for years whether it would have made a difference. Told him that she was pregnant, that Ultron was to protect their baby, and how sorry she was.
On her worst days, she imagined it wouldn’t have mattered.
23k words in 23 chapters, female tony stark, civil war (or age of ultron?) canon divergence 
So this is bonded life by Captainstark12
Summary: Steve had been protecting the human village from hydra creatures like him for five years. And now he was ready to take his prize as he had the privilege of choosing an omega to bear his child. Hopefully his chosen omega human would want him back as much as he wanted him
4k in 6 chapters, mythology au 
I don't think there's a manual for this by itsallAvengers
Summary: So. His son can stick to things, apparently.
If only Tony had realised this before he'd caught him hanging off the 89th floor of the tower.
Well. Parenting was never going to be a smooth road, was it?
2k words, stony adopts peter parker and then they become superfamily 
For Your Eyes Only by SarahHBE
Summary: Every soldier looks forward to mail call. But Alpha Steve Rogers gets a big surprise with the letter his Omega, Tony Stark, has sent him.
2k words, explicit bcs of sexual content 
It Was Just A Matter Of Time by babynative
Summary: The clock was ticking. And then, black.
719 words, civil war canon divergence, angst 
This Can't Be The Last by MusicalLuna
Summary: Hours after a mission ends, Tony's heart starts to race.
1k words, tony had a heart attack, but not angst! 
The Billionaire and the Army Captain by Neverever
Summary: Facing finanical ruin and needing to care for his sick daughter, Steve Rogers agrees to marry Tony Stark, who needs to get married by his 30th birthday to inherit. It's just a job for Steve until he starts to fall for the enigmatic billionaire.
12k words, non-powers au, 
Adopt by greenteeth  💙
Summary: Steve's life is the same as usual. He goes to work, fights super villains, banters with other Avengers and goes home to an empty apartment. Until the son of an old friend shows up asking for help, well sex first, then help. Suddenly Steve is married, fighting super villains, worrying what Obadiah Stane and coming home to Tony most nights of the week.
42k words in 17 chapters, ABO, tony is not iron man, the story is complete but it’s a part of series that seems to never see the light T_T 
The Act of Creation Will Be Your Salvation  by scifigrl47  💙
Summary: When Tony Stark was seventeen years old, he built his first AI. On that day, he ceased to be his father's creation, and became a creating force in his own right.
That one act likely saved his life, and not always in the most obvious ways.
84k words in 8 chapters, stony but mostly looking through his AI bots a.k.a. jarvis and dum-e, definitely one of the best fics ever! 
Bewitched, Body and Soul by iam93percentstardust
Summary: Almost ten years after joining the British Army, Steve Rogers returns to his childhood home after his mother's death. The house seems quiet in a way that it's rarely been. But the peace is shattered when his oldest friend stumbles into his home and into his life, seeking an escape from an arranged marriage to a cruel lord. Steve provides that escape but finds himself engaged to be married instead. This wouldn't be a problem - except that Steve is, always has been, and always will be deeply in love with Tony Stark.
16k words, regency AU, ABO,  the classic stony misunderstanding trope 
Right place, right time by hkandi, ralsbecket
Summary: An alternate take on the Captain America: The First Avenger movie. Tony is working with his dad to help out the SSR on this new project, though he and Steve happen to run into each other before that, and sparks fly from the start.
8k, CA: First avenger AU with tony stark present
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peaches-writes · 4 years
how to appease your asian aunties ch. 3 - spring break
* icym: this was prev. a guide to social gatherings but i changed the title bc i still think i’m funny that way
description: in the immortal words of blood-related aunts and aunts you’re not even related to but forced to call your aunt at reunion parties, “do you have a boyfriend?”  member: jisung / han  genre: fluff, fake dating au, implied rich kids au, eventual childhood / best friends to lovers au, college au, implied fem reader (but i still used they/them pronouns)  word count: 5.4k chapter warning: food, a conversation calling out toxic asian family culture oops note: i’m not confident with this one bc i had to re-write this two times (?) with diff. plot directions + srsly idk what happened here what was the point am i ok + i didn’t post this accidentally this time !!!! 
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ch. 1 // ch. 2 //  series masterlist
After seeing you and Jisung interact during your trip to the mall, your mom has started loving this new idea of you dating one of her close friends’ sons so much that she has not-so-discreetly started conspiring with Mrs. Han in order to see the two of you together as much as possible. From invitations for snacks and drinks at one’s house every day after school to whole-day activities on the weekends (usually to the mall or the cinema), it didn’t take long before you and your own best friend put two and two together and conclude that your respective moms have somewhat developed an auntie type of obsession over your fake relationship. 
This idea that your moms would love you and Jisung together so much to this extent initially flew past your head when you started this fake relationship last Christmas. You were only thinking of casually fake dating your best friend, after all; such arrangement ideally confined only in social gatherings where invasive relatives and family friends ask about your love life endlessly. You genuinely did not expect that that Jisung would start tagging along to you and your parents’ Sunday movie dates and side with your dad every time you disagree on your selected movie’s ending; or that you would not be parting ways with Jisung after school anymore when you reach your house and he has to drive another block to get to his.
But for the most part, you’ve decided as the weeks fly by with this new added twist in your everyday, it’s fun and, even at times, cute. Though Mrs. Han dotes on you more now, like you’re her own child, and your mom is starting to be more talkative around Jisung since they now have you to talk about, you still get to eat snacks either your mom or Mrs. Han made, hog the extraordinarily fast wifi at Jisung’s house, and get free movie tickets and shopping bags from when you’re going out with the other’s family on the weekends. Plus, it’s made your workaholic mom come home earlier just to see you and Jisung lounging in your living room and Mrs. Han’s worries lessen now that Jisung’s busy with something else that isn’t academics or whatever it is he does with his Bumble and Tinder apps. 
At times, it’s tiring having to hang out with your best friend under the guise of a couple, especially when you didn’t really plan for it to be this way, but you can’t deny that there are perks to it. 
So, you wait more patiently for Jisung every day after your classes now even when he usually takes a lot of detours to see his friends before driving over to you on the other side of campus. You still hang out with your friends, Ryujin and Chaeryeong, after classes, of course, but you part ways with them just a little bit earlier now to anticipate Jisung’s Convertible pulling up in front of your building and unnecessarily yelling at you to get in even when he’s the one awfully late. 
Because if you were to choose between your other best friends and a free expensive snacks, you’d always choose the latter without fail. 
“You know,” Chaeryeong comments next to you on this particular Friday, stretching her legs down to the steps below you three while you scroll through your phone and Ryujin naps on your shoulder with her earphones still plugged in. “if I didn’t know that you’re ditching us earlier for free fake dating food, I would’ve thought that you and squirrel boy were seriously dating.” 
“You always think we’re dating either way.” You roll your eyes, not even sparing a glance at the smug grin on her features. “Anyway, aren’t you happy we’re ‘dating’ now? It’s what you’ve always hoped for but, you know, fake.” 
Only then do you turn to Chaeryeong over your shoulder, also scrolling through her social media on her phone. She meets your gaze after with a scrunched up nose and furrowed eyebrows. “Hm,” She pretends to contemplate, placing her index finger up to her chin. “I don’t know. I think I’ll have to wait until someone caves and you actually develop feelings for each other—like in books!” 
“Seriously?” You deadpan with pursed lips, only making her laugh. “Of all things you could bring up.”
Chaeryeong shrugs in response with a knowing smile, chuckling when your expression doesn’t change. “You never know!” She replies in her defense, laughing all the way. “You did say after break that you’re just going to fake date if there’s an event but it’s Spring Break tomorrow already and you’ve been fake dating every day since classes started again.” 
“Sounds like a romantic trope to me.” She comments last teasingly before you can even interject, swiftly dodging your hand when you reach up to try and smack her. Literature majors, really. 
“For one, I don’t want to date Jisung, I’ve seen enough of him my whole life for that and I don’t think I’m in the mood to date in general. And besides, we’re only a ‘couple’ at home when someone’s mom is watching.” You counter as you retract your free hand back to your side, alternating your gaze between her and your other hand with your phone. Jisung’s last message is that of him informing you that he’s making a quick stop at the International Relations department today to hand Hyunjin his books ten minutes ago. Knowing him, if he didn’t get lost or got distracted by a kiosk selling coffee, he’s probably on his way now. “And you know I love free stuff, it just happens to come only if I hang out with Jisung these days.” 
“So what happens when you ‘break up’? And I don’t mean the cute perks from the aunties.” Chaeryeong asks next, leaning back on her propped elbows now that the stairs going up to your college building have started to cool down from being exposed to the sun the entire day. “I mean, it’s back to normal for us as your friends—I do miss not having to remind my parents that you’re a couple now—but your moms are going to think it’s weird that you suddenly broke up and went back to being friends like nothing happened.” 
“I already told you and everyone else, we’ll think about that when it happens.” You shrug both at her and the nagging thought in your mind that she has a point.   
“And when exactly will that happen?” She prods on, smiling smugly at knowing that you and Jisung never talked about this certain part of your current predicament clearly. “‘Dating until everyone doesn’t think of Jisung as a fuckboy or when aunties stop offering blind dates’ sounds vague to me.”
You see Chaeryeong’s smile grow bigger when you don’t answer immediately, accidentally letting time pass until Jisung’s gray Convertible pulls up steps below you with an obnoxious honk. 
“Y/N, my mom bought gelato today!” Jisung yells at you from his roofless car, his radio blasting Bermuda Triangle at an embarrassingly loud volume. “Let’s go!” 
You then quickly shake Ryujin awake in response, gently moving her to Chaeryeong’s legs when her eyes open, before standing up and waving goodbye at your two friends. “Like I said, I’ll let you know when it happens.” You hurriedly conclude your conversation with Chaeryeong with a triumphant smile, making her roll her eyes. “See you after the break!” 
Chaeryeong only shakes her head in disbelief, easily letting you go from her interrogation with a wave goodbye. “You be careful now, hm? Have fun with your ice cream, then!” 
You chuckle as you run down the stairs, waving your hand up for her as you move away without sparing a last glance. “Don’t worry, I’ll take pictures!” At this, you open the front passenger seat to Jisung’s car and smoothly slide in, haphazardly discarding your backpack next to his at the back before closing the door next to you. “Hey, ugly. Glad you didn’t get lost on campus.”
“Speak for yourself, ugly.” Jisung teases back, shifting the car’s gear back to ‘Drive.’ “How was your day? You three look so bored out of your mind there.”
"Better now that we’re going to eat ice cream at home.” You put your seatbelt on as Jisung now drives the car home, reaching over to the radio in between the two of you after and lowering the volume. “Classes were tiring as usual. What flavors did auntie get, by the way?”
Jisung almost makes the wrong turn with your choice of words, quickly gathering his thoughts and shaking his head. “Fu—u-um, Ferrero, strawberry, and mint choco, that’s what she texted me.” He shrugs, making the correct turn to the nearest campus gate this time. 
From the corner of his eyes, you nod with a hum as you sink back in your seat, completely missing the way you unconsciously caught him off-guard even with the screech of the car tires. “Oh, cool—no pun intended there.” You chuckle to yourself, leaning to the opposite side now to watch the college buildings pass by. “We’re watching The Conjuring 2, right?”
“Yeah.” Jisung scoffs, brushing off what remains of his sudden nervous feeling with the comment. “Tch, cool.” 
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Like every Wednesday and Friday that Mrs. Han prepares you after school snacks and drinks, you and Jisung go through tubs of ice cream and tumblers of water while a horror film is projected on the television of the Han’s ground floor living room. Mrs. Han, who has her office day off on Fridays, would occasionally drop by and either ask if the two of you need anything or comment on her distaste for horror under her breath. 
“Oh, oh, dear.” She clutches her pearls dramatically, much like her son would, as she passes by for the sixth time to go to the kitchen and catches another glimpse of The Conjuring in the process. She then turns to you and Jisung after to calm her nerves, catching you still sprawled across the sofa with your legs lazily piled on top of Jisung’s.
Of course she’s seen you in the same position before in the few times you came over as one of Jisung’s friends but the sight now seems different under the guise that you and her son are a couple. Typical mom. 
“Hi, auntie!” You greet her when you catch her from the corner of your eye also for the sixth time, waving your empty spoon in greeting with one hand while the other blindly reaches for Jisung’s laptop on the coffee table to pause the movie. Jisung hides his face under a throw pillow at this, already having enough of his mom snooping around for today and you giving her the time of day. Since when did you get comfy with his mom, anyway? “Do you need anything?”
Mrs. Han immediately shakes her head with a dismissive wave and smile. “Ah, nothing, I was just checking up on you two!” She clarifies again. “Do you need anything? Extra pillows? More water?” 
You shake your head politely, holding up the water tumblers on your other side reassuringly. “We’re good but thank you!” 
At this, Mrs. Han clasps her hands together in satisfaction. “Alright, if you need anything, I’ll be in the kitchen, then!” She concludes, taking a step back from the door frame. “You’re staying for dinner, right, Y/N?” 
You glance over at Jisung, prying the throw pillow away from his face enough to see him shaking his head and making you feign a teasing frown for his mom. “You don’t want me to stay over dinner, babe?” You taunt with a smile, chuckling when he pushes the pillow back onto his face. Turning to Mrs. Han, you add, “I think Sung doesn’t want me staying for dinner, auntie, but I’ll gladly stay over if you want me to; anyway, my parents are coming home late today.” 
“What? Oh, he’s just being shy!” Mrs. Han dismisses with another wave of her hand. “Please do stay for dinner. I’ll text your mom for you too.” 
“Alright, if you say so.” You nod, giving her your sweetest smile now. “Thank you so much!”  
With that, Mrs. Han then bids you goodbye and proceeds to the kitchen. When the sound of her stilettos fades outside the living room, Jisung removes the throw pillow in front of his face with a groan, scooting closer to you until his shoulders bumped into yours. “My mom, seriously.” He then smacks you on the shoulder with the throw pillow as you press ‘play’ on his laptop again. “Ya, are you seriously dining with us tonight?” 
You kick his legs under yours in response. “I think it’s cute, it’s not like she caught us doing something weird.” You shrug in his mom’s defense. “And yes, I’m staying over because your mom is clearly cooking tonight and I can’t say no to an offer and free food.” 
“I’ll have to get back at you when we’re back at your house on Monday.” He counters back, shamelessly dipping his spoon on the mint chocolate ice cream in your hands. As he bites on the small chocolate drops on the ice cream, a thought then crosses his mind and he asks, “Wait, are we still hanging out on Spring Break?” 
You turn to him, swatting his hand belatedly before taking a big chunk of his strawberry ice cream. “I don’t know, my mom hasn’t mentioned anything and I don’t think my parents have any plans of going on vacation this break.” You answer truthfully before eating the spoonful of ice cream. “What about auntie?” 
“Nothing from her too.” He shakes his head. “Though we’re definitely going on vacation this Break—my dad really wants to check out the new Jeju hotel.” 
“When are you coming home?” 
“Friday night, I think? We leave on Sunday.” He answers, taking a sip of water now that the taste of ice cream is now making his mouth feel sticky. He takes note of how you used the same word again, recovering quicker this time before he could even choke. “So we’re definitely not hanging out on those days.” 
You hum against another spoonful of ice cream, this time from the Ferrero ice cream in the small gap between the two of you. “I mean, it’d be nice to be away from you for once—we’ve literally been joined to the hip after classes and most weekends since the New Year—but that would mean no free food which would be a shame; I really like your mom’s cooking.” 
“Ouch, I didn’t know you don’t like spending more time with me just for me.” He clutches his chest dramatically, hugging the throw pillow again. “I thought you’d like this since I was away for a year.” 
“We barely hung out before you even left.” You chuckle in amusement, grabbing the pillow from him again and this time lazily discarding it to the other end of the sofa. “I already thought you’re annoying the rare times we hung out before. Now, you’re just the bane of my existence.” 
Next to you, Jisung laughs along belatedly, holding his ice cream tub away when you try and take another spoonful of strawberry from him. “Yeah but I’m the bane of your existence that you’re ‘dating’ in front of the aunties for free stuff and them leaving you alone.” He points out, giving in to you after when you almost topple over the Ferrero ice cream and handing you his strawberry ice cream. “So you can’t really complain.” 
You roll your eyes as you exchange tubs of ice cream. In front of you, a jump scare goes unnoticed as you pay more attention to Jisung anticipating what your next words would be. “I’m grateful,” You clarify in a mumble as you chew on the ice cream. “But you’re still annoying as hell.” 
“Not like you’re any better.” He rolls his eyes with another playful laugh, shifting in his seat. “Yeah, I think we shouldn’t hang out on Spring Break: we’re going to ‘break up’ if we keep meeting too much at this point.” 
This time, it’s you who gets another thought at this comment. Shifting in your seat as well so you’re now facing Jisung, you ask in a change of topic, “Right, I meant to ask: when exactly are we ‘breaking up’?” You raise an eyebrow at him when his eyes widen in confusion. “It’s just that Chaeryeong and I were talking about it a while back and it had me thinking.”
“Hm? I thought we’ll do it a little after Chan and Miyoung’s wedding.” He shrugs nonchalantly. “There aren’t many events after that and I’m sure the aunties won’t bother you for a while since you’ll start working.” 
“And if they do?” You ask back curiously. “Starting work at your own parents’ company while going through a ‘break-up’ doesn’t exactly guarantee a free pass from blind dates—remember the last time Yeji had a relationship the aunties knew about?” 
“Right, that was quite chaotic.” Jisung replies, keeping his spoon in his mouth now instead of eating more ice cream as the unexpected question actually catches him off-guard. “But, I don’t know. I guess we can keep going a little longer after the wedding, until the aunties have someone else to bother or, you know—if you end up liking someone else.” 
You then catch Jisung’s eyes light up at this idea and you hear him quickly add, “Hey, how about that?” He then removes the spoon from his mouth, placing his ice cream down in between the two of you. “You don’t have to worry about your elders and we don’t have to fake date anymore.” 
“Actual dating?” You furrow your eyebrows. Jisung nods at this. “You know how I feel about that. I don’t think I want that for myself right now given the changes that are going to happen after we graduate.” You wave your hands around now, setting your ice cream and spoon down before sinking back in your seat. “And I especially don’t want that just for the sake of getting people to mind their own business; it’d be like giving in to the pressure in a way.” 
You glance over at Jisung to see him nodding thoughtfully now, an unfamiliar look crossing his features before he meets your gaze and comments, “Okay, that’s fair—but we both know it’d be too troublesome to fake date for a long time.” He then sighs, sinking into his own spot and leveling with your gaze.
Suddenly, you feel a shift in the air around you as Jisung sets his ice cream down on his other side. “Aish, don’t you just wish you can talk back to older people?”
“Yeah.” You nod in agreement this time, pursing your lips. The air suddenly felt sincere now, a bit comical since the people keep screaming on the television in front of you but, for some reason, you don’t feel like laughing because Jisung isn’t despite obviously having the same thoughts. “I mean, we all know that the talks about dating and career and everything else are often in good-nature but a lot of times they’re just invasive and a bit rude.” 
When Jisung doesn’t reply as quickly, you nudge his shoulder and add, “I especially think of the time you told some of the parents during Yeji’s birthday about your plans to study in Malaysia and how negatively they received it because they think you won’t graduate on time and that you should just finish college quickly and work.” Jisung’s eyes widen in surprise this time. “They don’t know how hard you work in your studies or how you really wanted to go abroad and explore and I really wanted to scold them for it.” 
“Y-You still remember that?” He asks in disbelief, earning him a casual nod from you. 
“Of course,” You confirm, your free hand unconsciously balling into fists on your lap at the memory. “I’ve never wanted to yell at my mom’s friends until that point even when you tried laughing it off so I’m glad you proved them wrong when you came back during Christmas and impressed them when they asked about it again.” 
You see Jisung chuckle under his breath shyly, tearing his gaze at you for a moment. “You mentioned that night that you were annoyed. I never knew you were this annoyed.” He muses out loud. “Thanks.” 
“Thinking about it now, I feel a bit bad,” You point out after, heaving a frustrated sigh. “You’re keeping up with fake dating me even though it just started as a little joke last Christmas to protect me in a way but I couldn’t stand up to you two years ago.” 
Looking up at Jisung, he grins at you reassuringly and shakes his head, effectively easing the atmosphere back into being more lighthearted. “No, it’s okay.” He dismisses your frown. “Just knowing what you really thought then is fine already.” 
“And,” He shifts in his seat after, transferring the tubs of ice cream in between the two of you now to his other side so he can scoot closer. “I get free food every other day from your mom because we’re ‘dating’ so it’s nothing, really.” 
You scoff when he breaks out into laughter. “Right, of course.” You deadpan before breaking out into genuine laughs yourself. “What was I even thinking, talking about sincere things with you?” 
The two of you laugh for a while, even more when Jisung pretends to complain that you just 'wasted’ the last act of the movie talking about ‘mushy stuff.’ 
“Stop complaining, dummy,” You smack his elbow, sitting up properly now as the credits begin to roll. “you entertained my rants instead of stopping me so it’s your fault too.” 
“Because you brought up something of mine from two years ago!” He protests before moving away to gather all your scattered snacks to the coffee table, laughing in disbelief all throughout. “I had to respond or it’d be rude!” 
You only roll your eyes at him, making the two of you laugh even harder. You then lean back on the sofa, stretching your hands above your head and removing your legs off of Jisung while he disconnects his laptop from the television and closes both electronic gadgets. 
Turning to you, after, you see his laughs turn into a small sincere smile once again. “But seriously,” He says, glancing back at you from his shoulder. “Thanks.” 
“For?” You prod him teasingly, earning you a groan of frustration from him. 
“For almost getting mad at the elders?” He jokes back with a raised eyebrow before going back to being sincere again. “Nah, for being understanding with me and my choices.” 
“Of course,” You reply casually. “even if we joke around a lot, you’re one of my best friends—well, as if I had a choice in that, you know me too well and too long.”     
“Way to ruin the moment.” He frowns at you in feigned disappointment, making you chuckle, until another thought crosses his mind. “And, Y/N?” 
“Hm?” You look up expectantly at him. 
“We have to break up some time after the wedding but I’ll still try and protect you,” He clears his throat awkwardly. “from the ‘rude’ and ‘invasive’ comments after, I mean. You should do whatever you want to do freely and date seriously when you want, not when older people pressure you into it.” 
At this, your gaze softens at him visibly, even more when he doesn’t make other hints that he’s joking. “Thank you.” You mumble, just loud enough for only him to hear when you see Mrs. Han pass by the hallway again. “You should too, you know, do whatever you want and date whenever you want to.”
Jisung opens his mouth to speak but, behind him, you catch a glimpse of Mrs. Han suddenly returning to the hallway and stopping by the living room entrance again, waving at you and unintentionally cutting her son off. “Y/N, Sungie, dinner’s ready!” She informs you before Jisung could even get a single syllable out, making him purse his lips in annoyance with his face hidden from his own mom’s view. “Y/N, I already texted your mom, by the way, and she said it’s fine that you stay over for dinner.” 
You turn to the side and nod at Mrs. Han, chuckling when you see Jisung hiding his hands on his lap and exaggeratedly curling his fingers up in frustration. “Thank you, auntie! We’ll be right there!” You assure her, smiling up at her until she disappears back to the opposite direction of the kitchen. 
Turning back to Jisung, you swat his finger tips back into relaxing with a laugh. “Guess we have to go back to adhering to the system and fake dating for now, though.” You conclude with a giggle, standing up from the sofa and fixing your clothes. “What were you going to say before your mom barged in?” 
After a moment of silent contemplating, Jisung ends up shaking his head and following you, gathering the tubs of ice cream in his hands. “It was nothing.” 
“Really?” You ask, elbowing him gently before picking up your water tumblers from the sofa. “Come on, tell me.”
“It’s nothing, seriously.” Jisung assures you with a laugh, walking ahead of you out of the living room and turning around to see you catch up. “Come on, leech, dinner time.” 
You bump his shoulder with a laugh when you manage to catch up with him, “Shut up, you’re also a leech.” 
“But not on this day, you’re in my house.” He corrects. 
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Dinner with the Hans regrettably passes too soon even with all of Mrs. Han’s questions on your school life and post-college plans; and Mr. Han bringing up embarrassing and, at times, even exaggerated stories from when you and Jisung were children. When Mr. Han is suddenly forced to retreat back into his home office to attend to a minor emergency (hastily bidding you and Jisung goodnight) and Mrs. Han managed to win in your argument over you helping her and the house helpers to do the dishes, the old grandfather clock at the house entrance strikes quarter to 9 PM which prompts Jisung to offer you company in walking back home. 
“Yes, how thoughtful of you, Sungie! Do walk Y/N home!” His mom comments with a proud grin as she shoos you out of the kitchen. “I’ll see you after Spring Break, Y/N, okay?” 
You nod, giving her one last side hug, careful of the dish washing liquid bubbling up on her pink gloves. “Have fun on your trip to Jeju, auntie!” 
“I’d ask you to come along if it didn’t turn out so last minute, I did mention it on New Year” She jokes, much to Jisung’s horrified face. “Oh, Sungie, what’s that look for? Don’t you want Y/N to go on a trip with us next time?” 
You giggle nervously, pulling away from the hug after and taking a step back to Jisung’s side. “Maybe next time, auntie? I have lots of deadlines this break, anyway.”
“Ya!” Jisung hisses at you discreetly, pouting again that you’re entertaining his mom’s antics. You only elbow him in response. 
In front of you, Mrs. Han seriously contemplates on the idea before waving her drier glove. “Yes, it is quite last-minute right now since we leave on Monday.” She smiles fondly. “Next time, it is, then!” 
“Okay, that’s enough planning for a future trip!” Jisung quickly interjects before you can humor his mom longer, placing an arm over your shoulder and turning you around to face the open door leading outside. “It’s getting late and I have to walk back here on my own after!” 
You wave back at Mrs. Han, laughing when she rolls her eyes at her son before bidding you one last goodnight. “Goodnight, auntie!” 
With that, Jisung gently pushes you into a run out of his house, haphazardly closing the door behind him and directing you across the front lawn, to their gates, then, finally, to the dimly-lit streets of your subdivision. You’re only pulled to a stop when Jisung almost pushes you to a car parked on the house across his, making you laugh. 
“Ya, we didn’t have to run out so fast!” You protest, clutching your stomach with one hand while the other hits his side. “My stomach hurts.” 
“You keep entertaining my mom’s ideas!” He playfully whines back in between tired pants, catching his breath quickly before throwing an arm over your shoulder. “If you’ll keep going like this, you might actually become best friends!” 
You scoff, keeping his arm on your shoulder anyway as the two of you now walk to the direction of your house. “Watch your words, Han Jisung, or it might actually happen.” You warn him teasingly, adjusting your backpack on your shoulder. “Besides, I was just doing what you were doing on New Year—how did you call it?—’earning points.’” 
“I also told you then that my mom already likes you so much,” He pouts, easily pulling you flush against him when a lone car passes by. Instinctively, he then moves you to his other side so he’s walking closer to the road. “You’re just going to be more annoying at this point.” 
“Well, I like your mom, too, so I’m going to be extra annoying from now on,” You grin mischievously. “maybe until we ‘break up’ then everything’s going to be awkward for a while.” 
Glancing over at Jisung from your side, you see him genuinely frown momentarily before sighing in feigned defeat. “Fine, do whatever you want.” 
You want to ask him about the sudden frown but you end up shrugging it off as you cross the street to get to the right turn at the intersection. With the new direction you’re walking into, Jisung shifts you to his other side again. 
“You know, it’s not like some car’s going to crash into us,” You move to his other side anyway and swiftly dodging another offer of him slinging his arm over your shoulder. “We’re inside the village? Where the speed limit is 20 kph?” 
Jisung scoffs, dropping his arm back to his side “Your house is on your side of the street, dumbass, that’s why I moved you there.” And, as if on cue, you see your own house slowly coming into view among the towering gates and trees. “That little heart-to-heart talk we had must be getting to you, huh?” 
“As if.” You elbow his side in retaliation, your backpack hitting his back slightly in the process which only fuels his teasing more. 
“Aren’t you glad I’m here to walk you home?” He asks with a grin, just as you reach your gates. “Imagine if you got lost when we’re literally a block apart.” 
“I hope the dog next door escapes and chases you back home,” You groan, walking a few steps ahead to open the smaller entrance on your gate with your key. 
Behind you, Jisung only laughs, unfazed, before walking over to your side again and extending his arms out for a hug. “Okay, sorry,” He grins halfheartedly. “Come here, goodbye hug.”  
You raise an eyebrow at him, swinging your gate open with one hand and stepping one foot on the other side. “What do you mean? My mom’s inside.” 
“Yeah, but I haven’t hugged you alone in a while.” He points out while tilting his head sideways, earning him a genuine look of confusion from you. 
“Ya, it’s not like we don’t hug platonically before all this.” He adds with a shaky snicker before pouting. “I’m going to get s—”
“Okay, fine.” You scoff with a small smile, stepping outside again to hug him. “Look who’s getting all mushy now.” 
“Yeah, yeah,” He shakes his head against your neck, reluctantly pulling away from you after a while. Rubbing the nape of his neck bashfully, he adds, “It’s just that—everything’s been a bit different now since I got home.”  
“It’s mostly your fault—”   
“—I know and I don’t regret it,” He interjects quickly, wiping the smug smile of your face. “since I’m doing it to get you away from creepy guys but it’s just us now and I sort of...miss being casual.” 
Your frown tugs upwards into a sincere smile as you lean back against the gates. “We are casual. It’s just that people are looking now.” 
“Can we hang out sometime?” He suggests with hopeful eyes. “just us, like old times.”
“You call it old times like it wasn’t just two years ago,” You point out, chuckling now. “But—sure.”
Jisung nods with a big grin now, excitedly shifting his weight on his feet. “So, see you after the Break?” 
“Buy me something nice from Jeju then we can talk.” You conclude, stepping inside now completely. “Night, Sungie.” 
“Hm, goodnight.” 
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When you accompany one of the Han’s family drivers to fetch Jisung and his parents at Incheon International Airport exactly a week later, you only expected to see the box of imported chocolate snacks Jisung promised to buy you as the only unfamiliar thing that you’ll see, maybe even an entirely new carrier with Mrs. Han’s vacation haul if she did actually spent more time shopping than working. 
What you genuinely did not expect, upon finally spotting your best friend and his parents waiting for you at crowded Seattle’s Best, is him holding more than just your box of chocolates. 
“Hey?” You wave at Jisung in confusion as you stop right in front of him. To your right, you catch a glimpse of the family driver, Mr. Yoo, greeting Mr. and Mrs. Han on the next table before obligingly taking their luggage cart. “Who’s this little angel?” 
Only then do you notice the two other unfamiliar people with Jisung’s parents, eyeing you curiously and whispering to Mrs. Han, probably to ask who you are.
Jisung waves his hand at you once before transferring the same hand over the nape of his neck, “Y-Yeah, um, this is—”    
But before he could even finish and maybe even explain, the little girl on his lap shifts in her place and jumps to stand in front of you. “Hello!” She grins sweetly in slightly broken Korean, waving one hand at you while the other clutches Jisung’s bear plushie. “I’m Kitty!”
“Oh, hi, Kitty!” You bend your knees slightly to level with her gaze hidden behind round eyeglasses, briefly sparing a glance at Jisung after and raising an eyebrow at him before smiling again at the little girl. “I’m Y/N, it’s nice to meet you!” 
“It’s nice to...m-meet you!” She politely returns the gesture, hugging Jisung’s bear plushie shyly after and making your heart skip a beat. “Will you also live with us?” 
“At home?” Your furrow your eyebrows deeply now, standing up properly and turning to Jisung who you then belatedly notice has stood up as well and slung his backpack and Kitty’s over his shoulder. “Sung?” 
Jisung stands next to Kitty and places a hand behind her back, clearing his throat awkwardly. “Kitty’s going to live with us for a while.” 
ch. 4 // series masterlist
tags: @t-toodumbtocare​ @sandaigdigan-reads​ @pwarkhans​ @ruellelix​ @malai-barfi​ @mahalau​ @milkywayfelix @qweens-stuff @tenclouds​ @crscendoforsung​ @verobibble
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krisdreaming · 5 years
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Eheheh I know, I know, it took me long enough, but here it is!!! The thrilling conclusion ;) This is pretty much just a self-indulgent first date with Kuroo scenario and it got really long oops :’) (tagging @igetcarriedawaywithyou bc I had to screenshot your ask - lmk if you want me to untag you!)
Part 1 | Part 2
“I think I’m gonna throw up.” You announce to your roommate, fidgeting with your phone in your lap as you wait for 6:00. She shakes her head.
“I don’t understand why you’re so nervous. You weren’t this nervous before your last date.”
You laugh wryly. “Yeah, and look what happened then!” You think back for the hundredth time, and shudder at the though of what could have happened - if it weren’t for Kuroo.
“I have a feeling this Kuroo guy isn’t going to stand you up.” She stabs her spoon into her bowl of ice cream, taking a giant spoonful. 
“I know.” You sigh. “I know!” You repeat more convincingly, a small smile coming to your face. You’ve been texting with Kuroo almost non-stop for the past week, and you haven’t felt this way about a guy for a while. If you’re honest, that’s what scares you the most.
“Besides, he’s picking you up here, and you’re not even going to a bar.” Her words are muffled around the ice cream in her mouth. “And you’re already half in love with him.”
“Am not.” You say, a little too quickly. She’s gracious enough to let it go with nothing more than a sly smile. Of course you’re not in love with him yet. You’ve only met him in person once, and circumstances were far from ideal. But with time - who knows? You shake your head before you can go too far down that rabbit trail.
Your phone chimes. He’s waiting for you outside. You swallow back the sudden bubble of nausea and get to your feet.
“Well, he’s here. I’ll see you later!” You give your roommate a wave and head for the door.
“Don’t hurl!” She calls after you cheerfully. You shut the door behind you without giving her a second glance.
“Hey.” Kuroo pushes away from the wall where he’d been waiting when he catches sight of you. He flashes you a smile that you can’t help but return. You’d been secretly wondering if he’d do something about his hair for your date, but it looks just as unruly as it had that night. For some reason, there’s something comforting about that fact, and you feel your nerves slowly begin to lessen.
“Hi.” You greet him, falling into step beside him.
“I do have to give you a disclaimer.” He says immediately. “We’re not exactly going to a coffee shop, but there’s this really cool place I want to show you. You’ll love it.” He promises. “We’ll have to take the train, though, if that’s alright with you.” He knocks his arm against yours.
“Fine with me.” You smile. After he learned that you’d only recently moved to the city, he insisted that he had to show you some of his favorite spots. You’re curious to see just what he has in mind.
The train is full, so you both end up standing. You’re used to being packed into the train at times, it comes with living in such a large, busy city, but you’re especially aware of him so close to you. When the train lurches, he has a hand at your elbow to make sure that you don’t lose your balance. You flash him a quick smile. Somehow, in the short time you’ve known him, it seems he’s always the one looking out for you.
By the time you get off the train, twilight has just begun to fall. The city is bathed in the orange glow of the setting sun, and it plays across Kuroo’s face. You duck your head when you realize he’s caught you staring, but all he does is smile and reach for the back of his neck.
 You walk a few blocks from the train station. “This way.” He guides you, and you take a turn down a quieter street, with fewer apartment buildings and business storefronts and more small shops. You’ve never been down this way before. It seems like a nice area to spend a Sunday afternoon.
“There’s a lot of cool places around here.” Kuroo speaks up. “They have great ramen there.” He points to a small restaurant, one you wouldn’t have even noticed if it wasn’t pointed out to you. “Oh, and that’s an amazing little coffee shop. They have the best brownies.” The small shop has a hand-painted sign in the window. You look at him in amazement.
“How do you find out about all of this stuff?”
He grins. “Lots of exploring. I just really enjoy it, you know? Finding all the little hole-in-the-wall places that most people don’t know about. It’s like a hidden treasure. There’s more places like that than you think.”
“Oh.” You breathe. “That sounds like so much fun.”
“Yeah?” He knocks his arm against yours again. You aren’t sure if it’s intentional, but you still feel your face getting warm. “Well I’ll have to take you sometime. I drag Kenma out with me most weekends.” Kenma - his best friend you note mentally. He’s talked about him before.
“I would really like that.” You nod. Your first date isn’t over, and he’s already talking about the second, as naturally as could be. You can’t help but smile to yourself. Whatever nerves and uncertainties you had been feeling earlier today, they’re completely dissolving.
“It’s just a few more blocks ahead.” He says, and you watch in front of you, your curiosity building. Finally, you approach a park of sorts, and as soon as you pass through the entrance you stop, looking around yourself in wonderment. There’s a walking path, and all along it are trees strung full of fairy lights. Their glow illuminates the intricately carved statues interspersed between them. There are a few small vendor carts as well, selling coffee and various festival foods. After a few moments of taking it in, you feel Kuroo’s hand nudge yours.
“So, what do you think?” He leans toward you and asks in a hushed voice.
“This is beautiful.” You breathe out. “I’ve never seen anything like this.”
“Yeah, I found this park a few years ago. They have different art installations throughout the year, and they’re all pretty cool. This one’s gotta be my favorite, though.” He motions toward the food vendors. “What do you want? Take your pick.” 
You walk slowly between the stands before finally making your selection. “Thanks, Kuroo.” You finally say, when you have your treat in hand and the two of you have begun to make your way down the footpath. 
“What kind of date would I be if I didn’t buy you anything to eat?” He brushes it off with a wave of his hand.
“No, I mean… for everything. For this.” You wave your hand at your surroundings. “It’s got to be one of the coolest dates I’ve ever been on.”
“One of?” He gives you a teasing grin. “I’ll work on that for next time.” That’s the moment he knocks his hand against yours again, more purposefully, and you recognize the invitation. You turn your hand palm up, and he slides your hands together, fitting his fingers between yours. He gives your hand a gentle squeeze, and you smile at him, hoping it can convey everything you can’t put into words.
You walk slowly through the park, taking everything in. You’re talking the whole time. About nothing - about everything. You don’t realize how much time has passed until the lights in the trees flicker out, leaving only the harsher white park lighting. “Guess that’s our cue to leave.” Kuroo chuckles.
The train is much emptier than it had been earlier that evening. Still, you sit close together. Kuroo puts his arm loosely around your shoulders, and you let yourself lean ever-so-slightly into him. He has the same smell you remember from his coat the night you’d met - something warm and comforting that you can’t quite place.
Back in front of your apartment building, it’s finally time to say your goodbyes. Kuroo finally lets go of your hand. You don’t say anything at first, trying to drag it out just a little longer.
“I had a great time tonight.” Kuroo is the one to speak. “Honestly. Don’t take this the wrong way, but I’m really glad that guy didn’t show up for you last week. Is that insensitive?”
“Maybe.” You laugh. “But I know what you mean. Sure, it might’ve been more ideal if i met you when I was sober, but drunk me is sure glad you showed up when you did.” You pause, and the two of you simultaneously take a step closer together. You giggle softly.
“Don’t go to any more bars alone.” He scolds gently, a soft smile on his face.
You shake your head. “Wouldn’t dream of it.” 
When his face is only inches away from yours, he pauses. “Is this okay?”
You wrap your fingers into the fabric of his coat. “Perfect.” You breathe before tugging him close enough to cover the final distance between you. His kiss is warm and firm, and when you finally pull away, he follows after you for one final peck. He grins.
“Wanna go exploring with me next Saturday?”
You smile back, warmth slowly traveling through your whole body. “I’d love that.”
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mbeebowriting · 5 years
draco malfoy x reader
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warnings: none other than a kinda ooc draco!
word count: 1.8k
notes: okay this is very specific and super self indulgent but also really sweet and cute so!!! enjoy!!! (also this is unedited bc im too antsy and excited to post it
     the past 2 weeks had overwhelmed you. tests, papers, concerts, forced social gatherings- your energy had just run out. you still had another week to go before any kind of break though- so the timing of your burnout was less than ideal. at this point, you barely had enough energy to talk to your friends, so when draco malfoy tapped on your shoulder during class, you whirled around, ready to fight. what you weren’t expecting was his question.
     “can you help me with this?” you blinked in surprise. she you had short conversations before class, but it still shocked you a little bit.
     “yeah, sure. i’ll show you.” you walked him through the spell a few times, until he was able to execute it well enough to pass. 
     “great, thank you!” he said with a smile. his politeness threw you off, and all you could do was smile and turn back around. what you didn’t see was how his smile fell after that.
     the next day, for whatever reason, he sat next to you, but you were still feeling equally as drained as the day before. at the end of class he stopped you from leaving with yet again, a small conversation.
     “do you think we could meet out of class to work on these charms? you seem to really understand it and i could use some help.”
     “im sorry draco- my schedule is completely packed until our break.” you replied with a sad smile. “i’ve actually got another performance tonight for the staff dinner.”
     “hm. what about after that? we could grab some dinner and study.” you were taken aback again. why was he being so nice to you? you couldn’t turn him down after he’s showing you kindness you’ve never seen before. plus, he was really cute, you’ve always kind of had a thing for him. 
     “alright, how about 8 o’clock in the great hall?”
     “great, it’s a date.” he said with a wink before leaving the class- leaving you flustered and unsure of what just happened.
     after you had finished your performance, you made your way to the great hall, spotting draco on the way. you chatted idly while grabbing some food and a table. draco sat to your right and your textbooks piled up to your left.  once you began studying, you felt the weight of the day hit you, and you ended up zoning out and staring at your textbook. you laid your head in your hand and decided to close your eyes for just one minute. unsurprisingly, you fell asleep. when you woke up, you and draco were the only ones in the room.
     “good morning.” draco said. it was at this point that you realized the position you were in, in your sleep, you had shifted so that  your head was resting on his shoulder. you immediately lifted your head up and avoided eye contact with him. 
     “what time is it?”
     “you let me sleep that long?’ you exclaimed.
     “you just seemed so tired and like you needed a break. and plus…” he trailed off. “nevermind.”
     “no no, wait. plus what?” he became visibly flustered.
     “nothing, there is no plus!”
     “tell me what the plus is or i’ll ditch you and hang out with potter instead.” his eyes widened- did that actually make him mad?
     “fine. i was just going to say you looked cute on my shoulder like that.” now it was your turn to be flustered. suddenly your textbook was incredibly interesting. you could feel him smirking beside you, but couldn’t bring yourself to look at him. he leaned into to your ear and sent chills down your spine as he spoke. “but to be fair, you look cute all the time.” you covered your face with your hands to hide your blush. he went to pull your hands away, and chuckled as you swatted them away. “hey, you asked for this! why are you so embarrassed anyway, i’m just stating facts.” you sighed in response, but couldn’t hold back a smile. 
     “i need to go draco, i have another concert tomorrow and i need to be at my best.” your smile fell.
     “alright. i hope it goes well.” you gave him a sad smile and couldn’t stop the tears from pricking at your eyes. “hey woah, what’s going on? are you okay?”
     “yeah.” you said shakily and unconvincingly, to which he gave you a look. “i’m just exhausted and… i really wish my family could be here for this concert.” you were so focused on talking without crying your barely noticed draco’s hand holding your own. “everyone else’s families come for this concert, it’s our last one, but my parents decided… they would rather visit my sisters than me. i just wish someone would come support me at this last concert.” one tear was set free as you blinked. it rolled down your cheek and dropped onto draco’s hand. he was clearly caught off guard by your sudden change in emotion, but his voice was steady when he spoke.
     “what time is it?”
     “no, draco-”
     “and where?”
     “draco you don’t have to come out of pity, it’s okay. this is how it’s always been, i’m used to it. i stopped looking for familiar faces in the audience years ago.”
     “what? that’s not okay! when and where is it. i’ll be there.” you studied his eyes before answering.
     “it’s here, after they serve dinner.”
     “i’ll be there.” 
     “...why?”      “because you deserve to have someone in the audience-”
     “no, why are you being so nice to me? this feels so… out of character for you.” his eyes darted around the room, looking anywhere but your own. 
     “i- you just haven’t done anything wrong for me to… uhh…” he struggled to find the word. “tease you for.” you couldn’t help but feel disappointed at his response.
     “well, thank you for that i guess. but we should really get going. it’s late.” he agreed with you, so you packed up all your things and went your separate ways.
     “(y/n)!” your roommate shouted as you walked in. “where on GOD have you been? don’t you have a concert tomorrow and classes all morning?” you flopped down on your bed.
     “yeah, since when do you track my schedule?”
     “you were complaining about it in charms.”
     “fair enough, that does sound like me. but why are you so worried about this suddenly?”
     “hmm, not worried, just curious.” she said, sitting next to you on your bed. “i happened to walk by the great hall just an hour ago,” your eyes went wide. “and saw you with none other than the prince of slytherin himself: draco malfoy.”
     “don’t jump to conclusions, we were just studying.”
     “for god’s sake (y/n), you were asleep on his shoulder! did he ever say it was a date? i bet he did.” 
     “well yeah, but i thought he was just teasing. he does that.” she gave you the same look that draco had given you earlier. “okay and he also called me cute and is coming to my concert tomorrow but don’t read into that, he probably wasn’t serious!” 
     “guess we’ll just have to wait and see.”
     “well if he has a thing for you too, he’ll be at the concert.”
     “too? excuse you?”
     “i love you to death (y/n) but you’re a terrible liar, and you’re not very subtle.”
     the day’s classes had flown by- it was concert time. you arrived early, helping set up the chairs and music, and once you had settled into your spot and people had filled in, you couldn’t believe what you saw. what seemed like the entirety of the slytherin house was packed into the front section, with one familiar asshole front and center. he caught your eye and sent you a smile. you couldn’t even think of what to do back, you were too shook.
     the concert itself went by quickly. you played beautifully, and all of your emotions poured through your instrument. by the end, you were shaky, emotional, and nervous to see draco after. you didn’t have much time to compose yourself however, as he was the first person you saw as you walked off stage. before you could say anything, he wrapped you in a hug (but quickly pulled away once he realized people were staring).
     “you did incredible!”
     “thank you- how did you… why are there… what?” you could barely get a sentence out.
     “i just asked some people to come and support you, you deserve a big cheering section.”
     “draco, i…” suddenly you were aware of everyone standing around you two. “can we maybe go somewhere a little quieter?” he nodded and pulled you through the crowd, out the door, and down the hallway into the courtyard. he sat down on a bench and motioned for you to sit next to him, which you gladly did. you took a deep breath before speaking, trying to kill your nerves that arose with the thought of sharing your feelings with him. you were so in your head, you barely processed what he said when he spoke.
      “you really did well up there today. and you look stunning too, by the way.” again, no thoughts heady empty, you could not think of a response for the life of you. he chuckled. “i’m sure you’ve figured it out by now, i’m not just nice to you because you ‘done nothing wrong’ or whatever i said yesterday.” he stared at you, waiting for a response, but all you could do was smile and let your palms sweat. “are you really gonna make me say it? it’s because i like you (y/n).” the final twist of the knife. there were simultaneously one million and absolutely no thoughts swimming around your head, but when you didn’t respond he started to lean away and looked hurt.
     “wait no- i’m sorry! this is just a lot all at once! i like you too draco.” you rushed out. he returned to your side, eyebrows raised.
     “yeah. you must have charmed me or something, because i really do. somehow.”
      “hey! first of all, rude. second of all, i’m terrible at charms. you know that.” you two joked back and forth until the moon shone brightly up above. after you both agreed it was time to head back to your respective dorms, a nervous silence fell. 
     “sooo…” you drawled on. “good night i guess?”
     “good night to you too.” silence again. “do you have time for another study date tomorrow? i spent most of our last one being nervous and trying not to wake you up.”
     “yeah! i’m free tomorrow night if you want?”
     “alright, it’s a date.” he said for leaning down to kiss you, and walking away. leaving you flustered and unsure of what just happened for the second time that week.
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hoe-imaginess · 4 years
tried to put older ones at the top. 
ALSO: I got a lot of requests in the last few weeks and just wanted to post a general reply in reminder that my ASK BOX IS CLOSED! Not accepting any requests right now, sorry! I delete any that come in
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i BEEN A YEEHAW BINCH SINCE DAY ONE GORLLL. we stan 4am whataburger in this house 
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I do!! I used to have gold but it got kinda expensive in comparison to what I was charging for ko-fi’s. If you don’t have that extra $6 a month it’s not worth it boo ):
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Ahhh congrats! Sorry I’m so late!! I think it’s always worth it to stick with the original blog since you’ve accumulated followers there, and you never know if they’re going to miss out on the transition to your new one. It takes some time to restructure a blog but it’s definitely worth it to keep the original
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the amount of HIM’s in One Piece is unbelievable I whore for everyone
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I’m doing ok!!!! I go a little crazy indoors but I’m keeping myself busy <3 my immune system is shit so I’m on utter lock down, but better safe than sorry
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I keep up sporadically with the manga!! I stopped watching it when I caught up a few months ago, think I ended on Whole Cake? I know what’s happening currently but I haven’t read too into depth in the Wano arc. I usually just... pop into the spoilers tags... to see Law... bc I love him... 
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Mito and Hashi are a powerful duo. Mito has a lot of brains cells she has to share with Hashi but that’s ok!!!! I do think Tobirama and Mito would get along too!
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Basically tbh he sees one thing out of place and he must destroy
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i’D HEARD IT WAS A REALLY BAD CHAPTER. this is a late response but MANGA READERS THAT ONE WEEK... we were all a mess (and no I haven’t watched but I’ve been recommended to do so quite a lot so I’ll hop on it soon!) 
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Hmm!!!! I actually find a *shorter* first chapter is a good way to hook the reader without making them claw through too much writing to get a sense of what’s going on. Like, if I see a first chapter is reallllly long I sometimes have to do it to em, and scroll a bit to the middle to see what’s going on, and to double check that it’s a fic I want to take the time to read
1300 words isn’t too much though!!! Omg I’ve written much longer first chapters lmao. If you feel weird about it you can maybe find a good place to split that 1300 into two chapters?? But definitely make sure it’s split in a good place. It’s always good to leave the reader wanting more. If you can end on a short cliff hanger or a tense moment, that’s 10/10
That being said it would probably be wise to make the rest of the chapters of a similair average length. I’ve read fics that have shorter or longer chapters and it’s not bad (unless I’m grieving because it’s too short AND I REQUIRE MOREEE) but it might help you with actually planning your plot
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I DON’T!!! But I want his ninja dick so bad. Maybe i’ll whip something up for him soon. For the culture 
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When you sent this a while ago it actually inspired me to pick it up again!! I’m fixing it so it comes up with more accurate (?) results since I think the first one was so messed up. Everyone kept getting Madara sksksks. It’s still in the works but I wanna post it again! They’re super fun to make
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It’s so hard trying to keep a character that you love IC because... i want him to not be as much of an asshole as he is in canon... so unfortunately I gotta let him be an asshole sometimes. On the other hand, fortunately he’s such a minor guy I get some room to explore w him and I really hope it pays off, so thank you!!!
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Girl, eye—someties
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did Itachi Uchiha send me this
(i love u too)
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RIGHT!!! i would have never guessed. Like, if Kishi could see us... he’d be fucking floored....
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Queen!!! I do!!! I don’t have much up rn but I got 234232 Word docs with WIP fics that I hope to post at some point, ty ilysm 
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@any59​ ty ty!
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Ahhhh!!! thank you!!! It was my biggest project to date <3 
(HxH spoilers below vvvvv)
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I don’t really think Feitan is... so far removed from his emotions (Like Meruem) that he would really need to change that drastically for someone if he really liked them—that being said, he’s not going to change, either. If by change we mean he’s suddenly as enamored and endearing with them as Meruem is with Komugi... then I don’t think that’s going to happen regardless. We kinda see Feitan being a good and decently considerate comrade to the Troupe, so that would obviously extend to this girl/boy, maybe with a sliver of extra fondness if we’re talking romantically. But otherwise, Feitan seems like a “you get what you get” type of guy, that would inherently be *tender* with someone he liked, but not so tender that he’d have to have a whole philosophical/personality change
Ok now I’m confusing myself aksjdhfkjs. Basically:
Meruem had to like, undergo some existential shit to get where he was Komugi. I think Feitan already has the capacity to care for someone, even if his way of caring isn’t exactly rainbows and butterflies. So it’s not like he has to change. He just has to find the right person that doesn’t 1) get on his nerves and 2) get on his nerves enough that he’s gonna kill them
Feitan is a simple man. You piss him off. You die. You don’t? Ok. He’ll be nice
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I did!!!
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Thank you for accepting me I’m glad to be here
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akjdhfakjshfsj i know this was a serious comment but when i first read it I wanted to laugh asdhfkasjhf the “ap lit” inclusion sent me. What was so horrible about ap lit that this girl thought she was dying? Ap lit will really get you
(But I know!! I’d forgotten I’d taken it that morning! I have one of those cute pill organizers and I thought I’d taken it out but did not...)
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Forgive me!!! I felt dumba fterwards hence why I deleted the post. Do not worry! This is the dose I was prescribed. I figured I would get some really manic reactions when trying a new dosage so now I know that’s not gonna work lol 
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ajkshdfkjshfjksa izuna wants tobirama’s death to be as quick and natural as possible
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thank  you!!!! I didn’t think you guys would like them so much <3
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It’s been so long since I watched Psycho Pass or even looked into anything about it so pls take my thoughts with a grain of salt but:
I’m gonna say probably not? He’s one of those typical antags that have such strong ideals that... I don’t think even if the corrupt system was taken down he’d be entirely absolved of his ideals, or at the least, of the journey he’s taken in pursuit of those ideals. I don’t think a guy like him could ultimately settle down once the dust clears, and especially not with a lover or a family or anything like that. If he did want to lead a normal life it would probably be in seclusion
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Thank you!!!!!!
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skjhasjkdfhajkhsd they would never. Only room for one tongue on that body and they’ll fight for their tongue rights
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Ahhh yeah my master post is so bad I swear I’m gonna fix it one day—I don’t think I have one of Madara!
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I do not ):
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@cacauatecacauate​ thanks for the kind words!! I’m not accepting requests right now though! I am planning on posting more to that story though, just not right now!
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(I think this was in response to when I missed your ko-fi about the bakers) thank you! and thanks for supporting!
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nero-neptune · 4 years
tag game hehe :)
I was tagged by @lydsmartin
1. what is the color of your hairbrush? pink denman brush 2. name a food you never eat. papayas are the worst! or anything with mayo/ketchup 3. are you typically too warm or too cold? i have anemia so i tend to be cold all the time. even my fingernails turn blue if the temperature drops really low really quick 4. what were you doing 45 minutes ago? making beignet dough! (i’m princess tiana for halloween) 5. what’s your favorite candy bar? it is a hard tie between twix and the cookie and creme hershey bar 6. have you ever been to a professional sports game? i went to an atl braves game at the original stadium when i was....really really young. the most significant part of it was that it had fireworks at the end, but its lasting impact is that baseball is no contest my fav sport 7. what is the last thing you said out loud? "we can watch the other halloween episode of the office, and then we’re getting apple cider” 8. what is your favorite ice cream? COFFEE! and when it’s coffee with chocolate pieces in it, even better! 9. what was the last thing you had to drink? COFFEE! 10. do you like your wallet? don’t have a wallet. i’m all pockets and it will for sure be my downfall 11. what is the last thing you ate? a chocolate chip poptart 12. did you buy any new clothes last weekend? i probably get new clothes three to five times a year and that number has dropped to zero this year. so, no 13. what’s the last sporting event you watched? i caught a glimpse of a kansas city chiefs game that one of my cousins plays in. which is cool, but i don’t care for football 14. what is your favorite flavor of popcorn? buttery movie theater popcorn. better when there’s free refills 15. who is the last person you sent a text message to? i texted a picture of my costume to one of my friends from college (she and her girlfriend where dressed as a captain and first mate) 16. ever been camping? probably when i was in elementary school. i hate bugs and camping. that’s a white man’s activity 17. do you take vitamins? i take iron bc of the anemia. i’m not gonna check if that’s a vitamin 18. do you regularly attend a place of worship? ....virtual church. which is unbearable bc i haven’t been a christian for a Few Years Now but i still live here and i’m not gonna out myself as a disbeliever in the holy trinity 19. do you have a tan? idk i’m black. and it’s fall so i’m probably a smidge lighter than the summertime? idk 20. do you prefer chinese or pizza? let’s just say that bbq chicken pizza >>>>> 21. do you drink your soda through a straw? who does that? 22. what color socks do you usually wear? i have a collection of multicolored socks and i’ve lost the other pair to so many, so i’m usually wearing mixmatched colorful socks everyday 23. do you ever drive above the speed limit? only on the interstate when everyone else is above the speed limit 24. what terrifies you? getting kidnapped by a weirdo freak and getting murdered. blame my childhood of no cable but TONS of criminal minds 25. look to your left, what do you see? fireplace 26. what chore do you hate most? sweeping! 27. what do you think of when you hear an australian accent? some margot robbie interview which shook me to the core bc i didn’t know she was australian before that 28. what’s your favorite soda? plain coke. but that new lymonade sprite is getting up there 29. do you go in a fast food place or just hit the drive thru? we are in a pandemic. drive thru, but rarely anyway 30. what’s your favorite number? 42. if you know, you know 31. who’s the last person you talked to? my sister 32. favorite meat? steak 33. last song you listened to? blue moon by the marcels! i helped my sister with a halloween playlist and i love an american werewolf in london. (although, as i’m writing this, the song changed to ‘i put a spell on you’ by ccr) 34. last book you read? art museum libraries and librarianship by joan benedetti bc it was a gift from my last internship and i want to learn more about the field i'm tryna enter lol 35. favorite day of the week? saturday 36. can you say the alphabet backwards? probably. i think i memorized it as a kid and now the tune is in my head 37. how do you like your coffee? dark but sweet. i tend to drink decaf bc either caffeine does nothing at all or it makes me tired 38. favorite pair of shoes? at one point, i wore my original burgundy converse Into The Ground (they got holes and were falling apart but i still wore them bc ~aesthetic~ and they literally fell apart. loved them) 39. time you normally get up? ideally, i would wake up at 10:30am everyday 40. what do you prefer, sunrise or sunsets? love that song! and sunsets bc i’m a night owl. 41. how many blankets on your bed? 2 officially but 4 technically bc i use the other 2 as pillows 42. describe your kitchen plates: we got a whole mess of dishes. plain white, beige with brown designs, clear, some powerpuff and hello kitty dishes from when i was a child, burgundy bowls, probably others that we don’t really use anymore but we don’t toss them out either 43. describe your kitchen at the moment: green-brown walls, silver oven and fridge, white cabinets, autumn tablecloth, lots of jackets tossed on the chairs, wet dishes in the strainer(?), cereals on top of the fridge, open windows, an aquarium that’s been empty since the time a fish jumped out and landed to it’s death on the floor back when i was 10 (but we don’t get rid of Anything!) 44. do you have a favorite alcoholic drink? no 45. do you play cards? i LOVE playing speed/spit! i was a demon at that game! 46. what color is your car? well my Parents’ car is dark grey 47. can you change a tire? never had to. no car of my own 48. your favorite state or province? idk georgia’s alright, the politics suck. louisiana’s nice, the politics SUCK. i don’t remember much about either illinois or washington back when my dad worked in both states and i only went to nyc once when i was 7 and was meeting distant family. ideally, i wanna leave the country 49. favorite job you’ve had? i miss working in the university special collections library so bad!
i am tagging anyone who wants to do this bc i don’t want to end up leaving anyone out lmao
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devilstree · 4 years
Answer the questions and tag 11 people you want to know better!
@devildomz tagged us in an ask game. ok hell yeah this is a 2 in 1 blog
1. What do you prefer to be called namewise?
adri: adri !
nat: nat ........ lol our names are right there
2. When is your birthday?
adri: june 29 ... cancer season 😌 ✌️ 
nat: december 11 sagittarius gang only
3. Where do you live? (You can just give the country’s or state name if you’re not comfortable with sharing the city name)
adri: both of us are from the sf bay area
nat: what she said
4. Three things you are doing right now?
adri: i made fresh strawberry milk + boba and i am sipping on that. i am also listening to weeb music. i am also drawing somn 👀
nat: i am dyeing fabric in a pot with acrylic paint bc im in the throes of finals week and also im blasting fall out boy just one yesterday cause its 2015 again. yeah
5. Four fandoms that have your peak interest right now?
adri: at the forefront it is literally obey me the demon dating sim and haikyuu the volleyball anime is my ultimate comfort media. thats all folks i dont have four
nat: obey me is my emotional support quarantine hyperfixation but also animal crossing
6. How has this pandemic been treating you?
adri: not kidding! godawful! i hate it here ive never been more depressed in my life
nat: my life is gonna turn around as soon as im done with class next week but for now i am literally going through it.
7. A song you can’t stop listening to right now?
adri: tattoos together -- lauv
nat: mouth of the devil - mother mother
8. Recommend a movie
adri: marie antoinette dir. sofia coppola. is something that can be so personal 
nat: phantom thread 2017 dir. paul thomas anderson. absolutely insane
9. How old are you?
adri: i am 19
nat: me also
10. School, university, occupation or other
adri: university but summer break just started 4 me. double majoring in english/environmental studies 
nat: university also i go to art school. studying textiles & trying to double major in illustration. still working on the last one tho........
11. Do you prefer heat or cold?
adri: for outside weather sunny and warm, for indoor temp cold
nat: 70 degrees is the ideal living temperature i dont take feedback. also it is better to be cold than hot
12. Name one fact about you that others might find unusual
adri: bruv i am a normie i cannot think of an unusual thing. i am a vegan thats my weirdest unusual shit
nat: idk uhhhhhhhh. actually ok i thought my birthday was the wrong day for 10 years
13. Are you shy?
adri: i do not think that im shy i literally am just woefully picky with people i have in my life so i snip out people i dont immediately click with. not shy just unfortunately frigid akhddkg
nat: no only on the internet 
14. Do you have preferred pronouns?
adri: she/her
nat: anythings cool honestly but i prefer he/they slightly.
15. Biggest pet peeves?
adri: gross but. aggressive burping without apology when i dont know u like that
nat: hate it when ppl try to be rude funny like what is ur damage lol.. only do that if i know u -_-
16. What is your favourite “-dere” type?
adri: i had to look this shit up bc i didnt know any dere type other than tsundere but i still say tsundere because its so fun
nat: not a weeb so i had to check anyway its deredere i love happy bitches. good for them
17. Rate your life  1-10. 1 being crappy, 10 being amazing.
adri: last week it was a -8 but today it’s a 5??? im unfortunately going thru some shit rn but im on the up again
nat: 3-4 right now but i am finally getting off my ass for my finals. as soon as next week passes i guarantee i WILL be at 10
18. What is your main blog?
adri: @adrisama where i blog about haikyuu and rb whatever else i want
nat: @goo-mies its just everything there.
19. List your side blogs and what they are used for.
adri: oh christ. they are all lowkey dead for now bc i literally caught obey me disease but @twilitinhere for twilight blogging. @puffsleeves for blogging about anne with an e. @agrestes for miraculous ladybug. u are looking at the newest sideblog here at devilstree dot tumblr dot com
nat: i have an art blog @dovebranch and an aes blog @solohsis which r the only ones im really using rn. i used to have a tf2 sideblog but i havent touched it in 2 years and the art is old so i am NOT sharing
20. One thing you think people should know about you before they become your friends? 
adri: this is just for people who follow this blog and play obey me.... i stan satan and mammon. yes they r on critical opposing ends of the sapiosexual/morosexual spectrum. i have two hands!!!!!  🤧🤧🤧
nat: im just gonna piggyback off of what adri answered. anyway i stan levi and asmo who are also on opposite extremes except its the two ends of the cringe-sexy scale. (pinches fingers together) its about the duality
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sunriseskog · 5 years
comethru- Auston Matthews
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Request: n/a this was entirely self induglent bc im sad and ive had comethru by Jermey Zucker stuck in my head for weeks
Word Count: 2,267
Warnings: cursing, angst, dudes being assholes, mentions of tr*ding auston
A/N: ive been on hiatus for a long ass time so any feedback is more than welcome!!!! also i am fully aware that i used this gift for my last post but its hot and i dont care
It had been a little over a month since Auston left. No… that’s not quite right. It had been a little over a month since Auston left Toronto. It had been just barely under a month since you had left Auston.
You weren’t entirely sure who the trade surprised more, but you did know for a fact that it had had a far greater effect on you than it had on Auston.
He had remained optimistic in the beginning. After all, Buffalo is barely a 2-hour drive on a bad day. On a good day, he could probably make it in an hour and a half. But the two of you had quickly reached the conclusion that either of you driving 4+ hours a day wasn’t practical, and it wasn’t fair to whoever drew the short end of the stick, pun intended. You knew he would never ask you to move for him, hell even moving in together had been a stretch for you, but you also knew that there was an unspoken expectation that eventually the both of you would relocate closer to the arena.
Before he had even reached the border, you had managed to convince yourself that this short distance relationship would cripple your relationship before you could even begin filling out the US immigration forms to move with him, let alone actually convince yourself to do it. So you backed off. You knew that trying to exhaust what was left of the relationship would only end up destroying you the both of you more than was necessary, so you let go. You knew it wouldn’t take him long to pick up on the fact that you were becoming distant, taking longer to respond to texts, barely calling him back and conveniently timing your responses with the specific intention of him not being able to pick up. You may have been stupid, but you sure as hell weren’t subtle. You knew that as long you were the bad guy in the scenario, it wouldn’t take him nearly as long to get over you, and as long as you remained in control of the situation, you knew that you’d come out of the tail end of things perfectly fine.
And you were. You were absolutely, positively fine. But that was all you were. You weren’t good or great or doing well, you were just… fine. You were off-kilter, sure, but you were surviving, and that was honestly all you had come to ask of yourself. You were sure that the other shoe would drop soon enough, you had ridden the high and now you were at the plateau, but the comedown seemed to always be lurking around the corner.
One too many sleepless nights in a row had come to significantly impact your sleeping schedule. It had gotten to the point where your boss had come to expect your work day to end at 5 am instead of 5 pm. It was nice, though. To see the city when it felt like no one else could. To have your whole day to yourself, even though it was technically night. Everything was much quieter, and there were moments where it felt like you might be the only person in the entire city to be awake, and you wouldn’t have it any other way. You rarely interacted with anyone, you didn’t even wake up until hours after the last of your coworkers had left the building, and every errand you had to run could be completed via the self-checkout of the 24 hr supermarket a few blocks away from your apartment building. You weren’t lonely by any means, you just so happened to be alone.
Except on game nights. You were never alone on game nights. Luckily, there weren’t very many Toronto residents that enjoyed watching one of their franchise players play in a different teams jersey, but you still couldn’t help but punish yourself by watching his games whenever they were on at the sports bar you frequented. You told yourself that as long as someone else put the game on, and as long as you left with someone new before the game was over, then it wasn’t nearly as pathetic as it seemed.
An issue arose the first time Toronto played the Sabres. You hadn’t checked the schedule, you just knew that there was a game. You also knew that if you were ever alone when a game was on you would curl up with far too much ice cream and a borderline dangerous amount of rum, neither of which were ideal. Immediately upon entering the bar, you knew that it was far too crowded for there to not be a Leafs game on, it was nowhere near baseball season, and the sea of blue jerseys couldn’t be for any other team. An involuntary wince consumed your face as Auston’s name reached your ears, it seemed like every congregation of fans in the entire establishment were talking about him, and a cursory glance at the nearest screen confirmed your fears.
The bad news was that if you stayed, you would have to watch Auston play, which was bound to be painful for any Leafs fan, but this one would hurt you just a little more than all the others— the knowledge that he was just across the city weighed heavily on your shoulders as you pushed through the crowd to find an empty stool somewhere. The worse news was that there was no way in hell a single guy in here would be willing to leave before the game was over, so you’d either have to watch all of it and then fuck the feelings away, or go home and watch all of it and probably end up crying for a majority of the third period. The former seemed like a more viable option at the time.
Now, though? You wished you had just gone home. Because it turns out you were wrong, there was a dude at the bar who was willing to leave before the end, as it would turn out, he was ready to leave before the second period was halfway through. That should have been your first red flag.
In your defense, you had a lot of other shit going on, and your brain was far too preoccupied coping with the stress that the game was bringing to consider the fact that the nice guy who had been paying for your drinks might not turn out to be that nice after all.
On the cab ride back to your apartment, you found out that his name was Sam and he was a lifelong Leafs fan. The two of you bonded over having grown up around hockey without actually playing it, and you even shared a cigarette at the entrance of your building’s lobby. It wasn’t until the two of you stepped into your living room that things took a turn for the worse.
The framed and signed Matthews jersey on the mantle had been more of a joke than anything else, all of your friends thought it was funny while the two of you were together, and you hadn’t had anyone over since the breakup, so you hadn’t found a reason to convince yourself to take it down. The look of disgust on Sam’s face as soon as he laid eyes on it would have been a fairly convincing reason if you actually gave a shit what he thought about you.
“That’s borderline sacrilege,” he commented, gesturing towards the display. You shot him an incredulous look, waiting for him to give any indication that he was making a joke.
“What?” You questioned, not really confused, just wanting to clarify if he was saying. What you thought he was saying.
“You can’t seriously call yourself a leafs fan and still support that guy! He’s a traitor,” He asserted. His over passionate gesturing indicated that he was genuinely this invested in the topic, which should have been your second red flag.
“I mean c’mon, (Y/N),” He continued. “You’re not stupid, are you?”
You couldn’t help but scoff at how pretentious and condescending he was being, without seeming to realize that he was acting like an absolute prick.
“I can assure you, Samuel,” You drawled sarcastically. “I am anything but stupid, but you have got to be absolutely moronic if you genuinely believe that I’m going to let you fuck me after speaking to me like I'm a goddamn child. Your kinks are your business but that's not really my style,” you sneered as you moved towards the doorway in order to invite him to throw himself out so you didn’t have to bother touching him any more than you already had.
“Now why don’t you get the fuck out of my house, dick head,” You spoke as your lip curled and your brow quirked, gesturing through the doorway to drive the point through his thick skull.
“Gladly,” He scoffed, slamming his shoulder into yours as he stepped past you. “Not like I’d want to fuck a whore like you anyways!” He shouted over his should as he started towards the stairs.
“Open your mouth that wide again and I’m gonna have to ask you to chortle my cock, Samuel” You responded, giving a middle finger to his back for your own satisfaction. You had never been one to censor your insults, and over the years they had become more and more lewd. This, of course, had never really presented itself as a problem until you caught the eye of your neighbor as you turned to storm back inside of your apartment. You couldn’t help but wince apologetically at the old woman, giving her a repentant head nod as you shuffled back inside.
You let your back hit the inside of the door, sliding roughly down until your tailbone hit the hardwood floor beneath your feet. Of course, the first substantial interaction you had in over a month would turn out to be a spectacular disaster. And of course, it was because of Auston. Realistically, you knew it wasn’t his fault, you just really really needed someone else to blame right now. You carded your fingers through your scalp roughly, and let out an elongated groan in the hopes that it would satisfy the overwhelming urge that you had had to scream at the top of your lungs for the past month or so.
As you stared at your own intertwined fingers in an attempt to calm yourself down, you couldn’t help but notice that your fingers were shaking. This wasn’t a recent development by any means, but this was the first time that you had noticed it being this aggressive. It usually only happened when you had coffee, which was why you had abstained from it for a majority of your life. As you looked back on what your routine had become, you realized that through all the late nights and later mornings, you had been popping caffeine pills and ordering espressos far more than the ‘one-time thing’ you told yourself it was. The realization that your life had done a complete 180 in the span of 5 weeks began to weigh on you, and it seemed like your mind was consumed entirely by flurries of memories of bad habits you had fallen back into and the lifeless moments you had spent floundering, convincing yourself that you were fine on your own, despite the fact that that was anything but the truth.
It didn’t take very long to find his contact picture in your recent messages. You hadn’t had much of a reason to talk to that many people lately. It took longer to open up the message thread, trying to prepare yourself to view the unbearably awkward finality of your most recent messages to each other. The preview underneath his name only served as a painful reminder that the last time he had texted you was to say that he loved you. And you hadn’t said it back.
You weren’t sure if he was going to respond, hell you went sure he was even going to read it. For all you knew it was entirely within the realm of possibility that he had blocked you a while ago. You knew exactly what to say, surprisingly, that wasn’t the hard part. Of the few letters that you typed, the closer you got to reaching out to him again seemed to calm you down more and more. By the time you tacked on the question mark at the end, your fingers had stopped trembling for there first time in what you could assume had been at least a couple of weeks. You let your phone drop to the floor as soon as you hit send, either he would be here within the hour or his response wouldn’t be worth reading. Those were the only options on the table. Either he was going to come and the two of you were going to get to be okay for a little while, or it truly was the end. If that was the case then you really didn’t want to see what he had to say. You heard your phone vibrate from where it laid just a couple feet away, and as much as the desire consumed you, you couldn’t bring yourself to move to see what it said. So you sat there, and waited to see if you would be able to hear those oh so familiar footsteps ascending your staircase again, responding to your oh so familiar request.
‘come thru?’
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obeetlebeetle · 6 years
Do all the dnd asks!
1. A favorite character you have played.
2. Your favorite character that someone else has played.
o my god.. this is so hard, my group makes really good characters! for each of them:zach - nickels!! trauma child kenku weirdo who sold their soul to talk.. who grew up to be an angry pirate who adopted a child on impulse.ari - lael, obviously. they have a half-elf complex, a good chunk of their personality is being the kid that catches lizards, and they have a robot arm.lemon - honestly? jj devinyl. i mean, john mulaney as a tiefling cleric who loves his wife and is also going completely insane? yeah.bree - i.. love layla. she’s a good-aligned cleric to an evil god and her and kellan are the cutest couple in dnd tbh.connor - guardian is a robot.
3. Your favorite side quest.
o fuck!! y’all.. it’s bufo. it’s the fact that my talking toad npc was so lovable that they unlocked the quest in which his mother hunts him down and tries to kill him so that she can live forever. they killed her ofc and bufo was untransformed into a handsome.. halfling.
4. Your current campaign.
i’m running a murder mystery set aboard an airship! with strong cosmic horror elements! and i’m playing in a large-scale epic about spies caught up in the very start of a continent-wide war.
5. Favorite NPC.
also a very hard question. on one hand, jean is my actual boyfriend and also a literal angel assassin. on the other hand, nika is a child god trapped in an amulet whose super god power makes people trip which is so fucking funny. back around to the first hand, which is now the third, aengus is so well-done as a villain that he’s almost scared me in my real-life actual heart and yet he’s an a huge loser with breakup trauma, which is objectively also so fucking funny. on my fourth hand, fela is my most important npc who i’m probably in love with and she’s been in every one of my campaigns. on my FIFTH hand--
6. Favorite death (monster, player character, NPC, etc).
7. Your favorite downtime activity.
8. Your favorite fight/encounter.
that time nasuada beat lumley up in her own dumb-ass head, and lumley’s response was to find this super hot.
9. Your favorite thing about D&D.
getting together and spending time with my friends! or maybe that it lets me be creative without the stress writing gives me.
10. Your favorite enemy and the enemy you hate the most.
fav enemy is def aengus!! like wow he’s fucking terrifying!! and i hate yin&yang the most, they were so creepy and cruel and they were never really punished.
11. How often do you play and how often would you ideally like to play?
i dm once a week these days, and i play sporadically. thesis year has been hard on me! but ideally i would love to dm twice a week and play in one or two steady campaigns, or dm once a week with regular one-shot sessions!
12. Your in game inside jokes/memes/catchphrases and where they came from.
o.. there’s a lot?? my favorite is “honeyclaw pissed on lenthol” bc our barbarian thought it would be a good idea to climb into the robot piloted by the “big bad” (or so we thought at the time), and then to sell her bluff that she was looking for the bathroom, she just...... pissed herself >:(
13. Introduce your current party.
as a dm: lael (half-elf magitechnician who bases their mad science off of cool bugs); guardian (robot paladin on his third life, basically robocop with light existential crises); senhora (brash and kind-hearted by turns, an elf who [REDACTED] before becoming a ranger and bonding w a wolf); jj devinyl (a tiefling cleric who does stand-up comedy and loves his wife); and percy (an android with identity issues, driven by curiosity, and love for magic, and literally no qualms about threatening to kill her friends).
as a player:rowan (the last prince of a lost kingdom and also the saddest, gayest boy in town); ko&kokumo (my elf boy whose soul split in two after leaving his warlock patron, driven by nosiness and romance respectively); honeyclaw (a tabaxi pro-wrestler who deserted her life as a child soldier, pissed on lenthol); peitho (the surprisingly wholesome god of sex, was kinda into the tactics of being a spy before he got distracted by p*ssy); and lumley (the dumbest baby lesbian ever o my god, she’s the daughter of a powerful river goddess and she still can’t get a date).
14. Introduce any other parties you have played in or DM-ed.
that would take me one million years.
15. Do you have snacks during game times?
yeah!! traditionally we take a halfway break at 9 and all go get snacks together, it’s great.
16. Do you play online or in person? Which do you prefer?
i prefer in person, but we play online a lot, and we’ll have to be only online once we graduate.
17. What are some house rules that your group has?
we round up score mods from odds and we don’t pay attention to like.. most of the little rules. it’s more abt the storytelling. (which is why we may switch to a different system if i can seduce them away.)
18. Does your party keep any pets?
o yeah, i think almost every group has had an animal companion. and if not, zach always plays a furry.
19. Do you or your party have any dice superstitions?
a lot of us roll specific sets for each character! 
20. How did you get into D&D? How long have you been playing?
i got into dnd in high school bc i liked a boy who watched community, and then i watched community, and the dnd episode fucking rocked. never got past making characters and one botched attempt at a session. then in my first year of college, i joined the dnd club and i’ve been playing since! so like, three years and some change.
21. Have you ever regretted something your character has done?
ya lol i play very much how my character would act and tho that usually goes well for me.. ko wanted to break his pact with aengus despite the Consequences and i didn’t. but overall i think the outcome has been a lot of fun!
22. What color was your first dragon?
silver! just introduced them, actually!
23. Do you use premade modules or original campaigns?
all original, baby.
24. How much planning/preparation do you do for a game?
a ton. as a dm i write........ a lot. i want to have a lot of vivid characters, solid plots, and a huge interwoven world. so my docs are always huge and take me months to finish. 
as a player i do less bc players just inherently have far less to do. but i still try put a ton into really developing my character so i can play them more naturally.
For DMs
25. What have your players done that you never could have planned for?
in my first campaign, i used a lot of weird memory spells to keep characters from remembering the big bad, because him being unremembered was a HUGE plot point for me. i had two different groups playing in the city at the same time, and one of them.... had this dragonborn who just liked to talk to plants and who hated nobles, and who fucking cast MAGIC MOUTH on their FANNY PACK to record that big bad so that it COULDN’T BE FORGOTTEN. MAGIC MOUTH. THAT’S THE SPELL THAT BROKE ME.
26. What was your favorite scene to write and show your characters.
i’ve really liked a couple, but i know i haven’t topped the finale for my first campaign. after finally the groups finally came together and killed Shargaas, the city began to crumble around them, and they all watched me set a ten-minute timer for them to figure out how to get away with their lives.
27. Do you allow homebrew content?
o yea, i adore MFOV particularly.
28. How often do you use NPCs in a party?
o there are always a couple kicking around.
29. Do you prefer RP heavy sessions or combat sessions?
we don’t really.. do... that second thing....
30. Are your players diplomatic or murder hobos?
For Players
31. What is your favorite class? Favorite race?
o fuck. uh probably wizard. and i love................. half-elves.
32. What role do you like to play the most? (Tank/healer/etc?)
i really like long-distance damage dealers.
33. How do you write your backstory, or do you even write a backstory?
i always start with a concept and then i just write an entire novel ell em ay oh.
34. Do you tend pick weapons/spells for being useful or for flavor?
35. How much roleplay do you like to do?
like, 70% rp, 30% jokes,
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Takara Yamada’s Hero Academia, Season 1 Episode 3 [Eijiro Kirishima/OC] [Female!Aizawa/Hizashi]
Just a warning, this might be the longest chapter yet. Just because I tried to fill in gaps between the last episode and the entrance exam ten months later, as Takara wasn’t involved with Izuku’s training. 
Takara Bio link: Here
Prologue : Here
Episode 1 link: Here
Epsiode 2 link: Here Anyway, hope you all enjoy! 
Quick taglist: @dailyojiromashirao, as usual. I love you, sweetie! Also, I’d like to tag @elite-guard-hardygal bc they are the SWEETEST ever and I really loved talking to them! If anyone else wants in on the taglist, please just let me know! 
For now, let’s get to the story!
God Bless and Good Day!
~The Lupine Sojourner
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The next few days, Kāsan and Otōsan didn’t let me out of their sight at all. That meant I did homework at Otōsan’s radio station until Kāsan picked me up, and I hardly saw Toshin-Oji at all. They were both mad I let myself get wrapped up in a villain attack without a license and even a plan beyond backing Izuku up. I was also featured on the news as a ‘brave young woman’ and ‘a real hero’, even being recognized on the street, which was always weird.
Regardless of how heroic my actions were, my parents said during one of their multiple lectures, it was reckless and could have gone badly. I’d accepted their words and explained that I’d just wanted to help my friend, but it didn’t help. By the time half a week had gone by, we’d all sat down and talked it out. I’d promised not to involve myself in any more heroics and they agreed to ease up a bit.
Now, I sat with Toshin-Oji and hummed as I wrote in definitions on a worksheet. “So...your parents were mad?” He asks. “About the sludge villain situation?” I nod glumly.
“Yeah, but at me, not you. They wouldn’t let me out of their sight!” I sigh and put the paper aside for the moment. “They didn’t like that I ran into such a dangerous situation head-first without thinking it through too much. They do appreciate my heroic attitude and willingness to help, though.” I muse.
“Well, they were worried you’d gotten hurt.” Toshinori points out. “As your adopted parents, they’re in charge of you. They must’ve been terrified when they heard what happened and were most likely keeping you in their sights because they wanted to keep you safe.” I blink. I hadn’t thought of it like that.
“Takara, it’s very admirable to want to be a hero, but you have to understand that, right now, there are a lot of situations you aren’t prepared for. While helping those who need it is what a hero does, you also have to consider your limits.” Toshinori eleborates. “Most likely, that’s what worried your parents so much; they were afraid you’d gotten involved in a situation beyond your limits.” I squirm. He was talking like Kāsan and Otōsan had.
“Yes, sir.” I mumble. He ruffles my hair.
“That being said, the way you handled yourself and your Quirk was outstanding!” He cheers. “I saw you ready to attack, but you held back, knowing it was illegal. That was smart thinking, finding what else you could do, instead.” I giggle.
“Thanks, Toshin-Oji.” I reply. He then stands.
“Now, I’m making rice and sausage for dinner. You like Yum-Yum sauce?” I nod eagerly.
“Yeah!” He laughs and begins making the rice.
“Alright. I’m gonna give you the recipe. It’s up to you to make it, okay?” I nod.
“Yessir!” I cheer and set to work. Toshin-Oji turned on Dad’s radio show, and I caught Dad replying to a few callers wanting his opinion on the villain situation I’d been involved in. It was still a hot topic, even half a week later, mainly because the city hadn’t seen any incidents like it since. And the fact that it was my Dad’s radio show and his daughter been involved in a dangerous situation.
Of course, despite Mom advising against it (villains might try to hurt her to get to us, she said), Dad couldn’t resist telling people for long that he and his wife had adopted me and as such I was sometimes brought up on the show.
“Well, listeners, I’ll say this; my little girl showed amazing initiative, but could have easily gotten hurt, and the boy would have likely been injured, too. Luckily, she was able to defend herself and the boy as best she could and the situation didn’t get out of hand, but it scares me to think what might’ve happened if All Might hadn’t been there.” I blush. It was reassuring that, once Dad had calmed down, he was proud of what I’d done, despite being terrified of the unknowns. I knew Mom felt the same way, deep down.
“You best believe that little girl will be a great hero one day.” The caller muses. Dad chuckles.
“I couldn’t disagree there, my friend. She’ll be one of the best. Now, unfortunately, we’re out of time, but call again sometime, okay?” Dad replies and the man thanks Dad before hanging up. The next few callers are actually commenting on All Might’s punch changing the weather briefly. After all, there’s only so many times Dad can essentially repeat himself before he stops answering that type of question. I frown.
“Did you really change the weather?” I ask. Toshin-Oji chuckles.
“Yeah. My smash swirled the clouds closer and somehow that made it rain for a few seconds.” He explains. I grin.
“That’s so cool!” I cheer. He grins.
“Thank you.” A comfortable silence settled over us as I resumed making the sauce. Soon enough, we were seated and eating.
“...Mom said you were going to be teaching at UA.” I note, to resume conversation. Toshin-Oji nods as he finishes his bite.
“Yes. I can’t spend as much time as All Might anymore, and this is as good a way as any to ease out of the spotlight somewhat.” I nod.
“I’d say so.”
“Speaking of UA, are you going to take the entrance exam in February?” He asks. I nod.
“Yup! I’m graduating middle school this year, and Mom and Dad both work there now, so it’ll be easier for everyone.” Toshin-Oji smiles.
“There’s nothing wrong with that, but if you don’t want to, I’m sure they’d let you go to a different- -” I shook my head. Shinso didn’t say much, to anyone, but I liked to think we were growing closer as this last year of middle school progressed. And, as his friend, I had to be there to support him and make sure he didn’t have to put up with the ‘brainwashing villain’ thing anymore.
“No!” I interject. “I want to go to UA. There are a lot of kids from my class that are going to try out for the top school. My friend, Shinso, wants so badly to be a hero, but he’s always treated like a villain because he can brainwash people. I feel really bad because there’s not much I can do to change their minds. They always think he’s got me under his spell or something, so I want to be there to encourage him and help him prove to the world that he can be an awesome hero. And it’s where Mom, Dad, and you went, so it’s gotta be the best, right?” He chuckles.
“You sound like that young man.” He says. “Young Midoriya’s always rambling about wanting to be a hero and wanting to make it to the top.” I raise a brow.
“You’ve talked to him?” I ask. Toshin-Oji nods.
“I’ve come up with a plan to help him get in shape for my Quirk before the entrance exam, actually.” My eyes go wide.
“Yeah. I admire the kid’s spirit and ideals. He’ll make a great successor.” I smile. I’d given it some thought and I’ve decided I don’t care about the spotlight. If I got it, great. If not, too bad. As such, I wouldn’t be a good successor for him.
Whatever gave Toshin-Oji that amazing power, I didn’t want to ruin it. It deserved the spotlight, so let Izuku have it.
“So, how are you getting him ready?” I ask.
“He’s cleaning Dagoba Municipal Park.” I nearly choke on the bite of food in my mouth.
“Wait, what?!” I’d passed it numerous times and it was just a gross pile of trash now.
“Yeah. He’s a hard-worker. He can do it. I planned out a routine for him and everything. He’ll be done by the exam.” I suddenly realize that I need to start practicing myself. Maybe get better with earth before February. Yeah. That’s it! I’d practice in my spare time and try to get a lot better so I can fight even without water. Of course, I should look up hand-to-hand routines, too. Never know what’ll be on the exam. “Hey, Takara!” Toshin-Oi cries, drawing me back to reality.
“You gonna finish your food?” I nod, resuming my meal.
“Yeah.” I’d go to Dagoba and maybe help Izuku a little. Not much, but whatever I can do, I’ll do. Maybe I’ll try to freshen up the sand or something, make it look like it used to. I had to get used to bigger formations, anyway, if I stood a chance at UA. Determined, I finished my food, helped clean up, and wrote in the last few definitions before the time Dad was picking me up. Then, I got in an hour or so of TV time with Toshin-Oji before Dad rang the doorbell continuously. I sprang up and all but wrenched the door open to make it stop.
“Hey there, Tik-Tak!” I roll my eyes at the nickname, but leap into his arms.
“Hi, dad!” I squeal, letting him kiss my cheeks repeatedly before returning a single one to his cheek. “How was work?” He chuckles, putting me down and ruffling my hair as we walk into the apartment.
“What? You didn’t turn on the radio?” He asks with mock hurt
“Of course I did! We didn’t catch all of your show, though.” I reply.
“That’s alright.” Dad replies. I hug him again.
“I did hear the part about the sludge villain.” I murmur. “Thanks, dad.” He hugs me back, scooping me up and plopping me in his lap when he sits down.
“I meant every word, Tik-Tak.” He then looks at Toshin-Oji. “Sorry about not letting you see her.” He apologizes meekly. “We felt it best not to let her out of our sight til we cooled down a bit.” Toshin-Oji smiles, hands up.
“I respect that. It was probably best, really. I sometimes can’t help getting involved in things I probably shouldn’t.”
“Yeah. I do the same thing sometimes.” Dad replies, bouncing me slightly. “It’s just that Shota and I panicked a little when we saw our kid on the news, in the middle of a fire and a villain situation. Can’t tell yah how relieved we were when you showed up.” Toshin-Oji smiles, putting a hand on the back of his neck.
“I should’ve leapt into action the moment I arrived, but I hesitated. The kids didn’t.” I sigh.
“All I did was put out some of the fire and try to protect Izuku.” I point out. “I probably could’ve done more. I might’ve even been able to get the hostage out, if I’d used my Quirk on the villain.” Dad wraps me in a hug.
“And that would’ve gotten you, and most likely us, in serious trouble, young lady.” I knew that, but it didn’t make it any better. “That’s why I’m so proud that you restrained yourself to the legal limits on what you could do, Takara.” He says genuinely. “But you have to understand; as your parents, when we saw you in danger, your mother and I were so afraid we’d be too late and something would happen to you.” I nod meekly, not up to a verbal response. He then goes to stand and I get off his lap quickly. “But enough about that; it’s your mom’s debut anniversary and I cut the show a little short so I’d be able to surprise her with dinner and a nice cat-themed chocolate cake for afterwards. She’ll be back in two hours. You up for it, Tik-Tak?” I grin, nodding with determination.
“Let’s do it!” We wave goodbye to Toshin-Oji and Dad drives home as fast, but still safe, as possible.
The door opening is our cue. We know better than to jump out at her, so we sit on the couch (using the sound of the TV as cover) and pretend we’ve been there as she approaches. “Hi, Kāsan!” I cheer.
“Hi, Musume.” She replies happily as I get up to hug her. “You father behave himself?” She teases, knowing we can be a little crazy around the house sometimes without supervision. I nod.
“Yeah. I kept him in line.” She smiles as Dad walks over, playing it as cool as ever. All that’s left is to suggest dinner and head into the kitchen. We hadn’t done much decorating, just a hand-made ‘Happy Debut Anniversary’ banner, but still we turned off the lights.
“Oi!” He protests with mock offense. “I resemble that remark, thank you very much, young lady!” He drops the facade and grins at Mom, kissing her soundly in greeting. “Have a good patrol, Tsuma?” He asks, hugging her. It was a pet name he’s been calling her for years now.
“I did, Otto.” She replies, smiling. Dad nods, slowly ending the hug.
“Well, hope you’re hungry, cus Tik-Tak and I are about to eat the house.” He cries, clutching his stomach over-dramatically. Mom tsks at him as she walks toward the kitchen. Dad winks at me and we follow.
“You’re so over dramatic, love.” She scolds fondly, shaking her head. He grins.
“I know, but you love me.” He wraps his arm around her shoulders and pecks her temple.
“I do- -wait..” She takes in the banner for a split second before Dad spins her around.
“Happy debut anniversary!” Dad exclaims, plopping her down. She genuinely laughs, a rare treat.
“You’re amazing, Otto!” She says, kissing him again. “You remembered the day of my debut.”
“Of course! It’s also the day I knew I was in love with you for real. You took that gang out single-handedly before I got there!” I hug Mom as she tries (fails) to hold back her emotions, snuggling into Dad’s chest.
“It’s also the day you proposed after just a month of dating.” She adds, chuckling. I’d heard the story before and grin every time. They were too cute!
“Well, when you know, you know!” Dad protests happily. “I knew I wanted to marry you and, for some reason, you said yes!”
“I said ‘fine, Hizashi’ because your screaming had nearly deafened me and I wanted you to stop talking. I then played along with the wedding cus it seemed easier than refusing at the time.” It was Mom’s ultimate tease, but Dad knew she was teasing, so it was a bit of a draw. Still, she liked to poke him with that every once in a while.
“Well, it was spur of the moment, but then you said ‘fine’ and I was in too deep to pull out, so I rolled with it.” He replies petulantly. It was his usual response. They then laugh and ladle out soba. I grabbed a bowl and two rice balls and we ate in comfortable silence while watching some movie on the TV, Dad nuzzling against Mom and Mom reciprocating.
All in all, a perfect evening.
“You’re up early, Musume. Where are you going?” Mom asks two days later, sipping her before-work coffee. I grin.
“Running!” I reply.
“Yeah! I wanna start getting in shape for the entrance exam.” I explain. She smiles.
“Alright then. Don’t go more than thirty minutes, alright? You need to get your body used to exercise.” I nod, tying my shoes.
“Yes, ma’am!”
Turns out, running is no joke! When I get back, Mom and Dad were gone and I am shaking and almost regretting starting this. Maybe thirty minutes was a little much for just starting out. But that’s the price I’m willing to pay to be ready to knock everyone’s socks off at the entrance exam! 
I go through some stretches and drink chocolate milk as suggested and let my breath catch up with me before I go to the garden. I then do some more stretching while making different formations like rods, blocks, and walls. Keeping them maintained while stretching, I hope, will end up making me better at multitasking in a fight. I had no idea what was waiting on the exam, but I knew I wanted to be ready.
Unfortunately, I felt a draw on my energy pretty quickly, but doggedly kept trying.
After ten months of exhausting training, as well as trying to get a handle on my earth Quirk, it was the morning of the exam. Of course, Mom and Dad were able to drive me. I walked with them, knees shaking as I stepped through the gate. “It’s so...big!” I breathe in awe.
“And you’ll be a student, after today, Tik-Tak.” Dad replies, clapping my back with a solid ‘thunk’ and ruffling my hair. I chuckle.
“That’s provided I pass the exam.” I point out. Dad waves absently.
“It’s a piece of cake, really. You just gotta beat some bots. That’s it!” I pale.
“Kara, you’ll do fine.” Mom assures me. It was rare she used her nickname for me, so I can’t help smiling.
“Right!” I had to start thinking positively, or I’d never get through this! I happen to spot my school’s group and jog over, waving goodbye to my parents. One of the teachers and kind of an aunt of mine, Nemuri, or Midnight, was passing out test cards to everyone with numbers for assigned seats and the battle center we were going to. I happened to be in A. I look over and notice Shinso. I walk over as we head into the testing hall to take the written exam. “Hey.”
“Hey. Good luck, yeah?” I nod. 
“Yeah!” We find our seats and within minutes, we begin. It was harder than I thought, but I had a decent grasp of the material discussed and finished soon enough. Ectoplasm, another teacher here, was using his multiplying Quirk to proctor the test. I passed my answer sheet to him when I was finished and waited at my desk. Shinso was done minutes later and we smile at each other and I try to think of formations that could help in the physical exam coming up. When Ectoplasm dismisses us, we head as he directed to an auditorium and find our seats.
“What’s up UA candidates?” Dad calls as upbeat music plays in the background. I smile. He was going full-on DJ mode. I wonder where Mom is. “Thanks for tunin’ in to me, your school DJ!” The lights around the outside of the ring came on and Dad was revealed. “C’mon and lemme hear yah!” I was too embarrassed to start a response, and no one else did, so echoing silence filled the room. “Keeping it mellow, I see.” Dad chuckles. I feel bad for him, a little. “That’s fine. Let me get straight to the main show.” Maybe if he acted more like a teacher and less like a radio host, he’d get more of a response, but I suppose it’s also just Dad’s personality. He was too hyper for nervous students. “Let’s talk about how this practical exam is gonna go down, okay? Are you ready?!” He calls in a sing-song voice and I nearly reply, but catch myself. I’d single myself out if I did. People weren’t likely to join me and I can hear Izuku going geek-mode at Dad and smile. “Like your application says, today you rockin’ boys and girls will be conducting ten-minute mock battles against faux villains in super suburban settings! After I drop the mic here, you’ll head to your specified battle centers, sound good?” Still no response. “Okay?” He presses. Finally, I roll my eyes. If someone didn’t reply soon, he’d go nuts.
“Got it!” I call back. Dad beams up at me.
“Thanks, listener friend!” I was grateful he didn’t go further as he gets back to explaining. “Okay, okay, let’s check out yer targets!” On-screen, pixelated models appear for each type of robot, with labels ‘1P’, ‘2P’, or 3P’ on them. “There are three types of faux villains in every battle center. You’ll gain points depending on the level of difficulty, so choose wisely. Your goal in this trial is to use your Quirk to raise your score by shredding these villains like a mid-song guitar solo. Buuut, check it!” He continues, pointing a finger into the crowd to emphasize his point, shaking it back and forth. “Let’s make sure we’re keeping things heroic; attacking fellow candidates is a UA no-no, yah dig?” About five rows in front of me, a student stands up.
“Excuse me, sir, but I have a question.” He calls. A single bulb is turned on to illuminate a young man with black-blue hair (undercut barely visible from the angle I saw him from) and tan school uniform on.
“Hit me!” Dad replies eagerly.
“On the print-out, you’ve listed 4 types of villains, not 3.” I roll my eyes as the guy points out what he means on the sheet. Great. A stick-in-the-mud perfectionist. “All due respect, but if this is an error on official UA materials, it is shameful.” I bite my lip, irritated. I’m sure Dad would have explained that other type of robot soon enough, if this guy had been patient. However, Dad listens attentively, nonplussed at the insult to his workplace. “We are exemplary students, and we expect the best from Japan’s most notable school. A mistake like this won’t do.” He then turns and points behind him to Izuku. “Additionally, you with the unkempt hair; you’ve been muttering this entire time. Stop that.” He demands tersely. Izuku looks mortified and Shinso has to put his foot on mine to stop me rising. “If you can’t bother to take this seriously, then leave. You’re distracting the rest of us.” Izuku claps his hands to his mouth and offers an embarrassed, muffled ‘sorry’ as the student then turns back to Dad to hear his reply.
“Alright, alright, Examinee number 7111.” Dad replies, waving his hands up and down as if to calm the student down, then gives him a thumbs up. “Thanks for calling in with your request.” On-screen, the final robot appears with the label ‘0P’ above it. “The fourth villain type is worth 0 points, so that guy’s just an obstacle we’ll be throwing in your way. There’s one in every battle center, kind of a hurdle for you to avoid. It’s not that it can’t be beat, but there’s...kinda no point.” I don’t think Dad’s saying everything there is about that robot, but keep my mouth shut. “I recommend my listeners try to avoid it and stay focused on the ones topping the charts!” The student bows.
“Thank you very much. Please, continue.” He says, sitting down again to a few murmurs about this new development. Dad raises his arms and silence falls.
“That’s all I got for you today, so I’ll sign off with a little present; a sample of our school motto. As General Napoleon Bonaparte once laid down, ‘A true hero is one who overcomes life’s misfortunes’. Now that’s a tasty soundbyte. You ready to go beyond?” I can’t help the hype I feel at the prospect of testing myself in the battle center as Dad finishes with a ‘let’s hear a Plus Ultra!’. I can’t help shouting it out and, surprisingly, a few others join in. “Good luck out there!” With that, Dad steps off the stage. We stand and make our way out of the auditorium.
This was it. Just a short bus ride, and the physical exam would begin! My knees shake so bad, I might end up knocking them together.
How would I do? What would I do?!
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luvdsc · 4 years
noooo jaemin is still my bias it was just a moment of weakness HAHAH tbh i actually have never liked mark like that (is that mean to say oh no) so that dream caught me off guard. and my bujo spreads are typically just weekly schedules and days i consider highlights so i can look back on them after a long time and reminisce 😸 and i only casually collect for jaemin! his pcs are so adorable ahh 🤧 but unfortunately he is one of the more popular members so his pcs that i truly want are tough to find 😔 i just bought his arrival one though! i’m in love with his black hair i hope he keeps it for a little longer. i don’t do kihnos they are the death of me and i rather not spend that much on one photocard because at the end of day, they’re still just selfies on paper. but that taeyong arrival pc i saw that you pulled... im jealous i would honestly sell my soul for it. if i’m being honest, i prefer to be a casual collector. and i along with jaemin, i casually collect taeyong, lisa, winwin, and jeongin. lisa is for sure my favorite female idol, so i really am debating on if i should seriously collect her or not ughhh it’s tough bc i don’t wanna break my bank 😭 i was less hesitant on yeji because jyp gives the same photocards for every album ver. ok hypothetically speaking, if your house burned down and you could only save one pc, which one would it be? and ok i still i say i stan bts, i honestly dont THAT much anymore tbh 😭 idk the fandom has gotten more toxic that i could put up with and their new releases just don’t speak to me as much 😔 but yoongi will forever hold a special place in my heart. taehyung too okg bc his and jaehyun’s qualities are my most “ideal” i would want out of a partner. i feel like my wreckers type kind of conflicts with my biases omg since all my biases are all so sweet meanwhile my wreckers all have that “i might just ruin your life” vibe. and tbh i have been kind of feeling down as of late with nctzens too i don’t understand why there’s so many internal fights 💀 oh that’s tough i love so many places in vietnam, but for me, phú quốc and nha trang and đà lạt for sure i absolutely love. oh and there was this one underground streetwear store my cousin took me to in saigon i thought it was pretty nice i’d love to go back to it! omg this was way longer than i expected in so sorry 😭- 💐 anon
LOL I know what you mean, I always get dreams of members who aren’t my bias 😔 NDKDKDKDK no it’s not mean, I too would brozone mark because I can’t see him that way rip 🤧 omg that’s so cute!!! 💓💓 So it’s like a sort of diary for you :’) omg yeah jaemin does indeed have some very cute pcs 🥺💖 but yes he’s very expensive too rip which pcs of his do you want to get? :o his empathy ones? I ordered all of my empathy pcs from an eBay seller since they do combined shipping and it takes a few weeks to come, but it’s much cheaper than buying them on twt/ig/mercari. Omg yeah jaemin with black hair is just 🤩🤩🤩💖💖💖 NDJDDKSJD meanwhile, I just bought winwin’s pt 2 kihno pcs for $18 each LOL he’s just too cute, I couldn’t resist 🤧 I actually screamed when I opened my album and saw that taeyong pc and then proceeded to send pics of it to els, steph, ti, and my irl best friends who don’t even understand kpop but celebrated with me nonetheless LOL and omg you collect for winwin too 🤩 you have such good taste we stan 🥰 yeah I think blackpink might be one of the most expensive gg to collect for? I see other gg pcs go for $3-5 but bp is like $8-15. Omg there’s only one pc per album for jyp?? wow I wish sm did that 😭 my bank would be so grateful dndjdmmxjc omg this is such a hard question and I was seriously debating between my winwin empathy reality pc, haechan pt 1 past kihno, taeyeon something new pc with zero, and jisoo spring collection pc, but I think I’ll have to say this taeyeon one that I have otw:
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What about you, lovebug? Which pc of yours would you save? 💓 and I feel the exact same way!!!! I only really enjoy their music pre 2016 tbh and as the fandom grows, the number of toxic fans grow too and it was just too much for me /: omg taehyung 🥺🥺 I still love him very much, and he will always hold a special spot in my heart too 🤧💟 LOL is jaehyun your bias wrecker? And yeah, I feel like that’s how it usually goes with biases and bias wreckers :’) tbh I don’t really get into the fandom so I have no idea what goes on with the fighting 😬 if there are fights going on, I hope this helps their pc prices go down LMAO oh my gosh, all those places are so pretty, and I really want to visit them the next time I go back to vietnam!!! And omg an underground streetwear store? :o that sounds so cool 🤩 Did you go to vietnam often before the pandemic? And omg it’s ok, lovebug, you don’t have to apologize!! Thank you for taking the time to send in such a lovely message 💛💛 I hope you had a good weekend!!! 🌸
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