#celari (oc)
jaydaydaima · 4 months
Surprise surprise 🎉
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shooks-stupid-stuff · 7 months
Shook's Weekly OCs: #012
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Ah yes, weekly. AKA the first one in 19 weeks-
Anyways. Celari! Certified classic Shook OC right here, by all means she should have been the first of these. Fitting that she's starting off the comeback though.
But anyways, some facts... Is what i would say. For Celari, it's gonna be a bit more complicated than usual for a few reasons. The main reason is that there are... SO many versions of her, all with slightly differing traits that are built off of one base. So, rather than a specific version of her, this is kinda... Base Celari. Celari Prime. Whatever you wanna call her. It isn't the original version of Celari-she was VERY different-but kind of the base version that I use as a starting point when making alternate versions of her. So these facts are gonna be more so General Celari Facts, and I'll probably do one or two of these in the future with Version Specific Celari Facts. Does that make sense? Cool. Now ACTUALLY onto the facts:
Celari is very physically powerful, skilled with any type of melee weapon, and is basically both and unstoppable force and immovable object in combat. However. That is not to say she has no weaknesses. For you see. Celari gets one-shot by guns. Can you tell that she's kinda a joke character yet-
She really doesn't physically express any emotion aside from anger, but that is not because she doesn't feel them. She is very depressed, actually.
Related, she is a Divorced Single Mother of One (1). She feels like she's a terrible mother, but does her best. She loves her daughter more than anything in the world.
She has PhDs is both law and psychology, and is a licensed therapist. She prefers to work with kids or teens rather than adults.
Her headband used to be her fathers; it's all she has left of him, as he passed away when she was very young.
Related again, her mother was never present in her life. Celari deeply hates her for... Multiple reasons.
She is a massive otaku. Anime, games, idol music... All that stuff is her comfort media.
She's surprisingly good at cooking! Not like fantastic or anything, but above average for sure.
There's definitely more i could say, I mean. Man she's been like my main OC for about 6 years now-
But, I think i've said enough lol. She'll be popping up again for sure further down the line on this project, so I can say more then.
Hopefully this will actually be weekly again from now on! I only promise to try-
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e please i have so much work to do-
...fine have a doodle of celari's zorua-
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sandwormrp · 13 days
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Sandworm Scoop #1
September marks 4 months of Sandworm being open! Thank you to everyone that has participated thus far. It's hugely appreciated. We're going to start doing a quarterly(ish) scoop for you to check out what the latest is on board.
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Movie Night!
The poll is concluded and we'll be watching Dune Part 1 together! Save the date and come join us! It'll be hosted on our Discord.
Friday September 13th, at 8PM EST Don't need to be a writer to come hang out in Discord with us! Edit: Thanks to those that joined in! Have a poll up in discord for watching Part 2 together. Looking at some time in November.
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New Forums!
► Temple Shrine, Arrakis
Waypoints throughout Arrakis for travellers to congregate and thank Shai-Hulud for their safe passage. Some lay empty while others are filled with beggars. Ill fortunes or ill intentions? It's frowned upon to use violence in these sacred spaces.
► Celaris City, Caladan
A bustling city off the coast of Caladan Castle. Hotspot for tourism and fishing.
► At Sea, Caladan
Hosting some of the best oceans to set sail and explore!
► Verdant Springs, Caladan
A natural hot spring the locals will tell you about.
► Shipyard Dive Bar, Caladan
All the comings and goings happen here. This hole-in-the-wall dive bar picks up a lot of Atreides personnel and rabble.
► Cobalt Pits, Giedi Prime
Otherwise known as the slave pits. Anyone taken by House Harkonnen are usually thrown into here. The stronger ones are used in the Battle Arena.
► Melange Lounge, Giedi Prime
Local night club that contains VIP sections for even the Baron himself to peruse.
► Neoterra District, Giedi Prime
A slum? A place for royalty? You decide and shape the fate of this district.
► Estate Gardens, Kaitain
Many places in the garden are open to the public, some are kept for the attendants of the palace.
► Opal Palace, Kaitain
One of many grand structures spread across Kaitain, this was Padishah Emperor Shaddam Corrino IV's favorite palace to reside.
► Grazing Grounds, Kaitain
One of Kaitain's best known Horse Ranches with some of the imperial horses on show. A spectacle of horse shows and races are regularly hosted here.
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Latest Plot Highlights
In an AU where Paul and Irulan have formed a more equal marriage and partnership than occurs in the books, their conflicting feelings about the fates of the Great Houses could mean opportunity, or disaster, for players who are nobles or House-adjacent. There are opportunities for players to write participants (canon or AU) in the Conspiracy that occurs in Dune Messiah.
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In this timeline, Paul Atreides has seen a golden path and is trying to keep a future secured and within his control. Though his actions often depict him as cold and ruthless. His twin sister Leiana (OC) has been sent away with Duncan Idaho to be married. Her own safety secured. Some might think Paul was purposely trying to push away those he cared most about. With a goal in place, it’s now a question of whether the path taken towards it is morally right. There are opportunities for an unrequited love between Paul and Irulan, any version of Chani (be it books or movies) will be loved and welcomed. Lots of space for OCs and Canons alike to interact with this messiah.
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Tarik (OC) is a Fremen that has spent his life following his fellow brothers and sisters of the sietch. On the cusp of paradise, Paul Atreides will lead them. Only his heart has been held back on Arrakis by another. His work with the smugglers is to go against everything the Emperor has ordered. Future trouble is on the horizon. A handful of other OC’s are involved in this plot and still lots of wiggle room for more involvement!
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Irulan Corrino has married both Paul Atreides and Feyd-Rautha within different timelines. How she handles either only time will tell. Two things are always the same; she serves the Bene Gesserit in their plans and isn’t shy to voice her opinions. Whether she’s pushing Bene Gesserit sisters into fountains, or talking about you in excerpts of her books - if a princess is needed for a new plot she’s ready.
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A young Bene Gesserit initiate endures the fall of Zanbar at the order of the new Emperor Atreides. While the planet itself was ruthless and allied with Harkonnens, the mark it left on the sister has put her at unease with the Order. What path must she take now? Any political conspiracy plots on Kaitain will be wanted and loved.
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Cyntia and Lilah finally meet in the middle of Zanbar’s Apocalypse only to immediately morph into spaceship driving soccer-mom and moody teenager. End up discussing complex morality issues. More tonight at 9
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Cyntia and Lorrai get majorly cockblocked by Bene Gesserit witchy messages, to be continued? Or not 💀 Feel free to check out our guidebook!
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boyslit · 14 days
three new Celarys ocs today...whew
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thechaosdragoness · 6 years
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It may be a small rift in time, but Celari is just so overjoyed to see her adopted home and be with her family again.
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asknigerundayojo · 4 years
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@shooks-stupid-stuff asked me to sketch her OC Celari from her account @daily-rubbersoul-redux ♥♥♥
I can know proudly say I sketched the most intimidating woman Moriohs :D Hope you like it Shook!!
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lycheecreature · 4 years
Do any of your OCs have any very obscure or very specific trivia about them that no person would ever think to ask about?
Oh yeah sure!! lemme think,,, they may not be that obscure but I'll try
Ivre actually had her eyebrow pierced at one point, but her brows were so thick you couldn't see the piercing anyways lmao.
Dwi was really good at badminton when they were in school, which is pretty surprising given their current state of definitely-not-in-shape. I suppose that's not very unusual, so I'll throw in the fact that they played either back or left in doubles.
Adriet is allergic to most furry animals, but he's not actually aware of this since all the popular pets in Eastern Celarys are reptiles or amphibians.
It's actually a common genetic trait among the Celarian species to have colored teeth. They're usually in the back, and people will bleach any colored teeth in the front if they can afford it (it's a beauty standard). You might have noticed that Ivre has a visible purple tooth, though!
I think I've mentioned this before, but Meridian wears heeled shoes because he has shortened tendons, not for fashion.
Septima was obsessed with slugs as a child and would try to keep them as pets.
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(oh hecc did you mean to send this to your inbox? uhh hecc-) you may doodle any of my ocs if ya want lol! or just celari doing something dumb-
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Don't worry!! Replies are fine too lol
Anyway Celari about to drink coca cola and eat mentos while sumi watch in horror-
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👕 for Celari
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you asked for this.
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You and three of your OCs are trying to survive in the post-apocalypse. Who do you pick and why?
ooh ok
Saino is an obvious pick, seeing as he has healing abilities and can grow/keep alive plants regardless of the conditions
Celari is another obvious one, she's very much the most survivalist-oriented of all my characters
and hm.... let's go with Mizusuki, since she's capable of defending herself and others but would bring a much needed levity to the group. Can't survive in the post-apocalypse if you're too depressed/freaked out/generally not doing good after all.
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Who among your OCs is the most capable of surviving on a deserted island by themselves?
Celari, easily. She has the most survival skills, is the most competent fighter, has had to survive without any real income of shelter for a good chunk of her life as is... Yeah, definitely Celari lol-
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Why does Celari sound like the kind of food pun name a Saiyan would have?
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it's because she was originally a saiyan, it's that simple lol
man it's funny how embarrassed i used to be about my ocs, and like. how i would actively hide them away.
...ok well that hasn't entirely changed as far as fandom ocs go but still-
as a bonus, here. the oldest drawing i have of celari (beneath the cut)
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man, my art really has improved huh. it's nice to see tbh :]
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shooks-stupid-stuff · 2 years
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yeah? yeah.
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shooks-stupid-stuff · 2 years
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some drawings for a school thing i've been working on in the meantime.
might post it when it's done, we'll see
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shooks-stupid-stuff · 8 months
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proof that i am indeed still working on the weekly ocs i promise
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