#tmnt lore
the-lavender-clown · 3 months
Some new lore for you guys.
In the EPF program the mutants are all split into teams of four. These four teammates live in the same cell and do just about everything together to facilitate teamwork. They are also trained individually to be sure they can fight alone if they were ever separated or if they need to go on solo missions.
Each team gets a specific EPF agent to be their primary caretaker. These caretakers are called “Guardians” and are in charge of their subjects’ well being, training, and discipline. Their given mostly free reign with how they decide to handle their teams as each was picked for them and them for their team but the higher ups will still look over their decisions and have the authority to overrule any decision.
Baxter Stockman was the Guardian of Team Kappa (from the Greek alphabet but I couldn’t resist the pun) also occasionally referred to by the nickname Team Terrapin as all its subjects were turtles/tortoises, something not very common as they typically tried to have as much diversity in the species as possible while still optimizing compatiblity. After their escape Stockman was demoted for his failure and shunned by his colleagues which caused him to grow bitter and eventually leaving the program all together in order to hunt down his subjects, tho later he would return due to an alliance formed by his new employer ;)
Baron Draxum is the Guardian for Team Delta. This team consists of salamander, frog-turtle hybrid (the third attempt at a hybrid mutant and only surviving one), rabbit, and gecko mutants (one point for every correct character guess).
Baron Draxum was additionally the first human to be mutated, giving himself up to see if it was possible and “safe”, tho he was opposed to using children. He had the choice to become this, it isn’t fair that they don’t and are too young to even make such a life altering decision themselves. Despite the strain this put on his and Bishop’s working relationship he still believed deeply in their cause and with his successful mutation he was allowed to carry out several reconnaissance missions into the Hidden City to get to know their enemy better. He could not have anticipated getting to know the enemy well enough to have pity for them, let alone guilt for what they were planning. Eventually he started training his team to over throw the EPF instead of the Hidden City without ever letting on his intentions. Who in his position would ever betray Bishop, even if they don’t get along? You don’t become a Guardian if you’re weak willed enough to be swayed by such disgusting creatures, after all.
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althea-sirius · 1 year
So due to my fixation being on the TMNT franchise (since the Rise movie came out btw), some fanfiction or art I've noticed (many of which are impressively amazing) there are details that need to be brought back to light. So as a friendly reminder to writers and artists a like, Michelangelo is Canonically lefthanded.
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And as a bonus!
Both him and Raph are lefthanded in Rise.😊
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May not look like it, but this guy is indeed part of the original continuity tmnt iteration I'm doing, called Sideways Skateboards. He's kind of this universe's "mystic force", like how rottmnt had the yokai and mystic mojo. More about him under the cut, as well as world lore for Sideways Skateboards.
His name is Hi Hi, which can be written as one word, two, or with a hyphen, and he's a self-described agent of chaos. The 'God' bit is untrue, as he's really more of a force, not something that people would notice and worship. In the Sideways Skateboards universe, North America looks a bit different. Here's a very sketchy map of it:
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Scientists theorize that this region of the world once looked very different, but some huge seismic or even meteoric event caused there to be a huge rift that carves right through North America and Mexico. That big red dot is New San Francisco, this world's combination San Fran and New York, and where the turtles reside. And unbeknownst to them, the land NSF was built on was the place where the great chaos spirit, Yonchi, made its last appearance 5000 years ago. Its said that the spirit had 2 sides: Hi-Hi, the creator, and Yonchi, the destructor. There used to be balance between the 2, but Yonchi became too greedy, wishing to blight the entire connected landmass. So Hi-Hi swallowed Yonchi whole, sewing his teeth with a needle and thread so they could never escape. But if he simply tried to hold back all the chaos in his throat, he would surely choke, so he opened great holes in his teeth so that little bits of negativity could leak out and keep him from dying.
WHOOF that was a lot of lore, but I hope everyone enjoyed it. I'm gonna be getting the first chapter of the TMNT: Sideways Skateboards fic out soon, so I can turn this into an actual thing and not just a few reference pics. For now, please enjoy a few more concept pictures of the 2 spirits. Cheers! Here's another of Hi-Hi...
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One of Yonchi....
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And one of them both.
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acey-waceyy123 · 9 months
Uhhh TMNT oc lore!!! (copy and pasted from my notes)
ace lore🤯 (tmnt 2012)
COUGH okay so like
Ace was a baby/toddler (like 2yrs old??) when Karai was like, 4 years old. He was abandoned by his parents and was kinda left on the street to die. Karai found him one day and was like “WOW!! FREE BROTHER!!!”
She ended up taking him home (because who would leave a kid out on the street?) and told shredder she wanted to keep him. He did NOT want some stupid little kid but he accepts just for karai’s sake.
And this ends up in what we call: FAVORITISM‼️‼️
He REALLY favored Ace’s sister over him. Karai had a better childhood than ace because shredder kinda didn’t really want him around and couldn’t care less. To justify Ace’s mere presence, shredder tried to train him into “the perfect ninja”. He overworked ace a lot and always forced him to be ABSOLUTELY PERFECT. Any less and ace would get whooped or something. He was also PRETTY manipulative to the kid.
By the time ace was 12 and Karai was 16, all the shenanigans with the turtles were starting. And this year of Ace’s life, shredder found out about uh.. the mutagen.
So he kinda tricked Ace into getting mutated with an arctic fox. You know. Just as an experiment..
Also ace was DEVASTATED when he had heard Karai was accidentally mutated. Shredder convinced him it was the turtles fault, and from there ace started fighting them a LOT more in hoping he’d “avenge” his sister. (side note: ace didn’t know Karai was splinter’s daughter because shredder wouldn’t dare let him know the truth so BOTH his kids go against him. He just lied to ace and said Karai was missing the whole time she was trapped in shredder’s lair and that the TURTLES did something to Karai. So ace was also fighting them more after that but after she was mutated it doubled because he was mad about what they did to his sister.)
(And another note: Karai did NOT support mutating Ace but she couldn’t stop shredder. Her and ace are on really good terms but she’s been busy with the turtles and whatnot ever since meeting them, leaving ace alone for the most part.)
Now timeskip to S3 of 2012. The SECOND kraang invasion happens and ace ends up getting lost.. until he spots the turtles fleeing in kirby’s van off to NorthHampton. Being a 12 year old mutant fox with daddy issues and unrealized trauma who’s currently stuck and lost in the middle of an alien invasion, he followed them.
He stayed there for three months kinda just faring on his own. A day or two after Leo woke up from his coma, he was taking a walk in the woods when WOAH SOMEONE JUST TRIED TO SHOOT HIM DOWN WITH AN ARROW?! (Ace is both an archer and a bunrai user) He looked up at the trees from where it came from and the person ran away?? What just happened??
Bros got no time to be the thinker because ace pins him down in a flash and he has his bunrai up against Leo’s throat.
They already know eachother since ace was fighting the turtles a lot after the whole Karai thing so Leo’s like “oh shoot it’s this guy”
Leo ends up finding out that ace believes the turtles are the reason for everything that happened to Karai and Leo tries to explain that shredders lying and stuff and he’s literally the worst father ever.
Ace starts reflecting on his childhood and hes like “oh shoot he might have a point”
Leo convinced him to put down the weapons and have ace stay with them (because Leo feels pity for they guy, I mean, he’s literally just some twelve year old with hella trauma and got mutated by his DAD.)
Obviously at first no one really trusts him.. especially not raph. I mean, bringing in someone from THE FOOT?! Nonetheless shredders SON? That’s a no go.
Conflict happens here and there, ace gains their trust AND THIS MARKS THE START OF ACE’S SELF DISCOVERY ARC🔥🔥
Because up until this point, he was basically nothing but another soldier for shredder thanks to how he was raised. He didn’t really know what he wanted or what he liked. All he knew was how to fight and serve. The most fun he got was purely from his sister.
Anyway, timeskip to after the NorthHampton arc, they’re back in NY and they work together and whatnot to stop the kraang. Ace ESPECIALLY helped when finding Karai. Leo was out looking for her a lot and Ace often joined him.
By now, his self discovery arc is almost done. He’s got his own personality and likes by now. But he’s still got lasting effects and whatnot (I’ll go over that later). But he’s definitely better now! And side note.. he’s the closest to Leo. Cause I said so. Also because Leo’s the nicest to him.
Now to wrap up his identity arc, they get into a fight with shredder and ace finally fights back against his dad and shoots him in the eye to help the others escape from the battle. Also he maybe cussed shredder out a lil <3
So.. aftermath. He stays with the turtles a long time. But around the time Karai makes her own clan with shinigami, ace left and went off with his sister. He’s still very close with the turtles and visits often but most times you’ll see him with his sister and her girlfriend— I mean, Shinigami.
So like he’s a pretty big perfectionist and tends to overwork himself and stuff. But he’s learned to be a bit more carefree now and to have fun. He really enjoys comics and cartoons, his favorite being space hero’s (thanks a lot, leo.) and he’s way happier than before. He’s got daddy issues and maybe some small abandonment and attachment issues.. bro can also be a little hotheaded. He HATES when things don’t go his way and he HATES when he isn’t being “perfect” or showing that he’s “better” and “worthy”. He’s also HELLA scared of people getting mad at him. He’s pretty sensitive and gentle, actually.
As for his personality? Like me. But more mature, he’s VERY headstrong, stubborn, gentle, caring, and he’s a HUGE perfectionist as said before. He hates the idea of failing even just a bit.
And as for appearance he’s basically just IDW alopex but he’s got these cool little spiral in his fur which are natural. He’s also got this belt that goes from his shoulder to his waist and it has a bag in the back to hold his bow and arrows, and the the front of the belt holds things like daggers, shurikens, smoke bombs, etc. and he has a waist band that has pockets for his bunrais. The waist band, belt, and bag are all a sort of greyish black color.
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turrondeluxe · 1 year
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2003!Mikey and 2012!Mikey being silly older and little brother chronicles 🐢🤝🐢 Pt 4 - Masterpost
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paintedkinzy-88 · 1 year
Blood/Gore warning! Just in case—
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My first major post to a new fandom and I brutally kill a main character. Shouldn’t have expected much else from myself, honestly. ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ
Anyway, context if my subtle background hints weren’t enough (or ya just want a little bit more info):
Post movie, Leo couldn’t be saved, and everyone went home mostly expecting him to be dead. There was very little hope for his survival, really, and they all had injuries to care for themselves. While they did plan on trying to check later on, (at least to get a body), with Donnie building a portal and Mikey trying to unlock his powers, in the end, they didn’t have to.
Within a few days, things started happening gradually around the lair (moving objects, closing doors, flickering lights, etc), until eventually they were getting texts from Leo’s number. No one really wanted to believe it, whether out of fear of what his presence implied or straight up not thinking ghosts were real, but eventually, as Leo texted things only he’d know (and the general acknowledgment of Hamato spirits being a thing), they came to be… open to the idea.
Draxum confirmed that ghosts were fairly common amongst yokai, separate from spirits, and with that Donnie dived head first into researching it, determined to see the ghost and get solid proof that it was, in fact, his twin.
In that research, he came across information on a ghost’s appearance. He didn’t pay much attention to it, or the dread that settled in his stomach. He didn’t care. He didn’t.
But Leo does. Leo really, really does. And that’s two reallys.
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beannary · 5 months
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I'm a ftm Donnie and mtf Leo truther first and a human being second
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intotheelliwoods · 3 months
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@dianagj-art The fusions are fighting!!! Because hey funny story, their first meeting does not go to well 😌It was SUPPOSED to be a friendly spar.. more details in my tags vvv
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cherrytraveller · 11 months
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i don't feel quite like myself turning into someone else
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deitifies F!Mikey once again to Nothing More's Spirits now with a wallpaper version for desktop!!
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sadmocha · 1 year
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sad-leon · 7 months
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I realized I never made a proper coloured reference for Doe!!!
Here is her!!!
For those that may not know her: she is biologically female, yet was raised as a boy. she goes by "Doe" until her family associates the name "Leonardo" with her rather than when she was presenting as their brother
She uses exclusively she/her and likes to dress up around the lair, but when she goes out, at most she'll have mikey help her tie her mask into a bow :D
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v-albion · 2 months
your Leo design reminds me of Furina from genshin for some reason-?
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I mean… I can see it
Also this probably also could count for @tmnt-fandom-family-reunion
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themagicbrew · 8 months
" I dont know why I bite ..."
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(likes and reblogs are highly appreciated)
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koolaidashley · 1 year
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Henceforth, their lives were changed
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meggahamicide · 7 months
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Okay, i've decided that i'm just gonna drop/dump some lore on Vermin, so if you're interested, read below! It's really long!
Like canon-Leo's head-cannons, Vermin hides his true emotions behind a smile, but their differences are in the execution. Vermin's smiles are more wicked, more cruel, and he find amusement in making people fear him, having experience in getting people to listen to him by intimidating them.
He pretends to be indifferent to how the brothers act around him, but always keeps an eye out for any signs that they aren't as they say they are. Donnie specifically.
Big emotions are a no-no, so he hides them behind a passive face, empty of anything he's feeling so he can convince those he's talking with that he feels nothing, that he is unaffected by any stressors and anxiety. If anything get's too overwhelming, he retreats to a hidden corner to wait it out and tries not to remember how Draxum treated him when he let his emotions get the better of him.
Because he was raise without certain privileges, he gets extremely giddy around new experiences, such as sampling new foods and trying out video games and skateboarding. It's probably the only time he lets his guard down because he's so entranced by whatever is happening he forgets that he's not supposed to be showing emotion.
With Raph, Vermin just doesn't know how to deal with him. An injury brings Vermin to the lair and Raph is the one who heals him, but Vermin in uncertain whether or not he can trust someone with such obvious strength he can easily use to harm Vermin. He doesn't understand why Raph is so kind nervous when he could dominate his enemies.
Mikey is the one Vermin accepts the easiest other than April. Mikey has a way to handle Vermin without being too invasive and without threatening the slider in any way shape or form and eventually shows Vermin that there is kindness that is not expected to be repaid. He also helps Vermin lean into his chaotic mindset without it becoming harmful to others, like teaching him how to prank the other brothers.
And of course, Vermin loves trying his food, so Mikey basically tempts the slider like he might a feral cat.
Donnie is the one Vermin has the hardest time accepting. He's convinced he can easily beat the soft-shell in a fight, but once he discovers that Donnie is a scientist, he becomes wary of him, skittish and uncomfortable whenever he's around. He knows that there are other ways to get someone to obey than simply fighting.
It takes Donnie being patient and showing him that he means no harm over time that earns his trust. The softshell just has to break through the notion that all scientist are evil and only seek to destroy that which is closest to them. Donnie even goes as far as to promise to never let anything happen to Vermin ever again.
April O'Neil:
The first one to show kindness when Vermin leaves Draxum's lab. She shows the slider a side of society that he was being deprived of when he was with Draxum, helping him see that there is a place for everyone, that things don't need to hurt to be beneficial. She pretty much forcefully adopts him as her little brother and is even protective of him when he interacts with her other brothers.
Baron Draxum:
Was raised by Draxum. More info in the timeline.
Content Warnings: blood and injury, references to child abuse, loss of limb, needles, non-consensual drug use (kind of), non-consensual experimentation and surgery.
It gets dark, so be cautious of the warnings!
Age 0-4:
In the beginning, Lou Jitsu, later known as Splinter, only rescues three of the turtles, who eventually go by the name Donatello, Raphael, and Michelangelo. The remaining turtle, identified by his red markings, is picked up by Baron Draxum before the lab explodes, destroying his life work. The only remaining bit of his research is the tiny creature small enough in the palm of his hand.
Quick to find a place to stay and recover, the Baron begins working to piece together his research using his subject. He starts a book, scribbling down anything worth noting and refraining from any larger tests besides bloodwork and skin-scraping until the subject is larger, better able to withstand any more intrusive tests.
He begins raising the creature, claiming it as his own.
Age 5-8:
Called by the title Red, the slider reaches acceptable cognizance to begin training by the age of five. He is small, just below the Baron's knee, but he is intelligent enough to understand complex problem solving and language. Weapons training is less successful than desired, but that could be related to the subject's weaker limbs and child-like nature.
Baron Draxum is relentless in his education, always prepared to deliver swift punishment should Red be unable to comply with his desires. Red hates the punishment, often times covered in bruises from the extra training or with a headache from spending his nights in 'The Room,' but he is just as stubborn as his guardian, if not more so. He always seeks to make his boss proud, ignoring the voice that always tells him he's not strong enough, not good enough. Baron Draxum always has a reason for saying things like that, so Red knows he just has to try harder.
He's not exactly sure what a human is, but the Baron is convinced that he needs to kill them all.
Every other week, the Baron brings Red to another room where he 'collects samples.' Red doesn't know what they're for, but he's seen the elder gather some of his freshly peeled chutes and teeth when they fall off, always writing in that journal with a little turtle drawn on the front.
One night, when he's just turned eight, Baron Draxum leaves in a hurry. He's gone for hours, leaving Red to his own devices and wondering if maybe the yokai had finally got bored of him, wondering if he just left him behind because he couldn't satisfy him. Red tries not to listen to the little voice in his head that says maybe that's a good thing, maybe it's better if he stays gone.
Red doesn't see him until the next day, well into the night, and suddenly, he regrets ever thinking those nasty things of his guardian. The yokai is hunched by the door, missing an arm and looking very tired. Red runs to him, but the Baron doesn't even acknowledge him, holding a towel to his stump.
Red is crying. He knows he shouldn't, knows that tears mean weakness, but he's afraid for his boss, afraid of what is happening, because that's a lot of blood. He feels something well up in his chest as he sits next to his guardian, the feeling swelling into his lungs and arms, weaving through his bones and into his fingers, bright, blue light zapping over his fingers. Something guides his hand, pressing them against the yokai's injury and forcing the light into him.
He heals Baron Draxum.
Baron Draxum looks at him like he's solved the world's problems.
Age 9-10:
Test after test after test. Red is sure he's never been through so many tests, but he finally sees the Baron's pride and he wants to impress him, so he doesn't complain when the needle digs too far, or when the scalpel scrapes a little to much skin. This new power is good, that's all he knows. Baron Draxum calls it mystic energy, says that it was a power he was seeking all along, so Red doesn't complain when all of the test make him tired enough to pass out, or make him cry himself to sleep because his chest aches from how long he had to work. Baron Draxum is proud, proud enough to give him a portal sword and teach him how to use it, proud enough to hand him a pair of tonfa and guide him through the motions of building a shield, proud enough to smile when Red uses the kusari-fundo for the first time.
Red trains his new skill until he's sick, until he can't stand, until he can't feel the first time Baron Draxum uses that strange, green liquid on him.
Baron Draxum was proud.
Age 11-13:
Red is pretty sure his name isn't Red any more. It's Vermin. At least, that's what the Baron has started to call him.
Ever since he stopped being able to use mystic energy without fainting, Baron Draxum has stopped using that old name. Now he was a pest, a creature incapable of healing, or portaling, or simply making things float. He is weak.
Baron did something while he was sedated; took apart his plastron and looked around inside. Vermin thinks he was looking for what was so wrong with him, why everything the slider does ends up in failure. He now has a shiny new plate of metal on his chest and a paranoia of falling asleep.
He lost count the amount of times he was put to sleep, but every time he woke to something different, and injection of mutagen transforming his body while he was so out of it he couldn't even open his eyes. His toes and fingers become more flexible, grow sharp talons attributed to some sort of owl. His tongue becomes forked, able to scent things by merely breathing. His hearing and eyesight become sharper, a fox's DNA granting him night vision. He becomes stronger, faster, more agile, but it's never enough.
Vermin's starting to think that it never was going to be enough.
Vermin is awake when Baran Draxum puts in the ports, ignoring how painful it is and preferring to strap Vermin to a table while he digs into the slider's neck and arms, leaving six, shiny new devices embedded in his skin. The Baron has Vermin carry around a canister of green liquid on his back, a 'empyrean variant' he said, and with a click of a button, the canister sprouts tubes that dig into his ports, releasing the substance into his bloodstream. It hurts, floods his system with fire, but Vermin was used to pain. Now he just has a few more scars to show for it.
The substance grants him more power, more strength, more speed. His senses, already sharp, become that much more, overwhelming his sensory intake, but he learns how to fight past the side-effects. Missions outside of the lab become easier, training obstacles the Baron create become simple to dispatch, he always hurts but there is no other option.
It's always been the Baron and him, but maybe... maybe it doesn't have to be.
He's tired of hurting, tired to running himself to the ground, tired of covert missions that paint Baron Draxum as the ultimate threat when he's doing all the work, tired to sneaking around New York City in a futile attempt of gathering information that will likely never be useful. He tired of being compared to the experiments that didn't live through the first test, he tired of living up to a trio of dead beings that weren't even strong enough to compete with him. He tired to the punishments, of the bruises, of the empty room, of the nightmares, of the expectations.
He's just tired.
On the morning of his fourteenth year, Vermin comes to the conclusion that Baron Draxum isn't the be-all-end-all, that his ideals do not have to be his own. It fills him with a giddiness that leaves him trembling, his heart pounding.
In the middle of his fourteenth year, Vermin leaves.
Age 14:
The first person Vermin officially meets a human named April O'Neil.
Age 16:
...Vermin is starting to think his name was meant to be Leonardo all along.
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phoebepheebsphibs · 7 months
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You’ve been spore’d!!
(No pressure to respond!)
(The way I screamed with excitement when I saw this ask)
Donnie's biggest fear....
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It's gonna get spoopy
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Anyways uh spoiler alert i guess teehee
@tmntaucompetition @boots-with-the-fur-club
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