#tmnt oc lore
acey-waceyy123 · 6 months
Uhhh TMNT oc lore!!! (copy and pasted from my notes)
ace lore🤯 (tmnt 2012)
COUGH okay so like
Ace was a baby/toddler (like 2yrs old??) when Karai was like, 4 years old. He was abandoned by his parents and was kinda left on the street to die. Karai found him one day and was like “WOW!! FREE BROTHER!!!”
She ended up taking him home (because who would leave a kid out on the street?) and told shredder she wanted to keep him. He did NOT want some stupid little kid but he accepts just for karai’s sake.
And this ends up in what we call: FAVORITISM‼️‼️
He REALLY favored Ace’s sister over him. Karai had a better childhood than ace because shredder kinda didn’t really want him around and couldn’t care less. To justify Ace’s mere presence, shredder tried to train him into “the perfect ninja”. He overworked ace a lot and always forced him to be ABSOLUTELY PERFECT. Any less and ace would get whooped or something. He was also PRETTY manipulative to the kid.
By the time ace was 12 and Karai was 16, all the shenanigans with the turtles were starting. And this year of Ace’s life, shredder found out about uh.. the mutagen.
So he kinda tricked Ace into getting mutated with an arctic fox. You know. Just as an experiment..
Also ace was DEVASTATED when he had heard Karai was accidentally mutated. Shredder convinced him it was the turtles fault, and from there ace started fighting them a LOT more in hoping he’d “avenge” his sister. (side note: ace didn’t know Karai was splinter’s daughter because shredder wouldn’t dare let him know the truth so BOTH his kids go against him. He just lied to ace and said Karai was missing the whole time she was trapped in shredder’s lair and that the TURTLES did something to Karai. So ace was also fighting them more after that but after she was mutated it doubled because he was mad about what they did to his sister.)
(And another note: Karai did NOT support mutating Ace but she couldn’t stop shredder. Her and ace are on really good terms but she’s been busy with the turtles and whatnot ever since meeting them, leaving ace alone for the most part.)
Now timeskip to S3 of 2012. The SECOND kraang invasion happens and ace ends up getting lost.. until he spots the turtles fleeing in kirby’s van off to NorthHampton. Being a 12 year old mutant fox with daddy issues and unrealized trauma who’s currently stuck and lost in the middle of an alien invasion, he followed them.
He stayed there for three months kinda just faring on his own. A day or two after Leo woke up from his coma, he was taking a walk in the woods when WOAH SOMEONE JUST TRIED TO SHOOT HIM DOWN WITH AN ARROW?! (Ace is both an archer and a bunrai user) He looked up at the trees from where it came from and the person ran away?? What just happened??
Bros got no time to be the thinker because ace pins him down in a flash and he has his bunrai up against Leo’s throat.
They already know eachother since ace was fighting the turtles a lot after the whole Karai thing so Leo’s like “oh shoot it’s this guy”
Leo ends up finding out that ace believes the turtles are the reason for everything that happened to Karai and Leo tries to explain that shredders lying and stuff and he’s literally the worst father ever.
Ace starts reflecting on his childhood and hes like “oh shoot he might have a point”
Leo convinced him to put down the weapons and have ace stay with them (because Leo feels pity for they guy, I mean, he’s literally just some twelve year old with hella trauma and got mutated by his DAD.)
Obviously at first no one really trusts him.. especially not raph. I mean, bringing in someone from THE FOOT?! Nonetheless shredders SON? That’s a no go.
Conflict happens here and there, ace gains their trust AND THIS MARKS THE START OF ACE’S SELF DISCOVERY ARC🔥🔥
Because up until this point, he was basically nothing but another soldier for shredder thanks to how he was raised. He didn’t really know what he wanted or what he liked. All he knew was how to fight and serve. The most fun he got was purely from his sister.
Anyway, timeskip to after the NorthHampton arc, they’re back in NY and they work together and whatnot to stop the kraang. Ace ESPECIALLY helped when finding Karai. Leo was out looking for her a lot and Ace often joined him.
By now, his self discovery arc is almost done. He’s got his own personality and likes by now. But he’s still got lasting effects and whatnot (I’ll go over that later). But he’s definitely better now! And side note.. he’s the closest to Leo. Cause I said so. Also because Leo’s the nicest to him.
Now to wrap up his identity arc, they get into a fight with shredder and ace finally fights back against his dad and shoots him in the eye to help the others escape from the battle. Also he maybe cussed shredder out a lil <3
So.. aftermath. He stays with the turtles a long time. But around the time Karai makes her own clan with shinigami, ace left and went off with his sister. He’s still very close with the turtles and visits often but most times you’ll see him with his sister and her girlfriend— I mean, Shinigami.
So like he’s a pretty big perfectionist and tends to overwork himself and stuff. But he’s learned to be a bit more carefree now and to have fun. He really enjoys comics and cartoons, his favorite being space hero’s (thanks a lot, leo.) and he’s way happier than before. He’s got daddy issues and maybe some small abandonment and attachment issues.. bro can also be a little hotheaded. He HATES when things don’t go his way and he HATES when he isn’t being “perfect” or showing that he’s “better” and “worthy”. He’s also HELLA scared of people getting mad at him. He’s pretty sensitive and gentle, actually.
As for his personality? Like me. But more mature, he’s VERY headstrong, stubborn, gentle, caring, and he’s a HUGE perfectionist as said before. He hates the idea of failing even just a bit.
And as for appearance he’s basically just IDW alopex but he’s got these cool little spiral in his fur which are natural. He’s also got this belt that goes from his shoulder to his waist and it has a bag in the back to hold his bow and arrows, and the the front of the belt holds things like daggers, shurikens, smoke bombs, etc. and he has a waist band that has pockets for his bunrais. The waist band, belt, and bag are all a sort of greyish black color.
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themagicbrew · 5 months
" I dont know why I bite ..."
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(likes and reblogs are highly appreciated)
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cokowiii · 8 months
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Like a lil rat
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bambiraptorx · 9 months
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i think Draxum deserves to have a cat and also be an asshole about it lmao
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sharkfinn · 3 months
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what if they were more than friends
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cokoweee · 5 months
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These brushes are saving my ass to the max. I gotta find more. more nature brushes
Designing outfits is hard.
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chocoee · 1 month
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*Runs away with possible lore on this
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crazyfon · 4 months
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F! Leo and F! Fon
I really love this new trend
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Trust is not easily earned.
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mermmarie · 1 year
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"Mating Habits for male softshell turtles consist of gently nudging the heads of possible female mates. If the female does not reciprocate his proposal, he will be utterly devastated."
I made that last bit up, LOL!
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t-dubber · 3 months
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Quick recap since I’m moving these over from X — this is my old ROTTMNT oc, Reggie Vega! She’s a human turned mutant raccoon who commits some minor criminal acts around the oc NYC with her new team (*cough cough* adopted dads *cough cough*), Hypno and Warren, as well as a few other villains from the show. She’s a part-time scavenger and full-time mischief-maker using her new powers to cause chaos.
(did I mention her tail is essentially a bag of holding from dnd?)
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She does, as you may be able to tell, wind up making friends with the turtles! Well, all except for Leo since they just constantly butt heads (and he may or may not have a baaaaad feeling about her). Reggie and Raph, however, wind up getting along extremely well. Unfortunately for both of them, they’re kinda working on opposite sides.
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Fast forward a few years and through some major personal growth (Aka THE MOVIE)— the two finally start dating. It’s a slow roll, but Reggie made the first move of the two.
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Fast forward a bit more and you can see where I was inspired by @star-sparkler ‘s August because I just loved the idea of an AU kid, but obviously that would be tough with Raph and Reggie. So, with a bit of movie magic, hand waving, and a lot of science— we decided that we could mash some genetic codes together with science and magic to create…
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In this AU, Kara is August’s younger cousin. A result of Reggie and Raph asking Donatello if it was even possible, and him agreeing to try it. And thus, Kara was born (…er? Created???). She got her papá’s height, her mamí’s fluffiness, and a WHOLE lotta love to give.
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That’s all for now folks!!!
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themagicbrew · 8 months
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everyone! Meet Utrom.
The original traitor. The first defender of earth.
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You may be able to read more about him Below. (side note: some things in my previous posts may be reconned)
(edit: sorry about any of the spelling and grammar errors)
Assigned Name: Utrom
Age: Uknown
Gender: Unknown (Queergender)
sexuality: Pansexual (poly)
Current occupation: Part-time nature conservationist, full-time tourist. (formerly) Rebel leader and Kraang surveillance scout
personality summary: Utrom is a jovial charismatic bundle of love, who cares deeply for the world around him and is burdened by his past. He continues to learn and grow for centuries, wishing to right his wrongdoings. He is a strict pacifist, however, Utrom is still capable of intimidating others when needed. Think of him as the fun laidback uncle of Earth! (for the most part)
Utrom started out as any other Kraang, born on planet primordial and raised to be a soldier for their glorious empire. He was by no means, a cut above the rest. Utrom was just another nameless soldier- another cog in the machine
He (just like any other member of his species) took pride in what he was. Despite his big hulking figure, Utrom served as a surveillance scout for the empire. His occupation was to scout out planets prior to the oncoming conquest. He would study various things like the enemies' ecosystem, culture and technological advancements. Utrom had a deeper fascination- perhaps, even a hidden admiration for other lifeforms but not to the extent where he’d feel remorse for aiding in their complete genocide. 
Unlike most Kraang, Utrom would acknowledge to some degree his enemies were capable of outwitting them- though he knew no creature could ever overpower the might of kraang, Utrom also knew blindly underestimating their prey would have consequences.
This was not a common ideal, even for scouts like him. 
His comrade. The one assigned to aid him on all his missions. Kraang2. Had a completely different set of ideals, ones that were more aligned with the common kraang soldier. They were polar opposites in many ways BUT- their differences were what forged their strong bond. 
Utrom had even developed deep romantic feelings towards Krang2 but due to the culture they live in. Recognising or understanding such complicated emotions was nearly impossible. From his perspective, Kraang2 was his comrade and nothing more.
Sure, he liked the way She’d slaughter their foes or how she’d recklessly jump into battle without a thought or- even the quiet moments where they talked about climbing the ranks together but, She was just a comrade. Nothing more. 
Utrom never knew why but Kraang1 (2’s elder brother) did not trusted him. He didn’t understand what warranted such specific hostility directed his way. Utrom never made the connection that his close friendship with 2 may have been the root of it. Kraang1 never outwardly showed his concern for his younger siblings, especially in front of others. Kraang1 was also a higher-ranking member of the empire, he is considered a prodigy to General Chre’ll. 
He would abuse his authority over Utrom, singling him out from other soldiers for petty reasons.
To describe dynamic in the simplest of terms: they are like petty coworkers. a lot of their interactions would range from passive aggression to straight-up hostility or (more commonly) strained professionalism.
Utrom, being a lower rank could not bite back- otherwise, he'd be met with severe punishment. The abuse he undergo was something normalised within their society. Utrom would quietly question The kraang as a whole, however, his doubts would be buried. His head 6ft deep under the propaganda he was raised upon.
He was a soldier, meant to aid the empire's glorious crusade. To keep the natural order of things. the strong will devour the weak.
Utrom's betrayal/rebellion:
Names are important things within their culture. They are symbols that are achieved, rather than a title given upon birth.
Typically, a kraang would earn their Name after ascending the ranks and becoming a general however, a name can be earned through other means...more importantly, earning a name isn't always a good thing within the kraang.
Planet Earth was meant to be Kraang1's first conquest. Think of it as a crowning, one where Kraang1 would assert himself in the empire as "General Prime" (after a successful invasion.)
So what exactly happened?
Utrom, someone who was never seen far from kraang2's side- working in tandem- Was tasked with scouting out earth, alone. He was no position to question Kraang1's decision as per usual and thus, remained silent.
Once Utrom arrived on Earth (landing in Japan during the Heian period.) He went through the usual motions, Examining and collecting data. However, during this time- without his beloved comrade to distract him, his doubts began to take hold.
It was then he met a Sōhei, one who was unafraid of Utrom. Normally, when an enemy discovers him- Utrom was quick to kill but.. this time, he didn't.
the Sōhei fascinated him. They had simply struck up a conversation and even in that moment, they had hit a personal cord with Utrom. With words alone, he began to wonder- his doubts beginning to unearth.
So he did something he'd never thought he'd do.
Utrom began to befriend the enemy. He learned many things with the Sōhei and eventually, other humans too. A whole new world of opportunity had opened up to him, one that he'd never considered if he was with the kraang.
All of this was done under the Kraang's (metaphorical) nose.
Utrom saw how imperfect the empire was, thanks to the help of his human friends. Yet, he wanted others to see it too. Utrom wanted his fellow comrades to know, that there was more to life then blood and conquest.
He began to orchestrate an entire rebellion, gathering kraang from lower ranks to rise up and defend Earth. Kraang2 was the first to know about this but opposed the idea. Yet she remained silent, thinking that Utrom would come back to his "senses" (which he never did.)
This rebellion was how Utrom earned his name. Once word got out about a traitorous scout, he was 'branded' and named Utrom.
However, this act would lead more kraang to aid Utrom. He was a normal loyal soldier like they were, if he had the courage to fight authority then perhaps they could too?
This lead to a full on Battle on earth. The rebels and humans were getting decimated, despite everything- they were losing to the kraang.
Til the very last second, the human friends pulled out a piece of precious kraang tech. One built by a rebel and meant to seal in the kraang....and perhaps the rebels too.
Utrom knew this and allowed this, knowing that he too may be sealed as well.
Once the Key was unleashed, the battle was over in an instance.
Utrom somehow managed to avoid being sealed into the prison dimensions along with only a small handful of rebels left. The rest were sucked into the prison dimension where they'll no doubt, meet their demise.
This... Affected utrom in many ways he never thought it would. Unsure what to do with himself. He gifted the Key to one of his human friends.
The lost of kraang2 cut him deeply... Now stranded on earth, all he can do is heal and live a new life.
Utrom spent his first century on earth within Japan, living closely with the Sōhei he trusted so dearly. He had vowed to become a pacifist after the war, which was a tough journey for Utrom.
He had lived his whole life as a soldier. War was the only thing he knew but with help from his Human friends. Utrom managed.
Eventually, one by one his friends would pass on. Their lives were so much shorter than his.
He than decided too travel across earth. learning from humans without involving themselves in their conflict. Utrom would spend many centuries attempting to conserve the planet's ecosystem, socialising with humans and more importantly, trying to forget kraang2
Fast forward to present day
Utrom received word from the E.p.f that there was a failed invasion within NYC and that his presence is required. He was horrified to know, that he'd be helping with Kraang2 interrogation.
He did not work for them, serving more so as a "kraang consultant" due to his former role as a rebel leader. Yet, given that this was his old comrade, he felted the need to stay.
Now Utrom is trying hard to undo the damage that she and her brothers have caused.
Utrom voiceclaim is Keith david (x)
Utrom likes telling stories about his time on earth. His antics with vary but all of them bizarre in their own special way. Utrom is essentially one big history book. A living artifact.
Utrom begins to keep an eye on those involved in NYC's invasion. Whether they be good or bad.
He struggles with being a pacifist, even til this very day. He often worries about snapping at someone since he's constantly aware of his strength.
Utrom great with dealing other peoples emotions however, closes himself off from his own feelings. He feels responsible for everything that had happen and is trying hard to 'fix' everything.
He still retains strong romantic feelings towards kraang2 and will continue to visit her once The E.p.f efforts in finding her brothers prove to be fruitless. (biggest simp in all the galaxy)
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cokowiii · 8 months
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Yeah I’m still on this
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bambiraptorx · 2 months
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Misa brings a treat for you! Good luck in the story comp!
[I.D. Digital drawing of Misa, a humanoid turtle child in a blue shirt. She is smiling widely, and five pieces of candy are drawn above her hand. There is a orange one, a blue one, a purple one, a red one, and a pink one. End I.D.]
Donnie accepts two pieces of candy, the purple for himself and the pink for Beatrice. "Thank you, uh, small turtle child. Are you supposed to be alone here?"
He's a little concerned to see a kid so small without any clear parental figure around, but it could be that she just got lost or wandered off. Her poor parents, they must be so worried.
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smol-bean-boi13 · 20 days
Doodle dump wooo!!
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Featuring; Echo's progressive relationship with Draxum and Echo working at Run of the Mill!!
I think I'm getting better at drawing Draxum? Idk lmk what you think 😬👍
Main masterpost
Transcript (starting at photo 6):
Planning what tables need help the most
'Gonna serve the shit outta you' bag
Spent half her life learning how to people please
Contents of hip bag (satchel)
Hand sanitizer, baby wipes, 3 pens, order book, extra crayons, chocolate mints, checkbook, hand knife.
(photo 7)
Echo: Can I work here?
Hueso: staff, this is our newest recruit, Echo. (She nervous)
Echo: What. The Hell. Are you. DOING HERE.
Leo: No-- what are you doing here?!
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cokoweee · 5 months
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I’ve spent all day doing nothing
A lil lore bit bout the lil guy.
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