#tmnt minifics
vaudeville-moggie · 10 months
magic au
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I was like, uh, why you looking at me like that-
A: fire, flames, or excessive heat
X: a flash of anger
Ah, yes. Let the Raph angst ensue.
- - - - - - minific under cut, tw warning may include uhm Anger, fire, canon-compliant swearing, Japanese (which may or may not be accurate) written in romanji, feelings, hurt and comfort. You've been warned. Proceed. ------
Shredder had pushed Leo back, and Raph caught her.
“Foolish turtles…” Oroku Saki stood up from his throne, his chromium armour making mechanical hissing noises, revealing mechanical wings and a sharp whip-like tail.
“what the sewer cakes…?”
Mikey, Raph, and Leo all exclaimed at the same time.
“Cool!” Donnie grinned excitedly, earning a glare from his siblings. He held his bō with both hands and laughed sheepishly at them.
“I’ll get him!” Mikey exclaimed, throwing seeds at Shredder, his markings glowed orange as the plants grew rapidly, becoming thorny tendrils that wrapped around Shredder. He struggled against them, Mikey focused on holding him and yelled at Donnie, “Donnie, do your thing!”
“wha- My powers could level the whole block! Oh wait!” Don clicked his fingers and his markings glowed purple, “Super strength!” he yelled while running at Shredder.
“Wait—” Leo started, interrupted by Donnie's yelp as Shredder broke free of the plants and caught Donnie mid-air. they’re thrown back and Raph feels his blood boil as anger flashed in his eyes, glaring at Shredder and spinning his sais in his hands. He doesn't notice the fire building up in his hands until he jumps up and descends on Shredder, flames rolling out of his sais and roaring through half of the penthouse as Raph roared with equal furiosity. In the same moment the glass around the building shatters, boiling water bursting out of the indoor water tank. The water pools at their feet as the flames fade and Raph and Shredder stumble away from each other. The armour is remarkably unscathed, even from Raph’s sais.
“Oh come on!” Donnie exclaims, getting up from where he had fallen earlier.
“We need to get out of here,” Leo said, pulling on Raph’s shoulder, snapping Raph out of his stupor.
Raph followed his siblings home on autopilot, his mind replaying and replaying and replaying the moment fire surged from his hands. His hands. Fire. The rage he felt actualised.
He hadn't even felt it.
Back home Raph just stood in the old subway entrance, scratching his fishnet gloves subconsciously.
“What happened, my children?”
Raph barely heard Splinter or his siblings as they explained what had occurred. Splinter dismissed Leo, Mikey, and Donnie and they went to nurse their wounds. Raph watched them go to the kitchen, jumping when Splinter’s hand rested on his shoulder. Raph looked up at him.
“What is on your mind?” Splinter asked softly.
“It—” Raph choked up, “it's just my powers!” He looked at Splinter and gesticulated, his palms up.
“hm?” Splinter hummed, encouraging Raph to continue.
“It's just, so…destructive. I want to think it's cool, I know how cool it is, I-” Raph stopped abruptly as his voice broke and his eyes misted, “ugh, what's wrong with me?!” he made a disgusted look and looked up, trying not to cry.
“Nothing is wrong with you Raphael,” Splinter said, “you are scared. That's normal, and important.” Splinter kneels to Raph's level. “You are so brave, my child.”
Raph sobbed and Splinter pulled him into a hug, letting Raph cry over his shoulder.
“And it's important to cry. Crying actually releases endorphins—”
“Did Donnie tell you that?” Raph said, cracking a smile despite the tears running down his face.
“Hm,” Splinter grumbled, and after a moment they parted and Raph wiped tears off his face, looking embarrassed at the ground.
“Remember what I told you when you were scared of the bugs, when you were younger?”
“Kore wa… uh” Raph scratched his head.
“Nanimo—” Splinter started, joined by Raph a moment later, “imi shinai.”
“But this isn't bugs. Or monsters under the bed. It's…” Raph gestured vaguely.
Splinter nodded, stroking his beard a few times before replying, “fear is an important reminder Raphael, your mind knows you're in danger, and you must tell your mind: ‘yes, I am in danger, but I am in control.’”
Raph sighed and nodded, “hai, sensei.”
Splinter stood up and rested his hand on Raph’s head momentarily.
“Now, go talk to your siblings.”
“They know more about this magic than I do. Talk to them.”
Raph looked towards the kitchen, hearing Mikey’s excited cries. Raph smiled and wiped his tears, moving towards them.
I wasn't going to include the last part with splinter but my brother said it was important. so you can blame him for that.
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angelpuns · 3 months
The Igloo - TMNT Minific
( Herr's my fic from the @turtlestogetherzine !! I kept forgetting to post it ;-; )
It had taken him nearly all morning, but his masterpiece was finally complete!
Donnie stepped back to admire his creation - a real-life igloo! 
He turned, hearing a couple of shouts behind him. Just as he predicted, Leo had dragged Raph into a snowball fight - which meant Donnie was gonna get cold snow shoved into his jacket at some point. Not this time, though! 
He wasted no time crawling inside. 
He'd been planning this for months - he'd done a ton of research in igloos and how they worked.
If he remembered correctly, the super packed snow would help keep him warm. At least, a little warmer than it was outside. 
Donnie dragged the tools he'd brought in behind him, setting them in a corner of the igloo. He could at least make it a bit more homely in here, since he was gonna be stuck til their snowball fight finished.
He spent the next few minutes working on the inside - drawing out diagrams in the snow walls and imagining it was actually an elaborate laboratory. He'd been wanting to start one for a while, but Papa was not being reasonable. He could be safe with a propane torch! 
Donnie only stopped when someone poked their head in the igloo - his plastic shovel held up in defense. 
"Whatcha doin' in here, Dee?" It was just April, but Donnie found her coy smile a little too untrustworthy.  
"I decided to make a fortress. I've been researching igloos for months now and decided this was the best way to prevent getting roped into yet another snowball fight," He explained, still holding up the shovel, "it's my safe-haven."  
"Mind if I join ya? It's a bloodbath out there." She sounded friendly enough, but Donnie could see from here that she had her hand behind her back - likely a planned ambush. 
"Sorry, April, but I cannot let anyone in without a security check."
April scoffed, poking her head even further into the entrance, "Let me in or I'm telling Splints about your little scrap yard escapade last month.” 
Donnie grimaced at that, quickly compiling a pros and cons list of why he should agree. 
No matter which way he put it, letting April in was his best choice. 
Donnie sighed, setting the shovel aside and gesturing inside. 
"Fine. But don't you dare bring any snowballs in here, " He muttered, pulling his arms in close and zipping his jacket further up his neck, "I worked hard to keep the heat in!" 
April shrugged, a snowball plopping onto the ground next to her. As always, he was right. 
April crawled into the igloo, eyes widening when she saw how big it was inside. It could fit all of them if he really wanted (he most certainly did not).  
"Wow, Donnie! This is amazing. You built this by yourself?" April sat cross-legged across from him, admiring the dome, "What's with the drawings?"
Donnie flushed a little, shrugging, "I was pretending it was a lab…but yes, I did build it myself. Did you know that the tighter the snow is packed the more heat it keeps in? And, the reason it doesn't melt is cause-" 
"WOAH! Donnie, did you build a house!?" 
Donnie frowned when he was interrupted, turning to aim a glare at Mikey. His younger brother had poked his head in the entrance, but was craning to see farther inside. 
"Actually, Michael, it's called an igloo-"
"COOL! Can I please please pleeeeaaaase come in?" Mikey poked his head a little further in, "I'll be the goodest hou-igloo  guest ever!"
"First of all, goodest is not a word. Second, no you may not. I only have so much room in here," Donnie scoffed. He was stretching the truth a bit, but what did Mikey know? He was only six!
"But…but I said I'd be the goodest- the bestest house guest ever…" Mikey murmured, his expression quickly falling into the sad puppy dog eyes. 
Donnie hesitated, before quickly shaking his head, "Sorry, I can't bend the rules for you, Mikey."
April gave him a look, but that wasn't what made him change his mind. Sniffles came from the entrance of the igloo, Donnie regrettably glancing over. Mikey was fully sobbing, huge crocodile tears slipping down his cheeks. 
"Oh- don't… Sigh. Don't cry, please don't cry, Angelo…" Donnie attempted to soothe him, crawling over to the entrance and beckoning his youngest brother a bit closer, "I…guess we have room for one more. Just please don't cry." 
Somehow Mikey's tears always ended up getting to him. He felt so…icky making him cry. 
Mikey brightened up at that, crawling inside and practically tackling Donnie into a hug. 
"There…there. I let you in so now you can't cry," He murmured, giving Mikey a couple of pats on his beanie-covered head. 
Mikey rubbed his face a couple times on Donnie's coat, no doubt leaving a trail of slime and who knows what else. Eugh. He really wished he'd thought to bring tissues. 
"Thank you, Dee. You're the be-bestest." Mikey murmured, happily squeezing Donnie once more before thankfully moving away. He wiped his face and sat cross-legged next to April, watching Donnie expectedly. 
"Soooooo, what now?"
"Well I didn't exactly plan for visitors. I suppose I could finish explaining the thermal capabilities of the igloo itself, but-" 
"You guys havin' a party in here or somethin'?"
Donnie groaned, scrubbing a hand down his face and dead panning towards the entrance. 
"No, Raph. I've simply been a weak turtle," Donnie explained, Raph just giving him a slightly confused look, "Sigh…I suppose you're going to try and convince me to let you in?" 
Raph blinked at him a couple times, before grinning, "I got just the thing!"
Donnie opened his mouth to argue that it wasn't an invitation, but Raph quickly left. Donnie didn't know what he'd try to convince him with, but he wasn't going to let it work. Even if it was lunch (he was getting awfully hungry…) 
Raph was back moments later, poking his head in with a grin. Donnie was relieved he'd made the specs so large. Even if he hadn't anticipated guests, he adhered to the phrase 'go big or go home'. 
"How's this for an invite?" Raph shoved several blankets through the entrance, watching Donnie with a grin. 
Donnie thought for a moment, before audibly sighing. The igloo could only keep them so warm anyway. One more body and several blankets wouldn't hurt.  
"Alright. Make yourself comfortable, but be mindful of the walls," He warned, watching as Raph slowly crawled into the igloo. April and Mikey had already grabbed blankets, the both of them scooting over to make room for Raph.
Raph pulled a blanket over himself as well, though it was severely lacking in size. 
Donnie grabbed a blanket for himself as well, relishing in the warmth for a moment before sighing. 
"Everyone comfortable?"
Nods around the room. 
"Alright, finally. As I was explaining earlier, the igloo obviously doesn't have a heating system, but it keeps the person inside warm through a very specific building process-" 
Donnie groaned, pulling the blanket up and over his head. Of course Leo still found a way to interrupt him. He just wanted to explain how the igloo worked! Was that too much to ask!?
Leo's shouting grew louder and louder until it was just outside of the entrance. Donnie grabbed his plastic shovel, holding it up to defend himself. 
A moment later Leo poked his head into the igloo. 
He was crawling inside before Donnie could stop him. 
"Oh, hey! You built a igloo-"
"Stay back, Leo. You're not allowed in here." Donnie huffed, moving to block Leo from coming in, "It's supposed to be a sanctuary."
"Sanctuwhat..?" Leo poked his head in a little further to see the rest of the group. He frowned, turning back to Donnie, "What, everyone else is allowed but me? I'm your twin!" 
"So? You're not allowed in cause you're gonna start another snowball fight." Donnie scoffed. He felt a little twinge of guilt, but he knew Leo. And he knew he'd figure out a way to rope Donnie into a fight. 
"You let Raph in!" 
"He came bearing gifts," Donnie retorted, holding up the corner of his blankets, "Anyway, I have a sign here. No Leos."
He pointed to the wall, where he had in fact scrawled a sign that said 'no Leos'. 
"I can't even read that!" Leo scoffed, "Just let me in, Dee, you're not playing fair!" 
"I said no, Leo. Now if you'll excuse me, I have some explaining to-"
"What if I promise no snowballs?" 
Donnie shook his head, fixing Leo with a stare. One that he hoped was intimidating. 
Leo stared back, expression just as hard. But then his eyes drooped a little and he hurriedly turned away. His boots crunched the snow around the igloo for a moment before fading.
"Wow. I didn't think he'd actually listen..." Donnie chuckled, tossing the shovel back in his bucket, "Now as I was saying…" 
"Donnie, don't you think we can let him in? Raph feels a little bad…" 
Donnie sighed, "No, Raph. I wrote a sign and everything. I spent a long time on this and I don't want it to be destroyed by hurricane Leo." 
They were silent for a moment, Donnie clearing his throat to start again. Only to be interrupted by Mikey. 
"But…Leo can play nice if you ask real polite! " He added, "And- and he promised no snowballs!" 
Donnie groaned, "I know, but that was probably just a lie to get in. I do not plan on having snow shoved down my jacket today, alright?"
He glanced at April, "Have anything to say or can I do my speech?"
April just shrugged, "Go ahead, Donnie. But I'm leavin' once you're done" 
Fine. He didn't invite her in anyway. 
"So! The way the igloo keeps in heat-" 
"What is it now!?" Donnie turned towards the voice, only to see Leo poking his head in again, "Leo, I said no. What do you want?" 
"I just thought you guys might be hungry…" He murmured, holding up a lunchbox and a thermos, "Dad made hot chocolate. and sandwiches."
"Ooh hot chocolate! " Mikey crawled out from under his blanket, fumbling his way towards the entrance. April followed. Raph glanced between Donnie and the entrance, before making his way over as well. 
Donnie watched them go with a frown. Fine! He hadn't wanted guests anyway. 
He pulled the blanket tighter around himself, staring at the No Leo sign. So what? He wasn't hungry. His stomach growled in response. Okay, he was a little hungry. 
He made another pros and cons list in his heads, potential mishaps flooding his brain. Donnie groaned. There were - unfortunately- more pros than cons. 
And he was hungry. 
And lonely.
He had to tell someone about how igloos worked. 
So, he set his blanket aside and crawled out of the igloo. He squinted against the sudden sunlight, his family a few feet away.  
His brothers and April were all sitting in the snow, sipping from the thermos and eating their sandwiches. 
Donnie walked over, hands shoved deep in his pockets. He hated being wrong. And he hated doing apologies. But he…wasn't playing nice. And that was probably why he felt so icky. 
"...Do you all wanna eat in my igloo?" He murmured, staring at his feet, "It's warmer in there."
Leo cut April off, “I never thought you'd ask, Dee! You gonna tell us how that thing works or not?" 
Donnie stiffened a bit at that, nodding. He didn't move, the rest of them gathering up their lunch and heading for the igloo. 
Leo stopped and held out a sandwich, "Here. I know you're real bad at 'pologies. But that's okay." 
He wrapped an arm around Donnie's shoulder and gave him a warm squeeze, "I promise I won't start another snowball fight….yet.”
Donnie chuckled a bit at that. 
"Just let me win, okay?" 
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millylotus · 1 year
TMNT Ficlets/Minifics
The bronze winner for the Random Fic Poll is here!
Most of these are unfinished, I'm completely fine with people using the beginning of these fics as prompts. I know how much this fandom loves that. Go hog wild & give credit where credit is due!
The MasterPost for all the other Poll Contenders
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Ao3 Series
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There aren't a lot of these ngl
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Real Boy Shelldon
Shelly hasn't felt fully right in his body since it began to gain sentience. It's time for a change.
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There are so many of these, I'm not ashamed tbh crossovers as a genre is my fav.
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These boy just started their first internship [and now they have to deal with this whole "other them" situation] - 2012 x Rottmnt
Splinter sets the boys up for interning at Big Mama's hotel while he and Draxum take a break. The 2012 boys have the misfortune of being sent to an alternate dimension. Who knew trying to crush a really pretty beetle would get there here.
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A Whole New World - Rottmnt x Bnha
Some how some way the Rise kids end up going to UA for a year. Posing as siblings in a blended family, with their dads playing their role perfectly, they got in. Its gonna be so great to just hang out with more kids their age!
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Fucked It Up Now They're In Love - 2012 x Rottmnt
2012!April literally falls for 2018!Donnie, they catch her of course but still, he should not be that hot. 2012!Casey & 2012!Donnie are very much threated by R!Donnie, 12!Casey ends up being the one to confront the new rival. But the crisis may not have been diverted.
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I'm never not gonna like the banners I make like, Hot Damn I'm Good >:D
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brightlotusmoon · 1 year
NickToons is airing episodes of the 1987 TMNT series next to random SpongeBob episodes. This is entertainment, baby.
Ooooh, the Shredderville episode is coming up. Hey @catbowserauthor didn't you write a Tumblr minific with Empath Mikey about that?
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Hi! How r u? I hope your drinking lots of water! May I request the boys w an S/O who likes being hugged and telling them that they love them? Seperaye bc if possible! Thank you so much and stay safe!
I usually drink a little more than half a gallon a day 😘 I like some variety, so I'll do "minifics" for this one. It may not be exactly whag you were expecting, but that's the beauty of it, yeah? Which one's y'all's favorite?
The boys with a lovey S/O:
Mikey— "A Warm Welcome"
Mikey does well with a partner who loves touch and affirmations. He picks you up and squeezes you into his chest, drapes you on him because he wants to be in contact with as much you as possible. Is it too much to want? Is he, himself, perhaps a little needy? A little greedy?
No, Mikey just loves you. His affection's are pure and radiant.
"There's always gonna be more room in my heart for you, baby," he's said before with sparkling eyes. He beamed a smile, "So, come on in!"
What was that? Oh—you love him. Actually, he heard you loud and clear the first time, he just always wants to hear you say it again.
Raph— "The Lucky One"
How did Raphael, of all the people, land someone like you?
He often takes to your side and wraps an arm around your shoulder. Rubs your upper arm as well. No words needed, no "can you hold me?" because he's already on it, and he couldn't appreciate more not needing an explanation.
So, you love him. Raph's more a man of action than words, but he'll never let that stop you from saying that to your heart's content.
"Maybe one day I'll get what ya see in me, but until then, I love you too, girlie."
He's the lucky one, indeed. :)
Donnie— "Here To Help"
Trial and error is his method, and Donnie is a quick learner. He recognizes your cues and knows exactly when he needs to sit you on his lap and wrap his arms around you, to rest his chin on your shoulder. Someone wants him, needs him? He loves to be of use! He's in love with being loved.
Hearing the words "I love you" so often, along with being so sweet, he finds it a little amusing. If you don't say it as much one day for any reason, he actually misses it a lot.
"Oh-hoh, this is the sixth time today, love, hey, that's a new record! Let's see if we can beat it."
The affirmations really solidify everything for him, so don't stop!
Leo— "For Safe Keeping"
Hugging you, hearing your words for him is largely a subconsious effect for Leo. The nature of their life makes having relationships, familial and romantic, kind of scary. Having you close and hearing your voice carry such small but impactful words helps to reassure his secretly worrisome mind.
"I just want to hold on so you don't slip away," he said once. "Please, remind me every day to make sure I never lose sight of that." So you told him you loved him once again, and he'd always know.
Leo is a romantic on the inside and greatly appreciates your gestures. He hugs you and rubs your upper arm, or takes your hand in his; it's those little things that he wants to protect.
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TMNT X reader
How the Turtles show affection [+ minifics]:
sfw, 2003/2012/Bayverse, also the term love language is used very loosely, just to convey what I'm talking about
• A major portion of Leonardo's "love language" is self improvement when it comes to you
• As mentioned before, he's very keen on helping you grow as a person and wants to be the one to help facilitate that.
• Whether it's in self discipline, the nurturing of skills and talents, or even just working toward a small goal, he's there every step of the way and ready to give advice or listen to you when you're feeling frustrated about things.
• If you talk disparagingly about yourself, he'll tell you to cut it out right away.
• He's a "no bullshit" kind of guy, so even though he'll break it to you gently, he's firm on the fact that he doesn't want to see you sitting around feeling sorry for yourself.
• He'll certainly help you build up your confidence if you struggle in that area.
"Just a little more, y/n," Leo nudged you on as you tried to muddle through the last of your workout. You were struggling with the last of your pushups, but he was there to catch you if your arms gave out. You never had to worry. "Come on, I know you can do this," he said, a reassuring hand supporting your torso.
With a strained grunt, you finally pushed through the last motion, and you released all the tension in your body. He was quick to pull you onto your knees. He smiled warmly, "I knew you could."
• Donnie's love language is partly giving. He loves to impart knowledge onto you.
• He's a "learn something new every day" kind of guy, so he always tells you some kind of neat fact regarding any subject. He just loves for you two to expand your minds together.
• The other part of his love language is quality time (as most like), but he is one to enjoy conversation in particular, so there's a lot of talking when you two are together.
• Asking you about your interests and life is how he shows he cares, and remembering small things you mention
• He's also a helper, meaning, if you're struggling with something, and he doesn't already know what to do, he'll go do some research about it and help you then.
Some things are just difficult to understand. Like what you had to learn right now, a subject you weren't very good in. You were frustrated and ready to give up, but Donnie was there to explain it all for you. "There are lots of ways to learn things, and even more ways to take notes," he told you, pencil in hand just as you had. Putting his arm around your shoulder, his hand made soothing rubs on your arm.
"We just need to find what method works best for you. It doesn't mean you're not smart. You just need a different approach."
• Raph's love language is a bit all over the place. He can be a little bit of everything, but where he functions best is in care and trust.
• Deep down he really wants people he can trust, and likewise, those to trust him.
• He's big on giving in different ways, so sometimes he might cook for you, help you do something you were dreading, etc.
• Raph isn't much of a talker most of the time, so a lot of affection is expressed physically rather than through words. Holding you, arm around the waist, passing little touches are things he does often.
• He can and will talk, though, and part of his love language is sharing with you things that excite him. He usually is not so openly passionate about things, but he feels comfortable with you in that way.
"I found this beauty just thrown out one night," he told you, digging through his stuff to find the piece he was looking for. He pulled out a comic book in very good condition and showed it to you. One of his favorites, apparently, and it had taken him six years to find the complete series. "Can't believe they threw out one of these like that. Can't believe even more that it was in such good condition."
He handed it to you with a smile, hand lingering on yours for a second longer. "You can borrow 'em, if you want. Or we could...read it together sometime?
• Mikey's love language is a mixture of touch, word, and action. He loves to hug you, is not shy about telling you just how much he loves you, and also through doing things together.
• Similarly to Raph, he, too, loves to share the things that excite him. He wants to do things together like skateboarding (or similar activities), goofing around, art, etc.
• He'll make you feel like the most awesome person in the world for every little accomplishment or remotely cool action.
• Mikey is extremely encouraging and supportive, although this carries on to your bad ideas as well...
• He'll be your partner in crime for anything you ask of him
• Is incredibly in tune with his and yours emotions, so he's very empathetic to your struggles and even though he might not always understand it, he's there for you unconditionally
Mikey always seemed to know when you were feeling down. You could try to hide it, but he caught on quickly. He'd get the truth out of you one way or another (which was at times pestering), but he cared, and wanted to know what was wrong. Other times, he just held you.
"What's up, angel?" he questioned you, wondering why you were upset. When you didn't answer after more attempts to find out, he gave in and wrapped his arms around you, leaning you in to his plastron. He rested his chin on your shoulder. "You can tell me later," he said softly as he pulled back. "I got you, y/n. See?"
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