#tmnt yakuza au
soapiemomorphine · 2 years
Warning; long text post up ahead
So it’s a yakuza au; based on the season after the defeat the triceratops or whatever
Contains: raph/Mona Lisa, dead splinter and dead Leonardo, Casey jones/donatello, morally grey turtles, them having depression for a lil while
Beware: this au is a lil angsty but I have the timeline in my head so it’s all good
When I say angsty I mean leo is dead 💀
(Don’t kill me pls)
So it begins to diverge from canon with leo dying in the final battle or sum
And the whole Space shenanigans shit is over they won and the saved the world but Mikey, Donnie, and raph are hella sad bc their fucking brother just died
Splinters will says sum ab wanting to be buried in Japan
And while they getting the body and proper Japanese burial in order I know nothing ab burials in other countries and shit( and if ur wondering why they haven’t buried him in Japan yet, they were kinda in the middle of an intergalactic war and the like)
Everything in nyc remind they of splinter and leo and they literally can’t take it
So when they have a funeral in Japan… they just stay there
You can’t get anything out of Raph other than anger; he ends you punching anyone who looks at him a lil too long or with pity
He’s so sad; and so mad as a result( he had his breakdown when he saw his brother dead and again when he buried him; those times were the hardest he ever cried)
Leo was supposed to be constant was supposed to always be there; the water to his fire; to calm him down and to round him out and he’s not here and he’s never been more miserable
While the hamato fam is staying in Japan he doesn’t stay in the house for long
He ends up fighting a lot of yakuza; not in a need to be a hero; but only to release all the emotional turmoil he feels
He can’t look at his brothers without feeling like a failure
Mona is trying to get him to talk to his family but to no avail
He ends up making enemies with the local yakuza Oop
And that’s how everything starts
But before we get into that….
He goes into this deep depression after the funeral
After splinters death he threw himself into his work and technology to prove himself, he felt he needed to make sure that he never loses any member of his family ever again
But after Leo’s death he barely leaves his bed
I hc that donatello had the most body dysmorphia and internalized hatred due to being a sentient turtle; basically he’s rlly in his head all the time and has major self esteem issues
And they only get worse, bc even with him trying his hardest, with him barely takin any breaks in an effort not to lose anyone and he does? That absolutely kills him on the inside
He barely leaves the bed most days and his thought process is all; what’s the point? Everything I do fails anyway
Casey makes sure he eats and shit
With Casey’s help he’ll sometimes go to the park
And every once in a while they’ll have a family hamato dinner( I forgor to mention earlier that at this point Casey, Donnie, Mona, Raph, and Mikey all live in the same house; but they hardly see each other)(April gets her own apartment and visits Mikey daily)
And during one dinner….
He deals with his grief the healthiest; he tries to spend his days doing things, like water plants, feed stray animals, eats lunch with April, learns to cook Japanese food,
He still cries himself to sleep
He makes friends like how he usually does
He helps April get a job at a convenience store
He help mutaanimals get jobs and all
He helps the neighborhood with any problems
He’s spends all his days outside bc his house feels so empty and even though he makes dinner for everyone he never sees them eating it; or even if they do eat
He visits Leo’s and Splinter’s joint shrine daily; he cleans them and keeps them well kept ( I have no idea how Japanese shrines work 😭, but Mikey does and he takes care of them with the rice and the incense and all)
He tells them about his day and his feelings
He gets a therapist along with April
His therapist suggests a family meeting
And the first family meeting is held in total silence
Mikey keeps on trying to make conversation
And raph gets all snippy; probably says something like, “ why do you even care? It’s not like Leo’s death is affecting you anyways” bc he’s a dumbass and emotionally constipated
And Mikey just snaps
He explains how he really feels, how much Leo’s death affected him
But then he says, “ but the worst part, is that I didn’t only lose Leo. I lost my whole family”
And he storms out leaving Donnie and raph in shock and to stew in their guilt bc they haven’t even talked to their youngest brother, of course he’s hurt and the only one who ever tried to ask how he felt is gone now and they’ve been terrible brothers and-
look for the 2012 tmnt yakuza au in my tumblr to read the rest
I promise the rest is ab how they actually become a part of the yakuza
(Spoiler: the head is someone you wouldn’t (maybe you would) expect)
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unknownfanartist · 1 year
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take this yakuza sketch that I will most likely not color because I'm sweating and its sweltering right now and I want to punch my wall cuz I'm hot and angry
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kiokesu · 2 years
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axolotlicepop · 1 year
Ok! Soooo i finished BNA a while ago. I just got really busy and kinda got back into one peice, so that's cool!
Anywho, here's the rise x BNA ideas!
So the rise boys are all human to start. They're part of the foster system and have grown close after they've been with the same family a couple of times.
I don't think their transformation into turtles will be accidental like Michiru and Nazuna. Instead, either they're fostered to this creepy scientist who is obsessed with beastmen. The kids get experimented on or accidentally eat the wrong thing in his lab (probably on a dare lol). Or it could be they're kidnapped and used in very unethical experimentation (the experiments would actually probably be to turn beastmen to humans, but things obviously went wrong and had the opposite effect).
What's important is that they turn into turtle beastmen and are now on the run from the government, police and any human who hates beastmen.
I'm thinking this story will be broken into 3 acts.
Act 1: starts with them running from police. They grow closer and find out abt the new abilities they've gained as beastmen. Also, deal with body dysmorphia and coping with the lives they've lost. They are basically living like fugitives, not really trying to go anywhere but away from those trying to hunt them down.
That is until they hear about Anima city, it's only been around for a couple years and wasn't expected to do well. But now there's word that the city is thriving and many beastmen are moving there. The boys decide to may their way there.
Act 2: starts with them making it to the city. They actually get there through Flip and his gang, and agree to work for them to pay off their transportation fees. In this act they get into all sorts of shenanigans and eventually become close with the yakuza of the city. Leo and donnie especially. Raph takes more time to become comfortable with the idea of hurting people and doing not so legal stuff. Also Mikey becomes great friends with Flip's daughter! So that's cool. Along the way the boys discover baseball is a huge thing (sadly not basketball) and leo noticed small bets being made, and proposes that they make a huge betting ring for baseball. Donnie is definitely on board, and they create the baseball betting ring.
I also think it'd be cute for the boys to teach the lost children of the poorer areas that the gang has taken in (im ignoring the fact that in Rabbit Town they try and sell the children). Donnie would definitely try and teach them wayyy too advanced topics, raph would be worrying like there's no tomorrow and leo would probably just want to play and tell stories. Raph and Mikey are the only ones who actually understand how to teach children.
Oh also! Hueso, draxum, big mama and splinter are all still here. Also probably repo, hypno and warren stone. Hueso still owns a pizza place, it's probably owned by the yakuza and definitely NOT used for money laundering. Draxum...I'm not sure on, he's probably part of the yakuza? Maybe like their scientist/ makes stuff like bombs and whatnot. So that could lead to some fun "building weapons of mass destruction" time between him and donnie. Also mikey will try and make draxum their reluctant parent, obv. Big mama is obviously a rival crime boss. And lastly, Splinter, at first i thought it'd be funny if he was their lazy landlord (owns the apartments) who only talks abt his glory days as an actor (which no one believes), and eventually comes to really care for the boys after they come home too many times with too many injuries. He then has a big chat with Flip (maybe they already know each other). OR splinter could just be part of the yakuza and like draxum eventually becomes their dad. He's probably like their mentor when they first start out or something.
Also they boys meet Shirou and leo is determined to get him to like them (or at least just leo). He may not have a tiny crush on him (obv. Nothing will happen bc leo is a minor and that's gross. It's more like a celebrity crush sorta thing).
Act 3: is when Michiru comes to the city and stuff starts getting weird. They first meet her when Flip's daughter Nina convinces Michiru to take her to the human city for a party. The boys are tasked with keeping tabs on them, and help them get out of trouble. They didn't have the best 1st impressions. After that there's the baseball tournament, and they end up talking about basketball. They noe get together weekly to play. Michiru doesn't know leo and donnie made the betting ring for baseball.
Then Nasuna comes to town, and the story pretty much stays the same, but we see it from the boys perspective and i really don't want to go through it episode by episode.
And here's some random stuff!
Donnie is a nazuna stan
Leo misses his hair the most and wears wigs because of it
Mikey vandalizes the city a lot, but for art purposes!
Raph hates being cooped up indoors because he had to do that a lot when they were making their way to anima city
April is their friend that lives just outside of anima city
They boys can't trun into other animals like Michiru and nazuna, but they do have other mystic abilities... which are the powers from the show. (Why they have them idk, but it doesn't really matter).
Donnie is streamer on the side
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creehd · 3 months
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but very politely holding your shoulders and giving you a little shake.
I haven't watched much teenage mutant ninja turtles unfortunately, but from what i do know, you putting them in the 1920s is absolutely FASCINATING. The difference in politics and the World in general from the modern version to your AU is just,,, HNGNGNGG im chewing on the leg of your desk
Do they act differently?? Or are they relatively similar to their modern counterparts? How are they forced to adapt to this universe? Are they still ninja trained? How did they get turned into mutant turtles, and what's Shredder's (who you MUST draw, im begging you), motive during this time period? 👀 DO THEY STILL LIKE PIZZA?????
And most importantly, may i give Splinter a kiss on the head? 👉👈
Amazing art as always <3
I owe you my life for this ask. I can feel myself being pulled back into both my obsessions with TMNT and the early 1900s.
In 1923 New York, post ww1, splinter is the last of his lineage of samurai in the Edo period in Japan, escaping to New York and attempting to build a new life when he came into contact with the Foot, a long-established gang with ties to shredder a yakuza boss who also immigrated from japan at the end of the 1800s once he lost his title as shōgun. He is controlling many facets of New York through experimental science and crime.
Mainly being; bootlegging, gambling, auto theft, narcotics, robbery, And any other gang-sanctioned activity.
In an attempt to stop him, splinter soon finds himself mortally wounded and in desperation to save his life, he is mutated into a rat, alongwith 4 baby turtles and an entire lab of wildlife. (Animal testing has been around for awhile) Hiding away with his newly found family and recovering from injuries that made him slowly lose his eyesight, the boys began to grow in the shadows of a newly technological America.
And that's kinda what I got as an explanation for how exactly splinter got here and what happened before the turtles grew up.. AS FOR THEIR PERSONALITIES. I try to keep them similar, I take inspiration from each different continuity of tmnt for what I think the perfect imalgamation would look like for a basis for who they are, and then I made it time period accurate!
So in order-
Leonardo: Leo is a big boy scout, he respects splinters wisdom and teachings, and when I think of him I picture Steve Roger's before the Super Soldier serum, Leo believes in New York, and he believes he and his brothers can help fight the rampant and rising gang-related crime in the city. He also enjoys tennis, chess,and card playing, alongside supporting the local flapper scene in the city. He also heavily supports freedom of the press AND believes in the abolishment of prohibition! (Not bc he likes to drink but because he WANTS freedom and justice for all) loves to listen to radio shows with Donnie and read newspapers and magazines to keep up with current trends and events.
Donatello: Donnie is hugely interested in the rise of technology across America, hugely interested in the works of Albert Einstein and the amazing minds behind the Tuberculosis vaccine (baxter stockman in this au is a scientist who basically helped discover penicillin before the incident™️) , he's fascinated with radios and tvs however they aren't as sophisticated as he might like yet, he believes he can help the field of science alongside his brothers as a crime fighter, although it isn't his passion to fight, he sees fighting as a science of its own. His hobbies include radio shows and reading! (His favorite book is at the earth's core by Edgar rice Burroughs) and he also really really enjoys April's company, and dressing up with her.
Raphael: Raphael is a vigilante at heart, but also a bit too hotheaded and selfish to see when he is in too deep, he heavily engages in the night life and the scummier parts of New York, bar fights, alley brawls, deals gone wrong, you name it, raphs got a fire for fighting for what's right. He rubs elbows with many of the lower-class gangs, who are just trying to get by, and after learning about the struggles of suffragettes, he lends a hand when he can with their growing cause, he's also a huge jazz fan, attending many flapper shows and frequenting speakeasies. Before he met Casey in late 1919, he dreamed of nothing more than to fight in the Great War, however, when he met Casey Jones, he was quickly attuned to the horrors the war brought to its soldiers, and how horrendously they were discarded after, and prompting vowing to help veterans in need. He and Casey are close and frequently engage in going to silent films, recreational drinking, and smoking together.
Michelangelo: Mikey is an artist, he loves his city and its people, and alongside being an incredibly talented martial artist crimefighter alongside his brothers, he believes in peace and love above everything. (Although he'll finish a fight if he has to) him and raph clash heavily on how to handle issues in new york, and while they can't see perfectly eye to eye, they overlap on alot of ideals and pastimes. Mikey is a prolific painter like his namesake, as well as a silent film connoisseur, a birdwatching fan, a huge fan of jazz, and a frequent at lgbt nightclubs in Harlem.
Splinter: Splinter was born in Japan in the mid 1855, he is now in his late 60s, trying to pass on his knowledge of the time to his sons, while training them the way of the samurai and ninja from when he was a boy. Splinters mutation heavily affected his eyesight, and training and keeping in touch with his culture and fighting traditions helped him overcome the difficulty of navigation, along with his mutated hearing and smell. He's a strict older Japanese dad, he loves his boys but is hesitant about the new boom of technology and heavily encourages the boys to stick to their traditional ways while fighting for what's right.
April: April moved to the city from smalltown in 1915, daughter of a farmer, she came in hopes of starting a career for herself and eventually settle down, but as things began to go down hill for the aspiring woman, she began to work a day job as a secretary at the New York World Newspaper company and at night as a flapper, she ends up getting caught up In ganglife around new york before meeting the turtles during a chance encounter with the foot gang.
Casey Jones: Casey Jones is a poor young man from New Jersey, high aspirations and low funds led him to leave his abusive household and seek out adventure during the draft in 1917, Casey fought In the Great War in Europe, and came back a changed man. Shortly after his return to the States, he moved to New York City to try to rebuild a life he once yearned for, when he meets Raphael. Both boys begin to start a bond, sharing the same pastimes and enjoying the same sights the city has to offer, but it's hard to navigate a life that feels so foreign after his enlistment, what's even harder is understanding why he'd rather enjoy the company of Raphael rather than the girls they watch on stage. He still engages in recreational hockey and the occasional book club since Leo and Donnie insist on helping him with his dyslexia.
As for their motives.. they're just trying to help clean up the streets and not get traumatized along the way! But that's never how it works out is it..
And for the villians.. this posts getting a bit long so I'll make a seperate post about shredder and his whole deal, along with the krang :]
And of COURSE they still love pizza! They're the ninja turtles, it came free with the Xbox,
But if u want an actual answer yes they still love pizza, alot of Italian immigrants came to New york in 1880ish through 1930, and pizza was starting to super get popular.
(And splinter always gets alittle kiss)
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BUT YES that's what we're cooking with so far!! And I have many idea for them, and would love to hear more thoughts and opinions !!! Please. This is my brainchild I'm foaming at the mouth to share it.
ask box is always open!!
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jxstacey · 7 months
Fuck it, new AU time
Fargo Au
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The events depicted in this AU took place in New York throughout many years
At the request of the survivors, the names have been changed.
Out of respect for the dead, the rest has been told exactly as it occurred.
In this anthology fanfic based on TV series Fargo, each Part follows a different iteration of the TMNT cast who get involved with the murders investigations of important characters throughout New York City that drastically change the events of the shows or comics, with characters even having different roles. Along with seemingly unrelated crimes sometimes being connected in some way.
Basically each iteration has something different about them whether being a character from an iteration that wasn’t in said iteration appearing, a new criminal group(03) or a character’s role changing
Season 1(03)- In 2003, John Bishop passes through Manhattan and influences the community, including Scientist Baxter Stockman into a path of malice and violence to protect themselves at whatever the cost. Meanwhile, Deputy April O’Neil and vigilante Casey Jones team up to solve a series of murders they believe may be linked to Stockman and Bishop.
Season 2(IDW; City At War) - Season 2(IDW; City At War) - In 2019, Mutanimal members Sally Pride and Man Ray cover up Ray’s hit and run of the son of a crime family boss based out of Hell’s Kitchen. While brothers Leonardo, Raphael, Donatello and Michelangelo become entangled with the Hell’s Kitchen Mob, The Mutanimals and Foot Clan when the brothers are forced to investigate a triple homicide connected to the Hell’s Kitchen Mob and Foot Clan at a diner in Lower Manhattan when a Newscaster threatens to expose them to the public. Along with that, New York state trooper Lou Solverson and Richmond County officer Chris Bradford also investigates the diner murders and also find themselves getting dragged into and investigating plot involving the Foot Clan, The Turtles, Mutanimals, EPF and Baxter Stockman as it all grow into a City Wide massacre.
Season 3(2012) - After recent shortcomings and realization, Tiger Claw finds himself hunted down by the Foot Clan after quitting. Causing two members of the Foot, Fishface and Rahzar to come up with a plan to try and kill Tiger Claw with the help of couple Ray Stussy, a parole officer/foot member who was forced to join after witnessing a fight with the turtles and the Foot, and his new girlfriend Nikki Swango(Both returning characters from Fargo), an ex convict. However the plan backfires causing the deaths of a police chief and gang member, triggering a chain recent of events between the Foot, NYPD and the SoHo Yakuza. Along with that, a low ranking police officer in the NYPD, Lindsay Barker, and crime scene photographer Warren Stone try to figure everything out to prevent further bloodshed.
Season 4(Mutant Mayhem)- Mutant crook Hypno-Potamus(Formerly known as Mezmer Ron) accidentally stumbles upon a talent show set and finds himself skyrocketing into the entertainment industry. However he soons finds himself entangled in a gang war when he witnesses gang leader Superfly kill a distributor of his. Now a member of the Mutanimals against his will and also for the Liberty Mafia after being blackmailing by their boss, Ethan DeLuca, Hypno goes back and forth between the groups as he tries to find a way out, then deciding to con both sides of the war. Surely deceiving a psychopath(Superfly) and a narcissist(Ethan) can’t be too hard right?
Season 5(Rise) - In 2018, Baron Draxum kidnaps Leonardo Hamato to hopefully get him to join him. However the turtle makes it impossible, to where brainwashing him won’t work either. Draxum then tries to drag out Leo’s father Splinter, formerly known as Lou Jitsu, which fails as well. While Leo’s brothers deal with idiotic villains going after them, April hires John Bishop, a mysterious Special Agent with ties to the TBI(Texas Bureau of Investigation) and CIA and a person who escaped from Draxum’s lab years prior without trouble and temporarily dated the Battle Nexus Host, Big Mama, before she could get the chance to use him as a Battle Nexus Fighter. However, Bishop isn’t exactly who he appears to be, maybe not human at all, and he plans to rescue Leo while at the same time plotting to take Draxum out of the picture, permanently.
More on each of the seasons and changes soon
Season 1 Current Overview
The Characters of Season 1
Season 1 Chapter List
Ch 1: The Scientist’s Dillema https://archiveofourown.org/works/53552530/chapters/135553690
Ch 2: The Mantis King https://archiveofourown.org/works/53552530/chapters/138648616
Ch 3: A Spikey Road https://archiveofourown.org/works/53552530/chapters/140873098#workskin
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arkkosun · 2 years
I’m in love with your art!!!!
I found your blog through your RiseYakuza art and I adore this little story you’re making of them.
Have you considered making a tag just for those? To separate them from any other TMNT art you might do?
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Hi and thanks for the ask!
I honestly... didn't name it...😌
I mostly just call it "that au" and expect my roommate to immediately get what I’m talking about (which they did, it's amazing). But yakuza au is pretty accurate too so please feel free to tag it as such.
It's also safe to assume that everything I make will be about this au, for I'm too anxious to get the story out and probably won't be doing anything else for some time.
As for who else is also a yakuza... I don't want to spoil anything for now but if all goes well we'll find that out soon.
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rottmnt-hc · 7 months
Because I keep getting AU ideas mixed up, here's the Gargoyles/TMNT idea I'm writing.
Warning: My own interaction
Hamato Yoshi and Oroku Saki are half brothers and are considered Yakuza, there father attempted to put them against each other but fails.
Soon Saki takes over and Yoshi goes into show business, the two help each other like clockwork.
Someone whispered disloyalty to Saki and he became paranoid it was Yoshi, soon made a deal with EPF to use a testal drug to teach him a lesson.
The younger Hamato was injured and his blood completed the mixture.
Yoshi and his three pet turtles were dosed in the stuff and quickly transformed.
Saki later found out it was his wife being disloyal and in his guilt, killed her. He lied and said Yoshi did it out of vengeance, which only piled more guilt.
Soon he became The Shredder and rebranded the clan from Hamato to Foot.
He does meet his brother and nephews before they're teens and tries to apologize, but soon realize that he will never be forgiven.
Saki goes down a dark path after this.
He gets his own turtle to mutate, and uses his own blood to do so.
Karai raised this turtle to be her sister and she loves her so much.
Time skip and Rose and Karai go with their cousins and Splinter, April's mom and Casey's is dead to Shredder.
Donnie is oldest but head of family and Leo is Leader.
Then Casey and April then Mikey, they definitely welcome Karai and Rose with open arms.
Casey is a mix of 90s Jones and 87 Jones, April is Rise and 03, Karai is 07, 03 and Rise.
All the turtles are a mix of Rise, Bayverse and 03, minus Leo and Rose who have a little of 12 in them.
Karai is the same age as April and Rose is the youngest person.
Rose is a little too trusting and meets Lexington who was captured by Shredder.
They talk about their respective clans and burn the place down to destroy mutigen and leave as friends.
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ikemengoessbrrrrr · 3 years
Tmnt au: Character Detail
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Nickname: Master Splinter/ Splinter-sama/ Sensei/ Father/ Dad/ Sir/ Boss/ Mr. Hamato/ Mr.Rat (by casey)
Age: 51 y.o
Former Yakuza boss, he used to be the most respected person. Originally from Japan but moved to New York City because he wanted to try something new.
His career as a yakuza came to a halt when suddenly many tubes of strange liquid(Mutagen) fell from the sky.The mutagen hit almost his entire members including him and make him this is now. Now his members disband And they spread in every corner in the city.
- He has turtle pet, gift from someone that he helps. He actually doesn't know how to do with it but he keep it anyway, and when the mutation tragedy occurred at that time, the mutagen also hit his turtle and became mutant too (Leonardo).
- Used to be a cat person /oh the irony...
- Because he is former Yakuza, he has a lot of money so they can easily buy stuff.
- Once had a wife, but died in a car accident (He suspect that was not just an 'accident')
- Have a gun + katana collection
- "We actually a ninja clan before get dragged into mafia world"
- Ninjutsu master, prefer martial arts over gun
- But he will use it if needed
- Man has money to buy apartement but choose to live in sewer
- Flexing his high ass sandal
- Actually done with yakuza career and trying to clear his clan name back
- But some of the members are still looking for him (dang it-)
- Forced to be a father of 4 children (at first it just one but god love him so he gets three more)
- Trying his best
- Everyone respect him (of course)
- Looks intimidating af
- Reject Technology, traditional number one
- "How the heck to use this thing?"
- Once smoking but stop after he takes care of the turtles
- Wise
- But usually he doesn't know what he's saying
- Love his family
- You hurt them, he will hunt you
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queenkyani · 2 years
Info below!
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Full Name: Kyani “Everly Rose” Nagasaki
Nicknames: love, dove, doll face, Imōto (little sister in Japanese), Yōkai, monster, Majo ( witch in Japanese),freak, dewdrop, KK, everly-rose, Nagasaki.
Gender: female
Age: 20
Birthday: February 14th 2001
Birthplace: Kyoto Japan ( moved to New York)
Voice reference: Maki Harukawa
TMNT fandom: 2016
Sexual Orientation: bisexual
Occupation: doctor, vigilante, assassin, yakuza leader, zoologist, semiotics.
Height: 5’9
Weight: 132 IB with muscle
Hair Color: Black hair ( with grey streaks)
Hair Type: Long wavy
Eye Color: lavender purple
Skin Color: Asian tan
Nationality: Haafu ( half Japanese/ half Indian)
Species(Human/Mutant/Alien etc): human/ kitsune
Powers yes/no: Yes
Likes: dancing, painting, turtles, bunnies, jewelry, singing lullabies, Japanese soups, her friends, green tea, Clothes
Dislikes: people hurting her family, being held back, her traumatic experiences.
Habits: has a habit of singing in public.
Fears: Losing her true family, feeling like she’s useless as a person, loses control of her powers, feeling like she is a disgrace and a disappointment to her family ( from her abused uncle)
Rezuko ( Father): deceased
Yukina ( Mother): deceased
Yoichi : (biological brother)
Melania: (biological sister)
Hideo: (biological brother)
Shota: (biological brother )
Renzyll: (biological sister)
Masumi: (biological sister)
Leonardo( adoptive brother)
Donatello( adoptive brother)
Raphael( adoptive brother)
Michelangelo ( adoptive brother)
Sensei Splinter ( adoptive father)
Maedene (sister-in-law ): deceased
Miyuki: Niece
Mika Cove: friend/ ex-girlfriend
Yurika and Vince Saki ( cousins/ shredder’s children)
Simon: childhood friend/ lover/ fiancé/ husband
Kieran, Sabastian, and Melody van Helsing: Simon and Kyani’s kids (future AU)
*Little sister of the turtles* 

Very skilled martial arts and weapons. ( even knows pressure points). 
Knows how to hack into systems ( same things that Donnie would do) 
 Was taught at a young age. ( by both of her parents).

Her weapon of choice is unknown considering the fact she knows how to use all of the weapons. But if she were to choose, it would be her mother’s Katana and her ring blades.

Power: Telekinesis: Kyani has the ability to use different types of psionic and cosmic energy( think of scarlet witch for instance)

 Strengths: can strengthen into different kinds of Telekinetic phases throughout a certain time. She can hallucinate her targets fears and dark secrets, she is able to moves objects, she is able to read minds, levitate, create illusions, heal, and possess. 

Weaknesses: will lose a lot of energy. Too much of it can be life-threatening. The amount of power she uses the more energy she loses. Will have to get a certain amount to gain back her energy ( example: If she loses 20% she will have to gain that percent back). 

Kyani was a happy and cheerful little girl that cared so much for things. But soon things changed when in the year 2007 the foot Clan broke into her home and killed her parents in front of her. She was five at the time. Her Uncle took little Kyani to his foot clan lair where she was mentally, physically, and emotionally abused by her uncle and the foot-clans. She met a nice friendly neighborhood foot-clan named “Viper” as well as a young boy named Simon Van Helsing and was the only two friends that she ever had. They were always there for her when she needed a shoulder to cry on.
For Simon she saved him from death once begging her Uncle to let him live which he let and put him in the higher rank. She would often sneak out just to be with Simon and soon their love grew for each other.
In the year 2013 “Viper” helped her escape at the age of 11 and hid around japan. When she was old enough she moved to New York City where she went to school to become a Doctor and have a doctorate degree. In the city, she met April O’Neil, a news reporter, and became close friends. She would come by her work and bring the sugar cookies that she baked. Soon or later down the road, she meets the turtles Leonardo, Donatello, Raphael, and Michelangelo one night on one of their missions. She was being attacked by a bunch of thugs where she lost consciousness and slowly blacked out. But she saw Four big turtles that saved her life. Donatello finds out that she was somehow related to them, but couldn’t understand how. He told the rest of the gang that she was related to them which brought out a confusion.
But they took her to the lair because she was badly hurt and needed to be fixed up. April comes in shock to find kyani in the needle room and asks what happened to her. The turtles were confused; they asked how she knew her and April answered that she was a close friend. When she also found out that kyani was related to them she too was shocked but encouraged them to give her a chance and to get to know each other.
Best friend: Mika Cove
Romantic Interest: Simon Van Helsing ( my OC)
Allies: Splinter, Leo, Raph, Mikey, Donnie, chief Vincent, Simon, April, Casey, Yoichi , Melania, Haruto, Shota, Renzyll, Masumi, Mika, Vern, Yurika, Vince, Zurie Rose etc.
Enemies: the foot clans, her uncle, Bebop and Rocksteady.
Personally: Very kind, sweet, loving, wise, intelligent, loyal, understanding. Has a heart, will help people.
Fun facts:
1) took dancing classes
2) She would go to the beach and swim with sea turtles
3) owns a motorcycle
4) listens to Rock music ( New Years Day,BabyMetal, Bad Wolves, Creed, Cryoshell, Evanescence, Get sacred, LINKIN PARK, Stitched up Heart,etc) K-pop, Hip hop, R&B, and J-pop.
5. was once a Pastel Goth but grew out of it.
6. was in a rock band called “The Mutants” ( the lead singer)
7. owns different kinds of turtles, has a Phoenix bird.
8. Keeps a lot of charms and crystals in her room
9. Loves to cook and bake
10. has a spell book that she wrote herself
11. Draws during her free-time
12. Trains A LOT
13. Is not a morning person
14. Has some tattoos
15. can speake many different languages
16. Tends to get sick easily
17. Born in a royal family
18. Owns a lot of stores and businesses ( from her parents)
19. Owns a dojo in Chinatown ( everyone either calls her  Sensei Khan, Sensei Kyani, sensei, Everly rose, or Sensei Nagasaki)
20. Weirdly enough she collects sex toys. (Sorry for the TMI) she just thinks that some of them are unique. She doesn’t used them, she just buys them. That’s why no one is allowed in her room ( the last time Leo went in her room he almost had a heart attack) 
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soapiemomorphine · 2 years
2012 Tmnt yakuza au cont, ‘,;)
The first is here,
So don and raph realized they kinda fucked up whoops
With Casey and Mona’s help they make a pizza and cake as an apology
“ Look Mikey” Raph twiltled with his thumbs in a nervous gesture as he shifts from foot to foot, “ I can’t take back what I said,”
“Or what we haven’t said,” Donnie’s face is red stained with tears and his eyes shine with unshed tears
“But we’re sorry,” Ralph’s voice breaks under the weight of guilt, “ and you deserve better than a couple of bums for brothers”
“And I’m so sorry that you didn’t see what you were going through because of my own dumb-dumb brain, of course you were going though the same grief and I am so sorry that I’m a terrible older brother-,” Donnie’s breathes come out shaken as he hiccups and sniffles.
But he’s stopped by Raph and Donnie nearly being knocked over with the speed Mikey had tackled them into a tight bear hug.
“ I know” Mikey sniffles into Ralph’s shoulder, “ I know”
And for the third time, Raph just breaks down.
He tries to silence what’s starts as small trails of tears down his cheeks but it’s hard with Donnie’s chocked wails and Mikey openly sobbing.
Raph joins them as they huddle each other, for the first time im since they were 15, they were just scared little kids with only themselves for comfort.
It’s impossible to say how long they stayed on the floor- a minute? 10 minutes? An hour? Because they hugged each other for as long as they could, until there were no tears left to cry, until there wasn’t enough water in their bodies, until what felt like eternity.
After that they all went to therapy!
Now they are quite literally closer than ever
They have almost all meals together, except for the dates Mona and Raph, and Donnie and Casey have
They were close before when they were younger; but that was in a sibling way; they way you are close with ur siblings when you are both young and forced to be in the same house; you fight each other and annoy each other but you still love each other at the end of the day
But now it’s different; they are close in the way veterans are close, they share the same trauma and the same grief and now they willingly spend the rest of their days together
And they were planning to spend it like retired veterans lol; no jobs rlly, cooking nice meals that take hours, finding new calming hobbies,(knitting, piano, baking, playing cards, all that old ppl shit lmao)going to the park, volunteering at animal shelters, feeding strays
Old domestic shit
But remember when raph in his grief was beating up yakuza members?
Yeah those bitches don’t forget easily
Whoopsie, the hamato fam is now on a gangs hitlist what else is new?
Some of the members who got their asses sorely kicked by raph wanna become his disciple
Raph doesn’t give two shits ab them
“BOSS!” “Get tf off my porch before I kick ur ass-again”
Mikey sees them, and is all, “Raph don’t be meeeaaannn!”
He feed the teenagers
When the yakuza tries to beat the hamato family’s asses
They failed severely
The punk teenagers in the area then start to look up to the hamato family
However, raph and Mona are unapproachable, Donnie is impossible to find, Casey doesn’t speak Japanese; so the one all the wannabe gangsters approach is Mikey lol
Gangsters aren’t the only ones who look up to the hamatos
Families that ever are in trouble with other yakuza are all like; “🥺 mikey-san, these men are beating up my sons and asking for money,”
And much like in The Godfather and in Goncharov they became know as a family that can do favors for good people
And the local punk teenagers began to treat Mikey like their boss
And that’s how the Hamato family-completely on accident- became a yakuza gang! 🥳
-first- -next(not yet posted)-
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sherenelle · 4 years
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Request: Leo Yakuza-AU (Panic attack)
Title speeks for itself. ;) for @jasmine-the-fox and Yakuza-Leo-Lover @caroaimezoe. <3
TMNT doesn’t belongs to me! Art by me!
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kiokesu · 2 years
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ao3feed-tmnt2k12 · 8 years
Blots & Scribbles
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2lMU4xI
by AristaStarfyr, Emerald_Leaves
Little side stories to accompany "Caro mio ben", our Soulmates AU. (you should go check that out too!) These will have no real order, just fun snippets we've been playing with.
Words: 2341, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Series: Part 2 of soulmate au
Fandoms: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - All Media Types, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (TV 2012)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/M, M/M
Characters: Leonardo (TMNT), Raphael (TMNT), Casey Jones (TMNT), April O'Neil
Relationships: Leonardo/Raphael (TMNT), Casey Jones/April O'Neil
Additional Tags: Fluff, Smut, Cuddles, Alternate Universe - Soulmates, Alternate Universe - Yakuza
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2lMU4xI
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soapiemomorphine · 2 years
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🚧 WIP 🚧 on my 2012 yakuza Mikey lol
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soapiemomorphine · 2 years
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Inspired by @arkkosun ‘s yakuza au for Rottmnt
The timeline/ explanation starts here
Yakuza Mikey is 5’8” / 170 cm tall; he grew!
He is now 25 and leads the Hamato Gang
You know how he was annoying lil shit toward his brothers? Yeah well he’s the exact same with other bosses LMAO
He refers to everyone politely, including his own members, no matter their status in the gang or anything
He only drops them when you piss him off or you betray him/do him wrong
The Hamato gangs main thing is that they take care of each other; and they protect each other
It’s hard to take out one of them bc then a whole group of people come to take you out
Mikey attends every funeral of his members and pays the family generously
The city of Kyoto and their neighborhood are one of the safest places one can live bc of them
He makes bank; he overthrew a bunch of sleezy businessmen and loan sharks and now he owns them
His company focuses on loans and selling and trading mutant products and goods
He protects the city from crime in the side lol
He kinda lost the whole being merciful thing after fighting aliens and preventing the apocalypse
He lives in a traditional style japanese mansion with his remaining bros and family
And you know how mob bosses have cats? His is Ice Cream Kitty!
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