#to everyone who was watching im so sorry i kept leaving to pee so often
dast4rd · 4 months
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tim roth tuesday everybody
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petertingle-yipyip · 5 years
Where Happiness Begins - Peter Parker
Chapter Eight - Comeback
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//WHB Masterlist //
//Series Inspo: @stuckonspidey @cxptain-capsicle // Series Tags: @mc225g @fandom-princess-forevermore @istg-lyssa-stop @im-a-fucking-mess-jfc @olliekookie @rosegoldhome @chubsluda @missmulti @eternaleviee @freerebel @peter-parker-glee-other @disgustangg @jackiehollanderr @imsobored​3000 @eridanuswave​ //
Pairing: Peter Parker x Stark!Reader
Word Count: 7,915 (And this is a condensed version!!)
Summary: Some time has passed since fighting Vulture. Just as Y/N is fully healed, she gets thrown into a battle she doesn’t know if she can handle. All she knows is that she can’t let her dad do it alone. She wants to make sure that even if she doesn’t, he’ll Comeback. But it’s a different story when Peter tags along.
Things had been calm. You knew the calm wouldn’t last forever, but you enjoyed it nonetheless. You had talked to Peter often, having him come to visit on the weekends. You and your dad had finished your nanotech for your latest suit upgrades, along with a few minor tweaks to the Iron Spider suit. Peter helped play with it when he was there and you could tell that he wanted to take it for a test run. Tony wouldn’t allow it and you thought it was kind of funny.
So, you lived a normal life. You helped take care of Stark Industries. You helped Peter with homework. You tried to track down Steve. You tried to contact Thor and Bruce. It was the same things you had been doing, and yet something didn’t feel quite right about your life recently. But you’d never tell your parents that.
You were on a run with your parents one day when your dad wanted to tell you and your mom about the dream he had just had. You noticed he took the housing unit for his nanoparticles, knowing your mom wasn’t a fan of the fact that it was a mock arc reactor. You wondered if your mom knew that you had your bracelets on with your own nanoparticles.
“He’s rambling again, Mom!” You complained as your dad chattered on.
“No, I’m not.” He countered.
“You lost me.” Your mom admitted.
You stuck your tongue out at your dad before smiling in triumph.
“Look, you know how you’re having a dream, and in the dream you gotta pee?” He started over.
“Sure, happens all the time.” You agreed, even though you couldn’t recall that specific sensation.
“Okay. And then you’re like ‘Oh my god, there’s no bathrooms. What am I gonna do? Oh, someone’s watching. Oh, I’m gonna pee.” He kept going.
“And then you wake up and in real life, you actually have to pee.” Your mom finished.
“Everybody has that.”
“Right, that’s the point I’m trying to make.”
“I don’t.” You interjected.
“You just said you did!” Tony pointed out.
“I lied.” You shrugged. “Continue.” You motioned for him to keep talking.
“Apropos of that, last night, I dreamt we had a kid. So real. We named him after your eccentric uncle. Uh, what was his name?”
“Right.” Your mom nodded slightly as you spoke.
“Morgan.” You answered.
“Morgan! Morgan.” He exclaimed excitedly.
“So you woke up and thought that we were..”
“Yeah?” You asked quickly. “Did you forget you already have a kid? Hello? I’m right here. Y/N Stark, your pride and joy!”
“No.” Your mom shook her head. “I’m not pregnant.”
“I had a dream about it.” He continued, as if he could convince your mom otherwise. “It was so real.”
“If you wanted to have another kid, you wouldn’t have done that.” She tapped your dad mock reactor. “And you wouldn’t have let her do this.” She lifted your wrist to show your bracelet.
“I thought you were leaving those.” He said to you.
“You bring yours, I bring mine.” You slowly took your hand away from your mom’s grip. “Actually, Mom, I’m glad you brought this up.” You began and stepped around your mom to stand by your dad’s side. “These-“ You gestured between your bracelet and your dad’s chest attachment. “-are nothing. They’re housing units for nanoparticles.”
“You’re not helping his case.” She scolded gently.
“No. She’s right. It’s an attachment. It’s not-“ Tony tried.
“But you don’t need it. Neither of you need that.”
“I know, I had the surgery. I’m just trying to protect us, and any future uses. That’s it.”
“Just in case there’s a monster in the closet instead of, you know,” You shrugged.
“You know her so well.” He added. “You even finish her sentences.”
“You guys should have shirts in your closets.” She sighed.
“Yeah.” You nodded slowly, agreeing with her on some level.
“You know what there should be?” Your dad said. “No more surprises. We’re gonna have a nice dinner tonight, as a family. Show off this Harry Winston, right? Y/N can bring Peter. And we won’t have any more surprises. I should promise you that.”
“Yes.” Your mom agreed with a smile.
“I will.”
Suddenly, an orange glow created a circle and a man stepped through the new portal. He spoke as if he you knew you. But then again, everyone knew you.
“Tony Stark, I’m Dr Stephen Strange.” He began. You stepped around your mom, stopping a few steps in front of her. You weren’t really sure if you were protecting her or your dad. Maybe both. You glanced at your dad, who only looked at the man in confusion. “I need you to come with me. Oh, congratulations on the wedding, by the way.”
“So, what? You giving out tickets to something?” You added with lifted eyebrows. “What do you need my dad for?”
“Y/N.” Your mom said quietly in warning. She didn’t want either of you to get involved in whatever the guy came asking for.
“We need his help.” Strange explained. “Look, it’s not overselling by saying that the fate of the universe is at stake.”
“And who’s ‘we’?” Tony asked.
“Hey, Tony. Hey, Y/N.” Bruce said as he stepped around Strange.
“Oh my god, Bruce!” You smiled, quickly running to hug him.
“Bruce.” Your dad said in shock.
“Pepper.” Bruce greeted your mom when you stepped away.
“Hi.” She breathed.
Your dad hugged Banner tightly, not having seen him in years. Meanwhile, you spoke to your mom.
“Mom… I think- I think we have to go with him.” You said quietly.
“No. You’re not going anywhere.” She shook her head and took a tight hold of your wrist.
“I can’t let dad do this alone.” You sighed in desperation, you shook your free wrist to emphasize what you meant. You had your suit for a reason, to help your dad. Your mom knew that, and that was the only way she’d allow you to have it.
“Y/N, no.” She tried again, knowing she couldn’t convince you otherwise.
“I’m sorry…” You turned away from your mom, your wrist slipping easily from her grip. “After you, Magic Man.”
You and your dad followed Strange through his portal where he and his friend, Wong, explained everything. They explained the Infinity Stones and Thanos. Bruce explained what happened to Thor, what he had seen. Tony and Strange bickered about what to do with the time stone. You had noticed your dad’s demeanor and attention shift when Bruce mentioned New York. Thanos was behind New York, why your dad wanted to put a suit of armor around the world.
“Probably Steve Rogers.” Tony said.
“Call him.” Bruce insisted.
“It’s not that easy anymore, Bruce.” You began, shrugging slightly. “The Avengers had a falling out.”
“Cap and I fell out hard. We’re not on speaking terms.”
“And no one’s heard from him in months. He just disappeared. Trust me, I’ve tried to find him.”
“You’ve done what?” Your dad turned to you, irritated that you did that without him knowing.
“Doesn’t matter. He’s gone AWOL.”
Your dad rolls his eyes slightly before pulling out a phone that you had never seen before. He mumbled something before opening it and the only contact is Steve.
“You’ve had this the whole time?” You asked in shock. It wasn’t an angry shock, maybe partly. How could he hide this from you? “That’s what was in the box when that old mailman called you Tony Stank, wasn’t it? The package that you wouldn’t tell me what it was?”
“Tony Stank?” Strange chuckled.
Before your dad could offer a rebuttal, the action moved outside. Before you knew it, you were fully suited up and trying to fight off aliens that called themselves the Children of Thanos. Peter also found his way into the mix and you weren’t exactly thrilled about that. All of you fought them as best you could, but they proved to be quite the challenge. And you thought fighting the Vulture was hard.
“Uh, Y/N? I’m getting beamed up.” Peter said over the comms.
“What the hell?” You turned to see a ray of blue light taking Strange and Peter to the donut shaped spaceship.
“We gotta go, Dad. Like now.” You said before taking off to help Peter.
“You mom is gonna kill me.” He sighed, following after you.
“Unlock 17-A.” You said quickly on your way up.
“Gimme a little extra, F.R.I.D.A.Y.” You asked as you tried to save Peter. “You gotta let go, Pete. We’ll catch you.”
“But Mr.Stark said save the wizard!” Peter reasoned before panting. “I can’t breathe.”
“You’re running out of air.” Your dad explained. “He’s too high up.”
“Yeah… That makes sense.” Peter said lazily before falling unconscious and letting go of the spaceship. The pod for 17-A catches up to him quickly, releasing the Iron Spider suit. Peter quickly comes to and lands on the bottom half of the spaceship. Your dad sends Peter home before you two sneak onto the ship.
“Incoming call from Ms. Potts.” F.R.I.D.A.Y. announces to you both.
“You answer it.” You said quickly.
“Oh my God.” She said to your dad. “Are you two alright? What’s going on?”
“Yeah, we’re fine..” He answered carefully, looking around the alien ship. “I think we’re gonna have to push our 8:30 res.”
“Just cause… We’ll probably not make it back for a while.”
“Tell me you two are not on that ship.”
“Yeah.” He sighed.
“God, no. Please tell me you’re not on that ship. Where’s Y/N?”
“I’m sorry, Mom.” You said sadly. You weren’t one hundred percent sure she would hear, but you wanted to know you said it. “I don’t know what to say.” You admitted.
“Come back here right now! Both of you, I swear to God.”
The call broke off as did F.R.I.D.A.Y.’s automated voice. You and your dad watched from above, trying to think of a way to get the Doctor out safely. Strange’s Cloak appears next to you as does Peter.
“What the hell are you doing here?” You grabbed him by his arm and yanked him out of view.
“You should not be here.” Tony said from your side. “I specifically sent you home.”
“I was gonna go home-” Peter tried.
“I don’t wanna hear it.” Tony shook his head.
“But it was such a long way down and I just thought of her being here on the way…” Peter looked at you with a slight blush on his cheeks.
“And now I have to hear it.” Tony sighed in exasperation.
“A-And this suit is ridiculously intuitive, by the way. So if anything, it’s your guys’ fault that I’m here.” Peter tried to explain.
“Excuse me?” You said seriously.
“What did you just say?” Your dad said with the same tone.
“I take that back.” Peter said quickly. “And now I’m in space.”
“Exactly where you don’t need to be.” You pushed your fingers through your hair.
“You’re one to talk.” Tony glared at you. “This is a one way ticket, do you both hear me? Don’t pretend that either of you thought this through. You could not have possibly thought this through.”
“I did not think this through.” Peter admitted.
“I didn’t have to.” You countered, almost defiantly. “I saw the look on your face when Bruce talked about New York.”
“And what does that mean, young lady?”
“It means that I promised Mom you wouldn’t do this alone. Wherever you go, I’m going. Wherever you die, I’m dying.”
“This isn’t your fight!” Your dad insisted.
“Wait, we’re not gonna die, are we?” Peter asked in concern.
“See him down there?” Tony said instead of arguing with you. You didn’t say anything else on the subject and simply looked back down to Strange. “He’s in trouble. What’s your plan?”
The three of you knelt down, looking between the bars to see the Doctor. You saw the alien man steering the ship. You rubbed your forehead in thought. You couldn’t fire anything at the alien. It could put a hole in the ship or even get Strange killed.
“Did you ever see this really old movie, Aliens?” Peter said suddenly as he stood upright.
After Peter explained his idea, you all got into positions. You watched, waiting for your dad’s signal. It’d be an understatement to say that you were scared. You were hundreds of miles from home, on an alien spaceship, headed to some alien planet, and trying to keep the Time Stone away from Thanos. You wondered how your life had changed so much.
“Could end your friends life in an instant.” The alien concluded when your dad landed behind him.
“I gotta tell you, he’s not really my friend.” You dad said simply.
“Saving his life is more of a professional courtesy.” You added as you appeared next to Strange.
“You’ve saved nothing.” The alien mocked, calling for large objects from on the ship to surround him. “Both of your powers are inconsequential to mine.”
“He has a point.” You leaned over to joke with your dad.
“Yeah, but your boy has seen more movies.” He answered.
You dropped to the floor as your dad shot a missile over the alien’s shoulder. It blasted a hole in the side of the ship, sucking out the alien and the doctor. You shot a wire from your forearm, aimed at Strange’s ankle, but a loose piece of metal knocked the wire off course.
“Loose Wizard!” You exclaimed without moving, knowing that if you got up you’d be gone too.
Peter shoots a web at Strange, his artificial limbs catching him from flying through the hole. He pulls Strange back inside and once they’re both safe, you and your dad shoot nanites to cover the opening. While Peter tried to talk to Strange’s Cloak, you and your dad let your suits return to their housing units and stand in front of the vast window.
“We’ve gotta turn this ship around.” Strange said pointedly.
“Now he wants to run.” You rolled your eyes.
“I want to protect the stone.” He clarified.
“And I want you to thank us. Now. We’re listening.” Your dad added, standing by your side with crossed arms.
“For nearly blasting me into space?” Strange laughed.
“Who just saved your magical ass, hmm?”
“I seriously don’t know how you fit your head into that helmet.”
“You should’ve ducked out. I tried to bench you and you refused.”
“Unlike everyone else your lives, I don’t work for either of you.” He looked between you and your dad.
“And now we’re billions of miles from Earth in a flying donut with no backup.”
“We’re backup.” Peter added form your other side, raising your hand with his.
“No, you two are stowaways.” He shook his head before gesturing between himself and Strange. “The adults are talking.”
“Wh- what is he, your ward?” Strange looked at your dad.
You took your hand from Peter’s and thunked the back of his head. He looked at you with wide eyes and you gave him a look that said for him to shut up.
“He’s Peter.” You introduced him. “He’s not anyone’s ward.”
“Dr. Strange.” He said quickly.
“We’re using made up names!” Peter added. “Then I’m Spiderman.”
“I’m going to kill him.” You said quietly, walking away from Peter and towards the controls of the ship. “It’s on autopilot. Look, it’s self-correcting.”
“Can we control it?” Strange asked. You turned, thinking he was talking to you, but he was talking to your dad. Your dad was lost in thought, staring at the emptiness in front of him. “Stark?”
Your dad didn’t answer. You moved to stand beside your dad, placing a hand on his shoulder gently.
“Stark.” Strange said with more urgency.
“Shut up.” You said in annoyance. You shook your dad slightly. “Dad?”
“You okay?”
He offered a small smile before placing his hand over yours. “Yeah, I’m alright. Thanks.” He said softly to you.
“You’re not alone.” You offered.
“I know.” He nodded. “Maybe that makes it worse.”
“Can you get us home?” Strange interrupted.
“Yeah, we heard you.” You said in annoyance, again.
“I’m not so sure we should.” Your dad replied.
“We cannot bring the Time Stone to Thanos.” Strange said like your dad was stupid. “I don’t think you quite understand what’s at stake here.”
Your dad turned on his heel and snapped. “No, it’s you who doesn’t understand that Thanos has been inside my head for six years since he sent an army to New York and now he’s back! And I don’t know what to do. So I’m not so sure if it’s a better plan to fight him on our turf or his but you saw what they did, what they can do.”
“At least on his turf…” You offered support. “He’s not expecting it. So we take the fight to him. You in, Doc?”
Strange paused, looking between the three of you. “We go to him.” He agreed hesitantly. “But if it comes to saving you or your daughter or her lover over the Time Stone, I will not hesitate to let any of you die.”
“Great. Moral compass.” You nodded once before looking to Peter. Your dad tapped both shoulders, mimicking someone being knighted.
“Alright, kid. You’re an Avenger, and not my daughter’s lover.” He stared pointedly at Strange, not wanting to look at Peter. You knew that your dad knew what he was signing Peter up for.
Peter stares in disbelief before smiling widely to you. You offer a smile, but not one with any joy behind it. You knew how dangerous it was to dub Peter an Avenger, especially in that moment. It was suicide to be on that ship. You knew from the moment you stepped inside. But if you did die, you had prayed Peter would live.
You and Peter sat on the floor by yourselves. You had one knee bent, and an arm resting on top. Peter had his arms wrapped around both bent knees and was staring in concentration at the floor.
“I can’t believe you’d be so stupid.” You nagged.
“W- What do you mean?” He replied, taken back by your sudden anger.
“Why the hell are you up here?”
“I- You were- And then I- I don’t know, you were coming.” He tried to reason.
“Peter, do you remember what I told you in Germany? That I put on this suit to help him?” You pointed to your dad, who was bickering with Strange still. “I didn’t do this for fun.”
“I know. I know.” He nodded. “But I can help.”
“You’re going to get yourself killed.” You scoffed.
“I can handle myself, Y/N.” He said. His voice was defensive, with hints of sadness. “I thought it’d be different between us.”
“After that night on the beach, with Vulture, I thought we’d be different.” He wrung his fingers and avoided your eyes.
“Peter, why do you think I’m so pissed that you’re here?” You let your head fall so you could look at him. “I don’t want you to get hurt… Do you understand that we-” You took a deep breath to steady your racing heart and churning stomach. “We might not be going home.”
“Mr. Stark can get us home.” Peter said with certainty. “If anyone on this ship can, it’s him.”
“He can do it!” He said with more determination. “We’re going to go home.”
“You said we’d be better… Together.” He added when you were silent.
“Well, I didn’t want us to die together.” You let your head fall back against the ship wall.
“Not yet..” He mumbled.
“I hate you.” You said casually. “You do know that, right?”
“Wait, what?” His eyes went wide. “What did- Cause I’m in space? I didn’t- That’s n- That’s not fair!”
You chuckled lightly, taking his hand in yours. You squeezed slightly and Peter laced his fingers through yours. You thought back to what Strange called Peter when he was asking your dad who Peter was, your daughter’s lover. You thought about what that word could mean, the weight it held. You could be a romantic lover, a sexual lover, a platonic lover. So what was Peter to you? Not sexual in any sense, but you’d be lying if you said you hadn’t thought about it from time to time. Thought of Peter in your room at night for more than to get a cut cleaned and stitched. Sure, you loved Peter as a friend. Who wouldn’t? And you knew you had feelings for Peter, but was it enough to call him your lover?
“Come on.” You said when your mind settled. You stood, leaving Peter and the gentle grip he had on your hand. A cold emptiness quickly took place of Peter’s warm hand, but you ignored the itch to reach for him as you approached your dad and Strange. Peter wasn’t too far behind.
Peter knew that wasn’t the time to be thinking of you. It wasn’t the time to remember you falling asleep against him on the plane back from Germany. He shouldn’t be thinking about your hands on his face when you went to his school. And he definitely shouldn’t be thinking about the rasp in your voice after fighting Vulture, and how he found that incredibly sexy. He definitely shouldn’t think about being with you, in every way he could be. Peter was so lost in his thoughts that he didn’t realize people were talking to him.
You nudged Peter when Strange asked Peter how he got his powers.
“Y/N?” Your dad asked, pulling you away from Peter and Strange.
“We aren’t going home, are we?” You asked quietly when you were out of earshot from Peter. You figured he’d be able to hear you anyways, but maybe he wasn’t paying enough attention to find your voice. You swallowed back tears, setting a determined face for your dad. You knew your dad was already scared. You couldn’t let on just how scared you really were. “After we get to Thanos, that’s it for us. Isn’t it?”
“You’re going home.” He assured you. “I’d die before I let anything happen to you.”
“That’s the problem, Dad.” You whined. “I need you to live for me. I know that you want to protect me, but I don’t know a life without you and I don’t want to. I shouldn’t have to.”
“Y/N/N, you’re just a kid. You shouldn’t even be here.” He said softly, pulling you towards him for a tight hug. You let out a shaky breath and shook your head slightly. “Your mother is going to kill me if you get hurt. You do know that, right?”
You laughed sadly. “And she’s going to kill me if you don’t come home with me. Dad, we both go home, or neither of us go home.” You said, not leaving any room for discussion.
“That’s not what I meant.” He sighed, pulling away enough to look down at you. “If only one of us is go-”
“Uh, Mr. Stark?” Peter called, drawing both of your attention elsewhere. “What’s going on?”
“Looks like we’re here.”
“This thing isn’t slowing.” You noted out loud. “Dad!?”
“I don’t think this rig has a self-park function.” Your dad realized, quickly moving to one of the steering controls and sending Peter to the other. “Get your hand into this steering gimbal. Close those around it. Got it?”
“Yup, got it.” Peter said, following the directions and trying his best.
“This was meant from one big guy so we gotta move at the same time.” Tony instructed.
“You might wanna turn.” You said, watching the tall hill coming closer to the ship. “Turn! Turn! Turn!!”
Strange puts a shield around your group, your dad suits up, Peter dawns his mask. You quickly suit up and grab onto your dad when the side of the ship collides roughly. Your and your dad are thrown to the ground, Peter is thrown as well. You reached your hand out as Peter rolled. He grabbed your outreached hand and you pulled him back to you. The ship rattled you all, tossing your bodies enough to hit the ground again. When the colliding stopped, you all stood up carefully and looked at the new planet you were on. You didn’t see Peter around you and part of you panicked. Peter came down from above you, upside down like a real spider.
“Are you alright?” You asked your dad who simply nodded. You turned to Peter who gave you a thumbs up. “Thanks, Strange. I owe you.”
“Let me just say, if aliens wind up implanting eggs in my chest or something, and I eat one of you, I’m sorry.” Peter said randomly.
“Not another pop culture reference from you for the rest of the trip. You understand?” Your dad pointed at Peter.
“I’m trying to say that.. something’s coming.” Peter explained.
Right as those words left Peter’s mouth,a grenade rolled across the floor. The blast sent everyone in a different direction. Through the smoke, you saw three silhouettes enter the ruins of the ship you travelled in. One of them came in yelling and threw a blade that Strange easily deflected. The Cloak attacked the knife man while your dad fights with a different one.
“Next time, Spidey, just say that!” You shouted in moderate annoyance. You looked around and tried to find Peter, but you only heard his shouting voice.
“AH!” Peter screamed as he crawled backwards. “PLEASE DON’T PUT YOUR EGGS IN ME!”
You easily aimed and shot a wire around their ankles while Peter shot a web to pin their arms to their body. Whoever was fighting your dad comes at the two of you feet first, kicking you into each other.
“You go high, I’ll go low?” You tell Peter as you get to your feet. He nods and swings towards their head. You drop to a kneel and kick out at their knees, making them buckle. They couldn’t keep up at first until they fired their weapon and locked Peter in an electric coil.
“Shit.” You mumbled as you hurried to free your dad of the magnet he was stuck in.
“Gee, thanks for the help.” He commented sarcastically.
“Eh, should’ve said something.” You shrugged.
You and your dad stood over the one who was stuck in the Cloak. The man with the gun grabbed Peter, pointing a gun at his head. Strange stood with his magic ready, and their third friend was still stuck in Peter’s webs.
“Lower the gun.” You said firmly, raising your own blaster at him and keeping the other trained on the man on the floor.
“Everybody, stay where you are. Chill the F out.” The man announced. His mask disappeared and you noticed he seemed human. “I’m gonna ask you this one time. Where’s Gamora?”
“Yeah, I’ll do you one better.” Your dad replied, dropping his mask. “Who’s Gamora?”
“I’ll do you one better. Why is Gamora?” The man on the floor exclaimed.
“I’m going to ignore that because that was ridiculous and I’m embarrassed for you.” You shook your head once, letting your mask fall away. “Let him go.”
“Tell me where the girl is, or I swear to you, I’m gonna French Fry this little freak.” He warned.
“Let’s do it!” You and your dad exclaimed at the same time. “You shoot her guy, I blast him. Let’s go!” Your dad continued. The nanites shifted the regular blaster to a canon with an opening bigger than the man’s head.
“Do it, Quill!” That was the man’s name. “I can take it!”
“I seriously doubt it.” You commented over your shoulder.
“She’s right. You can’t.” Strange agreed.
“You don’t want to tell me where she is? That’s fine.” Quill laughed out of stress. “I’ll kill all of you and beat it out of Thanos myself. Starting with you.” He pushed the gun against Peter’s head harder.
“You do that again and I’ll shoot that hand off before you can pull the trigger.” You threatened quickly, lifting your second hand to point at Quill.
“Y/N, wait.” Strange said suddenly. “Let me ask you this. What master do you serve?”
“What kind of…” You trailed, turning to look at Strange.
“What am I supposed to say? Jesus?” Quill mocked.
“You’re from Earth?” Your dad clarified.
“I’m not from Earth. I’m from Missouri.”
“That’s on Earth, dip-shit!” You said in annoyance, lowering your blasters. “Come on, let the kid go.”
“What are you hassling us for?” Your dad asked.
“So, you’re not with Thanos?” Peter asked in a small voice.
“With Thanos?” Quill’s voice betrayed offense. “No, I’m here to kill Thanos. He took my girl. Wait- who are you?”
“We’re the Avengers, man.” Peter said as he dropped his mask. Your chest tightened at Peter being able to officially say he’s an Avenger.
“You’re the ones Thor told us about!” The girl in the back exclaimed happily.
“You know Thor!?” Your dad was relieved to hear that Thor had been around.
“Yeah. Tall guy, not that good looking. Needed saving.” Quill tried to be cool.
“Look, Marty McFly, where is he now?” You asked, mocking his 80’s costume.
After Quill let go of Peter, he explained Thor went  to some fabled forge to get a “Thanos killing kind of weapon”. You helped the girl, Mantis, get out of the webs and apologized for locking her ankles. As Quill wandered the planet, measuring whatever it was he was measuring and talking to your dad, you stood away from everyone. Peter soon joined you with a cheeky grin.
“Don’t give me that look.” You couldn’t help but smile.
“You almost shot a guy’s hand off for pointing a gun at me.” He said happily.
“He was going to shoot you, Peter.” You rolled your eyes in amusement. “I told May I’d look out for you, remember? That includes keeping you alive.”
“You like me.” Peter teased.
“Not right now, I don’t.”
“How long have you been in love?” Mantis asked, suddenly in front of you.
“Jeez, you’re quiet!” You exclaimed in shock. “We’re not- I don’t think we-“
“I felt it! When you shook my hand.” She explained. “You love him!”
“Y/N? Did you hear what I said?” Your dad called out.
“Huh? No, sorry.” You yelled back. “Come on.” You lead Peter to your dad, Mantis close behind.
“Not winging it isn’t really what we do.” Quill commented as you two apporached.
“So you guys actually do something?” You mocked.
“What exactly is it that they do?” Peter asked.
“Kick name. Take ass.” Mantis said confidently.
You and your dad shared a look and sighed internally.
“Okay, look, just get them over here.” You said, trying to get some control of the situation. You and your dad both knew your time to plan was running out.
“Mr. Lord, can you get your folks to circle up?” Your dad said with mock politeness.
“Mr. Lord.” Quill repeated. “Star Lord is fine.”
“Now that’s a made up name.” You joked with Peter, who chuckled under his breath. “Your hair looks cute.” You smiled as Peter blushed. You turned your focus back to the conversation.
“Don’t call us plucky.” Quill stated. “We don’t know what it means.”
“We’re doomed.” You announced plainly.
“Tell them about the dance-off to save the universe.” Drax said with pride.
“A dance-off?” You and your dad laughed.
“Like in Footloose, the movie?” Peter commented.
“Exactly like Footloose!” Quill agreed quickly. “Is it still the greatest movie in history?”
“Was it ever?” You retorted as Peter said “It never was.” You both laughed as Tony spoke again.
“Don’t encourage him, alright?” He said simply.
“Yeah, sorry.” You nodded with a laugh.
“We’re getting no help from Flash Gordon here.”
“Flash Gordon?” Quill interjected. “That’s a compliment. I’m half-human, okay? So the 50% of me that’s stupid, is 100% you.”
“Does your friend often do that?” Mantis pointed to Strange who was cross legged, floating with his head twitching and the stone glowing around his neck.
Your dad went over and got Strange back to reality. He came back with a start, as if he was out of breath.
“What the hell was that?” You asked carefully, hurrying to see if he was okay.
“I went forward in time to view alternate futures. To see all possible outcomes of the coming conflict.” Strange explained.
“How many?” You asked quietly. Something about the way Strange explained it didn’t sit right with you.
“How many?” Peter asked for you.
“How many did we win?” Your dad asked.
Strange looked at you, then back to your dad, then over to Peter before looking back to Tony. “One.”
That fear hit you in the stomach. Something bad was going to happen to either you, Peter, or your dad. You knew you couldn’t live without either of them, whether or not it saved the world. You didn’t care if it was selfish. You didn’t care about the world if it didn’t have the people you cared about in it.
“We’re going to die.” You said to yourself.
“Y/N.” Peter said, tugging your hand slightly. He tilted his head for you to follow him so you two slipped away while the rest came up with a plan.
“I don’t want to die.” You said quietly.
“You’re not going to.” Peter reassured you.
“I don’t want you to die.”
“I won’t.”
“I don’t want my dad to die.”
“He won’t.”
“Did you see the way Strange looked at us?” You said a little louder. “One of the three of us isn’t going home. At least one of us won’t make it.”
“You’re gonna be fine, I promise!” Peter said suddenly.
“Maybe not this time.”
Peter hesitated. He wanted to kiss you, at least once before the fight of your lives, but your dad called you two back. You got into positions and waited for Thanos to arrive. Peter wouldn’t get that chance again.
“If only one of us-” You tried to tell your dad as Strange talked to Thanos.
“Y/N Stark, if you say what I think you’re going to say, you’re grounded forever.” He cut you off.
“I think.. you’ll find.. our will.. equal to yours.” You heard Strange, summoning his magic.
“Showtime.” You said after a deep breath. The fight of your lives.
“Ours?” Thanos asked as you and your dad lead a piece of the ship’s wreckage to come crashing down on top of him.
“Piece of cake.” Your dad commented as you and him went separate ways. “Quill.”
Thanos used the Reality Stone to turn the wreckage to bats and chase down you and your dad. The bats chase your dad into the ruins, while they chase you into the ground. You swat at them, knowing they aren’t real but find them impossible to beat. Until suddenly they’re gone.
“Magic!” You heard Peter’s voice. “More magic!” You turned, trying to find Peter. “Magic with a kick!” Peter flew through a portal Strange made for him. “Magic with a-” Peter’s voice was cut off by Thanos grabbing him by the throat and throwing him into Strange.
You charged into battle, joining your dad in assaulting Thanos with shots. Thanos absorbed the fire within one of the Stones and sent it back at you and your dad. You two didn’t have time to react and were sent through an old wreck.
“Y/N?!” Your dad shouted when he got his bearings.
“Help.” You said with a cough as a piece of the wreck and pinned you down and was weighing on your chest. You held your hand out for your dad, who grabbed it and pulled your free.
“Should’ve stayed on Earth, huh?” He said and you could tell he was using sarcasm to cover his worries.
“And miss the fun?” You joked breathlessly. “Nah. Can’t get chest pain like this back home.”
“The gauntlet.” Your dad commented as you took in the scene in front of you. They had Thanos down to one knee, an arm pinned and his hand with the gauntlet held open. Mantis dropped in, trying to put Thanos to sleep. Even though she put everything she had into it, he wouldn’t go fully under.
You and your dad hurried to help, both of you pulling on the gauntlet. You call Peter over to help and the three of you nearly have it off. Until something caught your attention.
“He took her to Vormir.” Nebula explained. “He came back with the Soul Stone… but she didn’t.”
“Shit.” You mumbled. You let go of your pull on the gauntlet and moved to stand in front of Quill, your helmet now gone and your hands slightly out in front. “Okay, Quill? Hey, you gotta cool it, like right now. You understand?”
Quill looked around you to Thanos.
“Don’t. Don’t. Don’t engage. We’ve almost got this off!” Your dad added.
“Listen to me, Quill.” You tried again.
“Tell me she’s lying.” Quill pleaded. “Asshole! Tell me you didn’t do it!”
“I.. had.. to..” Thanos breathed.
“Dad!” You shouted, hurrying to trade spots with him and Quill moved to push past you to get to Thanos. You replaced your dad in pulling on the gauntlet, and your dad tried to calm Quill.
“We got it!” Peter shouted as the fingers came loose. “We got it!”
Thanos came to and quickly knocked Mantis away from him. He yanked the gauntlet from your hands, sending you and Peter to the ground.
“Oh, God.” Peter lept away to help Mantis when he realized how high she was thrown.
When Quill and his crew are knocked to the side, you charge back into battle at your dad’s side. You both fire blasts at Thanos, but are swatted away like flies. Thanos knocked you both into the ground and using the stones, shattered one his planet’s moons and crushed you both under the rubble.
The air was knocked from your lungs, and your forehead slammed the ground. You were thankful for how the nanites absorbed impact better than old suits, or else you knew something would’ve broke. You coughed heavily as you and your dad tried to shove the piece of the moon off you both.
“Okay.” You groaned as you stood up. “That one hurt.”
“It’s a moon, Y/N. I think it was meant to hurt.” You could practically hear your dad rolling his eyes.
“What are we gonna do, Dad?” You asked honestly. “If we can’t get that gauntlet off, we can’t stop him.”
“And we won’t get that shot again.” Tony agreed, knowing where your head was at. “We just have to hope this is the one where we win.”
“Where the world wins..” You corrected. “But our family loses.”
You turn your attention back to the fight and you see Strange had made projections of himself to surround Thanos.
“Dad.” You said to get his attention. “Your wizard is gonna need some help.”
You and your dad quickly head back and see Strange be knocked unconscious. Your dad sends a replacement hand to keep Thanos from closing his fist as you two land in front of him.
“You throw another moon at us.” Your dad begins, the irritation obvious in his voice. “And I’m gonna lose it.”
“Stark.” Thanos greeted you both. “And the Little Stark.”
“You know us?” Your dad asked.
“I do.” He nodded. “You two aren’t the one ones cursed with knowledge.”
“Our only curse is you.” You commented, small rockets launching out of both your suits.
The rockets go off, blinding Thaons with smoke. You two go on the offensive, kicking Thanos with your super-jet function. Upon landing, you both use that same function to stabilize yourselves as you turn your fists to battering rams and knock Thanos into the ruins behind him.
The titan reached out and yanked off both of your masks. As your suits were recovering, Thanos landed a solid punch to both your faces, sending you flying several meters apart. Thanos used that time to remove the spare hand your dad had launched earlier, and utilized his Power Stone to shoot incredible blasts at both of you. You managed to get a shield up in time, and were only pushed back by the force of the energy.
You spun away and charged Thanos, who simply chuckled. You aimed a kick, and when it missed, you clamped your foot to the ground as your dad was coming in to help. You both landed a battering ram powered punch to the face, cutting the titan’s cheek.
“All of that for a drop of blood.” Thanos commented in disgust.
He knocked you both away, your dad landed farther than you did. Thanos threw punches, landing sharp blows to your face. You threw your forearms up to defend yourself, but the titan didn’t let up. He grabbed you by your helmet, and blasted you with the Power Stone. You knew your nanites had to be losing the ability to recover. It was too intense, too much damage.
You shakily got to a kneel, shooting a repulsor at Thanos. Your dad was by your side suddenly, helping you to your feet and trying to give you time for your suit to repair. You fired again, but Thanos deflected it easily and backhands you both into the rocks behind you. In one well angled blow, he knocked off what was left of both your helmets. You threw your forearms up to block the next, and Thanos took your left arm in his hand. You redirected your nanites to your right hand for a blade and you saw your dad do the same out the corner of your eye. When you swung your right hand, Thanos caught it, turned your around and snapped the blade off. He let go of your left hand to catch your dad’s blade.
Thanos snapped both weapons off and drove them into both of your exposed sides. You gasped suddenly, your breath caught in your throat. A small whimper left your mouth as Thanos back you two both into a sitting position.
“You have my respect, Starks.” He said to you both. “When I’m done, half of humanity will still be alive. I hope they remember you.”
Your head bobbed, you coughed blood. You let your head fall back and your eyes fluttered. The pain was still there, your breathing was hitched. You turned your head, looking for Peter. You couldn’t find him.
“Dad..” You managed, reaching out for his hand. “I’m sorry.”
“It’s okay, Y/N/N.” He nodded, carefully reaching to pull out the blade.
You felt the tears welling in your eyes. You could see the glow of the Stones as Thanos raised his fist. “I’m so sorry.”
“Stop!” Strange yelled suddenly. “Spare their lives… And I’ll give you the Stone.”
“Strange, no!” You managed. “I’d rather die than let him win.”
“Y/N…” Peter said softly, suddenly kneeling beside you.
“Hi, Petey.” You whispered, a sad smile on your lips. “You okay?”
Tony helped you seal your wound before dealing with his as Thanos leaves. You lost.
“Why would you do that?” Tony asked Strange. He wasn’t mad. He was heartbroken. Without looking at Strange, your dad helped you to your feet and carefully passed you to Peter for support. Peter carefully put an arm around your waist as you draped an arm over his shoulders. You tried not to lean too heavily on him.
“We’re in the Endgame now.” Strange answered simply.
“What does that mean?” You asked hoarsely. “Was all of that for nothing?”
“I can’t tell you.”
“Bullshit!” You screamed, your voice breaking. “Did we just get our asses handed to us for nothing? 14 million futures and you can’t say which one this is?” You laughed in disbelief. “And what happened to not sparing our lives, huh? I guess that didn’t matter cause we’re as good as dead right now anyways, right?”
“Y/N..” You dad said, putting a hand on your shoulder. “We knew this was a long shot.” He said gently, hoping to calm you down. Your dad’s voice was calm, and his words were intended to be soothing, but the sadness in his eyes made your chest tight. He knew what was coming. “We did what we could.”
“I guess staying on Earth wouldn’t have mattered, huh?” You asked him with a small chuckle.
“I guess not.” Your dad offered a sad smile.
“Something… is… happening.” Mantis said in confusion before disappearing to ashes.
“Dad?” You said, a sick feeling creeping into your stomach as you watched the others around you turn to ash.
“Tony, there was no other way.” Strange said before fading.
“Peter? I-“ Now you were scared.
Your dad saw it before you did. You were disappearing, just like the rest of them.
“I love you, fore-.” You couldn’t finish before disappearing fully.
Tony dropped to his knees in front of what was left. Nothing but a pile of dust was left where you were once standing. He knew what you were going to say. He didn’t get to hear you say it. He didn’t get to say the rest. You didn’t get to hear it. Tony felt the crushing guilt grip his heart. He promised you a hundred times that day that you’d be going home, that you’d be safe and sound even if no one else was. But he failed. That’s what Tony felt. Like he had failed.
“And ever.” Tony whispered.
“I love you.” Peter said to himself, wishing he had the courage to tell you just a few minutes ago.
Peter felt empty. He wasn’t sad. He didn’t want to cry. Peter felt numb, nothing. He had come close to losing you more times than anyone should in the short amount of time that he knew you, and now you were really gone. Who would answer his calls when he couldn’t sleep? Who would ask him for help in Physics that they really didn’t need? Who would suit up at 3 a.m. just to hang out on top of a skyscraper? He shouldn’t have hesitated.
“Mr. Stark?” Peter said as he realized he’s fading too. Peter felt it coming. His super healing tried to save him, tried to fight back. But not even Spiderman could cheat this death. “I don’t feel so good…”
“You’re all right.” Tony said, trying to keep the panic out of his voice. He already lost his daughter. He couldn’t lost Peter too. “You’re gonna be okay.”
“I don’t know what’s- I don’t know what’s happening. I don’t-“ Peter fell forward into Tony’s arms. Peter didn’t fully understand what was happening, and that scared him the most. “I don’t wanna go. I don’t wanna go. Mr. Stark, please. Please, I don’t wanna go…. I’m sorry.” Peter’s fear-filled rant ended as he faded from Tony’s arms too.
Tony looked at his hands, your ashes on one and Peter’s on the other.
“He did it.” Nebula confirmed sadly.
Tony sat in silence, mourning the loss of his only child and the kid that meant more than anyone thought he would. In those moments, he realized he didn’t know if Pepper had survived. Had he just lost everything? Would what he had left be enough compared to what he lost? Would he ever get home to find out?
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dumpsterd1va · 5 years
okay you know this video with the French guys and the kitten in the road? my heads been doing this thing lately where everything i see lately is andreil so uh... have this little fic based on that lmfao im so sorry
curiosity and the cat
Andrew Minyard had grown up learning to appreciate quiet spaces. The bleachers during 3rd period. The back shelves of the library. The park at 1 AM. He was never truly alone but it was enough to pretend that nothing else existed except him, the ground beneath his feet, and the sky above his head.
It wasn’t until he got his first car that he understood true solitude. Four walls, four wheels, two arms, two legs, a tank of gas that would take him anywhere, and endless stretches of road. He’d run the tank dry and then do it all over again. It didn’t matter if it was rush hour or the dead of night. Everyone else existed in their own metal cocoons, at a distance and irrelevant to him, and he existed in a space that was fully his. All his. If threads of promises unkept weren’t holding him back, Andrew sometimes thought he could go and never come back, living in his car and driving circles around the country until the inevitable.
He always came back though, to the makeshift home he and the only two people he permitted to call him family had made for themselves in Columbia, but when sleep refused him, he would drive for miles and miles on empty roads towards an empty head. The hour and destination didn’t matter, only the feeling of the road churning beneath his tires and the smooth leather of the steering wheel gliding against his palms.
For Andrew taking a long drive to nowhere was like getting a haircut or drinking a tall glass of water on a summer day, so it was no surprise that he found himself on a forested highway just after dawn, letting the frigid morning breeze tangle in his hair.
No, the surprise wasn’t the drive nor the time nor the place.
It was the kitten.
There was nothing notable about the beginning, but then again beginnings are never terribly interesting. It began with the neon glow of 4:36 stabbing his eyes through the dark, a low throb in the back of his head, a parched throat, sweat dripping down his back and pooling uncomfortably just above where his hips connected to the mattress. His sweaty clothes, his matted hair, and the damp sheets clung to him like old memories. He was shivering.
So he drove.
He drove and he kept driving, down abandoned freeways and up windy mountain roads. He stopped for a cigarette at the peak of one, leaning back on the hood of his car and watching the muted pinks of the waking sun struggle against the pitch of night.
The storm inside him stilled.
The drive back home wasn’t as lonely as the drive out, but by that time Andrew didn’t need the silence anymore. He zipped past cars, weaving in and out of the lanes, ignoring the belated honks and indignant faces reflected in his rear view mirror.
He was coming up behind a motorcycle now, but he didn’t bother to pass it. Passing a motorcycle always felt like issuing a challenge and it was one Andrew didn’t have the energy to follow up on.
Which was why he was on autopilot, windows rolled down, radio humming low, going at least 20 miles slower than normal when it happened.
The facts didn’t make themselves immediately apparent. A small lump illuminated by the haze of his headlights, a flash of orange, an impossibly tiny face. Andrew only had just enough time to process what he had seen when he pulled over to the shoulder with a jerk of the wheel that probably would’ve earned him another honk if there had been more people on the road.
He was already flinging his door open and jumping out before he could even think when he noticed someone running towards him. The motorcyclist ahead of him had parked too and was sprinting at impossible speeds towards and now past Andrew. He could hear the helmet rattling against their skull as they hurtled towards the tiny orange speck on the road.
Another car was speeding towards them, but the motorcyclist either didn’t notice or didn’t care. Slamming his door shut and running up the road, Andrew held his hand up in front of him, gesturing for the car to slow down before it killed them. Miraculously there was no honking, only a curious gaze at the strange scene unfolding on the highway at just past six in the morning.
The motorcyclist remained ignorant of Andrew saving their lives, crouching on the ground and scooping the kitten up, cooing sweet nothings.
“How’d you get here little one?” The voice that escaped the helmet was a warm tenor and just a bit hoarse. The motorcyclist was walking towards the shoulder now. “Ah, p’tit loulou, you couldn’t have gotten here on your own. Where are you from?”
For a brief moment, Andrew basked in that jittery butterflies in your stomach feeling of standing in the middle of a road before trailing behind the motorcyclist who was still making embarrassing noises at the cat.
As he got closer, Andrew actually heard something that echoed his own train of thought, “Who would fucking leave a kitten in the middle of the road?” The helmet was bowed down now, gloved hands scratching the kitten’s head. “Some asshole abandoned you… when you’re this tiny.” A defeated sigh. “I’d take you but Sir doesn’t take kindly to strange cats and I don’t wanna upset her, but I can’t just leave you here.”
“Stop whining and give me the damn cat.” The motorcyclist seemed to register his presence for the first time and that’s when Andrew realized he’d said that out loud.
“Really? You’ll take it?” The voice had brightened considerably and even through the tinted glass of the helmet, Andrew could see a smile.
Andrew shrugged and rubbed the kitten’s head right between the ears, its large eyes staring up at him as he did so. “Just another stray.”
“Thank you,” the motorcyclist said as the kitten transferred between their hands. “You take in stray cats often?”
“Not cats.”
Hands finally free, the motorcyclist ripped off the helmet and rested it against their side. “Oh, so dogs then?”
Andrew drank in the sweaty red hair that stuck up from the motorcyclist’s head like an explosion, the frigid blue eyes that were so clear they looked like glass, the elegant nose, the strong eyebrows, the thin lips, the freckled cheeks. All things that would have made a classic beauty, had it not been for a trail of thin scars and burn marks criss crossing through those striking features that revealed a life not easily lived. They took that face from classic to once in a lifetime.
A quirked eyebrow. A relaxed smirk. “Is that so? I’m glad you have experience then.”
Andrew didn’t miss the sarcasm dripping from their voice like molasses. “Whatever I’m taking the cat.”
Hands raised in surrender. Eyes amused. “Hey, it—” A cursory glance. “Sorry, she’s all yours. You’re gonna want to get her checked out at the vet first though. Ringworm in kittens can be deadly. And super contagious.”
Andrew’s grip on the kitten must’ve tightened because she mewled with some discomfort. He loosened his hands and stroked her behind her ears.
“Hey,” the voice was softer now, velvet smooth. Blue eyes peered down at him through thick lashes. “I can help you make a drop in appointment. I just can’t risk possibly exposing my own cat to diseases. I’m probably already going to have to burn this whole outfit.” Taking in the worn jeans and the flaking leather jacket, Andrew didn’t think that’d be such a bad idea.
He said as much and earned himself an eye roll. “Sure, criticize the guy who’s trying to help you out.” Said guy rubbed a finger against the kitten’s face. “Be glad you’re so cute or I’d never go through all this trouble.”
Andrew had to agree.
Pulling an ancient phone out of his equally ancient pants pocket, Andrew’s second unexpected companion for the day pressed a few buttons before putting the phone to his ear. After a few rings he said, “Hi, I’d like to bring in a kitten I just found.” A beat of silence. “Not sure. Yeah.” His fingers idly stroked the kitten’s back. “Yes, I can be there in an hour. Tell the doctor it’s Neil Josten. Yep, thanks so much. Bye.”
Strapping his helmet back on, Neil said to Andrew, “Just follow me, I’ll take you to the clinic I take Sir to.”
They strode along the shoulder until they reached Andrew’s car. “Fine, but don’t pull any trick shit, I’m in a car remember?”
“From the way you were driving, I think you need to remind yourself first.”
Unlocking his car, Andrew sighed. Motorcyclists and their attitudes. “Hold this.” He handed over the kitten to Neil before yanking his sweatshirt off. He wrapped his hands in the hoodie before taking her back and swaddling her in it until only her face was showing.
“Oh, you’ll make a great cat mom.”
“Shut up.”
“Should I get you a baby on board sticker?”
“I will leave you and the disease carrier on the street to rot if you don’t quit it.”
An easy grin was hidden behind the helmet but Andrew managed to see it regardless. He chose to ignore it and instead clambered over the driver’s seat, setting the kitten on the ground on the passenger’s side. He slid the seat all the way up and found a few more discarded jackets for padding to prevent the kitten from sliding around. She was still gazing up at him with those huge eyes, but didn’t seem unhappy with the arrangement.
Giving her one last head scratch, he muttered. “If you even think about peeing or pooping or puking in here, I will toss you out the window.”
When he was satisfied, he turned back to Neil and said, “Lead the way.”
Neil’s expression was unreadable on the account of the helmet but the gentle tone of his voice was unmistakable when he murmured just loud enough for Andrew to hear, “I’m glad it was you.”
He walked off without another word and straddled his motorcycle, leaving Andrew to climb back into his car a little dazed.
Beginnings are boring. Monotone, colorless, unoriginal. But it only takes one change in routine, one chance encounter, to make a beginning move towards a different starting line. A new norm. It’s that shift between the old and the new when things really start to get interesting.
And on that particular morning, Andrew had not one but two surprises.
The kitten.
And Neil.
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stardusstt · 7 years
Oasis, nirvana, blur, RHCP, manic street preachers, elastica ⭐️⭐️⭐️
Do you wear sunglasses often?  most of the time when I’m driving during the day.
Are you a beer, wine, or liquor person? LIQUOR
Do you prefer the stars or the moon, the land or the sea?  i love both the stars and the moon, but i guess if i had to choose id say the stars. They are so beautiful and trusting. Im afraid of deep bodies of water so ill say land lmao. like i like the ocean (never seen it lol) but its pretty and everything but like the really deep parts. I honestly just looked up “fear of deep water” and literally tensed up at the photos. it scares me so much omfg. drop offs are the worst fuckkkk
Do you have a lot of regrets?  i have one really big one lol, i previously discussed it in another ask, my disgusting af ex… i have another one that I’ve never have really told anyone, that involves my dad, but i won’t put it on here cause well lmao idk
Would you ever want to be famous? yes i think so.
Do you belive in God? i haven’t fully truly believed in God since my dad died.
Are you a flannel or sweaters person? both but i really love my vintage 80s sweaters soooooooo.
Where’s your happy place? rock concerts. everyone there at least kinda understands why i love these fuckers so much, even though they hit on me and shit. its nice to be around people who get it a lil, even though they’re all way older than me lol. even though, even though. like last weekend i saw Dokken and Dee Snider and after the show they were just playing music from a mix and Cum On Feel The Noise by Quiet Riot played directly after Dee’s set, and EVERYONE was singing along and i really felt at home. I’m never truly as happy as when I’m seeing live music. Like I’m happy other times but its different. its hard to explain man.
Do you like your family? i love my family
What stereotype were/are you closest to in high school? i have no idea lol, i was really different all the time.
Do you like sunny weather? yes, and i also like rainy weather!
Do a lot of people know about your sexuality? i think everyone knows I’m straight. but i don’t talk to a lot of people so idk, not a lot of people know I’m attracted to older men, i think they think I’m joking. but like no I’m not i can’t see myself being w someone that isn’t at least 10 years older than me. like when i realize someone is like 25 ill be kinda grossed out lmao, ill take 55.
Are you a city or country person? city
Favorite brand of athletic wear? tredstep ireland
Do you like your smile? no, its kinda crooked i think idk
Red Hot Chili Peppers:
Are you a go-with-the-flow person? sometimes.
What’s a dream you’ve had that you’ll never forget? i have a lot of really bad dreams that were so terrifying ill never forget lol, but like I’ve had really great dreams too. I remember the first dream i had about Axl when i was like 15. it was amazing and wonderful and seeing him in person was everything i ever thought it would be because of the dreams I’ve had of him. he’s just like a dream; i cannot wait to see him again in literally two weeks oh my god.
Are you spiritual at all? i really believe in astrology and i know a lot of people think its bogus, but idk. also like spells and healing crystals are the real deal imo.
What was the saddest point in your life? when my dad got sick, and i watched him get more and more sick and couldn’t do anything about it. and when he broke his back and it healed but his back still hurt so he thought it was that but it was actually the pain from his liver failing. talking to him on the phone and him not being able to answer because he was pretty much a vegetable. telling myself the whole time that something like that could never happen to me and thinking it would all be okay, so when he could talk and the last time i ever talked to him was on the phone and i didn’t want to talk on the phone so  i kept trying to get off the phone because i thought ill be able to talk to him when he’s home. he said he couldn’t wait to come home and see his baby girl, and i really believed he’d come home but he didn’t. oh yeah theres the other regret. sorry for the depressing mess
What’s the craziest thing you’ve ever done? i had sex in my high school lmaooo gross.
Manic Street Preachers:
Do you believe that humans are good? some of them. not a lot though
What’s your signature makeup or fashion statement?  I’m very much so 80s inspired
Are you a books or a movie person, and what are some of your favorites?  movie definitely, ahhh thats a long list. Wayne’s World, Sing Street, Back To The Future, Batman, Ghostbusters, Rain Man, This Is The End, Superbad, Purple Rain, Vanilla Sky, Guardians Of The Galaxy, One Flew Over The Cuckoo’s Nest, Edward Scissorhands, Spiderman: Homecoming, Mr. Mom, The Truman Show, Star Wars (4,5,6 and 7), every marvel movie lmao god, Pretty In Pink, The Joker Is Wild, Jersey Boys, Beetlejuice, Pee Wee’s Big Adventure, Lego Batman Movie, Little Shop Of Horrors, The Three Amigos, Mars Attacks!, It’s So Easy And Other Lies, Gremlins, ahhh theres so many lmao, Horrible Bosses, The Burbs, What About Bob?, A Nightmare On Elm St…..so many more but we’ll leave it there for now omg.
Do you see yourself as an outcast? kinda, no one my age likes the same things as i do, like they don’t even know half the bands i listen to. I relate more with people that are older than me because lmao they actually know what I’m talking about. I dress different than everyone so theres that, i literally wake up wishing its the 80s so i dress like it is and a little part of me believes it is until i walk out of my bedroom lmao then I’m just the odd one out.
Are you nostalgic? lmao yeah! I’m always reminiscing about things and like i said i love the 80s so theres that.
What’s your dream car? A pink cadillac from 56', 59'. and an 85' corvette.
Favorite card game? lol i don’t play card games often
Do you consider yourself cool? yes
Vinyl, cassettes, CDs, or digital? ahhhh def NOT digital! probs vinyl, but i love cassettes too and cds.
What’s a haircut/style you’ve always wanted to get? i need someone to actually feather the fuck out of my hair man.
This was a long one, i commend anyone who actually reads it lmao. thanks anon!!💖💋
0 notes
hindsywrites · 7 years
Bill and Gabe’s Excellent Adventure: A Gen Story
Some people say there was bound to be at least friendly competition. Two famous babies born so close together, it was going to happen. Look at Suri Cruise and Violet Affleck. By the time they were four, they were exchanging insults in the tabloids. The real surprise was that Pete and William were such close friends and it still turned out the way it did. When Ashlee finished peeing on the stick, the first person Pete called after Patrick was William. "So, how did you keep Gen a secret for so long?" People talked, especially in Chicago, but anything surrounding Gen had been mum until well after her birth. "Hello, Pete, it's nice to talk to you as well. Things are going fine here, thank you for asking." William always had to do the polite portion of the conversation. Pete was too busy being his own muse, biggest fan, and harshest critic. "Hey, Bill. Always good to talk to you. How's tricks? Now, how did you keep Gen a secret?" "Oh my God! You knocked her up!" William almost dropped the phone from between his ear and shoulder. "Dude, shut up! There are five people in South Africa who didn't hear you say that." The rest of the conversation was more of the same, William trying to keep from dropping either Gen or the phone while talking to Pete about making an honest woman out of Ashlee. It was a cute little convesation and Pete promised that as soon as little Wentzbryo was hatched, it could have a playdate with Gen. The screeching from Ashlee over the name of her unborn and unplanned miracle halted the conversation before it went any further. * The wedding came and went and so did spring. By mid-summer, Pete was back to making emo blog posts, often talking about how no man was an island but that he'd fight the tide to prove the poets wrong. When no one could figure out what the posts meant, they turned to the one person they knew would be able to help them. "What do you mean you don't understand the post? No man is an island. How were you in AP English, Bill?" Patrick balanced Gen on one hip and let her touch the soundboard in front of him. He looked almost as bad as Pete these days, dark bags under his eyes and hair falling lank beside his face. "All mankind is of one author, and is one volume; when one man dies, one chapter is not torn out of the book, but translated into a better language blah blah blah. I know all about the interconnectedness of mankind, Patrick, I just want to know what the H-E-double-hockey-sticks he's quoting John Donne for. Especially in relation to proving the tide wrong." Bill pursed his lips and reached for his daughter. He was fairly certain he'd just seen her pull off a knob and put it in her mouth. Patrick just held Gen closer and blew a raspberry on her stomach until she dropped the knob she had indeed taken off the soundboard. "Haven't you ever made a mistake, Bill?" "Well, of course." Bill just rolled his eyes and sat down on Patrick's seat. "Okay, but the difference is that you didn't marry yours." Patrick raised his eyebrows in a way Bill was sure was meant to be significant. "So. OH! You're saying he didn't want to. Whoa. You don't think he'd be with her if it wasn't for the baby?" Bill had not been prepared for that conversation when he went to see Patrick. All he'd wanted was reassurance that Pete wasn't going for another drive in the suburbs. "Come on, do you really think this is someone he really thought he'd spend the rest of his life with?" The look Patrick accompanied the question with was designed to make William feel about two inches tall. "Well. I mean. He talked about her the same way he talked about Jeanae." Bill shrugged off the look. He wasn't Pete's best friend in the entire world, it wasn't up to him to know the inner workings of his mind. "Jesus, Christine lets you out of the house alone with Gen?" Patrick sets the aforementioned baby in Bill's lap and shook his head at him. "Yes, exactly. He talks about her the same way he used to talk about Jeanae. And who did he end up not marrying?" He knelt down in front of Bill and tickled Gen's stomach as she sat on his knee. "Oh. Oh! I get it, all right. So. They're only together because of the baby. That's. Wow." Bill rubbed his hand up and down Gen's back when she started to fuss. "Very good, Bill." Patrick did the unthinkable and removed his hat to allow Gen to play with it. "Gen, when you get older, I want you to start telling your dad that it’s a good thing he’s pretty. Don’t worry, I’ll teach you how to say it." He kissed the top of her head before she burbled and tried to put the hat on her head. "Hey, don’t go corrupting my daughter. That’s not kosher." Bill stood and cradled Gen to his chest, trying to keep her from reaching out and grabbing at Patrick, or worse, the knobs. "Right, that’s Uncle Gabe’s job." Patrick rolled his eyes and turned his back to Bill. "You two are off to see him, right?" "No, we’re off to see Uncle Travis first. It’s almost naptime and she likes when he raps Public Enemy for her." Bill returned the roll of eyes for an entirely different reason. "And then we’ll go back home and see what Mommy did all day, right Gen?" Bill cooed at his daughter and couldn’t help but to smile when she smiled at him. "Never thought I’d see the day when you were whipped for a kid." Patrick just smiled fondly and ushered the two out of the studio, choosing to ignore the fact that a baby was walking out with his hat. * Nobody blamed Bill. That’s what everyone told him, "we don’t blame you." Christine had wanted to leave, had always wanted to. Even when she and Bill had started dating, she had always said she wanted to leave Illinois, leave the states. The only shock was that she’d done it so quietly and that she hadn’t taken Gen. For the first few weeks after, Bill’s mother had decided to stay with them. She had only wanted to help Bill get on his feet and learn how to properly take care of a baby without someone there to pick up the slack. When that seemed to be failing, she didn’t know who to call but Patrick. "Mrs. Beckett, with all due respect, I’m not sure that him having the baby is the best idea. I mean, he loves her but…" "I know, Patrick, I know. I just don’t know what else I can do. He misses Christine, it’s obvious, but he’s not pulling himself together for the baby." Berniece looked over at her son, sitting in front of the Game Show Network and watching a Bob Barker tell someone to come on down. There was a half-empty bottle of whiskey next to him. He hadn’t touched it in a few hours, but he was still only bordering sobriety. "What he needs is to sober up and realize there’s a kid who is depending on him. Gen shouldn’t be raised by her grandparents, no offense. She’s Bill’s responsibility now and he needs to own up to it." Patrick thought of the visit a few months earlier and shook his head. "You know, you’re right. And I think I know the right way to do that." Berniece nodded to herself and quickly said her goodbyes to Patrick. That night, while Bill slept the deep sleep of the drunk, Berniece went through the apartment and gathered up all the liquor bottles and any questionable baggies she could find. The morning found a sink that smelled like alcohol and thirty dollars of recycling money on the counter, along with a note that read: William, I’ve dumped your liquor out and gone home. It’s time for you to be responsible for this child. She loves you and you won’t even look at her. Christine will be back when she finds what she was looking for and until then, you need to be the strong one for Gen’s sake. I’ve left some formula in the fridge and there are instructions for food taped onto the door. I love you, but I can’t watch this and I won’t take a child away from both of her parents. Mom After a moment, Bill recognized the noise that was filtering through his ear as Gen crying in her crib. He walked into the nursery and looked down at Gen as she wailed up at him. The stench in the room made it clear what her problem was and Bill tried as hard as he could to remember where the new diapers were kept. It had been more than two weeks since he’d even been in the same room as Gen. She looked too much like Christine, all wide smiles and soft blonde hair. After feeding her some formula, Bill rooted under the couch for his cell phone; it was vibrating and Bill couldn't be sure it wasn't his mother calling. There were several messages from Gabe from the past week. bilbo, heard about christine, sorry man. if u need n e thing, txt me. hey, havent heard back, u doing ok? beckett answer ur msgs, jfc. if i dont hear from u 2morrow, im coming there. im @ the airport, b there in 20 mns. The last message had a time stamp of five minutes earlier and Bill nearly dropped Gen again. Gabe was going to be there in a matter of minutes. Thanks in large part to his mother, the apartment wasn't too much of a mess. In fact, the only mess was the nest of a couch Bill had spent the last few weeks on. "Gen, Uncle Gabe is coming. I'm going to put you back in your crib with a bottle and as soon as I figure out why he's here, I'll come get you." Bill wasn't entirely sure why he was instructing her like she could actually understand him but a memory hit him hard for a moment. Gen was in her crib and Bill was babbling at her when Christine had told him not to do that, it was damaging to a child's development. She needed to be spoken to like she was fully cognizant of what she was hearing. Gen just burbled back at him and tugged on his hair before he set her down in her crib. She made the universal sign for 'pick me up!' but Bill had too many other things to worry about. He couldn't understand why Gabe was going to show up. Had he really cut off that much contact with the outside world. He scrolled through the missed calls on his phone. Some time in the past two weeks, he'd found time to answer a call from his mother, a call from the Butcher, and a call from Spencer. He didn't even know how Spencer got the number. Eventually there was a knock on the door. Bill was still looking at his phone, looking at the texts he'd ignored, even one from Tom that said "mike says u wnt answr his msgs. dnt know y u wud answr mine. call him, hes worried." The knock startled him out of his reverie and he walked over to the door. A quick check of the peephole showed him Gabe on the other side practicing some dance moves. Bill had a few choices. He could open the door and allow Gabe in, resulting in some horrible nursing back to health. He could keep the door closed, resulting in Gabe calling his mother and yelling at Bill through the door that he knew he was in there and if he didn't answer, he was calling the cops! After a moment of debate, and Gabe saying 'I know you're in there, Bills, I can hear you moving around', Bill decided to open the door. The worst that could happen was Gabe deciding that he couldn't leave Bill alone for five minutes and then handcuffing him to the bed while he left for groceries. It used to frighten Bill how well he knew Gabe's thought processes. Eventualy, he just chalked it up to having spent too much time around him during a specific period of his life. "William Eugene Beckett, if you ever disappear like that again, I will cut your balls off and feed them to a snake at the zoo." Gabe threw down his bags and wrapped his arms tightly around Bill. Stumbling slightly, Bill took a step back and tried to worm out of Gabe's grip. The physical contact after so long without was almost too much and it made Bill's limbs feel atrophied. Gabe didn't let go and it was all Bill could do to not have a panic attack right there. "I'm sorry." He didn't offer any more of an explanation than that. Gabe could draw his own conclusions when he saw Christine's half of the closet, empty save for the bag containing her prom dress. Gabe just nodded and kept a hand on the small of Bill's back as they walked into the apartment. "And where is the littlest cobra right now?" Gabe looked around the living room, trying not to let himself be distressed when he saw the state of the house. It was like Bill didn't want to clean it up, like if it got messy enough, Christine would have to come back not because this was the apartment she'd left in Bill's charge but because this was the home she'd tried to build with him. "She's in her crib. I-I wanted to talk to you first, before she saw you. I wanted to find out why you were here." Bill didn't meet Gabe's eyes, looking down at the ground instead. There were baskets of clean laundry, something he was left to assume his mother did before she left. Even so, looking at it now with Gabe next to him, Bill realized how much he'd actually let the place go. DVDs were strewn around the TV, out of their cases and just waiting to be scratched. All in all, it looked like Christine had jumped ship and left Bill to fend for himself. "Bills, I'm here because you need me here. Like you invented me in your mind and here I am." Gabe was trying for levity, he was, but he couldn't quite lift the corners of Bill's mouth high enough. "I'm here because you didn't answer and I figured that maybe I could help out around here while you needed it." Gabe shrugged and let go of Bill as they approached Gen's room. Bill just nodded and opened the door, looking at Gen trying to hoist herself up and stand. She grinned at Gabe and looked between the two of them, falling back down and reaching her hands out to them. "She needs a bottle, I think." Bill disappeared into the kitchen as Gabe crossed the room and hoisted her up. Cradling the small child close to him, Gabe paced the room and let her press her ear to his heartbeat. "Don't worry, Gen, we're going to fix this." "Did you say something?" Bill reappeared with a bottle, handing it to Gabe, who recoiled back from it. "What's wrong?" "You have to test it on your wrist." Gabe used his free hand to turn Bill's arm over and tap some of the milk onto it. "Her mouth is sensitive." It was almost as though Bill had forgotten everything about how to take care of a child. He knew all of this, Gabe was aware of how Bill had attended parenting classes. Gabe let Gen curl up to him and rocked her slowly back and forth, allowing her to nod off. "Bill, you can't just let this swallow you up. You have a kid." "Everyone keeps saying that! Everyone keeps saying that but they don't understand what this feels like. Nobody understands what it's like to see a child and think the worst things imaginable. To wish that she wasn't here. That she hadn't been born." Even as Bill was talking, he was reaching out to stroke Gen's hair. "You don't think that. You can't think that." Gabe wrapped a protective arm around Gen. "Come on, you need to sleep or something. I'll clean up around here, just take a nap or something." Gabe continued to hold the sleeping baby as he led Bill to the bedroom. His place in New York is too minimalist to be messy, so he needs to organize the clutter of Bill's apartment. "Do you have a back or chest carrier for her?" Bill was already out like a light. "Okay, Gen. It's time you learn about how to keep an apartment clean." Gabe looked around the living room and settled on putting Gen in a baby romper while he tidied up. * If anyone could've predicted Bill's reaction to Gabe staying there, everyone else would've laughed in his or her face. With someone watching Gen again, Bill returned to his trusty bottle and steady diet of The Price is Right and Wheel of Fortune. Gabe did his best to keep Gen away from it. He had nothing scheduled coming up, so he didn't feel bad about staying there longer than he initially said he was going to stay. A few weeks turned into a few months and before long, he had set up a cot in the living room, and he'd taken the baby monitor with him. No one in Bill's band could say anything because they didn't know what to say. He'd been heartbroken before, but he'd bounced back stronger and better than ever. While Gabe was at home having tea parties with Gen and listening to her babble in a mixture of Baby and English, Mike and Johnny took turns picking Bill up from bars around the city. It wasn't long before everyone was called to a meeting at Bill's place. Even Pete was there, as distracted as he was by the messages constantly coming in on his Blackberry. They'd conferenced in Victoria, Alex, and Nate. Ryland was out buying groceries when the call actually came, but he said he'd be back in half an hour. "Look, guys, we're just going to have to put things on hold for a few months. I want to make sure he- Gen is okay. I mean, she already had Christine leave, I can't just go now. She's used to me." As he spoke into the speakerphone with Mike and Siska at his side, Pete still pacing the kitchen, Gabe clutched Gen protectively. "He'll snap out of it soon, he wasn't ready before and I don't think it's going to be a slap and then he's fine. He just needs a little more time." "Are you sure this isn't you just wanting to be the hero?" Alex's voice sounded very far away through the speakerphone. "No, it is. But. I can't just leave them, okay? I'm sorry and I'll explain it all. Or you guys can come out and visit, but I can't just leave Gen here until I know Bill is okay." Gen was starting to babble in more words now. Pete and Patrick were no longer interchangeable, she'd developed enough of a vocabulary to call Pete "Monkey" and Patrick "Lunch." Needless to say, Patrick still didn't find his nickname amusing. "I'll come out there and I'll check the situation out." Victoria hadn't had much to add to the conversation, but she felt that it was important that she add this. "It's really admirable what you're doing right now, Gabe. I'll back it as long as it doesn't put me out on the streets." "It won't." Gabe felt relief rush through them. As long as she knew what was going on, she'd understand enough to pass the message along to the rest of the band. When he'd hung up, Gabe turned to Mike and Siska. "I'm sorry, I'm doing the best I can with him." "We know, man. It'll take some time. Maybe you should go pick him up tonight and we'll watch Gen." Mike extended his arms to the sleepy baby and grinned when she reached for him in return. BLAHBLAHBLAH Gabe and Bill get together and raise an awesome daughter.
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