#to maintain the flow
poorly-drawn-mdzs · 1 year
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Cannot Unsee. Cannot Unknow.
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silvadour · 1 year
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bougiebutchbitch · 1 year
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........guys have you not been feeding him
this is not how you care for your pet clown head
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mikkeneko · 2 months
pondering how despite all expectation, capitalism actually isn't very good for businesses, either
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seabeck · 2 months
I actually had all the scotch broom eliminated until I made some trails in my yard and now it’s sprouting in those trails because the seeds can lay dormant for like 50 years. My neighbor also has a ton of it in his yard. I went and cut/pulled up all the ones in his ditch close to my house along with the ragweed
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fanciernessa · 1 year
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human zim art..and bonus doodle of dib in the hospital and zim being so nice as to visit him (he’s the reason dibs into the hospital in the first place)
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ouroborosorder · 6 months
periodically I can’t help but think about how good sonic would be if it just had the guts to abandon its extremely stale core verbs and design truisms in favor of creating something new
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driftingballoons · 1 month
I'm gonna agree with the previous comments, your trade mark is how kind you seem to be, I know we haven't really had an actual one on one conversation, but that's just the vibe from your tags and art I get!
Aww thank you! And we should definitely have a conversation one of these days :3
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mrsluthordanvers · 7 months
respectfully, you're hot. Also I love the haircut it's really nice.
respectfully, thank you so much
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woofsters · 2 days
Do you reblog all dog photos in the dog tag?
the dog photos i reblog are from a mix of people i follow (hence like 20 dogs being frequently featured) and then some posts that come up in the "for you" algorithm. this blog runs mostly on a queue of 300+ (plus a stash of 670 drafts that accumulated back when there was a lower queue limit) so when i reblog things from my dash they often dont post until months later (or years, by chance when i use the shuffle queue feature, or bc i have drafts I saved up to 8 years ago), which maybe gives the appearance of me digging up old posts from tag diving. but no i actually avoid the default 'dog' tag bc there tends to be a bunch of uncredited reposts in there, and i just find posts loaded with 50 buzzword tags to be extremely annoying and there's also a lot of those in there. but I do occasionally peruse certain breed tags! bc sometimes youre just really in the mood for a chihuahua
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I'm SO TIRED of being insecure about my art!
I'm so tired of my limitations and how every time I draw I can feel them holding me back
It's so frustrating how that will actually stop me from even trying sometimes, bc I KNOW that's dumb and I'll never get better if don't make things, but it's just so discouraging!
I'm so tired of how my creative productivity can never keep up with my ideas and inspiration
I'm tired of this ever-growing list of things I want to but probably never will draw bc it just takes so long and even if I could stay motivated I won't have time
I'm tired of trying to build up confidence and convince myself to be at peace with the process and stop comparing myself to others
I'm tired of almost instantly seeing everything wrong with a piece, sometimes before I even finish it
I just want my skill to be at the level where it can successfully bring my visions to life but I don't know how to GET it there
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aria0fgold · 2 months
i really really hate to bother because. i know this can be a very personal thing and i dont want to overstep im just..idk i want help on a thing? you dont have to feel pressured if you dont want to disclose. but i was wondering how exactly you figured out you were a system? i mainly ask because ive been questioning for a while now and i just want to hear others experiences..
It's okay, I don't mind! And I don't think it's overstepping for me really! Tbh, I first wondered with being a system aroooouund last month? It was around the time I was drawing, and out of boredom I was like: "Man I wanna talk to someone but I need to draw." And then at the time, Alerik (the one I normally call Aly) went and talked to me! But during then, I was like: Haha boredom so strong I ended up talking to an OC (I remember making a post bout that too cuz I thought it was just a silly imagination thing).
I even had to cut that drawing time slightly short cuz after some time, my head just started hurting REALLY BAD, it was a different kind of headache than I normally had which was weird since I didn't do anything different much. And then! A day after that, Aly stayed and kept talking to me which I was like: "Oh wow this is kinda nice." (The system anvil hanging above my head waiting for me to notice it). So during that month, Aly would talk to me on and off and then I had sooome suspicions like: "Wait a sec what if this is... more than just imagination?" And Aly would just "Yeah. You're a system." And I was like: "??? BUT WHAT IF--" "Aria, search about it." I searched about it: "...But still--" "*loud sigh*"
It wasn't until I played Slay the Princess when I mustered up the courage to ask around bout it cuz I remember seeing friends from a server think of Slay the Princess as a game that really shows what being a system is like even though it isn't reeeally about being a system. So I sent a message like: "Yall what does it mean when a character in your head starts talking to you without much effort and it seems like they're their own person?" And Kaun, a friend that's a system too, talked to me about it and asked around too so yeah! That's how I found out that: "Oh stars that aint an imagination thing, I'm A SYSTEM???" "I told you..."
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arysthaeniru · 5 months
"This language of work was by no means the private language of a single-minded maniac who had lived too long under the volcano. To the contrary, Hill’s ideas were on the leading edge of the terrain where biological science and social science intersected. In particular, the concept of the calorie, as a measure of both energy consumed and work done, emerged in connection with the steam-engine-based economics of work in mid-nineteenth century Europe. By the turn of the twentieth century, the calorie had developed into a unit of equivalency between what people ate and how much work they could generate, what they needed to consume and what they were capable of producing—effectively recasting the body as a measurable machine.Whether or not Hill had a formal grasp of the field of expert knowledge cohering around the calorie and its implications for labor management and social policy, he did understand it implicitly, for he paid his employees in food. He used the way of seeing the relation of food and work that gained expression in the science of the calorie in his campaign to reduce the people who worked on his plantations to mechanisms of value production—to make them his."
Augustine Sedgewick - Against Flows
(emphasis mine)
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OH I did want to mention that it isn't in chronological order which sucks but like. this is a cover. there are different pressures here, this is not their very own song that they're gonna put all their money n time into. That being said I still think they did a good job and respected the song more than a lot of others have
(As someone obsessed w/ BJ's version, I would say that I am satisfied with the FOB cover up to 91%, which is more than I could hope for among artistic choices and other things)
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rawliverandgoronspice · 4 months
I was writing a huge essay about gerudo culture but I think I just will fight my urge to pour eight gallons of rhum in my coffee instead or something :)))
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absolutebearings · 1 year
tf when you're obsessed with your own novel and characters and cant talk about it bc people dont care when it barely exists and the best you can muster right now are a bunch of unconnected scenes and scraps
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