#to say by who's standards BY MINE. and also everyone else who loves zombies shut up shut up adjkl
slasherscream · 6 months
showed my little sisters 28 days later last night... movie had me looking crazy i was like "watch this scene... it's sooo influential to zombie horror. this DEFINED the genre. it REIGNITED the genre." and they were staring at me dead eyed like LISTEN TO ME... I beg of you LISTEN-
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threshie · 7 years
11 Questions Tag Game!
Wow, more than one person tagged me for this. Luckily the questions change, so it’s like the Energizer Bunny and just keeps going and going and going. This round I was tagged by @starsinursa -- thank you! =)
1. Post the Rules. 2. Answer the questions given to you. 3. Make 11 questions of your own. 4. Tag 11 people
1. What is the best compliment you’ve ever received, the one piece of praise that really sticks out in your mind?
A comment from good friend of mine comes to mind, after a nice thoughtful conversation about cultural appropriation and imitating Native American tribal art. My thoughts on the matter made him re-examine his own stance on it, and after the conversation he told me, “This is why I enjoy talking with you so much. A wonderful intellect.”
2. Weirdest food/ food combination that you love?
I have food allergies and have been on the ketogenic diet lately, so my food is already kind of weird. Maybe fat bombs would qualify? They’re basically chocolate-flavored hunks of coconut oil you eat to get some fat into your diet fast. They’re actually really tasty -- like chocolate truffles you keep in the fridge. On a similar note, my favorite coffee has a tablespoon of caramel creamer and a tablespoon of coconut oil in it, melted and whirled up with a wand blender. It’s delicious.
3. What would your spirit animal/ totem/ patronus be, and why?
Good question. I’m definitely something that likes to nest and cuddle and possibly hibernate for the winter. I also like to eat meat, so maybe I’m a snake. Lazy when cold, likes body heat, likes meat. Oh, and can be considered cute, if you can look past resting bitch face. XD
4. Favorite dirty joke (or clean is fine, if you prefer)?
Oh, I’m not good at being funny. My favorite jokes are dad jokes with cheesy puns involved. Stuff like “I was wondering why the baseball kept getting bigger and bigger, and then it hit me.” and “I wasn’t going to get a brain transplant, but then I changed my mind.” Jokes about T-rex’s tiny arms also never get old.
5. If you cosplay/ ever got the chance to cosplay, which character would you be?
I have cosplayed quite a bit! 
Some characters I have cosplayed: Jill Valentine, Mello, L Lawliet, Teru Mikami (sensing a theme here?), Lithuania, Doctor Doom, various zombies, Sole Survivor from Fallout 4. 
Characters I’d like to cosplay: Emperor Hotohori, full COG armor soldier from Gears of War, Caboose from Red vs Blue (my sister would be Donut to match), some high fantasy gown with a corset and/or custom armor, Rogue from X-MEN in her 90s FOX cartoon outfit, some Marvel or Supernatural cosplay that would work with my body type and super long hair (I don’t like to be femme versions of characters unless I can wear a wig to match their hairstyle, at least,) full body painted Weeping Angel from Doctor Who so I could stand down convention hallways creeping people out. 
Making the costume from scratch is part of the fun, trying to be painfully accurate to everything. When I cosplay I am wearing my art!
6. One of your bad habits?
Shutting down my lines of contact when I’m feeling overwhelmed. I sometimes ignore my social media, text messages, emails, etc and feel increasingly twitchier each hour because I normally respond to such things immediately.  
7. A song that always makes you feel nostalgic?
The Ghostbusters theme. I used to go to a roller skating rink that always played it at a certain time and turned on strobe lights and a disco ball only for that. I looked forward to it every time!
“Darkness” by Darren Hayes also reminds me of the days my boyfriend and I went driving/listening to music at night, and would go swing on the swings barefoot at a school playground at 3 am. It makes me remember raindrops on the soles of my feet and the feel of flying in the dark, laughing along with somebody you love.
8. How did you choose your tumblr URL?
Same screenname I’ve had online for 15+ years.
9. Is love at first sight a real thing? What about true love/ soulmates?
I don’t believe in love at first sight. Fascination, attraction, yes, but you have to know a person to love them. Until you do, you just love how they SEEM to you. Soulmates seems too close to destiny -- I’m in control of my path, there is no inevitable direction I’m going to go or predetermined person I’ll be with. As for true love...if you interpret it like soulmates, then no, I don’t believe in it. I do believe that an unconditional, accepting comfort with another person and happiness from being near them is what love truly is. I’m asexual, though, so maybe my view isn’t standard on this stuff because sexual attraction doesn’t factor in at ALL for me...
10. The book/ poem/ fic that changed your life?
I couldn’t single out just one. I have been a voracious reader since childhood. Books in general have enriched my life so, so much. I you want an intriguing book that’ll make you think, check out “Looking for Carroll Beckwith.” It caught my eye at the library because the cover had no text, just a painting.
11. What is the one piece of advice that you think everyone should hear?
Would you say the things you think to yourself to somebody on the street? Would you say them to a friend? No? Treat yourself as kindly as you would treat somebody else.
Er, I already made up 11 questions and tagged 11 people last time, so I’m not going to do it again this time. Hope that’s okay. XD
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