#i love zombie movies so fucking much
slasherscream · 2 months
showed my little sisters 28 days later last night... movie had me looking crazy i was like "watch this scene... it's sooo influential to zombie horror. this DEFINED the genre. it REIGNITED the genre." and they were staring at me dead eyed like LISTEN TO ME... I beg of you LISTEN-
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silverislander · 3 months
have discovered a new enemy while doing research for the honours essay. why are you pretending to understand psychology and BLATANTLY misinterpreting actual terms and concepts in order to tear down a movie aimed at teenage girls, my good bitch. i'm going to start biting
#you got the WRONG BITCH bc you just hit on two of my biggest interests (zombie movies and psychology) at once#FIRST of all. you dont have the credentials to be talking abt this and it shows bc why dont you know what psychotic means!!#simple shit!! you want to pretend you know psychology dont fuck up psychopathology psychopathy and psychosis! all different things!#you can BARELY conceive of narcissism. a one off joke about how a character recognizes his flaws and wishes he was respected more#is NOT proof to label someone as a fucking narcissist oh my god. id actually argue the complete opposite#you are accusing A Zombie of being abusive based on (checks notes) being scary looking eating brains and /protecting a girl/#bc uhhhhhhh smth smth dark triad smth smth twi/ight#last time i checked thats literally just fucking normal ass zombie shit + him being NICE!!#its not male gaze 'ocular aggression' bestie he cant blink. hes dead.#talking about how the zombie is unrepentantly creepy when he Literally worries about coming off as creepy In The Movie out loud#SECONDLY to circle back why are you so stressed about twilight. thats not even the subject of the chapter#(there are good critiques of those movies but this is not that)#your book came out in 2015 why were you still shitting your pants and crying that girls were having fun 3yrs ago at the EARLIEST#reaching so fucking hard to 'um ackshewally [thing that teenage girls like] bad' im shocked you didnt throw your fuckin back out#your arguments are nonsensical your positions reveal an alarming level of sexism and you should be ashamed#levi.txt#believe it or not im having fun rn. im funny complaining not angry complaining#w@rm b0dies isnt a Good movie but i will go to bat for it actually. let teenage girls have fun garbage#god knows adult men have enough of their own to choose from ESP in this genre#and its a movie that has a lot of interesting shit someone could analyze!! im focusing on it as a representation of changing feminism#but id love to see a reading of its portrayal of zombiehood as disability + its cure narrative#or critiquing how it writes its female characters bc admittedly theyre bad ngl#or on how survival is represented in comparison to films like zomb!e/and (which i also love) where you 'earn' survival with competence!#genuinely there is even smth to be said for the problematic nature of the brain eating element. id be intrigued by that paper#i dont think its much worse than the play the movie is based on? but its not nothing#it Is ultimately a little bit fucked up and i dont think the movie explores it enough#but noooooo we gotta talk about how the zombie is a narcissistic abuser bc of the brain eating. ok
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babisawyer · 1 year
decided to not let the bullshit get me down 😤 🖕🏻
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megatraven · 1 year
i rewatched tean beach movie 2 and im mad again
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honeyedbrie · 7 months
I have really good friends, and all I want in this world is for us all to be safe and healthy so we can have more days like today tbh
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#ive been in and out of isolation for the past 3 months: everyone my house has now had covid this year#one of my friends has had covid and had a couple of other colds over the past few months#their partner also um broke his fucking neck at work back in august and holy fuck we're all so glad he's okay now and recovering well#and then we're all just autistic and mentally ill on top of everything#i just wanna have more adventures w the nerd herd🥺#we did a full day today it was do fun!!!!#we met up for coffee for a bit#then we went crystal and antique shopping and then mall to get crush out of group a night fit#bc after we finished at the mall we went back to friend and their partner's place to pregame and watch korean zombie show#and then we went to a metal show!!! at a record store!!! with a bunch of local bands!!!!#and crush kissed me!!! and i went back to her place for a bit!!!#i had so much fun#i love these hoes#4 gays (5 if my bf is with us) and our token cishet autistic white man#hes our diversity hire lol#he got a new jacket#and dont get me wrong its a nice jacket#BUT- the whole fit was giving hallmark movie love interest and he was so offended that we pointed it out lmao#anywho- i like these humans and i just want the best for us and to have more good times with them bc theyre good people and i love them#i may have had a few drinks tonight lol- after i said to diversity hire that i need to drink less alcohol😅#its fine tho- i am no longer anxious about what i was anxious about so heres hoping i will not be.. extremely depressed when i wake up!#pls ignore my sentimental ranting#mine#personal#tl;dr i love my friends a great deal and i am incredibly grateful for the friends i have made in all of the places i have lived before now 2#okie: its almost 5am its bed time lol#im beat#tw mental illness
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sundrop-writes · 8 months
if Mike fell asleep with you...
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Word Count: 750
Horror Characters Masterlist
Warnings: this is mostly pure fluff - Mike and the reader are in an established relationship, the reader's gender is not described in any way (the main pronouns used are you/yours), Mike calls the reader angel, the reader takes on a caregiver role for Abby, mostly just short and fluffy. This is set before the main events of the movie, when Mike is working as a security guard at the mall.
A/N: So, I've seen so many people in the tags going 'just let him sleep!!! that man is so exhausted!!' and saying that he's too tired to fuck in the way that people are writing fanfics about him. And as much as I love super horny fics, I do thought this up, because I agree - the man should be allowed to sleep. This is largely inspired by that scene in Grey's Anatomy where Meredith walked in and Owen was asleep on Cristina's chest while she was reading a book (I think it was when she was reading through Mer's mom's diaries?) - anyway. I love that scene so much because it shows how easily he sleeps around her because he's so comfortable around her. And that's why it deeply inspired this. Let him sleep.
Mike was exhausted when he came in the door. 
He heaved out a sigh as he closed the door behind him, toeing off his shoes - pure, stiff tiredness radiating through his whole body in the worst way. 
You knew that sound anywhere. 
“Long day?” You inquired gently from your position on the couch, lightly craning your neck to look at him. 
He shuffled further into the house in an almost zombie-like fashion, only giving you a solitary grunt in response. 
You felt kind of bad that he had been stuck at work late when you had been lucky enough to have a morning shift and been treated to a relaxing evening with Abby. She was a relatively easy kid to take care of, and generally fun to be around. 
And after you had put her to bed, you laid out on the couch, relaxing and reading a novel that your friend had recommended. Generally, you were having a nice evening. And it seemed that Mike was not. 
As you kept an eye on Mike, you folded over the page of your book to mark it and put it on the coffee table for later. 
“Dinner’s on the counter.” You told him. “I made lasagna. I can heat it up for you if you want.” 
You hated that before he started dating you, all he knew was freezer burnt crap - but you were slowly showing him how to cook, and a world of vegetables that didn't come in a can. 
Mike took off his jacket and the heavy belt he had to wear for work (his large walkie talkie and his taser were in his locker at work, as mandated, but the thing was still damn uncomfortable) and he hung them both up. 
He didn’t respond to your queries about dinner as he walked around the couch. Instead of speaking, seeing you laying there so relaxed - the sight was all too inviting, and he eased himself to lay on top of you in a form of very natural intimacy before he grunted a few words into your neck. 
“Did Abby eat?” He asked softly as he laid on top of you. 
It was oddly comforting to have the bulk of his weight on top of you, especially as he melted against you, letting out a small moan as the tension melted out of his bones. He adjusted himself to get more comfortable and his face rested against the softness of your chest - you glanced down to see that his eyes were drifting closed. 
“She ate two platefuls, and had some peas.” You assured him. “Did her homework, had a bath, and she practiced her spelling words before she went to bed.” 
Mike grunted again - a more positive pitch to this one. He couldn't ask for anyone better than you. Sometimes he worried about her - all the time. But when Abby was with you, that worry lessened a lot. 
“You’re an angel.” He hummed against your chest. “I don’t-” He let out a gentle yawn. “I don’t know how I got so lucky with you.” 
“You look hot in a uniform and my job at the bookstore gets boring.” You replied, half-joking about the circumstances of how your relationship with Mike had formed. 
You reached out to him and began running your fingers through his hair, soothing him even further into the realm of sleep with the comforting touch. 
He let out another tired moan in reply - something that almost stretched into a rolling sound with the gentle pleasure of your hand in his hair. With the way his body was so slack against yours, his breathing even and quiet, you knew this was only leading one place. 
“You wanna go get ready for bed?” You asked gently. 
“In a minute.” He answered softly, barely parting his lips to get the words out. 
You glanced over to the table and reached out, picking your book back up as his breathing deepened and his body went even more slack. You were preparing to get comfortable for the next few hours. You weren’t all that tired yourself, and you still had a few chapters left to go. When you got to the next chapter, he began to snore lightly and you felt drool dripping down your neck - which didn’t bother you all that much. You found it cute, in fact. 
You were comforted by the fact that he relaxed enough around you to get such a good sleep. You knew that he needed it. 
A/N: also, this is my first time posting a fic completely from mobile by copy/pasting something from google docs on my phone. So hopefully the formatting isn't too messed up and hopefully this goes well! And I hope you guys enjoy this short fluffy fic 💖
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cillianhead · 8 months
Hey! I was wondering if you could write a little smutty/angsty something for Neil Lewis. Maybe bestfriend!reader, who recently got with some other man, and Neil is incredibly jealous and maybe... possessive. 👀 Some angst heated argument finished with a smut would be lovely. 🤭
Thank you!
Of course, of course!
Thank you for your request!
You're The Only One Who Makes Me Feel Alive || Neil Lewis x Reader
warnings: Smut, angst, best friends to lovers, swearing, slight (?) drug use (marijuana), jealousy, unprotected P in V, Neil is quite obsessed with reader's boobs (because c'mon, NEIL IS A BOOB MAN!!!) like sort of switch!neil but not quite, adult content!
18+ Minors DNI
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It was a slow Friday night at Gumshoe Video. You had closed by now, though. You sat between Lucien and Jonathan, a bit stoned, and watched some horrible Horror-Parody film called 'Bad Taste'. You had zoned out, drowning out Jonathan and Lucien's incessant bickering about the film and whether it was good or bad.
"-It's Peter Jackson, for Christ's sake. It's a masterpiece of its time or whatever," Lucien argued. Jonathan just scoffed, crossing his arms over his chest. "It's supposed to be ridiculous!" Lucien protested.
"Are we watching the same movie?" Jonathan grunted with a hint of amusement. "How the hell did someone see this and think... 'yeah, that's the guy we're getting for Lord of the fucking Rings'!"
Lucien quipped back something particularly witty and sarcastic, but it all turned into one big blur of words to you. You were incredibly bored and stoned that none of what was happening on the TV screen made sense. You looked like a zombie, lips parted and an expression of awe on your face.
"Not this stupid movie," You heard the sound of Neil's voice from behind you. Quickly sitting up and turning to look at him, like an expectant dog when its owner comes home. "I've got the snacks if you guys even care." Lucien and Jonathan grumble their words of appreciation while you just sat and smiled at your best friend.
You all had smoked together, but you hadn't really prepared for the munchies that would come along with it. So you flipped a coin, and poor little Neil was the one who had to go to the nearest convenience store and buy as much junk food as he could carry. Two seafoam green plastic grocery bags were hanging off of Neil's sturdy forearms that said 'Recycle Me!' on them while he stood, smiling back at you.
"What'd you get Neily-poo?" You hummed, standing up and approaching him.
"I hate it when you call me that," Neil grumbled before handing you one of the bags. "I just got all the classic snacks... Cheetos, Twizzlers, Lucien's favorite white chocolate... and of course, I got your favorite..."
You squealed out of delight, lunging on Neil and wrapping your arms around him. "Did you really?" You said, pulling away with your arms still around his neck. Neil hummed while pulling the familiar mouth-watering box of Swedish Fish out of the grocery bag.
You properly pulled away now and snatched it out of his hand greedily. "Hey...! Wait... where's my thanks?" He tilted his head, tapping his pointer finger on the apple of his cheek. You rolled your eyes playfully before placing a grateful peck on his cheek.
You two sat on the spare couch together. You leaned against Neil, as you always do, your head on his chest and his arm wrapped around you. It had always been that way with you two, both very physically affectionate with each other. Though not when Neil was in a relationship, you knew how threatened his girlfriends felt by you, though you never understood why... Neil was always insistent on how you were just a friend, even going as far as to say you were like a sister to him.
When the movie ended and Neil had a bit more to smoke, you all sat around munching on your snacks, thinking of what to do next.
"Do you guys wanna come over to my place, and we can do this again tomorrow night?" Neil asked, scratching at his chin.
"Sure, I'd love that, dude," Jonathan nodded before popping a handful of peanut M&M's into his mouth. "Sounds great." He said with his mouth full.
"Gross!" You scolded, throwing a piece of popcorn at him. "Don't eat with your mouth full..."
"What did you just say?" Lucien laughed.
"I mean... don't talk with your mouth full!" You corrected, and everyone sat around giggling at that. "You knew what I meant!" Your cheeks heated up with embarrassment at your mistake.
"...and yeah, I'll come over tomorrow night." Lucien said to Neil. Neil gave him a thumbs up before turning his head over to you.
"How about you, Y/N?" Neil hummed, sighing as he leaned his head against the couch, cheek smushing a bit as he smiled softly down at you. He's so pretty, I just wanna kiss him, You thought."You wanna come over?" Yikes, you thought. You bit your lip and sucked in a breath. "Well... I... well... actually, I've got plans tomorrow, guys... I'm sorry." You shrugged apologetically.
"What?" Jonathan murmured, mouth still full, chewing obnoxiously loud.
"Since when do you have plans?" Lucien remarked. You gave him a dry smile.
"I'm going on a date... believe it or not," You snorted, looking down at your lap, embarrassed to admit. You never really talked about your love life with the guys, especially not Neil. Things always got awkward. Neil never discussed his with you either; you'd only briefly meet his girlfriends, and then that was it. You didn't understand why it had to be so awkward between you when discussing dating.
The room went silent at that. You looked towards Neil, his arm retracted away from you and tucked back into his side as you noticed the frown on his face. You could see the look on Jonathan and Lucien's faces, eyes flickering between the two of you, trying to gauge some sort of reaction.
"Oh..." Neil mumbled, sounding disappointed, popping a popcorn kernel into his mouth and chewing dryly. "Good for you... congratulations..."
"We're not getting married," You laughed uncomfortably. "Plus, I doubt it's gonna be anything that special... we're going to some downtown dive bar to have drinks and then probably go back to his place or something..." Neil had a visible expression of distaste, fiddling with his thumbs. You didn't get why he was so upset. "What's his name?" He said, voice barely above a whisper.
"Russell." He repeated coldly. Jonathan and Lucien were utterly silent. The tension was thick, and trying to waft through it felt suffocating.
"Why are you upset?" You blurted out. "Can't you at least be happy for me for once that I'm finally fucking going out with somebody?"
""Course I'm happy for you, Y/N, I just don't want you... to get hurt..." Neil muttered. "That's all."
"Right." You scoffed, scooting to the other side of the couch.
The tension was unbearable, and Jonathan shifted uncomfortably on the couch. Things always got weird when you brought up a guy you like or a guy you were seeing. You never got why. Why would Neil be upset that you were seeing somebody? How many girlfriends did you have to sit and watch him be with? How many painful breakups have you comforted him through? How many times had you encouraged him to go over and talk to a girl he thought was pretty? A countless amount of times, that's what. So the fact that the mood visibly shifted as soon as you said you were going on a date... it pissed you off. Neil was never encouraging when it came to putting yourself out there romantically. It was almost like he was jealous, but you knew he had no reason to be.
"How'd you meet?" Lucien cleared his throat, trying to lighten the air.
"Well when I was here alone the other day... he was in the shop-"
"He was in the shop?" Neil interrupted with a whine, eyebrows knitted together.
"Yeah, he was, so what?" You turned and looked at Neil, glaring at him.
"Can't believe you're going out with a customer," Neil muttered. "Thought you were better than that." "What the fuck's that supposed to mean?"
"It... no... nothing, just-" "God forbid I meet someone!" You were standing up now. Lucien and Jonathan had gotten up and wandered over to the other side of the shop, pretending they were browsing the shelves. "How many fucking bimbos have you asked out that had come in here, Neil?" "Y/N-" "I'm leaving." You barked, grabbing your things and rushing out, not before giving Lucien and Jonathan a gentle wave before slamming the door and walking home in the pouring rain.
The walk home was long and treacherous. Usually, Neil would drive you home. But you couldn't stand to be around him right now, not after his hypocritical words. When you got home, you collapsed in bed, still in your wet clothes, and cried your eyes out. Thunder cracked outside, and your windows rattled with the harsh wind. Your phone began to ring, the familiar ringtone you assigned to Neil's contact buzzing through your pocket. You just groaned.
"Go away, Neil." You grunted into your pillow, bickering to no one. "Why can't you just leave me alone?"
Curling up into a ball, the tears continued to fall. You hated the way you felt towards Neil; you hated that you wanted him to be more than just a friend. Your phone kept ringing, and it only made you cry harder.
You remembered freshman year of high school when you first met Neil; you instantly clicked and were in every class together. Everyone always thought you were dating, and you'd both share a round of 'Ew's and 'That's never gonna happen' and then silently look at each other thinking 'What if' (unbeknownst to each other). You always daydreamed about losing your virginity to Neil, the scrawny, awkward pimply boy who was the sweetest guy you'd ever met, though you ended up losing it to some guy called Lloyd over a dare. It wasn't very romantic, nor was it pleasurable. You just laid there and thought about Neil the whole time.
The sleep you got that night was terrible, but you tried to focus on the positives. You were going on a date! Yay! Not with Neil, though. You spent the day mostly picking out an outfit, mentally scolding yourself for not deciding on it sooner since most of your good clothes were dirty and you were feeling incredibly antsy. Your phone had been blowing up all day. Texts from Neil, Jonathan, and Lucien lit up your screen every other second. You didn't reply, you couldn't, you felt entirely too embarrassed.
Meanwhile, Lucien lounged on the couch at Neil's house, and Jonathan watched Neil pace back and forth in his kitchen while making handmade whipped cream. They were going to make a cake.
"I just don't know what to do, man," Neil huffed, stirring the bowl even more aggressively. Jonathan watched, unsure of how to comfort his friend. "What the fuck do I do? What if this guy is like... her soulmate or something cliche like that?"
"Okay," Jonathan laughed, putting his hand in the air. "Russell is not her soulmate." "How do you know? Have you met him?" Neil hissed back.
"No, but... how do we even know this 'Russell' guy even exists? What if she's just trying to make you jealous?"
"That's a good point!" Lucien quipped in from the other room.
"Thanks, Lucien," Jonathan rolls his eyes before looking back at Neil, who has set the bowl aside, melting to the floor with tears. "Look... dude, I think you should go over there and tell her how you feel... the worst she can say is no..."
"The worst she can say is no," Neil mocked, tears streaming down his face. "Yeah fuckin' right! She's gonna..." Neil sobbed, hiding his hands in his face. "I'll go over there, and she'll... never want to speak to me again... she wouldn't feel the same way... it's impossible!"
Jonathan looked exasperated. It was painfully apparent to everyone but you and Neil that you two were soft for each other. You usually spend every day together. The idea of losing you to some other guy was heartbreaking for Neil. Neil cried like a baby, and Jonathan watched, awkwardly leaning against the counter, unsure what to say.
"Just fucking do it, you fucking idiot!" Jonathan blurted out. "I know she likes you... do you really think Y/N would've stuck around this long with us losers if she didn't feel something for you?"
"I don't know, Jonathan..." Neil whimpers, looking up at Jonathan with the most pitiful eyes anyone has ever seen. He looked straight out of a painting.
"And even if she doesn't feel the same for you..." Jonathan continues, crouching down to be at his height on the floor. "You guys have known each other way too damn long to just throw away a good friendship over you liking her. Y/N's a smart girl. She'll learn to accept it if she doesn't feel the same way."
Neil just buried his face further into his knees, continuing to cry. "Gee, you'd think he just got his period or something." Lucien said unhelpfully.
"Shut up, Lucien!" Neil and Jonathan yelled in unison.
"Listen, I think you should just tell her... she ain't responding to any of my texts... and I don't know how it's gonna go with this Russell guy tonight, so I reckon you should head on over there..." Jonathan rambled. Neil still stayed in the same place, with his head in his hands. "Like right now!" Jonathan yelped, and Neil jumped at the sudden shift in volume and tone.
Neil approached your house as you sat in some dive bar, waiting for your date. His key twisted your locked door. Unbeknownst to him, the house was completely empty. And as he walked in, Russell was yet to arrive, over twenty minutes late to your date. At this point, you'd accepted that you had been stood up and patted yourself down, ensuring you had everything you brought.
"Y/N!" Russell's voice greets you, clearly out of breath. "I'm so sorry for being late... traffic was awful." Yeah, right, you thought. But you gave him a small smile and sat back in your booth. "That's alright," You pressed down your skirt that rested uncomfortably high on your thighs, trying to calm your nerves. The leather of the seats stuck to your thighs as Russell began making small talk. How boring. You found yourself zoning out as you downed the drink Russell had bought you just to try and cope with the terribly grim situation you were dealing with. Russell was some sort of accountant. Just the idea of finance lulled your brain into a state of boredom and borderline sleepiness. Russell's voice was monotone, and the way he licked his cracked lips every time he spoke made you feel queasy.
Meanwhile, Neil sat on your couch, spread out and feeling hopeless. No other person could ever compare to you, never ever, ever, ever. The thought of you meeting this guy he didn't know anything about except for his god-awful name and possibly hitting it off... maybe starting a life with him... the jealousy was sickening. Genuinely sickening.
It was festering within him, after all these years of watching men come into the store and flirt with you, the jealousy... the possessiveness... that another man talking to his Y/N... brought on was just too much for poor little Neil to handle. The jealousy was now fuelling the reason he still stayed. As soon as you walked through that door, with Russell or not, he'd get on his hands and knees... and beg you to love him... beg you to love him the way he loves you.
An hour went by... and then another, by now, it was nearing 10:30 PM, and Neil wasn't even sure if you were coming home. He then remembered your words of 'going back to his place afterwards' and felt like the biggest idiot in the whole world. He felt like he had lost you... like he was mourning you. His heart broke silently, and the heavyweight in his chest grew to be too intense, too blue to even cry. So he stood up and sighed, looking around your apartment before saying his goodbyes. I won't be over much now that she has a boyfriend, Neil thought. But as he turned around, about to walk out the door, there you stood with your key still in the lock looking at him like you'd look at an angel.
"Neil?" You asked softly as if it could possibly be anyone else.
"Y/N," He gasped, rushing to you, hands reaching out to you. "Please listen to what-" "Who's this?" Russell asks with a scoff, leaning on the doorway. Neil backed away like he had just entered a cock-fight he knew he couldn't win.
"Russell..." You shifted to look at him. "I think it's better if you just go... we can... we can see each other another time." "Yeah, alright," Russell shrugged, playing it cool but Neil saw the flicker of annoyance flash through the man's eyes. Russell turned back around and left, leaving the two of you alone.
"What are you doing here, Neil?" You chided, closing the door and deadbolting it behind you before walking over to the couch with Neil.
"I... I need to talk to you..." Neil whispered. You sat right beside each other, staring into each other's eyes. A feeling grew in your chest like you knew what he was about to say. "Y/N..."
"I..." He faltered, his eyes looking down at his lap as he reached out, holding both your hands in his. Your heart did a spin at this, lips parted as you breathed heavily. What is happening? "I.... fuck... I don't know how to do this," Neil pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed, clearly about to cry. "I've watched so many goddamn movies you'd think I... you'd think I'd have the right thing to say."
"Neil," You whispered, your voice coming out like a warning. "Just say it."
Neil looked up at you, speechless. The expression on his face was truly indescribable. Almost like a dramatic build-up, the room was silent, giving each other this look. This look you had never openly given to each other before.
"I don't want to kill my time with anybody else," Neil began, taking deep breaths. The sounds of cars passing by and trees swaying in the wind could be heard, along with the pounding of your heart. "You're the only one who makes me feel alive."
"Neil," You warned, looking away from him. "Why now?" You blurted out, quickly smacking your hand over your loose mouth.
"Wha...?" Neil asked, torn completely out of the moment by just those two words.
"Why are you telling me this now?" You questioned. Your hands ran down your face. "Why, Neil, Why?"
"What do you mean?" Neil shook his head, eyebrows knitted together. "What do you mean?!"
You were standing up now, you couldn't be close to him, you felt too dizzy. "After all these years... why are you only telling me this now?"
"I-I... I..." Neil stammered, utterly speechless this time. He wasn't expecting this reaction, he couldn't quite place what you were feeling. "I was afraid, Y/N."
"Of what?" You raised your voice and he flinched and suddenly the guilt hit you like a freight train. Tears fell down your face, ruining your makeup.
"Of losing you! Losing the only person in my life who actually matters!" Neil stood up as well, approaching you. Like a game of cat and mouse, you stepped away while he kept trying to round the coffee table to get to you. "I need you, Y/N. I need you to know how badly," He pleaded with you, but you couldn't find a way to let him further into your heart. He'd hit bone if he went any further into it.
"Neil, I don't know anymore! You're so confusing!" You screeched as he bumped into you, knocking you down onto the couch and he knelt in front of you, pleading eyes staring up at you. "I don't know what you want from me!" You cried.
"I want everything," He whispered, hands placed on both of your thighs. "I want to be yours... I want you to be mine. How do I make this any clearer?"
"I don't... I don't have you," You felt like you were being torn apart. "You don't want me. You just... you're just confused! You don't want me! You want..." You closed your eyes, thinking about the women Neil had dated. You felt like he wouldn't be satisfied with you... you felt like you weren't pretty enough or you were too boring or too familiar. "I don't have you... Neil... and I never will."
"You've always had me. Every second of every day... you've had me. I'm yours." Neil whispered, hands squeezing your thighs. "Please. I need to know."
"Need to know what?" "That you'll take me," His fingers travelled further up your goosebump-covered skin. "That you'll let me in, Y/N."
"How?" Your hands shook as you looked him in the eye again. This time... it felt like you were looking at a completely different man. It was no longer just your best friend you were looking at... but the man pleading with you to love him as if you hadn't been silently loving him from afar... all these years.
"Please let me show you."
Neil used his hands to balanced himself as he slowly and intimately leaned in, lips brushing yours every-so slightly. "Neil..." You whispered.
"Shh...." He hushed.
And your lips joined together. It felt like your body had let him in, like he was rewriting your DNA and letting every part of him consume you. He sat beside you now, cradling you in his arms as you kissed slowly. This was all so new to you, unlike any other kiss you had ever experienced. Every other kiss before this just felt like you were trying to negotiate something... but this... this kiss felt like your body had found its missing limb like it had found what it had been lacking all these years.
A string of spit connects the two of you as Neil softly pulls away, panting for breath. "Am I in yet?" He chuckled.
You tilted your head, squinting and stroking your chin, pretending you were struggling to decide. "Maybe... I don't know yet... think you'll have to try harder..." Your voice was still a bit shaky from crying. "Alright," He snorts before diving back in and kissing you rougher this time but still in that romantic, slow way. One hand placed on your hip and the other guiding the back of your head as you made out. Tongues pawing at each other like they were getting acquainted.
"Please touch me," Neil whimpered into your lips, and oh fuck, that was the most divine noise you had ever heard. "Please." "Only 'cause you asked so nicely..." You hummed, pushing him down and straddling him. You watched as he threw his head back, biting his lip and holding back the noises he so desperately wanted to make at the feeling of you sitting on him. Your fingers fiddled with the buttons on his shirt, watching him writhe underneath you at only the slightest touch. You popped each button out individually and slowly until Neil was groaning with annoyance.
"Don't be such a tease, Y/N," Neil grunted from behind gritted teeth once you had his shirt off. "If you felt how hard my dick was right now-"
"Oh, I do!" You giggled cheekily, slowly rolling your pelvis in a slow circle right over the tent in his trousers that poked into your thigh.
"You fucker-" He groaned, reaching his arms up and grabbing your head roughly and pulling you into a soul-sucking kiss, tongue grappling at yours desperately.
You moaned through dancing lips as you had the most delicious friction going. Neil was being just as loud as you, whimpers vibrating through your sternum and into your soul. Neil bucks his hips up pathetically before he breaks the kiss abruptly.
"You've gotta stop or I'm... I'm gonna..." He buried his muzzle in your neck and moaned. "I'm gonna fuckin cum in my pants." "Oh yeah?" You grinned, grinding your hips even faster.
"That means stop!" He grabs ahold of your wrists and flips you around like you were in a wrestling competition. You gasped out as he had you down against your couch, panting heavily above you with that frustrated-and-horny look. "I knew you'd be a little brat." He spat menacingly before grinning like a puppy, leaning down and kissing you heavily.
You ran your hands up your shirt, trying to pull your shirt off which made Neil pull away slowly when he realized you were taking your top off. "Are you sure?" He said breathily, above you, mouth wide open and his eyes glued on every inch of skin that was slowly being revealed more and more. You just nodded your head and smiled. "Oh fuck, you're showing me your boobs." Neil's eyes lit up like a kid in a candy shop. "Neil," You giggled as you got the top off and out came your tits, and there was Neil sitting there in disbelief at the sight of your boobs. "Neil!" You laughed, hitting him with a cushion; he smacked it away before looking back down at them with this look that almost resembled a look of horror. "Stop looking at me like that!"
"Fucking hell, this is the best thing to ever happen to me," Neil chirped. "Fuck... please, Y/N... please let me squeeze them."
"Go ahead, Neil, touch me," You hummed, raising your arms above your head and leaning back with a Cheshire cat grin as his hands slowly and cautiously cusp your boobs. He let out a soft moan and let his eyes flutter shut as he slid his hands over your breasts, you could hear his breath hitch as his thumb slid over your hard nipples. "You're acting like you haven't touched a boob before," You snickered.
"Oh, believe me, I have..." Neil nodded, eyes open now and staring at your tits like he was high. "Just none as good as these..." He leaned in, hot breath fanning your left breast, lips parted but he doesn't go any further than that.
"Put it in your mouth, pretty boy," You demanded, and like the sub you always thought he was, he obeyed with a smile. "Fuck... that's it." The tops of his cheeks were flushed a gentle pink as he sucked and swirled his tongue around your nipple. "Mmm...." He hummed, eyes closed. His full body weight was resting on you while he sucked on your tits, switching between them. You laid there for quite a while and wondered how long he could do this. You braided your fingers through his hair before tugging it back roughly, and he unwillingly popped off your tit with a loud and whoreish whine.
"Hey!" He complained with eyebrows knitted together as his eyes looked between your eyes and spit-covered tits. He's so spoiled.
"I always knew you'd be a little brat." You said, repeating what he said to you earlier.
Neil drools on you helplessly, groaning as you pull on his hair more until you two are sitting up facing each other. You grin once more and lean in, giving him a sweet little kiss. His hands cupping your tits desperately.
"Carry me to the bedroom." You hummed dramatically, raising your arms in the air, and Neil shook his head and chuckled as he leaned down and wrapped you up in his arms.
"I'm so glad you're my best friend," Neil murmured into your warm shoulder as he padded you guys down to the bedroom he had been in countless times.
"Not just best friends, though," You remarked as he laid you down on the bed with your legs over his shoulders. He reached towards your bedside table.
"Condoms?" He hummed, searching through your drawers, but found nothing.
"Birth control... you should know this you idiot!" You giggled at Neil realizing what you just said.
"Can I...?"
"Like... inside?" He asked, squinting his eyes.
"Yes!" You nodded your head, laughing wildly.
"Fuck you're gonna be the best girlfriend ever!" Neil grunted happily before leaning in and kissing you like you were his last meal.
Meanwhile, he slid your skirt down and unzipped his trousers. You caught a glimpse of his thick cock straining against his briefs and found yourself growing wetter.
"Let me make you mine, Y/N..." He whispered. "Let me finally make you mine."
"I've been yours," You caressed his face. You were both out of your underwear now. The tip of his prick nudging your clit as you looked up at him with so much love. "Please... Neil... please... I need you so bad."
Neil nodded silently, closing his eyes as he lined up his aching cock with your dripping cunt. The initial push in made your mind go blank and your spine arch even further into his touch, Neil moaned as he pushed himself into you fully.
"I can't believe this is happening..." Neil whispered. "This is so much better than I ever imagined it to be."
"You thought about me?" You grinned idiotically, high on the way he was stretching you out.
"Fuck," He groaned, hair falling over his pretty face. "Every fuckin' night."
"Me too."
His hands were placed firmly on your hips, and as he receded back until it was just the head of his cock in you, his fingers slid up to grope at your tits that his eyes had been practically glued on all night. Neil fucked you nice and slow, relishing in the way your pussy felt around him. Your hands were gripping the sheets, legs still thrown over his shoulders and mouth spewing incoherent words of pleasure.
"Neil... baby... oh my god," Your eyes so desperately wanted to shut but you wanted to enjoy how pretty he looked above you. "I love you."
Those words hung heavy in the air for a moment, Neil's hips never faltering as he leaned down and kissed you. "I love you, Y/N." Neil whispered against your hot mouth.
That was all you needed to hear. His cock slid in and out of you, both groaning and moaning as your bodies finally became one. Neil's mouth hung agape against yours, breathing in each other's air. Neil's face was flushed a bright red, pupils blown wide, and his hair messy from how you ran your fingers through it. Your noses brushed together as his pelvis rutted against your clit, dick still so deep inside you.
"I love you so much," Neil panted, thrusting into you desperately. "I always have..."
"Love you..." You whimpered, eyes fluttering shut and your arms slithering around his neck as the pleasure consumed you from the inside out. "So much... Neil..."
Neil pressed a kiss to your cheek, nuzzling your face as he ground into you. "Fuck, please let me cum inside you."
"I'm so close, Neil..." You whispered. "Just hold on a little longer."
Neil grunted. A pyramid of pleasure building within you, ready to crash down and crumble inside of you. Your orgasm grew like a million tiny vines curling around each individual nerve until you saw colors you had never seen before.
"Squeezing me so tight," Neil whined. "I need to cum... please..."
"Cum," You commanded and he did.
Coming undone together felt like it was truly sealing your fate. You had never felt so close to him; you knew you could and would spend the rest of your life with him. He mewled into the crook of your neck, cum spilling into you as you convulsed, orgasm swallowing you whole and ridding you of all your senses. All you felt was him and the impending pleasure devouring you. Neil's whimpers only further pushed you over the edge.
"Y/N," He moaned like a whore. "Fuck... Y/N..." He whined right into your ear as his cock continued to fill you with his warm cum.
Your brain couldn't conceive a proper thought. You couldn't will yourself to speak as he collapsed on top of you. You smile as you lay there together, skin on skin, hearts pounding in sync. Neil pulled out of you with a quiet hiss, picking you up and curling up with you under the sheets.
You looked at each other silently, both still calming down. Your thumb drew infinity signs onto his cheekbone, slowly blinking at the boy you had always wanted- no, needed.
"That was the best thing to ever happen to me," Neil whispered, sleepy eyes looking at you full of adoration. "You're the best thing to ever happen to me." Neil pecked you softly on the lips. "I can't believe it took me this long to tell you... I... I'm sorry." "Shh..." You hushed. "It's okay... we're together now... that's all that matters."
You lay in silence once more, hearts still pounding in your chests. You took in every detail of him, which you had memorized countless times before, but this time it was different. It felt much more intimate. Every crease, every freckle... every tiny minuscule detail of him was the most beautiful thing you had ever seen.
"Does this mean we're boyfriend-girlfriend now?" Neil chuckled, rolling over onto his back, pulling you into his side.
"Shut up, Neil," You giggled. "You're such a dork."
"You love it." He quipped.
"I do," You agreed. "I love you."
"I love you," Neil smiled sweetly, and as he leaned in to kiss you again, you were quickly interrupted by the sound of Neil's phone ringing. "Fuck me," He grunted, reaching down to grab at his jeans where his phone was. "Hello?" He said with a sour face. "Hi, Jonathan, everything is okay... yes, she's here with me..." Neil looked down at you with a smirk. "Yes, Lucien can borrow my goggles... I don't care... can we talk about this later?" Neil hung up and tossed his phone aside before looking back at you with a sheepish smile.
"What was that about?"
"Well... erm... Jonathan just asked if everything went well... between us..." Neil blushed.
"He knows you're here?"
"He's the reason I came over... he gave me the courage to... y'know... tell you how I feel."
You rolled your eyes and laughed before kissing him deeply. You felt like everything was okay. Now that you had Neil in your arms, you could handle anything that life threw at you. Neil was already planning your wedding in his head as you shared the love between you in a kiss. You wouldn't want it to be anyone else
I NEED NEIL LEWIS.... LIKE RIGHT NOW!!! Ugh, I love him so much. Anyway, hope you enjoyed <3
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astupidweeb69 · 3 months
You know x-virus don’t get enough love…. Do you have any head cannons regular or nsfw (maybe both)??
I've been thinking about this guy a lot lately for some reason. Also I've never written for Cody before so hopefully this came out okay.
I was going to work on Toby's but.... I have more inspiration for Cody at the moment. He absolutely doesn't get enough love!
X-Virus Headcannons
Isn't related to Toby at all. In fact doesn't really look like him either. Sure, he's got the brown hair, but he looks waaay more dorky than Toby does. While Toby has kind of a boy-next-door-from-hell look to him, Cody is more slender and works out less. He looks like your typical STEM student (sickly complexion, poor nutrition, etc.). His whole schtick requires him to stay indoors most of the time, in a make-shift lab.
Has a refrigerated van, which he paid to be converted to safely transport whatever science experiments he's got going on in a temperature-controlled environment.
He tries to stay in one place. He's less of a drifter than most of the other creeps but sometimes... the things he does requires him to uproot his life and start over in another town. (No Cody you can't just infect your landlord with a mutated form of tuberculosis when they raise your rent! There will be consequences!)
Has kind of a nasally voice. I feel like he always has a bit of a cold too.
Ironically has a shitty immune system, and probably drinks those Airborne Immune Support drink mixes like it's his job. Also a germaphobe, wearing medical gloves all the time, and his hands are dry and cracked from overusing sanitizer.
LOVES Re-animator. He's rewatched that movie more times than he can count. But he has a love for science fiction movies in general, with horror elements to them. Like Alien.
Also loves zombie apocalypse movies, but that's an obvious one. Specifically 28 Days Later and World War Z.
Sometimes he's like... should I try to make a zombie virus? nah.... unless...?
I also think he was raised by a single father, who worked for a large pharmaceutical company.
Antisocial. I know Toby and him are compared a lot and people give them similar 'hyperactive' personalities, but I don't see that for Cody at all.
Cody's more focused, and is less inclined to interact with others. He doesn't really get lonely?
I'd say he'd get along okay with someone like EJ (both like science, ya know?).
Toby and him hang out a bit - they'll stay in and watch movies together. Or Cody will tag along with him to a bar and watch as Toby fails to pick up anybody. Cody wouldn't say it to his face, but it makes him feel better about his own social skills to see Toby strike out like that.
NSFW (Under the cut!)
I don't know how he'd find himself in this situation - but if he DID have a partner.... the sex would be kind of bland at first?
He doesn't know what he wants and frankly is too much of a germaphobe to get up close and personal with someone he doesn't know well.
You'd have to spend months getting to know him for him to feel comfortable to engage in anything sexual.
I think at the start of the relationship, he'd want to experiment with voyeurism.
He'd be across the room watching you touch yourself, giving you directions while he slowly strokes his cock, loving the feeling of ordering you around.
But as things escalate, of course, he'd give in to his urges. However, the voyeurism would become how he likes to foreplay.
Out of all the creeps (most of whom I view as being dominant) he's actually pretty tame.
He whimpers a lot, and it sounds almost pathetic when he moans. He's been holding out for so long for the right person, and when he finally gets to fuck he's absolutely drunk off of you.
That said, his sex drive is about average.
One of his roleplay fantasies is him being the experienced scientist, and you being his lovely little assistant.
Probably started after the first time you helped him in his lab.
He just kept thinking of you in a tiny little lab coat, bent over his desk - papers and test tubes falling to the ground while his hips piston into you.
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g4yforethan · 4 months
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pairing: leon kennedy x gn reader
summary: leon saves reader from escaping raccoon city and falls for them
warnings: cursing, pure fluff, kissing!
a/n: been obsessed with resident evil for a while now so i just wanted to do this for my re fanss ;)) also ik the pics i chose are from re4 just go with it.
you were in your apartment folding laundry in the living room. the tv was turned on as re-runs of tv shows played in the background. all of a sudden, “BREAKING NEWS” displayed over your television screen. as you got closer to the tv, you heard screams and bangs coming from your complex. “we interrupt this broadcast as Raccoon City has fallen victim to a mysterious virus spreading throughout the city. We advise all residents to take shelter and gather resources in case of evacuation.” the broadcast lost signal and the screen was now black.
you were terrified by this news as you lived alone and had little to no knowledge about what to do in a situation like this. then, a bang on your door startled you and almost caused you to have a heart attack. “who’s there??” you shouted out the most cliche horror movie question but there was no response. you got closer to the door, tip-toeing all the way to your peephole. you looked through and saw a man standing there but he didn’t look like a man. his skin was pale as a ghost and he was missing his right arm. you gasped and ran towards your window to escape.
when you got to the front of your apartment complex , you ran left towards a gas station hoping that someone would be able to help. once you got there, it was pitch black and there didn’t seem to be anyone inside. you walked around before hearing screams coming from the backroom. gunshots go off as you run to take cover. all of a sudden, a man runs out and grabs you. "IT'S NOT SAFE HERE LET'S GO!" he screamed as he pushed outside towards his car. you went inside and finally got a good look of him. even in the situation, you noticed how attractive he was but tried not to focus too much on that. "thank you so much. i'm so confused! what is happening?!" you asked him as he drove out of the gas station and onto the road. "i could ask you the same thing! listen it's my first day on the job and this shit happens. i must have great luck i guess."he rolled his eyes and tried to find a safe place for you both.
"the news reporter said something about a virus but i always thought a virus would just mean a cold or something not FUCKING zombies!" you screamed as you still tried to grasp what was happening. the man could tell you were shaking from anxiety and pulled over. "hey hey it's okay. whatever happens i'll make sure we both get out of here safe and sound. it's my job." you smiled at him and felt your heart rate go down. "thanks for that. it was sweet. what's your name?" "Leon. Leon S. Kennedy. yours?" "y/n. you have a cute name leon." you noticed leon started to blush and put his hand on your shoulder. "if we make it out of here alive, can i take you out on a date?"
you were taken back by what he said. one because you two had just met and second you were both in the middle of a life or death situation. "umm yeah sure i would love to." you both smiled at each other as leon turned to the road and found an exit out of raccoon city. after a while, he found a motel that was vacant and the two of you went inside to rest. "how about we just stay here for the night and get some rest?" he asked you as he took off his shirt and pants and went into bed. "i mean yeah sure if that's okay." the two of you laid in bed as leon kissed your forehead and wrapped his arms around you. "i'm so glad i met you tonight. we're gonna be okay i promise. just get some rest y/n." he reassured you with another kiss on your shoulder. you turned and kissed him on the lips. "thank you leon. so after all of this is over, where are we going for our first date?"
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Date night
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Pairings: Eddie Munson x reader
Summary: You make Eddie take you to a haunted house.
Warning: fluff, mention of weed
Prompt: “…You’re cutting off the circulation in my arm.” “Oh? S-sorry. Just… "Got a little tense, is all. I swear I’m not scared, though! Why would I be scared of fake shit like that, anyway? What do you take me as— AHH! FUCKING GET AWAY FROM ME, YOU FUCKHOLE—”
A/n: I wanted to try and do a little fall/halloween blurb from this prompt list. Not proofread.
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"JESUS CHRIST!" Eddie shrieked as a scary clown with sharp pointed teeth jumps out from behind a wall.
"I can't believe I let you talk me into this," he mumbled behind you, clutching his heart.
"Oh, c'mon Ed, it's not that bad they're just people in costumes." You giggle, leading the way through the haunted house.
Eddie had promised to take you out on a date, letting you pick wherever you wanted to go. What he didn't expect was your first and only choice being Hawkins new haunted house. He tried to persuade your mind on going to the pumpkin patch instead, but your mind was already made up. He was taking you to that haunted house.
Eddie pretended like scary stuff didn't bother him much. He could sit down with you and watch scary movies all night long. Only jumping when a masked killer appeared from out of nowhere. He played it off like he was re-adjusting to get more comfortable.
You always knew he was actually more scared than he led on because after your movie night, the lights in his home stayed on. He didn't care if his Uncle Wayne came home and threw a fit. Those lights were not getting shut off until the sun was out.
You, on the other hand, loved any and all things scary. Halloween was your absolute favorite time of year. Which is why Eddie tried his best to enjoy it just as much as you did. He loved seeing you weirdly giddy at the sight of people in zombie costumes. How you jumped for joy and excitement standing in line to see a new horror movie at the theater.
Now, as you both make your way down, different hallways covered in various props. Fake blood splattered on the walls and spooky sounds playing on the speakers, setting the perfect mood. Scare actors chasing or popping out from around different corners.
The sound of others screaming ahead of you, alterting what's about to come next. A giant smile plastered on your face as you make your way through the house while Eddie tagged along behind you very closely. His eyes closed most of the time, and his heart beating a mile a minute.
"Yeah, yeah, whatever you owe me big time." He spoke while hesitantly peaking down an empty hallway, making sure no one was lurking.
"Fine, what do I owe you?" You sighed, turning your head to look at him.
He paused, wiggling his eyebrows suggestively.
"Oh, please, as if you didn't get enough already yesterday." You rolled your eyes, taking his hand guiding him around another dark corner. There were fake arms and legs hanging from the ceiling. Every once in a while, his head would bump into one, and you'd hear a quiet "ew" from behind.
"I could never get enough, especially if it's coming from you." He bent down to whisper in your ear.
"I literally made you tomato soup yesterday. Now you want it again?" It's not even cold enough yet for soup."
"I want gold fish to put in it this time and add that green stuff that looks like bad weed," He added proudly as his head bumped yet again into another fake arm dangling from the ceiling.
"Oh, you mean the green stuff that looks like your weed." You teased.
You heard him gasp from behind you, and before he even had a chance to argue back, a girl with long black hair covering her face popped out from a fake mirror on the wall, making him shrill with fear. He gripped your arm so tight you swear it's losing going to go numb.
"…You’re cutting off the circulation in my arm."
"Oh? S-sorry. Just… "Got a little tense, is all. I swear I’m not scared, though! Why would I be scared of fake shit like that, anyway?" He motions around, letting go of you. He's trying to gain his composure as if he hasn't been terrified the entire time. Pretending like he was never scared in the first place, but you know the truth. Those screams were genuine fear coming from within him.
He goes to continue on, "What do you take me as— AHH! FUCKING GET AWAY FROM ME, YOU FUCKHOLE—"
You swear you've never seen him move this fast before. His body probably resembled something of a blur to the others you were sure of it. You couldn't help but chuckle a little as he ran through the entire place until the glowing exit sign was in sight. Maybe you should have picked the pumpkin patch for date night instead.
Before Eddie could finish, a large man with a fake chainsaw creeps up from behind him. The buzz from the saw startling him so bad that he takes you by the hand and bolts through the house. Running down corridors and various small rooms filled with people dressed like grotesque monsters.
They reached for him before they even noticed you. Eddie never stopped screaming and cursing as he made a beeline through the house with your hand tightly in his. You heard him repeatedly reassure that he's going to get you out of here.
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oceansprompts · 1 year
text message prompts
[text] You okay?
[text] GO TO BED!
[text] hey you better be alive in there
[text] SOS save me please holy shit
[text] call me this date is going so bad
[text] I have way too much shit to do.
[text] Honestly I'm really worried about you.
[text] Why are you trending on Twitter?
[text] Please let me come over and pet your (pet).
[text] We are in the same building, you could come talk to me.
[text] It's not going to work out.
[text] This is a terrible idea.
[text] people have fetishes
[text] They really do crucify anyone these days huh
[text] I don't know why but that really means me want to stab you
[text] That movie was awful.
[text] For the love of god please help me
[text] I fucked up. I fucked up really bad.
[text] I'm blocking you.
[text] I regret swiping right.
[text] Everyone lies on their dating profiles.
[text] That absolutely can't be an actual picture of you.
[text] This forced open my third eye and I saw the devil
[text] I'm like a child in line for the newest fucked up disney ride
[text] That's just all fucking sorts of fucked up
[text] Why are we here? To suffer? Every other day I get messages that cause pain
[text] In the department of old man fucking, we've got you beat.
[text] have you gotten any work done?
[text] I am beyond shame, try again
[text] You left your left your underwear at my place.
[text] Don't you dare put this on Facebook.
[text] My brother in Christ you're being haunted
[text] I want to wring you like a wet towel and slap you against a wall
[text] The mind is weak but the body is funky
[text] I'm a zombie the law can't stop me.
[text] Jealous of my massive honkers
[text] We left you to die to play minecraft
[text] She would never ever take away one of these stupid fucking hats
[text] I puked all over the Uber driver's backseat.
[text] I just took a screenshot of that and posted it to Reddit
[text] You said you'd be right back and it's been months.
[text] Can't we talk about this face to face?
[text] Yeah, you'll come learn I just have a thing for milk
[text] Why did you like one of my pics from 2014?
[text] Now's as good a time as any to exchange nudes.
[text] Why would you send me an eggplant emoji?
[text] I write five paragraphs, pouring my heart out, and all you reply with is k?!
[text] Who would dare to lie on the internet?
[text] When I die, please delete all my shit off the internet
[text] He's so hot, I briefly started texting like a straight person
[text] And because I'm god and I've decided that; no, in fact, I'm not done.
[text] I know you love bloopy reggae jams, now is not the time.
[text] You better not be standing catatonic in your room again.
[text] God has abandoned his children but unfortunately for you I pay child support and I will smite thee.
[text]: My neighbor just told me he can fix my water heater for 50 bucks. I’m skeptical.
[text]: Do you have any idea how much it costs to buy apples? I paid 10 dollars for 6.
[text]: I mean, I wouldn’t say I have a problem with buying Squishmallows..
[text]: Hey, so you know how you told me no dog? *sends pic* I don’t do well with no’s.
[text] Stuart Little is a bitch and Remy could take him any day.
[text]: My roommate just said that Lola Bunny is hot. I’m moving out.
[text]: Hey I posted that vid of you drunk, singing Ariana Grande, wearing all black and people said not to do it again. Sorry.
[text]: Do you think the price is ever right? Like, I feel like it’s not.
[text]: I booped your nose. Boop the last five people you texted or–nothing happens really.
[text]: I’m actually in the ER and it’s a long story that involves Best Day Ever from spongebob.
[text]: I fucking hate you–wait you’re not my ex. Who are you?
[text]: You ever ask yourself if birds see a bee and just go ‘wow a bee’? im high.
[text]: sometimes all i think about is–sour patch kids. bet you thought it was you.
[text]: I love you—not as much as I love my dog. But still a lot!
[text]: I found a cat on the way home and now it’s mine. But it hates my guts so this should be fun.
[text]: I have questions about the marvel cinematic universe…how long do you have?
[text]: why do donald duck and winnie the pooh not have to wear pants but other people do?
[text]: Hey you know that show floor is lava? I may have turned the apartment into that..this isn’t a joke, btw. the floor is sticky.
[text]: I bought too much soap off etsy and now I don’t know what to do with it…I smell like Captain America.
[text]: On a scale of one to ten, how many drinks would you need to sleep with me? This isn’t a tiktok trend…or it is.
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thechekhov · 5 months
Dungeon Meshi Quick Reacts
CH. 34 Cockatrice
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He's doing his best.
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L...Laios no..... LaioS NO
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I respect Kui-san so much for the work she puts into not only the Senshi pantyshots but also affirming the fact that Marcille and Laios are in no way sexually interested in one another whatever.
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I suppose it itches BECAUSE it's healing but also.... w...why does it look infected?
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...did.... did Senshi consent to being a test subject? He looks a bit nervous 😂
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(Marcille has no time for your internalized homophobia)
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Oh??? Is there old-party drama that we're about to be privy to? I'm listening reading.
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In a storytelling sense, this is very clever. Chillchuck is clearly drawing parallels (unknowingly, I assume?) between Laios and Kirby(?). That guy is.... In Control of his party in a sense, and clearly has earned their trust as a leader. But he trusts himself a little bit too much for it to result in an unhealthy feedback loop of 'I'm always right, these other people think so too!'
Meanwhile, although Laios isn't actively trying to steer the group, they DO trust him to care about their safety, to an extent, and retain their own goals and judgements about certain other things. In fact, it's arguably BECAUSE they all trust each other to be better judges of character that they keep one another in check, so to speak.
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The tea is SIZZLING. The girls are fighiiiing
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So. Natural energy points. You're basically using energy of unknown origin to fuel spells instead of tapping into what is available readily.
But that sounds like maybe you'd have some. Hm. Questionable side effects? From adding ingredients into the mix which you can neither understand nor fully control.
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......of course............of course it was.
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it's got business to attend do, presumably. Also, which floor are you guys on? Are you still in that ancient city?
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Maybe that would have been good to.... lead with.......
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.........IS THIS WHAT FALIN IS CAPABLE OF?? IS THIS WHAT SHE USES TO COMMUNICATE WITH SPIRITS? Maybe they ARE both talented, but Laios just never bothered to tap into this.
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I'm sure it's fine. Hang on, didn't they fight this before once already?
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AH right, that was the basilisk. My bad.
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I don't. So this'll be a double surprise for me!
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I aLmost thought this was it!!! Marcille don't fuck with me like this!
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You can't not love her.
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This is NOT the time to be a zombie movie deuteragonist
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.........I guess that's. a good point but. Laios. Buddy.
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I have nothing to say here. This is peak DnD behavior.
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...hang on they never took her out of the pot? 😂
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..how proud you are of them?
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....................yeah alright I guess that works too.
For a second there I thought maybe her petrified hair was gonna snap off and she'd get a haircut.
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ashwhowrites · 8 months
Eddie Munson x cheerleader! Reader, they go to a party, and they're wearing couple costumes (maybe they're vampires or smth like that) but Jason starts to make fun of Eddie and Reader gets angry and punches Jason in the face, and Eddie thinks that hot, and they end up going to Eddie's to have sex
I hope this is what you wanted! And you enjoy it. Thank you so much for requesting<3
Happy October!
Dress up
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Halloween landed on a Saturday night, and Chrissy was immediately ready to plan a party. The cheerleading squad got with her to help her plan it all.
Y/N was very good friends with Chrissy, and already planned to attend the party. The hard part was going to try to convince her boyfriend to go.
"Nope!" Eddie said, shaking his head. His curls bounced as his head shook back and forth. His legs stretched out on the coffee table as he sat on her couch. She sat next to him, holding his hand as she begged him over and over.
"Baby, why would I want to dress up in a ridiculous costume, and hang out with a bunch of assholes? We could have sex, then watch scary movies all night." Eddie argued, his head leaning back and turning to look at her. She rested her head on his shoulder, a pout on her lips.
"How about this? We go to at least say hi, and have a free drink or two. Steal the beer, go home have sex, and then movies!" She offered. She watched Eddie's face, trying to detect his answer.
He still didn't look convinced, before he could speak she spoke first.
"I'll let you pick my costume."
A huge smirk came across his face and she knew she was in for it
Eddie had his hand on her ass as they walked in, the tiny nurse costume clung to her body and showed off every part of her. She had fake blood dripped down her thighs, her hair was messy, and her dress was ripped. Eddie stood beside her with a smirk, dressed in a surgeon costume, but with makeup to make him look like a zombie. His bloody handprints were all over her skin, her legs, ass, and chest covered in his prints.
"What do we have here?" Chrissy asked, smiling as she took in their costume.
"I'm a nurse, and he is a zombie surgeon. "Y/N sighed, Eddie jumped on his feet, rubbing his hands together.
"And?" Eddie edged on, and Y/N rolled her eyes.
"And he's dead and ate me....literally", so I'm now a dead nurse." She explained, Chrissy laughed when Y/N yanked up her dress, a fake bite mark on her inner thigh. Eddie was proud of his idea and enjoyed the annoyance on his girlfriend's face.
"Clever, Munson," Chrissy smirked, nodding her head as she left to attend other guests.
"Go get your beers, baby," Y/N said, kissing Eddie on his lips. Eddie kissed her back then headed to the kitchen. He grabbed as many cans of beer as he could, stuffing the cans in his pockets.
"Robbing my girlfriend?" Jason snarked out, crossing his arms as he stood behind Eddie.
"Fuck off." Eddie groaned, he cracked a can open, and took a swig of the drink. Eddie turned around and went to walk past Eddie but Jason wouldn't let him.
"Who even invited you here? No one wants the freak here around, who knows what devilish things you have planned tonight." Jason growled, but Eddie just tried to shrug it off. "And dressing up as a doctor? like you'd ever be smart enough for that. Probably a sicko that would steal people's insides and chop them up."
"Leave him alone, asshole" Y/N barked, moving to stand in front of Eddie.
"And his slutty nurse, such a shame you got caught up with him. You could have had a real future for yourself." Jason said, but Y/N knew he was making things up. She loved her life with Eddie and she was excited for their futures.
"Better be careful with him. It's Halloween night, I'm sure his psycho self has a ritual plan and you'll be his sacrifice. He'll tie you down and gut you open like a pig." Jason's smirk didn't last long. It was smacked right off of his face.
Y/N landed a huge right hand smack to his cheek, Jason's head snapping to the side. Eddie felt his jaw hit the floor.
Not only did his girlfriend stand up for him. His girlfriend slapped the shit out of Jason while wearing the sluttiest outfit at the whole party. The momentum of the slap caused her dress to lift, the silk of her red underwear showing. Eddie moved forward to tug it down. His mind focused on her and her body, not hearing the curse words leaving her mouth as she screamed in Jason's face.
"Baby, let's go!" She snapped, grabbing his hand and walking out of the party. Eddie felt like he was in a daze. Mindedly following her as his eyes stayed on her ass. Her heels clicked against the driveway as she marched to the van.
Before she could open the door, Eddie had her slammed against it.
She gasped at the action but melted into him. His right hand was against the van above her head and his left hand was on her hip. His eyes ate her alive as he skimmed up her outfit.
"You are so fucking sexy." He growled, his mouth immediately on hers in a heated kiss.
She clawed him desperately, her hands snaking in his hair. His body pressed against hers and his erection was pressed against her thigh. His hands moved to her thighs, rubbing the skin softly.
"Shall we go home?" She smirked, her hand cupping his cock.
"Mhhm yes."
Maybe the party was a good idea....
@bmunson86 @mxcheese @ladymunson @michaelfuckinglangdon @z0mbie-blah @biittersweet @mirrorsstuff @somethingvicked @micheledawn1975 @ago-godance @magnificantmermaid @tlclick73 @hargrovesswifee @cityofidek @manyfandomsfanvergentreblogs @silky-luxe @lokiofasgard616 @loving-and-dreaming @eddiemunsonsbitch69 @thegemaqua @ashlynnkennedy @strangerthingsstories5255 @harringt8ns @pleasinghellfire @whoscamila @stusdollface93 @gretavankleep37
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medicetwork · 1 year
Mercs if they had modern day cellphones!
The screen is too small and his fingers are too big.
The screen also tends to hurt his eyes after a while but he absolutely refuses to turn down the brightness, saying it would make it even harder to see than before
His main favorite functions are video calls with Medic or his family and listening to music.
His life is complete when he discovers E-books
He can’t read them on the screen but he loves being able to clean Sasha while having his favorite book read to him
Really doesn’t use it for much else than phone calls and the occasional google search at first
When he discovers mobile games that takes his interest though!
He becomes a candy crush mom.
Oh you have a broken arm? Wellll…You can tough it out, champ. He’s on level 7,229 right now.
He would make all the other men get Life360
Total social media zombie(I say as if I am not one)
Surprisingly he’s very popular on apps like Twitter and Tik Tok. People think he’s hilarious!
Unfortunately somewhere along the way he says something less than respectful about something and his account gets banned
Eventually he’s on account number 6 and trying to regrow his following
It never recovers
He finds out about NFT’s
Mainly uses it to watch youtube and play music
His phone is always on silent and Do Not Disturb
He loves those videos where those guys go out into the middle of the woods and just start building a fucking house out of clay and sticks.
He prefers texting to calling, finding it much faster(he just like me fr)
Baffled by just how much porn he has access to now….
But he’s not complaining.
He doesn’t use it because he just keeps breaking his phones.
They’ve been dropped, blown up, set ablaze, dropped in water, eaten by a bread-tumor monster, eaten by Soldier(???) and run over.
Even if they didn’t get destroyed within 3 days he still wouldn’t use it for much else besides setting alarms and sending confusing group texts.
However, with each new phone he has gotten he asks Pyro for stickers and sticker bombs his phone just for fun
Has an American flag wallpaper
Watches a lot of Youtube!
They love art tutorials, cooking tutorials and those videos with the guys that put molten hot metal balls into water and those videos of people crushing things in Hydraulic presses
Their search history is so fucking strange:
“my little pony free episode”
“my little pony movie free”
“how to draw clouds”
“gasoline cheap prices”
They follow Scout’s pages and always send him nice comments and like his videos
Loves listening to music and watching movies on his phone
Eventually learns how to code and make his own apps
This is also how he discovered he could jailbreak his phone and turn it into a universal remote for his sentries
Very slow texter
Uses way more emoji’s than needed
“Hello yall 👋🏻 going to the hardware store today 🔨let me know if yall need anything while im out👋🏻🚶🏼”
His most used app is the settings app
Of course all of his phones are burners.
He never uses one for more than one week
Loves pirating movies on it and watching them in bed
He has no contacts. No personal information and keeps his location off at all times
Likes to pretend to be different people and play around with Google and Youtube’s targeted ads and algorithms
One day he’s an 86 year old woman that’s recommended nothing but metal bands and funeral home ads
The next week he’s four years old and getting recommended Mario and Minecraft let’s play videos
He uses twitter
He’s doxxed many people on Twitter
Like Scout he has MANY banned accounts and has also hacked and stolen many accounts
…He hacked one of Scout’s accounts and got it permanently banned
Loves watching Top 10 videos
Also loves having so much ease and access talking to his lads
He video calls his mother often even she just nags him the whole time and keeps accidentally hanging up
Is frequently texting the other team’s Soldier and laughing at what he says back
Uses Discord and Reddit and is in many servers and communities that focus on paranormal activity, urban legends and cryptids
Actually makes his own youtube videos searching for said cryptids
Frequently comments “cringe” under Scout’s posts
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luveline · 11 months
Oh my gosh Zombie!steve holds a special place in my heart. Please write more for this Drabble series
thank you for reading!! steve zombie!au —you and steve reunite after a morning apart. 1k, fem!reader
Steve's sitting by the fire unawares when you drape the spare blanket over his shoulders. His hair, wet from a quick scrub in the stream, has soaked the collar of his shirt. The blanket is a welcome warmth, your doting moreso. 
He puts his makeshift bookmark between the pages of his book and follows your face as you sit with him. The apocalypse and subsequent lack of movies has turned him into a bookworm through necessity. He worries about things too much if he has nothing to do, and lately that's always the case. 
"Hello," you say, crossing your legs. Your knee bumps into his. "Sorry. Hey. What chapter are you on?" 
He flips the pages until he finds the chapter header. "Chapter twenty five." 
"You're getting quick," you say. 
It's weird to him that after so many confessions, days spent in one another's arms, nights laying between each other's thighs, you still hesitate sometimes before touching him. You know how much he loves you, and you waver. 
"We could start reading them together again."
"I go too fast." Your eyes widen in recognition. "But you're quicker now." 
He doesn't mind missing the last few lines of each page if it means you'll lean your head against his arm for a couple of hours every night. Your breath warms his collarbones. Your cheek soft and smushed to his rigid shoulder. 
"Way quicker." 
He thinks you're beautiful. It might be hurtful to say you aren't everyone's type, and it's not that he felt he had to warm to you before you became his type or anything, but you have something about you that he loves. Maybe it's purely the way you smile at him, that silly devotion poorly smothered (that he hopes you'd find reflected by him), or maybe it's your eyes. Maybe it's the way you speak to him, half the time like you're worried he won't talk back, and the other half like you're the same person thinking all the same things. He's hungry for every thought you have. 
Beautiful, and he loves you. Steve couldn't be more sure about it, and everyday it gets worse. He wonders if it'll ever stop, or if one day he's going to wake up next to you and choke on air, astounded by the chances of it all. How did you manage to find him? What luck was it of his to get to keep you despite his bad behaviour? He knows he was never as kind as he should've been to start with.
He looks at you and he thinks, Fuck, she's pretty. 
Steve tosses his book down into the packed dirt and just stares at you. You look back unabashed for a handful of seconds he savours. 
"Do I have something on my face?" you ask. 
"No," he murmurs. "You're just beautiful." 
Your eyebrows thread together at the starts, a wrinkle creasing the skin between them. You don't believe him, your lips puckering into a small frown.
"Why do you say stuff like that?" you ask. 
"I really, really think it's true. That's why. I can't not look at you without thinking about it. Even when we're dirty and starving and smell like hot garbage," he says, shrugging gently. "You're beautiful." 
"You've been reading too many romance books."
"I get that it sounds weird," he says. "Doesn't make it less true. You're beautiful." 
"That's enough," you say with a grin. "Stop. If Eddie hears you saying that he'll make fun of you forever." 
Steve gives you a fake shove. "Sorry, I'm confessing my love and the first thing you bring up is my arch nemesis?" 
You wince though he's only kidding, more than aware of his Eddie Munson related jealousy. You both talk about everything without punches pulled these days, and you've assured him he's the only one for you, but he'd quite like to hear it again. 
"Sorry, that's my bad," you say, shuffling closer to him. You put your arm behind his back and kiss his shoulder, warmth unfurling from the contact despite the shirt and blanket between it. "I think you're handsome, too, but you know that. Beside the fact that I'd never really been naked in front of someone before, those early days were torture for me 'cus I thought you were, like, the handsomest guy I went to school with." 
"Just school?" 
"No," you mumble, crossing your free arm over his stomach, nestling yourself under his arm. "Handsomest guy ever." 
He dips his head to touch his nose to the top of your head. 
"I love you," you say, scrunching his shirt in your hand. 
"Yeah, I love you, too. How was work?" 
"Bah. How was your day off?" 
Steve likes getting time off at camp, but it's pointless when you're not off with him. "Wasted. Missed you stupid, helped out with the kids at lunch anyways, spent the rest of it on that shitty book." 
"It's no good?" you ask. 
He loves your voice. It shoots through him like a spark, your genuine, lilting concern. 
"Shit. I don't think I wanna finish it."
"Skip to the end and go get a new one," you suggest. 
He closes his eyes and breathes in the smoky air of the campsite. You have this effect on him —of many— where you can quieten a hectic place. You sit down next to him and suddenly he's not sitting a ways off from the fire in the middle of the Michigan woodland, he's with you. Plain and simple. 
"I will." 
"Maybe I can help you vet some? Make sure you get one you enjoy this time. Or we can trade some of our credits for a new pack of cards. I'll teach you how to play speed."
"After you tricked me into being bad at gin rummy? Nah, you're okay." 
You force his head up as you lift your own, pinning him with your tender gaze. "You like losing. You do, you always say I have to kiss it better." 
He's a simple man. A kiss from his girl is all he needs. "Maybe we should get a pack of cards," he says smugly. 
You shake your head at him, but you're beaming. 
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sugar-omi · 6 months
Just some brainrot because we love Cove. (Also, your fics are soooo good. Thanks for sharing it with us. I mean omega! and rockstar!cove :o )
So, we have Step 3 Cove in hand some time after Patreon's nsfw moment. MC is obssessed with giving him head, of course. He's so cute when you do...what can I say ? I'm a simple human. So yes they do it often, like casually saying : "Cove, I'm hungry." while you two are casually hanging out. At first he doesn't understand but the look in your eyes convey your message to him.
Most of the time, you'll be totally satisfied with just leaving him all red, dishevelled and flustered. Just having him putty in your hand makes your day. But at some point, when you ask Cove to come to your house (without kinky ideas in mind for once) he asks you if your just horny. While it makes sense, I like imagining that MC decides to not get him off anymore. Obviously until he begs, all red and pent up, for a release.
In the meantime, MC just spent their time teasing him. Light touches, flirty remarks and maybe getting him all worked up while making out only to purposefully stop. The poor guy, will clearly snap if show up at his door, anklet on.
This was a bit long and I'm sorry if there's any mistake as english isn't my first language.
I LOVE YOU ANON IM SO GLAD YOU LIKE ROCKSTAR!COVE TOO HEHE 🙈🙈🙈(omega!cove too, im having sm thoughts abt him lately...) also dw your english is perfect n i feel like you took an exert outta my head LMAO
tags : NSFW, hc's, gn reader, multiple choice dialogue, this just a really big ramble bc i've been a zombie thinking abt this shit n now we're here...., mmm overstim, oral (cove/reader receiving), reader's a TEASE, mind break honestly, ooc but idc 🏌️
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he's confused when you first make subtle hints/advances, but i think realization hits him like a truck a millisecond later
for the longest you two wouldn't be able to keep your hands off each other
late at night sneaking into the others room so you can suck cove off, trying to keep all the slurping and gagging noises to a minimum
cove's moans are another struggle, but i say climb on top of him and let him eat you out / suck you off while you suck him off too
ohh his head would SPIN with that
he almost woke up your mom's last week because he moaned a little too loud when he finished
so now you're on top of him, your lovely ass and sex in his face
ahhh he'd be so fucking cute. teary eyed and whining into and drooling all over your cunt / cock, pulling you down onto his face so he can get more of you
also i loveee the thought of sucking him off in his car
realistically, i don't think step 3 cove could even handle the thought, he'd probably faint and hit his head n die LMAO
but arghh it'd be so hot
you went on a nice date, and now you're sitting in the parking lot of a beach far from home late at night, and tonight was so much fun.
shopping, movies, you even got some nice food from a hole in the wall restaurant
and now you're finally alone, no one around to see your boyfriend throw his head back, claw at the steering wheel and moan and babble and try not to thrust up into your mouth because he doesn't wanna hurt you
he's so whiny, and so loud
you've been sneaking around for awhile now, you can't blame him for wanting to be vocal because fuck your hot, wet mouth around his cock is so hot
and definitely doesn't help he's probably overstimulated, his cock so sensitive because you've been touching n sucking him off so much
let alone when he's rubbing one out in the shower before a date/event or in the middle of the night because he had a wet dream about you<333
mmm idk about yall, but i would break him <333
of course he doesn't interpret every touch or invite as sexual, but i also you've ruined him so you can't blame him, its your fault 🤭🤭
so now whenever you rub and squeeze his thigh, or give him a hot kiss, or say something like "cove, i wanna leave now... " or "come over, i miss you <3"
or send him a spicy text, "i had a dirty dream about you, can i come over, please?"
also omfg i would be so satisfied with just teasing him too…
i love it so much. it’s the best actually
mm i like having long nails, i’m always thinking about getting a new set/doing your nails all pretty and you’re showing them off to cove then you tell him “i wanna see how they look around your dick”
he’d love that omfg
imagine dragging your nails over his chest, teasing his sensitive nipples before you move down, pulling out his dick and giving languished strokes while you kiss him breathless, only moving onto leaving love bites all over his neck n chest once he’s a drooling, blushing mess <33
i think he’s gotten used to your late night/midday booty calls too
so when you invite him over, he can’t help but anticipate sex
but instead you’ve set up some snacks and a movie you’ve been waiting to come out set up on the TV and now cove looks like a fool with a half hard dick and with how fast he rushed over here
when you ask what’s wrong he’s mumbling, stuttering out how he thought you had ulterior motives for inviting him over…
so now it’s his fault because now he’s set up on your couch with him on your lap, teasing him about how he’s too horny to even imagine his s/o would want a normal date, no ulterior motives whatsoever
how he probably can’t even hold your hand without thinking about how you jerked him off in the bathroom of his workplace
and you’re so fucking right
because some days he can’t even kiss you without remembering his taste on your lips, can’t forget how your legs were trembling on either side of his head and now you’re having lunch with your families
how you’re sharing ice cream and jokes with your friends like you didn’t pull him aside before you left and got him off, begging him to cum, that you need to taste him to get by
omfg i also love the reverse/the consequence of breaking cove this way
because either way, he’s obsessed with you too
needs to taste you, have you… he’s just dying every day to have you under his hands, on his tongue..
and i can’t decide which i love more.. teasing cove bc he needs to have you, or teasing cove bc he gets so wound up from you needing him often
bc both is so delicious, and both of them scratch my brain so much
cove eagerly eating you out / sucking you off at the beach, he can’t even focus on teaching you surfing/surfing with you or building sandcastles, etc. because all he can think about is you n having his mouth on you…
you’ll show him a new outfit or sit in his lap or cuddle up next to him, etc. and now he’s thinking about ruining you in those clothes or sinking onto his knees giving you head while you lay back on the couch, still focused on your show
i love how in the ORCA dinner moment cove gets tense when you touch his thigh
i think he’d definitely be obsessed with you teasing him, working him up, dirty talking him especially
oh fuck i almost forgot. in the first patreon nsfw moment, he loves when you pull away before he finishes and you “don’t want it to end”
so technically this is canon <3333
so he’d definitely love is you pulled up to your date one day, anklet on and looking so lovely
n you’re touching his thigh, telling him how good he looks, kissing him suddenly and then pulling him into a deeper kiss when he gets it together
at some point you end up in his car, too busy swapping spit and slipping your hands where you can to get a feel of each other under those clothes, to even make it home
of course eventually you do, but even then your teasing doesn’t stop
ohhh sitting in his lap, rolling your hips into his, kissing him breathless until he’s babbling
you try to pull away, partially to tease cove but also because its late and his dad will be back any time now
but he convinces you to just get each other off, that you’ll have enough time so please?
and while you’re jerking cove off, you hear cliff’s car pull up and cove has not been quiet whatsoever, you couldn’t possibly risk it
but he’s so desperate, he’s so close to finishing, you can’t stop now!!
on the verge of tears prbly, all blushy and hot and a total mess
babbling about how he’ll be quiet so please make him cum, he’ll be good so please.
he’s such a doll, and he does keep his promise, even if it means shoving your undies in his mouth or muffling him some other way, like with your hands, lips, or sex
or you can let him bite/hide his face in the pillow, messing up his bed from all his squirming…
fuck this turned into such a big ramble tysm for sending this, im sorry i used this as a chance to unleash my apocalypse of horny brainworms LOL
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