#the one of three black characters chained up like an animal?
slasherscream · 2 months
showed my little sisters 28 days later last night... movie had me looking crazy i was like "watch this scene... it's sooo influential to zombie horror. this DEFINED the genre. it REIGNITED the genre." and they were staring at me dead eyed like LISTEN TO ME... I beg of you LISTEN-
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koisuko · 3 months
Is it alright if I request mk1 characters with a reader who is a black panther, tiger or lion? Platonic, of course.
Lost motivation for this one, and it’s been sitting in my drafts for a million years so I’ll only do these three fellas.
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TW: potential mentions of animal mistreatment, gn reader, slight gore
ft: Liu Kang, Raiden and Kung Lao
Liu Kang
Being a god, he had seen his fair share of unusual things, big and small, yet even this took him by surprise. Walking through the woods near the Wu Shi Academy, his bright glowing eyes took in the serene environment around him, centering his mind and relieving the stress simultaneously.
It wasn't long before he was stopped in his tracks, a bewildering sight before him, a sleek black panther. Your fur bristled down your back, your ears folded as you bared your sharp canines to him in fear. Your fur was slightly tinted red, flesh wedged between your teeth, and a brown leather strap circled your neck. A now broken chain connected to a loop in the collar, a gash severed your side in your fight for freedom. You were once a pet, a toy, your existence solely for the entertainment of humans, your mother slaughtered in front of you and your siblings sold at auctions. You were subjected to cruelty, the sick treatment of your kind made your stomach churn, you weren't about to let it happen again.
You bared your teeth once more, a deep guttural hiss left your throat, this human was strange, his eyes bright like headlights. If you weren't so afraid, you would be curious, his aura felt..safe, comfortable, yet you didn't let up on your defenses. You didn't dare move, the gash on your side stinging and irritated. Dirt festered the wound further from your earlier scuffle with your captors.
The human put his hands up, kneeling down to your level with a smile. He didn't move forward yet strangely, he didn't run away in fear. You nearly gave in to your curiosity, but the memories of similar behavior from your captors only to be met with betrayal lingered in the back of your mind, freezing you in place. Your hissing ceased, your breathing still rapid, reflecting your inner battle and fear for your life.
“I mean you no harm.” Just his voice in itself brought you a small amount of peace. Slowly, you stepped closer towards him. Your nose held high to sniff the scent carried through your nostrils from the gentle breeze of the forest. He didn’t smell like your captors, no, quite the opposite. Sensing your unease, he stood, taking a small step back. “Come, let us tend to those wounds.” As he began retreating where he came, you followed silently behind.
Raiden and Kung Lao
“No way, that has to be a beetle!” Kung Lao brought his finger to point at the small bug, having harshly removed it from its cozy home while farming. “Look at that, see?” He gestures to the shiny bit on the back, “definitely a beetle.” Raiden rolled his eyes at his antics, “we have more important things than this debate, Kung Lao.” He tilts his head, raising a brow at his best friend. “Oh come on Raiden, just admit that I’m right,” Kung Lao brought one hand to sit on his hip, while the other gripped the hoe, leaning his weight on it slightly. Raiden didn’t even entertain the idea. Instead, he simply rolled his eyes before resuming his vigorous harvest of cabbages.
Kung Lao had a witty reply at the tip of his tongue, ready to further irritate his friend. Until a sudden commotion reached their ears, causing them to perk up and look to eachother with confusion. In the center of the village, a crowd had formed. Various villagers stood in a circle with their arms raised in defense at the thing in the center of it. Children who were once playing, now cower inside their homes. “What’s going on here?” Raiden asked, a villager running in fear had stopped to answer him, “tiger!” Perplexed, the two men looked to each other before pushing their way through to the center. The villager certainly wasn’t lying, there in the center of the group was a tiger, whipping around with massive teeth bared in defense. Its ears were flattened, stature low as if ready to run at any moment. It didn’t seem to be looking to hurt anyone, more like it looked afraid and confused.
Raiden and Kung Lao pushed further towards the center, standing before you with outstretched arms and palms foreword to convey their means for peace. “Everyone stand back,” Kung Lao ordered, not once taking his eyes off you. They didn’t look at you in fear, their eyes wide in both shock and awe. What a magnificent creature, Raiden thought to himself while he admired your stripes and fearsome display. The group surrounding you slowly became more sparse and spaced out, easing your stress only a little. You brought your focus to the two in front of you, another guttural warning sent their way. “It is okay, we mean you no harm,” Raiden took a small step towards you, hoping that if you were to run away from him that it would be in the direction of the nearby forestry. You were not hurt, but had followed a goat towards the village and had been found by terror ridden villagers. Their shrill shrieks and shouts had coaxed you away from your home and unfortunately, right in the center of human territory.
You never had a good relationship with humans. The last experience being trapped in a cage, poked and prodded until you snapped at them, only to be punished for such behavior. A interaction burned into your brain, forever tainting your view on such beings. They took another slow step, causing you to tense up and hiss aggressively, the hairs on your back bristling. “Hey, we want to help, we won’t hurt you,” Kung Lao uttered, he kept his hands up and held a submissive posture. Raiden followed suit, mirror Kung Lao to, in theory, say they mean no harm in a language you understand. You took a second to glance to your right, where you could see the luscious greenery of the forest, peeking through two humans stood side by side. All you have to do is wait for the right moment, and bolt for safety between them.
Raiden could see you look, he glanced as well to meet where you were looking. He knew what you wanted, and was willing to help. He pointed slowly towards the two in your way, still keeping a heavy gaze in your direction, “you two, move to the side — slowly.” They did just that, moving at a snails pace to avoid causing you further panic. All the while, you were stiff and still, unsure and frankly, feeling unsafe. Raiden gestured to where you were looking with a steady hand, “we won’t hurt you,” he spoke softly. You stayed completely still for a moment, weighing your options and stalling out of fear. Was this a trick? Humans always play tricks, but what other options do you have?
With a surge of adrenaline, you burst into a sprint towards the entrance to the woods. As you neared, you slowed your pace to a trot before reaching a full stop, just before the entrance to your home. You turned to give one last look to the men. A small huff flaring your nostrils.
Raiden and Kung Lao watched you retreat into the forest, disappearing behind the shrubbery. A smirk played on Kung Lao’s lips, elbowing Raiden in the side, “so, still think it’s not a beetle?”
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Ok so I have a lot of thoughts about this first episode: Beware spoilers
Things I liked
I really liked the beginning narration with Cregan, it was really nice to see Winterfell again.
The way Rhaenys put Daemon in his place, great bit of acting because you can feel the familial relationship between them. Also Rhaenys explaining her grief over Laena was really emotional.
Rhaenyra searching for Luke’s remains was great. Congrats to Emma for their acting, they managed to emote so much without any lines. Rhaenyra’s yell mixing with Syrax made me tear up a little bit.
Alicent lighting a candle for the dead mix with Luke’s funeral also was awesome. You can really feel the grief of all the characters in that scene.
Overall I think the scenes with the blacks were the best part of the episode because they really went with show don’t tell. We could feel the emotions of the characters without it being explained in a condescending manner to the audience ( something I feel season one did way to much of the time) they also didn’t rushed through these scenes so I think it contributed to my enjoyment of them.
What I didn’t like
Personally I feel like the scenes of the greens felt way to rush both in the dialogue and the pacing in which they were shot. One second Aegon is bursting in the looking for Jaeherys the next he goes to the small council, the next he is talking to Larys.
Yeah Otto is still a piece of shit. No more comments on that.
Ok WTF is up with Criston and Alicent hooking up? I have really mix feelings about this. On one hand I love that Alicent is exploring her sexuality after spending her life chained Viserys and then being SA by Larys buuuuut in terms of narrative I feel that it is extremely out of character for both Alicent and Criston. My take on Criston is that he condemns Rhaenyra for her enjoying her sexuality and “lack” of morals. That scenes in S1 where Alicent offer him redemption is him equating her with what he thinks a pious and moral woman should be. So him breaking his kingsguard vows (again) to sleep with him when his so called honor it’s his now defining trait feels like a very odd choice.
Now Alicent is defined by her obedience of her father, her husband and society’s rules. So as I mentioned before I really like the idea of her exploring her pleasure and sexuality and it makes to choose Criston because she feels safe with him. However I feel that this decision contradicts her core values installed by the seven about sex and her image as the dutiful queen and daughter. I can be onboard with this decision IF the writers managed to address this conflict within her which I honestly doubt.
About blood and cheese
Ok so my expectations of this scene where pretty great not gonna lie. Mainly because of the build up during the press tour ( it’s gonna bigger and more shocking that the red wedding!!!!!) and because we have already seen this in the animated shorts (Michelle Fairly is perfect voice narrator for this bit)
I really liked the idea blood and cheese being sent for Aemond but stumbling upon Heleana and the twins. Many people from what I seen are critiquing Phia’s acting but I actually like it, I totally think this is how Tv!Heleana would react to this situation since she has never been a loud person.
However I think we needed more episodes to get to know her and the twins, the writers seriously missed that the reason the red wedding shook us was because we loved those characters after following their journey for three seasons we were invested in their survival and their death was harrowing because of it not because of the gore.
Also I don’t think the lack of maelor makes Heleana’s choice any less horrible. So those people can shut up, she is still being forced to choose with child to save or let them all die.
I REALLY hated the fact she interrupted Alicent and Criston having sex, it felt more for shock value than anything else. For me it would been better it she came across Aegon and Aemond you know the two people directly related to the murder. One because Aegon is the father and two it’s Aemonds fault that blood and cheese where there in the first place.
Overall I didn’t love these episode but I didn’t hate it, it just felt underwhelming for the start of the season. But I’m not discarding it as of now.
Also the new intro is cool.
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chaoticbardlady99 · 7 months
Lethal Woman: Chapter 5 (GN! Reader x Astarion)
  Note: I know a lot of people don't necessarily read this piece of my work, but for the people who do, I'm sorry for the wait! This one is kinda angsty and still digs into the character's background. I want to create a Durge x Astarion type of relationship rather than a Tav x Astarion type of relationship so the character has some trauma.
Also this character is my way of working through my own traumatic experiences so I guess sorry????
CW: Violence, Gore, mention of Child/Teen SA (very very brief), death, torture, PTSD, murder, dissociation, and panic attacks.
Background- You are a Nightmask Death Bringer who was kidnapped by a Nautiloid Ship. Along with 6 strangers, you search Faerun for a cure for the Tadpoles in your heads- before it’s too late.
Chapter Six
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You have never enjoyed verbal confrontation- not because you weren’t good at it, but because it feels like a waste of time when it’s so much easier to throw knives at the problem. You know that it comes from a place of survival- arguing with Dahlia always ended in you being tortured for however many days or nights she felt like you deserved. You learned to stop arguing after the first few months of your training and just do what Dahlia told you to do.
The only verbal confrontations you have engaged in recently was during your assignments, but they were always brief and forgotten quickly.
However, your argument with Astarion three days ago has consumed your every waking thought. 
  You honestly weren’t sure what chain of events had led to the explosive discussion involving confronting the three Goblin Leaders when the day had started so typically.
You and your companions (minus Astarion) all agreed that going to the grove to fight Kagha is a priority and that they couldn’t allow the Shadow Druids to take over the grove. Astarion, however, hadn’t seen it that way. He kept insisting that it was a waste of time, resources, and energy. You didn’t mind the bitching at all- you weren’t necessarily thrilled about “saving the day” either and if it were just adults you would walk away from the whole ordeal- except there are children who need to be protected. 
 It’s your one and only rule- you do not abandon children in need. You don’t want anyone to ever fall into the wrong hands like you had. Eventually, Astarion stopped being huffy.
The fight had erupted quickly and Kagha had managed to slip into the shadows unnoticed in the midst of the chaos. You had barely seen her in time when you realized she was going to run Astarion through with a stake. 
 You had never sprinted so fast in your entire life as you put yourself between him and Kagha, grabbing the stake that was mere inches from your chest. You would have felt entirely victorious if she hadn’t then stabbed you all the way through with the shortsword she had attached to her belt- twisting it deeply into your abdomen until you release the stake. You feel her pull the sword out before stabbing you through your chest with the sharpened wood. 
 You had always thought stabbing a vampire with a stake as a tried and trued method of killing them was stupid- anyone would die if they were stabbed hard enough with a WOODEN FUCKING STAKE. 
  Maybe Dahlia was right- maybe being attached to people is a bad idea because you hadn’t even taken a good look at Kagha before you ran (which is reckless and not how you were trained to fight). 
  You had heard Shadowheart scream your name and saw two flaming hands go past your face as they consumed Kagha. The black dots in your vision had been followed with the unpleasant numbness that you knew all too well. 
 The fear sank into your bones like an anchor. Your breathing had begun to speed up and you felt the panic rip through you as you were being dragged away- unpleasant images flash in your mind and you started to thrash against the person holding you. You began screaming bloody murder and you clawed at the air like a trapped animal. You could barely hear the person’s voice over your looping thoughts and racing heart.
    No, no, no, no, no. Please. I’ll listen. I’ll do anything, just don’t kill me. Don’t leave me here. I’ll do better. I’ll be better!
   You hadn’t known until the end of the battle that Astarion had been the one carrying you away and had to hold you down as Shadowheart and Nettie came rushing to your aid after the final enemy went down.
  You could hear two voices trying to snap you out of whatever fear driven fog you were in, but you were still choking on your own air, floating away in space. Disconnected. Disassociated. You felt the tadpole wiggle behind your eyes, but you were too far gone in your head to even register it.
  Dahlia had killed and resurrected you a few times as a punishment. Sometimes she would leave you out in the sun for a few days before resurrecting you- the process of your skin, organs, muscles, and tendons repairing themselves after being eaten by critters and bugs is a different kind of pain- one you wouldn’t wish on your worst enemy. What was even worse was that Dahlia eventually found out how to bring you back just enough that you were aware of the vermin desecrating your body, but not enough for you to do anything about it- forced to feel yourself becoming nourishment for the creatures in the forest as you struggled to survive mentally. 
  Dahlia threatened to turn you into her spawn if you didn't remain half way in your body until she came back to get you. You knew her threat was serious because she had taken you coffin shopping after the first time she killed and resurrected you. You had gone for a wood one so that the endeavor could be over with, but Dahlia instead made you lay down in every coffin on display in the showroom- ultimately picking a gaudy, lockable, and iron coffin for you. You were 13-years-old. 
   Dahlia enjoyed driving you to the brink of insanity- only to come back and be your savior or your villain. Somehow she had convinced you that it’s entirely up to you what version of her you received, but it never mattered how well you listened sometimes. She told you you wouldn’t know when she would decide you were past the point of no return and no longer had any use for you as a Deathbringer. Thank the Gods she wanted to make you a Deathbringer more than she wanted you to be her spawn.  
  You weren’t sure when Nettie had forced an herb into your mouth that calms you down; you had eventually come back to yourself just enough to stop fighting her and Shadowheart’s efforts to heal you. 
  Karlach was sitting next to your head and was talking about nothing and everything. Astarion had sat himself on the staircase nearby and you could feel his eyes boring into you as you flinched away and hissed from the healers’ touch. You tried to make yourself smaller, your anxiety getting worse by the minute. It wouldn’t bother you usually, but you weren’t of sound mind in that particular moment. 
 As you became more alert, you made eye contact with Astarion and you were shocked to see him staring at you with anger and grief in his eyes. 
  You hadn’t known (and still didn’t know) that Astarion had been in your head using the tadpole to try to snap you out of whatever hell you were in and he had seen all of it- every last thing Dahlia did to you. The time she hired a man to violently take your virginity after your first moon blood at 14, the resurrections, the priests of Loviatar that would come for days on end to beat you until you wanted to die, and Tessa. Poor, sweet, beautiful Tessa with her mangled corpse and heart being eaten. 
   The walk to camp had thankfully been an easy one. Gale had thankfully had dinner ready by the time your group came back and you sat around the campfire to have dinner with the others. Astarion sat next to you and you couldn’t help but notice how rigid he was. He would usually have his leg touching yours and he would lean in to whisper some snide remark in your ear about whoever was talking- forcing you to suppress laughter as to not bring attention to the two of you.
 Except for tonight apparently- he hadn’t even spoken to you the entire time and made sure there was a considerable amount of distance between you and him. Then the argument happened.
  Wyll and Gale had brought up the plan to take out the Goblin leaders and find Halsin. They had gathered information about the leaders at the grove from Zevlor and had a plan in mind.
  Wyll suggested that everyone split up so that more ground could be covered faster and it would prevent anyone from burning out since they wouldn't be participating in three (possibly four) separate battles. 
 “So I was thinking that Shadowheart, Karlach, and Astarion would take on Minthara. Myself, Gale, and Lae’zel will take on Dror Ragzlin,” Wyll paused before looking at you, “and if you are up to it in the next three days- I think it would be best if you kill the Priestess and then jailbreak Halsin alone.”
 “That way, we can all remain somewhat under the radar while we are gathering information regarding the Absolute and their Cultists,” Gale chimed in, “and hopefully we will get substantial information before you charge into battle with Halsin.” 
  You pondered their vision and it made sense to you. Priestess Gut would be an easy kill and you can’t imagine that the Goblins guarding Halsin will be much of a challenge either. Except you were unsure of how much better you would feel within 3 days.
 “I don’t have a problem with it,” you said slowly, “does anyone ob-”
 You didn’t even get a chance to finish before Astarion began ripping into Wyll and Gale’s plan- specifically the part about you being alone. He had stood up and gotten into Wyll’s face as he rose to meet the other man's eyes 
 “What kind of moronic plot is that,” Astarion hissed, “they’ve been injured you ignorant fucks.”
 “Astarion,” you said with an edge to your tone.
  He whipped around with that same anger and grief he had looked at you with earlier.
 “You honestly believe you’ll be ready in three days to take on an Absolute Priestess and a group of Goblins by yourself?”
 “Yes, in fact, I do,” you stood up, your voice firm, “I’ve been hurt worse and been able to keep fighting after one day. What happened today-” 
 He cut you off with a growl, “I knew you were naive, Darling, but I didn’t realize how dense you are.” 
 You frowned and said in a whisper, “I don’t know what the word means.”
 “Simple-minded, brainless, dull-witted,” he retorted, “must I continue or are you educated enough to understand what I’m trying to say.” 
You were not made to be loved- only to kill, die, and serve.
You felt your brain disconnect from your body as you swallowed down the emotions. You watched as something in his eyes changed, but you had begun walking away towards your tent. You heard Karlach scold him, but you were already shaking it off- like you said, you’ve experienced worse before and have been able to keep going the next day.
  It didn't change the fact that his words had broken you- he knew that not being able to read or write was a sore spot for you. It was also something you didn’t want to publicize to your other companions. You had been staying up together at night- him reading to you and you listening- making the occasional comment or asking a question. Sometimes you just listen to him tell you about Cazador and Baldur’s Gate. If you fall asleep, he doesn’t move you- instead he sits next to you until you wake up and you walk back to camp together.
You had thought those moments were sacred and important to him like they were to you. You were ashamed to discover it had been an act the whole time and you had been naive enough to fall for it.
 Over the next three days, you avoided him like the plague and he avoided you too. Your nightmares have come back in full force now that your nightly ritual has ceased. Your injury has healed almost entirely despite the occasional soreness, but you are so tired you are barely present as you and your companions walk towards the Goblin Camp. 
  Karlach is your angel from the Hells today as she keeps your spirits high with her bright demeanor. 
 “Soldier, I am so excited for you to see my infernal engine in action,” she puffs out her chest with pride, “Dammon’s explanation doesn’t even begin to do it justice- even if he says a lot of pretty words with that nice mouth of his.”
 “Thank you for that Karlach,” you say with a snort, “been imagining what other talents his mouth has?”
  You begin to cackle as Karlach turns even more red before giving you a shove. 
 “Ughhh have mercy on me! He’s just so pretty and his voice!,” she whines with a dramatic, angsty sigh, “A girl can dream.” 
 “Or a girl can put on her big girl panties and ask to fuck him already.”
 “Oh, SHUT UP you vulgar-!” she puts you in a headlock and scratches the top of your head with her knuckles- effectively ruining your hair, but putting the biggest smile on your face. 
   Astarion watches you laugh and dick around with Karlach. He feels the corners of his lips tease into a small smile before he begins to frown again. He notices the dark circles under your eyes and the slight drag in your step, but he doesn’t even know where to begin if he was to approach you.
  He doesn’t want to admit it, but he’s missed your presence and your nightly rendezvous together. Truth be told, a part of him is fearful that he’ll never be able to have those moments with you again. 
   His anger had been misdirected at you that night at the fire. He had been so angry with himself (and those dipshits, Wyll and Gale) that he had taken it out on you.  Instead of asking you to take care of yourself or refusing to let you go alone, he decided to publicly shame you.
 The first night you didn’t show up at your agreed-upon spot had twisted his heart and no matter how much he tried to ignore it, the feeling came back the second and the third night too.
  He hasn’t cared for someone like this in the last two centuries and he hates it. The last three days had been hell- he followed you every time you left camp to go hunting, check traps, etc. He would give you your privacy of course if you were going to bathe in the river, but even then he would anxiously look around camp until you came back. He tells himself it’s because he knows you are his best chance at being free of Cazador- that he is merely worried for your safety and cares because without you, he doesn’t stand a chance. 
Then there is the part of him that has begun to crave your company just as a companion and he enjoys the friendship between you. This part of him feels like just being your friend will never be enough. 
He refuses to admit his plan may be falling apart, despite it barely beginning. Thankfully, his feelings of self-loathing are keeping him preoccupied.
   He despises himself for being so blind to the fact that you and your nightmares were not from the tadpole, but from the abuse inflicted upon you by that wretched woman- Dahlia. Even thinking her name made him see red and filled him with bitter rage.
  He remembers the night he told you about Cazador burying him alive for a year. He remembers how you had said you understood how he felt and how he had gotten upset with you. You didn’t correct him- didn’t tell him that you have been in a similar situation. He doesn’t know which is worse- being buried in shadows, confined for a year or being left out in the sun to slowly rot and be eaten away. 
  He wishes you had corrected him, but maybe you felt like he couldn’t protect you due to his own history of abuse. Maybe he had made you feel like your pain didn’t matter to him.
  Then, when you began thrashing around in his arms, he had never felt more powerless as he watched you disappear inside your own head like he has done many times. He ground his teeth every time you flinched away from Nettie and Shadowheart. His mind insisted on reminding him of how you looked at him with so much fear and rage while he held you down; how it felt watching your memories- your pain- being ripped open all because you decided to protect him. Again. 
 Then his attempt to protect you failed because he ultimately pushed you away, but maybe that is for your own good too. However, you pushing him away has not changed his plan for today’s fight.
  He will not be going with Shadowheart and Karlach. He had initially planned on approaching them about this, but they came to him first- asking him to hang back with you, undetected, then meeting up with them later. Karlach and Shadowheart told him that they were just as upset with Gale and Wyll’s plan and were going to object before he stepped in. 
 He’s the only one who has a ring of invisibility and the stealth to keep you from suspecting you are being ‘babysat’ as he had overheard you call it when Karlach had suggested she come with you. 
  The goblins outside of the camp had been easy to bypass- Astarion had even convinced the goblin to kiss his shoe (which earned a hushed laugh from you that made him hopeful). Astarion watched as you caught and helped the Owlbear Cub escape, but on the opposite side of that coin, you managed to get Volo in more trouble. 
   You convince Wyll to hold off on the plan until you are able to free Volo- seeing as leaving a famous bard to die at a Goblin Camp would not bid well for the Night Masks and that would not be doing you any favors. Astarion was shocked when Wyll expressed understanding. 
  Astarion, Shadowheart, and Karlach go with you as Gale, Wyll, and Lae’zel search for Dror Ragzlin.
  The rescue mission quickly turns into another rescue mission when your small group stumbles across a man being tortured by Goblins. Astarion is quick to convince the goblins that they were being summoned elsewhere and, at your behest, he frees the battered man after he gives you more information about the Nightsong. 
   The Goblins had mentioned a man in the next room over so Astarion begins to walk in that direction and you follow him closely- your hand hovering over the hilt of your dagger as you scan the area cautiously.
  Astarion rounds the corner and sees a man that looks like he needs more iron in his diet. The all black garb was not helping and honestly? Neither is the haircut. 
  The man turns and scans the group before his eyes settle on you. Astarion feels his stomach turn as the man gives you a wickedly happy grin. Astarion moves closer to you and eyes the man cautiously, leering at him in the process.
 “I remember you,” the man says, “you’re Dahlia’s little brat, are you not? I remember the first time we met- your screams were positively delicious.” 
  Astarion hears your breath hitch. You are frozen in place, fingers trembling slightly as you fix your posture and take a deep breath. Astarion watches mournfully as you lose yourself in your head.
 “Hello Abdirak.” 
  Abdirak’s smile grows even wider at your empty greeting.
 “What a blessing it must be- for us to meet again, Rowan. Won’t you join me in worshiping My Lady?”
 Shadowheart pipes up, “I didn’t know you were into such things Rowan. I would love to see a demonstration.” 
 “Absolutely not,” Astarion hisses.
 “I’ll do it.” 
 He whips around to look at you as you walk up to the wall. He watches as you take each hit, but you are goading the man the entire time. The throws get more and more painful to watch and he hears Karlach take sharp breaths every time an ax sticks in your back. You walk back over and let Shadowheart heal you as she praises you for your vigor. Astarion uses every last bit of restraint he has to not punch Shadowheart in the jaw.  
  You look distant as you drink a healing potion from your pack before turning back to Abdirak as he spouts on about his wonderful “memories” of worshiping with you. Astarion's hands go to his dagger as he gears up to kill the man.
A flash of movement from your direction prevents him from moving forward.
 Astarion wasn’t prepared for you to cut the man’s throat so violently in one quick motion. Blood pours from Abdirak’s neck and out of his mouth as he chokes. His eyes are wide with fear as you push him on his back- your eyes bright, crimson red and consumed with indifference. Abdirak chokes and looks at you with pleading eyes, but you take a step back as the rats begin to claw and eat at him. The whole endeavor is disgusting and horrific- Astarion could not be more proud to know you. His strangled cries are cut short as he finally succumbs to his wounds.
 Without saying anything, you turn on your heels and stalk to the next room, Astarion quickly in tow. You free Volo before Astarion can even enter the room- the Goblin that had taken Volo away dead on the floor.  
You come out of the room and make eye contact with him. Your eyes are blank and your face is emotionless. You turn away from him and stalk off in the direction of the priestess. He gives you a decent head start before casting the spell and sneaking in behind you as Priestess Gut closes the door.
Let the bloodshed begin.
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rascalentertainments · 2 months
Wish Granted AU: Star: 🌟
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Yeah, I finally got to the boy! Took long enough, huh? 😂 So I dud make a short character inspiration from a reblog chain a few weeks ago, so I'll go more into Star's character here:
So, much like the film itself, Star comes to Earth because of Asha's wish was so powerful, and aids her save Rosas. However, for "Wish Granted", he has no idea how to actually grant her wish. She basically fills him in on what's going on, and agrees to help. But he doesn't really understand why they need help. From his point of view, most of the humans on this part of Earth, and especially in Rosas look happy enough. He's just utterly fascinated with the animals, the trees, Asha, and just experiencing what humans see everyday.
But then he visits the Hamlet (in an animal disguise) when Asha wants to say goodbye to her Saba and mother. Star sees how sick Sabino has gotten, and the fear Sakina has for her daughter going back into danger. The Starboy sees that Asha's wish is entirely to help her family and community. (Its greatly emphasized once he gets to Rosas itself too) He partially understands and gladly accepts the task to help her. Asha can't believe this magical boy is a Star, it should be impossible. But just as her father said, the stars are there to believe in possibility. Star here is the impossible, made possible! Its no wonder his loveable and joyous personality leads her to falling for him! 😆
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I took inspiration from this segment of the concept art book where they attempted to give plushie Star some kind of depth and character arc leftover from Starboy. They really tried to give Star something more than just being a toy, and Disney said "nah, a toy is good enough. Kids will love it." So Star's arc will be he starts off naive about the world and thinks everything is perfect. But once he starts seeing more of the people having other emotions other than happiness, he's processing how a human feels this. It hits harder when he actually feels a wish get destroyed, he feels their pain for a while after he connects with them. This is all going to connect to "At All Costs" when finally get that love confession scene! 😉
Now, my favorite part: POWERS!!! Star can shapeshift into different animals he sees, with his telltale sign of him being gold with white fur/hair. (Example image below) He's got a white six pointed star on his parts of his body that glow slightly, even in a human form, its just covered up by his black caped outfit.
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I still kind of hate that Disney actually thought Star was too similar Genie just because he changes into animals. Like, what are you talking about? (I actually thought of MK or Beast Boy more than Genie.) Yeah, Genie could do that too, but he also changed costumes, size, shape, face, broke the 4th wall and did impersonations of movie actors of the time. Star didn't do all that. Besides, YOU MADE MAUI CHANGE INTO ANIMALS AND APPROVED OF IT!
Rant aside, He can change into any animal, but only has one human form. That's not only because there's way too many variations of people for him to adapt and he's not at that level of power yet. He mainly choose this particular human form because.... he thought Asha would like it. (He even gets the cape idea after he sees a picture of Magnifico. He just LOVED how that looked) Think of it as a boy trying make himself look better for the girl he has a crush on. 😂 His design is inspired by these three pieces of concept art combined with a dash of a superhero vibe. (Superheroes are hardwired into my brain, I tried my best NOT to do that! 😂)
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Star can make animals talk, at least for a limited time, like when be has his big introduction song and the forest animals are his band. Animals are naturally attracted to Star, because he literally radiates pure joy and love. Those little critters just adore him! Think of this scene here:
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One last thing to add is that once he's on Earth, and gets into Rosas, thus is when he gets the most attached to the planet. He has a big family with the stars, but he really wanted to be where the people are. He wants to see them dancing, ect...Meeting great people didn't just end with Asha, but also meeting the 7 Teens. He learns about their wishes as one desires, while confused on Simon's sleepiness/sadness. He actually attempts to heal Simon and can gain a new power. Star is not sure on how to react to Dahlia, who doesn't seem to have a wish. She seems happy cooking for the king (whom she has a crush on) and queen, no questions asked. Although, Dahlia does seem particularly curious about Star, even before finding out his magical side. She even tries to tell him to give up on granting Asha's wish, but he's definitely not doing that. 😂
When he meets the King and Queen, let's just say there's going to be a lot of angst/comedy with that. But when he has the mini stand off with Amaya. OH BOY, he's going to understand way more heavy emotions after meeting her...
(Star in this version is voiced by Jeremy Jordan, because he's a musical and VA legend! Plus he sounds so fun in every role he's in!)
Aaaand, that does it for Star! I mentioned in another post how when you look into his eyes, you can see microscopic galaxies or mini stars in eyes, like you can see the universe in his eyes! (When it gets to the At All Costs song, Asha can be seen in his eyes like she becomes part his universe) Any other bits will be revealed later, but I wanted to flesh the guy out here! He's a lot of fun to write and draw!
Now next up are the King, Queen and their ferocious yet spoiled pet Lynx! 😉
@signed-sapphire @oh-shtars @chillwildwave @lazytitans-world @emillyverse @annymation @kstarsarts @uva124
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doubleddenden · 7 months
The new trailer was interesting. It did the thing I didn't really want it to do by spoiling story related stuff and not reveal the actual new Pokémon we're missing, but for what it's worth it seems like the story will be pretty content heavy. Let's look at some screens I took and speculate on some stuff: and a friendly reminder that nothing I say here has any bearing on leaks that are possibly out there, so if I guess anything in the future, it was just a guess:
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This crystal tree is pretty suspicious. Like first of all, this appears even DEEPER into Area Zero than we've been before, assuming. Did something or someone plant it here? Is it the remains of an underground world? Could it possibly be related to a legendary? Not to mention the FULL crystallization of the tree, vs the partial crystallization of the trees up top. It's definitely not safe to be here for long.
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Next, Z move pose! BBA is off the coast of Unova, but there's a lot of Alola rep here. I wonder if they're doing this because Bank will shut down soon and this will be where they want us to get Alola forms for the next 5 ish years before they discontinue Switch online services?
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Next, this is Crispin and what appears to be proof the BBE4 won't be restricted to singular types. My friend pointed out that this could possibly be a sun team with Exeggcutor there. Wonder why they opted for Kanto when Alolan is there? (I mean besides Kanto being why).
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Next, the reveal of, WHOA WHODA THUNK, Champion? Corrupted Kieran anyway. I made a post a few months back when they showed off this guy from the neck down and made the prediction he'd be champion- that's not entirely confirmed just yet, but it does seem to be pointing in that direction. It's not really that much of a W because GF can be very predictable with their writing.
Anyway he looks heavily corrupted- YEAH LETS GO VILLAIN ARC!!!! His hair is fully purple now- honestly I'd have preferred it with black like before, but it's probably symbolic of his corruption. My friend even pointed out his hair kinda looks like the Toxic Chains the Loyal Three have- theory time, whatever gave them the chain is also corrupting Kieran because look at him. No light left in those eyes. Just rage. Fun :D
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Next we have this- I assume it's Penny or Mela tbh, because I saw from a ways back where it seems like Team Star's Giacomo has reintegrated into Naranja/Uva Academy. Maybe Penny has stopped dying her hair and grew it out or Mela is being super proper now or something. Could also be a completely unrelated character.
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Lastly for major story stuff, this is cool poster material. Kieran's rage or possibly fear of Terapagos, Carmine's worry for her brother, Briar... I mean come on, she's a villain in waiting, look at her face. Idk if I'm too quick to claim Terapagos is evil though, because the anime has firmly planted him in Just A Little Guy territory and I don't think they'd want to ruin that image considering they've been in charge of hyping him up since Horizons first started.
But yeah, the culmination of everything we've been through in one image. Kinda exciting.
Oh, and just some small tin foil hat pics
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It's odd that they paired these trios together to me. Pokémon loves sprinkling breadcrumbs to tease at future projects, and these could pass for potential Legends starter trios.
But not for Unova.
Tepig and Snivy are the odd ones out here because it'd be kinda dumb to re use Unova starters for a Legends Unova game- now for Johto? Squirtle, Treeko, and Tepig COULD work, but Squirtle is also pretty close to home.
If I'm being real, this is probably nothing and just meant to highlight the starters across different generations coming home, with Tepig and Snivy being stand outs because this will be their first time being available on the Switch. Ever.
Other notable things I didn't screenshot:
BQs: basically side quests.
Synchronization? I guess? We can actually control a Pokémon. Conspiracy brain wants to say this is alluding to something, but I'm unsure. It's at least kind of neat because this has been a topic of various NPCs in the series for years. Those were probably just alluding to Mystery Dungeon games, but when Game Freak does something like this in DLC, it could hint at a future mechanic or possibly a feature in a future game.
Legendaries returning: I'm gonna be real, I'm not really all that excited by the prospect of yet another Legendary Bargain Sale that they've been doing since ORAS at this point. ORAS, USUM, Crown Tundra, and now Indigo Disk. At this point the legendaries are more common and accessible than some common pokemon like Furfrou or the elemental monkeys.
What's interesting to note are a couple of things:
1. DLC pokemon from SwSh are here too, including Kubfu. That's interesting, I wonder how it will evolve considering we needed the two towers in IoA last time? An NPC from the dojo?
2. Boi if you thought I wasn't gonna talk about the Unovan dragons- they didn't HAVE to single them out like that! They didn't have to. They did, though. I'm pretty sure we all know their next projects.
You may be saying "but it's too fast!" And I agree. They need to stop rushing things and take their time, but we all know they won't. All we can do is hope they actually try this time.
Anyways that was the last trailer for Indigo Disk. Maybe it's my severe depression talking, but I'm actually excited for Indigo Disk. It looks very content heavy and a bit prettier to look at than before. I hope it runs okay- I mean it won't, but I still hope it. I also hope this isn't as quick as Teal Mask was.
1 week lefts, bois
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chibivesicle · 1 year
Trigun directly informs the character designs for Kekkai Sensen/Blood Blockade Battlefront
I’ve been thinking about a fun little meta for awhile about how much of the vibes and character style from Trigun translated over to Kekkai Sensen/Blood Blockade Battlefront.  Taking my brain off of hardcore Trigun for a bit let’s have some fun with Yasuhiro Nightow’s character design and how he likes to recycle and reform them.
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The Japanese DVD box set volume 3 shows my three favorite charas in a  Norman Rockwell The Saturday Evening Post parody.  Steven drives a car while Chain snacks and K.K. screams excitedly.
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The fact that the animation creative team went in this direction meant they were really having fun with the anime, but let’s dig into how Trigun translated more to Blood Blockade Battlefront.
Characters from Trigun and how they relate to Blood Blockade Battlefront
Vash the Stampede = K. K.
That’s right, our pacifist gunslinger is re imagined as the Bratatat Mom, code name K. K.
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The character design has the same red duster jacket with tight black clothing underneath.  K.K. even has some finger less gloves for her ease of operating either her sniper rifle or her handgun.  She can also use two handguns at the same time while fighting.  They are tall and lanky, have blonde hair and both can be bubbly at times to cover up how they are really feeling.  Vash’s unique sunglasses became an eye patch for K. K. and she will also cover her eyes with sunglasses to not attract attention to the right eye as well.  Unlike Vash, K.K. is willing to kill a target if necessary and has the most awesome husband ever and two sons.  I very much like her character and wish she were a more involved member of the B3 cast but by her nature, is a bit more of a loner but seen as quite powerful.  She is critical of the patriarchy and has a real axe to grind with Steven who is closest to her and still different from her; this is due to the fact that they are the two senior members of the team over thirty and made different choices in their personal/private lives.
Meryl Stryfe = Leonardo Watch
The very detail oriented and short fused insurance adjuster Meryl is now Leonardo a budding journalist who by sheer luck joins Libra. Considering that Meryl ended the manga as a reporter it makes sense for this to be Leo’s starting place.
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Both characters can be quick to snap out a remark of shock or annoyance, are the shortest adult member of the cast and have short dark hair.  Meryl’s hair was black with a purple undertone and so is Leo’s with more purple.  By B3 Back 2 Back, Leo’s hair picks up a more red tone which eventually translates into the anime adaption.  These characters frequently point out how absurd the events around them are while the rest of the cast calmly accepts things at face value.  Unlike Meryl in the manga, Leo is the reader’s entry point into the city and plays a role very similar to the anime version of her.  Like Vash, Leo is not the type of character to take a life and instead serves as support for the rest of the team early on in his time with Libra.  Both respect life and even though we know that Meryl has shot individuals in the manga and implied to have in the anime, she takes it very seriously and treats it with due respect.
Milly Thompson = Klaus V. Reinherz
The somewhat ditzy, honest and emotionally mature Milly is now seen in the character of Klaus; a true gentleman and total tank of a character.  Klaus towers over Leo, the same way as Milly is considerably taller than Meryl.
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Klaus, gives zero fucks what others think about him, has no bias based on gender, species, affiliation, race etc etc.  He’s one of the most genuine characters who could crush opponents and enjoys a fine cup of tea just like Milly.  They both have more casual looks with ties, suspenders/vest and dark pants.  At first, Klaus was a decent character in my opinion but as the anime progressed, he grew on me and grew on me until realizing that I really do like him and his well balanced approach to life.  He enjoys simple pleasures in life like taking the subway, playing chess and/or prosfair and watering all the plants at the Libra main office.  Klaus is always there to accept Leo and encourage him along the way.  He never takes his strength for granted and can’t say no to others.
Also like Milly, Klaus is emotionally mature and works to help others calm down in sticky situations or encourage them when stuck.  He is frequently paired with Leo who greatly respects him and learns from him.  He also does not appear to have a driver’s license meaning he either ends up in the same car as Leo or trying to fit himself on Leo’s small motorbike.
Nicholas D. Wolfwood = Chain Sumeragi
The amazing werewolf of Libra, Chain is the first version of Wolfwood in B3.  Her character design is female Wolfwood other than her black vs tan shoes.
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She occasionally has a small firearm, but was a terrible shot to not become an elite assassin and instead wanted to remain in intelligence.  Chain has the some of Wolfwood’s more juvenile pranks or remarks especially when Zapp is involved with her.  Chain is sarcastic, but it is targeted at one individual - Zapp Renfro and only Zapp.  It appears since Zapp and Leo are frequently together along with Zed, she’ll tease Leo a little but does not hurt him when she lands on him or sits on his head, instead only giving out pain to Zapp.  She has a high alcohol tolerance and will help out characters but doesn’t like for them to realize it at the time.  Like when Leo’s wallet got stolen from him in ‘Day In Day Out’ but she sticks it in his shirt collar as opposed to giving it back to him.  Chain is the sort of character who doesn’t want to be recognized and instead hang back and do things quietly.
Nicholas D. Wolfwood = Steven A. Starphase
The names alone show that these two characters are directly related.  Yet, Steven has a real middle name, Alan, as opposed to the D being whatever Yasuhiro Nightow felt it should be when interviewed in the moment.
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Early on in the first volume of the manga, Steven also goes without his characteristic yellow tie with a dark blue dress shirt making him look even more like Wolfwood.  They both frequently are shown with a hand or two in their pockets and can be quite charismatic and friendly.  They have foodie tastes and respect well prepared meals.  Both men also have to deal with darker situations which their partner[Vash]/boss [Klaus] would not deal with.  Wolfwood did not hesitate to kill opponents of Vash to prevent further damage while, Steven will make sure that certain problems disappear before they reach the rest of Libra.  One could say they move in the shadows, but Wolfwood is more of a character who deals with things directly, while Steven has the right person or party on speed dial.    Wolfwood worked within the system of the Eye of Michael making him somewhat legit while Steven is the direct contact to the HLPD, FBI, governmental bodies, and likely organizations that straddle grey areas.  The fact that Steven will go through proper channels indicates a greater respect for the rule of law and civil society only moving into shady areas when absolutely necessary.
Therefore, with the basic character design and personalities it is pretty logical that we get certain pairings to generate enjoyable dynamics.
Meryl & Milly - Leo & Klaus.  The small hardworking realist with a quick temper is teamed up with the honest, occasionally ditzy giant.  Neither character looks down on the other and they are able to learn about themselves and others through their interactions.  Without Leo, Klaus would be unable to seal Blood Breeds.  Without Klaus, Leo would not learn to accept his guilt and gain confidence in himself and helping others.  Leo frequently doesn’t see his own strength since it is through his relationships and not physical force like Klaus demonstrates.
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The size difference alone is exactly like Meryl and Milly here!  Leo is the one who is more than aware of what Zapp is planning to do quickly as events unfold but Klaus never even realizes that he’d been played by Zapp.  The two have genuine hearts and respect of all life (that isn’t trying to kill them at least).
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One color panel for the manga which really captures B3 well and how close Klaus and Leo are is the following.  They are likely relaxing or killing time at the office enjoying the quiet.  Leo and Klaus are playing video games while Sonic watches next to them.  Meanwhile, the Luddite that he is, Steven loosens his tie while reading the daily paper.
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Steven isn’t even paying attention to what they are doing. But Sonic is.  It is clear that Leo and Klaus are having fun and building on their relationship with each other.
Vash & Wolfwood = K.K. & Steven.  The two senior members of Libra frequently are teamed up together even though K.K. is annoyed by Steven (likely because he never lets her take time off to be with her family).  Steven frequently tries to play it cool with his calm demeanor while K. K. likes to tease him due to his rather academic approach to things ‘Dr. Steven-sensei’.  Despite their vocal bickering, the two work quite well together.
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In Trigun, it is Wolfwood who is annoyed that he’s assigned to deal with Vash.  In B3 it is K. K. who always scoffs at her partner Steven.  It sort of makes sense, Steven with his Esmeralda Blood Freeze is cold and calculating in his actions but frequently must get relatively close to his opponent.
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In contrast, K. K. literally shoots electrified bullets and will do support for Steven.  Their tension also likely comes from the fact that K. K. has a ‘typical’ family life with her husband and two sons to protect and take care of.  The opposite is the bachelor life of Steven in his lonely loft apartment with a great kitchen, stylish decor and no actual friends outside of work besides his housekeeper.  However, they are incredibly similar, angry at themselves for enjoying things in a brief instant related to their family or friends which ended poorly.
Wolfwood & Milly = Steven & Klaus
The Trigun anime really makes this a more important aspect of their character than the manga; Wolfwood and Milly work together more than once to help people out of a tight spot, think of the episode ‘Escape from Pain’ or the entire manga battle between Wolfwood and Midvalley when Milly steps in to help Wolfwood out.  However, the partnership between Steven & Klaus is much deeper than Wolfwood & Milly.  Klaus 100% trusts Steven to get all their ducks in a row and to make sure all of the logistics of Libra are working.  At the same time Steven understands the pressure that Klaus puts on himself and tries to lighten his load even if Klaus is oblivious to it.
The two play chess when Steven is first introduced and Klaus listens to Steven’s concerns about having Leo join Libra.
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When Leo is kidnapped, it is Steven who immediately is worried about Klaus.
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I like how these two characters have such great rapport and trust between each other.  Steven comments on how Klaus made a joke, something he’d likely say with his quick wit and dry sense of humor.
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We seen in ‘Bloodline Fever’ that Steven completely trusts that Klaus will arrive on time to seal the Elder Blood Breed that he and K. K. only had to hold for four minutes.  It also shows that K. K. trusts Klaus as she was his escort to meet the Alterworld mafia don and based on her comments, she’s done this many times for Klaus. 
Steven trusts that Klaus can hold out against the one vampire from the missing hospital long enough for Leo to determine his name and result in his sealing.
The fact that the two of them can communicate when all they need is a single quip from Steven in reply to Leo’s answer and demolish an opponent is incredible.
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What I find most refreshing about their relationship is that Steven, the older individual does not mind to be the second in command.  He’s a social enough person with ample skills to network and manage people effectively and does have more experience in the matter.  However, he also knows that he is not the right leader for Libra and finds purpose in his role on the team.  Klaus is too likely to be led on or lied to by others and Steven is streetwise enough to avoid or to use those people for their own benefit.  Klaus is the all to trusting Dad while Steven is the Mom making sure the kids don’t fight at dinner.
I also like the fact that when their main office needed security upgrades, the two of them accidentally invaded, Leo, Zapp (and Zed’s) sacred diner space.
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Nothing like finding your bosses in your home away from home Leo!
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Honestly, I could go on about this for way longer but I’ll stop it here.  Klaus and Steven are great and I love them.
Wolfwood & Wolfwood = Chain & Zapp? & unrequited crush on Steven
The one character who I have a harder time pairing in a sort of Trigun fashion is Chain Sumeragi.  Even though she is female Wolfwood, the character who she has the most dynamics with is Zapp Renfro.  Which would make her a sort of positive Wolfwood traits meets all negative Wolfwood traits plus manwhore.  Zapp smokes, drinks, gambles and fucks as much as possible.  He has the vices that Wolfwood had (save for the sex) and definitely exists to be a foil with Leo, Zed and well, most of the cast.  Yes, she has a crush on Steven, but the man is absolutely out to lunch on the matter.  In the anime, he’s oblivious to the entire protocol to undilute Chain and how it relates to him.  Then again, if someone screamed and threw a chair at you resulting in injury, it would be hard to call that attraction or affection.  Terrifying would be the most accurate word.  I’ve only read the first two volumes of the manga in English and it is clear that she has eyes for him, but again, he gives off the vibes that work comes first.
Since Zapp hangs out with Leo frequently, Chain ends up in their mischief as well, wanting to help them out but seeming too cool for school.  I don’t know if the anime upped the petty fights between Chain and Zapp more, but it def has that enemies to friends (?) dynamic going on.  I’m curious to see how things unfold in the manga as I read it.
 The fact that B3 Back 2 Back has the following covers seems to indicate a stronger Klaus & Steven, Chain & Zapp, and K. K. & Steven dynamics.
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Furthermore, there is only the B3 volume 10 cover where Chain and Steven are next to each other, but Steven’s back is to her.  It seems any potential Chain and Steven relationship is likely not in the cards.  In group covers, Steven and K. K. are next to each other most frequently based on their skills as a two person team.
All in all, I love how elements of Trigun made their way into B3.  It is fun to look at all the angles, from the physical character design, to their personalities and their relationships with each other.  I’ve been a fan of Trigun for over twenty years, so it is hard to say if B3 is better than it - but, I do appreciate the realistic adult relationships, doubts, fears and goals of it more so that Trigun.  The sitcom feel to B3 really feels relaxing and I enjoy the rambling stroll through the city with this quirky cast of characters.
With my disappointment in Stampede, I can at least laugh and cry at how the B3 anime and manga really capture the elements that made Trigun so likable to me in the first place.  And that is all I can ask for - another zany series with lovable characters that you can’t help but root for.
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nicoforlifetrue · 2 months
I need to get the gangs designs out of my head like, right now so here we go! Au characters first then cannon guys spoilers below
Anyone the color crew considers a friend gets a matching jacket that green made with something representing them embroidered onto the old jackets, chosen has one and has it tied around his waist most of the time, everyone else wears it near 24/7
Victim: gray dead anime mom hair, scene kid from Spencer's in the 12s looking clothes, long sleeves striped under shirt with a t shirt on top, ripped up skinny jeans, has broken shackles around his wrists that act like the lasso tool but he doesn't use very often, a fire fox icon often sleeping on his shoulders he has three that act as attack dogs, soft rainy day blue eyes that are normally kept in that same dead anime mom half lidded state, he looks calm and approachable and loving after all that's how he gets you.
Chosen: black hair to his shoulders that he keeps in a bun, dyes red streaks into it, combat jacket three sizes too big, ripped up t shirt and jeans he never bothers to fix, wears a face mask when hiding his identity because his mouth is abnormally long and it freaks people out, has a locket with a family picture in it (it's a picture of Alan's face and cupped hands, the hollows are in his hands waving at the camera, Alan took his picture made it the computer background then took a screenshot of the boys, it was Alan's phone screen lock picture) everything he owns is burned at the hems because of his anger issues triggering his powers. Eyes glow red and are set into a permanent scowl, he has worry lines.
Dark: wild red hair he's never brushed in his life, he dyes black streaks in it, has one of those slutty leotard things that show the hips? You know what I mean, and combat pants, he has five virabands one of each limb, he made the first one just to give chosen a challenge but after seconds powers awakened he made more for when the kid has nightmares and needs to be held down so he doesn't hurt himself or anyone else with his powers going haywire, it only really works because the powers not concentrated, also has a locket with the family picture, he says it's for chosens sake but he stays up at night sometimes staring at it. Has black eyes but his pupils glow such a bright red their mistaken for red, all the hollows have sharp teeth but darks are especially sharp and he keeps them in a lazy grin, he has pronounced crows feet.
Second: orange wavy hair in a low short pony with it down it only reach's his shoulders, basic orange hoodie and well he does have his own clothes he more often then not is wearing some eclectic mess of stolen goods from his brothers, he likes Vic's shirts and darks pants the most and will try to get away with chosens jacket at any given opportunity, chosen trades his hair bands to get it back. Eyes glow a radioactive green, his lip is always busted from him chewing it, as are his cuticles from picking at them, is always a little wide eyed and sad looking even if he's over joyed just because his face has kind of settled like that, real case of "resting depression face"
Cannons turn!
Cannon second! Same hair as au, wearing the groups jacket and has is closed most of the time because he gets cold easy but takes it off to sleep, wears paint pants and shirt near always and there always covered in new color splash each day, convinced chosen to perce his ears and has a industrial one that he puts a spare pencil tool in after the box episode so he's never really disarmed, the other side has a little curser on a chain because he felt bad that Alan couldn't get a jacket. His eyes are still nuke green but they don't glow and his hands have calusus but he doesn't pick them like au infact he has them painted, heavy eye bags because he actually has to get up in the morning when the crew decides to have late night party's.
Red: fluffy red mop that he just cuts when ever it gets into his eyes, has the fellow headband to keep it off his scalp when exercising, cat ears, no really he has actual working cat ears and not normal ones, his jacket is hanging on for dear life and Is always at least a little off his shoulders even keeps it on when he sleeps, gym clothes even in the snow, bandages and gaze patches everywhere, his jacket hides the fact that he's fucking ripped because after the "blue punching obsidian" incident he got competitive and started working harder, he's up to diamond now. Eyes are whiskey colored have slits like a cats and he's sensitive to air changes just like cats are.
Blue: ties the group jacket like a cardigan around their neck when working in their garden or making potions so it doesn't get ruined, overalls are a farmers best friend, has the longest hair out of everyone reaching his knees, ties it into a bun for fights, braids it for potion making and sleep, and puts it in a ponytail the rest of the time, keeps it down when they plan on just hanging out with the guys. Has excessive nerve damage from the lava and can't feel if they've been cut or injured below their chest. Eyes are a very rich mahogany that gained purple flecks after a while of messing with potions, red asked Herobrine about it and it turns out to just be his body gaining immunity to most of the bad side affects potion making gives you (turns out his neather wart addiction is actually fairly common among potion makers because it helps build and keep those immunities which are important when experimenting)
Yellow: blond typical trans boy hair cut, meaning under shave with a quiff, has the jackets sleeves perpetually shrugged up his arms, only closes it when working on a more advanced machine, under shirt is stained red and he doesn't own a single pair of clean cargo jeans all of them have at least one mend in them. The bridge of his nose is stained red from rubbing there when he had redstone on his fingers, his fingers themselves are also permanently red, where's glasses near identical to Alan's, his eyes are a washed out pinkish rose, almost gray.
Green: for the longest time had an an uncontrolled frizzy mess of hair I'm talking untamable never seen coconut oil 3c, but after they sticks where introduced to dj, he managed to wrangle them into locks, DJ helps him braid them best he can if he ever wants to clean up but it's either dreads or spending hours everyday calming them. Only one who wares the crew jacket like a normal person, also the only one with a normal clean and sensible wardrobe in general, likes skirts but considering it's a bitch to fight in them only wears them when going out and knowing the others won't start a group bonding brawl, always has both head phones and earbuds on his person and is the only one too keep his phone intact and not broken. Eyes are hazel mixing green and gold with flecks of blue around the center, has audio processing issues and it helps him understand people if there's a background noise of some sort also fights better with a beat. Also has really bad tinnitus and always has, it's been made worse by recent fights though.
Purple: curly hair more of a 3b or 3a, keeps it in a single braid so it's easier to keep track of and care for, mango helps them with it in the mornings, the most recent one to get a jacket after the king stuff went down. Likes fancy and just nicer clothes like button ups and poets shirts and leggings, has bird wings because there mother was made for a stick flight animation test, but there weak and they can't fly like there mom can, they can hover and glide but they need an elytra to act as basically a sort of brace if they want to propel them selves, and even then they can't get to high speeds without rockets. Has orangy red autumn colored eyes like there mother.
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ellaswindley · 24 days
Improving as an Illustrator 5 - Monster High
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As I said in my last post, (which you can find here) one of my main goals now is to really start designing my characters. What I mean by this, is that I want to create strong character designs that my illustrations can portray. I think this practice is integral to creating an interesting illustration.
One of the things that I noticed in my Littlest Pet Shop studies was that the bear representing myself was far more successful than the dog representing Harry. This was because my bear had a bolder colour palette that was conveyed with strong patterns. I think that you can perceive a personality just from the look of my bear. One would assume that they are bright, childish, and an artist due to the paint splatters, whereas I'm not sure that anyone could pick up any personality from the dog that represents Harry, due to its simplicity. So my goal was to create a strong character design and illustrate it. I also wanted this design to be humanoid.
I looked around my room for inspiration, and immediately felt like an idiot. The obvious answer was staring me in the face – and I mean that literally. You see, above my TV stand is a shelf of 27 Monster High dolls.
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These dolls are part of a franchise that is based on the children of classical monsters.
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So for example, these three characters are Draculaura, Frankie and Clawdeen, which respectively are the daughters of Dracula, Frankenstein, and the Wolfman. You can tell which doll corresponds to which name without me telling you, due to the very successful character designs. If you’ll allow me to go on a tangent, I would like to analyse how these designs are successful.
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To start with Draculaura, she is perhaps the weakest of the three in some ways, and the strongest in others. Her pink skin and hair streaks are not emblematic of any pop-culture vampiric designs, but her bat pet, semi-Victorian Gothic clothing and fangs work well to convey that she is a vampire. I wouldn’t say that she is entirely successful in portraying her monster type, but she is successful at being an iconic character design. If you google ‘Monster High’ and scroll, you will see that almost all of the images feature her.
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This design lives on as iconography for the brand, and the pink skin and streaks work to make her incredibly unique.
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For Frankie, she is much more successful at conveying her monster heritage. The white and black streaked hair harkens back to the Bride of Frankenstein, whilst also fitting the hair styles found in the late 2000s. The neck bolts and stitches over her body are clearly representative of the classic Universal design of Frankenstein’s monster. Her plaid dress is meant to represent her personality, which is that of a 15-day old school student. I kind of wish the dress was less basic, and perhaps had a more interesting pattern. But her studded belt and lightning bolt earrings make up for this simplicity, and introduce a cool ‘electricity’ element into her design which references the lightning used to bring Frankenstein’s monster to life.
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To finish with Clawdeen, her design is my favourite of the three. Her colour palette is far less monochrome, and this makes her stand out. Her ears and fangs convey that she is a werewolf immediately, and her outfit is so clearly 2000s-inspired. The fur trim furthers the portrayal of her animal qualities, as well as the claw-scratch pattern on her shirt. The collar does this too. However, the design is not overcomplicated, and design elements like her skirt and shoes work to compliment the more interesting elements rather than stand out themselves.
Overall, I found a tremendous amount of inspiration when I analysed the design of these dolls. Once I did it for these three, I found myself looking at all of my dolls in a whole new light.
The ball and chains found on the ghost, the blood-red on the zombie, the scales and fins on the seamonster. If I put these two dolls next to each other, you can see that they have the exact same colour palettes, but you would never confuse them for each other because their styling, makeup and clothes are so wildly different.
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Not to be dramatic or anything, but this series of dolls may contain some of the most interesting and inspiring character designs ever… At least for myself.
So I thought my choice was fairly obvious. If my goal is to create a unique character design in an art style that is interesting, what better franchise could inspire this than Monster High?
For consistency, I thought it best to create myself within this universe. Yes, I want to create a strong character design, but this entire project has consisted of me drawing myself and Harry and I don't want to break that pattern now, if only for my own satisfaction. I considered the essential elements that constructs a Monster High design and identified them as the following: colour palette, monster parent, and style influence. I filled out each of these categories quickly for a character that would represent me.
For colour palette, I thought that I should stick with yellow. Firstly, because I have created a yellow character for half of the representations of B and secondly, because none of the dolls on my shelf have yellow as one of their key colours. If my design were to be a real doll, then I think this colour choice would help to make her stand out. I also wanted a secondary colour and chose purple. This is because it is a duotone colour palette, and the colours are known to work well together. I also just love purple, if I’m honest.
For monster parent I struggled a bit with this one. All of the classic monsters have been taken, and done a million times by Monster High themselves and fan artists. Characters such as vampires are, in my opinion, so overdone that I would struggle exponentially to create a unique character of this species. So I had a good think about things that represented me. I am vaguely spiritual, as in I own a tarot deck or two, and have had psychic experiences. I also really like celestial design elements. So I thought that the Oracle (which is more of a concept than a monster but let's ignore that) would be a great parent for my character design.
For style influence, grunge would be a strong basis for my clothing designs. I created a concept sketch and the idea for a third eye came to me as a way to represent psychic abilities.
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I really like this character design, as it is unique whilst being simplistic in both meaning and execution. I think that the elements would suit the franchise’s established designs really well. If I were to design this character again, I would probably give them a few more unique design elements. Looking at it now, the design is a tiny bit uninteresting when it comes to the pattern and dress. However, I think the planchette bag is doing a lot of heavy lifting to elevate the overall design.
I then started a new file and began illustrating in the Monster High style. After all of my experimentations, I found that I was now able to reference a style by looking at it rather than tracing it. Here's a combination of all of the different elements I was inspired by.
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You can see the clear inspiration in places like the legs and the hands, but I am no longer relying on tracing. This is clear and significant progress and I could not be more happy to be at this stage in my development.
Like always, I coloured beneath my line art using the fill tool and used clipping masks to insert shading. This time however, I employed the use of gradients. This actually isn't very prevalent in Monster High official art, I just thought it might look nice and it really does.
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I'm really happy with this finished product. And if I'm honest, I don't really know how I'm going to match this again.
Overall this piece took me about two hours and I have no idea how. It feels so much better than everything else I've created during this development. everything about it is better. I didn't trace; It's a unique character design that is interesting; The line art is smooth and clean, but I didn't stress over it being so. Just everything works here for me.
As I mentioned before, there are other artists who create Monster High original characters. I know this because I follow them myself. I love to see them come up in my feed, and they always feel like they are supported by a community that is friendly and accepting. This planted the seed of an idea. Perhaps I should start my own Monster High art account.
I'm not sure at this stage. I really like this piece. But perhaps there's a style that I will prefer. This piece may be an anomaly. It’s great, but how often can I reasonably be expected to create strong and interesting character designs? I don't know. I feel conflicted.
I think for my next study, I am going to study the art style of a doll line that requires less character design and pre-planning. Hopefully this will help me figure out if I truly do love creating Monster High art or if I am just enjoying my newfound skills.
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animatorweirdo · 2 years
Imagine drifting away into Middle Earth with dragon eggs
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(This was kinda inspired in my discussion with the three wild dragons. I began to think how would Dany’s three eggs end up in Middle Earth and this is what came to mind. A little note: I know little about the Hotd books and only seen the show, so this might not be totally accurate so please don’t attack me for the details. I hope you enjoy)
(Also, reader is a male in this)
Warnings: might have some spoiler alerts, angst, death, violence, poor Helaena who deserves better, violent sea, sea snakes, possible dead characters and near drowning. 
-You were one of the dragon keepers of the Dragonpit. 
-Your father was a dragon keeper. He often took you there to see the magnificent mounts of the House Targaryen. You grew up adoring the dragons, and as time passed, you became a dragon keeper like your father. 
-You understood them deeply and treated them as more than just animals or mounts used for war. You even grew a special bond with one of them, the beautiful blue dragon, Dreamfyre. 
-She belonged to queen Helaena, but since you grew up together – Helaena did not mind you sharing a bond with her dragon. You two often spent time together with Dreamfyre. 
-Helaena was kind and sweet, and you did not mind her fascination with bugs and the strange words she often said. 
-You adored listening to her, and she equally liked listening to you when you talked about the dragons and the latest clutches of eggs. 
-You could even say you were in love with her, but since she was already married to her vicious brother. You did not push your boundaries. Even though: it pained your heart to see her neglected and alone in such a loveless marriage. 
-You were happy to be her friend and a confidant she could talk to when things in the court became too much to handle. You always tried to offer your best advice and comfort her when she needed a moment to cry. 
-It made your heart break when the blood and cheese happened as you knew how much she loved her children. 
-You had a chance to know them since Helaena sometimes brought them to see you and the dragons, so hearing how one of her sons got brutally murdered made you feel sorrow for her and her innocent boy. 
-You wished to comfort her, but you were not allowed to see her because why would a dragon keeper want to see the queen. You had no business talking with her. 
-So, you couldn't go and see her or check how she was handling the aftermath. 
-You learned of her death when Dreamfyre suddenly broke out from her chains, screaming in fright and pain. You knew about the bond Targaryens shared with their dragons, so you knew something was wrong with Helaena. 
-You rushed out of the Dragonpit to find her, but it was already too late.
-She had killed herself, and you couldn’t do anything but hold her dead body and cry for her and the god’s forgiveness. 
-It was a day when the most innocent Targaryen died and the day when your heart shattered forever. And it was all because of her brother’s selfishness to have revenge over an old grudge. 
-After Helaena’s funeral, you broke into tears in the shadows of the Dragonpit with no one but Dreamfyre to mourn alongside you. 
-The wound in your heart never healed, and you watched as the greens and blacks fought each other for the iron throne, people and dragons dying from left and right. 
-It was a bloody massacre. 
-You felt resentment toward the royal family. The greens started the whole mess, but the blacks were no better as they used inhumane tactics to ensure their victories. 
-You were glad it finally ended when queen Rhaenyra took control of King’s landing, and the greens were apprehended. Even though: you did not welcome them when they arrived. 
-You took care of their dragons and had pleasantries meeting prince Joffrey, who was a stubborn-headed boy but equally loving toward dragons like you, so you found something positive about him. 
-You found his presence annoying at first, especially when he knew little about dragons and their nature. You often stopped him from doing reckless things like mounting his dragon without a saddle or trying to feed the other dragons without proper safety measures. 
-You tried teaching him how to interact with dragons, and he listened — most of the time. 
-Other times, you walked him out of the Dragonpit and told him to come back when he had permission from his mother since he had a reckless habit of secretly coming to the pit. You are confident he sometimes comes just to bother you. 
-The little boy infuriated you to the core, but over time you grew to care for him in a way. 
-The little prince was lonely since his mother was still grieving the loss of his two brothers and didn’t allow him often to do anything. He would come to you since you listened to him more than anyone. 
-It made you feel sad because he reminded you of Helaena. 
-When Joffrey told you about a person named Shepherd, you became concerned about the news and rumors that spread across the city. The whispers about how dragons are the spawns of the devil. 
-It left you anxious since queen Rhaenyra brushed off the rumors despite evident signs of unrest among the people. 
-Before the storming of the Dragonpit, you were doing the simple round, checking on the dragons and Dreamfyre’s latest clutch of eggs. 
-She was protective of them, barely allowing anyone but you to check on them. It made your heart feel warmth that she only trusted you with her eggs and sadness since it made you think how Helaena would have loved seeing her dragon’s newborn eggs. 
-You were startled when you saw the queen’s dragon, Syrax, missing from her den. 
-You were even more terrified when you learned she was outside and Joffrey was riding her. 
-You knew dragons would throw off anyone who was not their rider. As you couldn't ride a dragon, the only plan you could think of was to release Joffrey's dragon, Tyraxes, and tell him to save Joffrey.
-Tyraxes quickly acted when he saw Joffrey fall from Syrax’s back, and you held your breath as you watched the situation unfold, fearing for Joffrey’s life. 
-Joffrey was near hitting the pointy roofs of the castle, but Tyraxes managed to catch him just in time – carefully gliding back to you as Joffrey was hanging from his dragon’s claws. 
-You caught Joffrey when Tyraxes dropped him to you. 
-You checked if he was alright before giving him the biggest scolding of his life. You were mad that he would secretly come to the pit and try to ride someone else’s dragon, putting his life in grave danger. 
-You made sure he knew what would have happened if Tyraxes didn’t catch him in time. 
-Joffrey apologized, then explained he was worried about the dragons and wanted to prove he could be brave like his brothers. He wanted to prove to his mother that he was not a helpless child. 
-You felt pity and hugged him, telling him you were glad he was alright and explained that his death would only cause more pain to his mother, and he took your words for it. 
-You ordered Tyraxed to return into the pit, then tried to walk Joffrey back to the castle, but then Shepherd and his savage flock of people arrived, separating you from the guards and leaving you defenseless. 
-You pushed Joffrey behind you, covering him from the violent mob who sought to cause harm to you and the dragons. 
-You managed to escape by going to the Dragonpit and blocking the door. You were taking the rounds by yourself, so you and Joffrey were all alone with an angry mob banging on the doors. 
-Fearing for the lives of the dragons inside the pit, you told Joffrey to help you unchain them all. 
-While Joffrey was helping you, you yelled in Valyrian at the dragons to warn them that they were in danger.
-You unchained Dreamfyre and told her she needed to leave, and to your surprise, she seemed to understand as she tried to comfort you from the fear and anxiety you felt during the moment. 
-You took a bag and grabbed her eggs. 
-You knew another way out of the Dragonpit, so you guided Joffrey and Tyraxes out of the pit with Dreamfyre. 
-Unfortunately, some dragons did not heed your warnings and were left behind to face the mob when they broke through the doors. 
-Your heart mourned for them, but you hoped they would survive the ordeal since they were not chained. They had a fighting chance. 
-When you found your way out of the Dragonpit. Dreamfyre and Tyraxes took flight as you escaped with Joffrey on foot. 
-You navigated through the path into the city, where you both witnessed a violent battle between the mob and the queen’s guards. 
-You tried to escape unnoticed, but soon some of the people in the mob came after you and Joffrey. They managed to surround you, calling you heathens and protectors of the flying devils. 
-Joffrey cried and hugged you as they held weapons and came closer, ready to kill you in cold blood. You held onto Joffrey and Dreamfyre’s eggs as you feared this was the end for both of you. 
-Tyraxes appeared to your rescue, sprouting fire upon the angry mob, and Dreamfyre landed right behind you, roaring and spitting fire upon those that dared to come near you. 
-You were glad she came to protect you and Joffrey. However, to your surprise, she then lowered herself down to you. You were astonished because she was asking you to mount her. 
-You two shared a close bond, but you always believed only a Targaryen was allowed to mount a dragon. 
-You asked if she was sure, and when she crumbled in approval, you almost saw Helaena in her gentle eyes. You quickly picked Joffrey, telling him to climb on her back before climbing yourself. 
-As Joffrey sat in front of you, you yelled for Dreamfyre to fly. 
-Dreamfyre pushed herself into the sky, saving you from the spears and arrows thrown at you. 
-When you saw the people who stormed the Dragonpit, holding the heads of the dragons that remained. You grew angry and yelled out a command to fire. 
-Dreamfyre heeded out your command and burned the people below you into ashes. 
-However, when you saw Tyraxes getting injured and the battle not calming down. You told Dreamfyre to fly away from the fighting. You didn’t want to risk losing Tyraxes in the bloodshed. 
-Joffrey yelled for Tyraxes to follow, and you both flew away from King’s landing, away from the violent battle. 
-You flew far away till you found a place where you could rest. 
-You looked after Tyraxes’s injuries and then tried to comfort Joffrey, who was crying and shaken by the experience. 
-He was worried for his mother and asked if you would go back with him to see her. 
-You told him you'd see her together once things calmed down. Your assurance that his mother was probably fine gave him some comfort.
-He huddled close to you, and you did not mind since he was a young child. He went through something no child should experience at their age. Even you barely handled it well. 
-You felt regret that you couldn't save the other dragons. They were innocent, yet the people slaughtered them like lambs. It made you feel horrible and like you failed as a Dragon keeper. 
-After resting through the night. You flew together through the sky to seek a safer place for yourself. 
-Joffrey was calmly sleeping in front of you as he was still tired after the long night. 
-You decided to fly to the sea to avoid detection. You were not sure if it was the right time to return to King’s landing, so you wanted to take Joffrey and the dragons somewhere safe before looking into it. 
-You did not realize you had got into something unknown when clouds and mist began to form around you. 
-You began to feel anxious when it was hard to see through the fog.
-Tyraxes kept up with Dreamfyre, so you were not afraid of losing him. 
-Joffrey woke up and asked where you were, but you did not know how to answer because you did not know where you were going.
-The wind suddenly became more powerful, and the sea below you started moving in violent waves. You had a bad feeling when you heard rumbles of thunder in the distance. 
-You told Joffrey to hold on as it began to rain and thunder. 
-The waves grew enormous, so Dreamfyre had to fly higher to avoid getting hit. 
-You struggled to hold on to Dreamfyre as she flew through the violent wind and storm. 
-Joffrey begged you to turn back as he was getting scared. 
-You looked around, trying to find land, but then you noticed something in the water. It was something big, and it was moving. 
-Tyraxes let out a roar, seemingly threatened by something, and before you even knew it, a giant creature appeared out of the sea. It was big and had a long serpentine body, so the only description you could have was a gigantic sea snake. 
-It came right at you, mouth open with razor-sharp teeth. 
-Dreamfyre managed to dodge the attack but then dumped on its tail, causing you and Joffrey to fall off her back into the sea below. 
-You both screamed when you got encased by the freezing water. You held onto Joffrey and Dreamfyre’s eggs, trying to remain above the surface. 
-The giant sea snake roared and came at you, ready to eat you whole. Joffrey screamed in fright as you both hugged each other. 
-Dreamfyre and Tyraxes fired at the snake, turning its attention away from you and Joffrey. 
-You both watched as your dragons tried to battle the giant sea snake, breathing fire through the thundering storm. 
-Dreamfyre attacked, but then the sea snake bit down on her leg, pulling her down into the sea. You screamed out to her, fearing to lose her like you lost Helaena, helpless and unable to do anything. 
-The sea snake’s body caused the waves to separate you from Joffrey. 
-Screaming, you tried to reach him, but the waves swept you away, and soon you lost sight of him in the storm. 
-At that moment, you prayed for God's mercy. 
-You struggled to keep yourself above the surface while holding onto Dreamfyre’s eggs as you drifted away into the unknown. 
-When the storm calmed down, and the sea snake was nowhere to be seen, you couldn't do anything but swim through the foggy sea. 
-Your muscles ache after swimming for so long. You could feel the fatigue trying to take hold of you, but you didn’t let it happen because if you did – you would die. 
-You were tempted because you weren’t sure if you could continue after losing Dreamfyre and Joffrey. 
-You were tempted to let go and allow fate to take you. 
-Your body became too tired to move, so you floated for a while, contemplating if you should give in or continue. 
-Dreamfyre’s eggs were the last thing that held your sanity. 
-You wished for them to live and have a chance of freedom, but you were not sure if you could even give them that anymore. 
-You were ready to die, so you closed your eyes and prayed the afterlife would be much kinder. At least you would be reunited with Helaena, Dreamfyre, and Joffrey. 
-Your consciousness kept you awake when you heard voices and sensed something big moving beside you. You felt hands dragging you out of the water, and your body suddenly became heavy. 
-You dropped against the floor, your muscles screaming in pain, and your eyes dropped down without control. 
-You heard the people talk in a strange language, and before your vision faded, you saw their ears oddly pointy. You then passed out into the dream realm, so you silently prayed these people were not pirates and took the eggs, the only things you had left in this cruel world.
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imachaoticghost · 4 months
Athena "Karma" Hansies (COD x Marvel OC)
For anyone wondering, this is the oc that Karma was based on. This (other than the name) is all canon for Black Widow! reader/ Karma. This is not proof read.
Note that this is also my visualisation for the many drawings I'll do of her.
Warnings : mentions of abuse, scars, blood, death, child death, child exploitation, SA, child experimentation, suicide, SH,
Name: Hanah "Karma" Leiner, (previously Athena Hansies)
Age: 19 (MW I) 24(MW II)
Height: 170 cm
Aliases: Theseus, Athena, Karma, Child (by Ghost, Soap and Price), sweetheart (by Graves), (by Valeria)
Gender: Non specific/ fluid (AFAB)
Pronouns: She/They/Him
Date of birth : january 1st (given by the Red Room)
Nationality: Russian
Ethnicity: Unknown
Place of Birth: Moscow, Russia
Languages: Russian, English, French, Spanish, Arabic, Italian, Portuguese, German, Dutch,
Sexuality: queer
Occupation: Reaper (previously), Task Force 141
Eye Color: Ice blue
Hair Color: Light brown, blood red
Haircut: Short wolf cut
Hair Type: loose waves
Eye shape: Almond
Eyebrows: Soft arch
Special Features: Scars along the left eyebrow corner and right lip corner, general little cuts along her limbs.
Piercings: Tongue piercing, Two ear rings and one ear chain (left ear), one ear ring and three metal beads (right ear)
Character moodboard:
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Color(s): Black, red, green
Flower: Red rose
Animal: Snake
Aesthetic: grunge
Song: She used to be mine by Chloe Adams
Food: Anything slimy
People: Graves, The Red Room, governments
Humourous, sarcastic, mocking, sassy, : basically a gen z, don't mind her, she's trying to cope
empathetic/people reader : she'll know how you feel, whether you like it or not. She's been trained for it.
loyal, loving, overprotective : basically a lost puppy, she takes loyalty to the people she loves very seriously.
strategic, logical : she's a widow, she can't not be it. Also, her mind is just running every possible situation in her head to choose the best one, it's her training.
street smart : she had to fend for herself during a year and a half, how can she not?
cold : the poor girl is trying to protect herself, just give her time.
impulsive, reckless : she's had rules for too long, she feels the need to not care and break them. She most likely won't think of the consequences that it'll involve for her unless it hurts someone else
blood lusted, people pleaser : She's traumatized. Yes, that'll be my only explanation.
stubborn and argumentative : no, she is not wrong.
touch starved, emotionally deprived : again, she's traumatized.
Has a big problem with authority : Trauma? Also, she's just ✨chaos✨ 
can't take herself or anything to do with her seriously : she's coping, I swear
mimicking mechanism : she's been taught to fit in, so she copies what the people do
Amazing intuition : This girl ha a sixth sense I tell you. She'll know when something's off.
Yes, she has PTSD. (I'll do my best, I promise)
Fighting, shooting, sneaking, killing, flexibility and fitting everywhere because she's an Elite spy ( an : the more I'm writing this the less serious I get)
Weapons: Anything, but she does prefer precision rifles and blades
Price gave her her callsign when he picked her up, realizing that she was driven by spite and chaos and that her morality was to give back what she receives. He promised to help her burn the Room to the ground.
She has slowly learnt to switch on and off from her reaper side thanks to Price and Gaz.
She swears, like a lot. If she's swearing in russian run for your life.
She has a snake tattoo all along her left arm.
She scratches her arms when anxious to keep herself aware.
She's buried deep in the abuse she has gotten from the Room and the people she's been loaned to. She often gets nightmares and anxiety attacks from her past trauma. But thanks to that she developed a dissociation technique.
She's worked in many dark places when she was too young.
She was loaned as a sex slave for a few months in an illegal club when she was young.
She was loaned to Valeria's organisation where V took care of her after a while there.
She lost her young sister to the program. She had to kill her herself because she didn't know how to follow orders.
She was the test subject for many modifications the Room brought to its widows
She was taught ballet and still dances to try and cope, bringing more artistic liberty to the traditional ballet she was taught.
She still fights to survive. Both against the room and herself, but Ghost now helps her once he first found her attempting to end herself.
Price is her dad, whether she wants it or not :)
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wardenparker · 2 years
Sassenach and the Spaniard - ch 8
Pero Tovar x female reader Co-written with @absurdthirst
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Delirious with sickness and near to death, Pero Tovar finds himself on the doorstep of a village outsider who nurses him back to health just before the winter snows descend. With a black cat for company, a mask on her face, and a biting wit that intrigues him, Pero comes to find out that his new companion is more than what she seems.  ✨  Inspired and influenced by Diana Gabaldon’s Outlander series. ✨ Reader is described as disabled and having hair long enough to cover part of her face.
Rating: Mature Word Count: 11.7k Warnings: **Blanket warnings for this fic include cursing, food mentions, references to previous sexual assault (multiple characters).** General danger, threats of violence (including threats of domestic violence), mention of infertility, some good fluff and a little bit of sexy talk for balance. Summary: The journey continues as our found family leaves the safety of their little Breton cottage for the last time and heads north toward Scotland. Never knowing how far behind them their enemy might be, every moment they are not moving at full speed is a moment of danger. Notes: This journey, for all its twists and turns, is so full of love and hope. It’s rainy where I live today, overcast and gray, and I’m taking a little bit of the love these two couples carry with them as a reminder to have an open heart and an open mind even when things seem bleak. Have a good Sunday, everybody 💖
Ch 1 ~ Ch 2 ~ Ch 3 ~ Ch 4 ~ Ch 5 ~ Ch 6 ~ Ch 7
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By the time the first pink rays of light start to brighten the sky, the small party of horses and people is nearly three hours from your cottage. Pero’s horse is the last one. His stallion snorting slightly at the pace and the contraption strapped to his flanks as Pero twists in his saddle to look behind him and checks the path. It is not perfect, you can tell animals have been through, but not their number or that humans are on their back. It will have to do.
“At least the ferry will be easy to hire.” Bundled in extra layers in front of Pero on Caballo’s back, you point a finger through the fog at the coast that has come into view. The crossing from France to England isn’t streamlined and simple like the Chunnel. It is a floating barge on a thick, tarred chain run by men who routinely extort the travelers who have no choice but to buy their fare from shore to shore.
“Humph.” Pero snorts and shakes his head. “Let me talk to them.” He looks over to where Briac and Arwena are talking over their horses’ heads. The blankets from your bed wrapped around them for extra warmth as the temperatures are even more frigid on the coast.
“Ho there!” The grizzled looking man on his ferry barge is used to being the gruffest looking man on any given day, but this traveler slides off his horse with an angry set to his broad frame. “Seeking passage?”
Pero scowls and nods. “For us and the horses.” He growls, making sure that his cloak opens to reveal his armor and his sword. He knows men like this, men who will try to cheat anyone they come across for a few extra coins.
“Hafta do two trips.” The man grumbles after a moment, sizing up the foreigner and his war horse along with the woman still riding it. “Yer wife and girl with their horses are plenty enough for this barge to take a’once. Can’t see to sink my livelihood over a bunch of foreigners.”
“The girl and the other man go first.” Pero shakes his head, his scowl deepening. “And you get your coins when we are all safely on the other side.” He’s used to being called a foreigner, but the idea that this barge is incapable of taking all of you at once is laughable. However, he’s not going to argue making two trips but the ferryman has lost his mind if he thinks he’s going to allow you and Arwena to go alone.
“No need to be choosy ‘bout it.” The ferryman huffs, as though he wasn’t very clearly going about his job in poor faith. “It’s tuppence per crossing,” he tells Pero with a wary eye. “Should charge an extra penny for that great war horse but I’m feelin’ generous today.”
“Good then.” Pero grumbles, pinning the man with a hard stare before he turns back to walk over towards Briac who has dismounted his own horse.
“We have passage?” Briac asks, his voice lowered so as not to give the ferryman any ideas about denying them if he has already agreed.
“We do but I don’t trust them.” Pero cuts his eyes back towards the ferryman. “He wanted to send the women and the horses over without us.” He motions you to move his horse closer and from the weapons he has, he pulls out the throwing axe he had been teaching Briac on. “Keep your sword visible. You and Arwena are crossing first. Wait for us on the other side.”
“Aye.” Briac swallows his uneasiness, putting all of it aside to make sure that Arwena is safe. “I’ve no doubt that Sassenach could care for herself, but Wena? I would sooner build a barge myself than let her out of my sight.”
“As much as I know Sassenach can defend herself, I will not be either.” Pero admits, although he knows your dagger is always close at hand. “I trust four people, and one of them is in China.”
Briac is not brave enough in the moment to ask if he might be one of the remaining three, but he nods and reaches for the reins of Arwena’s horse. “Come down, love,” he urges her softly. “And stay close to me. We will cross first.”
Pero makes sure that he’s the one that helps Arwena down from her horse. While Briac has come a long way, it would do well to have everyone involved in the ferry crossing to think that the rougher looking man would be highly upset if anything happened to either woman.
“Steady on, now.” The ferryman never moves an inch from his post, waving his direction to the younger pair with their smaller mounts. “Two by two, as they say. Steady on.”
Pero nods towards Briac and motions them forward. “They will not be asking for coins until we are both across.” He calls out, seemingly reminding the boy but really sending the ferryman a warning.
Arwena does not need to be told to stay close to Briac, already able to tell from the sneer on the man's face that she wants no more to do with this ferryman than is absolutely necessary. She clings to her soulmate's hand as he leads both horses onto the barge, keeping her face hidden as best she can. If her father figures out they have fled Brittany altogether, this crossing will undoubtedly be the one he takes.
Briac keeps a watchful eye on all of the men as the two of them are loaded up and the ropes are released from the small dock. The chains are slowly dragging them away from the shore and the land that Briac has known for his entire life. "It is a fresh start." He murmurs to his soulmate as he watches you and Tovar get smaller as the ferry moves towards their destiny.
He is right. She knows he is. But that does not stop the terrifying uncertainty in her heart from bubbling up, making her bury her face in his chest to hide the fact that she is beginning to weep for having to run away from home. Leaving with their heads held high and a new life decided on would be so very different from the feeling she has tonight - the feeling of stealing away like a criminal in the night covered in a cloak of shame. "I know," she murmurs back, though it is broken by tears.
"It is going to be alright." He promises her, crushing her to his armored chest and letting her cry all she needs to against his cloak. "We are very fortunate that we are able to travel with them."
"I know," Arwena sputters again, feeling ashamed in a wholly different way for seeming so ungrateful. "I—it is—" She huffs, mostly at herself. "It is not what we had planned."
"I know." Briac lets go of her shoulder and reaches up to cup both of his soulmate's cheeks, looking into her beautiful eyes. "I would never let you marry that man, to bear his children when you are mine and I am yours. I would rather give up my mother and father, everything I know to leave now than to see that monster touch you again. To know that he is hurting the woman who owns my heart." He vows seriously.
"I love you." Those words are clear and sound even through her distress, and Arwena leans her forehead against Briac's to try to calm herself. "And I will forever be grateful that you love me."
"I love you." He promises, just like he has every time he has to leave her, although this time he is staying by her side. "As soon as I can, I am making you my wife."
"As soon as we can." Arwena nods, watery eyes clearing a little as she reminds herself to be strong for him. Briac has given his entire life for her - to keep her safe and to be with her - and she does not want him to ever regret it for a moment.
Leaning in, Briac gives in to the urge to kiss her. Something he hadn’t been able to do in the village that they had lived in.
It's soothing. Calming in a very basic way. And Arwena feels like she can breathe again when they part. "It will work out." Whether the reassurance is for herself or for him, she cannot be sure. "It must."
“Yes it will.” Briac is as sure as Arwena is, but he puts on a braver front. Pero has taught him well and he will not let him or his soulmate down. “Come, let us watch the water.” He urges her to turn away from the shore and look out towards the future and the Isles they will venture to.
"On our way to our new home." Arwena leans into his side, willing herself to be steady in the face of adversity. To be grounded and confident. To show no fear. As she has seen you be so many times before.
It takes hours. The only sounds the clanking of the chain as it rattles through the eyebolt on the ferry and the stomping of the horses’ hooves, the grunts of the ferrymen and the lapping of water against the raft. It’s almost soothing in its rhythm but Briac is happy to see the shore loom closer through the winter fog.
When the empty barge finally comes into sight on the French side of the channel, you lean into Pero's side and chuckle half-heartedly in an attempt to break the tension in the air. "We could have fucked twice in the time it took him to return."
Pero snorts, the first break in his scowl since he dismounted the horse hours ago. His answer is a squeeze to your hip before he lets go and steps towards the small loading dock to pull the chain to bring the ferry closer much quicker.
"Your kin are safe on the other side." The ferryman tells him when the barge steadies in place and he can speak to the foreigner without shouting.
“Good.” Pero nods, but he doesn’t offer anything more. Oftentimes just being quiet will garner more information than asking.
"No guarantees they'll be that way for long." He huffs, eyeing Pero closely. "Get your wife here and we'll get you across as well."
“Sassenach.” Pero looks over at you and nods, reaching for the horse’s reins to guide him onto the barge. The war horse is used to being transported and he easily follows Pero up the ramp.
"Aye." Sticking to his side is the safest thing you can do mostly because you wouldn't trust the ferryman as far as you can throw him based on Pero's description of the man.
The two of you board the barge, Pero securing the horse to the post and turning back to look towards the direction of your cottage. “How is your gato doing?”
"She was napping on that last road." Binx stretches in her pouch at the sound of her second name - since she now responds to gato without any sort of pretense or grumbling - and meows softly like she is reaching for Pero. "Yes, preciosa, we're talking about you." you laugh, glad for a reason to smile as the sun climbs higher in the sky. On any other day, you might only be waking up now.
Pero chuckles, lifting the fabric that covers the small sling that she is in and peering in at her. “She might be the most comfortable out of our group.”
"Without a doubt." It is good to hear him laugh, like a balm over your already weary soul. "She will perhaps be less so when it is time to stay awake through the night, but I am sure that sleeping in her pack all day will more than make up for it."
“It is a good idea.” He admits, knowing the cat will wake him up if there is danger and she can see and hear better than he can. Especially in the darkness. “As soon as we get across, I want to put as many miles as we can between us and the ferry.” He murmurs to you softly, where the ferryman can’t hear.
"North until we are numb at the thought of it." You whisper back, nodding slightly as you watch the French coast start to shrink. The ferryman pulls away from the bank easily enough, a sour look on his unpleasant face.
Pero’s eyes flick back to the shore before drifting over to the ferryman. “He will not try anything until he has gotten his pay.” He reassures you, knowing that a skirmish may happen, but he is ready if it does.
"I am not above singeing a man who deserves it." Arwena has your dagger, but you have fire in your fingertips. "Or worse, if need be."
He appreciates that, he really does, but he doesn’t want you to reveal your talents unless it is dire. “Not unless your life is in danger. Yours or the girl’s.”
"I don't expect him to try more than robbing us." Keeping your voice down is easy enough given the noise of moving water, and your lips being so near Pero's ear where his head is bent down beside yours. "He would not be fool enough to try to touch me with you here, and Wena is safely on shore."
“I agree.” He growls in your ear, doing it on purpose to make you shiver. “He would be a dead man, Sassenach.” He promises you. “I don’t share.”
"Cruel." Looking into his eyes it's obvious that he did it on purpose - that he did it to tease you. You tut and shake your head. "I should never have let you know how much I enjoy your possessive streak."
His chuckle is low, rough as he caresses you with it. “It is good, because it is not something that I can change. You are mine and I am yours. You are lucky I share my cheese and ale with you.” He teases, knowing he would go hungry if it meant filling your belly.
"I am lucky." You will never debate that. Not since having him in your life. Everything that you've had to go through - everything that brought you through the roller coaster of your life - was all to place you at his side. "I am yours and you are mine and that makes me the luckiest woman there is."
“And I am lucky you believe that.” Pero’s eyes are constantly moving now that he is away from the safety of your cottage. He didn’t realize until now how comfortable he had been, how settled he had become and how he viewed that stone cottage as home. Security.
Silence falls between you, comfortable yet tense for the circumstances steal the quiet that usually inhabits the stillness in moments with Pero. You have never minded not talking too much, but right now you know that his keen ears are listening for any sound out of concert or any sight out of tune. He has never really cared for open water. Not deep water. He can swim, but he doesn’t like not being able to see the shores or the bottom. To this trip that unease adds an extra layer of tension.
"Odd time of year for a family to travel." The ferryman ventures, when it is clear from his huffing and puffing that he does not care for silence. He would rather speak of nonsense than not speak at all.
“Roads are clear.” Pero grunts, unwilling to correct the man. If he thought you all were family, then he would continue to believe that. “Less thieves to kill.”
"Not exactly movin' house though, are ye? Not with three horses and no carriage." These people are infuriating in their own small way, since he can tell that you all have something to hide, and he simply doesn't know what.
“We travel light.” Pero huffs, not appreciating the questions. It wasn’t his business; his business was to operate a ferry.
"Can see that." The ferryman grumbles. It's almost as if the foreigner is being deliberately difficult and that annoys him.
There’s a slight amount of glee to be had in frustrating the man. Pero grunts and decides to toss the man some information. “Wife’s carrying a babe and wanting to be with her family while she is growing.” Useless and false as the information may be, it is a plausible reason for haste.
"Bit of a leap from this babe up to your girl." Any tiny morsel of information will do, and the ferryman chomps at it greedily. "Good on ye.”
There’s a moment where he feels you tense up and he knows that he will be reassuring you that he doesn’t care about actually having babes with you. But if someone comes looking, they will be thrown off hopefully. “It was time for another.” He grunts.
"Family will be right pleased with the news, then." The man nods as he walks with the chain to and fro on his barge. Caballo snorts as though to disagree and Binx meows softly in agreement with her equine friend, both reactions making you crack a private smile. Even the animals know this man is a fool.
Pero lets the silence linger again, determined that this man won’t learn any other useless information about his party. His hand slides around you, under where Binx is nestled and he taps your tummy in amusement. If he thinks Arwena is your child together, the years are very vast between babes.
It gives you the opportunity to nuzzle into Pero and you take it happily. Acting the devoted wife is not acting at all, in this case. The unpleasant ferryman would see nothing but a devoted couple and their grown children and that was just fine - there is just enough lie in it to throw the magistrate off the scent if he comes this way in his search for Arwena.
Finally the shoreline creeps closer. Every grunt and rattle of chains that brings the barge closer makes him tense slightly. He can make out the boy and his soulmate on the shore with their horses and he breathes a slight sigh of relief.
“What dutiful children we have.” Pero’s relief isn’t lost on you, and you send him a smile that says you are sharing that emotion right down to your bones. Being separated so early in the journey - even for just a little while - made you tense.
“Yes they are.” Pero grunts. “I taught the boy well. It would have been inconvenient to have the boy gut someone before I could get here.” Briac has never taken a life, but the ferryman doesn’t know that.
You actually can’t stop the laugh that that draws out of you, smirking and smothering the sound with both of your hands while the ferryman looks at you like you’re some kind of psychopath for finding it funny that your son didn’t kill anyone in your absence. “Aye,” you manage to agree finally, looking over at Pero with amusement still dancing in your eyes. “That would have been mightily inconvenient.”
“It would.” Pero grumbles, frowning slightly but his own amusement is evident when he looks at you. “Boy took the dagger I wanted last time.” He huffs, making it seem more like the kid had a body count.
You nearly snort, but not as seriously as you can. “Aye. He did do that. Rascal.”
Pero scowls at you slightly and glances over at the ferryman to find him very interested in his task. “Greedy.”
When the barge has finally pulled up to the ramp, you follow Pero off and take hold of Caballo’s reins while your soulmate goes to pay for your fares. Arwena and Briac look even more relieved to see you than you are them, and you accept her embrace easily. “Say nothing until we are away from this place,” you remind her - a whisper in her ear.
Arwena nods seriously, her eyes darting between you and the ferry as if to try and gauge the situation, but she doesn’t say anything. There is a tenseness now that had her worried.
“Careful on the roads east and north, if you’re headed that way,” The ferryman offers gruffly. He fidgets as he waits for payment and offers a tidbit of information that he hopes might earn him an extra coin. “Bandits about. A deformed wife ought to be safe but a pretty daughter never is.”
“Good we are going south then.” Pero growls, itching to pull his blade out and cut the ferryman’s tongue out for insulting you. “My wife may have lost sight in one eye but she is not defenseless.” He promises.
“A good journey to you, then.” Sensing the foreigner is temperamental about his wife’s disfigurement, the ferryman wraps his calloused hand around the coins in his palm and touches the brim of his cap politely. It’s more manners than he’s shown to the traveler all morning, but he doesn’t want to be run through over an offhand comment.
Pero doesn’t respond, just wraps his hand around your arm and leads you away, cursing under his breath. “We will leave and head south before we make our way north.” He tells you quietly as he leads you back over to the other couple and the horses.
“What did the bloated insect have to say?” You ask, suspecting from the shade of red in Pero’s face that the ferryman angered him.
“Doesn’t matter.” Pero growls, turning around and scowling at the man who is watching the four of you with unabashed interest.
“Alright.” Trying to force information out of Pero is as useless as trying to get a pig to stop eating, so you just put it aside for now. You’ll ask again later if you remember to - when you’re further away and he’s had a chance to calm down from whatever is bothering him. “Mount up, then. Everyone.”
It’s a waste of time, but obviously the bastard is going to watch to see which direction your horses travel, so Pero guides the group south. Hopefully if any inquire, he will have given enough misdirection.
The detour loses you valuable hours of travel, as Pero only begins to guide you north again at a crossroads around sunset after stopping for a quick meal in the cover of some nearby woods. No one on the road would have seen four people and three horses bent over a meal, and you can start north again to put some distance between you and the detour before everyone gets too tired.
Pero keeps pushing even after darkness settles on the road around you. His eyes watching for any sign of trouble as he goes. He knows that soon all of you will need to sleep, but he hopes to be several more miles away when that happens.
Arwena is the first to get tired, nearly drifting off on her mount’s back. Briac notices, his sharp eyes always on her, and jolts her awake again. “We need to break,” he calls across the group, not saying any names out loud as he had been instructed. “She’s exhausted.”
Grumbling, Pero looks around and points towards a cluster of trees about half a mile up the road. “We’ll make camp there.” He tells them, turning towards you. “Send your gato ahead to check it out.”
“You can do that, can’t you, sweetheart?” Pulling Binx from her warm and comfortable sling, you wait until Caballo has come to a full stop before putting the cat down in front of you and watching as the war horse bows his head to give Binx a ramp to safely walk down. She leaps to the ground with about two feet left and takes off into the night at full speed.
Pero grunts, patting the horse’s neck as he lifts it again. “When we find our clearing, first thing will be a fire to see by.” He murmurs to you softly. “Then we will get you bedded down.”
“I am more worried about Wena,” you admit, knowing that of the four of you, she is the least physically active and going to be the most tired by traveling. Girls of her station aren’t expected to labor in any physical way except childbirth or waiting on the men in their lives, and Briac has never asked her to lift a finger. “She has not slept in two days, amor. It is no wonder she is exhausted.”
“I know.” Pero softens as he watches her sway in her saddle. “We will let her rest as much as possible. Tomorrow she might need to ride with me if she is too worn out.” He squeezes your waist gently. “Briac has never had another on a horse with him.”
“You will keep her safe, and I will have to content myself with being close to you under blankets in the night.” It’s said softly, with nothing but pride and affection for the man who is giving everything to help the teens that have come to mean so much to you both.
“Hopefully she will be rested but, it depends on how she adapts.” The chicken that he had butchered would be dinner tonight and he knows that tomorrow will be another grueling day so he can put as much distance between the ferry and his group as possible.
“I believe she will adapt well.” She has shown more spirit in the last few weeks and months that you ever thought possible, and that is something you truly adore in the young woman. “No one fares well on two days of no sleep and the heartbreak of leaving an entire life behind.”
“I agree.” Pero can understand that, he is grumpy when he doesn’t sleep. “I am glad we have not had any issues so far.”
“I only pray we continue the same way in the days and weeks to come.” You know it won’t be that easy, but a girl can hope. Nothing is ever easy, unfortunately.
Even though the gato is on watch, perched up on a limb above the group and you are securely in his arms, Pero finds it hard to go to sleep. He is exhausted, but still he cannot allow himself to relax enough to ease off. Pulling you closer, he presses his nose to your neck and breathes you in, hoping to calm his nerves.
“Amor, you need sleep.” The whisper is quiet, but his shuffling about had pulled you out of a precarious sleep full of anxious dreams.
“I will sleep.” He promises, pressing his lips to your neck. “I am just on edge.”
“It is understandable.” Turning over in his arms is slightly tricky, but you manage it without ever letting in the cold, and press a kiss to the corner of his lips. “You have been a wonder, amor.”
“I have been worried.” Pero admits quietly, knowing that he can tell you such things. Things that he wouldn’t be able to say to anyone else, not even William.
"About what, cariño?" For him to admit to being concerned is unusual. Normally he just huffs and grumbles and looks concerned without saying anything. It is only in the last few weeks that he has opened up more.
“If we are caught now, it will be difficult.” Pero huffs, pulling you close. “I am afraid her father will bring too many men.”
"I have no fear of revealing myself for what I am if that is what it takes to keep all of you safe," you murmur, aware that a hardened edge has crept into your otherwise soft tone. "He will find himself engulfed in flames like men of his temper have done to my sisters for hundreds of years, and I will not be sorry for a moment."
“Not unless your life or Arwena’s is in danger.” He insists, looking into your eyes in the darkness. “Do not reveal yourself for me.”
"That may be the first request you have ever made of me that I cannot honor." Yet your eyes never leave his, as there is no remorse in your refusal. "I would sooner fight for your life than defend my own."
“And I will not be able to fight for yours if I am worried about you.” He grumbles. “Just— please, Sassenach. I need you to …be safe.”
"It will take more than that man to tear me from your side, amor. I promise." When it comes down to it, you know that the only thing scarier than having something happen to Arwena or Briac for either of you is having something happen to each other, but that is something you may have to fight for now. And if it is? You will fight tooth and claw with all that you have.
You’re stubborn. Pero huffs but he doesn’t argue. Knowing that for now it will do no good. All he can do it push you forward. Once the Bans are read and the vows exchanged, there is nothing her father can do.
"We will all live to see happiness." You're determined to see it through. All of it. From Arwena and Briac's marriage, to getting them settled, to moving on to Inverness. The only question for you is what will happen when you reach that last destination on this journey.
“Go to sleep.” Pero urges you. “Morning will come soon and you need to be rested.” He is trained to go without sleep, but he feels himself relaxing slightly because he has talked with you. Sharing with his soulmate has made him feel like he is making the right choices.
"Te amo." Two small words, but when said with honesty, they make you feel as light as a feather; and they let you snuggle into his arms a little easier after kissing him good night.
“Te amo, mi amor.” Pero hums, his own eyes closing after one last brief glance around the camp with the low burning fire and the up at Binx on her perch. Her eyes wide and shining in the firelight, obviously watching for any danger. “Dulces sueños.” He whispers, drifting off to sleep behind you.
The smoke curling up from the chimney makes Padrig smirk. Wondering if you foolishly thought you could protect yourself and his daughter from him. The last time he had been alone, but the three other men, one of them Arwena’s betrothed, flank his horse and it would be a pleasure to make you pay for the wound that still aches when the cold settles in his bones.
“Think the bitch is still abed?” Dergen shifts on his mount, vexed at having to chase down a bride that was already bought and paid for. Arwena should be sitting dutifully at home - or already lying in his bed - not making him galivant all over creation on a chase for a wild goose.
“There are whispers that the whore witch that lives here has taken a man in.” His lip curls in anger at the thought. She denied him and yet spreads her legs for some other? He will make sure she does not enjoy him as punishment. She will cry out for mercy before he decides if he will kill her or make her his whore. “She has probably thought the snows will keep her safe.”
“The snows and a wastrel’s cock.” The snort from Dergen is derisive and their companions bluster in inarticulate agreement when he adds: “We’ll cut it off and feed it to the red-nosed bastard.”
Snorting, the magistrate shifts in his saddle, beady eyes watching for any movement. “We will wait another minute and then bust the door down.” He tells his companions before he raises his voice. “Arwena! Come out now and your punishment for running to the witch will be forgiven!”
When there is no sound or movement from within, the other two men riding behind shift in their saddles and dismount. The axes they carry will cut down a piddly cottage door easily enough. “Arwena!” He screams again, louder this time. “I will break this door down!” He should have known that the girl was reaching out, it was bad enough that the cobbler’s son shared marks with her. But this is a betrayal.
Dergen rocks uncomfortably in place, hand on the pommel of his sword like he’s seen nobler men do time and time again. The air of importance is all he has, and he clings to it, just as he clings to this seemingly ill-fated betrothal. Marriage to his friend’s daughter will legitimize him. Bolster his ailing business and bring in the money he needs to rescue it. That she is young and pretty and will bear him many sons to continue that business is added fortune, at this point. He was certain he had managed to stake his claim in her the last time, but the girl never grew. He would have to do better the next time. “Arwena!” He calls out, gruff and sniffling with the cold making his nose drip. “If you will not obey your father, obey the man who will be your husband and come out now!”
Padrig growls, spitting out a curse and hating how she is refusing to obey him. “Bitch! You’re going to pay for this!” He promises, talking to both you and his daughter. He turns to the other men at his side. “Break the door down but don’t kill anyone yet.”
It would be comical to anyone else watching, to see two large men with frightful axes attack a door that simply swings open as soon as their blades collide with wood. They fall forward slightly, still tightly grasping the axe handles that are now firmly imbedded in the door, and look around in surprise. The fire is banked and smoldering, a few belongings still populate the shelves of one wall, and the furniture remains, but not much else. The younger of the two brutes pulls his axe free and turns to the magistrate in dismay. “There is no one here,” he reports, eyes downcast as though he’s afraid to be beaten for simply being the bearer of bad news.
Padrig huffs, not believing him as he grunts and dismounts his horse, rushing forward. His friends aren’t smart, they are dim-witted, but they enjoy the power that comes with being associated with him. Boosting his ego and doing the unpleasant tasks he doesn’t wish to do himself. The cottage is empty however and he kicks at a chair. “Fuck!” He roars. “We must find the wenches! They cannot have gotten far!” He seethes. “Briac will be beaten sorely for this.” He knows she must have gone to him. You and his daughter aren’t smart enough to plan an escape.
Dergen shoves the brutes aside, dismayed that they are now dealing with an escape and not just an attempt at hiding. He thunders around the cabin as though throwing his considerable weight around will someone shake the residents out of hiding, but what he is met with is only silence. There is, though, unfortunate evidence that cannot be denied. "They must have another with them," he reports, practically growling when he comes back out to Padrig's side. "There are four cups on the table inside."
“Then the rumors are true.” His eyes narrow and he looks around the clearing. It’s obvious now, your roof is patched and the entire area looks like a man has been working. The stack of wood high, and there had been a number of animal skins brought in by the whelp to the tanner. “Mount up, they can’t have gotten far. We will chase them down, kill the boy and the man and drag them back by their hair.”
"It will be fun to finally burn the witch." Swinging back up onto his horse, Dergen grunts and starts surveying the area, snarling at the layer of fresh powder snow that is obscuring any hoof or footprints that might have been visible even a few hours ago. "North," he decides, seeing less snow on the lower-hanging branches along the road in that direction. As though it had been shaken off by riders' heads or shoulders. "The fools have gone north in this cold."
“I told you my daughter was comely but she gets her brains from her useless mother.” Padrig snorts.
"Easy to lead astray but easier to beat into submission," the larger man huffs. "She will learn."
Huffing, Arwena’s father grabs the reins of his horse and turns his mount. “Let us go teach them lessons they will not soon forget.” He growls, eager to see you yield and plead for mercy.
Unprepared for a chase, the group returns to the village for warm clothes and provisions before setting out north toward the shore. It is well past midday when they arrive there and the ferryman that greets them is bundled against the cold. "Ho there!" He calls, pulling off the hood of his cloak and struggling to his feet when he sees the group of riders approaching. "Be you gentlemen requiring passage?"
Padrig grunts, sizing up the man. “Have you had many approach you today?” He asks, making sure the man sees the coin purse at his hip.
The ferryman's brow scrunches before he manages to smooth his expression, making him look dumbstruck before he attempts to look worldly. "Some fair few." He answers, shifting his weight a little. The man closest to him is tall and broad, cutting a distinguished figure in his expensive clothes. "Travel is heavy this new year."
“I’m looking for some kin of mine. Might have used your ferry.” His hand rests on his sword as he strides closers. “Two women in the group. One of them less an eye with a nasty scar.”
“Might’ve done.” He answers gruffly, unsure if he can wrench any coin from this wealthy man for the information. He did overhear the younger man speaking of running away, after all. Little whelp couldn’t keep his voice down enough. “Memory ain’t what it used to be, I’m afraid,” he says, glancing at the coin purse on the man’s hip. The group was unfriendly and unsettling, so if he’s going to share gossip he may as well be paid for it.
There’s a tense moment where he contemplates pulling his sword. With threatening the man, but he might be told lies. Instead, Padrig rocks his jaw and pulls his purse open to pull a few coppers out. “How is your memory now?” He asks, staring at the man as he drops the coins on the ground.
The pennies hit the ground without a sound, but the ferryman doesn’t miss the chance to count them in the air. Three pennies is a start - a decent start at that. But only a start, since he’s not dunce enough to chance getting cursed by that witch without having something to show for it. “Aye, seems to me they came through with two men,” he offers, scooping the coins out of the dirty snow on the ground. “The older woman’s husband is a foreigner. Whelp talked local, though.”
Dergen snorts. “That ain’t her husband.” He chortles but Padrig sneers at the idea of there being a potential foreigner. What type of foreigner? What was this man and why had he come to the village he controls. “When were they here?” Two more pennies come out to clink against the others on the ground.
“Not sure. Didn’t recognize the accent.” The ferryman doesn’t scramble, but his hand quickly shoots forward to scoop up the newly dropped coins and he inspects the now five in his hand with greed. “First light,” he reports, when he deems all the coins to be real. “An’ if he weren’t her husband, they’re at least soulmates. Shared the scar and all.”
That is news. Some that makes the magistrate hiss in anger. The bitch managed to summon her soulmate through some black magic no doubt. Wanting to protect herself from him. It wouldn’t matter, no one would stand in his way. His eyes flit over to the barge. “We need to get across.” He pulls out a gold piece and holds it up. “This is yours if you tell me what direction they went on the other side.”
That much gold would feed his small family for the whole winter, and the ferryman swallows thickly as he stares at the coin. “S-south, my lord,” he answers as soon as he opens his mouth. “They had provisions plenty and seemed to be fleeing, but the foreigner said they were headed south.”
“South.” He smirks and nods, this time handing the coin to the ferryman. “They are fleeing. The witch kidnapped my daughter and dragged her from her betrothed.” He motions towards Dergen. “Get us across.”
“Ye best know, then.” The ferryman jumps forward to take the reins of the horse the betrothed man was riding when he hops down, and does the same for the rich man’s mount. “They’re claiming her as their own. Calling her daughter.”
Snorting, Padrig shakes his head. “Fools.” He spits. “The witch has been a blight on my village that I tolerated for too long.” He grins at the other men he rode with. “Tonight, we will see if she will squeal when stuck with a stake.” He chuckles at his own crude joke, even though it does not make sense.
Four men and four horses fit easily on the ferryman’s barge no matter what he had told the deceitful group this morning - and now he is doubly glad that he had overcharged them. “The foreigner looked a warrior,” he offers, wondering if there is still coin to be had in more information. The group had made an impression on him. “Wears armour and rides a war horse.”
“Memory is a lot better now.” The magistrate quips, smirking slightly. “What else. Everything this time.”
“Comes and goes with age, milord.” The ferryman mumbles sheepishly. Not that he feels any remorse, he just doesn’t like being called out. “The girl and the whelp seemed…secretive. Whispering together when I took them across. She was mighty fearful, but I suppose she knew you’d be findin’ her soon enough.”
“She believes she knows better than her father, than her betrothed.” He growls, shaking his head. “The whelp wants to entrench himself in my family and means to do it through her.”
“She’ll learn soon enough.” Dergen grumbles, shifting his cloak on his shoulders. “Mercy is a reward, not a right. Have to earn it, she will.”
“When you plant your seed in her, she will learn that we have done her a blessing.” Padrig nods, although he’s more eager to get his hands on the bitch that gave him his scar on his thigh and to see what kind of man has a soul that is bound to the devil.
Each day that passes is the furthest Arwena has ever been from home. Every hoofbeat to the tightly-packed earth the sound of her former life being left further in the past. There is nothing but newness now, yet a sense of comfort is impossible to ignore when the night’s campfire is lit and the four of you crowd around it and wait for your evening meal to cook. Game is scarce on the road but not impossible to find and Pero is a formidable hunter that has taught his impressive skills diligently. Briac’s talents with a bow are to be envied - and the large hare that you split between you last night with a handful of stewed mushrooms sits warm in her belly even this morning.
Sharing Pero’s horse as she now sometimes does, Arwena’s keen sight is helpful at the front of the group of travelers. She can spot the signs of life from a far-off village or a bird that may be their midday meal with much more ease than the others and more than that - she knows the bird songs that will bring them to the group to keep their bellies full and their minds clear. A different kind of huntress, but skilled nonetheless. This morning the skies are murky, warning of snow that will slow their progress. There is hope, though, as Arwena points to a speck on the horizon in the distance. “A village,” she tells Pero with certainty. “If snow is coming, we may be able to lodge in someone’s barn until the storm is over.”
Pero looks over at you, seeing the exhaustion on your face despite your determination to move forward. He nods. “It will be good to give the horses a rest. Look for a place away from town.” He calls out to you and Briac.
The sound of your name brings your attention from the road and you steer Arwena’s docile horse toward Pero to catch up with him in just a few extra strides. “Are we sheltering from the storm?” You ask, knowing that powering through a heavy snowfall would be dangerous for the horses.
“We are.” Pero nods and looks over the landscape. “Look for shelter away from the main village.” He orders you, knowing you understand that the fewer people see your group, the better.
It takes a bit of searching to find a farm with a big enough barn on the outskirts of the village, but that is a good thing. Staying hidden is imperative, and all of you know that. Arranging your hair and a head covering for modesty, you can keep your eye hidden so as not to alarm anyone who may be in the farmhouse when you leave Pero, Arwena, and Briac on the edge of the road. It’s best that you approach and not any of them alone, and you knock swiftly on the door hoping the owners are home. Smoke curling out of the chimney says they are, but you simply can’t assume.
There is shuffling inside, the scrape of a bar being lifted, and the door opens with a blast of heat from a fire. “Yes?” It’s a man about Pero’s age, confusion and surprise written on his face. He hadn’t been expecting visitors. A woman, most likely his wife is peering towards the door from her place in front of the pot, stirring its contents. “Who are you? Why are you out in this snow?”
“My family and I are traveling.” The safest lie is the one closest to the truth, and you’ve been telling people that Arwena is your daughter, Pero her father, and the truth that Briac is her soulmate. Of course, you never have used your real names along the way. “We are not beggars or brigands, only traveling on our way north and hoped you might be kind enough to let us shelter in your barn until the storm passes.” As if on cue, a few snowflakes fall from the sky, lighting on your shoulder. The man need never know that you summoned them yourself. “We can offer coin in thanks.”
The man who owns this cottage frowns, looking around you to the three that are waiting near the road. He shakes his head. “Barn isn’t fitting.” He tells you gruffly.
“If repairs are needed, my husband and boy can make them.” It would be easy enough for you and Arwena to do a lot of chores as well, but you don’t say so. The man has no need to know of your magic. “Please. We ask nothing more than shelter.”
“Harold—” His wife huffs at him and he twists around to look at her.
“Put some water on to heat.” He tells her before he turns back to you. “I meant that I cannot allow you to stay in the barn when my wife and I have room in front of our hearth.” He tells, giving you a small smile. “Especially a family.”
“I—” If you weren’t so bone tired you could break right down and cry, nodding your thanks to the man’s wife and to him as well. “Thank you,” you sigh out, rubbing your cold arms. “You are blessedly kind. God grant you every happiness.” The grateful rambling gets the better of you for a second before you nod again. “We will put up the horses before coming inside. I will make the evening meal, in thanks, if you will allow it. I’m told my cooking is my blessing.”
“Come inside and warm yourself.” He insists, opening the door wider and motioning you inside. “I will go help your men with the horses.”
“I thank you.” Carefully lifting Binx out of her bundle at your chest, you whisper quickly in her ear - to give Pero her signal that everything is safe - and set her off in the direction of your small family before stepping into the warm cottage. “And thank you, mistress. You have a good heart.”
“Call me Claro.” The woman wipes her hands on her apron and rushes over to help you out of your many layers. “We could not call ourselves God fearing if we turn away poor souls in this weather. The barn is for the animals, the home is for people.”
“Not everyone has space to spare, and we would not dream of asking for more than is necessary.” The space she has cleared in front of the hearth is large, and the farmhouse even has a loft where you can see bedding peeking out at the edge. It’s well-appointed and clean, and probably a better welcome than you would get at an inn. Not to mention far less conspicuous.
“We have not yet been blessed with children.” She murmurs softly, a slight sense of melancholy in her tone. Her fingers quickly help pull the layers off you and she stares at the sling when it is revealed. “You– I saw a creature run off. Was that in here?”
“A very clever cat that has been my companion for quite some time.” Even the mention of Binx is enough to bring a smile to your face, and you lean closer to the bright fire. “She is quite the mouser. If you have issue now, you will not by the time we leave.”
“That is brilliant!” Claro’s eyes widen in delight as she examines the little sling you created. “Keeping her warm and safe under your layers while you travel. Have you come far?”
“Sometimes I cannot tell if it is days or weeks,” you joke, not wanting to give an exact time frame in case someone comes through the village looking for you. “She is patient while we ride, though. Which is a mercy.”
“That is good.” She turns back to put a pot of water over the fire to warm. “You do not have to help cook. I know you must be tired.”
“Please allow us to show our gratitude in some way?” These people that you stumbled across are kind, there is no doubt about that. But food and wood for the fire and even drinking water are all very real resources that will be depleted as they share their space with you, and you don’t want them to have to go without even for a moment down the line.
“It has been a long time since I have cooked with someone.” She offers shyly. “My mother passed on two winters ago and it has been just myself and Harold rambling around here.”
"I would be honoured to share your hearth with you." It sounds like a fine way to pass the evening, and you know Arwena will join in as well when she comes inside, glad for the company and the warmth. "My daughter is a deft hand with cooking as well."
“You have a daughter!” She exclaims, her eyes widening again happily. “Oh, Harold must send her in!”
It was a lie of convenience, as most people just assumed that Arwena was yours and Pero's, given her age and her closeness with you. Even though you still call each other sister to some people you've met on the road, it is nice to think of the kind of family you might have had if not for unfortunate circumstances. "I am sure she will come in with her betrothed. They stick close together."
“Lovely.” She sighs softly and rushes about to make sure that she pulls enough supplies out to make a larger dinner than what she had been making for her and Harold. “I am glad you found your way here before the snows were too bad.”
A soft tapping on the door frame is what heralds Arwena’s entrance, as she pushes open the farmhouse’s door with relative ease and quickly steps inside. “Here she is.” She has Binx in her arms and is shivering a little, and you stand up to immediately let her sit in front of the fire where you just were. “Come get warm, my girl. These good people are kind enough to let us into their home.”
Arwena gives Claro a soft smile and introduces her. “Hello. I am Arina.” You had all decided that new names for the three of you - you, Briac and Arwena - would be safer to use amongst strangers. Pero’s name was not known to her father so it was not an issue. “Thank you for your kindness. We are eternally grateful.”
“You are most welcome, Arina.” Claro smiles warmly. “Your mother was just saying you travel with your betrothed?” A storm in these parts at this time of year could last anywhere from an afternoon to a few days, so getting to know their lodgers was only polite.
“I am.” A quick glance in your direction confirms that you have deemed them to be trustworthy with the little information that has been decided is the official story of the ‘family’. “It is very fortunate that my mother and father find my soulmate to be very agreeable.”
“Cailan is a good boy.” Briac’s false name falls from your tongue as naturally as breathing, and you lay a hand on Arwena’s shoulder to give it a supportive squeeze. Letting her know that everything seems safe for now. “As handy with a needle as a bow, bless him. Good hearted, too.”
“It sounds as if your little family is very blessed.” Claro hums happily, pleased that the people who have come are pleasant and seemingly hardworking. “My Harold cannot sew to save his poor soul but his way with animals is wonderful.”
“A wonderful virtue in a farmer,” Arwena offers, holding her hands to the fire as you help her to strip off her layers so the heat can penetrate to her core and warm her up that much faster. “Father has a deft way with animals as well. Sometimes I think he likes them more than people,” she jokes, and shoot you a teasing grin.
Claro giggles and draws out some of the heated water out of the pot into a bowl and sets it on the table. “Let me get some rags. I am sure that after traveling, you would like to clean up.”
“You are most kind.” It’s true that you haven’t been able to clean up in more than a week now, and the opportunity is more than welcome. Even Pero will be glad of it, as accustomed to regular baths as he had from in your little shared cottage.
“I believe in treating other as you would hope they would treat you.” Claro brings a stack of rags and motions towards a screen. “Use as much water as you would like. I am heating more.”
About the time that you and Arwena are feeling satisfactorily clean again, the farmhouse door opens once more to admit the three men from the cold. Harold’s expression of skepticism has vanished and even Briac is smiling despite his exhaustion. Pero looks mildly less annoyed, which makes you smile when you emerge from behind the screen with scrubbed-clean skin and your hair careful re-styled as much as styling ever could be in under the circumstances.
Pero hates having you out of his sight, so his relief when he sees you makes the furrow of his brow even out. It has been stressful on the road, knowing that Arwena’s father is no doubt tracking your group. Not able to lock you away and guard the door has made him surly and now that there is a roof over your head, he is pleased to see the smile on your face. “The animals are resting.” He murmurs, reaching for you and pulling you close. He doesn’t kiss you right now, unsure of how these kind strangers would react, so he merely presses his forehead against yours.
“And how does my husband?” The small cue lets him know the white lies you’ve told about your family – namely that you are a family. Your arms around him are the most relaxing thing either of you has felt in days, the pure simplicity of simply being able to hold each other not being lost on either of you.
“Better now thanks to our hosts.” Pero had thanked the man while storing the animals. Trying to give him some coins for your stay, but he had refused. Insisting that their company was payment enough, although he had not turned down Briac and Pero’s offer to hunt in the morning.
“We were most lucky to find them.” You can agree to that entirely, and sink into Pero’s tight embrace without hesitation. After the couple has gone to bed tonight, you and Arwena will most certainly cast a blessing and a spell of protection over the farmhouse to keep Claro and Harold safe.
Claro bustles around the house, obviously thrilled to be having people in her home. The winter was isolating and they rarely ventured into the village unless necessary so it is a treat to have people other than each other to talk to. She dumps the bowl out the door and pours a fresh one, steam rising before she puts it back behind the screen and motions towards Briac. “Please, feel free to clean up.” She insists warmly. “I will warm some mead to make your insides toasty.”
“Go and wash,” you murmur, urging Pero toward the screen with a gentle prod to his side. “I know you miss having a bath, despite what you might insist.”
He huffs at you, rolling his eyes slightly but he starts to peel the layers off quickly. His sword swings and he glances over at Harold. “We will keep our weapons nearby, but not on us, agreeable amigo?”
“Aye.” Harold does not know what ‘amigo’ means, but the sentiment is appreciated. He can understand wanting to keep valuable arms nearby and the traveler’s sword looks as though it costs quite a bit of coin. “There is nothing about for some distance but the woods, and if wild animals make their way inside we will be glad to have an armed swordsman.”
Pero nods to Briac to start removing his own weapons and armor. “Thank you for your kindness. My wife and daughter are in need of rest and warmth.” It’s amazing how they believe that Arwena is your daughter since she looks like neither one of you, but they have not questioned it. Family can be found as you like to tell him.
“Without wishing to be rude, may we ask why you are traveling through quiet country in the dead of winter?” Harold sits down with Claro and puts one hand to his wife’s back, rubbing it softly out of a long-internalized habit. “Seems to me to be inviting danger unless it could not wait.”
“It could not wait.” Pero has been a liar most of his life, although once words just fell from his tongue, he has a hard time lying to these good people. Although now the lies are for your protection so he continues on. “My wife’s father is dying and he wishes to see his treasured daughter one last time before he meets his maker.” He had decided this would tug on heartstrings as the four of you travel. “We are trying to get her home as quickly as possible.”
“We are sorry to hear of it.” Claro nods solemnly, thinking of her own departed mother. “Do you have much further to travel?”
“Aye,” you nod, thinking momentarily of the enormous difference between where you’re going now and what it would take to get home to your actual father in twenty-first century America. “Another week, we expect. So long as the skies to not delay us too many times.”
Skittering behind the screen once he is sans armor, Pero barely keeps from groaning at the warmth of the water and feeling clean. As much as he would want to strip down and wash every inch of his body, he doesn’t take too long, knowing the boy would like to clean up as well.
It doesn’t take long until Claro and Harold are engrossed in conversation with Arwena and Briac, sitting before the fire and sipping mead while the stew assembled by all three women bubbles away over the fire. Arwena is explaining some of the herbs she had added to the food that Claro had never seen before, and is teaching the farmer’s wife what you know to be a very basic potion of good intention, under the guise of showing her a delicious drink to warm her cold bones. You lean back, stuck to Pero’s side like glue, and sigh softly. It has been twelve days on the road now and this is the first time you have had to stop for a storm, but you were lucky to find people such as this and you all know it. For now, the luckiest part is that you can be held in this man’s arms again for more than just your sleeping hours.
“It will feel good to sleep inside tonight, amor.” Pero hums, his hand tightening on your waist briefly before he relaxes his hold.
“It will be good to feel warm down to our bones.” Turning your head slightly lets you leave a kiss on his clean jaw and you smile. “We will all feel better after tonight.”
He hums, eyes sharpening brightly for a moment before he blinks, back to the same dark amber that they normally are. “Gato is enjoying the fire. Not having to stand watch.”
“She does love a warm fire.” Even in summer, Binx could always be found at your hearth as you cooked and made your potions, enjoying the crackle and pop of the flames. “I wonder if you will fully rest tonight, amor? Try to let yourself believe that the night will be calm.”
“A barred door will go a long way.” He admits quietly. Even though the gato was standing watching, he still woke through the nights most times. The last one asleep and the first one awake. “Plus having you close always comforts me.”
“I am always close to you.” Squeezing his hand tightly, you quickly make sure that no one else is paying attention before turning entirely to face Pero. “But there is…there is something I have been thinking of, if you have a mind to speak of it with me?”
“What is that?” Instantly, he knows you want something, but he doesn’t know what. Whatever you want though, if it’s in his reach to give it to you, it’s yours.
“I have given the situation most of my thought since leaving the cottage.” You admit. On the road there is nothing to do but keep watch and think. Drawing yourself up so you can look him in the eye, you give his hand another tight squeeze. “And I have decided that I do not wish to go back through the Stones.”
The rare sound of your real name falls from his lips, eyes narrowing as he searches yours and widening when he finds nothing but honesty in them. “You want to stay?” He whispers, dumbfounded by the idea of giving up the ease in which you had lived your life before coming back here. “With—” he swallows harshly, unable to ask the rest of it.
“With you.” That is the entire thrust of it, so to speak, and you swallow down the tears starting to prick at your eyes. “I would rather spend a thousand lifetimes here with you, cariño, then even one without.”
“I will— you will never regret it, amore.” He promises you, knowing he will break his fucking back to give you all the luxuries this time can afford. His hand finds your cheek and his thumb grazes the bottom of the scar that adorns your ruined eye. “I do not deserve someone as beautiful as you. Inside and out.” He admits. “But I am grateful the stars decided you should be mine.”
It had become clear to you, over the weeks and months, that as curious as Pero was about the future? He had very little desire to visit it. When that was finally clear to you, the decision seemed to make itself. The answer is right in front of you, in the form of a flawed man doing his best, and being better than he will ever give himself credit for. “Does that mean…” you have to laugh at yourself, holding back tears on a bench in the home of complete strangers. “Does that mean that you might want to stay with me, as well? Lay down your sword and make a life together?”
“Where you go, I go.” He tells you seriously. He had decided that he would go to your time. Despite his reservations about it. If it meant being with you, he would go back to fight those monsters in the East again, as long as you were there.
“Then perhaps we will find somewhere further north.” If nothing else you still need to get Arwena and Briac to safety, and you rope both arms around Pero to hold him close to you. “Somewhere we do not have to be outcasts.”
“Wherever you wish to go.” He promises, knowing that he will travel wherever.
A small giggle escapes you, a breathy thing full of love and joy, amused at how sincerely and quickly he is ready to promise to stay at your side. As deeply and truly in love as you have found yourself, he is matching you in every way. “Te amo con todo mi corazón.” I love you with all my heart.
“Eres mi mundo y mi todo.” You are my world and my everything. It was crazy how quickly you had become the most important thing in the world to him. A little lost, or purposeless when he had found you - rather, you found him. All that matters now is that you are together and you are happy. When you smile, it is like the heavens are shining on him.
Taking the moment for what it is, a soft kiss between you feels like the sealing of a pact, and you savor it. Who knows what will come on this long road you have chosen, but with Pero by your side you feel certain that you can manage anything that comes your way.
“I wish—” his eyes drift over to where the two couples are talking and he wishes that this was a safe place for the four of you. He could see them enjoying the kind couple’s company. His voice lowers even more. “I wish to marry you. When we witness the children wed.”
“Yes.” Nodding against him, you press another kiss to his lips before finding his eyes staring down at you in earnest. “Every time I call you my husband without it being the truth, my heart hurts.”
“You are already my wife in my soul.” Pero murmurs. “We are just making it real in the eyes of God.”
“Some would argue that that is the most important part,” you remind him. Unable to stop smiling, you nuzzle into him again and sigh. “I will do everything I can to make you happy, amor. I promise.”
He frowns slightly, shaking his head as he looks at you in bewilderment. “You already make me happy.” He promises you. “You are safe. You love me. I am happy.”
“Then I will continue to love you, and continue to be safe, and you will stay happy.” If it is as simple as that? Then he will never have a heavy heart again.
“I will stay happy.” He agrees, tugging you closer and he can’t help but lean in to let his lips brush against the shell of your ear. “Be even happier if you take the breeches off tonight and let me inside you. I have missed your warmth.” It had been too cold, too dangerous to undress while camping. He had rubbed your clit almost every night, but he has not been inside you since the cottage.
Barely managing not to snicker, you bite back a broad grin that tells him you’ve been waiting for the very same thing. “The barn,” you whisper back, laying a kiss on his pulse. “We will excuse ourselves to check on the horses.”
Pero shakes his head, smirking at you. “I was thinking in front of the fire. You can keep quiet, amore. Keep my cock warm for me?”
“Lusty, incorrigible man.” Even so you nod, flush with liquid heat and desire at the mere suggestion.
Pero chuckles quietly, knowing that if he were to slide his hands between your thighs he would find you wet. “Wait until we have a room in an inn to ourselves, amore.” He promises with a wink. “I will show you everything I have thought about while we have traveled.”
“That will make for a very memorable wedding night, I think.” And a very vocal one, if you know you and Pero.
Pero grins, a small growl that makes Binx lift her head and glance over at the two of you before dismissing it as just the humans doing their thing before she stretches out again in front of the fire. “As soon as the snow clears.”
Master Tags: @pixiedurango @chattychell @winter-fox-queen @lady-himbo @artsymaddie @princess76179 @paintballkid711 @missminkylove @pedrosbrat @ew-erin @sarahjkl82-blog @sharkbait77 @justanotherblonde23 @lv7867 @recklesswit @mylittlesenaar @f0rever15elf @gallowsjoker @steeevienicks @athalien @sherala007 @skvatnavle @thatpinkshirt @jaime1110 @girlimjusttryingtoreadfanfics @goodgriefitsawildworld @greeneyedblondie44 @katheriner1999 @littlemousedroid @harriedandharassed @churchill356 @ajathegreats-blog @hardc0rehaylz @beardsanddetectives @kirsteng42 @ladykatakuri @adancedivasmom @madiebear
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My Masterlist!
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revretch · 11 months
Hey! Big fan of your work - I've recently started delving into Blender animation, is there any way you could share the workflow u use when animating stuff?
Of course, but be warned that my workflow is highly idiosyncratic!
First off: Rigging. How I do it depends on exactly what I'm animating. If I'm rigging Sophodra, Gregorsa, or one of the humans, I'll use Rigify, which ships with Blender (though you'll have to enable it in add-ons). It's free, and for roughly human-shaped figures, it gets the job done.
For the other insects, and especially for the arachnids, it gets a little harder. See, arachnid limbs have a lot of joints, and most rigging add-ons aren't equipped to handle limbs more than three bones long--and I definitely wouldn't want to set up inverse kinematics for that many legs manually. So for those, I use an add-on called FreeIK, which you can get on Blender Market for only $30 (but be sure to read the docs!): https://blendermarket.com/products/freeik
FreeIK is amazing! It uses a method called "ephemeral rigging," which lets me pin any bone in place whenever I please, making it much more like animating a puppet and allowing a much finer level of control than traditional rigs. Sadly, that can be a little too much control on some model--hips on humanoid rigs will shoot out at random. For something like a spider, however, it's absolutely perfect! (I recommend using it in tandem with Selection Sets, another add-on that ships with Blender, to keep track of which bones you want pinned.)
Moving on from rigging, I also use an add-on called Onion Skin Tools. This one is only $10 on Blender Market: https://blendermarket.com/products/onion-skin-tools
As the name suggests, it lets you use onion skinning like in 2D animation. I couldn't imagine doing a walk cycle without it! With its help, I'm easily able to make a repeating walk cycle that loops in place while I move a parent empty around. (And if you're using FreeIK, you'll definitely want to be using a parent empty for placement. It's powerful, but bones can start behaving unpredictably if you get too far from the model's origin. I use two nested parent empties--one for walking, parented in turn to a master empty used for general placement.)
As of work on episode seven, I've also start incorporating Grease Pencil. Grease Pencil is an excellent tool all around, allowing you to do 2D animation in Blender! My style is cel-shaded enough that I can combine it with 2D. Not only do I use it for storyboard reference, but I also use it to draw on top of the scene, for where the 3D just isn't cutting it. I import the storyboards and other drawings with an add-on I made myself--Blender by default only lets you import black-and-white shapes, but my add-on imports as strokes, and can handle color: https://github.com/revereche/lineart_to_gp
I've also started incorporating AnimAll, which is fantastic (and also ships with Blender!). Shapekeys are already powerful tools, allow you to tweak the mesh manually when the rig isn't doing what you need. AnimAll lets you give each Shapekey multiple frames, so you don't need to set up a ton of Shapekeys to do one complex chain of movement. (Be warned it can cause file bloat, though, so use it wisely!)
As for the workflow itself, I go in this order, more or less (after writing the script and making any needed model adjustments, of course):
1.) Storyboarding. Since it's just me, they don't need to be great quality. The most important thing is making sure of the placements, getting the poses down in gestural strokes, and most importantly, getting the expressions just right.
2.) Recording voices. This can also be done before storyboarding, but I like to be sure of the scene flow before I commit. I used to start with rough placeholder voices, but ended up with awkward timing when the length of the final lines didn't match the original well enough. (Good thing none of my characters lip sync!) So, now I do the final audio on this step.
3.) Staging. Previously, this meant eyeballing the storyboard while I roughly placed the characters in the scene. Now, I import the storyboards in a Grease Pencil parented to the camera, so I can pose the characters to the storyboards more precisely. It preserves vivid gestures that would be easily lost in the CG stage otherwise!
4.) Props and backgrounds. Sometimes, I put this off until after animation, but it's really best to do it now. This can be mesh objects, planes I've painted on--or, often, planes I've painted on and extruded partially into mesh. I like to use Geometry Nodes for mesh wherever possible, especially when instancing many objects! It makes dealing with tons of vines (and humans) much easier. Also experiment with Shader Nodes, since generated textures are crisper than you would get with anything but very large texture images. (And if you're using Cycles, don't overlook displacement! Though you'll have to remember to turn that on in the sidebar preferences. That said, I mostly use Eevee, but am starting to look into Cycles for backgrounds.)
5.) Finally, final animation! I've already put the rough poses down, so I begin by cleaning those up, then adding any needed transitional poses. Then, I manually tweak the speed of the tweening, and offset the movements of parts that drag or bounce more than the rest (e.g. antennae). When a character needs to stand mostly still, I'll add a very slight bob for a moving hold, so they don't look like a mannequin.
After this, I render the image sequences, then put them all together in a video sequencing file. There, I add the citation blips, credits, and Gregorsa's Notes, as well as do some editing in post. Then, it's time to render the final video!
Hope that helps. I wish you luck in your future Blender endeavors!
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shade-pup-cub · 5 months
Febuwhump Day 1: ALT- Human Weapon
Fandom: LOZ/Linked Universe
Characters: Wolfie & Chain
CW: blood, injury, animal attack, Muddle Bud affect, death threat
Wild walked confidently into the makeshift arena that was lined with spikes and thorns. He had scoured every Yiga camp in the depths that was in proximity of their camp for his missing brothers.
In the center were three of the four missing heroes on their knees: Wind, Four and Time. Their wrists tied behind their heads, Sickles held threatening close to delicate skin. Wolfie was muzzled, tied to a stake in the ground. Wild’s eyes searched for their weapons through the cover of the red mask he wore, but they were too far to be of any use.
“Ah! Our newest Blademaster, how nice of you to join us.” The Blademaster standing off to the side said as he approached.
The heroes in front of him all had looks of disbelief as they recognized the blond hair sticking out the top of the mask.
“Now, as I was asking, where is the Champion at?” None of them moved, still looking at Wild.
The Blademaster walked behind Wolfie, gripped him by the scruff, pulling him taunt against the chain connected to the muzzle. “I remember this one, the Champion’s mutt. If someone doesn’t speak up, this mongrel will be the first to die.”
Twilight snarled at them as if telling the others to keep quiet, but they all knew an empty threat when they heard one.
“Eh, a dog is too easy to dispose of. It’s not the same as a person. Why not one of the young ones?”
“Don’t you touch any of them!” Time growled out between clenched teeth, thrashing against the one holding him in place.
“Me? I’m not going to hurt them. He is. ” He was pointing to Wolfie. “And he won’t be able to stop himself either. Maybe that will draw the Champion’s attention.”
Wind laughed, “Wolfie would never hurt one of us.”
“With this he will.”
Wild watched the Blademaster pull a Muddle Bud from a crate, crush it in front of Wolfies snout and unclasp the muzzle. All the Yigas disappeared in a puff of smoke, laughter and papers so as not to be caught in the oncoming attack.
“Shit.” Wild said, pulling out his bow and attached a Bomb Flower to an arrow. He aimed for the mound of Zonai rocks that once held a small pack of monsters. The explosion was to get the other half of the Chain’s attention, the second one in the air was to show Wild’s location.
Wolfie shook and growled. He had purple and pink pollen all over his face, sneezing to get it out of his airways. He whined as he rubbed his head against his legs.
“Wolfie?” Four asked, shifting on his knees as Wild cut the ropes holding his wrists.
Wolfie stopped, raised his head up slowly with all his teeth bared. His blue eyes were black and unseeing, foam collecting in the corners of his mouth. Instantly he launched himself towards the closest person, Four.
Wild had Wind’s hands half way cut free when Wolfie attacked. He gave the knife to Wind and Time to finish up. He got to the other two as soon as Four was pinned under massive paws, teeth gnashing.
Four was small enough to force Wolfie’s paws to slip off of his narrow chest, but no doubt had broken a few ribs with how forcefully he landed on his back. He rolled away when Wild tackled the great wolf. Wolfie was already powerful, but with blinded rage it was like taking on a Lynel with his bare hands.
Wild kicked Wolfie off and away to gain some space between them. Refusing to arm himself, Wild took his brother head on. He just wasn’t ready for Wolfie to go for his ankle. He yelped in pain as he was brought down and dragged to a far corner. He screamed as Wolfie locked his jaws to his right arm, shaking him like a chew toy. He could feel the two bones in his arm shatter, skin easily punctured and the warmth of blood drenching his skin.
“Wild, hang on!”
Wild looked up, eyes widening as he saw that it was Wind racing towards him. “Wind, wait!” It was too late. Wolfie saw an easier and smaller target, leaving Wild broken where he was.
Claws tore into blue and white fabric, leaving red lines on the skin below it. That’s all Wolfie was able to inflict due to Time being the one to intercept him. His power gauntlets helped him haul the wolf away from the other three.
Time’s metal armor protected him from legs kicking and slashing at him, only leaving scrapes along his armor. Knowing that the most damage would come from the still snapping jaw, Time used his hand as a muzzle. It worked for a while, but Wolfie wasn’t going to hold steady long enough.
Breaking free of the hold from the hand keeping his jaw locked, Wolfie lashed out one more time, chomping down on Time’s left hand with an audible crunch that was nearly drowned out by the pained yell coming from the stoic leader.
It was then that the Muddle Bud wore off, bringing back the Wolfie they all knew and loved. When his blue eyes returned, it was clear that he didn’t understand what was happening, why Time’s hand was in his mouth or why he had blood covering his snout and tongue.
“I-it’s okay, Tw-Wolfie, just need you to let go of my hand.” Time tried to stay calm for his pup, running his uninjured hand shakily through the fur behind his ear. Wolfie did as Time said, taking a few steps away.
He looked around at the state everyone was in, confused on when the other four members of the Chain made it to them, but his first concern was Wind who was hyperventilating with tear filled eyes. Sky had his Sailcloth wrapped partly around him. He whined and as he got closer, seeing the claw marks under the torn tunic. He tilted his head, questioning what happened. Wind flinching, moving further under the white and blue cloth told him all he needed to know.
He did this.
Four? Wolfie whined again as he looked back around for him, eyes meeting.
“Hey, it’s okay.” Four knelt down with his hands showing. Legend was by his side with sorrow.
A different scent of blood filled his nose causing him to be startled due to the liquid being actually in his nose and mouth. He knew it all too well, it was Wild’s. His head swiveled quickly to where Wild was lying on his side, mask off a good distance away and Hyrlue trying to get the injured hero to let him see the damage. He was gripping the grass under him, tear tracks down his cheeks. When he rolled over for Hyrule, Wolfie saw the multiple unmistakable teeth punctures into the meat of his forearm, bones bent in the wrong direction.
Tail tucked between his legs, lowering himself to the ground submissively and whimpering, Wolfie crawled closer to Wild and Hyrule. He needed to check on his Cub. He gave a lick to Wild’s neck and face, glad to see bright blue eyes not afraid of him.
“N-not your fault Wolfie.”
He tried to tuck his face into Wild’s neck and shoulder, ignoring how Hyrule stiffened, but was stopped short by a swift kick to the shoulder. He yelped in pain, rolling across the blue and green grasses.
“Hey!” Wild hollered, then hissed in pain.
Wolfie shook his head, getting to his feet. In front of him was Warriors, cold expression on his face, hate in his eyes. His words dripped with venom, “Stay away from them.”
“Wars, it wasn’t his fault.” Four started. “What the Yiga used isn’t something he could have fought against to stay in control. Wild told us about the Muddle Bud already, you know that. They used him as a weapon to get to Wild.”
Warriors glare made Wolfie lower all the way to the ground again, showing that he was not a threat. “Wild said it only worked against monsters, which makes me question if Wolfie isn’t just one himself, lying in wait.”
Monster. There was that single word again that Twilight tried to ignore in his head. He had believed that he was one and somehow down the road he was convinced that he wasn’t. Now he had proof that he was nothing more than that.
“W-what?!” Wild got to his knees before Hyrule could protest, nearly doubling over.
Wolfie tried to go to his side, but a sword stopped him in his tracks. “I said, stay back beast.”
Wild looked every bit of the feral hero he was as he stood on a still very injured ankle, jerking away from Hyrule who was fussing over him. “I’ve known Wolfie for years and he is no monster. He is the closest thing I have to a family and I will not hesitate to cross swords with you over him.”
Wars scoffed. “He is a wolf, Wild. Nothing more than a stray that latched onto you or you latched onto him. He is dangerous, today finally proved it. He can’t be trusted with the others and he will not be continuing with us.”
“You have no right-”
“He nearly tore you apart, almost ripped Time’s hand off and open up Wind! I think that is enough reason and I have every right to say he isn’t coming with us because it seems to me that I am the only one that has a mind to think properly!”
“Warriors, enough.” Time sternly said from behind him.
Warriors turned around to face his once little brother. “No, not this time. Not when our own got hurt for trusting this animal.”
“I said, enough!”
Warriors straightened up, not quite defeat on his face. He raised his sword to point it back to Wolfie while still looking at Time. “Fine, but if he hurts any of us again, I will slay him.”
The air changed and the one’s not knowing Twilight’s secret gasped or paled. Wars, seeing everyones expressions, turned around. In Wolfie’s spot was… Twilight.
Twi was sitting on his rear, a hand holding his kicked shoulder, softest parts of his body turned away from the immediate danger and his ears lowered like an actual dog. “I-I’m sorry! I didn’t do any of this intentionally, I would never, I swear!”
“Twilight?” Warriors was in shock. He looked between his brother in arms and the tip of his own blade that was dangerously close to him. He dropped the blade from where he held it and took a few steps back. “What?”
No one paid any attention to his question as Wild sank down beside Twilight, wrapping him up in a hug. “C-cub, I’m sorry. I almost k-killed you, m’sorry!” He gripped the back of Wild’s tunic as if his life depended on it, words muffled into his neck.
Time was the next one to kneel beside to the wolf hero, looking him over, a now healed hand running through the other’s bangs. “Are you okay?”
Twilight’s eyes were bright with fear and pain. He had his bottom lip between his teeth to keep it from quivering until he spoke again. “N-no. I tried to fight it, I promise. I didn’t know what was happening until afterwards.” He took in a stuttered breath, sob breaking through the words. “I could have killed you all.” Monster.
“Oh, Pup.”
“Twilight!” Wind had no reserve on crashing into Twilight, wrapping around him securely. They youngest doing so finally had the damn breaking, letting Twi’s emotions run freely as he also clung to Wind.
Wild limped to Warriors when Hyrule had finally let him up. He would have smiled when Wars recoiled. “You didn’t know, but that doesn’t excuse you from what you said or threatened. He has been told for a long time that he was a monster because of his wolf form and it took way too long for him to start believing that he wasn’t what people said he was. You probably just undid all of it.”
“Save it, Cap. The Yiga wanted to use him as a weapon to hurt me, us, and it worked in more ways than they planned. Because of how kind Twi is, he will eventually forgive you and say that you were justified since you were looking out for everyone. Don’t count on me to give you the same grace.”
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cha0s-boyy · 10 months
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[ID: ten cartoony digital drawings of animal characters. 1. an anthro sparkledog character from the waist up. they are a white floppy-eared dog with yellow blush markings and red freckles. they have round eyes with yellow irises and red pupils. one eye has eyelashes on upper lid and the other has eyelashes on the lower lid. they have human-like hair in a short style, except for raccoontails on the sides. the main hair is split dyed red and blue, and the raccoontails are the same colors but with yellow stripes. the character is wearing a red and yellow striped jumper with sleeves that cover the character's paws, black overalls with one of the straps falling off, and a black collar with yellow stripes. the character has an open-mouthed smile, showing one upper tooth, and they have one paw raised in front of their body. 2. an anthro sparkledog from the thighs up. he has an average body type, with top surgery scars on his chest, a missing right hand, semi-floppy ears, and feral nipples on his stomach. his base fur is gray tricolor, but all over his back and tail are cyan, yellow, magenta, and fuchsia spots. he has a black hair tuft with a magenta and blue striped streak, a yellow and magenta nose, and cyan inner ears. his eyes are round, with three thick blue eyelashes on the outer edge of each, and one iris is yellow while the other is magenta. he is wearing a black and white checkered bandanna. his missing hand raised and his other hand down by his hip. he has his teeth showing and lips pulled back in a grimace or frown, and one eye is squinted and squished. the piece is heavily shaded from the upper left. 3. two anthro characters from the waist up, laughing together. both characters are grinning with their eyes closed, and both have fairly average body types without prominent busts. the character on the left is a pale green wolfdog with darker green ears. she has straight white shoulder-length hair with bangs, cut in a spiky style. she is wearing a striped dark green t-shirt over a white long-sleeved shirt, a bright green spiked collar, a silver chain with a cross on it, and a silver earring with a cross on it. her head is turned in profile, and she has one hand raised in front of her chest/neck. the second character is a white possum with black ears and dark gray markings on her snout and eyelids. she has drippy black eye makeup. she has short spiky white hair with pink streaks in it, and black and pink raccoontails on the sides. she is wearing a black sweater with indigo flames on the bottom, and has several ear piercings, one of which has a razor blade dangling from it. she has her head tilted downwards and her body is slightly hunched with laughter. 4. a bust of a furry creature. he has a canine body structure, but no nose pad, and evenly sized triangular teeth. he has a mane on the back of its neck and a long tapered tongue with an arrow shaped tip. his head and mane are red, his body is black, and he has white stripe markings on his snout and eye, and dot markings on his chest. his eyes are black with white spirals, his inner ears are white with black stripes, his teeth are black, and his tongue is white with black rings at the end and a red tip. he is smiling with his mouth open. 5. an anthro wolf from the hips up. she has gray fur and a lean body. she has human-like hair that is styled like a mohawk in front but is long and goes all directions in the back, striped in dull red, yellow, blue, and black. one of her eyes is yellow and the other is blue, and she has two triangular eyelashes on each eye. she has a nose ring and a plug in her ear, and she is wearing a gray graphic muscle shirt tucked into black pants, and a spiked bracelet on one arm. she is grinning toothily, has one hand raised up near her snout, and has the end of her tail barely in-frame behind her. her tail is striped like her hair.
6. an anthro hyena from the chest up. she has human-like hair, an average body type, and a moderate bust. her fur is brown with typical spotted hyena markings, with the addition of freckles on her cheeks. her hair is brown in the back, but purple in front, and is styled with bangs and more length to one side of her face. she has teal eyes, with a single eyelash at the corner of each eye. she is wearing teal eyeshadow and a dull yellow t-shirt. she is smiling, has her head turned to one side, and has one hand raised, fingers resting on her collarbone. 7. an anthropomorphic alien axolotl character from the waist up. they have turquoise skin with a scale pattern on their head, and an indigo to violet gradient on their gills. they are thin and flat-chested, and the gills on the left side of their face are stripped, missing the feathery parts. they are wearing a green alien mask and a gray and blue hoodie with purple text on it that says "get fresh." they have their left hand raised in a peace sign. 8. an anthro fox-parrot hybrid in a simple style. she has a fully red fox head, and her body is covered by a dress that ambiguously doubles as folded wings. her dress has a yellow ring at the top, and three stripes or red-orange-red for the rest of it. she has one wing extended, and it it shaped like a triangle, but curved so the end is raised to wave at the viewer. it is yellow on top, and has pale blue flight feathers. 9. a dark gray cat with lighter gray on her ears, face, and neck, green eyes, and a jagged scar on her neck/shoulder. she has a grumpy expression. 10. a halfbody of a seated feral cat. she has long thick gray fur, with black on her neck and the top of her head, and a white face. she has a narrow brown eye, and one missing eye. there is a scar on her lip, and another on her shoulder. /end ID]
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spaceistheplaceart · 2 years
okay as promised here is my cringe - mp100 x Black Rock Shooter AU
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little bit of explanation because BRS is criminally underrated and so nobody's gonna know what's going on if i don't:
There's the Real World and Other World. In the Other World are the Other Selves (on the bottom there) which are basically their real life counterparts hearts. So... if you get hurt emotionally in the real world, your Other Self fights it off in the Other World to lessen your pain.
Even shorter summary: if your friend calls you a bitch and you are sad, your other self fights your friends other self and if your other self wins, you aren't as sad. But if your other self loses, you are more sad.
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every other self has their own worlds...
and if an Other Self dies, then the pain they were fighting off gets forgotten by the Real Self.
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this post is a mess but that's why it's cringe. anyways ID under cut for the images:
First Image:
A character lineup. On the top row is Ritsu, Reigen, Mob, and Teruki. Ritsu and Mob are wearing school uniforms that consist of a tie, a button up shirt, and a coat over the shirt. They are both wearing tennis shoes. Reigen looks the same as he does in the anime, and Teruki has his Season One look but his uniform is a little bit different. He has on a button up shirt, a loose tie, a vest, and then a coat over it.
The bottom row shows their 'other selves'. Ritsu's other self is "Silver Storm Breaker". He has gray skin and spiky hair that covers the right side of his face. He is wearing a cropped green hoodie with a large zipper and a teardrop shape on his right breast pocket. He is wearing black shorts and socks that have holes cut out for the heels and toes. On his arms are half sleeves that begin below the shoulder and end at the wrist. His eyes are green, and he is wielding a very large spoon. On his side is a small green pouch.
Reigen's other self is labelled "still figuring out a name for this fuck" with a few name ideas scribbled beside him: "gold something" "black gold claw" "gold claw champion". Reigen's other self has dark gray skin, a cold expression, and orange eyes and hair. He is wearing a white button up with black sleeves. It is buttoned up all the way. He's wearing a black and white striped vest over it, with two thin stripes on either side of the middle and one large stripe down the center. Where a tie should be there is a lock, vaguely shaped like a heart. His pants are striped black and white. His shoes are loafers with small orange heels. His left hand is a large mechanized claw with orange/gold accents. It has three prongs that end in sharp edges.
Mob's other self is called "Shigeo". He is a black, ominous, silhouette with blue eyes that are narrowed in disdain. his legs end in black wisps like flames instead of feet, and black energy simmers around his feet.
Teruki's other self is called "Perseverance". He has light gray skin and long flowing blonde hair that covers his eyes. He is wearing a black romper with shorts and a thick belt with a yellow ribbon around it. The front of the black romper has a yellow stripe up it and there is a golden sash/belt across his chest. On his back are mechanized bird's wings that are gray with golden yellow accents. The feathers are each attached by the ends to a sharp metal frame. The same goes for the tail feathers. Perseverance is not touching the ground.
The Fortress (Shigeo's World). It is a large fortress with giant chains surrounding it with locks on them. The fortress walls are disturbed by giant, bent, silverware and a few statues of people, also twisted. The door is heavily locked and boarded up.
Below, labelled "Barrier/Prison", is an image of Shigeo sitting in the middle of a ton of multicoloured shields surrounding him.
A comic. Mob has his hands together and looks nervous. He says: "Hanazawa... I'm sorry, I never really apologized for what I did to you... I- I really regre-"
Hanazawa cuts him off. "I'm sorry, I wish I could forgive you, but... I don't know what you're apologizing for..."
Mob looks up, surprised.
Hanazawa has a giant wig on, with the same bangs from his Season One hairstyle, and looks confused and concerned. "Have we... met before?"
In the background a decapitated and de-winged Perseverance is shown.
Reigen is hunched over under a streetlight, having just vomited. He groans. We see his face, drooling and eyes unfocused.
It cuts to Reigen's Other Self. He is being choked out by Shigeo, who at that moment snaps the Other Self's neck. Orange blood comes out of the other self's mouth and nose.
Back to Reigen, who is still hunched under the street lamp. The camera is zoomed out.
Reigen straightens up and wipes his mouth. "Huh? What was I doing?" He looks confused and dazed.
Reigen looks at Dimple. He says: "I'm sorry... but I don't know who this "Mob" kid is. I've never had a "student".
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