#to sit on another shelf...
howhow326 · 1 year
Persona 5 Thiefsona
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Picture made using お隣男子メーカー Picrew
Howie Mizuki
Age: 15 (06/28)
Highschool: Shujin Academy
Codename: Angel
Theif outfit: His thief outfit is a navy leather body suit with a studded leather jacket(of the same color) and boots. His gloves are bright cyan(like yusuke but less saturated) and go over his sleeves. His outfit also has a blue devil tail attached to it and a black wings print on the back of his jacket. His mask is cyan and has to devil horns protruding above his eye brows.
Thief Weapons: Tridents and Pepperboxes
Backstory: A half African American, half Japanese first year at Shujin Academy. Because of his heritage and shy demeanour, Mizuki dosen't have many close friends, which makes him desperate to prove himself to others by acting like a morally upstanding student. Mizuki also has a special interest in Detective work, having looked up to the original detective prince since a young age.
After Kamoshida has his heart stolen by the Phantom Thieves, Mizuki believes this is his chance to solve a great mystery like his hero. Having witnessed the day Kamoshida confronted Ryuji over the calling cards, Mizuki guesses that Sakamoto is the Thieves leader. Mizuki then follows the Thieves into Mementos, which gives his phone the Meta-nav app.
After feeling rebellious, Mizuki gains a thief outfit but no persona. Mizuki then encounters the Thieves and challenges them to a battle... and loses. However, Mizuki's will to rebel against the Thieves and bring them to justice awakens within him a persona, Saint. His persona has power over truth, which grants Mizuki a minor navigation ability, and power over deception, which grants Mizuki illusion based powers, reflecting Mizuki's unconscious belief that the truth is more subjective than he thinks it is. Before the Thieves can properly explain what's going on, Mizuki uses his persona's power to escape.
From then on, Mizuki works to stop the Phantom Thieves by fighting them in Mementos, but losing each time. Mizuki decides against telling the police on them because he dosen't have any solid evidence on them and because he secretly wonders if the Phantom Thieves are right.
When Akechi makes his deal with the Phantom Thieves, Mizuki approaches him with the small amount of evidence he collected during his journey. Akechi then "introduces" Howie into the Phantom Thieves as another member that will also "disappear" after Sae's heart is stolen. During the mission for the frame up, the Phantom Thieves position Howie in a safe place where he could see for himself that Akechi was corrupt. Howie then realises that he was wrong all along, and joins the Phantom Thieves of his own accord to help take down Shido.
Arcana - Moon
Persona - Saint
Stats at lv 99
HP- 495
SP- 355
Str- 30
Mag- 82
End- 50
Agi- 72
Lck- 70
Persona trait - Illusionary Trick (Increase allies chance of inflicting mental ailments by 50%)
Strong- Ice/ Weak- Fire-Psy
Innate: Bufudyne
Innate: Mabufudyne
Innate: Psiodyne
Innate: Brain Jack
Innate: Kougaon
Innate: Evil smile
Innate: Ice Boost
Innate: Freeze boost
Lv. 46: Abysmal surge
Lv. 47: Invigorate 2
Lv. 49: Eigaon
Lv. 53: Ali dance
Lv. 55: Ghastly wail
Lv. 56: Ice amp
Lv. 58: Concentrate
Lv. 61: Invigorate 3
Lv. 66: Diamond dust
Lv. 69: Ice age
Ultimate persona - Melek Taus
Drain- Ice/ Block- Bless-Curse/ Weak-Fire-Psy
Ultimate skill: Angelic grace
Third Semester Persona - Dismas
Upgraded Persona trait - Phantasmagoric Trick (Increase allies chance of inflicting mental ailments by 75%)
Third Semester skill: Cocytus Waves - light ice damage to all foes 4 to 8 times
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bitwein · 4 months
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There is no space next to the vash figure… Wolfwood will have to go next to popular vocal synthesiser Hatsune Miku
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tj-crochets · 7 days
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Okay did some reorganizing, grabbed some less-green light blues, and I think I’ve got the fabric for the progress pride flag!
I’m not totally sure about the darkest brown, lightest red, and the space print in the purple? But I think the rest is looking good! Now to decide on a pattern layout for the stripes
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willyonilly · 1 year
the tumblr people are raving to see my big bird animatronic (i have gotten one reply)
so here he is , in all of his freckled glory : sir big bird
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shinesurge · 26 days
oh reblogging one of my favorite shit boys reminded me oh my goddddd shitty sleep deprived anime Lex Luthor is GOING to kill me they made this character JUST FOR MEEEE
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swordmaid · 4 months
anyway I really do like the idea that his darling spawn shri’iia who’s whole job is to adore him forever and an eternity becomes his very undoing bc he fails to account what that would mean to her. like baby girl you just validated each and every one of her flaws and ugly side just like she validated yours. now you’re stuck with that 🫶🥰🤭
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sanguineerose · 5 months
once again i need someone to tie me to a chair and force me to fucking finish this chapter
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fizzytoo · 11 months
fizzy fact i’m a turtle plushie enjoyer, lover, appreciater <3 (and just turtle merch in general). today my dog pulled out all the stuffys from one of my turtle babies </3
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kiddokori · 28 days
want to read other books. feel like i will be cheating on my beautiful wife orv if i do.
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deus-ex-mona · 10 months
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very sadded that no one shares my delight at chair deoxys :(
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theplantqueer · 11 months
there's a lotta sadness and rough shit in the world rn but how joyful that i get to spend my time making others' lives just a little bit easier :)
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genderfluidgothwitch · 6 months
Killing 15 minutes at work is harder now that I'm full time. I don't like it lol
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merklins · 1 year
I think Doc and the rest of the Mad Science Team should have, engineer, collect, and adore Hexbugs! This is a family with varying interests in engineering, bugs, robotics, collectible creatures, and locomotive 2000s toys. Hexbugs are EXACTLY what they need. They treat their hexbugs so well. Their hexbugs have entire custom arenas and playgrounds made just for them. They have names and accessories and MORE!
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mearcatsreturns · 1 year
for a generation that takes exception to younger generations’ behavior, today the boomers at work are being real dicks/displaying some true born in a barn behavior
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thefourcebehindit · 1 year
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Could I get it in a side by side translation, ause I can't read whatever that is...
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practicalsolutions · 1 year
Almost... >8D
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