#to that one cute present mic cosplayer
cheshireartist · 5 years
That moment when u see a cosplayer in full cosplay and think "They're cute omg" and then u see them out of cosplay and r all like "Oh no they're still so fucking cute ;;; v ;;;"
I can't handle it y'all.
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lunawings · 3 years
Ace (and Leo)’s PriZoom Birthday Party!! 4/4/2021
(Yes it took way too long before someone coined PriZoom... But)
That was.............. 
Comments on Tatsuyuki Kobayashi’s live appearance at the end
Not to say this showing wasn’t without occasional feedback/unnecessary noise from people who should have been muted, but still, it went a LOT smoother this time. There were only about 170 people but there were supposedly two different rooms (text only and regular cheering) so I don’t know if that was the actual grand total. I did regular cheering of course. I don’t have that much to say in SSS but I like to be a part of the madness. People were really chatty and relaxed this time too! Making shoutouts to the cosplayers and such. Lots of familiar faces from the previous stream!
The staff has even started doing this little thing at the end where they showcase a bunch of different cameras. They didn’t pick mine, thoughhhhh. Actually the only time I was on the main screen was at the very end of the movie. (I think perhaps they have realized they have been inexplicably infiltrated by a gaijin and don’t know how to handle it, as is the Japanese way.) It was the perfect time to realize I... COMPLETELY FORGOT THE 366 LOVE DIARY DANCE FFFFFFNOOOOOOOOO--I have to practice before the next one. It hadn’t occurred to me that we would actually get 366 Love Diary.
So they have mentioned these showings would be the theater edit, and going into it I was really curious like... would it really be the theater edit? Like the completely original version with 366 Love Diary and everything? Or did they just splice the DVD into the theater cut? But I think it really WAS the theatrical version. I won’t know unless I see Part 3 or Part 4 though, because those had some pretty significant differences between the theatrical version and the TV version. (A really noticeable animation error with Leo’s hair in Part 3, Shin’s got a different phone background in Part 4, etc...) Nnnrrrgh I don’t really want to see Part 4 but I might have to... NOT today though. I made the difficult decision to only do Part 2 today. (I miss disposable income....) But hopefully I can do Part 1 in May for Taiga and Part 3 in June for Alexander?
I’ve always considered Part 1 and Part 3 to be my favorites, so I always forget how much I do like Part 2: BABY KAKERU, Joji dragging the Shuffle on his date, JOJI! HAIR!!!!, ACE, Orange Flamingo, Joker Kiss, sssAAAILInGGGGGGGGGGG... (even on ZOOM I got the full body goosebumps when Minato looked up). 
Some notable stuff:
People yelling in Okayama-ben during the Joji flashback (そうじゃ、そうじゃ!instead of そうだ、そうだ!etc) I was DYINGGGG
When Ace’s mic is cut: “Is there a problem with Zoom??” “TAKE JOJI OFF MUTE!!”
Several people prepared fish for particular scenes in episode 4 and 6.
I think my favorite feed was the person who aimed their camera back at the screen with their Torachi and Dorachi plushies watching.
Or maybe just the person who had up the background of the Ikebukuro Train Station the whole time (PPPPFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFT)
Someone had up the ferris wheel in Shizuoka where the Kouji scene takes place too though!! AAAAHAAAAA!!! (Going there is seriously one of my favorite King of Prism memories of all time.)
Additional shoutouts to:
The Hiro cosplayer who was eating curry during episode 6.
The girl in the orange happi with “From the cradle to the grave” actually framed on her wall (possibly in real calligraphy!?)
The Tsubasa fangirl (!!??!) who held up a Tsubasa fan whenever she was on screen
The person with the Ace plushie (!!). I didn’t know they existed. He had his hat from the Joker Kiss performance too. 
There was at least one Leo cosplayer but there were SEVERAL Ace cosplayers. Like WOW. Also shoutout to the person who cosplayed as an actual Ace of Hearts card omg I love this fandom so much. 
But really though there was SO. MUCH. ACE. LOVE in this showing. So many Ace backgrounds/homemade Ace cheering goods, etc. I know this was specifically the Ace birthday showing but still. Considering Ace isn’t exactly a main character I think this was pretty huge. 
And now onto what you were possibly all waiting for, the Tatsuyuki Kobayashi greeting! This was basically almost exactly what it felt like to go to a theater greeting show in Japan, just on Zoom. I used to always talk about trying to see the voice actors at smaller events to try and get them to notice me and this was... basically THAT. Almost better in a way!? Because he could see all of us equally? Read all of our comments on the screen!!! Of course I had no idea what to say when presented with this opportunity....... GAHHH HE’S SO FREAKIN CUTE 
We started off by singing Happy Birthday to Ace and Leo (actually just him because we were on mute!), and then we all blew out the candles on a cake together. He mentioned him and the staff would eat the cake later haha. 
He then started to talk about his experience playing Ace. He mentioned that when he first sang Love Mix for Pride the Hero, his character didn’t even have a name yet. He was simply the ghost singer.  And when he came out and made that surprise performance at the MRS concert he was so nervous he barely remembered it!! But when he got to perform again as Ace at the SSS live in Feb 2020, now that Ace had come into his own, he was much more confident and it was very meaningful to him. 
This really resonated with me. I’ve actually seen Tatsuyuki Kobayashi in concert a total of three times. The first time was at MRS during that surprise performance. It was an amazing surprise, but at that time I only saw him as Joji even though I knew he wasn’t. (And I wasn’t even all that attached to Joji back then because he was such a minor character at the time.) The second time I saw him was as Asahi at a Pretty Series show, where I was waaaaaay at the back and didn’t really get to see him that well, so I didn’t really get a proper chance to appreciate his performance. But when I saw him as Ace at the SSS live... THAT was when I fell in love with him (and HOW). Because really, he did just seem SO CONFIDENT and like he was enjoying it so much and finally seeing him perform as Ace for real was really meaningful. 
Sorry for the tangent, but yeah. He talked about how moved he was by how many of us had come to cheer on Ace today with backgrounds, props, cosplay, etc. And he credited all of us cheering him on for him making it this far, for finally becoming the leader of the Shuffle! AWWWWWWRGH! I’m SO HAPPY for him AHH he deserves everything and moreeeeeeeee this was so nice
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bronzeflower · 5 years
Present Mic Merch
Also on ao3
Chapter 1: Five
1: Coffee Mug
Everyone knew that Aizawa had a Present Mic brand coffee mug.
It wasn't all that strange. Most of Class 2-A just assumed that Present Mic himself gave it to Aizawa as a gag gift, but Aizawa chose to use it because it was practical to or because it was the one he kept in the office. There was no reason to keep a coffee cup if you didn't use it.
The strangeness came from when it was dropped and shattered to many pieces on the ground. This in of itself wasn't all that strange, and the shards were soon picked up and thrown away while the leftover coffee was easily wiped up.
What was strange was when Aizawa walked in the next day with a different Present Mic brand coffee cup.
This one was a lot more noticeable. Aizawa's normal mug was white with a simple "Put Your Hands Up!" written on it in black, along with a drawing of a microphone. It was simple, practical, and didn't draw too much attention to itself.
This new mug was bright yellow with a chibi Present Mic on it next to bright and bubbly letters that spelled out "Banana Dreamer."
No one said anything about it. But they noticed. And they also noticed when Aizawa came in two days later with a brand new mug that was identical to his old on.
Nobody said anything. But they talked amongst themselves about it, wondering about it.
Perhaps the mug wasn't a gag gift at all.
2: Sunglasses
Class 2-A was taking a trip to the beach for training. It was supposed to be an event where they practiced using their skills and quirks in difficult terrain, but they also got breaks to just have fun in the sun.
This meant swimsuits and sunglasses and sandcastles and everything else people brought to the beach.
Midoriya was wearing his All Might brand swim trunks and was going over to see if Kouda and Tokoyami wanted any assistance with their sandcastle when he noticed something odd about Aizawa.
Now, Aizawa was basically the same as always, trying to take a nap under an umbrella, even if he was wearing a striped black and gray 1920s swimsuit. But there was something else Aizawa was wearing that caught Midoriya's attention.
Aizawa had Present Mic brand sunglasses. It was one of the subtler designs, but Midoriya was a true hero otaku, and he could recognize them from a mile away.
After Tokoyami confirmed that they would need some seaweed, Midoriya took to the ocean where Uraraka and Todoroki were.
"Guys, Aizawa-sensei is wearing Present Mic sunglasses," Midoriya kept his voice low as he rummaged the sea for broken off bits of seaweed.
"Seriously?" Uraraka gasped in surprise. "I didn't even notice. That's so weird!"
"I know right? It's totally unexpected! I mean, I get the mug and all, but sunglasses?"
"But he did replace the mug," Uraraka pointed out. "It would be hard to believe that Mic-sensei gave the same exact one as a gag gift. What do you think, Todoroki?"
Todoroki thought deeply.
"Maybe...Aizawa-sensei collects Present Mic merchandise."
"Wha? But I can't really imagine it at all," Midoriya said.
The three of them collectively imagined Aizawa having a room filled to the brim with Present Mic merch.
"No way, no way he does that!" Uraraka insisted. "He just seems like too much of a guy whose place is completely empty and devoid of anything except a bed."
Midoriya nodded furiously.
"Mic-sensei and Aizawa-sensei are good friends though, right?" Todoroki asked. "So Aizawa-sensei might be trying to support Present Mic by purchasing his merchandise."
"That's...actually kind of cute," Uraraka gushed.
"I feel like it's way more possible that that's the case. It's still difficult to think that Aizawa-sensei has a lot of merch, but I suppose it would make sense if the miscellaneous practical items he has are Present Mic brand."
"Do you think he has Present Mic brand pencils?" Todoroki questioned, which made Midoriya and Uraraka burst out laughing before Midoriya suddenly had a very serious face.
"Wait...he might...Present Mic brand pencils look the same as regular pencils except for the label by the No. 2 says Present Mic."
"...Do you think that's why he never lets anyone borrow pencils?"
They laughed at the concept, Midoriya got the seaweed for Kouda and Tokoyami's really awesome sandcastle, and they didn't think more of it.
3: Cats and Clothing
It was always terrible to run into your teacher in the grocery store. Kouda knew this more than most because he didn't particularly care for talking, and it was infinitely more awkward to engage in conversation with a teacher.
It was also terrible when they expected him to actually talk.
So when Kouda saw Aizawa in the grocery store looking at different brands of cat food, he was completely ready to turn the other direction and never come to that store ever again.
Except that Aizawa was looking ever so intensely at the cat food, and Kouda was ever the animal lover, so Kouda nervously tapped Aizawa on the shoulder to get his attention.
"Oh, Kouda," Aizawa greeted. "What do you need?"
"Ah, well," Kouda flustered before signing. 'Are you trying to figure out which cat food to buy?'
Kouda was expecting Aizawa to just kind of stare or inform him that he didn't understand sign language, but to his surprise, Aizawa turned towards him more fully to sign back at Kouda, which also revealed that Aizawa was wearing a "Put Your Hands Up Radio" t-shirt, the one where the words were surrounded by a pair of headphones.
'The brand I usually buy was discontinued,' Aizawa explained. 'And my cats are kind of picky.'
'How many cats do you have?' Kouda asked.
'I'd get one of the higher-end brands like this one,' Kouda stopped signing to point to the brand he often used to feed stray cats he found. 'Mind if I ask what the names of your cats are?'
'Jelly, Sofa, and Present Meow,' Aizawa answered.
'What do they look like,' Kouda said, but internally thought about how he didn't imagine Aizawa picking those kinds of names for his cats. It was just unexpectedly cute.
It was also a little strange that one of them was named after Present Mic, but Kouda wasn't going to point that out.
Aizawa brought out his phone and showed a few photos of the cats to Kouda.
Jelly was a white cat with large black spots who was very fluffy and was apparently very cuddly. Sofa was a light brownish color with a missing ear who was ready to play at all times. And Present Meow was a ginger cat who was missing his tail and was also very loud and whiny when he wasn't getting attention.
'They're very cute. It looks like you take good care of them,' Kouda signed, and Aizawa gave a proud smile.
'Thanks for the help. I'll see you at school.'
With that, Aizawa grabbed the cat food and walked away, which revealed the fact that the jeans he was wearing were also Present Mic brand due to the microphone stitched on the back pocket of the jeans.
Kouda told Tokoyami later, and while Tokoyami was skeptical of the outfit Aizawa was wearing, he understood Kouda wasn't one to lie.
4: Music Album
Jirou was overwhelmed.
Present Mic had recently released a new album, and it seemed that every single Present Mic fan in Japan had come to Beatz and Bopz, the music store Jirou's parents owned and where Jirou worked part-time.
It was probably due to the fact that Beatz and Bopz had received five hundred signed copies of Present Mic's latest album, and that meant they were prime hero memorabilia.
Jirou wouldn't admit it, but she purchased one for herself before she opened the store. Present Mic was her favorite hero. She knew she could have gotten one of the normal ones and then gotten her teacher to sign it, but it was just way too weird to ask.
Jirou expected the onslaught of people who were willing to pay extra for a signed copy. She expected the cosplayers, the rockers, the generally music inclined, and the general hero otakus.
She wasn't even all that surprised when Midoriya showed up, even if she was pretty sure he preferred All Might over Present Mic although she guessed he was a huge fan of all heroes.
What Jirou wasn't expecting was when Aizawa walked in to buy the CD.
Jirou had seen the line out there when she went to open the store. It went past the block. Aizawa absolutely had to have stood in line for several hours to get exclusive rights to one of the five hundred signed copies of the album "Living Louder."
Jirou didn't have time to comment. She was too busy trying to do crowd control, so she rung up Aizawa without complaint, who didn’t buy just one, but two, and he left as soon as he came, seemingly content with not saying anything about the reason he purchased the album, much less two of them.
"Aizawa showed up to Beatz and Bopz to buy the new Present Mic album," Jirou said to the Bakusquad after the fact.
"So?" Bakugou asked in his usual angry tone.
“So,” Jirou countered. “He bought the signed version. Two of them.”
“What!?” Kaminari exclaimed. “He did!? I tried to get one but didn’t get there early enough! He must have been standing out there for hours!”
“Yeah, and why would he buy two?” Kirishima questioned.
“Obviously he got one for someone else!” Ashido theorized. “It’d be weird otherwise, right?”
“Why didn’t he just buy two of the unsigned album and then get it signed by Present Mic?” Bakugou asked. “It’s stupid to pay the extra if you could get it for free.”
“Probably the same reason why I didn’t just ask Present Mic-sensei to sign one. It’s too weird,” Jirou explained. Ashido nodded in agreement.
“It’s weird to ask,” Sero repeated, agreeing.
“It’s only weird if you make it weird, dumbasses!” Bakugou shouted.
Shinsou walked into the room and looked over to the Bakusquad, his gaze fixated on Kaminari, who grinned when he noticed him.
“Hitoshi!” Kaminari hollered, practically yeeting himself off the couch and into Shinsou’s arms. Shinsou, of course, caught him and returned the kiss thrusted upon him by Kaminari.
“Hey,” Shinsou greeted, a little smile on his face.
“Stop being gross!” Bakugou yelled.
“You’re just jealous!” Kaminari teased before turning his attention back to Shinsou. “How’s it going, babe?”
“Well enough,” Shinsou lightly lowered Kaminari back to a standing position. “I got something for you.”
Shinsou’s hand was on the back of his neck, and he had a light flush on his cheeks.
Shinsou reached into his pocket and pulled out a signed copy of the newest Present Mic album, “Living Louder.”
“Here,” Shinsou was basically looking anywhere but Kaminari. “My Dad’s a pretty big fan of Present Mic, so I asked him to get a second album for you if he managed to get there in time.”
Kaminari delicately took the CD from Shinsou, staring at it in awe.
“Really?” Kaminari glanced up from the CD to look at Shinsou. “You’re really okay with me having this?”
“Yeah, of course,” Shinsou dared to look back at Kaminari, who pretty much immediately pulled Shinsou back into a kiss.
“Get a room!” Bakugou yelled, which the rest of the squad adamantly agreed with for once.
“Y’all are so gross,” Sero commented. Kaminari laughed at that, but he and Shinsou did actually go get a room where they went to go be gross outside of the eyeshot of others.
5: Hero Convention
Uraraka’s birthday was coming up, so Asui was searching for a present for her. It was still a little ways away, but Asui wanted to give her a gift before the winter break since she probably wouldn’t be able to see Uraraka during her actual birthday.
This search for a gift landed her at a hero convention because Asui knew that Thirteen was Uraraka’s favorite hero, but she didn’t necessarily always have the money to get merchandise for them, so Asui figured some kind of Thirteen merchandise would be well received.
Asui was also a practical gift giver, so the Thirteen brand jackets seemed like a perfect choice, especially since Uraraka’s current jacket looked a little worse for wear.
She opted to walk around the convention after finding the gift and getting it wrapped.
While she did, she noticed Aizawa.
“Hello, Aizawa-sensei,” Asui greeted, being close enough to him that seeing and greeting him in public wasn’t all that strange.
“Ah, hello, Asui,” Aizawa responded, looking up from the Present Mic figures he was observing. “What brings you here?”
“Ochaco’s birthday is coming up,” Asui explained. “I’m getting her a Thirteen jacket, Kero.”
Aizawa nodded.
It was a little difficult to not preen at the praise, or, at the very least, something very close to praise for Aizawa.
“What about you, Sensei?” Asui questioned. “What are you here for?”
“I’m only telling you because I don’t think it’ll undermine my authority too much if I tell you,” Aizawa stated, voice suddenly serious. “And I don’t think anyone will believe you if I do tell you.”
“So what are you here for?” Asui was listening very carefully to the next words Aizawa said, especially as he lowered his voice to a whisper.
“A new Present Mic figurine was released, and I heard that you could get it at this convention,” Aizawa confessed.
“Why do you want it?” Asui asked. Aizawa’s cheeks went a little pink as he answered.
“I’m his number one fan. What else, kid?”
“I won’t tell a soul,” Asui said, and Aizawa gave her one of his terrible and slightly terrifying grins.
“I know you won’t.”
And with that, they went their separate ways, and Asui kept her word.
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joshpathfinder · 6 years
My Another Anime Con 2018 embarrassing bnha fandom secret. 
The day before I was going to the con I stopped at the store to buy some drinks and snacks. I saw those cokes with the names on them, so I grabbed one that said “dad” for myself (since I was cosplaying Eraserhead). Behind it was one that said “My Hero.”  I knew immediately who it was for; It was for the first Present Mic cosplayer I saw.  
I saw a Mic pass me twice before I had the courage to ask for a photo. I took a few of him and his Aizawa. And then I resolved to do the thing. I handed Mic the coke and said, “This one is for you. Because you’re Present Mic.”  And then I kind of bowed and hurried away before I could make it weird.  I heard the “SO CUTE” squeal in my wake.  
You were both soooo precious.  I adored your cosplays and the originality behind that precious Mic outfit is just superb! @batb0ii
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promisedangel · 6 years
BronyCon 2018 Highlights
-Pretty rocky day of travel. Ended up getting to Baltimare (yes, I’m going to pun it this whole post) around eleven pm. Mostly because of stops and a storm on the way in. By then, I was pretty cranky. -The Hilton staff didn’t help this. I won’t do into much detail, but let’s just say there were problems with our room situation and the person seemed either untrained or unprepared for this. It ended up taking an hour to get into our rooms because of it >.> I unpacked only a few things before I went straight to bed, still surly.
-Day zero. We used this day to go to the aquarium! We got there pretty early so we could enjoy it slowly. The most surprising exhibit was the Golden Tameren Lion Monkey up top in the Amazon Exhibit. He was a lazy little darling. -We got to see the dolphins do a couple of tricks during the nurturing show, where they showed us the dolphins’ curriculum and how they stay in shape. -There was a giant sea turtle! She was so cute! She was in this huge tank with other fish and we finally got a good shot of her sleeping in some coral! -Got to pet a ray in the touch tank and pet some jellyfish! I knew they’re soft, but they live up to the name in spades! -The cafe the aquarium has was REALLY good. Cheap and they give you a lot of food that doesn’t taste cheap. -So, they take a picture on the way in. We decided to get a few copies of the picture. One of our friends wore a green shirt that blended in the green screen. The lovely ladies at the photo desk not only showed us this but also uploaded the picture onto our digital copies for free!! -Swung by the convention center to pick up our badges. Little more crowded than last year but was still an easy pickup. -Most of us swam in the hotel pool. we had a lovely time horsing around. :P -Had some pizza and relaxed the rest of the night. A friend introduced us to the Fallout board game, but we only played for about an hour before most of us were too tired to continue (mostly because of swimmer’s eye for me, I think).
-Day one. Went to opening ceremonies, but I ducked out early in order to go back to the room and change into my Pinkie Pie cosplay and bring The Cake of Friendship down to the con! -I went straight to autographs and got M.A Larson, the first of many guests we got this time around! His handler REALLY liked the cake. -Met back up with my friends and went with Green Ranger Dashie. A few of us, including him, organized to give Dwillstinator a gift. We showed it to him, the hat, and he flipped out. IT FIT PERFECTLY! -to the cosplay photoshoot. We had some fun talking with Blue Star (I think that was his pony name?) and some Flim Flam Brothers cosplayers had some fun before they were ‘chased’ out of Harmony Plaza by my friends and a few others. -The “Quillin’ It with the MLP Writers” panel was amazing. Nick Confalone was hilarious, Amy Keaton Rogers was a little nervous, but M.A Larson had some awesome deleted scenes from Slice of Life! It was a great panel. -Went to Them’s Writing Words, but I didn’t really absorb much since I was standing, holding the cake, and standing near the back. It was alright. -Went to the community guest panel to FINALLY get Nowacking’s signature. Missed him last year and I’m SO glad I was able to get him this year. -Went down to the vendor hall. Bought a couple of things and took pictures so a co-worker could choose a gift. -Got some food, briefly went back to the vendor hall, and changed out of my Pinkie Pie cosplay. -I placed fourth in the Prance tournament!!! Also, another person from our local meetup group placed first! Way to represent northeastern Ohio! -Briefly went to Bronypalooza. Then I went to relax at karaoke until I finally was able to sing. I was the last one to get a number and I sang “This Day Aria”. -A dance group went after me. They were pretty good. -I was too tired to continue on at this point. I went back to the room and passed out.
-Day two. -We decided to try the buffet breakfast at the Hilton. Pretty good! -Jackbox games with the MLP crew was kinda funny and relaxing. -went to “Singing Studio Vs. Broadway”. Lot of interesting information. Not gonna lie; I got a little salty that they cut the question line right before I would ask my question. I was only going to ask Gabe and Michelle what their expeirences in recording western animation vs. anime. I’ve heard form a lot of anime voice actors that there are some differences and I wanted a take from someone who’s more versed in western animation. -A couple friends and I tried to get Tabitha’s autograph, but they capped the line way before we got there. I ended up changing out of my pinkie cosplay early. Came back to get Lena Hall’s signature!! Though we had to miss Tabitha’s panel and Pinkie Tales to get it D: But we got all the singatures we wanted except Tabitha during all that time! :D -Went back to the vendor hall to get a quick present! -caught the end of The Princess Paradox, which gave a new perspective on Twilight’s character development. -Got some dinner then got to the Screaming into the Mic panel. Very informative and fun! -Went back to the room to drop off my purchases and the cake. Then went back down and decided to go to Peter New’s 21+ panel. Lots of laughs and signing strange body parts. I was going to see Gabe and Michelle’s set in Bronypalooza, but this was fun. -Went to the 2D vs. 3D panel. I noticed there was a certain 3D animator there we wanted on the cake. I rushed back up to the room to get the cake and got armademon to sign the cake! -The Advanced writer’s panel was interesting! The five questions deep point was so funny! -Got tired, so I went back to the room and passed out. I somehow didn’t wake when ppl came back at about 2:30 AM.
-Final day. -Went to autographs early to get Tabitha St. Germain as soon as we could! I was pretty chill about it, but the two boys accompanying me freaked out either during or after. We had a lot of in line talking with people. -We decided to go down to the vendor hall quickly; I had to show someone in our group where I bought my T-shirts! Decided to explore down there for a while. -At 2, we did an Escape Room based on Edgar Allen Poe. I wasn’t too good with it, but I did help with a couple puzzles and had fun! We succeeded with 9 minutes and twenty seconds to spare! -Ran back down to the vendor hall cuz I forgot to buy a keychain! Got there in time. -We went back to the room because the damn keys no longer worked, even though they said we didn’t have to come back Sunday to re-instate the keys (LIARS!). Ran back down to closing ceremonies just in time to hear the news that BronyCon will be 4 days next year, but will be the end!!! I took it kinda hard at first, mostly cuz of the running around and the ceremony starting with ppl still in line. One of our group took it REALLY hard. -Helped two of our group pack up and leave. They had business monday and didn’t want to be late. -Ended up getting food, but that whole situation wasn’t fun. Not going into details. I’m still surly about it. -I was left to relax alone until bed since I was one of the drivers. Gave me time to catch up on my Tumblr feed the past few days.
-Time to go home. We checked out before 11 AM. We ended up getting a bellhop to our room. He helped with the remainder of our stuff. Tipped him for his trouble. -One of us ended up getting a hug from Dwillstinator. Now he knows for sure they’re friends. -we said our goodbyes once again to Baltimare. We know that at least a few of us are coming next year. I’m already planning to save up for a big Cadance cosplay, I just need to find a good dressmaker.
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lia-nikiforov · 7 years
Revised edition
Quick report on Kubo and Yamamoto’s attendance to Concomics Guadalajara. I was in line for 9 hours plus two more for their short Q&A and am objectively dying, sorry for typos 
ETA: When I wrote this it didn’t occur to me that it would get hundreds of reblogs before I ever got to fix it, now my half-deceased incompetent typing will live on forever *sobs*
I arrived at 6:30 am and there were already people in line jeeesus (lots were coming to see a youtuber though)
Gonna spare you the deets on the awful people in my surroundings thank @yuurinikiforov cos I screamed at her for hours
ETA: I just realized this sounds like it was Ally making me scream but in fact i tumblr-screamed at her to prevent from unleashing my frustrations on the gross fujos that surrounded me. Thank Ally because she got to read all that nervous-wreck garbage and y’all get to be spared
I had a two-day ticket so I was allowed in half an hour earlier and if not for that, I probably would’ve missed on the autograph line. They had space for 50 people (plus 200ish that had bought the express pass which was super expensive). I was #45. It took less than three minutes since getting inside for all 50 spots to be taken
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(this was the line after three minutes. I was too lazy to take pics of it later, but it got to be around 5 times this at some point.)
ETA: According to Con staff, since the lines were very well organized, they actually got to sign quite a bit more people than the originally allotted 50. The Queens are so kind. 
No photos, video or sound recording of The Queens allowed, except for this one taken by Con staff. They were giving away those postcards for the filthy casuals people who didn’t bring any official merch for the sign
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i’m mostly kidding about the filthy casual thing bc I hate fandom elitism but there were a lot of people bringing FANART PRINTS and I wanted to gut them
Kubo would quick sketch a character of your choice. I chose Victor bc I love how she draws his huge heart mouth
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I was able to tell Sayokan how grateful I am from the bottom of my heart and that I’m looking forward to the movie and she said thank you and that they’re workinng hard. I died. ETA: I wanted to say so much more but I was so nervous my Japanese came out really garbled and we didn’t have much time. And I didn’t get to say anything to Kubo because I didn’t want to distract her from drawing ;---;
Sayokan has a beautiful smile and I love her
ETA: She also had an aura like Meryl Streep in Devil Wears Prada, twenty years younger: A STRONG woman who takes no prisoners and is fabulous af. I love her with all my soul.
After the autographs, The Queens had a short stage appearance
There was a cosplay contest and the winners would get to sit in the front row for The Queens’ presentation. I didn’t take any pics but the standout for me apart from a flood of gorgeous girls doing Eros Yuuri, was a pair of girls doing Lilia and Yakov. The announcer clearly didn’t watch the show and botched Lilia’s last name, but the cosplayer had the attitude 100% on point.
Something I hate is people who say Yurio stressing the u, it sounds so wrong and a lot of people today were doing it and driving me mad
The stage was packed af
Kubo drew quick sketch of Victor while she and Sayo answered a couple of questions. They will post the video later today
ETA: Here’s the video
Audience Questions logistics wasn’t very well prepared and even Kubo asked how it was gonna work. I was embarrassed for the lack of planning. In the end those that were lucky to be close to the stage got to ask the questions. Lia was praying for no stupid questions pls.
Q&A (translation partially mine partially from the interpreter)
1. What were your expectations about Mexico and have those expectations changed now
Kubo: I haven’t gone sightseeing yet but it’s my first time in Mexico and I didn’t expect so many people. [The people/audience] feels four or five times warmer than japan (make of that what you may, Japanese people say that about us a lot) Sayokan didn’t answer
2. Dumb question that has already been answerred in interviews about whether Yurio was planned to win from the start. As we know, yes, pretty sure both of them have said it before. Sayokan added that his character development wasn’t completely planned though, and he evolved a lot during writing.
3. Which word do you think of when you thibk of Yuuri and Victor 
Sayokan: Love (愛) 
Kubo: She didn’t talk to the mic and people were still screaming about 愛  so Ididn’t hear what she said but the interpreter said she said Friendship. My queens get your story sraight pls
HUGELY IMPORTANT ETA: Other people that were there have confirmed that Kubo gave a long answer that included 断ち切���ない絆 “an unbreakable bond” and didn’t say anything about friendship. There was a telephone game going on because there was a JP-ENG interpreter and then an ENG-SPA interpreter and I don’t know how or why the latter got “friendship” but please take this into account, I don’t want people to hate on Kubo because I wasn’t close enough to hear her answer and the Spanish interpreter botched it.
Not important ETA: A girl close to me was yelling “Victuri” like she hoped they’d answer that and I was facepalming hard
Kubo also asked (in Japanese) if anyone understood Japanese, it wasn’t translated and a good dozen of hands shot up. She was surprised. Some folks screamed abd she said 落ち着け. One or two continued screaming so obviously they didn’t understand Japanese lol
4. Stupid question about whether they plan to develop Otabek and Yurio’s relationship. 
Sayokan said they hadn’t fully decided on how everything’s gonna end in the movie so can’t say yet but look forward to the bonus on V6 (the interpreter said V3 and I wanted to gut him). Hoes I like Otayuri but stop trying to shove it on The queens’ faces pls
5. Do you have plans for a special chapter about the Lady skaters? 
Sayokan said it’s definitely something they’d love to do but right now their focus is on the boys abnd finishing their story. Best answer for me tbh besides Sayokan’s 愛 cos I wanna see Mila skate soooo bad.
ETA: Forgot to mention this but a lot of people were chanting “Boda! Boda!” (wedding). Kubo asked what it was that people were chanting and the interpreter told them. Someoene else is reporting that Sayokan chuckled. There were two tall dudes in front of me so my vision was very obstructed and can’t confirm, but neither said anything out loud in response to it
Sayokan threw some gifts at the audience but My Queen is no pitcher and I was too far back so didn’t get anything *sobs*. Some were prints or maybe postcards but no idea of what exactly.
And that’s it! Theyll be signing more autographs and have another stage appearancw tomorrow but I can’t stay so someone else will have to report it whilst I die.
TL;DR I love them and my calebdar looks even more beautiful and I never thought that was possible and I’ll cry about this day for the rest of my life.
PS I’ll fix those typos when I’m not utterly destroyed PPs: I have no shame so I wanna plug my cute Victuri Tangled AU it’s really cute and it doesnt have typos promise, please read it  http://archiveofourown.org/works/10529547/chapters/23245557
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cielrouge · 7 years
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Went to @coscafenyc‘s Boku No Hero Academia-themed cafe, or “My Hero Cafe” earlier today. After I had such a great time at their Yuri On Ice-themed pop-up cafe last month, I definitely wanted to attend another one. Tickets didn’t sell out like within 20 minutes this time around lol. Though, I still got mine the day it went on sale. I got a ticket for the third block again, and was seated at a table with two other people who also came alone (one person said that his friends were lame and couldn’t get tickets in time rofl), so I didn’t feel totally all in my sad lonesome~~ again hahaha. 
The standard ticket price was $25 and included: a traditional ‘brown bag’ lunch (with a sandwich, small side, dessert, juice/milk), a postcard from the official art set made by the artist staff, school supply bonuses (a pen and cute stationary), entry into the fan raffle, and event admission of course. I got a ticket for the third block from 3:30 to 4:30 pm, and each block lasted an hour, with four blocks in total. After being seated, I opened my brown bag lunch. Previously they had the participants pick a lunch set before the event, and I got a ham and cheese sandwich with pringles, a fruit roll-up, a jolly rancher, and fruit punch. The other food options included a tuna sandwich mixed with mayonnaise, salt, and pepper, and a veggie option of a hummus sandwich with cucumbers, lettuce, and tomatoes. The other drink options included water, chocolate milk, apple juice, and fruit punch. 
An event artist came around and made personal sketches of requested characters for each guest at a table, which I thought was really great and thoughtful. The event cosplayers rotated each table round-robin style, interacting with the guests in-character, playing games and so on.  They had a good number of the Class 1-A cosplayers, including Midoriya, Todoroki, Uraraka, Iida, Bakugou, Kirishima, Asui, Yayorozu, Kaminari, Jirou, Present Mic, and Eraserhead. I thought that the Uraraka and Asui cosplayers were super cute, and the Bakugou and Kirishima cosplayers were hilarious - particularly when the Eraserhead cosplayer would occasionally chime in and tell the Bakugou cosplayer to watch his language whenever he cursed rofl. Though, my favorite moment was when the Yayorozu cosplayer (and one of the cafe’s organizers, Akiran) accidentally ripped off the Iida cosplayer’s clip-on tie *gasps* which led to him profusely apologizing to her and the entire table in-character lolol. 
Somehow I won the fan raffle. AGAIN!!! (I really don’t know how that happened haha oops?) and the raffle prize set included a Todoroki poster, the entire postcard set, and a cute Asui keychain. Towards the end, each table was allowed to make a (reasonable) group request for the cosplayers. I don’t think I remember all of them but there were some pretty funny ones, like a table requesting the Bakugou and Kirishima cosplayers to sing Smash Mouth’s ‘All Star,’ and another table requesting that all the cosplayers partake in a group dab pfftt. Other requests included the Present Mic cosplayer kabedon’ing a guest, and the Bakugou cosplayer having to say something nice to the Midoriya cosplayer - his compliment ended up being something along the lines of ‘you’re not the worst hero ever,’ which everyone in the cafe awwed and cooed at. Also, I don’t think this was necessarily a request and I forgot when this exactly happened but at one point the Bakugou cosplayer handed a sign to the Todoroki cosplayer labeled ‘daddy issues’ which everyone screeched at and agreed that that was going a little too far omfg, though totally priceless. I’m a little sad that I couldn’t snap a picture in time for that moment lol. After the requests, the organizers left some time for guests to purchase fan merchandise, provided by the event artists. 
Before I left, I actually got the chance to talk briefly with one of the organizers, Kou. I asked if it takes long for her and Akiran, the other organizer, to plan these kind of events. Kou said that since they’ve already run a bunch of these pop-up cafes before, they seem to have a fairly easy event blueprint to follow at this point (providing some kind of themed food plate, hiring the volunteer artist staff and cosplayers, timed block-formats, table group requests, etc). She also mentioned that pretty much all the money generated via tickets goes directly to the event (renting the venue space, food & utensils, Universe ticket service fees, art printing, etc), though they actually had a little money left over from their previous Yuri On Ice-themed event - which then went directly to the funds of this My Hero Cafe event. 
If you’re ever in the NYC area, I highly recommend attending one of Cos Cafe NYC’s themed, pop-up cafes in the future (I would kill to see a Mystic Messenger-themed or Cardcaptor Sakura-themed one, and you betcha that I would drag my friends along in a heartbeat lol). You can really tell how much effort, enthusiasm, and thoughtfulness that the organizers and the entire volunteer staff (artists/cosplayers) really put into the event, and I’ve had a really great time at both themed, pop-up cafes that I’ve been to. 
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In hindsight, it all went downhill when Atsuhiro found his upstairs neighbor on his couch and let him stay.
Now he has an arrangement of people living in his apartment. Having an awkward mess, a maybe immortal mom friend, a tired badass, a destructive gamer, a dumbass cosplayer, a cryptid amnesiac, a disaster bisexual, a bitter asshole, a feral bastard, an angry and confused bundle of trauma, a very confused pro hero, and a possibly kidnapped child in the same three bedroom flat is a recipe for disaster. Especially when all of them are traumatized.
Hey, at least the awkward mess from upstairs is cute.
Teen And Up Audiences
Archive Warning
No Archive Warnings Apply
Gen, M/M
僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia
Bubaigawara Jin | Twice/Sako Atsuhiro | Mr. Compress, eventually: they're disasters, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead & Shinsou Hitoshi & Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic, Bakugou Katsuki & Everyone, Shinsou Hitoshi & Everyone, Toga Himiko & Everyone, Dabi (My Hero Academia) & Everyone, Shigaraki Tomura | Shimura Tenko & Everyone, Iguchi Shuuichi | Spinner & Everyone, Everyone & Everyone
Sako Atsuhiro | Mr. Compress, Bubaigawara Jin | Twice, Shigaraki Tomura | Shimura Tenko, Kurogiri (My Hero Academia), Shirakumo Oboro, Hikiishi Kenji | Magne, Toga Himiko, Monoma Neito, Shinsou Hitoshi, Dabi (My Hero Academia), Todoroki Touya, Bakugou Katsuki, Eri (My Hero Academia), Iguchi Shuuichi | Spinner, Takami Keigo | Hawks, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead, Midoriya Izuku, Class 1-A (My Hero Academia), Class 1-B (My Hero Academia), Todoroki Enji | Endeavor, Todoroki Shouto, Todoroki Fuyumi, um...probably some other people too
Additional Tags:
accidental adoption, League of Villains as Family (My Hero Academia), Found Family, Jin is a mess and Atsuhiro thinks it’s cute, Kurogiri is technically immortal? Since he’s a nomu from a dead body? He’s also the mom friend, Poor Magne has a lot to deal with, Tomura pro games and cusses out people on the internet, Shuuichi showed up at some point, Dabi has amnesia and no one knows who he is (I mean they do have heavy suspicions), he’s not helping by disappearing for hours on end, Himiko is a disaster bisexual and bonds with Kaminari over that, Shinsou is fed up and sassing everyone, Neito may or may not have rabies! we love him anyways, Katsuki is very confused as to what positive emotions are, Hawks is even more confused as to where he is since Dabi just kept him. no explaination, Eri is having a good time but Dabi also just showed up with her one day with no explanation, she might have been kidnapped who knows, no beta because I'm awkward, League of Villains Shenanigans (My Hero Academia), Everyone Needs A Hug, Todoroki Enji | Endeavor's Bad Parenting, Bakugou Mitsuki's Bad Parenting, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Trauma, Listen...They're idiots but they're also smart enough to not get caught, i love these dumbasses, It won't let me tag, Sako Atsuhiro | Mr. Compress & Bubaigawara Jin | Twice & Shigaraki Tomura | Shimura Tenko & Kurogiri, & Hikiishi Kenji | Magne & Toga Himiko & Monoma Neito & Dabi, & Shinsou Hitoshi & Bakugou Katsuki & Eri & Iguchi Shuuichi | Spinner & Takami Keigo | Hawks, but know that it is there. existing, Oh!!, Parental Sako Atsuhiro | Mr. Compress, Parental Kurogiri (My Hero Academia), Tired Kurogiri (My Hero Academia), Bubaigawara Jin | Twice Lives, Dabi is Todoroki Touya
2 notes · View notes
In hindsight, it all went downhill when Atsuhiro found his upstairs neighbor on his couch and let him stay.
Now he has an arrangement of people living in his apartment. Having an awkward mess, a maybe immortal mom friend, a tired badass, a destructive gamer, a dumbass cosplayer, a cryptid amnesiac, a disaster bisexual, a bitter asshole, a feral bastard, an angry and confused bundle of trauma, a very confused pro hero, and a possibly kidnapped child in the same three bedroom flat is a recipe for disaster. Especially when all of them are traumatized.
Hey, at least the awkward mess from upstairs is cute.
Teen And Up Audiences
Archive Warning
No Archive Warnings Apply
Gen, M/M
僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia
Bubaigawara Jin | Twice/Sako Atsuhiro | Mr. Compress, eventually: they're disasters, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead & Shinsou Hitoshi & Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic, Bakugou Katsuki & Everyone, Shinsou Hitoshi & Everyone, Toga Himiko & Everyone, Dabi (My Hero Academia) & Everyone, Shigaraki Tomura | Shimura Tenko & Everyone, Iguchi Shuuichi | Spinner & Everyone, Everyone & Everyone
Sako Atsuhiro | Mr. Compress, Bubaigawara Jin | Twice, Shigaraki Tomura | Shimura Tenko, Kurogiri (My Hero Academia), Shirakumo Oboro, Hikiishi Kenji | Magne, Toga Himiko, Monoma Neito, Shinsou Hitoshi, Dabi (My Hero Academia), Todoroki Touya, Bakugou Katsuki, Eri (My Hero Academia), Iguchi Shuuichi | Spinner, Takami Keigo | Hawks, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead, Midoriya Izuku, Class 1-A (My Hero Academia), Class 1-B (My Hero Academia), Todoroki Enji | Endeavor, Todoroki Shouto, Todoroki Fuyumi, um...probably some other people too
Additional Tags:
accidental adoption, League of Villains as Family (My Hero Academia), Found Family, Jin is a mess and Atsuhiro thinks it’s cute, Kurogiri is technically immortal? Since he’s a nomu from a dead body? He’s also the mom friend, Poor Magne has a lot to deal with, Tomura pro games and cusses out people on the internet, Shuuichi showed up at some point, Dabi has amnesia and no one knows who he is (I mean they do have heavy suspicions), he’s not helping by disappearing for hours on end, Himiko is a disaster bisexual and bonds with Kaminari over that, Shinsou is fed up and sassing everyone, Neito may or may not have rabies! we love him anyways, Katsuki is very confused as to what positive emotions are, Hawks is even more confused as to where he is since Dabi just kept him. no explaination, Eri is having a good time but Dabi also just showed up with her one day with no explanation, she might have been kidnapped who knows, no beta because I'm awkward, League of Villains Shenanigans (My Hero Academia), Everyone Needs A Hug, Todoroki Enji | Endeavor's Bad Parenting, Bakugou Mitsuki's Bad Parenting, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Trauma, Listen...They're idiots but they're also smart enough to not get caught, i love these dumbasses, It won't let me tag, Sako Atsuhiro | Mr. Compress & Bubaigawara Jin | Twice & Shigaraki Tomura | Shimura Tenko & Kurogiri, & Hikiishi Kenji | Magne & Toga Himiko & Monoma Neito & Dabi, & Shinsou Hitoshi & Bakugou Katsuki & Eri & Iguchi Shuuichi | Spinner & Takami Keigo | Hawks, but know that it is there. existing, Oh!!, Parental Sako Atsuhiro | Mr. Compress, Parental Kurogiri (My Hero Academia), Tired Kurogiri (My Hero Academia), Bubaigawara Jin | Twice Lives, Dabi is Todoroki Touya
0 notes