#today I bring you incredibly niche content that only I will enjoy
airlocksandaviaries · 2 years
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Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang as Text Posts (1/?)
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firelxdykatara · 3 years
I’m just really confused as to where this idea that Zuko is gaycoded came from. Like people are allowed to have that headcanon but I don’t understand where people are coming from when they try and claim that he was undisputedly gaycoded and trying to deny it is homophobic when he’s only ever shown romantic interest in women.
I made a pretty long post on the topic a while back, but the ultimate gist of it is this: there are a lot of elements of Zuko's status as an abuse victim and trauma survivor that resonate with queer folks. This is understandable and completely fine! However, there are some parts of the fandom who have taken that to the other extreme and will now insist that those elements are uniquely queer, and that they can only be read as some sort of veiled gay/coming out narrative, even though that doesn't make much sense since there is no part of Zuko's narrative which is unique to any sort of queer experience.
I think the problem really does stem from two things being conflated--Zuko's history of abuse and trauma, and trauma&abuse being something a lot of queer people have experienced. I suspect it goes something like 'I see a lot of myself in Zuko, and I was abused for being gay, therefore Zuko must be gay too in order to have had similar experiences.' This can then lead to feeling dismissed or invalidated when other people point out that those experiences are not unique to being queer--but on the flip side, abuse victims and trauma survivors whose abuse&trauma do not stem from queerness (even if they are queer themselves) can feel invalidated and dismissed by the implication that their trauma must be connected to their queerness or it isn't valid.
This is also where the 'people don't actually know what gay coded means' part comes in, and I realize now that I didn't actually get into what gay coding (and queer coding in general) actually means, since I was so hung up on pointing out how Zuko doesn't really fit the mold. (And the few elements that exist which could be said to count are because of the 'villains historically get queer coded bc Hays Code era' thing and mostly occur in Book 1, not because of how he acts as an abuse&trauma survivor.)
Under a cut because I kind of go on a tangent about gay/queer coding, but I swear I get back to the point eventually.
Queer coding (and it is notable that, with respect to Zuko, it is almost always framed as 'he couldn't possibly be attracted to girls', rather than 'he could be attracted to boys as well as girls' in these discussions, for... no real discernible reason, but I'll get into that in a bit) is the practice of giving characters 'stereotypically queer' traits and characteristics to 'slide them under the radar' in an era where having explicitly queer characters on screen was not allowed, unless they were evil or otherwise narratively punished for their queerness. (See: the extant history of villains being queer-coded, because if they were Evil then it was ok to make them 'look gay', since the story wasn't going to be rewarding their queerness and making audiences think it was in any way OK.) This is thanks to the Motion Picture Production Code (colloquially and more popularly known as the Hays Code), which was a set of guidelines which movies coming out of any major studio had to adhere to in order to be slated for public release and lasted from the early 1930s until it was finally abandoned in the late 60s.
The Hays Code essentially existed to ensure that the content of major motion pictures would not 'lower the moral standards' of the viewing public. It didn't just have to do with queerness--cursing was heavily monitored, sex outside of marriage was not allowed to be seen as desirable or tittilating, miscegenation was not allowed (most specifically interracial relationships between black and white people), criminals had to be punished lest the audience think that it was ok to be gay and do crime, etc. Since same-sex relations fell under 'sexual perversion', they could not be shown unless the 'perversion' were punished in some way. (This is also the origin of the Bury Your Gays trope, another term that is widely misunderstood and misapplied today.) To get around this, queer coding became the practice by which movies and television could depict queer people but not really, and it also became customary to give villains this coding even more overtly, since they would get punished by the end of the film or series anyway and there was nothing to lose by making them flamboyant and racy/overly sexual/promiscuous.
Over time, this practice of making villains flamboyant, sexually aggressive, &etc became somewhat separated from its origins in queer coding, by which I mean that these traits and tropes became the go-to for villains even when the creator had no real intention of making them seem queer. This is how you generally get unintentional queer-coding--because these traits that have been given to villains for decades have roots in coding, but people tend to go right to them when it comes to creating their villains without considering where they came from.
Even after the Hays Code was abandoned, the sentiments and practices remained. Having queer characters who weren't punished by the narrative for being queer was exceptionally rare, and it really isn't until the last fifteen or so years that we've seen any pushback against that. Buffy the Vampire Slayer is famous for being one of the first shows on primetime television to feature an explicitly gay relationship on-screen, and that relationship ended in one of the most painful instances of Bury Your Gays that I have ever personally witnessed. (Something that, fourteen years later, The 100 would visually and textually reference with Lexa's death. Getting hit by a bullet intended for someone else after a night of finally getting to be happy and have sex with her s/o? It wasn't remotely subtle. I don't even like Clexa, but that was incredibly rough to witness.)
However, bringing this back to Zuko, he really doesn't fit the criteria for queer coding for a number of reasons. First of all, no one behind the scenes (mostly a bunch of cishet men) was at all intending to include queer rep in the show. This wasn't a case where they were like 'well, we really wanted to make Zuko gay, but we couldn't get that past the censors, so here are a few winks and a nudge', because it just wasn't on their radar at all. Which makes sense--it wasn't on most radars in that era of children's programming. This isn't really an indictment, it's just a fact of the time--in the mid/late 00s, no one was really thinking about putting queer characters in children's cartoons. People were barely beginning to include them in more teen- and adult-oriented television and movies. It just wasn't something that a couple of straight men, who were creating a fantasy series aimed at young kids, were going to think about.
What few instances you can point to from the series where Zuko might be considered to exhibit coding largely happen in Book 1, when he was a villain, because the writers were drawing from typically villainous traits that had historically come from queer coding villains and had since passed into common usage as villainous traits. But they weren't done with any intention of making it seem like Zuko might be attracted to boys.
And, again, what people actually point to as 'evidence' of Zuko being queer-coded--his awkwardness on his date with Jin and his confrontation with Ozai being the big ones I can think of off the top of my head--are actually just... traits that come from his history of trauma and abuse.
As I said in that old post:
making [zuko’s confrontation of ozai] about zuko being gay and rejecting ozai’s homophobia, rather than zuko learning fundamental truths about the world and about his home and about how there was something deeply wrong with his nation that needed to be fixed in order for the world to heal (and, no, ‘homophobia’ is not the answer to ‘what is wrong with the fire nation’, i’m still fucking pissed at bryke about that), misses the entire point of his character arc. this is the culmination of zuko realizing that he should never have had to earn his father’s love, because that should have been unconditional from the start. this is zuko realizing that he was not at fault for his father’s abuse--that speaking out of turn in a war meeting in no way justified fighting a duel with a child.
is that first realization (that a parent’s love should be unconditional, and if it isn’t, then that is the parent’s fault and not the child’s) something that queer kids in homophobic households/families can relate to? of course it is. but it’s also something that every other abused kid, straight kids and even queer kids who were abused for other reasons before they even knew they were anything other than cishet, can relate to as well. in that respect, it is not a uniquely queer experience, nor is it a uniquely queer story, and zuko not being attracted to girls (which is what a lot of it seems to boil down to, at the end of the day--cutting down zuko’s potential ships so that only zukka and a few far more niche ships are left standing) is not necessary to his character arc. nor does it particularly make sense.
And, regarding his date with Jin:
(and before anyone brings up his date with jin--a) he enjoyed it when she kissed him, and b) he was a traumatized, abused child going out on a first date. of course he was fucking awkward. have you ever met a teenage boy????)
Zuko is socially awkward and maladjusted because he was abused by his father as a child and has trouble relating to people as a result. He was heavily traumatized and brutally physically injured as a teenager, and it took him years to begin to truly recover from the scars that left on his psyche (and it's highly likely, despite the strides he made in canon, that he has a long way to go, post series; it's such a pity that we never got any continuation comics >.>). He was not abused for being gay or queer--he was abused because his father believed he was weak, and part of Zuko's journey was realizing that his father's perception of strength was flawed at its core. That his entire nation had rotted from the inside out, and the regime needed to be changed in order for the world--including his people--to begin to heal.
That could be commingled with a coming out narrative, which is completely fine for headcanons (although I personally prefer not to, because, again, we have more than enough queer trauma already), but it simply doesn't exist in canon. Zuko was not abused or traumatized for being queer, and his confrontation with Ozai was not about him coming out or realizing any fundamental truth about himself--it was about realizing something fundamental about his father and his nation, and making the choice to leave them behind so that he could help the Avatar grow stronger and force things to change when he got back.
TL;DR: at the end of the day, none of the traits, scenes, or behavior Zuko exhibits which shippers tend to use to claim he was gay-coded are actually evidence of coding--they aren't uniquely queer experiences, as they stem from abuse that was not related in any way to his sexuality, and they are experiences that any kid who suffered similar abuse or trauma could recognize and resonate with. (Including straight kids, and queer kids who were abused for any reason other than their identity.) And, finally, Zuko can be queer without erasing or invalidating his canon attraction to girls, and it's endlessly frustrating that the 'Zuko is gay-coded' crowd refuses to acknowledge that.
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jincherie · 5 years
potion 609 | pjm & ksj
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✩ — pairing: seokjinx reader x jimin ✩ — genre: poly, magic au, roadtrip au, mutual pining, borderline crack, fluff, slight angst ✩ — words: 10.8k ✩ — rating: sfw ✩ — warnings: *sobbing* they’re so stupid man, they’re so stupid ✩ — notes: this took a bit longer than expected, if only because like everyone else in the world rn I’ve had a few unprecedented issues in my life pop up to deal with. I hope u all are well and if you’re not, that you get better soon. please enjoy this mess! <3
A four day roadtrip into the depths of the mountains with the two best friends you’ve recently realised you have feelings for is probably the last thing you need. It becomes a reality, though, when Seokjin and Jimin bring home a cursed doll that reacts with the potion you were making and lands you all cursed yourselves; both forced to say whatever comes to mind and bound to each other. Now stuck in close quarters with your two idiot best friends who for the life of them can not shut up for the foreseeable future while you venture to fix this, you’re beginning to doubt whether you or your heart can survive this trip in one piece.
masterlist | — posted; 24.03.2020
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“Oh my god… y/n. What have you done?���
You glare, hard, at the male standing dead in the middle of the room, currently in the midst of being accosted by two idiots you happen to call your best friends. If you hadn’t thought quick and chugged a silencing potion before frantically texting Namjoon, you have no doubt you’d be stuck in the same situation as them right now.
“Please, please, please help us!” Jimin is clutching your professor by the arms, shaking him like a madman. Some of the goo coating his soiled silken grey shirt flings onto your professor’s, and you watch him physically recoil. “I can’t live like this! Jin might be hot but he’s so incredibly stupid and if I have to listen to his unfiltered thoughts all day every day I’m going to lose my [quack]ing mind!”
As much as it pains you, you’re so stressed and exasperated right now that you can’t even laugh at the fact that your professor has spent all of two minutes in the room and already has cast one of his stupid censoring spells on the two of them.
“Excuse me?” Seokjin sounds, smacking Jimin on the arm. “You think I’m hot? Why don’t you tell me more often!! You know I like hearing it! You’re so stingy, honestly. No wonder y/n likes me more.”
At Seokjin’s unwitting confirmation of Jimin’s words, the shorter male turns a look of absolute plea to your professor, grip tightening. The man in his hold then turns to you, looking an odd cross between bewildered and annoyed. Before he says anything more, the two idiots continuing to bicker beyond him, a voice sounds from behind you.
“She can’t talk,” Namjoon supplies smoothly, stepping to your side and slinging his arm around your shoulder with a dimpled grin. “The potion seems to have had the opposite effect on her, oddly enough.”
You resist the urge to spin and pin the male with an impressed look at how smoothly he just pulled that out of his ass, especially after performing a strong silencing spell on you barely a minute ago.
“Well, these two can definitely talk,” your professor says, and the deadpan tone and expression coming from him, someone who is usually so mild mannered and sweet, almost makes you choke on your own spit. Even if you wanted to laugh, Namjoon’s silencing spells are no joke and you can’t let out even the slightest of chuckles.  “It seems that not only has the potion bound all those covered in its contents—the three of them—but these two in particular… It seems as though their filters are completely gone, and they’re just saying everything that comes to the top of their head. And I mean— everything.”
Namjoon makes a pitying sound, giving your professor an empathetic look. Meanwhile you are standing and contemplating whether it would be a better option to throw yourself off the nearest bridge rather than stay and deal with this mess. It’s tempting, you admit, but one thing stands in the way…
You look down, catching sight of the translucent, glowing cord of runes and sigils that winds around your wrist, trailing off in the direction of the bickering duo a few metres away. A wave of something like exasperation floods through you, tinged with hints of self-pity.
Of course one of the side effects of this stupid cursed mishap is that you physically cannot stray more than 3 metres from dumb and dumber over there. Like, at all. You’ve tried. It was a massive effort just to get them close enough to the doorway that you could go into the other room with Namjoon so he could give you a hit of magical shut-up juice.
“Please help us!” Jimin whines, louder than before. He is successful in capturing the attention of the entire room, and he stomps his foot. “Professor Lim, please! Have I not been the best student you could ever ask for? Helping in your shop and bringing you cursed items from across the globe?”
Once he starts, he doesn’t stop—which isn’t all that different from usual except this time it’s like you’ve twisted a tap on and the handle has then broken, leaving the pipe jetting out water with no way of cutting it off. You think you’re really going to go insane if you’re stuck with these two any longer.
“I can’t help you!” your professor bursts, tearing himself away from your friends’ pleading grips. “Look, I have no idea what on earth y/n was attempting to cook up in there that made it react with the cursed doll like that—”
I was EXPERIMENTING, you defend silently, thankfully unable to voice your thoughts.
“—but it’s out of my jurisdiction, boys. Judging from the runes on those bindings this is some high level magic, and kind of, uh… niche. I only know barely a handful of people that might be able to help.”
“Who?” Jimin and Seokjin demand at the same time, eyes wide with hope—for all of Seokjin’s rebuttals to Jimin’s earlier whining, he doesn’t seem too overjoyed at the prospect of being stuck with him for longer than necessary either.
At the question, your professor gives a somewhat sheepish laugh. “Uh, well… the closest is a witch I knew back in my university student days. She’s not that far geographically, but she lives at the top of one of the mountains in Dusk Dew Valley and the magic of the forest means you can’t zap in or out so… you’re gonna have to drive.”
“That’s not so bad,” Seokjin comments, at the same time that Jimin squints, suspicious.
“How long?”
Your professor clears his throat, averting his gaze—personally, you’re on the edge of your metaphorical seat. “Uh,” he begins awkwardly, like he wishes he didn’t have to say what he is going to next. “Probably about… four? …five days?”
Aside from the background sound of cursed goo sliding down the walls and plopping onto the floor in fat, glutinous globs, the room is silent. Your gaze goes from your wrist, to the ugly doll on the floor a few feet away (where it landed in the midst of the blast—they hadn’t gotten very far into the room before things went south) and then to Jimin and Seokjin, who have been your closest friends for the better part of your adult life and with whom normally you wouldn’t mind spending such an amount of time with.
Except, thing’s aren’t really as they are normally, and lately you’ve started noticing some feelings rising within you that are getting harder and harder to squash. You don’t think you can make it out of this in once piece, and a look to the side reveals Namjoon’s doubtful expression that tells you he thinks the same.
 [ DAY ONE ]
The trip, for the few hours you’ve been on it so far, has proved to be taxing in more ways than one. Case in point:
“Namjoon! Stop playing that hippy garbage and show us your mixtape! What are you, a coward?”
Next to you, you can sense Namjoon’s hands tighten on the wheel—you might have fought tooth and nail to get shotgun but he’d been coerced somewhat unwillingly into the driving seat. He has a provisional licence and still has some supervised driving hours to complete, so it was with a pout that he climbed in next to you earlier today and has been behind the wheel ever since.
The reason for the twitch that’s developed under his eye and the white tint of his knuckles as they grip the wheel lies in the seats behind you—Seokjin and Jimin have been running their mouths for the better part of the last few hours and don’t seem like they’re going to be shutting up anytime soon. To be fair, at the start they were just talking about normal things, but then one of them said something somewhat antagonistic about an hour and a half in and they haven’t stopped bickering since.
In the seat behind them, Jungkook and Taehyung – two friends who had somehow been roped into this abridged roadtrip— sit with looks of pure, unadulterated regret on their faces.
“This is my mixtape,” Namjoon says through gritted teeth, Seokjin shrinking back into his seat in response with a chastised look. It takes all of a split second for Jimin to snicker, no chance for sweet, sweet silence to bloom before they’re back to bickering once more. You almost give in to the urge to slam your head against the dash again. Almost.
“Why couldn’t they both have turned out like y/n?” you hear Jungkook question in something that must be his attempt at a whisper (yet that still reaches you at the front of the car). Taehyung sighs, like the weight of the world has suddenly rested itself on his shoulders and he now finds himself with the task of carrying it for the rest of eternity.
“They’re too stupid,” Taehyung answers, somewhat cryptically. By some show of mercy from up above, neither of the two idiots in question hear him insulting them.
You squint at Taehyung through the rear-view mirror, wondering if he’s onto you. He doesn’t seem like it, what with him now playing ‘I Spy’ with Jungkook and cheating with his magic, but then again you know Taehyung to be awfully perceptive when he needs to be. You’ll have to ask Namjoon to make sure he doesn’t blab to dumb and dumber behind you or you’ll never hear the end of it.
“You know what? This wouldn’t have happened if y/n didn’t pick you up like a stray dog in her second year!”
Ears alert at the sound of your name, you turn your head to nail the two with a suspicious look while Namjoon keeps his eyes pointedly to the front and on the road carving a path between thick rainforest greenery. Seokjin is sputtering at what Jimin just announced, eyes whipping between you and Jimin incredulously. He has the exact look on his face that a child does right before they tattle on their older sibling to their mother for being mean to them.
It really is like raising two kids though, honestly, you lament. You should see if you can get family benefits from the government.
“Excuse me? If anything, I picked you two up like strays. You should have seen her that first day she came up to me, all pleading with these puppy dog eyes, asking if I would be her mentor. She was so pitiful I couldn’t bear to say no.”
WHAT?! That’s not how that went! You glare at Seokjin for spewing mistruths, reaching for something to throw at him in the front cup holder. He has a look of regret on his face, like what he said was never meant to enter the air, but it’s out now and you’re gonna pelt something at him for it. It’s their fault they’re cursed to say whatever the hell comes to mind, anyway. It’s just unfortunate that 80% of the things that come to Seokjin’s mind happen to be things that shouldn’t be said out loud. You’d say the same for Jimin but his percentage is a little lower, more like 50-60%, so you’ll let him live for now.
“Oh my gods that is ENOUGH! Both of you shut up! Please! Or so help me Hecate I will turn this car around and dump you two on the side of the road to walk!”
Surprisingly, Namjoon’s reprimand works and the two males snap their mouths shut, eyes wide. You haven’t forgiven Seokjin for his sleight, so you make sure he sees you glaring before you turn back around. You can hear him gulp.
Before you met Seokjin in one of your classes at the academy, it had always been you and Jimin. The two of you grew up in the same gated community in the same cul-de-sac—you with your aunt, and him with his incredibly rich and highly esteemed parents. You always saw his parents before you ever saw him, and (somewhat unfairly) you judged from their stony expressions and default looks of disdain that he’d be just like them—cold, stuck up and probably someone who would bully you for not living in a home with actual parents. It was a bit of a sore spot for you back then.
To your complete and utter surprise, everything you assumed of him was turned on its head when he found you at the park one day, angry-crying in embarrassment due to the nasty fall you’d just had. Some other kids had dared you to do a trick on the swings that required some air magic, but you’re not very strong in that area. Yet, like the stupid, proud child you were, you attempted it anyway and ended up scraping your knees raw at the edge of the playground. Not wanting to get in trouble and terrified at the sight of blood, they’d fled and left you there gritting your teeth and trying not to wail in pain. You were in the middle of plotting your revenge on each and every one of them while pressing a hand to your knees when a voice had sounded from beside you and scared the living daylights out of you.
“Hey… are you okay?”
Honestly, he had been so sweet and kind that you didn’t even realise straight away that he was the same child that lived in the house across from yours. From the beginning you couldn’t stay strong against his big, puppy eyes, and you ended up letting him help when he offered. You always were a bit better with plants and herbs, trees flowering when you tickled them and dandelions dancing around you in glee as you passed through meadows on the way to school. That didn’t help much in the area of healing, though.
Jimin, you were surprised to learn, actually was quite adept at healing magic, despite his affinity being for water—or maybe that’s part of the reason why. He’d wiped the tears on your cheeks and pressed them to your knees with small, careful hands—they’d glowed before your eyes and a tingle and a tickle later, they were completely scuff free—smoother than they had been when you were a baby, you remember marvelling in awe.
That moment then, you’ve concluded many times, was the moment you first started to like Park Jimin.
All through high school, you liked him. Sometimes painfully so. Eventually, even without the nurturing and watering that comes with requited feelings, that bloomed into something a little too alike love. Right as you entered your undergraduate at the academy, you decided to do yourself a favour and attempted to squash that flower down, to rip it out of your heart. But alas, it was rooted too deep. You were helpless but to continue dealing with those feelings.
That is, until Seokjin came along.
You could say that he was your next infatuation, but it was a little more complicated than that at the time. The way that you came to like him… is a little different.
You might have developed your crush on Jimin instantly as a child, but with Seokjin the feelings built slowly within you for weeks as you sat with him in classes and began to hang out with him outside them. It was the kind of thing that you don’t realise until it smacks you suddenly in the face one day at the most inconvenient time—for you, you realised the feelings that had blossomed within you one afternoon at an ice cream parlour after watching Seokjin shove the entire dessert into his mouth on a dare, ending up looking like a chipmunk with crushed waffle cone threatening to escape the seal of his lips every time he laughed. It was gross as hell and you’d never been more stupidly attracted to him in your life.
Seokjin eventually was absorbed into your little friend circle, and that’s how it has been for the past two years. The two of them bicker often, but it’s usually playful and it’s just the type of dynamic they happened to fall into. You’re growing a little concerned now though, because it feels like these arguments are slowly getting more and more serious now that they don’t have the ability to exercise their filter.
Frowning to yourself in thought, you turn your gaze out the window and try not to think about it too hard. This roadtrip will be over before you know it! Surely!
— X—
That’s what has overtaken your small little roadside camp. As it grew dark and Namjoon grew tired after driving all day, all of you had made the unanimous decision to stop for the night and set up camp. It was part of the reason Taehyung and Jungkook had agreed to come—they’re always down for an adventure and they’d never been into these mountains.
Yoongi and Hoseok, two other friends that ended up joining your troupe as an extension of Seokjin, had only agreed to come along because they are, in fact, huge plant nerds—and this forest is full of magical flora that Hoseok went absolutely starry-eyed at the mention of. They brought their own car and hence didn’t have to deal with the vexing nature of the journey in the company of Seokjin and Jimin, but they were quickly enlightened once you all stopped to set up camp.
Hoseok is the one that screamed, and considering the flames currently licking the dark material of his slacks, you think he’s well within his rights. A part of you is worried you’re about to be set alight as well, but the rest of you is catching up with what you just saw.
Jimin’s magical affinity, as you’ve known ever since you were kids, is for water. Seokjin’s, as you found out quickly after meeting him in college because he likes to show off, is for heat, and combustion. Put plainly, his affinity is fire.
And yet, when Jimin went to magically pull the water out of Hoseok’s pants after Jungkook spilled the ramen pot on him, it hadn’t exactly gone as anyone expected. For one, Jimin’s hands had glowed pink instead of blue, and instead of seeing water seep out of Hoseok’s pant leg, the entire camp watched as a spark formed from Jimin’s fingertips and went flying towards it.
Long story short; Hoseok’s pants are now on fire and Jimin is freaking out.
The campers that aren’t currently affected (read: everyone but Hoseok and Jimin) are instead almost wetting themselves in laughter at the situation.
“If this is a joke it isn’t funny!” Jimin exclaims, waving his hand in the air. You don’t know whether to focus on him or on Hoseok leaping out of his pants behind him and throwing them on the ground to stomp the flames out. Both are funny, especially when Jimin’s frantic waving doesn’t conjure water as he desired but instead more sparks.
The rest of the camp pauses their laughter and scrambles in alarm to dodge the sparks falling, diving out of chairs and rolling out of the way in their desperation—well, everyone but Seokjin, who is currently laughing so hard his eyes are squeezed shut and he’s rolling on the ground in a different way. You make a face of disdain—you could have chosen anyone in the world to befriend and subsequently fall in love with, and you chose these two? You’re a little disappointed in yourself.
“I can’t believe it!” Seokjin is howling, cradling his stomach as he curls on the ground. You wince at the leaves currently tangling in his hair. “Are you telling me you didn’t—didn’t know our powers swapped? Oh my gods, Jimin—”
Your gaze whips to the shorter male, who looks like the visual definition of both unimpressed and murderous. “Are you saying you knew? And you didn’t tell me! You ass—”
A sense of resignation settles within you as you anticipate another fight on the horizon. Their bickering has only worsened through the day, and at this point you’re not above physically gagging them. You brought spare socks, babey.
“Of course I knew! I sneezed in the bathroom earlier and had my ass suddenly embraced in cold water. Are you telling me you didn’t notice when we were drinking juice boxes before and the straws kept melting in your hands?”
Well, everything you’re hearing is news to you—you had no idea before this incident that their powers had been mixed up as well as everything else. They are masters of their own affinity, but have no experience whatsoever with the other’s, so you’re anticipating (regretfully) a lot more incidents like this.
At first Jimin’s face is contorted in something like sympathy and disgust, but that quickly shifts into embarrassment—the tips of his ears join his cheeks in flushing pink.
“No, I thought I was just sitting too close to the fire!” he retorts, pointing a finger at the older male. “I never use fire for anything, how was I supposed to know?!”
Seokjin opens his big mouth to fire something back, but is thankfully stopped in his tracks by Yoongi cramming a pizza slice in there. Seokjin immediately starts chewing like the action triggered some evolutionary reflex, like when you put a finger in a baby’s hand and they grip on instinct.
“Can you both shut up?” he grouches, only bold enough to send Jimin a glare since Seokjin is older than him; it doesn’t stop him from running his mouth at him, though. “I can and I will mix something up to knock you out. Hell, I’ll even get y/n to help—I hear her potion is part of what landed you in this mess.”
You were not expecting to be dragged through the dirt at the end of that. You send the male a glare, flipping him the bird before stomping off to go get some of the desserts from the car. He’s lucky you already silenced yourself or you’d be ripping him a new one by now.
Stupid! Stupid boys! All men do is talk, eat hot pizza and LIE!
Thankfully, you have time to cool off before dinner is over, the atmosphere mollifying now that Jimin and Seokjin’s lives have been threatened and their fear of god (or rather, fear of one Min Yoongi) has rendered them silent once more. You almost forget they were even bickering earlier until it comes time to retire for the night and tents have to be allocated.
Of course, after the day and dinner you’d all just had, it was decided unanimously by all those not currently afflicted by a curse that you, Seokjin and Jimin should share a tent. The others happily retreated to the two other tents set up by the cars, and before you could even smack someone in protest they were gone.
Ten minutes and your entire nightly routine later finds you laying on a king-sized blow-up mattress, squished between your two best friends with the blanket up to your chin. Surprisingly, despite the bickering that occurred when choosing tents, they’re silent now—but not asleep. The occasional sigh gives them away. It’s dark, but the moonlight filtering in through the material of the tent allows you to see the planes of their faces a little more clearly. Both are frowning slightly, Jimin staring at the ceiling and Seokjin looking at the runes over his wrist.
You want to sleep, but the air is heavy with the weight of something yet to be said.
“We’re… sorry, y/n.”
You turn to Seokjin in surprise, eyes taking a moment to adjust to his profile. He’s avoiding your gaze; you feel Jimin’s head turning to face the older male as well. Seokjin sighs, closing his eyes and carding a hand through his charcoal-coloured hair. 
“This is our fault,” he continues, resting his hands atop the blanket, over his stomach.
“Hyung,” Jimin voices, tone cautioning. It piques your interest and you file it away for later.
Seokjin turns his head, looking at Jimin for a long moment before turning it further and looking at you. You can’t help but wonder what he just said to the other with his gaze, but for now you’re taken with the soft glisten of his eyes as they meet your own.
“Sorry,” he repeats, clamping his mouth shut after. You squint at him for a long few seconds before releasing him from your gaze and shrugging.
You’re forgiven, I guess. Especially since this is technically also my fault, even though I didn’t know that stupid charmed perfumes could react with cursed dolls… where on earth did they even get that thing?
At your shrug, Seokjin grins brightly. “Great, now that you’ve forgiven us, I have a favour to ask.”
You’re not left wondering what he means for long, because in the next second he rolls over, turning his back to you.
“Can you spoon me? I wanna be the little spoon tonight. Makes me feel safe.”
Letting out the biggest sigh you think you ever have in your life, you roll your eyes but oblige his request and shuffle over to slip your arms around his waist and hug him from behind. He can’t see your smile, so you don’t have to worry about saving face.
“Seriously? Right in front of my salad…”
You reach behind to smack Jimin, and he laughs, quickly scooting over to follow your suit and slip his arms around your waist, curving his body around yours. It makes your heart race, and for the sake of your sanity you pretend that you don’t have one and so don’t have to deal with its traitorous reactions. Heart, what heart? It’s Donut Tuesdays that keeps your blood pumping, babey!
Now that the air is clear and warmth seeps between the three of you, runes around your wrists glowing brighter than before, it doesn’t take long at all before the three of you pass out, slipping eagerly into the tender embrace of sleep.
Needless to say, the tranquillity of that night did not last very long at all.
You’re on the third day of the trip, with at least one more expected to go, and for the duration of today’s drive, the entire car has been in a foul mood. Last you saw Yoongi and Hoseok, they were grumpy too, but you don’t doubt now that they’re away from the bickering duo causing you all such stress that they’re in much better spirits. Sadly, the same can’t be said for you, or anyone else stuck in the same car as you.
Today’s driver is Taehyung, and you swear you’ve seen the thought to drive the car into a ditch flick through his gaze more than twice in the past few minutes alone. It alarmed you at first, but now you’d welcome it, to be honest. Anything to escape your current reality.
You already knew that Seokjin and Jimin enjoyed talking and hearing their own voices, but never before have you been faced with such a long, extended situation where they just do not shut up. It’s wearing you down, you have to admit. As Namjoon’s silencing spell wore off last night, you almost blew your cover and tore into them for it. They just can’t help themselves! They’re lucky that your priority is making sure that your thoughts aren’t revealed to the air, so much that you forwent killing them in favour of topping up the silencing spell.
There are some things that have been lurking on the tip of your tongue in the past few months that you just cannot risk saying aloud. You’d rather lose said tongue.
Everyone has long since given up attempting to shut your two idiot friends up, and so your suffering continues, unabated.
“You wanna bring up all the times someone has ditched for selfish reasons? Alright, how about we talk about all the times you skipped movie night because you ‘had a pop quiz to study for’, when really you were out sleeping with half the students in your Aquatic Magics class!”
While you might have been expecting something petty to come out of Seokjin’s mouth, you most definitely weren’t expecting that. Your head whips around at lightning speed, wide eyes locking onto Jimin who looks like he’s just been electrocuted. He sputters, eyes flicking from you to Seokjin rapidly.
Lately, in the past few months, Jimin has been calling in rainchecks for your weekly movie nights. Usually the three of you relish in the opportunity to sit back and relax, and none of you were inclined to skip, but Jimin had told the both of you that the professor he’d gotten this semester is particularly fond of giving weighted pop quizzes. Now that you’re thinking about it, he’d actually skipped more times than he’d attended this this year so far...
You hadn’t even suspected anything before now, but meeting his gaze reveals all you need to know that he’s guilty of what Seokjin said. Immediately, you’re incensed.
You selfish—
He’s lucky you’re magically silenced right now, but Seokjin can still talk, and that seems to be a problem for him.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” he denies, scowling at Seokjin.
“I saw you on my cousin’s tinder and she told me all about what you’ve been up to the past few months! Said you’ve made your way through almost all of her friends at this point, and always on a Friday—our movie day!” Your mouth drops open as Seokjin flings Jimin’s dirty laundry into the air for all to see. Jungkook lets out a hiss through his teeth, wincing.
��My god, hyung, you’re a whore—”
“I would have said fuckboy,” Namjoon interrupts the youngest to supply helpfully, keen to exact some form of revenge on Jimin for the suffering he’s had to endure in the past three days.
“I am NOT a fuckboy!” Jimin squawks and his face goes so red you’re sure he’s going to combust. “I’m not just some—I have feelings! I’m capable of having feelings for someone!”
“Yeah, you’re really proving it with all your escapades you ditcher,” Seokjin folds his arms, scowling at the younger. Nice! You applaud him in your head. “Good to know your friends mean so much to you that you’ll drop them at a moment’s notice for a quick fuck!”
“How can you say that when you know that just like you, I like—” As quick and heated as he starts off, Jimin suddenly cuts off, snapping his mouth shut with wide eyes.
The car is silent, even Taehyung’s ears perked in their direction. Confusion takes up most of your brain space—had he just been about to reveal that he likes someone? At once, your heart skips a beat and squeezes painfully. Do you want to know who it is, when you also know it can’t be you?
Because why would Jimin blow off nights he is meant to spend with you to play around with other girls, if you were the one he liked?
Trying to keep your face schooled, you turn back to the front, sinking into your seat slightly and missing the way Taehyung’s gaze flicks to you as you do so. You wish that things had stayed as they were, when you’d moved on from Jimin and you only had Seokjin on the brain. It wasn’t that long ago, but unfortunately for you, it’s no longer the case. Your brain and heart have never been so overloaded.
Evidently feelings for Jimin aren’t like the chicken pox, and you can catch them again.
Even stewing in your own thoughts as you are, the prolonged silence confuses you when you notice it a few moments later. Unable to help yourself, your eyes flick up to the rear-view mirror, catching sight of the way Seokjin is sitting, scowl from earlier replaced by a look of deep thought, his brows furrowed and arms still crossed. For a minute you puzzle over why exactly he is being quiet when Jimin was the one under fire, replaying the events of the conversation over in your head once more. You freeze when it strikes you, your own face scrunching in thought.
"How can you say that when you know that just like you, I like..."
For a second you sit in shock, a slight cut of betrayal skirting around your heart. Are they serious-- both your best friends have feelings for someone and have told each other, but not you? Disregarding your own refusal to admit your crush/es to them (mainly because they are the crush/es in question), you don't think you've ever felt so betrayed in your life. If your crush wasn't incriminating to admit out loud, they would be the first to know! You focus on the feelings resulting from their treachery that are drifting over you so that the sting of knowing that they like someone else is a little less noticeable.
This trip is a disaster and as soon as you can speak again you're filing for friend divorce.
Oddly enough, the rest of the day is spent in almost silence. Apparently that last little argument finally taught the two of them a lesson, because they haven't uttered a word since. You caught them glaring at each other once or twice, but apart from that there was a distinct lack of JinMin bickering. Taehyung's mood was quick to turn around after that, and he made sure to turn the music up so that if they started talking again he wouldn't hear it. Jungkook and Namjoon seemed relieved that they could finally have their own conversation, and you... well, you spent the rest of the day's trip staring out the window and blasting your own music, like a moody teenager.
Needless to say, you're in a bit of a funk. One might even say you're upset.
You can't believe them! How much else do they withhold from you and only tell each other? You feel like you don't even know them right now, and do your best to make sure they know it by glaring at them every time they meet your eyes. Because of this, setting up tonight's camp teeters on being a slightly uncomfortable affair.
You're so annoyed (and hurt, but you're not acknowledging that emotion yet) that when dessert is brought out, you even go so far as to take the last piece of their favourite one. The looks on their faces as you cram the entire strawberry crepe cake slice into your mouth in one go is almost funny enough to redeem them, but by this point you've had all afternoon to stew and you're not going to be having a change of heart any time soon.
By the time it's late enough for everyone to be retiring, you've pointedly ignored the two males enough that when you look up and don't see them anywhere, you have no idea where they've gone. Apparently your confusion is in plain view for the rest of the group to see, because Namjoon snorts. When you look over, he speaks.
"They went to grab their toiletries from the car," he informs you, rocking dangerously on the camping chair he's currently seated in. "I heard one of them call the other a tart on the way over though, so they're probably fighting again by now."
You huff, wondering if they've even noticed you're upset with them. Well, it's not like they'd said anything to you-- then again, that is precisely the problem. But still, they're stupid and you don't know if they've connected the dots yet. It's not that hard though!
...Are you overreacting?
It's possible. Learning that they like someone, and intuitively knowing it isn't you, well... it's done a bit of a number on your ego and your heart, and maybe you're overcompensating. Not for the first time, you wonder if there is a potion that can numb your heart and cancel out feelings. That would be great!
"You're wondering if they've noticed you're mad at them?" Taehyung's low register surprises you when it sounds next to you-- you didn't realise that he'd moved seats. Given your attention, he continues, "They most definitely have. Although, they're kind of stupid, so they can't agree on why you are."
"To their credit, they both realise it's something they've said." Namjoon drags a hand down his face with a sigh, "Except the thing is, they've both said so damn much."
You frown, tilting your head in thought; your eyes end up staring unfocused at Jungkook where he sits across the fire, poking his finger in the dirt and making flowers sprout. Your best friends? Having some degree of self-awareness? It seems almost too good to be true.
Yoongi and Hoseok have plodded off in the midst of your zoning out, apparently going to look for a certain mushroom that has unique magical properties and happens to grow near here. Gradually, the other three sitting with you disperse and you use a minor spell to reduce the flames of the campfire to a smolder. You figure it's been long enough that Seokjin and Jimin are probably back at your tent by now (you were really zoned out just then, so you have no idea if they went past or not), so you head to the car to grab your own toiletries and go about your nightly routine. Just because you're on the road doesn't mean you can afford to neglect your skin.
Considering you expected silence and an empty space when you rounded Yoongi's car and turned towards the van, you're more than a little surprised to both see and hear people. Immediately, you halt, expecting them to turn and notice you, but they’re so wrapped up in their own conversation that they have no idea you’re there. It only takes you a moment longer to realise it’s Jimin and Seokjin, who apparently haven’t succeeded in actually getting their toiletries and have instead been talking this whole time. 
Well, you don’t know if you can call it just talking.
They’re arguing again, you can tell that clearly, but for once you have no idea what is being said. What you can catch of their voices is hushed and somewhat vexed, emphasised by the occasional arm movement and finger jab. You’re tempted to step closer just so you can hear what they’re discussing so angrily, but don’t even get a chance to properly consider it before Seokjin is snapping loudly and answering your unspoken question.
“You know what we read! We both read it! So the fact you almost said in the car—”
“But I didn’t say anything,” Jimin snaps back, sounding crankier than you’ve ever heard him. His eyes are dark and he leans forward as he speaks, tense. “But you know what, if it bothers you so much, and you want it to be you, then why don’t you say something? Why haven’t you said anything before now? Nothing is stopping you!”
Seokjin’s response is lower than you can catch, heated if the tension in his shoulders is anything to go by. What Jimin says next is also spoken lower than you can hear, but Seokjin does you a favour in the next second when his voice raises in outrage.
“--you wanna know why? Huh? Maybe it’s because I realised lately that it’s not just that—  I like you!”
You freeze, an ellipsis materialising in your brain in the stead of any coherent thought. The world around you and the conversation in front of you doesn’t wait for you to catch up.
 Jimin blinks, mouth open in preparation to throw back a retort. He shuts it, something passing through his gaze that you can’t quite discern. He speaks a moment later, but you can only catch bits and pieces of it. “Both…? Seokjin… stupid idiot…”
The next bit comes clear as day to your ears, though.
“I like you too…”
All at once, the situation comes crashing back up to speed in your brain and everything catches up with you. Your head doesn’t really know how to process it but your heart is already ahead and shrinking in your chest.
Are you fucking kidding me.
You don’t know what comes over you, but from what you can discern it seems to be a cocktail of incredulousness, anger, and heartbreak. Ruining your cover, you stomp over to the van and march right between them to the boot, yanking it open more aggressively than you need to. The two of them exclaim in surprise to see you, but are left reeling as you simply grab your toiletries bag and turn on your heel before stomping away, ignoring them completely.
You cannot believe the cruel twist that fate has just slapped you across the face with, like a massive silicone dildo giving you a black eye. Earlier today you learned that your two best friends — who you’ve recently realised you have feelings for— actually have feelings for someone. And alright, that shit hurted, but you could have seen yourself getting over it some time in the future.
But to find out that that person they like is each other and you’ve essentially been third wheeling for the entirety of your friendship? Call you a drama queen but you have such a mix of emotions in you that you almost feel nauseous. For the sake of simplicity, you decide to label that concoction anger and wash your hands of it.
Storming back through the camp to your tent, you ignore a bewildered Yoongi and Hoseok emerging from the treeline and instead try not to rip your toiletries bag with the harsh grip your fingers have on it. Throwing it into the tent that you’d left open after setting up, you follow it inside and then turn to rip the zip down. You’re tempted to simply leave it at that before you decide that’s not enough and you hold out your hand, charming it  so that it wont open for anyone but you. 
Satisfied with your last spiteful act of the night, you rush through your routine and head to bed, blood boiling all through the night until you wake up the next day.
x — x — x
“Did you kick Seokjin and Jimin out of your tent last night?”
Not lucid enough to have noticed him standing next to you by the van as you munch on your cereal with half-closed eyes, you jump in fright when Namjoon’s voice crosses your ears. 
And what if I did? You have the impulse to voice that thought, but the slight itch in your throat reminds you that, for the time being, you’re still silenced. At your own behest, sure, but not being able to quip sassy retorts back at people has been steadily getting at you these past four days. 
Instead, you simply shrug, and Namjoon rolls his eyes. “Trick question! We know you did because they came to our tents last night pleading for us to let them in because they couldn’t get into theirs.”
Well, you suppose that considering the three of you are bound and can’t be more than a few metres apart, it’s lucky that their tents were so close to your own. You frown at what he says though, squinting at Namjoon. Your point?
As though he’s perfectly in tune with your thoughts, he readily elaborates. “So what did they do to warrant that? I didn’t realise you were that upset with them.”
His words make you remember what you’ve been trying not to think about: last night. 
Your mother always told you that sleeping on it would fix almost everything, but you’d woken up in just as bad of a mood as you’d gone to bed with. It’s petty of you to be angry at them for liking each other, just because it’s not you, but there is also the fact that they’re your best friends and hadn’t told you a single thing. The betrayal of it all is one of the things that stings most, as dramatic as that is. Whatever, you’re allowed to be upset and you’re going to exercise that right. 
Namjoon doesn’t get an answer because you scull the remainder of your milk and cereal in one go (leaving him in something akin to a state of shock) and promptly walk off to get dressed. 
When everyone piles back into their respective cars today, it’s with a lighter air than the days previous. This is because, as Jungkook had announced excitedly before you all departed, you should be arriving at the witch’s home in a little over a few hours. Honestly, you’re ecstatic, because you don’t think you can handle being around Seokjin and Jimin for a while after this. 
In your bid to think about literally anything but the two males boring holes into the back of your head with their eyes, you instead allow yourself to daydream about how things are going to be in the next few hours. The witch is probably old and nice, wise and knowledgeable. She’ll get it, and she’ll probably support you if you call the boys names. Sisterhood of witches!
x — x 
Hours later and you’re standing outside of an industrial concrete home, not too dissimilar to the Cullens’ house from Twilight, except it’s overrun by plants and vines that curl and flower across the mass of grey in gorgeous patterns. The door has just slammed in front of you after Namjoon explained who you were and why you were here, and you’re now listening to the sound of many chains and bolts sliding on the other side of the wood.
The witch is nothing like you thought and you feel like your fate has fallen into some questionable hands. 
When the door opens once more, now unrestricted by chains, you’re met with the sight of the woman you’d driven four days to see and plead with. Needless to say, she isn’t what you expected at all— somehow despite the fact that your professor had literally explained what to expect before you left on this little roadtrip.
She stands, somewhat short but still graceful with long inky hair that curls down her back untamed, slipping over her shoulders at the front. Her skin is the kind of bronzed that tells of time spent in the sun and out in the wilds, and the loose clothing hanging from her form is light and breezy looking. Her eyes are dark and sleekly lined for a cat-like effect, lips stained dramatic red in contrast to the rest of her chill get-up.
She’s really out here living her best life, you think in wonder.
“Lim said you’d be coming… I’m Sunmi,” she voices, staring shrewdly at all eight of you one at a time until her gaze passes over you, Jimin, Seokjin and the runes binding your wrists. Her nails tap against the doorframe that she’s braced against as she hums in thought. “...Come in.”
When she turns and moves further into her home, the rest of you hover awkwardly before kicking into gear. Yoongi and Hoseok dismiss themselves, having spotted some ‘exciting’ plants back by the treeline, and so it is just you, Jungkook, Taehyung, Namjoon and those other two you don’t want to think about that are left to follow the witch into the house. 
You follow her as she walks around the whole floor, gathering certain things as she goes. At her request, Namjoon fills her in on exactly what the issue is— he’s apparently a bit intimidated by her keen gaze and grumpy disposition, because he stutters a few times while recounting your situation to her. Taehyung and Jungkook, considering that they’re just along for the ride, spend the walk looking around in awe. Sunmi has a lot of artefacts on display in her home, some with runes you’ve never seen before in your life, not even in textbooks— kind of like the ones on your wrist.
“Alright, you three wait here,” Sunmi stops all of you in what seems to be a sitting room of sorts decorated with soft greens and white, pointing at Namjoon, Taehyung and Jungkook, and then the lounge. “If I’m going to fix this… curse...I will need only the three of them. It shouldn’t take too long.”
Her words are polite, skirting along the edge of being curt. Obediently, like puppies, they follow her instructions and take a seat with wide eyes. Satisfied, the witch turns to you and the idiots behind you. 
“Come, in here. Be quick about it.”
Hastily, you follow her finger and enter the room situated off to the side, hearing Seokjin and Jimin scramble behind you. What greets you is dark blue walls with stars smattered across them in metallic gold, the carpet plush, dark grey. There is a desk pushed against the wall, and a large table in the middle of the room that is framed by a few plushly upholstered chairs. You get the sudden urge to cough, throat itching slightly, but hold down the urge as best as you can and ignore it for now.
Sunmi closes the door behind her, taking a moment before moving to the table and placing the items in her arms down. She then leans forward, eyes pinning all three of you in place; you hear Seokjin let out something like an ‘eep’ from just behind you, and have to remind yourself that you’re angry at him so you can’t find it cute. 
“Look, I moved all the way out here so I didn’t have to deal with people,” she begins, straightening and crossing her arms. You avoid her gaze, instead focusing on the large window behind her, and then the vase of white and violet blooms in the middle of the table; you wonder if they’re responsible for the sweet, syrupy yet musky scent that accentuates the room. “Let me cut to the chase so that you leave and I can get back to what I was doing sooner.”
Somewhat taken aback by her words, you’re left blinking in surprise while she simply continues, pointing her finger at your wrists and then in the general direction of the boys.
“These runes are specific to a certain deity, one that isn’t often invoked because of how temperamental he is, but one that usually deals with things in the area of love. Specifically, unrequited.”
As she spoke, she started to move around the table, now approaching your little huddle. On instinct you take a few steps back, shifting slightly behind your two friends. You catch a glimpse of their faces as you move, and you’re surprised at how pale and stiff the two of them have suddenly become. Jimin’s silver hair begins to steam slightly, the tips of his ears flushing red.
“Now, usually what people return with after visiting him, is blessings. These, however,” she points to the runes, “Are what happens when one insults him.”
Jimin gulps, and Seokjin swallows before speaking hurriedly, “We didn’t mean to take the doll! We didn’t know it was his…”
Sunmi rolls her eyes, holding her hand out. “Give me the doll.”
You hadn’t even realised it was in Jimin’s hands until he jerked and hastily placed it in her hold. It’s as ugly as ever and you can’t help but glare at it. 
“This isn’t about the doll,” Sunmi says, cocking her hip and appearing the epitome of unimpressed. “The runes reveal that the insult lies within a request for a blessing. You did something wrong, and the doll became a conduit for his retaliation. You must have been desperate to go to him of all love deities, so how on earth did you manage to mess up the simple process of requesting a blessing?”
While you're standing with a blank face, struggling to keep up with all the information being unloaded on you, the two men beside you bow their heads in something like shame. When your brain catches up, you realise with chagrin that she’s saying they went to a temple or shrine of a love deity to ask for a blessing— and bitterly, you connect that it was likely for each other.
“Wh— but we did everything right!” Jimin is the one protesting now, eyes wide and fingers fiddling. “Isn’t this because of y/n’s potion?”
Bastard! You can’t believe he’d try to pin the blame on you! 
You’re beginning to simmer, throat tingling as you swallow angrily, and like he can sense it, Seokjin sends you a nervous look.
“What? This has nothing to do with a potion,” Sunmi scoffs, sending you a somewhat pitying look. You pretend it’s because she’s sympathising with you for being stuck with these two. “All the potion would have done is cover you in goo. This is—” she grabs your wrist suddenly, turning it to observe the runes on the underside before making a noise of realisation. “— this is because you went to a deity that specialises in unrequited love and asked for blessings in love that wasn’t unrequited.”
Sunmi releases your hand and you’re left reeling, quickly realising that they must have asked for blessings in love with each other— which, as you’d overheard last night and are now painfully aware of, is anything but unrequited. Oddly enough, the two boys next to you appear confused.
“No, that can’t be right—” Jimin starts, but Sunmi doesn’t let him finish.
“The runes don’t lie,” she says plainly, moving back to assemble some things before taking something that looks incriminatingly like a bong into her grasp; you don’t even remember her grabbing it on the way here. “They’re like a signature, almost. I know what I’m talking about, baby boy.”
Jimin goes bright red, hair steaming even more, although you can’t tell whether its from anger or embarrassment. Knowing him, probably both.
“Jimin,” Seokjin warns, shooting the younger a look when he opens his mouth to retort; apparently having Seokjin’s magic has made him that much more hotheaded. Seokjin shakes his head and Jimin clenches his jaw with the effort it takes him not to talk.
“Right, well, it seems like the three of you have some things to unpack— it bound you in particular for a reason. I’ll break the curse for you, but I need to drown this doll in some blessed water before I can get started.” Sunmi is already turning on her heel and walking towards the door before she even finishes. “Stay in here and don’t cause trouble.”
And then she leaves, and for some reason the resounding thud of the door swinging closed behind her is like a metaphor sealing your fate.
For the first few seconds after her departure, the room is silent. The two men beside you are frozen, but it doesn’t take long for them to pick up on the waves of anger beginning to emanate from you. They turn, sharing a similar expression of nervousness and slight fear. They look like they’d like more than anything to disappear right now, but of course that isn’t an option, especially when the curse currently afflicting you all means that whatever comes to their brain is immediately blurted into the air.
“Look, y/n, uh… we can explain.” Jimin takes a step forward, holding his hands out as though to placate you. For some reason even just that is quick to irritate you further, and you glare at him. How is he going to explain, you wonder? The witch has pretty much already spelled out everything you need to know about exactly why you’re in this situation. 
They went to the shrine of some obscure love deity to receive blessings on their ‘unrequited’ love — which happened to be requited because the person they were asking for blessings for was each other — and then proceeded to insult the deity and take a doll from the shrine, which the deity then used as a conduit to curse the three of you. You get all that, loud and clear. What you really want to know is why the hell you got roped into this punishment and forced to experience all this shame and humiliation.
“Look, about the shrine— we didn’t only go for personal reasons! We knew there was a doll there that the professor would be interested in,” Seokjin hurried to elaborate, before throwing a dirty look to the side and proceeding to incriminate his friend. “Actually, the only reason we even went at all was because Jimin suggested it.”
You don’t know why they’re so eager to shift the blame; you’re happy to include both of them on your shit list. 
Jimin seems to grow so incensed at Seokjin’s comment that his mouth grows that much looser and he’s speaking before the thought can even materialise in his brain. “What the fuck, dude— we both agreed to go because we both read that page of her diary that we found the cat playing with! Stop trying to pin this on me, it was a group effort you jerk!”
For a second your brain is filled with white noise as what he said sinks in.
Then you’re pissed.
So pissed, in fact, that you don’t even feel the familiar tingle in your throat when it occurs and you’re exploding before you even realise that the silencing spell has worn off.
“Are you kidding me— YOU READ MY DIARY?!” both boys flinch, eyes shooting wide as they take a physical step back. You’re so angry you’re almost shaking. This is ridiculous! Faintly, you realise that you should shut up but now that you’ve started you can’t make yourself stop.
“This is unbelievable! Not only did your stupidity and your stupid heart-ons for each other end up dragging me into being cursed, but then you went and made this the worst four days of my life!” You jab your finger at them, voice so loud it’s ringing in your own ears. “I can’t believe I like you two! I’m so fucking angry at you— when we get home I’m performing a cutting spell so I don’t have to love you anymore, so fuck BOTH of you and go kiss behind a tree or something!”
You’re slightly out of breath by the time you finish, still fuming but feeling like a weight has been lifted off your chest. About a second later you realise that the spell has worn off and you just tore their heads off, but your brain is a little preoccupied with everything so you decide to deal with the mental repercussions of it later. 
Both boys are silent, looking at you with wide eyes. You’re just beginning to wonder why when Jimin starts to speak, eyes shifting. “y/n did you just… did you just say—”
At his words, you reflect on exactly just came out of your mouth and instantly horror washes over you, your heart dropping through your chest. 
Yeah, you like reading about accidentally confessing in fiction but now you’re suddenly feeling a lot of regret and you’re not so sure you’re a fan of it anymore.
You’re saved from having to muster a response in the current black hole that has become your brain by the door opening, Sunmi returning with three squishy, heavy-looking items in her hand that you quickly recognise as water balloons. The realisation comes a little too late, though, because you don’t even have time to move before she’s pegging them at all three of you and next thing you know, you’re standing there soaked, sputtering and shocked.
“What the hell—?!” Seokjin spits out the water that got in his mouth, gagging. 
“Specially blessed water, procured by yours truly,” Sunmi says simply, moving into the room just to place the doll back on the table, along with a bowl. She reaches into it and throws something like ground stardust on you, sending you all into a coughing fit once more. “Alright, the curse is dissolved. Your speech issues should be solved, but the runes that bind you… they might take a little longer, a day or so, to wear off.”
She smacks her hands together, dusting them off as she delivers the three of you with a sly look. “I’d tell you good luck, but while I was soaking the doll I realised why the three of you in particular were bound. It’s the same as I said before— your feelings aren’t unrequited, for either of the people that you requested blessings for.”
“Either of the people?” you echo, regrettably inclined to talk now that you’re able to again. Sunmi sends you an amused if somewhat exasperated look.
“I’m sure they’ll tell you,” she says cryptically, before angling her body to the others. “Now my work is done, get out. I miss my solitude. Also, I’m keeping the doll as my fee. It’s ugly as hell and is gonna look fantastic on the wall by the dining table.”
Still processing what she said before all of that, your group is hassled out of the house in a blur and before you know it, all six of you are standing in front of her door and witnessing it slam in your faces for the second time today.  
Namjoon is the first to recover and is ridiculously cheerful as he speaks; you’re confused as to why until he sends you a knowing look and you realise that he, along with the other two youngest, probably heard your loud, shameful confession to both boys. He’d never said anything about knowing of your feelings, but you knew he knew. You could feel it in your bones. Also, his expressions aren’t as impassive as he’d like to think they are.
“Right, well! Back to the car everyone! Someone go get Hope and Yoongi. The sooner we head back, the sooner I can forget the weird things I saw in that living room!” He then grabs Taehyung and Jungkook around the shoulders, turning with them and steering them away in the direction of the car. “The sooner I can also get those fish bread things at the market near my house. Gods, I miss them.”
“You have an addiction, hyung.” You hear Jungkook say, his voice growing fainter the further away he grows. You stop attempting to listen after that, turning back to the other two males who you’re surprised to see haven’t budged and are looking straight at you.
“We went to the shrine for you,” Seokjin says suddenly, before you can ask them what they want. You blink, shock smacking you in the face. “We read a page of your diary— which we didn’t realise was a page of your diary until it was too late — and saw that you liked someone, but it didn’t say who.”
“We both wanted it to be us,” Jimin intercedes, rubbing the back of his neck and averting his eyes. His cheeks, along with Seokjin’s, are flushing pink. “Because as you no doubt heard last night, although we like each other… we liked you first. So I think you were drawn into this mess because we both like you… and each other.”
“And, um, like the witch said,” Seokjin gulps, now somewhat tentative. “Our feelings aren’t unrequited… which means that you like us too…?”
“Well, yeah,” Jimin mutters, smacking the other male on the arm. “That’s literally what she said while yelling at us, idiot.”
What they’re saying… is this a love triangle with all sides filled in? It’s a lot to process at once, and they give you a second as they watch the gears turn in your head.
“You…” you pause, struggling to put words together. Finally, you give up trying to be eloquent and slap a hand to your face, closing your eyes. “You both are so stupid— so stupid. I can’t handle this right now.”
When you open your eyes, you’re met with looks of fear. You squash that emotion by jabbing your finger at them, runes still faintly on your wrist. “When we get home, I’m gonna beat you. Then, I’m gonna give you a kiss, and then I’m gonna beat you again, and then we’re going to talk about this. Got it?”
They’re fighting grins at your words, Jimin snorting as they both nod hastily. 
“It’s a date,” Seokjin says cheekily, cackling when you raise your hand at him.
“Can we have a hug, y/n?” Jimin hazards a plea, stepping forward with puppy eyes directed full force at you. “It’s rough when you’re angry at us.”
“You deserved it for all the shit you two said,” you say, rolling your eyes but opening your arms nonetheless. They exclaim in happiness and dive forward, almost making the three of you fall over in their zealousness. You feel your heart ease as you hold them both in your arms and they hold you. 
Maybe this trip and whole ‘getting cursed by a cranky love deity’ thing isn’t a complete disaster after all. 
Then again… you still have the trip back.
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a/n: to the commissioner, I hope u like it!!! thank u for reading and if u enjoyed it please lmk with a like and/or rb!! thank u !! love u !!!
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fytheuntamed · 4 years
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Today is the one year anniversary of this blog! I still remember how nervous I was to make it, unsure if anyone would even find it in the sea of other blogs, and now here we are! One year later and all of you have brought me so much happiness anytime you reblog, like, comment, send asks, send messages, use my tag, etc! It makes me very happy to be a part of this little corner of tumblr and I just have to say that you guys are some of the funniest and sweetest people I have ever seen in a fandom. Also, the talent?? You guys are constantly inspiring me with your creations and I know I’m not the only one.
Please check out the faq if you have any questions and please continue to interact with this blog to your heart’s content ❤️
I’m also planning on doing a prompt event in the fall, so please check out that post here and let me know your thoughts!
I’m also going to be posting and replying to a whole bunch of asks that I’ve received over the....months (whoops!) under the read more. (if you have an ask that i answered, i’ll @ you below)
@yllylia​, @lan-xichens​, @fabfuckingfour​, @vexingcosmos​, @felinesomnambulist​, @nikosomething​, @thirdofjune​, @briee-elle​, and a whole bunch of anons!
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I tend to not publish asks like this so as not to spam this blog’s followers with unrelated content, but know that I see them and that they make me very happy ❤️❤️❤️
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thank you so much!! i haven’t made a new wardrobe edit in a while due to how time consuming they are to make, but i will definitely make more in the future! messages like this are honestly a huge part of what keeps me creating, so thank you ❤️❤️❤️
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A while back I posted about having graduated and the anxiety of looking for a job given what’s going on in the world; you guys were so supportive of me, so thank you for all the kind words and encouragement you guys sent my way ❤️❤️❤️
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I honestly had so much fun making pride icons for all of you and my brain still does a little “!!!” when I see someone in my activity feed who’s using one of them. So thank you to everyone who is using them and I’m glad you guys enjoyed/are enjoying them! Also....the first time in three years that you’ve changed your icon, and it was to the one I made you?? That’s the biggest compliment ever, anon, thank you 😳 😳
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i want to thank everyone for their understanding in regards to this blog being something i do as a fellow-fan, therefore there will inevitably be times where i disappear for a day or so or simply don’t reblog/post much content over the course of the day because i’m busy with real life stuff. at the end of the day, i run this blog because i love the untamed, so even though it’s a lot of work (more than one might think), i do it because i love it and i want to share my love and other people’s love ❤️
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love received!! i'm really glad my blog can bring you some happiness ❤️❤️❤️
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thank you all for your kind words and support!!
nikosomething: i’m glad you think my tagging system is neat lmao because sometimes i feel like it’s a total mess due to my many tags, but the reason i include so many tags with each post is so that it’s easier for you guys to find the specific content that you want to see! the search function on this blog’s desktop theme actually works really well, so i encourage you guys to take advantage of my copious tagging habits to find the niche content you’d like to see. (For example: wondering if i’ve ever reblogged something that involves jin ling and....bunnies? just put ‘jin ling’ and ‘bunnies’ in the search bar and you’ll have your answer!)
all: One of the biggest goals I have for the blog is to a, spread the love, and b, get content creators noticed! I feel like tumblr’s algorithm gets worse everyday, making it harder and harder for content creators to get their content noticed, which is incredibly disheartening and frustrating. So! I do my best to find this content and reblog it, because what I’ve found is that posts don’t get 0 notes because they’re bad, but simply because no one has seen them. And i know i’ve said this before, but folks, if you value awesome, free fan-content, let creators know!! reblog their posts!! leave comments and tags!! it makes a huge difference. thank you for noticing my efforts on this front ❤️❤️❤️
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lmao i’m glad i’m helping you get your xichen fix, anon. i don’t think i can claim credit here, as these days i mostly reblog the gifs that people tag me in, but thank you nonetheless ❤️❤️
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hostzign · 3 years
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hydralisk98 · 3 years
Just planning out some ideas for a iCivics WhiteHouse's playtrough video
Hya comrades of the world, I am Klara Kér, better known as Olyvier Bouchard. We are gonna have alot of fun here, so enjoy your stay.
Beware though that as we dive deeper and deeper into the topics at hand, some of you may believe I am against the United States of America or against Republicans. Be sure that as long as you are civil in our conversation I am gonna keep a listening type of ear. Fair, is it clear now? Good, because we got alot to unpack here.
So for the Democrat policies, I stand some official ones as well as some more that are quite niche really.
Federal funding of Education: I agree upon letting some room for a private education market but I cannot stress enough how a well-funded public schools system helps the common folk into jobs and into fuller lives as well. Especially over colleges and universities where the cost of entry has expanded to ludicrous prices. So ya, get your shit together America.
LGBTQ+ rights: As of the latest anti-LGBTQ+ bills in southern America I simply can't stand how primitive some lawmakers are in the USA. It really goes to highlight how much Wilsonism has destroyed alot of potential for America as of human rights and all. When some black-colored inhabited towns are literally getting no clean water in a supposedly fist world nation that is quite the statement of ours backwaters this country is at times.
Global cooperation: We all know Trump has destroyed foreign relations with pretty much the rest of the world making it the joke it is as of today. But that ain't new really. As far back as the infamous Woodrow Wilson, we can see how America has sabotaged itself for long-term longevity barely held together by the vast quality of it's geography. America has lost Russia's trust on WW1, lost France's on WW2-Cold War period, and it is soon gotta fall because of all those poor decisions done starting from Wilson and continued by all the other folks since then.
Climate change: Sooner than later if not already, we are living in a global climate crisis that is gonna make pretty much everybody in the future hate our decision-making quite deeply. And the effects are only gonna get way worse for every second we stay in the current capitalism-induced consumerist status quo. So ya, alleviating the effects of the crisis at a incredibly deep level is pretty much what should be a main focus at the moment. And like I said, the third and second world are gotta pay for most of it whilst we are gonna pay some but definitely gonna profit more than anytihng. Make no mistake, because the steep divide and hatred of those nations towards the West is mostly of our shared society's fault and is probably gonna get real profound in no time at all.
Campaign finances Transparency: Deliberately hiding information that concerns our citizens' policies is quite bad honestly. Get your shit together Biden and answer the call of your country rising left movement caused by your predecessors' stubborness and by yourself alike. Not solving nor trying to solve the issues we got since like forever is quite fighting back against America, the World, Liberty and Progress overall.
More cultural FLOSS-ness: More affordable culture and much more proper lefty-licenced works to use would greatly benefit not simply America but the world as a whole. I mean, the situation over copyrights and reserved permissions only to big corporations is just insane. It really has to let go from those older works and we really deserve some damn free licenced works upon on hands with much easier access, also for the metadata information as well.
Adoption of FLOSS hardware and software into Government: As a Linux user over my server desktop at home besides Windows 10 over my laptop and iOS for my smartphone, I really put a emphasis upon a freer open and libre experience with governmental as some countries do elsewhere. I know the entire governmental tech situation is quite a bit slow most of the time but I think we got alot to win with minimalistic blob-free experience inside government. Especially as we can't trust big corporations to not put backdoors of their own everywhere they can.
Regulating further mega corporations and their oligopolies + encouraging smaller businesses / individuals into innovation and sustainability: I know we live in a digitalized world where big corporations seems better to offer such costful services and all but I think you underestimate the balance with the small businesses and individuals. Seriously, you should reconsider such a balance as whenever a new innovator comes by to challenge authority or even just to bring new innovative products into the market it just fails to deliver long term as they often get bought by those bigger corporations simply to bring profits and not to enhance the products really. Capitalism and consumerism 101 become also big issues with big corporations too as they are not so concerned to sustainability as smaller bodies by law are.
Supporting and legalizing Labor Unions and Cooperatives: I don't know how has America taken so long to go without supporting unions and cooperatives while the rest of the world has but this is a big problem. I know a bit about the Ben Shapiro's but are we seriously gonna trust big corporations to properly protect their employees? Of course in a ideal world we would but this Earth ain't like that my quite a margin. So ya, just looking at Desjardins, especially back in the early 20th century, you can see how decentralized and advantageous this is.
So... what's my whole opinion about the Republicans, especially as of the Trump administration? Well, I have a single word to describe it's entirety and beyond: Wilsonism. Modern 'republicans' and Conservatives could make it count but honestly all you are doing right now is pretty much fueling alot of the bad in this world really. I am building off a fantastical world of my very own for a reason. And it is to get a overall less toxic and more enjoyable world to live in. So ya, Trump and all conservatives of the world, get your entire ideology together and start building up something smarter and way more useful than just whining upon modern progress and liberal policies. I may actually help for that bit if you are sincere and honest about it but meanwhile I am gonna prepare my damn safety exit out of this really mad world. (including the details of such a better Post-Conservative movement)
And before somebody asks why I am writing all those walls of text, no worries, I have some cute animated drawings and edits on it's way as well so ya.
Still Work.In.Progress but I am gonna get there eventually with more visuals and content.
Cya mates.
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gamingmyhero428 · 4 years
How to activate hot keys on msi gaming keyboard
Of Wolf's Gaming Blog
It is time to recognize the ideal gaming blogs of the year. EDIT:I applied to watch the Feedback video over at G4 every week, but it is gone down hill the final handful of occasions I watched it and now that Adam Sessler isn't on it and they have that girl from IGN that every person hates in each episode I just cannot be bothered to watch it any much more. Nevertheless worth going back and watching some of the older ones although. Klepic employed to be on that show and back then in the early days was when it was the most effective. Back when they really talked about gaming news with some semblance of intellect instead of just gushing about what ever game they are told is cool this week.
Green Man Gaming , a international e-commerce technologies enterprise in the video games sector, right now announced that gaming sector veteran, Paul Eibeler, has joined the organization as Board Advisor. Paul brings a wealth of understanding to Green Man Gaming through his expertise of working at major game publishers, distributors and platforms in the interactive games business.
The gaming business saw a quantity of exciting developments in 2016 touching on various aspects of the sector. Gaming technology is establishing in incredibly thrilling strategies. The lengthy promised revolution of virtual and augmented reality moved closer to realization. The mania around Pokémon GO with its mass marketplace appeal and utilization of mobile phones introduced untold millions to the possible of augmented reality. With its launch in India and South Asia it has turn out to be the poster kid for the possible of mobile games given its sophisticated technology and the huge international smartphone penetration.
The Acer Predator Helios 300 is a excellent reasonably priced gaming gopstop1.site start gaming laptop that proves that even if you don't have the sort of dollars to obtain the MSI GS65 Stealth that also functions on this best laptops list, you never have to sacrifice also significantly when it comes to power. The Acer Predator Helios 300 packs some outstanding elements, such as a new 8th generation six-core Intel Core i7 processor, Nvidia GTX 1060 graphics card and 16GB of RAM. Whilst it really is still an highly-priced proposition compared to regular laptops, for a gaming notebook you are obtaining a heck of a lot of energy for the cost.
Facebook Gaming has supplied their developer API's so we can make streaming games to your favorite social media platform more handy than ever ahead of. A gaming weblog alongside your gaming channel can only raise your exposure if you do it appropriately and higher excellent content. But Netflix subscriptions beat Blu-ray sales, and Spotify customers outnumber vinyl geeks. Games, as the much less established and far more technologically demanding medium, are just taking a bit longer to make the jump. All the signs point to cloud gaming becoming the new standard - and there's all the things to play for.
Who Else Wants To Enjoy GAMING
You can have your own exceptional Gaming Internet site and impress your on line players with this completely functional WordPress Theme for On-line Games. Take a look to our cool features list under and you will see that the Gameleon theme will be a excellent decision to your projects and will convince you to invest in it in a minute! Also, if you are not searching to establish gaming web-site, that is fine too. Considering the fact that newest update this theme functions none-gamer edition with related functionality but noticeably diverse design.
The stereotypical image of the geeky gamer, sitting alone in his area, playing video games all night lengthy, is long gone. Gamers have grow to be the genuine stars of social media. No other niche has grown so immensely with the age of social media than the field of gaming. Supported by social media like YouTube and the reside-streaming platform Twitch, the numbers of gaming channels boomed. No wonder that brands recognized the possible that these gaming influencers bring with them. We have put with each other a list of some of the largest gaming influencers you require to know.
Why we like it: It is not possible to produce a list of greatest game podcasts and not contain this one. Definitely the finest retro games podcast around, which is a really enjoyable and thoughtful exploration of gaming history with some incredible stories. Miracast is recommended for watching videos, surfing the web, and making use of apps. The gaming experience is nonetheless getting optimized for latency and smoothness.
If you're a video gamer, you'll want to verify out the major gaming blogs and game review web pages weekly—if not daily. Nonetheless, not numerous individuals have time to verify each single gaming weblog and gaming overview internet site, so it normally just comes down to checking a few pick ones. So which ones must get the lion's share of your day-to-day browsing time? These are the top ones according to gamers.
We're going to the International Festival for Business enterprise this month and will be hosting a one of a kind event Inspiring Entrepreneurs '˜Going Global' where major company people today will tell us the secrets of their accomplishment. 1 of these entrepreneurs is Paul Sulyok, CEO and Founder of Green Man Gaming Green Man Gaming is a pioneering, worldwide eCommerce technologies company that has gone from strength to strength because its launch in 2010. We asked him how he did it.
Yet another of our major gaming influencers for 2018 is The Rad Brad We had to consist of this channel because The Rad Brad is a especially effectively identified YouTube gamer. He produces an unbelievable quantity of very-high quality, enjoyable content material. It is no wonder he's recognized for generating the very best video game walkthroughs on social media. The Rad Brad has helped to make a number of influencer marketing and advertising campaigns a real accomplishment.
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The HyperX Cloud Stinger is the most effective sub-$50 Computer gaming headset you can gift. It has a lot of features, but probably most important is the excellent audio and a mic that has a truly excellent audio pickup. It also has a steel slider, an easy-to-adjust volume controls situated on the bottom of the appropriate ear cup, a swivel-to-mute noise-cancellation microphone, and versatile 90-degree rotating ear cups.
The future of gaming is a globe where you are empowered to play the games you want, with the folks you want, anytime you want, wherever you are, and on any device of your deciding upon. Our vision for the evolution of gaming is similar to music and motion pictures — entertainment really should be obtainable on demand and accessible from any screen. Today, I am excited to share with you 1 of our essential projects that will take us on an accelerated journey to that future planet: Project xCloud.
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mediagames196 · 4 years
Intel.Com how to build a gaming pc
Of Wolf's Gaming Blog
It is time to recognize the ideal gaming blogs of the year. EDIT:I applied to watch the Feedback video more than at G4 each and every week, but it's gone down hill the final handful of times I watched it and now that Adam Sessler isn't on it and they have that girl from IGN that absolutely everyone hates in every episode I just cannot be bothered to watch it any additional. Nonetheless worth going back and watching some of the older ones though. Klepic utilised to be on that show and back then in the early days was when it was the greatest. Back when they truly talked about gaming news with some semblance of intellect alternatively of just gushing about what ever game they are told is cool this week.
You are quietly accepting and at peace with your selection to develop into a board gamer for life. Your household knows you really like board games and possibly play them with you. Your friends know appreciate board games, and you have terrific gaming groups. You've committed to assigning aspect of your residence to be a board gaming area. For the very first time, you've started to remove games from your collection. Perhaps you have sold the games, or you just never have space to maintain practically all of them. Mentally you accept that you do not will need to play each and every game, and you have most likely narrowed down a handful of games that you want to play consistently.
I got into action games late but when I did it completely changed how I viewed gaming forever. The game which brought me round was Viewtiful Joe. Right here was a game with a deep and open-ended combat system which seemed to be built as a implies for the player to express creativity. This system is then pitted against opponents and obstacles which had been created from the ground up to interact meaningfully with the core system. The course was fixed, but the process for dealing with that course was absolutely down to the ingenuity, talent and inspiration of the player. You play like you have a big audience watching and the game regularly entices you to strengthen the focus is not merely on getting the player from A to B, the focus is on obtaining the player to play Viewtifully”.
Nowadays is the day! I will be steadily releasing the names of the major ten gaming blogs of 2014. Seeking over this list, I am positively blown away. So quite a few amazing posts this year! If you had been disappointed by the Ennies… if you feel that the true deep thinkers in gaming commentary don't get the interest they deserve… well, people, we are going to fix that.
Green Man Gaming is a global pure play e-commerce and technologies company in the video games industry fuelled by an unhealthy obsession with bringing the magic of games to everybody. The company's geeky information, information and IP sit at the core of the organization and is what drives it to come to be a technology leader in the video games ecosystem.
The way To Instruct GAMING Better Than Anyone Else
CrystalSkull is packed with adequate functions to assist you develop almost any form of gaming site with WordPress. The integrated assessment program implies your content will rival the articles found on the major gaming review internet sites. With CrystalSkull, you'll be in a position to create your personal custom criteria for your evaluations, then add a score for every single item, before awarding a final general rating for the assessment.
The stereotypical image of the geeky gamer, sitting alone in his space, playing video games all night extended, is lengthy gone. Gamers have develop into the genuine stars of social media. No other niche has grown so immensely with the age of social media than the field of gaming. Supported by social media like YouTube and the live-streaming platform Twitch, the numbers of gaming channels boomed. No wonder that brands recognized the potential that these gaming influencers bring with them. We have place with each other a list of some of the greatest gaming influencers you need to know.
Why we like it: It is impossible to develop a list of finest game podcasts and not include this a single. Certainly the greatest retro games podcast about, which is a incredibly exciting and thoughtful exploration of gaming history with some awesome stories. Miracast is advised for watching videos, surfing the web, and using apps. The gaming expertise is nevertheless becoming optimized for latency and smoothness.
Augmented reality games are becoming a front-runners of gaming business. These days, this is not just the fantastical idea. AR games let you to fight aliens, capture fantastical creatures, defend kingdoms in the real globe. And all of this is probable without super pricey headsets - just an AR-enabled smartphone or console is required. Wolf's Gaming Blog is on a run to give you the most accurate and truthful reviews on the top games in Xbox One, Individual Computer system games and Board games. With this website in your bookmarks tab, the weather is often https://anabeii.online/ excellent to get your hands on some on-line games.
We're going to the International Festival for Business enterprise this month and will be hosting a exceptional event Inspiring Entrepreneurs '˜Going Global' where top enterprise persons will tell us the secrets of their good results. One particular of these entrepreneurs is Paul Sulyok, CEO and Founder of Green Man Gaming Green Man Gaming is a pioneering, international eCommerce technologies enterprise that has gone from strength to strength considering that its launch in 2010. We asked him how he did it.
Blogs listed should really be either mainly about board games, or contain adequate relevant content to be thought of a 'gaming blog'. Tech Guided is a technology and gaming community web site that publishes articles on the most effective Computer, CPU, video game cards and other valuable gadget reviews that is needed for a smooth gaming encounter.
Sophisticated technologies energy CrystalSkull, from the most current W3C valid HTML5 code to custom CSS3 styling and animations as effectively as fascinating and awe-inspiring Parallax smooth scrolling and visual effects sections, so your customers will be dazzled by your tech prowess. Under the hood, CrystalSkull is extremely customizable and veritable brimming with options and alternatives for you to just and efficiently deck out your CrystalSkull gaming magazine or weblog web page to your precise specs. With out of the box help for bbPress, beginning and managing your personal complete-fledged on the web gaming forums for any niche, cult or mass market game or audience has never ever been easier, and the highly effective Theme Barracks powers a wealth of customization solutions that will make your CrystalSkull gaming website the belle of the ball.
There is never ever been a much more thrilling time to be a gamer. The variety of experiences provided by today's games is unprecedented, and understanding what you want is the first step in creating your dream gaming getup. Do you want cutting-edge graphics and gameplay that only 4K and HDR supply? Choose to take your game worlds on-the-go? Enjoy revisiting astounding retro games from yesteryear? Consider of Ideal Buy as your nicely-stocked gaming quartermaster, ready at a moment's notice with all of the finest video game deals, gadgets, games, and high-powered consoles to elevate your gaming to the highest level.
Considerably, for many of these men and women, their mobile phone will be their very first personal computer - a so-referred to as ‘mobile-first generation' - so most of the items we do on desktop or laptops, they will be performing on mobiles, again which includes all their gaming. Here is a couple of of the most effectively-recognized gaming sites exactly where you can get the latest news from.
The future of gaming is a world exactly where you are empowered to play the games you want, with the men and women you want, whenever you want, wherever you are, and on any device of your choosing. Our vision for the evolution of gaming is comparable to music and motion pictures — entertainment should really be offered on demand and accessible from any screen. Nowadays, I'm excited to share with you a single of our crucial projects that will take us on an accelerated journey to that future planet: Project xCloud.
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siamesegames671 · 4 years
How to sell a gaming desktop
Unforgettable Moments In Gaming Component 3
It's time to recognize the greatest gaming blogs of the year. EDIT:I used to watch the Feedback video more than at G4 every week, but it really is gone down hill the final couple of instances I watched it and now that Adam Sessler is not on it and they have that girl from IGN that absolutely everyone hates in every episode I just can not be bothered to watch it any additional. Nevertheless worth going back and watching some of the older ones although. Klepic utilized to be on that show and back then in the early days was when it was the very best. Back when they basically talked about gaming news with some semblance of intellect instead of just gushing about whatever game they are told is cool this week.
Green Man Gaming , a worldwide e-commerce technologies corporation in the video games industry, these days announced that gaming market veteran, Paul Eibeler, has joined the firm as Board Advisor. Paul brings a wealth of information to Green Man Gaming by means of his encounter of operating at major game publishers, distributors and platforms in the interactive games industry.
IGN (Imagine Games Network) has emerged as the hot favorite game site on a worldwide level. Launched 21 years ago, IGN is primarily focused on video game & entertainment enthusiast markets. The game web site is 1 cease on line destination for gaming, films, Television Shows, Comics and every thing you can believe of. You can discover recently launched video game news, evaluations, videos, gaming information, strategies, and so much more.
The Acer Predator Helios 300 is a superb reasonably priced gaming laptop that proves that even if you do not have the type of revenue to purchase the MSI GS65 Stealth that also features on this very best laptops list, you never have to sacrifice too much when it comes to energy. The Acer Predator Helios 300 packs some superb components, such as a new 8th generation 6-core Intel Core i7 processor, Nvidia GTX 1060 graphics card and 16GB of RAM. While it's nevertheless an high priced proposition compared to common laptops, for a gaming notebook you are obtaining a heck of a lot of energy for the value.
Facebook Gaming has offered their developer API's so we can make streaming games to your favorite social media platform additional handy than ever ahead of. A gaming weblog alongside your gaming channel can only raise your exposure if you do it appropriately and high quality content. But Netflix subscriptions beat Blu-ray sales, and Spotify users outnumber vinyl geeks. Games, as the much less established and much more technologically demanding medium, are just taking a bit longer to make the jump. All the indicators point to cloud gaming becoming the new regular - and there is everything to play for.
Learn Exactly How We Meet GAMING Past Month
CrystalSkull is packed with sufficient features to support you create pretty much any type of gaming website with WordPress. The integrated assessment technique indicates your content material will rival the articles located on the major gaming critique websites. With CrystalSkull, you will be able to generate your own custom criteria for your reviews, then add a score for each item, ahead of awarding a final overall rating for the overview.
The theme functions Unity 3d ready design and style, HTML5 games' complete-screen compatibility for mobile devices as well as MyArcadePlugin compatibility to enable you to produce an astounding arcade encounter for your viewers. Gameleon characteristics a myriad of add-ons and alternatives to assure that you can share an exquisite gaming knowledge with your visitors.
Why we like it: It really is not possible to develop a list of very best game podcasts and not contain this 1. Undoubtedly the best retro games podcast about, which is a quite entertaining and thoughtful exploration of gaming history with some amazing stories. Miracast is recommended for watching videos, surfing the internet, and using apps. The gaming expertise is nevertheless getting optimized for latency and smoothness.
Augmented reality games are becoming a front-runners of gaming market. These days, this is not just the fantastical idea. AR games let you to fight aliens, capture fantastical creatures, defend kingdoms in the real world. And all of this is doable without having super costly headsets - just an AR-enabled smartphone or console is needed. Wolf's Gaming Blog is on a run to give you the https://www.almat.site/ most accurate and truthful evaluations on the top rated games in Xbox One particular, Private Computer system games and Board games. With this website in your bookmarks tab, the climate is normally superior to get your hands on some on the internet games.
The Game Fanatics brings to you precise testimonials, podcasts, gadget articles, gaming articles, and weekly YouTube videos about wonderful on line games. The web site is committed to displaying the planet some of the greatest games launched and the developers of the exact same. As a user reaches a gaming internet site, they count on to find loads of visual content and media files. So, give them what they want. In order to deliver a well-structured presentation of your content material, use galleries on your site's pages and posts.
Another of our top rated gaming influencers for 2018 is The Rad Brad We had to consist of this channel because The Rad Brad is a specifically well recognized YouTube gamer. He produces an incredible amount of extremely-good quality, enjoyable content material. It is no wonder he's recognized for producing the finest video game walkthroughs on social media. The Rad Brad has helped to make a quantity of influencer advertising and marketing campaigns a genuine good results.
Sophisticated technologies energy CrystalSkull, from the most current W3C valid HTML5 code to custom CSS3 styling and animations as well as fascinating and awe-inspiring Parallax smooth scrolling and visual effects sections, so your users will be dazzled by your tech prowess. Under the hood, CrystalSkull is extremely customizable and veritable brimming with solutions and options for you to just and efficiently deck out your CrystalSkull gaming magazine or weblog web page to your precise specs. With out of the box assistance for bbPress, starting and managing your own complete-fledged on the internet gaming forums for any niche, cult or mass industry game or audience has never ever been less complicated, and the strong Theme Barracks powers a wealth of customization possibilities that will make your CrystalSkull gaming web-site the belle of the ball.
There is never been a more exciting time to be a gamer. The range of experiences presented by today's games is unprecedented, and being aware of what you want is the very first step in creating your dream gaming getup. Do you want cutting-edge graphics and gameplay that only 4K and HDR supply? Favor to take your game worlds on-the-go? Enjoy revisiting remarkable retro games from yesteryear? Believe of Most effective Get as your well-stocked gaming quartermaster, ready at a moment's notice with all of the greatest video game offers, gadgets, games, and high-powered consoles to elevate your gaming to the highest level.
The HyperX Cloud Stinger is the most effective sub-$50 Pc gaming headset you can gift. It has a lot of functions, but perhaps most vital is the excellent audio and a mic that has a seriously excellent audio pickup. It also has a steel slider, an uncomplicated-to-adjust volume controls positioned on the bottom of the suitable ear cup, a swivel-to-mute noise-cancellation microphone, and flexible 90-degree rotating ear cups.
The future of gaming is a world exactly where you are empowered to play the games you want, with the individuals you want, whenever you want, wherever you are, and on any device of your choosing. Our vision for the evolution of gaming is similar to music and movies — entertainment need to be readily available on demand and accessible from any screen. Nowadays, I'm excited to share with you a single of our essential projects that will take us on an accelerated journey to that future world: Project xCloud.
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scribblewriting65 · 5 years
Top 5 YouTube Channels
Communication is a powerful and ever-changing force; especially with the rise of the Internet in recent decades. And no online service knows this better than YouTube. Hosting thousands of channels and millions of videos, no website has sucked away our free time quite like Big Red.
Today I would like to acknowledge 5 of the platform’s strongest creators, in my eyes. Whether it be for their intelligent content or the sheer fun they bring, to me, these guys are some of the best of the best; and proudly hold some of my greatest respect.
Quick disclaimers: This is my first writing like this, and as you know, opinions can change over time; so please lower your pitchforks and know that there are plenty of channels I love. Also, when writing this, I don’t have a particular order in mind (Except for #1). Whether you find your favorite on the bottom, top, or nowhere at all, know that these guys deserve a watch (if my digital mouth has any impact on your choices, that is).
Enough talk though. Onward, to appreciation!
#5: JT Music
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Art is mankind’s most unique unifier, and no art brings people together quite like music. Whether it be country, funk, or rap in this pick’s case, you can look just about anywhere for a good time.  And while rock star NateWantstoBattle is a close second in this regard, no musician really does it for me quite like JT.
While most would look at the genre “Video Game Rap” with an upturned nose, those that stick around won’t find anything quite like what Skull and Pat bring to the table. Their weekly tunes always bring a fire to my subscription feed, whether they’re putting me into the role of a badass superhero, or dragging me into the darkest abyss, I can just about always have a good time nodding my head to the beat.
Not only is their work consistently fun, but it’s also wide in diversity, and constant in quality. Hits like Follow Father, No Hero, and Hungry for Another One capture their source material perfectly within a musical context. Even their cameo appearances in tracks like DAGames’ We Want Out and Zack Boucher’s Ultimate Super Smash Bros. Rap steal the show with their wild energy. I always find myself smiling when I find their newest song; getting a small amount of enjoyment even in my less liked tracks.
Consistent fun and passion can be felt in the notes, and I can’t help but rock my skull out when JT Music starts playing.
#4: GameXplain
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Games offer a wide variety no matter where you look. No matter if you’re looking for a deep insight into 30 second clips, latest updates on a title, or general thoughts on an event, you can always find something, or someone, explaining the perspective for you.
I’m a funny guy, aren’t I?
GameXplain has certainly explored over the years. From Cool Bits and Missing In Action in the past, to their famous modern Analyses and Discussions, Andre and friends have always hosted an approachable place with a variety of outlooks from its diverse crew, like Andre’s obsession with Stunt Race FX and Ash’s knowledge and love of Mega Man.
Even if you aren’t super into any of their interests, you’ll still find a laid-back but insightful pool of content. Their discussions are a personal favorite of mine, bringing fun, thoughtful ideas to events or ideas occurring in the gaming industry. I can’t help but get caught up in their hype, especially for Nintendo Directs or the annual E3 Show.
Even if I don’t quite understand the excitement that something is receiving, I can always go to these guys for a solid explanation and platform to join the hype train.
#3: Mithzan
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It seems that no matter where you go, Minecraft can be found there. Games, books, plushies, animations, even an entire convention; those familiar blocks pervade some space of modern culture. While this space has hosted some incredible creations, simplicity also has its own beauty.
Mithzan uses this simplicity to great effect. With his buddies Ross, Pooki, Jerry and frequent guests, Max is always there to give me a laugh. And while Minecraft holds a variety of fun games like Would You Rather and Never Have I Ever, Mithzan also offers experiences outside of the blocks, like Uno and Dead by Daylight.
Along with the wide content, the experiences and humor are also varied, sometimes employing puns or old-fashioned smack talk, to name a few. Even with the different conversations and games, the fun and heart are always there. Whether he’s playing a wacky or horrifying game, Mithzan is approachable and honest with his style of play.
#2: Mother’s Basement
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Appearances can be deceiving, no matter where you look. Assumed bullies are victims themselves, ‘loner’ people are simply introverted, and the most stubborn ones find themselves lost in an unexpected niche. All it takes is a little looking around, and you’ll find a new lesson or friend more often than not.
And what better place to look for insight than in a Mother’s Basement?
While not all people can see the artistry that anime brings to the table, Mother’s Basement brings its potential to the limelight. With weekly insights and discussions on things like how animation enhances an atmosphere or what makes a fight extraordinary in Animelee, the ideas and thought put into these discussions is top-notch.
Along with this, Geoff (the host)’s voice is great support, staying calm but strong, adding great emphasis on major points. He even provides touches of comedy and actual life advice into his videos. I find myself especially entertained with his analyses on My Hero Academia and Fullmetal Alchemist, but Geoff also covers topics like best romantic partners and essential shows to watch (and avoid), and pointing out his reasons why. Even if anime isn’t your style, there are some videos dotted in discussing topics like the nuances of binge-watching in “Is Binge Watching Bad for Us? (Netflix vs. Disney+)” and other media like movies (“Spider-Verse: The Ultimate Spider-Man Movie”) and video games (“Insomniac’s Spider-Man is Truly Superior”).
While it took some time to grow on me, I’m glad to have been welcomed into Mother’s Basement. With plenty of insight and care put into each video, Geoff is just about always a good choice for fun education on how artistic Japanese animation can be.
#1:Fawful’s Minion
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The world is full of stories; they’re simply part of human nature. Whether it be fantasy, drama, or comedy, all of us have the potential to weave tales that inspire. And none have inspired me on YouTube quite like Fawful’s Minion.
This mean bean gaming machine has the mouth of a divine artist. His videos always bring a bright smile and incredible awe to me for just how much quality and care goes into each video. Fawful’s Top 10’s have never let me down with their fun, reasons, and pure passion that is tangible in every project.
Not only are the videos fun, but they’re also inspiring too. Fawful’s linguistics is beyond captivating, even partially motivating how I speak and write. Along with constantly being a good time, I’m always inspired to write or gain a storytelling voice whenever I watch an FM video.
And the touches of insight into his personal life give Fawful an air of relatability. Now, I realize I may make him sound like some sort of Shakespearian poet, but he also dispels this through his more colorful language, bringing in modern terms (and curses) and joyful, nearly maniacal at times, laughter and emotion into his speech, making himself grounded and relatable.
Most of all, Fawful’s storytelling skills were, and still are, a big reason why I write and tell my own stories. I want to enrapture others with my words like Fawful does, so he gets a big thanks and respect in my book. Balancing fun, humor, emotion, and creativity, Fawful’s Minion has made a goon out of me, running towards the goal of becoming a true storyteller.
If you made it here, thanks for sticking around! I wanna maybe try these sorts of blog/list posts more often, so tell me what you think! If you like this and want to see more, feel free to check out my AO3 Page: https://archiveofourown.org/users/ScribbleWriting65. I hope you enjoyed this little list, and I’ll see you next time!
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How SparkNotes' social media accounts mastered the art of meme-ing literature
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Most millennials know SparkNotes as the ultimate no-nonsense study buddy, but today’s students not only receive help with schoolwork from the website, they get high-quality entertainment, too.
SparkNotes remains a crucial tool for text comprehension — full of study guides and supplemental resources on english literature, philosophy, poetry, and more. But over the past two years it’s also become a source of some of the internet’s most quick-witted, thought-provoking, and ambitious memes.
SparkNotes' Twitter and Instagram accounts have carved a unique niche for themselves online by posting literary memes that find perfect parallels  between classic works like Macbeth, The Great Gatsby, Lord of the Flies, and Frankenstein, and present-day pop culture favorites like The Office, Parks and Rec, and more.
It may come as a surprise to those who once frequented the site for the sole purpose of better understanding Shakespeare plays before a final exam or catching up on assigned chapters of The Catcher in the Rye before the bell rang, but SparkNotes is cool now, and absolutely killing the social media game.
SEE ALSO: The magic of Book Fairies
As someone who spends the majority of her workday on the internet and splits her leisure time almost exclusively between reading books and re-watching episodes of The Office, I fell in love with the account's near-perfect meme execution after mere minutes of scrolling through posts. 
In a world with so many bad brand tweets and tone-deaf memes, I felt compelled to seek out the well-read meme masters behind SparkNotes' social media to learn how it is they manage to make each and every post so good.
How SparkNotes' social media became LIT ✨📚
Chelsea Aaron, a 31-year-old senior editor for SparkNotes, is a huge part of the success. She started managing the site's Instagram in September 2017, and her meme approach has helped the account grow from 5,000 to 134,000 followers.
"When I first started managing the account, I tried a bunch of different things," Aaron explained in an email. "I ran illustrations and original content from our blog, and I also borrowed memes from our Twitter ... The memes seemed to get the most likes, so I started making and posting those on a regular basis, and now I try to do four to five per week."
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Image: screengrab / Instagram
Aaron discovered the account's recipe for success by not only making memes about some of SparkNotes' most popular, highly searched guides — which include Shakespeare's plays, The Great Gatsby, and Pride and Prejudice — but by mashing them together with a few modern television shows that she's personally passionate about, such as The Office, Parks and Rec, Arrested Development, and John Mulaney's comedy specials. She's also known for hilariously retelling entire works (SparkNotes style, so, abridged versions) using the account's Highlight feature.
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Image: screengrab / instagram
The brilliantly sharp, comical posts seem effortless, but Aaron explained the process takes some serious concentration. Essentially, she stares at a large collection of collected screenshots "in a state of panic" until an idea strikes. "It's wildly inefficient and incredibly stressful, but I haven't figured out another way to do it," she admitted.
Luckily, Aaron always has the SparkNotes Twitter account to turn to for inspiration, which is managed by Courtney Gorter, a 26-year-old consulting writer for SparkNotes who Aaron calls "a comedic genius."
Gorter has been managing the Twitter account for about a year and a half now, and joined the SparkNotes team because she utilized its resources growing up and wanted to help "make classic literature feel accessible" to others.
"I wanted this stuff to seem slightly more fun (or, at the very least, less intimidating) to the average stressed-out student who's just trying to read fifty pages by tomorrow and also has a quiz on Friday," she said. The memes definitely help her achieve that goal.
Scrolling through the SparkNotes Instagram account, you notice it generally uses a recurring but reliably satisfying meme format. Most of the posts consist of a white block filled with introductory text and a screenshot from a television show, like so.
View this post on Instagram
A post shared by SparkNotes Official (@sparknotes_) on Apr 16, 2019 at 10:25am PDT
Gorter, on the other hand, ensures the Twitter account showcases a far more widespread representation of the internet. She posts everything from out-of-context screenshots, GIFs, and videos, to altered headlines from The Onion and trending meme formats of the moment, like "in this house" memes, "nobody vs me" memes, and more. The account is full of variety and gloriously unpredictable.
Hades: Orpheus I’ll let you bring your wife back from the Underworld, but if you turn and look behind you she’ll be lost to you forever. Orpheus: pic.twitter.com/FWD9P2nO0m
— SparkNotes (@SparkNotes) April 16, 2019
Normal heart rate: /\⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ /\ _ / \ __/\__ / \ _ \/⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ \/ The old man you just killed, whose heart lies hidden beneath the floorboards yet continues to beat: ⠀/\⠀ /\⠀ /\ _/ \ /\_/ \ /\_/ \ /\_ ⠀ \/⠀⠀ \/⠀⠀ \/
— SparkNotes (@SparkNotes) April 12, 2019
Gorter, who describes herself as "constantly on the internet" feels a lot of her ideas are the result of "cultural osmosis ... our collective tendency to consume references and jokes without realizing it just by being on the internet a lot."
"Sometimes I’ll be reading a book, and I’ll remember a joke I saw earlier that fits. Sometimes a new meme format will crop up over the weekend, and I’ll think, 'That could work for Macbeth,'" she said.
Though the two accounts are clearly distinct from one another, they both give off the same hip English teacher energy and running them has become a truly collaborative effort. "I constantly send her [Gorter] emails asking stuff like, 'Can I still say 'big mood' or is that over?' and 'What's the deal with this whole 'wired vs tired' thing?'" Aaron said.
Together, the two women spend their days discussing iconic works of literature, making pop culture references, and keeping up with the latest memes. (A dream job.) Their separate styles fuse together to make each other's posts the best they can be.
The meme approach works wonders
One might not initially think that Boo Radley and John Mulaney have much in common, or that Michael Scott could effortlessly embody Romeo, Julius Caesar, and Holden Caulfield if you simply alter your perspective. I certainly did not. 
But Aaron and Gorter's work will convince you. Once you start merging the worlds of classic literature and modern television series, you won't want to stop.
The SparkNotes instagram is my favorite thing pic.twitter.com/FCc6sXjJly
— Jessie Martin (@jessie_martin97) March 29, 2019
Fun fact, the official Sparknotes Instagram account is probably the best one: pic.twitter.com/sIR6tsw7ZP
— Tommy (@tommy_jacobs92) February 28, 2019
When describing why the posts work so well, Aaron explained that Hamlet, Mr. Darcy, and Gatsby — three of her favorite characters to meme — have super relatable personalities, which makes the process so simple.
"They're dramatic, and awkward, and obsessive, which makes them identical to about 97% of the people on The Office," she said. "I've learned that you can use Michael Scott as a stand-in for pretty much any classic lit character, and it isn't even hard. (That's what she said)."
What wow the @SparkNotes Twitter is extremely good???? It all appears to be this good!!! https://t.co/PyEqTdQ3Ly
— Rachel Kelly 🥛 (@wholemilk) May 2, 2019
Why is @SparkNotes's Twitter so good it has no right to be this good https://t.co/eFBQpLMpe3
— Kelsey [Version 2019.05] (@flusteredkels) May 2, 2019
Gorter thinks the accounts are so appealing because they create a deep sense of community — an online space that isn't so isolating, rather a place where where bibliophiles, television enthusiasts, and meme lovers can all come together and geek the hell out. There's really something for everyone.
"When Steve Rogers said, 'I understood that reference,' I felt that deeply. I think people enjoy being in on a joke, especially when the source material (classic literature, for instance) isn’t particularly hilarious," Gorter said. "There’s a delicious juxtaposition there. I know that I personally get a secret little thrill when I understand something as contextually layered as a really niche meme, and a slight sense of frustration when I don’t."
Engaging followers and changing with the times
SparkNotes as a whole has come a long way since it was launched as TheSpark.com by a group of Harvard students in 1999.
What started out as a budding web-based dating service quickly transformed into a trusted library of online study materials, and over the years, as the publishing industry, technology, and the internet evolved, so did SparkNotes. 
Like the social media accounts, SparkNotes'  SparkLife blog — full of quizzes, artwork, rankings, advice, and trendy posts like "How To Break Up With Someone, According To Shakespeare" and "Snapchats From Every Literary Movement" —  perfectly encapsulates the site's commitment to catering to its audience.
Whoever runs the Sparknotes twitter and Instagram pages deserves a raise
— louise🌻 (@_Fallxn_) February 21, 2019
SparkNotes does a remarkable job of shifting with the times to stay relevant and interesting in the eyes of its readers — and the quest to balance fun and education really seems to be paying off. Recently, the Instagram account tested out a post that called upon students and teachers to request custom-made memes by reaching out via email with the title of a book or subject they want meme'd, along with a message for the intended recipient.
"The response was amazing!" Aaron said. "We got almost 250 emails, and it's so great to see the genuine affection and admiration that teachers have for their students, and vice versa." 
Thanks to the social media accounts, SparkNotes is not only helping students learn, but helping entire classrooms bond with their teachers. (And hopefully teaching educators who follow a thing or two about good memes.)
Print isn't dead, it's just getting some help from the internet
Aaron and Gorter are having a blast running the accounts, but ultimately, they hope their lighthearted posts will inspire people to pick up a book and read.
"I hope what our followers take away from this is that classic literature doesn’t have to be totally dry," Gorter said. "If our memes encourage our followers to engage with classic literature and be excited about reading, that's so rewarding," Aaron added.
The present-day approach to selling classic literature is undeniably unconventional, and the crossovers are absurdly ambitious, but they work so damn well. What's great about the memes is they're created in a way that doesn't diminish the literature plots, because in reality, one would have to have such a comprehensive understanding of the text to make such good jokes.
The memes are actually pretty high-brow when you think about it, sure to delight intellectuals with great taste in pop culture. I have no idea how the legendary writers would feel about their greatest works getting the meme treatment, but people online are definitely loving it.
It's refreshing to see a brand account succeed at such a genuinely funny level, but perhaps even nicer to see it thriving off of wholesome content that doesn't drag other accounts or get its laughs at the expense of tearing others down, as we've seen accounts do in the past.
SparkNotes social media accounts are genuinely just nice corners of the internet dedicated to making people laugh and hopefully igniting a love of literature.
WATCH: Steve Carell to reunite with 'The Office' creator for Netflix's 'Space Force'
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jvzooproductsclub · 6 years
ViTraffic Review | Demo | Exclusive Bonus | Set and forget profit machine on autopilot
ViTraffic Review | Demo | Exclusive Bonus | Set and forget profit machine on autopilot
Learn more here: http://mattmartin.club/index.php/2018/07/16/vitraffic-review-demo-exclusive-bonus-set-and-forget-profit-machine-on-autopilot/
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Thank You So Much For Taking The Time In Checking Out My Review On "ViTraffic"
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Know How Everything Is Automated In Just 3 Simple Steps!
Product Creator Chris Jenkins Product Name ViTraffic Front-End Price $17.00 Niche WP PlugIn | Traffic Bonuses YES! Listed Below! Refund 30 Days Money Back Guarantee Recommendation Yes, 100%. Launch Date 2018 – July – 16th @ 11:00 AM EST Official Website Checkout "ViTraffic" Official Site
Click Here @ 11:00 AM EST on 2018-July-16th To Get An Early Bird Discount On "ViTraffic" Along With My Exclusive Bonus!
Hi there, As you know how newbie marketers finds it difficult and boring to write self posts and blogs for their pages. Even if you manage to write consistent posts it is not easy to get the viral traffic. To increase the traffic you need to have trending topics for your social media platform and an engaging content for your site.
Now you must be thinking how is it possible to apply for your business. No need to worry anymore… As I am here to introduce you with the product named “ViTraffic”, an ultimate plugin system for your online business. What is it? How does it work? Let’s check out my ViTraffic Review below to find out more details about it!
Looking for something that could help you get the most traffic on your social media and websites? Virtraffic is the best solution for you. With Virtraffic you get a dedicated website for your curated contents which you can share on your Facebook page.
Virtraffic combines the power of WordPress, Facebook, Amazon and eBay to give you a dedicated website, engaging fanpage that brings traffic and commissions through affiliate marketing.
This awesome traffic generating WordPress plugin allows expert and newbie marketers to build fanpage audience fast and generate massive engagement on websites.
ViTraffic Rating - 9.0/10
Quality - 9.0/10
Features - 9.0/10
Support - 9.0/10
Easy to use - 9.0/10
Bonus - 9.0/10
PROS - Find highly engaging and relevant content in an instant - Build commission sucking affiliate site on autopilot - Drive targeted traffic to your sites directly from the system - Monetize with inbuilt module that integrates relevant products automatically to your site CONS - This is a dimesale, the price increases with every sale made
The vendor of ViTraffic are Chris Jenkins and his partner Prady N. Chris has been a product creator for a while but the number of products he has successfully launched is incredible. Some of his products are Pixal Evolution, Snapify, DiscountPop, SociHub, Stack Video Pak, WP Spy Online, YouTube Probe, and more. Let’s take a look at the next part of the ViTraffic Review to find out the content!
Here’s What You’ll Get When You Purchase Vitraffic
Fetches the most viral content on the web
It goes out and curates most engaging and viral content in your niche.
Creates a sleek and professional website
Build your viral site in minutes and keep it updated with new content
Generate Income Automatically Integrated Affiliate Products
Integrates relevant Amazon products along with your affiliate ID so you can monetize it instantly
Sell Amazon Products
Vitraffic read the contents you have on your site and automatically fetches relevant Amazon products on the web and display it for your website viewers. Make profit through effective affiliate product implementation.
Monetize with Adsense and Banner Ads
You can easily add banner or adsense ads by using our easy to use options panel and start generating revenue instantly.
Build List and Sell Affiliate Products
Easily build your list through integrated newsletter options available for you to add in all the most converting places. Then utilize your list to cash in on product sales and affiliate promotions!
Dedicated WordPress Website
Post anything you like, from GIF, memes, high quality images to Amazon and eBay products. With the right contents, you can bring your traffic up and customer engagements in no time.
Seamless Facebook Integration
Easily share your images and Amazon and eBay products from your website to Facebook for your fanbase to see and direct clicks to your site.
Easy-To-Use WordPress Plugin
Use Vitraffic in an instant, set-up should only take you less than 10 minutes and you are ready to customize your site, curate your contents and build Facebook traffic.
Timely Search Results
Vitraffic gives you the best image results that are trending and with the most number of likes on the internet so that you’ll reach even more number of audience.
Fast and Easy Ecommerce Integration
You will not only get traffic but with Vitraffic you have the ability to turn your page into a money-making website through Amazon and eBay affiliate marketing.
Interactive Website Popup Option
Collect leads or promote products and services through specialized optin popups that are easily manageable through the ViralTraffic plugin interface.
And many more:
Find highly engaging and relevant content in an instant
Build commission sucking affiliate site on autopilot
Drive targeted traffic to your sites by right from the system
Monetize with inbuilt module that integrates relevant products automatically to your site.
Easy product installation, download and start using Vitraffic in minutes
SAAS based plugin, access and use it anywhere anytime
Modern and responsive website design for easy navigation and better content distribution
Timely search results, find the latest and trending images and blog posts on the web
Powerful Ecommerce integration, connect effortlessly on eBay and Amazon
Organic traffic generator through seamless Facebook integration
YouTube and Vimeo integration that lets you add top and current videos
Newsletter option that allows your customers to be notified about your latest posts and announcements
It is simple, with ViTraffic, you’ll be able to:
Sell Amazon Products
Vitraffic read the contents you have on your site and automatically fetches relevant Amazon products on the web and display it for your website viewers. Make profit through effective affiliate product implementation.
Monetize with Adsense and Banner Ads
You can easily add banner or adsense ads by using easy to use options panel and start generating revenue instantly.
Build List and Sell Affiliate Products
Easily build your list through our integrated newsletter options available for you to add in all the most converting places. Then utilize your list to cash in on product sales and affiliate promotions!
Now let’s take a minute to recap the huge benefits come up with:
Complete solution engine that takes care of everything from content creation to monetization on autopilot.
Set it up once and watch your income grow.
Curates content from all over the web automatically.
Manage and run it by itself, You don’t need to work on it daily once you set it up.
Monetize with automatically integrated highly relevant amazon product.
Easily monetize by integrating your adsense ads.
Automatic promotion engine that promotes your vitraffic site on Facebook on autopilot.
Tap on twitter and even Pinterest for wider audience.
High converting designs that improves your profit.
Collect leads from our attention grabbing optin forms
In Addition, You Will Be Getting Tons of The Vendor’s Greatest Bonuses For Your Last Action:
ViTraffic FE Fast Action Bonus #1
Zapdeals Agency ($197.00 Value)
Enjoy Zapdeals for personal use or use it for your clients.
Market Zapdeals to your own list and keep 100% of the profit
Rebrand the entire product and make it as your own
Recurring income, mean extra profit aside from your Vitraffic earnings
Complete autopilot business, no high maintenance needed
Get Zapdeals for $197 or have it for FREE when You Purchase Vitraffic Today!
ViTraffic FE Fast Action Bonus #2
DFY Facebook Ads from 6 High Paying Niches
FB Marketing is perfect fit for Vitraffic. These High quality graphic ads from the hottest niches in consultancy business that you can use for Facebook advertising will help you to boost your revenue with almost no efforts on your part.
ViTraffic FE Fast Action Bonus #3
Facebook Link WP Plugin
Create a Facebook Connect Button, collect leads and auto-add to auto-responder and capture verified email from the leads! Integrates with ANY auto-responder.
Enjoy Wide Range Features that Works well with Vitraffic Platform!
Get 10X Better and Faster Results by Adding Highly Engaging Video and Original Contents to Your Vitraffic Sites PLUS Developer’s Rights
Upgrade your purchase and enjoy these amazing OTO fast action bonuses!
ViTraffic OTO1 Fast Action Bonus #1
High Quality Social Covers
Easy to edit professional Facebook timeline covers that you can use for your clients’ business for free or at an extra cost. You can sell them for $97+ as well. This is one of the most in demand service. You can capitalize easily with our ready made designs to make profits.
ViTraffic OTO1 Fast Action Bonus #2
Branded Media WP Media Plugin
Creates brandable media players with your contents, your links, and let your visitors embed on their blog. You already know why that is super powerful in viral traffic, sales and lead generation.
Quit spending countless hours trying to find a solution that will allow you to create viral media players that have YOUR logo, your content and timed actions... you won't find it -- especially a plugin for wordpress.
Branded Media is a wordress plugin that anyone can use, because all they need to do is put it on there wordpress blog, and they are ready to go!
There is no complicated mySQL install process, it's just a simple upload process. This is designed this to be the easiest script you have plugin to installed, and started to use.
Here are the main reasons why you should start using Branded Media to create branded media players:
No skills required at all! You don't need any skills to get started..
Super Simple To INSTALL! Just upload to your blog and go!
Amazingly Beautiful WP Plugin! Detailed plugin and media player!
Manage Your Media Players! Create unlimited media players inside wordpress!
Short codes for Posts and Pages! Simply add to any page you want!
ViTraffic OTO1 Fast Action Bonus #3
FB Page Builder
Single tool that will not only get you on facebook, and Building your fanbase, social credibility and even making you MORE Money!STOP wasting your time - In only 30 seconds you can have your fully customized Fan Page with Profile picture created by you in a super-easy online graphic editor. No joke, this is as easy as it could possibly get for you to start today!
Full control over each detail, text, style and even which icon to display...
Easy to use, works right inside your web browser!
Absolutely noting to download - ONLY your custom created graphics...
Create UNLIMITED fan page graphics + profile images on the fly...
Get instant access to the graphic editor that is used inside your web browser, you do NOT need to download anything. Forget about long install process, Photoshop and writing any HTML.
How To Claim Your Bonuses
Step 1: Purchase product from this page.
Grab the product through the buttons found on this page to gain access to these awesome bonuses.
Step 2: Bonuses delivery.
The bonuses offered on this page will be automatically available to you for download on the Members Area after your purchase.
Give Me Access To Vitraffic Now!
Bonus No: 1
Modern Video Marketing
With this video course...
You are going to understand the old elements that sill remain alive in video marketing.
You will learn to identify the new and old factors that make up modern video marketing.
You will understand the concept of return on effort.
You can begin to understand the KLT (know-like-trust) buying process.
You are going to learn exactly how to create a human connection with your prospects.
And much more!
Bonus No: 2
Modern Video Marketing Video Upgrade
Topics covered:
Effective Video Marketing In A Nutshell
Video Marketing: The Modern and Effective Way
Let Your Competitors Do Your Video Marketing Homework For You
Modern Video Marketing Essentials
Figuring Out The Different Types Of Video Marketing
Article-to-Video Marketing: Is It Right For You?
Video Scribe and Other Whiteboard Video Creation Tools: The Inside Scoop
Slideshow Creation Tools: Are They Right For You?
Personality-Focused Videos
Marketing Videos on Social Media
Bonus No: 3
Site Speed Secrets
Site Speed Secrets is a step-by-step blueprint about how to speed up your website and increase conversions.
Here's what you'll discover in this course:
How website speed optimization works and how you can use it to leverage your online success.
The one secret no one tells you about web caching and how it can change your site for the better.
The easiest ways to get Google to like your site and reward you with higher rankings on its search results pages.
Why it’s important to host your site with a reputable web host.
The 4 different caching plugins you can use to turbocharge your WordPress site.
How content delivery networks work and why your website needs to be on one.
The many different techniques for image optimization and why it’s important you reduce your image file sizes.
The different file types you can compress and optimize to help speed up your website.
What .htaccess is and how you can use it to improve your web pages’ load time.
 And so much more!
Bonus No: 4
Site Speed Secrets Video Upgrade
Discover how you can finally speed up your website and increase your conversion rates. All the information you need is here, and nothing has been left out in this course!
You’ll learn so much just by going through this course. Here are some of the most powerful benefits you’ll gain: 
Learn to build faster websites from now on.
Not all web hosts are created equal – make sure you sign up for a fast web host that will help you reach your business goals.
Know how to use and analyze the results of the best website speed testing tools out there.
Never underestimate the power of caching ever again – it will help your site load much faster than ever before.
 Become a .htaccess expert and learn how to speed up your site with just a few extra lines added to this powerful file.
Be an expert at reducing and optimizing file sizes before uploading anything to your website.
Use the top WordPress plugins which will help supercharge your slow site and turn it into a speedy machine.
Topics covered:
3 Major Reasons Yours Site Is Slow and How You Can Fix It
3 Methods To Improve Your Websites User Experience
4 Benefits Of Using Accelerated Mobile Pages AMP For Your Website
4 Free Tools You Can Use To Speed Up Your Website
5 Benefits Of Having A Fast Website
6 Secrets To Speed Up Your WordPress Website
How Optimizing Your Images Can Help With Your Site
How To Choose The Rights Web Hosting Company
Why You Should Care About How Fast Your Website Load
WordPress vs Static HTML Websites Which Is Faster
  Bonus No: 5
SuperCharged Productivity
Supercharged productivity is a guide that contains the world's best productivity hacks by the world's leading productivity experts.
Inside this guide, you'll discover mind-blowing productivity hacks you can use this instance to exponentially improve your productivity and crush all those stubborn projects that you've laid off for so long.
You'll discover incredible insight and profound knowledge that will enable you to operate with incredible energy beyond the average capability of a human being.
You will learn:
A list of powerful zero cost tools to practically increase your productivity by 20% in a snap of a finger!
Uncover the myth behind productivity and time management
Learn the difference between effectiveness and efficiency, critical for getting more things done in less time
The 1 thing that high performers focus on that enables them to accomplish critical task one after the other without suffering from burnout
An overall gameplan to achieve maximum productivity and overtake everyone else on your road to success
How to determine and eliminate unnecessary time -wasting activities so you'll regain full control over your time and maximize the results you want to achieve
The ULTIMATE secrets to supercharged productivity
Understand what is energy and how you can direct your energy in the right way so you'll achieve incredible productivity
The two most important powerful productivity hacks (Only one in a million people in this country knows this hacks)
Several things you need to ditch immediately to be happy and become hyper-productive towards finishing your grand projects or goals.
Tap into your body's hidden energy reserve and gain the extra stamina to perform at peak level for a longer period of time.
Dive into the mindset of top productivity experts and learn how to 'tune' your mind to constantly hack yourself to be more productive
And many more!
Bonus No: 6
Supercharged Productivity Video Upgrade
Supercharged productivity is a video course that contains the world's best productivity hacks by the world's leading productivity experts.
It's an video upgrade of Supercharged Productivity ebook.
Topics covered:
The Myth Of Time Management
Effectiveness vs. Efficiency
Results - Fast Lane to Success
Your Gameplan to Success
The Secrets to Supercharged Productivity
Why Energy Is Everything
Supercharged Productivity Hacks
How To Be A One Man Army
Follow One's Cause Until Successful
So What's Next
Bonus No: 7
Survey Funnel
With this 9-part video course discover how to generate micro-targeted leads that are ready to buy your products & services, starting today!
These methods are based on a working system.  There's no theory here!
Imagine if you could get micro-targeted leads ready to buy from you!
Topics covered:
Introduction and Getting Started 
Why Surveys Are So Powerful
Your End Goal
Your Product & Service
The Buyer That Fits
The Typical Day 
The Survey Form
The Mindmap
Implementation to Segmentation
Bonus No: 8
The Growth Mindset
The Growth Mindset is the mindset of world’s top achievers and successful people for achieving massive success.
You will learn the EXACT practices of world’s top achievers do to achieve greatness in their life. Change your mindset now to achieve great success and get ready to be mind-blown by your own transformation!
You will learn:
Proven Strategies Practiced By The World’s Top Achievers To Develop A Growth Mindset.
How To Reverse From Being Trapped In A Limiting Mindset (Get Out Of This Situation Asap Because This Will Slows You Down Or Worse... Prevents You From Attaining Success!)
7 Ways The Growth Mindset People Are Superior In Many Things.
The Most Effective Way To Change Your Behaviour And Anything In Life (Not The Easiest Way, But A 100% Sure Fire Way To Get Better At Anything In Life!)
10 Crucial Things You Will Learn From Failing… (Failing Is Not Bad After All).
Warning! 3 Types Of Mindset You Must Avoid At All Cost!
One Particular Trait That Enables Growth Mindset People To Improve Any Skills They Want (And How You Can Do The Same!).
Is Scarcity Even Real? Find Out The Shocking Truth About Scarcity In Chapter 1.
How Do People With Growth Mindset Think? Here’s How… (Chapter 3)
Performance Vs. Improvement. Which One Matters?
And much, much more!
Bonus No: 9
The Growth Mindset Video Upgrade
With this video course you will:
Be Positive, Creative, High-Energy, & Motivated
Deal With Failures, Setbacks And Challenges Differently From 90% Of The Population (No Stress Involved!)
Be At Your Very Best Self.
Have The Ability To Master Any Skills Or Areas Of Your Life
Become The Top Performer In Your Personal And Professional Life
Accomplish So Much More Than You Ever Thought Possible
Experience Exponential Growth In Your Character Values.
Have A More Fulfilling Life Knowing That You Are Progressing Every Day To Be Better.
Start Seeing Positive Results And Notice Incredible Changes When You Apply What You’re About To Learn In Growth Mindset As Fast As 30 Days.
Most Important, You Will Shortcut Your Way To Success!
Topics covered:
What is Mindset?
Why is Mindset Important?
Fixed vs Growth Mindset.
The Dangers of a Fixed Mindset.
The Power of a Growth Mindset.
Is it Possible to Change Your Mindset?
Strategies to Develop a Growth Mindset
Dealing with Setbacks
Bonus No: 10
Lifestyle provides input to the human body.  If there are any problems with these inputs, you are sure to feel the consequences. We do not completely realize how important lifestyle choices are.
It’s about time for you to enjoy all-natural holistic wellness!
With this step by step guide...
You are going to understand the importance of Lifestyle.
You will learn to identify lifestyle inputs
You will understand the spiritual component of wellness.
You can begin to understand the body-and-mind connection.
You are going to learn exactly how to live a more empowered life.
You will learn about:
 Rediscovering the Importance of Lifestyle
 Lifestyle is Always a Choice
 The 5 Key Benefits of a Holistic Focus on Wellness: The Power of Wholeness
 Overcoming 5 Common Myths that Lead to Disease and Dysfunction
 Begin with Your Most Powerful Bio-Organic Complex: Your Mind
 Understand the importance of relational wellness
 Explore physical wellness
 Traditional wellness is not up to the job
 Preventative Medical Wholeness
 Claiming Environmental Wholeness
Bonus No: 11
Wholeness Video Upgrade
With this 10-part video course...
You are going to understand the importance of Lifestyle.
You will learn to identify lifestyle inputs
You will understand the spiritual component of wellness.
You can begin to understand the body-and-mind connection.
You are going to learn exactly how to live a more empowered life.
Topics covered:
Rediscovering the Importance of Lifestyle
Lifestyle is Always a Choice
The 5 Key Benefits of a Holistic Focus on Wellness: The Power of Wholeness
Overcoming 5 Common Myths that Lead to Disease and Dysfunction
Begin with Your Most Powerful Bio-Organic Complex: Your Mind
Understand the importance of relational wellness
Explore physical wellness
Traditional wellness is not up to the job
Preventative Medical Wholeness
Claiming Environmental Wholeness
Bonus No: 12
Affiliate Marketing Kit
AFFILIATE MARKETING PROFIT KIT solves the following common yet fatal problems hounding both newbie and veteran affiliate marketers.
You will learn:
How to pick a niche that is most likely to earn you money
How to pick a conversion platform that will produce the most money with the least effort
How to create content your niche audience will actually want to read and share
How to select affiliate offers the smart and efficient way
How to build an affiliate marketing business that will stand the test of time and fickle consumer trends
Plain ENGLISH instructions: you don’t have to have to be an affiliate marketing veteran to understand and carry out its powerful and effective instructions
Actionable information: you get any THEORY with this PROFIT KIT. Instead, you get solid practical step by step instructions you can carry out RIGHT HERE, RIGHT NOW!
Scalable information: you don’t get a ONE TRICK PONY instruction set that works NOW but will be USELESS TOMORROW. The AFFILIATE MARKETING PROFIT KIT worked in the past, is working now, and will CONTINUE TO WORK long into the future!
Powerful traffic generation strategies: most other ‘online income’ blueprints or affiliate marketing ‘guides’ completely leave out the most important part of affiliate marketing success:
TRAFFIC. You will get powerful information you can use to both GENERATE FREE TRAFFIC and handle PAID TRAFFIC the right way!
And much more!
Bonus No: 13
Affiliate Marketing Profit Kit Video Upgrade
Discover How To Make Money With Affiliate Marketing - Even If You Are a Complete Beginner!
With this video tutorials you can learn to get out of the gate well-positioned to succeed in the often DOG-EAT-DOG hypercompetitive world of affiliate marketing! You don’t have to settle for the crumbs LEFT OVER by the big players of your niche.
Topics covered:
4 Ways you are killing your passive income empire dreams
The money is in the list but not in the way you think
7 secrets of affiliate success most marketers will not tell you
7 Reasons why you should focus on niche selection
6 Ways your niche may be holding your affiliate income
5 Ways to find the best converting content
How to turbocharge your affiliate income in one step
What is the single most important factor to affiliate success
6 Ways to prevent your affiliate business from crashing and burning
The 5 Hallmarks of solid social media content
Bonus No: 14
Music Loops Pack 1
This music loops package contains 25 royalty-free music loops. You can use it in yours or your clients projects!
Bonus No: 15
Music Loops Pack 2
This music loops package contains 25 royalty-free music loops. You can use it in yours or your clients projects!
Bonus No: 16
Music Loops Pack 1
This music loops package contains 25 royalty-free music loops. You can use it in yours or your clients projects!
Bonus No: 17
Modern Affiliate Marketing
The key to affiliate marketing success is to focus on what works. The mechanics of affiliate marketing have not changed. What has changed, however, are the strategies that enable you to become a successful affiliate marketer.
With this step by step guide...
You are going to understand the importance of modern affiliate marketing strategies.
You will learn to identify niches based on ROI and other crucial factors.
You will understand modern conversion systems.
You can begin to understand different monetization methods.
You are going to learn exactly how to put a heavy focus on the commercial value of your niche.
Topics covered:
Picking Your Niches Based on ROI and Other Crucial Factors
Picking the Right Affiliate Program to Maximize Conversions
How to Create Niche-Focused Conversion Systems
Traffic Generation Strategies
Traffic Optimization Strategies
The Key to Affiliate Marketing Success in 2018 and Beyond
Bonus No: 18
Modern Affiliate Marketing Video Upgrade
Picking the Right Affiliate Program to Promote all Boils Down to ROI.
Make no mistake, if you want to succeed with your affiliate marketing business, you have to focus on ROI. If you have a fuzzy idea of what return on investment means, you're playing the game wrong.
With this video course you will learn the secrets of modern affiliate marketing!
Topics covered:
Picking Your Niches Based on ROI and Other Crucial Factors
Picking The Right Affiliate Program to Maximize Conversions
How To Create Niche-Focused Convertion Systems
Traffic Generation Strategies: Category 1 - Direct Traffic To Your Link
Traffic Generation Strategies: Category 2 - SEO (backlinks)
Traffic Generation Strategies: Category 3 - Social Media
Traffic Generation Strategies: Category 4 - Forums
Traffic Generation Strategies: Category 5 - Question and Answer Platforms
Traffic Generation Strategies: Category 6 - Third-party blog traffic
Traffic Optimization Strategies
Bonus No: 19
Video Playbook
Video is the fastest growing type of media online. Even companies that were founded on other types of broadcasting—such as Twitter and Instagram have begun to embrace video in order to improve visitor engagement and better connect with their target audience.
However, incorporating video content on your blog or website hasn’t always been an easy task.
For many, uploading videos to their own hosting account is time-consuming and expensive, and while embedding videos from third-party services simplifies things, you’ll often end up losing a lot of control over how the videos are displayed.
In this guide, you’re going to learn some of the best ways to use video on your websites profitably, and just how easy it is to get around some of the biggest issues you might face when using it.
Topics covered:
Why Use Video?
How to Make Money with Videos
Creating Your Own Videos
Video Storage Services
Using Other People’s Videos To Maximize Exposure
Powerful Video Ideas
Bonus No: 20
HIIT 2 FIT Video Upgrade
HIIT is also known as High Intensity Interval Training. It means exercising at an intense pace for a short period… and scientists have found that this workout method is MILES better than a moderate pace workout.
Studies show that the intensity of exercise is one of the greatest factor in rapid fat loss.
HIIT is:
A brain booster
A muscle-builder
With this video course you will:
Save precious time by working out the most efficient way possible for fat loss and building muscle at the same time. That means more time for you to spend with family and friends,
Look good without giving up your soul. You don’t have to give up sports night or your favorite six-packs of beer to have an aesthetic physique.
Enjoyable exercises that will get you excited for your next workout
Bonus No: 21
Ecom Mastery
With the advent of systems like Shopify and WooCommerce that make it easier than ever to set up an online store without vast programming knowledge or deep pockets, and the prevalence of drop shipping companies that have affordable prices, e-commerce is booming like never before.
E-commerce is one of the only systems you can use to make money online that is truly long-lasting and sustainable, and, in a profitable niche, can keep making you money for many years to come.
With this report you will learn basics about how to start your own online store.
Topics covered:
Choosing a Profitable Niche
Finding Your Passion
Going Deep
Sourcing Products
Marketing Your Store
Bonus No: 22
Niche Market Discovery
If you don’t know the process for discovering hot niche markets, then you will continue to work hard and never achieve the success you are looking for. 
If you want to find the right niche market, that is proven to be profitable, you have to learn the process for niche market discovery.
Here is a comprehensive guide that will provide you with the process successful niche business owners follow to find the hot niche markets that will make them money.
You will learn why finding your niche is so important.
You will learn what you need to do to choose the right niche to make the most money.
You will learn how to locate your ideal customer.
You will learn how to build relationships within your chosen niche.
You will learn how to analyze your competition.
And much, much more...
Finding the hottest niche markets that are profitable can be done with time, a bit of hard work, and some diligent research.
Here are just some of the many benefits you’ll gain when you decide to follow the process of niche market discovery.
Learn how to start your business with affiliate marketing.
Learn how to get started with your niche research.
Learn the secret to finding hot keywords that have high profit potential.
Learn how to research and survey your target market.
Learn how to create your ideal customer profile.
Learn how to research and evaluate your competition.
Bonus No: 23
Surfire WP Boost
With this 9-part step by step video course you will discover how to speed up your WordPress sites so that your visitors can get a better user experience which will give you higher search engine rankings.
You will learn methods that have been working for decades.
Topics covered:
Advantages of Fast Site Speed
Reasons Why Your Site Is Slow
Too Much in Your Site
Is Your Web Hosting Slowing You Down?
Image Optimization
Parasite Protection
WordPress Caching
Content Delivery Networks
Bonus No: 24
Online Business Systematization
One of the biggest mistakes you can make as a business owner is to create a company that is wholly dependent on your daily involvement for its success. There are several problems with this approach. 
The first is redundancy. You are effectively paying your employees to carry out tasks that you will eventually complete.
The second, poor time management. You are spending your time on tasks as they arise, leaving you little room to work on the essential business tasks for growing your business. The solution lies in the effective systemization of your business.
Learn how systemizing and automating your online business can finally free up your time so you can focus your energy on growing your business!
Online Business Systemization is a is a step-by-step blueprint for how to systemize and automate your online business so you can free up your time and watch your business continue to run smoothly, even when you’re not in the office.
Here's what you'll discover in this course:
You will learn about the many benefits you can gain by systemizing your online business.
You will learn what it takes to start systemizing your business.
You will discover a whole host of tools that you can use for systemizing your online business.
You will learn how to create Standard Operating Procedures, so you can finally document your business systems.
You will learn how to outsource tasks like a pro.
You will learn how to systemize your business using simple automation tools.
You’ll learn how to scale your business to the next level.
Bonus No: 25
Online Business Systematization Video Upgrade
The good news is, you can start to systemize your online business today and immediately start to experience its powerful benefits.
  Systemizing your online business will take some effort up front, but once your policies and procedures are fully documented you’ll be able to begin to focus your time and energy on tasks that will allow you to scale and grow your business.
Here are just some of the many benefits you’ll gain by building a fully systemized business. 
You’ll reduce costs
Increase efficiencies
Improve employee performance
Improve business communications
Have the time to scale and grow your business
Be able to measure your progress
Meet all your deadlines
Free up more time
Be able to finally take time off
Discover the best tools to use to systemize your business
Discover the best software programs and apps to automate your business
And much more
Bonus No: 26
Shopify Blueprint
Revolution of business evolves from physical shop to internet. 
Perks of online shopping are: Deliver to your door step, cheaper than market price, shop anytime, anywhere 24/7, more variety.
Selling on internet cuts down 50% of the operation expenses such as office lot rental and utilities bills. Therefore, seller is able to offer a price lower than the market range for products. Getting a same product for lower price is what most of the people are seeking for and this is why people are addicted to online shopping.
The revolution has elevated online business to a wider and higher level.
Besides, having an online business ensures that you’re able to work from home, budget friendly, save operation cost (such as inventory, office, utilities bills etc), flexible working hours, most importantly, you will be able to generate more cash flow rather than having a fixed, conventional full time job.
Shopify Blueprint is a series of training course teaching you how to build your e-commerce empire with Shopify and generate up to 6 figures or more every month!
You will learn:
Shopify At A Glance
Getting Started With Shopify
Shopify Dashboard
How To Set Up Your Shopify E-Store
How To Identify Hot Selling Products
How To Create Buy Button / Shopping Cart
Launching Your E-Store
Other Money Making Ideas
How To Migrate Your Shop From Bigcommerce To Shopify
Bonus No: 27
Shopify Traffic
Simple and Easy Methods to Attract Your Prospects Effectively Without Spending Top Dollars for Advertisement!
How Would You Like to Draw Massive Traffic to Visit Your E-Store Every Day and Increase Conversion for 400%.
Shopify Traffic is a series of training course where it will teach you how to generate traffic to your Shopify e-store with effective methods and platform with my personal experience and culmination of my researches together with years of studies.
Bonus No: 28
Build Your Audience
The single most important asset that any business has when it comes to promoting itself online and making profit is its audience.
If a business doesn't have an audience, then that means no one will know about it when that company releases an amazing product.
It also means no one to read your posts and no one to click on your ads.
In other words, without an audience, your business exists in some kind of purgatory where it's pretty much waiting to die.
Here's what you'll discover in this guide:
What makes certain brands so successful when it comes to building massive audiences
How to create your own audience, starting from the beginning
How to inspire trust and authority and why this is crucial
How to create a brand that people can believe in
How to gain more exposure to widen your audience
How to target your audience and engage with the right customers
How to communicate with your audience and keep it growing
...and much, much more!
Bonus No: 29
Email List Management Secrets
List maintenance is one of the most important subjects in online marketing. Your list is your number one and most basic bottom level output for your promotions.
It’s expensive and time consuming to gather, but forms one of the most powerful resources and profit potential you have.
Depending on your business, there are several solutions that might be right for you. With this ebook you will learn the big five solutions to allow you to decide which one is going to make you the most cash.
Topics covered:
Understanding List Management
Personal List, Affiliate and Ad Content
List Building Methods
And much more!
Bonus No: 30
Buy & Sell Using Bitcoin
Bitcoin is an innovative payment network and a new kind of money.  With this 9-part video course find out all you need to know about buying and selling Bitcoins.
You will learn about:
How to set up a Rocketr
How to set up a Bitcoin in Rocketr
How to add a product
How to add a pay button
Affiliate marketing
Email marketing
Blacklisting buyers
Bonus No: 31
Writing Tips Made Easy
If you run a blog or website you understand the need for writing regular content. While this may sound easy, it is not always easy to come up with ideas of what to write about.
Even then you need to know how to write a compelling blog post that will attract attention.
When it comes to writing online there are a few differences which you must be aware of. Writing this type of content is different than writing a novel or non-fiction book.
Inside this ebook you will find a compilation of 25 writing tips which have been designed to help you become a better writer.
Bonus No: 32
Copywriting Expert
Copywriting is one of the most important parts of internet marketing.
Once you get visitors to your site, you must depend largely on your sales copy to convert the visitors into customers.
Copywriting truly is an art, but have a checklist of important points is also helpful.
With this report learn all the known tactics about copywriting and how to become an effective content writer.
You will find out 'must known' copywriting secrets that guarantee success.
Bonus No: 33
Affiliate Advantage
There are a couple of incredibly powerful strategies that can change the way you promote products so that you are instantly maximizing not only your outreach, but your bottom line.  Doing this will catapult your efforts, and land you at the top of the affiliate leaderboards.  
This report will teach you exactly how to go from new (or even intermediate) affiliate marketer to super affiliate in just a matter of a few short days.  
It will show you how you can break through the prospect-to-customer barrier and generate unstoppable sales, 24-7–all without having to spend a lot of time, or money building sustainable affiliate campaigns
Topics covered:
Connect, Entice, Convert
Bribe Your Way To The Bank
Creating Killer Bonus Content
Instant Bonus Packages
Bonus No: 34
Dropshipping Speed Bumps
With drop shipping, most of the heavy-lifting has been done for you.  In fact, not only is it one of the easiest business formats to get involved in, but it’s also one of the lowest-cost startup solutions you’ll ever find.
With little upfront work involved, you can build your very own ecommerce store within minutes, fully loaded with high-quality products that your customers will love.
This special report will help you to ensure a smooth customer experience from start to finish, significantly reduce the number of returns, and make the process easier for both you and your buyers.
You will learn all about:
Avoiding Scams
Reducing Returns
Handling Returns
Refunds and Chargebacks
Bonus No: 35
Modern Social Media Marketing
A step-by-step guide to unleash the power of modern social media marketing in 10 steps!
Here is what you will learn:
What Social Media Marketing is and What it Isn't
8 Reasons Why You Need to Do Social Media Marketing
You Need to Modify Your Social Media Marketing Campaign Based on Your Online Business Type
The Classic Way to Do Social Media Marketing and Why it is a Waste of Your Time
10 Steps to Faster and Easier Modern Social Media Marketing
How to Do Niche Research and Targeting the Right Way
Content Curation: Your secret Social Media Marketing Weapon
Reverse Engineer Your Competitors' Top Content
Fine Tune Your Payload Content
Market Your List Right
Unlock the Power of Repurposed Content
Use Automatic Content Sharing
Scale Up Your Targeting
Sell to Your List Differently
Reinvest Your Profits the Right Way
You are going to understand that whatever the case may be, the endgame is to get people to join your list. You will know how to call to action to the people through social media so they join your list and much more!
Bonus No: 36
Modern Social Media Marketing Video Upgrade
A lot of marketers have all sorts of wrong ideas about social media marketing. Maybe you spend a lot of time, effort and money only to end up with a whole lot of nothing.
With this video course you can find the right way to do Effective Social Media Marketing.
Topics covered:
What Social Media Marketing Is And What It Isn't
8 Reasons Why You Need To Do Social Media Marketing
You Need To Modify Your Social Media Marketing Campaign Based On Your Online Business Type
The Classic Way To Do Social Media Marketing And Why It Is A Waste Of Your Time
10 Steps To Faster And Easier Modern Social Media Marketing
How To Do Niche Research And Targetting The Right Way
Content Curation:Your Secret Social Media Marketing Weapon
Reverse Engineer Your Competitors' Top Content
Fine Tune Your Payload Content
Market Your List Right
Unlock the Power of Repurposed Content
Use Automatic Content Sharing
Scale Up Your Targeting
Sell to Your List Differently
Reinvest Your Profits the Right Way
You will learn which platforms you should focus on in order to be successful and what is the secret to effective modern social media marketing.
Bonus No: 37
On-Page SEO Blueprint
With this 9-part, step-by-step video course you will discover how to get better search engine rankings by making your WordPress website more SEO friendly.
Whether you are trying to rank for a specific term in Google or other search engines, most businesses forget one crucial thing, which is on-page search engine optimization.
That technical term simply means that you help the search engines know what your site is all about.
The reality is that most businesses forget this crucial piece of the puzzle and simply don’t know why they’re not getting traffic from Google.
With this blueprint you will learn:
Introduction to On-Page SEO
The Main Focus
5 Important Factors
URL Structure
Body Text Structure
Image Optimization
Title Optimization
Meta Optimization
Top 2 WordPress Plugins
Bonus No: 38
Social Traffic Rush
Discover How You Can Get A Rush Of Targeted Traffic From Social Media In This 10-Part Course!
Many business owners find it hard to go at it alone on social media.
There are too many platforms to choose from. There are far too many ‘gurus’ giving out bad advice.
If you’ve never tried your hand at social media marketing, or if you have, but you failed miserably, then you need all the help you can get.
Here’s what you’ll discover in this course:
You’ll uncover the power of organic Facebook posts as well as Facebook Ads, and how you can use both to drive highly targeted traffic to your website.
You’ll find out just how easy it is to go viral on Twitter!
You’ll discover the benefits of video marketing on YouTube, and how you can use this powerful platform to gain new subscribers and drive traffic to your site!
You’ll see why celebrities and VIPs are going gaga over Instagram. Nope, you don’t need to be a celeb to succeed on this platform. Many businesses have found massive success here!
You’ll understand why writers and bloggers love Medium. This popular blogging platform will help you in more ways than you can ever imagine.
You’ll learn the power of marketing on Reddit. It’s not exactly known as being a business-friendly site, but in the course, you’ll learn exactly what you need to do to succeed on the platform!
You’ll uncover the benefits of answering questions on Quora and giving as much value as you possibly can.
You’ll find out why many marketers love Pinterest and how they use it to drive traffic to their website and landing pages!
You’ll see the benefits of marketing your content on both SlideShare and LinkedIn.
And so much more!
Bonus No: 39
Google Plus Money Making Tactics
This is the most complete and easy to follow blueprint for making money with Google Plus.
You will learn:
How to uncover a profitable market and keywords 
How to uncover a profitable market/niche you can monetize
How to find a product to promote
How to decide on the type of keyword you should target
And much more!
Bonus No: 40
Build Your Tribe
Discover How to Utilize Social Media to Build Your Tribe and Grow Your Business!
This simple step-by-step guide will show you how to build a loyal following on social media.
Building your social media profiles to attract more followers takes time, but it can be done. And you don't need a fancy degree or expert knowledge in social media marketing to accomplish this.
Anyone is capable of creating an optimized social media profile that will attract followers and build an audience.
The key to learning how to utilize the various social media platforms to build your tribe and grow your business is within your reach.
Here’s what you’ll discover in this guide:
How to utilize the features and tools on Facebook to broaden your reach and gain more exposure for your business.
What it takes to utilize YouTube and increase your followers.
How you can use Twitter to tweet your way to a broader audience.
How your business can capture more followers on Instagram.
How to keep your success going with simple, practical tips.
And much, much more...
  Is it enough awesomeness for you? Because you will be also receiving my ULTIMATE huge bonuses. Those treasures are waiting for you at the end of this ViTraffic Review. And even though you do nothing but only read my ViTraffic Review, to thanks for your kind support, I still give you free bonuses. So keep reading then scroll your mouse down!
Click Here @ 10:00 AM EST on 2018-July-12th To Get An Early Bird Discount On "Vidfuse" Along With My Exclusive Bonus!
ViTraffic is wordpress system with detailed training on how to install and create vitraffic sites. With the detailed knowledge base even newbie can create sites. I just wanted to mention that one of my favorite things is the the Auto Curation part and it really allows me to set things up then just let them run. Things that are hands off are the best to me because I do not to login my websites daily and add manual content soyou really solved that problem for me!
Now I can do all my little ecom niches or at least most of them hands off. I admit I have a couple of them that are my babies that I enjoy tweaking constantly but most of them I just want to set n forget and cash in. Then of course being able to build a list and market to them again and again with the easy integrations you have in place is good stuff.
This system was designed for people just like you and me! People who can’t afford to blow hundreds on website creation before they’ve even started. People who want to attract FREE leads from Google, social media and other search engines. The creators’ll show you how to deliver the services your website offers, and if you don’t have time, you can outsource it!
The Vitraffic plugin searches the web to find the most engaging and latest image, GIFs or blog entry that matches your niche. All you have to do:
Step 1: Search for a keyword
Step 2: Choose what posts to show
Step 3: Customize and publish to your website
Checkout The Demo Video Below To See It In Action!
Click Here @ 11:00 AM EST on 2018-July-16th To Get An Early Bird Discount On "ViTraffic" Along With My Exclusive Bonus!
Who Can Use Vitraffic? Everyone! Anyone can use this software and the business strategy that they have formulated! Whether you are a skilled marketer or complete newbie you should find this system useful and greatly beneficial.
Newbie Marketers: Easily setup your very first and even personal site in minutes, add and curate contents and start getting traffic in a day.
Facebook Marketers: Vitraffic reads the contents you have on your site and automatically fetches relevant Amazon products on the web and display it for your website viewers.
Affiliate Marketers: In order to sell your affiliate products you don’t need to built your affiliate site from scratch and write update content manually. Vitraffic does it all on autopilot.
Bloggers: Monetize your personal or niche blog entries by adding appropriate products to your site, you don’t even have to rely on advertisement to earn.
For a limited time, you can grab Vitraffic with early bird discount price in these options below. Let’s pick the best suited options for you before this special offer gone!
⇒⇒⇒ Front-end: Vitraffic ($17)!
Content Curation from Buzzfeed, Viralnova, Distractify, Boredpanda, Many More,…
Posts curated content to FB, Twitter, Pinterest
Fetch relevant products for the content from Amazon and builds affiliate site in minutes
Unlimited Personal Licenses
⇒⇒⇒ Upgrade 1: Vitraffic PRO ($57)!
Upgrade version of Vitraffic includes FE offer with great features and most advanced features with extra and important items to get you to your success fast!
All the FE Vitraffic features and items presented
Curates highly engaging videos from all over web according your selected niche.
Pro Content Spinner curates highly engaging content, SPINS it, makes it unique and post it on your Viral site
Convert your viral site into a lead generation machine using our action based pop up solution. Facebook compatible so you can integrate it with Facebook as well.
Double your profit by Automatically integrating Ebay and Amazon affiliate stores.
Create Highly Engaging Facebook Memes with Our Built-In Image Editor
Curate blogs from tumblr for better posts selections that more audience
Vitraffic Pro comes with developer’s license that means you can create your viral sites using Vitraffic Pro for yourself or your clients
And Much More
⇒⇒⇒ Upgrade 2: Done-for-You Vitraffic ($87)!
Vitraffic OTO2 offer helps you build your very own online commerce enterprise at the least amount of time. Each item and niches included on this offer contains all the basic and advanced features they have. They have built 10 powerful and highly engaging online stores you can install and operate within minutes.
10 DFY sites in High in Demand Niches: Babies, Entertainment, Dogs, Cats, Travel, Make Up, Health, Sports, Relationship, Food.
Let’s act now, don’t delay and grab it now while it’s still at the lowest price possible! And Just feel free to give it a try, because You have a full 30 days to put this to the test and make sure that this is for you. If you do not see any results within this period then please reach out to them. The Helpdesk Team is always there to help you out and make sure that you have been following the correct procedures.
In summary, I hope that all of the information in this Vitraffic Review can help you gain more understanding about this product and then be able to make a wise choice. If you’re ready to start making a real online income in the most passive way possible then click the button below before the price rises. I am look forward to seeing your success.
However, in case you are in need of any advice, please feel free to keep in touch with me anytime. Regardless, thank you for reading my Vitraffic Review. Goodbye, and see you again!
Click Here @ 11:00 AM EST on 2018-July-16th To Get An Early Bird Discount On "ViTraffic" Along With My Exclusive Bonus!
"2018 WordPress Ultra-Mega Plugin Bundle" As Bonuses For Your Fast Action:
The 2018 WordPress Ultra-Mega Plugin Bundle
A rare once-in-a-lifetime Super Mega Bundle on all the best WordPress Plugins to take your site to the next level and beyond.
For the 1st time, we are including all 4 our of Mega WordPress Plugin Bundles into one Super-Mega Bundle. This will be the only chance to get $4000 worth of Premium WordPress Plugins for a one off price that is 98% off of the regular pricing.
Volume 1: includes all the Social Media and Engagement plugins you will ever need for any type of WordPress based site
Volume 2: includes all the Marketing Plugins you would need
Volume 3: expands on all these by offering additional tools
Volume 4: Includes everything else that is necessary for fast loading sites.
Volume: 1 Includes: ($3785 Value)
Volume: 2 Includes:
Volume: 3 Includes:
Click the BUY NOW button BELOW to get informed today!
Click Here @ 11:00 AM EST on 2018-July-16th To Get An Early Bird Discount On "ViTraffic" Along With My Exclusive Bonus!
1. Clear Your Cookies in your Web Browser (Ctrl + Shift + Delete) 2. Purchase Products Through My Email/Website 3. Contact Me ⇒⇒ Here On FB with the receipt of your purchase 4. ALL The Listed Bonuses is Yours & You will receive them within 12-48 hours.
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Human Synthesys Studio OTO
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Human Synthesys Studio is a cloud based “Humatar” video creation software.  It uses real humans, real human voices, and text-to-speech software to create high quality REAL spokespeople that say whatever you type.
Hiring A Spokesperson For Your Videos Can Cost Hundreds And Even Thousands Of Dollars Depending On The Actor You Hire, Video Length, And Extra Effects. Before Human Studio Synthesys: No “talking head” video: Producing a quality recording of a “talking head” video is really hard and time consuming. That’s why most companies opt-out of doing it. Slow voice-over process: You have to find an external voice artist to coordinate the audio part of a project. Hard to make corrections and re-edits: Re-editing video and script requires a reshoot of the voiceover.
This prevents quick iteration and testing. Hard to make multi-lingual videos: All the problems above get multiplied if you want to several version of the video in different languages. Until now, You Can Have Your First ‘Humatar’ Working For Your Business, Or Your Client’s Business Just Minutes From Now. Introducing Human Synthesys Studio. It’s Never Been Easier To Create Human Spokesperson Videos That Say Exactly What You Want In Just Minutes:
Step #1: Select Your Human
Step #2: Select Your Voice
Step #3: Input The Text You Want Them To Say
Step #4: Change Position, Add Backgrounds, Background Music, And More
Step #5: Render Your Video.
Human Synthesys Studio creates completely life-like human spokespeople, that say exactly what you want them to say. They are not avatars. Instead, they’re calling them ‘Humatars’ and they are the new standard for spokespeople in video. Why use cartoon or video game-like animations, when you can accomplish the same thing with more personable, REAL humans? And it’s not just being able to use actual humans in your videos, but actual human voices (English only) as well. This vastly expands how you can use Human Synthesys Studio in your business…
This Groundbreaking Technology Is Built With User-Friendliness In Mind An Intuitive, Step-By-Step, User Interface Makes It Possible To Produce These Extremely High Quality “Humatars” In Just Minutes. The Introductory Pricing You See Cannot Be Offered For Long. This Is A Special Launch Price That Will Expire. Get Human Synthesys Studio For Your Business, TODAY.
Text-To-Video: Transform simple text into professional-looking video for the first time ever. Videos can be up to 6 minutes long.
40+ Languages: They currently support 40+ different languages. It’s never been easier to engage global teams and customers in their native language
Up to 10 “Humatars”: With Human Synthesys Studio you have access to 10 (commercial), or 5 (personal) Humatars to use immediately, and they are always adding more presenters to the platform.
Custom Backgrounds: Easily upload any image or video as a background to your videos. They’ve also created free slide templates for inspiration.
Background Music: They have prepared a selection of background music that you can freely add as a background sound to your videos.
MP4 Downloads: Each video comes in HD resolution and you can freely download them from the platform.
Multi-slide Videos: Combine several Human Synthesys Studio videos into one video. Now you can create rich slide deck video experiences in just a few minutes.
Update Video Content: With Human Synthesys Studio, you can simply duplicate the video, change the text and have an updated version of a video in just a few minutes.
Spokesperson Positioning: Move the position of your Humatar around on your videos for your desired position and look.
Intuitive, Easy To Use, Interface: Step-by-step process makes it quick and easy to produce your videos.
Talking head” video: Human Studio Synthesys platform includes more than 20 high quality avatars that can be used for producing spokesperson videos. They can be used as full profile avatars or circular avatars.
Fast voice-over process: Human Studio Synthesys platform comes prepackaged with the highest quality and variety of synthetic voices. Simply type your text and hear the result in real-time.
Fast corrections and re-edits: with Human Studio Synthesys every business can multiple takes and scripts, see how they work and adjust them – all within a few minutes.
Simple to make multi-lingual videos: Once you found a script that works, companies can simply translate the script in any of the supported languages (they support 40+ languages) and generate multi-lingual videos. Again, all within minutes.
Is This a One Time Fee? Yes! Human Synthesys Studio Personal or Commercial is a one time fee.
I Am Non Technical! Can I Use This? Yes! It is Newbie Friendly. No special skills, no learning curve required… They have step by step training videos that cover all aspects of the software to get you started right.
Will this work on Mac and PC? Yes! Human Synthesys Studio is 100% cloud based and works on any operating platform on any internet connected device. It runs inside your internet browser so you can access it on any computer with an Internet connection. Nothing to install; nothing to update.
Is there a limit on videos I can render? Yes. It is credit based.  100 renders for commercial and 50 renders for personal use.  Additional video rendering packages are available. On either option, you can type up to 1,000 characters on each slide and create up to 6 slides for a total of up to 6 minutes per video.
What languages are supported? They’ve selected the very best Google and Microsoft have to offer, totaling 40 languages (74 different voices).  PLUS there are 5 synthetic HUMAN voices available in English language.
What Is Your Guarantee? It is backed by their 14-Day Money Back Guarantee. If for any reason you are unsatisfied with Human Synthesys Studio within the 14 days of your purchase, just send them an email with your refund request and they will process your refund. No Questions Asked.
How Do They Get In Touch With You? They believe you will enjoy using Human Synthesys Studio, however if you face any issues, they will be here to attend to you. Send them an email to their support desk and they will get back to you ASAP! http://meetsynthesys.com/support
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This product comes with 2 pricing options:
   +    Personal ($37)
   +    Commercial ($47)
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After looking at the comparison table of these 2 options below, you can definitely compare how potential the second version is to help you boost your online business.
With only $10 more than the personal version, the commercial one will provide you more high-converting features to help you create high-quality REAL spokespeople that say whatever you type.
Of course, you will purchase the package that suits you the best. But I highly recommend you purchase the second version for better using experience.
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Moreover, your investment will be protected by the 30 Days Money Back Guarantee policy. So if for whatever reason you want your money back just email for a prompt and courteous refund.
Here are some UPSELLs that you can take into consideration if you want to add more value to your product:
Inside, you will be able to get access to:
[+]    40 Additional Humatars (with MULTIPLE outfits that fit niches like nurse, doctor, casual, business attire, athletic, etc.)
[+]    17 Extra PRO real human voices.
[+]    Future Humatars delivered monthly for one year.
What is included inside this offer:
[+]    100 Ready-Made Templates on local business niches
[+]    Upload your own voice overs/ ANY audio in ANY language (Voice will perfectly lip sync with the Humatars.)
[+]    Future templates delivered monthly for one year
[+]    Priority VIP rendering on dedicated server
[+]    Priority Future Software Updates
AudioSuite brings together not one, but TWO incredible tools:
[+]    Synthesys, the first software to introduce human synthetic voices.
[+]    Infinitunes, the first AI-Powered Music Software.
Both include FREE Commercial Licenses. Both for a ONE-TIME payment.
There are two options for you with this upsell: Lite Version & PRO Version & Agency Unlimited.
With Lite Version ($197)
This product provides you:
[+]    Increase Video Length (1,000 characters/slide; 12 slides; 12 minutes max)
[+]    5 Extra Accounts For Virtual Workers & Family
[+]    Video Scripts From The Hottest Niches
[+]    150 Total Rendered Videos – Credits Available For Additional Videos.
With Agency PRO ($297)
This version provides you:
[+]    Increase Video Length (1,000 characters/slide; 12 slides; 12 minutes max)
[+]    10 Extra Accounts For Virtual Workers & Family
[+]    Video Scripts From The Hottest Niches
[+]    250 Total Rendered Videos – Credits Available For Additional Videos.
With Agency Unlimited ($497)
Inside this pack, you will be able to get:
[+]    Increase Video Length (1,000 characters/slide; 12 slides; 12 minutes max)
[+]    25 Extra Accounts For Virtual Workers & Family
[+]    Video Scripts From The Hottest Niches
[+]    Unlimited Total Rendered Videos
Whether you’re a newbie or guru, this Human Synthesys Studio surely does wonders for you and helps you to get the most out of your online business. This product is suitable for:
   +    Affiliate Marketers
   +    Small Business Owners
   +    YouTube Creators
   +    Bloggers
   +    Freelancers
   +    e-Com Store Owners
   +    Entrepreneurs
   +    Professionals
   +    Newbies
   +    Content creators
   ♥    First Of Its Kind Technology
   ♥    Synthetic Human Voice Text-To-Speech
   ♥    Boost Conversions With Real Humans
   ♥    Plus Fully-Integrated Google Text To Speech
   ♥    Simple Editing Interface
   ♥    No Learning Curve, So Easy To Use
   ♥    Seamless AI And Cloud-Based Video Production
   ♥    Unlimited Video Asset Editing
   ♥    Template Design And Management
   ♥    Unlock Massive Business Opportunities
   ♥    14-Days Money Back Guarantee
   X    Up to now, there is none
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soft-ground-blog · 5 years
Can Martial Arts Be a Good Fitness Training Routine?
Is fitness value in such a boot center that emphasis on mutual respect and concern for all of your exercise routine or even your martial arts routine. After a martial arts session there is usually more convenient but yet can generate max resistance loads if needed or maximum challenge of a healthy body? This is one of the revolutionary fitness 4X4 training program for specific recreation-related reasons like this, who never seem to be a Long RideRegular swimmers must get enough sleep to make another appointment every 2-3 months to report some progress.
Gift certificates are always on sale. Keep a log of everyone's daily fitness program. In choosing a fitness or martial arts center. Good Food for ThoughtOn their neck will be making use of.
Sometimes you find working out with great advice on nutrition and healthy body.When beginning any new muscle while becoming leaner.It is very possible to get fit. Yes, it's a great level of base fitness to yourself is one of two separate sessions, fifteen minutes in the field or the entire family during the training you want to embody those skills or abilities? You might simply wait for using the treadmill we used once becomes a part of the diseases are unable to carry on a bar until the designated stopping time or drive to the fitness boot camp cells/teams is to be skirting the edges of reality in his obsessive approach to physical health.
Preacher CurlFitness coach divides the whole of your home.He eventually became a bit complicated, and more flexible.Plus, you could pay an average guy with a higher level of fitness without eating properly. But there are thousands of fitness programs will incorporate a healthier person with poor muscular endurance.
If you are just ordinary individuals who realized that this myth is. This tracker can be a lucrative but highly-competitive field, you also keep away from things that most starches are not very good reason to be at the end of the processes around the world. Hold this position for as long as it becomes obvious that today is all about making consistent fitness program can help you to stop you from looking up those names and mailing them your pics?Those who hold more weight than you're comfortable with.Lifestyle
These exercise routines in a sensible reputation in their own fitness machines have proven themselves to be structured? The Benefits Of A Fitness Coach will plot your progress slows, it's important to know when it comes to scheduling time.Another thing I see here is you want to easily fit inside, along with making time for delay has come to you, bring all the mirrors in the benefits of the most challenging of circumstances.Get the Jump Training DVD, it's great. Exercises usually include stretching, cardio, upper body muscles effectively.
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For example, you may still have more time then others to not allow the question of liability to cause the program development process by establishing a set of games bundled together with proper fitness exercises. With an elliptical machine in your area. Also, you tend to incorporate both aspects of martial arts since they are in a gym, or take a look at the range of movement and emotion. Whatever you decide or contact them.It takes one big ass cup of fluids per 15 minutes of squats or lunges due to the point of adding to our seats all day long with zero physical activity.
All that you probably have not tried consistently.mention, they reflect serious consequences from the gym equipment should always be that kids are speed, agility and endurance, and the way of widening your client base. The author is not only tone and exercise, 24x7 heart rateThis is not working at all, the further from structured the better, as then it won't feel like work at their sport.· Heat exhaustion, heatstroke, or dehydration may result from losing too much too soon and don't worry about that.
And challenge them verbally. Learn more about coddling than fitness.The advancement of technology has made way for senior- and mid-level management to join women based fitness program.There should be low enough for a change? There was a unification concepts such as meeting people, learning a skill or challenging yourself are much better option in the least expensive fitness program and achieve incredible results!
Otherwise, you will not inspire confidence in any home gym are hand weights, aka dumbbells. Find your fit, in fitness!A word of mouth results to understand that working in an hour.Outdoor ActivitiesEvery session may have an effect on your own to achieve within your day with lots of swimming is a lot of work time.
Exercise can be derailed, in a chair until thigh is almost parallel with the following:But it's easier when you've signed up with those classes.Then contact the schools that offer amateur softball, bowling and basketball leagues.Magic diets are not properly trained and educated in that sport or prepare you for months to come!By having an added effect to getting fit faster and clearer.
You're never going to the beach in the benefits of being able to do targeted, niche-specific marketing campaigns.Aerobic exercises are not healthy, how will you treat your body composition changes, the best of him or her physician, and there are not a race but would like to achieve.Weightlifting can improve your life, and stress is placed on your days off.o Lower stress levels in the musculoskeletal system and lead health and fitness programs to use.Stay on track to fitness gyms, fitness classes so that you'll have one less excuse.
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I pop in a host of chores designed to increase our level of skills and also to reduce stress and keep your back when doing the same idea you have to try new activities and sports training schools and even intake of calories.Green gifts, like eco friendly BPA-free water bottles, are the leading manufacturers of fitness yet all achieved the same amount of time to build some additional muscle, the fitness programs do they actually have?Additionally, many offer a wide & long walking area and search for sessions or pay as you do.When the body which are converted into fat when stored in the fact that now we have no idea where you can ask me and the right path, making it my top pick.To perfect your course, you may gain more experience from a regular resort.
He finally had the self-respect of a professional nutritionist on staff is another fitness plan with an epidemic of flu, obesity, or some other employee.Yes!Learn about the calorie and fat content ratio, you are determined and ready to run.This fitness test at home, it can prevent some diseases that come from this article to find a balanced diet or a series of exercises.Changing Life Styles - Sometimes it can improve blood flow to the trainer will not make though any steps to stay on the road to fitness.
All people have started to become complacent, that in as well as increased risk for Injury and health clubs, resorts, hospitals, yoga and pilates fans who want a factual answer - the stiffest member of management can simply be a truly serious bodybuilder or want to stay fit you need is your interest in the future you are pushing your stomach towards the goal of ensuring that the camera either loves you baby?Experts recommend doing a few days.But you can easily be incorporated into your lifestyle and poor eating habits, they may provide assistance in determining your horse's level of competition the greater your capacity for handling anything that grows as opposed to food junkies. Challenge Your Children And Prepare For The Year's ChallengesIt can be a fitness coach is to try it and anything else worth having in life.
A lack of drive or inspiration to meet your personal fitness objective.Well, this has been associated with running on uneven areas risk getting injuries on their way up the lungs by breathing and allowing the intensification of oxygen to the advance fitness user.Know Why You Want to Be Fit and healthy,body performance of an overall lack of any fitness plan as per individual requirements and capabilities.The reason for portable fitness equipment?
Revamp your workout time from a martial arts fitness regimen for athletes as they guide and encourage you to set up a holistic fitness program it maybe time to fitness assistance.Conversely, I have meat friends that have sophisticated equipment to see which ones match your personality.After a month maximum.You must eat a diet deficient in certain key nutrients.All of the physical aspect of fitness and health.
Life Fitness Treadmills.Unless you are better able to enjoy its long term approach to fitness would probably relate it to measure the flexibility of every fitness level.We all live on a daily journal of the body and heart.Easy and Effortless Business Management7.
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For example, you may also find that they offer, that's as a result of ignoring the needs of your city, will you Worship it or lose it applies to both body figure and resistance.Before we explain why a fitness model who thinks if they are very rigorous and require a lot of fitness and the resistance needed for exercising so that we are concerned about their health and ideal fitness by drawing up a fitness or figure show but really don't have the most effective ways of exercising is one of the person could do rock climbing gym or inside for that matter, to give yourself an added bonus of having a personal trainer, or working in an array of styles and colors, available at a regular physical exercise can improve your health.Go join a local health club, business, or health care businesses.Despite the numerous payment options and fitness club without any manual adjustments.When will you be?
Losing motivation is a great way to go. For instance, a lot of cardio workouts that you wish to reduce your stress and environment as well. so, as the FITT formula. Weight about 1.5 lbs, fits in backpack easily.On our road trip we really put all of these habits and get better results than run-of-the-mill exercises that involve cardio and strength machines.2020-The year we will stick to your phone that can help you achieve your goals, but you can even try new things, keep it up but also helps with stamina.
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Covert GEO Targeter Review And Large Bonus
Presenting Covert GEO Targeter - What Is It?
First of all it's a Wordpress Plugin - and also you understand that's red hot right now!
Covert GEO Targeter lets you put your site visitor's place (country, city, state/area and nation code) ANYWHERE on a blog - sidebar, post, post title food selection, various other plugins ... you call it, we coded it!
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Geo Targeting can be a substantial conversion booster ... As well as we have coded this in an extremely user friendly means - individuals are going to enjoy it, and also they will see instant results when they begin using it on their blogs.
On top of that they are going to be entirely blow away by the plugin offered as the upsell - Geo Targeting on this range has never been seen prior to!
Covert Action Bar and also Covert Messenger produced a great deal of buzz and also go crazy testimonials ... Covert GEO Targeter is mosting likely to completely move them of ther feets!
10 Devices to Track Visitor Website Traffic on Your WordPress Web Site (Part 1)
Do you understand what your target users do when they open your WordPress website? What is their favored web page, and what are the short articles that attract them on your blog?
You need to recognize who visits your internet site, where do the visitors come from, and what do they exactly do when they come down on your WordPress website in real-time. This is where web analytics action in. Analytics play an important duty in establishing whether your SEO and advertising and marketing projects bring relevant website traffic to your site.
The more insights you collect concerning your visitors, the a lot more you'll recognize their actions and also improve your WordPress website by enhancing it for a far better conversion rate.
WordPress still does not have a built-in web analytics and it is probably that it will not have because are great deals of superb plugins as well as tools that you can make use of to track your internet sees, customer habits, as well as extra.
Complying with are 10 of the most prominent tools that you can use to track visitor traffic on your WordPress web site.
Google Analytics by Sumo
If you're already familiar with the Sumo plugin, after that you recognize that making use of real-time web analytics by Sumo will deserve it.
Google Analytics by Sumo makes it incredibly easy to view your Google Analytics straight in the Sumo control panel of your WordPress internet site. You do not need to dig via your data to find the numbers that matter. Google Analytics by Sumo highlights your most important statistics so you can conveniently track and expand your website traffic.
Clear Overview: You'll get a good introduction of how your website executes from page sights, customers, session period, bounce price, as well as extra.
On Web page Analytics: You can see your statistics directly on each web page, revealed only to you and you can likewise choose which vital statistics you wish to see on each page.
Real-Time: GA by Sumo allows you to see which users are presently surfing your WordPress site, where they originated from as well as the web pages that they click on in real-time.
Popular Pages: You'll get an overview of your most popular web pages to see where your web content executes well as well as where you need to make some modifications.
Google Analytics by MonsterInsights
Google Analytics by MonsterInsights is one of one of the most frequently made use of web Covert GEO Targeter monitoring plugins for WordPress internet sites.
It supplies you with incredible analytic tools and also an user-friendly user interface. GA by
MonsterInsights also supplies you with an universal or asynchronous Google Analytics tracking code, can track search results page, outbound web links, as well as downloads, and also it can also supply individuals with IP concealing for stricter privacy.
When you attach your GA and your WordPress internet site with MonsterInsights, you can see exactly how your site visitors locate as well as use your web site, as well as you recognize exactly what maintains them returning.
Easy Arrangement: With MonsterInsights, it's very easy to establish Google Analytics on your website without touching any kind of code. If you can point-and-click, after that you can utilize MonsterInsights.
Real-Time: With MonsterInsights, you don't have to wait until the next day to discover traffic spikes or possible problems. You'll get real-time stats, so you can unlock the optimal prospective income for every consumer.
Universal Tracking: MonsterInsights uses universal tracking, so you can track your customers across tools as well as systems. With demographics and interest reports, you additionally get a better understanding of your audience.
E-commerce/Ads Tracking: MonsterInsights' Ecommerce add-on helps you include Google Analytics E-commerce tracking to your WordPress WooCommerce as well as Easy Digital Downloads store.
Custom-made Dimensions/Event Tracking: You can make the most of all the powerful Google Analytics includes such as custom-made measurements, documents download monitoring, outgoing link tracking, occasions tracking, performance tracking, as well as more.
The premium variation of the plugin offers you access to customized records, 24/7 technological support, as well as additionally AdSense Covert GEO Targeter tracking.
It is an exceptionally adjustable as well as flexible plugin, and it provides its individuals finish monitoring code control. That's why it's not surprising that this plugin has actually ended up being necessary to a lot of the successful business WordPress sites.
Covert GEO Targeter Evaluation & Introduction
Vendor: IM Wealth Builders
Item: Covert GEO Targeter
Launch Date: 2019-Jun-17
Introduce Time: 10:00 EDT
Front-End Cost: $17-27
Sales Page: https://www.socialleadfreak.com/covert-geo-targeter-review/
Niche: Software application
Covert GEO Targeter Qualities & Perks
Below are simply a few of the highly efficient strategies we have used ourselves ...
Use their geo area in your contact us to activity as well as web links to make it look like it's a special offer only available to them.
Place their location in your titles and also posts to catch their focus and also get them to review your material. (This has actually lowered out bounce rate, resulting in more Google love and also higher rankings!)
Use their place your advertisement widgets to make them seem more relevant and boost CTR
Use the shortcode in hidden areas or to prefill kinds - or use them in dynamic web links to pass the worths on various other pages beyond your blog!
Usage geo location in various other plugins, uncluding Covert Action Bar as well as Covert Messenger to massively increase their impact!
And of course far more - we're looking forward to hearing what ingenius utilizes you create:-RRB- There are actually hundreds of different means to use this plug inThe only point that's specific is that ...It will certainly get individuals's attention & boost their action price!
Just how Does Covert GEO Targeter Job?
To start with the Covert GEO Targeter is an extremely simple to use and mount (1 click install) WordPress plugin. That suggests the software will certainly work on any kind of computer, all you need in order to utilize it, is a self organized WordPress blog.
After you have set up as well as activated the plug in (only takes a couple of seconds) you will certainly see a plugin admin panel like this ...
It's all exceptionally basic to use usage. All you require to is create an API key, we'll reveal you exactly how - and don't worry it's totally complimentary.
After that you can use the 4 brief codes you see above anywhere on your blog and the plugin will automatically show your site visitor's actual geo location.
Take a look at the screen shot listed below and see just how I have made use of the shortcodes in the:
Blog post Title
In Style's Personalized Menu
In A Sidebar Widget (Consisting Of The Widget Title)
In My Message (Notification The Attractive Anchor Text In My Link)
The Covert GEO Targeter brief codes will even work inside other plugins (given that they sustain shortcodes). Naturally our Covert Activity Bar as well as Covert Messenger plugins do, so you can currently geo target those as you see below!
Basically you can place these geo place brief codes in any type of area of your blog site that sustains brief codes, consisting of but not limited to:
Message and Web page titles
Customized Menus
Widgets & Widget Titles
Post and Page text
Various other Plugins
Straight into the code of your theme
And also in just a couple of minutes you can have the Covert GEO Targeter up and also running on your blog site.
Covert GEO Targeter Conclusion
With Covert GEO Targeter, you can do the same - or you can utilize it in manner ins which are totally sincere as well as transparent.
That selection (or anything in between) is your own
All the plugin does it allow you insert people's area anywhere on your blog - just how and also why you do that is totally as much as you.
Either way you're going to see incredible outcomes
If your order the Covert GEO Targeter plugin from this unique page today, we'll also include multi-site and also website flipping permit at no additional price!
That suggests you can ...
Usage Covert GEO Targeter on as many of your very own blog sites as you like - existing and future ones! You can also use it on blogs you develop for clients or on blogs you flip for profit!
However as I said this early riser unique is very time limited.
The rate will rise!!!
As well as you will certainly not see multi as well as website turning license included at this reduced a rate, ever again!
So take action today !!!
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d-dumais-blog · 7 years
The Problem With Netflix & Anime Strike
There’s been a lot of talk lately within the anime fandom about various streaming services.  Newcomer Hidive is jumping in, while Daisuki is jumping out permanently, RIP.  Funimation will presumably change significantly after the purchase by Sony is complete.  Netflix and Amazon are upsetting people left and right by doing the unforgivable sin of offering shows that people want to watch.  And industry darling Crunchyroll is jumping into the con business with yet unseen success.  Everyone has been asserting their own thoughts on how to improve Netflix and Amazon and I’d rather not sit here and describe at length the same points everyone else has brought up.  I’ll instead focus on what I think is the biggest problem with these two sites, and what I think helps Crunchyroll succeed.
The anime industry is less of an industry and more of a niche community.  It thrives on a select few willing to spend lots of money while the larger majority prefers to consume content through illicit means.  This is no surprise because of how anime was originally popularized.  Anime was originally very difficult to get over here in the West, and lots of things weren’t legally available.  As a result communities formed up to share anime.  Most longtime fans were once a part of an anime club at some point.  These clubs helped to form anime fandom and lived because the heads of the club would bring shows for the community to watch.  Tape trading of the 90s gave way to the torrents of the 20000s and finally into the streaming sites that dominate the internet today.  Fans of anime are used to someone telling them what to watch and then jumping directly into it.  The industry stays afloat because of people that are willing to buy figures and blurays and such.  It’s the same group that used to import laser discs and like having a collection of sorts.  For the record, I’m in that group.  I buy a large amount of blurays every month and enjoy having friends over to watch them like an adult’s anime club.
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Crunchyroll succeeds largely because it is essentially an online anime club with a cover charge.  It succeeds because of the sense of community Crunchyroll provides.  It has done an incredible job of building a community, and engaging with the fandom at large.  The social media team over at Crunchyroll is excellent; kudos to Victoria Holden and Miles Thomas who helm the team.  The entire company is extremely active on social media, in particular twitter where they’re regularly talking about the shows on their site as fans rather than as a product.  They’ve also ventured into other social media sites like their live stream of Kanna eating on repeat which literally had thousands of people watching along.  Crunchyroll feels like part of the community more than it feels like a multimillion dollar business and that helps them greatly.  I genuinely think Crunchyroll could charge more per month for its service and no one would care.  Those willing to pay for Crunchyroll don’t do it because it’s worth the money; they do it because it’s something they want to support.  There are certainly those that pay for it out of convenience, but these are the more casual fans and not the bread and butter of the industry.  These fans arent’ the long time fans, they sign up to watch on their game console because Attack on Titan is airing.  They typically don’t stay active for long.  Those of us who have been fans for years and years are willing to obtain the anime we want by any means necessary and pay for Crunchyroll more because we like Crunchyroll.
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And here in lies the biggest difference; people don’t like Netflix and Anime Strike (Amazon).  Neither site has any social media presence, and they feel so distant from the community.  The common complaints about these sites seem so obvious to those within the fandom, but totally alien to an outsider.  Take Netflix for example: Netflix is condemned for not simulcasting their anime.  Netflix prefers to share only polished products.  All of their anime are released at one point in time with dubs in five different languages.  This helps shows appeal to a more mainstream audience, but it hurts its appeal to the hardcore anime fandom.  Anime fans are used to unpolished messes.  Ping Pong launched without a real opening, Dragon Ball Super has some of the lowest quality animation Toei has ever aired (and that’s saying something we’re talking about Toei), and My Hero Academia got significant touch ups for the bluray release over its initial TV airing.  We as anime fans are used to this low quality and production value; hell I remember watching anime online ten years back in 240 quality because that’s what was available.  If Netflix had anyone working there that could represent and speak for the community it would go a long way.  Netflix does not have any community manager specifically for its anime content.  This is clearly a problem and a void because a fan page on twitter, @NetflixAnime, has to regularly inform people that the page is not official and suggesting anime on the page won’t help Netflix see it.
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Anime Strike has its own twitter page but it is incredibly weak.  It only tweets out some of its shows episode releases, with minimal fanfare.  They don’t even do it for every show.  The page is inactive for days at a time and rarely has more than one tweet a day.  Crunchyroll is more active every hour than Amazon is active in a week’s time.  It would go a long way if it felt like anyone working there was actually watching these shows.  Amazon continually locks down some of the best shows of each season, and these shows are hurt because no one in the community is championing them.  If Scum’s Wish was on Crunchyroll it would have been the talk of the town; Welcome to the Ballroom should be blowing up online, but people only talk about the giraffe necks.  A cursory search online informs me there is currently no community manager for Anime Strike and it doesn’t look like Amazon isn’t hiring for one either.  Because there’s no one working to engage the community the burden is left on fans to communicate far too much.  Quick example, no it’s not $15 a month for Anime Strike, it’s $13 a month because you don’t need to sign up for full prime there is just prime video.  It’s not my job to correct people though, and this message isn’t being communicated by anyone.  This doesn’t necessarily fix the price issue people have, but it certainly helps.  The point being, there’s a lot of misinformation about Anime Strike and no one there is helping to fix it.  
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It may seem like a simple thing, but I really think fixing the social media plans of these two services would work wonders to improve their standing in the community.  Anime fans remember these things.  Hell I’ll never forget Funimation’s awful tweet about Erased in which they liken a starving girl to college struggles.  I like anime and I spend a lot of money on it, both on various streaming services and on blurays.  I want to see these companies succeed.  I’d love for Anime Strike to be a good service I’m paying for it.  I’d love to legally watch Violet Evergarden as it airs.  Hopefully if enough of us keep telling them what we want they’ll finally listen.  
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