#today i find out there was a dol update
maqui-chan · 5 months
omg ... whitney-kun's soft for pc-chan kyaaaa >///<
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tentacleplains · 2 months
18+ only! have age/age indicator in bio before following or you will be blocked!
too embarrassed to put dol on main so i’ve made a new blog to keep it separate heheh. i’d love to make friends!!
like the PC, i don’t have a name, but you can give me one if you want. i’m 22 and TME, and i use it/they/he pronouns.
favorite LIs are sydney and eden and avery. i’ve got stockholm syndrome: eden irl. in addition to this i would give my kingdom for a crumb of ivory wraith pussy pls pls pls
please feel free to drop into my inbox or dms for anything at all!! i love talking to people but i’m shy :)
my writing tag is “tentacle writes” and my tag for in-game scenes is “citations”! all other characters are tagged with just their name, not their epithets. negativity about the game is tagged “dol critical” for filtering purposes.
find my writing on ao3!
ask box is open for writing requests, though i can’t promise i can write every character accurately!
i do not like incest, animals, or underage so please keep that out of my inbox! everything else is fair game, this’ll be updated if i stumble across any other of my limits but this is a judgement free zone ^^
more info + dol opinions under the cut
i have a very strong preference for trans girl sydney. also i like trans girl kylar and mutually transitioning sydlar childhood friends ^^
in the same vein, i have a strong preference for trans boy robin! no real reason for this i just think it’s cute
other gender preferences (cis or trans) include;
as a baseline, i generally prefer f!LIs cuz i like femdom LMFAO. too many cringe cis guy doms have poisoned me on finding, like, most m!LIs hot. strong preferences are bolded!
i will of course obviously accept any and all other interpretations of the nnpcs too but these are just how i prefer to play. i’ll also write any other gender interpretations, incl. any and all variations of transness
speaking of how i prefer to play i always play with cheats on LOL maybe once i get more comfortable i’ll turn them off but not today. i also play exclusively with monsterpeople, no animals.
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manonamora-if · 7 months
March Check-In
Lol. We definitely were not back on track here. We tried and SUPER FAILED at going back to the schedule.
Will March be better? Let's find out together...
Onto the usual index:
Recap of last month’s progress
IF Events in the Next Month
Plan for the next month
Still long post under the break. If you want a mini version, head over to itch.io!
February Progress
Welp... there wasn't much of a list in the January Check-in, since it was the retrospective, which included the yearly plan. Still, I did make a mini one on itch. Put together we'd get:
Play more IF and maybe review. ✅
Finish the coding of Harcourt Ch5 ❌ and editing of Ch6 ❌
Fix one of the semi-completed games: ❌
Complete the Vamp/Smoochie jam entry✅
Heyyyy 50/50. Passable grade!
I've passed the very funny number of 420 reviews on the IFDB recently, mainly working my way through the French games (since there are very few reviews and French IF peeps are neat people). There are 300+ games left on that side, it will take me a while to get there but I'm making progress (almost done with 2023!). If my pace continues... I might be able to reach 2nd place in the ranking before my 1 year anniversary of reviewing games (mid-may). Also somewhat related, I've been trying to rate more games on itch too :)
I said I would finish the coding of Harcourt... and then didn't. But MelS was more productive than me, and he finished the first draft of Chapter 6 earlier than planned... which I haven't finished commenting on either... So :/
I also didn't fix any semi-completed games. So there.
But I managed to make it for the Queer Vampire Jam and the Smoochie Jam with Teatime with a Vampire ! A 20k-long trippy game with a hot vampire and a weird show...
AND AND I finally fixed my website and my itch.io profile. It has a cool feature on the front page. And we did a little AMA a few weeks ago!
Honestly, I thought I would have been done with Teatime two weeks before it actually was completed. So that threw a wrench in the rest. And probably having to moderate a few events at once...
And the extra day clearly didn't help.
EDIT: I TOTES FORGOT, but I updated DOL-OS for an extra QOL screen at the start.
What’s happening in March?
There's always something happening in the IF world. I don't think I ever find all that happens anyway... but. Here's the ones I know!
Today is the last day to submit a Spring Thing intent! (ranked)
he Queer Vampire Game Jam ends in about three weeks. Got a vampire/human story with a LGBT+ cast? Then this is the event for you! (unranked) Also they are doing a fundraising/matching donation with submissions!
The SeedComp! (Sprouting) extended the deadline for a few more days! See @seedcomp-if for more info ;) (ranked)
Concours de Fiction Interactive Francophone 2024 se termine Lundi! Viendez faire des histoires en français!! <3 (ranked, duh)
The next @neointeractives mini-jam will all be about bringing back old jams... Check out the Revival Jam !
The Text Adventure Literacy Jam 2024 just started! It will be looking for "parser for beginners" entries until May!
Note: @neointeractives will have jams all year long. One a month/or so. And the next Planting Round of @seedcomp-if will start as soon as the results are dropped.
The PLANtm for March
Busy plan once again. Here are the thing I'm hoping to do or finish this month:
Complete my French Comp entry. The deadline is in 3 days. Will I make it? Probably. Will it be good? Probably be not because I've been writing it only in the past two weeks. You can expect some "love" letters though...
Complete my SpringThing entry. It will be all about fixing typos and potential bug. The code will be ready next week anyway. Maybe slap some cool-er animations.
Play more games! Consider this done. There's the Smoochie Jam, the SeedComp! and the FrenchComp right there...
Finish the Code Ch5 of Harcourt and edit Ch6. At least one round of edits would be good. So I can put MelS to work again.
Finish fixing The Roads Not Taken. I'm so sorry babe. I'm not avoiding you I swear. I actually haven't bee on the computer with your files this month...
The 2024 To-Do List:
I have done nothing here. So here's the list again for nothing.
The hopefully maybe easy to handle To-Do:
fix the bugs in EDOC + overall the French version to match
fix the bugs of TRNT + find a way to add the missing pieces (giving up on the translation)
fixing the interface of LPM and the popups + check animal interactions
figure out the One-Button JavaScrip/jQuery issue...
edit the loading screens of the completed tiny games to include the program/format logo at least.
The 'Need a Bunch of Content to update but it's planned!' To-Do:
Update my website (bunch new title - also I don't think the logo clicky thing work...) + redo my itch page
Finish TTATEH (MelS dependent - this year should be it - for real)
Finish Exquisite Cadaver (half-way mark by this summer - manif)
Finish P-Rix - Space Trucker (main path at least)
Update CRWL (it's been almost two years... I'm getting ashamed)
The Unlikely But it Would be Dope To-Do
Finish The Dinner as it was planned (and translate)
Finish In the Blink of an Eye as it was planned (and retranslate)
Finish The Rye in the Dark City
Fixing TTTT (at least fixing, maybe try adding some storylets)
And finally The 'It's impossible, but one can wish' TO-DO:
Remaster SPS IH (if I managed to start this after completing the rest... I'm going to eat a whole sheet cake).
Start the IFComp project (2025? Might end up being a ST?)
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inkyquince · 1 year
learning to code mainly
So a few weeks back i got back in my choice of games kick and started slowly relearning how to code, yes i took computer science in school, shoot me. But ive started making actual progress today but yes so umhhhhh
i've been quietly planning out my own choice of script game, just because i love the fallen hero, wayhaven and the creme de la creme books from choice of script. the huge kick off was really when the third book came out, but i was writing the story pre amazing book drop
I've not been spending enough time writing for the very reason Im back to doing ALL OF THE ABOVE. You guys. On my inky blog.
I legit adore all of you, the stupid silly asks i get, to the questions to just... the fun shit. The omega hunt collab was so fun to organise, and it gave me courage to reach out to some of my favourite writers, several of which im sharing servers with and playing dnd week to week and on holidays with.
So i am... So damn sorry ive been doing all of this other shit. Im gonna try and find space, because THERE'S THINGS I WANNA FINISH.
the omega hunt with the prison guards, the shared by three au, everything. recently the gay and homophobic bully whitney, which ive got some delicious snippets of.
lEGIT, deepest apologies from me. i mainly got really excited that i could make a game, alongside a project undead fishman and i are having fun planning, which is yes, porn game, hush.
I promised to be more active after the winter depression era, and i feel bad that im not around, especially when i do upload and i see all my regulars scuttling in to have a nibble.
SO, i really want to come through for all of you. I need to finish my commissions, currently working on a nasty arthur morgan one, which im nearly done with. im also planning the choice of script game, along with dedicated two days with patreon and also having some ideas for a future dol update i have yet to chat about in the server but its on my mind.
REMEMBER. Inky might be busy but they are also never that far away from thinking about all you lovely people!
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somerandomg33k · 2 years
....So, my day at work on December 29th, 2022
I don't usually post about my day at work unless it is shitty. Well, I just had a shitty day at work. For context, I work in the Stock Room. Like a mini-warehouse for my company. Parts come in different parts of the plant.  I hold them in stock until they are ready to be kitted to jobs to further complete assembly and then ship out. I kind of fell into being in charge of almost 600 stock parts worth almost $5.5 million dollars. And that isn't even including the materials, which I am in charge of hundreds of.
Every month, I do end of month inventory. Do a count of everything. I have ways to make the actually counting quick with almost every part having labels with barcodes, allowing me to just scan the part number and than the quantity on the box. The program adds up all of the parts together and tells me which part I am off on. Sometimes it is because I forget to scan a box. Other times, the label wasn't updated and has the wrong quantity on it. But the part that takes the longest is going into the system and figuring out why I scan or count us having 2437 of one part when the system says we have only 1402. Some parts only cost a dollar because it is just adhesive and it is made in-house. Other parts are $200 each because they are LCDs we get from Sharp.
Very often, I am off on a lot of things. I wish I had the time to figure out the discrepancies for each end of month inventory. But because a number of factors, like Hot List jobs, poor time-mangament on my part, my usual duties in the Stock Room, I almost never have time to find the disrepancies or resolve them. It also gets complexed because one of the departments at my company cannot count parts as they are on the production floor. The leads refuse to so in the past. So if it is the case that I have given them more than I should of, I can't tell. So, often, I just said, "Yes, we have 1402 of so and so part. Like the system says we have." And I will just figure it out later.
Well, later has come because this time, it is Year end inventory. We need 100% accurate counts. We are having an outside auditor counts things with us. This one matters. And, I haven't really begin the Year end inventory process. Since I have to ask to be able to come in on Saturday and the weekend, that is what I did.... I was denied I can't come in on Monday (it is a holiday) or Saturday. I have to do the whole Year end inventory tomorrow. With 100% accuracy. "If you need help counting, we can give you some personal to help you with that."......The counting part is not the what takes a long time. Its the figuring out where we got 1000 more of these expsensive LCDs. But, the corporations that bought the company I work for wants to 'trim the fat.' "Cut down your non-billable hours. Cut down your non-billable hours." The last two meetings with my manager and supervisor, who I am now convinced has no idea about my job or what I do, but yet our now my bosses, was all about my "excessive hours" or my "efficiency." And if I do better on both, I will 'maybe' finally get that pay raise I have been demanding. Because my company is still "running a business."
But also today, I still had a hot list to do. Which I didn't complete all of the it. There were two huge jobs on it. I spend most of the day on one. And I still didn't finished it. But yet, my supervisor says my hot list is "manageable." "But if you are struggling to keep up, you can say so and so to help you with it." Yes, there is someone in Assembly that is trained some what on kitting jobs. But she isn't as experienced with the other huge job on the hot list. Which also usually takes a whole day to do as well. And she couldn't help anyway because she was busy with her task.
And this is on top of my supervisor wanting me to 'fix' the allocations with four different John Deere jobs. (There is a five ticket he also wants me to do that with as well but the ticket number doesn't exist in our system. So I don't know what that is about.) Because it is thousands of dollars in over allocations. But I just did a quick count of those parts in my stock. And if I did "fix" the "over allocations," it will throw off the counts of those parts even more. So, my Supervisor wants to fix a couple thousands of dollars of over allocations, but add to the hundreds of hundreds of thousands of dollars of way off inventory count. Which I won't have the time to fix let alone figure out as I can't come in on the weekend to do the inventory.
My Supervisor even wanted me to send an email on my "game plan" for year end inventory and how long it would take. So I spend an hour writing that email, over 5000 characters or more, I am sure, exhausting myself emotionally and stressing myself because they want me do the whole Year End in just one day. "It is just counting. It shouldn't take that long." Again, today's hot list was also "manageable."
On top of all of this, I am still only paid $18.28 for my job. With all of my responsibilities. And yet, they want me to "work less" because of the mandate from the top brass of "Cut down non-billable hours." THE CORPORATION PROFITED 1.13 BILLION OF DOLLARS LAST YEAR ALONE. IT CAN SURELY AFFORD TO PAY ME FOR WHAT I AM WORTH AND AT LEAST ONE DAY OF OVERTIME FOR ME! FUCKING DAMN IT!!!! But no, a supervisor and manager who doesn't know what my job intales is telling me to produce more work in half the time. And doesn't care about my inventory count because, "this one job is too expensive with over allocations." Maybe Assembly requested those parts to replace rejects. Happens all the fucking time.
And I am afraid that after the audit and I turn in my sheets, later in the week, I will be in a meeting with the chairman and I have to explain why we are over $500,000 of "missing" parts from our year-end inventory counts. I am just now praying that my supervisor and manager with be in that meeting too so that I am not only in facing the music.
Well, about 6000 characters about my day at work.
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shybirdpatrol · 4 years
Pimp My Wii Download
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Pimp My Wii Download 4.3u
Pimp My Wii Latest Version Download
Posted by admin
Here is usually 'Pimp My Wii', an homebrew thát will Hack your Wii, install lacking or outdated IOS / game titles, set up the cIOS and mIOS essential.The system will detect missing or outdated IOS and verify that you have the most recent version of the Wii System Menus. It furthermore bank checks if you possess the latest variations of BC, MI0S and those stations: Wii Shop, News, Weather, Mii, Image and Photograph 1.1If you don't have got the latest versions of those titles, the system will download them, or examine them fróm USB ór SD to set up them. When using this plan, you will have all benefits from 4.1 cumulated from those of 3.2, and this without drawbacks!It also set up cIOS d2x (centered on Waninkoko) (249, 250) v10 and 10 alt and cIOS from Hermes 202/222/223/224 rev5.1. You can if you wish install the cIOS frómWaninkoko rev20/21 or d2x sixth is v6, 7, 8 or 9beta (you'll have got to set up it personally from the menu 'Install cIOS').Pimp install the cMIOS fróm WiiGator.Pimp wiIl avoid you if some homebrews aren't updated. Pimp check the version of the using homebrew (the dirnames must go with, and are usually not situation sensible):.- Neogamma, in edition Ur9 beta 50 minimum amount. Dirname: néogamma.- Usb Loadér gx, in edition 2.2 least.
Pimp My Wii is an application that can modify your Nintendo Wii internally (iOS / cIOS) to ensure the operation of both Nintendo Wii and GameCube backup games, as well as numerous applications, emulators and video games, in addition to installing WADs (channels or games in the internal memory of the console). Aug 10, 2010 I'm not familiar with Pimp my Wii and how it works, though it sounds like a great program. I'm currently on 4.1E, can Pimp my Wii update me to 4.2 (or 4.3) and automatically do the trucha patching and whatever else needs to be done? (Ie: all I need to do is install HBC 1.07, Waninkoko's rev 20 and a USB loader)? This is a video tutorial on how to install wads (classic Wii game files) downloaded from the internet, to your Nintendo Wii. How to Install Wads on Wii with Pimp My Wii on Windows (Games on. Jan 5, 2010 - If you don't have the latest versions of those titles, Pimp My Wii will download install them for you. After using this program, you will have all.
Pimp My Wii; Pimp My Wii V.4.0; USB Loader GX download; WAD Manager 1.9 Download; WiiFlow 4.2.1 Download; Wii Homebrew Homebrew apps and software to help customise. Pimp My Wii is outdated. Follow this guide: Its a little more work than using an automated solution like Pimp My Wii, but wouldn't you rather it be done correctly? The guide is is easy to follow.
Pimp My Wii Download 4.3
Dirname: usbloadergx.- Uloader, in edition 5.1 minimum. Dirname: uloader.- Wiiflow, in edition 2.2 (or l302) minimum. Dirname: wiiflow.- ConfigurabIe usb Ioader, in version 70 minimum amount. Dirname: usbloader or usbloadercfgPimp does not update those homebrews itself. No verification will be produced on stations, only on the data files installed on the SD cards in the index /apps/.The homebrew is usually displayed instantly in everyday terms, norwegian, italian, a language like german or spanish language depending of your Wii'h language. It will be also suitable with NTSC-U, NTSC-J ánd PAL Wii units. (Korean Wii theoricaly compatible).Caution: I do not take any responsibility for any harm in yóur wii because óf a improper use of this software program.Menu:- Move the check and repair problemsCheck if everything is definitely fine on the Wii, and install what need to become set up, after inquiring user.- Move the testOnly check out if everything is definitely good on the Wii, without installing anything.- Manual installationWill propose to set up every IOS and game titles possible.
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By default, the set up will be on 'no'.- Hack les Wii/Minimal installationPass the test and just install the minimal necessity to hack your Wii. It plot IOS 36.Also install the cIOSes 249, 250, 202, 222, 223, 224 from g2x and Hermes and the cMIOS.- Install cIOSInstall a cIOS of your choice between cIOS fróm Hermes, Waninkoko ánd Waninkoko d2x. You can select the IOS resource of your selection, the location slot and the modification.For Waninkoko's/d2x cI0S, you can select this IOS source: IOS36 v3607 IOS37 sixth is v5662 IOS38 v4123 IOS53 v5662 IOS55 sixth is v5662 IOS56 v5661 IOS57 v5918 IOS58 v6175 IOS60 v6174 IOS61 v5661 IOS70 sixth is v6687 IOS80 v6943 (IOS 58 just for modification above 20).For Hermes cIOS, you have the choice between IOS60 sixth is v6174, IOS38 sixth is v3867, IOS37 sixth is v3869 and IOS57 v5661.Button 'minus', 'safe setting'. In this mode, the IOS check is impaired, you will become asked rather to choose an IOS to make use of for the set up. You must understand that in this mode, you will not understand if your set up IOS possess the differents pests, and after that the plan will not understand if they require to be patched.Take note: Pimp my Wii is certainly compatible with thé WiiU Wii emuIator, but some options are impaired.
The nine channels proven below are usually the initial first 9 available. These 9 forwarder channels (minus the NihonFlow forwarder) are incorporated in forwarder group 1 below. Make certain to select Wii fór Wii ór vWii fór vWii. Each group includes a wad file for each of the 8 stations. Make use of a wad manager to set up the one you would like.
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WiiFlow forwarders make use of the title ID 'DWFA' and use Fix94's v14b dol within. All forwarders make use of IOS58 and disable AHBProt. Images and animations credit will go to the authentic writers Spayrosam, Mastérshoes,JJ-Kwik, Jiiwáh and Benjay. lf we have not really creditedyou, our apoIogies as we don't understand who all the authentic creators are.
Aux (Auction house addon for vanilla wow). Atlas Loot (Loot addon, shows potential drops from bosses in instances). Bagnon (Bag sorting and filtering addon). Bigwigs (Addon like DMB for vanilla). Questie (Very helpful addon for help with quests in Vanilla WoW). Enemy Cast Bar (Shows enemy. Best vanilla quest addon.
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Pimp My Wii Download 4.3u
WIIU Customers - These forwarders earned't install/operate correctly on vWii. Adhere to these methods to convert them for vWii. Make use of byFix94. It picks up if you are usually using Wii ór vWii and instaIls the properforwarder ánd concealed channel required for apps ánd plugins to come back to WiiFlow. Downloadthe forwarder of your selection beneath and after that stick to the manual by Repair94 toconvert it to become workable on vWii and set up it via a wad manager. Right here's the tutorial -.Click the image below to downIoad the forwarder óf your selection. Theyare in wad format and will require to be set up with Wad Manager 1.7 orMMM.Notice: For Wii users only - You will need IOS 58 installed to use thesev14b forwarders.
System menu 4.3 should currently possess it. If you needit make use of to download and set up IOS 58. Or you can use provided your Wii offers WiFi. Wii U customers do not really try to set up IOS 58.
. Go to the. Béfore downloading, you require to choose your OS edition (viewable in the Wii'beds settings menus). You also need to type your Wii'h Mac Tackle. To find this, click on on Wii Options. Move to Wii Configurations.
Proceed to page 2 of the configurations, then click on on Internet. Click on on Console Details. Enter the Mac Address displayed there in the appropriate area of the website page. By default, the choice to Package deal the HackMii lnstaller for me!
Leave it that way. The web page has a recaptcha security system. After filling in the phrases, you have got a option between clicking Cut the reddish wire or Cut the blue wire.
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As far as we can tell it doesn't make any difference which one you click on. Either will download the file. Unzip the file to your SD credit card. Turn on your Wii. As soon as the primary menu will be up, click on on the envelope in the circle on the lower ideal of the display. This takes you to your Wii Message Board.
Today you require to discover a specific message pointed out by a crimson envelope filled with a toon bomb (notice screenshot). This will most likely become in last night's email, so click the glowing blue arrow to the left to proceed to the previous day. According to the guidelines, it could also switch up in today or two times ago.
As soon as you find the cover, click on on it. lf your Wii is definitely off, convert it on.
From the major Wii menus, click on the little round circle in the Iower left-hand corner that says ' Wii.' . Click on Data Management. Then click on on Channels. Click on the SD Credit card tab in the top right part of the screen. There can be a little door next to the game disk slot on the Wii, open up it and you will see a slot for a SD cards. Put in the SD card into it so that the best of the card is definitely towards the game disk slot.
If it just will go partway in, you're also placing it backward or upside down. A conversation package will take up inquiring if you need to insert boot.dol/elf. A display will arrive up telling you whether the homebrew items you wish to set up can be installed. This information assumes they can end up being.
(If you have an older Wii and are using the Letterbomb technique then you may become given a choice between setting up BootMii as boot2 or IOS. The Readme file integrated with Letterbomb points out the advantages and downsides, but newer gaming systems will only permit the IOS method.). Select Continue and press A new. You will see a menus that will enable you to install The Homebrew Sales channel. It will also allow you select to run Bootmii, the instaIler, which you wiIl most likely never require to perform.
Pimp My Wii Latest Version Download
If you are making use of the Bannerbomb method you will possess a DVDx option as well.
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Temple Of Elemental Evil Wiki ▶
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Pimp My Wii Download
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princeimrahils · 7 years
Stars hide your fires
Day 2:
Prince Imrahil worries about his wife’s safety.
Dol Amroth, 3015 TA
“I don’t understand what takes them so long…” Prince Imrahil was pacing impatiently in his office. Prince Elphir, along with his assistant, Bergil, were observing him from their usual positions: Elphir sited opposite from his father chair and Bergil by the wall, far enough to not be noticeable and yet close enough to assist his Prince efficiently.
“Elaine should have been back by now!” the Prince stopped pacing in front of the window and tried to see whether a ship was coming back into the port. She left with horses, so with horses she will be back, he reasoned with himself.
“Mother always takes her time” Elphir tried to calm down his father. He knew how much he loved his mother and how much he tended to worry about all of them. “Most likely there were more sick people than the report informed us of.”
“Those are dangerous times, with all these raids that are happening the last two years… what if they were ambushed?”
“My Lord, she has with her the best Swan Knights protecting her. She is safe.” Bergil tried to reassure his lord. The truth was that he felt a bit uneasy the last hours. His lord loved his wife and his four children and even though he worried about them, he never was so agitated before. Princess Elaine was an excellent healer and she was never afraid to help whenever she was needed. She had been called many times in the past, and her Swan Knights were always very proficient with her protection. This time was no different than any time before; she had ridden out and come back despite Umbar’s harassments to their shores.
“I am just worried.” Prince Imrahil sighed. “Since Elaine is gone, I have been dreaming of the same dream… I was walking on the battlements on a clear night. Suddenly, silence heavy as a blanket covered everything and the stars above me got on fire. They burned violently for a couple of seconds and set everything around me on fire. I was frozen on my place, unable to do anything, to move, run, or scream. And as unexpectedly as the fires started, they were gone. It was like the stars were hidden from me forever and I was drowned in the deep dark sea.”
Silence followed his words. None of them knew how to console him, but he didn’t need any words of support. “Elphir, take Cedric and a small team of scouts to find out why your mother is not back yet. Bergil, update me about the meeting with the lords. Their problem was the price of wheat?”
For the next couple of hours he discussed with Bergil the prices of wheat, family feuds of his lords and he discussed those things with his lords that had the family feuds as well. Prince Imrahil tried to concentrate to their discussion in vain, but he couldn’t get out of his mind his worry for Elaine. Instead of numbers he thought of blood and her beautiful face disfigured by terror and death. He was married with Elaine for 30 years. Their marriage was political, Prince Adrahil had arranged this part of his life as he had done for all of his children. However, Elaine was a sweet woman full of love that never had any reservation to it give away. And Prince Imrahil had given it back to her. She was the starlight of his life, the only thing that lit up his life equally being his children.
“My lords, you should excuse us. A very important appointment came up today and the Prince has to attend to it now.” Protests followed Bergil’s announcement. “I am sure we can arrange a new appointment with the Prince…”
“But, we have to see to this matter as soon as possible, my lord…”
“No” Prince raised his hand, thankful to his assistant for coming up for an excuse to stop earlier this tedious meeting. “I am aware of the matter’s importance, and we will come back to it as soon as possible. Now, I will let you arrange it all with Bergil”.
It was a rare feeling having free time for himself. The hours he could spend away from administrative, political or any kind of work were few after his appointment as the acting Prince of Dol Amorth and Belfalas. When he was younger he accused his father of not enjoying life, when Prince Adrahil was acting Prince, but now he knew better. The Prince decided that some fresh air would be beneficial for him, maybe he could spot the white swan on blue background waving behind him and bellow their standards Elphir with Elaine.
The sun was shining, but it was chilly; the day still short in January. Soon spring would be upon them. He smiled at thought of Lothiriel’s excitement for the spring festival. She loved the cakes, the dancing and above all the flowers.
He noticed a small group of riders approaching the city by the beach. It was the way that his wife had left three days earlier. They were going slowly, having a cart with them, but it must be them; the standard they travelled under was their own. She is finally back; Elphir found her. The thought should have filled him with joy, why did he feel like a cold hand was squeezing his heart?
When the party approached the city walls and went through the gates, he could not stand it any longer. He left his post and with his limbs heavier that lead, he made his way to the courtyard. Everything is alright. She is alright. She is bringing back some sick person that needs her attention for longer. It has happened before, no indication that there was a raid. But no logical thought could remove the sense of doom in his heart.
The leader of the party was Elphir and Cendric. Imrahil met them at the courtyard, and he didn’t need to see their empty expression, the deathly silence that followed up the city or the aged faced of his son that only grief can cause. In silence he approached the cart. As he lifted the cover he knew whose face he would encounter, he had seen it on his dreams and he knew it all along. The stars had hidden their fires and he would never see them again.
AN: You can read the story on ff.net as well. 
1 note · View note
mrwilliamcharley · 6 years
Workplace Posting Requirements for Remote Workers – Ask #HR Bartender
(Editor’s Note: Today’s post is brought to you by our friends at Poster Guard, a division of HRdirect and the leading labor law poster service that gets your business up to date with all required federal, state and local labor law postings, and then keeps it that way — for an entire year.  Enjoy the article!)
Remote work is more than just a passing fad. In a study by AND CO and Remote Year, more than 23 percent of the remote workers they surveyed said their organization is fully distributed. And technology tools like Slack are helping remote workers collaborate on projects.
But it raises the question, how do organizations communicate with employees when it comes to topics like workplace compliance postings. I know we need to be focused on the work, but we also need to make sure all employees know their rights as required by federal, state, and local law.
I had the opportunity to speak with Ashley Kaplan, senior employment law attorney for HRdirect about this issue. Ashley leads the expert legal team for Poster Guard® Compliance Protection. On a personal note, I’ve known Ashley for years and I’m thrilled to share her knowledge.
Even though today’s post is sponsored, please remember that Ashley’s comments shouldn’t be construed as legal advice or as pertaining to any specific factual situations. If you have detailed questions, they should be addressed with your friendly neighborhood labor and employment attorney.
Ashley, before we talk about the posting requirements for remote workers. It might be good to discuss, in general, the current posting requirements for organizations.
[Kaplan] Sure. All employers must post federal, state, and local (if applicable) postings. The mandatory federal posters include:
Equal Employment Opportunity (EEOC)
Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA)
Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA)
Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act (USERRA)
Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA)
Employee Polygraph Protection Act (EPPA)
In addition, there could be up to 15 additional state-specific posters, depending upon what state you’re in … and up to 10 additional posters for city/county compliance. Oh, and don’t forget there are additional posters for government contractors and certain industries. The topics for these state, local, and industry-specific postings include minimum wage, fair employment, child labor, unemployment insurance, workers’ compensation, expanded family/medical leave rights, smoking in the workplace, electronic cigarettes, human trafficking, and more.
For HR pros who just read that list and are saying to themselves, “I have no idea if I have the right posters up!” is there a government site that will tell them everything they need?
[Kaplan] Sadly, no. The postings are issued by multiple different government agencies. Believe it or not, HR professionals have to visit each agency’s site to find out posting requirements. There are 175 different agencies responsible for issuing more than 370 posters at the federal and state level. Add to that the approximately 22,000 local jurisdictions that have the authority to issue their own postings. That’s a lot of follow-up and unfortunately, these agencies aren’t required to coordinate efforts.
Okay, so potentially HR pros have several sites to check. But do posters really change that often?
[Kaplan] Surprisingly, they do. Our Poster Guard legal team monitors posting changes and has found that there are approximately 150 state-specific post changes per year, with half of them requiring mandatory updates. I’m sure that big changes, like minimum wage increases, most businesses are aware of. But businesses need to pay attention to the small changes too because the government isn’t required to notify businesses when those changes happen. Also, be aware that mandatory posting changes are issued throughout the year, not just in January. 
I honestly don’t remember labor law posters being so complex. How do current labor law posting requirements impact remote workers?
[Kaplan] By law, you’re required to provide these mandatory notices to ALL employees. That includes remote workers such as employees who work from home, offsite, on the road, at mall kiosks, in mobile service units, out in the field, and at construction checkpoints.
Does this mean that HR needs to send remote workers full-size laminated posters to hang in their spare bedrooms/home office?
[Kaplan] No, but it does mean that employees need to receive notices. Although the regulations don’t specify the format — paper or electronic — organizations are responsible for communicating the same information to your remote workers as those onsite. For employees who work on computers as part of their jobs, we recommend electronic delivery of postings, where workers can download, view and acknowledge receipt of all required postings. This satisfies your obligation to communicate their rights, as covered in the mandatory federal and state notices.
That raises another question about what information should an employee receive. If a company has remote employees who work in different states, which posting requirements should they follow? Those from the state where the company is headquartered or the state where the employee works?
[Kaplan] Unfortunately, it’s not always clear which state laws apply in this instance. Most basic employment rights — such as minimum wage, overtime and safety issues — are governed by the laws where the employee performs the work. However, depending on how your company is structured, your out-of-state employees may be covered by both states’ laws. Because it depends on so many factors, we recommend you provide both sets of state-specific postings to remote workers in this situation. 
What if an organization has some employees who work from home, but they report to the office headquarters occasionally. Do they still need to send posters electronically to the remote worker?
[Kaplan] The law isn’t 100 percent definitive on how frequently a remote employee must access the physical wall posters to be covered.  However, FAQs published by the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) suggest that, if an employee reports to a company’s physical location at least three to four times a month, the physical postings at the business are adequate. If not, the DOL recommends electronic delivery.
Last question, there could be people thinking, “Labor law posters aren’t a big deal. If we don’t have them, we’ll just get a warning.” What’s the penalty for businesses who are not in compliance?
[Kaplan] Recently, the amount for federal posting fines increased to more than $34,000 per violation, per location. State and local fines range from $100 to $1000 each. But the real price tag comes in terms of lawsuits or investigations.
An agency could be on-site for a number of reasons, such as an immigration issue, OSHA inspection, wage and hour audit, or EEOC complaint. The first thing they will do is look for up-to-date postings, and non-compliance can negatively impact the outcome of the investigation.
The real danger is with employment litigation. A missing or outdated posting can impact damages and can even ‘toll’ or extend the statute of limitations. And as your readers know, the statute of limitations can often be an employer’s best friend in defending claims.
A HUGE thanks to Ashley for sharing her experience with us. If you want to learn more about how to make sure your posting requirements are up to date, I hope you’ll check out PosterGuard. Today’s technology makes providing remote workers with their postings easy. They also guarantee their work against government posting fines. Right now, they’re offering HR Bartender readers a discount to try their Poster Guard Compliance Protection service. Just use the code SC28549 at checkout to receive 25 percent off their compliance protection service, and the two products they have for remote workers. The code expires on December 31, 2018.
Compliance matters. It’s important to the organizational bottom-line. And when employees – regardless of whether they work remotely or in the office – know that organizations are transparent about their rights, it creates trust and engagement.
P.S. Mark your calendars! I hope you’ll join me and the Poster Guard team on Wednesday, November 7, 2018 at 2p Eastern for a TweetChat about trends and best practices of working with remote workers. Follow the HRdirect Poster Guard Twitter account (@hr_direct) for more details.
Image captured by Sharlyn Lauby while exploring the Wynwood Wall Art District in Miami, FL
The post Workplace Posting Requirements for Remote Workers – Ask #HR Bartender appeared first on hr bartender.
from hr bartender https://ift.tt/2RjHmCe
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Calhoun Tennessee Cheap car insurance quotes zip 37309
"Calhoun Tennessee Cheap car insurance quotes zip 37309
Calhoun Tennessee Cheap car insurance quotes zip 37309
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://howmuchisinsurance.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Advise please im looking for a cheapest and reliable car insurance i?
For my honda civic 2012 LX, thank you!""
Which company has the best *TERM* life insurance quotes for people over 50 ?
Obviously, people over 50 years old will pay a high premium--but is there a company out there that won't soak the customer , and at the same time are a reputable company ? In closing--I am not a fan of the 'colonial penn' type deals that plaster their commercials over the television.""
How long do accidents stay on your car insurance?
I got new car insurance this summer and noticed an accident where I had my car repaired when it was hit while parked in 2008 showed up on my driving record. Since, my car was hit and totaled while parked. The driver was covered so his insurance paid for the car, but my policy still went up. How long will these instances be on my record to affect my insurance?""
Need health insurance?
looking for private health insurance, what are some companies that are affordable? lists of companies and info about them please. Thanks to all who answer =]""
What is the best car to buy cheap to run and insurance etc.?
What is the best car to buy cheap to run and insurance etc.?
What is the best car insurance that can cover any accidents and passenger & property damage in California?
What is the best car insurance that can cover any accidents and passenger & property damage in California?
""So I am 19 years old and received my first speeding ticket, will it increase my insurance?""
I've asked this before and want to clarify. Some people told me the first ticket is a freebee and my insurance won't go up. Others have told me yes, my insurance will go up. I am in the state of California, I have Allstate insurance, and I'm on an insurance plan with my mom. I've been driving for a little over a year. Thanks everyone!""
Whats the cheapest insurance company to go with?
Whats the cheapest insurance company to go with?
Should I get insurance on a car loan?
It's been many years since I got a car loan, but we're in need of a replacement car. I started to get pre-approved, but during the process they asked about insurance on the loan. Things like death, DISM and UEMP . I've no idea what the last 2 are; or if I should or shouldn't get it. This may be what I've heard called GAP Insurance , although doing a web search on that term resulted in hits related to car leases, and I'm not looking to lease a car, but to buy one, so I don't know if that applies or not. Bottom line: do I need this or not? I'm sure the answer, in part, will be it depends ; well, until I know what it depends upon, I can't make any intelligent decision about this.""
Question about life insurance?
I have life insurance and went to update my insurance today. In 2003 I became disabled and did not know about the disability clause. Where I don't have to pay the premiums anymore. Can I change my term life to whole life? Will I get back pay from 2003? I want to know this before my agent calls me next week with the answers. Please don't try and sell me insurance for as I won't qualify anyways just the answers please.
I need cheap insurance thats reliable?
In San Diego
How can i get my car insurance down ?
I am 18, male, and just past my driving test, yeah the odds are against me already for insurance. I have Pass Plus, no convictions etc. I can't go under anyone's name because none of my parents drive. I work as a supervisor in retail. I live in Edinburgh and will be parking on a private driveway. No matter what car i choose, wheather it be a 1.6 Honda CRX Del DOL, the car I wanted (more chance of winning the lottery than getting insurance for it) or a crap 80's Fiat Panda 1.0 each quote is between 2,000 - 7,000, so should i just snap my Licence or is there something to bring it down ?""
How do i get a cover note for my car instead of insurance for my car?
By that i mean ive heard theres such a thing called a cover note wich acts like insurance documents but the only diffrence being you dont pay insurance for the car and you pay all the costs if you have and accident. Please anyone give any feedback please. Many thanks.
Motorcycle insurance question?
I want to get a Yamaha V Star 250 when I turn 20. What would be the average loading percentage for 20 year old with a 250cc bike and a clean driving record? Also will I need third party and third party fire and theft or is it optional??? And what would the NCD% (no-claim discount) be????
Choosing the most affordable insurance company?
I'm currently staying in Texas and I am shopping for an auto Insurance for my Mitsubishi Lancer ES 2011. I'm 22 years old and I started driving for the past 9 months, and also had received my Texas drivers license 9 months ago. I never had an accident of any kind or received any tickets. I need to find an auto insurance company that's affordable, I understand that because i'm a new driver and young I will be paying more. But I would like to get any tips on getting a cheap quote while satisfying all minimum state requirements for bodilly injury liability, property damage, motorist and etc. plus a $500 deductable for both comprehensive and collision coverage. Also if im asked how old I was when I received my drivers license, would it make a difference in my auto insurance monthly payment if I lied and said I been driving since I was 20 instead of 22?""
Would insurance on a 1992 lexus sc 300 be expensive? im 18 year old in riverside california?
yes i recently just got my license and im only 18 in riverside california
Need Health Insurance Advice: Colorado?
Question I had a shoulder injury while weight lifting last November. I recently graduated and my school's health insurance is going to end soon, and I need health insurance to help pay for a possible MRI/surgery down the road. Or even more PT. I don't have much experience with health insurance because I never get sick or had injuries before so I need advice on what to look for in the policy. Do health insurance generally allow pre-existing shoulder injuries to be covered?""
Car insurance coverage question...?????
I have state farm. there's an expectation of a severe storm with softball size hail heading our metroplex. I'm in the middle of switching car insurance. The coverage will expire april 10, 2008. Will state farm covers me if I have hail damage on the same day it's expired?""
Why is car insurance so expensive in the U.K.?
I often see U.K citizens complaining about how expensive car insurance is. I understand that many factors make up the cost of car insurance, but is there anything in particular that makes it so expensive? In the U.S. I'm rated as a single female under 25, no tickets or accidents, driving a 2010 Ford F100 pickup truck. My car insurance runs about $1600 a year (roughly 1000 GBP). Also, just curious. If I lived in England, just a close ballpark guess, what would I pay using that criteria""
I'm trying to make a car insurance for eu driving license?
Hi, everytime when I make a quote on e.g. (comparethemarket.com or moneysupermarket.com) I get a car insurance around 7000 ponds. Is there any way how I can get cheaper insurance? I'm in UK.""
Car wreck and insurance?
Today I was in car wreck. I was in a parking lot going straight and the other driver turned left in to my car. She has dented the whole left side of my car. I called the police but because it was in a parking lot they could not do much. An officer showed up because she refused to give me her proof insurance. The officer said she was clearly at fault but could not cite her because of the private property thing. My question is does anyone know or have any idea how this will play out with her insurance? My car has a lot of damage and i'm in a lot of pain. I won't be able to go to the doctor/hospital until tomorrow because I won't have the money for a co-pay until then. The officer was very nice, he sided with me put all the blame on her, she claimed it was an accident when she clearly just didn't stop before making a left into my car, I thought she was going to stop and I tried to avoid her but she was going to fast. We both have insurance and we're in Arizona if that helps. If you have any advice for insurance or anything it would be much appreciated, thank you for your time""
Why is my car insurance soo expensive!?
about a month ago i got a quote from Quinn Direct for 584 but i wasn't 17 yet so couldn't get insurance.. Now Quinn is over 1500 for my insurance and the cheapest i can find it is just under 1000 I will be taking my test january 23rd and getting insurance then.. Can anyone reccommend an insurance company that is good with teenagers and new drivers? Thanks
Car Insurance Quote..Without a license yet..?
I have just been bought a car for when i pass my driving test, so i do not have a full UK provisional license yet. I have been looking online for insurance quotes, they are expensive which i expected, but i was told that when i have entered my details the system will register that i do not hold a full license with he DVLA (even though i put in that i do, just for the sake of a quote) And this is why the quotes are higher..if i was to do the same when my license was valid it would be much lower. Can anybody add proof to this? Thanks""
I am currently finishing my prerequisites to get into nursing school and I am interested in the different...?
I am almost done with the prerequisites and the huge waiting lists for ALL nursing schools...state and community college...are scaring me. I started to look into the trade schools that offer the RN programs and I know they are more expensive but I was wondering if employers look at them differently. If I decide to go to a trade school I wonder if it will be a disadvantage. Could anybody please give me advice. Thank you.
Which insurance company offers the cheapest workers comp covers in the market??
Which insurance company offers the cheapest workers comp covers in the market??
Calhoun Tennessee Cheap car insurance quotes zip 37309
Calhoun Tennessee Cheap car insurance quotes zip 37309
What could make my car insurance cheaper?
I am currently 19 years old and I want to buy myself a new car. It would be about 200 dollars a month for the current car i'm driving for car insurance but it is in my fathers name so I only pay 80. Now pretty much any new car I am choosing the quotes are over 400 a month. Would have car insurance in my name for my current car at 200 a month for 6 months until the policy is over make the quotes for the new car cheaper? Or is the quotes based off of how long I've had my license?
How much does health insurance cost for a Florida student?
I am going to be a college student in Florida and I want to know the cost of health insurance in Florida. I have no illness or family history of illness. I am not disabled or as such but it is good to have insurance and in my case, required. So can anyone help me find the cheapest health insurance plan in Florida please?""
Average insurance price for a Speedfight 2 (16 year old male) ?
could anyone please tell me the average insurance price for a Peugeot Speedfight 2 red wrc 50cc moped 2006 ---- for 16 year old male, no modifications just 3rd party, locked up at night with the cheapest price?? any help/info is helpful -- thanks alot :)""
How much does car insurance cost for a 17 year old?
I can get my license anytime now. North Carolina doesn't offer good student discount. I'm asian, will be driving my dad's 2000 Ford Windstar with 70,000 miles. My dad says that adding me on to his allstate account would cost 1100 every six months. That sounds a little exaggerated. Is there anywhere else where I can find cheaper insurance?""
My car insurance company has asked me for my proof of no claims?
But i either can't find it or it was never issued to me from my last insurer. what do i do? now my policy has been cancelled and need to set up some temporary cover. I have 4/5 years no claims.
Why does a rental app ask for my car insurance info?
I got an application from an apartment complex on the app it ask's for a copy of my car insurance card why?
What makes car insurance cheaper for young drivers?
I know it's to do with the car. Sometimes engine size and security features and the year it was made. So what other thing and what cars fit into cheap insurance
""New to real estate, question about auto insurance?""
I drive my parents car but i am not insured, now that i've joined a real estate firm, they want me to have them as an additional insured. So what can I do now? Do I have to get insurance under my name? And how much would it cost to get the firm as an additional insured?""
""How much would motorcycle insurance be, on average for a 19 year old with a speeding ticket? (in CA)?""
19 year old bay area, ca 1 speeding ticket new class m license *would it be possible to decrease the premium by putting it under my parents' or something?""
I got into a car accident like 2 weeks ago and i havent recieved a rent a car from the insurance company??????
I havent recieved a rentacar from the insurance company i didnt have insurance since the car was no more that 3 hours new to me i had just bought it. It was cansidered a total lose from the insurance what should i do.
Insurance costs for a new driver insured on own car in Canada?
Yeah I know if varies but has anyone recently received their license and bought their own car for their own use? How much was the insurance? I tried checking on websites but they weren't really helpful. It would help if it was in ontario too.
Under parents car insurance in another state?
im going to another state for college, can i stay under my parents car insurance?""
Car insurance group 9 cost for 1.4 17yr old driver?
Hi guys!:] Just wanted a rough estimate of how much this insurance would cost? Looking into getting a Peugeot 206 1.4LX. Many thanks in advance!
Car insurance question?
I currently have my car insurance through State Farm but I am switching to 21st century. Does State Farm charge a month in advance? I looked at my account online and it says that I was billed May 10th and the money will be taken out on May 25th. Also, I do the reoccurring payments, they take out my payment every month. Will I have to make a payment on the 25th even though I'm cancelling on the 20th? I'm going to call my local agent when they open, I just want to hear other peoples experiences with cancelling their insurance. thanks!""
Which is the best insurance company in Kenya?
Which is the best insurance company in Kenya?
Universal life insurance as a savings plan?? Is that a good idea?
Ameriprise Financial is sellign me 400k life insurance policy that costs 200 per month. They say its like a savings plan because I can access 90% of the 200 per month at any time. Is this a good idea or a scam??
I need good car insurance?
i just got a car, and it isn't insured for the road. it's a 2002 mercury cougar and it's pretty pricey for insurance, in between 400 and five hundred. i live in ontario canada and i was wondering if anyone has any recommendations for insurance, the cheapest quote i got was from bel air insurance and that will run me around 400-500 a month, anybody know of a cheaper insurance company with fairly good coverage? i am 16 years old getting my g2 in january and i have completed drivers ed. please help. and also anywhere i can get free quotes would be great too. thanks!""
""I got a loan to pay for a car, is it paid for or finance (insurance purposes)?""
I got the loan from a credit union, I used it to pay for the car, but I am not sure if I should select paid for or financed when filling out the application for car insurance. Help please!""
Cheap Car Insurance for a 17 year old ?
I am looking for car insurance in Britain. I am 17 next month so I am looking at provisional prices which aren't too bad. I was curious and put in my birthday a few months earlier and said i had passed, the price was in excess of 4000, for a car worth 1000 ? I then put in the details of a friends new car, hes 17 and only just passed. Rich and got a 2011 bmw 1 series top of the range, quote was 9,500. How can a 1000 car be only 5000 cheaper than a 30000 car, none of this makes sense ? I know we are 4 times more likely to crash but does anyone know of any cheap insurance companies for 17 year olds just now ?""
""Car insurance, applies to other car?""
Alright so, I plan on driving to a camping trip up in WI and I live in IL. The thing is, I don't know if I'm insured on the car I want to use. I usually drive an SUV (which my parents said they put my name under to use) so I'm insured on that one. But I want to take the other car because of gas mileage. I don't know how the insurance works. Am I covered on the other car too? P.S. My parents have State Farm as our insurance.""
Why can auto insurance co legally discriminate?
Like gender, age, seems like everything (When you run tests through their quote systems) How can they legally discriminate like that? like 50% of the variables are user's preference determines the problem (Like having a classic, red sportscar, that's not my personality type but it raises rates)""
Auto insurance question?
I'm 20 yrs old and I'm thinking of signing up with state farm auto insurance. I'm buying a car and i have none. So can someone tell me what I need, where I have to go, and what i have to do to get this done?""
Car insurance question?
My daughter has just passed her driving test here in the UK and her insurance costs have gone through the roof on the smallest car around. Is it possible (and legal) to insure her in Europe somewhere for her to drive in the uk for less money? Thanks
Web site to get insurance quotes?
Web site to get insurance quotes?
How much is car Insurance in Ireland for me?
I want to buy a 1.6 1998 civic type-r (11000), but am worried it will cost too much to insure. I can get insured on it as a named driver if needs be, but would prefer my own policy. I'm 22 with a full licence for 2 years and have 5 years named driver experience with nothing on my record. Where's the best place to get a quote? And if I do how much do you think it will be? (ballpark)""
Calhoun Tennessee Cheap car insurance quotes zip 37309
Calhoun Tennessee Cheap car insurance quotes zip 37309
I wonder if anyone knows of any good but affordable health insurance.?
I have two children and lost my health insurance on them. My husabnd and I are trying to find insurance but cant afford alot of money a month and we dont qualify for Tenn Care so if anyone knows of any please let me know. Thank You!
Where can I find affordable medical insurance as a self employed person?
I am a self employed person so I don't have medical benefits like you would if you work for a company. I am paying well over $600 a month for medical insurance coverage as a business owner. Does anyone know of a program or something that offers cheaper insurance to business owners?
Car insurance?
I just got my liscence and my friend told me that car insurance is more expensive for 16 year olds than 17 year olds because they have increased chances of getting into an accident. What are the average rates of insurance for sixteen year olds and is it worth waiting until I am 17 until the prices drop?
Do Americans really believe democrats & Obama want to give affordable insurance and not socialist medicine?
affordable insurance for 50 mil more people doesn't just grow on trees, or does it? in Canada too, the gov in the 60s and 70s first fooled people in as only an INSURER, then within 20 years, it grew to become the monopoly MANAGER, to the point where ALL PRIVATE CARE IS NOW ILLEGAL IN CANADA. Should we be fooled by this cheap attempt? Sources: http://www.brianday.ca/canada-health-act.html http://www.theadvocates.org/freeman/8903lemi.html""
Aftermarket car parts and insurance?
Hi I just bought a new car last week wednesday and called my insurance company to have insurance placed on the veicle. The car is now in my name and insured... my problem is that the car is HEAVELY MODIFIED to the max with a large turbo. fuel injectors, rad, flywheel, torque converter, boost controlers and an aftermaker racing computer... if the car were to have an accident would my insurance be void be void because of the mods.. none of this was done by me and the car was certified to be road worthy in its condition and e-tested??""
What is the cheapest auto insurance if you have points on your record?
I got myself a DUI 6-7 years ago. I was told by many that prices of insurance would go down after 5 but apparently it's after 10 years. I am on a very low budget but drive for work and drive to where there is no bus or train to take care of my parents. please if any one knows any good but cheap insurance for an older 4wd car. thanks.
Under parents car insurance in another state?
im going to another state for college, can i stay under my parents car insurance?""
Im 71 years old will 1 speeding offence offence two years age effect my car insurance?
I have always used a Mobility car, hence the ignorance re, insurance""
I dont really have the money to purchase car insurance before i take my driving test?
i dont have the money to get car insurance before i take my driving test. is there anyways possible to get around that? dont just ******* say, get insurance either . its a waste of my damn time. im taking it wednesday and its in urbana ohio.""
Where can I get individual health insurance that will cover Pregnancy?
I live in a small town in Texas, I was recently married in June 2008, we got pregnant with twins but unfortunatly had a miscarriage...one of hardest things I have ever had to deal with...anyways...we want to try again but I really want to have health coverage and not have to pay out of pocket...does anyone know of any health insurance that covers pregnancy...from what everyone else is telling me no individual policy will cover me if i get pregnant...if anyone can help I would appreciate it...""
How much does insurance cost for a new 16 year old female driver?
I would like to know how much insurance costs for a new 16 year old female driver. My parents have the insurance company USAA, so if I could get some information on the likely costs of this, that would be great. Thank you!""
Can someone help me get a insurance quote ?
im 16 and my mom said that if i wanted to drive, i would have to buy my own insurance. but the thing is i cant find any sites that tell me how much i would have to pay as a starter , and then pay monthly. the car that i want to drive is my stepdads 2000 Bonneville. idk what else it is but it looks just like this. VvV http://www.autoworld.com/news/Pontiac/2000Bonneville.jpg i just want to know how much i would have to pay (:""
How much is a ticket for no license and no insurance?
the ticket cost in fort wayne or indiana.
Cost of 350z insurance for 18 year old.?
Hi, I was playing around with insurance quotes form Geico and in order to insure a 270hp sportscar costs as much as a regular family sedan? It gave me a quote for 158$ per month which seems low. IS this actualy the price of insurance for a car like this?""
What is the average cost of hormone replacement therapy with and without insurance?
I've fianally decided to begin my transition (male-to-female) and i wanted to know what it would cost to begin HRT. I ask for both with and without insurance because i have a college based insurance plan (SHIP) and i am not sure if it will cover HRT (it covers gender identity counseling so IDK) Thank you all in advance ~<3 P.S. i live in Moscow, Idaho.""
What's an average car insurance for a 16 year old. ?
I'm going to be a 16 year old. I'm a male and I live in maryland if that helps I have no clue about car insurance so any and all info would help! Please and thanks! (:
Can anyone tell me about affordable life ins. after age 80?
I have a term policy that will expire in two months, and would like to find an insurance co. that has some ins. that is not priced so high that I can't pay the premiums. Thanks for not sending any SPAM !!""
""I am 17 years old,i am thinking about buying a car,what would be the insurance rate for a 2006 ford fusion?
what would be the insurance rate for a 2006 ford fusion SE/ year?
I am 55 yrs old.Have lost my husband.Can I be covered under my daughter's health insurance thru her job?
I am 55 yrs old.Have lost my husband.Can I be covered under my daughter's health insurance thru her job?
Does the car insurance charge extra more for adding a teen driver under 18?
i'm 17 now and will be in august i need to learn driving and get the license in this summer break i've the driving permit my dad is the only driver in the family's car insurance plan so, does the insurance charge more if i'm under 18? if yes, i'm going to apply it after my birthday thanx""
Dairyland insurance company for motorcycle?
How can they issue me registration over the phone? I'm located in Michigan and the local office has a different price then what I was quoted over the phone. Over the phone I pay $168, the office said it would be $330. I don't feel uncomfortable getting insurance over the phone but looks like I may have to. Is this okay to do and has anyone else done this before?""
How much does it cost to replace an in-dash navigation system and does insurance cover it?
So here's the story. I was driving in my 2012 Honda Civic today and got angry and punched my navigation system (I know. It was unbelievably stupid. I know.) Anyway, the screen is shattered now, but the system still works. I called up a Honda dealer who said it would cost $3600 not including parts and labor. When I search online, the navigation systems seems to cost between $250 and $700. So what I want to know is, how much should I expect to pay to get this fixed. How long does it take? Will my insurance cover it? If my insurance covers it, will my rates change? Is the dealer the best way to get it fixed? I'm also under my warranty still, is there any way this is covered in my warranty?""
Can car insurance not pay?
I was recently visiting a friend at his apartment. We heard sirens and looked out---and saw a car on fire next to my motorcycle. The car was totalled as was my motorcyle and another car had damage. The car on fire----his insurance won't pay---they say it was a mechanical failure---and they don't have to pay.
What car insurance suits me best?
i am going to be in san diego during the fall quarter, from august to december. i am a 21 years old italian male with three years of driving experience and no accidents in the past. i only have the italian passport. is there any way that i can keep both my kidneys and still be able to pay an insurance for that period? does it necessarily depend on the car? thank you very much folks!!!""
What are my options to get my car back from the insurance company?
I got into an accident about a week ago. the front passenger side was damaged. the insurance company told me today that it was a write off. they wouldn't be able to fix it, which is complete bull. It is a 98 Honda Civic with 200,00 km on it, and they are giving me $2800. What can i possibly do? Can I get my car back and repair it myself (by myself i mean a bodyshop i will take it too out of my own pocket)? What happens in that case? Will they give me any money or would i have to pay them?""
Calhoun Tennessee Cheap car insurance quotes zip 37309
Calhoun Tennessee Cheap car insurance quotes zip 37309
""What are my options for car insurance, being a US resident who is taking classes in British Columbia?""
I am a student at Trinity Western University in BC, Canada. My current car insurance company will only cover me through March since I am in Canada and I am finding it hard to find an insurance company that will cover me. I am trying to avoid at all cost having to get the government-issued BC car insurance because I probably wouldn't be able to afford school (it is ridiculously expensive). Anyone have any ideas?""
How much do you usually pay when you first get car insurance?
just got an auto insurance plan that's 100/month. went in to fill out papers &payed a $120 down payment. but my mom is now telling me i should be getting a bill for $480 in the mail soon. because the premium is $600 and i have to pay the rest? but i thought that's what the down payment was for. or was that just a down payment for a down payment? lol. i'm not really sure how it works, but i'm wondering if my mom is just saying that so i don't spend all my money, or if i'm actually going to get a bill for that much. anyone know? i'm still paying $100/month, so is it normal to have to pay around $600 first?""
Are the insurance companies having a super party right now?
I mean it is now law that they will have a steady stream of customers. So are they psyched?
Do you know any Insurance companies that would do 6m Car Insurance?
For various reasons, I would like insurance quotes for my car for 6 months. Has anyone had any dealings with companies that have or would? It's not a money saving exercise, thanks :)""
""Whats a cheap military car insurance, with low down payment?""
i know usaa, but i want options.. im in florida.. if that makes a difference""
Cheapest motor insurance in ireland!!!!?
im on a provisional licence and basically just looking for the cheapest insurers out there any help would be graetly appreciated as i am broke lol...also iv tried all the major ones like alliance 123 axa quinn :)
Name on car insurance?
Is it possible to buy a car under my name but have the car's insurance under my dads name?
About how much will my insurance go up after my wreck?
The wreck was my fault, not much damage to my car, still runs perfectly, but the person that I ran into the rear bumper is hanging off like 6 inches but its just the bumper, it still runs and everything. How much do you think my insurance should go up, I have been insured under my dads name through Gieco for 3 years and this is my first accident. Its just the basic liability also I believe. I have absolutely no idea so any estimates would be greatly appreciated. Thanks""
Does anybody have Affordable Health Care benefits for individuals and the entire family?
Are you or your family looking for affordable Premier Health Care Savings Plan with up to $2,000 Accident Coverage with only $100 Deductible(on or off the job at school or at play)You ...show more""
What will happen if I drive without insurance for few days?
I live in New Jersey, my county is Hudson county. I just bought my car yesterday afternoon my insurance company was closed. I could not call them to add the car on insurance and start driving with my other car insurance. What will happen if I drive with my other car insurance in my new car for a few days? What if cops stop me? Will I get a ticket or something else?""
I want to put my niece on my car insurance?
i drive a 2001 puegoet 206 and want to include my 17 year old niece on the policy.she has a provisional licience.does anyone know what this will cost approximately
Temporary car insurance?
i am trying to get my boyfriend insured on my car for 1 week. there are many companies that do tempoary car insurance but i have been told that you can not have 2 policies on one car? i have Fully comprehensive car insurance but my insurers will not insure both of us on my car as we are under 25 so if i went with another insurance company who specialises in short term cover would this cover my boyfriend on my car?
Does anyone know of a health insurance company that will insure me even though I am pregant?
My husband and I make a little over the income requirements for medicaid in our state(SC), we also own two cars so our chances of getting medicaid is very slim. I was just wondering if anyone knew of a health insurance plan that will take on a policy for me even though I am pregnant....we were in the process of looking for health coverage, but ended up getting pregnant in the mean time...thanks for your help...please serious and honest answer only...we are in the state of south carolina. thanks""
""How can i get insurance if my car cost 20,000?""
How can i get insurance if my car cost 20,000?""
Can I have the insurance company replace my car?!!!?
Hello everyone. I just bought a new car five days ago. Two days ago another driver crashed into the back of my new car and sped off. The other driver was caught, but I am told that my new car is in pretty bad condition and it will probably be considered a total loss. The problem is my credit is pretty bad and I had a hard time getting such a nice car, which I traded my previous vehicle for. I'm afraid that even if the other insurance company pays off my new car, I won't be able to get another one. I have no money and nothing to trade. Even more, I really liked my new car and I want the same make and model, but I don't think I'll be able to find another one. What can I do? Would I be able to have the other company replace my car.""
Insurance copay question?
My girl and I each have our own separate health insurance plans through our respective employers, she recently gave birth to our first baby ( we're not married ) She used her insurance plan to cover the hospital fees and we expect to pay about twenty percent of the bill as a copay. Would MY insurance help cover all or part of said copay? I'm guessing it will be about two thousand dollars. Thanks in advance for your help.""
Auto insurance claim?
My car came out of the autobody shop this week and I paid my deductible based on the insurance. Now my insurance expires the same month. I am transferring the title over because I wont be in the states for next two years and leaving at the end of the month. Will I get a surprised invoice from the auto body shop because I didn't renew my auto insurance and the insurance company decide not to pay? Thanks in advance
Will my insurance rate go up if i recently got stopped for a failure to obey stop sign? More details!!?
i am 17 years old and i got a ticket for failure to stop at a stop sign but i could not find my papers. so the officer never scanned my insurance card. will my insurance rate go up? ps... im not on the insurance policy, it was my mothers car and i am a new driver.""
""On average, how much is car insurance for a 17 year old in AMERICA?""
I live in the UK where it is a RIP OFF!! I'm 17 and i recently got a car insurance quote for a 1.4 VW Golf and it was like 3000 (around $4600). And that just for a 1.4 engine car. What's it like in America?? What engines do young drivers usually buy in a car and how much is it over there? On TV and that, Americans get like 3 litre cars for their first cars, that's why i'm curious. Cheers.""
Why is auto insurance through Geico so cheap?
I've been shopping around for car insurance and I am surprised at the quoted price of Geico in comparison to most other companies. Geico is much cheaper than my current insurance company, and many other insurance companies. How can they offer such cheap rates, especially with all of the advertising they do? Are people having difficulty getting money out of Geico when they make claims? It just seems odd to me that they can offer such low rates.""
""What is Cheaper, Insurance Group 6E or 4P?""
What is Cheaper, Insurance Group 6E or 4P""
Who thinks the health insurance waivers means that companies don't have to provide health insurance?
You'd be wrong. Care to understand why? http://www.whitehouse.gov/blog/2010/12/10/truth-about-health-care-waivers The bad news is that today mini-meds are often the only affordable option for many low-wage workers because retail and chain restaurants rarely offer their workers options beyond these plans. And because mini-meds are built around annual limits, estimates from employers and insurers indicate that beginning the phase out of annual limits this year would cause mini-med premiums to rise by more than 200 percent, forcing employers to drop coverage and sending many low-wage workers to purchase insurance on the more expensive individual insurance market, where they would get an even worse deal than what they have today. The result would be a whole new population of uninsured Americans. To ensure that we protect the coverage that these workers have today until better options are available for them in 2014, the law allows HHS, in extreme cases, to issue temporary waivers from the phase out of annual limits. There are some important facts to remember about these temporary waivers: The waivers only apply to one provision of the law  the provisions phasing out annual limits. Insurance companies and employers that receive waivers must comply with all other parts of the Affordable Care Act. The waivers last one year. Insurance companies must reapply for the waivers each year between now and 2014 when annual limits on coverage will be completely prohibited and individuals will have more affordable and better private insurance choices in the competitive Exchange markets. All employers and insurers that offer mini-med plans may apply for a waiver if they demonstrate that there will be large increases in premiums or a significant decrease in access to coverage without a waiver. You can read a list of employers and insurers that have received waivers here.""
Car insurance on eclipse?
i recently had suv and a pickup truck. ar insurance is about $500 a year through farm family were on the farm policy so its a lot cheaper. I recently sold my truck (diesel) got tires of the awful gas milage (ford f-250). with the cost of diesel going way up again it was costing on empty-full $150 thats total b.s. anyway i been looking to get something with good gas milage that does not cost a lot to fill up. i have been looking into cars and taken carefully into consideration they get better milage but i have seen cars even is 20 mph accidents totaled. my next question is how much would car insurance be on a eclipse. if i did get a car i don't want a pice of junk looking old lady car i would want something that looks very nice. i was looking into the mit. eclipse/spider. was curious how much car insurance was if i stayed with farm family. i was going to call and ask them but i don't have the physical car yet and they would need to know exactly what kind of car year etc it is to give me the exact amount. I'm 22 years old with 5 years driving experience. only 1 accident. (old person was in hurry to airport for vacation told me and cop he did not think it it was needed to stop so he ran stop sign and hit me. i have owned 2 pick ups, 1 trail blazer. pickups, ad suv's fall under farm category cars don't so i am sure it would be more then what i pay now. i don't want to switch insurance either i hear horror stores with others. farm family paid me every time that week for accident repair i hear others you won't hear from them or they don't pay you or hospital bills if its needed farm family does. my spelling is not the greatest at it i got a little lazy.""
ABOUT how much is scooter/moped insurance cost?
if it is 150cc? i will be 16 when i get it. any good brands to look for? thanks
Car insurance?
Does anyone know of any insurance company's where you can be on your parents insuance but still get no claims? Thanks
Calhoun Tennessee Cheap car insurance quotes zip 37309
Calhoun Tennessee Cheap car insurance quotes zip 37309
0 notes
golicit · 6 years
Top Takeaways from our 28th Annual Labor & Employment Law Seminar
Another successful seminar in the books! Thank you to the nearly 400 attendees who came from near and far. We hope you enjoyed the day and that our presentations provided timely, relevant and valuable insight.
Congratulations to our blog contest winners! You will receive complimentary registrations to our 2019 Seminar.
Monelle Petgrave, Amadeus North America
Dawn Gevat, JCD Sports Group
The top takeaways from each of our sessions:
Lisa Berg: You Don’t Know What You Don’t Know About the ADA
ADA prohibits discrimination against qualified individuals on the basis of a disability in regard to hiring, firing, advancement, and other terms and conditions of employment; and requires covered employers to provide reasonable accommodations to qualified individuals with disabilities absent undue hardship.
The definition of “disability” should be interpreted broadly.
Update job descriptions.
Generally, employee must request an accommodation (e.g., informing employer that an adjustment or change is needed at work because of a “medical condition”).
Interact before you act!  
Employer should initiate interactive process by having an expeditious, meaningful dialogue with the employee.  “How can I help you?”
Employer has an obligation to provide an effective accommodation, not necessarily the one the employee most wants.
Don’t forget GINA safe harbor language when requesting medical information from the employee.
Employer never needs to provide indefinite leave as a reasonable accommodation.
Eleventh Circuit rejects EEOC’s position and holds that ADA doesn’t require reassignment to a vacant position without competition.
Document good faith efforts to reasonably accommodate.
Bob Turk: 15 Ways to Ensure You Have the Perfect Lousy Supervisor
Hiring a lousy supervisor is easy.  Finding a grade-A supervisor takes much more effort.
A lousy supervisor can be detrimental to your organization in many ways:
Lower productivity and profitability
Increased turnover
Workplace sabotage
Employee mutiny
A catalyst for legal claims
Calls to the DOL
Avoid hiring horrible managers by:
Performing a thorough background check
Structuring your interview process
Reviewing the application form/questionnaire
Following up with references
Working with HR during the hiring process
Completing pre-employment testing
If you already employ a horrible manager, all is not lost. There are many strategies that can improve management performance and help create a positive working environment:
Proper training for supervisors
Offer feedback or an evaluation from management
Avoid overwhelming the supervisor
Janet Goldberg McEnery & Bayardo Aleman: Investigating Harassment Complaints Post Weinstein – Are You Prepared?
As the flurry of media coverage has brought to the forefront, the consequences of sexual harassment in the workplace are serious and far-reaching.  Employers have the responsibility of maintaining a harassment-free workplace.  Now is a good time to “reboot” your policies and take active steps to ensure compliance, including conducting thorough investigations.
Kara Nickel & Joanne Schiffer: Substance Over Forms: FMLA and I-9
FMLA: The FMLA poster must be visible to employees and In the Notice of Eligibility and Rights & Responsibilities form, make sure to check all relevant boxes and do not give inconsistent information about the use of paid leave time during FMLA (it is either required or the employee’s choice, don’t select both options).  If the health provider certification is insufficient or incomplete, prepare a specific description of the deficiencies and attach it to the Designation Notice to request more information.
I-9: Fill it out on the first day of employment. Inspect original documents, even for remote employees.  Exercise caution if using a prefilled form from a software program as the information may no longer be accurate.
Ingrid Ponce & Giselle Gutierrez Madrigal: All Rise! Decisions that are Changing the Way You Do Business
Be careful when relying on prior salary to set a new salary; make sure to conduct an equal pay analysis of employees at least on an annual basis.
One-time sexual advances can serve as the basis of a retaliation claim; make sure you train your managers to know that what happens outside of work can still bind the company.
We caution against conducting surveillance of employees on FMLA leave and especially without an objective reason to do so.
Remember that requests for a reasonable accommodation for religious reasons require the same interactive process as requests under the ADA. Unless the request poses an undue burden, the employer may have to accommodate.
Settling claims under the FLSA can be tricky.  Make sure you consult with employment counsel to ensure your company is protected.
Emoji’s are invading your workplace. Make sure your policies are updated and your supervisors understand that not all emoji’s are harmless.
Andrew Rodman & Eric Roth: LGBTQ: The Issues, the Law, the Reality, and the Decisions Florida Employers Must Make
Train managers and employees on sexual orientation, gender identity and transgender-related issues.
Review/revise policies (e.g., harassment/discrimination, dress code).
Be aware of and comply with applicable state and local non-discrimination laws where your business has operations.
Be consistent in all hiring and employment decisions – based on performance and merit, not on gender stereotypes or other discriminatory factors.
Investigate claims of discrimination or harassment promptly. Be sensitive to gender discrimination issues such as bullying and other unprofessional behavior.
Be sensitive and accommodating: create an open atmosphere and develop goodwill among your employees.
Rene Ruiz & Laura Farinas: Nose Out of Joint? What’s the Law on Joint Employer Status?
Although the new administration is likely to narrow the recently broadened definition of “joint employer,” in the meantime, employers must review their practices to ensure consistency with the current NLRB standard. Most importantly, employers should confirm that they are not exercising or reserving control over essential work terms such as hiring, firing, discipline, exclusivity, or other job specifics.
Glenn Rissman & Elitsa Yotkova: From a 1990 Wheelchair to the 2018 Website: The ADA & Technology-Related Accommodations
When an employer thinks of a workplace accommodation, they may first think of lifting restrictions, or a modification of work duties or a policy.  However, with the greater role of technology in all that we do, we anticipate that employers will start receiving requests (and lawsuits) relating to the accessibility of workplace software applications, online forms and web-based training.  Employers should be prepared to offer technological accommodations or modify policies to allow an employee to do things “old school.”  Similarly, employers may experience a surge in requests to bring an animal to work as an accommodation.  Make sure to engage in the interactive process with the employee to identify a reasonable accommodation and remember that, if multiple reasonable accommodations are available, the employer gets to decide which reasonable accommodation to adopt.
Sharon Quinn Dixon, Carol Myers & Andrew McLaughlin: Another ERISA Fiduciary Duty? Protecting Your Benefit Plan’s Confidential Information
Employers must take affirmative steps to protect participant data; doing nothing or relying on either company procedures, or plan providers is not adequate.
Vendor procedures and vendor service contract obligations are essential to plan cyber protection.
Prudent cyber procedures must include frequent and repeated employee training as well as regular and frequent updates to policies and procedures.
If you have any follow up questions for one of our presenters, do not hesitate to contact us.
Today we are hosting our first annual labor seminar in Tampa with similar topics. We can’t wait to see what next year will bring!
Top Takeaways from our 28th Annual Labor & Employment Law Seminar published first on
0 notes
Top Takeaways from our 28th Annual Labor & Employment Law Seminar
Another successful seminar in the books! Thank you to the nearly 400 attendees who came from near and far. We hope you enjoyed the day and that our presentations provided timely, relevant and valuable insight.
Congratulations to our blog contest winners! You will receive complimentary registrations to our 2019 Seminar.
Monelle Petgrave, Amadeus North America
Dawn Gevat, JCD Sports Group
The top takeaways from each of our sessions:
Lisa Berg: You Don’t Know What You Don’t Know About the ADA
ADA prohibits discrimination against qualified individuals on the basis of a disability in regard to hiring, firing, advancement, and other terms and conditions of employment; and requires covered employers to provide reasonable accommodations to qualified individuals with disabilities absent undue hardship.
The definition of “disability” should be interpreted broadly.
Update job descriptions.
Generally, employee must request an accommodation (e.g., informing employer that an adjustment or change is needed at work because of a “medical condition”).
Interact before you act!  
Employer should initiate interactive process by having an expeditious, meaningful dialogue with the employee.  “How can I help you?”
Employer has an obligation to provide an effective accommodation, not necessarily the one the employee most wants.
Don’t forget GINA safe harbor language when requesting medical information from the employee.
Employer never needs to provide indefinite leave as a reasonable accommodation.
Eleventh Circuit rejects EEOC’s position and holds that ADA doesn’t require reassignment to a vacant position without competition.
Document good faith efforts to reasonably accommodate.
Bob Turk: 15 Ways to Ensure You Have the Perfect Lousy Supervisor
Hiring a lousy supervisor is easy.  Finding a grade-A supervisor takes much more effort.
A lousy supervisor can be detrimental to your organization in many ways:
Lower productivity and profitability
Increased turnover
Workplace sabotage
Employee mutiny
A catalyst for legal claims
Calls to the DOL
Avoid hiring horrible managers by:
Performing a thorough background check
Structuring your interview process
Reviewing the application form/questionnaire
Following up with references
Working with HR during the hiring process
Completing pre-employment testing
If you already employ a horrible manager, all is not lost. There are many strategies that can improve management performance and help create a positive working environment:
Proper training for supervisors
Offer feedback or an evaluation from management
Avoid overwhelming the supervisor
Janet Goldberg McEnery & Bayardo Aleman: Investigating Harassment Complaints Post Weinstein – Are You Prepared?
As the flurry of media coverage has brought to the forefront, the consequences of sexual harassment in the workplace are serious and far-reaching.  Employers have the responsibility of maintaining a harassment-free workplace.  Now is a good time to “reboot” your policies and take active steps to ensure compliance, including conducting thorough investigations.
Kara Nickel & Joanne Schiffer: Substance Over Forms: FMLA and I-9
FMLA: The FMLA poster must be visible to employees and In the Notice of Eligibility and Rights & Responsibilities form, make sure to check all relevant boxes and do not give inconsistent information about the use of paid leave time during FMLA (it is either required or the employee’s choice, don’t select both options).  If the health provider certification is insufficient or incomplete, prepare a specific description of the deficiencies and attach it to the Designation Notice to request more information.
I-9: Fill it out on the first day of employment. Inspect original documents, even for remote employees.  Exercise caution if using a prefilled form from a software program as the information may no longer be accurate.
Ingrid Ponce & Giselle Gutierrez Madrigal: All Rise! Decisions that are Changing the Way You Do Business
Be careful when relying on prior salary to set a new salary; make sure to conduct an equal pay analysis of employees at least on an annual basis.
One-time sexual advances can serve as the basis of a retaliation claim; make sure you train your managers to know that what happens outside of work can still bind the company.
We caution against conducting surveillance of employees on FMLA leave and especially without an objective reason to do so.
Remember that requests for a reasonable accommodation for religious reasons require the same interactive process as requests under the ADA. Unless the request poses an undue burden, the employer may have to accommodate.
Settling claims under the FLSA can be tricky.  Make sure you consult with employment counsel to ensure your company is protected.
Emoji’s are invading your workplace. Make sure your policies are updated and your supervisors understand that not all emoji’s are harmless.
Andrew Rodman & Eric Roth: LGBTQ: The Issues, the Law, the Reality, and the Decisions Florida Employers Must Make
Train managers and employees on sexual orientation, gender identity and transgender-related issues.
Review/revise policies (e.g., harassment/discrimination, dress code).
Be aware of and comply with applicable state and local non-discrimination laws where your business has operations.
Be consistent in all hiring and employment decisions – based on performance and merit, not on gender stereotypes or other discriminatory factors.
Investigate claims of discrimination or harassment promptly. Be sensitive to gender discrimination issues such as bullying and other unprofessional behavior.
Be sensitive and accommodating: create an open atmosphere and develop goodwill among your employees.
Rene Ruiz & Laura Farinas: Nose Out of Joint? What’s the Law on Joint Employer Status?
Although the new administration is likely to narrow the recently broadened definition of “joint employer,” in the meantime, employers must review their practices to ensure consistency with the current NLRB standard. Most importantly, employers should confirm that they are not exercising or reserving control over essential work terms such as hiring, firing, discipline, exclusivity, or other job specifics.
Glenn Rissman & Elitsa Yotkova: From a 1990 Wheelchair to the 2018 Website: The ADA & Technology-Related Accommodations
When an employer thinks of a workplace accommodation, they may first think of lifting restrictions, or a modification of work duties or a policy.  However, with the greater role of technology in all that we do, we anticipate that employers will start receiving requests (and lawsuits) relating to the accessibility of workplace software applications, online forms and web-based training.  Employers should be prepared to offer technological accommodations or modify policies to allow an employee to do things “old school.”  Similarly, employers may experience a surge in requests to bring an animal to work as an accommodation.  Make sure to engage in the interactive process with the employee to identify a reasonable accommodation and remember that, if multiple reasonable accommodations are available, the employer gets to decide which reasonable accommodation to adopt.
Sharon Quinn Dixon, Carol Myers & Andrew McLaughlin: Another ERISA Fiduciary Duty? Protecting Your Benefit Plan’s Confidential Information
Employers must take affirmative steps to protect participant data; doing nothing or relying on either company procedures, or plan providers is not adequate.
Vendor procedures and vendor service contract obligations are essential to plan cyber protection.
Prudent cyber procedures must include frequent and repeated employee training as well as regular and frequent updates to policies and procedures.
If you have any follow up questions for one of our presenters, do not hesitate to contact us.
Today we are hosting our first annual labor seminar in Tampa with similar topics. We can’t wait to see what next year will bring!
Top Takeaways from our 28th Annual Labor & Employment Law Seminar published first on http://simonconsultancypage.tumblr.com/
0 notes
topinforma · 7 years
New Post has been published on Mortgage News
New Post has been published on http://bit.ly/2o8hhsH
Hidden Fees Show How Investor Protections Can Backfire
After several years of lobbying and debate, the Department of Labor’s fiduciary rule — which requires financial professionals to act in the best interests of their clients — hit yet another snag.
SEE ALSO: Why Trump’s Move to Dismantle Rule Protecting Investors Isn’t a Bad Idea
On Feb. 3, President Trump directed the DOL to undertake an “updated economic and legal analysis of the rule, including analyzing potential harm to investors, disruptions within the retirement services industry, price increases to investors and increased litigation.”
The rule was scheduled to go into effect April 10, but the DOL announced in early March a proposed 60-day extension until June 9. And it’s even possible the regulation will be rescinded.
Regardless of the timeline or the results of the required analysis, the industry is already changing. And, unfortunately, it may not be for the better.
Many investors are surprised to find out that all advisers are not fiduciaries.
Different Standards for Different Professionals
Brokers who solely sell mutual funds are held to a “suitability standard,” which simply requires that investments must fit clients’ investing objectives, time horizon and experience. Insurance-only professionals, financial professionals who are only licensed to sell life insurance and annuity products, not securities, are also held to the suitability standard.
SEE ALSO: Financial Advisers: Don’t Follow the Rules, Follow the Principle
An adviser under the fiduciary standard, when faced with two identical products, would be compelled to recommend the product that is best for the client, even if it meant fewer dollars in his or her own pocket.
The Department of Labor rule would require all financial professionals to act as fiduciaries when helping investors with qualified retirement accounts, which are accounts where money is invested on a pretax basis. Those would include 401(k)s, 403(b)s and IRAs. That all sounds great, but where there’s a will, there’s a way to get around it.
Firms Find Ways to Comply But Pile on Fees Elsewhere
Some firms are adapting to the rule as it is written, but that doesn’t mean investors are going to benefit.
These firms have created new classes of mutual fund shares to be used in IRAs (where the rule says they must disclose fees). They are simultaneously loading the non-qualified parts of their clients’ account portfolios — those funded with after-tax money, such as mutual funds and variable annuities — with high-fee and high-cost investment vehicles, because those accounts aren’t covered by the fiduciary rule.
A Disturbing Example
I recently interviewed a prospective client whose IRA was changed to include some individual shares of stock and some no-load mutual funds. Keep in mind the entire IRA was now a “wrap account,” with everything inside subjected to an annual fee, but the investor was paying twice for the mutual funds; there still are expenses, just not a front-end load.
But the worst part of this portfolio was the non-qualified holdings. The entire after-tax account was put into a variable annuity, with mutual fund expenses, life insurance expenses and additional rider expenses. When you combined the fee-based IRA, the mutual fund expenses, and the variable annuity expenses, this client was paying more than 2% annually for the entire portfolio — and the only expense that was disclosed was the wrap account fee.
Some firms have announced they will lower the minimums required for variable annuities held in non-qualified accounts. This is an attempt to put as much of the assets under management into the highest expense vehicle possible.
I’ve also seen portfolios with low-cost mutual fund classes in IRA accounts, and then C Shares in non-qualified accounts. C-class shares typically have higher expense ratios than A- or B-class shares. So, it’s pretty obvious that these “advisers” are complying with the intent of the DOL’s version of the fiduciary rule when required to do so, and doing the exact opposite inside the non-qualified accounts. Because, frankly, they can.
A Quagmire For Investors Going Forward
The idea behind the fiduciary rule is clear: Financial professionals are to act in the best interest of the client and to disclose all fees and conflicts of interest. If everyone acted in this manner for all types of assets (retirement and non-retirement), the individual investor would benefit.
But it’s apparent from firms’ actions that investors could actually be worse off going forward with more complicated portfolios, more hidden expenses and less transparency than ever.
How to Protect Yourself
That’s why investors should always ask for a clear and concise explanation of fees and expenses.
If the portfolio is going to be in the stock market, ask about the management fees. Ask about trading costs. Ask about any additional expenses found in mutual funds (up-front load, deferred load, quarterly expenses, etc.) on top of the management fee.
One of my favorite questions to ask today is why investments inside of an IRA are being changed now. If your financial professional needs to overhaul your IRA due to the fiduciary rule, he may not have been looking out for your best interests in the past.
If the portfolio is going to include annuities, ask about life insurance cost (called mortality and risk expense). Ask about additional rider fees. Ask about “sub account” expenses (for the mutual funds found inside variable annuities).
The bottom line is, individual investors should remain vigilant regardless of the regulatory environment. There are plenty of advisers out there who have been fiduciaries for their entire careers. That may be a great place to start if you are interviewing for a new financial professional.
See Also: Fiduciary Rule in Limbo, But Investors Are Still Winning
Securities offered through Kalos Capital, Inc., and Investment Advisory Services offered through Kalos Management, Inc., both at 11525 Park Woods Circle, Alpharetta, Georgia 30005, (678) 356-1100.Verus Capital Management is not an affiliate or subsidiary of Kalos Capital, Inc. or Kalos Management, Inc.
This material is educational in nature and should not be deemed as a solicitation of any specific product or service. All investments involve risk and a potential loss of principal. Neither Kalos Capital nor Kalos Management offers tax and legal advice. Please consult with a tax adviser or attorney for advice regarding the impact on your portfolio.
Mike Haffling is president and founder of Verus Capital Management in Chicago. Mike is an Investment Adviser Representative and insurance professional. He has always worked as an independent financial adviser, serving his clients with a comprehensive approach to retirement planning for more than a decade.
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manonamora-if · 1 year
APRIL Check In!
I was too busy last weekend with the SpringThing that I ended up forgetting.... But am back?
I've kind of taken a bit of a break, after essentially working on three new games in the past three months, and updating (a bit) some other projects. Stuff will probably update a bit more slowly for a while. I'm trying to take a more... healthy pace. If we look back on the timeline... I haven't really taken a break since June? in terms of upload... So break is needed. Otherwise Manon will become burnout again (or hurt her wrists again) and we don't want that....
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My SpringThing entry The Roads Not Taken is now available to play!
It was completed in about a month, as a parser on Twine. In the 10k-ish words, you play a being about to go through the Ritual, a ceremony that will shape the rest of your life. How will your choices pan out? Will you regret the roads not taken?
The entry is available both on itch, and the SpringThing website.
Note: the voting for the SpringThing starts on April 13. There are about 25 other games, both parsers and choice-based. Consider checking them out!
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The SeedComp! Results have been announced! Check them out here :D
Congratulations to all winners, and thank you to everyone who participated or played or even shared the event with other people. This was such a fun experience. I hope you had as much fun as I did.
Will the SeedComp! come back next year? I think so... We need to iron out some creases first and change a few things here and there to make it smoother for everyone... If you have some feedback or comments about the competition, drop us a message over on @seedcomp-if.
I made 165-ish graphics for all awards and stickers for the participants in like.... 2 days.........
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Earlier this month, I was interviewed by the French IF Community about my winning entry DOL-OS. You can find the interview (in French) and its English translation here!
It's kind of my post-mortem for the game :)
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With all this out of the way, I can go back and focus on the ongoing projects. Starting again with TTATEH.
We are deep in the editing of Chapter 4 currently. I hope to send my comments back today or tomorrow. We might be looking at an update by the end of the month? Or the middle of May... we will see on that.
From now until the summer, I should be back to regular programming (i.e. updating ongoing projects). While I say that now, there are some more... secret stuff I'm hoping to see pan out. Maybe something new will end up appearing out of nowhere again....
Oh and there's a poll if you want to play: Pick the game of mine you enjoyed the most! (I totes expect CRWL to win, but I kinda hope it doesn't?) (I messed up setting the French one, La Petite Mort won by 5 votes, lol)
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