#today is trans rememberance day
sailorsally · 2 years
Beautiful Short Loser
Ocean Vuong
Stand back, I’m a loser on a winning streak.
I got your wedding dress on backwards & playing air guitar on this dirt road.
I taste my mouth the most &, let me tell ya, what a blessing.
The most normal things about me are my shoulders. You’ve been warned.
Where I’m from it’s only midnight for a second
the trees look like grandfathers laughing in the rain.
For as long as I can remember I’ve had a preference for mediocre bodies,
including my own.
Tell me this, why is the past tense always longer?
Is the memory of a song the shadow of a sound or is that too much?
Sometimes, when I can’t sleep, I imagine Van Gogh singing
Leonard Cohen’s “Hallelujah” into his cut ear & feeling peace.
Green voices in the rain, green rain in the voices.
Oh no, the sadness is intensifying. How rude.
Hey, [knocks on skull], can you get me out of here?
That one time Jaxson passed out on his triple stack of jumbo pancakes
at Denny’s after top surgery.
I can’t believe I lost my boobs, he said a minute before, smiling through tears.
 The sadness in him ends in me tonight.
It ends tonight!, I shouted to the cop who pulled us over for dreaming.
I’m not drunk, officer, I just believe in miracles.
Tomorrow, partly cloudy with a chance.
I’m done talking, sir, I’m saying what I feel.
I’m on the cliff of myself & these aren’t wings, they’re futures.
For as long as I can remember my body was a small town nightmare.
Now I’m a beautiful short loser dancing in the rain.
Inside my head the war is everywhere.
Do you think I’ll need a gun where we’re going?
Can you believe my uncle worked at the Colt factory for ten years
only to use a belt at the end?
Talk about discipline. Talk about good Lord.
Maybe he saw that a small thing moving through a large thing
is more like a bird in a cage than a word in the mouth.
It can’t be free without breaking open.
I’m not sad, he told me once, laughing, I’m just always here.
See officer? The world is a magic trick – everyone disappears.
Why aren’t you laughing?
No, not beauty – but you and I outliving it.
Somehow, I got me for days. Got this late light
in the yard leaving blood on the bone
-colored fence. This thrash of spring we drown in to stay awhile
& mean it. I mean it when I say I’m mostly
male. That I recall every follicle in the failure the way they’ll remember God
after religion: alone, impossible, & good.
I know. I know the room you’ve been crying in
is called America.
I’m sorry the door is not invented yet.
Wait awhile. Like death, we are most useful at the end.
Finally, after years of failure, I’m now a professional loser.
I’m unstoppable! I’m crushing it in losses! I’m mopping the floor
where Jaxson’s drain bags leaked on his way to bed.
I’m done talking, officer, I’m dancing
in the rain with a wedding dress & it makes sense.
Because my uncle decided to leave this world intact.
Because taking a piece of my friend away from him
made him more whole.
Because where I’m from the trees look like family
laughing in my head.
Because I am the last of my kind at the beginning of hope.
Because what I did with my one short beautiful life—was lose it
on a winning streak.
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slymewitch · 7 months
Today is the Transgender Day of Rememberance.
Lets all take a moment to remember the trans lives that have been lost due to hate crimes, or those who have taken their own lives due to the cruelty of how our current system treats those it sees as different. But lets also think about all the things we can do to help make these problems stop. What we can do to stop hate crimes, what we can do to be there for trans people struggling with thoughts of self harm or suicide, what we can do to help trans people get out of bad home situations, and what we can do as a whole to stop trans lives from being lost.
May their many brave souls rest in peace.
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oliverferrie · 7 months
It's Trans Day of Rememberance, time to support your local trans author while they are still alive
I originally put this thread up on blue birb hellsite, but I wanted to make a longer, more nuanced post for Tumblr. TDOR is a heavy day for me, and every time I see the list of names it makes me want to squirrel away and cry. So instead I want to spread around some books by trans authors, to uplift our voices. The books themselves are not necessarily about trans characters (mine is not) but my experience as a trans guy does inform the text, and when I read these other works, I feel a kinship to the author in that regard, however imagined that is.
I'll start, it's me, buy my horrific (seriously, read the content warning) fantasy book about young queers surviving atrocities: SUGAR PEOPLE
Next up: Δάιος, by Andromeda Ruins (@andromedaexists). A heavy anti-establishment retelling of the fall of Icarus that leans heavily into the reality of queer folk as outcast and put at risk by the powers that be. I have yet to finish it but the prose really slaps you with its urgency.
Next up: FEMININ GANGE (Feminine gait), by Molly Øxnevad, a contemporary novel about the trans healthcare system in Norway. It's written in Norwegian (bokmål) but I really hope to see it translated in English one day because it's such an important piece of literature on the state of our centralised transmedical health system here in norway.
Next up, MAO SIN RAUDE KJOLE (Mao's Red Dress), by Jan Elisabeth Lindvik, (also norwegian, nynorsk) a coming of age novel set in the backdrop of the sixties. It's only really available in Norway, and it's another one I hope to see translated someday, but it's worth knowing about, as it's a seminal novel by a trans activist with so many decades of lived experience, as the country slowly changed its views around trans folk.
Next, we have JACK OF THORNS, Book 1 of INHERITANCE by AK Faulkner, a dark urban fantasy featuring messy queers and LOTS of trauma. I had the pleasure of meeting Faulkner at a con earlier this year, and they have got an awesome thing going with the Inheritance universe. I've been enjoying Jack of Thorns a lot, it does not hold back.
Next, it's the astounding FRESHWATER by Akwaeke Emezi, a magical contemporary novel about dissociative experiences and trauma, and how they interplay with culture and growing up. A very intense and beautifully written book that isn't afraid to tackle dissociative identities AND gender identity (something those of us who have both often have to mask for fear of being denied treatment).
AND THEY LIVED... by Stephen Salvatore, a very contemporary YA romance that deals with societal issues around being gay and nonbinary. It's written from the POV of a cringey, hopeful teen, and dances between happily-ever-after romance and a pointed exhumation of incredibly dark things.
Finally, LARK & KASIM START A REVOLUTION by Kacen Callender, a contemporary YA written in a comfortably snappy rhythm, about love, friendship and a social media mishap that spirals out of control.
If you are an author listed here and you want off this list, just let me know! If you are an author and you want ON this list, feel free to reblog and add your stuff.
Otherwise, go forth and support a trans author today! Connect with our stories, real and imagined. Increase empathy and understanding around the world. Maybe TDOR will be a memorial of the past one day, instead of a memorial of the present day.
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blessingsofire · 2 years
it’s trans day of rememberance today, and it’s also a sunday. i’m going to be posting some prayers to remember and enshrine all the souls that we have lost to anti-trans violence, this year and in years past. it’s a heavy day for me as a trans person. i hope for a better future for us.
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nityarawal · 15 days
Bleedin' Hearts
Morning Songs 
Celebratin' Mothers' Day
All Day Every Day
Someone Turned
Mothers Day
Into The Daily One
Bittersweet Rememberance
Whose Celebratin'
A Mamma Today
Pickin' Flowers
Makin' Her Coffee
Whose Celebratin'
Mothers' Today
Is It You
Or Is It 
Another Lady
With You
Is It Mom
Or Is It A Robot
An Actress
A Clone
A Meme
Someone You Once
Elon Is Convinced
This Is Simulation
Cloning In Real Time
What's His Team
With Neuralink
Editing His Laughter
In And Out
Filtered Through Screens
And AI
But Do Our Bleeding
Hearts Bleed
For The Moms'
And The Children
Ladies First
Mothers' Honor
Or Do Our Bleeding
Get Raked Over
Once Again
Like Britney Not
Wantin' To See Sam
She Almost Took Him
7000 Secret Service
Wish They Were Yogis
Will They Be Going
To Slaughter
With Their Master
Boys' Sacrificed 
Military Lied
And You're 
Telling Me We're Stuck
With Trump Defense
And Bush For Life
'Cuz They Liked
And Mary Kay Letourneau
How Long Will We Be
Of Jewish Men
John Schmitz
And His Legacy
Of Bush Republicans 
9/11 In House Terrorism 
A Good Samaritan
Saw The City
Stoke Their Own 
Trespassing On
Federal Lands
Do You Really Think
That's Mothering
Gay Herding
Gay Sodomising
Anti-Semetic Lies
For Gay Lawyering
At America First Legal
Mackey Mouse Courts
Air Force Twitter Purchase
At Hands Of
Alex Spiro
Ashby Sorrenson
And Grant Funk
Trustee Scammers
I'm Feeling Proud
Of The Moms'
That Keep Their Voice
Pressure From
Pressure From Ice
Vanilla Ice
Is His Need
More Important 
Than Mine
Heard A Graphic
Groupie Narritive
Serving Vain Rockstars
And I Thought
What's In It For
The Ladies
You Got To Be Pretty
For A Moment
Take A Picture
But Whose Got Your
In The Long Run
I Want To
I Need To
I Don't Appreciate 
Way Boys' Stole
Our Homes
I Want To
I Need To
I Don't Appreciate
Way Boys' Stole
Our Kids
I Want To
I Need To
Sing And Write
You Shouldn't Have
Encouraged Me
If It Would Be
My Demise
If Love Is Love
Than Why Do You Kill
If Love Is Love
Why Are You Ashamed
Of Yourselves
If Love Is Love
Then What's There
To Hide
Let The Children
Sing Their Truth
With Every Alibi
If Love Is Love
Then What's There
To Hide
What's This Pride
You Talk Of
In Silencings
Killing Our People
Raping Kids
If Love Is Love
Than Why Oppress
The Little Birds
Want Mamma
Just Like Me
We Can Only Guess
Nitya Nella Davigo Azam Moezzi Huntley Rawal 
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gremmything · 7 months
Just now realized trans day of rememberance is TODAY, and while I luckily don't have any direct stories of lost friends, I wanted to do SOMETHING so here's the most recent doodles I have in my new sketchbook :^ my intent with art is never really to go for good or bad, just to get an image down and decide if I like it later lol
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pixelleterror · 2 years
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#clubq #restinpower #Tdor #transdayofrememberance #ClubqInOurHearts
My heart hurts for our lgbtq fam in Colorado Springs. I'm one state away! Feels way too close to home. No one should have to go through this. I don't have words to articulate. 😞
It's also Transgender Day of Rememberance, a day to remember trans lives lost to violence and suicide.
Some pfps I made for today. Free to use or share.
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paradisewithziam · 4 years
I hope all of my trans and NB peeps are doing okay today💜 pls do what makes you happy today and spoil yourself bbs, your mental health is important and rmr you deserve the world ❤️❤️
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blue-eli · 5 years
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Trans Sonic!!! He says Trans rights!!
Also Sonic underground was my shit as a child, so I drew some redesigns for the siblings. Sonia’s design in the original was wack.
Still figuring out how to draw sonic characters, I think the style looks pretty good. If I remember correctly I used an old (like quite a bit old, probably years) tutorial on how to draw sonic characters from @jorrated (at least I think it was from them, all I remember is it being pretty far back in the persons art tag, and their art looks closest to what I remember).
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queer-as-frikc · 4 years
Its transgender day of rememberance today (20th)
I did not know that
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bbygirldahyun · 3 years
today is transgender day of rememberance. this is a day dedicated to remembering, mourning, and honoring trans people who have lost their lives due to transphobic violence.
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this is the data for the past year showing the kind of violence trans people are still facing in 2021. more resources can be found here
please support trans people in whatever way you can today, even if it’s just to offer a safe space 🤍🏳️‍⚧️
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theeldestsun · 7 years
mun: miles, cute af trans-boy
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snakeybones · 3 years
Today is Transgender Day of Rememberance. I have taken time today to reflect on the many lives lost to unspeakable violence against the transgender community. Most importantly, I focused on how I can be a more active participant in advocating for trans rights in my community. My heart is heavy as we currently live in a county where our BOCC refuses to acknowledge Brooksville's racist history, let alone LGBTQIA rights. We don't have too much right now, but I made sure to donate to the Human Rights Campaign to start. Check out GLAAD for more ways to get involved.
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November 20, 2020.
Today is the Trans Day of Rememberance so I did a quick drawing. Stay safe today!
(click for better quality)
Reblogs apreciated
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hoplitis · 3 years
very sad that ive only seen one trans day of rememberance post today. i think we all owe it to the community especially trans women to take a moment and reflect
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Today is Trans day of Rememberance
I love you all that are still here, and I miss you those who aren’t with us anymore. If we keep trying we can make it through, I promise. Things might be tough but keep your head up, and be proud of who you are.
R.I.P Charlie A7
I miss you, I look forward to when we see each other again <3
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