#today successful actor and entrepreneur
margareth-lv · 1 year
... but you have kids... you have a child...
As you know, I lived  under a rock for quite some time so I was unaware of things that most people in this fandom know about.
Now I'm catching up.
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Let's go back in time for a moment. It’ s November 4, 2022 and a new podcast of Jenni Falconer (“RunPod”) is published.
"Today we are joined by Scottish Actor, Entrepreneur and Best Selling Author - Sam Heughan. Sam has been in movies such as Bloodshot and SAS: Red Notice, but he is best known for playing Jamie Fraser in the popular drama series, Outlander. When Sam isn’t busy playing the role of a Scottish Soldier and Landowner, he's pouring his energy into his successful Whisky Brand ’The Sassenach’, and a global movement he founded called ‘My Peak Challenge’. Sam founded My Peak Challenge with the aspiration to educate and inspire members to live healthier, happier and more balanced lives. Which is why we are delighted he’s on today’s episode. A keen runner (who never wears thermals) Sam is on RunPod to tell you that if he can find the time to run, anyone can! Sam's best selling memoir 'Waypoints' is available now - exploring his life and reflecting on the waypoints that define him."
But here he comes, our knight in shining armour.
He just started the extensive promotion of his “Waypoints” (subtitle: “Daddy Issues" aka “My Trouble With Forming Secure Relationships In Adulthood”).
And in this way he started speaking (and my heart burst from the rapture...):
… and you have kids… you have a child. It must be really difficult to juggle all those things…
--------------------------- I googled the host. Apparently she has only one child, a daughter, who is in her early teens, I'd say.
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Let me ask you... how many single, childless men do you know who understand how difficult it is to reconcile the extremes, a professional schedule with kids/child?
I don't know any.
This knowledge comes with personal experience.
Maybe it's foolish, but my shipper heart has melted.
Don’t we have another strong reason to believe that Sam’s “Daddy Issues” mean something entirely different that he wants us to assume?
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The whole podcast is here:
Have a great day!
[March 31, 2023]
215 notes · View notes
shefanispeculator · 8 months
“He’s humble, he’s genuine and, trust me, wherever we go, everybody feels like they know Blake Shelton,” she continued. “Blake, you are a rare human being and for all the success that you’ve had in your life as a singer, a songwriter, a musician, a performer and entertainer, an actor, a comedian, an entrepreneur, he’s the same guy today as he was back then. A country guy with a love for country music. He’s magnetic, the most generous person you’ll ever know and always just him. No matter where he goes, making people happy, laugh, making jokes.”
18 notes · View notes
‘This project . . . is backed by big finance, big pharma, big tech and all the corporations, international corporations, international finance houses, international law firms – they’re all driving the same narrative. And you have to ask yourself, why would this happen in the span of ten years?’ – Jennifer Bilek in an interview with James Patrick 
SINCE when did transgenderism become part of our vernacular? Today it seems to pervade our culture. Hardly a day goes by when there is not a trans story in the news or more evidence of the collapse of truth – the latest example being Channel 4’s Naked Education which sells the lie of two transmen’s ‘success’ stories – cancellation of anyone who dares call out the deceit, and evermore adults in authority dancing to the trans piper’s tune of ‘acceptable’ child abuse. Yet 15 years ago none of this existed. No child was asked in a school whether he or she was happy with his or her sexual orientation. Magazines did not obsess about the latest trans icon. Today they can’t leave it alone. Whether or not true, that pollsters can elicit that 20 per cent of Generation Z is likely to identify on the ‘LGBTQQIP2SAA’ spectrum and more than 5 per cent of Americans aged 18 to 30 identify as ‘transgender’ or ‘nonbinary’ is indicative of the speed of this revolution.
How did it happen in this timespan? One woman who has pursued this question believes this is no natural phenomenon or uprising like first wave feminism – there is no evidence of generations of trans people being cruelly oppressed, of a minority needing representation. On the contrary, transgenderism is a top down ‘ideology’ with close links to the transhumanist movement and megamoney-backed initiatives which can be traced back to early 2000s Silicon Valley scientists. Investigative journalist and feminist Jennifer Bilek has has located its genesis in two leading American transhumanists – William Bainbridge and the fabulously wealthy lawyer and bio-tech entrepreneur, Martine Rothblatt, a transwoman who had sex reassignment surgery in 1994.
In 2004, Rothblatt launched the Terasem Movement, a transhumanist school of thought focused on promoting joy, diversity, and the prospect of technological immortality via mind uploading and geoethical nanotechnology‘.
Bileck believes that ‘Bainbridge’s religious, technological, religious cult’ met ‘Rothblatt’s fetish’ and that together they’ve driven ‘the ideology that people can be born in the wrong body through the institutions’. But it wasn’t to serve transgender people or people that thought they were born in the wrong body, ‘it was to destigmatise this fetish of adult men within the corporate world, within the community, within schools.’
James Patrick, the director of bigpicture.watch and the film Planet Lockdown, recently interviewed Bileck. The tale she has to tell is deeply disturbing. It is not about human rights but the creation of an ideology which says you can choose your sex and the money-backed ‘grooming’ of the media and institutions to ‘convert’ people to it, perhaps unknowingly, towards their broader transhumanist end. Follow the money as Bileck has done and you will see the billions of dollars given by big foundations to back and incorporate this ideology. The message comes from on high and its latent transhumanist purpose is not progressive but malign. For anyone in authority or with influence – doctor, parent, teacher, lawyer, celebrity, actor or musician – who is labouring under the illusion that encouraging or allowing children to change their gender is OK, this interview should be compulsory viewing.
A full transcript follows.
JAMES PATRICK: Hi, I’m James Patrick, the director of bigpicture.watch and the film Planet Lockdown. I’d like to introduce you to a very interesting woman named Jennifer Bilek. She’s a feminist and investigative journalist who’s dug deep into the transsexual issue. She’s found out it has an intersection with transhumanism and there’s huge, big billionaires pushing this issue and pushing it down our throats, frankly. Her work on the 11th Hour blog is some of the best work I’ve seen on this issue. And she gets to the bottom of the story and who’s behind it. Let’s hear what she has to say. 
JENNIFER BILEK: I’m an investigative journalist, and I write at the intersection of the gender industry, technology and runaway corporatism. I got into writing about this industry because I was in activist circles. I’ve campaigned for women’s rights since I’m in my twenties. I have campaigned for the environment, etc, etc. And there came a point around 2013 or so, that suddenly people were being deplatformed for acknowledging biological reality, that there are . . . that we are a sexually dimorphic species. There are only male and female sexes. We are a sexually dimorphic species, just male and female, and there isn’t anything in between.
Transsexualism has been around probably in the United States since the 1950s. Some people remember Christine Jorgensen made a big splash in the papers, but, you know, it wasn’t really part of our vernacular our, you know, social vernacular at all. 
You know, there was a few men who had this fetish, this adult male fetish of appropriating female . . . synthetic simulacrums of female biology for their, you know, sexual gratification. It used to be cross-dressing, transvestites. And then as soon as the medical industrial complex advanced to the point where they could make reasonably, you know, good fake sexes, you know, then, you know, they started to appropriate female anatomy. 
Well, in the 1940s, this guy, this guy William Sims Bainbridge was born. He graduated Harvard as a sociology professor. He’s written many, many, many books about cults, religions, technology, gaming, the future of psychological mind control. And he now works at the head of the National Science Foundation’s Cyber Human Program, which is the melding . . . it basically overlooks the ethics involved in human-cyber melding. And, you know, you can see this, this trajectory in the, you know, along the late 1990s, early 2000s. There was a big shift in the culture from, you know, data . . . from the digital age and the information age. And it’s sort of moved into artificial intelligence, transhumanism, robots, nanotechnology, biotechnology, etc. So this is kind of where we’re going now. This is like the future trajectory of this. But, you know, Silicon Valley has been pushing a transhumanist agenda for, you know, since the early 2000s, late 1990s. 
So then, Bainbridge meets up with another interesting character, Martine Rothblatt, who is also a transhumanist. And Rothblatt is, he’s a transsexual. He’s a man that’s appropriated simulacrums of women’s biology for himself. And he calls himself, you know, a transgender or a transsexual. And he’s travelled around broadly in the culture in many different circles, because he’s accomplished so many different things. He’s very well-renowned and very well, you know, appreciated for his accomplishments. So he’s been in the tech sector. He’s been in the medical sector. He’s been in . . . all over Hollywood, you know, he’s been on Oprah and he’s been on a million different shows, you know, with his robot wife, which he created. 
Rothblatt wrote a book. And it’s really, like, it’s really a blueprint of what’s going on in the culture now. This is his ideology, working off of the work of Bainbridge. Whereas we’re going to disintegrate the sexes, the boundary between the sexes, there’ll be no youth and age, there’ll be no, you know, male and female, there’ll be no . . . transhumanism is like boundarylessness. You know, you’re out there in cyberspace. Ultimately, while you’re getting there, it’s an upgrade in humanity, melding yourself with machines, you know, transferring reproduction, human reproduction to the tech sector. In, I think it was late 1980, he got together with a whole bunch of other transvestite lawyers and transsexuals, and they created a document which was the first, the very first gender bill, which brings disembodiment into the law, the sexual objectification of female biology, you know, into parts, and making a human right out of that. Right? 
JP:  What do you mean, disembodiment? 
JB:  Well, where he’s going is full-on disembodiment, where everybody lives in cyberspace. We live in a virtual reality. We don’t live in our bodies any more. We’re going to be uploaded into cyberspace. 
Well, in order to sell that to the public, you know, transhumanism and disembodiment as a life, you’re going to have to groom them and get them there. And the way to do that is to create this ideology that says that you can choose your sex. That’s disembodiment. You can’t choose your sex. You are the body that you were born as, no matter what happens to you. I mean, in 200 years, if they dig up my bones, you know, they’re going to find a female. You know, you can’t change that.
So the ideology is promoting the idea that you can. Right? So, and they’re driving this ideology into children’s schools, not only their schools, they’re driving it into their entertainment, their social media platforms, their schools, all the organisations that you know, that cater to children are all jumping on board with this ideology.
And this has only happened in the past ten years. I mean, before this we didn’t hear about this word, we didn’t hear transgenderism, we didn’t even hear transsexual. 2014 Laverne Cox was on the cover of Time magazine owned by Marc Benioff. And, you know, it announced a transgender tipping point, when there was really nothing preceding that to warrant that that would be a tipping point, 2014. It was just, like, dropped fully formed into the culture. And then, from then on, it was just like a chant, over and over and over and over and over again, you heard ‘Transgender. Transgender rights. Transgender rights are human rights. Trans rights are human rights.’ 
These huge NGOs, these very huge, powerful non-governmental organisations serving the LGB community worked hand-in-hand with international law firms like Hogan Lovells and Dentons and [unclear] Nextlaw and Open Society Foundation lawyers, to create, to start to create legal guides for transgender children. So they’re being, they’re, they start to build this edifice of transgender children, to drive this narrative, you know, that you can be born in the wrong body. 
And so we heard all these, you know, initial stories about these poor children born in the wrong bodies, right? Which is now, you know, a decade later, has morphed into just ‘expressing yourself’, right? You can be male, you can be female, you can be non-binary, you can, you know, have both your genitalias. And this is all about self-expression now. So it’s really morphed in the course of ten years into the right to augment yourself in whatever way you see fit. 
Bainbridge’s religious, technological, religious cult meets Rothblatt’s fetish. And they both take off together. And they’re both now in the techno-medical field here, right? And they drive this religion – and it is a cult. They’re driving it over media, and people are buying it. I mean, same people, people that are intelligent people, people are going, ‘Yes, you can be born in the wrong body.’
This project has, you know, is backed by big finance, big pharma, big tech and, and all the corporations, international corporations, international finance houses, international law firms, they’re all driving the same narrative. And you have to ask yourself, why would this happen in the span of ten years? You know, when human rights movements don’t act like that, they don’t come up like that. They come up against these entities, corporate entities, to fight oppression, not to, you know, to offer them, you know, more profiteering. 
So all of these people at the top are all thinking about this same thing and thinking about it in the same way. Do you know what I mean? It’s like Rothblatt and Bainbridge got together. They have this, you know, ideology that they’re forming. Rothblatt has actually written about it. He’s written about the technological takeover of human reproduction. He’s written about transgenderism being an onramp to transhumanism and how to drive that. He’s given conferences all over on how to do that. So he’s, he’s right there. He’s starring in this movie, you know? And he’s trying to drive this ideology through our institutions. 
Okay. So then you have all these gay men who suffered through the AIDS crisis. Even if they didn’t suffer themselves, they watched their brothers, you know, their cousins, you know, die. I mean, the LGB human rights movement was very, very young when AIDS hit, right? So immediately the medical industrial complex swoops in and is part of this movement now, right? And these philanthropic organisations come up to serve them right? And to serve the public. 
So once AIDS dissipates, though, you have these mammoth, you know, what were then LGB organisations, you know, teach them about, you know, safe sex and what . . . how the thing is, you know, how AIDS is transferred and you know, help for people, you know. So they were getting all this money, you know? And big pharma is profiting off of these AIDS drugs, and then suddenly, there goes AIDS, you know.
Then the issue became gay marriage for these organisations, right? And late 90s, early 2000s is when the first, when the two major LGB – what is now LGBT organisations – came up in the United States. You have Tim Gill founded the Gill Foundation, and then you have Jon Stryker starts Arcus Foundation, which is probably the most significant LGBT organisation in the world. Arcus Foundation, as well as Gill Foundation, send millions and millions and millions and millions of dollars to our educational institutions, our medical institutions, prisons, organisations that serve the community, churches, everywhere, they’re everywhere, their money is everywhere. And it’s contingent though, that funding mechanism, is contingent upon adopting this ideology of gender ideology. 
And then these trans organisations started to come up. And this wasn’t to serve transgender people or people that thought they were born in the wrong body, but it was to destigmatise this fetish of adult men within the corporate world, within the community, within schools.
You know, when you’re sending millions and millions of dollars to these cash-strapped institutions, you know, like universities and schools and stuff, you know, and all they have to do is get on board with this progressive ideology. They’ve been told it’s progressive. Who cares? It’s part of the LGB, right? They don’t really think about what they’re doing. 
And then at the same time, the media is promoting this, ‘It’s a human right. It’s a human right. It’s a human right.’ Well, there’s thousands of, tens of thousands of children that are identifying as transgender now. And you have thousands of children on these puberty blockers that disrupt your growth, ruin your bones, provide all sorts of complications, water on the brain, etc., etc. And they usually graduate to cross-sex hormones, which are even more dangerous. And they’re going to be taking those for a lifetime, and they’re going to be sterilised.
And I think the first children’s gender clinic came up in, like, 2007. And now we have hundreds of them all over the United States. Where did they all come from and why? You know, nobody examines . . . nobody examines the issue. Why is this happening? Why are suddenly children like, oh, committing suicide in droves? They’re jumping out of buildings because they want to be the opposite sex. You know, like, we never heard about this before. If pharma could have made bank on this 50 years ago, we would have heard about it, you know?
This is totally a top-down arrangement of power and it comes, again, from the highest echelons of society, and finance, and then the owner of . . . the founder of Outright Leadership, which is the business networking arm of the LGB, comes out of banking. The guy that runs it comes out of banking. You know, Jon Stryker, head of Arcus Foundation, comes out of banking. There’s no Harvey Milk character here, do you know what I mean? There’s no grassroots activist here. These are all uber businessmen.
So you have a profiteering motive. Absolutely. Drugs, surgeries, surgery equipment. And not just the hormones and the puberty blockers, but you have the antibiotics, you have anti-rejection medications, You have myriad surgeries that people want to have after they have this attack, basically, on their sex, a medical attack on their sex, then they want to get their neck done and they want to get their Adam’s apple gone, and they want to have their jaw shaved off. And it’s like a compulsion, you know? And it’s driven through technology. It’s a consumerist orgy. And, you know, we’re the ones being consumed, you know? People, our sex is being actually deconstructed.
It’s not just an idea, an ideology. It’s actually happening. They are removing young women’s reproductive organs at major hospitals. So sex is actually medically being deconstructed as well as ideologically and legally and linguistically in the culture.
If you convince a whole generation of children that they can choose their sex, they’re not going to know where they come from. They’re not going to know who or what they are, because we as a species are connected to the real world, to the natural world, by sex. That’s how we’re tethered to everything else, everything in the universe, you know, in all the, you know, in the world, in the biological world, is reproduction. Regeneration, death; regeneration, death; regeneration, death. Right? 
But you’re teaching children that they can live for ever, that they can choose their sex, that they can choose whatever they want to choose. And this is madness. It’s absolute madness, because it goes against the grain of reality. You know, why are they driving an ideology of physical disassociation from your sexed reality? This is what’s going on here. Why is this happening? Confront that over and over and over again. 
Well, it’s all part of the medical tech sector that they’re going to profit from. If you  sterilise a whole generation of children, they’re going to need reproductive services, right? You can’t just go and make a baby in your backyard with your partner, right?
So, yeah, this is really an occupation. I mean, as a feminist, I see it as an occupation of womanhood. It’s not just using our biology like, you know, like it’s used in prostitution, or it’s used in the sex trades. This is, like, the pinnacle of objectification. ‘We’re going to take your biology. We’re going to wear it as a costume, first of all. And second of all, we’re going to transfer this reproductive capacity that you have to the tech sector.’ 
And this is why women are being legally erased in language in law. They just took ‘woman’, the word ‘woman’, out of the dictionary, in the Cambridge Dictionary, and they replaced it with ‘anybody that feels like a woman’. And the way that they do that, to transfer the, you know, human reproduction to the tech sector is through all the big fertility treatments that are out there now, you know, freezing your eggs and freezing your sperm and surrogacy. And they’re talking, you know, they’re researching womb implants, womb transplants. It’s profiteering, and it’s social control in the sense that they really, literally, want to break sex apart, the boundary between the males and females of our species. They want to break this apart. They perceive this as progress. You will be unburdened by sexual stereotypes, by sexual inequalities. Mothers and women won’t have to have children.
It’s like, look at the tampon. You know what I mean? Suddenly women could leave the house. You know, you didn’t have to sit in your backyard on this stack of rags, you know? It’s technology. It’s the advancement of technology to improve, you know, our lives. But we never get a say in any of that, you know? We don’t get to say. We don’t get to decide. We don’t get all the information. This is all elites deciding this for us, right? 
And it rides the bullet train of the market, you know? Everybody is profiteering off of this now, even if they have no idea what it’s about. You know, transgender modelling agencies, gender fluid makeup, photographers taking pictures of transgender children, you know, it’s everywhere. And this same message is being driven into their grade schools. You know, by second grade they’re learning about gender identity, taking hormones. 
And this is all brought in under anti-bullying programmes. These programmes were passed by Obama and funded by the Pritzker family, one of the largest . . . one of the most wealthy families in America. There’s many of them. Jennifer Pritzker was an Army colonel. He purports to be a female and runs around with, you know, synthetic sex characteristics of a female. And he drives this ideology into the psychiatric departments of major universities, into other medical institutions, gender hospitals, the military, etc., etc. And his company, Tawani Foundation, is partnered with Squadron Capital, which is a medical device company. So he’s following the same trajectory of Arcus Foundation – Stryker Medical is a medical supply corporation, right? And they’re going to be profiting off of these surgeries, not just, you know, so-called gender surgeries, but human augmentation. 
When we open the door to these kind of radical changes to our biology, you know, the way that we’re planted in the ecosphere, you know, once we let that go, that tether, anything is up for grabs. You know, they can manipulate your DNA, they can manipulate you any way you want. And that’s why these rights are, I mean, from what I can tell, why these rights, these gender rights are being passed, it’s not about people that are allowing a medical attack on their sex. It’s for future augmented human beings. 
I follow the money and money trails do not lie. They tell you the truth. And I don’t care how crazy I sound, because it doesn’t matter to me, you know? It just doesn’t matter. Just get the information out there so people can go looking for themselves. Because again, it’s not hidden. And none of this is hidden. It’s just that people are not looking for it. Do you know what I mean? They’re looking at the human rights angle. ‘These poor individuals,’ right? ‘who feel trapped in the wrong body,’ you know, ‘my heart breaks.’ 
You know, it’s so ridiculous. All the governments, all of the politicians, all the major banks, all the financial investment houses, all the medical institutions, the universities, the schools, the corporations, the law firms, they’ve all jumped on board within ten years for poor people that have identity issues, that have body dysphoria. I mean, come on, this is so patently ridiculous. And people just gobble it up.
I mean, you have people that have body dysphoria related to their limbs, you know, you know, body integrity identity disorder, and they feel like their limbs don’t belong to them. It’s usually a, you know, a lower extremity, a leg or a foot. And they, you know, they just feel like they want . . . they feel like they’re going to cut it off, you know, because it’s so . . . it just feels so wrong to them. And psychiatrists have notorious difficulty trying to treat these people. But we haven’t made any parades for them. We haven’t started a human rights movement for them. We haven’t put them on the cover of Time magazine. We haven’t had a makeup line for them, or a modelling agency. 
I could say the same thing for anorexics, that’s a form of body dysmorphia. Why is this only happening around these people, you know, who are claiming a synthetic sex identity? You know? And why has it happened across the board in so many different countries? And laws are changing and language is changing to uproot society, the way that we’re organised as a society. Why would you do that to people? I mean, it’s absolute insanity. It’s madness. Nothing means anything any more, right? There’s no boundaries. Boundarylessness.
I started following the money around this issue because if you want to know anything in America, you follow the money, right? And so I started following the money and I looked at all these different NGOs, these non-governmental organisations that were really huge. They were huge, like Arcus Foundation and Gill Foundation. They’re mammoth. They’ve each given like a half a billion dollars to spread this ideology through the cultures, you know, not just our culture, but, you know, Western cultures, because they fund other organisations that do the same thing, and they create this whole scaffolding, this political scaffolding to drive it, so that you have media people, you have people that are being trained in politics to get them into political institutions like the Victory Institute, for instance, that’s funded very heavily by Arcus Foundation. And like, for instance, Rachel Levine was part of that organisation. You know, they call people from different schools and different areas that are going to work for them, and then they train them to be in these positions to drive policy through the culture, right? Which Levine is doing, if you’ve seen him speak.
And so then they have media people as well, like GLAD is the media arm. So GLAD and Arcus Foundation are closely working together and GLAD goes about spreading information about how people are supposed to talk about this, because it’s a human right and you don’t want to offend anybody, right?
So the message comes from on high. And what I mean by ‘on high’ is not Arcus Foundation, I mean Stryker Medical. $17.1billion corporation and growing by the day, in 75 different countries. The medical industrial complex is bigger than the military industrial complex. 
So I’ve picked out a few different characters that are very, very prominent and are doing a lot of work to change society and to change people’s minds, to drive this techno-religion through our society. But there are many, many others, whether or not they actually know what they’re doing, it’s not quite clear to me, but they, most of them, come out of the techno-medical industry, the banking industry. 
We don’t see big oil men, you know, in the gender industry. Do you know what I mean? We don’t see automakers in the gender industries, do you know what I mean? This is all pharma, tech and big finance, you know? BlackRock, Vanguard. The ideology is just so patently ridiculous.
You know, I mean, there are men, grown men with adult diaper fetishes. Are we going to have, like, next year, are we going to have, like, changing tables in the corporate arena for them? You know, we have stores for them now, where they can actually go and buy paraphernalia for their fetish. But why are we, you know, why are we normalising fetish? You know, fetishes, really, it’s a compulsion and it’s objectification. You know, it objectifies if your fetish is for another person, it’s an objectifying of them, objectification of them.
So, and we’re seeing this because we’re dissociated as a society. You know, this has become our mode of expression now, dissociation and compulsion, addiction, you know, because we’re trying to fill up the holes that this society has created. And instead of looking at the society and how damaged and broken it is, that it’s not giving us what we need. All these aberrant behaviours are being supported in its stead, which is absolute madness. 
GLSEN is the educational arm of the LGBT Inc. And they basically take care of educating the populace in schools, in community centres about, you know, they dispense gender ideology to them, sort of like the old Christians used to come into the, you know, American Indian communities and indoctrinate them into Christianity. Well, this is very similar. It’s a technological religion, and they’re indoctrinating people to this ideology, promoting it as a human right. But it’s a technological religious cult.
You don’t get to bow out of this. I mean, that’s becoming abundantly clear to a lot of people, but they don’t understand why. Why can’t we talk about this, if this is a human right organisation, a movement for human rights, why wouldn’t you want to share that information with people? Why wouldn’t you want to get people on board with it? 
Everything is transphobic. You can’t speak about it. No debate. No debate. You know you can’t talk about it. You can’t even talk about womanhood, because that’s transphobic. Everything is transphobic. I mean, it’s becoming like a joke on social media now.
The construct of the transgender child had to be created. So, you know, these very, very large international law firms, lawyers, have created legal structure for transgender children. Right? And how to communicate about this, like, how to drive this ideology. They’ve created guides, basically, for people. Right? 
So this gets, you know, this is created through these ginormous NGOs, right? With these international law firms. And then they’re sent down through the community, you know, through people like, you know, organisations like GLAD, right, who take that information and now they indoctrinate the public. ‘This is a human right and some people are born in the wrong body. And it’s just the way that it is.’ And da-da-da-da-da.
You know, and then you have GLAD who, you know, takes care of the media. This is the way that you have to sell this to people. Right? So, and then these universities are getting, you know, all of this money to promote this ideology. And so they do, you know? So it’s coming from every single avenue that you can think of in the culture. 
Well, let’s see. Governor Pritzker just sent a bill through the schools in Illinois, Chicago specifically, that if you want health education in your school, you have to adopt gender ideology. You have to teach kids about gender ideology, which means they can, you know, you can change your sex, you can get hormones and puberty blockers, you can change your name. Very sexualised material as well, very intense sexual material, they’re teaching them. You know, anal sex and the gamut, you know, bondage and, you know, anything really that you can think of. They’re teaching them to young children.
And so if you don’t want this in this school, in your school, then you have to pull out of health education altogether. You don’t get any health education. If you want health education, then you have to do this. So this, I think, was sort of a, you know, the first real platform of its kind to sort of see how this went over, you know. Most parents said, ‘No, we don’t want it,’ which is a credit, a credit to them. But they’re still pushing it, they’re still pushing it all over the schools. And, you know, teachers adopt it, parents adopt it because they think it’s kind, you know? They don’t want to be seen as terrible people. This is part of the LGB. 
The LGB people have been accepted in society now. Usually somebody knows somebody in their family somewhere, right, who’s gay or lesbian or bisexual. And so it’s like, ‘Oh, this is just, you know, this is just part of that.’ This is what they’ve been told. Not once, not twice – over and over and over and over again. 
Well, the material that they’re being exposed to is highly sexualised. They’ve got Drag Queen Story Hours, grown men dancing around with a G-string on and makeup and hair flying, you know, fake boobs bouncing. You know, and this is supposed to be progressive and cool and fun. And they’re teaching them about, you know, very, very sexual material. You know, what partners do with each other. They’re teaching them about hormones and puberty blockers and that you can change your sex if you want to. ‘This is, you know, just the way some people are.’ It’s not a disorder. It’s not anything other than, oh, it’s just another way to be human.’
God, I think we should just throw the whole thing out, honestly, even as a feminist, I think that, because it’s just so . . . it’s so convoluted now, it’s just ridiculous, you know? I mean, you have . . . you have a female body – that’s really the only thing that makes me a female is my female body. It’s not because I like long hair, or because I like pink nails or want to run around in high heels or, you know, I cry myself to sleep every night, you know? No, none of those things. Those things are socially constructed, right? But they do have some relation, some, you know, small relationship to biology. You know, like testosterone really drives male aggression. I mean, even the women that are, you know, having their sex medically attacked, who call themselves, you know, ‘men’ discuss how, how aggressive it makes them feel.
We all have oestrogen and testosterone, you know, but like, overwhelming the body, that’s not meant for that causes changes, right? So there are propensities. And I really just say that with such caution, you know. Like, propensities of women and men to act a certain way because of their biology. We have, generally speaking, smaller hands. We take care of infants. It makes sense evolutionarily, do you know what I mean? But you know, when you get into, ‘Female brains are smaller and they don’t read as well,’ or, you know, ‘Men are better at math,’ or, you know, all those things are just ridiculous stereotypes. Right? 
But, you know, it’s very difficult to talk about all of those things in this particular climate, you know? So you have conservatives, for instance, going, ‘No, gender is not a social construct,’ right? ‘Females do like to do all these things,’ right? And then you have radical feminists screaming that it’s totally a social construct. I don’t think any of those things is actually real. You know, I think it hovers somewhere in between. 
But feminists, sort of, you know, they wanted to make . . . to, to sort of explain the difference between, you know, our biology and the role that is constructed for us under male supremacy, basically, where we get the shitty end of the attributes, that are docile and non-active and demure and, you know . . . whereas men get all the active qualities, you know, assertive, take action, blah, blah, blah.
So it was originally meant to talk about that hierarchy, right? But now it’s like, because like I said, in this particular environment, it’s completely useless. Just throw it the hell out, you know? Talk about sex, because while you’re discussing gender, the state, the corporate state is running away with human sexual reproduction and transferring it to the tech sector. 
Women are being erased in language in law. It’s like we don’t exist. You know, rapists are being put in women’s prisons, because there’s . . . it doesn’t matter. You know, sex doesn’t matter. Only gender identity matters. The feeling that you have about yourself matters.
So women are being erased in language and law. And mostly women are having their biology deconstructed. You know, young women are getting the double mastectomies. You know, they’re having their ovaries removed. They’re having their wombs removed. You know, it’s way, way top heavy with young women having their bodies, their sex bodies medically attacked. 
So this isn’t just some ideological thing going around of female erasure. This is actually happening. And you have to ask the question, well, why is this happening? Why would they do that? And when you follow the money, like I do, you find the answers. It’s all going to the tech sector, to the, you know, they want to take over human reproduction with technology. People worry about, you know, ‘Oh this is crazy. Where is it going?’ And, you know, but look at where it is. It’s absolute madness out there. You can’t say . . . you can’t talk about reality without bringing the law down upon you. Women are being arrested. Arrested. Legally arrested for saying that, you know, men can’t be women.
So where it’s going, you know, the money points to them sort of overlaying a virtual reality over the natural world and subjugating the natural world. All the big techie guys, they’re all talking about it. They don’t hide it. Metaverse for Zuckerberg, Singularity for Ray Kurzweil, who’s also mentored Martine Rothblatt, he says we’re, you know, in very short order, we’re going to be living as a different species. We’re going to be post-human. 
Now, he’s considered one of our greatest intellectuals, public intellectuals. He works for Klaus Schwab at the World Economic Forum. And he says that, you know, we’re building a virtual reality, that we actually live in a virtual reality already – which I actually agree with – and that it’s going to be more solidified, and it’s going to be more important than and more significant than the natural world. And this is where they’re taking this. Whether they get there or not is anybody’s guess, because there’s not a whole lot of planet left for them to destroy and colonise in order to get the resources to build the tech that they need to do this. However, but that’s never stopped anybody, do you know what I mean? ‘We can’t do it. We shouldn’t do it’ – never stopped anybody. 
Look at the way they’re sexualising children, too. I mean, this is like, you know, the first people to dissociate from their physically sexed body are, you know, rape survivors and kids who have been sexually molested, right? They dissociate, you know, because they’re being traumatised sexually, right? So, and they’re flooding children’s mainstream media, their schools and other institutions with this highly, highly sexual material. And it’s just really overwhelming. I mean, when you think about the things that we’re exposed to, I mean, as adults, I mean, the crazy, you know, sexual activity that’s out there, the wars, the violence, the shows that are on television, everything is so violent, you know. Before the advent of the internet, we didn’t have that kind of exposure to all of those things outside of our own little community, you know?
So we become traumatised. And traumatised people don’t move. Their initial response is to freeze, if you’re being traumatised. You know, somebody comes into a bank and they hold you up and they put a gun in your face, you’re going to freeze, you’re not going to do anything, you know? And people are really sort of frozen in terms of responding to this. This is absolute madness.
When you have a young man on national TV talking about his castration surgery and you follow him into the operating room. And then People magazine, you know, puts on a spread celebrating his penis goodbye party, where he has a penis cake, and this is a big celebration, this is absolute madness. And we should all be saying so. And the fact that we’re not is a very, very big problem, that we’ve gotten to the point where we can’t say what’s real, what’s horrible. It’s absolute madness.
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kuramirocket · 2 years
Celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month
Intuit announced today a month of special programming and resources to celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month. The series begins with a roundtable conversation of Hispanic business leaders including actor, author, and philanthropist George Lopez.
In today’s economy, many Latinos in the United States are struggling with inflation – identified as the number one barrier to achieving financial goals, according to a recent survey by Intuit QuickBooks. Hispanic and Latino entrepreneurs are quick to recognize the contributions of both their families and communities to their success: 95% give credit to their family for their career success, and 75% have also benefited from the support of their local community. Despite the impact of inflation, an overwhelming majority (91%) of Latino consumers are able to achieve some or all of their long-term financial goals. This percentage is even higher among Latino business owners, with 96% saying they are able to achieve some or all of their business goals. Still, there are challenges for Latino consumers and business owners. Overall, 62% of Latinos surveyed would benefit from more help to achieve their financial goals and just 7% feel they have enough money to plan for retirement.
Arnulfo (Tuna) Tuñon-Ortiz is a Mexican American neuroscientist who advocates for making STEM accessible to underprivileged and underrepresented communities. 
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Genesis Arizmendi
Genesis Arizmendi is a Mexican American teacher and speech therapist, Genesis has spent the last 15 years focused on improving educational outcomes for diverse children with and without disabilities. Arizmendi earned her Ph.D. in Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences at the University of Arizona in 2019. Arizmendi has worked as a certified and licensed speech-language pathologist in public schools and in outpatient rehabilitation settings, specializing with pediatric Spanish-English speaking populations. Her research and clinical interests are focused on the improvement of clinical practices and educational decision-making for culturally and linguistically diverse populations. Arizmendi also is a recipient of the Distinguished Early Career Professional Certificate given by the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. 
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sangennaro · 1 year
So I just now read the Yudkowsky thing in Time magazine, and it really got me excited.
What if there is going to be an "AI apocalypse”, but it's not an apocalypse for The World, and just an apocalypse for The Internet? What if widespread employment of AI to optimize and simulate and auto-generate and increase and etc etc, what if that results in an internet that is many times more unpleasant than the one we have now? What if all kinds of competing businesses and governments and NGOs and NEETs, all without any kind of clear comprehensive idea of how their own activities fit within the complex and emerging whole, what if they end up stinking up the room, tangling up the cords, and creating an environment so confusing, hostile, deceptive, aggressive, greedy, shallow, etc, that people would prefer to disconnect and take their chances with a more local and physical experience of life?
In a way, it seems just inevitable that this will happen-- look at our most successful contemporaries, particularly the millionaire politicians and billionaire business leaders and their most senior functionaries: Overflowing with confidence, overflowing with strong statements and ambitious goals, always ready with hard statistics and cutting edge theory (from the most qualified experts at the most respected institutions) to support their ironclad certainty and bold optimism and unwavering self-regard, held up by television and newspaper journalists as exemplary citizens and worthy role models, the newest and youngest of their ranks deserving of a respect and reverence granted to only the greatest writers, artists, actors and athletes.
Conventional wisdom declares politics and business as our noblest and most realistic paths to a Better World and Better Future, but aspirational politicians and journalists and tycoons are the only people to be found who would even attempt to argue that prosperity is spreading. Further, the extent and acceleration of prosperity's retraction is clearly in proportion to the intensity of prideful rhetoric about our current crop of elites' achievements. It is obvious to everyone that our tangled political and economic situation rewards sociopathic manipulation of strangers on the grandest scale. It is obvious that contemporary technology (the complexity and ingenuity of which is held up as proof that we are the smartest human beings who have ever lived) is making people miserable and having foreboding effects on children.
All of this is to say, our culture's driving idea of Success-- and by extension the mechanistic models of Universe and Human Mind that provide the foundations for our particular version of Success-- is manifestly twisted. And the people whose use of AI will have the widest and most penetrating effects on our lives are all as deeply invested as anyone can be in this particular conception of Success.
I guess it might not be as easy to extrapolate where we're headed for people that haven't been watching the internet mutate from the second-landline-for-your-modem days into the obligatory-smartphone-on-your-person-and-online-24/7 present. But those of us who have surfed down this surreal seam know what is coming: all the commercial, impersonal, invasive, artificial, inhumane aspects of going online will be stepped up. Our screens will exhibit a new magnitude of aggression. It's hard to imagine personalities more fake than the tryhards currently mining for online Success, but when fully machine-generated content (produced by algorithms that simulate the work of a superhumanly fast hack writer: analyzing large amounts of material with a rigidly predetermined consideration of its quality, then assembling a passable simulacra of intelligence out of the most commonplace patterns--ie, clichés--found therein) becomes industry standard, the ig influencer and Youtube entrepreneur of today will seem like Shakespeare characters compared to the Johnny Cab content that will soon be multiplying like maggots on the corpse of a titan far too huge to bury.
The titan is rotting before our eyes, and it will stink worse and worse, and the same politicians and salarymen that presently pretend there's no level of odor strong enough to drive off a meaningful mass of their dipshit customers will keep pretending that's the case until it's too late, until the web and social media are not only places only a bot could love, but places only bots ever visit, a Potemkin Neom waiting to be wiped off the books by the EMP offensives unveiled in WWIII. An increasing number of people will go looking offline for leisure, community, discovery, and identity, and they will find surprises there, and opportunities for humane interactions that contrast intensely with interactions online, and the internet will be for paying your utility bill and looking up driving directions and ordering cat litter. Yeah, there will be news on it--- there's news on AM radio, too. And CNN, too-- which is maybe leading the pack, but not exactly an outlier, in the involuntary degrowth of our infotainment corporations already underway. Go back to the 1990s and tell a teenager that their town's malls are all abandoned or razed now because people stopped going to them. Or that nobody is buying CDs or even downloading mp3s because it's more convenient to send all that money to a Swedish CEO. The idea that this sort of mass abdication will, going forward, only ever occur in the internet tycoon's favor-- that requires (and is required by) a fanatical faith in technology, in the triumph of the inhumane.
Ultimately, though, the inhumane sucks. It will never not suck to be talked down to by a person who wants something from you and couldn’t give less of a shit about any part of your existence besides your handing over that thing. It will suck to a heretofore unimaginable degree when we encounter these people via cost-cutting automated puppets. And the more the internet sucks-- and the ecstasy over how AI will optimize the ease with which acquisitive organizations manipulate strangers from a distance makes it pretty obvious it's about to suck even more-- the lower the bar gets for a consciously offline life to need to clear in order to be worth the risk of retreating back into meatspace...
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republic-world · 1 year
The Kerala Story: Adah Sharma Pens Heartfelt Note After Film Crosses Rs. 175 Cr Mark At BO
As The Kerala Story crossed Rs. 175 crore mark at the domestic box office, Adah Sharma took to social media and penned a heartfelt note. 
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Adah Sharma is currently basking in the success of her film The Kerala Story. Ever since, its release the film gathered both praise and criticism. As the film crossed Rs. 175 crore mark at the domestic box office, the actress took to social media and penned a heartfelt note. 
Adah shared a series of photos. The first photo was the film's poster with "175 cr* Net collection India" written on it. The second photo gives a glimpse of her look from the film. She is seen wearing an orange short kurta paired with a checkered skirt. In the third photo, she can be seen posing with an elephant. Sharing the post on Instagram, she wrote, "Badhai ho to you ,to all of us.. #TheKeralaStory success is all yours. Soon in West Bengal. (hopefully) and now released internationally (in the UK As well finalllyy) We are grateful for such an amazing response, for the #TheKeralaStory . Dreaming is everyone's birthright. I hope my story can be a story of hope for every actor stepping foot into the film industry that they can be part of something historic.
The Kerala Story crosses Rs. 175 crore mark
The Kerala Story recently entered the third week of its release. Without the movie being screened in West Bengal and Tamil Nadu, Sudipto Sen's directorial managed to cross Rs. 175 crore mark at the box office. As of now, the film has collected approximately Rs. 178.32 crores. 
Producers Guild of India objects to state-enforced bans
Producers Guild of India recently reacted to state-enforced bans on The Kerala Story. They released an official statement that read, "The Producers Guild of India is distressed by, and would like to record its strong objection to, state-enforced bans on The Kerala Story. As emphasised by us on several occasions in the past, film releases are regulated by CBFC and any film that complies with this statutory requirement should face no further hurdles in having the paying public decide on its fate." 
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art-of-manliness · 1 year
Podcast #896: The Art and Science of Getting Unstuck
Do you feel stuck in life — that you aren’t making progress in a relationship, job, or goal and you don’t know how to fix the problem and move forward? Well, perhaps you can take a little solace in the fact that it’s a universal human experience, even amongst history’s highest achievers. Indeed, when Adam Alter, a social psychologist and professor of marketing, looked at the lives of successful actors, musicians, writers, filmmakers, and entrepreneurs, he found that they all had passed through times in their lives and careers when they felt totally stuck. Today on the show, Adam, who’s the author of Anatomy of a Breakthrough: How to Get Unstuck When It Matters Most, explains why getting stuck is an inevitability in life, as well as mindset shifts and practices to escape from stuckness. We first talk about what contributes to getting stuck, including the goal gradient effect, and how the illusion of the creative cliff can keep you from seeing that you may end up doing your best work later in life. We then talk about dealing with the emotional angst of feeling stuck, and how it can be better to initially accept your stuckness than kick against the pricks. From there, we turn to some tactics for getting unstuck, including doing a friction audit and copying the work of others. In my favorite part of the conversation, we discuss the importance of recognizing when to move from exploring to exploiting, and vice versa. We end our conversation with why the mantra for getting unstuck is “action over all.” Resources Related to the Podcast * Adam’s previous appearance on the AoM podcast: Episode #420: What Makes Your Phone So Addictive & How to Take Back Your Life * a-ha’s video for “Take on Me” * Giannis on whether he considers this season a failure * AoM Article: Meditations on the Wisdom of Action * AoM Article: Want to Become a Better Writer? Copy the Work of Others! * AoM Article: Solvitur Ambulando — It Is Solved By Walking * AoM Podcast #418: How to Get Unstuck * AoM Podcast#432: How to Achieve Creative Success * AoM Podcast #512: Why Generalists Triumph in a Specialized World Connect With Adam Alter * Adam on LinkedIn * Adam on Twitter * Adam’s website Listen to the Podcast! (And don’t forget to leave us a review!) Listen to the episode on a separate page. Download this episode. Subscribe to the podcast in the media player of your choice. Listen ad-free on Stitcher Premium; get a free month when you use code “manliness” at checkout. Podcast Sponsors Click here to see a full list of our podcast sponsors. Transcript Coming Soon The post Podcast #896: The Art and Science of Getting Unstuck appeared first on The Art of Manliness. http://dlvr.it/SpBLyD
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pavitrtimes · 6 days
The Business Savvy of Celebrities: A New Era of Endorsements and Entrepreneurship
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In recent years, the business world has witnessed a significant shift with celebrities not just participating as faces of brands, but becoming entrepreneurs and influential business tycoons. Celeb endorsements, previously a passive cash-in for many stars, have evolved into strategic partnerships and even stepping stones into personal business ventures. This transformation marks a sophisticated integration of celebrity influence into the broader tapestry of business innovation and leadership.
Expansion into Entrepreneurship
Many celebrities have leveraged their public personas to create or co-found companies that align with their personal brand or passions. These ventures range from lifestyle and beauty brands to tech startups. For instance, several actors and musicians have successfully launched their own clothing lines, cosmetics brands, and health and wellness products, capitalizing on their reputation and fan base to secure a market foothold.
The key to their success lies in their ability to maintain authenticity while innovating. Their ongoing connection with a global audience provides invaluable consumer insights, enabling them to meet market needs effectively. Their active involvement in the business, from product development to marketing, reinforces their commitment to the brand, making it more appealing to consumers.
Strategic Partnerships and Investments
Beyond starting their own businesses, celebrities are becoming savvy investors, often getting involved with startups at an early stage. Their investment can provide a substantial publicity boost to small companies and drive significant consumer interest. Furthermore, celebrities bring to these ventures their unique insights into pop culture trends and consumer behavior, which can be crucial for a brand’s development and evolution.
Many celebrities also enter into strategic partnerships where they not only endorse a product but also take on roles in product design, development, and strategic marketing. By doing so, they ensure that the product aligns with their image and appeals to their fan base, which can lead to a deeper market penetration.
Influence on Corporate Strategies
Celebrities are increasingly influencing the strategic direction of established brands. By serving on boards or as creative directors, they use their visibility and influence to shape the brand’s identity and values. This level of involvement can rejuvenate a brand's image, attract new customer segments, and boost market performance.
Social Impact and Ethical Business
Many modern celebrities are also focusing on social entrepreneurship, using their business ventures to address social, environmental, or economic issues. This approach not only enhances their brand but also contributes to a positive social impact, which resonates well with today's ethically conscious consumers. For instance, some have launched brands that are entirely eco-friendly, promote sustainable resources, or donate a portion of profits to charity.
Challenges and Considerations
Despite the many successes, the blending of celebrity status with business ownership does bring challenges. The personal brand of the celebrity is tightly linked to the business, meaning any negative publicity can directly affect the company’s reputation and sales. Moreover, the need for an authentic connection to the brand and its values is crucial; any misalignment can lead to public skepticism and backlash.
Celebrities are redefining what it means to be a business mogul in the digital age by transitioning from mere endorsers to leaders, innovators, and entrepreneurs. As they navigate these roles, their journeys illuminate the challenges and opportunities of integrating personal branding with business strategy. With every venture, they set new trends and reshape the landscapes of industries, proving that their influence extends far beyond entertainment.
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Worldwide Access to Premier Keynote Speakers and Brand Ambassadors
In today's interconnected world, the ability to access top-tier talent for events, conferences, and marketing campaigns is more crucial than ever. The right keynote speaker or brand ambassador can significantly elevate the impact of your event, driving engagement and leaving a lasting impression. Promotivate, established in 2005, has positioned itself as a global leader in providing premier keynote speakers and brand ambassadors. With offices in Europe, the UK, Americas, and MENA, Promotivate offers unparalleled access to a diverse roster of over 1,500 experts.
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Promotivate's success is built on a foundation of excellence and a commitment to delivering outstanding service. Over nearly two decades, the agency has developed a flawless track record, earning the trust of organisations worldwide. Whether you are organising a corporate seminar, a high-profile conference, or a comprehensive marketing campaign, Promotivate ensures that you have access to the best talent available to meet your specific needs.
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One of the standout features of Promotivate is the comprehensive support and tailored advice offered throughout the entire process. From the initial consultation to post-event follow-up, Promotivate’s team of experts works closely with you to understand your objectives and requirements. This personalised approach ensures that the chosen speaker or brand ambassador aligns perfectly with your event's theme and desired outcomes.
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Promotivate's roster of over 1,500 experts spans a wide range of fields, providing a rich selection of choices for any event or campaign. This diversity allows you to find the perfect match for your specific needs, whether you require a business leader to share industry insights, a technology innovator to discuss the latest trends, a sports personality to inspire, or a celebrity to captivate and draw in audiences.
Business Leaders and Entrepreneurs: Promotivate offers a selection of seasoned business leaders and successful entrepreneurs who can share their experiences, strategies, and insights. These speakers are ideal for corporate events where the focus is on leadership, innovation, and business growth.
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In addition to keynote speakers, Promotivate excels in providing brand ambassadors who can enhance your marketing campaigns. A well-chosen brand ambassador can bring authenticity, visibility, and credibility to your brand. Promotivate helps you identify and secure ambassadors who resonate with your target audience and align with your brand values, thereby amplifying your brand's message and reach.
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With offices in Europe, the UK, Americas, and MENA, Promotivate is uniquely positioned to offer a truly global service. This geographical reach ensures that clients from around the world can access top-tier talent without limitations. Promotivate’s extensive network and industry connections mean that no matter where your event is taking place, the agency can provide the
to meet your specific needs.
The Promotivate Experience
Partnering with Promotivate means you are working with a dedicated team committed to your success. The agency's process is designed to be seamless and stress-free, allowing you to focus on other critical aspects of your event or campaign. From the meticulous selection of speakers to the logistics and coordination, Promotivate handles everything with professionalism and attention to detail.
Contact Promotivate Today
If you want to elevate your next event or brand campaign with top-tier keynote speakers and brand ambassadors, Promotivate is your go-to agency. With an extensive roster of over 1,500 experts, a flawless track record, and a commitment to providing comprehensive support, Promotivate ensures that your event will be memorable and impactful.
Contact Promotivate today to discover how their exceptional speakers and brand ambassadors can make a significant difference to your organisation. Let Promotivate help you inspire, educate, and entertain your audience with the best talent available.
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shefanispeculator · 1 year
It's birthday week for Gwen Stefani's "everything cowboy" Blake Shelton!
Stefani, 53, celebrated her country star husband's 47th birthday on Instagram Sunday, sharing a sweet compilation of videos and photos from their time together.
"happy bday and fathers day, @blakeshelton <3 i love u more than anything gx," she captioned the post.
The clip included memories from their wedding, videos of them performing on stage together and funny moments of the pair joking around at home, all set to Stefani's forthcoming single "True Babe,"
The "Used to Love You" singer also shared a photo of her kissing Shelton — whom she married in July 2021 — on the cheek to her Instagram story, writing, "HAPPY BDAY TO MY EVERYTHING COWBOY."
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Shelton recently stepped away as a coach on The Voice after 23 seasons, and Stefani is set to return to the NBC competition series next season.
She recently had the chance to praise her husband in public when he received a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame in May, as she told the crowd he was her "dream come true."
"He's humble, he's genuine, and trust me, wherever we go, everybody feels like they know Blake Shelton," she said. "Blake, you are a rare human being and for all the success that you've had in your life as a singer, a songwriter, a musician, a performer and entertainer, an actor, a comedian, an entrepreneur, he's the same guy today as he was back then. A country guy with a love for country music. He's magnetic, the most generous person you'll ever know and always just him. No matter where he goes, making people happy, laugh, making jokes."
As Stefani wrapped her speech, Shelton proudly said "That's my wife" and they shared a hug and a kiss.
The "God's Country" singer later praised Stefani in his own speech, saying that marrying her was the greatest thing he ever did.
"I kind of stopped checking things off my list of great accomplishments in my life when I married Gwen, so this is just icing on the cake," he said.
Shelton opened up to PEOPLE in December about married life, and said he feels “settled” since tying the knot with the No Doubt rocker.
"The relationship that we have is so natural and so normal. This feels like the easiest thing I've ever been a part of," he says of marriage. "To me, she's my best friend and everything that I need and lean on."
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Don't forget to decide whether or not to undergo breast screening for early diagnosis!
It's important to have all the information you need when making decisions about your health, and breast screening is no exception.
This leaflet aims to help you decide whether or not to have breast screening, because it's ultimately your choice.
So, why does the NHS offer breast screening?
The main goal is to save lives from breast cancer. By detecting breast cancers at an early stage, screening can find tumours that are too small to see or feel.
However, it's important to note that screening doesn't prevent breast cancer from occurring. Like any medical procedure, breast screening does come with some risks.
Some women who have screening may end up being diagnosed and treated for breast cancer that would never have been found or caused them harm otherwise.
Now, you might be wondering why you've been invited for breast screening. Well, if you're a woman aged 50 to 70, the NHS invites you for screening every three years.
However, there are also studies being conducted to assess the effectiveness of screening in different age groups, so some older and younger women may also receive invitations.
It's worth mentioning that even if you're over 70, you're still at risk of breast cancer.
Although you won't automatically get screening invitations after the age of 70, you can still have breast screening every three years. Just reach out to your local breast screening unit and ask for an appointment.
Let's show you some stories of famous British women's breast cancer journey!
Let's take a moment to remember some famous women who have had experiences with breast cancer.
Maggie Smith!
Maggie Smith is known for her fabulous act in some famous movies. A talented British actress we all know and love was diagnosed with breast cancer when she was 73.
She received chemotherapy while filming Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince. It's incredible to see how she tackled her treatment and continued to pursue her passion.
Carly Simon!
Carly Simon, the renowned singer-songwriter, had a successful surgery in 1997 to remove a stage I tumour.
Her doctor gave her the choice of whether or not to have chemotherapy, and she decided to go for it just to be safe. Simon later revealed that she was going through a deep depression during that time.
However, she has since written a New York Times best-selling memoir and continues to create music with her children. It's heartwarming to see how she used her experience to inspire others.
Teresa Heinz Kerry!
Teresa Heinz Kerry, a philanthropist and the wife of the former presidential nominee who became Secretary of State John Kerry, had a rare case of breast cancer in both breasts.
Not only that, but she also had different types of early-stage cancer in each breast. This meant that the treatment and chances of cancer-free survival depended on the more aggressive tumours. Kerry underwent lumpectomies and radiation therapy (as mastectomy) for her treatment.
Jaclyn Smith!
Lastly, another example is Jaclyn Smith, a well-known actor, entrepreneur, and mother of two. When her doctor wanted to take a biopsy of her left breast tissue, Smith was too busy and felt too healthy to worry.
However, when she received the news that it was cancerous, she was shocked. Today, she advises women in similar situations to have a family member or friend with them to help process the medical information.
Remember, it's your choice whether to have breast screening or not. Ultimately, what matters most is that you feel informed and empowered to make the decision that's right for you and your health.
Recovering the Spins in Life: Embodying Innovation in Breast Cancer Screening!
As women age, the importance of breast cancer screening becomes increasingly significant.
Despite the potential risk of radiation-induced breast cancer, the need for regular screening cannot be overstated.
Various factors, such as dosage variability, initiation age, and frequency of screening, can influence the incidence and mortality of radiation-induced breast cancer from digital mammography screening.
Potential ionising radiation exposure during mammography screenings!
Exposure to ionising radiation during mammography screenings raises concerns about the development of radiogenic breast cancer. The likelihood of repeated exposure to this radiation poses a potential risk that cannot be ignored.
In light of these concerns, finding a safer and more effective alternative is essential.
Introducing Koning 3D breast screening – a revolutionary medical device that offers minimal radiation exposure, eliminates breast compression, and ensures a pain-free experience.
With a scanning process that takes just 7 seconds, Koning 3D breast screening provides a comfortable and efficient way to prioritise your breast health.
Visit us at euronoxxmedical.com to order today.
Breast Cancer 2024 Live Conference!
To further promote awareness and education around breast cancer prevention, early detection, and management, a groundbreaking conference titled "Breast Cancer 2024" is set to take place.
Organised by the London International Medical School (LIMS) in collaboration with Euronoxx Medical and Koning Corporation (USA), this conference aims to bring together experts and professionals from the UK and the USA.
This innovative program welcomes GMC registered doctors, NMC registered nurses, and final-year medical students, providing a unique platform for learning and collaboration.
The conference will cover a range of topics, including primary prevention of breast cancer, secondary prevention strategies, and advancements in breast cancer treatment.
We Shed Light on early breast cancer detection awareness!
One of the conference's highlights is the discussion on early breast cancer detection using the Koning Breast 3D imaging procedure. This advanced medical equipment offers a more comprehensive and accurate method for detecting breast abnormalities, leading to better outcomes for patients.
Featuring a lineup of esteemed speakers, including Dr. Penny Kechagioglou, Dr. Qaiser Malik, Dr. Sarah Sadrudin, Ms. Jalini Varghese, and Professor Kefah Mokbel, the conference promises to deliver insights into the latest research, best practices, and patient experiences in breast cancer screening and treatment.
For those unable to attend in person, the conference will be live-streamed globally, allowing participants from all over the world to engage with the content in real-time.
This inclusive approach aims to ensure that individuals with a special interest in breast cancer, including those with a family history of the disease, can access valuable information and resources.
Join us on Saturday, September 7, 2024, at the Royal Society of Medicine in London for an enriching and informative conference on breast cancer prevention and management.
Be part of this transformative journey in reclaiming control over your breast health and well-being, followed by early detection of breast screening procedures.
Don't miss the opportunity to secure your spot and contribute to this vital initiative.
To learn more and register, visit euronoxxmedical.com today. Let's unite in the fight against breast cancer and pave the way for a healthier future together!
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The American Left has decided that the so-called meritocracy is a bad thing. In a typical example from the Los Angeles Times this week, Nicholas Goldberg points to a number of issues exploring how merit is not actually the key to power and riches in America:
Goldberg claims that the much-lauded meritocracy is less about merit and more about controlling access to elite institutions. It’s hard to argue with some of this. It’s easy to see the lie behind the claims of meritocracy when we look to the very top of the artificial hierarchy. It’s likely not a mere coincidence people like George W. Bush and Al Gore—a son of a US president and a son of a US senator, respectively—went to elite Ivy League schools. All of Al Gore’s four children, and one of Bush’s, went to Harvard. To think that these seven people got into these schools because they had more “merit” than all the rejected applicants requires gargantuan levels of credulousness.
Much of the Left’s rhetoric against the meritocracy has been in the service of justifying racial preferences and standardized testing in university admissions. Defenders of the status quo have subsequently fallen all over themselves to support the supposed meritocracy of the government-university complex. For example, Victor Davis Hansen, in a meandering and unconvincing article, recently attempted to blame the United States’ repeated foreign policy failures on an alleged decline of meritocracy. Meanwhile, Alan Dershowitz insists that today’s law schools are full of mediocrities—unlike when he and his friends filled elite universities with untrammeled brilliance.
Note that these examples from Hansen, Goldberg, and Dershowitz have nothing to do with the true meritocracy of the marketplace that made America a prosperous place where ordinary people could make comfortable lives for themselves. Rather, the pundits tend to focus on the fake meritocracy, which is all about government and quasi-government institutions: standardized tests, elite universities controlled by the ruling class, and what amounts to government-controlled professional licensing. In these cases, what constitutes merit is defined by technocrats. Most of what we now consider to be the official meritocracy was developed and popularized by the regime’s social reformers of the Progressive Era in the early twentieth century.
The Only Real Meritocracy Is the Market Meritocracy
The real meritocracy is something else entirely. The real meritocracy exists only in the marketplace, where there is no objective ideal of merit at all. Rather, in the marketplace, merit is determined by the extent to which a person provides value according to the subjective values of market actors. The value—i.e., “merit”—of a worker, an entrepreneur, or a business enterprise is determined by the client. Did an entrepreneur deliver a valued good or service? If so, he will be rewarded with both revenue and a good reputation. Did an attorney provide valued services to clients and defendants? If so, he or she will be richly rewarded in the marketplace. If markets were actually allowed to function in the areas of medicine, we’d find a similar relationship there between “merit” and value delivered to others. Those with the most merit are the most successful in the marketplace. But it’s the consuming public that determines what constitutes merit. In other words, true “merit”—which should be regarded as just another word for “market value”—is not at all determined by the ideals of government technocrats and their allies in academia.
Where Standardized Tests Come From
One prominent example of the reach of the official meritocracy is the bar exam. In a 2015 article, free-market advocate (and law professor) Allen Mendenhall pointed out that the exam is not really about merit, but is
Before the rise of official meritocracy, practitioners of law entered the profession through several paths, only one of which required law school. The marketplace was the ultimate referee in whether or not a lawyer added value. Similarly flexible standards characterized many fields, from barbering to medical schools. Over time, however, various professional cartels managed to convince governments to tightly control access to a variety of professions. New “objective” measures—which weren’t objective at all, but determined by government bureaucrats—were imposed on the public.
The bureaucrats themselves introduced an alleged meritocracy to protect their own jobs. In 1883, Congress passed the Pendleton Civil Service Reform Act. This imposed mandatory standardized testing for potential government employees in return for job security provisions under which federal workers could not be terminated for political reasons. This replaced the old “spoils system” in which the federal bureaucracy was tied to public accountability through elections. The Pendleton reform has long been sold as a change that “professionalized” the federal bureaucracy. Murray Rothbard, however, saw through this ruse and noted that the supposed meritocracy created a new permanent government class “insulated” from the public: “With the advent of Civil Service reform, the once temporary set of bureaucrats are now converted into a permanent and self-conscious class or caste, set aside from, and in fundamental opposition to, the mass of the citizenry.”
We’re told this all made bureaucrats perform “better.” Yet there is no objective measure for “bureaucratic performance” other than the arbitrary goals and protocols set out by politicians. The only undeniable result of the bureaucratic meritocracy is that it helps federal policy makers cripple public skepticism and political opposition to federal agents, thus paving the way for immense growth in federal employment and spending.
Testing Spreads to the General Public
By the early twentieth century, social reformers wanted to spread the meritocracy to the entire population. Government planners saw the potential of testing as a means of helping them plan society and the economy. This eventually came in the guise of standardized testing for all students and its related phenomenon, the IQ test.
The idea itself was not new. Like so many other innovations in freedom-destroying bureaucratization and political centralization, this idea came from Prussia:
However, through the end of the nineteenth century, implementation remained haphazard. The US’s education system was very decentralized, and many school districts simply chose not to participate. Nonetheless, standardized testing was gaining ground in tandem with the new field known as psychology.
Adoption of standardized testing—like so many other trends in American society geared toward government planning—was accelerated by the First World War. With the war came a military draft on a scale that far surpassed any previous conscription efforts. This new draft turned millions of Americans into government employees, and governments sought ways to more “efficiently” manage them:
Thus began the age of mass standardized testing. This paved the way for the application of mass testing in many other areas as well:
Federal planners were also happy to work with psychologists to develop what have come to be known as IQ tests. These tests were first developed by French psychologist Alfred Binet. In 1904, the French state—long a world leader in political centralization and mandatory state schooling—asked Binet to help the Ministry of Education evaluate students. The “promise” of Binet’s invention was immediately seen by government planners elsewhere.
Binet’s methods were expanded during the war. Standardized tests thus became a new category of government data, along the lines of household income data, employment data, and gross domestic product data. And like all data collection schemes, it became a tool for government planning.
Enter Eugenicist Central Planners
The most notorious of the Progressive central planners who gravitated toward these tests were the eugenicists. Naturally, the new age of cognitive testing allowed the government to justify any number of new government plans to manage populations and government resources. One of the most prominent eugenicists was Lewis Terman, a psychologist who developed his own IQ test in 1916. The test
A Key Tool in Federal-Corporate-Academic Partnerships
It is no accident that talk of the “meritocracy” tends to revolve around institutions that are tightly regulated by government agencies and enjoy close partnerships with the federal government. Major universities, heavily dependent on federal grants, have long worked with governments hand in hand to enforce the whims of powerful industrial interest groups and cartels. The public funding of higher education helps private industry transfer the costs of training and screening to taxpayers. Moreover, universities have long helped ensure that countless students have “correct” ideological views, in line with those of the regime. It is exactly the sort of outcome we should expect from schemes developed by and for reformers of the Progressive Era. This fact should also help us realize that the modern Left doesn’t really have a problem with the meritocracy overall. The Left merely wishes to control the meritocracy implemented by their ideological forebears so as to produce a different mix of “elites.” This plan is nothing more than a tweaking of the established system of “merit.”
On the other hand, if we really want to find the people who are the most productive, the most skilled, and the most beneficial to our daily lives, we must look far beyond the official meritocracy, which only tells us how well people have performed according to the regime’s standards. We must look to market competition instead.
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jahnvikhurana · 2 months
Elevating Professional Presence: The Importance of Professional Headshots by NYC's Premier Headshot Photographer
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In the bustling metropolis of New York City, where first impressions are everything, having a standout professional headshot is essential. In this blog, we'll explore the significance of professional headshots and why choosing the right headshot photographer in NYC is paramount to your success.
Making a Lasting Impression: Your headshot is often the first thing people see when they encounter your professional profile. It's your chance to make a memorable impression that reflects your professionalism, confidence, and personality. With NYC's competitive business landscape, a standout headshot can set you apart from the crowd.
Reflecting Your Brand: Your headshot is more than just a photo; it's a representation of your personal brand. A skilled headshot photographer in NYC will work with you to capture your unique essence and portray it in line with your brand identity. Whether you're aiming for corporate sophistication or creative flair, your headshot should align with your professional image.
Building Trust and Credibility: A high-quality headshot conveys trustworthiness and credibility, essential qualities in any professional setting. People are more likely to engage with someone they perceive as approachable and competent, and a polished headshot helps to instill confidence in your abilities.
Tailored to Your Needs: Professional headshot photographers in NYC understand the diverse needs of their clients. Whether you're an executive, entrepreneur, actor, or artist, they'll tailor their approach to suit your specific goals and industry requirements. From lighting and composition to wardrobe choices and background settings, every detail is carefully considered to ensure your headshots are a perfect reflection of you.
Investing in Your Success: Your headshot is an investment in your professional success. It's a tool that can open doors, attract opportunities, and elevate your career. By choosing a reputable headshot photographer in NYC, you're investing in the quality and effectiveness of your professional image.
In conclusion, professional headshots are an invaluable asset in today's competitive business world. Whether you're building your personal brand, seeking new career opportunities, or establishing trust with clients, a standout headshot can make all the difference. With NYC's premier headshot photographer, you can be confident that your professional image is in expert hands.
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republic-world · 1 year
Kartik Aaryan, Tabu Celebrate One Year Anniversary Of Bhool Bhulaiyaa 2 With BTS Photos
Kartik Aaryan, Kiara Advani and Tabu starred in the comedy horror movie Bhool Bhulaiyaa 2. The movie has completed one year since release.
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Kartik Aaryan, Tabu and Kiara Advani starred in the 2022 horror comedy Bhool Bhulaiyaa 2. The movie completed its one year since release on May 20. Lead actors Kartik and Tabu took to their social media accounts to share memories from the time they shot for the movie. 
Kartik played Rooh Baba in Bhool Bhulaiyaa 2, a character that became very popular. The actor received praises for his role in the movie and it did very very at the box office, considering the fact that it released during the pandemic. Taking to his Instagram, Kartik shared photos from the theatres where the movie ran house full along with stills and posters of the movie. He captioned the post, “Tin tin tin.. tinnin tin tin.. 🎶  One Year To This 🤙🏻 Thank you for all the love 🙏🏻 #BhoolBhulaiyaa2 (sic)."
Tabu reminisces Bhool Bhulaiyaa 2 days 
Tabu featured in a double role in the film. The Kuttey actress played the role of twin sisters Manjulika and Anjulika in the comedy horror. Reminiscing her time on Bhool Bhulaiyaa 2 set, Tabu shared BTS pictures from the movie on the occasion of it completing a year of release. In the caption she wrote, “Sabko happy birthday #bhoolbhulaiyaa2 @aneesbazmee @tseries.official @muradkhetani @kartikaaryan @kiaraaliaadvani @ipritamofficial @chaayaankan @varung0707 @manoharvermaaction and all our participants (sic)." 
Kartik Aaryan and Kiara Advani movie 
Kartik Aaryan and Kiara Advani’s chemistry in Bhool Bhulaiyaa 2 was loved by the audience and critics alike. The actors are now all set to star in the movie Satyaprem Ki Katha in the lead roles. The movie is slated to release on June 28 and the teaser of the film was released recently. 
Bhool Bhulaiyaa 3 in the works
Bhool Bhulaiyaa 2 is a comedy-horror movie directed by Anees Bazmee. The movie is a sequel to the 2007 movie Bhool Bhulaiyaa starring Akshay Kumar, Vidya Balan, Rajpal Yadav and Paresh Rawal among others. Bhool Bhulaiyaa 2 became one of the highest-grossing films of 2022. After the success of the film, a threequel has also been announced. 
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multivlog · 3 months
Discover the Astonishing Net Worth of American Celebrities on Multivlog.com
In the realm of American entertainment, celebrities are not just famous for their talent and charisma but also for their staggering net worth. These individuals have achieved remarkable success in their respective fields, amassing wealth that can often leave us in awe. If you're curious about the financial accomplishments of your favorite American stars, look no further than Multivlog.com. Here, you can uncover the net worth of USA celebrities and be astounded by their achievements.
One of the most captivating aspects of exploring celebrity net worth is discovering the vast differences among individuals. While some celebrities have achieved significant wealth through their careers, others have soared to unparalleled heights, becoming the highest net worth celebrity in the country. Multivlog.com provides a comprehensive platform where you can delve into these financial details and gain insights into the economic impact of stardom.
From iconic actors and actresses to renowned musicians and entrepreneurs, Multivlog.com offers a glimpse into the financial landscapes of various American celebrities. For instance, you can explore the net worth of Hollywood legends like Tom Hanks and Meryl Streep, whose enduring contributions to cinema have not only earned them critical acclaim but also substantial wealth.
Additionally, the platform showcases the extraordinary earnings of musicians such as Beyoncé, Jay-Z, and Taylor Swift, whose talent and business acumen have propelled them to the top of the music industry's wealth ladder. Beyond entertainment, Multivlog.com also features entrepreneurs like Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos, whose innovative ventures have resulted in astronomical net worth figures.
One of the most captivating aspects of Multivlog.com is its ability to inspire and motivate. As you navigate through the net worth profiles of these American celebrities, you may find yourself inspired by their journeys, work ethic, and determination. Whether it's overcoming challenges, seizing opportunities, or making impactful contributions to society, these celebrities exemplify what can be achieved through passion and perseverance.
Moreover, Multivlog.com offers a dynamic platform where you can stay updated on the latest financial developments in the celebrity world. As net worth figures fluctuate based on various factors such as career milestones, investments, and endorsements, the website ensures that you have access to accurate and up-to-date information.
In conclusion, Multivlog.com is your gateway to discovering the incredible net worth of American celebrities and exploring the stories behind their financial success. Whether you're a fan of Hollywood stars, music icons, or visionary entrepreneurs, this platform invites you to be amazed by their accomplishments and inspired by their journeys. Visit Multivlog.com today and embark on a fascinating exploration of celebrity wealth like never before.
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catchasta · 3 months
Capturing the Essence of Excellence: Headshots Gold Coast by Catchastar
In today's digital age, first impressions matter more than ever, especially in the professional realm. Your headshot serves as your virtual handshake, offering potential clients, employers, and collaborators a glimpse into your personality, professionalism, and brand identity. That's why investing in a high-quality headshot is essential for making a positive and lasting impression. In this blog, we'll explore the world of Headshots Gold Coast and discover why Catchastar is the go-to destination for exceptional headshot photography.
The Importance of a Professional Headshot
Making a Memorable First Impression
Your headshot is often the first point of contact between you and your audience, whether it's on LinkedIn, your company website, or social media profiles. A professional headshot communicates confidence, credibility, and approachability, helping you stand out from the crowd and leave a lasting impression on potential clients, employers, and colleagues. With a well-crafted headshot, you can convey your professionalism, personality, and brand identity in a single image, making it an invaluable tool for personal and professional branding.
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Building Trust and Connection
In today's increasingly digital world, establishing trust and connection with your audience is essential for building meaningful relationships and driving business success. A professional headshot humanizes your brand, allowing people to put a face to the name and feel a sense of familiarity and trust. Whether you're a business professional, entrepreneur, or creative artist, a high-quality headshot helps you connect with your audience on a deeper level, fostering trust, credibility, and engagement.
Enhancing Your Online Presence
In the age of social media and online networking, your digital presence is more important than ever. Your headshot is often the first thing people see when they visit your online profiles, making it a critical component of your personal and professional brand. A professional headshot not only enhances the visual appeal of your online presence but also reinforces your credibility and professionalism, helping you attract new opportunities, clients, and connections.
The Art of Headshot Photography by Catchastar
Exceptional Quality and Attention to Detail
At Catchastar, we specialize in capturing the essence of excellence through our exceptional headshot photography services. With years of experience and a keen eye for detail, our team of talented photographers is dedicated to delivering headshots that exceed your expectations and showcase your unique personality and professionalism. From lighting and composition to posing and expression, we pay meticulous attention to every aspect of the photography process to ensure that your headshots reflect the best version of yourself.
Tailored to Your Unique Brand
We understand that every individual and business is unique, which is why we take a personalized approach to our headshot photography services. Whether you're a corporate executive, entrepreneur, actor, or model, we work closely with you to understand your goals, preferences, and brand identity, ensuring that your headshots align with your personal and professional image. Whether you prefer a traditional corporate headshot or a more creative and expressive portrait, we tailor our photography style to suit your specific needs and vision.
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A Seamless and Stress-Free Experience
At Catchastar, we believe that the process of getting your headshots taken should be as enjoyable and stress-free as possible. From the initial consultation to the final delivery of your images, we strive to provide a seamless and hassle-free experience for our clients. Our friendly and professional Headshot Photographer Gold Coast create a relaxed and comfortable environment during the photoshoot, allowing you to feel confident and at ease in front of the camera. With our efficient scheduling and quick turnaround times, you can have your headshots taken and delivered in no time, ready to make a memorable impression on your audience.
Conclusion: Elevate Your Image with Headshots Gold Coast by Catchastar
In conclusion, investing in professional headshots is essential for making a positive and lasting impression in today's digital age. Whether you're a business professional, entrepreneur, or creative artist, a high-quality headshot helps you convey your professionalism, personality, and brand identity with confidence and credibility. With Catchastar's exceptional headshot photography services on the Gold Coast, you can elevate your image and stand out from the crowd with headshots that showcase the best version of yourself. So why wait? Schedule your headshot session with Catchastar today and let us capture the essence of excellence in every frame.
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