#todd got his resting bitch face 24/7
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And once again i share my brainrot over Fem! Todd Brotzman and Dirk Gently! Please enjoy these designs of mine
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snickletastic · 7 years
Definitely in a Creepy Way {Jason Todd x Reader}
warnings~ drinking, cursing, angst
summary~ jason and reader go out to a club for a date, but jealousy erupts when multiple women won’t stop flirting with jason
a/n~ i tried to make this long because i know i haven’t posted in awhile! i’m so sorry about that, i’ve been super busy with school. i hope everybody had an amazing holiday and happy 2018! i might try to write a new years story. also, i know the way the story is written is a bit confusing, so the beginning takes place after the middle part, and the last part is after the beginning (i know it’s confusing but i wanted to write in a different style for once, heheh)
“Go. Away.” You said through clenched teeth as Jason followed you down the hall. 
“It wasn’t my fault! Why are you always so mad at me? Are you on your period 24/7 or are you just a bitch?” Jason inhaled sharply the second he realized what he had just said, but it was too late and he couldn’t suck the words back in. 
“Excuse me?” you raised your voice, “That was completely un-fucking-called for! Why would you even say something like that!?” You pushed Jason as hard as you could but he didn’t budge.
“I-I’m sorry..that’s not what I meant to say-”
“Of course it wasn’t, but you said it anyways, you ass,” you ran into your room and slammed the door shut behind you, locking him out.
“I’m sorry, Y/N! I don’t know what got into me,” Jason leaned his head against the door and groaned at his own stupidity. He could smell his own breath as he panted, it reeked of alcohol. With the realization that he’s drunk, he hit his head against the door.
Jason had brought you to a club in the center of the city for a date. He figured it’d be a fun change of scenery from your usual restaurant and movie dates. The night was young, and Jason wanted to take you on his motorcycle. 
“Are you positive it’s safe?” you nervously crossed your arms as Jason held out his helmet.
“I wouldn’t let you near the motorcycle if it wasn’t 100% safe. I’m even giving you my helmet, I’ll use the spare one.”
“Are you sure? Yours looks so…expensive,” you examined it as he still held it out to you.
Jason noticeably got tired of your stalling and put the helmet over your head, “There, now you’re ready,” he gently hit your helmet and laughed.
You groaned and got on his bike as he put the spare helmet on. Before he got on the bike, he stopped and studied you. “What?” you asked. 
“You look like you belong on a playboy calendar,” he smiled.
“Stop ogling me. Let’s get to the club before it’s dark,” you rolled your eyes.
He finally got on the bike and started the engine. You wrapped your arms around his waist as tight as you possibly could, holding on for dear life. To tease you, he revved the engine a few times and laughed whenever you somehow managed to squeeze tighter.  
The ride to the club was surprisingly exhilarating, the wind in your hair was stimulating. The sound of the motorcycle was muted by the sound of the wind pounding against your helmet. After 5 minutes on the motorcycle, you didn’t even want to go to the club anymore. There was no place you’d rather be than on Jason’s motorcycle with your arms wrapped around him tightly, feeling him breathing. The streetlights were like giant fluorescent moons passing at 60 miles per hour. When Jason pulled into the parking space and turned the engine off, it was almost like a rude awakening to an intoxicating dream.
The sun was nearly gone, but the sky was still bright with an array of orange and yellows. Jason noticed you shiver lightly and quickly took off his leather jacket, wrapping it around your shoulders as the two of you approached the club entrance. The bouncer nodded at Jason and let you both in. 
As soon as you walked in, the noise of the music blared through your eardrums, and the lights shined purple and blue. Crowds of people were cattled together on the dancefloor, and couples sat in booths on the outskirts, mostly drinking or making out. The bar was crowded, but two stools were empty. Jason nodded his head towards the stools, saying something inaudible. You just shook your head yes and he slipped his arm around your waist, leading you through the crowds of people on the dancefloor, trying to get to the seats. 
As you walked through the mass, people kept bumping into your sides or stepping on your feet. A drunk girl broke from the crowd and wrapped her arms around Jason’s neck, trying to kiss him. He quickly jerked his head back and pushed her off of him, then proceeded to walk even faster, holding your hand as you trailed behind him. A dancing couple who were practically having sex broke your chain with Jason, and you immediately lost him in the crowd. You started to shuffled between people, trying to find him. The best thing to do was to get out onto the exterior, so you snaked through drunks and shady people. 
When you finally got out, you went over to the bar to wait for Jason. After about 5 minutes, he finally broke out of the hoard and gave you an awkward thumbs up when he saw you giggling to yourself. 
He walked over to you and gave you a kiss, “I tried looking for you, but that crazy drunk girl was stalking me through the crowd. I figured I’d lose her before coming out to the bar.”
You gave him a sweet smile and gently rubbed his arm,”Let’s just order a couple drinks, hm?”
The two of you walked over to the bar and sat down next to eachother.
“Excuse me,” Jason called out to the bartender, “Can I get a dry whiskey and a-,” he scratched his head and looked over to you. 
“A martini, please,” you told the bartender.
The bartender began to make your drink after he poured Jason a whiskey.
“A martini, huh?” Jason grinned at you as he swished his drink around in his glass.
“Pffft, I just ordered it for the olives,” you joked and Jason laughed as he took a sip of his drink.
The bartender set down your martini, “on the house, hun,” he winked and flashed you a smile. Jason choked on his whiskey as the man walked to the next customer down the bar. 
“Jason, I swear-”
“Who the hell does he think he is? He can clearly see that we’re together! What the fuck?” 
“Jason, don’t start. Don’t. Tonight is our date night, don’t let the dumb bartender ruin it, okay?” You assured him in a kind voice, trying to calm him down by holding his hand.
He contemplated his next action, but when he saw your face, he decided to leave the bartender alone,”Alright. But if he pulls that shit again-”
“I don’t think he will,” you kept trying to assure him.
Jason chugged the rest of his whiskey and flagged the other bartender down to pour him another. You ate the olives out of your martini, then proceeded to sip it. The two of you chatted for awhile, told eachother the stupidest jokes you could come up with, and told stories about stupid things your families have done over the years.
“And Damian started beating the guy with a banjo he took off of the shelves!” Jason laughed and you giggled.
“I’ve never heard of anyone trying to rob a music store before,” you sipped more on your drink.
“It was hilarious. When the police came, they had to pry the banjo off the guys head. It left a giant red line on his forehead, you can even see it in his mugshots,” Jason said through his laughter.
“What was th-,” before you could finish, a woman interrupted your conversation with Jason. She was wearing a short red dress with matching lipstick and heels, her blonde hair in a bun, and a cosmo in her right hand.
“Excuse me honey,” she said condescendingly as she reached across the bar to ring the bell for a bartender. You coughed awkwardly as she stood between you and your boyfriend. 
“You know what?” the blonde started, “Why don’t you go find another place to sit? Perhaps over there,” she pointed a finger at the other end over at the other end of the bar, where all of the creepy men were sitting and staring at drunk women dancing. 
You scoffed and she smirked then turned her head to face Jason, “Why don’t you ask this tramp to leave us alone? Hm?” she had humour in her voice, but she definitely wasn’t drunk. 
“Who do you think you are? That’s my boyfriend,” You said indignantly.
“Oh please, someone that looks like that would never hook up with the likes of you,” her words stung. You immediately grabbed your clutch and stormed out of the club, pushing through the crowds of drunks. 
“Y/N! Wait!” Jason got up to chase after you. The blonde went to grab his arm but he pulled it away, “Fuck off.”
You ran outside and the chilly air made you shiver as soon as it made contact with your skin. At the realization that Jason had too much to drink to drive you home, you stamped your foot in frustration before walking to the sidewalk. Jason eventually made it through the drunken crowds and outside where you were. He ran over to your side, but was unsure of what to say. 
“She was a drunken bitch, Y/N,” Jason rubbed his forehead.
You ignored him and attempted to flag down a taxi. One flew by, and you groaned. Jason put his hands in his pockets, ashamed that he was too intoxicated to drive you home. It didn’t even cross his mind earlier. Another taxi pulled over and the both of you got in. Jason texted Roy to pick up his motorcycle later. 
When the taxi finally pulled over to the mansion, you stepped out and walked as fast as you could without sprinting towards the steps. 
“Wait, can we talk about this?” Jason shouted.
“About what, Jason? The fact that I’m not pretty enough to be seen with you in public without whores throwing themselves at you?” You turned back around and stomped into the house.
Jason trailed behind you like a puppy, trying to find the correct words to string together but couldn’t find them.
You woke up the next morning still wearing the same dress and Jason’s leather jacket. Your heels were on opposite sides of the room, and when you went to pick them up, your reflection showed tear stains on your makeup. You sighed and put on clean clothes before preparing to face Jason after your dramatic drunk reaction. When you opened the door, Jason fell inwards onto your feet. 
“OH MY GOSH,” you screamed as he woke up and got himself off of the floor.
“Shhhhhhhhhh, no loud noises,” he whispered, “Y/N! We have to talk,” he said as he rubbed his head.
“Hungover?” You asked.
“Unfortunately,” Jason leaned against the doorway.
“Me too.” You half smiled.
Jason smiled at your smile before his face going blank again, “I’m so sorry about what happened last night, I would’ve told her off but-I mean i should have but I-,” Jason stuttered, “I had this speech all planned out while waiting outside of the door- I can’t believe i forgot it all.”
You laughed and gave him a hug, “I was just as drunk as you were, Jay,” you said into his shoulder, “It was just me being overdramatic.”
“I just want you to know, what I’m about to say is going to be the cheesiest thing you’ll ever hear, but-you’re the most beautiful human being I’ve ever seen with my own two eyes. Sometimes I’ll watch you sleep and want to cry because you’re so perfect. I don’t deserve you, Y/N.”
You wanted to cry all over again, but squeezed Jason tighter, “I love you so much.”
“I love you, Y/N.” He held you close.
You leaned back to look at him and tilted your head, “You watch me sleep?”
Jason awkwardly coughed and scratched his head, “I-uh-I-I mean, sometimes- not in a creepy way- I don’t-” 
You laughed hysterically at his reaction and kissed him, “Don’t worry about it. I watch you sleep sometimes, too, but definitely in a creepy way,” you joked. 
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meanwhileinoz · 7 years
40 Of The Funniest Reactions By Twitter To The New ‘GOT’ Episode Beyond The Wall
Twitter’s Reaction To Everything Is Always Hilarious.
This Post Will Contain Spoilers Of Season 7 Episode 6.
That might be because of all the memes. In this case however, I fully agree with all of the following posts. I mean come on! This episode left us all practically shell shocked. I mean who would have thought Drogon would have gone down that easy.
Honestly, I don’t care if they kill humans in the show but dragons really? I am sure the whole ‘beyond the wall’ battle had all us biting our nails. So following is some of Twitter users reaction to new episode.
#1 Never Cross This Line.
BTS footage of #GameofThrones season 7 episode 6: Beyond the Wall #ThronesYall http://pic.twitter.com/cHXe28mSjU
— bella (@eesabp) August 21, 2017
#2 And It Never Will.
That blade of flames never gets old! #gameofthrones http://pic.twitter.com/qzMeQzzDpM
— Jessica Veronica 🦄 (@colexicana) August 21, 2017
#3 My Paperbag Popped In The First Two Seconds.
#gameofthrones got me http://pic.twitter.com/iHTODZ6lvF
— Princess rebel (@obiwindukin) August 21, 2017
#4 Really? Then What Is With All The Longing Looks?
“He’s too little for me.” OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO #GameOfThrones http://pic.twitter.com/zDDBmtbUxr
— Glamour (@glamourmag) August 21, 2017
#5 And Yet He Succeeded Or Did He?
#GameofThrones Anytime LittleFinger speaks: http://pic.twitter.com/v9GMuFs70n
— GoT Things (@GoTthings_) August 21, 2017
#6 Drunk Dwarf For The Win.
Dani, a word, please? Nobody on this show ever scored points with us by trash-talking Tyrion. We LOVE our drunk dwarf. #GameOfThrones
— Richard (@alltvallshade) August 21, 2017
#7 Then You Realize All Your Nails Are Gone.
Me rn #GameOfThrones http://pic.twitter.com/Y0qRXwfHKd
— Darren (@djohn90) August 21, 2017
#8 Yet He Had A Weapon For Killing Dragons. I Wonder Why?
#GameOfThrones White walker was like… http://pic.twitter.com/XHzNVpaUq4
— Tiffany4Honor 🎀🎀🎀 (@princess6400) August 21, 2017
#9 His Big War Hammer Didn’t Help Much Did It?
— Faith D’Isa (@FaithNoMoar) August 21, 2017
#10 Because Game Of Thrones?
But really, why are men allowed to make choices on this show? #gameofthrones
— ¯_(ツ)_/¯ (@SonicBananas87) August 21, 2017
#11 Don’t Even Know What To Say To This.
A bunch of Steven Bannon ancestors chasing Jon’s Squad now #GameofThrones #ThronesYall
— Black Nerd Problems (@BlkNrdProblems) August 21, 2017
#12 That Is The Magic Of Game Of Thrones.
It use to take an entire season for people to go one place to another on #GameOfThrones. Now it takes 10 minutes. 😂
— ronald isley (@yoyotrav) August 21, 2017
#13 Nobody Should Disturb A Person Who Is Watching GOT.
GET OUT 🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️ #GameOfThrones
— Khal Draghoe (@brownandbella) August 21, 2017
#14 I Think He Was A Bit More Faster.
Gendry right now #GameOfThrones http://pic.twitter.com/JdWheuDJf2
— GoT Things (@GoTthings_) August 21, 2017
#15 A Moment Of Silence For Thoros.
Damn. RIP Thoros of Myr. #GameOfThrones http://pic.twitter.com/cVxfbPPpk1
— Khal Draghoe (@brownandbella) August 21, 2017
#16 Do It! Just Do It!
Guys. You gotta burn Thoros, he was killed by a zombear. He’s gonna be a wight. Kill him. Do it. Do it now. #GameOfThrones NoConfederate
— Donna Dickens (@MildlyAmused) August 21, 2017
#17 Game Of Thrones Ya’ll.
Gendry: disappears on a boat, MIA for 3 years Also Gendry: cuts hair, becomes most important character in Season 7 #gameofthrones
— Ice Ice Gendry (@AreyouthereZod) August 21, 2017
#18 Always And Forever.
Beric’s party trick > your party trick #gameofthrones
— Remy (@Lemon_Monkeys) August 21, 2017
#19 We All Are.
Looking forward to all the Boston rally / #GameOfThrones memes tomorrow: http://pic.twitter.com/fH6DZsAof1
— Todd Gibson (@BreakingRad) August 21, 2017
#20 When You Don’t Know If You Are A White-walker Or Not.
The look jon snow & the rest gave waking up on white walker island = to what I look like checking my texts after a night out #GameOfThrones
— Matthew Thomas (@The_MA_Thomas) August 21, 2017
#21 That Is Exactly How It Went.
Night King waiting for Jon to make a move like. #GameOfThrones http://pic.twitter.com/uasZ7xE6BO
— Tony Stephan (@OmnipoTony) August 21, 2017
#22 Yes She Had Time To Shop After Drogo Got Killed.
damn Daenerys, is that Dolce and Gabbana ‘Winter is Here’ edition? #GameofThrones http://pic.twitter.com/AfI4EGA8wC
— Lᴏʀᴀs Tʏʀᴇʟʟ (@SerLorasTy) August 21, 2017
#23 All We Care About Is Her Awesome Outfit.
Daenerys flying in to rescue her man like a BOSS while slaying tf out of her winter outfit. I love a heroine #GameofThrones http://pic.twitter.com/l0As3ilQZw
— Arre (@arrestormborn) August 21, 2017
#24 Sometimes Running Away Is The Best option. Too Bad They Didn’t Have That.
Me when I saw Jon’s Suicide Squad vs the oncoming army of the dead #ThronesYall #GameofThrones http://pic.twitter.com/ZS3rQk4yLT
— Marielle (@SoyMarielle) August 21, 2017
#25 You Die!
— bab (@unlovabla) August 21, 2017
#26 Game Of Thrones Is All About Cool Clothes.
Come through with that winter coat Dany!!!!! #GameOfThrones #DemThrones #ThronesYall http://pic.twitter.com/owDpYgIh3H
— Brandie (@msbranp) August 21, 2017
#27 And He Was Able To Capture The Rare Pokemon, The White Walker.
Lol. Jon Snow edition of entering an icecave full of wild zubats when you only needed 1 to complete your pokedex #GOT #GameOfThrones
— Samantha Mitchell (@sunnyfox88) August 21, 2017
#28 They Are Set On Fast Delivery This Season.
I swear the ravens come with the overnight shipping option. #GameOfThrones
— Him Again. 🇻🇮 (@ViSneakerBoy) August 21, 2017
#29 How Come You Didn’t Bring Me One?
when u open a pack of gum in class#GameOfThrones http://pic.twitter.com/RU9xCV1Lyw
— Jαмιє (@aIfiealIen) August 21, 2017
#30 I Almost Choked.
This battle scene #GameOfThrones http://pic.twitter.com/gf7L5Ff1jN
— Chris Shumaker (@Chris__Shumaker) August 21, 2017
#31 Fetch Is Never Going To Happen.
Dany’s outfit tho #GameOfThrones #ThronesYall #NoConfederate http://pic.twitter.com/lw9zqKCJkC
— Black Girl Nerds (@BlackGirlNerds) August 21, 2017
#32 Game Of Thrones Gives You Whiplash.
50% of this episode, I’m laughing hysterically. The other 50%, I’m screaming my brains out. #GameofThrones
— Faith D’Isa (@FaithNoMoar) August 21, 2017
#33 She Totally Knew What Was Going TO Happen So She Was ready.
Dany put on her finest fur to go save Jon and em. #gameofthrones http://pic.twitter.com/HayPJBNjOk
— High flying Bitch (@ErbanLady) August 21, 2017
#34 She Has A Lot Of Time When She Is Not Giving Jon Longing Looks.
When did Daenerys find time to visit Jon’s tailor? Bc that fur coat is BAD BITCH CERTIFIED. #GameOfThrones
— Khal Draghoe (@brownandbella) August 21, 2017
#35 She Wishes That She Would Have Listened To Tyrion Now.
This is what “Enough with clever plans” meant? 😭#GameOfThrones http://pic.twitter.com/KIOYBztXWu
— ᑕapdeviel|e (@JLCapdevielle) August 21, 2017
#36 I Bet They Are.
Are these zombies wearing yeezys? #GameofThrones
— Ashley Reese (@offbeatorbit) August 21, 2017
#37 ‘Dumb Cunt’ Line Of The Year.
*throws a rock* “Yeah, that’ll show them.” #GameofThrones
— Alexzandra Enger (@AlexzandraEnger) August 21, 2017
#38 He Is Still Hiding Deep Beneath This Temporary Persona.
I miss the alcoholic dwarf. Who was the smartest man in the room. #gameofthrones
— Daddy Ali (@ShamzBats13) August 21, 2017
#39 ‘Fuck It’ 
#GameofThrones #ThronesYall When The Hound clocked that wight square in the damn face http://pic.twitter.com/7fq1a9yuqn
— ThronesYall (@ThronesYall) August 21, 2017
#40 Game Of Thrones Is The Leading cause Of Anxiety These Days.
I have too much anxiety right now #GameofThrones http://pic.twitter.com/gsR2ePhFFq
— father of dragons 🐉 (@OatsFull) August 21, 2017
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