littletofuna · 1 year
so the reason why queen charlotte still dress so lavishly (and sort of out of the time) is because she is still reminiscing her time with king george when they were young and he hasn't gone fully mad
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trulytofu · 1 year
First they twinkified him in the drip marketing, and now Hoyo’s bottomized Kaveh by outing him as a Cancer.
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hey-its-tofu · 10 months
can't wait for the sou minisode to reveal he takes three showers a day so the dirty and smelly misinterpretation can die off permanently !!!
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byulroos · 10 months
ive missed tumblr so deeply it feels so strange starting from scratch ;;
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Had a great conversation with Claire and Cami from @theravencorps for the #OurNewNornal series, and I made it to the market in time to get fresh soy milk, tofu, and bun xao chay! So far, it’s a good day. #vietvegan #tofutalks #vegan #vegansofig #activism #humanrights #animalrights (at Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam) https://www.instagram.com/p/CAwS-VoDnkH/?igshid=1mfwo5j9ueyn9
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soontofustew · 2 years
i've been clearing out my tumblr and one thing i realised is i wish i had been less self conscious when i was younger. i haven't been back here in a few years and i was really active in my junior college days, but i wish i had reblogged more of the content i enjoyed instead of trying to limit my tumblr to just a single group or a single interest, because i was afraid that people would unfollow me because of that. i wish i was less concerned over the social media numbers and metrics, because i really made myself feel that i had to segment my interests. anyway, this blog is going to become a feelings & words dump for myself, and i might or might not start posting edits or writing again, whenever i become comfortable to do so.
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friedtofu · 3 years
tofu’s navi
☆○o。#tofutalks - random shitposting。o○☆ 
☆○o。#tofuworks - hcs/works。o○☆
☆○o。#tofureads - fic recs!。o○☆
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littletofuna · 1 year
i hope that with the queen charlotte spin-off the writers realized that subplot do matter. it’s not some drama addition, subplot enhance and even influence the main plot. so give those to people that are close to the main couple and affecting the story, like brimsley-reynolds, lady danbury. or at the very least give it to likeable characters that audience already love like violet (heck even her story and her parents is part of the story).
the thing is, they already do this in s1! i care almost all the subplot there! so i’m sort of disappointed that the writers forget about this in s2 (the featheringtons stuff except for penelope). i hope they truly focus on benophie for s4🥹
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trulytofu · 1 year
haikavetham headcanons (dom/sub/top/bottom dynamics)
Kaveh is “dominant” in the way he knows what he wants. He has fantasies and creative ideas that he wants to indulge in.
Alhaitham is “submissive” in the way he goes along with said fantasies, because his curiosity takes hold and he simply wishes to experience Kaveh’s world — he’d be willing to try just about anything at least once. He wants to please him, but his sexual inexperience and aversion to romance has left him unsure of how, so the other’s requests serve as a good starting point.
Kaveh is “submissive” with his physical and emotional sensitivity/vulnerability and desire to be dominated. He likes it when Alhaitham takes charge and has a rough way with him. He’d like to be free of responsibility and have someone take care of him, giving them control instead.
Alhaitham is “dominant” in a rough, traditionally masculine way that can primarily be described as instinctual. He simply knows what to do. His direct and blunt personality translates into direct action when it comes to sex, but he is also intimately aware at all times of his partner’s comfort and needs, taking note of what action issues what response. Additionally, his approach is rooted in swift calculations — exactly how much of what does he needs to do in order to accomplish a satisfying outcome for the two of them. While this contrasts with animalistic instinct, it’s more so intertwined with his own as a human being to create an autonomous result.
I largely prefer Kaveh as a bottom, but as a top he is seductive and crafty, wanting to get his hands all over his sexy man’s body and please him in every way. Alhaitham would be a reserved bottom, shy and restrained, which turns Kaveh on more as he pushes all of his buttons. However, he gets carried away and finds himself becoming overstimulated and cumming too quickly to be able to top for long, having to resort to other tactics to finish the other off. In my opinion, he has too little restraint to be a “full time” top.
On the other hand, Alhaitham has stamina for days. Going back to his instinctual, calculating nature, he would devise a strategy: prolonging his own orgasm for as long as he needs to to fulfill Kaveh’s every desire first, leaning in to foreplay and teasing him until he finally begs him to be filled. When he’s made sure he’s had enough, he lets loose. Of course, he’s still enjoying himself the whole time, knowing he’s being a crafty and sly SOB. And maybe he’ll go back for another round. Or two. Or three. Meanwhile, Kaveh’s already had several. I’d give them a 1:3 ratio, give or take. The poor man loves every second of it, though.
Bottom Kaveh is emotional, affectionate, needy, and loud. Oh, and he’s a cocksucking cumslut. Need I say more?
Concept: Alhaitham as a sub top & Kaveh as a dom bottom
Conclusion: their behaviors are completely mirrored, what else is new. (Sprint vs. marathon, loud & needy vs. quiet & shy, raw emotion vs. calculated strategy, etc.)
Service top Alhaitham/needy & whiny bottom Kaveh or seductive short burst top Kaveh/reserved bottom Alhaitham.
Pick your poison. (Why not both?)
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littletofuna · 1 year
"oh i hope shadow and bone get season 3" well i sure hope it does BECAUSE I BETTER SEE ZOYALAI ON MY SCREEN OR ELSE–
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hey-its-tofu · 10 months
and what if I posted my ocs more? would you guys be interested in my silly little guys?
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littletofuna · 1 year
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we're going to see them on august!!!
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littletofuna · 1 year
i want benedict season to be full yearning from benedict and sophie!!! we see more from sophie since the book is from her perspective most of the time, but i want from benedict too!!! i want him to sketch the lady in silver all the time but then it turns into sketches of sophie, just her sitting or laughing as he realizes he is falling for her!!! gimme all the those stuffs!!!
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hey-its-tofu · 10 months
Once again thinking about the implications that in emotion route there's a "final main game" but it's not anywhere to be found in logic route
What does that mean???
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hey-its-tofu · 10 months
what if I made a collage of every time I went on a paragraph long ramble about yttd to my poor friends?
I bet there'd be enough content there to make one,,,
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hey-its-tofu · 11 months
me, lying in bed with severe abdominal pain and nausea debating whether it's an emergency or not: wow this is just like Shin Tsukimi from hit indie horror visual novel Your Turn To Die
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