#toga: i'm not sure actually he just kinda put it inside his head and i assumed he ate it
thotsforvillainrights · 8 months
Can I request the LOV (or shie hissaikai) members reacting to getting that big smooch on new years? (Happy new years!)
(It may be TMI, but this is like my favorite New Years Tradition)
~LOV New Years Kiss~
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-Shigaraki: He has literally never heard of something like this before a day in his life. At first he thinks you're just making it up as an excuse to kiss him. He rolls his eyes at you. "If you want to kiss me then just do it. Stop making up lame excuses, Y/N." You only laugh at him before pulling it up on your phone's search feature. "See!" He scoffs at it, but deep inside he's totally antsy about it. This is especially true when New Years is about 4 minutes away. When you finally kiss him, he ends up hoping for just a bit more.
-Kurogiri: He doesn't really understand the importance of it to be honest. You explain it's not really important to you but might be to a lot of other people out there. I mean, some traditions are serious for this time of the year. In America, most the cans of black eyed peas in the grocery store would be gone around this time. He simply shrugged it off and complied. He won't admit that he's looked forward to the kiss all day and when it finally happens, he feels like it needs to be a thing every year between you two.
-Spinner: Definitely blushes when you first bring it up. Kiss him? In front of all the others???? You're already getting picked on by Twice, Toga, Magne, and Dabi. The constant teasing from any hint of PDA was likely to last until the end of next year too! However, he couldn't turn you down when a kiss was involved...or when he was scared to hurt your feelings. You knew how difficult it was to adjust to this kinda stuff since you started dating here recently. That's why you sneak him off to a corner when the clock strikes 12. He's all yours after all.
-Muscular: Hell, forget about tradition. He's willing to get a smooch from you any and all times of the year! He ends up turning the sweet couples kiss into a deep makeout session which was enough to leave you feeling a tiny bit breathless when he finally pulls away. From the look in his eye, I'm sure you know what else he'd like to turn into a tradition.
-Moonfish: Moonie isn't the best kisser. He always ends things too soon and barely attempts to kiss in the first place. You actually aren't sure for a few months if he really likes you back or not. It looks like he's been practicing behind you back. When the clock hits 12, he kisses you for the first time. Kisses you like you'd been wanting for the longest. However, he confuses this new years tradition for being a usual thing. You don't really put a stop to it until a week passes of him kissing you at midnight. That's when you explain to him how it works. (Probably could've let it drag on for another week or so).
-Dabi: Smirks at you like the dog he is. He's got no qualms about it. You think it brings good luck for the new year and the relationship. He thinks its a kiss and that's something he won't be skipping out on anytime soon. Believe it or not, he actually ends up kinda looking forward to it each year. To him, it reflects you two staying in a relationship for a new year and bringing it in together. Putting up with him for another year is an achievement in his eyes since he knows he's not a walk in the park.
-Twice: He's heard about the tradition and has been hoping you'd bring it up sometime this year. The two of you have already been together long enough to start doing this after all. Right? Well would this count as your first kiss since you started dating a few months ago? You just told him you wanted to kiss him for tradition??? His head is running a million miles an hour. Everything finds a calm peacefulness when your lips hit his and he feels that electricity run through his body and out his fingertips. And then his head starts a million miles an hour again afterward lol.
-Mr. Compress: Oh you already know this man makes it over the top romantic. He whisked you away from the others so the two of you would walk down the pathway of the park at night, still beautifully lit by Christmas lights. You sit on a bench together and count down on your watch, happily chatting until the times runs down. He kisses you and smiles when he hears the celebration fireworks bursting in the air nearby. Perhaps next year he'll get you a gift to celebrate the new year as well?
-Magne: She was literally coming to ask you that first. She thinks its a really cute tradition and is surprised you hadn't asked her to do this sooner! Deep down inside, she secretly takes it to heart and believes this tradition will actually bring some good luck so once you start it you better not stop.
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Toga: Our client tried to kill us!
Dabi: More importantly, he didn’t pay us.
Toga: How is that more important?
Dabi: I take that personally.
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tojishugetiddies · 3 years
Key: e/d = energy drink, h/l =, hair length, h/c = hair color, e/c = eye color, y/f/v/c = your favorite videogame character
Here's an extra long chapter! I had a lot of fun with this one lol
Link to prologue:
Link to ch.1
Chapter 2
y/n's pov
"Really? Okay that's great! So I'll be meeting him here and show him around the studio. Yeah, of course! No problem! Bye." *click* Well it seems today is my lucky day! I got an applicant for a roomie! Only problem is... it wasn't my potential roommate I talked too.
It was Mr. Shigaraki, the owner of a big corporate conglomerate of hospitals, labs, and warehouses. When I tell you this man is loaded, he is LOADED. Although I heard some rumors that he might be involved in human experimentation. But imagine my surprise when I found out his son would be my roomate if I gave him the okay! I'm actually quite a fan of his son, whenever I have free time I watch his streams. They are pretty entertaining, especially when he, Dabi, Spinner, Twice, and Toga play Overwatch together. I never knew some of those curse words even existed!
Well, I better go to bed early, I have the feeling I'm going to need a good rest. I head to my room and change into a t-shirt and panties, slip into my bed, and I feel Bingus curl up near my feet. And with that I slip into the land of unconsciousness.
~Time skip to the next day~
You woke up early and made sure everything was ready. You put on some casual clothes, a baggy black hoodie showing a kitten with a ramen bowl, and some skinny jeans. You cleaned up the apartment, stocked the cabinets with some snacks, got soda and energy drinks in the fridge, and made sure to organize your room. You organized your video games and consoles, and made sure some were charged.
By the time you finished you were kinda tired to you took an energy drink out of the fridge and took a couple of sips. Bingus stalks over and starts to scream at you. "Oh shit! I forgot to feed you! I'm sorry Bingy." You said. As you walked over to get his food he kept screaming at you. When you finally put the food in his bowl and gave him fresh water he finally stopped screaming at you. But not without making a 'mrrt' sound at you and turn around sassily going to his food. "Always gotta be such a drama queen Bingus I swear." You shake your head in amusement.
You check your phone an look at the time, "huh, he should be here in about 5 minutes." You mumble to yourself. You pet Bingus for awhile until you hear a knocking at your door. You are so nervous! 'Okay, be cool y/n, just treat him as a regular person.' You walk towards the door with your heart beating a mile a minute. You open the door and...
Tomura's pov:
Welp, time to meet my potential roomate I guess. I wore a baggy black hoodie, black pants, and my iconic red shoes. Kurogiri warps me in front of the apartment. I feel anxiety course through me. With a deep inhale and breathing out a sigh I put my fist to the wooden door and knock. I hear faint footsteps come closer and as the door opens I look down a bit to see a small female woman.
I examine her discreetly and notice she has shiny h/l h/c hair and she has big round e/c eyes. "Well, are you going to let me in or are you just gonna keep standing there?" I say. I see her jump a bit and she apologizes. "Whatever. You gonna show me the apartment or what?" I say annoyed. She let's me in and the first thing I see is a fluffy calico cat sitting on the island in the kitchen batting what seems to be a can of... e/d? She turns around just as the cat bats the can to the floor spilling the drink. I look at her and she looks both mortified and offended, it's pretty amusing, I smirk a little.
"Bingus! What. The. Fuck?! You little shit!" She says while she approaches the mess, picks the can up an puts it back down near the cat. I can see her give the cat an exasperated look, and when I looked at the cat I swear, if a cat could make a smug face with a shit eating grin, this cat would have it. I chuckle at the interaction, it was certainly not going to be boring here it seemed. The cat looked at me and started...screaming? How the fuck? "Bingus don't be rude to him he might be living here!" You tell the cat. The cat pauses and seems to examine me before screaming again then running away into what I assumed was y/n's room. Well. That was...something.
By the time he snapped out of his thoughts you had already cleaned up the mess and just chug the drink then throw it out. Okay so you definitely weren't like other girls, good, he gained some respect for you, but only a little. "Shall we continue our tour?" I nod my head. She shows me the common room, then the kitchen. We head into the next room and I look around. There's pencils, paint, some canvases, a desk, a lamp on the desk, some erasures, sketchpads, markers, you get the point. It was an art room. I walk towards a painting of a silhouette of a person on a hill sitting beneath a tree looking at the dark night sky with beautiful stars and constellations. "Wow, you made this?" I ask. She blushes embarrassed and says "Yeah... It's an important painting to me, because it's a painting of one of my memories, when I was living in the countryside." She looks off into the distance, seemingly recalling that specific memory.
She snaps out of it and asks "Shall we return to the tour? All I have left to show you are the bathrooms, my room, then what will be your room if you choose to room with me." She smiles softly and I nod my head. She shows me the bathroom in the hall and tells me that that is the only bathroom with a tub and shower, but our rooms have basic toiletries. She shows me to my possible room first. "Here is your room if you wanna be my roomate!" She says. I examine the room; dark red walls with white accents, a wooden floorboard and a basic queen sized bed, a bedside table, a dresser, desk, etc. This might not be so bad after all.
We head to our last stop, to be honest I expected something frillish and girly but to my pleasant surprise she had a pretty cool room. The walls were f/c with accessories such as a neon sign that says 'Fuck You', a poster of CORPSE, and another of y/f/v/c. Then I noticed the game consoles. "Wow you have a Nintendo 64? I haven't seen one of these in years!" I say impressed. That's when I realised that not only will I be rooming with a girl, that same girl is cute as fuck, likes energy drinks, and places video games! I never met a girl who played video games in real life besides Himiko, but she is like 4 years younger than me so I don't really count her. And y/n is pretty nice too. I wonder if she watches my streams? Fuck, that'd be pretty hot. I snap out of my inner thoughts by y/n asking me how the apartment is. I tell her I really like it and would be glad to room with her. She looked so happy when I said that, but blushed and went back to normal. We exchanged numbers and promised to keep in contact and agreed to me moving in here in about 4 days. I act all bored but really I can't wait to move in.
We part ways at the door and when she closed the door I texted Kurogiri to pick me up. Suddenly I'm really tired, having interactions with a stranger, a girl nonetheless really drained me. As I walk into the portal then step out into my room Kurogiri asks how it went. I gave him a short summary and when he was satisfied he left to tell father. I fall onto my bed and sigh. Y/n... huh. You are pretty interesting. I wonder how long it will take until you betray me...no, she wouldn't...right? I mean after all, she was really nice and inviting, she didn't seem to mind my scars, and her eyes lit up when we briefly talked about video games. My betrayal issues rise inside of me, making me anxious and wary. We will see, for now I'm too tired to think anymore. And with that as I get comfortable in my bed I fall asleep, thoughts of y/n swarming my mind.
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Hi can i request a shigaraki tomura (if you write for him ofc) x reader where reader is a very bold villain both with fighting and flirting (kinda like harley quinn if you know her) and can you make it NSFW (sorry if this isn't the place to request I'm very new to tumblr and it's all confusing @-@
Heyy! I’d be glad to write something like that for you, I hope it reaches expectations :) And welcome to Tumblr, have a safe journey here. I will make a SFW part for those who may be interestedin reading just that andd the NSFW shall be marked where it starts.
SFW kids!
“This is all too much boyss. Let’s make a deal, a kiss for each if ya let me go!”
Your words seemed to be falling into deaf ears. You were kind of thrilled to learn what was going on. Getting kidnapped was the most exciting thing to happen to you all week. But maybe you’d have to throw in a threat or two to make a point.
“Okay y'know what? Forget that, if you don’t let me go this instant I promise I will…” and just like that the bag that covered your head got take off.
“A bar? Jeez, that’s not the best way to ask a girl for a drink.”
“Brought you something good.”
“What’s this Broker? You decided we’d kidnap new recruits?”
Your head bounced back and forward, they were completely ignoring your being there. Your brows furrowed as you recognized the people around you. At last, he had finally brought you to them.
“Oh my! A pleasure this is, I asked Giran to bring me by long ago.” You walked to the closest person and pressed a kiss to their cheek, continuing to greet the people sitting around the bar. “Hi, My name is y/n but I go by Sunny! You’re Toga I pressume?”
The blonde girl with the buns smiled at you. “Sunny huh?”
“Why bring her here like that?”
“She’s a smart-ass, can’t take any chances with her really.”
“What makes you think I will take her?” I turned on my heel, so that was him huh. Merely a few strides away, I had to make them count. First impressions matter, so as I walked towards him I made sure to swing my hips just enough.
“You, must be the leader. I’ve been looking forward to meeting you y'know.”
“Have you now?” his red eyes scan me. “Why are you here?”
“I’m here to fight you. And if I deem you worthy then beside you, I have a really bad boredom case so I could use something exciting in ma’ life yknow.” I smile at him, or at the hand on his face whatever. “I like the whole hand thing, is it like a kink?” you hear at least two of the people at the bar snort and smirk.
“Fight me you say?” he asks turning his head, I turn mine too to match his actions and undo the metal rope I carry around as a belt.
“Are you willing or do I have to make you?” I pout at him, I knew his quirk and I was walking on dangerous zone. But something about this thin, overpowered dude intrigued me.
There was a full silence for less than a minute before I had to swing the rope and catch his wrist. “Don’t worry baby, I’ll lead the way.” I pulled him to me in a quick motion and ripped the hand from his face. Startled red eyes looked up at me, and they quickly turned angry. He threw himself at me in order to catch the hand and started obliterating the rope from his wrist. I easily evaded but let him have the hand, and that seemed to trigger him further. As he put a hand on my shoulder and sat me down on the floor.
“Mm, let’s at least get on name bases first honey.” I say dodging the hand that was coming for my face and heating up my body. I didn’t call myself Sunny for now reason. As quick as he felt the burn he pulled his hand away and shrieked.
I scooped out from under him and grabbing his leg I brought him to the floor. My heart was beating in all directions as I sat on his stomach and held his hands to his sides. He said all sorts of things and squirmed under me, clearly pissed and I smiled down at him. Ragged breaths hitting his face.
“C'mon you can take me on, I’ve seen you fight.
A soft growl built up at his neck and then he was shouting at me. “I’ll kill you!!” he lifted himself from the floor and thrusted his chest against mine knocking me back. I let out a yelp as my back hit the floor and then four fingers wrapped around my throat. I chuckled and batted my lashes to the blue haired guy sittuated on top of me.
“Angry is a good look on you boy.”
“Do you think this is a joke?” he tightened the grip on me and the air faltered.
“Nah, I just want to show off to you.” and with a smile I heated up my entire body, shinning a blinding light to his face. He fell back at the sudden heat under his hands and the rest covered their faces.
“Is that a fire quirk?” some guy asked as I sat up, he had scars all over his face.
“I wouldn’t say so, its more like, an oven or something. With light, so like the sun.” I sighed, blood was rushing through my head making everything a little dizzy but I stood up regardless. “I’m here, because I hate being in the shadows, when I was obviously meant to shine. If I can shine with the League so be it, the world deserves to see.”
“That is extremely narcissistic.” another guy says, “You’re so cool!” he then adds with a higher tone.
The leader was in front of me again, growling slightly, still pissed for what I could see. His eyes trailed down at me, and he noticed most of my clothes burned off by my quirk so he quickly looked away. “Not a good enough reason.”
“What’s that handsome? Do I need to have some sad background story or something? You will benefit from me, that much is clear. And I would sure appreciate the sight of you every once in a while.”
His eyes widened a bit, and he looked taken a back for a small fraction of a second.
“What? No one ever tell you they wanna play with your hair or press up against you?” I shrugged, he was a tall guy with big hands, for all I cared it was better for me if nobody else chatted him up.
“We will test you.”
“I’m dying to see what kind of tests you’re gonna do to me.” I winked and catched only a slight look at his skin lighting up as I turned around.
NSFW part starts here./p>
The tests where not what I expected.
They had actually nearly killed me. But also I had nearly killed them too so we were even. Except Tomura and I, having analysed my fighting style already he was only beating my ass over and over. And there was a feeling building up inside of me right at the cut between grudge and want.
It became a bit more of want when I realized he had hear me compliment Dabi’s sexy scars and didn’t get flustered later when I threw a compliment his way. And I had to fix that. So the logic thing to do seemed like catching him alone and getting what I wanted, so naturally I sent everyone away from the bar in a very discreet way. And Tomura quickly caught up to us being alone and tried to escape.
“Where you going to so fast? I was hoping you’d join me.” he turned around as of he was thinking about it. “That hand on your face won’t allow me to read your expressions, so use words honey.”
“Why should I join you?” he asks, walking to the bar despite his words.
“The fact that you are intrigued by what may happen if you do.” I pour myself a drink without looking at him, bringing it to my lips as sensually as I could without looking stupid. A silence set between us.
He sat down, and I served him something too. Circling around the bar to sit next to him, I extended his drink and when I finally looked at him I was surprised to find that the hand was off. He evaded my eyes and grabbed his drink, only to stir it around. And I drank from mine.
“Hand off the face doesn’t happen often does it?” I ask, hoping it won’t drive him away. But he tells me no with his head, and I’m tempted to ruffle his hair but I hold myself back. “I’d like to hear the story behind the hands sometime.”
“Lies” he says with a chuckle and throws his head back as he downs the drink in one move.
“I meann, I would love to see if the carpets match the…” I stop when Tomura basically jumps from his bar stool and smashes his lips against mine.
At first it seems rough, but I slowly guide him into a softer rhythm. Putting my hand on his shoulder and setting my drink aside. He sets himself between my legs amd grabs the back of my knees to lift up to his waist. A small moan escapes the back of my troath when I find that he is basically on top of me and he leans me back against the bar shelf.
I grab onto the back of his neck and lift my waist to his. The kiss gets more intense and he slides a hand inside my pants, running a finger up and down my heat. I break the kiss only to whimper and he bites my chin.
“You’re a bad liar.”
“Then teach me how to lie baby.” he snorts and kisses me again.
“Cheesy.” I chuckled and throw my head back.
“Fuck you” And to this he finally slides a finger inside, quickly adding another and getting a moan out of me.
“We will get there in a minute.”
With his other hand he starts undoing my pants and I help him out. And when I am only in panties and starting to sweat I pull away and sit on top of the bar shelf, and unspoken dare. And his eyes sparkles back at mine, a smile creeps up at him as he commands me to lay down. I obey him.
In a swift movement he is on top of me a devouring my lips, lifting my shirt only enough to sneak a hand to my breasts. I grind unto him through our underwear and he sighs. I bite his lower lip and pull on his hair a bit. Having a small growl come from his throat when I go a little to hard.
“I KNEW IT! That’s 100 bucks you owe me!! My eyes open wide at the voice and we both sit up, looking at the door.
“Cmonnnn on the bar!? we’re not touching that again” Twice looks away while Toga nudges him “Oh man I wished I’d done it in the bar.” that’s Twice for ya.
“If you knew it then why come back?” I ask, opening my legs more just to mess around with them but Tomura smacks my thigh closed and I look at him.
“I want you on my bedroom, right now” the command is so harsh leaving his lips I don’t hesitate to jump down and make my way up to it, taking one last look at Toga and Twice, realizing they’d tell everybody. And realizing I didn’t give a shit. I felt what was under those boxers, it was enough to keep me happy for weeks and then some.
“Don’t you keep me waiting Shigaraki” He lays his eyes on me and they go down to my ass as I go up the stairs, and his erection is present again.
“That’s luck right there man.”
“Keep your eyes away or I will rip them out.
I giggle at the top of the stairs and then I feel Tomura climbing up behind me.
I was most definetly getting what I wanted.
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Hello villain izuku father anon here! Thank u for loving my idea. I mean you can still write the one shot without izuku, i actually just wanted the villains reaction to that. I'm sorry if i didn't describe that right! Still thank u for answering and loving my idea!♡ Again have a nice day/night!
(Its been sooooo long oh gosh! Was it the reader being AFO’s child and the others reacting to it? I think that was it. I’m gonna go about that, and sorry for the long wait!!!!)
~Y/N is AFO’s Child~ ~How the LOV reacts~
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-Shigaraki: He already knew. You two have met on more than one occasion but it wasn’t too much often. You’re not really distant with your dad, but you have a life to live so you never visited too much (especially since he was deep in villainy). The few times that you did visit him, you spent a little time with Tomura before he hit the age of 15 and became an angsty teenager locked in his room playing hours upon hours of Minecraft. You still see him as a little brother and he somewhat considers you a sibling as well.
-Kurogiri: Just like Tomura, he already knew as well. I mean, he spent a great deal of life employed under AFO and of course he meets you many times as well. You two spend a good amount of time together when you visit since you enjoy his company. He’s quiet but good at conversation and even better with listening. Sometimes you might feel bad for always venting to him when you’d visit your grandpa, but he was a good friend so it couldn’t be helped. And man does he know how to keep a secret too!
-Toga: “What??? That old man?!” She’s really surprised since you don’t really act much like him and you don’t really resemble him either. You reassure her that he’s your dad (whether by blood, or adoption depending on the reader). So then Toga grills you on the big boss because she’s curious to see what life was like with him. She won’t bring it up in front of him the next time she sees him either.
-Dabi: “You’re related to the big guy? Couldn’t tell at first since he looks like a wrinkly testicle and all.” Dabi teases as he sits at the bar, and you smack him playfully. “Hey, he can be pretty awful sometimes, but he’s still my dad. Watch it, bacon bits.” You threaten him with a smirk and he scoffs. Dabi doesn’t really care to be honest with you. To him, being related to AFO is a lot less worse that being related to his father as he would put it. 
-Spinner: He just kinda chokes on his food a little bit before looking at you with a wide mouth. You laugh at him and shake your head. “WHY DIDN’T YOU SAY ANYTHING!?” You shrug it off and keep playing video games. “Why didn’t anyone ask me?” Spinner just kinda sits there dumfounded while you tap away at the keyboard and swivel the mouse around as you game. It’s gonna take him some time to believe it.
-Magne: She wants you to tell her everything (much like Toga did) because she’s curious about things now. She’s a little annoyed since you never said anything but you figure it wasn’t a big deal. You do manage to find a little comfort and telling her about some of the kinder moments you shared with AFO. The moments when he’s not a wanted villain but a father instead. The moments when you two would try to watch a movie together, or when he plays chess with you while drinking tea. Sometimes he wires you money when needed, but you don’t like asking for his help so you don’t say it often. 
-Twice: He’s a little confused but he also doesn’t see how this affects your friendship at all so it’s okay. I mean it’s a cool random fact for him to have learned but beside that, it really has nothing much to do with him. The only issue would be if he were to ever end up dating you. THEN it might seem to come up as an issue, but for now things are relatively normal between you two.
-Muscular: “Okay? And?” On the outside he plays it off like it doesn’t matter but on the inside, he’s having a hard time trying to grasp whether or not you’re fucking with him. He’s got like one braincell and that bitch is on vacation right now. He doesn’t want to ask anyone for help so he’ll deadass steal your phone when you aren’t looking and scroll through it until he realizes you’re telling the truth. By then it’s too late because you catch him with your phone and that’s death penalty in your books. Let’s hope you didn’t inherit AFO’s quirk for muscular’s sake...
-Moonfish: “???” He is confused but rolls with it. You may notice him keeping a bit of a distance from now on since he relates you to basically being a bit of royalty. He knows to make sure not to rub you the wrong way or else his head could be on the chopping block. Lucky for him, you really wouldn’t ever call your father for help like that because you could handle it yourself...and also because you’d never hear the end of his lecturing you
-Mustard: Tries to get on your good side even if you aren’t affiliated much with the LOV. He does it in the hopes of rising within the league/vanguard action squad ranks. You simply roll your eyes at this and continue on with everyday life. You don’t have the time to explain to him that befriending you wouldn’t benefit a single thing since you don’t get mixed up with your dad’s little villainy group. Still, you watch him exhaust himself trying because it’s funny lol
-Compress: He has to admit it surprised him a little bit since he had never even heard of it...and he knew a LOT about All for one! Then he figures out that you weren’t talked about or even mentioned as a way to protect your safety. IT all makes a lot more sense that way of course. Aside from all of this, he never wavers with the amount of respect he offers you. It doesn’t change and you’re thankful he treats you the same as usual instead of changing himself around you after the news. Sometimes you wonder if he really should’ve been a villain in the first place. 
Instagram: @pastelbattydraws & @pastelbattystore
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCRNMJH7vHL7APNobUykhK4w?view_as=subscriber
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